#he's a big baby! sweet boy! not mean like handsome jeff!
bloomingonionbitch · 9 days
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(on a lighter note, we got to spend the afternoon on the river - which is a wicked quick drive from our new place! and then a bunch of cows showed up to sip sweet river water and Grover was like !?!?!? he had never seen a cow before and was truly baffled).
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Can I request a really girly reader and Eddie. So when hellfire finds out, they don’t believe him cause the reader bakes as her job and wears pink and skirts. So when they do meet her, they thinks she’s dumb but she’s actually very smart and helps eddie all the time with DND cause she loves the game. Maybe he calls her fairy?
Hi @ashdoctor I hope you like this ❤ it's just a Lil drabble but I hope it's what you wanted.
Fairy Princess 💞
Warnings; a teeny bit of angst, fluff.
"Do you think your friends will like me, Eddie?". Y/n asks him nerves growing in her stomach as they wait for The Hellfire Club to arrive.
"They'll love you, my fairy princess, you'll see baby". She places the cookies she baked for them on another table and her anxiety builds as the guys start to come in.
Truly, she loved Eddie so much and she knew that his friend's approval was important to him.
She and Eddie had been dating for two months now, they met when he had come in with his uncle Wayne at the bakery she worked at called Sweet temptations.
Eddie was so handsome and kind, they bonded immediately and soon Eddie was coming in every time that she was working, he was her official taste tester and loved trying her new sweet treats.
They kinda looked like the odd couple according to her aunt who owned the bakery, Eddie was all, leather, jeans, chains and tattoos while she forever lived in pink and floaty dresses, flowers in her hair and had a penchant for dainty jewellery and hair accessories.
Despite their outer differences, they were both in love, everything was wonderful with Eddie.
They also bonded very heavily over D&D which Eddie was so excited about when he found out she loved it.
"Hey I know you, Mike says. You work in the bakery in town? Why are you here?". Eddie answers before she can.
"This is y/n and she's my girlfriend Wheeler".
At this announcement everyone is silent and one of the boys laughs.
"Yeah okay and you're joining tonight? This is hardly baking honey".
"Yeah, I'm sure D&D isn't one of your interests, this game is pretty advanced, don't think you could keep up". Gareth says.
"Like at all". Jeff chips in and she feels flustered at their teasing.
Eddie stiffens and glares at them but y/n takes it in her stride, people assume she's dumb because of the way she looks.
It's kinda satisfying when she can tell them different.
"Actually I'm a big fan of D&D and I've helped Eddie write a few of the campaigns". Gareth's jaw drops and suddenly they stop laughing at once.
"Oh" Mike replies stunned and Eddie rolls his eyes at their stunned silence.
"Come on sweetheart, let's show the boys you mean business here". She grins mischievously and stands beside Eddie. They don't know what they are letting themselves in for.
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gaiapaia · 4 years
Kermit And Friends: Tony Ricca WWE
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Imagine a church where the reverend is threatened to be locked into a chicken coop by his fiancé at the beginning of service and then threated to be killed Nicole Simpson style by a love interest of said fiancé towards the end of service.
Ladies and gentleman, I welcome you to Kermit and Friends!
The show started off this week with both bad news and good news. The bad news was that Jennifer Lopez’s 6th engagement broke off, but the good news is Elisa’s very 1st engagement is still going strong!
That’s right, despite all the naysayers, Elisa Jordana and Andy Dick’s engagement has survived yet another week. Elisa even has 4 new rings to show for it! But let me tell you... it almost did not survive this show, literally.
First off, Elisa is getting fed up with not being able to reach Andy whenever she wants, so she came up with this brilliant idea of building a chicken coop to keep him locked in. I mean, why not? Andy’s skinny frame combined the long neck sort of does resemble a chicken, so it seems like the perfect fit! Andy doesn’t seem to keen to the idea though so he better just get his act together and start answering every time he’s blessed with a phone call from his gorgeous fiancé Elisa.
This week’s KAF special guest was none other than former WWE Superstar, Tony Ricca. Elisa has a little history in pro wrestling, appearing on WWE Monday Night Raw and starring in a reality show that was hosted by pro wrestling star Chris Jericho. Kermit and Friends also has big wrestling fans on the show such as Socky, Corey, Johnny B, and many more in the chatroom.
Elisa started the interview off by asking Tony about why he wanted to become a pro wrestler. Tony shared it was actually his friends who wanted him to do it, and Andy revealed that’s exactly how he got into acting.
There was more wrestling talk and Tony kindly answered questions from Socky the Sock Puppet, Corey, Eric and other KAF superstars like Trumpster Bob asking Tony to partake in his “Butthole Challenge.” Andy Dick also got Tony to show off his abs so he could gush over his hairy belly. The interview went swimmingly, if you ask me.
During the interview, Andy started facetiming with his handsome friend Lucas. This caught Elisa’s eye and she immediately pounced. “THE Lucas? Aren’t you Andy’s ex, Lucas?”
Lucas denied the claim but Elisa is no fool. She can read Andy like a book and she knows when Andy is really into someone. But Elisa put the claws away and started to have a nice normal chat with Lucas about Andy. As it turns out, Lucas is also a former pro wrestler so he asked Tony a couple of questions too. Maybe we’ll see Lucas back on the show very soon and get to the bottom of him and Andy’s true feelings toward one another.
Kermit’s old friend Kleenex (screenname Christopher Dick) made his return to Kermit and Friends this week. Sitting in his car smoking cigarettes, I could sense Kleenex was in prime form ready to steal the show as the premier Dick on it. After complaining about Elisa’s lack of enthusiasm in her introduction of Kleenex to Tony and Lucas, Kleenex hounded Elisa about the content the show was producing compared to when it first started back in November. Kleenex then set his sights on Elisa’s relationship with Andy Dick, and just as Kleenex’s meter was about to hit red... All. Hell. Broke. Loose.
But not from Kleenex... from ERIC RIGGS! That’s right, Elisa’s friend Eric came flying in like a bat out of Hell and relinquished his fury on Andy Dick.
It was unbelievable. To this point, Eric has perhaps been the sweetest guy on the show. Yeah, he’s out there and his love for Elisa has probably left people baffled, but he’s been consistent in his sweet nature. To see him snap like this was surprising, to say the least.
So what set Eric off? When he talked with Tony Ricca before, he seemed perfectly fine. What I personally believe got Eric’s blood boiling was when Andy bragged to his friend Lucas that Elisa invited Andy to spend the night at her apartment Sunday night.
I did a break down of Elisa’s love history on Kermit and Friends for Valentine’s Day. You can read it here. Eric is featured in the blog. Elisa first met Eric at work, and he became very smitten with Elisa. Hey, who can blame him? He even proposed to Elisa, but Eric had to move to Seattle not long after, so their 'relationship’ became a long distance 'relationship’ following that.
Did they really date? Was Elisa really engaged to Eric?
Elisa is too sensitive towards Eric’s feelings to give a straight answer to these questions, but I know the answers and I will give them to you.
Elisa hung out with Eric many times. His desk was right behind hers at work and naturally as a group they spent many lunches and ‘happy hours’ together with other co-workers. Is that dating? Eh, I’m fine with calling it that if Eric really wants to but you can see where the line is blurred.
As far as Eric’s proposal... there’s an episode of the 90′s sitcom Full House where DJ Tanner’s baby sister Michelle (who is 5 or 6-years-old at the time) falls in love with DJ’s boyfriend, Steve. Michelle asked Steve to marry her and of course Steve said yes to play along and to not hurt Michelle’s feelings. That episode pretty much describes what happened between Elisa and Eric.
Eric proposed in a public setting and Elisa did not want to embarrass Eric by saying no, but she also never led him on by making promises, flirting, doing anything sexual, etc. She genuinely adored Eric as a friend and knew he had a puppy dog crush on her and wanted to never hurt him.
Eric’s move to Seattle was a blessing for Elisa because it meant she never had to break his heart. If you remember the Forgiveness episode of Kermit and Friends, Eric told Susan Shapiro that he was finally over Elisa and looking to move on. Of course, since then Eric has professed his love again with poems, songs, and even a damn book, but still... you just had to think he was somewhat over the idea of truly marrying Elisa.
Boy, is that NOT the case. Not the case at all. Eric full on believes he’s the next Jeff Benzos and that he will help skyrocket Elisa’s career by booking her to perform with him as a duet at Madison Square Garden. And they will do this as husband and wife, despite the mafia, Vice Lords and the people who shot down Kobe Bryant’s plane all being against the idea. In Eric’s mind, the power of he and Elisa’s love can overcome anything. Including and especially Andy Dick, who is a part of the Satanic Cult of Walt Disney, according to Eric.
Eric claims to have super powerful Jewish friends in super powerful places. One phone call from Eric and he can have Andy wacked like OJ Simpson killed his wife Nicole. Or Eric will just do it himself. This would probably be a very scary threat if it wasn’t coming from someone as harmless as Eric Riggs, so it’s just funny. Very funny.
But it’s also a bit sad. Eric obviously has some issues upstairs and has created a fantasy World for himself. Honestly, Kermit and Friends is a wonderful fantasy World as well but most of us are capable of separating our fantasy Worlds from reality. We can tell which is which. Eric doesn’t seem to be able to tell the difference and that’s very unfortunate.
Eric’s rant lasted nearly 30 minutes straight. Non-stop. No one could get a word in edgewise. Elisa didn’t even try for the most part; she was completely silent for well over 10 minutes after it first started. Whenever Andy tried to chime in, Eric was not having it. Thankfully, Andy took it in stride and seemed amused by it all. It was one of the most surreal half hours you will ever witness if you’re lucky enough to watch this incredible show every week.
Elisa abruptly ended this week’s Kermit and Friends after asking Andy if he was ready to go to the Four Seasons during Eric’s tirade. This is one KAF episode that will never be forgotten. If you have not watched it yet, this review is nowhere near giving it justice. Just stop whatever you’re doing right now and click play.
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ellaintrigue · 5 years
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Since my mom was diagnosed with advanced cancer and I attended therapy over that and my PTSD I have been working on tweaking some of my flaws. Just like in a diet I have to cut out the bad habits, only instead of dismissing ice cream I am working on behaviors.
First one is to not come off needy or bitter. The thing is that I don't think I've ever been that needy but because I've been head-fucked by things in recent years I whine about the past too much. So in bitching about misfortunes, I come off unstable which in turn makes me appear negative/needy and sends people running.
People, especially new people, don't want to hear about crazy exes, assaults, and how I don't want to lose my mom. After therapy I basically started putting myself in other people's shoes and realizing I sounded nutty. But, the problem with traumas is that they often replay in our heads, sometimes over and over, so it feels good to talk about them. I got a lot of that out with the shrink and I feel a lot better but it's still a work in progress.
A few years ago my old job hired a new girl, a sweet bubbly black chick. As coworkers we would all chit chat and she blindsided us by saying her ex boyfriend chased after her with their son's baby carrier and hit her with it. He brought it down on her head over and over and then pulled her hair out. The older woman we worked with and I were at a loss for words. Like, that shit's CRAZY. And while the woman wasn't crazy, clearly it wasn't "appropriate" to talk about. Now that I've been through some of my own hell I realize that is what happens. These things embed themselves in your head and you tend to talk about them without realizing it's not appropriate and it puts people on the spot/makes them feel a certain way about you.
About a year after meeting her I acquired another coworker, a petite and lovely but worn out looking woman from Virginia. Now, I can't confirm 100% but I'm fairly certain she had either HIV or AIDS. She was deathly white and rapidly lost weight in a period of weeks after she started working. She would get sores and bleed and without trying to stigmatize, I would Lysol the fuck out of that store.
On one cold slow night we were both standing behind the counter and she told me how back in the 80's she dated a man that had cheated on her with a man and gave her an STD. She described the pain of the treatment and how it hurt her trust with men. She hated the guy for what he had done.
I remember standing there relaxing with my back up against the cigarette case and that was the first time I directly told someone I had been sexually assaulted. And her eyes went soft and she asked, "doesn't it make you scared it will happen again or a guy will do worse to you?" "Yeah, it does, but I still hold out hope."
In spring of 2019 I landed me a redhead from West Virginia on Tinder, an annoying high strung thing, common of gingers of course. Young, pretty fucking cute and, well, I go firecrotch crazy. Unfortunately we got into arguments and butted heads but we ultimately never met because it just was just too much of a distance betwen us. (Tinder never brings up any locals, damn it.)
During one drunk heated discussion the kid broke down and told me how his dad violently assaulted him when he was little before the guy eventually went to jail. He described a brutal sexual assault not unlike my own and I cringed. It was uncomfortable and would freak some people out, but not a fellow PTSD sufferer. Because I knew that shit ate into his head and he couldn't just keep it there. It had given him rage issues, being a grouchy ginger aside. And that is a nightmare I would not wish upon anyone because the sad fact is that male rape survivors are far more stigmatized than women. I can cry and whine and come off as a damaged goods which has caused many a man to reject me, but to be in this guy's shoes? He couldn't talk about it at all and I feel certain after that drunk night it would be a very, very long time before he mentioned it to anyone else.
He was the first person I seriously talked to after my relationship of 3 years finally ended. And it gave me a hankering for something I longed for and also missed with the recent ex, Jeff. Gingers. Irish men. High strung. Jeff was an ill tempered Russian mutt with scars head to toe and I'll always put him on a pedestal because he was proof I could sustain a long term relationship after the hell I had been put through, despite it not being the best relationship. I would take a selfie with him every so often and post it on FB. Not "omg I love my boo so much" but "this is my toothless grouchy thug boy that pops up when he feels like it. He has a big D."
Of course, we loved each other but at the same time I liked the erraticness to a degree. Not the long periods of isolation but the fact he left me alone in a good way and didn't cause any drama. I like my space. A lot.
But even before that ended, in 2018 when Jeff wasn't around for a bit, I met the most handsome Irish guy, a spitfire with solid green eyes and little scars around his nose from fighting. Oh so beautiful and mean. I would hands down take on that one to this day, the memory still stings.
I like high strung guys with fight in them, always have. So I go for redheads because the cliches tend to be true (only met 2 gingers in my life that weren't hateful) and guys with a strong Irish heritage. I feel the latter is encoded in me somehow as I have Irish and Scottish in my heritage and I gravitate towards people like me. Cranky and drink too much. Ideally I'd avoid a drunk, but, you know. Biologically it's some type of bad breeding attraction pattern I think but fortunately I don't want kids.
Plus, I've already had a taste of that evil. When I was a younger woman, I met the man I was attracted to more than anyone else ever in that time period. A 5'11, hazel-eyed, curly-haired Irishman. Oh, he was the meanest creature. I fucked things up right off the start because at 20 I was young and wild. He was 30. I tangoed with him for years before it ended in an emotionally brutal stance. Last year he posted his first new FaceBook picture in years and despite it being well over 5 years since I had seen him, my heart still skipped a beat. Now at 40 he still looks the same except for the crow's feet at the corner of his eyes being slightly deeper. The same sparkling hazel eyes that I fallen so deeply for.
Maybe one day I'll find another... but right now would be a wild shot in the dark for me to get even remotely tied down. Every day I walk across the property and exercise off memories that repeatedly race across my mind, good and bad. The other day I was startled by a fox darting out of the brush and running rapidly and far off into the distance, tail whipping. That's me, dancing around the past in all of its glory of cracked teeth and dark flickering eyes.
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
Flash Through Life With: Montgomery De La Cruz
As per requeseted
Can you do one of Montgomery x reader age up when season 2 never happened and monty asks reader to marry him and whatnot then they have kids and like a really sweet happy ending. Thank you 💓
I Hope you like this.. i really got into it and it took me like 3 days to write. 
Montgomery X Reader
Warning: None
Word count: 2890
Wednesday October 1 2014
Oh my god!!! You will never guess what happened today!!!! I'm no longer single!!!! 15 and I finally have a boyfriend… I hope it lasts forever!!!!
You were standing at your locker putting your books away when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw the face of one of your best friends
“hey handsome” you looking into your best friends big brown eyes
“hello beautiful” he smiled
“Rosies after school? Me you and couple.milkshakes?” he asked
“you know me so well Montgomery!” you smiled
“that's only because I've known you like my whole life!”
You went on with your day going through all your classes. The final bell rang. You were at your locker putting away your books when Monty showed up.
“ready Freddy?” he smiled
“ready” you laughed walking towards his jeep. You sat in Rosies and ordered your milkshakes. You and monty talked about your day until they showed up. As you took a sip of your milkshake monty asked you a question you weren't sure you understood right.
“wanna be a couple?”
“what?” you answered wide eyed
“I like you, I want to be your boyfriend!”
You stared at your best friend now sure how to answer.
“so is that a yes or no?” he asked with a smile
“yes oh my god yes!”
Monty got out the booth and came and sat next to you. He grabbed your chin and lifted your head up and softly kissed your lips.
****end flashback****
Wednesday April 1 2015
Monty was coming over for a sleepover. It wasn't the first time he slept over, but this time was different. You had been dating for six months now and you were ready to lose your virginity to him. When he came over, he had no plans on having sex, since he respected that you wanted to wait. When you told him you were ready he was very nervous. He was gentle and very kind to you. He took it slow and made it feel special. You were how cuddled in bed wrapped up in his arms. He kissed your forehead.
“you know, I've never felt anything like this before. You make me want to be a better person.”
“awe thanks Monty. And ya Im new to these feelings everything is just so new.”
“I love you Y/N”
You smiled “I love you too Monty”
You leaned in and kissed his lips.
****end flashback****
Wednesday June 27 2018
BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! Four years with my best friend and WERE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!! HE ASKED ME AT PROM!!!! how cute is that!!!!!!!
“honey Monty's here” your mom yelled at you from the bottom of the stairs.
“coming” you yelled walking out of your room in your Cinderella dress. As you got the the top of the stairs you saw your parents talking with monty. Monty looked up and saw you and his jaw dropped.
“wow babe you're beautiful!!” he exclaimed as you walked down the stairs.
“Thank you, you're looking pretty handsome yourself!” you smiled with blushy cheeks.
He put his hands on your waist and pulled you into a kiss.
“you guys are so cute! Let me take a picture” your mom said taking her phone out.
You and monty posed for a good ten minutes in the house, outside, where ever your mom wanted. A limousine drove up and all your friends came out!
“oh my gawd you two are too cute!!!!!!” Jessica yelled getting out the limo.
“everyone get together” your mom yelled holding her phone. You all posed for your mom and headed out to the prom.
You danced and hung out with your friends all night. Parents met up with their children later on in the evening for the banquet supper. After supper, principal Bolan came up on stage to announce the prom king and queen. He said a big speech congratulating all of the seniors.
“and finally the moment you've all been waiting for, for the class of 2018 prom king and queen are
Montgomery De La Cruz and
Y/N Y/L/N”
Everyone cheered and clapped. Your parents got up and started taking pictures of you and monty on stage with your crowns. Monty grabbed the mic from principal Bolan
“hey guys. Thanks for voting us your prom king and queen! Now I know today is suppose to be about all of us and all but there's something I've been wanting to do for a while now. And you all know we've been a couple for the last four years.” the whole crowd started woo-ing and clapping “y/n has made me a better person all around. I mean I've been scouted by the MLB, I graduated and I've managed to keep her happy for 4 years” he turned to face you “I love you so much Y/N and honestly I don't know what Id do without you.” he got down on one knee pulling out a ring and the whole room went silent “will you marry me? And be my forever?”
You looked at him on his knee and started crying. “yes yes YES” you said as he stood up and jumped into his arms!
“and your parents were so in on this” monty laughed as he out the ring on your finger.
****End flashback****
Wednesday July 24 2019
You were standing in your room looking at yourself.
“mom I'm so nervous” you said
“you'll be fine love.” she replied calmly.
“look at you!!!” Jessica said coming into your room in her bridesmaids dress. “you look like an angel!”
you laughed and finished your makeup.
You could hear the wedding March song play as your bridesmaids made their way down the aisle. It was finally your turn. Arms locked with both your parents, you made your way down the aisle crying happy tears. The minute monty saw you he started crying. You slowly walked up the aisle your dad letting you go In Front of Monty. You both stared at each other crying.
The priest went on with the ceremony talking
“Monty do you take Y/N to be your wife?”
“I do”
“Y/N do you take Monty to be your husband”
“I do”
You both put your rings on each other.
“you may now kiss the bride”
With that Monty wrapped his arms around you and kissed you!
“ITS OFFICIAL!!!! NOW SHES MINE BITCHES” monty yelled as he picked you up.and carried you away.
****end flashback****
Wednesday April 29 2020
After 12 hours of labor our babies have arrived!!! Jefferey Harris De La Cruz, named after my brother and dad and Jeremy Montgomery De La Cruz, because we both loved the name Jeremy and Monty begged to give our son his name.for middle name.
As soon as you guys got back from your honeymoon monty had to return to baseball. It saddened you but you were both enjoying the fact that he had been scouted by the mlb and was given the chance to do what he dreamed of!
You had been feeling nauseous for about two month or so before it clicked that you hadn't had your period in almost two month.
You drove to the store and bought a pregnancy test. It came out positive. You were so excited. You called up Monty.
“hey Mrs. De La Cruz how's it's going?”.your husband laughed
“I have great news for you!”
“so do I!!! We're in town for the next bit.. I'm coming home tonight!!”
“oh my god no way!!! OK well I'll go clean up a bit and make us supper”
”no no no you called to tell me.something”.
“I'll see you tonight and tell you then. I love you”
You cleaned the house up and made Monty's favorite supper, steak and potatoes. You had everything set up and ready to eat when he walked in. You both sat enjoyed your supper. when came time for dessert you had something special for.him. you walked towards him with a.box.
“these are for you babe” you said handing him the box. Opened it and started crying right away. You had made chocolate brownies and In the box you wrote “eat up mommy doesn't wanna be the only one with a belly”.
“oh my god Y/N are you serious??” he asked looking at you, happy tears in his eyes
“yes I am! I'm pregnant”
Monty never missed a doctors appointment. And was always there even if he had to fly from where he was.to fly back that night he never wanted to miss a thing. And when you found out you were having twins he was ecstatic!!!
“twin boys.two mini mes in the house.. You'll never get bored now baby! Running around little Jefferey and Jeremy”
“Jefferey and Jeremy?” you questioned
“well I figured out first son should be named after your brother. And Jeremy just sounds nice with Jeff. So Ya!”
You had tears in your eyes. “you know you're the best right!!!”
“That's not all how.about Jeremy Montgomery!” you looked at him and laughed.
“what??? It's gotta nice ring to it!! Please baby”
“fine fine Jefferey Harris and Jeremy Montgomery!” he picked you up and hugged you tight.
****end falshback****
Wednesday February 17 2021
They say people lose their sex drives once they hit adulthood. I call bullshit. I mean we're still young were both 22 but still. After having the twins Monty had to leave almost right away and didn't come home for close to a month. When he came.home we decided to have sex. Like any couple. And that's how I ended up here again 😂 ten months between having children. Today we welcomed Hannah Y/N De La Cruz.
Wednesday September 3 2025
Today my boys started kindergarten!!! They're getting so old… Oh my god. I cried so hard… still am.
You were at the store  school supply shopping with the Jefferey and Jeremy. They looked like Montgomery. Spitting image of him. But they were so different. One wanted red everything the other wanted blue everything. If Jefferey chose something Jeremy chose something different. Which made it fun and easy to tell all their things apart. They got home and were so excited.
“daddy guess what colour I am???”
“Hmmm Jeff you're blue and Jeremy you're red.”
The boys looked at each other.
“wow he's good!” Jeff said to Jeremy
The next day you all drove to school that morning to drop them off. You hugged yoir boys goodbye and started to cry as they walked towards the doors.
“oh baby it's OK they'll be fine” Monty said reassuringly
“I'm gonna miss them so much monty” you cried hugging him
“mommy you still have me!!” Hannah smiled showing off her teeth.
“I love you guys!” you said hugging your daughter and husband.
**** end flashback****
Wednesday September 2 2026
Now my house will forever be quiet. And lonesome. My baby girl started school. What will I do with myself now???? In this big house, with no one. 😭😭😭
“Hannah honey let's go school supply shopping for tomorrow.” you yelled up the stairs
“NO I wanna go with daddy!!!!” she was angry.
“Hannah daddy's not home he's working.”
“I want daddy!!!”
“how about I take you and we video chat him after?”
“can we video chat him while we're there?”
“deal now let's go your brothers are already in the car.”
You got the store and video chatted Monty.
Hannah had to have his approval on everything before she could decide if she wanted it. It was so cute. This little one had Monty wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.
Everyone went to bed early that night. When you woke up you could smell food. You panicked and hurried downstairs.
“what's going on” you asked expecting to see your boys getting Into trouble.
“you didn't think I was gonna a miss my princess first day of school did you??” Monty asked as he set the table up for breakfast.
You could hear footsteps running down the stairs.
“DADDY” all three of them yelled as they jumped on Monty.
You all are together as a family and went off to school.
You cried as you said your goodbues to your baby.
“the house is going to be so quiet without her.” you cried as Monty and you made your way back to the car.
“it's OK babe” he said hugging you
“you're never around and the kids are all In school full time.. I'll have the house to myself.. It's so big and quiet.”
“invite Jessica over have Day parties” he laughed.
“I wish I had you” you cried.
Monty hugged you tightly
****end flashback****
Wednesday October 4 2034
What an emotional day!!! My hubby retired from the mlb at 35!!!! He's considered a little old. 😂😂 but he played for years!!!! Now I get him all the time In our empty house!!! :)
“baby I've decided something” Monty said to you making you sit down on your leather couch.
“after this season of baseball, I'm gonna retire. Ive been gone for so long, I missed so much of our children's life, I know I can never makeup for it, but I'd like to start making memories with them While I can”
Monty played his season. One of his best seasons yet. And the team through him a huge party. He got a bunch of fan mail begging him not to retire.  But his mind was pretty made up. He even made a public announcement.
“I have chosen to retire from baseball because my children, aged 14 and 13, have gone all their life seeing me only part time. Or watching me on TV. I need to be a constant in their lives. I need to make as many memories as I can with them. And my wife, she needs me. She's been my number one supporter since forever! Now it's my turn to support her. She needs her partner in crime back. She can't parent by herself anymore. I need to be there for my family. And yes baseball will always hold a special place in my heart. I mean both my sons play baseball and they have since they could walk. So I won't be away from it. But I need.to be with my family. Thank you everyone for all your support throughout the years.”
****end flashback****
Wednesday June 23 2038
My boys have graduated!!!!!!! How have the years passed by so fast. It's not fair just yesterday they were little babies and today they are taking their girlfriends to prom. I'm a.crying mess as per usual.
“Jefferey, Jeremy, you're going to be late” Monty yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
“coming” Jefferey yelled
“calm down it's only prom” Jeremy yelled
Both boys walked down the stairs together. Jeff had chosen a black suit and a blue tie. Jeremy had chosen a black suit and a red tie. After all these years they always refused to be identical, they would always wear something in their favorite colour so people could.tell them apart.
Standing in from of you, you look at your two boys who were a mix of your brother and husband. You were so proud of the men they were becoming. They had both been accepted into Harvard for criminal justice.
There girlfriends arrived with their parents.
The couples posed alone and together, before taking off in the limo you and monty had rented for.them.
****end flashback****
WeDnesday june 29 2039
My baby has officially graduated from high school. Want will I do come.september and they're all gone?! My life has always revolved around them… now all I have is.monty… no babies. :(
Hannah walked Down the stairs in your graduation dress. She looked.just like you.
“oh my god. You look just like your mom the day we graduated. You're so beautiful!” Monty said tears in his eyes as he hugged his little.girl.
“oh dad! You're so emotional!!” she laughed
Hannahs girlfriends had all arrived. None of them wanted to go with boys. They wanted to go as best friends. The girls posed for the cameras for at least an hour before heading out for the night.
“I can't believe she's.leaving us for university” Monty said watching the limo drive off.
“she'll be with her brothers she'll be OK.” you laughed.
“three lawyers. How did we.manahe to let that happen?” monty joked.
****emd flashback****
Wednesday January 11 2040
Oh boy we just came.back from our first kidless vacation since our Honeymoon!!!! What a blast we had.. All inclusive for the win. We partied so much, I almost felt like a teenager again. Although monty and I ate pretty sure now that it's just him and I, Well be doing this kinda thing more.often I missed.traveling with him, alone. I think my life is about to take an even better turn!!  And I couldn't be happier.
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jesbakescookies · 7 years
Too Hot To Handle: Chapter Twenty-Eight
So I kinda wrote a different kind of fanfiction. It’s nothing as in depth as my other fics so I am going to post it here. ENJOY!!***Actor, Real Person Fanfiction, Walking Dead RPF***Featuring: Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Original Female Character, Norman Reedus and others.. (FYI this is total fiction, as in I know nothing about JDMs life or that of his real SO and son etc. Because of this, for this work of fiction, they don’t exist. Jeffrey’s been a typical actor playboy dating fellow stars etc. This is written for sick daydreaming pleasure.)
Aria St. James is a busy woman with a thriving restaurant. She thought she had everything she needed until a few famous faces visit her dining room. A tall, dark and handsome actor decides Aria’s just what he’s been looking for.
Rating: Mature : NSFW **dirty dirty**
I don’t have a masterlist for this fic yet but if you go to tags and choose Too Hot To Handle, it will pull them all up. Thanks!
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Aria woke up with a jolt, her heart pounding as her nightmare left her sweaty and breathless.
"Easy, breathe, baby." Jeffrey murmured, his hand stroking her hip. "you okay sweetheart?"
Swallowing thickly she remembered her anxiety fueled dream, her heart thudding heavier as she imagined it were true.
"Talk to me, darlin'. You're worrying me."
"Nightmare." She rasped, clearing her throat roughly.
"What happened?"
"We were on the beach and there were all these people... and we were trying to leave but we kept get pushed towards the waves. They were taking pictures and asking questions and the water kept rising around our ankles." She paused, her breath hitching. "I tried to hold on to you but the water just sucked me under. I couldn't breath, I was drowning."
Jeffrey was sitting up and pulling her into his lap before she could protest. He cupped the back of her head, his fingers combing through her hair comfortingly. "Just a stress dream sweetpea."
Pressing her forehead into his neck she murmured, "Felt real. My lungs hurt."
"You were gasping. I was worried you were having an asthma attack or something."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, just talk to me. You're obviously having a hard time but you aren't telling me that."
"I just don't want to complain because there's nothing that can be done." She spoke plainly. Jeffrey's mouth sagged at the certainty she had that nothing could be better.
"I'm not saying that to be mean, it's part of who you are and what you do. I love all of you, so that includes that part of your life."
"I ever tell you how fucking awesome you are?"
"Not nearly enough." She quipped, nuzzling into his chest, her fingers curling into his thick hair at the base of his neck. "You should really show me since you haven't said it enough."
"I probably should make it up to you." He rasped, his  hands sliding up her bare thighs to the tiny boy shorts she wore to bed. Jeffrey's long fingers curled into the sides and tugged them down easily.
"Take off your shirt."
Laying below him fully nude, her hair spread out on the pillow, Aria felt her cheeks heat as he stared. His large hands stroked her sides and cupped her breasts, his dark hooded eyes watching her moan and writhe.
"Good girl." He murmured as she pleaded for more. "Yeah, you like that don't you."
Aria's body arched off the bed as he sucked and licked her chest, his fingers dipping between her legs. "Jeff."
"That's it's baby girl." He cooed, sucking on her inner thigh as he slid down the bed. "I'm going to make you feel how awesome I think you are."
Swiping a long pass through her folds with the flat of his tongue, Jeffrey groaned as he tasted her. He burrowed in deeper to sink his tongue inside her, the curling muscle probing her entrance. Aria squirmed, her hips rolling into his face as he devoured every inch of her hot core. She gripped his hair and ground into his mouth, as he stared up at her with dark pitted eyes. He looked feral with his mouth clamped onto her pussy, as his large hands cupped her ass. He was feasting on her, his tongue twirling around her hood while flicking it rapidly. Groaning deeply at the movement, Aria threw her head back as he sucked and fucked her with his mouth.
He growled into her swelling flesh, his teeth nipping her inner thighs. "Come on baby, let me make you cum hard on my face."
Aria's wanton moan seemed to grow from her belly until it echoed against the walls. She gasped as he pinned her knees flat on the bed, spreading her open completely as he dove into her face first.
"Please." She breathed, her neck arch and body taut.
"Please what?"
"Fuck. Please Mr. Morgan, make me cum on your tongue."
Growling at her words, Jeffrey sunk his tongue inside her, while his thumb twirled a seductive path on her clit. The dual action of his mouth and fingers, as well as the vibrations of his growls, had Aria cumming so hard and fast, her eyes flooded.  
"Good girl, my good girl." Jeffrey murmured as he kissed his way up her body to her other lips. Aria groaned at tasting herself smeared across his mouth, his chin covered in her release.
"So good." He whispered, his mouth moving along her jaw to her ear. "I love you, my sweet girl."
"I love you, Jeff." She sighed as he sunk inside her, his hips moving slow and deep.
"Yeah, that's it sweetpea. You feel me?"
"Yes. So much." She gasped as he snapped his hips sharply. "Fuck."
"That's it." He growled. "Squeeze my dick baby."
"Oh god."
"Yeah, I am." He chuckled, his hand pinning both her hands over her head as he slammed into her rapidly. "Come on, baby. Cum again for me."
The feeling of the swelling head pulled through her clenching walls, only to sink in deeper had Aria squirming. Her hands clutched his as he kept her restrained, his hips grinding and snapped between her trembling thighs.
"I feel you." He panted, sweat trailing down his temples. "Feel that little pussy begging me."
"Fuck, I'm begging."
"I don't hear you."
"Please daddy."
"Oh you little minx." He growled, letting loose a barrage of plunges that had her orgasm steam rolling over her with in seconds. Jeffrey's neck was strained and his chest heaving as her release triggered his, the man filling her with every drop. She moaned as he lazily swirled his hips, the man dragging out every second of their orgasms.
"Sweet girl. My sweet, sweet girl." He murmured as he nuzzled into her chest and neck, his tongue darting out to taste her salty skin.
"Soon I'll be your sweet, sweet wife." She whispered back, her dark caramel colored eyes watching him kiss her breasts. Jeffrey peered up at her with a pleased grin.
"Yeah, you will. I can't fucking wait."
"Do we have to?"
Jeffrey's grin seemed to grow at the question, his eyes filling with desire. "You in a hurry doll?"
Shrugging a shoulder, she murmured, "We both know what we want. Why wait?"
Reaching for his phone, Jeffrey started typing away.
"What're you doing?" Aria asked with a smile.
"Checking if Florida has a waiting period for marriage licenses."
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  Aria stood on the beach, her ankles sinking into the warm sand as she watched the tide coming in. She was basking in the sun and enjoying the constant rush of water, her skin turning tan and freckled. Glancing up the sand, she found Jeffrey leaning against a palm tree, a smoke cupped between his hands as he lit it.
“Almost time, sweetheart.” He spoke, tipping his head to the car parked in the driveway. “Unless you're changing your mind?”
Smirking, Aria headed up the sandy shore to her husband to be, the gauzy dress she wore whipping around her legs.
“You can, you know. There's plenty of time, we could just hold off.”
“Sounds like you're changing your mind.” She replied, standing in front of him, straightening his tie. He wore a nice black suit, his face shaved and smooth. His eyes were hidden behind his dark sunglasses but she could see the crinkle of amusement around his eyes.
“Nope. I'm just giving you an out. I don't want you wishing you had more than this.”
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“I don't care.” She answered with a smile, her eyes twinkling. “I've never thought about having a big white wedding and I sure as hell don't want it to be some media fiasco.”
Nodding, Jeffrey flicked his spent cigarette and cupped her neck gently. “If you want a real wedding, with family and friends, we can do that privately. It doesn't have to be a fiasco.”
Smirking, Aria ran her hands up his chest to loop her arms around his neck. Jeffrey pulled her into his front, his long limbs wrapping around her hips.
“I just need you.” She murmured, her soft gaze peering up at him. “I don't care about everything else. Just you and me.”
  The little chapel was near the beach; it's salt-water worn siding faded and weathered. Jeffrey was speaking with the preacher, who agreed to a quick ceremony for just the two of them, while Aria stood with his wife.
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Jeffrey followed the other man to the tiny gazebo near the beach and waited for the women to join them. He stood looking out at the water a moment, as the preacher spoke about his own wedding. Nodding along as though he were able to think of anything but Aria, Jeffrey let his gaze flick back up the sandy pathway. The heavy thud of his swelling heart filled his ears as she descended the steps to the sand, her eyes finding his instantly. He swallowed thickly as the moment seared itself into his minds eye, the sound of the ocean and the scent of gardenia filling his senses. 
He wasn't positive but seeing the woman he loved sauntering towards him, wearing a white gown, ready to marry him at the drop of a hat, might be the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.
Jeffrey couldn't stop trailing his eyes over Aria in her sheer, flowing cream-colored dress. The fabric draped her body perfectly, her hips and breasts accented as the fabric flowed in the salty breeze. Her hair was partially pulled from her neck, the soft curls that came with the humidity, framing her face. The preacher’s wife had given Aria a small bouquet of fresh lilies, the white blooms completing the wedding ensemble. She was beautiful, her tan skin standing out against the gown, a smattering of freckles across her nose from all the recent sun. Her eyes sparkled as she peered up at him, her peach lips quirked and adorable. He'd never been so enamored with someone before and knew that they may be taking things quickly, but nothing had ever felt so right.
Taking her hands after she gave the flowers to the preacher’s wife, Jeffrey gazed down at his girl's lovely face. He'd never thought he'd find something half as amazing as he had with her. Brushing his thumbs back and forth along her wrists, Jeffrey couldn't stop himself from leaning in and kissing her forehead.
“I think you're skipping a step.” She murmured, a smile tugging at her amused lips.
“It's not my fault, my girl’s too gorgeous to not greet proper.” He drawled, with his lips brushing her temple. Grinning down at her, Jeffrey murmured, “Last chance sweetpea, before I make you mine.”
“I'm already yours handsome.”
“We're here on this beautiful day to join Jeffrey Dean Morgan to Aria St. James in holy matrimony.”
HOLY SHIT!  Yeah that's right, I made them elope. 
Fyi: Florida does have a waiting period between getting a marriage license and getting married but fuck it, this is a AU fic. JDM waits for no one! 
Find Chapter Twenty Nine Here:
I started posting this fic over on AO3 also. I will probably post in both places since I’m still figuring out AO3 formatting etc.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for updates. I’ll try my best to remember!
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WEDDING: August 12, 2017
Ceremony: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Reception: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott 
Hair: Debbie Mraovich-Contemporary Hair Design
Makeup: LouAnn Marangone-Mary Kay Cosmetics. Jamie and Joan Marangone-Amazing Lash Studio
Florist: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Bakery: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Entertainment: Second to None, John Mitch
Videographer: Generations Photography and Specialty Gift Shoppe
Colors: Regency
Honeymoon: Aruba
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This is a wedding that I have been looking forward to for a very long time…long before these two were engaged. You see, Chad and Danielle are not family by blood, not by marriage, they are however still family. My mom and Danielle’s mom, LouAnn have been friends since our brothers were little and played baseball together.  I am talking elementary school and before. My mom is an only child and when my grandmother, Minnie passed away, LouAnn and her sister Sandi became a close and amazing confidants for my mom, taking us under her wing and caring for us the way that only family does. She has been there every step of the way. We spend Halloween night together eating LouAnn’s delicious, homemade Italian wedding soup, we spend Christmas Eve with their family with an amazing spread at Sandi’s home and giving and receiving of gifts. We spend lots of days in their company and were blessed when my youngest and last child was born on LouAnn’s birthday, leaving her to be my son’s birthday twin and a bond that can never be broken.
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I remember the first time I met Chad, I, like any other family member, had to put my feelers out and see what I actually thought about him…to say that these two are perfect for each other is an understatement. They are beyond compatible and their daughter, Mya could not be a more perfect mix of the two of them, she looks just like Chad in every way with her Momma’s Italian personality, she’s gorgeous and spunky and I just love her to pieces.
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Once engaged, we scheduled their engagement portrait session, these two are funny when it comes to pictures, whether it be like a family member who doesn’t want to put you out or they are truly that laid back about them, I may never know. My suggestion was all in the City of Pittsburgh, that is where they met, fell in love, used to live, had their daughter…it was beginning of many first for them as a couple. We started at the West End Overlook, hands down my favorite view of the city, wide and expansive and on a nice clear day you can see passed the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland. Then we headed downtown near The Point, which is close to where they lived and ended our session at The Point with sunset. At the end of the night as darkness had fallen upon us we talked about the details they had recently accomplished, they asked me to please come and enjoy myself(to the wedding)…I reminded them that I would be! The best weddings for me are the ones that I am photographing…I truly love and adore what I do, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself at a wedding that I was “just a guest”. I mean really, what do you do in between ceremony and reception? I am bride and limo chasing, I don’t know what you are doing haha. We talked about Danielle’s sister in law, Stephanie as we had been since we started, as she was STILL in labor with her second child! We knew the baby was a boy and I asked if Dean was going to be the ring bearer and obviously Mya, their little girl would be the flower girl and that’s when Danielle asked me for Gabe to be a ring bearer as well… Not even kidding, I may have teared up, said yes and spent the next 11 months dreaming of how handsome my sweet boy would be, hoping that the tux we purchased would still fit come August 12 and praying that my rambunctious 3 year old would please, please, please not throw a fit and wreck Danielle and Chad’s wedding day.
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With the wedding day fast approaching and all the preparations complete, we are here….the morning that Chad and Danielle will become man and wife…I. WAS. TERRIFIED! Her ceremony was scheduled for 5PM and Gabe begins to melt at 3PM, he needs naps but has been refusing them like that was his job. I have a few things to recommend for parents of the flower girl/ ring bearers in and around the ages of infant – 5 years old. A backpack! We happen to have  one that we sell that says “Ring bearer” on it, but any old bag will do. I stocked that thing full of goodies. I packed snacks, drinks, candy (just in case it got really ugly) and activities as well as what I like to call, the reward system. My daughter was no a reward kinda kid, she didn’t care that you had a lollipop waiting for her if she went potty or behaved well in church, my son however will do just about anything for a Matchbox Car. I had a series of 8 cars that he would receive for each thing that he did. He walked down the aisle, enter 1969 Corvette Matchbox car….he stood still and smiled for pictures, enter 1970 Camero Matchbox car and so on and so forth. Even I the reward giver could not believe this childs behavior.
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Some of my favorite weddings have all events in one location, it makes it so easy for guests and as well as myself during the preceremony coverage. When scheduling weddings, we typically get coverage of the groom and his groomsmen at the church, having all events at one location allows us to easily go back and forth between  Bride and groom at capture all the those special moments. Danielle got ready on the 15th “penthouse” floor while Chad got ready on the 3rd floor.
From the moment we walked in, it was like a dream, my kids were well behaved and Danielle was the portrait of beauty. Her dress is AMAZING, Her jewelry  was perfect and those Valentino shoes!
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We sent the girls to get their dresses on and proceeded to take photos of the “details”. It was now time to deliver the gifts to Chad, Dave(Danielle’s Dad), Matt and Brian(Danielle’s brothers). It warmed my heart to see Mya all dressed up in her little flower girl robe and handing out those precious treasures. We returned to Danielle’s room and got her dressed. Knowing this family as well as I do, if they cried, I cried, if they laughed, I laughed. I adore each and every one of them and today was going to be amazing and flawless and perfect.
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Watching Danielle walk down the winding path to the ceremony was surreal, I have known Danielle since she  was a little girl, taken her senior portraits and here I was, on this day, capturing one of the biggest moments of her life. I have watched her grow into a successful, gorgeous woman and mother, now wife.
We did outdoor photos of the bridal party and bride and groom in the courtyard at the Marriott, no need to fuss with traveling, we were on a strict timeline. But we were able to capture so many beautiful moments along the way, from trying to get Brian to jump, to a dance line, to my crazy directions…”OK, stand as close to the fire as possible without torching your dress” to “wait, wait, wait, the reflection is perfect”.
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Upon entering the reception, I always like to get photos of the room before as I like to say “Anyone messes it up”. Everything was beautiful. The STUNNING ice sculpture was breathtaking and each and every decoration was well thought out and planned. It was Danielle, it was Chad, it was perfectly them, together.
This brings me to the first dance, Danielle and Chad started together and ended as a family with Mya joining in, the irony is not lost on me. They all held each other close, enjoyed and soaked in the moment. Danielle and her Dad, Dave shared in the father daughter dance as well as Chad and his Mom, Wilma, neither would be complete without that sweet little lady, their daughter, their granddaughter, Mya.
Let the fun begin! Dancing the night away was a blast for everyone, group pictures of every guest, dance battle of guys versus girls, dance line, special dances for Jackie and her new husband, little girls and big girls alike twirling the night away, Lou and Dave, Danielle and Chad, Stephanie and Brian, Wilma and Jim and my dear parents and many others…all joined in for the Anniversary Dance…which Wilma and Jim won!
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With a certain little ring bearer getting pretty sleepy, we ended the night with a photo session outside where we congratulated “my family members”, hugged and wished them well, which happens at every wedding…but this time it was different. This isn’t a couple that I will keep up with on Social Media or when they come in for their next newborn session, this is a couple that I love, care for and will see very soon. I will know that they are not just OK, I will know that they are happy and in love and that they have found that person to which their soul loves. I truly do not have a “favorite moment of the day”, they are all my favorites, many of which include my little man. Watching Danielle walk down the aisle, seeing LouAnn’s face as she turned to Chad, their first kiss, the moment that Mya gave me her “big cheese” at the altar, seeing my little man enter the reception, watching Jeff give his best man speech, watching Danielle during the Maid of Honor Speech, the first dance, the parent dances, the anniversary dance, the dance line, the end of the night kiss. Each moment of EVERY wedding fills me with joy, in a world such as ours is now, I HAVE to believe in weddings. I have the believe in marrying the love of your life, the joy in families, the eternal happiness that one feels being with your soul mate, the one that God designed for you and you alone. I have to believe in the fairytale. I love weddings, each and every one. 
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Dog Gone Problems: How can we train our dog to go out the dog door and potty on his own? | Momaha.com
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/dog-gone-problems-how-can-we-train-our-dog-to-go-out-the-dog-door-and-potty-on-his-own-momaha-com/
Dog Gone Problems: How can we train our dog to go out the dog door and potty on his own? | Momaha.com
Dog Gone Problems is a weekly advice column by David Codr, a dog behaviorist in Omaha. David answers dog behavior questions sent in by our readers. You can reach him at [email protected].
I just got a 5-month-old double doodle. He goes in and out the doggy door, which opens to a deck, by himself. I trained him in two days. He will go down the stairs into the yard to use the potty just fine. How can I train him to go out to potty all by himself? I’ve only had him three days, so hoping it will just take some time. I would love some tips to speed the process along.
Congrats on your new dog. Sounds like a smart one, which should make solving this problem pretty easy.
First off, you need to come up with a fun word that means to go outside. Dogs are the only animal on the planet who can read a human’s facial expressions, so coming up with a word that makes people smile and laugh can provide your dog with added motivation.
Next, have a family member or friend outside with a plethora of wonderfully stinky high-value treats your dog loves. I often use chicken liver.
With your dog and you inside near the dog door, have the person outside call your puppy by name. When your pup goes through the dog door, they should find this person right outside the dog door. When the pup is completely through the dog door, have them give him a treat and then say the command word after the treat goes into hi mouth.
Call your dog back inside, pet him under his chin and say sit. Have the person outside call the dog again, but this time move one step farther away from the door. Keep repeating this process for 10 treats, then have the humans swap places. When you go outside, stand where the other person was standing when they finished. Practice the routine for another 10 treats.
The next time your practice, the person should be at the same distance from the door as they were when they stopped last time. Maybe a few feet closer. Practice for another five to 10 treats.
At some point, when the dog is running through the door with glee, try saying the command word when the dog is inside with you and someone is outside waiting. If the dog goes through the door on his own, have the person on the other side give five treats in a row, saying the command word after each one. We call this a jackpot, and its a great way to reward a big accomplishment like responding to the command word.
Once you can say the command word and have the dog go out, you need to start providing the dog with things to discover and motivate him to stay outside and explore. You can leave a small trail of treats from where the person was standing to the grass the first time. The next time, leave another trail, but add a small pile of shredded cheese at the end of the trail (which should be in the grass).
The cheese promotes sniffing the ground, which is healthy and may lead to other exploring. The goal here is to provide motivation to go outside and progressively increase the length of the stay.
Practice this a few times, but keep moving the shredded cheese farther into the lawn — maybe one foot farther each practice. While you are doing this, use less treats for the trail, spacing the treats farther apart. At some point, you will stop with the trail and just leave some shredded cheese on the lawn for your dog to find.
You can also leave new toys outside, as well as chewy items like bully sticks, cows ears, etc. The idea is to leave good stuff outside for your dog to find, which gives him more incentive to go out and explore. With enough positive exposures, your dog will go out often looking for them and this should lead to going potty on his own as well.
Good luck and remember — everything you do trains your dog. Only sometimes you mean it.
Despite being a senior cat at 10 years old, Baby is full of energy and mischief. Here, she dangles from a bannister in her house in Gretna.
Karen Windle, copy editor
We’re Bruce and Ernie (left). We love sneaking raw bacon off the kitchen counter, lounging around the house naked, er, without our collars and making friends with deer. (The deer *love* to play tag, but for some reason we’re always “it.”) 
Katy Glover, online editor
Buster can put a smile on your face like no one else, including those of neighbors who spot him dragging me along on a walk or run. Unfortunately, this high-energy guy recently has been sidelined by the doggie version of a torn ACL and subsequent knee surgery. He could use a little boost, so I’m nominating him for the OWH Pet Parade.
Julie Anderson, news reporter
At left is Clyde. He’s a dog. He’s 2 ½. He’s deaf. At right is Pieces. He’s a cat. He’s 13. He can hear. They would like very much for you to pick them!
Brad Davis, business editor
If you’re an avid reader of the World-Herald, maybe you’ve heard of Cooper. Features reporter Chris Peters has written about raising Cooper. Here he is on the custom pallet bed his mom built for him.
Chris Peters, features reporter
At left is Daisy. Her best friend is a reindeer, who comes to visit a few weeks each year. She complains a lot to the non-magical beings she lives with, for obvious reasons. At right is Diaz. He’s a handsome  boy who doesn’t care about that. He loves walks and belly rubs, all people, most dogs, one cat, and zero racoons and opossums. 
Rich Mills, copy editor
At the Ducey Farm in Dundee, we have the blackshirt gals who guard the back yard (Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt), and the chickens who help me garden (Brooklyn and Penny). They produce eggs and inspire pillows for the cutest and most fashionable dogs in the world (Phoebe, Gigi and cousin Tyson), who love to bark at the feral cats (Bunny and Butterscotch) who live outside and have matching tails!
Marjie Ducey, reporter
Gator likes eating snackies, expertly posing for pictures, getting floof everywhere and borking (not barking) at neighbor dogs.
Cory Gilinsky, features (and Sarah Jarecki, civilian)
Gracie the border collie and Beau the red heeler like long walks and frequent car rides, especially to drive-thrus that give treats. 
Deb Shanahan, metro desk editor, and Kent Sievers, photographer
Isabel doesn’t enjoy her humans (especially the little ones) a lot, but sometimes likes a good chin scratch. Mostly she enjoys being left alone to sit on top of the piano and watch the birds outside.
Kevin Coffey, music critic
Izzy is 6 months old. She likes to chase her tail (and often catches it), climb up couches (and people), and bother Zake. Zake is 15 years old and unsure of Izzy. After all, Izzy has the high ground.
Zach Tegler, copy desk
Jameson may be named after whiskey, but this five-year-old gal is all sweetness. At first skittish after being rescued from a farm in Oklahoma, now her favorite hobby is stealing hearts — and covers.​
Laurel Foster, online
We say Juni found us after my wife was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. This little Havaton brings our family joy, love and snuggles every day.​
Jeff Robb, news reporter/data geek
Laika is, hands down, the happiest dog at the dog park. She is named after the heroic Russian cosmonaut dog, one of the first animals in space. Ciara loves to pray. When she joins our family in prayer, she sounds like Scooby Doo. She is fiercely loyal and protective.
Susan Szalewski, copy editor and news reporter
Lolo was adopted seven years ago in Louisiana. She’s a mutt, and we think she’s part nutria, otherwise known as a swamp rat.
Hunter Paniagua, digital sports coordinator
Minerva is a very hard worker. Two-year-old “Minnie” likes to spend her time cleaning, inspecting boxes and bird watching. (And looking adorable.)
Brandon Olson, digital content hub editor
Molly, a rat-terrier Chihuahua from NHS, loved everyone she met. She was an excellent high jumper and cuddler and gave us joy for 17 years. She died in April.
Betsie Freeman, features reporter
Nellie is a 10-year-old tabby cat who is more like 5 years old at heart. She enjoys sleeping in fresh, warm laundry, eating, chasing lasers and listening to stories with best friend, 4-year-old Sam.​
Ashlee Coffey, Momaha.com editor
This is Oliver. He has three legs and a bullet permanently lodged in him. (We didn’t put it there). He pretends like he’s surly and tough but deep down he’s very snuggly.
Roseann Moring, political reporter
Eighteen-year-old cat
Loves tuna, SBH and
A fireside nap
Sarah Baker Hansen, features, and Matthew Hansen, columnist
I’m Sasha. I was a stray in Oklahoma (where my ear was somehow torn) before a shelter rescued me & treated my heartworm. I just tested negative for heartworm, yay! I really like to play dead & get belly rubs!
Alia Conley, news reporter
Slugger, owned by the original Pet Parade Petitor in Chief and saved by Big Red Rescue in Omaha, chases his tail faster to his right than to his left. He ate a hole in the blinds to watch his owner come and go.
Steven Elonich, online editor
Toby is a 4-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with a big personality. Given the protective tendencies of his breed, he’s very serious about watching over his property — and his owners. Until he isn’t.
Dave Elsesser, features editor, and RyAnne Elsesser
Toothpick loves biting bare legs, gazing longingly at birds outside and dipping his paw into bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos so he can lick off the Doritos dust (which his owners know is gross and bad but are powerless to stop). ​
Erin Duffy, news reporter
Boston Terriers, Willow, 8, and Dexter, 6, have a closet full of costumes, sweaters, scarves and even some pajamas. They only sit this nicely for photos because there are LOTS of treats involved – but really – they are crazy little puppies!
Tammy Yttri, copy desk chief
Nine years ago, we found Zed roaming the earth (it was a ruff life). He’s a good boy. He likes his toy lobster, pepperonis (which we call pupperonis) and keeping up with his fans at Zedwin.org. 
Graham Archer, digital editor
Hi, my name is Zeus, I an eight-year-old American Eskimo looking to get back in the game. They say I am fixed, but I think my only problem is you aren’t in my life. I love long walks and treats. I want someone to chase squirrels with.  Won’t you paw right?
Chris Machian, photographer
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
Winter Formal
As Per requested
😍😍😍 I adored how you wrote Zach in that imagine you posted the other day like srsly so good! Can i request one too? Where they have lockers nxt to each other and they get talking and he asks her to be his date too the winter dance? Thx so much you rock xx
Zach X Reader
Warning: none
Word count” : 1474
You hated moving. You hated starting at a new school, especially late in the year, it was December. You were so use to it though, but it's never made it easier. Your parents were both in the army and had moved across the country and back since you were born. You never lasted longer than one year in one place. It made it hard to have friends or keep it touch. Your goal this year, since it was senior year was to try and make friends that you could have into university, and after.
You walked into liberty high. It looked like every other school you had gone to. Lockers lined the halls, there were obvious cliques, the jocks, the band students, cheerleaders, nerds. You laughed and tried to find the locker you had been assigned. You walked through the halls looking at the locker numbers. You looked up and saw a crowd of boys all wearing blue and white liberty high Letterman jackets.
“great just my luck, this whole school and I have to be beside the jocks” you thought as you walked up to your locker.  It was being blocked by a brown eyed, brown haired guy leaning up against it while his friend was in his locker, the one Right beside yours.
“Um excuse me, you're kinda blocking my locker” you said to the jock.
“I'm sorry pretty lady!” the good looking jock said as he got off your locker.
“Zach you have yourself a good looking locker neighbor” a different jock with dirty blond hair and Well dressed said as he walked closer to you.
“I'm Bryce Walker, you must be new here because I've never seen you around”
“hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N and ya I'm new.”
“I'm Montgomery De La Cruz, but you can call me Monty.” the brown haired jock who had been leaning up on your locker said.
“hi nice to meet you Monty.”.
You turned towards your locker and opened it. You went to put your text books in there when you dropped one.
Your locker neighbor bent down and picked it up for you.
“I'm Zach Dempsey by the way” he said handing you your book.
You were lost looking at his beauty. He had brown eyes that were so deep and easy to get lost in. He had a smile that made you want to smile and hair that made you want to run your hands through it. He was the definition of a Greek god!
“thank you” you said smiling.
“can I see your schedule? I mean maybe we have classes together and I can show you around” Zach asked you nervously
You handed him your schedule and he smiled.
“looks like you'll be stuck with me all year we have all the same classes” he smiled.
“awesome” you smiled.
“can I show you to class?” he asked.
“wow Zach hogging the new girl all for yourself!” Monty said with all the other guys agreeing with him.
“hey she's my locker neighbor and it's the least I can do since she'll have to see you guys all the time too, and that's painful enough.” he said as he walked away with you trailing behind him.
“don't mind them, they're disrespectful towards girls” Zach said walking beside you
“thanks, and it's OK, liberty is my 15th school. So I'm use to crude guys.”
“wow fifteenth school??” Zach asked surprised
“yes both my parents are in the army and we move around… A lot!” you replied.
“This is us” Zach said pointing to a classroom.
You both walked in.
“come sit with me” Zach said leading you towards the middle of the classroom.
You spent all morning following zach from class to class and sitting with him in every one. He was a really sweet guy.
“hey Y/N! What are you doing for lunch?” Zach asked as you were both walking towards your lockers.
“nothing” you answered
“well how about you come sit with me?”.
“hey pretty lady” Monty said leaning up Against the locker next to you.
“hello Monty!” you sighed
“bro she hasn't even been here a whole day and you're already annoying to her! New record!” a handsome blue eyed jock said Wrapping his arm over yet another blue eyed beauty.
If anything this school has lots of good looking guys. You thought to yourself.
“it is a new record!” Zach said grabbing your backpack.
“that's Jeff and Scott by the way! Two of the best baseball players liberty has along with Monty!” Zach explained leading you towards the cafeteria, still holding your bag.
“you know I can carry my own things right?” you laughed
“I know but ive got an extra hand so why not let me?” Zach laughed
“what's this winter formal that's posted everywhere?” you ask Zach as you sit with the jocks inbetween zach and Monty.
“it's the winter dance, we go pretty far out for dances their pretty nice. Leah loves going!” Jeff amswered as he playfully elbowed Leah in the arm!
“ya maybe you and I should go together” Bryce stated
“only in your dreams Bryce!” you answered. The whole table started “ooooh-ing and buuuuurn-ing. You laughed, Zach laughed Bryce was not impressed.
You finished your lunch and walked off with Zach.
“so have you ever gone to the winter formal?” you asked him.
“of course, in this town school dances are the the only excitement in town” he laughed.
“it must be cool to know everyone though”
“meh it's ok. I guess. I don't know Ive never known anything different.” he answered.
You went through your day following and talking to Zach getting to know him. It was the end of the day and you were at your locker saying bye to Zach.
“so I'll see you tomorrow locker neighbir” you said
“hey do you drive?”.zach asked
“nope I walk” you replied
“can I give you a ride home?” he asked.
“Are you sure?”
“of course, come on.” he said directing you towards the school parking lot.
“you drive and Audi????” you asked looking at his car in awe.
“yes” he answered nervously
“did zachy-poo not tell you that he came from money??” Monty questioned in a baby voice walking towards his jeep parked right beside Zach.
You got into Zach's car ignoring Monty.
“so you come from money eh?” you asked
“ya. I didn't think it was important” Zach stated coldly
“it's not important, obviously your friends think it is.though”
Zach drove you home and you hugged him goodbye.
“I'll pick you up tomorrow morning” Zach said as you got out the car.
“OK thank you” you answered and walked towards your house.
The next morning you woke up to text from a number you didn't know
random number: hey I hope this doesn't sound creepy but I got your number from the school, I may have snuck in and searched for it and I forgot to ask you for it yesterday. Y/N: who is this? random number: oh sorry it's Zach Dempsey! Y/N: oh haha hey good morning and no not creepy I thought the same thing last night 😂 Zach😍: how was your sleep beautiful? Y/N: It was good thanks, looking forward to spend another day with you :) Zach😍: speaking of which, I'm on my way :) Y/N: see you soon
You got dressed and ran downstairs and out to Zach's car.
“you looked tired”.you stated as you got into his car
“ya I can't say I slept much” he answered placing his hand on your knee as he drove to school.
“why didn't you sleep?”
“oh I was just doing things with the guys!”
“all night on a school night?”
“you'll see”.he answered as he shot you his killer sexy smile.
You got to school and Zach parked in between Monty and Bryce.
“good morning pretty lady!” Monty said seeing you.
“good morning Montgomery” you smiled
You all walked towards the entrance of the school. When you walked in Bryce, Justin and a few other jocks you didn't know we're all making a pathway to direct you down a hallway.
“what's going on?” you asked Zach
“you'll see”.monty answered with a sly smile.
As you turned the corner you saw Jeff and Scott holding a big banner that said
“Hey I Just Met You And This is Crazy but Will You Go To Winter Formal With Me?”
Monty handed Zach a bouquet of roses. Zach turned to you and handed you the bouquet.
“so will you go to the Winter formal with me?”
With all big smile on your face you took the bouquet and wrapped your arms around Zach's neck and said
Everyone around started cheering!
“thanks for saying yes Y/N”
“thanks for asking Zach!”
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Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/dog-gone-problems-18-month-old-goldendoodle-doesnt-respect-its-14-year-old-owner-momaha-com/
Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
Dog Gone Problems is a weekly advice column by David Codr, a dog behaviorist in Omaha. David answers dog behavior questions sent in by our readers. You can reach him at [email protected].
I have an 18-month-old Goldendoodle who is a very kind and loving dog. My family’s intent is for him to work as a therapy dog. The problem is I am a 14-year-old small girl who this dog doesn’t respect at all. I feel like I have tried everything. My family has hired behaviorists and trainers. I walk him 30 minutes a day — morning and night — and I train him for 10 minutes after each one of those walks. No matter what I do, he doesn’t respect me. However, he respects the rest of my family. All my dad has to do is walk in the room and he will drop whatever he has. It’s the same with my brothers, who are 11- and 16-years-old.
The next issue is that he has possession aggression. He is very fast. He grabs everything and does not let it go (at least for me). For example, he loves socks and will swallow them. Because of this he has had to get two surgeries and has had multiple visits to the vet to induce vomiting. We have buckets with lids and locks, but he can also open doors. When he gets something to chew on and I try to take it away, he growls — a lot. Then when I try to open his jaw, he bites me.
I need help. How can I make him respect me? Is it my fault or the dog’s? 
Wow. It sounds like you have quite a few issues going on. From what you wrote, it appears you are doing some good work already. Maybe we just need to add a little fine tuning. I can share a few tips.
Let’s break your letter down into individual sections so you can focus on one thing at a time.
First, respect for dogs can be confusing. Some of the factors may be related to your age and stature. Size matters to dogs. That said, one of my former apprentices has gone on to become a dog behaviorist and she is just over 5 feet tall. So it’s something you can get past.
While the walks are great, they may not be enough. Your average dog needs an hour of exercise every day, but some dogs may need even more. From what you wrote, I’d guess your dog falls into that category. This video on creative ways to exercise dogs can help you supplement your walks with some easy indoor exercise options.
I’d look for some ways to build in compliance before your dog gets what he wants in your day-to-day life. Petting with a purpose is a wonderful way to help your dog learn to respect you as a leader and help him practice asking for things instead of telling you what to do.
Do you enforce rules with your dog? Dogs often see those who enforce rules as the leader. Enforcing rules gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership in small, subtle ways multiple times a day.
I’d suggest you also start developing a strong leave it command with your dog. Once established, you can pull out high-value items and leave them on the floor when you can supervise and give the dog the leave it command. The more you repeat this, the less the dog will try to take things you want them to leave alone.
Lastly, this video includes a really easy and sneaky way to condition your dog to come to you — even when you don’t call him to come over.
Remember, training and behavior are separate. While training is awesome, I’d suggest you work more on these structural changes and behavior exercises to help your dog learn that listening and respecting you cause good things to happen.
Good luck and remember — everything you do trains your dog. Only sometimes you mean it.
Despite being a senior cat at 10 years old, Baby is full of energy and mischief. Here, she dangles from a bannister in her house in Gretna.
Karen Windle, copy editor
We’re Bruce and Ernie (left). We love sneaking raw bacon off the kitchen counter, lounging around the house naked, er, without our collars and making friends with deer. (The deer *love* to play tag, but for some reason we’re always “it.”) 
Katy Glover, online editor
Buster can put a smile on your face like no one else, including those of neighbors who spot him dragging me along on a walk or run. Unfortunately, this high-energy guy recently has been sidelined by the doggie version of a torn ACL and subsequent knee surgery. He could use a little boost, so I’m nominating him for the OWH Pet Parade.
Julie Anderson, news reporter
At left is Clyde. He’s a dog. He’s 2 ½. He’s deaf. At right is Pieces. He’s a cat. He’s 13. He can hear. They would like very much for you to pick them!
Brad Davis, business editor
If you’re an avid reader of the World-Herald, maybe you’ve heard of Cooper. Features reporter Chris Peters has written about raising Cooper. Here he is on the custom pallet bed his mom built for him.
Chris Peters, features reporter
At left is Daisy. Her best friend is a reindeer, who comes to visit a few weeks each year. She complains a lot to the non-magical beings she lives with, for obvious reasons. At right is Diaz. He’s a handsome  boy who doesn’t care about that. He loves walks and belly rubs, all people, most dogs, one cat, and zero racoons and opossums. 
Rich Mills, copy editor
At the Ducey Farm in Dundee, we have the blackshirt gals who guard the back yard (Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt), and the chickens who help me garden (Brooklyn and Penny). They produce eggs and inspire pillows for the cutest and most fashionable dogs in the world (Phoebe, Gigi and cousin Tyson), who love to bark at the feral cats (Bunny and Butterscotch) who live outside and have matching tails!
Marjie Ducey, reporter
Gator likes eating snackies, expertly posing for pictures, getting floof everywhere and borking (not barking) at neighbor dogs.
Cory Gilinsky, features (and Sarah Jarecki, civilian)
Gracie the border collie and Beau the red heeler like long walks and frequent car rides, especially to drive-thrus that give treats. 
Deb Shanahan, metro desk editor, and Kent Sievers, photographer
Isabel doesn’t enjoy her humans (especially the little ones) a lot, but sometimes likes a good chin scratch. Mostly she enjoys being left alone to sit on top of the piano and watch the birds outside.
Kevin Coffey, music critic
Izzy is 6 months old. She likes to chase her tail (and often catches it), climb up couches (and people), and bother Zake. Zake is 15 years old and unsure of Izzy. After all, Izzy has the high ground.
Zach Tegler, copy desk
Jameson may be named after whiskey, but this five-year-old gal is all sweetness. At first skittish after being rescued from a farm in Oklahoma, now her favorite hobby is stealing hearts — and covers.​
Laurel Foster, online
We say Juni found us after my wife was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. This little Havaton brings our family joy, love and snuggles every day.​
Jeff Robb, news reporter/data geek
Laika is, hands down, the happiest dog at the dog park. She is named after the heroic Russian cosmonaut dog, one of the first animals in space. Ciara loves to pray. When she joins our family in prayer, she sounds like Scooby Doo. She is fiercely loyal and protective.
Susan Szalewski, copy editor and news reporter
Lolo was adopted seven years ago in Louisiana. She’s a mutt, and we think she’s part nutria, otherwise known as a swamp rat.
Hunter Paniagua, digital sports coordinator
Minerva is a very hard worker. Two-year-old “Minnie” likes to spend her time cleaning, inspecting boxes and bird watching. (And looking adorable.)
Brandon Olson, digital content hub editor
Molly, a rat-terrier Chihuahua from NHS, loved everyone she met. She was an excellent high jumper and cuddler and gave us joy for 17 years. She died in April.
Betsie Freeman, features reporter
Nellie is a 10-year-old tabby cat who is more like 5 years old at heart. She enjoys sleeping in fresh, warm laundry, eating, chasing lasers and listening to stories with best friend, 4-year-old Sam.​
Ashlee Coffey, Momaha.com editor
This is Oliver. He has three legs and a bullet permanently lodged in him. (We didn’t put it there). He pretends like he’s surly and tough but deep down he’s very snuggly.
Roseann Moring, political reporter
Eighteen-year-old cat
Loves tuna, SBH and
A fireside nap
Sarah Baker Hansen, features, and Matthew Hansen, columnist
I’m Sasha. I was a stray in Oklahoma (where my ear was somehow torn) before a shelter rescued me & treated my heartworm. I just tested negative for heartworm, yay! I really like to play dead & get belly rubs!
Alia Conley, news reporter
Slugger, owned by the original Pet Parade Petitor in Chief and saved by Big Red Rescue in Omaha, chases his tail faster to his right than to his left. He ate a hole in the blinds to watch his owner come and go.
Steven Elonich, online editor
Toby is a 4-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with a big personality. Given the protective tendencies of his breed, he’s very serious about watching over his property — and his owners. Until he isn’t.
Dave Elsesser, features editor, and RyAnne Elsesser
Toothpick loves biting bare legs, gazing longingly at birds outside and dipping his paw into bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos so he can lick off the Doritos dust (which his owners know is gross and bad but are powerless to stop). ​
Erin Duffy, news reporter
Boston Terriers, Willow, 8, and Dexter, 6, have a closet full of costumes, sweaters, scarves and even some pajamas. They only sit this nicely for photos because there are LOTS of treats involved – but really – they are crazy little puppies!
Tammy Yttri, copy desk chief
Nine years ago, we found Zed roaming the earth (it was a ruff life). He’s a good boy. He likes his toy lobster, pepperonis (which we call pupperonis) and keeping up with his fans at Zedwin.org. 
Graham Archer, digital editor
Hi, my name is Zeus, I an eight-year-old American Eskimo looking to get back in the game. They say I am fixed, but I think my only problem is you aren’t in my life. I love long walks and treats. I want someone to chase squirrels with.  Won’t you paw right?
Chris Machian, photographer
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