#he's OP he'll be able to get anything she wants lol
true-blue-sonic · 2 years
In this last month of the year, the christmas decorations has already settled everywhere...
So I thought about Gold, after living almost her whole life in Onyx City, being in the past during this period.
Oh boy, the girl would get mesmerized after every step along the streets, seeing the different ways the Xmas lights can be positioned, let alone when it is not the only thing in the external decorations...
And more, what if the city have the tradition to put a great Xmas tree in the center? This girl could easily be 3 hours straight standing in front of it just admiring the structure, its colors and its lights while Silver would be regretting by not taking a camera to register the cute tenrec...
Well, I don't know how usual it is around the globe, but here by my country at least is quite common find 2~4 meters tall trees constructed with CDs or plastic bottles, I like to imagine Gold's curiosity while she examines this to understand how it was assembled...
Anyway, Merry Christmas in advance! 🎄🧑‍🎄
Hello there to you too!🍀
Indeed, I've seen them too: all the lights and prettiness ^-^ Tis the season... of cold icky weather too and by god I need those lights for some cheer in my own life because Dutch December weather is just dreary as all heck😩😂
I can imagine Silver and his friends from the past extensively told Gold about Christmas, but she never really managed to picture it: there's light on the streets and it gets decorated. Nice, street lanterns are a thing whole year round, and everything in the past looks pretty already anyway😂 (I love the idea of Gold on occasion being a horrid li'l sceptic only because she lives with Silver and he ain't always the most reliable source of information, lol.) So when the Christmas decorations are put up and Silver takes her to the inner city to see for herself this girl is blown away. She'd be amazed by how bridges are covered in strings of lights (with patterns they flicker in!!) and how there's all sorts of chandeliers and shapes made with the lights also. And the Christmas tree... she'd be unable to stop marvelling at it, especially if it's a large one🥺 With all the baubles and garlands stuff inside she'd indeed be spending quite some time in front of it! Enough for Silver to sneak back home for a sec and grab his camera after all, cuz he's just gotta capture his big sis being cute💕
That's a really interesting way they make trees in your country, I think Gold would indeed adore seeing how it is created and how everything fits together! In Holland it's common for organisations and stuff to place a Christmas tree inside their buildings (usually a fake one haha), though outside we're more of solely the strings of lights in the places I've been at so far. Though, we do have those Christmas markets and fairs in some cities; Silver and Gold can go there and enter the ferris wheel and eat winter snacks with hot chocolate! :>
Merry Christmas to you too if you celebrate, and thank you for the ask!🍀🎄
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AAH Promo time 😬 :)!
OPE Glassman
Oh noo :(( 😭😭
Oof that house is GONE
:((( I think he'll be able to find some memories though (like not memories but things lol) <33
It still sucks though :'(((
Oh noo this poor girl :((
And now her parents are arguing?? Girl is going through it 😭😭 xD
Oohhh noo
Yeah we'll figure that out when we get there 😭😭😭😭
Illegal y'all 😭😭 stopppp :'(((
Their relationship anyway xdd
Anyway I still think it'll be rough 😭😭😭 xd
Y'all I've got enough to deal with with Tarlos on my plate xDD
Anyway nah imnsure it'll be fine :'))
But again. rough xdd. I fear lol
I fear for my life xd 😭
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I thought this episode was super good! It had some really funny bits but also some really good heartfelt parts :)). Plus, the cases were good! Anyway yeah, I liked how it all flowed today :)). Some really great scenes btween pairs we don't often see together/haven't seen in a while, and I liked the cases too! Now, time for the individual parts!
Btw, Jerome I missed you this episode 🥰😭. Hole we see my boy again next time <3.
Lol, anyway. Park tine real quick! And then some Morgan :). I CAN'T BELIEVE KELLEN IS 21 😭😭😭. Aaaah that's too old/long :')). Anyway, I'm glad Park gets to go out with him <333. Now, Morgan :)). It was really interesting seeing her decisions this episode! I think she should give herself a little time, for her body to be ready for implantation and such again, and now especially since she's starting that new job. But I'm really glad we got to see her getting a bunch of different opinions - well, several, anyhow lol. Lim, who ended up choosing work (whether that was entirely on purpose or not) - Park, who regrets not spending more time with his son - and Andrews, who despite his mother not being around as much as some others still manages to have a close relationship with her. I think they were all important in her making her decision :). And I'm glad she went with what she did! If it makes her happy and she can do it, I'm happy :). Also if she totally quit that would suck because then we wouldn't have her around anymore xD. But, yeah :)). I'm super proud of her :'DDD ❤️❤️🥰! And I'm really interested in seeing where this storyline goes!
Onto Andrews! He wasn't around much this episode, but he was good for what he was :). Around for, that is. Quick check-in with Lim, offering Morgan that job of course!! And telling Morgan about his mom :). That was a super sweet story too, I loved that <3. Also, I feel like it makes sense a bit for how he is as a person? He's career driven, yk, stuff like that. Not that I think his mom was a bad parent or anything, or that he would be, but yeah :). Anyway, great for the bit we saw of him 🥰.
Lim :))! I'll be honest, I was a bit frustrated with her for not taking much input on the case, but it wasn't that bad :). Everybody makes mistakes, and she still was taking some input - she was just very invested in the patient. Which isn't a bad thing! It just didn't display well here. I am glad that she acknowledged what she missed and was mostly reasonable about stuff, though :)). Plus, she wasn't all wrong lol - and like Asher said, she performed the surgery beautifully (not that I saw it lol). Anyway, besides that, I really did like her advice to Morgan! Each piece, each person's view, had its own benefits, but we know that Morgan often has trouble, or at least has had trouble before, with pulling back a bit. Not being able to get everything. Not like a petty child or anything, just that she's very much driven for getting everything she wants :). But, Lim is a perfect option if choosing - she did, and now it's Morgan's turn (which she obviously did/has XDD). Anyway, I thought it was a sweet scene :). Lim was amazing this episode and did great work (medicine/surgery wise lol).
Now it's time for Glassman :D! I thought he was great this episode :). I'm glad him staying with Shaun and Lea wasn't TOO bad lol - besides The Incident™ -, I was scared of that XD. Seeing all the ways him and Shaun are similar was adorable :'DDD. And him recounting the memories held within that house? 😭😭😭❤️. It meant even more after finding out it burned down too :'((( 😭😭😭💔❤️. I should've been more suspicious XD. But I was just going along with it lol :). Anyway, next time is definitely gonna be r o u g h for him, but he was great this episode :). Also him cooking so much food (and getting the croissants) was nice, and polite :D!
Perez :)! AAAHHHHHH 😭😭❤️🥰❤️!! I'm so glad he's okay, and that he didn't relapse :'). I didn't appreciate him not backing Asher, but I totally get what he was saying. He is definitely in a different situation than Asher is - he's a newer resident, and he's having to constantly prove that he's not an addict. And he is :')). Also, like I mentioned, I loved all those locker room scenes :D. Theyre a good way to see people interacting basically outside of work, when besides Shaun and Lea, we usually don't. Especially for the residents. I think it's a cool look into a different environment (even if it's not that different lol). Anyway, I'm glad Danny did support Asher eventually lol, and I'm glad Lim acknowledged his doing good work as well :))). Also, his scenes with Asher were hilarious a lot of the time XD. The sibling energy was off the charts :). Anyway! That ending was so emotional 😭😭😭❤️. I'm so proud of him, and happy that he made it :')). Or, he did it, I guess :). <333.
Speaking of Perez, Asher :DD! I loved him this episode 🥰. I mean, I always love him (I always love all of them pretty much lol, though sometimes I'm a bit mad at them too xD), but he was great this episode :). I was definitely thinking he should've been more careful talking to Lim (I still do lol), but it all worked out in the end, and he came up with the saving idea :D. I thought his scenes with Perez were hilarious, like I said XD. They were totally acting like siblings lol. I love them <33. And again, I really liked those locker room scenes :). Also, I think it's interesting and fun we got to see Asher's tendency to suck up again lol! We saw it more back when he was a newer resident obviously, and it may not be my favorite thing, but I like the consistency in character :). Even though he was genuinely excited, he didn't have to say it lol, and I think it was that tendency peeking through :). It was cool to see! Anyway, I love him ❤️❤️🥰.
Now Jordan!! I loved her this episode, even if I thought she was pushing too hard with the case. But again, there are certain character traits that, even if we see them less or to a lesser degree, are still there, and this is one of them for Jordan :). Mostly though, I liked her storyline with Lea :D. A) I love my besties :)), B) I thought it was really cool how she has a different view of sex than others! It's always nice to have different perspectives on things, and to display that in shows. Whether she's on the asexual spectrum or not (which I think would be a cool headcanon :DDD 🥰!), it was an interesting situation :). I'm also glad Lea apologized :D, and that Jordan talked about being judged (lightly) for it. That's something that's often overlooked with things like that, or even just opinions that dissent from the common one. Maybe I just relate, idk :). But yeah, it sucks that she did have to deal with that 😭, but I really loved the plot :DD 🥰🥰❤️. And, I love her :D :)) <3!
Now, lastly, Shaun and Lea :))!!! I loved them this episode 🥰🥰🥰. I thought they were great! As I said, seeing Shaun and Glassman's similarities :'D, especially Lea's reactions to them, was so cute :))). And YESSS we survived Glassman STAYING with them xdd - although, it's probably not ocer what with the house burning down and everything xd. And of course, The Incident™. Literally throughout 80% of that scene I had turned the volume down some, half turned away and half covered my view of the screen with my arm, and was saying "This hurts my soul this hurts my soul this hurts my soulllll this hurts my SOULLLLLLL this hurts my soul thi-" the entire time XDD. In short, I was suffering. Probably not as traumatized as them, but still lol. Also Shaun just like 👁️👄👁️ in that scene XDD an icon lol. Anyway, they were just generally adorable this episode :). They were supportive, they were in love, they were polite with the whole Glassman situation lol, they had family dinners :D, and they were just all around amazing 🥰🥰. Now xd. That being said, lol. I am S C A R E D for the next episode xdd. I know they're gonna be fine, but it's gonna hurt like H E C K first xD. Hopefully it mostly get resolved in one episode, though <3 - I couldn't take it if it took longer xD. Anyway, they better be okay 😭😭😭💔❤️. I'm sure they will be, but still lol <333. Also, Shaun was great on the case of course :)). I'm glad he didn't push too much about the sex thing, either - it fits his character but besides that there needed to be an opposite to Jordan :). It wasn't that Shaun necessarily agreed that she should be having sex, he just knee it wasn't his business legally and moved on. So yeah, idk, I liked that :). Not that I would've been having sex that young lol. Anyway, yeah, I loved them this episode 🥰🥰🥰❤️ :DD!!
And very quickly, a special section: Missing you, Powell :'(( 😭. I think it won't be totally weird for a couple of episodes since she was just gone sometimes xD, but I do miss her already :'). You shall be remembered Danni ❤️🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought all the plots were really good, and the cases were interesting. It'll definitely be different moving forward without Danni, but to wasn't too bad today. A bit off, but we made it and I think we'll be fine for the next couple of times too (and after that lol), even when it is more apparent. Anyway, I loved the different pairs we got to see this episode :). Or even not pairs, but just interactions in general - it was really cool and fun to see :D. I loved those different angels that we got! Now, I am scared and very nervous for the next episode, even though I'm sure everything will work out okay lol. I can still be stressed XD! I am excited though :). Especially because some stuff from this episode is bound to come up next episode or soon, like Glassman's house (obviously) and Danny's almost relapse/being at the church. Well, we'll see how it all plays out! But about this episode, I thought it was great, and everyone had a good amount of focus - besides Park lol.
So yeah! I loved this episode, and I loved the interesting interactions we got. This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 12: 365 Degrees
I really enjoyed it! I'm excited, but also very nervous for the next one. I'll be back next time with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 13: 39 Differences
See you next week!
0 notes
celestialblushxoxo · 2 years
Exchange Reading:
So glad to be able to do this for you! I already sent you my question (which was the continuation of my previous reading) and ig I've sent the link in the inbox too so you can get my intials and all from there :)
Your Question/Reading:
Reading about Your Future Spouse
Your Reading:
Hey DS ♈
Here's what I can channel for you. I hope it resonates and if it doesn't then I'm sorry:(
I also need you to know that I anything negative comes in the real,I'll straight up tell you that because I know that tarot isn't about sugarcoating :)
Please ignore the typo errors if any.
I used tarot and intution for this reading.
So right off the bat,I can see that your future spouse is someone that's very lucky themselves in their life. Lol. They are the type of guy that always gets what they want , no matter how unlikely it seems. I see they come from a privileged family,so no matter what they do--at the end they get what they want lol.
So your future spouse is also someone who's well traveled and been to alot of countries. They're also very experienced. But I don't see that they're hard-working lol,more than that they're talented. They're privileged. But they're not hard-working,they're just not used to being that. I see that they are very social. They have a huge group of friends and love to socialize. They're used to having alot of people around them, although I see that some of them can be or are toxic to them,but your fs doesn't care about them.
Just because they're not hard-working, doesn't mean that they're lazy or anything. Firstly, they're privileged. And secondly, they're smart. They're sharp enough to make the same amount of money that any person makes in 24 hours ,in just an hour. I sense speculative business here, but I can see that they work in their family business as well.
The World Card and 6 of swords are totally showing that your fs is not in your current city. They're from another place, likely another country. It could be their home city,or it could be that they just live there since their childhood.
For the negative aspects,I'm getting that your future spouse is a bit careless at times. Like about little things,not major ones. They can forget their keys and crucial things at moments lol. They are bad at remembering dates,so it'll be a tough time to remember your birthday (ops👀). But they're very nurturing and caring,and so you'll let go of certain things like these.
Your fs embodies a young energy,and could be into some sports as well. They could love seeing a certain sports or actually playing it,but they're not the best at it. Sometimes,they can be a bit too immature they you might not like tbh, but they'll mature once they'll get married and learn about life aspects. For some reason,I guess they're the youngest of the house or the only child (understandably, because they're soo pampered 👀)
I can see that they'll want you to treat th like a kid,which will be adorable for you at times,while other times--youll be just plainly annoyed. Although he earns like a man,and does his work with class-- but at home,he'll be the guy that'll want you to choose his clothes for him,make breakfast for him--and at the start of the marriage--yeah it's good and all,but other times you'll be actually hating that habit of his.
As for his past relationships, he'll have dated a few girls before you,but nothing much serious. As he embodies this child like energy,I think he rarely took relationships THAT seriously. But intuitively,I get that there was a childhood friend of his,that he truly fell in love with,but she went away and the love wearied off. (but don't worry , you'll be the love of his life). Your fs is very open to everyone,that some people might mistake it as "flirting" at times so that'll be something he'll have to learn to fix lol 👀
So for his style,I saw the color "beige","grey" and "light purple". He'll have a class to his clothes,but I see that this person may be having pop of a bit colors in their wardrobe. I see a huge wardrobe here,but he has a subtle artistic touch to his wardrobe. Sorry,but can't channel any specific cologne for now. But I see that the colognes he uses are not very strong,they're light--something that'd smell good yet don't overpower at all. Idk why lemons came in my mind (?)
He's someone lean and most probably taller than you. I can't see prominent huge muscles here,but the body is definitely toned. Someone who takes care of his diet and himself for sure.
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Overall,this reading was about your fs more than the relationship but I know for sure,that your relationship together will be beautiful despite the ups and downs. You may meet him at a cafe or restaurant or even while travelling. And it'll be a pleasant first meeting.
That's all I channel for now ✨
Channeled Song:
Aw so it seems like your future spouse will adore you just the way he is adored by everyone. He'll be head over heels for you lol. But he'll need to change up abit to be a perfect partner for you, because you'll already be perfect for him
Cards You Got:
6 of swords,3 of wands,Page of Pentacles,King Of Swords(rev),9 of wands (rev), The World,3 of cups,2 of cups
Hope it resonates 🦋
Have a great year ahead of you 💖
GURL OMG I don't know what to say, I'm speechless, spellbound the way I was blushing as I read all this man I don't have enough words to express how much detailed and precise it's is!! Everything literally Everything except maybe the city part that's new but except for that every detail resonated with all the readings I have gotten as well as have done for myself like woaaaaah that's freakin insane😭😳🙌🙌 it's like a compilation of all the readings I have gotten, it's so crazy. He comes from a very privilaged family and that he is very lucky, I've literally been told by almost everyone and I myself have been told that by my guides. And the family business and travelling part, Istg that also resonates, scratch that the cologne part also resonates you know. AND NOT ADORE YOU COMING UP I Love Harry Styles so much and like this is one of my favourite songs😭🥺 and even the part of him wanting to baby me and nurture me, I have been told this as well so so many times and how he might be the youngest or only child also. His youthful energy makes sense(me having mercury in my 7th house). Whatever you said is also what aspects in my birthchart say lol. The moodboard, gurl it's so ughh🤤🤤🤤 like I literally love that style on men and thank you for being honest on the negative aspect as well, really appreciated🙌🙌 I can go on and on on how much it resonates, it's craaazy!! Love love the reading and the wardrobe, bro istg I've always been so mesmerized with them lol. Even the relationship ones seem to resonate cause I've been told that he is more experienced (I've never been in a relationship sike😂) You are super talented and sweet, hope you enjoy your reading as well and thank you so so much for this looking and detailed reading it feels amazing🥺🥺💗💗✨✨
Him as a person:
So your fs is someone who comes from a very privilaged position, they are confident, self reliant and independent. They aren't at all dependent on anyone. Even though they may have come from a privilaged family, they themselves earn enough so it's like their family may have helped them start their business/firm and now they are running it by themselves. They are very determined and if they want to achieve something, oh boy ain't no one gonna stop them. They are powerful. They might get defensive sometimes tho. They believe in justice and if they think any unjust is happening, they won't shy away to fight back!
They aren't someone to talk behind people's back and are very straightforward. They've had their fair share of heartbreaks and relationships but that never stopped them cause they knew that their forever us somewhere out there. They are someone who is peaceful and they don't like chaos. There is a possibility that they may have had 1/2 crazy ex situation but don't worry they'd never let anything happen to you or the relationship, they are very protective and kinda possessive!? They may love reading tho and sports. They may love swimming as well. No matter how many relations they had, there wasn't a problem from their end cause they are a loyal individual.
Your Relationship (Initially):
Ok so initially like maybe before dating or after 1/2 dates, there is dishonesty about feelings. They may not get themselves to think that they are in LOVE. Like yes they had been in relationships but never in love, never felt the way they felt with you. It drives them crazy, they feel more protective, they feel more drawn. They aren't someone who is a feeler, they are analytical but with you, whenever you're down they feel down and whenever you're happy, they never want to let that smile ever fade. They wonder what is wrong with them. They may be distant. They want to process why they are feeling like this. They don't get it. I feel this huge lump in my throat as I type, maybe they feel that around you or when they think about you.
They don't want to see you with any other guy but they don't want to admit how much they love you and have fallen for you. They see you as someone so amazing and a literal empress. But they just can't bring themselves to admit this. They maybe worried that you don't feel the same and that you may betray them and all this is just the effect from being single.
Reconnecting stage(after admitting they love you to themselves lol):
Ok so one day they'll just text you, like suddenly that "Can we meet?" And you will be like uhmm excuse me? But you'll agree to meet lol. So this is the day they may confess and tell you how they never planned to fall in love and they never thought they'd find someone like you and how lucky they are to have you in their life. They'll be so clear that you'll be stunned. (Do you know that audio which is going viral, 'The woman was too stunned to speak' so same)😂😂 and they'll literally be so vulnerable that you'll see tears starting to form and you won't be able to control yourself as well.
You would confess how you feel and tell them honestly the way it is. It's going to be intense but like in a good way like the sudden shit, it's woahhhh. Y'all will be like, did that just happen uhmm is this real, please tell me it is🥺
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This is the exact same background I got, likee, idk if it would resonate but seems important.
After Marriage:
Ok so you guys will have your own ups and downs. Every relationship does right. Your fs looks incredibly handsome like they have so many admirers istg so initially you may feel a bit insecure cause they are so confident and they literally can have anyone they want but he will make sure to let you know that you're the only one for him. It may happen in the other way as well. There is a possibility that even tho you know he is a really good and generous person at heart, but you have been friends before something it became more so you might get worried that he may go back to his old ways but eventually you will realise how much he has changed.
They may have been cold initially when you met or to people in general or they didn't have a good tone with some people but after meeting you it's like the tables have turned. You both may donate to charities and stuff. Charity balls!?? They may like partying tho and they love good, expensive stuff. Watches and colognes are prominent. They may have beard. But coming back to your marriage, y'all may travel a lot. They love gifting you and spoiling you. You my girl, his parents might literally be thankful to you as in how the hell could you tame this wild animal lmfao. Like literally they are a beast outside but when they are with you and around you they are a baby. It's literally like Beauty and the Beast. They'll treat you with do much care and respect and you will love them so much cause they are always making sure you feel good. You may work when you meet them but after marriage I feel you may not because they are so wealthy they'd be like look love you don't have to work we can travel around the globe. Lol. But they'll give you a choice if you want to, no force. Y'all will manifest great things together and feel as if you guys are each other's manifestation come true. You will have a very fruitful marriage. Y'all may argue or the playful debate may go a bit far lol but they exactly know how to make up😏🙃 they'd love to give you flowers and take you out on dates. They may live your fiesty nature and how nurturing and caring you are.
Look wise: I see broad shoulders, good fashion sense, may like both casual and formal clothes, well groomed, beard, very toned body may hit the gym regularly, tall, very very charming and handsome, hands may have long fingers, intense eyes and long torso possibly. May love sneakers. Sharp features. Intense stare. Smells good and really nice dressing sense. Their aura itself screams RICH$$
Your moodboard for the relationship:
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For your songs:
This is literally how they'd feel when they are in the denial phase and so like omg each and every lyric, all I could think is this song.
And also this
Same description as above and what they held back from saying to you!!
Considering your relationship:
This song is so nice, this is your theme song I guess that's what you can say. Check out the lyrics and the songs for a 3 and I hope you enjoyed your reading, I'm sorry if it doesn't I tried my best hope it resonates🥺🥺🙈🙈 thank you so much for the exchange once again and have a lovely day ahead sweetie💗💗🦋🦋✨✨
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Hope you don't mind me popping in! ☀️ (I am a minor but please don't assign me another minor) it's either power-hungry bastards or Old Wise people with issues they won't admit
so sorry it's taken so long to answer this ask! I promise I won't leave them to last moment next time lol.
May I suggest you: Hordak! (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
(Note: it's been a while since I've seen She-Ra, so i'm going off what I remember)
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You might look at Hordak and go - hey he looks like Skeletor from He-Man, and that's because he kinda is from He-Man, as She-Ra and He-Man have actual canonical ties to one another. Hordak in She-Ra: Princess of Power is a very lonely character who's struggling with his own sense of self and individuality. He is one of MANY clones of his superior Hordak Prime - which leaves a lot of room of him fearing failure, his worth and just in general his life.
His man is like, super duper serious most of the time, he refuses to chill. Which kind of does make sense since he DOES command a WHOLE ARMY that's taking lots and lots of territory in Etheria. But this also leaves him super isolated from his allies and generals, and he's more likely to push them away than anything else. Again this man has RIDICULOUSLY high standards in regards to work - I might even say he's kind of a workaholic in a way? Dude needs to relax.
The best way I can describe him is that he wants his subordinates to get the job done, and if they do so successfully, they will get privileges. If not, well lets just say Hordak is not going to be happy about that. He also doesn't like getting attached to folks - or rather doesn't want to get attached because he knows people will leave him. All the better reason to like him because he's sympathetic in a way and that no one has really given him the time to genuinely trust him or even listen to him and the person who has ever done so is Entrapta (if anything I think they're great besties.)
TL;DR: Local Space Warlord needs a break from work and needs better emotional support.
May I suggest: Madara Uchiha! (Naruto)
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Okay, so I know how much you love Shao Kahn who's like the most iconic final boss/war lord ever. Madara Uchiha is Naruto's answer to Shao Kahn and OOHH BOY THEY DON'T HOLD HIS CHARACTER BACK. He much like any other shinobi, starts out as idealistic, naive shinobi - and is kinda responsible for establishing the end of the warring states and also establishing Konohagakure with Hashirama Senju. Now this man gives it his all on the battle field, he is an absolute force to reckon with. Throw an army at him, he'll take them all out without blinking an eye.
He is also like Shao Kahn, undeniably power hungry. He craves it and he'll do absolutely anything to obtain it. Guy is also REALLY smart, this dude planned the Infinite Tsukuyomi for YEARS - and was even able to have a Shadow Clone make a COPY OF HIS REAL SELF and then sought out living that way until he found the resources to restore his body in its initial form (it's a little more complicated but this man plans ahead!). Even though he's dedicated to peace, he's not a fool. The reason the way he is because he believed the Senju clan were overtaking political power over the Uchiha and it concerned Madara to the point that he felt that this pathway to peace was wrong - no clan should take over another, the field should be balanced. #alsomadarauchihawasright.
Much like all other Uchiha, Madara isn't great with expressing emotions and feelings. Loosing his brother Izuna to a horrible illness, Madara has kinda left distancing himself from everyone politically and also in his personal life - basically this man is a walking ball of stress and depression and all he really needs is a shoulder to lean on.
TL;DR: Local OP shinobi man needs a better support system, and is probably autistic.
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rieson · 4 years
@eternalreverie-acestan submitted; Hai I apologize if I’m not doing this correct I’m still new to tumblr but may I request a matchup for one piece? im rev I’m an afab non-binary enfp 5’7. 112ibs(underweight so I’m scrawny) I have black dyed hair that wavy pale skin I would say I’m quiet and reserved when not comfortable or used to someone and in large crowds but when I’m with friends or ppl I trust I’m a bit of a loose cannon I pull pranks , explore random places , and will do anything suggested or dared of me. sorry again if I did this wrong.
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hello !! I'm glad to find another fellow afab enby here hehe, thank you for requesting mx. rev, i match you up with . . .
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word count; 997
Sabo !
When you first joined the revolutionary army, you weren't really the talkative type, leaving alot of things unknown about you.
Knowing that, Sabo did his best to get to know a fellow revolutionary better!
He'd start being subtle about it but that went out of the window after the first few days since he couldn't contain his usual calm-but-feral attitude for long.
Hell he even asked Dragon for information about you-
Dragon only raised an eyebrow at him. (Dammit)
Taking a shaky breath, Sabo finally knocked on Dragon's office door.
He waited for a few seconds to go by before he heard a small 'Come in.'
He did as told and peeked a head inside the room before walking in and shutting the door.
"Is there something you need, Chief of Staff?" Dragon asked with his usual monotone voice, but you can hear curiosity if you listen closely.
"I-Uh" Sabo stammered.
Dragon looked at him.
"Doyou...know about that new revolutionary girl Rev?"
"Yeah..Is there something wrong with Rev?"
"Uh No!- Wait no not really- I just wanted to know a bit information about er because she seemed uncomfortable whenever i approached her, i was only trying to be friends I swear!-"
After awhile though, Sabo did end up befriending you and was able to hold a proper conversation with you.
You told him that you identified as an Enby and he'd be supportive of it!
He will although apologize for misgendering you for the past few weeks he's been trying to befriend you.
You'd tell him it's okay and you don't mind using any pronouns but he'd insisted he'll use they/them from now on.
Sabo isn't the overly protective type but seeing you, he really can't help but do so.
He can and will use your preferred pronouns and defend you or 'kindly' correct someone whenever they misgender you.
But if they misgender you on purpose?
Hoo boy, let's just say that's another body to be putted 6ft underground ^^
God knows how many times he's given someone a glare for misgendering you.
Would often comfort you with small gestures after that happens!
Ex; Back rubs, telling you that you're valid, and others.
"Is that your girlfrie?-"
"Partner. They're my partner, Rev uses they/them pronouns." Sabo answers with a venomous tone with a small smile just as the question comes out of the strangers mouth.
The stranger shivers at the tone Sabo sent his way.
"R-Right! And what would you lovely couple like to get?"
Turning his head towards your direction, he sent a genuine smile, "What would you like for lunch Rev?"
Smiling back at your blonde boyfriend, you scanned the menu and said "Can i...get [favorite food]?"
Sabo nodded, adverting his gaze to the vendor back again, "1 [favorite food] and 3 bowls of ramen please."
Oh man, you and sabo isn't really the best duo to get paired with in missions.
Due to your curious nature (wanting to explore random places you've never seen before), you both usually get reeled into sticky situations before you both even know it.
Koala hates it.
You and Sabo loves it.
Ah !! And regarding your curious nature, Sabo likes to take you on exploring dates !!
You'd both probably go somewhere you and Sabo agreed to explore on, and you'll either come back with nothing but scratches or piles souvenirs, no in-between.
Dragon and Koala scolds you but does nothing to stop you both, so you and your boyfriend just keep doing it.
"Oh my god, i swear i'm gonna get white hairs soon if you both keep doing this" Koala pinched the bridge of her nose as she lets out an irritated huff.
"Oh, I thought you were already a grandm- OW!" Sabo winced as Koala pinched both of his cheeks, stretching them unnaturally long.
"Shut up! Why did you even give consent to this?!"
Sabo squirmed under her piercing gaze, looking towards you for help as you crossed your arms signaling an ❌ sign, indicating that no; you won't help him get out of this situation.
You still had a life to live ! Let Sabo handle Koala's scary outbursts; nope, you aren't gonna get in the middle of it.
Sabo merely sent you a look of betrayal in return.
Also, you have a special corner filled with polaroids or the souvenirs you and sabo gathered while exploring in your office !!
When new revolutionaries come inside your office to send in their reports, they'll usually eye at the weird oh so fabulous displays of rocks, hats, sunglasses, polaroids of sabo being an idio- for awhile, but most of them chose to ignore it to respect your privacy.
But, there are also some nosy revolutionaries who had enough confidence to ask about said corner
Yes Iva I'm looking at you
"Ooh, what's this Rev-san? Oh my! Sabo-boy looks hilarious in these!" Iva spoke out as they eyed the polaroids one by one, snorting every so often.
Leaning back against your chair and stretching your arms til' you heard a satisfying 'pop!' sound, you turn towards Iva, "Oh those? It's a collection of things me and sabo gathered during our exploration dates!"
Iva sighs happily, "Ah, teenagers these days are so romantic!~"
You giggled in response.
Oh yeah, Sabo loves to hug you from behind and just dwarf your body with his height lol
At occasions where both you and sabo don't have any missions at the moment, (which is rare but there are times like these) he'll suggest playing truth or dare with you, not knowing about your chaotic side.
And hoo boy, it usually leads to an all-out prank war between you both (SOMEHOW)
Poor Koala and Hack has to clean up after you and your boyfriend's mess all the time.
Also, Sabo would try and help you dye your hair back whenever it fades, it ends messily but hey atleast he tried.
Sabo loves you; and could never ask for more.
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acK i had a hard time matching you up with someone because the whole time i was switching between op characters, deciding which would fit with you more.
so, i apologize if sabo isn't the most compatible! although, this is only my take on who would balance well for you.
note; this isn't proofread, so i apologize for any grammatical errors.
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