#he'd be the first to die in a horror movie because he makes Bad Romantic Decisions
lamarie-artsy · 1 year
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I'm trying to draw an OC and 1. rendering is a bitch, 2. rendering straight blond hair specifically is a bitch
I know how to add shape to wavy hair, I've even gotten curly hair to look pretty okay, but this guy is being a pain.
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Ooooo SO! Gimmie a NSFW and a SFW one about Sidney!
NSFW maybe something about oral and the SFW one about her ideal date maybe? Give it upppp.
YES. I seldom get to talk about Sid, but I have so many thoughts on our queen Im excited to share!
I POPPED OFF ON THESE BTW lol. Did what you wanted and more~
General Sidney Headcanons:
Her ideal date is going to watch a nighttime outdoor stage play, eating good food, basking in the glow of the strung up lights, and holding her loved one against her
I tend to hc her as Asexual Biromantic or Pan with Female Pref.
The first one is my go to, but the second is what I have in mind if I write smut with her.
Sidney and Tatum go way back. They met in elementary school, 3rd grade, and their meeting consisted of Tatum pushing some girl bullying Sidney off the slide and getting suspended for it. They've been best friends ever since.
Fucking with the timeline a little, But Sid's favorite Powerpuff Girl as a kid was always Blossom.
Despite this, her favorite Ice Cream truck flavor was always the Bubbles one lol.
Sid doesn't like Horror movies OR Romantic Comedies. But she'd watch them anyway for Billy or Tatum if they wanted to.
Her favorite movie genre is actual Musicals. Modern Sidney would've loved 2012's Les Mis
She loves theater. Through and through. And absolute theater kid.
She actually met Billy in 8th grade Theater class. Most kids in Woodsboro were of the sporty type, and Billy waited last minute to turn in his elective sheet, so he got stuck with Drama class.
They were friends for a couple of years at first. It wasn't until near the end of sophomore year they got together.
She was in love with Tatum, but never knew how to express it. Her asexuality added confusion to the issue. All she knows is that that one time Tatum kissed her in 9th grade, before either of them dated Billy and Stu, that she wanted to taste Tatum's Orange Crush lip gloss for the rest of her life.
She'd die with this secret, but deep down, a part of her jumped on using her mom's death as an excuse to stop Billy's sexual advances.
Sidney hates dresses. Not because she's not feminine, but she just hates the thought of feeling vulnerable.
She's well aware of Randy's crush on her, but she acts oblivious on purpose bc she doesn't feel the same way, and she isn't sure how to deal with the issue without compromising their friendship.
She gets annoyed by Stu's callousness, but she never like, disliked him that much. He was just a casual friend, the least close to her, and she actually did find some of his jokes funny.
One really good memory she has with Stu was during a Sit In theater screening picnic with him, Tatum, Randy, and Casey (Stu was with her at the time). She had gone to grab some slushies. Some asshole bumped into her and she spilled them all over herself. Stu saw it happen while getting some hot dogs, and not only offered to let her change into his shirt temporarily, he drove her all the way to the nearest Wal Mart to get her some clean clothes, and even paid for them. He joked around with her the whole time, trying to make her feel better. It was a rare, but appreciated moment of camaraderie between the two.
She sees Dewey as her own brother.
She genuinely loved Derek. Unlike Billy, he never ever pressured her into sex, and straight up told her that if she never wanted to have sex again he'd still be with her. When he died, it was like Billy's betrayal and Tatum's death all over again. Pure heartbreak.
Sidney was willfully blind to Maureen's promiscuity. She saw how much it hurt her dad, and she'd overhear people talk bad about her mother, but in her mind Maureen was just a genuinely loving, kind, amazing woman. She and Sid were very close, and she couldnt handle the thought of her mom being a "slut".
Sidney wanted to be on Broadway one day. She ended up becoming an author.
Her and Gale have the strangest relationship. They've known each other for so many decades now, yet never became super close or anything, yet would still fucking die for each other. It's strange and neither woman knows how to describe their friendship/ The best way to describe it would probably be Frenemies
Sidney never, ever truly got over Tatum. She thinks about her on most nights, all these many years later. Whenever she sees another young, bubbly blond she can't help but let a soft smile spread along her face as heat gather behind her eyes. When she looks in these young women's eyes, she sees Tatum and everything she could've been.
Her feelings on Billy are extremely complicated. She thinks back on their relationship a lot. And in her middle age finally realized that, yeah, there was a clear turning point. In the first half year of the relationship, she was on Cloud 9. Billy's smile reached his eyes. She didn't mind getting hot and heavy with him (she's not sex-repulsed or anything). He seemed less of the "Perfect Boyfriend" and more real. Let himself show his flaws. It wasn't until where she believes the turning point happen that Billy became too perfect, too understanding, too "in love" with her. Sidney now sees how fake he became.
She always thought Mrs. Loomis was weird. She never mentioned anything about it to Billy, because she knew he loved her a lot, but every time she came over to Billy's house, she felt uncomfortable with Mrs. Loomis' smothering.
She loved her food though. She can't look at Italian American cuisine the same again anymore :/
Honestly could see Sidney identifying as Non-Binary if it wasn't the 90's.
So Ace!Sid isn't sex-repulsed, but she doesn't ever crave it or feel sexual attraction to people. HOWEVER, Pan!Sid is an oral QUEEN.
She prefers eating pussy, but she sucks a mean dick too tbh.
She loves the taste of pussy juices. The tang, the slight changes in taste depending on diet...it's addictive to her.
She actually doesn't like the taste of male cum much, but its not the worst thing in the world for her.
She's imagines how Tatum tastes a lot. She never got around to it by the time of the events of the movie, and Tatum's premature death prevented her ever doing so.
During the beginning of her and Billy's relationship, it really was hot and heavy as he said. They never had sex, but oral was a constant thing for both, and whenever parents weren't home or upstairs Billy usually ended up fingering her (and trying to take it further, especially near the end of their relationship)
Lmao She had a wet dream about Randy once and was like: :/
Sidney prefers giving than receiving. It's the romantic aspect of pleasuring someone you like that gets to her.
Sidney doesn't do one night stands. She's not demi like Billy is, but she definitely doesnt feel comfortable jumping into sex with someone, no matter how romantically or sexually attracted she is to them.
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D11, 15, 17 for Trystan
D11: What’s your character’s perfect partner like? Would a person like that like your character?
OOoh that's a hard one? Perfect by his standards?
I think in some ways it's Jade, and they're too perfect. He wants someone with a fiery personality to have fun with, who makes him happy and loves him despite/perhaps even because of all his weirdnesses and faults, who will go have adventures and wild sex with him, who won't tie him down or demand accountability from him. Someone he connects with and relates to and can chatter away with or listen to chatter away. Someone who finds him useful and fills the tragic void in his heart.
Except the part about being into someone with a fiery personality who doesn't do commitment is that eventually they go off to do their own thing and you go off to do your own thing.
She's everything he wants at the beginning of his arc (depending on the AU), and eventually he's like actually I want something that lasts. I don't know who breaks up with whom first but I do know that there's a point where he wants to be with her 5ever and she doesn't quite reach that feeling in the same way.
D15: What’s the worst date your character’s been on?
Tbh Trystan doesn't really do "dates" much. It mostly becomes a thing with Gavin or Jade -- before that his actual romantic/dating experience is negligible despite having a lot of sexual experiences. He's definitely had some pretty bad one night stands though, especially if you count the one in trains!verse (utterly unwritten) where the guy doesn't take no for an answer and Trystan kills him 😌
D17: Would your character be into supernatural creatures? What kind?
Trystan would BE a supernatural creature lol. He's kind of a skeptic and likes to find things out for himself. He'd be that idiot in the horror movie who's like "ghosts aren't real and if they are, i guess thats how i'll die" and camps out in a haunted house because its #freerealestate. He's lowkey one of those people who thinks they're superior for not having any religious beliefs or being superstitious, but he also gets really into learning about and practicing dark magic soooo....
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jin-was-here-2 · 5 years
Ship Questions: McReigns Edition 2
Who In Your Ship:
drives when they go on road trips? do they switch at the halfway point? does one drive there and the other drive back?
It's who ever's less tired or just wants to. It's one of those things they just have to do and want to be over and done with.
Roman is a radio hog no matter if he's the one driving or not.
looks over the menu for fifteen minutes before ordering the same thing they order EVERYWHERE they go? does the other half of your ship get annoyed by this, or do they find it endearing?
Roman's a foodie; he likes to know what all his options are. But a lot of the time he also wants to get something he knows he'll like. Drew finds it annoyingly endearing.
is more likely to get arrested?
...Drew. ...Just... sometimes certain types of people can really set him off and he gets a little... well, psycho. Great for in the ring... not so much in public.
is afraid of rollercoasters? does the other half of your ship try and convince them to face the fear, or do they take a softer approach and not push them at all?
Roman's not big on heights and crazy rides. Prefers the slower stuff. He can actually enjoy those and have fun. Rollercoasters aren't really Drew's thing either way, but he had fun goading Roman on to one once.
"C'mooon. You'll go against anyone and anything in the ring, but a little bumping does you in, Big Dog?"
"First of all, that isn't ''a little'' anything. Second, fine. But if I die I'm coming back to haunt you."
"Pffff. Noted."
shows up at home with a dog unannounced despite the fact they’ve already got three/four/however many pets?
Roman. He loves animals. Especially Dogs. (So do his brothers Seth and Dean. They're all bad influences for each other. When it comes to them.) So what if they already have a pomeranian, two chihuahuas, and a house cat? What's one more cute and fluffy family member? I mean really?
It drives Drew up the wall, because the only one he can really tolerate is the cat (They have a shared understanding of each other) and they always have people coming to their door looking for their bloody animals.
demands that they do date night? does the other person complain or do they go with it just to see the excited look on their partners face?
Roman. He's a total romantic. Mostly for the little shows of it. So the big things aren't something he needs all the time or even often. But there are times when the big ones go a long way with him.
Like they go out a lot, to just be together, however they don't really call them dates. It's just mutually nice. But sometimes Roman's bit by a love bug and wants a date date. And Drew obliges to keep the bf happy because he wants the bf happy.
is the clumsy one whose always tripping up flights of stairs or over their own feet? does it stress the other half of your ship out or do they find it hilarious?
Neither one is really clumsy. In fact, for two behemoths, they're suprising graceful.
*picks the music when they’re in the car? does the other complain about their taste in music?
insists on paying for everything when they’re out? do they fight about it?
Neither one really cares, but sometimes Drew takes it upon himself to be a little annoying. And then Roman will do the same next time to get him back for being a tit.
is the one to quietly suggest they get high together for the first time? how does the other half of your ship react?
Oh man. Well seeing as he has a nice plug in Dean and Renee, Roman. Drew dosen't have anything against it he just happens to not do it. And Roman wanted to see him high sooooooo baaad.
is secretly terrified of horror movies and yet watches them all the time bc its something the other half of your ship loves?
Roman, 'cause Drew likes a good scary movie. And it gives him a reason to curl up to him for comfort. (Which is also why Drew picks them in the first place a lot of the time.) Roman's ok with monster movies; you can physically fight monsters. It's the supernatural stuff that messes with him.
talks in their sleep? does their partner record it and call them out, or not tell them and keep it as a secret so they can keep enjoying it?
Roman talks in his sleep. Mostly loving on his brothers, pets, or Drew in his sleep. Drew secretly loves it. It's pure and soft and for his eyes only. Especially when there are little moans mixed in. He has started something more than once, kissing Roman awake once he heard those.
brings up the conversation of marriage + babies? how does the conversation go?
Roman wants allllll the kids ok. He has too much big dad energy to not want kids. It as to go somewhere. It'd be a long while before they have that conversation though. And Drew's gonna be caught off guard by it no matter when.
has to pull the other back by their back of their sweater when they try and do something stupid in public?
Both have had to. For trying to fight idiots in public. Roman more so 'cause Drew has like zero patience for people's bullshit.
is more likely to pick the other up from the airport with an obnoxiously large cardboard sign? what does the sign say?
YES. It's a dumb joke between them at this point.
Some of Roman's:
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"You're evil cat has locked me out the bedroom. So now you're in the dog house. >:c"
"Looking for a tall unapproachable scary man. I'm very worried."
Some of Drew's:
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"Here for The Big... Puppy. c:<"
"Looking for my lover. He's big, friendly, and will follow you if you give him food. I'm very not worried."
tries to cook a meal and accidentally almost burns the house down?
Drew. Poor man. Roman will never let him live it down. ...But I mean who burns spaghetti that bad?????
deliberately makes a squeaky chair squeak until the other person flips out?
Roman, 'cause he likes to push Drew's buttons every chance he gets. Rile him up. He thinks he's hot when he's annoyed. ...Especially at him.
falls asleep no matter what position they’re in + needs to be carried to bed?
Roman. He's a very sleepy boy.
They'll be watching a movie in the living room and Drew'll spot him nodding off.
"You better not be falling asleep. I am not carrying you to bed."
But then he dose. 'Cause he loooove hiiiimmmm.
is the little spoon when they cuddle?
Roman. Uhhhh he's baby??? And Drew pretty much makes sure of it for the most part. But there are times where Roman will snuggle up behind Drew and it's nice.
hates thunderstorms and needs to be comforted for the duration?
Neither one. Storms are whatever.
brings the other breakfast in bed? is it a proper cooked breakfast - or just an old muffin?
Both on occasions. Roman goes all out with a proper home cooked breakfast. Drew was very dimple-y that morning.
Drew went with pre-packaged muffins and yogurt. And Roman was just as touched by it.
convinces the other to go on a hike? do they love it, or are they absolutely miserable?
Drew, but it depends. They both like working out but Roman can be a little lazy or in a mood about it. But by the end he'd have had a good time.
uses emojis in replace of words? does it drive the other person insane?
Roman loves emojis. More so when he finds out Drew hates excessive use of them. It got so bad Drew gave him a limit. No more than two per paragraph or "bad things will happen".
can never admit they’re wrong?
They both have their moments.
lets the dog sleep on the bed when the other isn’t paying attention?
Roman. Everytime he's caught Drew throws a mighty fit. But like the dogs are super cute????? And he wants to be close to them?????
who decorates their house? does the other come home and blink at all the pastel pink and force a smile despite how much they hate it?
Roman's more decorative, but nothing so extreme that Drew hates it. Actually Drew is the one with this lounge chair that's so god-awful that Roman would like to see it burned
is more likely to get into a fight to defend the other?
Drew. It's actually how he realized he was catching feelings for Roman? And Roman highkey likes seeing himself being fought over.
is constantly spewing random facts about absolutely anything and everything? does it annoy the other person or do they find it all interesting?
Drew, and Roman finds it very interesting at times.
is the lovey dovey drunk?
Roman. He gets very touchy-feely. Like more so than usual.
laughs at their own jokes? does the other laugh at the joke… or at their partner?
When the joke or comeback is at the other's expense they laugh at their own joke. It's a hit or miss whether the other laughs at the joke or not.
is competitive about EVERYTHING?
Both. They really bring out the competitiveness out of each other.
apologises first when they have a fight?
Roman. He doesn't like when things aren't ok for too long.
makes the other a flower crown? does the other wear it without complaint or beg not to be embarrassed?
Drew wouldn't be caught dead making or wearing a flower crown.
is more likely to put their fist through a wall when they’re angry?
Either one. As long as it's not their wall. Roman expecially has too much pride in the house .
sends the other memes despite the fact they’re laying in bed next to each other?
Roman. He forgets 'cause Drew, Dean, and Seth are the usual ones he sends things he thinks are funny.
wears the others clothes the most?
Roman. 'Cause he can wear Drew's tops and bottoms. But they basically share pants at this point.
pranks the other on a near constant basis? how does the other react?
They drive each other nuts with how much they mess with each other, already. Only a few times has it turned into a full-blown Prank War. Which Roman is really good at 'cause uhhhh Dean. Drew knows he can't win.
comes up with obnoxiously sappy pet names for the other just to watch them roll their eyes?
Drew. He loves throwing up sarcastic sickeningly sweet pet names. He knows how they sound coming from someone like him. And sometimes he'll say them close to Roman's ear just to see him squirm.
forgets their anniversary
Neither. But we're talking about the big ones.
Roman likes to keep track of the little ones. Ya know, just to think about and reminisce.
is impulsive and makes big choices for them without stopping to think through what it all means?
...Drew. It's something they really have to work on because it has caused a lot of fights. He just gets in these moods sometimes where he "thinks he knows best, and if you don't agree well then that's too damn bad". Roman's used to group compromise. So that kind of attitude get's right up Roman's nose, and he's too strong willed himself to deal with it so they clash.
writes cute messages for the other on the bathroom mirror when they have a shower?
Roman. He'll be brushing his teeth and'll spot the mirror steaming back up from Drew showering and'll write something short and sweet like "love you ♡". And
Then while he's getting dressed Drew'll hug him and kiss his on the head. "You're cute."
has to do the dishes because the other gags any time they stick their hands in the water?
Can I just take the time to say I loathe nasty ass dish water.
Neither really. But Drew really ain't about that life. "We have a dishwasher for a reason."
jumps into the pool without testing the temperature, and who dips their toes in first?
Roman cannonballs without a second thought. He's so used to water. Drew prefers to test it first.
tries to kill bugs in the house… and which one stops them and gets the bug out of the house alive and well?
If there's a bug it needs to go. Preferably with Drew dealing with it.
can speak a second/third/forth language and uses it to annoy the other when they’re fighting?
Neither? If they do they don't annoy each other with it.
says i love you first? does the other immediately say it back?
It was surprisingly Drew. When they weren't at all together or even that friendly with each other but were sleeping together fairly regularly. ...It was a very confusing time. And something that had been bubbling up for awhile.
wins when they arm wrestle?
Ooooo. Oooooooooooo. They're 2-3 'cause Drew just broke the tie. But that's ok. Soon.
gets caught singing some old, corny one direction song to themselves?
Usually it's Roman. But everyone has had What Makes You Beautiful stuck in their head. Everyone. Even big ol' scary Drew.
"...Ar- Are you singing‐?"
is forever forcing the other to take selfies with them? does the other person complain every time?
Drew don't do selfies. Or at least not often. Roman doesn't either but they're fun with other people. Drew complains a lot but he does it in the end.
shows up at the others house with chinese food + a six pack of beer when they’re having a bad day?
Roman. Beer and food make everything better.
sends the cheesy good morning/night texts?
When they were apart Roman would always send good night texts. Later on Drew would send morning ones when ever they're apart.
can never admit that they were wrong?
Drew has his moments.
suggests they send out a christmas card together? does the other go for it, or question when they turned into old people?
Roman saw it in movie one year and suggested it. Half for as joke and half because he really wanted to. It'd be funny. ...Nice, maybe? Drew definitely asked when they turned into old people.
is a morning person and who pulls the covers up over their head and begs for five more minutes?
Roman likes his "beauty sleep" and sleepin' in. Hates being woken up. Drew just likes to get his day started.
is constantly insisting they won’t need a jacket before they go out… and then has to steal the others when they get cold?
Oh my god, Drew is the worst with this. It's always, "ahh, I'll be fine". But then not that long into whatever they're doing he'll sit and act like he's not cold, and Roman'll roll his eyes and pass him the extra jacket he brought.
is a smoker and has to deal with the other forever showing them gross photos to try and convince them to quit?
Neither. Ok, occasionally Roman does some jesus cabbage with the boys. Drew dosen't get that hung up over it.
decides they need to go on a health binge and throws out all the sugary food in the house? how does the other react?
Drew did. Once. And never again after. Roman had kittens he was so mad.
holds all the important documents when they’re travelling? why?
Roman. Drew likes to think he can remember everything. He can't.
hates flying? how does the other help them relax before/during/after a flight?
They've done it so much it ain't anything nothing to either.
is more likely to suggest a lil fool around in the bathrooms at a club? how does the other react?
They're both fond of jumping each other in uncompromising places. Especially in the beginning when they were just fooling around with each other.
plans a night of board games for date night, and who plans a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant?
When they do do date dates. It's because Drew knows Roman wants one. And good food goes a long way. But when they want something chill either one pulls out board games.
cries watching the news?
They don't watch the news. Or at least mainstream versions of it.
teases the other one for having a crush on them… despite the fact they’ve been dating for a year?
Roman. Mostly when Drew does something extra soft towards him.
believes in aliens?
Drew. Roman doesn't think much of it. Or it kinda freaks him out if he thinks to much about it. The rare times they're all together and Dean and Drew aren't at each other throats, it's because they're talking about spoopy stuff like that. Roman is amazed every time.
is constantly leaving the lights on in every room in the house?
rocks the seat on the ferris wheel?
Drew would have had to really talk him on to it in the first place; he wouldn't be that mean. Maybe Drew would have at the beginning though, when they were enemies with benefits but was just starting to turn into something else.
is a terrible liar?
Ro can't lie to people he cares about to save his life. Baby feels soooo bad. And it's so visible.
is always reading the other their star sign despite the fact they don’t believe in any of it?
Drew. Everytime he sees it in s magazine. He thinks it's absolutely ridiculous how they say something different every time. How many meaning can they have? I mean really.
who panics when mercury goes into retrograde?
Neither even knows what that really means.
insists they watch documentaries to broaden their knowledge?
Drew. But then he'll see one that's wrestling related and they'll end up watching that.
is constantly renovating part of their house but not finishing one thing before moving on to the next?
They aren't home enough for multiple projects. So they'll have one that'll last longer than it'd usually need to take.
uses all the hot water?
ROMAN. It's why Drew is is extra pissy when they have to get up but he doesn't get to the shower fast enough.
"It's all that blood hair you have!"
is the shower person? whose the bath person?
They both like shower. They're quick and they have places to be. But when they have the time Roman suggests a nice long soak together. Helps with soreness sometimes.
is most likely to be unfaithful?
Neither. But if we're looking for angst... Roman might... accidentally... fool around with Dean... or Seth... or something. Maybe there was some pinning on one of there sides. But they were supposed to be just bros. They had some drinks and it just happened? I don't know but drama. Angst.
what is your otps song?
The Mighty Fall In Love by Fall Out Boy
do their families approve of the relationship? why/why not?
Yeah. I like to think everyone's chill. But there's always room for angst there.
whose friends do they hang out with more?
Roman's. Drew don't really have friend friends.
what do they do on their first date? did they have a first date, or did they just sort of… start dating?
Being together just sort of came up and bit them in the ass. They have no idea how or when it happened but they have allll the feelings now so fuck it.
what is their favorite way to spend the holidays? do they go to one of their families houses? or do they create their own tradition by staying in bed listening to christmas music and getting drunk?
They either go to each other's families, their friend's, or just have a little thing for themselves. Roman has a ball cooking special things for them.
what do they name their dog? do the give it a super boring name like allen - or do they name it something like bubblegum princess?
Roman named his pomeranian Tiger, and his chihuahua Tiny and his smaller chihuahua Mini. He baby talks to him a lot.
Drew is just as bad with his two black cats. He just refuses to admit it. He named them Max and Monty.
Y'all I'm bad with names. I donno.
how do they handle emergencies? does one of them crack under the pressure - or do they bicker because they both need to be in control?
They both have a strong need to control things. And it's amplified when things go wrong so they clash there at times too.
how did they meet? were they immediately drawn to each other?
Instant mutual dislike. But strangely attracted.
what do they fight about the most? how do they resolve their fights?
Control. They're both so stubborn and strong willed it causes a lot of friction at times.
Or Drew's refusal to get along with Dean and vice versa.
Inspo (x) 
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