#he'd be extremely loyal to all of his subordinates because I think even as the control devil he'd feel for people when they die
meownotgood · 2 years
How would it all end? Pls tell me it wouldn’t end in tragedy with all your loved ones killed to the point of isolation and downwards spiraling and the necessity of cannibalism? Or does Aki just genuinely like you?
aki is just.... a little obsessive over you... he'd probably convince you to quit devil hunting and come live with him (so he can keep you safe, is his excuse, and it's partly true, but he also just wants to keep you as close as possible). he's quite busy, in between his duties as one of the strongest devil hunters and as the commander of his division, but he always seems to make time for you.
hell, he's often yelled at by the higher-ups for always slacking off on his duties in order to be with his favorite subordinate. to say your co-workers are jealous of the way mister hayakawa constantly gives you special treatment would be an understatement.
in the end, aki isn't after your chainsaw heart, he just wants you. your affection, your devotion, for you to adore him just as much as he's come to adore you. and he doesn't plan on using his powers in order to make you feel this way, because then, it wouldn't be authentic, would it? he knows he can take the best care of you, he's just waiting for you to realize that.
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confusedemiposts · 10 months
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Chuuya sfw alphabet
Notes: Requested by Anon but i accidentally deleted the ask.
Tags: Floof, tiny angst for E,D and W. Not proofread, might be oc, GN! reader
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'A' is for Affection (How affectionate are they?)
He's very affectionate, he'll spend any time he can with you and buy you a bunch of gifts, he loves seeing your face light up when he suprised you with a gift, a grin on his own face from your reaction. But his favourite is physical touch. He loves it but he keeps it to a minimum in public, he always has a hand on you no matter what and keep his arm around your waist but nothing too much, only one or two short brief kisses if deemed appropriate, this is even less within the Port Mafia because he wants to keep serious and not seem like some lovesick puppy by his subordinates.
But once in private space? He'll smoother your face In kisses and keep you in his arms for as long as he can
'B' is for Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
He's litterly such a nice and calm person canonically but only acts like an annoyed hot headed chihuahua to Dazai cause he annoys the shit out of him but also trusts him, so unless you annoy him like Dazai then he's the most loyal and trustworthy friend you can find and he loves hanging out with you. I feel like he's the type of friend to beat the shit out of someone who wronged you and offer to buy all your things and even if you say no several times he will buy it anyways, no repayments back.
'C' is for Cuddles (How would they cuddle?)
He likes to cuddle you like a teddy bear, just letting out all his stess out from the day and let exhaustion consume him while he's in your arms,he holds onto you tightly. I think he prefers to cuddle on top of you so he can embrace all of you and just keep his face in your chest or shoulders, embracing your scent that he cannot get enough of.
'D' is for Domestic (Everyday life with them, do they want to settle down?)
Unless you work in the Port Mafia you won't really be able to see him for hours on end, only before and after work or his day's off. He wakes up really early in the morning and cooks breakfast if you aren't awake, and let me tell you he's a fantastic cook. The evenings are more quiet and gentle, probably cuddling on the couch as you either watch tv or read a book as he drinks a nice glass of wine
I think he wants to settle down and spend his every day with you but realistically he can't unless he somehow retired from the mafia, which I don't think Mori will let happen :(
'E' is for Ending (If they had to break up with their partner)
If he had to break up with you it would be for your safety, dating a mafiaso is dangerous in general, dating a mafia executive is asking for a death wish. Your safety would be in absolute danger if any organisation or even Mori were to know you were close to Chuuya, who knows what they'd do to you if they had ill intentions. He'd talk to face to face about it, calm and collected even though his chest is aching at the thought of even doing this
'F' is for Fiance (How do they feel about commitment?)
If this a long term serious relationship the thought of marriage would come across his mind maybe a year or two in, when he realises he genuinely loves you and wants to spend all his waking hours with you. He would propose to you if your thoughts of marriage are positive and when he feels like the moment is right- unless you propose to him first, leaving him extremely flustered but he will instantly say yes
'H' is for Hugs (What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs. He loves to wrap his arms around you and feel you close, doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter than him, he loves to bury his face into your neck and feel your warmth and he just loves it when you hug him back with your arms around him.
'G' is for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very gentle with you physically, touching you as if you were a delicate flower, but there are times where he loses his patience. He tries his best to keep calm and collected but with the amount of stress he goes through and if tension arises he snaps. But he'll try to fix it if he genuinely upset you, he cares too much about you
'I' is for "I love you" (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This isn't a word he throws around carelessly, it's going to take him awhile till he says it and when he says it he means it.
'J' is for Jealous (How jealous do they get?)
He knows there's no need to be jealous since your his and he is yours but he can't help it if he sees someone get physically close to you with a flirtatious intentions, he will put his hand around your waist and pull you close to him, head on your shoulder as he asks "who's this darling?" Giving a quick peck on your neck and cheek, staring at the person with a menacing glare without your notice.
'K' is for Kisses (what are their kisses like?)
Every kiss he means it, often passionate and deep yet gentle. He loves feeling your lips on his and it's something he will never get tired. Wine and your lips are his favourite things.He likes to place soft kisses on your cheeks, neck, shoulders and the back of your hands. He loves every kiss you give him but he loves the one's where you unconsciously kiss his cheek, forehead or even his mouth with no thoughts in your head, just kissing him makes him feel all tingly inside
'L' is for Little one's (How are they around children?)
He is litterly the BEST with children! He knows how to deal with them and let them have fun, he'd be the best dad ever! The thought of having his own children comes into his head if he sees how you interact with children or just seeing your baby photos. He might bring it up in a late night conversation just to see how you feel about children and ask if you'd ever want children. I think he'd love to have children if he's in a good position but he also cares about your comfort and if this is something you want, since this a serious two person descion.
'M' is for Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Chuuya are calm but structured, if you aren't awake yet he'll cook you breakfast. I feel like he has a morning routine so he wakes up at the same time every day, though sleeping in for only an hour on days off. He has a skincare routine that he definitely does with you, how else is his skin so smooth?? Definitely works out too in the morning, he may look slim but he's definitely built.
'N' is for Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights after work are also calm (he's just a calm person to be around). He often comes home late or early even depending on how the mafia is doing, he'll call you if he's coming home late so you know he'd okay. When he's home your both eating dinner and filling each other in the on the day. I think he'd take a shower as fast as possible after dinner, he likes to keep himself clean, he prides in his skincare and haircare, genuinely dragging you into it too. After that he likes to relax with a glass of wine and do whatever before bed, he does go to bed at a certain time to get his eight hours
'O' is for Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
He is simultaneously close to others yet at the same time he isn't. He will never reveal everything about himself, but what he does reveal will come when he is ready and feels secure enough to do so. He won't bring this up either if you never bring up a particular topic. He says a lot of things just because you ask.
'P' is for Patient (How easily angered are they?)
He tries his best to be patient with you, always taking into consideration of your feelings but the rare times if you're being unreasonable about something harmless and he's stressed he will snap but nothing that should lead into an extreme argument. He likes to solve things before they escalate
'Q' is for Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
He'll memorise every single thing about you, your likes,your dislikes, your behaviours, he remembers every single detail he seems nessecary which is all.
'R' is for Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite moment with you is the first time he kissed you, just seeing your face from his kiss made him grin. He was addicted to your lips from then on.
'S' is for Security (How protective are they?)
Chuuya is protective but will give you space if you need some, but if you feel bad or threatened, he will definately do something about it. Even unconsciously he's protective, as I said even in public he always has a hand on you and keeping you close.
'T' is for Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He may be severely busy but he is always trying, using his head to keep a balanced work life and personal life. Always planning free time with you and dates, constantly buying you gifts as if to compensate for the time he wasn't with you, he does it unconsciously I think. If you plan or gift something for him he will absolutely adore it
'U' is for Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
'V' is for Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think his worst habit is blowing up? To be honest I'm not really sure about this letter, I think he'd only snap at you specifically if he's stressed or really upset which isn't often, he likes to sort things out
If you don't like smoking that could be a problem, he only smokes to cool off when he's extremely under pressure but he'll try to quit if you really don't like it
This man is not leaving the house without looking perfect, as I said he has a strict skincare and haircare routine- and have you seen his outfit? He could litterly be a model
'W' is for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Chuuya has experienced lost before and you certainly won't be the last, Though it leaves him devastated every time,Chuuya has learnt self-control to understand his loss and how he personally experiences grief, since he knows all too well how simple it is to lose people. He bears the weight of loss, yet it is loss that gives him motivation to move forward
'X' is for Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Let me just ramble about his ability real quick. If he wants to hide something from you, he'd use his gravity to hide it on high place that neither of you can reach, he'll use it to tease you if you don't have a nullification ability. If you ask he'd put you on the ceiling or just float in general, making sure to comfort you if you get scared or dizzy from blood rush.
'Y' is for Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Not being trusted back, he is loyal and trusts you so he would hope you would trust him back. Or someone who only sees him for his money as he's quiet loaded
'Z' is for Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a sound sleeper, just flat out exhausted one he lands on the mattress, he must get his eight hours worth of sleep. He weirdly sleeps like a mess yet somehow looks ethereal at the same time? He likes holding you close to feel you close and his body is extremely warm like a fire so that sucks during summer
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Why is he literally the most perfect boyfriend ever???
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