#he’s just a guy Kalim hit him with your elephant
vanilla-poisons · 1 year
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
I Rank TWST Characters Based on Whether or Not I Find Them Physically Attractive or Not (Not Clickbait)
Eventually I’ll collect the braincells to finish one of my many x reader fic drafts and post it. But for now, watch me shallowly judge TWST characters and rank them based on my own specific tastes. Yes, you are free to judge and share your own thoughts. I love being told I’m wrong.~ uwu
All characters are 18+
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Explanations under the read more. Yes, there is a method to my madness.
‘Cause the tier list didn’t include them, Neige is in Tier 5 and Che’nya is in Tier 4.
And good lord I ended up rambling way more then intended. I should have just said I find them pretty or ugly and called it a day. Guess that single exhausted braincell really was working overtime for this.
Tier 1 - My Own Personal Tastes
Says it right there on the tin. The loves of my life jk jk
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start with these? I just find these boys really pretty and attractive... I tend to lean towards males with longer hair (Jamil & Idia) and animalistic traits like sharp teeth or ears (Jack, Idia, & Jade). I especially love Jade and Idia’s smiles, both are so creepy, but I’m the weirdo that’s into that. I also have a thing for body marks like freckles and moles (Azul) and actually find some short guys to be cute (Riddle). There’s also the elephant in the room that is my monster lover self that’s into a wide range of non-human creatures; Jack being a wolf beastman, Jade being an eel mermaid, Azul being a cecaelia, and even Jamil having serpent traits and Idia being not entirely human what with his Hades-inspired undead aesthetic.
Most of it just boils down to aesthetics  in their design and the fact that most of them, aside for Riddle, has some kind of in-human quality to them. There are other factors at play, but those are the main ones.
Tier 2 - They’re Attractive, But Lack Spice
Basically, I also find them to be very attractive, but they don’t quite hit those specific tastes when it comes to their overall design. Usually it’s because they either lack something or a certain trait throws off the whole design for me. Like Kalim sharing many traits I like in Jamil, but having other traits that hold him back (having shorter hair, having too much going on with his design, having a more childish demeanor, etc.). Epel is very pretty in a superficial way, and I’ve always loved characters with lavender hair, but he looks too young at times and is working on becoming more manly, which will ruin his more delicate features in my opinion.
Silver is like an older version of Epel, but with silver hair and a knightly aesthetic, but he also always looks to angry, which makes him unapproachable. Ruggie is pretty cute to me with a roughish edge (and I just want to pet his adorable ears, please), but I can’t get past how malnourished his design makes him look sometimes due to the oversized clothes. Sebek has a very unique design, being half-human, half-fae, but similar to Silver, he usually looks so angry and stern. He has a beautifully mirthful smile and I just wish they’d show off his chompers more!
Tier 3 - They Have Their Moments
They’re only attractive in very specific instances that usually heighten certain physical traits of theirs. This can include a wardrobe change, a certain facial expression, a scenario, etc. I don’t quite find them attractive on their own, but rather, only when it’s in tandem with something else. Malleus looked best in the trailer for the game when he’s floating out of his coffin. He looked dark, mysterious, yet dangerously alluring. But in game, he kind of resembles a rat, what with his weird mullet hair. Rook and Floyd both pull off the dangerous predatory, yet attractive vibe, but ultimately are only portrayed as quirkily scary in the game (i.e. they kind of look like creeps/psychos). Lilia has his whole Gothic punk thing going on, which is fine, especially when he acts more wild and playful. However, I kind of wish he had a “true form” where he actually looked older/was taller, instead of looking younger than the rest of the cast. Yeah, it’s funny in theory, but doesn’t give him much attractive points.
Tier 4 - Average Joe
On a surface level, they would be considered attractive to some, but ultimately don’t have anything that really separates them from others. For me, it’s that one or two traits ended up holding them back from breaking the mold, or they have traits that tend to be overused and thus, makes me feel like I’ve seen them before in other characters.
If Leona was darker skinned and his overall design really leaned into the feral lion look, he would be higher. If Divus had more canine-features like fangs or something, he’d be higher. Deuce looks like a generic anime protagonist, but a good color scheme going. Che’nya is just another Disney cheshire neko boy with a quirky design. Sam needs a rework on his color scheme and should have more skull face paint (yes, even more so than the original JPN ver.) And as for Vil, I really think they should have given him a different hairstyle. I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand his hair color and style. It reminds me of an onion.
Tier 5 - Not My Thing, but They’re Not Ugly
I don’t find them ugly, but I really do not care for how they look. Nothing about their designs are appealing to me in that way, but I can see why others would. Cater, Ace, and Trey don’t have anything with their design that stands out to me. The closest thing was Ace’s Ghost Wedding attire and slicked back hair, but it was only a one time thing, hence why he’s not in Tier 3. As for Prof. Trein, for an older gentleman, he still looks fairly good. He has a refined look to him and is well kempt, but I’m not into older dude’s like that, so no. Neige is cute and definitely captures Snow White’s vibe, but his outfit is just all over the place to me and contrast so much.
Tier 6 - ew
They’re just ugly. I’m sorry, but they’re just so unappealing to me why do some people find them attractive I just-?! Crowley is so weird looking to me, which is disappointing ‘cause I love bird-related designs and he had the potential but ended up looking like an unkempt, Gothic carnival reject, instead! Yes, I’ve seen the fanart with his mask off and I still find him unattractive. As for Vargas, I’ve just never been into the muscley type of men with the strong chiseled face.
Grim and Lucius are literal cats and and I can’t see Ortho as anything but a little brother (yes, I’m aware he’s around the 1st years age). He probably would fit under Tier 2 if he wasn’t so baby.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Hello there, hope your well. I’ve read all of your work and I’m in love with MC and the TW guys. If you have the time, can I have a request. Can you do a scenario where fem reader accidently summons the Pink Elephants from Dumbo and have them causes a lot of mischief and trouble for the TW guys. Thank you and stay safe.
Wow, this was a surprising request! I never thought about having the Pink Elephants pop up in the Twisted Wonderland universe! You’ve got quite the imagination there!
By the way, I referenced the Pink Elephants from the original animated film, the scene where they appeared in the House of Mouse and the 2019 live action remake. I watched Pink Elephants for at least 10 times now and the song is stuck in my head. 
Anyway, I hope this story is up to your standards! Thank you for the request and have a lovely day!!
What if you accidentally summoned the pink elephants from Dumbo? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek, Kalim and Jamil)
“Puppies! Pay attention!” Professor Crewel shouted to the first-years and hit his cane on the table. It was a joint class between all the first years so the professor looks pretty worn out. “I will not tolerate any mistakes in this potion, do not disappoint me!”
“Yes Professor!” All the first-years replied, slightly terrified of the professor. Since this was a joint class and all, Professor Crewel decided to sort you into groups. You and Grim were sorted with Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack and Sebek.
“Man, who knew we would have a joint class like this?” Ace said to you all.
“Poor professor, he looks pretty worn out.” You said, glancing at the professor only to see him being absolutely tired.
“Well, we have to concentrate on the potion in order to not fan his flames any further. Sebek, have you prepared the ingredients?” Deuce asked the Diasomnia dorm member.
“Yes. I have taken all that we need.” Sebek nodded as he placed down the ingredients on the table.
“Good, let’s not screw this up then.” Epel commented.
“Let’s do this! Fgnaaaa!” Grim exclaimed happily. So the 7 of you decided to get to work. You and Grim were in charge of stirring, Jack, Sebek and Epel were in charge of ingredients and Ace and Deuce were in charge of measuring.
“So, what’s the next step?” Jack asked. You took a look at the recipe.
“Um, we let it sit for 5 minutes.” You replied as you and Grim stopped stirring and everyone took a break, you set the timer before taking a seat with your friends to chat with them.
After 5 minutes, you read out the next step.
“We have to boil it for 20 minutes.” So you and Jack get to starting the fire. Once you did, Epel had already started the timer.
“Fgnaaaaa, why did it had to be 20 minutes? I’m bored!” Grim said as he laid in your arms. You just patted his head.
“Because that’s what the recipe said to do. Now be a good creature and wait patiently.” You said as you set Grim down on a table.
“Yeah Grim, there’s no rushing these things.” Deuce said to the furball. Grim just pouted slightly and focused on the cauldron. You and the other first-years payed no attention to him as you guys were chatting about what to eat for lunch.
“You know, if we heat it at low fire for 20 minutes, that means if we heat it at high fire, it would take less time!” Grim mumbled to himself. “Fgnaaaa! Leave this to The Great Grim! We’ll be done in no time!” So the creature went close to the cauldron. You were listening to Ace rant about how he almost broke another rule of the Queen of Hearts when you realized Grim was not beside you.
“Guys, have you seen Grim?” You asked your friends and they looked at you.
“Uh, wasn’t he beside you just now?” Epel pointed out.
“Yeah, but he’s gon-“ You were cut off when you heard a familiar shout of ‘Fgnaaa’.
“The cauldron!!” All of you shouted at the same time to see Grim was right beside it, taking in a deep breath.
“Grim!!! No!!!” 6 voiced were heard as Grim decided to puff out a huge flame, causing the whole cauldron to heat up immediately. After a few seconds, a bubble began to form on the surface of the cauldron. You quickly grabbed Grim away from the cauldron, causing him to cease his fire.
“Yanno! Why did you do that for?” The creature thrashed in your arms.
“You! I told you to be patient didn’t I?” You lectured Grim as the others were looking at the two of you. It wasn’t long before Epel noticed something wrong with the potion.
“Uh, guys? Why is there a giant bubble?” He asked as you all stopped to see your cauldron. There was a giant pink bubble which kept getting bigger and bigger. The heat of the cauldron is slowly inflating and expanding it. Soon after, the bubble separated itself from the cauldron. The professor is nowhere to be found
“A-Ah?!” Deuce exclaimed.
No one dared to pop it as you all were scared it was going to blow up. Slowly, the bubble began to take a shape. It slowly turned into a square at first, then it changed again. It grew a head? A pair of large ears? 2 pairs of legs? You were all gobsmacked. Never have you ever seen anything like that in your life…. Well, not up until now at least.
“W-What is that?” You asked, slightly terrified of the bubble that manifested in front of you.
“It looks like…” Sebek tried to answer you but Jack beat him to it.
“An elephant?”
“Why would there be an elephant?” Ace asked frantically.
“I don’t know! The potion wasn’t supposed to have a huge bubble pop out of nowhere!” Deuce said as he looked at the bubble in terror.
The elephant-like bubble took a few steps before blinking it’s eyes at the 7 of you. You all froze.
“Are….Are you guys seeing this?” Jack asked as you all nodded.
The pink elephant bubble then took a deep breath.
“Everyone! Duck!” Sebek yelled to the rest of you. You all took cover as you all thought the elephant was going to either blow something at you guys or explode. But instead, it blew another elephant out of his trunk. You all just stared in awe.
“What?” You questioned.
“IT CAN MULTIPLY?!” Ace exclaimed. As soon as he said so, the 2nd elephant decided to blow another elephant out of his trunk.
“W-We have to do something!” Epel said as there were now 4 elephants. Sure, you would’ve done something, but, what could you do? And before you even knew it, the elephants were leaving the laboratory one by one. The 7 of you just stared at the doorway.
“Well, that settles that! Back to the potion!” Grim said and started to head towards the cauldron but you pulled him back.
“No, no, no. This is your fault and you are going to have to fix it!” You said to the creature as he puffed his cheeks out.
“Fine. But how to we do it?” Grim asked.
“Maybe they’re actually just bubbles? They’ll pop eventually?” Epel suggested. As soon as he did though, you heard trumpets outside of the lab. You turned to see that a few other students noticed but they just shrugged it off. As for the professor, he didn’t hear it due to him concentrating on something, well, you weren’t sure, so you went up to check on him.
“Professor?” You asked on a soft whisper. When you approached the teacher, he was fast asleep! Looks like he was too exhausted and must’ve fallen asleep when you guys were mixing your potions.
“Professor Crewel musn’t know about this, let’s quickly wrangle the elephants up and get back on the potion before we face severe punishment.” You said to your friends. So, 7 first-years sneakily exited the laboratory without anyone noticing.
Once you got out, you can clearly see some students were running away in a frenzy. But, what were they running away from? It was then you heard the sounds of trumpets, drums and a lot of other instruments.
“Guys, this way!!” You said and lead your friends to the direction of the sound. As you took a right turn from the hallway, you were in Main Street. There, you saw a parade? No, a pink parade! No, wait, it was a pink parade of elephants! They had it all! A conductor, drummers, trumpeters and many more. But what really caught your eye, is that everyone was an elephant in this parade. And this parade was a rather loud parade.
“N-No way!” Deuce exclaimed, as shocked as you and your friends.
“Is this a dream?” Epel asked with widen eyes.
“What is this?!” Jack and Sebek asked at the same time. However, in your shocked dazes, you were the first to snap out of it.
“We have to stop them! They’re making too much noise!” You said to your friends, but they couldn’t hear you for the parade was too loud for them to hear anything other than the marching music.
“What?!” Ace asked you, with a hand covering one of his ears.
“I said, WE HAVE TO STOP THEM!” You yelled to him.
“We can’t hear you!! They’re too loud!!” Sebek yelled to you. You can’t hear as well, but you read his lips to know what he was saying. So, you pulled them away from the parade where the music wasn’t so loud. You repeated your sentence to them again.
“We have to stop them before they make more trouble.”
“But, how?! We don’t know if magic works on them!” Deuce said back to you.
“And what kind of spell would get rid of them?” Jack asked. You were all brainstorming for ideas until a voice spoke up from behind you.
“You know, they’re only bubbles, all you had to do was pop them!” The 7 of you then turned to see Kalim and Jamil.
“Kalim-senpai and Jamil-senpai?”
“Yo kouhais!” Said the dorm-leader as the vice dorm-leader nodded his head at you guys.
“We heard the commotion, let me guess, you overheated the  potion?” Jamil asked you guys as you all looked at Grim.
“Fgnaaaaa….” Grim said sheepishly as he buried his head into your arms.
“Don’t worry, we had this problem too, and all we had to do was pop them.” Jamil said to you as he and Kalim both fired a spell from their magic pens towards the elephants, popping them.
“See? It’s simple!” Kalim said to you cheerfully. However, with that pop, the elephants were terrified and they scattered away, blaring their sounds as loud as ever.
“Quick! After them!!” Sebek said as you guys realize they were getting away.
“We should split up! That way we can pop more elephants!” You suggested and they nodded.
“Alright, me, Grim, Ace, Deuce and Kalim-senpai will take the left side. Epel, Sebek, Jack and Jamil-senpai will take the right.” You instructed.
“Sounds good!” Jack commented.
“Alright! Let’s get this done with and head back before the professor kills us!” And with that, the 9 of you split up and went your separate ways.
You, Grim, Ace, Deuce and Kalim were running from hallway to hallway, following the sound of trumpets and terrified student screams. You guys were doing well actually, popping every elephant you came across and helping the students who fell down back on their feet.
However, while you were popping one of the elephants, a student straight up complained that you guys started this mess which resulted in Deuce switching on his bad boy mode and almost beat the living daylights out of the student but it took you, Grim, Ace and Kalim to stop him from even touching the student. It literally took the manpower of the 4 of you (Yes, Grim is included) to successfully drag the dark-haired boy away from the student.
At last, as you, Grim, Ace, Deuce and Kalim were on one side of the hallway that led you back to Main Street as Jack, Epel, Sebek and Jamil were on the other side.
“There! The last elephant!” Epel shouted to the bubble which situated itself in between the two groups of students. You all slowly approached the elephant as you didn’t want to scare it only to have it run away again. But the elephant noticed the 9 of you before any one of you could do anything, and it ran away again. You saw this and a plan popped into your head. You couldn’t say it was an original plan, as this plan was slightly inspired by Deuce when you first met him.
“Grim, I’m sorry for doing this.” You said to the creature as you picked him up.
“What are you doing?” The furball asked as you winded the hand you held the creature with. And without a warning, you yeeted threw the creature to the elephant.
“FGNAAAAAAAAAA!” Grim yelled as he landed on the elephant. The elephant popped due to his claws digging into the bubble. The creature then landed on the ground, head spinning from the dizziness.
You went to pick the creature up as your friends were laughing out loud.
“Consider that punishment for not being patient and giving us trouble.” You said to Grim as you held him in your arms.
“I.. Hate you.” The creature said while his head was still spinning.
“Aww, I love you too.” You retorted with a smirk.
You then thanked Kalim and Jamil for helping you as they just smiled to you in response.
“I remember making the same mistake last year.” Kalim said as Jamil just shook his head.
“You guys better hurry back, we wouldn’t want the Professor to get more upset now.” Jamil said to the 7 of you. You guys nodded and gave a small wave to the two upperclassmen before running back to the lab.
When you arrived at the lab, Ace spoke up.
“Now guys, we pretend that what happened didn’t happen at all. Understand?”
“Yeah, sure, wouldn’t want Professor Crewel to know right?” Epel replied.
“Wouldn’t want me to know what?”
You all froze. As you all slowly turned around, you guys saw a man dressed in black and white, holding a cane and staring at the 7 of you.
“Ah…. Hi there, Professor.” Deuce said, shaking.
Well, the 7 of you got punished. Your punishment was to clean the laboratory and tend to the garden for a month. Oh, because you were busy capturing the elephants while they were playing their music, you now had the tune stuck in your heads.
Well, it could be worse, right?
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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summary|The espionage group consisting of Mari, Grimm, Ruggie, Leona, Kalim, and Jamil are in need of assistance in order to pull off the plan to take back the magic stone stolen from them by fairies. Fortunately, help has arrived in the form of a worldwide supermodel.
word count|3385
credit goes to @wakaoujisenhime​ for giving me the idea to write this!
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“Are you saying these guys will be performing during the fashion show? Perhaps you mistook it for a vegetable competition.” 
“Puppies, it’s time for training!” 
“You guys are…!” 
And with those words, Mari knew they were in for a ride. Then again, she did expect this to happen as soon as the Headmaster had explained the situation to her. It seemed like it’d be fun, like an espionage mission for the spy movies she used to watch in her world. How exciting! 
“Vil! And Sir Crewel!” Kalim exclaimed with a grin. 
“With our support, you guys will definitely become the stars of the fashion show,” Vil spoke as he gazed at the group with a judgemental glint in his lilac eyes. He glanced at the teacher beside him, smirking. “Right, Sir Crewel?” 
“Of course, Schoenheit.” 
The both of them chuckled. 
“The two most troublesome people are here,” Ruggie said, ears folded and eyebrows furrowed. 
“Jamil, you asshole. Do you know what you’ve done?” Leona growled, glaring daggers at him. 
“I also thought this was a tough decision.” Said boy wore his usual level-headed expression. “Top model Vil and fashionista Sir Crewel. If those two coached us, we could beat this challenge. But in order to make this show a success as amateurs, I could only seek help from them.”
“There’s no one better suited for the job than them,” Mari spoke up, shrugging. It was true. Vil was the one that had always been seen working relentlessly to maintain his beauty and Sir Crewel was known for his talent when it came to fashion. It was impossible to think of anyone else that would rival them in their fields in NRC. 
“As expected of Scarabia’s dorm head, he’d do literally anything to achieve his goal. How amazing…” The hyena muttered under his breath. 
“Distract the queen-- No, distract the entire audience then snatch the crown away in the meantime. “The title of this operation will be “Monopolize both the crown and their attention”! I will make this a success!” Vil exclaimed, a smirk of pure confidence on his handsome face. The girl often wished she had just an ounce of his self-confidence. Maybe then life would be easier for her. 
“Ugh, what a pain…” Leona grumbled.  
“Alright. First of all, you guys should have matching costumes,” Crewel told them. 
“Would that include us? Ruggie, Grimm, and I won’t really be participating in the fashion show,” Mari asked, raising her hand as if she’s in class. 
“Of course! You may not be part of it, but you still need proper clothes in order to sneak in,” he answered. “Entering a formal venue with dirty fur is unacceptable for my puppies.” 
Right. Good point. 
“Be grateful. I’ll make the most exotic and most exquisite costumes of all time.” Their teacher smirked. “I’ll be the one to make you guys stand out the most!” 
And so it had begun. The group had been subjected to wearing countless fabrics to find the perfect one to use. Crewel got to work designing their costumes. 
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Bursts of sparkles enveloped them, then dissipated to reveal them in the costumes their teacher had designed for them. Everyone was dressed in pristine white clothes with floral patterns and flowers in their hair. 
“How’s that? You could clearly see a bunch of puppies with gorgeous fur.” Crewel was satisfied with his own work, smiling at them. 
“As expected of our teacher,” Vil commented, also smiling in appreciation of the craftsmanship. “The color is not too outstanding in order to draw out their own beauty, very stoic and kinda mysterious. The endless longing for the unknown, that is the true meaning of exotic.” 
“Hmm. It’s easier to get along with someone who understands fashion like you,” the teacher said, glancing at him.
It’s nice that they were enjoying themselves, at least. Mari giggled lightly as she twirled in her dress. The light fabric was easy to move in and felt comfortable. If they ever needed to run, it wouldn’t hold her back at all. Their teacher probably considered this. She looked at the mirror to see how she looked and it’s fair to say that his work was amazing. It made her feel… otherworldly. She already was from another world but to look the part was a different matter. 
“We’ve tried on different clothes again and again…” Jamil crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. His lips pulled downwards. 
“I’m already tired and training hasn’t even started yet,” Ruggie sighed, closing his eyes. His ears were folded. 
“Is that right? Designing costumes is always like this. Right, Leona?” Kalim spoke up, turning to the beastman prince. 
“Kind of…” Leona crossed his arms as well, seeming disinterested in the situation. 
“I think the trouble was worth it. Sir Crewel certainly did a fantastic job,” Mari commented as she stared at the floral lacing that ran across her waistline, fingers delicately tracing over it. A small smile graced her lips. 
“It’s too early to be relieved,” Vil told her. “If the people wearing these clothes don’t act in a proper manner, the silk shirts they’re wearing might as well just be sack rags.”
“To become the center of attention on the fashion show, we must have some sort of performance.” He smiled. “A gorgeous walk with a gorgeous performance. Both of these are necessary.” 
“First, I’ll have you guys show me your style of walking.” 
Leona smirked. “All we have to do is walk? It’s so easy that I could do it in my sleep.” 
Jamil rubbed his chin, a thoughtful look on his features. “If we’re too self-conscious, we might wander off at some point.” 
Kalim gave a light laugh. It was as if he was the sun, radiating warmth. “No need to be nervous. Just relax and do it.”
Soon enough, the three were put to the test and let the model judge their skill. 
“Very unexpected. I never thought that you could walk elegantly,” Vil said. “Impressive, Jamil.” 
Said boy smirked. “It’s my honor to receive such praise from you, Vil.” 
He turned to Scarabia’s dorm leader with a smile. “Kalim had a very noble posture. The education from your hometown has been beneficial for you.” 
Kalim chuckled. “Is that so? Hehehe, I’m kinda embarrassed. Though, I only have great posture thanks to my love of dancing and not from the education I learned.” 
“It’s true. Kalim had been learning traditional dances ever since he was a kid, while I took an interest in street dancing,” Jamil said, his lips pulled upwards. Nostalgia glinted in his eyes. 
“I see. So that’s why you guys have such trained bodies.” Vil was clearly pleased with the two. Then, he frowned and turned to Leona, deciding to finally address the elephant in the room. Er, lion in the room. “Compared to that… Leona, what’s with your lame walking?” He glared at him. 
“Ah? It’s the same as those Scarabia guys.” He closed his eyes, crossing his arms. 
“It’s not the same at all. Jamil’s light step, Kalim’s nobility. You have neither of those,” he berated him, giving him an icy glare. “Your feet are dragging along the floor and you have atrocious posture. Your head was swaying as you were walking. It feels like your shoulders are cutting through the wind. It’s very boorish!”
“The title of prince sounds incredulous to me.” 
“How ironic that the feline can’t catwalk…” Mari mumbled. 
“He literally just criticized Leona.” Ruggie’s eyes widened in shock. 
“Schoenheit,” Crewel spoke up, “For a useless dog like him, shouldn’t we train him to walk on two legs first? If we let him be, it’d be like letting a newborn kitten walk on the runway.”
“Indeed,” the model agreed with him, a troubled expression on his flawless features. “Having Leona perform when he doesn’t even have the basis of walking is kinda hard. If we can’t handle both at the same time, then we should focus on walking.” 
He sighed. “I hate to admit it, but he has a commanding aura that could make him the main model. It’d be a waste if we don’t utilize that.” 
“Scarabia got 100 points for walking. So now, try challenging the dancing part.” Vil gave his underclassmen a pleasant smile. “You guys will have the role of making the festival livelier. Your performance could also make the shitty main model stand out more.”
“Ah, we must follow Schoenheit’s plan to fill the hole that Kingscholar built,” Crewel said. 
“Leona is so hopeless. I wonder if the both of us can cover him well.” Jamil rubbed his chin in thought. 
“Let’s do our best! I already promised Leona that I’m going to take care of him.” Kalim, the little cinnamon roll, had a look of determination on his face. 
“As a student from Savanaclaw, I feel so ashamed. I’m so sorry that he’s such a troublesome leader.” Ruggie sighed. 
Man, they were all roasting him so much. Mari bit her lip, trying not to laugh at the situation as she didn't wanna be mean to him. 
“I could also be your coach on teaching you how to walk on two feet,” Grimm told him, smirking. 
“You guys…” Leona growled, glaring at them. “The moment I stay quiet, you all really couldn’t shut your mouths.” 
Then, Crewel hit him with his whip. “Stop barking!” 
She flinched at the noise. Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
The teacher smiled and placed a hand on his hip. “Listen up, puppies. Take in Schoenheit’s lesson and finish up the most perfect show ever!” He ordered them. 
“Come on. Immediately start the lesson for the Fairy Gala!” Vil smirked. 
And with that, he started coaching the three performers. In the meantime, Mari and Ruggie decided to practice their part. She sat down on a chair, wearing a plastic crown that she pinned to her hair. It took them a few attempts to get it right. 
“Wow, their performance is exquisite! I can’t help but keep my eyes on these mysterious fairies!” Mari exclaimed, doing her best to act her part as the fairy queen. It was difficult to keep herself from laughing. 
“Got it!” Ruggie grinned, holding up her plastic crown that he swapped out. “Did you notice it?” 
She shook her head. “That was perfect! I didn’t feel a thing. How long did it take?” 
“Shishishi,” he did his signature laugh, “Only 6 seconds to take out the pins. Leona really thought that I’d need 10 seconds.” 
“Great! Now all we need is for those three to get their act straight,” Grimm cheered and they decided to check on their progress, making their way to Pomefiore’s ballroom. 
“It hurts,” Kalim groaned. “Sorry for bumping into you again.” 
“Kalim, just now you were supposed to step forward. Timing is key,” Jamil told him in a calm manner. 
“You have beautiful posture but you make too many mistakes when you swing your body that way,” Vil spoke up. 
“When I get too excited, it’s hard to control my arms.” The white-haired dorm leader rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish expression on his face. 
“And Jamil, you make no mistakes with your dance but it’s too perfect to the point that it lacks the atmosphere that would make the festival livelier.” 
“Vil, thank you for your hard work. We came to see how practice is going,” Ruggie said, walking into the room with his hands resting behind his head. “Is our leader doing well?” He snickered, turning to Leona. They were greeted with a chaotic sight. Leona was balancing a couple of vases on his head and shoulders. Sounds of water sloshing around coming from inside the vases. 
His eyes widened in shock. “What’s happened?!” 
“Vil! Get these off of me!” Leona barked at the model. 
“It’s a method for correcting your posture. You must walk around the room without pouring any water from the vase,” he responded. 
“You bastard…!” Leona growled, before he got splashed with water. His clothes became soaked. 
“Restart.” Vil remained calm, crossing his arms. “Don’t worry. We have plenty of water to refill.” 
“AH I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! I QUIT!” The soaked beastman cried out. “I don’t care if it going to keep snowing, I can’t keep doing these stupid things.” 
Ruggie sighed, his ears folded. He shrugged. “Leona is hopeless. Kalim and Jamil keep messing up when dancing. Can we really keep up when the day of the Fairy Gala arrives?” He wondered. 
“If they fail to capture the audience’s attention, we’ll be the ones in danger when we need to swap out the crown.” Grimm wore a fearful expression, holding onto Mari for comfort. 
Mari caressed her partner’s fur, contemplating what’s to come. “Maybe we should try a different plan…” She mumbled. But then again, it’s likely too late for that. 
“No problem,” Vil reassured them, still oddly calm as ever. “I’ll bet with my model spirit that I'll make the “Monopolize both the crown and their attention” plan successful.” 
“But how are you going to do it?” Ruggie asked. 
A smile formed on his handsome features. 
“There’s only one way to make this work.” 
Then his face broke out into a harsh glare, piercing the souls of anyone who dared look directly into his eyes. “By being stricter! If I need to force your own body to memorize the correct posture, then I will beat them into you so that you can never forget!” 
The three men screamed in pain and shock. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, including the stealth group. 
“He’s using magic to slap their butts!” Ruggie exclaimed. 
Vil crossed his arms, continuing to direct his merciless glare at them. If looks could kill, they’d be sent straight to the Underworld. “Three of you, stand up. From now on, if you sit down without my permission, I’ll have you squat 500 times.”
“Leona, place the vase on your head and redo it. If you pour it, squat for an hour.” 
His expression turned into one of exasperation. “We can’t keep doing this if you don’t train your body.” 
He turned to the two Scarabia students. “Kalim and Jamil, three-legged run around the school if either one of you makes a mistake. It’s a joint responsibility.” 
“No way…!” 
Leona glared back. “Acting all bossy… Just who the fuck do you think you are?!” 
“Worldwide supermodel, Vil Schoenheit!” he shouted and used his magic to spank their butts once more. The force was so strong that it caused tears to come out of Kalim’s eyes. 
“What a demon coach…” Grimm muttered under his breath and hid behind his supervisor. 
Grueling training has begun for the three poor unfortunate souls. 
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Today was the day of the Fairy Gala. The group had been preparing, making sure that everything was perfect. Vil was applying makeup on them, his expertise in cosmetics was truly something awe-inspiring. He made sure to accentuate their best features and give them makeup looks to die for. 
“It’s your turn,” he turned to the prefect, who sat on a chair in front of him. His fingers hooked from under her chin and tilted her head up to get a better look at what he’s gotta work with. She gazed back at him with curiosity sparkling in her eyes. He hummed for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Your inner beauty revolves around your motherly heart. So, I’d like to give you a more innocent and demure, yet mature look.” 
The model got to applying the makeup. She followed whatever instructions he gave her while he did so. It was quite a pleasant experience getting her makeup done by him. As he worked, the rest of the group fixed their costumes. 
“Where do I wrap this cloth?” She could hear Kalim ask from behind Vil. 
“Give it to me. Just put it on your shoulder… Okay, done.” Jamil helped him out. 
“Wearing these expensive clothes really got me feeling nervous… And itchy,” Ruggie mumbled. 
“Just act natural and the fairies will think you’re one of them. Don’t be nervous,” Leona spoke up. 
Vil stepped back to survey his work, seeing whether he was satisfied with it or not. He leaned in and added a few more finishing touches and a small smile pulled at his lips. He took a small hand mirror and showed it to her. 
Her eyes widened in shock. She looked… ethereal. The overall style was more natural compared to the others as he didn’t want it to clash with the overall aesthetic of her costume. She had dusty rose pink strawberry-scented lip gloss that shimmered in the light and highlights only served to make her seem angelic. A delicate beauty that seemed out of this world. The true meaning of exotic. 
He took everything into account and made a masterpiece. And it was enough for Mari to see herself as gorgeous, which she believed to be an impossible feat until now. 
“I take it that you’re speechless at my skill.” Vil’s voice reached her ears. All she could do was nod in silence, mouth agape. He chuckled. “You’ve graduated from potato to beautiful fairy. At least, for today. If you worked harder, you could maintain your beauty.” 
She looked up at him with a shining grin and sparkling eyes. “Thanks, Vil!” 
After sprinkling fairy powder on her, he stepped back and allowed the rest of the group to see her. But if one were to look closer, they might’ve noticed the red dusting his ears. 
“Everyone is so sparkly...” Grimm smiled. 
“That is thanks to the needlework, but the effect mostly comes from the fairy powder,” Jamil explained. 
“It looks really good on you guys,” Mari complimented them, chuckling. 
“That’s my line,” Leona said, then turned to her. He eyed her up and down before he smirked. “Not bad for a herbivore, I guess.” 
“Yeah, you look exactly like a fairy.” Jamil smiled, crossing his arms. 
She couldn’t help but blush at the compliments, “Thank you…” 
“Are you guys ready?” Vil asked. He gave them a firm glare. “If you lose focus now, our strict lessons will be for nothing. Look at the mirror, check your makeup.” 
They all checked their appearances one last time to make sure everything was perfect. 
“We started from an unsightly situation so I wasn’t sure if this was going to work.” He sighed, before a smile creeped up on his lips. “But I guess it’s not that bad after seeing the finished look.” 
“Vil…” Kalim sniffed, before he wrapped his arms around the tall blond and embraced him. “VIL! Thanks to you, I can dance on the runway. I’ll do my best!” 
“Don’t forget about the original goal,” he reminded him. His features softened up, a gentle smile on his face. It was rare to see him like this. “The mission is to get back the stone that the fairies stole from us.”
Aw, they looked so cute like that. After that little exchange, Scarabia’s dorm leader let go of him.
Vil closed his eyes and crossed his arms. “If we lose the magic stone, the usual school life will never come back again.” 
He gave them a harsh glare. “Listen up, okay? It’s war on the runway.” 
Then, he smirked. “Grab the crown and their attention with the greatest performance of all time!” His words were encouraging, filling the girl with a sense of determination. The fire in her soul burned brightly, undying. 
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Vil looked out the window with an unreadable expression. He was confident in his ability to coach, so he shouldn’t have to worry about them messing up. At least, that’s what he told himself. However, something else was on his mind. It irked him to think that a magicless potato of a freshman would have such an effect on him. But he remembered the way she gazed at him with such genuine admiration. Her smile seemed to shine brighter than any star. 
He was no idiot, and he was certainly not the type to deny his feelings. He knew exactly what he was feeling. Rook had always blabbered to him nonstop about this sort of subject. Not only that, but he was aware that he wasn’t the only one. Other men had been vying for her attention for far longer than he has been. 
But no matter. He just had to show her why he’s the best option.
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