#he’ll get better over time thanks to Ullane and Zanzul’s help but he’s not going 100% back to normal
raitrolling · 1 year
Some fun facts about Ashe post-Second Verse:
- his regeneration is stupid good atm, almost on par with Vallis’. However he now requires a lot more blood to stay sane if he does get badly injured
- he gets fatigued and absentminded a lot easier at the moment, though that’ll improve once the eldritch influence has dissipated. This can also be alleviated with drinking more blood, but since Ashe doesn’t get any cravings / feels particularly hungry at the moment he’s not aware of this
- he can also drink ink with no side effects while under the horrorterror’s influence, and like both Vallis and Lucy (that time he got possessed) his bodily fluids currently contain high amounts of ink in them. He isn’t aware of either of these things rn
Vallis did not do as good of a job as he thought. Yeah he managed to successfully revive Ashe from Full Brain-Melt and stop him from getting possessed / completely lose his mind to horrorterror influence, he still (unintentionally) fucked him up quite a bit. But Vallis didn’t recognize that because Ashe’s mind resembled what he thinks is a nice sounding brain :)
Not that this is going to stop their re-kindled friendship, Ashe is just going to be a lot more cautious next time
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