#he’d grow up to be a cop ngl
zaynes-ocs · 1 year
Part 2 of Milo’s Backstory!!
Read part 1 here
(A/N this was originally much longer but it was a little too long so i have thus split it into a third part, i promise it gets more exciting than this im bad at courtroom scenes they’re just so boring but also important)
The sound of chains echoing across the grand oaken halls of the courtroom were like the soft rolling booms of thunder before a particularly bad storm, silencing the jury as the young elven boy was marched up to the podium, his wrists and ankles in heavy iron shackles that rattled like haunting windchimes and his dreary gaze turned downwards at the ground in front of him, too ashamed to gaze up at the faces of the crowd he knew held the eyes of those he and his mother grew to trust and rely on, to even be considered friends or neighbors at some point. Faces which now bore looks of horror and disapproval as they murmured among themselves, silencing once more only for the loud and sudden clatter of the gavel.
“Milo Thatcher you are on trial for arson of the magical variety and the senseless massacre of several residents of Viradon Village, what say you for yourself?”
“Your honor, if I may explain, it was an accident.” Milo spoke with a slight tremble as he gazed up towards the stand, the pit in his stomach growing as he took note of the bored expression plastered on the judge’s face as if he were only half-listening to the boy’s desperate plea.
“An accident you say….” Droned the Judge with an uninterested scoff. “How is the death of 8 people and a town turned to charcoal an accident? Do enlighten me!”
“I was with my friends, Alec Longwood and Thomas Greene, out in the forest. We had found a small cliff where we could see the village clearly, and they wanted me to try and hit a scarecrow with my magic.” Milo began to explain, standing as still and straight as he could as he fought back bitter tears. “I-I’m still not… great with my skills, and I tried to tell them, but eventually I did use my magic, but I swear upon my soul that I didn’t intend for any of this! I didn’t mean for the bolt to become that strong, honest!”
“Hm, quite a predicament indeed.” The Judge chuffed with a stroke of his beard as he looked out towards the jury before clacking his gavel down once again. “I hereby call Alec Longwood to the stand to give his statement.”
Milo’s eyes shot over to the Jury as he watched his “friend” stand, a glower darkening his eyes like a thundercloud as he stalked forward towards the stand before clearing his throat.
“That monster is a liar.” He began, startling Milo into a silent gasp. “Me and Thomas went up to the cliff yes, but not with him, after him. We had heard him talking about how he was going to do something terrible to the town. He used to be our friend your honor, but not anymore after we’ve seen what he’s truly like. He pretends to be this weak, shy boy, but really, he’s a freak of nature and craves destruction. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was lying about being born with his magic either, it would make more sense for him to be a warlock with how destructive he is. My only regret is that Thomas and I weren’t able to stop him.”
Milo could do nothing but stand in silence and shock at the blatant lie that spilled like venom from Alec’s lips. A silence that was unfortunately taken as admittance, an uproar of fear rippling through the jury before the clattering of the gavel silenced them once more.
“Order! Order!” Called the Judge before glancing down at the stand of the accused to glower down at Milo’s stunned face before turning his attention back to Alec. “Mr. Longwood, that is quite an accusation for what the accused has previously stated, so I must dismiss you and call upon Thomas Greene for his statement.”
Alec nodded quietly as he left the stand, passing by the tiny, scuttling form of Thomas as he hurried up to the stand, swear beading across his forehead as he threw a timid glance over at the forlorn face of Milo who still held a glimmer of hope that Thomas would be truthful and stick up for him, that Alec wouldn’t get away with such slander, that this could all be revealed as one terrible accident.
“It’s just as Alec spoke your honor.” Thomas announced softly, adverting his gaze as Milo’s heart dropped like a stone in a river. “H-he wanted to kill us all!”
Another uproar from the crowd had Milo’s ears ringing as he stared dead ahead, hopeless and broken as the one person who could have saved him from wrongful imprisonment lied on the stand, and for what? He thought they were friends. He thought he could rely on them. Was he wrong? Was he wrong to rely on anyone at all to begin with?
The world around Milo faded into silence as all he could hear was the thundering panic within his chest as he tried to keep himself composed, the air around himself already feeling suffocating as his vision blurred and dimmed, blood rushing through his veins like a flood and tears already breaking their confinement and beginning to trickle their way down his face before the slamming of the gavel brought him back to reality with a harsh jolt.
“Order!” Boomed the Judge as he narrowed his eyes down at the young elf, clearly having made a decision. “The court hereby finds Milo Thatcher guilty of the heinous crimes of arson and mass murder of several Viradon residents. He shall be sentenced to death by electric chair so that he may feel what his victims felt in their dying moments, dismissed!”
Milo kept silent in continued awe and horror at the events of his trial as his chains rattled from his guards yanking him backwards, giving him no choice but to follow as he shot one last glance at those who used to be his friends, knowing that he’d likely never see them again, or anything of the outside world for that matter. Shock painted his features like a statue’s eternal gaze, frozen in fear as he was dragged do his cell, never to see the light of day again.
He couldn’t have his vengance even if he wanted to.
Perhaps his execution would be for the best.
It had been his fault the whole time after all.
Part 3
Part 4
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frogtanii · 4 years
hq boys as the crimes they’d commit
warnings: CRIMES, crackfic, probably many typos idk i’m so tired lmaooo, cursing, drinking ??? idfk 😩💦
an: and i did this for what?? inspired by hq hcs royalty @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock (AJSKSJ SORRY FOR TAGGING Y’ALL IF YOU SEE THIS, IT IS DEF NOT UP TO PAR W Y’ALLS WORKS ILY)
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sawamura daichi- insurance fraud!! somehow this is such a dad crime to commit?? dadchi didn’t try (dumb excuse, how do you accidentally commit insurance fraud smh) to commit insurance fraud but at one point in his late-thirties, he was very very broke and was already working as much as possible so, he decided to fake an ankle injury, as you do, and filed a bunch of claims which made him bank. daichi kept doing it until he was able to quit one of his jobs and buy himself a really nice suit and a rolex (uhhh 🥵). he somehow never got caught tho and to this day, none of his friends know how he was able to afford a tesla on a cop’s salary (sorry daichi but acab 😔✨)
sugawara kōshi- child abandonment!! ok you can try and fight me on this but i feel in my bones that suga absolutely despises children. he can tolerate ages 10+ but anything younger than that, he will punt them into the next dimension. the thing is, people just assume he likes kids because of how good he is with his team which is why his aunt begged him to babysit his nephew taro. taro was being an absolute brat when suga took him out for the day and he was 👉👈 this close to snapping. he put taro down for like 3 seconds to pay for their ice cream and when he turned back, the demon spawn was gone. he panicked, running around the park looking for taro when it turns out, taro was just bent down behind the bench. some random karen called the police and suga has never craved murder more.
nishinoya yuu- arson!! you CANNOT tell me nishinoya doesn’t have a ~murder~ playlist that he listens to to get himself hype (me too noya, me too). one night, he got a lil too hype listening to start a riot by duckwrth and watching demolition videos on youtube. he snuck out of his house to an empty shed like 30 minutes away and maybe... lit it on fire while genocide by lil darkie played on a speaker nearby. what he did NOT anticipate was the absolute size of the fire so he freaked out and called the firefighters who promptly called the police. he didn’t want to get grounded so he called daichi to bail him out. daichi still told noya’s parents 😔.
tanaka ryūnosuke- vandalism!! tanaka had been on alt tiktok and saw a group of cool friends spray painting an abandoned building. he thought “that’s cool, lemme do that!” but then he realized he had no friends (AHDGS JK I LOVE TANAKA). he asked nishinoya who was grounded from the arson incident and he knew he definitely couldn’t ask daichi, suga, asahi, or enoshita so he decided to go it alone. that proved to be a MASSIVE mistake. he got the supplies, arrived to the building of his choice (thanks saeko :3), and decided to spray paint a huge p3ni5 in bright red paint. he finished “successfully” and zoomed back home. what he didn’t realize with his two-and-a-half braincells is that he signed his glorious piece with his full name. the cops were at his house the next morning...🧍
hinata shoyō- forgery!! hinata did NOT think that forgery was even a crime. how was he supposed to know that he wasn’t allowed to copy his mom’s signature on a permission form! all he wanted was to go to an overnight training camp 😿
kageyama tobio- attempted murder!! kageyama swears it sounds worse than was and he is absolutely incorrect. what happened was so much worse. he and hinata were having a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater (you can’t tell me they haven’t done some dumbass shit like this) and kageyma lost almost instantly (he has the tiny lungs of an asthmatic). he didn’t want hinata to notice so he held hinata’s head under the water for like 10 seconds. suga walked in though, saw hinata thrashing around in the water and immediately called the police. kageyama never forgave him.
tsukishima kei- cyberbullying!! first of all, i had no idea you could get arrested for cyber bullying!? that being said, neither did tsukishima who spent 80% of his time making fun of people online (and on his real account!! bold). eventually one of the people he bullied (hinata) reported him on instagram and his very lame account was deleted (pls don’t bully people online 😤).
yamaguchi tadashi- shoplifting!! andjksh this is so funny because this scenario has happened to me and i can just SEE this happening to poor tadashi. yamaguchi gets super late night cravings (and usually tsukki will walk with him at like 3 am 🥺 nEWAYS) so he’ll sneak out and walk to the mini-mart near his house. one night, he was so tired but also super hungry so he went onto his nightly routine and basically sleepwalked into the store. he picked out his favorite chips and candy bar (which are sour cream&onion lays and milky ways in case you were wondering 😌✨) and just... walked out the store without paying. the store clerk was mysteriously missing so yamaguchi made it all the way home, ate half the bag of chips and passed out without realizing what he’d done. once he did, he cried for 2 hours straight.
kuroo tetsurō- telemarketing fraud!! kuroo originally did telemarketing fraud as a joke?? like he was trying to prank call someone pretending that they had lost their information and they actually gave it to him??? he was mildly concerned but even more excited. he did it over and over again but he never used the info for anything. to this day, kuroo literally has a notebook full of credit card numbers and bank account passwords but he refuses to use it because he believes it’s ✨wrong✨(but it isn’t wrong to take all that information in the first place under false pretenses, not realizing that once people find out, they are forced to close credit cards and accounts but go off self righteous king). once he brought the book up to kenma and he offered to sell it on the dark web. now kuroo feels less bad about what he’s done! :D
kozume kenma- computer crime!! pfttt this one seems kinda obvious but what do you expect from kenma :). he spends so much time on the internet, he’s definitely picked up some less than legal skills that still help him now 👀. kenma did little mini crimes like getting into other people’s wifi but his crowning achievement was when he hacked into the minneapolis pd website and had it so when you opened the page, a black lives matter screen came up. he never told anyone that it was him who did it but he thinks it’s the best he’s ever done.
yaku morisuke- racketeering!! yaku, the feral king, ran an underground gambling ring in the basement of nekoma (do they have basements?? who knows! i don’t!) during his third year. the only reason it didn’t get shut down was because coach nekomata took a portion of yaku’s profits whenever he won (which was literally all the time). everyone on the team has lost money to him which is why they never play with him anymore. they won’t even let yaku play monopoly 😔.
haiba lev- indecent exposure!! poor lev’s head is so empty, he tends to fall for whatever pranks his senpai’s do to him. this time kuroo had somehow convinced him that in order to grow his schlong, he had to run outside naked for 10 minutes because the moonlight had special growing properties. lev was a lil scared ngl because he was already superrr tall and didn’t need to grow his height (or his dick ((boy is hung)) but poor lev is insecure) but he did it anyway. long story short, an old woman saw him parading around the neighborhood naked and called el policia. 0/10 dick did NOT grow and had to spend a night in jail naked 😿
aoba johsai
oikawa tōru- prostitution!! KAKKAKA iwazumi made fun of oikawa for being so shitty and said that he couldn’t pick up anyone if he tried. flattykawa took this as a personal challenge and went out onto the street, asking people if they’d have sex with him. with the way he was asking (and the way he was dressed), people assumed he was a paid w h o r e and someone eventually reported him. iwazumi had to pick oikawa up from the station- he never let him live this one down.
iwaizumi hajime- battery!! it wasn’t technically battery but oikawa is a lil bitch and overreacts (at least in his words -_-). the amount of times iwa-chan has beat the absolute shit out of oikawa is uNREAL. he just can’t handle the stupidity sometimes so he just smacks the crap outta him. not for real for real but the way oikawa reacts, you’d think a murder was occurring. one time, shittykawa screeched so loud, they got a noise complaint -_- hajime hates it in these streets.
matsukawa issei & hanamaki takahiro- conspiracy!! issei and hiro have a secret blog where they discuss conspiracy theories and such but one day, hiro found an article that explained how jfk’s death was an inside job. he sent it to issei who began to theorize how HE’D do it. that devolved into a massive thread on their blog of how’d they murder a president which blew up and caught the attention of the cia who sent the a letter telling them to quietly delete the blog. they did because they were terrified but they kept the letter and now it’s framed in issei’s apartment.
kyōtani kentarō- assault!! baby is an angry little boy but for all the right reasons. he was at a bar (when he’s all grown up, duh) and he spotted an absolute drunk creep hitting on a girl who clearlyyyy did not reciprocate his feelings. kyōtani, being the respectful king that he is, went over to the guy, pulled him by the jacket and beat. the. shit. out of him. while the bartender was happy with the fact that the creep was out, he was not impressed with the damage to his bar. he just sent kyōtani out who casually adjusted his leather jacket and rings, and hopped on his motorcycle to ride away into the night. i am the FATTEST simp for this man ONG 🥴
ushijima wakatoshi- stalking!! poor ushijima has no idea how intimidating he can be. he was on a train late at night after practice and the woman sitting across from him left her purse sitting on the seat. being the gentleman that he is, he took the purse and followed her to return it. the only problem is that the closer he got, the faster she ran and when he tried to speak (yknow with his scary, deep, baritone voice), the woman screeched and called the cops on him because he was a “strange, big man who was following her home.” when the police showed up, ushijima was painfully confused and just held up this tiny ass purse in his massive hands. the cops laughed.
tendō satori- ???!! no one knows what crimes (or how many 😳) tendō has committed but each of his teammates have different ideas- ushijima: “i don’t believe tendou is capable of committing any sort of felony. well, maybe murder”; semi: “of COURSE he’s capable of crimes??! do you know how many times i’ve seen him come into the dorm with a suspicious stain of red on his sweater?? *shudders* if i end up dead, tendō did it...” in actuality, the only crime tendō has committed is ~drugs~ but he’s not bouta tell his friends that.
goshiki tsutomu- would be a VICTIM!! my baby tsutomu would NEVER commit a crime!!! i love this man with my everything and the only crime he’s committed is being too damn cute 😤🥺
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dl-oblivion · 4 years
What type of dads would the s boys (minus Subaru) + kino be? I really liked the last one!
I don’t write for Kino, I’m sorry. I’m glad you liked the last one, anybody that hasn’t read it, can find it here. (If you want me to go into better detail with any of them, just send in a ask specifying so.)
- Shu would be a super lazy, and chill dad. Parenting is foreign to him, but somehow it comes a little easier to the vampire than the rest of his brothers. He doesn’t find it tedious to spend time with his kids. The only things he hates dealing with are the tantrums, diaper changes, and exhaustion that comes with being a full time parent. Bro ngl, if his kid was extremely energetic, he’d get a leash.
- He only wants to indulge in the positive things that come with being a parent, which means he often plays good cop. You will never find him yelling at his kid unless he has to, especially if they’re a girl. Shu just wants to play with his child, take naps with them, and give them sweets. Just because he’s nice, doesn’t mean he’d be pushover though.
- Parenting may come a little easier to him, but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. He’d still make a lot of mistakes, but as time goes on, become wiser. His biggest flaw is being an absent father. His child might find them being shooed away, or ignored. He tries to seem like he’s present, but sometimes he just can’t be bothered. Old habits die hard. (His kid can take advantage of this, and ask for things he wouldn’t normally say yes to when he’s paying attention. (“Can I go to this party?” “Sure whatever”)
- A strict, and domineering father is what I would describe Reiji as. Similar to Ruki, but more cold. It’s not that he doesn’t love them, but he almost projects his childhood experiences onto them. The vampire would only want one child, but if he ended up having multiple, he’d be just as strict with all of them. Not favoring the eldest, but perhaps expecting the most from them.
- Reiji makes them prioritize education, and from a very young age, teaches manners. He expects his offspring to be obedient, but smart enough to make wise decisions. As they got older, there would be this overwhelming pressure to be perfect from him. Ironically the vampire would be similar to his mother, and might end up making another Shu. With a good partner, hopefully this wouldn’t be the case.
- He’s overbearingly uptight, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t die for his kid(s). He has his soft moments. Examples being: teaching his kids how to read, cook, and do experiments. I can totally see the guy bringing his child to witness reactions to certain chemicals. Maybe even setting up one of those crazy foam experiments when he feels like it.
- Ayato would be a an overwhelming, but fun dad. During the beginning of parenthood, he’d be beaming with happiness. Literally playing with them every chance he gets, sometimes dangerously so. Ayato would totally do things like throw them 10 feet up in the air, or into a pool when they’re an infant. (Up until 6 months, infants have this survival mechanism that allows them to float when submerged in water)
- This is kind of apparent but he’d want his child to be the best, therefore putting immense pressure onto them. Unlike Reiji, he’d pressure them to be the best physically, not caring the most about intelligence. He’d definitely be one of those dads that would raise a jock, and get angry if they did bad in any said sport. If his child turns out to be the more intelligent, or creative type, there would be quite a bit of conflict.
- The vampire would be super possessive of his family. When he starts out as a dad, he almost always has his kid strapped to his chest. As they grow up, he tells them to hold his hand when they go out in public. If they tell him it’s embarrassing he’d be like ??? Why wouldn’t you want to hold his hand as a 13 year old, you’re still his little girl/boy.
- Laito is difficult to read on what kind of father he’d be. I believe he’d be demeaning, but also pretty playful, and chill. Example of him being demeaning: His kid comes up to him with a problem, instead of comforting/guiding them, he belittles the issue. He’s just gone through so much shit, that repressing/running away from problems has become his norm, and projects this unintentionally onto his child.
- He’d be playful/chill in a sense that he wouldn’t stress out about parenthood, and sometimes encourage rebellious/bad behavior. If his kid wants to paint the walls using his moms makeup, he’d probably join them. His kid is having sex earlier than they should be? Here’s some condoms. (Unless they’re a girl, cause yknow double standards)
- Laito would hateeee being bad cop; he doesn’t take pride in punishing his kid. As a result, he might be a bit of a pushover, or move the conflict over to his lover. It’s not that he can’t put his foot down, he’d just rather reward his child for something, than spank them.
- Kanato would be the worst father out of all the boys, and I think we can all agree on that. The vampire acts like an infant himself, always requiring his lover’s attention. Reaching the level of maturity required to raise a child, is damn near impossible for him. (I don’t even think he could handle owning a pet with his partner.)
- From the get go, the vampire would have lots of mood swings, and mixed feelings. While he loves his child, it’s mostly for superficial reasons. He loves the way they look, and wants to dress them up 24/7, but hates dealing with their emotions. If his kid has a tantrum, or shows attitude, all hell is gonna break loose.
- Fatherly time is far from wholesome when it comes to Kanato. Let’s just say he enjoys having a little helper assist him with putting together new dolls. Oh, and after they help him, why not have a tea party together! With the dolls present of course.
Bonus: Ayato throwing his infant into a pool
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
You already know who this is but ill still give u a hot rundown: My names Ally, im 20 years old 5’7’’ and a Leo/year of the dragon/INFP. She/They pronouns and im Pansexual but i dont think that matters much in this situation >:P. Appearance wise i have shoulder length curly red hair and green/grey eyes, suuuuper pale skin and freckles. Im def an ambivert, very protective of people who mean alot to me and kind of sharp tempered, especially when people start talking about shit they dont know anything about. Im also a pretty big perfectionist and people pleaser and will beat the FUCK outta myself if i feel like i let people down or made people upset when i could have helped it. But thats all about me, heres those wacky questions!
- Stated before, but im an August Leo! I would say my aura would probably be a pinkish/ purple color? For dislikes i def dont like bitter foods, being too hot, rumors, people talking behind my back, ppl who act like they know what theyre talking about, ppl cutting me off when i lose my train of thought, conservatives, not caring about climate change/the planet in general, tight or restrictive clothes, not having enough time in the day, capitalism, ect. Honestly the most off the wall thing for me that would make me throw hands on sight would probably be someone saying some shit about my close friends behind their back to me.
- Once when I was 14 me and about 10 other people squeezed into a mini van at about 3am and drove around the town, not a single one of us had a license or were over the age of 16, and we were all ridiculously drunk and high the entire time (except the driver. we were underage, not stupid). After driving halfway across the island we got pulled over by cop on the interstate, and he walked up to the car, looked at the driver, then into the passenger seat and saw literally 10 KIDS OBVIOUSLY DRINKING and the car absolutely reeked of bud, then looked back at the driver and simply told him “Your tail light is out. Get home safe” and drove away. Ive never seen god faster than that moment LMAO
- I could never willingly fight a raccoon, youre sick for suggesting that >:/ They are precious boys and ive saved too many from drowning in my pool for me to lay a finger on one. And as for dealbreakers? My biggest one in a relationship is cheating, but thats pretty basic LMAO. I would also say one that’s definitely second in rank would be expecting someone to stay the same through out the relationship and getting upset when the person changes. We are human beings and developing and growing, if you dont support me in that nothing is going to work. I explained a bunch of things i dislike in people above, but ill also add in here people who hurt animals in any way/ litter for no reason. If one of my friends throws a piece of trash out of my car im slammin on the brakes and youre getting out and picking it up. And god forBID you touch an animal around me il doing whatever you did to it to yourself no hesitation.
- I would hate being stuck in a room with anyone, i have decently bad claustrophobia and if we were in there for more than a day i would start bugging out LOL But probably the worst type of person would be someone who just doesn’t shut up and trys to act like they know everything. Those are like, the most insufferable people to me. ESPECIALLY if theyre wrong and refuse to admit it. Whenever i think of being locked in a room, somehow i always imagine like a dark navy blue room with one small window and completely empty floors and walls, everything made out of carpet. Dont ask me why, i have absolutely no clue.
my feed back is ily bitch gimmie a good one i wanna fight a bitch
Your enemy is… Eyeless Jack!
In general:
I told you this yesterday but I wasn’t expecting you to send this in and must've spent like 5 straight minutes wheezing reading this. My gut reaction was Jeff, but based on what you wrote about the room, I’m going to say your enemy is actually Eyeless Jack!
Things he doesn’t like about you and how he pisses you off:
EJ doesn’t like that you’re a Leo. I’m not elaborating on that. He’s such a cold, clinical, heartless bastard that everything you are just goes against whatever tf he actually believes and acts as. I feel like you being a perfectionist would just brush against his perfectionist tendencies and habits. He’d say everything you’re doing is wrong. Just a dick. EJ may or may not exploit your weaknesses but that’s just because he thinks it’s fun and doesn’t like you.
EJ is a god of knowing what he’s talking about and it leads to this cocky, know it all attitude. It’s gonna brush you the wrong way. He knows that and takes joy in it. He will always attempt to one up you in knowledge and grin when he sees you falter. On the other end, if you catch him off guard he’s gonna be SO MAD. He will purposely turn up the heat in your presence just to make you upset. He will breathe down your neck and get in your personal space just to make you more uncomfortable. EJ isn’t anywhere NEAR a conservative or a climate change denier but he will take those positions just to make you mad and laugh over your attempts at arguing with him. Like Jeff, he’s a huge devil’s advocate and will start shit just because he can. I don’t actually think he’d talk about your friends negatively in front of you though, but he would definitely say stuff about you to your face.
EJ thinks it’s stupid you drank underage and will poke that memory. He will use insults about alcohol and the brain despite drinking a ton himself. If you call him out on it, he will fold. Literally throw everything he says about you back at him and he will get puffy and fast. EJ can’t always handle change that well so like, he’s a stubborn guy. Despite how logical he can be and how smart he is, socially he is so uncouth!! EJ doesn’t litter so you don’t have to worry about that but he’s definitely gonna do things that push your buttons, mostly say things that put you off. He’s not claustrophobic. He will put you in situations like that just because he can. The dark navy blue of his mask is going to haunt you. EJ will act like a god in your presence and snarl when you dare question his abilities. CALL HIM OUT. HUMBLE HIM PLEASE.
He agrees on the raccoon thing ngl. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but EJ has such a soft spot for animals - mostly birds - but he can’t fault you for the raccoon thing. He's also not too fond of litter so he has to agree with you on that one too.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Knowing you for as long as I have, I was so, so ready to actually put you with Jeff. However, the more I read into this the more my intuition screeched that you would actually throw hands with EJ and I find that HILARIOUS. Just the arguments between you and this tall, muscular demon man is just - “what? What? WHAT” It’s beautiful. I’m serious, Merida vs. a literal demon. That’s all. Ily. <3
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that-punk-adam · 4 years
I started playing GTA recently to build up my ability to understand controls sense I didn't really grow up being able to use consoles of any type and here are some of the best things I've noticed about it/my favorite things about it
Los Santos has a prevalent Hispanic community.
The graffiti/random notes or ads are worth looking at if you enjoy small details like that.
My character was made by my husband and I made some really tiny changes (mainly darkened his skin just a bit and made his face have more definition) but if he were real he'd be our bf.
The paramedics are so.... useless LMAO they come on to the scene to be like ":/ damn we lost him" then just lEAVE THE BODY THERE.
Pißasser is like our universe's Coors or Miller lite
I've made friends with a deaf person already.
I have learned how to shoot and throw explosives.
I can fight hoards of cops (though I end up loosing most of the time :/)
I can have a tracksuit :D
Some NPCs are obviously plus sized.
I learned not too long ago that I can take selfies and took a selfie with a dead cop npc that the medics left on the road
Once you escape the police and they deem it safe again if you're on the highway they will get into their vehicles but the other pedestrian NPCs Do Not Care™ and will literally run their asses over LMAOO.
NPCs just tend to chill on the street in groups. The ones that walk sometimes do a full 180 to go the way they came for no reason though.
Some phone conversations are worth following pedestrians at a safe distance.
There is a talk radio station that I think is right wing and they talk about hating liberals a lot. There was a country song about wanting to go back to how things 'used to be' on there when I went into a gun store and I wish I listened to the full thing bc ngl even if it goes against everything that society has fought for as a whole like women's rights it was catchy as hell.
Gta radio is thousands of times better then irl radio. For some reason the songs selected don't seem to age.
While I'm on a radio crack, my favorite station is SoulWax FM
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aelaer · 5 years
Whumptober 23: Bleeding Out
NGL, whenever I see these two words together these days, the Imagine Dragons song of the same name starts blaring in my head.
I haven't ever written Bucky outside of a group scenario and never really interacting with Stephen, so he was the Random Avenger (I'm counting him as an Avenger) that I decided to cameo for this. Alongside, naturally, Sam. Oh man I can't wait for that show, if it's not a buddy-cop action/comedy I'll be so disappointed.
Oh also this fills "Sunset" for my @stephenstrangebingo​ and that's another bingo, y'all.
This isn’t graphic, though naturally blood is mentioned. May want to avoid if you’re uncomfortable by the trapped/small spaces/crushed-type tropes, though :)
23. Bleeding Out
The smoke rising from the destruction several blocks west painted the orange sunset a blood red, which was oddly appropriate for an ending of a day that went like this.
Stephen wasn't entirely sure why normal people bothered to live in New York City anymore with its alarmingly frequent encounters with something destructive. Then again, it seemed most cities in the twenty-first century drew plenty of abnormal and outright dangerous beings. Yet somehow, property was still insanely expensive in said cities. It really made a person wonder about the human condition.
The doctor in him realized that his wandering thoughts were not conducive to staying alive. He forced himself to concentrate on the now.
The obvious part of the now was the sharp pain in his side and the fact that he was definitely, slowly but surely, suffering from exsanguination. He wasn't sure if it was one of the attacking aliens or a piece of debris that caused the bloody wound on his side, but whatever the case, he needed some emergency care within the next ten minutes or he would more than likely be dead.
It was rather a shame that he was pinned by the wreckage of a collapsed building and that he had no magic left to do… well, anything. No healing, no mentally reaching out for help, and he didn't even have the power to push out his astral form. In hindsight, using every last ounce of his magic probably wasn't the best idea.
At least he had a partial view of the sunset sky. That was something. He'd reach for it, but his leg was under something. Mercifully he had lost all feeling for the leg, which could be remedied if he was rescued in the next few minutes, or wouldn't matter within the next half hour. Either way worked for him; being alive was so tiring, sometimes. Like right now; right now it was absolutely exhausting.
An alarm flared in the back of his brain, but he couldn't remember what was so important about what he was feeling.
Speaking of feeling, Stephen still felt the Cloak's limited wiggling as it struggled to get out. Poor Cloak. It would be rescued eventually, though by the time it was, it was perhaps too late for him, having bled out and all.
Ah, yes. That's what the alarm was for. He was bleeding out and his body was beginning to shut down. It was a shame he couldn't move his arm to staunch the wound. Maybe he could try and use magic… oh, no, he was all out. He remembered now.
At least he could watch the blood red sky. It was a nice color, though a bit foreboding.
… not the worst thing to see… nice sunset…
He opened his eyes at the new noises. He didn't remember closing them. Noise, what was that noise? It wasn't distant sirens, or something falling, or something else being blown up. It wasn't incomprehensive shouts from ally, enemy, or civilian. But it sounded like… it was more like the latter, more like people. It sounded like speech.
Words began to drift through the wreckage and to Stephen's groggy mind, though they were partially incomprehensible.
"...awning or something…"
"...like that? … my mom used to…"
A moment later, his right hand felt a bit colder and the noise became louder and much clearer.
"Oh my God."
Someone placed a hand on his wrist, for… for something. There was something he knew about the wrist that he was… something important.
"Is he still alive?"
"Yeah, but it's thready." Then he heard, "We need medics on 30th and 9th; Doctor Strange is down. Alive, condition otherwise unknown." Then, in the next breath, "We need to uncover him fast, but carefully. Push that beam downward to the right, then that slab of concrete—"
He lost the conversation as things shuffled around him, but a quick moment later his view of the sunset engulfed his blurry vision, only to be immediately replaced by two men that he knew he knew but details like names were difficult at the moment.
"Strange! Stay with us, Strange," said the one that was directing things. Stephen squinted at him in confusion, and maybe he understood his confusion because he continued, "It's Sam, Stephen. Bucky is working on getting you out, but I need you to tell me where you're injured."
Injured, injured… oh, yes. Bleeding. "Left side," he rasped. "Blood." What was the word… he knew these words. He knew these words well. "Hyp… Hypo…" Hypo-something.
"Hypovolemic shock?"
Yes, that was it. Stephen gave the barest of nods and let his eyes shut. He was so damn tired.
He felt a light tap on his face and he blinked, looking up at Sam. "You need to stay awake just a little longer. Barnes, get his left side free when you can."
"I heard the Doc!" Bucky shouted back as he worked on removing the debris. "I— whoa!"
Stephen's brow furrowed in confusion, but suddenly he felt a heavy pressure at his side that caused him to wince in pain.
"I think his cloak's buying us a couple extra minutes," Sam said at his head.
"Good, because I can't move the debris around his chest until I get most of the crap off his legs; it might collapse otherwise."
The painful pressure on his side— from the Cloak, sounded like— did more to keep him awake and help unmuddle some of his thoughts, and he did his best to peer at his surroundings. From his vantage point, he saw that they had removed the debris in front of him and around his right arm. It looked like the rest of his right side was still mostly blocked off. He couldn't see the bottom half of his body the way he was laying on his stomach.
Stephen groaned as the Cloak pressed a little harder against his side.
Sam laid a hand on his right shoulder. "Just hang on for a few more minutes. The guy with the metal arm is mostly useless, but he's good at lifting heavy stuff."
"You just wish you were as great as me," Bucky grunted as the sound of more shifting debris punctuated his claim.
Stephen huffed a laugh, then winced at the pain it brought. "Don't— don't make me laugh."
"I'll try, but no promises," Sam said with a half smile and a soft pat on his shoulder.
"Is… is everyone okay?" he asked.
"A few injuries, but I think you get the gold medal for the worst injuries this round," Sam answered. "You're lucky Bucky saw the corner of your cloak struggling to pull itself out. It was only sticking out a few inches."
A grunt, some more heavy shifting, and an answer came from beyond Stephen's viewpoint. "I told you it was embroidery and not some tacky awning."
"Hey, I didn't call it tacky— don't go insinuating that I'm insulting the magical outerwear. We have a good relationship, both being flying… things."
"Things, huh?"
The conversation was of some help to distract Stephen from the pain, though every time his eyes fluttered shut for more than a few seconds, Sam would tap him awake. As the sound of distant sirens began to grow closer, he heard, "I think this will do it," and suddenly he felt a searing pain in his now-free leg, and within thirty seconds the rest of his body was uncovered.
"The ambulance is coming up right behind you," he heard Bucky say as the pain began to overwhelm him. "Just hold on a little longer."
He tried to listen to him, but as the blare of sirens whitewashed all other sounds, and then something touched him, touched his leg, his body gave up on him and consciousness fled.
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((Don't worry, he lives.
Sam ended up just taking the wheel from Bucky, cuz I guess he's still annoyed about what happened in TWS… I don't control the characters, they do their own thing.
I know one of the symptoms of severe hypovolemic shock is confusion, though I am not sure if that confusion includes forgetting simple things like people's names as well as knowledge you know like the back of your hand. If it doesn't, well, we'll say it's also the magical exhaustion then. Or just a nasty concussion.))
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Twenty-Two: Walk in the Park ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
What she thought was going to be a one-time thing has turned into a habit.
Ever since the first early summer night Sasuke woke her up with coffee beans against her window, he’s done so several more times. Enough that she’s started suggesting he might need a sleep aid.
He insists his head’s just in another timezone.
Either way, he’s taken her out of her house at odd hours of the morning more than once since the first witching hour outing, and each time, Hinata’s gotten more and more certain Hiashi’s going to catch her one of these nights. Then he’ll lock her in her room every evening at curfew, not letting her out until breakfast the next morning.
But so far, she’s been lucky. Or maybe she’s just more of a ninja than she thought.
Usually they just go walk in the park, but sometimes they wander around the other houses. Not getting into their fenced yards, but admiring architecture from the sidewalk they typically take for granted as something only in the background.
He’s been teaching her a lot about that lately: noticing what you take for granted.
Tonight, it’s three am, and the subtle sound of coffee beans against her panes rouses Hinata from sleep.
“You know, you could just text me.”
“It might not wake you up.”
“And the beans have any better odds?! My dad’s going to find a hill of them under my window and get suspicious!”
“I pick them back up.”
...she blinks. “...you do?”
“Yeah. Been using the same ones over and over. Can’t be wasting good coffee, Hyūga.”
“Would you please stop calling me that? I have a name! Hyūga could be anyone in my family.”
“But I only ever talk to you.”
Pale eyes roll. He’s impossible.
“C’mon, we got places to be and time to waste.”
Sighing in defeat, Hinata slips into her clothes and follows. As typical, she dons shorts and a shirt under her favorite periwinkle sweatshirt. Quiet sneakers let her do just that through the house until she’s out the back door, her father none the wiser.
“So, where to tonight?” Hinata questions, perking a brow at the blanket tucked under Sasuke’s arm.
“Park. It’s a nice clear night, and I think there’s s’posed to be some meteor showers.”
That perks her up. “Really? I didn’t hear that!”
“Hence why I’m staying up on purpose for once. And why I’ve got this.” He gestures to the blanket.
They stroll through the quiet neighborhood, Hinata marveling as always how different it feels at night. Daytime sees it so busy and noisy. But now? It’s like no one else on Earth exists.
It’s just...peaceful. The isolated feeling of being alone without being alone.
Rather than lie on the grass, they return to the multi-toy structure, climbing to the top and lying atop the blanket among the walls of the make-believe fortress. If the cop that typically patrols rolls by, he’d surely see them just out on the ground. They’ll be well-hidden up here.
“I even did laundry just for this. Smells clean, huh?”
She can’t help a giggle at that. “It’s v-very nice. I didn’t know you were so into space.”
“I’m not. Just thought it’d be neat.” Staring skyward, he glances to her. “...thought you’d like it.”
Hinata can’t help a small jolt. Me…?
“Oh, I saw one!”
“W-what?” Flustered, she moves her gaze back up to watch the night sky.
Slowly at first, and then gradually getting faster, the comets streak across the sky directly above them. Lost in the sight, Hinata soon forgets Sasuke’s comment, too enthralled with pointing every time the sky alights. Beside her, Sasuke mostly lets her lead, dark eyes watching each she gestures to. Once she’s distracted, he spares the occasional sidelong glance to watch her expressions, his own unreadable.
“Aw...I think it’s over.” Several minutes have passed without a single sighting. Arms draped loosely across her middle, Hinata keeps watching. “See any, Sasuke?”
Her lips pull into a hint of a pout, sad it’s finished. “That was really cool…! Thanks for bringing me.”
“Yeah, sure. Any time.”
Heaving a small sigh, she keeps studying the stars. She really should learn some constellations so she’d know what she’s looking at. “...it’s so nice out here at night. I’m g-glad you started bringing me.”
“Me too. It’s nice to have some company. I used to like going it alone, but...I dunno. It’s weird. With you around, it’s like I’m alone, but...I’m not.”
“I think I know what you mean. We don’t...get in each other’s way. Quiet company.”
Glancing to him, Hinata stares idly as he turns to look in tandem. Suddenly there’s a funny feeling in the base of her gut. Like misjudging how many stairs you’re taking. A kind of tension makes her realize where they are, how they’re alone...at night...side by side. Is...is she supposed to…?
Across the street, a car alarm suddenly blares in the silence.
Gasping in fearful surprise, Hinata almost jolts upright before Sasuke pins her down.
“Shh! It’s probably just a cat jumping on the car.”
Thoroughly rattled by the shock to her senses, Hinata glances through a gap in the structure’s side. Headlights flash rhythmically in time with the siren.
“It’ll turn off soon.”
“W-what if my dad gets up to see what’s -?”
“I doubt it. We’re quite a few houses down, he’s not gonna care.” Still propped up on an elbow with a hand on Hinata’s further arm to keep her down, he peers over the top.
A minute more of the noise passes before it finally fades back into silence.
“...okay. We’re fine.”
Still tense, Hinata tries to relax, heart pounding beneath her sternum.
...his hand’s still on her arm.
Giving it a glance, she then looks to Sasuke. “...um…”
“ Huh…? Oh, uh...sorry.” He withdraws the limb, looking to her a bit sheepishly.
“It’s fine…”
...that same tension seems to creep back in with the quiet.
“Hey, uh...can I ask you something?”
“Could I…? I mean, would you want to -?” Sasuke cuts himself off a few times, clearly struggling with something.
“Do you...wanna go out with me?”
She blinks. Blinks again. “Like...go somewhere…?”
“No, I mean - well okay, yeah, but -” A hand weaves back nervously through his hair. “...I mean like...date. Go steady. Whatever you’re supposed to call it.”
One last blink...and then her eyes go wide. “...you mean, you w-want to…?”
“If it’s a dumb idea, just...tell me now. I don’t wanna make things, like...awkward. But maybe I’ve already done that, I dunno. I just...I keep thinking about it, and -”
He clams up.
Surprisingly, she...finds herself rather calm. “...I’d like that.”
“...you would? It won’t...make things weird?”
“No…? We’re still friends. We can just, um…” She goes pink. “Try being...more than...friends?”
“...yeah. I guess.”
Silence blooms, and grows, and grows…
“Uh, anyway...we probably better get home.” Sasuke sits up, avoiding her gaze. “It’s getting pretty late…”
They gather up the blanket before checking if the coast is clear, then heading back toward their neighboring houses. Despite their new arrangement, neither of them say anything, making the trek in silence.
“Okay...uh, guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah...thanks again for taking me.”
“Sure, sure.”
She smiles at him, a bit blushed. “Maybe we can just...s-say that was our first date? Get it...out of the way?”
Sasuke blinks. He hadn’t considered that. “...yeah, sure.”
“Okay. Goodnight.”
Sneaking her way back in (how has Hiashi not noticed yet?), Hinata heads into her room and...goes about her normal routine, slipping back into bed. It...still hasn’t really hit her yet, has it? Maybe in the morning she’ll realize what he just asked her to do.
...and the possible consequences.
But for now, she’s gonna just...go to sleep. Maybe dream of a meteor shower.
     Eyyy, he finally did it xD      ngl I thought about having them smooch, but...we've gotta let it builddd...cuz I'm evil x3 More of the most-consistent little mini modern series. I can't remember what all days they are, but...the regulars surely know what I'm talking about, lol      Anywhoozle, it's...very late, and I'm very tired (hurray multiple sleepless nights), so time to head to bed! Thanks for reading~
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cvenir · 6 years
imma try this again bc i said y’know fck it (heh) bc i need to introduce these characters before making proper bios ok here we go
so actually since i did do zella, felix, and gwenna’s bios, i’ll actually just leave them out of the intro bc like.... i have 8 more lmao so like here you can find their bios in the first three circles n also imma link all the pinterests aGAIN bc they probably do more than i can
these are gonna be crude n real cut n dry but let’s face it who has time to read everything abt all 11 ok this is for US
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CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ MILLER looks an awful lot like DONALD GLOVER. HE is THIRTY-TWO and while they’re MAGNETIC, they have a tendency to get pretty MERCENARY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DEGAS PARK by KEVIN ABSTRACT.
ok so kit is my son !! he is kinda a shitty person but it’s a result of his upbringing entirely like he was raised in a household of self-obsession and pre-occupation with the material things. aka he’s like filthy rich bc his parents are well-known in the entertainment business
his father is a rlly big time actor like he is thaT GUY ( my star wars lovin ass likes to pretend he’s billy dee williams bc lando unite but anyway unrelated ) and his mother is a super awesome film director so he grew up with that hanging over his shoulders. his dad was always really hard on him and pushed him to become an actor too but he isn’t abt that life (only to spite his dad lbr)
also his parents were lke actively trying not to have kids so his dad always kinda held that against kit and resented him from day one meanwhile his mother embraced it so :/
his mom is everything he ever dreamed of in a mother, and even tho she was always a bit too busy for him, she never let it affect their relationship and they’re still very close
so yeah kit is that fancy ass man like he bathes in the opulence. he doesn’t do much but gamble and parade his wealth around –– except he has invested in many businesses so like he can be p serious n focused on that sometimes bc like
also he loves his ladies. like a lot. pls someone allow him to be the suGAR DADDY WE ALL DESERVE!!! but fr no that’s his biggest downfall like in his song inspo he can get very caught up in his emotions and rlly lose his head bc like he is calm cool and calculating and distant for the most part but once he gets attached it’s like he craves the connection and he can get very lost
anyway also bring me a plot where they may have grown up together and he’s very defensive over them like he doesn’t always get close to people but this person means the world to him and maybe he’s been lowkey in love his whole life but like whatever who talks abt feelings n ruins something so special he could never
yeah so idk what more to say at this point so yeah hmu w questions bc i could probably go off again
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ROSALIND LEPAGE looks an awful lot like ADELAIDE KANE. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re RESILIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty QUIXOTIC You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MELTING by KALI UCHIS. 
okay now this is my baby. she is a sweet lil buttercup and only wants the best in life but it never comes to her ugh i’m wounded.
so she was born and raised in kola, v much small-town girl vibes. she absolutely loves it here but since growing up the town was really been stained by disappointment :/ when she was seventeen both of her parents like went missing just like completely disappeared leaving her and her six-year-old sister just completely alone which really fucked up her plans bc she was already accepted to a top-tier music school in new york for college for her passion for violin but she had to turn it down bc her sister was now her responsibility 
so she dropped out of highschool and got her ged and immediately entered the work force, leaving her dreams in the dust. she still plays every now and then, especially whenever there’s an open mic night at the coffee shop where she works like girl plugs in her amp n everything i love her
anyway like she doesn’t resent anyone or blame her sister bc she’s just so compassionate and selfless like she didn’t hesitate to change her life to support her sis but it does still kill her to know that her life just kinda never took off and probs never will. but now she just channels all that sadness into fighting to make sure her sister doesn’t end up stuck like she did
so yeah she’s just a huge sweetheart who loves doing things for others and she’s so so soft like someone hold my lil muffin :/ she can get way too caught up in dreams sometimes but y’know that’s life!!!
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DIEGO CABRERA looks an awful lot like XAVIER SERRANO. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re VIVACIOUS, they have a tendency to get pretty ERRATIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DO IT AGAIN by NO ROME.
so one of the messiest children ever, he is here. ngl i got a lot of inspo from adam sackler from girls for my son diego so if u feel me, word. 
basically pls meet the world’s biggest narcissist –– he’s just like appalling sometimes but he really is trying his best. my boi grew up in kola and always planned on moving to LA to pursue his dream of being an actor and wow is he perfect for that bc my guy is the most dramatic and expressive hot mess you’ll ever find
his mind is always moving 100 miles a minute and he just says the craziest things ??? like he doesn’t know where to stop. diego is super passionate abt his own life and what he wants to do and what he believes; he won’t let you forget it either. he’s always here to share a piece of his mind whether you want it for not and he’s not afraid to turn people away bc his opinions are valid !!
like he’s sooo selfish and doesn’t even hide his own agenda, but ngl once you get him attached there’s no going back like he really gives everything his all and will devote anything it takes to procure happiness for those he loves
like he’s rrlly terrible but he truly has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest n it’ll beat for u rll hard if u earn it (thru his means ofc)
like when i say god complex i mean it
but c’mon pls give me the plot where like this person pined after him for such a fuckin long time and he legit only used them for sex n didn’t even hide it (like fr seconds after rolling over he said ‘so are you gonna leave now ? bye) bUT y’know they’ve been hooking up for so long to where he actually got invested and wanted them to come to his rehearsals and share his passion w them and they just like ..... stopped caring all of a sudden. so now he’s sad boi and mad boi bc after basically begging for him to give a fuck they up and ran when his heart got invOLVED LIKE FUCK ME fr this is the song and i need this connection pLS LOVE ME
anyway he’s a mess but i love him
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PIPER KOVALSKY looks an awful lot like EMMY ROSSUM. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they’re NURTURING, they have a tendency to get pretty CALAMITOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to COFFEE & CIGARETTES by VIC MENSA.
awhh pipes.... my poor bb. she is also quite the mess!! 
but lbr it’s all her fucking fault lmao like her life literally never took off but she has no one to blame but herself. like she just really has a talent for ruining things whenever they get good and she doesn’t even try too my bb just does not think abt ramifications ever
piper was also born and raised in kola but she’s hopped around from area to area bc she can’t keep a lease going to save her life
or a job
she’s a big fan of cigareetes and alcohol and partying but whenever she indullges in anything they kinda have a perfect way of getting her in trouble. like she really wants to stop living like a vagrant but her cyncicsm really gets her down so she barely tries
she has a few siblings that she really wants to protect bc they’re headed down her path as well but she can’t even keep her life straight ugh :/
but ok so she’s truly the biggest softie on the inside like she cares soooo fucking much and she does a terrible job at pretending she doesn’t. but ya girl still tries!
ok so time for me to go off abt a wanted connect!!!! so her song is coffee & cigarettes and it’s a bop find it here pLS and i just really feel in my bones that this should be a connection ok. give me that high school lovers that were never lovers bc all piper could focus on was her own self-destruction n rlly living it up so she just completely shut this person out when it finally became real :/ so yeah it’s a fucking mess and she’s never truly moved on
anyway i should probably move onto the next muse lmao
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MALCOLM WEST looks an awful lot like REECE KING. HE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re JOCULAR, they have a tendency to get pretty CAVALIER. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to EPITAPH by HIPPO CAMPUS. –––––– may or may not be inspired by jake peralta
when i say he’s a goofster i mean he is a goofster and a gaffster ok
my tiny son who just wants to be a big bad detective and fight crime and just crack jokes along the way he is the meme king and he’ll let you know it
he grew up in atlanta where both of his parents were cops so he really just always dreamed of being just like them one day 
until his dad told him he’d never make it. that crushed his spirit entirely and ever since then he really kinda just figured out who his dad was ?? he caught him cheating on his mom and also just being a dirty cop and it just broke his heart bc that was his hero. and y’know malcolm gooddoer and fighter for justice so he went to his mom with this discovery and she just kind of admitted that she knew abt all of it but couldn’t do anything abt it so... he just kinda left and moved to kola to start over
he entered the police academy there as soon as he possibly could (18 i think maybe 19 if i’m dumb ) and just did not stop working his ass off and doing all kinds of paperwork and bust until he finally reached detective just a week ago
don’t get me wrong ya boi hates paperwork but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do !!
anyway he’s a clown but he loves life and and even tho he’s a child he can take some things seriously
aside from his true feeling heh who ?? i don’t know her n imma just tell a joke or do an impression or smth instead
alsO idk if anyone knows chew the comic series but he dEF IS GONNA HAVE THOSE POWERS FOR THE SUPERHERO/SUPERNATURAL THREAD stay tuned
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CAMBRIA SONG looks an awful lot like JENNIE KIM. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re IDEALISTIC, they have a tendency to get pretty WHIMSICAL. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MARCELINE by WILLOW.
ok first of all her pinterest is a whole ass aesthetic and u basically see everything she’s abt on there 10/10 would reccommend
now this is a smol bean that is also a bad bitch and we stan !! she’s your astrology loving, extra ass, witty lil witch and she loves adding in her two cents! she’s a sweet lil thing but her bite is bigger than her bark so watch out fr
mostly imma have her in the supernatural verse (witch heh heh), demi-god verse (u kno she’s hecate’s daughter), n maybe the horror verse bc i want my bb to be a medium like lorraine warren that’s my girl!! 
other than that catch her throwing out ur natal chart, charging n cleansing her cyrstals, n offering free tarot readings! really she has her mf shit together n loves helping ppl w spiritual awakenings ok
here is a pic of her two sides conversing ok big meme here
anyway i’m a big fan of her pinterest and i hope that gives everyone a good vibe for her bc tbh i’m tired lol
so imma do my other three muses in another post tomorrow bc !!! ya girl is feeling lazy now lmao sry this took so long geez
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vanogla · 7 years
got any vanogla headcanons? idc if its in au or not all i know is that I Need Vanogla Content Or I'll Die.
aw fuck don’t die i need every vanogla fan alive if i want to grow my empire 
ah jeez, this list is going to be a friggin’ mess so it’ll be under a cut-
general headcanons
here’s my base for hcs when i watch their videos. please remember that these are merely headcanons and may not be true!
*Evan’s only mean to David when Tyler is around; when they’re alone they laugh literally every other sentence and make harmless jokes and its all feel good banter 👍
*they’re both awkward in public and avoid PDA; if u ask them abt their (established) relationship they’ll be very tight-lipped abt it(・θ・)
*its not a headcanon that they’re both born in the same year :) you may have noticed that i draw Evan’s height in line with David’s caterpillar eyebrows so that’s my height diff hc :D
*imo Evan never uses pet names or terms of endearments with David, he’s not comfortable with it, and the furthest he’ll go is “babe”. David comes up with the shittiest, most obnoxious nicknames for Evan as much as possible to make up for it tho, and he’s not afraid to embarrass Evan in public with them xD however the only legit terms of endearment David uses are “dear” and “darling” cuz he’s an old man at heart
*this one is a rather unpopular one but i can never see Evan casually calling daithi “David” instead of “Nogla”. I know its like a relationship milestone to call him by his first name, but i cant see it happening unless its for a joke (e.g David Blaine from one of the vids) so imo daithi will forever be “Nogla” to Evan. (However if it’s AU im completely 100% all for it yes)
*Evan isn’t as smart as David thinks he is (tbh David puts him on a pedestal), and Evan doesn’t actually think David is stupid or dim (shown when he calls David “smurt” when he gives a good idea). i fuckin love it when they discuss solutions to the game together because they’re so quiet and serious in those moments :>
*surprisingly Evan overthinks more than David does; he’s actually a doubtful guy. David’s generally more impulsive than Evan, but he can form a black-or-white opinion depending on the facts he’s given. Evan on the other hand will stay in the grey area- he’ll find some way to balance out both sides (unless it’s morally wrong then hell no- he’s def picking a side)
*idk how to explain this one but i really love the way they say each other’s names. I noticed in some videos that David will keep calling “Evan” multiple times to get his attention and same goes for Evan repeating “Nogla” a buncha times to show or tell David something- and i just find it really cute and dorky.. if i could i would compile all of these moments together (T▽T)
*just sayin’: when they call each other ‘owl’ and ‘lobster’ it sounds flirty as fuck
*this is sappy but i definitely think that Evan is 100% himself when he’s with David. With David, he doesnt have to be the coolass-motherfucker-with-awesome-one-liners, and instead he openly giggles and asks for help/affection without having to filter himself to sound cool (i think this can be seen in some of their videos as well). although he isn’t as comfortable with David when other ppl are around, when they’re on their own Evan can always count on David to be encouraging, supportive and playing along with Evan’s jokes so that’s why Evan is so comfortable with David ( ´ ▽ ` )
*fuckin hell they’ll always come back together; whether as friends or lovers they could never permanently cut each other out of their lives because their lives are so entwined with each other- David having Evan in his thumbnails/in the title, Evan laughing at David’s shenanigans are the highlight of his videos- and no matter how harsh they seem with each other they’ll always bounce back in the end :’)
*i think that they have a closer relationship than casual viewers of the crew think, and so they are forever a memorable aspect of each others lives (ye, theyre my OTP and BrOTP ヽ( ´¬`)ノ) 
*despite all’a this, i dont think they need each other, of course they can be independent and go their separate ways. but i just know for a fact that sooner or later they’re gonna see something that reminds them of the other and the memories will remind them of good times ^_^
*err i have like, 1 solid nsfw one and that is neither of them like penetration so they rarely do it. Its not because i have anything against anal, its because i don’t see either of them as people who enjoy being penetrated. Generally I don’t see them as a pair who’d have sex often anyway (^_^;) -however when they do they’d be laughing so much thru it ◎▼◎ (ill be posting a list for this veryverysoon! [update: here it is])
additional headcanons
here’s some of my indulgent hcs ^_^ here’s where the good stuffs at, cuz the general hcs don’t necessarily apply to these ones:
*David pining is my favourite thing ever like he’ll write a lot of songs abt Evan and he’ll post them and say that it’s not for anyone in particular but its a fucking lie because he literally has only one person on his mind when he writes it and sings it but he’ll never tell anyone and he sure as hell won’t tell Evan
*Evan pining is also v good yes :’) He’s fuckin scared that David’ll know that he has a soft spot for the Irish prick so he hides it with jabs and insults. but sometimes his fondness slips thru and his laugh comes out a lot warmer than he’d intended and his eyes linger on David and for a split second it feels like he knows, he fucking knows and yeah it scares him so in the end both of them think their feelings are unrequited woohoo
*i have a love/hate relationship with whipped!Evan cuz it feels like i stripped him of his personality but its the only way i can get him to shower David with affection so Welp he’s staying for the fluff
*whipped!Evan snippets: Evan longingly gazing at David like David would disappear the moment he blinks + Evan being bold and chasing after David because ‘you’re a part of this mess, we’re in this together whether you like it or not’ will really fuck me up
*Evan isn’t as giggly in some of my AUs. i like playing around with his GTA or Gmod-roleplaying personality so he can get pretty closed-off depending on the au. most of the time when he’s in this character, David will be the lighthearted and cheeky one to balance it out c:
*i love to treat David well but i also love to wreck him so cynical!David or insecure!David are some of my fav angst hcs cuz both’ll make him very very frustrated lol
*following the last point, David’s usually the one to fall in love first, but he’s also the one to doubt their relationship- so he’s hesitant of commitment and he’ll say stupid shit just to see if Evan will stay with him despite his flaws. 
*lowkey hero/villain au: the way bad-guy-David taunts good-guy-Evan with “little owl” or “little bird” or “plucking/ruffling yer feathers” is like, h o l y shit yes. (And don’t tell me you cant imagine Evan yelling “YOU’RE GOING DOWN” xD)
*for one of my soulmate aus, they’re not soulmates. they’re just two people who fell in love and decided to stay together despite the fact that they’re not “meant to be” cuz they feel like their relationship is valid, even if it doesn’t match up to society’s expectations. another one is that they are soulmates, but despite knowing that they’re supposed to be the perfect complement to each other, their personalities are incompatible as fuck and honestly it’s a mess of misunderstandings hahaha.
*that nsfw hc mentioned previously does not apply to most of my AUs by the way- ngl there’s a lot of sexual tension in my AUs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aye that pree much sums up my main headcanons (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ 
ive got a few more headcanons for cop au but that’ll come out another day on another post xD also i have a lot of hcs for other aus that ive never fully developed, perhaps ill post those someday as well lol
also sorry for the wait, i hope ye enjoyed despite this being late (::)
holy shit im so obsessed with these two i spent 4 hours typing+editing this fuck
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