#he’d also probably enjoy watching people break the rules in Taskmaster
artistmarchalius · 1 year
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Ooh, that’s a difficult question to answer since we don’t know much about Hobie aside from his punk nature, his morals and the fact that he seems to be a dork (affectionate) like most Spider-Men tend to be. It’s also difficult to answer without knowing any of your personal headcanons.
HOWEVER, I do have at least one suggestion for you. It’s gonna sound basic, but I think Doctor Who might be a good contender and I have a few reasons why:
It’s a beloved British show that is a pretty big part of our television culture. I know Hobie is a non-conformist and wouldn’t enjoy how big or popular the series is (or how marketable it is), but if you think he would have seen at least a few episodes growing up then it might hold positive memories for him. Even if he didn’t watch it or like it, it’s such a big part of British popular media that he would at least have a passing knowledge of it.
Peter Capaldi, who played the 12th Doctor, used to be the lead singer/guitarist of punk band The Dreamboys, so there’s that. I don’t really know much about The Dreamboys so I have no idea where it falls on the punk-scale.
The Doctor is all about helping people, from saving the universe to aiding a single person just because it’s right. Also, Timelords (the Doctors people) were very strict about not interfering with other planets and people, having a strict “observation only” policy, which the Doctor, being a renegade, pretty much completely ignores because he doesn’t agree with it and wants to right the wrongs he and his people committed. I would think if a younger Hobie saw any of this, he might have subconsciously internalised some of these beliefs/messages, potentially influencing his rebel and Spider-Man nature.
Hobie is a dork, as mentioned above, and a science/inventor one at that (I’m assuming since he built a dimension hopping watch out of scraps he stole). A lot of dorks like Doctor Who and in speaking from experience. Plus creating a dimension hopping watch is very sci-fi.
And my personal favourite point: according to Wikipedia, this version of Spider Punk comes from Camden. There’s a boot shop in Camden (apparently one of the oldest in the world, traced back to 1851!) that is famous for being one of the first (if not THE first!) retailers to sell Doc Martens. It’s a family business and in the late 1970’s was a big part of the “swinging London" scene and was popular with subcultures, including punks. My personal headcanon is that Hobie got his boots from this shop. And in the window of the shop is a little Dalek (one of the main antagonists from Doctor Who).
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However, an argument against this would be that Doctor Who is broadcast by the BBC, which I think Hobie would be against due to their apparent lack of impartial and objective journalism, as well as the fact that you have to pay a TV licence fee to access BBC iPlayer. Also I’m not saying Hobie would be a DW super fan or anything, he’d probably be a casual fan. But if you agree with my assessment then that’s up to you.
I also think it would be cute if he watched the Shaun the Sheep show with Mayday. Because let’s face it, Shaun is a rebel and Hobie would want to nurture that behaviour.
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