#he would like to capitalize on their muscles plz and thank you
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Please cubs wisdom tooth removal🥹🥹! I can so see Finn being hilarious and just making inappropriate jokes in the dentist office, Logan being sleepy and clingy just hanging off of his boys, and for some reason I just see Leo straight up sobbing about how much he loves them and asking them if they love him back (how I acted towards my bf I can’t lie)
I remember when my friends all got theirs out and the pictures and videos were so fucking funny. Those videos never cease to make me laugh!
Have Finn being himself but times 10 (and in public, YEESH), Logan being an extra snuggly koala bear (again), and Leo being just the sweetest sweetheart there ever sweethearted!
All credits to @lumosinlove !! Keep sending in prompts, I LOVE your ideas!! <3
When Finn came to, the light was blinding. He squinted against the brightness, feeling slightly fuzzy, and turned his aching neck in confusion. This was not his comfy bed, which was big, fluffy, and always warm. This particular chair was tiny, stiff, and severely lacking in human barnacle furnaces, which he was so accustomed to sleeping with that it was disorienting waking up without other limbs splayed across him. He tried to sit up, couldn't, huffed, and plopped back down. His surroundings were still blurry, but he tried to make shapes out in the haze anyway. He turned his head to the left, and-
“Woah,” Finn said. He blinked hard, sure his eyes had malfunctioned, but when he opened them again it was still the same view. “Oh man.”
There, right in front of him, we're two very handsome Greek gods. Or, at least, they had to have been Greek gods, because that kind of beauty was ethereal. Otherworldly. Jaw-dropping. And what was more devastating was they were smiling at him, which did nothing to help his current disbelieving predicament. Instead, he thought, it would be worth it to use his charm. Everyone loved a charmer, and Finn was nothing if not a well-practiced extrovert.
As such, he gave them his most dashing smile and batted his eyelashes in a way he had been told was sexy. When he spoke, his voice sounded funny, but he at least had to try. “Now, what are a couple pretty things like you doing in a place like this?”
Logan snorted and approached the chair, running his fingers through Finn's hair. “Salut, mon rouge.”
Finn decided to try a different tactic. “Hey, gorgeous. Come here, often?”
“Non, no I don't come here.”
That made Finn giddy. “Well, I can make you, if you want.”
“Finn,” Leo admonished, but he was blushing with a smile. “There are other people.”
A woman on Finn's other side, dressed in floral scrubs, let out a laugh. “Don't worry about it. Happens all the time.” She rummaged around on a table, then turned to Leo and Logan. “I think it's time to get him home.”
“Yes,” Finn nodded eagerly. He reached for the hem of Logan's shirt. “Take me home.”
“Rouge,” Logan said gently. He eased Finn's hand into his and squeezed. “Quiet, mon coeur.”
“Make me.”
“My Lord,” Leo laughed. He, too, approached Logan's chair and rubbed a hand on his thigh. “You are hopeless, sweetheart. Let's get you home and to bed.”
Finn winked. “Only if you join me.” He scrunched his brow. “My face feels funny.”
The nurse laughed. “You sure are a talker, huh? That'll be the meds, hon. You've just gotten your wisdom teeth out.”
That alarmed him. “So my wisdom is gone? But then how will I know how to fuck my-”
Logan gently placed a hand over his mouth with a startled look. “Non, Fish.” He looked at the nurse with wide eyes. “Sorry about him.”
She just laughed again. “You have fun with him.” She slapped her hands on her knees and stood. “C'mon Finn, your boys will take you home.”
“Yay,” Finn said around Logan's hand. He wrapped his fingers around Logan’s wrist. “Yay, yay, yay.”
Leo pinched his thigh then stepped into Logan's space. Together, they helped Finn stand and each put an arm around his waist. He listed a little into Logan and put a hand on his chest to steady himself. Finn raised his eyebrows in startled surprise at the hard muscle underneath. He grinned down and met Logan's fond green gaze with wide eyes. “Whoa.” He spun himself to face Logan completely, slightly too quickly.
“Geez, Fish,” Leo scolded. He followed and pressed himself behind Finn with a firm grip to his waist. “Be careful.”
Finn just ignored him and used two hands to cup Logan's pecs. “Woah.” He stared down at Logan's chest, which was pressing tight to the edges of his shirt. “Are you real?”
Logan was bright red and grinning. “Rouge…”
“Wait.” Finn turned in their arms and cupped Leo's chest, too. It was a bit softer than Logan's, so he ran his fingers down Leo's torso. When he got to his abs and felt the ridges under his fingertips, his eyes widened further. When he looked back up at Leo, he was smirking. “I know what I want to do when I get home.”
Leo just shook his head fondly and bit his lip around a smitten grin. “Oh yeah? What's that?”
Finn leaned in. “You.” He glanced over his shoulder at Logan. “And you.”
Leo guffawed, but Logan just twitched. “Rouge, mon Dieu, you can't say that here.” He nodded to the nurse who was looking at them amusedly. “She's waiting for us, we've got to go.”
The nurse played along, clapping her hands. “Chop chop, loverboy. Gotta get you into bed with some fluids.”
Finn nodded eagerly and straightened. “Yes, please.” He gathered Leo and Logan to either side of him and walked them forward hurriedly. They stumbled, but followed him out. “Bed, let's go to bed, yeah.”
“So sorry about him, again, ma'am,” Leo said. He had to talk over his shoulder as Finn made a beeline for the front door. “Thanks for your help! The doc gave us instructions.”
“Have a lovely day!” She winked. “And not too much fun yet.”
Leo laughed and waved before helping Logan aid Finn in walking to the car. Once he was strapped in, Finn wiggled back in his seat. “So,” he said, waggling his eyebrows, grin sharp and slightly painful around his chubby cheeks. “I hear your instructions are to take me home.”
Then he leaned back as his boys rolled their eyes, head lolling against the headrest, and passed out promptly five minutes into the ride home.
Leo watched Logan's tired eyes blink open slowly, the drowsiness making him heavy against the dentist chair. He squinted at them, confused, before letting out a sigh and closing his eyes once more. He reached his hands out, levitating them over his body, straight out and stiff. Leo looked to Finn, who had a hand over his mouth and was shaking in silent laughter.
Logan sighed heavily again. “Ici.”
Finn laughed softly and walked over to take Logan's hands gently in his own. “How you doing, ten?”
Logan's brow furrowed. “Ici.”
Leo smiled and approached the chair to rub Logan's thighs gently. “Honey, we can't snuggle yet. Gotta get you home first.”
Logan let out a whine. He opened his eyes and his expression was defiant. “Non. Non, ce n'est pas bien.”
Finn leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Let's go, baby boy. Time to get up.”
“Help,” Logan said. He reached out for Finn's shoulders and wrapped his arms around him. “Help, please.”
Finn wrapped him up and hauled him to a sitting position. “There you go, baby. You okay?”
Logan just looked out at Leo over Finn’s shoulder with soft eyes. “Soleil, viens ici.”
Leo shook his head. “You've gotta get up, honey. We've gotta take you home.”
Logan let out one more petulant whine that he would surely be embarrassed about later. “Non, soleil, viens ici. Je veux un câlin de toi.”
Leo passed his hands once more up and down Logan’s thighs. “How about this, sweetheart: if you stand, I'll give you a hug.”
Logan groaned into Finn's shoulder, which was a little wet with drool. “Non. Non, non, non.”
“Yon,” Finn said. He pulled gently away and took Logan's hands. “C'mon, my baby, let's go. I'll get your stuff and the keys ready, Le will help you to the car.”
Finn helped Logan stand with another groan and Logan patted his cheek lovingly. “Merci, rouge.” He turned to Leo and held his arms out. “Soleil.”
Leo laughed and rested his chin on top of Logan's head, watching as Finn amusedly gathered their instructions from the doctor and said goodbye to the remaining nurses. “Salut, Lo.”
“Mm, français,” Logan sighed happily. He tucked his face into Leo's chest. “Je préfère le français.”
“I know you do, honey,” Leo replied, rubbing a hand gently up and down Logan's back. “But Fish can't always understand.”
“Should learn.”
“I'll have you know,” Finn said, turning towards them. “I understand more than you think.” He tilted his head. “At least, I know when you tell me you love me. And when you demand things from me.”
Logan peeked out from Leo's chest. “Bisou.”
Finn placed a smacking kiss to Logan's forehead. “There you go, baby.”
Logan grinned the best he could around the gauze in his mouth before closing his eyes. He didn't say anything, just sighed heavily again.
The nurse was smiling around a laugh and approached Finn. “You need a wheelchair to get him out of here?”
Leo shook his head with a grin. “No thank you, ma'am, we'll be fine.” He passed a hand through Logan’s hair. “Open your eyes, Lo, we're gonna go.”
“When we get home sweetheart. All the hugs you want.”
Logan hummed but stepped back. “Bien. Allez.” He wrapped an arm around Leo’s waist and took a step forward towards the door, carefully watching his feet. He almost ran into Finn and looked up with pleased eyes. “Rouge.”
Finn grinned down at him and shouldered his backpack. “Hi, Lo, baby. Ready to go?”
“Ouais.” Logan turned to the nurse. “Merci.” He tugged at Leo’s waist. “Allez, soleil. Câlins.”
“Coming up, sweetheart, as soon as we get home.”
Forty-five minutes later, Logan was settled back to chest with Leo on the couch, Finn settling down beside them with some water and electrolyte powder. He threw an arm around the back of the couch to stroke Leo's hair and rested his other hand on Logan's stomach. “Feeling okay, baby?”
Logan's sleepy eyes looked out at him. “Ouais.” He wiggled back into Leo and stretched out his arm closest to Finn. “Câlin.”
Finn complied and rested his head on Logan's shoulder, Leo winding an arm around to rub at his ribs. Leo rested his own head on top of Logan's and closed his eyes. He was just about to fall asleep when a gasp from Logan jerked him awake.
“Merde,” Logan whispered. “I can't kiss you until my mouth heals!” He let out a frustrated groan.
Leo and Finn burst out laughing and Leo kissed his head.
“Lots of hugs then, Lo,” he said gently. He and Finn smiled at each other. “Lots and lots of hugs.”
“And you're, like, my- my boyfriends?”
Logan laughed from where he was sat in the backseat with Leo. “Ouais, soleil. We're your boyfriends.”
“You got two of us, Le,” Finn said. He smiled and caught Logan's eye in the rearview mirror. “How ‘bout that, huh?”
“Oh my God,” Leo gasped. He burst into tears again. “Oh my God!”
Logan tried not to laugh as he shushed Leo again and wiped his slightly puffy, tear-streaked cheeks. He'd been like this since awakening from being under anesthesia. At first, he had been excited to learn he had two boyfriends, and had dragged them like a puppy out to the car. Now, though, it seemed like the emotions had become too much for him, and he'd been crying in amazement pretty much since Logan had buckled him in and Finn had pulled out of the parking lot. Logan figured that Leo should've counted himself lucky they weren't video taping him.
Leo was still crying when he took Logan’s hand in his own and squeezed tightly to stop him from wiping his cheeks. “And do you- you love me?”
Logan’s shoulders relaxed and he softened. “Ouais, mon coeur.” He once again caught Finn’s eye in the mirror. They were both flushed with love and smiling gently. He turned back to look Leo in the eyes and kissed his cheek. “More than anything. Toujours.”
Leo's eyes widened. “Et tu parles français.” He leaned forward to look at Finn. Logan placed a palm on his waist to steady him. “Parles-tu français?”
Finn laughed. “Just a bit, baby. Just enough to tell you I don't. And to give you kisses and coffee.”
Leo thanked his head back on his seat happily. “Je t'aime.” He blinked hard and looked sharply to Logan. “I've told you I love you, right?”
Logan couldn't help it. He grinned and nudged Leo's cheek with his nose before kissing him there again. “From the very first day we said we wanted each other, you told us you were going to love us.” He brushed the gray pieces back from Leo's face, accenting his wide blue eyes. They were, as usual, taking in everything Logan was saying without even trying. “And then a little while later I told you I love you.”
“Ouais, we did,” Logan amended. He smirked. “But I said it first.”
“Don't listen to him, Le,” Finn said with a fond eye roll. “We had a plan, but somebody got too impatient.” He winked back at Leo. “Your boyfriends both have impulsive streaks. You sure you still want us?”
“Uh,” Leo said. He looked between them tearily. “Oui, I do.”
“Good.” Finn reached a hand back to squeeze Leo's fingers. “Because we want you forever, how does that sound?”
“Oh,” Leo whispered. His eyes were watering again and Logan swiped the tear that fell with his thumb. Leo looked at him and smiled. “I'd like that.” His slightly swollen bottom lip quivered. “You're really good boyfriends.”
“Aw, baby,” Finn laughed. He spun the wheel deftly to turn at the green light. “You're a good boyfriend, too.”
Leo looked down at Logan with his glistening baby blues. “I am?”
“Ouais, mon amour,” Logan sighed happily. He guided Leo’s head to his shoulder and laced their fingers. Leo’s breathing had calmed. “The best.” He kissed Leo’s curls and watched Finn’s sharp jaw spread in a smile as he drove. “Sleep, mon soleil. I'll tell you when we’re home.”
#lumosinlove#finn o'hara#leo knut#logan tremblay#o'knutzy#sweater weather#vaincre#coast to coast#lgbtqia#love#wisdom teeth removal#leo knut is a *loopy* angel he's such a cutie pie#finn is such a flirt oh my god he makes me laugh#logan is just like “help plz” he just wants to be snuggled and carried around that's not too much to ask#especially if your bfs are professional athletes#he would like to capitalize on their muscles plz and thank you
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