#he worked with henry a lot it was just a petty money argument they got into here like it was nothing it just escalated. somehow
tricoufamily · 1 year
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just to watch him die
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sir-skarsgard · 4 years
Prompt/summary: The Bill’s and their girlfriend crying because they got into an argument
Word count: 1,302
Warnings/contents: Arguments, some fluff 
Notes: I’m doing a lot of work on old preferences like this one, so if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them! Send any requests in for preferences and I’ll get it done as soon as I can. One-shot’s are working a little slower as of now, but I’m trying to remain active in some way 
Axel didn't like fighting with you, and in turn you didn't argue often. However he was also very easily fired up, so when you did fight he could fight for quite some time, especially if he had a shit day. He tried his hardest to control his temper after days like that, because he never wanted to take it out on you, but god sometimes you just poked at his every nerve on days like that and he’d blow up. If it was one of those days where both of you had a bad day then you would argue back-- and that was what usually happened, but if it was a day where you weren't in a particularly bad mood him yelling would typically make you distance yourself; of course right at first Axel would be glad, but after about fifteen minutes he would feel bad and go to apologize. Seeing you crying, whether it happened after when he went to apologize, or when he was yelling, would make him regret anything and everything he had said. He would sit on the floor beside you and gently wrap you up in his arms and whisper apologies a million times while you cried on his chest 
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Bob would be similar to the kid and Henry. He didn't like fighting; he was always heckled by Bowers and kids around town, the last thing he would ever want was tension in his relationship. It would take a lot to make Bob raise his voice, even during a small argument about something petty after you had a bad day and he had a bad day. Bob could very easily get angry, as he had all this pent up aggression, but he had never taken it out on you in any way, in that case hearing him yell was actually quite frightening and typically put you right back in your place. Of course the second his voice raised he regretted it-- and seeing the look on your face immediately made him feel downright awful. He would probably cry as well after that and both of you would need comforting. It was not a good night, but it could easily be mended 
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Henry did not like fighting. He didn't find it productive. It was pointless to him. He hated the thought of hurting your feelings with his words because he was angry. If he was angry he’d much rather just talk it out and snuggle up with you and a movie and relax until his stress melted. However when you were also angry it had a tendency to start Henry off on something; typically the only time you got mad at Henry was when you were stressed with something else or easily annoyed by your period, so you were also extremely emotional at the time. All it would take was a few sentences from Henry after he raised his voice and you’d shut up. Seeing you cry would immediately hit Henry like a brick wall. Having hurt you by his words was the last thing he ever wanted, and now that he had done it he would do anything to make it up to you 
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Mark would argue with you until both your throats were screamed raw, until the sun went down and the stars in the sky shined brightly. If Mark deemed it important enough to argue about he wouldn’t drop it easily; it was a game of tug-a-war with a stubborn dog. You yell, he yells. You bring something up, he brings something up. Mark could, and he would go days without speaking to you if it was important enough. Crying in front of Mark was not something you did often, and if you did happen to he knew he fucked up. The second he saw a tear, or he heard you sniffle, you could consider the topic dropped. He would slowly walk over and wrap his arms around you, cradling you to him and apologizing softly by your ear while he rubbed your arms. Truthfully he felt awful; seeing you hurt by something he said always tore him a new one 
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Merkel didn't like arguing, and it happened very rarely, but in those times where it did happen he would do his best to isolate and stay calm. Often times his isolation would make you think he was breaking up with you soon, or that you finally took it too far and that he would start to see you differently. Even the tiniest bit of arguing after that thought crosses your mind and you’re done for; tears immediately welling up in your eyes. Merkel would feel horrible. Never had he wanted to make you cry, and immediately the subject was dropped; he would spend the entire night cuddling with you and making up for making you cry. After that the argument was forgotten. Whatever it was about could be solved later 
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Mickey wasn't a fan of arguing with you; most things were easily solved because if you wouldn't bend then he would, and if he wouldn’t bend then you would. There were very few things that the two of you completely disagreed on, and because of that you were pretty much the perfect couple; however when those very few disagreements came along it wasn't pretty. Since the two of you were so used to bending and not arguing the entire experience was hurtful. Not because hurtful things were said, by any means, just because it hardly ever happened; if he felt he needed to get a point across he would raise his voice, for the first time in the argument really, and in turn you would breakdown. With the fighting, and the disagreement all together, and then yelling-- it was all too much. He’d feel awful if he made you cry and he would do anything to make it up to you. He’d say “fuck what we’re arguing about, I won't lose you over something this stupid,” and hug you tightly, soothing your soft sobs. Needless to say the problem was dropped and he’d bend 
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Roman did happen to argue a lot; if you would go along with it he would argue all day long. Bringing up shit that he knew would hurt you, and you doing it back in return. It wouldn't be until he saw your eyes glaze over with something he had said that he would stop. He’d ask you if you were crying, and hearing your voice break while you tried to say no would crush him. Of course the last thing he ever wanted was to make you cry; things that were said would plague his mind as he gently wrapped his arms around you and apologized. He’d press a kiss to your forehead and tell you that he loved you and it was done. He didn't want to argue anymore. He didn't want to see you cry. He wanted to make it right. And he would, even if it meant ignoring your pleas for him not to spend money on you and buy you some food or some chocolate to make you feel better 
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The Kid was scared of yelling. He didn't like fighting. He didn't like tension in the room with you. He didn't like thinking he did something wrong and you might hate him. Disagreements were rare between you and the kid, and if they ever happened he was the first to cry. He didn't want this. He just wanted a hug. To apologize for upsetting you. Even if you were previously bothered by the argument topic it was over now; the kid was almost in tears. Seeing him in tears would then, in turn, make you cry. Seeing you cry would make the kid feel worse and cry more. It was a bad time
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