#he went and propose to tohru to run away together
ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
also i don't know what the hell is going on with natsuno and tohru-chan but i do know it doesn't involve any women whatsoever
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liesweliveby · 5 years
Please give me more Akigure headcanons post-curse. c:
-Shigure is very against Akito’s attempts to make peace with Ren, as he believes she should cut her abusive mother out of her life completely (SHE SHOULD)
-However, the guilt of the pain she caused the zodiac members drives Akito to continue these attempts
-They all fail
-Eventually (long after Shiki is born), with help from Tohru and Shigure, she is able to let go, and Ren is moved to a mental institution
-Whenever Shigure and Akito run into Mayu and Hatori together, it’s always extremely awkward (I don’t think Mayu would ever be able to forgive Akito for what happened with Kana)
-These instances always end with Mayu and Shigure snarking at each other until Akito drags Shigure away
-Shigure, of course, was the one to propose (mirroring the end of chapter 103 of Tokyo Ghoul re)
-He did so very casually. They were eating with Tohru and Kyo (who were visiting) when Shigure went “Hey Akito, wanna get married?”
-Kyo choked and spit out his tea, and Tohru was ecstatic
-As soon as Ayame heard, he demanded to be wedding planning. Akito reluctantly agreed
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