#he wears Tommy's clothes all the time 😂
darkerthanblack-666 · 11 months
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jari.nurmi.16 story
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stagefoureddiediaz · 29 days
I’m away from home without full internet access so I can’t go into a full spiral about this latest buck outfit, but I have thoughts and I have parallels pinging around in my brain like the cards used to do at the end of a game of solitaire on the computer 😂
So here is a very brief meta that I will come back to when I am able! @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual I hope this ties in nicely with my post on buck in navy for you 😎
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I’m still super fascinated by the choice of loose fit for Buck, because this outfit is ill fitting as well -the trousers especially, and not in an ‘intentional loose fit’ way - the jeans are too long by about an inch (which is why we see the odd bunch in at the ankle) and they are too loose around the hip and thigh (the section below the waist band). The jacket also doesn’t fit quite right - it’s a little too long in the sleeve and across the shoulder. It’s all very reminiscent of the fit we saw on buck in season 1 and that is super interesting to me considering the number of parallels we have been seeing between Abby and Tommy. This idea that Buck is searching for something - a way to fit in his own skin - something Buck was closest to doing in 2b-the end of s3 - when his clothes fit him the best. We saw the shrinking come into play in s4 and continue through s5 and 6 and then we saw a brief period of well fitting clothes post 7x04 - when he has realised he’s bi - only for them to start to fit poorly again from 7x05 onwards - suggesting that Buck is once more not fully comfortable in his skin and that we’re getting a parallel of his journey through s1 rather than s5/6.
We have buck in a white tee - and we all know what that means - danger ahead for Buck!
We also have the new white trainers - so the scenes this outfit is for will be about Buck and his journey - his new journey as he has new trainers (the old ones were connected to his bi journey - now he’s figured that out, we’re onto the next journey!)
Then we have a navy blue jacket - Buck tends to wear navy in connection with his relationships, most notibly his romantic relationships, but by no means exclusively (he wears navy shorts in connection with key moments in his relationship with Eddie - the fox house dinner in 5x11 and when Chris leaves in 7x10 most notably). All the moments he’s wearing navy blue connect into the breakdown of those relationships - we saw him wearing it a lot with Taylor, especially in scenes where their relationship was in not great places - when nails were being added to the coffin as it were- but we also see him wear navy when his relationship with Eddie falters, and with his parents,even his relationship with Bobby is connected to navy blue (law suit anyone!)
Then there are the khaki trousers - we just don’t see Buck in khaki very often - it’s just not a colour he wears - especially not in trouser form - he is nearly always in black, navy or grey trousers. So this is significant - he wore khaki trousers twice in season 1 - both scenes very much connected with Abby and Buck and Abby’s relationship. The first is imo the most significant - in 1x05 - when he helps Abby look for her mom - the first time they meet in person and Buck essentially commits to trying to date her - to pursuing a ‘grown up’ longer term relationship. That a parental issue is central to this is and the outfit most closely resembles this new one is what I’m most fascinated by. It connects the concept of this new outfit having something related to a parental issue and the fact Buck has th website trainers on means it’s a parental relationship of his not someone else’s that’s the centre of it - the scenes will be about Buck not someone else.
The second scene in s1 is from episode 7 - it’s when Buck and Abby have sex for the first time, but he wears a black tee rather than a white one and this ties it in with the next time we see him in khaki trousers in 2x06 - when he, Chim and Eddie are helping Maddie move into her new appartment - the ‘he’s cute’ ‘you should meet his kid’ scene.
The scene from 2x06 is interesting because it lays the foundation work for Chim and Maddie’s future relationship, at the same time as paralleling Chim and Eddie and Maddie and Buck. Maddie is still technically in a relationship at this point as she is still married to Doug, yet the foundation stones of madney are being laid. In the same vein - Buck is still technically in a relationship with Abby (well he believes he is!) and we see further foundation stones being laid for Buck and Eddie’s relationship. That the show is fairly loudly doing this in parallel is telling!
The only other time we’ve seen buck not wearing blue black or grey trousers is in his coma dream when we had the tan corduroy trousers. And while I think we might have a slight connection there - in that they play into the idea of some kind of internal struggle for buck - I don’t think it’s necessarily relevant here!
I know that the parallel with this outfit of Eddie’s hs already been floated
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And it’s totally relevant in my opinion. Eddie setting off for Texas and setting up dealing with/confronting his daddy issues - whilst Eddie has no intention of addressing his issues in Texas he does end up dealing with at least a portion of them - specifically the ones around his dad. We see the outcome of that in season 6 when we are shown the improving relationship between them.
This feels especially relevant after the date night daddy issues scene between Buck and Tommy last season - one that very much felt like a set up for season 8 and buck addressing his parental relationships - something I think may well have been explored in season 7 if Annalise had been available for season 7 - as we would very likely have had Eddie with his queer arc and buck exploring his issues around abandonment and death (more in this in a minute).
There are actually two other Buck costumes which I think are far far more relevant when it comes to the meaning of this new outfit - this one from a flashback in Buck Begins
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And this one from outside looking in
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Both are white tee/hoodie with a navy jacket! The first is essentially Buck ‘breaking up’ with his parents and the second essentially marks the end of his relationship with Taylor (even if it’s a very long and drawn out end!) - the moment that his unhappiness (even if he’s burying it and not actually able to recognise that he’s unhappy in it) with the reltionship becomes truly apparent to us the audience. (The fact that LAFD bomber along with a hoodie is also worn in the scene when he goes to see Tommy is also key - it parallels the two scenes - placing Tommy in a sort of parallel with Lucy - as a disruptor of the status quo (in not even going to get into the fact that Eddie is key in both of these scenes - that while Lucy is a disruptor of BuckTaylor, she is much more a disruptor of Buck and Eddie!))
Both of these play into an overarching theme with Buck - especially in light of this outfit we’ve also seen for this season
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Because this one also matches with an outfit from Buck begins - the one where he is planning to leave with Maddie but she hides and he ends up leaving without her. (I don’t have access to my stills from that episode at the moment but I’ll add it in later on when I do!) the greyish khaki parallelspeaks of Bucks issues around abandonment - the feeling of being abandoned by both his parents and Maddie (remember this is Bucks feelings in that moment - he is a flawed narrator and didn’t have all the facts- it is not the reality that Maddie abandoned him - she was protecting him and herself so we are not hiding her in any way) and him setting out on his adventure that ends up in L.A. and at the 118.
So this new outfit is very likely going to play into that concept - and the two new outfits taken together suggests to me that we are very likely going to see that aspect of Bucks journey explored this season - it’s an aspect of his character that lead to him clinging to first Abby and then Taylor - it’s no mistake that Taylor’s return to the show comes so soon after we see Buck begins - Bucks abandonment issues have been brought back into the spotlight and are raw when she reappears and becomes his girlfriend.
So I’m expecting to be seeing Buck doing a fair chunk of figuring himself out and dealing with his issues around abandonment in this season and in whatever both of these scenes end up looking like/ being about. This will very likely tie into his romantic relationship as much as his parental/familial ones and while I don’t think either outfit marks a BuckTommy break up, I very much expect them to play into that relationship failing - like the ones we saw leading to the ultimate destruction and end of Bucks relationship with Taylor (the dinner at the diaz house scene and then the Buck Lucy kiss scene) specifically.
I’m excited to see how this all plays out!
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
Maybe a HC maybe not? But that last BuckTommy scene wasn't a date, it was Buck coming home to his boyfriend that was already waiting there for him because he definitely had a key and he also might have definitely picked up Miceli's on the way over for dinner because he knew his man was at the hospital all day, stressy and depressy.
(It V88SY btw, how's that one simp competition fic coming along? 😂)
Hi again (Idk why I couldn't tag you) I agree!!!! They didn't wear any fancy clothes, Buck literally was in his all day clothes. And by the look of the food it seems like Tommy or Buck or both might made something real quick, but mostly they used left overs
It was domestic romantic dinner after long day. Not a date, but just good time together to rest and flirt because they are at least 2 months (I strongly believe even 3 already) dating and spend a lot of time like that because with their schedules they not always have time and mood for real dates, but always want to spend some time together so cute dinners/lunches and breakfasts together are good alternative
And I'm sure it was Tommy who brought wine because he wanted it to be still pretty romantic dinner and because he wanted to spoil his man a little with good wine and yes give him something to unwind a little (wine is stronger than beer)
As for the fic, for now it's in "I'm thinking about it stage, but I actually really excited about this funny little fic so I'm hopeful
Talk to me about bucktommy, Buck or Tommy HCs. Madney, bathena, henren, Eddie or others too
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stonesylove · 8 months
A night out in Berlin pt.4
Chapter 3 - Chapter 5
Alessandra was glad she got her alarm on when she woke up because she could never wake up on her own especially after a night out and even more when she had sex the night before, she looked over to the other side of the bed and he was there looking so hot even when he was asleep, Alessandra couldn’t believe what happened the night before but she didn’t have enough time to just sit down and daydream about the man sleeping next to her, so she got up put on her clothes getting mentally ready for the walk of shame to her home, it was truly a bad idea wearing a short shear dress in fall but as her best friend likes to say “A bitch never gets cold”. Alessandra took a cab and quickly texted him so Tom wouldn’t think that he was just a night stand or maybe she was the night stand but still it was worth taking the shot and inviting him for lunch, the Italian girl got to her flat around 8 am knowing she had to be at the studio at 8:30, at least it was close to her building.
The class went by as planned but Alessandra was completely sore from the night before, Tom was a big guy but she didn’t know a British man could do all those things, she thought that he was gonna be a fun vanilla man but she was so wrong, she knew she wouldn’t be giving her all and Giuliana was giving her funny looks through the mirror which made the situation more unserious, when the class ended Alessandra reached out for her phone in her bag to see a text from the British boy, and he was talking about his eyes but that message didn’t make sense to her until she realized she had posted a pic of her outfit and a little secret message for him, she loved that he take everything so lightheaded and didn’t make it serious.
Alessandra Di Maggio
well Tommy I know a couple blue eyed boys, so I had to shoot my shot and wait for someone to fall
My British boy (Tom)
Hmm I remember a short Italian girl kissing me outside of the club telling me that her favorite color was the color of my eyes đŸ€”
Alessandra Di Maggio
Such a hot girl move from that Italian girl
My British boy (Tom)
Yeah, she’s taking me out for lunch today
I need to talk about her riding techniques, I was impressed 
Alessandra Di Maggio
Hold your horses cowboy and reverse cowboy
My British boy (Tom)
That doesn’t make sense but I’ll give it to you😂😂😂
Alessandra Di Maggio
You just ruined the moment with that emoji grandpa
But I’m down if you wanna teach me some new stuff
My British boy (Tom)
You can’t call me grandpa and then ask me to fuck you in new ways
I guess that’s how ipad kids flirt
Alessandra Di Maggio
I can’t please you, you don’t like my cowboy jokes and you don’t like the grandpa jokes
My British boy (Tom)
Baby you please me in every way possible but you’re way too funny sometimes
But that’s okay, we can search for your funny bone tonight 
Alessandra Di Maggio
Maybe we can also search for your hair bald guy
My British boy (Tom)
I know the buzzcut turns you on funny girl
But I rather see you looking out for your clothes tomorrow morning
Alessandra Di Maggio
We will see, don’t be so desperate let me rest 
See you at 2 o’clock outside of your hotel British boy
Alessandra didn’t know how to feel about Tom yet, of course he really knew how to make her scream and she loved that but she didn’t want to get too caught up with him. Time passed by pretty fast to her liking and when she was brought back to reality she was waiting for the tall man outside of his hotel; she saw his figure walking out of the lobby and fuck he knew how to look like the hottest man alive. “Hi funny girl” Tom said hugging the short girl, “Hi daddy” Alessandra said making him laugh so loud.
“I like experimenting but I don’t think the “daddy thing” is something I like” Tom said catching his breathe, “You don’t like any of the nick names I gave you, literally such a boomer” she said trying to sound hurt but she loved to poke fun at him “Would you prefer if I call you tom nice balls?” She tried to be as serious as she could while saying that, to what Tom shrug his shoulders and said “okay nice tits”; the stupid conversation continued until they arrived to the cafĂ©.
“So Tommy nice balls what’s your movie about” Alessandra said after ordering, “It’s the hunger games prequel” Tom said without wanting to give much detail because he knew he couldn’t so he tried to guide the conversation somewhere else; they talked about Alessandra’s work in the ballet company, she told Tom about the fall-winter schedule and maybe if he was in town he could go and see one show even tough she felt immediate regret because of Tom’s reaction talking about how he didn’t know what his schedule would be and that maybe he wouldn’t make it so he won’t make any promises, the Italian girl knew she wasn’t that important to him but she wanted to at least show him what she did for living. The lunch “date” was everything she could’ve wish for, they ate this croissant sandwich that he had to take some pictures of, they talked so much about life, what their dreams were, Alessandra told him about her plan of applying for the royal ballet in London or the American ballet theater in New York but she still had to finish the current season, at the end of the lunch, while Tom was being over dramatic about something that happened on set she saw how he phone screen lighted up and a text from someone saved as 
“Babe” appeared on the screen.
For the first time in a while Alessandra didn’t know to feel, of course they weren’t something serious not even a situationship but still she felt like a knot was forming in her stomach, saying something wasn’t an option she didn’t had any right to ask him about it so Alessandra decided to act like she didn’t see that and everything was perfect; after paying and walking out of the small cafĂ© Tom tried to grab her hand but she made the excuse that it was freezing so putting her hands in her pockets were the only option, “so what do you want to do know” Tom said with a face she couldn’t describe, maybe he noticed something was off with her but she didn’t wanted to give it away, “To be honest I’m a little bit tired so if you want we can go back to my place and watch a movie or something, I know I’ll be home alone for the rest of the day” she said in a stupid impulse, he enjoyed his company and at the end she wanted to at least be friendly until she knew more about “Babe”. They walked to her place joking and talking, it felt like they’ve known each other for all their lives and she loved that both had a similar sense of humor, as they enter the small apartment Alessandra hanged her coat and asked tom for his, “Do you wanna watch the hunger games or billy the kid” she said making fun of him “I love that scene in billy the kid were everyone can see your ass” Tom was shocked but wouldn’t back down either “I’m really proud of my ass, I think the light reflected so beautiful on it” he said making the Italian girl laugh so hard she could felt how she was losing her breathe, they ended up watching this cute romcom she was obsessed with call “love,Rosie”, Tom had a lot of opinions bout how the main character was an asshole and they just needed to ask the other about how they felt ever and that made Alessandra think how his exact words were the same situation they were living.”Well I better get going tomorrow is going to be a long day in set” tom said to then kiss the short girl, took his stuff and got out the apartment. 
When Tom was gone Alessandra looked him up on instagram checking his comment section to see if she could found any comment that would lead her to “babe”, she knew that all she was doing was crazy but the curiosity was eating her alive but this was something she needed to do; Alessandra read all the comments on all his post but every women that commented was either a fan or a friend so she started to think that maybe she had read that wrong and maybe it didn’t said babe but she was sure of what she saw.
Tom Blyth posted a story 
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Alessandra Di maggio answered the story 
Oooh you went out with someone to eat croissants 
Tom Blyth 
Yes yes with a cute Italian girl but almost had to grab a high chair for her.
Alessandra Di maggio
You are such a funny guy 🙄
Alessandra decided to post some fun pic of her last couple of weeks also a great bikini pic that went with the aesthetic, specially a pic she took of Tom massaging her feet the night they watched films in her apartment and fuck his hands were HOT, also a pic she took in their night out of him dancing on a table.
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Liked by tomblyth, giuli_123 and 1,992 others
Alessssa REd BabE or something like that
Tomblyth great masseur you got there
   alessssa might book another session for this week
giuli_123 coke add?
  alessssa yes, and?
Username1 hottest girl alive
Username2 live your best life girl
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Liked by alessa, rachelzegler and 106,823 others
Tomblyth Dumb blonde out and about 
Username1 from who are those hands hun????
  Usename2 must be Rachel
     Username3 she doesn’t have long hair rn
Hunterschafer your almost a Berlin boy now
 (Tom liked the comment)
Username4 RUE WHEN WAS THIS????
alessssa fav natural blonde
   Tomblyth 100% natural, grow by me
     Username5 babe who’s this
       Username6 private profile??
         Username7 grow up, men can have friends
Joshandrerivera living your best life Tommy boy
    (Tom liked the comment)
Rachezegler that’s some nice red polish
    Username8 right?????
      Username9 those are your hands???
        Username10 MOTHER
After the date they had or well she didn’t know what to called what was that but she had an amazing time with Tom but she couldn’t get out of her head the thought of him having someone else in the States, she knew this wasn’t something serious but she didn’t want to be the other woman, that’s why she decided to text him get the conversation started and ask him about that.
Alessandra Di Maggio
So do you have a girl in every country you work in?
My British Boy (Tom)
That’s not funny Alessandra 🙄
Do you think I’m a fuck boy?
Alessandra Di Maggio 
Don’t call me Alessandra🙄🙄
I’m not judging
My british Boy (Tom)
That’s your name pretty girl
I won’t call you a Alessandra if you won’t call me fuck boy
Alessandra Di Maggio
I promise you I won’t call you a fuck boy
But being serious you don’t have a girl back home?
 (Delivered 2:22 am)
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lemotmo · 2 months
đŸ«– đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–đŸ«–
So much tea so little time 😂
The video definitely seems to have sent them into spiral mode. Because they can’t keep saying Ryan would never do gay Eddie when Ryan is clearly giving them a giant middle finger of wanna bet with that video. So now it seems they are going after Kenny’s video trying to say it’s a bad joke about sexual assault, while also at the same time saying Lou was the one in the room so..make that make any sense. I guess as usual for them it’s only funny if Lou is involved. But then at the same time as that they are also reaching a point of not being able to say they are hiding him while mask saying they are hiding him and waiting till premiere day to drop nothing but Lou exclusive photo shoots, Interviews, and bts photos. And then making the GA desperate to see him when he’s not in episode 1. So again make it make sense 😂😂 I also know they are annoyed that the video clearly shows they were once again incorrect with the narrative they were trying to push of Buck tommy endgame because Buck was definitely wearing Tommy’s clothes. And the video very clearly shows he isn’t and shows how much he’s matching with Eddie instead.
Ah đŸ«– Nonny, thank you for all the đŸ«– today.
I keep reading all of this with a sense of complete bafflement. I should know better by now.
Them coming after Kenny's video was so predictable. I knew it was going to happen. That's the only thing they could do, because Ryan obviously hinted at something they have all been trying to deny for months now.
Thanks again! :)
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paperstorm · 9 months
Speaking of Tk uncommon outfits, I would like to mention those pink shoes that he was wearing in S4E17 in the firehouse pantry. It was the Scene where TK was seeking help from 126 after that awkward Texas rangers conver that Carlos had with his dad
I think everyone was too shocked from the d word scene to comment about tk pink shoes but I was amused by it because it’s the first time I see tk wearing pink shoes 😂
Need to know his thought process while shopping for those shoes - like tk choosing shoes from various colours and him deciding ✹ YES THESE PINK SHOES ARE THE ONES ✹
I also like all these little touches of tk wearing brightly coloured things (e.g: his yellow/pink/tie dyed hoodie, red honeymoon shorts, his floral prints shirt) it contrasts with Carlos who prefers deep coloured/more serious-ish clothing. They complement each other well ✅
And just had a funny idea, imagine 126 sometimes finding random brightly pink things left around the firehouse and they go - Marjan is this yours? Nancy? Tommy did eve and Izzy left these behind? Someone from the other shift?
And tk just claim it like duh it’s mine
I love his wild patterns and his little pops of colour so much, those pink shoes were kind of an odd choice but I love it! He has to wear a standardized uniform so much of his time, I love that on his off days he lets his personality out in bright colours and fun patterns.
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writermuses · 3 years
Leah and Tommy
who’s the cuddler:
Leah and Tomlin doesn’t mind that one bit.
who makes the bed:
Tomlin. Prison makes you particular.
who wakes up first:
Tomlin keeps weird hours for his job, but on a typical day it’s probably Leah since she’s running a small business that has to open at a certain time versus his small business that relies on home disasters 😂 
who has the weird taste in music:
I feel like Tomlin’s is probably unexpected when you look at him and don’t know him but it’s not ‘weird’... I’m not sure what Leah’s is, but these two are some normies so I’d say that neither have ‘weird’ music taste.
who is more protective:
Tomlin is a posessive MFer.
who sings in the shower:
Not Tomlin, he’s in and out unless there are “activities” occurring 🙊 
who cries during movies:
Not Tomlin, he almost never cries
who spends the most while out shopping:
Depends on the bigger picture. I bet they both will spend an equally obscene amount of money on books. Overall, Tomlin only shops for work related things which just tend to be expensive. He’ll still wear his clothes to their death and would rather help someone in need and look homeless than spend money on himself.
who kisses more roughly:
Tomlin. Possessive bean, poor girl.
who is more dominant:
Tomlin, but she doesn’t seem to mind
my rating of the ship from 1-10:
9.999/10 Our first ship has such a special place in feelstopia and out of all our beans they’re only trumped by Nate and Danny
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