#he was spot on with everything and the effects rhaenyra dying early would have on westeros
those both sides are bad morons are just undercover greens lmao
i sincerely question these peoples intelligence
bc it is clear that this both sides are bad bs is just a way to sneakily justify the greens bc they know that supporting the greens outright is tantamount to admitting that they’re misogynists
they are intelligent enough to know that taking the greens side outright is a bad look but are too stupid to realize that claiming both sides are bad is just as idiotic of a stance to take
they also completely lack self awareness because they don’t even realize that taking the both sides are bad stance is a misogynistic stance as well
the worst part is that these people sincerely believe that they are enlightened and correct
you people need to get your heads checked bc there is only one correct side and it’s the blacks
btw this green vs black bs is just trump vs hillary
both candidates fucking sucked ass and deserve to rot in hell but one side was infinitely better than the other
pssst hillary was the better choice
literally look at what has happened to women’s rights in america after trump became president. fucking look. now look at what has happened to westerosi noblewomen and their obvious decline of power after rhaenyra was murdered.
ofc rhaenyra isn’t even close to being as awful as hillary, but you couldn’t convince me that book aegon isn’t trump just not orange and show aegon seems to be getting there
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