#he was seven dolar
absolutelyzoned · 3 months
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ignore the weird ass way im standing,, my knees.. owie ..
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04JUN24- #Ecuador #CDs 'The interest rate on fixed-term deposits in June is the highest in the last fifteen years: how much do I earn if I deposit $10,000 for a year?
"The interest recognized by financial institutions such as banks and cooperatives for fixed-term deposits (CDs) reached a record percentage of 8.44% in June 2024, according to the history published by the Central Bank of Ecuador every month.
It is the highest performance in the last fifteen years, at least since January 2008. (Yes, there are institutions that offer higher returns for extended CDs).
The trend of investing in banks and cooperatives, freezing deposits for a certain time to receive a profit in exchange from the chosen financial institution, continues because there is a high return.
In the case of fixed-term deposits, we must look at the reference passive interest rate, which is what financial institutions pay in exchange for maintaining a deposit for a certain period of time.
The ECB publishes the annual reference deposit rates depending on how long the amount remains.
The reference deposit rate in June 2010 was 4.4%, so it rose 4.04 points from then until June 2024.
And between June 2023 and this month it went from 7.03% to 8.44%.
High inflation and the increase in interest rates abroad push and pressure local banks to also raise interest rates within the country so as not to lose their deposits.
The percentage is an average, since ultimately the return received will depend on what each financial institution recognizes and the time the amount is frozen.
How much interest do I earn if I deposit $10,000 in a fixed term for one year?
According to the ECB's reference interest rate table, the annual return for freezing a deposit for a period of 181 to 360 days is 8.48%.
If a citizen freezes ten thousand dollars in a policy for a period of 360 days, he will receive $848 in interest, so upon completion of the term he would receive $10,848.
The most used term is 181 to 360 days, which is adjusted depending on the time that it is finally decided to freeze.
For example, if you decide to open a term account or policy with a deposit of ten thousand dollars, freezing them for 210 days (seven months), the capital will earn a cumulative return of 4.95%, which means $495. In the end, you will receive $10,495.
But if the agreed time is 240 days, that is, for eight months, the return that the same ten thousand dollars would earn would be $565 with a return of 5.65%. Finally, the amount that the depositor will receive will be $10,565.
The calculation is made by dividing the interest for twelve months, in this case 8.48% for 12. The result is multiplied by the number of months that the money will ultimately be kept frozen.
The agreed performance will be obtained the moment the planned period begins to run.
How much money is there in the policies?
The last figure available corresponds to the month of April 2024 when fixed-term deposits in private banks totaled 20,793.61 million dollars.
Added to this value are the 14,723.43 million dollars that are in policies of the institutions of the popular and solidarity economy (cooperatives and mutual societies).
Which adds up to a total of 35,517.04 million dollars.
The most used term in banks and cooperatives is 181 to 360 days with 10,478.56 million dollars frozen in banks and cooperatives.
In April 2024 there were 386,580 clients with fixed-term deposits in private banks, according to the Datalab system of the Association of Banks of Ecuador (Asobanca).
The latest figure available from the Superintendency of the Popular and Solidarity Economy, which regulates cooperatives and mutuals, indicates that a total of 793,987 clients had a policy in this type of financial institutions in March 2024.
Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/informes/la-tasa-de-interes-por-los-depositos-a-plazo-fijo-en-junio-es-la-mas-alta-de-los-ultimos-quince-anos-cuanto-gano-si-deposito-10000-dolares-por-un-ano-nota/
#ecuadorfinancialfuture #terminvestments #CDs #CertificateofDeposit #interestrates
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dijoin · 3 years
genre: high school students, strangers to lovers
pairing: student! heesung x student!gn! reader
warnings: none that i’m aware of
✦ inspired by day6’s “what can I do” mv !
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The cold air from the night and the bad music that was playing on the store only made Heesung feel more bored while sitting behind the counter, only companied by a couple of older man who were eating instant noodles, truly not the most pleasing night.
He leaned on the counter allowing himself to rest his upper body there and scroll trough social media, some cat videos here and there and the same guys asking him were the thrash can was before leaving seemed to be all he would have for that night but the door bell rang one more time indicating another customer had come.
“hello, welcome to seven eleven. Can I help you?” the phrase came out almost as a dialogue he had practice constantly for a play, his eyes scanning the person in front of him and recognizing the school uniform as his school’s but not their face, maybe they weren’t on the same grade.
y/n smiled softly at them “uh yeah, do you have chips right?”, their cheeks turning pink from the cold air coming from the ac above them, staring at each other for a little bit until he broke the silence “yes, in the corner over there” he pointed and y/n thanked him while getting closer to the colorful plastic bags full with delicious chips and leaving him alone again to bear the basic music playing on the radio or so he thought, his boss unexpectedly came inside the store and after a quick hello he went past him and opened the cashier machine.
“whats this?” his annoyed tone tinted by growing anger made heesung rise his view from his phone with a confused expression. “this little punk.” he raised his voice “you stole the money didn’t you?” heesung took a glance at the machine only to see it was completely empty, with the black color of its material showing. He was genuinely as surprised as his boss, his shift started only a couple of hours ago and jihoon looked as relaxed as always when he saw him, he even bought himself a drink before getting out. Or was that what he saw until he entered the back of the building to change into work clothes?
“i think there’s a misunderstanding” heesung tried to say as calm as he could to not rise the tension but his boss who faced him directly clearly didn’t believed him and the anger on his face was showing more fiercely now. It was scary, not only for the fact that the old man was probably over 6’0 feet tall but that he also seemed to be really strong, at least enough to brake his nose from a single punch. “a misunderstanding? cmon I caught you red handed!, there’s not a single dolar or penny there!” he answered with boiling annoyance building up in each word, heesung not knowing what else to say to his boss remark just mouthed an “eh-“, letting the man to keep yelling and asking him where the money had gone until he started threatening to call the cops but poor heesung had gone completely blank to say anything else on his defense. He had never stolen anything on his life and as much as he needed money for university he wouldn’t steal to get it, he work for it fair and square. That only left one person who could be the culprit, but he was too nice to throw him under the bus.
Those thoughts gathered in his mind just until he felt a grip on his arm, it was y/n who worriedly looked at him. “Sir what are you doing?” they said cutting trough all the threats and curses coming out of the old one’s mouth “you cannot accuse him of anything just like that!, did you truly saw him with the money on his hands?” Heesung was totally surprised at their bravery, y/n who was a lot smaller compared to his boss and a lot more skinny and probably weak didn’t flinch an inch while taking down all of the accusations his boss was hitting him with.
“let’s just get out of here, it’s useless” they said dragging heesung out despite still being in the middle of a fight, they walked trough the empty streets of Seoul, feeling the fresh air hitting their skin, in complete silence only stopping to take a seat in the closest park swings. He had not spoken a word since they got out of the store while y/n who was really bothered by how the man accused heesung like that, was now ranting all about how unfair it was to accuse him and make a whole scene if he had no proof of him stealing, how if they were stronger they would have made them close their mouth and more with some punching and kicking into the air as a representation of it.
“Cute” was the only thing that came to heesung’s mind, looking at the person to their right and moving back and forth softly on the swing he laughed a little gaining y/n’s giggles in return, they also knew how childish they must looked while performing a whole karate show worth of the ninja turtles appreciation to elaborate on their frustration with heesung’s boss reaction.
Just like that, the night went on with both of them talking and laughing as if they have known each other from way back, letting the cold air be the only thing that bothered them.
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! hello it’s azul, im back with this little scenario i thought of after watching day6’s what can i do mv again! hopefully you enjoy it <3.
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hyuckarps · 4 years
with craig ( @sugarpowder )
the drive into denver isn’t hard. kenny makes it also weekly now, and even in the beat up old car, he has only hit the dust exactly once. it’s worth it anyway, because the second he steps into the the bar—one bigger and better than ruffian’s. performing back home is cool, but kenny loves something about no one recognizing him.
the dressing room in the bar is bright, pink lockers lining the wall with rainbow stickers everywhere. and it makes kenny feel so happy. by now, he’s got his own special seat at the mirrors, after two years of using a fake id to get in and do shows and meet the other girls.
but, he isn’t one of them yet. dropping his duffel onto the ground, he starts undressing, tucking, and soon he’s pulling on skin colored tights and stuffing padding into them.
before he does more, he stops to apply makeup, painting his eyes bigger, eyebrows smaller and angled, eyelashes applied, and every stroke of the brushes make him feel gorgeous.
then it’s time to actually get dressed, this time he slips into a gown. glittering, but it’s nothing special. a lilac dress that slips down to his feet even in the heels, but a large slit going up to his pelvic bone, the train basically there just to be pretty. if he were a real girl, his whole pussy would be out. but he isn’t, so a simple purple g-string suffices in making him feel like just enough of a whore. it’s basically a corset and a panty, but the dress makes him feel like a princess.
when he pulls the wig on, long and blonde, with tight curls tonight. he only has two wigs, one straight hair, one curly. and tonight, the curls are down and he feels fucking fantastic as he slips into a pair of high heels, white. the last touch is his lips, which he finally decides need to be a shade of pink, dull until he adds a metallic lip gloss over it.
his name in drag is fucking stupid, he is reminded of that every time he is called onto the stage.
welcome princess phallix to the stage!
the song first song he lip syncs to is only two minutes and fifty seven seconds, but he always makes money. a hundred bucks in one song, easily. but tonight he does two songs, and the second one he already has ideas to get extra.
going into the crowd always helps, and goes to a couple guys, even a girl, but he sets his sights onto a guy sitting at the bar, and it isn’t until he is already at the guy that he realizes it’s craig tucker, all the way from their little town. damn, he cant even get stan to come to a show.
knowing him doesn’t deter him, instead of mouthing the words and removing his dumb blue hat to hold against his crotch before shoving it onto craigs.
he wanna get in my guts, licking my clit till i nut, kenny gets close to craig’s face and pretends to lick his cheek before pulling back excited, basically hopping along to the beat of the song, sucking and making you uh! he bouta bust! he can’t resist the urge to pretend to jerk off and come onto craig, never giving up the opportunity to be a dirty son of a bitch. with that he leaves to another patron, feeling dolars being hung into the g-string as he passes hands.
the song eventually ends and he collects the cash before going backstage to stash it before he returns to the floor, looking for the guys that will inevitably wanna buy him a drink. he catches eyes with craig again though, and smiles at the other, not even sure if recognizes him. it’s not like its surprising for either of them to be here. but craig hasn’t really seen kenny be like this.
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final-girl96 · 4 years
Let's Save The World
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Chapter Seven
When I woke up I went in the the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and washed my face. When I looked up I notice the ring was back on my finger.
I forwarded my brows and looked down at my hand. I ran to my room and changed then went go fives room. He wasn't there but then I heard him talking. "I'd ask whst you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me... I don't care,"
"Hey! You know there's easier ways out of the house, buddy?" I heard Klaus say.
This ine invovled the least amount of talking. Or so I thought," Five replied.
"Hey, hey, hey, so... You need any more company today? I could uh... clear my schedule," Klaus said.
I walked to the window and climbed out onto the fire escape. I watched as five walkes down the ally and Klaus was in the the dumpster.
"Looks like you've got ypur hands full," Five said.
Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just... I misplaced something. That's all," Klaus said and disappeared into the dumpster.
After a little bit he poped back up with half of a bagel in his hand. "Oh! Found it!" He said and took a bite of it.
"Delicious," Klaus said.
"Gross," I said and he looked up.
"Eight!" Klaus a said and Five stopped and looked up at me.
I looled away from and walked down the ladder and jumped to the ground. I pulled the bagel from Klaus' hand and throw it back in the dumpster. "Dint eat trash Klaus!" I said.
"So can I come?" Klaus asked Five.
"I'm done funding your drug habit," he said.
I looked at him and noticed he had that stupid duffle with Dalores in it. "Come on! You don't... maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother," Klaus yelled then looked to his right. "Not you," he said.
Five walked to a purple van "¡Mi hermano! I love you! Even if you don't love yourself!" Klaus yelled as Five got in the van and slammed the door shut then drive off.
"So, Eight... What happened last night?" Klaus asked.
"What?" I asked.
"You slept in your room. Then I saw five walk into your room this morning," he said.
"Nothing happened," I said walking away.
"Then why did Five say "I'm sorry, I love you." When he was in your room and put something on your finger?" He asked and I stopped.
I looked down at the ring and fiddled with it. I looked at Klaus with tears in my eyes. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked getting out of the dumpster and coming over to me.
"Five, doesn't love me. At least not like that. He loves that stupid ass maniqunne. I was the only living human left he had no other choices. He only wanted to marry me because of that not because he loves me. We got into a fight because he went to get that damn doll. I gave him the ring back," I said as tears rolled down my face.
Klaus pulled me into him "he loves you more than you think. He wouldn't have gave you the ring back. He looked at little defeated walking out of your room. Five doesn't love anyone more than you," he said.
"Go after him and talk to him,"
"I don't know," I said.
"Go trust me," he said and I looked at him and nodded.
I had an idea where he would be and walked to Meritech. I saw the van and higher over to it. I heard him through the door to Five talking to the damn doll.
"Sorry you were in there for so long, Dalores. No im not drunk. Im working. Yes. It's the eye thing. This is the place it was made. Or... will be made. We just have to wait," he said.
I swang the door open and stood there. Five looked at me wide eyed. "Eight. What are you doing here," he asked looking from my eyes to my left hand.
I looked at the ring and looked at him "I see brought and you're talking to your damn doll. I was here to talk to you like Klaus suggested. But now I don't know," I said.
I was about to shit the door and walk off but Five stopped me "dont go," he said.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Just stay, please,"
I sighed and got in the van and closed the door. We sat there in silence and I looked at Dolares sat in between us. I huffed and picked her up by the neck and throw her in the back. "What the hell was that for?!" Five yelled.
"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt your little girlfriend?" I said sarcastically looking at him.
"What the hell is your problem?" He asked.
"You. You're my problem Five!" I yelled.
"You come in my room, put the ring back on my damn finger say your sorry and you love me, then you leave to come here again with a stupid ass doll!"
"You heard me?" He asked.
"No, Klaus saw and heard you. Then he told me," I said.
"I do love you," he said.
"Don't fucking lie to me Five!" I said as my voice cracked. I looked away from him as my eyes filled with more tears.
"I'm not lying. Why do you have to be so damn stubbron?!" He yelled.
The passenger side door opened and Luther stood there leaning down to look at us. "Five. Eight," he said.
He pushed me to the side until I was sitting on Fives lap. "What the hell?!" I said.
"What are you... Oh my god..." Luther said trying to get in the van. Once he was in he shut the door and looked at us. "You okay? You shouldn't be..." He said but Five cut him off.
"How'd you find us?" Five said as his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Um..." Luther said until we heard Klaus.
"Hey, baby..." We looked in the back to see him with Dolares in his arms dancing. "Hey, a little privacy, guys. We're really hitting it off back here,"
Five picked something up and throw it at him "get out! You can't be here!" He yelled. "We're in the middle of something,"
"Any luck finding your one eyed man?" Klaus asked.
"No," Five said.
"What's he talking about?" Luther asked.
"Does it matter? It's Klaus," I said.
Five sighed "What do you want Luthet?" He asked.
"Um... so Grace may have had something to do with Dad's death. So I need you two to come back to the Academy, all right? It's important," he told us.
"Grace wouldn't do that " I said.
"Its important." You have no concept of what's important," Five hissed at him.
Klaus cane to the front and leaned on the seats "Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" He said.
I looked at him and scrunched my face up. "It was so painful," he said.
"What are you still doing here?" I asked him.
"Ay, ay, ay... what? I... What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?" He asked.
"We're trying to have a serious conversation," Luther said.
"What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?" Klaus asked.
"Luther's got a point, you should get out," Five said.
"What? Fine!" Klaus said and got out of the van.
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scienter · 7 years
TWW REWATCH: Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc; 1x02
My Impressions, Commentary & Random Musings
The Hat Joke
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There’s a lot to love about this scene, but my favorite thing is Bartlet asking Josh to explain “post hoc, ergo propter hoc:
Bartlet: Twenty-seven lawyers in the room, anybody know “post hoc, ergo propter hoc?” Josh?
Josh: Uh, uh, post, after, after hoc, ergo, therefore after hoc, therefore something else hoc.
Bartlet: Thank you. Next?
It’s like Josh is the kid who gets cold-called in class and doesn’t know the answer. And I love Toby’s amusement of it - as if this is a typical Josh response.
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There’s one moment that is critical to understanding Mandy’s character, her role in the TWW, and why she ultimately failed to fit in with the Bartlet Administration:
“You know what the worst part about this is? [ ] It’s the party they’re having right now in the West Wing at my expense. [ ] I worked for these people for two and a half years. They like to win and then they like to gloat.”
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Really, Mandy? That’s the worst part of the situation? 
Here’s the thing: Mandy is all about image – both professionally and personally. Consider her situation: Mandy “left a job at a top-tier marketing firm” where she had stock options to work on Russell’s presidential campaign. Lloyd Russell is her only client. Mandy and her business partner, Daisy, have to pay rent, student loans, credit cards, food, etc. But Mandy considers the Bartlet Administration gloating over her loss the worst thing about losing her only client.
Mandy preoccupation with image carries over to her role as White House Media Director (E.g., arguing that white house staffers should test for drug use or Bartlet should nominate Harrison instead of Mendoza), and it’s thematically significant. Throughout the first season the Bartlet Administration is also preoccupied with image. They have a 40-something approval rating, hindering their ability to enact their progressive policies or nominate a justice to the Supreme Court (See: The Short List, He Shall From Time To Time, Let Bartlet Be Bartlet, etc.). In other words, Mandy embodies the Bartlet Administration’s internal conflict in season 1.
I don’t think that Mandy was a poorly written character (or poorly acted) as some have argued. Rather, I think that Mandy, as the White House Media Director, became thematically obsolete by the end of the season. I also think it’s part of the reason why she failed to click with the rest of the White House staff.
By the way, Mandy was totally right:
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Josh & Donna
I find it remarkable that Josh is nonchalant about Donna entering him into a college football pool especially given that she makes such lousy bets.
Josh: You picked Central Indiana State against Notre Dame?
Donna: Well, technically, you did.
Oh, Donna. I love you.
It’s also why Josh finds Donna so endearing. Would most bosses causally shrug off their assistant betting their money without consent? I doubt it.  It’s a small moment, but it hints that this isn’t a typical boss-assistant relationship. There’s more to these two.
Josh & Mandy
Surprise, Surprise! I not overly fond of this pairing. Specifically, I don’t like Josh and Mandy’s hostility or combativeness towards each other. I just don’t find it as compelling as the cute & endearing nature of Josh & Donna’s relationship.
Sam: About a week ago, I accidentally slept with a prostitute.
Toby: Really?
Sam: Yes.
Toby: You accidentally slept with a prostitute?
Sam Call girl.
Toby: Accidentally?
Sam: Yes.
Toby: I don’t understand. Did you trip over something?
I love this exchange because Toby’s calm demeanor. He’s usually shouty when shit hits the fan so I find hit quite amusing to see him struggle to grasp Sam’s news.  
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This episode also introduces one of Sam’s notable character traits: Sam is a perfectionist.
Sam: I’m done.
Cathy: You’re sure?  
Sam: Yep.
Cathy: You’re done polishing?  
Sam: Yes.  
Cathy: You’re done tweaking?
Sam: I’m done tweaking, I’m done polishing. Done. Take it to C.J. [Cathy starts to walk.] Wait. [looks at the speech one final time, to double check] Yes, I’m done, really.
It’s a sign of a great writer that a seemingly extraneous comedic moment establishes a core character trait. Sorkin doesn’t use this little detail as an extraneous joke. This moment gives insight into Sam, and is repeated later in the series.  
By the way: If Sam didn’t have deadlines would he ever finish writing anything?
Sam & Laurie
Oh where do I begin? I love Sam, but I hate his paternalism towards Laurie in this episode.
Laurie: I don’t need saving, Sam.
Sam: Yeah, you do.
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Moving on . . .
Mrs. Landingham & Bartlet
Their big sister/younger brother relationship can be distilled into this shot:
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Jed’s not fooled. He knows that Dolares swapped his 12 center cut prime fillet Omaha steaks for a lousy red shirt. 
President Bartlet
This episode provides some great insight into Bartlet: he feels out of depth with military matters.
“I had a meeting this morning with the Joint Chiefs. I’m an accomplished man, Morris. I can sit comfortably with prime ministers and Presidents, even the pope. Why is it every time I sit with the Joint Chiefs, I feel like I’m back at my father’s dinner table. [ ] I’m not comfortable with violence. I know this country has enemies, but I don’t feel violent toward any of them. I don’t know whether that’s a weakness or not, but I think I know how the Joint Chiefs would answer that question.”
Bartlet’s insecurity stood out to me because he’s so competent and confident in other presidential matters. Economics? The guy’s got Nobel Prize. Governing and Policy? He’s the former governor of New Hampshire. Washington Politics? He’s a former member of the House of Representatives. NASA? Jed knows the temperature of Mars and knows how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in his head. Bartlet is usually the smartest person in any room. Yet, he feels like he’s back at his “father’s dinner table” when sitting with the Joint Chiefs. Bartlet probably finds being Commander-and-Chief of the armed forces most difficult part of his job.
So it’s telling just how much Morris’s death/the airforce transport attack affects Bartlet:
Bartlet: I am not frightened. I’m gonna blow them off the face of the earth with the fury of God’s own thunder. Get the commanders.
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LOOK AT LEO’S FACE. Jed’s assertion worries him! I don’t think that Leo ever seen this side of Jed before. 
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Great acting by Martin Sheen at the end. You can see the weight of the situation in his posture.  
One Last Thought
Bartlet: Yeah, I figured. Morris, I made a joke about golfers yesterday, and now it consumes the whole damn building.
One thing came to mind when I heard that line:
VEEP: the show where the Vice President’s gaffes consumes the staff’s attention on a daily basis.
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marwahstudios · 5 years
Sandeep Marwah Titled Global Cultural Minister in British Parliament
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London: The renowned international media personality and cultural promoter Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios has been honored and tilted as Global Cultural Minister on the celebration of 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi at House of Common in British Parliament at London, UK designed by The Confluence.
“Dr. Sandeep Marwah with seven World Records to his credit, five doctorates, recipient of 650 awards including 160 international accolades and now has been in art and culture business for 35 years. He has devoted his life in bringing the whole World together through art and culture is to be presented with and titled today as Global Cultural Minister,” a citation was read in the House of Common to invite Dr. Sandeep Marwah on stage.
The program started with respect to both the Nations- India and United Kingdom by reciting National Anthem of both the countries. The father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi was remembered by few powerful speeches. The award and the title was handed over to Dr. Sandeep Marwah by Lord Bhikhu Chhotalal Parikh, Lord Dolar Popet and Lord Rami Ranger together in the most dignified and prestigious manner in House of Common.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah the Ambassador of Wales to India, Cultural Ambassador of more than 50 countries of the World has attracted 1.4 million people from 145 countries of the World to his international head quarters at Noida Film City. Students from More than 120 countries have enrolled in his Asian Education Group where Dr. Marwah is the Chancellor of AAFT University. More than 5000 events of all genre and nature so far had been organized to bring people close to each other. Dr. Marwah is chairing more than 100 national and international organizations.
“A man is worked upon by what he works on. He may carve out his circumstances, but his circumstances will carve him out as well. Sandeep Marwah is an asset to the World of art and culture I am convinced with his quantum and quality of work,” said Lord Dolar Poppet.
“Its hard to believe that all that has been done by a single man, but Dr. Marwah has done it. Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there, said Lord Bhikhu Chhotalal Parikh.
“I salute the passion of Dr. Sandeep Marwah. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work,” said Lord Remi Ranger.
“I extend my heartiest thanks to each and every one present here for the love and affection you have showered on me by honoring me as Global Cultural Minister, I promise you I will never anyone feel letdown. I am now refilled with energy to do more for uniting the World through art and culture,” said Sandeep Marwah.
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nikkichibs-blog · 4 years
5 Elementos essenciais para cartao google play
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Sandeep Marwah Titled Global Cultural Minister In British Parliament
New Post has been published on http://www.starland.xyz/2019/10/01/sandeep-marwah-titled-global-cultural-minister-in-british-parliament-2/
Sandeep Marwah Titled Global Cultural Minister In British Parliament
London: The renowned international media personality and cultural promoter Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios has been honored and tilted as Global Cultural Minister on the celebration of 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi at House of Common in British Parliament at London, UK designed by The Confluence.
“Dr. Sandeep Marwah with seven World Records to his credit, five doctorates, recipient of 650 awards including 160 international accolades and now has been in art and culture business for 35 years. He has devoted his life in bringing the whole World together through art and culture is to be presented with and titled today as Global Cultural Minister,” a citation was read in the House of Common to invite Dr. Sandeep Marwah on stage.
The program started with respect to both the Nations- India and United Kingdom by reciting National Anthem of both the countries.  The father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi was remembered by few powerful speeches. The award and the title was handed over to Dr. Sandeep Marwah by Lord Bhikhu Chhotalal Parikh, Lord Dolar Popet and Lord Rami Ranger together in the most dignified and prestigious manner in House of Common.
  Dr. Sandeep Marwah the Ambassador of Wales to India, Cultural Ambassador of more than 50 countries of the World has attracted 1.4 million people from 145 countries of the World to his international head quarters at Noida Film City. Students from More than 120 countries have enrolled in his Asian Education Group where Dr. Marwah is the Chancellor of AAFT University. More than 5000 events of all genre and nature so far had been organized to bring people close to each other. Dr. Marwah is chairing more than 100 national and international organizations.
“A man is worked upon by what he works on. He may carve out his circumstances, but his circumstances will carve him out as well. Sandeep Marwah is an asset to the World of art and culture I am convinced with his quantum and quality of work,” said Lord Dolar Poppet.
“Its hard to believe that all that has been done by a single man, but Dr. Marwah has done it. Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there, said Lord Bhikhu Chhotalal Parikh.
“I salute the passion of Dr. Sandeep Marwah. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work,” said Lord Remi Ranger.
  “I extend my heartiest thanks to each and every one present here for the love and affection you have showered on me by honoring me as Global Cultural Minister, I promise you I will never anyone feel letdown. I am now refilled with energy to do more for uniting the World through art and culture,” said Sandeep Marwah.
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sorudukkani-blog · 6 years
Bitcoin Hakkında Az Bilinen Gerçekler Nelerdir?
#bitcoin #hakkında #bilinmeyengerçekler #satoshi #btc #etf
Bitcoin'in yaratıcısı olarak bilinen Satoshi Nakamoto, yılında ekonomi bilimlerinde Nobel Ödülü'ne aday gösterildi.
Bitcoin arzı 21 milyon ile sınırlıdır. Sistemin doğru işlemesi koşulu ile 2140 yılına gelindiğinde dolaşımdaki maksimum BTC miktarı 21 milyona ulaşacak ve büyüme oranı sıfıra yakınsayacaktır.
Dünya'daki toplam bitcoinlerin %1,5'unun sahibi FBI'dır.
Şu ana kadar, 2014 yılında Mt. Gox ve 2017 yılında Bithumb olmak üzere iki büyük BTC borsası hacklendi.
SotoshiDice adlı şirket 2013 yılında 126315 BTC karşılığında satın alındı. Bu işlem Dünya'nın ilk Bitcoin ile şirket alımı olarak tarihe geçti.
Çin maden havuzları, Bitcoin ağının toplam Hashrate'inin yaklaşık %81'ini kontrol ediyor.
22 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde 2 pizza 10000 BTC ediyordu. Tam 7 yıl sonra 22 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde bu pizzaların değeri 20 milyon dolar olarak kayıtlara geçti.
BTC işlemleri geri dönüşsüzdür. 2016 yılında bir BTC kullanıcısı kaza ile 5 dolar yerine 137 bin dolar gönderdi ve geri alamadı.
Güney Pasifik'te küçük bir ada ülkesi olan Vanuatu 200 bin dolar karşılığında vatandaşlık vermektedir. Ayrıca söz konusu ülke ödeme aracı olarak Bitcoin'i de kabul etmesiyle bu alanda bir ilki gerçekleştirmiştir.
Bir BTC işlemi kredi kartı işleminden 3994 kat daha fazla enerji harcamaktadır.
Tüm BTC adreslerinin %90'ı 0.1 BTC'den daha az paraya sahiptir.
Dünya üzerinde BTC'den Katma Değer Vergisi almayan 3 ülke vardır. Bunlar; Finladiya, Belçika ve İsviçre'dir.
BTC'nin yasadışı sayıldığı 5 ülke var. Bunlar; Suudi Arabistan, Bolivya, Kırgızistan, Ekvator ve Bangladeş'tir. Bunlara  ek olarak Tayland'ın da 2013 yılında Bitcoin'e yasak getirdiği, ancak 2016 yılında bu yasağı kaldırdığı bilinmektedir.
2017 yıl sonu itibariyle 61 ülkede toplam 1963 BTC ATM'si kurulmuştur. Dünya'daki BTC ATM'lerinin %75'inden fazlası Kuzey Amerika'dadır.
Bitcoin'in geçtiğimiz yıl ölçülen piyasa değeri 100 milyar dolardır.
Bu değer Ukrayna'nın 93,27 milyar dolarlık Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasılası'ndan daha fazladır.
Çıktığı günden bu yana 11 bini aşkın işletme tarafından Bitcoin ödeme aracı olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Satoshi Nakamoto ilk BTC transferini programcı olan Hal Finney ile gerçekleştirdi.
Programcı Finney, daha piyasaya ilk sürüldüğünde Bitcoin yazılımını indirmişti. Yazılım vasıtasıyla da Nakamoto'dan 10 adet BTC aldı.
Bitcoin alım satım işlemleri en fazla Japonya ve ABD para birimleri ile gerçekleştirilmektedir.
Bitcoin işlemlerinde kullanılan para birimlerine bakıldığında;
Japon Yeni'nin %46.5, ABD Doları'nın %32.5, Avro'nun %8.6, Kore Wonu'nun %5.8 paya sahip olduğu görülmektedir.
Türk Lirası cinsinden yapılan BTC alım satım işlemlerinin payı ise yaklaşık binde dört civarındadır.
Türkiye'de 2017 sonu itibariyle 4 adet kripto para borsası faaliyet göstermektedir.
Bunlar Paribu, BTC Türk, Koinim ve Koineks borsalarıdır.
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What are the Little Known Facts About Bitcoin?
Satoshi Nakamoto, known as the creator of Bitcoin, was nominated for the Nobel Prize in economics.
Bitcoin supply is limited to 21 million. With the correct operation of the system, the amount of BTC that we have obtained by 2140 will reach 21 million and the growth rate will converge to zero.
It is the FBI who owns 1.5% of the total bitcoins in the world.
Until now, in Mt. Gox and two major BTC stock exchanges, including Bithumb in 2017, were hacked.
SotoshiDice's company was acquired at 126315 BTC in 2013. This transaction was overtaken by the company's account with the world's first Bitcoin.
Chinese mine pools have checked 100% of the total Bitcoin network.
On May 22nd, 2010, 2 pizzas were 10000 BTC. Seven years later, on May 22, 2017, these pizzas were worth $ 20 million.
BTC Color is irreversible. In 2016, a BTC user accidently exchanged $ 137,000 instead of $ 5, and did not reclaim it.
Vanuatu, a small island country in the South Pacific, is a citizen of $ 200,000. Since he accepted Bitcoin, he made this proposal a province.
A BTC transaction consumes 3994 times more energy than the credit card transaction.
90% of all BTC addresses have less than 0.1 BTC.
There are 3 countries in the world that do not receive Value Added Tax from BTC. these; Finladiya, Belgium and Switzerland.
According to BTC, there are 5 countries. these; Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Ecuador and Bangladesh. In addition, Thailand is banned in 2013 for Bitcoin, but it is known to have abolished this ban in 2016.
By the end of 2017, a total of 61 units of 1963 BTC ATMs were established. More than 75% of BTC ATMs in the world are in North America.
Bitcoin is $ 100 billion a year.
This figure is higher than Ukraine's Gross Domestic Product of $ 93.27 billion.
I accept Bitcoin as a payment instrument.
Satoshi Nakamoto made his first BTC transfer with programmer Hal Finney.
Programmer Finney had downloaded the Bitcoin software, which was first introduced to more expensive. The software also received 10 BTC from Nakamoto.
Bitcoin trading is mostly done with Japanese and US currencies.
Looking at the part of Bitcoin used in the process;
46.5% of Japanese Yen, 32.5% of US Dollars, 8.6% of Euro, and 5.8% of Korea Wonu.
I think BTC trading is billions of dollars.
2017 has been operating in Turkey for the last 4 crypto currency exchange.
These are Paribu, BTC Türk, Koinim and Koineks stock exchanges.
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Designer Strategies for Fashion Styling - Mix and Match The Way of yours to Chic
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When individuals discover I am a fashion designer, separate from the cliche assumption I design and make the clothes of mine (which I don't!), they often think I've a specific clothing design and which I invest a great deal of money when I go shopping for clothing. In truth, neither of these misconceptions holds true. I do not have an identified fashion design. The way in which I dress depends tremendously on event, area, season, current trends, period of the day, and the mood of mine. Often times, I will really use fashion styling being myself in a particular mood. When I am expected for hair styling advice, I will reply with "How do you wish to feel?" I feel fashion and hair styling have a strength which can allow you to feel a particular way. In this post, I will discuss a couple of "Designer Tips" on dress styling. I will begin with some very important fashion advice how to shop for clothing.
Because my outfits typically turn a handful of heads, people believe they're truly expensive yet another bogus impression. Not to suggest that I will not occasionally splurge on food expensive; I simply value a great deal when I see it. The one time I will overpay for a product happens when I LOVE it and I am aware I will not have the ability to think it is elsewhere. Just like the Diesel jacket I purchased for $165. It was precisely what I was searching for and also I understood that nobody else would generate something even remotely comparable. Informal, but chic; sporty, but girly - I just knew it will keep going for a couple of months. That is really one of my way shopping rules: in case I spend much more than $150 for anything, it's lasting for a couple of months. If I am searching for something quite stylish that will most likely be "in" for just one season, I will not invest over hundred dolars, better yet, at most fifty dolars.
So how can I manage to appear expensive? Designer tip number you are fit that is great. If something does not fit right, regardless of how affordable it's - I will not buy it. Precisely why would I use something that pulls and gains in the wrong places and looks uncomfortable on me? It does not matter just how much salespeople consider to "help", and also say it is not apparent. I notice, and also others will also. They may not have the ability to pinpoint precisely what bothers them, though they will see something's off. Precisely the same concept goes for accents and details - lots of people think they do not notice small details, though they do. Several details might not stand out by themselves, though they certainly contribute to general appearance.
When I went on a blind date using a basic black colored jersey skirt somewhat below the knees which I purchased for twenty dolars. I paired it with a black tank which had a touch of lace (fifteen dolars), and killer wanting shoes. They were pointy very high heels in faded steel pink, which produced a vintage look (fifty five dolars, a fortunate bargain buy!). 2 males accused me of attempting to trigger a traffic crash as I crossed the block! Men and also (more remarkably) females were turning the heads of theirs. Needless to say, the blind date of mine was much more then relieved! His initial remark to me was he "loved modern women". Bottom line: my outfit was completely chic and most under hundred dolars.
Another shopping tip: to produce a regular outfit look chic, I will throw in a product expensive, like an accessory. I went to a gathering using a black colored jersey dress with bishop sleeves (twenty five dolars), and also accented it with a hip shaped beaded belt I purchased in London for nearly $250. I understand it seems expensive, but that belt breathed brand new life into a great deal of more mature outdated garments which I loved dearly. I'd the gorgeous chiffon dress which I purchased seven years ago. I loved the mystical color effect produced by levels of various color materials as well as the way the dress flared. Even with the silhouette went from style, I could not bear to part with that particular dress! By adding my beaded belt, I effectively reshaped the dress developing a reduced waist retro type of look, and also put on it to my best friend's wedding- with complements!
Find more information https://ankarafashion.com.ng/
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sev-adas-blog · 7 years
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The Standard & Poor's 500 list went on to acquire more than six % in the fourth quarter and after that closed up 19.4 percent for the entire year. Now, with a 4.3 % rise merely three days into 2018, the conversation has relocated to a sector melt up. FOMO is a powerful pressure, nonetheless, the passage of the U.S. tax overhaul, with its remarkable decrease of company prices, is most likely the more potent market gasoline at this time, and healthy earnings for a number of high profile businesses have aided send U.S. stock market indexes to new highs. The bull market, in its ninth season, has still left numerous investors wary of purchasing at the top but pained at the idea of moving into cash.
While tech fanatics swoon over warm startups or the hottest e-commerce fad, Schoenstein feels the plays disregard the drawback. Actually, Jensen located five % of the stake of its in Microsoft because of the connection the software giant has with companies, setting up a steadiness to its revenues, he states. Microsoft's development will come largely from its cloud-computing solutions. While Amazon Web Services garners much of the eye at the cloud space, Microsoft expects its business cloud business to be a twenty dolars billion earnings stream over the next twelve months. If that can hold, it would be a fifty seven % increase from the prior year's expectations. Your can easily read about thefullwiki.org/Darren_Winters with these. ALGN: This creator of clear dental orthodontics has seen sales ascend 125 % in the 7 years since Conestoga first obtained the stock. It has done this by developing a 25 % market share among adults. But braces are dominated by young adults, accounting for 75 % of sales. Align's teenager market share: just 3 %. With brand new campaigns targeting teenagers (and their parents' credit cards) along with orthodontic labor, Monahan is convinced case amount will rise fifteen % each year over the next three years.
Almost daily in hotel suites across the UK a new harvest of would-be stockmarket millionaires sit down to hear from the "professionals" the secrets of trading in stocks and currencies. Throughout the last few months I have been one of them. Not only that, I decided to throw away several of the own cash of mine as well as discover the distance I would find using the advice of the so-called experts. I should jump straight into the world of "spread betting", going "long" along with heading "short", with mini-bursts of activity based on the zigzag of chart patterns.
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The Standard & Poor's 500 index proceeded to develop in excess of 6 percent in the fourth quarter and then closed up 19.4 % for the entire year. At this point, with a 4.3 percent rise merely 3 days into 2018, the conversation has relocated to a market melt-up. FOMO is a great pressure, however, the passage of the U.S. tax overhaul, with its remarkable reduction of company rates, is likely the stronger niche gasoline right now, and good earnings for a selection of high-profile companies have also helped drive U.S. stock market indexes to fresh highs. The bull market, in its ninth season, has still left a lot of investors cautious about buying in the top end but pained at the thought of moving into cash.
While tech aficionados swoon over warm startups or maybe the latest e-commerce fad, Schoenstein thinks the plays ignore the downside. Rather, Jensen located 5 % of its stake in Microsoft because of the relationship the software giant has with companies, creating a steadiness to its revenues, he says. Microsoft's growth will come mainly from its cloud-computing solutions. While Amazon Web Services garners a lot of the interest at the cloud space, Microsoft expects its professional cloud business to become a twenty dolars billion profits stream with the following 12 weeks. If that holds, it will be a 57 % increase from the prior year's expectations. Your can easily find out about Darren Winters Wiki with these. ALGN: This developer of sharp tooth orthodontics has seen sales climb 125 % in the seven years since Conestoga initially got the stock. It has carried this out by developing a twenty five % market share among adults. But braces are dominated by teens, accounting for seventy five % of sales. Align's teenager market share: only three %. With brand-new promotions targeting young people (and their parents' credit cards) along with orthodontic work, Monahan feels situation when volume will increase 15 % every year within the next three years.
You can find a lot of various kinds of wedge around and then we wish to assist investors pick one that is right for the desires of theirs. For instance, some platforms offer up international exchange as well as shares, which could be a full turn off for an individual just looking to remove a straightforward Isa portfolio as well as wanting some help in the process. It is still very hard to compare the true expense of a platform as typically platforms are paid by fund manager rebate. From next 12 months, the regulator has altered disclosure needs and platforms will need to provide new customers so-called' clean' share courses, which involve virtually no kickbacks.
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ajkrcm · 7 years
The 2 Week Diet Review - Is This System By Brian Flatt A Scam?
Does the two Week Diet work? Is Brian Flatt in fact a fitness expert and he created the device? Our In depth' The two Week Diet review' has arrived. Lets discover everything relating to this much hyped health process which looks legit and working. It is no secret that a lot of folks motivated to slim down learn that finding a diet plan which really functions could be as costly at is frustrating. Of the thousands of fat reduction programs on the multi billion dollar global diet industry, only a disappointingly few truly frequently perform. The best part could be the fact that The two Week Diet Plan developed by Brian Flatt can be described as tested approach which might help anyone drop between one 2 pounds of extra fat every day. Even better there's no need to have to take expensive gimmick supplements, invest many hours slaving in the gym or maybe embrace an unhealthy diet program.
Already this particular diet plan has taken social ne2rking by storm, as well as also helped a huge amount of men and women fall extra pounds which hitherto stays near unachievable to shed. As we will see in this 2 Week Diet reviews this's due to a systematic approach coupled with practical, simple holistic therapy.
The two Week Diet Review - Brian Flatt's Fitness Program Exposed! This weight reduction product is created to be a totally comprehensive all in a single system that offers people with all of the materials must shed some weight fast and safely. Refreshingly there's absolutely no more purchases required with two Week Diet guide. That is right - no ludicrously expensive meal supplements (most of that are placebos anyway), overpriced added literature or perhaps maybe month costs. Brian Flatt is actually aiming to buck this kind of exploitative pattern that dominates a lot of alternative diet systems, and really contains the products needed in one purchase. A lot more effective the literature and guidance provided is comprehensive, easy to watch and assured for 60 days. Here's a lowdown on what clients will receive from the four handbooks after joining the 2 Week Diet pdf. Used as a whole these four handbooks serve to describe the weight loss therapy while providing support which is essential throughout the two weeks. Additionally, it notes how a lot of people that utilize the 2 Week Diet by Brian Flatt will most likely be working to shed a good deal of body mass, and also offers a great deal of very good support to keep the weight reduction regime in the longer term and precisely how to efficiently give up it coming back! Used as a whole our straightforward 2 Week Diet review finds it's about foods which are healthy together with relative ease - transforming the entire body right into an excess fat burning furnace. Very best of all and as we will see later in this two Week Diet Routine, it truly will place certainly anyone motivated to continue to the system.
Main Advantages of The two Week Diet routine Hopefully already it should be apparent that above some other foods this particular diet plan will take amazing results. Accessible to everybody hoping to lose some pounds safely and rapidly, it truly is groundbreaking and extremely intelligent scheme that will send many essential health benefits. Quite possibly very best of all there's not ridiculously demanding physical exercise, or continually demanding dietary restrictions. Instead the two Week Diet ebook is exactly about pragmatic excess weight loss as quickly and comfortably as is possible.
The 2 Week Diet review thinks equally as important is the absolute proof that this kind of software not simply anecdotally is proven to complete job, but is completely supported by contemporary health science. There is no magic tricks or perhaps maybe dependency upon' hocus pocus' nutritional supplements - this's a method that is readily incorporated into anyone's day program. At time of writing the entire system is observed for a cut price thirty seven dolars - and that's the sole single cost required. It represents great quality within a dieting community which frequently appears to find out it's clientele as hiking check publications.
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keremulusoy · 7 years
Bugün bütün hava yolunun bu kadar gelişmesi bir adamın oynadığı kumara bağlıydı. O kumarı kaybetseydi , jet uçakların gelişimi bu kadar hızlı olmayacak ve kıtalar arası uçaklarla bu kadar hızlı seyahat edemeyecektik.
2. Dünya Savaşı’nın başlarında Naziler gizli bir proje geliştirmektedir. Ormanın derinliklerine gömülmüş atölyelerde, düşman uçaklarından daha hızlı uçan ve daha yükseğe çıkan jet savaş uçakları üzerinde çalışılmaktadır. 2. Dünya Savaşı esnasında Almanlar’ın ve müttefiklerin hava kuvvetleri piston motorlu, pervane itişli uçaklar kullanmaktadır. Heinkels’in keşfettiği Jet motorların tasarımına Almanlar tarafından 1939 yılında yeniden başlasa da, subaylar pervane itişli uçakları yeterli gördüğü için Jet projesine yeterince bütçe ayrılmamış.
Ama cephelerde denge sağlandıkça yeni arayışların içine girdiler ve savaşın sonlarına doğru Messerschmitt Me 262 adı verdikleri ilk jet uçağını cepheye sürdüler. Me 262’nin yüksek hız ve mukavemet sorunlarına çözüm için geliştirilen kanat yapısı ve iniş takımları, günümüz uçaklarının da alt yapısının ilham kaynağı olacak şekilde dizayn edilmişti. Döneminin en hızlı uçağı saatte maksimum 600 km’ye çıkabilirken, Me 262 saatte 800 km’ye ulaşabiliyordu ve bu yönüyle piston motorlu uçakların sonunun geldiğinin sinyalini vermişti.
Ama bu yüksek teknolojiye rağmen Hitler’in kaderini değiştiremedi, karada savaşı kaybetmeye başlayan Almanlar 2. Dünya Savaşını kaybetti.
İNGİLİZLER BAŞLADI AMA KAYBETTİ 2. Dünya Savaşı’nın bitimiyle birlikte batılı devletler Almanların jet teknolojisini incelemeye başladılar. Aynı zamanda savaş bitimine yakın geleceğin havacılıkta olduğunu fark eden İngiltere Başbakanı Winston Churchill, sivil havacılığın gelişmesi için bir komisyon kurulmasını istedi. 23 Aralık 1942’de kurulan komisyonun 4 kategoride belirlediği havacılık hedeflerinin en önemlisi, İngiltere’nin sömürgelerine hızlıca yolculuk yapılmasını sağlayacak, konforlu kıtalar arası uçuşlardı. Komitenin ihalesini alan Havilland firması Me 262’nin jet motorunu geliştirerek Comet 1 adını verdiği uçağını 2 Mayıs 1952’de Londra Havalimanı’ndan kaldırarak “Jet Çağı”nı başlattı. İlk uçaklarla seyahat etmeye cesaret eden yolcular ve mürettebat insanlık tarihinin gelişiminde cesur ama sonu hazin biten hikayelerin kahramanları oldular. Bu uçakların tasarımı yüksek hava basıncına uygun değildi ve 3’ü havada mürettebat ve yolcuları ile birlikte infilak etti.
MÜHENDİSLİK DEĞİL PAZARLAMA BAŞARISI Bu trajik kazalar İngiltere’de Jet teknolojisinin gelişimini geriye götürürken o sıralar pistonlu motorlarla ilgilenen Amerikalılar jet çağına el atmak üzereydi. 2. Dünya Savaşı’nda Amerikan ordusuna uçak iskeleti üreten Boeing Şirketi mühendisleri jet motoru üzerinde çalışıyorlardı. Ama İngiltere’deki başarısız girişimler ve yolcuların güvenli bulmaması nedeniyle jet uçaklara hava yolu şirketleri ilgi göstermiyordu. Uçakların kaderini değiştirecek adam ise bir mühendis değil bir avukattı ve Jet Çağı bir mühendislik başarısından çok bir pazarlama stratejisi ile hayatımıza girecekti.
1944 yılında Boeing Firması’nın Başkanı Philip G. Johnson vefat edince şirket, bu alanda herhangi bir kariyeri olmayan şirketin avukatı Bill Allen’i şirketin başına getirdi. Allen uçak teknolojisinden anlamıyordu ama hava yolu geleceğinin daha sessiz ve daha hızlı uçabilen jet motorlu uçaklarla patlama yapacağını görmüştü. Tek eksik ise insanları buna bindirmeye ikna etmekti. Onun da teşvikiyle Boeing firması ilk jet yolcu uçağı 367-80’e 16 milyon dolar para harcayarak 1954 yılında piyasaya çıkardı. Şirket bu projeye neredeyse sermayesinin önemli bir kısmını gömerek ekonomik felaketin kenarına gelmişti. Boeing firması mali darboğaza girdi ve başkan Allen eleştiri oklarının hedefi haline geldi.
Savaş uçağı
Boeing 707
In this image taken circa 1954, Boeing test pilot Alvin M. “Tex” Johnston in the Stetson hat he liked to wear. Along with his cowboy style of dress, his maverick behavior is said to have inspired the creation of Dr. Strangelove’s Maj. T.J. “King” Kong character, who, in rodeo style, rode a balky nuclear weapon to its target.
Tex Johnston ve Bill Allen Boeing 367/80’in ilk gösteri uçuşu öncesi kameralara poz veriyorlar.
William McPherson Allen
Bill Allen
Time Dergisi, Pan Amerikan Havayolları Sahibi Juan Terry Trippe’yi yılın adamı seçmişti.
YOLCU UÇAĞI İLE TERS TAKLA Allen, 1955 yılında Seattle’da yapılacak olan Uluslararası Havacılık Fuarı’nı bir fırsat bildi ve büyük bir kumar oynadı. Boeing fuar esnasında bu uçakla gösteri uçuşu yapması için, kovboy şapkası ve çizmeleri ile ilginç bir görüntü sergileyen Tex lakaplı çılgın pilot Alvin M. Johston ile anlaştı. 6 Ağustos günü Tex, uçakla havalanır, yüksek hızda gökyüzünde daireler çizerken seyir alanına doğru yaklaşırken tarihe geçecek Barrel Roll (ters dönüş) dönüşünü yaptı. Bütün seyircilerle birlikte Boeing’in CEO’su Bill Allen’de bu ters dönüş sonrası donup kalmıştır. Tex’e neden böyle bir şey yaptığı sorulduğunda “Benden uçağı satmamı istediler, ben de işimi yapıyordum” diyecektir. Ertesi gün bütün medya Tex’in dönüşüne odaklandı ve uçağı eleştiri bombardımanına tuttu.
RİSK ALDI; JET ÇAĞI BAŞLADI! Artık her şey bitti derken, Allen’in imdadına sansasyonel işleri seven bir iş adamı, Pan Amerikan Havayolları’nın başkanı Juan Trippe yetişti. Trippe mevcut modeli bir yolcu uçağı olarak yeniden tasarlanmasını sağladı ve ortaya Boing 707 çıktı. Trippe, ilk uçuşa gazetecileri ve medyada bilinen simaları davet etti. Uzun mesafeli ve sessiz uçuş ertesi gün patlama yaptı ve Pan Amerikan hava yollarını da Okyanus ötesi uçuşlarda rakiplerinin önüne geçirdi. Bu satış Boeing firmasını kurtarırken, uçak motorlarını ve tasarımlarını tamamen değiştirerek günümüz uçak modellerinin başlangıcı oldu. Jet Çağı başlayınca uzak mesafelere çok daha hızlı ve güvenli bir şekilde gitmek mümkün oldu ve insanlık tarihi önemli bir değişim yaşadı. Pan Amerikan şirketinin sahibi Juan Trippe, şirketinin kuruluşunun 50. yılında Jumbojet 747’yi filosuna dahil edip şöyle dedi: “Bu buluş dünya barışına yardım edecek.” Her ne kadar Jumbo Jet’ler dünya barışına yardım etmese de, bugün mega şehirlerin ve uluslararası ticaret ve turizmin gelişmesinin, küreselleşmenin önünü açtı ve bütün bu gelişmeler bir kaç adamın aldığı yüksek riskler sonucunda yaşandı. Risk alanlar olmasaydı, Jet çağı başlamayacaktı.
V KANATLAR VE JET İlk Jet uçağının babası Willy Messerschmitt yüksek hızda direnç yaratan klasik uçak kanadında bir devrim yaratmış ve kanatları uçağa ters V şeklinde monte etmişti. Bugün dahi kullanılan bu tasarım, mukavemet sorununu en aza indiriyordu. Me 262’de ilk başta 18,5 derece açılı kanatlar kullanıldı.
GEÇMİŞİN EN ‘HIZ’LISI Me 262 800 km/s hızı ile 2. Dünya Savaşı’nın en hızlı uçağıydı. Müttefik uçaklarının erişebildiği maksimum hız ise 650 km/s idi.
William McPherson Allen kimdir ? Bill Allen adıyla bilinen McPherson, 1900 yılında Amerika Montana’da dünyaya gelmiştir. 25 yaşında Boeing firmasının avukatları arasında görev yapmaya başlayan Allen, sönük kişiliğine rağmen 1944 yılında Boeing’e başkan olmuş ve şirketin altın çağını başlatmıştır. Mühendislikten anlamayan bu avukatın havacılık sektörüne getirdiği kan risk almayı sevmesinin bir sonucudur.
Alvin M. Johnston KİMDİR? 18 Ağustos 1914 yılında Kansas’da doğan Tex’in asıl adı Alvin M. Johnston’dur. İlk uçuşunu 1925 yılında henüz 11 yaşındayken yapan Tex, pilot olmayı kafasına koymuş ve 2. Dünya Savaşı’nda Amerikan Donanmasına katılmıştı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra iki tane Airacobras satın alan Tex bunları modifiye ederek 1946 Ulusal Hava Yarışları’na girdi ve saatte 600 km. ile hız rekoru kırarak Thompson Kupası’nı kazanmıştı. Bell Havayolları ve Boeing için test pilotu olarak çalışan Johston, başından çıkarmadığı kovboy şapkası ve ayağındaki çizmeler nedeniyle Tex lakabı ile anıldı.
Yazı: İlyas Yıldız
Bu yazı Marmara Life Sayı 102’de yayımlanmıştır.
JET ÇAĞI NASIL BAŞLADI? Bugün bütün hava yolunun bu kadar gelişmesi bir adamın oynadığı kumara bağlıydı. O kumarı kaybetseydi , jet uçakların gelişimi bu kadar hızlı olmayacak ve kıtalar arası uçaklarla bu kadar hızlı seyahat edemeyecektik.
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