#he was nearly decapitated by a parking lot barricade once
thebroccolination · 6 months
So at the Book Fair the other day, a fan asked Krist what impresses him most about Singto. His options: his coolness/handsomeness, couple series, “protect man” (his protective nature, essentially).
Naturally he picked all of them.
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[Source: @LittleDuckSPN]
But the last one was especially cute because Singto really is very protective, especially when it comes to Krist.
And my go-to example of it is always this moment:
Krist’s just hanging out with his head in Singto’s lap scrolling through his phone. Someone throws something to Singto, misses, and hits Krist instead. But like, check out Singto’s reflexes. His automatic reaction is to protect Krist’s neck and head.
Protective indeed. ;___;
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