#he was like 'im good at eyeballing this. if i can guess your size in 3 attempts or less my coworker will owe me 10$“
upwards-descent · 1 year
Yo wtf, how did I miss the ring post!!! For real though, I'm happy for you guys! Been following both of y'all for years, it's been awesome just watching y'all like. Be. It's clear that you guys love each other so much, and it's awesome to hear that y'all have gone further in a way that works for both of you. Congrats!!
Thank you bb 😭♥️
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un-pearable · 2 years
OKAY season 3 thoughts time. not as long but also s3 was like half the size:
worst thing first: the jay/naya/cole love triangle is so ...... bland. its got nothing going for it. like at this point in the show jay/naya honestly speaking doesn't really have a lot going for it. like we dont ever see them hang out or do fun stuff together as a couple or have any cute bonding scenes outside of jay being like "wowww nya hot" or anything. we dont have any real reason to root for them, so why they decided to introduce a love triangle is beyond me. like i guess its because they haven't done anything interesting with jay/naya and a love triangle is the easiest and blandest option possible, but like. come on. cole & naya barely interact in the season outside of cole fighting with jay and i'm really confused as to why we're supposed to think cole has any romantic interest in naya because they... have even less going for them than jay/naya. like man if we're gonna have a love triangle anyways i'd like to have any reason to root for at least one side. please. im not asking for much. make your characters hang out a bit and have some common interests and enjoy spending time together before you start telling me they're in love.
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number two: im kind of obsessed with how garmadon's moral standards consistently disappear when it comes to lloyd. like pre this season he takes his vow of non violence or whatever but after lloyd gets captured it just. goes completely out the window. moral compass: son
number three: circling back to ninjago's inability to write a compelling romance i dont inherently mind zane/pixel (and its certainly got better writing than the.... uh . competition, if you want to even bother calling it that) but i do wish the writers would start out these romantic relationships with a much more solid platonic base. like its not the end of the world but i do wish it was more compelling.
number four: ZANE GIRLBOSSING IT THIS SEASON FINALE!!!!!!!!!!! this is one of the few things i did remember from like 8 years ago and for good reason its because hes literally perfect in every single way
number five: im nitpicking here but i think lloyd should get to swear. i think he's earned it
number six: this is more of a general observation than anything else but one thing i think is really . weird. about ninjago's writing is that it seems that every season they give the ninja new cool epic powers and then by the next one they get taken away. and like i understand the reasoning for this - its like when shounen writers keep giving their protagonist increasingly world-shattering powers and the power levels just keep getting more and more ridiculous, because if your original villain is "conquering the whole world and turning everybody evil" then theres only so much you can amp that up as the seasons go on without tacking on too many powers that nobody should be able to stand up to the hero anymore - but also its just. its just weird because i dont think ive ever seen anything like this.
okay i think thats abouttt it im, as always, very excited to get to some of the things i distantly recall (namely in particular the giant green eyeball thing and possibly a tournament / survival island arc that i think was a thing (???)) i know lots is in store and all i really want rn is character interactions. thats my dream i will honestly forgive so much as long as im having fun with the characters and dynamics in a series
whuff…. yeah. as much as thematically i love pixal and theoretically jaya could be extremely interesting. they do NONE of the work to make them so. zane <3 <3 baby’s first traumatic character death. he is. he really is. he deserves it all and so much more. whoever’s censoring lloyd must get paid well bc that kid grew up in eternal middle school. kid knows more swear words than the rest of these socially isolated dorks let him use them
i’ve never really thought about that but,,,, holy shit yeah???? i’m nowhere near an active dragon ball fan but it IS baffling that instead of the usual shonen style they-just-keep-getting-new-powers and we stop using them bc a) we forgot they existed (which does happen a bit here, but less commonly) or b) they’re just obsolete, in ninjago they EXPLICITLY get said new powers taken away. multiple times. is it a medium limitation?? is it just a quirk of the writers??? i’m gonna be thinking about this all night
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peachessashaven · 5 years
Heaven - Ben Hardy x Reader (Smut)
Synopsis: You and Ben have been friends since High School. When a friend from Primary School shows up many years later, will Ben be able to keep his feelings in check, or will his jealousy peek through?
Warnings: swearing and terribly written smut im so fuckin sorry sksksk
A/N: *this is reposted bc i hated the way it looked on the app on the phone AHAH* hi yes, im back, kinda, thank you for all the love on sucker!! i appreciate it all!! ❤ anywho get ready to need to burn your eyeballs because of this piece of sh i e t im so sorry also hasnt been spell checked or re edited bc i hate reading my work back i always send it to my friend and she says its good (i feel as if she has to say thay but ok AHAHAH) anywho enj o y???
Word Count: 5.5k (tf is wrong with me???)
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You’d heard a knock on the door of your flat, the flat you share with Ben. You furrow your eyebrows, confused as to why someone might be here. You sit on the couch for a few more seconds before you hear another hurried knock.
“Are you going to get that?” Ben yelled from his bedroom. You sighed and lifted the warm woolen blanket, slipping on your slippers. You were wearing one of Ben’s old hoodies and a pair of pyjama pants.
“Yeah, fine! I’ll get up from the warm confines of my blanket to answer the bloody door!” You laugh, shuffling towards the door. You swing it open, the wire door covering the person standing there. “Hello?”
“Is this Y/N’s house?” You raise an eyebrow, skeptical of who would be asking for you.
“Uh, who’s asking?”
“Well, if you open the door, you’ll find out.” You warily open the wire door, slamming it open when you realise who it was.
“Hayden?” You scream, confusion and shock clear all over your face. Hayden was your best friend in primary school - he’d moved away in grade five, his mum had gotten a better job opportunity to benefit everyone in his family. This was the first time you’d seen him over 15 years.
“Hi, Y/N, long time no see!” He says with a laugh, opening his arms for a hug. You comply and run into his arms, crashing into his grasp. “How are you, little one?”
“Oh my god, it’s been so long! How did you know where I live?”
“Well, your mum hasn’t moved out of your old family house, so I went there first and your mum directed me here. Your mum hasn’t changed a bit - it seems you haven’t either!”
“Who’s at the door?” You hear a voice behind you, Ben rugged up in a hoodie and trackies. This winter weather wasn’t going well for either of you it seemed. He walked up to you and placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Ben! This is one of my old best friends from primary school, Hayden! Hayden, this is my now best friend Ben!” You introduce the two, Ben warily shaking the man's hand.
“Nice to meet you, Ben!” Hayden enthusiastically shakes Ben’s hand, “I hear you’ve been treating our Y/N right? That’s that your mum said.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Ben stares at Hayden with a weird look, almost as if he was glaring at him. His hold on you doesn’t falter, you place your hand on his. You look at him with confusion, shake your head slightly and glance back at Hayden. He doesn’t seem to notice the weird looks.
“You talked to my mum? What did she say when she saw you?”
“She looked back at me and said ‘There is no way you’re that little boy I remember’ I laughed and had to try to prove it to her!” Ben still looks quite uncomfortable standing there, one arm around you. His hand slides across the back of your neck and down your arm he then walks out of the lounge room and into the kitchen, hearing pots and pans clanging around. You shiver slightly at the movement, feeling lost without his touch.
“The nickname I used to call you, ‘Funny Bunny’” He smirks at you, seeing the look of horror on your face.
“Oh my god, I haven’t heard that in years,” You let out a big grin, “I can’t believe you remember that!”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
You and Hayden continue to chat, leading him into the lounge room and out of the cold. You talk about what he did when he was away, how his family was going and how he’d finally found love in his life. You’d talked about how you’d met Ben in high school, how finishing high school was like and what life afterwards has been like.
After about an hour of talking, Hayden decided it was a good idea to leave - but not before asking you to come to the housewarming party he was having to celebrate him coming home.
“Is it okay if Ben comes along? Maybe he can get drunk enough and tell me whats wrong,” you ask, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, of course, the more the merrier!” He seems genuinely happy to have him come along, “it’s been so great to see you, Y/N, I’ll see you both tomorrow night?”
“Sure will, thank you for visiting! Again, sorry about my clothes, didn’t realise I’d have any visitors,” you gesture towards your pyjama pants.
“That hoodie does not seem like something you’d wear,” He furrows his brows but with a knowing look. You hit his shoulder slightly.
“Shh,” you giggle, “It’s Ben’s, it’s roomy and comfy enough for a winter’s day!”
“Alright then, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” He throws you into a large hug, shaking you around the whole time. “Goodbye Ben!” Hayden yells out, and beginning to leave, not expecting an answer. You hear Ben let out a ‘bye’, but not coming out to see him.
You wave once more to him and close the door, letting out a happy sigh. It’s great to be able to catch up with old friends, especially ones who made an impact in your life. You raise yourself from the door and walk to Ben’s room, where he’s sitting cross legged on his queen sized mattress, on his phone.
“Why are you in a grumpy mood?” You ask, knocking on the door. He looks up from his phone with a plain look on his face.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says blatantly. You give him a pointed look, clearly seeing through his bullshit.
“Ben, you’re grumpy and I can tell,” You walk towards his bed and sit down next to him, pushing his shoulder with your shoulder. “C’mon, dude, you can talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I’m not grumpy,” his eyes wander to yours, then slowly drifting down your body. “Is that my hoodie?”
“Maybe, it’s cold as hell and you have so many. I only have one, and it’s in the wash.” You play with the fur-like lining of your slipper, sighing as you lay down on his bed. You can’t lie, it’s a much more comfy bed than yours, you’d considered swapping it with yours when he was away filming. “So, we’re going to Hayden’s housewarming party tomorrow night.” He groans really loudly, falling back on the bed next to you.
“Why are we doing that?”
“Because he’s been my best friend since primary school, and I haven’t seen him in like 15 years.” You point out, turning your body so you’re on your side, staring at Ben. You watched his face go through so many emotions in the span of 3 seconds.
You sit there for a few more seconds, noting how his eyes scrunch up when he’s concentrating, his eyebrows furrow and he bites his lip, which, if you were standing, would make your knees give out on you.
“Fine, I’ll go.” You squeal and throw yourself over him to hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs intertwined with his. You could feel him stiffen up, but you didn’t say anything, you were too excited. You give him a sloppy kiss to his cheek, yelling thank you over and over again.
You couldn’t decide what to wear, it was still extremely cold, it only being 7 degrees Celsius outside and tonight, it was going to drop to only 4 degrees Celsius. You decide on a maroon woolen jumper with black jeans, along with black boots with a big heel. You settled on having your hair down, natural, with neutral makeup. You walked into the lounge room, grabbing your keys and purse.
“Ben, you ready?”
“I’ve been ready for the last 10 minutes, I’ve just been playing the game-” Ben trails off as he sees you, letting a small smile grow on his lips. “You look-” Ben pauses, biting his lip in concentration, “... amazing.” Your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips and back.
“Thanks Benny,” You smile flirtily, walking to the door. “You good to go?”
“Yeah, of course,” he feels his pockets for his phone and wallet. “Lets go!”
Hayden was very welcoming to both you and Ben, Ben was even smiling at him. When you two walked in, it was like one of those high school parties you were never invited to, but found yourself at those parties because Ben dragged you there.
You didn’t want to drink, you never found the fun in it, seeing everyone literally falling over, it just never appealed to you. Ben however, grabbed one of the light beers.
“I don’t want to drink much, I’m probably not even going to finish this.” He had told you, earlier in the night, but you didn’t believe him, you knew he was going to get smashed, one way or another.
You were talking to Hayden again, laughing, smiling and reminiscing with him when you see Ben stagger into where you two were talking. He was smiling eagerly when he saw you, walking over and plopping himself down on your lap. He cuddled into your neck, whispering things that you couldn’t quite understand.
“Ben, why don’t you sit next to me?”
“Can I lay in between your legs?”
“Why not.” He stands up and pulls you to the floor. Feeling every part of your body jiggle with that one action, you begin to feel self conscious - covering up your stomach when Ben lays down.
He feels your hands where his neck is placed and pulled your arms out from where you were covering and placed his hands into them, nestling his head between your boobs. You blush from the movement, him moving his head around to get comfortable, he situates himself to have his cheek resting on your left boob.
You close your eyes and then look to Hayden. “You know what, I might get this one home, he seems out of it.” You chuckle nervously, feeling the rumbling of Ben’s resisting groans.
“Don’t want to go home yet.” He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. You look at Hayden with an apologetic gaze.
“C’mon, Sweet, you’re done for, you gotta get home and rest, otherwise the hangover you’ll have will be astronomical.”
“I need to pee first,” he says slowly standing up. He holds his hands out for you to stand up with him. You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully, grabbing his warm hands to pull yourself up. He continues to hold your right hand as he finds the toilet. He pulls you in, locking the door afterwards.
“Ben, what are you doing?” You laugh. He turns around, his bright eyes turned dark, with an almost smug look on his face. You stop laughing when you see his eyes glide down your body. “Ben-” he cuts you off with one finger pressed to your lips. You gasp slightly at the action, you slowly walk back until you hit the sink, Ben stalking his way towards you.
“You seem to be having fun with Hayden, huh?” he asks, standing in front of you, looking down at you with an all new look on his face, one you’d never seen before.
“Ben, you’re drunk, what are you doing?” You mutter, clenching your legs slightly - the look in his eyes really did something to you.
“I barely drank that beer, I told you that,” he says. You place your hands on his cheeks, your eyes searching his for any sign of intoxication. You didn’t see any sign that he’d been drinking, no sign like you’d seen in previous situations.
This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this, he’s gotten jealous when another man would talk to you at a party, when you and Ben got home, he’d ask you the same questions, but in a drunken manner. You never told him it had happened before, you thought it’d make the friendship you two had awkward.
This time he wasn’t drunk, he was sober, alert, he knew what he was doing, and he seemed to know what he was doing to you too, looking at the way your legs were situated.
“Then- why- what?” You splutter, not knowing what to take from this conversation. “You looked so drunk before, what the hell was that?”
“I’m an actor, babe,” his finger pushes a stray hair behind your ear, caressing your face. He placed his palm on your cheek, his thumb rubbing calming circles.
“A bloody good one, you are,” you agree, getting lost in the eyes that seemed to get darker by the second. “What’s happening?” You whisper, leaning into his touch.
“Well, I’m just wondering why you haven’t tried to hook up with Hayden yet, you two seem to be having a lot of fun.” There’s fiery look in his eyes.
“Is that all you’re worried about?” You furrow your eyebrows, confused.
“You two are becoming close again, I can tell,” he mutters, his hand still on your cheek, his other hand slowly creeping up to your waist. “Soon, it’ll be ‘Y/N and Hayden’ and I don’t know if I can share you like that.”
“Are you jealous?”
“If that's what you want to call this, then maybe.” He says, sarcasm seething from his teeth like venom. You chuckle slightly, bringing one of your hands to the back of his neck, and the other sliding down his neck and resting on his chest.
“Sweetheart,” You begin, rubbing his neck, feeling the short hair between your fingers, you grip the hair slightly. He closes his eyes temporarily, mouth dropping. “You have nothing to worry about with Hayden,” you continue, sliding your hand lower towards his abs, hooking onto his jeans, fiddling with the belt. You bring his head down, your lips finding their way to his ear. You let out a slow and shaky breath as you whisper the rest of your sentence, “He’s gay.”
You pull away and begin to walk to the door, letting out small laughs. You begin to open the door as Ben stands there for a few seconds, he quickly snaps out of his trance. He closes the door before you can walk out, pushes you against it. You let out another gasp, he moves his head closer to yours.
“What?” He questions, placing his forehead on yours.
“That man he was with? His fiancé, you dipshit,” you giggle, placing your hand on his cheek once again.
“Oh, so I didn't need to stake my claim?” He asks, his voice getting lower and more seductive. You almost moan at the sentence, feeling heat all throughout your body at how close he was getting.
“Why would you need to stake your claim? If you wanted me to be yours, you should’ve just asked.”
“Oh, Love,” his voice is raspy and to you, it's so hot, his lips get closer and closer to yours, “so I can kiss you?” You don’t answer him, you just close the gap between the two of you. Teeth clashing, bitten lips and small breathy moans were all you could think of, Ben brought his hips closer to yours, pressing into each other.
You thought your first kiss with Ben would be simple and sweet, one night where you two were slightly drunk and you’d both wonder what it’d be like to kiss each other.
You’d hope something would stem from there. But if you told 17 year old you, that’d you be making out with Ben Hardy in the bathroom of an old friends house in the future, your past self would slap you and accuse you of lying, and then she’d tell you to stop playing with her feelings. You’d never thought this amount of passion could be thrown into a kiss, a fiery, jealousy and lust driven kiss.
Ben allows his lips to travel down to your jaw, leaving wet kisses trailing to your neck and collarbone that was exposed from your jumper. One of his hands grazed down your body and landed on your ass, squeezing slightly, his other hand still placed on your waist. You let out a moan as Ben found a sweet spot, sucking and making little noises, making a trail of marks as he brings his lips to the bottom of your ear. You grab his hair and scrunch your fingers in the perfectly placed heap, letting out louder noises - not caring if other people could hear you. Your other hand trailing down his chest again, stopping at his belt.
“If you keep making those noises and keep pulling my hair, Sweetheart, I won’t be able to stop myself.” He lifts his head from your neck, you let out a single laugh and pull him back to your lips, a kiss that's slower, sweeter, one that is filled with love and want. “As much as I’d love to take you in this bathroom, I’d rather finish this at home, where we can be as loud as we want.” Ben smirks, his lips are plump from the searing kisses, his face is red and he’s letting out small and laboured breaths. You nod, giving him one last kiss and pulling away, walking out of the bathroom. Ben gives a little smack to your ass, causing you to squeal slightly.
“Jeez, Y/N, you look fucked out, what happened in there?” Hayden lets out a laugh as he holds on to his fiancé. “And what happened to your neck? You look like you burnt yourself with a curling iron!”
“No time to explain, I’ve got to go, thank you for having Ben and I, we’ll come visit soon!” You hug him quickly and the man hanging onto him.
“I can see, have fun you two, wear protection!” Hayden yells out, as you stick the finger up at him, giggling. Ben joins your side, putting his arms around your waist, picking you up. You let out another scream and slap at his back.
“Put me down!” You laugh. He shakes his head and gives another slap to your ass. “Boy, if you don’t-”
“I’ll be driving, sweet,” He grabs your keys from your back pocket and puts you down as he arrives to your car.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to contain yourself?” You laugh, crossing your arms. You can see him straining against his pants, he isn’t exactly great at hiding it. He pulls your arms out from where they are and pins you against the car, the same position as before, but this time, his hands pinning yours to the car. You let out an impatient groan, “You know, the faster we get in the car, the longer we’ll have at home,” you whisper seductively, biting your lip as he also lets out an impatient groan.
“Good point, c’mon, lets go!”
Almost crashing through the front door of your flat, he pushed you against the closed door once again. He stares at you for a few seconds, you break the silence.
“How many times have you pushed me against a door tonight?” You gaze up, looking into his desperate eyes, letting out small laughs.
“Not nearly enough times,” He groans, pressing his lips to yours, hungrier and needier than before. “I’m making up for lost time, if I’m being honest.” His fingers tap the backs of your thighs, making you jump and joined your legs around his waist. “All those times I’d accidentally see you come out of the shower in just your underwear,” He’d began to trail the kisses to your cheek, “Those times where we’d be sitting on the couch and you’d take your bra off through your shirt because it’d been uncomfortable,” He lastly leant into your neck, kissing once then bringing his lips right next to your ear, “And those time’s I’d hear you moan my name in your sleep.” You blush a bright scarlet red, your mouth agape.
“I’d do that? I mean, I knew I did it while conscious, but not while I’m asleep,” He let out a guttural groan, his eyes almost rolling back.
“Oh my fuck, yes, sweetheart, it took me so much self control to not just walk into your room and eat you out, then and there.” His voice was low, husky and delicious. “It’s taking me a lot more to not just fuck you right here and now,” The sleeves of the jumper you were wearing covered your hands as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer.
“I mean you could-” you trail off.
He smirks as he begins to walk to the hallway. “My room or yours?”
“Your bed is so much comfier than mine, it’ll feel much better on yours.”
“You think?” He asks with a smirk, you nod eagerly, with a grin growing on your face. He leads you to his bed, essentially throwing you onto the bed, your hands grasping at the multiple blankets covering his bed.
“So this is where they went?” You look at them then back to Ben, “I was looking for another one of these last night.”
“Oh well, you don’t have to worry about that tonight then,” Ben hops onto the bed, crawling over to you, pulling your legs apart to settle himself in between them. His lips latch onto yours again, moving slower and deeper, his hands placed next to your head.
You wrap your arms around his torso, scratching at his back, wanting his shirt gone. You must’ve scratched a little too hard as he pulled away and moaned. You pull at it from the back, throwing it in a random direction. You marvel at the chest before you, running your fingers along his pecs and abs, you almost drooled at the sight. You pulled at his belt buckle, ripping it off in one swift motion.
“These, off, now,” You muttered, urgency in your voice. Ben smirked and stood up from the bed, pulling his pants down, slowly and it was agonisingly painful. He left his boxers on as he crawls back up to you.
“You sure you want to do this, Sweetheart?” He asked, concern filling his face. You nod, not being able to trust your voice. “No, Love, I need verbal consent-” You grab his cheeks and kiss his lips hard.
“Yes, I want this, I want you, I want you in me, now.” Muttering against his lips, he almost growls, pulling at the end of your shirt, almost asking for permission to take it off. You groan and take it off yourself. You’re left in a lacy bra that barely held your boobs in because of how tight it was on you. You weren’t going to lie, it was extremely uncomfortable to wear, but it made you feel pretty. Ben licked his lips slightly at the sight. “Do you want to take it off, or should I?”
“Are you kidding? I’ve been wanting to do this for forever,” You smile as he brings his hands to the back of the bra, unclasping it with expert speed. You sigh in relief as the bra is finally off of your chest, but feeling suddenly self conscious (and cold, as soon as the cold air hit your nipples they turned as solid as fucking icicles), you fold your arms against your chest. “My sweet Y/N, you’re perfectly beautiful the way you are, you have no need to cover up.”
“No, you fuck, it’s fucking cold in here, why isn’t the heater on?” You shiver. Ben jumps off from the bed.
“I’ll put it on, I’ll be back.” Ben runs out of the room, leaving you by yourself to contemplate what to do next. You decide to pull off your jeans and underwear, and bringing yourself under the numerous amounts of blankets on Ben’s bed, it’s almost silly how many there were. Ben comes back and begins to rattle in the bottom of his draw.
“What’re you doing?” You ask, holding the blankets to your chest. He pulls out the square foil packaging, holding it between his fingers.
“This is essential isn’t it?”
“I am on birth control.” You mutter, feeling slightly embarrassed. “And as long as you’ve had an STI test, we can go without it.”
“Since when are you on the pill? I don’t see you take medication, or even go to the doctors for it.” Ben is genuinely confused, “But ever since I’ve moved in here with you, I haven’t had sex with another girl, I have had a test though, and nothing came back positive.” You smirk, beginning to tell him what birth control you were on, but he cut you off. “I can grab the test, if you’d like?”
“No no, Love, I believe you. I’ve got the IUD, I’m not on the pill.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just a thing that gets put in my uterus- Just drop the condom, come here and fuck me already?” Ben is almost giddy when those words leave your mouth. He quickly gets under the covers to see you don’t have your underwear on either.
“Oh, I’m not fucking you tonight, I’m making long and hard love to you, all night long,” He brings his lips to yours, moving against them as he palms at your boobs. He places a hand at your entrance, swiping back and forth between your folds. “So wet for me, darling,” he pushes one finger in. “So easy to push in, huh?” His finger pulls out, you whimper, needing more. He pushes his finger in his mouth, sucking the juices off the digit.
You moan with his words and actions, feeling blissed out. You push your hand into his boxers, feeling his length in your hand. He lets out a guttural groan, pulling off his boxers completely.
“Are you sure this is still okay?” You groan, getting impatient as you position his length to your entrance. A smirk finds its way onto your lips.
“Does it look like I’m okay with it?” Ben doesn’t answer for a few seconds, staring at your eyes.
He lets out a small ‘yes’ with a laugh and pushes himself in until he bottoms out. Your mouth is in a constant ‘o’ state, not having sex for a while, you forgotten what it felt to be completely filled out. You claw at the back of Ben’s back, knowing full well that it’ll leave marks tomorrow. Ben stalls for a few seconds. “Are you going to move?”
“Just let me get used to this, Babe, as I said, I haven’t had sex since we moved in together, if I start moving now, I won’t be able to last long.” His eyes are honest and full of lust. Your hand finds its way to his cheek as you bring his face to yours, eyes shutting and lips falling on his, for what it seems like to be the hundredth time this night. “So what is the IUD?” Ben says, clearly distracting himself from trying not to release in you straight away. He begins to move outwards slowly, as you look at him incredulously.
“You really want to ask me about something that’s jammed in my uterus?”
“Well, I’m jammed inside your vagina, so-” You slap his chest, with a scoff that turned into a moan as Ben pushed back in. He spilt out your name as you clenched your walls against him.
“Note to self, never have sex with a friend, they’ll try to pull some jokes-” You cut yourself off by a scream of Ben’s name, as soon as he hit the right spot.
“You won’t be having sex with anyone else, beside me, darling,” Ben repeatedly hits that same spot, a string of curses and Ben’s name falling off your lips. “Sorry, but you’re mine now.”
“It’ll be only you, it’s always going to be only you.” You moan, clawing at Ben’s back again. “Shit, Ben!” His hand trails down your body, landing on the bundle of nerves between your legs. You begin to squirm.
“I heard that women don’t really get off with just vaginal penetration, so, I thought to help you along, because I’m so fucking close-” he presses down hard and wiggles his fingers, “I’d play with you a bit more.” Ben’s voice sounds absolutely delicious as he says this, you bring your hand to his hair and pull him down to kiss you to hide the moans that are constantly falling from your lips. “This is so much better than my dreams.” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You pull at his hair, not hard, but just enough for him to moan once again.
“Benny, I’m so close,” you whisper in his ear, he lets out a relieved sigh.
“Thank fuck, because I’ve been holding off for a while.” He laughs, continually applying pressure to your clit, thrusting deep to hit your g-spot. “You’re almost there,” you clench your walls around him. “I can feel it, I’m so close- shit,” he releases inside you, the warmth pushing you over the edge as well. You yell out Ben’s name over and over again, pushing your nails into his shoulders leaving crescent shapes in his skin.
He pulls himself out of you, you whine at the feeling of being empty. He stands up and walks to his bathroom, grabbing a cloth and wetting it with warm water. You begin to feel everything seep out of your hole, you close your legs to try to stop the uncomfortable feeling. Ben kneels on the bed, near your legs.
“C’mon, baby, open up, gotta clean you up,” Ben places his hands on your thighs, eyes hooded, clearly tired. You felt the same, tiredly and warily opening up your legs, you felt him gently wipe at the sensitive spot, feeling him stopping and starting, then finally wiping at your thighs. He presses a kiss to each thigh, then throws his shirt away. “I’ll put that in the wash later, right now, I need to hold my girl.” He pulls you into his chest, your hands bracing the impact slightly. You snuggled into his neck, pressing a few kisses there.
You blushed at the endearment, smiling to yourself as you could finally call him yours. He could call you his. This is all that you wanted for the past few years, someone to want and someone to want you back. Your breathing began to pick up, as you planned out your next few words.
“I love you.”
“That’s a relief,” Ben chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head. “I didn’t want this to just be a friends with benefits thing.” He puts his hand into your hair, scratching lightly. “I could never do that with you, I’d fall in love every single day over and over again.”
“Thank fuck.” You breathed.
The next morning you woke up to someone cuddling into your back, spooning you. You panicked for a second, before turning your head to see the sleepy blonde’s head placed in the mass of your hair. You felt a pleasant ache between your legs, reminiscent of last night’s antics.
You pulled away, hoping not to wake him up. You grab one of Ben’s shirts from the floor, not bothering to put on underwear as the shirt almost looked like a dress on you, hitting the mid-thigh. You walk into the kitchen, putting on the kettle to set yourself a cup of black tea. You grab the sugar and place it on the bench. You walk to the fridge and grab the milk, closing it to see Ben standing there, leaning on the door frame.
“Fuck, Ben,” you gasp, holding your chest where your heart would be.
“Hmm, love the sound of that,” He mumbles, walking towards you, settling his hands on your ass. He looks puzzled, feeling around your ass - lifting the bottom of the shirt, he sees you’re not wearing underwear. He gives you a lazy smirk. “You naughty girl.” You let out a squeak as he slaps your ass.
“I couldn’t be fucked putting on underwear, plus, you can’t tell I’m not wearing any, unless you lift up my shirt like an ass.” You slap his chest lightly and walk over to the bench where your tea awaited you.
You exaggerate your hip movements, leaning on your hip as you pour the hot water in the mug. You put the tea bag in the mug and turn back around to see Ben standing there, a smile on his lips. He walks up to you and places his hands around your waist and lifts you up. You let out a squeal, looking down at Ben as he twirls you two around. He stops and puts you down, still holding onto your waist.
“I’m glad we finally figured out we loved each other, didn’t know if I could go another day without telling you.”
You place a hand on his cheek, letting your thumb rub lightly. Your lips give his a gentle kiss, not hurried and not lustful, just a kiss to let him know that you’re his.
“Sorry to tell you this, but you really won’t be able to get rid of me anymore.” You sigh, shaking your head. He looks right into your eyes, not blinking once, seriousness in both his sight and voice.
“I don’t mind that at all, being with you will be heavenly.”
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quickeningheart · 5 years
   There was a drawn-out silence as the mice and Chex sized each other up. After a moment, Throttle cleared his throat, stepping forward. "I'm sure you must be mistaken, Citizen," he began, attempting nonchalance. "We're just three normal bros, getting our bikes looked over by—"
   "Oh, give it up," Chex snorted, crossing her arms. "I'm not an idiot. There's nothing wrong with my eyeballs. And those helmets don't render you invisible, so you might as well take 'em off. I don't know who you think you're fooling. If alien mice doesn't explain all the fur, then my next guess is the evolutionary Missing Link. Or very short Yeti."
   Alley stifled a laugh, and Throttle shot her an annoyed glance as he slowly pulled his helmet off. Vinnie and Modo followed his lead.
   "Well, damn," Chris said softly, eyes wide.
   "Told you," Chex replied, looking smug. She practically vibrated where she stood, she was so excited. "Man, I can't believe they've been here all this time. The club's gonna flip when I tell 'em I got to see them face to face!"
   "Club?" Throttle repeated, frowning.
   "It's some little forum she joined," Chris explained. "For people who think they've been abducted by aliens or some weird shit like that."
   "Shut it, butt-head." Chex delivered another punch to his arm. "That's not what the club's about." She turned back to the mice. "You've saved a lot of people in Chicago since you've been here, right? Well, some of those people started an online forum to socialize and share experiences. Hypothesize about why you're even here. Stuff like that."
   "And … you're one of those people," Throttle guessed.
   "Sure am." Chex nodded at Modo. "Big Gray there saved my life awhile back."
   The mouse straightened, startled by the sudden attention. "The name's Modo," he corrected. "Modo Maverick."
   "Maverick, huh?" Her smile widened. "I like that. Totally a hero's name."
   Modo beamed as Vinnie whistled and nudged him in the side.
   "So what happened to you?" Charley wanted to know.
   "There was some big skirmish downtown about three years ago. Felt like an earthquake or something. Total chaos, people running around, screaming like a buncha lunatics… And I remember there was this really weird whining. Sounded kinda like a drill, but deeper and a lot louder."
   "Hey, I remember that!" Vinnie cut in. "Wasn't that when Limburger decided he was gonna dig under the big shopping center?"
   "Yeah, he was lookin' for something. Anybody ever figure out what that was?" Modo asked, scratching his head.
   "Who cares? He goes out an' makes with the boom-boom, we go in an' stop 'im. That's all we need ta know." Vinnie punched his fist into his palm with a wicked grin.
   Chex huffed. "Yeah, well, I happened to be in that shopping center when it was all goin' down. Everything was crumbling around me and all the exits were getting blocked off. Some guy bowled me over, and I got my leg pinned. I was trying to pull free, and then these loud cracks went off right over my head. Sounded like a buncha gunshots. I thought someone had opened fire on top of everything else. So I looked up, and the freakin' wall's about to topple over." She shuddered, rubbing her arms. "I won't ever forget what that felt like, watching that slab of concrete falling in slo-mo right on top of me."
   "So what then?" Alley asked, wide-eyed.
   "Well, I sure wasn't goin' anywhere. When that asshole shoved me, I fell into the rubble and knocked something loose. Big chunk fell right on top of me. My leg was good and pinned. Hurt like hell, too. I just sorta buried my head in my arms and prayed I'd die quick, and I wouldn't end up buried alive or be laying there in agony for days wondering if anyone'd find me. I might've screamed, I guess. I don't really remember." Chex shrugged. "Someone heard something, though, 'cause when I figured out I still wasn't dead, that's when I looked back up and saw this huge gray … person standing over me, hefting that slab of concrete like a piece of paper. Just tossed it aside with his bare hands! And then he grabbed the big chunks pinning me down and tossed them, too. He wasn't wearing a helmet, and there was all this fur and metal and big ears … and then he started talking to me, asking if I was okay. And all I remember thinking is he was the biggest damned hamster I'd ever seen."
   "Aw, c'mon!" Vinnie protested, tossing his hands in the air. "They never get it right! Why don't they ever get it right?"
   "We're mice, ma'am. Just for future reference," Modo rumbled, mouth quirking.
   "Well, sure, I can see that now," Chex snorted. "Waddaya want? I'd just lived through my first near-death experience. Sorry if I was a little delirious."
   "Least you didn't call him a rat," Alley teased. "They hate that."
   Modo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Seems I recall findin' a little girl pinned down, 'bout to be squashed flat. Your leg was busted up pretty bad, wasn't it? I pulled ya loose an' dropped you off at the ambulance outside. You were bleedin' out pretty heavily."
   "Yeah." Chex nodded. "The femur bone was snapped in two places. And my tibia was broken so badly the bone ripped clean through the skin. Scary shit. I ended up in surgery and the hospital for two months, a full-leg cast another two months after that. Took a lot of therapy just so I could walk again, too." She pulled up her ripped legging, showing off a long, jagged scar that started at the middle of her calf and ran up under the material covering her upper leg. "Ends at the thigh. Pretty cool, huh?" she said proudly.
   Modo whistled. "Impressive battle scar. You doin' okay now?"
   "Sure. Leg still aches when the weather changes, and I won't ever win any marathons or anything, but I can walk, and even more importantly, I'm not a greasy smear on the pavement." Chex approached him, gray eyes searching his face as she took his metal hand into both of hers. He blinked down at her, nonplussed; it wasn't often a human willingly touched him, after all. "Like I said, I was really out of it back then, and I don't even remember if I thanked you," she told him sincerely. "So I'm saying it now. Thank you, Modo Maverick. You're a really good person. And I'm glad I can tell you that face to face."
   Modo squirmed, ignoring the catcalls and whistles from his comrades as he smiled awkwardly down at her, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, it wasn't anything, ma'am," he mumbled, flustered. "Just doin' my job and all that."
   Chex seemed to recall their audience then, quickly dropping his hand and stepping back, hooking her thumbs through the belt loops of her checkered skirt with a self-conscious shrug. "Yeah, well, just sayin'. Thanks," she mumbled, ducking her head. Her face was nearly as red as her hair. After a moment, she straightened up, affecting her usual aloof attitude. "Anyway. That's how I found out about alien mice. I had to know who you were, so while I was recovering, I started searching around on the net, looking for … I dunno, info on mutant rodents in the subways or something." She smirked at Vinnie's snort of disgust. "That's when I found the forum, and figured out there were others who'd been saved by giant talking, bike-riding mice, and there it is."
   "And there it is. Gotta love social media. So much for covert operations."
   All eyes turned to the black-clad figure coasting into the garage on a sleek black racer, taking in the scene from behind the visor of a wing-eared helmet.
   Chris straightened up, surprised. "Hey! You're—"
   "Yep. I'm," Stoker grunted, pulling the helmet off to meet his gaze with shrewd eyes. "And you're the whelp who stuck with our Alley Cat the other night. Thanks for that, kid."
   "The name is Chris. Christopher Archer. And my sister is Constance."
   "Chex. Call me Constance and I'll be forced to cut your tongue out," the redhead mumbled. "Cool bike, by the way. That's like … super stealth bike or something. I didn't even hear the engine."
   "That's 'cause I turned it off," Stoker said with a chuckle, dismounting and rolling the bike over to Charley. "She needs a checkup, if you get the chance. Maybe some oil. Had a bit of a bumpy ride gettin' back."
   "Run into some problems?" Charley asked.
   "Just a few random goons out lookin' for trouble. Nothin' I couldn't handle. But they did get in a few shots to my ride here. Think one of 'em might've taken out the suspension."
   "Poor baby. I'll have you fixed right up," Charley crooned, petting the dusty crankshaft affectionately. And damned if the bike didn't rumble right back.
   Alley blinked. "Did … did that thing just purr at you?"
   Charley laughed. "I did tell you Martian bikes are equipped with AI, right?"
   "Uh, yeah, I seem to recall something about that. I just didn't—They actually respond to you? Like, they can understand what you say?" Alley looked the bike over with new appreciation.
   "That is the general definition of artificial intelligence," Charley deadpanned.
   "Wow. Real AI. How cool is that?" Chex crouched in front of Modo's bike. "Hey, if you can understand me, honk or something."
   There was a moment of silence. Then a short, sharp beep sounded, startling Chex into falling back onto her rear. She gaped for a second, then laughed. "That is wicked! Where can I get one?"
   "Forget it, Short Stack. Dad'll never let you get a motorcycle," Chris scoffed.
   "I'm eighteen. He doesn't really have a say in the matter," she tossed back, hopping to her feet. "Hey, will you give me a ride?" She grinned up at Modo, who sputtered for a response.
   "Chex, we're here to see Alley, remember?" Chris sighed.
   "Oh, well, she could come along."
   Alley's eyes widened. "Uhhh … no thanks. I've seen how these guys drive those things around. I'm rather attached to my life. I'd like to keep it, if it's all the same to you."
   Chex laughed. "Wuss."
   "If by 'wuss' you mean 'possessing a healthy dose of self-preservation', then yes. I am a huge wuss," she sniffed, smoothing down her skirt.
   Beside her, Stoker chuckled low in his throat. "We'll have to work on that," he murmured, smirking down at her.
   She pulled a face at him. "Where the hell have you been skulking around, anyway?"
   "You miss me? I'm touched." He flashed a cheeky grin.
   "Yeah, sure." She waved him off. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
   "Aw, honey, go easy on an old mouse's ego."
   "Sir, your ego is indomitable. I'm sure nothing I say will make a dent," she huffed, a smile twitching around her lips despite her best efforts to remain stern.
   He noticed, leaning in with a sly smile, eyes lidded as he prepared to turn up the charm.
   Only Alley suddenly wasn't there anymore, having been pulled out from under his nose by Chris's grip on her arm. He straightened, glaring at the intruder. "You mind? We were having a private conversation."
   Chris winced at the venom in his tone but, as before, refused to back down. He turned to Alley. "Listen, Chex and I have to be back at the dorms in a few hours. We promised our parents we'd have dinner with them tonight."
   "You promised them," Chex corrected.
   He ignored her. "Anyway, if you wanted to go shopping for a new phone, maybe have something to eat and do a little sightseeing downtown, we'd probably better leave soon."
   "Oh. Sure, lemme go grab my purse. It's upstairs," Alley replied, shooting him a grateful smile as she turned to flee the garage.
   "Cock-blocked!" Vinnie sang under his breath as soon as she left, earning himself a whack across the head by Stoker's palm and muffled sniggers from Modo and Throttle.
   "And speaking of phones…" Stoker's tail whipped around and plucked the smartphone Chex had been using to covertly snap pictures neatly from her fingers. "Ah-ah. None of that now," he scolded, not unkindly, as he browsed the files.
   "Hey!" she yelped. "Give that back! What're you doing?"
   "Just a little damage control." He navigated the touch screen with ease before tossing the gadget back to her.
   She hastily checked it over, jaw dropping. "You deleted them! You deleted everything! All of my info … my videos! Do you know how hard it was to get some of this stuff?" she lamented.
   "I'm sorry for your loss," Stoker deadpanned, not looking sorry in the least. "No offense, Red, but I don't fancy having our ruggedly handsome mugs plastered all over the internet. Makes it real hard to work when you've got people out hunting you down for a celebrity snapshot. Kindly refrain from future endeavors."
   Chex pouted. "What's wrong with wanting to show Chicago that we've got our very own superheroes protecting us from the mafia? The cops sure as hell don't do anything about it."
   "Oh. Uh…" Alley offered a sheepish grin as she descended the stairs, having overheard the conversation. "Yeah, about that mafia story I fed you…"
   Chex's eyes widened. "No way. Is Limburger an alien, too?"
   "Something like that."
   "Not really, no." Alley shot her a funny look. "He's trying to strip-mine the planet, starting with Chicago. There's nothing remotely awesome about it."
   "Is that why he wants the school?" Chris asked. "He wants to rip it apart?"
   "Likely. It's sitting on a choice piece of property," Stoker grunted. "Lots of resources to ship off to Plutark."
   "Is that his planet? And that's why you guys are here. To stop him from doing it?"
   "But why?" Chex asked. "I mean, this isn't your home. Why are you risking your necks for a world that doesn't even know you exist?"
   "Because the Plutarkians are a disease that need to be wiped out," Modo growled, eye glowing. "They started with our planet Mars, and nearly demolished our entire race. Earth is next on the list, and unlike Mars, it doesn't have the kind of defenses needed to beat 'em off."
   "And once they're through with this dirt ball, they'll move on to the next," Throttle added. "Just like a huge, smelly swarm of … waddaya call 'em? Locusts?"
   "We do have nuclear weapons," Chris said doubtfully.
   "Hah! The stinkfish live off that sorta thing!" Vinnie scoffed. "Toxic waste and radiation and destruction … they eat it for breakfast. A couple of nuclear bombs wouldn't even slow 'em down."
   "Yeah, all you'd be doin' is helpin' em rip up the planet that much faster," Modo added, snapping his fingers for emphasis.
   The twins exchanged glances. "The government—" Chris started.
   "Is next to useless," Stoker cut him off with a snort. "They can't do anything we're not already doin'. Besides, it'll just come back to nuclear warfare and vaporizing their own planet in a useless attempt to get rid of the Plutarkians."
   "Yeah, and then they'll probably turn around an' use the same methods on us," Vinnie grumbled.
   "That's true," Charley agreed with a sigh. "I don't think Earth is ready for the knowledge that 'little green men' actually exist." She chuckled when Vinnie huffed, tweaking his ear. "Don't worry, you're all much cuter than E.T.," she teased.
   "And about time you admitted it, Babe," he replied, crossing his arms smugly. But he was blushing under his fur.
   "What I don't get," Alley cut in, "is how they don't already know. I mean, people are talking about you guys online, and Chex probably isn't the only one who's tried to take pictures and videos. Right?"
   "Oh, sure." Chex shrugged. "Media gets posted on various sites all the time. The problem is, it never stays posted. It's like the moment new footage appears, the site goes poof for a few minutes. When it comes back online, all the footage is gone. Happens every time. The Mouseketeers think—"
   "The Mouseketeers?"
   Chex laughed at the disgust written across four furry faces. "It's what the forum folk call themselves. Don't look at me like that, I didn't come up with it!"
   "Well, come up with somethin' else," Vinnie grumbled. "That name's just embarrassing!"
   "Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that." Chex rolled her eyes. "Anyway, the general theory is the government is responsible for getting rid of the evidence. Keep the knowledge of alien warfare happening right under our noses from getting out to the general populace. Hold off the world-wide panic it'd cause. In the meantime, hope the two species end up wiping themselves out nice and neat, and save taxpayer dollars by not having to send in our own military to finish the job."
   "And they're not at all worried that two alien species with superior technology battling over our planet might end up, I dunno, completely obliterating it instead?" Alley asked skeptically.
   "Hey, I did say it was a theory."
   "And that's all it is," Stoker put in, shaking his head with amusement. "Sorry to burst your conspiracy bubble, but none of Earth's governments are responsible for keepin' this invasion under wraps. Mars has been monitoring your satellites for decades. Any evidence of alien species that pops up is immediately eliminated, especially Martian and Plutarkian. Can't risk having our own civilization exposed trying to save yours, after all."
   "You can't possibly silence everyone who finds out about you," Chris argued. "What about the probes we send up?"
   "Bah. Inferior Earthen technology. Easily compromised," the mouse snorted. "As for the rest, well…" He tapped one of his antenna. "These ain't here just for show, ya know. We have ways."
   "What do you mean?"
   "Memory wipes," Throttle grunted, mouth twisting with distaste.
   "You can do that?" Charley asked, startled. Clearly, this was news to her.
   "Not all of us," Vinnie told her. "Only a few 'specially powerful empaths are trained for that sorta thing. Ain't easy, and fiddlin' around with another person's brain is pretty frowned upon. I mean, one wrong move an' you've got a drooling vegetable on your hands."
   "Luckily we have little cause to employ such techniques," Stoker added, expression grim. "But there's been a time or two when the wrong person discovered us, and we've been forced to go in for a little … mental rewiring."
   "And by 'we', do you actually mean you?" Alley asked. Stoker didn't answer. But his silence spoke volumes. She frowned. "Have you ever … made a wrong move?"
   "No," he replied firmly. "But my predecessor did, with another empathic race from the Quantrum Sector."
   "The what now?"
   "Another galaxy. You wouldn't have heard of it. That was a bad job. Pretty much the guidelines of what not to do when attempting a mind-wipe. Not only scrambled the poor bastard on the receiving end, but his own brain, as well. That's when I was pulled in to take over his position by the army. This was back before the Freedom Fighters, of course. When I was just a young punk, barely older'n Rimfire." He nodded at Modo.
   "You never told us this before, Stoke," Vinnie said, sounding awed.
   "Ain't somethin' I like to talk about," he replied. "Not a part of my life I'm particularly proud of. For the greater good or not, there's no honor in wipin' another person's mind. Especially when you're never told why you're doin' it in the first place. Toward the end, before I defected, I had my suspicions that the government was gettin' a little corrupt. They were sendin' us in more 'n more often to 'take care of things'. I suspect it was to keep control over an increasingly disgruntled population, when Plutark stepped in an' started buyin' up Martian property."
   "And that's why you formed the Freedom Fighters," Throttle finished.
   "Yep. That about sums it up. Somebody had to protect what was left of our people. We're all they had left."
  "Your own government sold you out?" Alley asked softly.
   "Money is power, honey. Even on other planets. Corruption is a universal problem." Stoker glanced at Chex with a raised eyebrow. "And you might consider tellin' your online buddies to start bein' a little more careful what they slap up on their sites. I may not be one of the army's guard dogs anymore, but that don't mean I've forgotten what to do. And there're still more guard dogs who ain't as nice as me, either. You annoy the wrong people or become a big enough threat, you just might find yourselves on the wrong end of Martian antenna."
   Chex gulped, face paling under her makeup. Even Chris looked a little green around the gills.
   "Great. Well, now that you've finished terrifying my friends, I think it's time for us to go," Alley muttered, starting toward the Caprice.
   "Hold up, there!" Charley snagged her by the back of the shirt as she passed, bringing her up short. "Just so you know, you 'n me are gonna have a talk when you get back."
   "What'd I do?"
   Charley shot her a look. "Guess."
   Alley's brow furrowed. "Oh, what, you're pissed 'cause I was worried about you? That's gratitude."
   "Do you honestly believe that's why I'm upset?"
   The cousins stubbornly faced each other down, before Alley conceded defeat, shoulders slumping. "Okay, okay," she grumbled. "You can bust my chops when I get back. Just lemme get these two out of your hair first." She stomped to the twins, who were now waiting in the car.
   "What was that all about?" Chris asked as she opened the passenger door and slid in.
   "Somebody in trouble?" Chex teased from the back seat.
   Alley waved off their questions. "Don't worry about it. Right before you arrived, we were having a … family discussion of sorts. I might've said a few things I shouldn't have in front of a few people I shouldn't have… She's a little steamed about it."
   Chex hummed. "Wanna hide out in the dorms for awhile until the storm blows over?" she offered. "I could probably stuff you under the bed."
   Alley laughed. "Thanks, but I'll take my licks like a good little soldier, and pray Charley doesn't decide to send me packing back to Florida."
   They drove in silence for a few minutes, before Chex leaned forward, draping her gloved arms over the back of the bench seat. "Hey, you think that Stoker guy was serious about the whole, you know, mind-wipe thing?" she asked.
   Alley shrugged, poking through the cassette tapes Chris had stashed in a worn shoebox on the seat between them. "Dunno why he'd lie about it. He's a trained soldier, and from what I've heard, he's got some mad skills on the battlefield. Like, a four-star general or something. The mice do have some sort of telepathic ability. I guess some could be strong enough to erase memories." She chose a cassette and shoved it into the player; Queen's These are the Days of Our Lives blasted over the speakers. "Oh, I love this song!" She began to sing along.
   Chex shifted impatiently. "But, like, do you think he'd really do it?" she pressed.
   "I dunno. Maybe. Why do you want to know?"
   Chris snorted. "She probably wants to go tell all her little forum buddies where they can find them. She never could keep a secret."
   "Shut up," Chex grumbled, slumping back in her seat.
   Frowning, Alley turned around in her seat. "Look, I can't say what Stoker may or may not do, but I can tell you that all four of those guys are way protective of Charley. They consider her one of theirs, and they'll fight tooth and nail to defend their own. If you go blabbing their location around and end up putting her or her garage in danger, getting mind-wiped will be the least of your worries. You've already seen Modo in action. Do you really wanna risk pissing off a bunch of trained rebel soldiers who can heft concrete walls with their bare hands?"
   Chex didn't have much to say on the matter after that.
   Alley could only hope she wouldn't have much to say on the matter at any future time, either.
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One morning I awoke early
I often slept on the couch at Bobbys. If I fell asleep in my room or he carried me there, I often went back to the living room.
I had a tiny room but it was good enough and Bobby made it real nice, taking my stuff from the big house. But it reminded me of my old life. My life where people left me.
My dad went to the Navy SEALS and has special missions he couldn't take me on. He knew Bobby and I did better work on our own. My mom was murdered and I was stupid enough to demand to be taken to the scene of her and her two friend's dead bodies.
Jesse went crazy and his wife went Lulu. Both left, Jesse after he threw me out into the streets. So i didn't like my old bedroom stuff. Id like my bed again when my dad came home to visit and i saw him sleep in it a couple times so i knew he was alright. That would be fine then.
Bobby had washed the sheets and blankets and they smelled all new again and I couldn't smell my dad. There wasn't a quite distinct scent but more of a feeling... It was still there but was covered in the snuggle fabric softener and tide. The smell wss distracting. Good but not my dad.
I freaked at Bobby about it and he said it was fine, he still had the bedding from my dads bed. So I used his old army wooly not so soft but itchy scratchy with a hint of softness under... Like my life... Id carry it back and forth from my room. Bobby was kind enough, if he moved my sleeping body to cover me with the obscene fabric.
He warned me though that my dad had asked him specifically to wash it and he told me "if your dad wants to beat me up because i didn't you will have to protect me"
When my dad was due to arrive, i left the front door open and put a nightlight in my room so he could see for the bed to get dressed and go to sleep. Like an adult i thought. But my dad thought like a parent.
I thought I heard him creep in, drop his bag and say "finally I am home!"
But I dreamed about him coming home so many times I wasn't sure he did. "I guess ill use the bathroom then go on in to sleep"
Uh huh good one dreaming that one is new, I thought. I heard the light flick on and saw the light fill the hall, so I sat up in case he wanted to get something to eat, Bobby always did but rarely did my dad. But it was a new house and life was certainly different with Bobby. Honest. Small and I was left alone a lot. So I rarely played. Just watched the cars drive by, watch their patterns repeat. In the afternoons I'd sit on the porch and watch the other side of the street while I had lunch in case anyone worried, i sure did. And they could see me do it, too. Often I ate something normal like a bowl of ravioli.
Some hobag came a few times looking for Bobby "oh honey Bobby ain't home, his car ain't here"
I got up in went in the house. I didn't say anything to her. It wasnt her business. Her life. Wasn't mine and we didn't need no women ruining it. Yeah it was small but big enough for 3 or 4 more people. But Hell no. Not her. Not some bitch to tell me what to do or what I already knew. I banned Bobby from seeing her. Didn't stop him from going over and fucking her a few times. But we had long deep talks about romance in our life and how it wasn't happening. Mostly me to him. "Just give her a try. I did I kind of like her"
"Lets see her house. Lets go over when she ain't home" we did. "Sit down Bobby. Is this where you wanna live? You wanna live like this? Look at this stuff. Does she even dust? We would die in here. Not only do you have to clean after me and you And sometimes your brother but also her everyday. You wanna clean after this pig?"
"Alright let me look"
He looked at the kitchen stove. Noted some spots needing cleaning. Looked around. I could tell he was willing. The bathroom light flicked on. "Yuck. Oh alright honey I can clean that up after you. We all got to use the toilet Any way. What did you do to the sink!?!?! Lets go see the laundry..."
My heart was pounding. This was my only go to. I hoped to god this would get her out our lives but I had a feeling...
He came rushing down the hall... "Lets go" head down. Job done.
"But Bobby no!"
At the door he said strict "lets go right now! Get the hell out of here!"
"Yes!!! Bobby! Yes!!!!" I jumped up and ran to the door with glee. That was a this place is a dangerous dump demand. But sometimes he made a plan to go back in. Those times he strolled. This one he walked so fast i thought he had to take a massive water shit. He pulled his keys from his pocket and opened his car door. "Huh?!?! Bobby what you're gonna chase after her?!?!!? We aren't dressed for church besides she just goes to the bar!"
"Get in the fucking car!! We are out of here!!"
Last time I saw that look on his face was when he said I couldn't go to my mom's crime scene of her dead body. But this time. This was a celebratory moment.
My dad and Jesse overruled and I got in the car and rolled into a ball. "See? She can't handle it!" So when he got in. I climbed up into the front seat. Fixed the collar on his shirt, pulled his seat belt on and leaned against him, hugging his arm. "You don't want mom to see you looking dirty" so he directed the rest of the car to clean up. "I know shes dead but she has eyeballs and the rest don't. She will tell her evil friends on you then what? They will want to have sex with the dirty boys!"
Jesse messed his hair up a bit and my dad told him fix it...
"Not my mom Jesse. The other ones"
"I know"
"They're dead"
"Not for long"
Bobby who was disgusted angry turned back in,his seat.. Realizing the Zulululu already stole Jesse and took a look at my dad... Whom he looked like he was crunching numbers with every grind of his teeth.
I poked his side with my feet then put them on his leg "hey who are you?"
He poked my foot in a way only he did. Under the covers to remind me not to kick him in the face.
"Huh?! What?! I wasn't even paying attention. Who do you think put my wife there? Do you know? Jesse what's going on with you? I missed the conversation but i feel the car tension has something to do with you"
Jesse rolled down a window. Then Bobby then my dad. We went with wind blown hair. "Don't worry. My mom likes the look. Calls it sexy. Wind blown marketing should always be a thing she's always said. It's alright y'all, lets go see"
We started to walk... "Really she says the air conditioner is too cold but likes the wind chill factor with high winds."
"Did" reminded bobby, trying to rush ahead to block me. Like I wasn't only 2 and didn't use my size to my advantage. Mental note: avoid bobby, to through the legs of the others. Bobby would block me and squish my head. He's done it before. But the feeling of fear in the crowd led me back to Bobby and i got squished "hey! You'll mess my hair! Dad hurry! Can you pick me up!" I let my foot drag out to get bobby back cause that was a mad heavy thigh squish and it actually hurt.
"Don't kick bobby. Come over here. Yeah yeah ill carry you since Bobby didn't want you to come And tried to squish your brain meat out like you're a cadaver. Yeah yeah I know. I saw. Bobby can't handle it all since his wife died. It's only been 3 years. Haven't you ever noticed you only eat men and never any woman?"
I hadn't realized that it wasn't only men in the government program. I just thought women didn't die as often...
I looked back at Bobby and i saw him as a man whom had a life before me. Something I knew but hadn't realized had impacted him so thoroughly. I guess we both had something in common.
And it was written all over his face.
I never saw it that way. I always saw it as patiently waiting.
When I waited i thought nothing. Felt clear sunshine. The birds singing and life dancing.
A cloud moved and put Bobby into the sun. He walked out of it and into the shade with a tint of annoyance.
I never would have moved. Just bathed in the sun until i burned. I never saw a difference before. Bobby used to cry a lot at our house. Mom would always say "he's different than us" I had known his wife had died but I never did understand. I knew what different meant. But Bobby was my friend.
But now I saw. Bobby and i, we didn't see the world the same
"He doesn't want you to know how he feels, he's scared. He doesn't want to lose you and or me. So don't just mind him"
"He can't see like me. He doesn't like the sun or th3 birds chirping. I bet he can't even build a sand castle"
"Sabrina what the hell are you talking to me about? Is Bobby dark and demented?"
"He doesn't like the sun burning his skin and I do" I whispered...
Bobby hasn't been in my life a long time. While I still like the heat, I don't like the reminding burn. I don't like the pain. I've had enough. I can't take anymore. Bobby was 22... I was older than him.. It began in my face... I couldn't handle my face being burnt. I was 23. Now I can't handle my arms or legs and that's been 5 years And more.
I was 7 when I couldn't handle multiple places burnt. My back and shoulders, face, and arms.
Only one place, no more.
.... ..... .... .....
I ran around the car feeling the worried face on my look but th3 joy and cheer still in my heart. I trusted Bobby and I knew him like th3 back of my hand I could piece it altogether.
I jumped in with enthusiasm. "No, no you dont have to put your seat belt on. Im not like your parents only when your intuition says."
Bobby is different now. He always puts his seat belt on. If i can get away with it. I don't. But I have my daughter and all other kids buckle up. However when I'm stressed or extra happy I buckle up automatically. Barbara, Heathers mom taught me that one. "Don't want stress to kill you. And don't want to lose your life on the happiest day of"
Plus then evil has no idea of what kind of day you're having.
"Well then Bobby where the Hell are we going? I feel I should be holding something. A bear or something" I looked out the window "you sure are going fast" I looked in Bobbys always immaculate clean car, hoping he might have something "there there a newspaper, that might work" I held it like a bouquet of flowers, thinking how we had ran errends for my mother's funeral.
"We're going to change your mother's last name to Jennings for the news paper so her in laws can take note. Is that alright with you?"
"These flowers sure are pretty. But how are they going to know?"
"They might not. But at the same time, they may. So we will see."
"Hmm idk. No. I don't want any candy"
He just drove past the mini-mart where Matt Hagan's dad used to work. The sun shining brightly upon it, saying we needed to still go
"But hey weren't you going to get a coffee?"
"Yep. Hold on to that thing" And he grabbed a vase. Sometimes it seemed he talked to himself out loud. Gave him self commands and orders. I'd learn they weren't for just him. But also for me and him. I found that out when I spilled his coffee a different day and I expected him to grab it, not realizing his hands were full with a sandwich and a steering wheel. "What do you want me to do let us die so I can just hold my coffee!?! I have a sandwich, too" he wasn't mean. And he didn't yell. But I cried. I felt so bad for spilling his coffee. Maybe I hadn't had enough sleep or enough food. Maybe I hadn't told Bobby enough truth so he could protect me from his brother. I remember I didn't just have a stressful leak, I had a full out bawl. And he said he hadnt seen me cry like that since my mother died and I cried into her flowers and told him nothing was wrong, he had just forgot his coffee.
I wanted to tell him what his brother did. Why I closed and locked the door at night so he couldn't come in. Why I checked all the rooms to make sure I didn't lock his brother in. I needed to sleep and my brain was getting foggy.
"You need sleep?"
I nodded and trudged to the couch. Found him cleaning the car floor "you need help?"
"No. You need to go back to sleep. You just woke up I can tell. I know there's been something wrong with you. You've been safety sleeping and I don't know why. And you need to tell someone the truth. No you can go to sleep in my bed or in yours but stay off the couch and that's an order okay? Do you hear? Now come here and give me a hug if you want to"
Safety sleeping is 20 minutes to an hour every hour and half to three hours. On average.
So he tickled me and made me giggle and asked if I wanted to sleep or help him clean
"Sleep was made for me! Much better than cleaning!" It was a made up saying for the neighbor next door... Why her room was such a disaster. He shook his head and blushed and told me to go on and he would talk to me later.
That gross gut feeling came in and I saw a Jupiter on a bike riding to Bobby to warn me ego was cunning I ran back to Bobby, "if your brother comes over dont let him in! Okay for me! We are going to have to eat him! And it's one of those blah blah blah feelings when you're cooking and tastes better and head cleaner when it's all gone"
"A raper? Alright I'll tell him we're moving and to get his stuff, ill get a new car from storage. Don't c worrythis one's not ruined."
I didn't have to tell him what his brother did and he understood. And he could protect me appropriately.
I hugged his neck "okay? And I'm sorry! And I might be wrong okay, I just can't have him around me when I'm safety sleepin' on"
"No I've always knewn. It was before my wife died. But he still keeps coming around so I let him, although I've known I've hated him for years. But raping. That one is new. He must have just started it"
"Uh huh. Yeah and on me. He didn't put it in me though but he got creamy and on my dads blanket so I cut out all the pieces that were wet with three scissors. Not a knife nor the bouy. I love you though and c you'll always be like my dad" I hugged him again ahs kissed his cheek. Paused to watch a car pass.
"Why do you always watch the cars, Sweetie?"
"You never know when they'll need me. And I'm missing two. I haven't seen them yet all week"
He looked startled. "Do you want to go look for them?"
"No I want to get sleeping. They been waiting v all week anyway. i learned that with my "mom and me." Rush around around to get to Iraq after 10 weeks only to find out c you hate the bitch."
He shook his head and laughed
I was playing with a cat from the neighborhood. I'd always put it on the porch then offer it to go in, it never did. But it knew it was welcome as a safe place to go and visit. Sometimes it would meow at the door to remind me it was lunch time and time to go out and watch the streets. He would lay and purr and I'd pet him while on my watching shift. Sometimes I'd take him in and wrap him in my dads blanket like a baby. Those were days I didn't feel so good. Depressed and sleepy they'd say. And I'd fall asleep with my adult baby cat all Heathcliff style in my arms.
It was patient and kind and didn't at all mind. I guess he needed somebody as much as I did. He'd close his eyes and sleep if I moved he opened them wide until I settled. When Bobby came home the cat would leap out and run out the door to go back where it was loved.
One time a big black van tried to cat nap him. He was my working cat. And that shit was not acceptable! He worked hard and for what!? Just a few pieces of human jerky and snuggles and hugs? I ran outside barefoot and fought the 5 guys in the gravel loose rock street. Bobby took out a shot gun and did a blast to the air. "Come on lets go!"
I saw another guy with the same gray army blanket as my dad with the cat wrapped in get in the back seat. I jumped and dove in "get me my cat! I need it back!!" I started hitting them with my hands. He dropped the cat and blanket. The cat ran out and jumped on the back of a seat, saw it was all clear and ran out. Waited and looked at me.
"Oh alright I'm coming, but I'm stealing this blanket! I had to cut all holes in it for perverts like you touching me and it! I hope you burn in Hell one day sir, you stupid fool" I heard laughing as they shut the door to drive off. At seeing Bobbys face I dropped the Blanket. Why? Why did I just do that? To the people most important to him!? Over a cat!? I must have scared himto death!
He went over to pick it up "oh don't worry about me! I had the driver pinned up along the side. He didn't like having a shot gun. Under his chin and being punched in the chestand gut."
"Oh okay but are you okay? You didn't get your knuckles bruised or anything?"
"No they're alright. We're getting you a dog. I'm checking the newspaper tomorrow"
"If that's okay with kitty. I'll go ask" he rubbed his body in between my legs, I picked him up and looked in his eyes "a dog! Do you know what that is!?" I walked over to Bobby "dad idk if he really knows can you check?"
"Dad?" He looked behind him. I didn't usually call him dad but I just had a feeling... I saw hiseyes look sad like my dad's. Bobby is usually about food and stuff and getting my room ready and laundry but a dog!?! That's a dad thing. And kitty only came in the house if I ate a piece if a steak of my mom that morning then I wrapped the car like a baby Heathcliff so maybe three Doug would be like a son to him. The cat it was like a doll that purred. That was all. A doll to me. Like company cause the cat sometimes watched TV then went to sleep... But I tried not to get attached. Sometimes he was busy and didn't come to see me but when he did, I was grateful. I didn't hate to be alone but that was my Bobby. Even if he hated me, He still loved me because he had to. But that cat? That cat came by choice. Alright. Alright, I did feed it. But even it liked ravioli made by Chef Boyardee. And it still hung around after lunch, then by 3 or sometimes even 2 or 1 and a half in the deepheart of summer and it was too hot to be outside. We would go inside and it would come with me by choice. Bobby always said "never pickup an animal and take it inside unless it's being chased by a storm or hurt by a car"
So I didn't! Really hot days I put a plastic covered popsicle in the bathroom sink for kitty to lick and cool off with. Then a always took some human jerky to share on the sofa
Sometimes not in winter I had to vacuum off the sofa when I saw Bobby in his black uniforn with cat furballs stuck to his back. Then I would put my blanket in the dryer with the clean old baby shoes to beat the hair out.
And in winter I had would rush to put the cat bowl or water in the sink. So bobby wouldn't kick it over and complain. He liked to watch TV and deink so he had to have it in a certain spot or ue wouldn't drink! Right by the sink. Exactly right in the mess of Bobbys walking pathway.
"Why don't you put the water on the table honey that way the cat can see and drink"
"You told me not to retrain him -- any animal that walks into our house that's not ours and he has another home. I don't feed him. Only snacks. 2 ravioli and some slices of jerky we share"
"Let me see how much"
"Just these pieces on the jar on the counter. That's why I asked you to put it next to this sink so I could reach it easy. See? I just go like this on this chair and lean across and dangle. Get my shirt all wet if you forget"
"You could go the other way"
"That's no fun. And kitty doesn't mind. He just sits right here and watches then jumps over to my seat and Waits for me to pick him up in my blankie. Huh don't you kitty? Oh he thought we were gonna get him a treat. Could you get him one?"
"Here you get this strip" I ripped off a narrow piece of human jerky about 3 inches long and put it in his mouth. He grabbed it with both paws like a baby does a bottle and nibbled.
Bobby was awestruck, "let me look at this thing." I handed him over. "No wonder you dove in after this thing. It's like your baby" he turned off the tv and watched cat look around then turn it back on and kitty went back to nibbling happiky. "Let me see this thing that had to be a fluke" he turned off the tv again and the cat reached out and slapped his cheek. Then closed his eyes like I'm gonna kill this bitch if he don't stop. "Well look at that he slapped me! Does he do this to you?÷?!"
"No I don't turn the tv off on him. Sometimes I change the channels but that's to watch Ma Vida that's in Spanish but its a home cooking show but I can follow along so I can help you when you come home and we are cooking and you're bored of the same old thing--"
"I --- what?!?!?÷"
"Then usually when Mazda Vista comes on after, he gets drowsy and usually he's asleep by the time its over"
"But that's a realtor show!!"
"I know and but I like it here, don't worry. Its small but not too small."
"Its a travel trailer with boxes attached to it! We can't even drive it! Its been,destroyed÷ and it leaks!"
"But that's okay. Me and kitty like it. I have a feeling,he has a bigger house down in the middle. Oh lookie he's sleeping. Here lets move his thing. I just put it down here in front of him. He's had a hard day being kidnapped and everything."
"He slapped me because he wanted to watch tv and couldn't then went to sleep!?!?!"
"Well yeah. Lets watch Mazda Vista"
I don't know what it was with the show. It made me want to look out the window to watch the highway and see the patterns. Out that way i was missing four but two more were added and that i knew was not good. After today I'd probably have 3 more and usually they drifted away and quit coming again only to come again sporadic then again some other times also when I was losing other people.
So they finished loading and seemed to be looking at me so I spun to my back against the wall. Then slid down and looked out around the curtain. Were those guns? Yup. Pointed at me. Only two years old. Maybe I shouldn't pretended to be Bobbys height by standing on the cushion side of the coffee table.
Bobby was still asleep, the cat really must had knocked him out. That's happened to me too some ladies claiming to be from church, me holding the cat, I remember hearing them after I woke up from my nap and seeing their pamphlets about God wanting me, tucked in the door and on the floor
...... ....
It made me scared. I felt stark white and I saw the cat staring at me from the couch. I checked the clock. It wasn't time to wake up from his nap yet. It was half past two, not nearly 3. Just one notch past the half, that meant 35. 2:35 Bobby would say. I thought the cat would be purring or pacing back and forth, but it was just there in the blankie. Looking.
I ran to him "oh kitty! That was so scare! I think I'll shut the door for the rest of today, at least until my Bobby gets home!" Kitty closed his eyes to sleep and I knew it was the truth of what to do. "Okay Kitty I even locked it. No don't worry I know he will need his key and today is Wednesday so he will probably have his groceries. I mean groceries for like you and me, then I'll go and open it. Usually I hear his car so I know it's him... Kitty went to sleep and so did I. Later I felt paws on my face. "Huh? What? What? Oh is he?! Oh do you know his car sounding too? Oh you are too good kitty! Too good! Come on lets go see! Hold on. No. I feel something else is out there lets wait till we hear full Bobby on the porch. What do you mean meow? You think we should not wait? I guess. Yeah yeah you're right, what if... He could be in danger too. If he is... But right now I want to hold you but if I can't ill have to put you down. I have a feeling it will be okay. I'll just open the door. Yeah I know I'm just peeking. So bobby always told me the strongest part of us is our feet when standing at the door so always remember that. Yeah I know. Tells, but he hasn't told me in awhile so Is it told still? Yes but not always told because he's not dead yet. I'll have to ask Bobby. That was too many words in a row. I need a comma or something and I sure couldn't hear it in my head. Idk why I can't see Bobby. Oh I can see his shadow!" A Jupiter turned to look at me "Oh I can see those men! Can other people see them kitty?"
I was busy looking out and i felt his two paws on my face and then I looked at him and saw that he and nodded and closed his eyes then I saw some Hell. "In their sleep? In their nightmares?" The cat snuggled down and purred but this time I felt it was laughing.
I looked out and Bobby kept saying no and shaking his head. "Im sorry no. I'm not going to. Then You tell her!"
"Oh I think I know what it is." I grabbed the phamplets off the stereo stand and went outside and just stood
"Did they get you?"
"No the cat saved me. You mean the ladies right?"
"Did you get a good look at them?"
A Jupiter turned to me and apologized saying how they didn't know if I knew and just wanted to speak to Bobby about it. But my pale face left knowledge that I knew. He ruffled my hair.
"These 3 ladies came to the door. The other soulmate looked for me and they tried to get in with a screwdriver but they couldn't. They heard the cat scream and car doors opening and shutting. They said "oh shit!" And took off in their car. A silver Mercedes-Benz and the meanest one was driving. They weren't all thin but close enough their license plate number was C3J4alcatraz9."
"They will be going to Tuscaloosa. Okay we will see you later Bobby. We will catch up. Thanks to you kid!"
"No not a problem. Manana!"
"She's been watching Spanish on T.v. did you know? She's looking brighter! You know you'll be alright! Those ladies they won't get you thanks to your other soul!" As they flew off Bobby sat on the porch steps and called me to him, he pulled me into his lap in a big hug, so much I could barely look out. Kitty jumped out and ran to watch the Jupiters fly off and then came back around, rubbed on Bobbys back all kinds to say "I gots you dad" then climbed back into my lap to settle down.
He had asked me how the cat saved me. And I told him usually I dont pay much attention when he falls to sleep but that day I had and it made me drowsy like when I couldn't sleep and I would look at my mom or dad's face and it would help me ease into sleep better. I explained I was just sitting up and looking down. And yeah the ladies could had seen me.
He said he had wondered why the door was shut and was getting frustrated that it was and Jupiter wasn't saying I had been taken. He was so worried I felt tears on my head and ears from his eyes.
So when Kitty came he said "so you saved my girl hu" and he held his head high with a smizle and purred. And bobby kissed him on the nose and between the eyes. "Alright y'all its been a long day and as you see I didn't even shower"
"But you didn't even give him a tight squeeze! You remind him you love him and you are thankful for his love, here ill give you one and you carry these in and ill make us some raviolis, you can have some of mine. Its okay. You always buy me enough! And you can take your shower while i cook! Come on Bobby its okay! Oh you want to come in, too, miss kitty? Its okay! Bobby we will have to share! 2 pieces each and she likes the gravy!"
"I call it a girl she tells me its a man and then she calls it Miss Kitty" he said to himself.
Right when Bobby was finishing, a Jupiter flew down, "bobby they're not going to Tuscaloosa! They're right down behind those trees! They have men and they're camping!
0 notes
birdbizarre · 7 years
the human sex talk
okay trolls listen up heres the sex talk your lusus wont give you
im going to try to keep this as basic as possible because its going to be confusing anyway so if youre human and youre reading this thinking wow davesprite why didnt you bring up x im sorry bear with me
humans have two basic sexes male and female
for trolls this split isnt really significant in terms of reproduction obviously universes vary and i dont know about every troll but the sexual dimorphism between trolls is very low compared to say some of your lusii or native animals i know some universes where trolls dont have sexes at all just genders
for humans however outside of medical and scientific intervention only a male sex and female sex pair can produce a child
males of the species are born with what is called a penis this is roughly analogous to the bone bulge of a troll below the penis where a nook is on a troll are the testicles sometimes referred to as the balls
you then have the what do trolls call it waste chute or whatever thats further behind the balls
and thats all that is down there
the penis is a flesh covered muscle that normally hangs limp in front of the pelvis there is no sheath and it does not retract into the body it is usually smaller than a troll bulge so the average range is between four and six inches its generally the same width all the way usually between like an inch or two inches in diameter
the head of the penis can be slightly wider than the shaft but doesnt have to be you can usually tell where the shaft ends and the head begins because the shape is slightly different usually the skin that covers the penis will also cover the head and then there will be a sort of fold where the urethra is at the very tip
the urethra is a small hole and thats where piss and ejaculate come out but well get to that in a bit
some humans however have the fold before the head leaving the more sensitive skin around the urethra exposed this isnt the way humans are born but its pretty common so its worth mentioning you dont really want to know why so dont ask
when a male sex human gets aroused the human body directs blood into the penis muscle which then causes it to stiffen otherwise it would just be sort of floppy and useless during sex this is called getting hard or getting a boner or whatever else theres tons of nicknames for all this stuff those are just the big two
then there are the testicles or balls that i mentioned before these are about the size of a golf ball i guess im not really sure what the best troll analogue is there i guess if you imagine the size of an eyeball that is removed from someones socket its just a little bigger than that but again sometimes its different depending on the human
these are also covered in skin like the rest of the human and theyre not really important for the act of sex but they play a part in reproduction because inside is the males genetic material theyre pretty much just weird flesh sacks so its sort of boring but some humans like them being touched i dont know
lets skip over to the female sex organs so we can see how they fit together
females have the equivalent of a troll nook collectively referred to as the vagina which is composed of several parts they do not have a penis
essentially you have a hole much like a nook and around that hole are a few flaps of skin for protection i guess you cant just leave a hole uncovered its all sort of shaped like a clamshell if you turned it on its side or a sort of vertically oriented oval so the quote unquote tips of the oval are oriented toward the belly button and the waste chute respectively
at the top of the clamshell though still within the skin folds above the vaginal opening and just barely above the female urethra which is just another smaller hole with no sexual purpose is the clitoris this is the big one boys this is the doozy this is essentially the female penis or bulge except its only about as big as a pea and something like fifty thousand times more sensitive than a penis so tread carefully
unfortunately for most ladies the clitoris or clit for short isnt reproductively relevant its just sort of vestigial so while its great for pleasure it often goes neglected which sort of sounds like a shame if you ask me and probably more than half the human population
you might be wondering well if the human males have balls to hold the genetic material where is it on the female its on the inside
essentially the vagina is like a tube and at the end of the tube it narrows and theres a very small opening called the cervix which is where the vagina technically ends and past the cervix is the uterus which is like a balloon with two small deflated balloons attached on either side called the fallopian tubes and finally at the end of those deflated balloons are the ovaries and thats where the female genetic material is squirreled away like some sort of dragons hoard except the hoard is squishy little things called eggs and each egg holds all of the females genetic material
now again this is all on the inside
now lets get to the big shabang itself sex
if your planet doesnt use the word sex this is what youd call pailing and some parts of this might get sort of scandalous depending on how into pailing culture you are and if youre from alternia or beforus so im sorry if it makes you blush or makes you angry but youve been warned
sex occurs between all genders but the again the only kind of sex that has reproductive merit and can produce descendants is between someone with male sex organs and someone with female sex organs as described above
when a male becomes aroused and gets a boner he will then part the folds of the female and insert his penis into her vagina carefully because the vaginal opening is relatively small compared to the penis but fortunately its flexible and if the female is aroused it produces a lubricant sort of like pre material if everything goes well and the foreplay was good enough it shouldnt be painful though if the female hasnt done it before aka is a virgin it might take some time
from my understanding troll bulges are prehensile so pailing involves a lot of wiggling in the indoor area but human penises are not so from here it just becomes a lot of thrusting straight forward and back changing positions can change the sensation but its really pretty boring to talk about but in practice its fun because if it werent our species would die out obviously
anyway then climax happens this should be pretty self explanatory even for a troll this is when the genetic material is released
for the purposes of reproduction the female doesnt have to orgasm but if youre having sex and you think its over just because the guy came youre a monster always take care of your partner
now youre going to be thinking wait davesprite you skipped a step no i didnt
the male does not pull out of the female to release genetic material i repeat the genetic material remains inside the female this is where it belongs it might be gross and drippy but that doesnt go anywhere its not collected its not put anywhere
in human reproduction there is no bucket
the males genetic material which is called sperm or semen technically two different parts of the same liquid but people use them interchangeably goes through the cervix and into the uterus then it will go up the fallopian tubes where if the timing is right because the female reproductive system is not always ready and thats a whole other lesson i cant go into right now there will be an egg waiting
the genetic material of the male will attempt to merge with the genetic material of the female in the males ejaculate there are tons of little packets of genetic material thats the sperm i mentioned before and these little packets have tails on them which let them swim up to the egg and then attempt to break in like little horny thugs the egg will attempt to kill them so only the strongest reach the center
if one of the sperm is successful and of the millions and millions of sperm released in the semen only one usually ever makes all the way from the cervix to the egg the egg will be fertilized and then it will move down the fallopian tube and embed in the wall of the uterus
by then the sex is long over but the egg remains in the uterus for nine months longer if you dont know what a month is its basically a perigree so nine perigrees give or take a little and then a baby aka a grub comes out of the mother through the vagina
and thats human reproduction we do it ourselves because thats just the human way
thanks for listening ive been davesprite and ill take your questions now
oh wait
faq number one
yes trolls and humans can have sex because while the parts are different they can usually more or less fit together however this wont make a grub or a baby unless your universe allows it which sort of varies but usually the answer is no
faq number two
humans can do it up the waste chute which is how a lot of gay men aka male humans who like other male humans choose to do it because they dont have a vagina or nook again it is extremely rare that this makes a baby though the multiverse is a big big place
okay there you go now ill take any remaining questions
6 notes · View notes
dndfuckhouse · 5 years
session 16 - a cultist’s work is never done
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> 🎵  DND Ambience - Evil Temple / Michael Ghelfi 
Picking up where they left off the group finish chatting wistfully about their hometowns and the various methods of procreation known to them and look towards the now unlocked metal door at the end of the chamber.
Before the party shuffle through Keva attempts to check it for traps, finding nothing the group push it open and peer down a corridor behind it. Staring down they see a similarly cobbled hallway, though it seems to curve at a point obscuring their vision further, otherwise it looks clear as any they’ve walked so far, bracketed by magic torchlight on its walls.
Han chucks a stone down to check for anything fishy...it seems to roll down the hallway with ease. The group then debate if they should send someone ahead first to stealth and check it out. Finn offers again to float down in his mist form.
Han: should we have one person stealth forward? the rest a couple of feet behind? Finn: if you're that paranoid i can go ahead in my mist form again. Rokka: that sounds like a good plan han! Psalm: that's a good idea finn Finn: 2 good ideas what will the party do
Finn: chip i do my thing Cimmorro: FINN VAPE? Han: finn juul WHERES MY JUUUUUUUUUUUUL Cimmorro: WHATS A JUL?  are u flammable,  watch as he burns over a torch or something
Psalm: idk that much about vaping Plum: sarita wtf do you go to college
Finn transforms into his mist form and floats down the hallway, it winds and turns giving him the feeling that he’s slowly traversing downward, the corridor seeming to widen in size. After some time he comes across what looks like the opening to another chamber, a set of black metal double doors in front of him. Not spotting anything suspicious on his float down he floats back towards the party.
After about 10 minutes time pass, the group get worried and decide to follow ahead, bumping into the cloud of finn on his float back, he quickly transforms back into his regular form.
Keva: she flinches and makes that paul rudd face when she remembers its finn Psalm: psalm has nothing to say about running into the finn cloud Plum: i wonder if plum isn't tall enough to bump into it Rokka: rokka gasp for air before holding his breath so he doesn't breathe in finn which he fails to
Finn: >finn looks a bit confused as to why theyre all here "needless to say the path is safe but you're all aware of that by now. a bit reckless for being so paranoid if i may say so." Rokka: just worried about you finn Finn: did that much time pass? Rokka: felt like it Psalm: not that we didn't just fight clones of ourselves after being a bit reckless or anything Finn: "i see. in that case i apologise." >contemplative sprite
The party move to inspect the large set of double doors, they seem to have a ornate design to them, looking at them they spy the shape of horns and talons melded across it, the door doesn't appear to be locked either. Eyeballing the design psalm picks up that it definitely appears infernal in nature at the very least, the design could be reminiscent of devils of some sort, though he cant really place anything specific.
Deeming the door un-trapped the group ready themselves as Psalm uses mage hand to open one of the doors. It creaks a little bit but nothing else seems to happen, looking down the party see the corridor continue beyond it, opening into what looks like a very large chamber. Han briefly throws a stone again to test the corridor, no reaction again.
Rokka: "COOL A CHAMBER" rokka waltz in Han: both han and i age 20 years Finn: finn just. constantly calculating whether they're dumb or not Plum: i hope theres no single lich in here looking for a partner
Han: psalm: WOW KINDA DARK IN HERE ! Psalm: no please
Finn: well since han threw the rock and it was fine i wanna walk, wait should we wait for pokemon? Finn: I MEAN. POKI Cimmorro: .
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> 🎵  Maternal Heart / Silent Hill 3 OST.
The party choose to walk through the door, as they walk down the small corridor they spy small ...what look like vents close to the ground. Taking note of them they walk further to the precipice of the corridor where it opens into the larger chamber. As they get closer they see what looks like a large pool in the centre, filled with a red liquid and surrounded by red runes, letters and symbols on the floor.
In front of it stands a staircase that leads up to a higher platform shaped like a circle over the pool, it seems to be bound with a tight thick rope. Staring the group notice that it seems to lead up to the top of a tall black pillar in the centre of the pool, pointed at its tip and faintly stained with red, it's quite the structure.
Looking about the rest of the chamber they see thick black and red ornate curtains adorning the walls and a set of columns in front of the pool. They also see at the end of the room, three short corridors behind the pool with a large black ornate door at the end of each of  them, seemingly also connected to the red circles around the pool.
To the left and right look like sets of staircases, both leading upwards somewhere, listening close the party can hear what seems to be some sort of whispers or chanting.
Cimmorro: cimm's just gonna "SOME PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY HERE HUH!" and walk over to try and read shit Psalm: can i try reading too Keva: keva stays at the edge of the room lmao she is Skeeved Plum: so is plum “y’all are just walking in??” Rokka: i also stay back Han: han also stays back with keva, esp after seeing the pool lol Finn: i wanna check if its blood for real
Psalm: maybe we should've collected the blood from the clones, just to see if it's the same substance although i'm not sure how that'd help, i'm honestly just a bit curious Cimmorro: we'll find out if it's from the same pool if something comes out to grab the both of us. would be amusing Rokka: that sounds terrifying Psalm: sounds pretty amusing to me Cimmorro: cimm smiles at psalm "yeah atta boy that's the spirit" Psalm: *grins* Plum: i’d rather not have to deal with another one of you again Psalm: i dont blame you Finn: finn kind of just goes [raised eyebrow] to himself overhearing cimm
Finn: NO JUST A LITTLE LICK. like connor Jez: who Finn: dont worry about it jez Han: dont worry bro its just a nightmare
Plum: finn hasn’t been in a bite one of us or die situation yet where’s the romance anymore get it together guys Guest Appearance By Celebrity Aqua: Cmon finn drink the rancid bog blood
Cimmorro: finn, is your field trip going fun so far mate Finn: if this is your idea of a fun field trip i really don't want to go on one with you 🙄 Cimmorro: there goes my ideas for a first date then Finn: "d-date?" finn tries to brush it off quickly though
The party move to investigate the chamber, slowly the more reluctant ones walk in and peer about as well after watching the others waltz inside. 
Psalm and Cimmorro inspect the arcane writing and runes, between the two of them staring at the red on the floor they discern the writing to be magic circles of some sort, enchanted by something in runes they can't quite comprehend, they do recognise bits of infernal throughout however. They also read what they assume to be a name of some sorts, a ‘Mephistopheles’
The lines seem to give some sort of power to the pool and the three doors at the end of the hallway, though they aren't sure what exactly. They get the feeling they’re part of some ritual similar to the last they encountered, involving the shedding of blood on top of the pillar. 
Han walks in and cranes her hear to discern where the sound of chanting is coming from. She hears it coming from the left staircase, but it feels like its kind of echoing around the whole chamber anyway. Rokka joins her in using his canine hearing, in combination with the chanting he hears the faint sounds of a conversation also coming from the left. Additionally, behind him back where the party came he also hears the sounds of faint talking coming from one of the vents, the one on the right wall in the corridor
Rokka: rokka's ears perk at hearing sounds of people talking and hurries back to tell the others in a semi-whisper tone "guys! guys! there are people here! in the vents! and right corridorrrrrrr" Psalm: does the chanting sound like anything to you?
Finn and Plum walk in and eyeball the pool together, staring at it the liquid seems viscous enough to be blood. Finn moves to dip his finger and takes a taste, he quickly detects the blood of more than one person, it seems to have been collecting here for a while. In his mind Finn is briefly tempted to taste some more, though he also notes that it tastes a little tingly on his tongue, a bit unusual
Finn: "what i can tell you two is that this is fresh blood. of multiple people." finn seems to be unable to tear his eyes away for a good minute,  i choose not to share the unusual taste tidbit. Plum: "easy there soldier" and i hit finn's leg Finn: >finn snaps out of it and looks at plum apologetically
Looking at the pillar the two also notice stains on the sides, seems like the blood drips down from the top into the pool 
Keva moves to take a few cautious steps up the staircase on the left side of the chamber, from this angle she can see that it opens up to what looks like another corridor, though cant make out much else.
Han takes the moment to cast detect portal, quickly she gets a ping from each of the three ornate doors, at the same time Psalm casts Comprehend Languages on himself to see if he can more directly read the runes as well as decipher the chanting.
Han: everyone shut up, those doors are portals to somewhere Plum: uhhh.... how do we figure out where they lead Han: “no way other then activating them and walking through”  han is uncomfortable here lol
Finn: i watch psalm curiously Psalm: mans is just touching the floor Finn: finn: that man sure is touching the floor. crazy. Psalm: i 'll tell you what they're saying in a second Finn: i nod @ psalm and wait, oh wait i guess he wouldnt know if im nodding so ill just say Okay Psalm: hwuhahwa
Psalm: should draw psalm and finn doing each other's nails since they both definitely wear nail polish
Now able to comprehend the chanting, Psalm notes that it seems to be in some coded language, he makes out certain sentences along the lines of "beloved may our lord be, seeing all within his purview" he’s a bit far from the corridor so its hard to hear specifics. The runes on the ground now that he can read them look like some sort of prayers relating again to mephisto directly, but also mention a benefactor, bringing up in scripture some sort of all-encompassing voice. 
Psalm: i think we have an old fashioned blood ritual summoning on our hands
Keva moves to quietly make her way further up the staircase in the meantime, as she does the sound of soft chatter becomes slightly louder combined with the prayer which sounds a bit father away. Slowly she comes out to a cobble corridor, peering to her right she spots a shut wooden door, locked with a silver latch. To her left the corridor goes on, and near the middle of it she sees a group of 3 people, donning red robes and hoods, though two of them seem to be more ornately decorated than the other. 
> 🎵  Null Moon / Silent Hill 2 OST.
As she looks she notices that they appear to be discussing something, she also notices that the corridor seems to be aligned with jail cells perhaps? though its hard to see into them from this angle, making out only dark sack shapes. She cranes he ear to try and listen in on the conversation, 
???: you hear the tiefling muttering something to the one not as elaborately dressed as him “...ou need to be more careful with the brood. Emruz was so very upset one of them had escaped, though now our lord says it was all apart of his design. Sometimes I wonder why she stands as second, she never trusts enough in fate. Of course it was all as planned, his grace would never make a mistake ...” he turns his head to the drow standing beside him “oh please Ida you must discipline the acolyte too, i know you dont like to speak but i'm not good at …” he seems to trail off  Ida: the drow tilts her head in his direction, her eyes staying shut.  ???: “Oh grace, nevermind…” he turns back to the other hooded figure. “For now you’ll stay at your post until Emruz makes a decision...she is leading the prayer right now for our grace, it shall be decided afterwards, understood?” the hooded figure nod, while the tiefling seems to sigh in response “ahh...come Ida i need to check the sigils within the heating dens…”  Ida: The drow nods in response
Keva watches two then walk of to the right out of her vision, listening she hears the sound of a door shut and close as the other hooded figure walks to the left, followed by the sound of a chair getting dragged across the ground and a thump. Once again silence returns to the halls, aside from the faint sound of chanting from down the corridor. She quickly slips back down the staircase and informs the group of what she saw.
Psalm: heating dens? what kinda kinky ass cult Plum: onsen
Rokka moves up the right staircase to scout it out as well, similarly to how Keva did towards the left, he clambers up quietly to poke his head around. In the meanwhile the party thinks on how they ought to proceed.
Rokka: whats the worst that could happen? rokka dies? Finn: HGBDFUNDFOMDFG
Psalm: i'm not sure how to proceed if i'm being honest Plum: neither am i,  im wondering what sigils and heating dens are, like if more people are about to die while we're here
Keva: any way to figure out where the portals go? Plum: i dont think so since everything here's in code Han: “..theyre probably how sammy ended up out on the street” hans still staying back and just. her eyes keep coming back to the pool of blood
Psalm takes a moment to think over the name ‘Mephistopheles’ and what he knows about it, he recalls now that its the name of one of the archdevils that presides over the nine hells. He’s a being said to be thoroughly wicked and cunning but all the same unstable, bards singing of his unchecked temper. It unnerves him to see his name invoked in a place like this. 
Finn moves to walk up the stairway in the middle of the pool to investigate it further, looking now he can tell the ropes tied around the circular slab form the letterheads symbol. Standing at the top of the stairs he also notes that he is within easy distance of the pillar in the middle, he walks back down after taking his look.
Psalm: oh right i relate that new information about Mephistopheles as well just to set the mood Keva: great
Han follows suit in continuing to poke around, she turns back to the corridor they came from and looking near the ground she eyeballs the holes in the walls, they appear to be small vents of some sort. They look big enough for someone to crawl through but only someone of plum’s stature or smaller, through the right one she hears a very faint conversation ebb out. 
Moving to crouch down she tries to stick her ear in and tries to make out the conversation, though all she can hear faintly is the sound of one voice speaking. Briefly she hears"...thus you know just precisely where to strike..." before it becomes mumbles to her ears again.
Rokka reaching the top of the staircase quietly looks about, directly to his left he sees a figure dressed in a red hood and garb, black gloves and shorts underneath. They seem to be standing guard near a wooden door, seemingly unlocked, hands folded behind them. To his right the corridor continues down for a ways before opening out to what looks like a small chamber, halfway down its length he see two more red cloaked figures speaking in whispers, if he squints he can see what look like jail cells lining the corridor, similar to Keva’s corridor, hard to tell from his angle.
Rokka: rokka hurries back to the others and alerts whoever is closest to him about what he saw "guyyyyyyyyssssssssss" Cimmorro: rokka u good Rokka: there are people hereeeeeeeee i saw themmmmmmm  Cimmorro: it looks like keva saw some others as well Han: rokka be like 😨
Psalm: i think our best options are to probably not fiddle with the inter-planar doors for now and pick one of the staircases Plum: agreed Psalm: we should also potentially destroy this altar, but maybe on the way out provided things go well
Psalm: @ han "are you coming? we've investigated the entire room, nothing spooky here to get you"  Han: hans just like uuuughghh and catches up
Cimmorro: i was gonna say this looked like we're on a road trip and han is taking a group pic for us
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Han: ;LKHAS;LKHFASDF shes actually taking a selfie of herself
The group decide to head up the left staircase after discussing the number of guards they saw. They devise a plan to roll some ball bearings to distract the one they assume is still somewhere in left corridor, before quickly taking him out at a range silently.
Cimmorro: you guys want him to come over here? what if something comes out of that pool Finn: cimmorro, what makes you so sure someone will come out of the pool? Cimmorro: it's ridden with magic bro Finn: the blood did have a ... unique taste. it was good, but there was something unusual to it. i'm not sure if you can make anything of that. Cimmorro: HGUHFDBKJVHB cimm just standing there like "you said unusual, that's even more suspect??IF YOU ASK ME??" Psalm: i'm pretty sure if something was supposed to come out of the pool it would've come out by now Rokka: i would like to have nothing come out of there
Cimmorro: lure the guy out and knock him out then? Psalm: just whisper "such a shame Mephistopheles caught ligma" into the vent and bait him out vaporising him instantly Cimmorro: BRO
> 🎵  A Stray Child / Silent Hill 3 OST.
As the group discuss their plan to take out the guard Finn attempts to think on taste of the blood again. It seems more than likely that the blood is enchanted in some way by the circle around it, though it doesn’t strike him that the purpose of it is for summoning, it would have most likely had a much more rancid taste if connected to something so directly. The pool is more than likely containing the blood of many for a purpose, effecting the recipients in some way, beyond that he isn’t sure what.
Rokka: DAMN AND WE WERE ABOUT TO OFFER PLUM TO SPILL THEIR BLOOD THERE? Finn: maybe i shouldn't drink the magic blood Psalm: just take a sip Cimmorro: finn become rat poison checker
The group move to stealth their way up the left staircase, Psalm, Rokka and Plum find difficulty in keeping quieter than the others however. The others manage to cover for them however.
Psalm: HE CAN'T COMMUNICATE IF HES DEAD, what if it's theyord's favourite mook and he just wants to check up on him and then he's just dead, our entire operation is screwed
Keva rolls the ball bearing down the corridor, after a beat the group hear the sound of wood grinding on the floor and a few footsteps as the hooded figure steps out towards the sound, bending over to stare at it on the ground.
Quickly psalm and keva step out of the stairway, flinging a throwing knife and a blast directly at the hooded figure, the knife swiftly lodges itself in his neck and the blast seems to suck the rest of the life out him, taking him out quickly. The group slowly move now to investigate the corridor, Han staying at the top of the stairs to keep an eye on the chamber behind them.
Psalm: han making sure we don't die
Walking down they now see a series of cells lining the walls, piled with large sacks, a few laying empty. Some of the sacks have the faint colour of blood seeped through, giving the group a bad feeling about what could possibly be inside of them, seems most of the cells are locked. 
Plum: they mumbles to themselves "give me a fucking break..."
Halfway through the corridor they turn the corner and see what looks to be a guard post near the jail cells, a shabby wooden desk and a series of lock boxes on top of it. Seems to house the keys to the nearby cells, to the right they also notice another branch off, a wooden door at the end. They assume this is where the tiefling and the drow walked off towards earlier.
Keva moves to check out the body of the guard, all she finds on him are a dagger strapped this thigh and a red letterheads token in his pocket, nothing much else, she pockets the token. The group then discuss how to hide the body so its not left on the ground in the open.
Finn: we could put him in one of the bags as to not arouse suspicion but its certainly grotesque. Psalm: thats a pretty good idea, cover our tracks 🤔 Han: that criminal background huh
As they discuss this Finn moves to put his ear towards the locked door at the top of the corridor, pressing his ear close to the door he doesn't hear anything other than silence from inside. In the meantime Plum and Keva nab the keys to the jail cells from the guards desk, moving to unlock the one closest to them, Cimmorro wanders over to assist. 
The three work on untying the ropes and opening the bags inside. Cimmorro moves to inspect one of the corpses on how long its been decomposing but is struck by how close the abhorrent smell is, completely distracting him. Finn walks over and its also disgusted, Rokka moves down to keep watch on the door that the drow and tiefling walked through earlier in tandem with Finn.
Looking through the bags Plum attempts to identify the bodies within, their bag specifically appears to house a human male with dark brown hair, keva's bag seems to contain an elven woman, neither of them recognise the victims at all. The three quickly look through the cells for a bag with enough space to shove the guard inside, Plum takes quick notes on the features of the people they find as they go along, soon they find one and are able to successfully shove the guard inside.
As they go about this Psalm continues walking further down the corridor to the end where it opens into another small chamber, it seems filled with storage supplies and large cages, for what purpose hes isn’t sure he’d like to imagine, as he looks about he sees the letterheads symbol scrawled into the wall as well. 
At the far end of the chamber is a set of double doors, made of black metal, it seems this is where the chanting is coming from as he hears the sounds of  numerous voices speaking together in he assumes are prayers. To the right he also see more stairs leading upwards to what looks to be another corridor, though he cant fully tell from below.
He moves to listen to the voices coming from the double doors hearing similar hymns to what was being chanted earlier, but he also hears another voice higher pitched speaking above them in common, she seems to be preaching something about "a time of revenge blossoming soon, the process shall begin to bear fruit" he moves away and relays his observations to the group back up the corridor
While they wait Finn attempts to see if he can hear anything coming from the door hes watching but can only make out a very muffled muttering of some sort and soft shuffling.
Psalm: finn always on the lookout for hot guys pog Finn: we arent only thirsting for blood in this house Cimmorro: wow finn looking for cult bukkake Han: if they arent above a 6 finn cant hear them Finn: jez im going to
Finn: i let the others know that i heard some muffling and shuffling behind that door. but very faintly. Han: theyre making out in that room Cimmorro: GIJFSIBJSOPFBJOSJW
The group decide to head up the stairs Psalm found and move down to the small chamber at the end of the corridor.
Han: han is following but constantly at the back Keva: han the vigilant Rokka: not all heroes wear capes Finn: OKAY NOW I FEEL BAD ABOUT LEAVING HER ON HER OWN Han: 
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Keva offers to take point, and stealth's up the stairs, getting a look at the corridor at the top of them. Peeking her head out she sees similarly to the last corridor they walked, another row of of jail cells with what look like more sacks inside. Halfway down she spies what looks to be another guard, his arms crossed periodically looking to the left and right
The group get in position to take him out,  Keva and Han both fire off their arrows, psalm backing them up with a blast, the arrows strike the guard in the side before he is knocked down by the blast, quickly taken out. Han and Plum briefly jog back to the guard post from earlier to grab the keys again so they can hide this guard with the bodies as well. 
Accomplishing that the group see now that this corridor connects between the left one and the right one from the initial pool room, they decide to use this to take out the guards they saw in the right corridor carefully, party members on either end of it. From this new vantage point Keva sees there are three of them in the right corridor now.
Psalm: 16 to hit, god i dont like this im assuming i haven't missed yet.... when the boss comes i'll miss every shot guaranteed, bruh the boss is going to kill me
Psalm, Finn and Rokka head back the long way and crouch by the stairs near the far end guard while the others stick to the bottom to take out the two halfway through the corridor.
Han and Keva shoot of their arrows and with their combined might manage to instantly bring down one of the guards. Psalm blasts the one near the stairs, surprising him but he seems to be still standing afterwards now alert. before he can do anything however Finn rushes in and skewers him, quickly silencing him
Finn: FINE IF YOU WANT ME TO SO BAD ILL GO STAB THE GUY Cimmorro: jude is going to sex town
Cimmorro uses sacred flame on the other guard standing halfway through the corridor but only manages to lightly singe his hair.
Cimmorro: he just does it to provoke Rokka: ;DLKFJSLDKFJLSKDJ Cimmorro: really the only thing he been reading in those sacred libraries is the urban dictionary
He strikes again this time doing a bit more than singe the guard’s hair, Han and Keva both try and fire a series off a quick shots once again after he does, Han's goes wide however, only kevas striking, still leaving the guard standing. Quickly afterwards Rokka and Psalm run out at the same time, Psalm is able to step out and blast the remaining guard from the opposite end, taking them all out before any could retaliate. 
Psalm: ROOMIES Han: oh my god they were roommates... Rokka: I'll move as close as I can and then cheerleader for psalm Psalm: ^_^ greatly appreciated Rokka: Go roomie!!
Han: hey we've been smart and careful about this, we could've been. REAL dumb Finn: honestly we've been really smart, ALMOST LIKE. CAUTION IS A GOOD THING DSHJFBSDUFGSFH
The group about quickly hiding the three bodies among the jail cells again, completing that Keva rummages through the guard desk in this corridor for anything of note. Inside she finds papers detailing some sort of guard training…seems there are at least over 20 acolytes being trained in the ways of assassination around here. 
Psalm: oh can i read the papers or did u just tell everyone what they said  Han: keva found them and told everything else to read iirc(edited) Keva: i did not say that in the rp but yes let's assume yall saw it bc i can't read i forgot lmoa Han: LKH;LKHSAWEFSD Psalm: WHAT'D YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE PAPERS FOR THEN
As she does Finn goes to listen to the door at the top of this corridor, he hears no sounds coming from the inside, it appears unlocked as well.
Finn: now if it were cin, he'd open that door. Han: . Chip: jude reminding us of our good fortune rn
Han goes to investigate the small chamber at the end of the corridor they just came through, looking about she sees storage crates piled high and bags filled with more bags, looking inside them she rifles through small amounts of rations within. Around are more cages and a large metal screen of sorts, it looks to be disuse however, she wanders back down the corridor.
> 🎵  Sewer, Echo, Approaching / 2Mello.
As she does Psalm presses his ear to a door that branches off from the middle of the corridor, listening if he can hear anything or any activity beyond it. As he does he hears the sound of a voice coming through, though all you can really tell is that it sounds like someone giving instruction of some sort.
Cimm, Plum and Keva decide to walk back to the blood pool room, Plum wants to try casting identify on the pillar to see if they can garner any further insight on its functions. In the meantime Psalm asks Rokka, Finn and Han if they can make out anything coming from inside the door hes listening in on. The group stretch their ears once more, though Han in particular recognises the cadence of the voice through the door as the one she heard speaking when she was trying to listen through the vents.
Han: while they're all standing ears pressed to the door han hesitantly asks "is blood letting and stuff like... generally associated with. what you said. cults?" even quieter "actually what are cults lets start there" Psalm: you're asking me? Han: all of you, i guess. you all seem to have more different opinions about this than me Psalm: well from what i just know generally, rituals like these are commonly associated with the more er, 'evil' cults let's say, it does tend to get played up in fiction but since we are also 100% standing in a room with a blood pool and runes on the floor praising a demon you could say that it's played up for good reason. Rokka: rokka just tilts his head like ?? Han: han just looks. kinda processing "what do you mean, "played up"?" Psalm: romanticised i suppose Finn: finn just leaning against the cell. listening. Psalm: like how you'd expect things to be more exaggerated so that they're actually entertaining in a book or play, otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. 
In the meanwhile the other group make their way into the large chamber, Keva stands at the bottom of the stairs leading out while Cimmorro and Plum make their way up the one over the blood pool. Plum reaching the top, stands near the pillar with their hands, taking the time and casting identify upon it. As they touch it an unwelcome feeling fills their senses, like whispers in their ears. 
The pillar is definitely enchanted, it seems the process directly enhances the person who drips their blood upon it. As long as it is collected within the pool below it seems the enchantment keeps its hold indefinitely, combined with the whispers and information they’ve gathered from before, you get the feeling this is used in some way for whoever wrote the runes on the floor to communicate to those that have bled upon it.
Satisfied the group head back to the corridor with the others, keva noting that it seems the chanting is still ongoing in the background, as they do they walk into the conversation the rest of the group is currently having.
Psalm: That being said though, we are still very much in a situation like out of a novel you could say. And it's not like i have much experience with cults myself...for all i know they're all like this Han: han visibly looks like she regrets asking "like a novel huh" Keva: keva walks in and sees that she has missed smth
Psalm: oh right, a cult is just a group of people that religious practices that aren't commonly accepted, or in most cases, evil. Forgot you asked. Usually they worship a figurehead, potentially a person or otherworldly being, so they're not that far removed from the average religion. Han: han is borderline sweating Keva: wait, we've been chasing after this cult this entire time and you didn't know what a cult was? Han: well. no not really. Finn: finn closes his eyes. I Cannot 
Psalm: why the interest though? i suppose it is a bit messed up in here, and if you didn't know before i guess it's pretty shocking,  what with all the blood and everything Han: just uh. curious is all. Psalm: i see. well if you have anymore questions. Cimmorro: [raised brow]
Half the group subtly eyeball Han to see if she’s lying about her questions coming from a place of mere curiosity.
Han: me just throwing these breadcrumbs Psalm: can't just not eat them off the flor Plum: someone eat them!! Cimmorro: gang beats up han with insight Han: everyone at han rn [raised brow] Cimmorro: 
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Finn: han: asks a simple question, the party: lets get her boys Rokka: rokka just rly wanna know if he gotta comfort u or naw
- finn watching from where you are leaned against a cell you easily see through her lie, you get the feeling the question is related to a past experience of hers perhaps, you understand the feeling of wanting clarification well - psalm and keva it seems clear that shes lying and that she has a deeper reason for asking about this, though you dont really know why - rokka han seems upset by all these damn cults, u understand this place sucks
Cimmorro: prolonged strained silence
The group dont inquire any further into her odd reactions at the moment, Finn moves the conversation along, asking if any of the party would like to help him check out the room at the top of the corridor or if they’d like to check out the door they were just listening in on.
Han: "ye shall we storm these dudes" (points to door) Keva: you were all cautious before and now you wanna just barge in? Han: whispers to keva "i was half joking" Keva: you're hilarious. Han: thank you ^_^
The group decide to go along with Finn’s suggestion, preferring to run into as few people possible for the moment and shuffle down the corridor, the group all stand behind psalm as he creaks the door open with mage hand. Peering inside they all see a small room with no one around inside, piled high are a bunch of beds, seems this looks like where the acolytes sleep.
Han: everyone takes a long rest Finn: HBZUFGMIOGF;HFHGJHOW MANY BEDS ARE THERE THIS TIME Han: finn rn like: . Finn: finn: i do not see it. i do not perceive it.
Rokka: rokka barges in and dives into a bed like "ahhhhhh yes" Han: goes back to look out position Psalm: rokka you really want to be rolling around in the beds of people that drain the blood out of innocents for rituals? Rokka: a bed is a bed Finn: A MAN OF SOLID CONVICTIONS Cimmorro: we're in some hazbin hotel kinda shit and u just gonna sleep here Psalm: that's terrifying resilience. i'm impressed, if not a bit scared
> 🎵  Highway, Fog, Visitation / 2Mello.
As the group look about the room watching rokka walk in, Han notices behind them all down the corridor, the sound of a door creaking open. Quickly she moves to push everyone inside the room as quick and quietly as she can, though she’s sure they were heard.
Cimmorro: this cult guy barrelling down the corridor upon hearing han
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Closing the door behind them inside the room they look about flustered. They all take a beat to listen and hear the sound of footsteps coming closer down the corridor. they decide to dive under the beds and hide, though there isnt enough for all of them. 
Psalm casts Invisibility on Han while the rest of them pile under, she quickly moves and sticks herself as close to the wall as possible. Finn in particular also quickly shifts into a bat and hangs himself from a corner of the ceiling
Rokka: rokka rolls off the bed with an OOF then rolls under the bed he was on Cimmorro: plum who is the smallest has the hardest time shuffling under the bed and stubs their toe Rokka: stubs toe and screams FUCK, it echoes down the hall
After a beat they all listen as the footsteps near closer and closer to the door, they hear a shuffling before it is opened up by a hooded figure, human, though his cloak looks more ornately decorated that the guards from before.
Han: whats boytoy doing Jez: whipping his dick out,  he came here to jack off bro we all gotta watch him Han: SOME ME TIME Plum: YOU CALLED EM BOYTOYBHHJ Rokka: HSUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Psalm: HE CAMEM HERE TO JACK OFGF i'm unsubscribing from pornhub right now Plum: jez, jez, what haunts you Cimmorro: LKVGDASJKLGJDSJBSJFNB Rokka: this is like a bad wattpad fic Cimmorro: yall wanted to share beds we're getting a different kind of sharing today Finn: . Han: save a citizen share a cultist Finn: WHAT IS HE GONNA DO WATCH OUR BEDS ALL DAY Cimmorro: HES GONNA WANK IT BRO Rokka: SHUT HT EHLEL UP
He walks inside and peers about the room, eyeing the floors and the walls stepping around and staring carefully. It almost seems as if he makes eye contact at one point with Han but he continues moving his gaze past her. 
Olst: “Where on earth have those louts gotten too” he clicks his tongue and turns to walk out of the room  “Discipline is in order, hopefully our grace feels the need to be more quick with his hand…” his mumbling putters off as he shuts the door behind him
The group one by one slowly emerge from under the beds, Han takes a moment before peering out the door, seeing the man walk down the stairs towards the blood pool room. She whispers out “coasts clear” before walking out the room still invisible to follow him, Finn in bat form follows after her to also trail him.
Psalm: psalm to himself like... god maybe i should've explained how invis works first Han: han said coast clear and fucked off Finn: i wish i could've asked psalm for an explanation on invisible i have no idea when this runs out
The group meanwhile decide to check out the room the man came from in the meantime since he just left it, walking back to the middle of the corridor, sneaking past. Keva stops briefly at the top of the stairs to listen in on any conversation from the blood pool room
As she does Han and Finn follow the hooded man, she slowly scuttles down the staircase standing quietly at the bottom and hanging out of sight with Finn. There she sees 3 other figures, each wearing ornate looking cloaks, one they’ve not seen before. As the human approaches the others he speaks
Olst: “the acolytes are becoming lax in their duties, this is because you aren’t strict enough with them” he stares directly as the tiefling as he says that, to which he babbles back ???: you know th-that is not my responsibility Olst..” the human tuts and clicks his tongue. Emruz: The woman on the far end pipes up “quit your gripping your voice is as annoying as venom, you can discuss the trivialities later our grace has requested all of to assemble now and I’ll have quiet as we do” the two glare at each other for a moment Olst: he relents, responding with an “..of course” The four of them gather near the front of the of the pool and stand at attention.
Han watches them close their eyes, as if waiting for something for a few beats. Keva moves on to where the rest of the group are stationed in front of the door down the corridor. 
> 🎵  The Final Combat / Darkest Dungeon OST.
Han continues watching before suddenly she sees all of their eyes snap open, they all tilt their heads up before clasping their hands together out of some sort of reverence. The longer she watches the more it looks like they’re listening to something. Slowly her and Finn see smiles begin to form on their faces, albeit who’s mouths they can actually see. After a moment they bow their heads again, before unclasping their hands.
They see the woman on the far left immediately cackle and gesticulate with her hands with joy 
Emruz: “I KNEW IT I KNEW IT, ony two more days’ time, our grace is amazing indeed finally we will bring down those who stand upon their ivory towers, bring them crashing down to a place wherein we might exact our revenge and force their penance.” Ida: Next to her the drow contemplatively nod in agreement while ???: The tiefling keeps his hands clasped together in reverence muttering “ohh it is true it is true, finally we are ready to enact his great design, the results of our tireless devotion…” Olst: the human next to him chuckles as well “the streets above shall run red as they so deserve, the brood will overtake them at every turn, their defences shall be their very ruin”
The four walk up to the blood pool and touch its outer rim bringing one other hand up to their lips, they speak a coded hymn out loud, as they do they their hands glow a faint red before they are surrounded by a flash. Once complete they step away again, the elf woman speaks up once more 
Emruz: “may their soak in their own fluids” before she cackles wildly again.
🗡 Keva pocketed another「  Red Letterhead Token ✨ 」 🍺 Plum holds the「 Jailer’s Keys ✨ 」 💀5 guards seem to be lax in their duties....
- 48 Hours until 📜🩸 The Reckoning 🩸📜 -
0 notes
joohoneyhoe · 7 years
Push and Pull| Four
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[song inspiration: Sia - Elastic Heart]
|Chapter One| |Chapter Two| |Chapter Three| |Chapter Four| |Chapter Five|
pairing: Jimin x oc x Jaebum genre: angst, slight fluff word count: 2.2k a/n: Isolde spent three years with Jimin after meeting him by chance in a dance studio. He was perfect and he loved her, she thought he was the one she’d spend the rest of her life with. That all crumbles when he decides he wants to please his parents and leave her so he can be with someone like him. Isolde is plummeted into turmoil and leaves her job as a choreographer to move back home to the states. A mutual friend named Im Jaebum reaches out to console her, lift her back up from her fragile state. It’s a push and pull tug between what she thought she had and what she could have.
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“I’m sorry Jackson couldn’t be here to take you to the airport like he said he would, something last minute came up and he had to go. He wanted to bring you, he really did. He felt awful.” Jaebum apologized to me from the drivers seat, his eyes locked on the road as he white knuckled the steering wheel. 
“Jaebum,“ my hand reached out to gently touch his forearm, he glanced over at me as he chewed on his cheek. “it’s okay. I know Jackson is busy and his career is much more important than helping me run away from my problems. I’m perfectly content with you taking me.” he visibly relaxed at my words, his back slouching down comfortably, a slight smile pulling at his lips. 
“Don’t ever think our careers are more important than our friendship with you, Is. You’re important to us, which is why I’m here and ignoring my manger’s calls.” my head spun to look at him in shock, mouth open in astonishment. 
“Im Jaebum! You can’t do that! Just drop me off and I’ll call a cab. You need to go! I don’t want you getting in trouble just because I didn’t want to go to the airport al-” his index finger pressed to my lips, a smirk on his face as he stared straight ahead. I smacked his hand away, crossing my arms over my chest in irritation. 
“Screw him today, he’s been a cocksucker all week. It was supposed to be my day off and I’m not coming in for some stupid bullshit, when I could be spending your last few hours here, with you.“ 
“When the fuck did you get so sentimental? I’m legitimately confused by this.“ 
“When your life got turned upside down and I decided telling you things I wanted you to know before you left, was more important than picking on you for my own pleasure.” the car got deathly silent, and I felt the threat of tears coming for the millionth time today. 
“You didn’t have to do that just because I’m a fucking mess, Jaebum. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.” I felt his hand rest on my knee, his thumb rubbing comforting circles. 
“I know you’re a big girl, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be considerate. You’re my friend and I want you to know that I don’t just come around simply to poke fun at you. I know I’m an asshole, Is, but Goddamn.” I chuckled, putting my hand over his and holding it. 
“You are an asshole, Jaebum, but a good one.“ 
“I’m choosing to take that as a compliment today.” our laughter filled the car and I felt much more at ease the rest of the ride.
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Jaebum helped me carry everything I had from the car, and by helped I mean carried it all. He dropped a few things more than once, cursing quietly and yet refused my help. As we approached the baggage check in, I tried to help one more time and he literally growled and barred his teeth at me. 
“Did you really just growl at me like a damn dog, Im Jaebum?” he scowled, grabbing everything and slamming them down at the baggage center, making the clerk jump.
 "Yes, I did. Now, get your shit done so we can go get coffee. It’s six in the morning and too fucking early to deal with your sass without caffeine.“ 
He put his sunglasses back on, pulled down his hood and rested his head on his arms on the counter beside me. The baggage lady eyeballed us curiously and I simply shrugged as I patted his back. 
“Sorry about that, not a morning person.“ 
She fake smiled and just started to check in my luggage without another word. My hand idly ran over Jaebum’s back, something I would have done to Jimin if he had been next to me, because he also wasn’t a morning person. I jerked my hand away at the thought of Jimin, immediately resting my hands in front of me. 
Jaebum seemed to notice and sat up on his elbows, pulling his glasses from his face to look at me. I avoided his intense gaze, staring down at the ticket in my hands instead. 
The long slender fingers of his left hand spread over mine, easily engulfing both of them. His hand felt so much different than Jimin’s always had, they weren’t soft and puffy like his. They were strong, calloused and long, but gentle and firm all at once. He acted as if he would break me if he wasn’t careful enough, something I wasn’t used to with Jimin. 
He never had to be careful with me, we were nearly the same height and weight. I had even beaten him a few times when we wrestled, though he had tried to say he let me. My hands were even the same size as his, which he had hated. So, I always tried my best not to emasculate him and always made sure he knew how manly I thought he was. 
Jaebum on the other hand, was nearly three inches taller than me, built sturdy and broad, his hands easily dwarfing mine. He constantly threw me around like a rag doll whenever we messed around, and I didn’t have to worry about making him feel like he wasn’t manly. He was stronger than me by a long shot and he knew it. So, this new gentle, soft, careful Jaebum, was a little unsettling and it scared me a little. It scared me how much I liked that side of him and how much I wanted to see more of it. 
I looked away from our hands, meeting the clerks irritated gaze as she handed me my receipt. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” he removed his hand and I quickly took the paper, shoving it into my backpack. “Have a nice flight.” I mumbled thanks and turned to leave, Jaebum following close behind me, very aware of his presence. “Come on, let’s get coffee before I literally die. We’ve got nearly two hours to kill.”
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After he dragged me into the nearest coffee shop, he refused to let me pay and made me go sit down. I found a secluded spot in the back at a high top table near a large window, looking down onto the runways bellow. I found myself just staring out of it, my mind a blur of thoughts and emotions I couldn’t quite comprehend. I was going back home with the prospect of never returning here ever again. 
“Hey, space girl!“ 
Jae’s fingers snapped in front of my face, making me jump. “I got your coffee. Now, drink before you go off to Mars and don’t come back.” rolling my eyes I took a swig from the warm cup, enjoying the hot liquid trickling down my dry throat. 
It was different than my usual that Jimin got me, something new. Jimin always got me a mocha latte with extra shot of espresso, I couldn’t tell what this was. 
“What am I drinking?” I finally asked after my third or fourth sip. 
“I didn’t know what you liked, so I kinda guessed. It’s a half flavor white chocolate mocha with two shots of espresso. Is it alright?” his eyebrows knit together in curiosity, eyes squinting. I gave him a wide smile, taking another long drink. 
“I think I have a new favorite drink.”
We sat at that table for probably a good hour before deciding to go find a seat and wait for my plane. I don’t know how long we sat in silence, just listening to the buzz of people rush by, it couldn’t have been as long as it felt. 
Shortly after we sat down, a couple sat directly across from us. They snuggled together, talking quietly to each other as he graced the crown of her head with loving kisses. My stomach knotted, feeling as if I was suddenly going to be sick. Jaebum had noticed the couple and turned in his seat to look at me, pulling a leg under him as he got my attention.
“Hey, talk to me.” he prodded, his hand nudging mine that was flat on the seat beside me. 
“I hate this.” I whispered. 
“Tell me what you hate.“ 
“I hate seeing other people happy, when all I want to do is curl up in a ball and never leave my bed again. I know that’s fucked up and it’s not all about me, but I can’t watch other people’s lives go the way mine should have.” I confessed as the tears stung my raw cheeks. 
“It’s not fucked up, Isolde. In fact, I’d call that a pretty normal way to feel right now. Though, I’m not much help with this situation. My instant reaction to things not going my way is to hit, yell and cuss until I can’t anymore. I don’t think feeling that way is wrong, it’s natural to feel slighted when you see everyone else getting what you always wanted.“ 
Nodding, I blindly reached out and took his hand, holding on to it tightly. All I could think about was Jimin last night and the way he left. Tears streaming down his face, sobbing as he begged me to stay, repeating I’m sorry’s over and over. I don’t know how I even had the courage to tell him to go. To shut the door on him as he looked at me with tear filled brown eyes, bloodshot from crying for days on end. But, I did and now I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d made another huge mistake. 
“Isolde, talk to me. I know more is going on than just that.” he encouraged. Taking a deep breath, I squeezed his hand. 
“Jimin showed up last night…” he stiffened at the mention of Jimin, eyes narrowing. 
“What happened?" 
"He told me he loved me, begged me not to leave." 
"Is that all that happened?” he questioned, tilting his head to the side so he could see my eyes. 
“We fucked." 
I tried to wipe my tears away, but they just kept coming. He took the bottom of his sleeve and carefully wiped them away as best as he could. 
"It’s alright, Isolde." 
"It doesn’t feel alright. I should have never even opened that door, because now all I feel is like I’ve made another mistake by not taking him back." 
"I don’t think you did.” he blurted out, his tone short. 
“You don’t?” looking up, I met his narrowed gaze. 
“No, I don’t. It would just happen again, Isolde. It could have been a few weeks down the road, a few months, hell, maybe another few years. You’d just get to feel like this all over again, deal with this shit for a second time. I can’t imagine having to go through that more than once, and I can guarantee you would have. If after three years with you, he still has those feelings and doubts, they aren’t going to go away after a week of being without you.” his words were blunt, but carried truth behind them. I knew he wasn’t wrong, even though I wanted to believe he was. 
“I like Jimin, I consider him to be my friend, but so are you. And as your friend, I’m going to tell you that how he did this, is completely fucked up. You don’t do that to someone you love, ever, and then turn around and beg for them to take you back. That’s fucking absurd and not how you should be treated. You deserve the fucking stars in the sky, not just a painting of them." 
I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him as I sobbed. He was taken aback, but hugged me back without hesitation. 
"Thank you.” I whispered into his neck, enjoying the different feeling I got from his embrace than what I was used to with Jimin. “I meant every word, Isolde. You deserve so much more." 
Before I could speak, the boarding for my flight was called out, causing me to pull away and stand up. "I have to go. Thank you for everything, Jaebum. I mean it.” he took my hand into his, kissing the back of it before he simply held it as he looked up at me. 
“I’ll see you around, okay?” I nodded, trying to hold back tears once again as my eyes roamed his features, his eyes also glassy. I reluctantly pulled my hand from his grasp, moving to go. He stayed in his seat, watching me as I walked away from him to my gate. 
“Isolde?” spinning around, I nearly bumped into his chest and he enveloped me into another hug. 
“Text me when you land, please.” he requested, his hold tightening around me, my fingers gripping his shoulders. 
“I will." 
"Promise me.” I let out a small laugh into his chest, his concern comforting my nerves. “I promise that I will.” I reassured, prying myself from him as I adjusted the pack on my back. 
“Okay, now go. You’ve got a flight to catch.” jokingly, he pushed me towards my destination, a smile on his face. "I’ll be seeing you, Isolde.“ 
"I don’t doubt that, Im Jaebum.”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF] A teaser of what it may eventually end up being a novel
Well, first Hi! this is my first post here (so, sorry if im not used to the full lenght of rules and stuff).
English is also not my first language, So I spent the last 3 hours trying to translate this little thing in something readable, sometimes with the help of a translator, so, sorry if there an inconsistency here and there, limited vocabulary or something just... off (yo can obviously criticize it too so I can do it better next time, but my focus is the story per se)
Anyway, the story is based on a dream I had a weeks ago, involving a grim future for my old TRPG character. I hope you find something of it enjoyable!
optional Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vhfXiym9iiIwvtJgPKXvHjPkIeUnBBhd6_-g_2R0JPg/edit?usp=sharing
- … This old factory should do - huffed Marcus with a trembling voice - That shelving over there seems to be out of sight enough. You guys should hop in and get some sleep
We all nodded, trying our best to rest.
To my right, John tried to cheer Sean, locked in his eternally taciturn semblance. I ignored if Sean thought that rediscovering each other in a place and time like this was inappropriate, or if his seriousness simply hid a mousy child in the body of an adult. Or maybe I was just projecting my own thoughts and concerns on them. Who knows?
As an answer, Sean simply muttered something unintelligible and turned his body out of my sight.
John made a grimace and looked at me
- You. Specially you, should get some rest too, Anon - For ...Months? Years? All my life? I've spent a so long without talking, that the name stuck with me, after that time on which they tried to guess my birth-given one for the first time in a jolly gust of timid laughter. They gave up, calling me “anonymous”, and “Anon” stayed, almost like an insignia of our path interlacing. - Don’t listen to that jackass, just close your eyes. We will be fine.
My whole silent answer was staring at him bluntly, ignoring his concern for me, and continued sitting on my own legs, using the stinging pain as a catalyst for my concentration. It wasn’t working.
- Use this - Said a voice climbing the shelving, handing me the bucket in her little hands and urging me to use my “second vision” on the water and oil paints she found and poured in. It was Mariah. A little girl we found on the road and that, despite having taken me as an “old sis” and mimic me, she was obviously too young to rely on. I didn't trust her.
I simply leaned over my side, releasing some of the pressure on my legs and her constant wounds, and observed the countless patterns of colors, overlapping one on top of the other, and taking me, partially, to that distant and treacherous place that was the “future”.
It was strange, without a doubt. The visions. Despite their symbolism, they felt so… real. And yet, I was well are of my own eyeballs crossing over and over, as if each one decided on following a pattern on its own. I was vaguely aware of the heavy breathing coming from Sam, to my right, and his need for an inhaler we couldn't provide. And of course, I was aware of the frank concern coming from Mariah in front of me. What was about that kid that made me feel so uneasy? I couldn't tell
Soon I wasn't there at all. I was still at the factory, but the darkness of sunset wrapped the place on a mantle of shadows. A double edged blade.
I observed through the windows, but instead of ruins, that place was exuberant with life; Bags and boxes all over the relatively unpolluted place, surround machinery that rather than dead seemed to just be catching breath for work on the next day. Among the rust - on where the rust was supposed to be, a moment ago - a head rushed in my field of vision, whispering something I couldn't quite grasp, almost as if I was trying to hear that voice underwater, but interpreted as danger and urge. So I woke up the unfortunate lovebirds on my right. Only that “second” Mariah, looking me worried through that veil that muffled her words, gave away the unhappy secret that was realizing that world wasn’t real. Through the veil, not only voices but faces blurred too, and bodies had a strange nuance of hue on them, as if time wasn’t sure on which speed to move. But I could have accepted all that as real If I really tried with all I had. I wonder why I had never done that; Surrendering myself entirely to that place and live the infinite possibilities of an uncertain future, until my body consumed itself in the present. I thought about it, while a little unruly voice in the back of my head tried to remind me of the past.
Ignoring that third-layer of thoughts, I doubled my efforts and the vision became more clear.
In silent despair, we observed how countless soldiers surrounded us from every angle, only betrayed by the friction of their clothing, and that strange light slicing darkness in half and giving away the rest of their team, one after the other, while our panic grew like a boiling red-hot ball of steel in our throats.
We ran as fast as we could without revealing ourselves, but we knew that sooner or later the creak of the metal, or the rustle of the boxes that so generously hid us would give us away. Sooner or later our sounds would reach the ears of our foes, so, While pointing at the exit, Marcus sprinted in the other direction, trying to get their attention and give us an opening.
Skidding, yet avoiding all the shots so far, he retraced his steps, tossing shelvings and its content away indiscriminately to hinder the soldiers, but they were flooding the place in droves, threatening with ambush him sooner rather than later. I bit my lip and pledged to avoid that sacrifice.
While impeding guilt started to creep in, one of the soldiers managed to find us through his scope. About to suffer the same fate as our most recent saviour, John interceded just in time, hushing our sentence with a kick and a crack.
We crossed the door and ran. We crossed walls, just to find more and higher walls. More vast areas, more exuberant trees and buildings, and with each step more and more people. We were getting close to that city downton, and a nightly festival seemed to welcome us.
Panting, we tried to blend in the crown, but we were sticking out too much. The looks of the locals perched in us more times that I would have tolerated normally if I were alone. But two hands firmly squeezed my wrist as a warning, and we continued our walk of shame, dirty, ragged and exhausted, through the crowd. We passed by multitude of people and food stands, and I think even our destiny, because Mariah suddenly gasped something in her native language that I couldn't understand.
It sounded like a warcry full of pain.
And the soldiers surrounded us.
In reality, I was vaguely noticing the tears of rage falling down my cheek, while Mariah, the authentic, landed her strangely cold hand on my arm, taking me out of my stupor with the shock. I tried to control my anger, rooting down in so many levels that I couldn't even justify them anymore, in vain.
Like scoffing us, Marcus climbed up to us, letting those eyes full of scars for everyone to see.
- We are surrounded.
Despite the sunlight still high in the sky, I knew what that meant to us, and it wasn’t good. Panicking, I ignored Marcus words and refuses his future sacrifice jumping down to the floor. Mariah tried to follow me, but she tripped with a cable. I stood there in shock for a second, but then acridly accepted that some things cannot be changed and kept running.
Trying to stay out of the sight of the soldiers through the windows and the countless doors that had collapsed in that place over the years, I saw, briefly, how Marcus urged Mariah to climb again, but there was no more time. John and Sean took each others hands and jumped out of my field of vision. I couldn’t see any of them anymore, nor I could go back. All I heard were shots and shouting, witnesing how both started to fade and become more and more infrequent. My panic grew higher, but I was able to control my breathing, and without looking back managed to outflank most of the guards, thanks to my size. It did not looked like they had my description, so it would be a while before they realized one of us was missing.
That was my chance. I crossed the lintel of the window, taking one piece of the broken glass while ignoring the pain, and moved on. Most of the soldiers were already inside the factory, or taking care of what I knew deep inside now were probably no more than the inert carcasses that were once my friends.
But a soldier remained, almost in front of me. I never knew if it was there to check every possible exit fulfilling his duty, or was left behind to lace his boots but it didn’t matter anymore. When he saw me, like a shadow, I jumped on to him slicing his throat, while the shard of glass carved deeper into the flesh of my palm, in protest. I considered taking their car, but that would have been very stupid and the death of that soldier meaningless, and less than silent.
While considering my options, and imperative and deep shout rumbled inside the factory sending a chill down my spine. They probably saw me or the dead soldier. So I started running.
I ran and ran, and ran desperate between the hills of that narrow street, cursing my short legs, swearing over my wounds, old and new, and blaspheming all kind of profanities over my luck and cowardly. But when I finally looked back, despite being able to hear them in the distance, I saw no soldier behind. It was my chance!
“You are alone… again.”
I ignored the gloomy thoughts and kept running, this time at a more inconspicuous way that allowed me to conceal my wounds and catch my breath again. I looked over each and every house, trying to find a suitable one to hide, but mostly I only found walls, tall metal fences, dead ends and dogs on the other side. Neither would make for a clean getaway. Not in time. Definitely not without leaving a huge blood trail. I squeezed my hand even harder against my chest and let out a frustrated sob, just when I saw a home with the gates wide open, almost as an invitation.
I knew it was risky, and perhaps even obvious, but I crossed over to that garden without further hesitation, and encompassing the house I started to think once more on my options. It was then when I heard little screams. Startled at first, but nostalgic not long after, realizing they came from several childrens playing and running around. It must have been a birthday party.
They hadn’t see me yet. Should I just simply open the door and beg for asylum? Maybe hide in their furniture? None of those options had a happy ending in my head. While I saw a little girl that could not be more than four, hugging someone that could not be other than her mother, I used the last of my strength, and with eyes blurred by effort and tears, I climbed to the roof.
But apparently life is never that kind, and luck stroke me greatly, when I saw the little girl say something and point at me directly through the window. However I was too weak to deal with it, and never knew if someone else than the little girl managed to see me.
Not like it mattered anymore, sooner or later the soldiers would get with my trail and cross their path with that family. And what would happen then when a little kid described the person that killed one of their own? I did not wanted to give them more means to find me, nor I wanted to check what those bastards decided to do with the witnesses.
I jumped from roof to roof, almost as if my time suspended in the air was trying to match the weight on my heart and the little content of my stomach. The back of my head was barely aware of the fact that those modern roofs were starting to get partly replaced with wood and clay tiles, filling the outline of my sight with nostalgia.
“Just a little more…”
About to fall more than once, my grip on those surfaces started to get ferocious, while I lost the one I had on reality. One last jump, and without realizing when, suddenly there was only void under my feet, as I landed on the hill of the home that saw me grow.
Bewildered, I walked down that rocky grassland, but the steps became a trot, and those irregular strides were soon replaced by jubilous little howls, in a body a bit older and more impatient than the one left behind to run down the hill. And as I ran, I hopped over the rocks, even skipping some, and trying to jump as high as I could to look over the chasm of my little mountain. For the first time in a long time I was laughing out loud again, immersed in my little memory.
Before long, I approached the big tree. And old oak under which two families were celebrating something I couldn't recall. Eating together, while the breeze caressed each of the present faces, promising Spring.
By the time someone noticed me, I was already in between the group of elders. A kid, somewhat younger than me at the time came to meet me. But my ardour laid elsewhere, and I took the advantage of a big boulder, to jump over him and grab one of the lower branches of the tree. In the end, it took me a few attempts, but I made it.
Of course, what I wanted wasn’t to climb the tree per se, I knew that eventually the branches would end up being too thin to hold my weight, and the foliage would have hindered the view either way, no; What I wanted was but that little treasure that caught the corner of my eye and I refused to let go. Just a couple more jumps, and before I realized, the little slugbunny was in my hands. White as snow to camouflage in the winter, despite its fast fur adaptation to the environment, it wasn't quick enough to avoid the surprise of an early spring, as the tree leaves became a delatory red.
Without much effort, I tried to twist his neck, but my hands were too small, and the animal were struggling too hard. However, just before I lost my prey, the kid came to me and offered his help. He finished his suffering off while I held the body, now motionless, that I showed off like a trophy to the elders, that ended up sighing and scolding me, but also laughing and cherishing my skills.
The afternoon went by faster than I thought, and the apprehension of forgetting something important was long one. Under the ebbing sun, the boy took some courage and with it my hand, taking me where his words couldn't be heard by the rest of his family.. He promised me… what was he saying?
I couldn't make out the words, and the wind now howling along the birds, carrying dust and leaves with it, forced me to squint my eyes. Ours met, and I knew who that kid was, and everything else came back to my head in a rush, like a bucket of cold water.
When I woke up, I was lying on a prairie, much different from the one that lit up the memories of my childhood. Dirty, mauled but surprisingly relatively intact. At least no broken bones that I could tell. I observed how the sunset contrasted with the summit I jumped from while running away, several meters above me, and that building that last saw me loose consciousness, now without a trace of those old clay tiles on wooden roofs. Much less the people that already had their last breath long ago. Now that I was awake, I wondered if those crimson bricks were the only witnesses of my fall…
Not without effort, I got up in my feet, and continued my way.
submitted by /u/simonbleu [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2SgMYB0
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