#he usually doesnt climb on top of me if im on the floor (anywhere else he will) but hes old and has every disease
perilegs · 3 months
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outfits to fag it up in the grocery store + do cable management in
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 10
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Me and dean followed sam downstairs to where bobby was sitting at his table looking over a bunch of files.
"What have you got?" Dean spoke first.
"Well it could be something, then again it could be a whole lot of nothin." Bobby said turning the paper in front of him around to where we could look at it. "I found a list of names of demons that have been in contact with parker. Theres 16 all together. Theyre all spread out over the surrounding towns to where you were found."
With the last sentence bobby looked at me. I nodded, "doesnt surprise me. He had connections everywhere." I scanned the list of names and one stood out to me. "Patrick windsor." I whispered.
"That somebody you knew?" Bobby asked.
"Not really, i mean i met him a couple of times but i never truly knew him. Thats parkers father."
"Do we know where to find him?" Dean spoke this time, seeming anxious.
Bobby shook his head. "Nothing as of yet but im sure sam here can find out." Sam nodded and went to go get his laptop before i stopped him.
"Wait." I pulled out the folder i had been carrying. "I found this in the files upstairs."
Bobby took it from my hands, "ill be damned."
"It just stood out to me and i guess this is why." I said taking a seat across from bobby.
"Do you have files on any of the other people bobby?" Sam asked.
Bobby shrugged, "its possible."
I stood quickly and grabbed the paper with the list of names. "Ill go check."
"Ill come with you." Dean rushed to my side. I just nodded, after our talk i didnt dread deans company like i once had.
"Lets go back to the spare room and look first since thats where i found patricks file." I told dean as we made it to the top of the stairs. He just followed me to the room. I sat on the floor and smiled when dean joined me.
"Okay ive got them in alphabetical order so we should find them fairly easy." I grabbed the first pile.
"Youre amazing." I looked up in surprise when he said that. He was smiling at me with a glint in his eyes.
"What?" I whispered.
"You came here, you cleaned up all these files, put them away in alphabetical order, you also organized the books and placed them by origin and language. You cook for bobby, you take care of him. After everything you went through." Dean said in amazement.
"He took me in, took me under his wing. He is the father i never had. I love him to death." I went back to trying to find the first name in the files.
"Im sorry." I felt deans hand on my ankle.
"For what?" I looked at him puzzled.
"For everything. You were going through all that and i walked out on you. I couldve, no i shouldve explained myself but i was a coward."
"Dean, i have called you many things in my head but a coward is not one of them."
We both laughed at that. I couldnt let dean keep torturing himself. It wasnt all him. "Look it took me forever to come to terms with this but i was the coward dean. I ran away, i thought i wasnt good enough for you. That you had went out to find what you wanted and that just wasnt me. Parker always told me no man will ever want me that i would disgust any man out there but him. So when you walked out that night i knew it was true. But now i know better. I understand what youre trying to say and how you feel. Theres nothing to forgive dean, i mean it."
"Then why do i feel like shit?" He said scooting closer to me.
"Because you havent forgave yourself."
He sighed and just shook his head. "I dont think that will ever happen."
I nudged his shoulder, "come on, suck it up buttercup we gotta find these files before sam finds them on his internet first."
He chuckled, "youre competeing with sam?"
"Hell yeah, the internet cant beat my methods here." I grabbed another stack of files and handed them to dean. "So get to work winchester."
"Yes ma'am."
Two hours later we had found all the names but one. "Well," dean said standing and stretching "is there anywhere else the file could be?"
I nodded, "yeah in my room. Ive done got all those in the file cabinets so itll be easier to look through."
He followed me down the hall to my room but didnt walk in. "You can come in ya know."
He just looked at his feet, "are you sure? I mean this is your bedroom and..."
"Dean. Im not going to molest you. Get in here and help me look for this last file." I said pulling him by the shirt into the room. Instead of turning like i probably should have i stood facing him. His hands went to my hips as mine fisted in his shirt.
I inhaled his scent and that feeling of comfort and security enveloped me like it did before. I leaned into his chest, resting my cheek against right over where his heart was. It was beating so fast about as fast as mine. His arms wrapped around me and i felt his lips and nose bury in my hair next to my neck.
I tried to get closer to him but i was as close as i could get. I wanted to climb inside his chest and stay there forever. It was like a dam inside me burst, the tears fell freely and a choked sob escaped my lips.
"Dont cry sweetheart." Dean whispered against my neck.
I fisted his shirt more and sobbed. "I cant help it. God ive missed you." My hands roamed over his chest then wrapped around his neck. He held me until the tears had stopped.
"Ive missed you so much. You have no idea." Dean said rubbing my back. He started kissing my neck and jawline. I kissed his shoulder and collarbone through his shirt.
I pulled back away from him, both of us panting as he brushed his lips up against mine. The tears started flowing again as our lips crushed together. His hand tangled in my hair and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss.
I could feel how hard he was through his jeans. I needed him, forget everything that happened and just have him. Have my security again. My safe zone, but i realized where we were. I pushed against his chest, "dean, stop. We cant do this here."
He kept placing small kisses on my lips. "Why not?"
I pulled back, "bobby is like a father to me and to you. We cant do this in his house."
He grunted something under his breath. Then with that lustful look i love so much he looked up at me. "Okay, lets go for a drive somewhere. I dont care where, i just gotta have you."
"Dont you think theyll be suspicious?"
"I dont care." He growled.
I smiled at him and nodded. "Okay but let me get these files to bobby. Sam can find the last name im sure."
He smiled that panty dropping smile that made me weak in the knees. "Ill be waiting in the car." He gave me a quick heated kiss and with that he walked out the door and down the stairs. I glanced at the last name on the list and figured id make dean wait for a minute. I dug through the files in the one cabinet and just like i said, easy to find.
I changed out of my night shirt into some shorts and a tank top, then grabbed the files and made my way down stairs.
"Here ya go bobby." I huffed, dropping the files on the table in front of him. "You had files on every one of them."
He smiled and grabbed the first one, "what would i do without you kiddo?"
I walked around and kissed his cheek. "Probably fill up on tv dinners and drink way to much." I smiled down at him, "me and dean are going out for food. Anybody want anything?"
"Usual for me." Sam said from his chair in the corner.
I nodded and bobby waved me off, "is that what theyre calling it these days?" He said looking up at me.
I furrowed my brows, "what are you talking about?"
He glared at me, "i may be old but im not stupid. Just be careful, alright."
I nodded with a slight blush on my cheeks and headed for the door. Dean was sitting in the drivers seat tapping his thumb on the steering wheel. I opened the door and climbed in, i scooted all the way over to him. He smiled at me as he started the car and peeled out of the driveway.
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