#he talks during a meeting and oop the floor is now decorated with cups and donuts
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You know they try to keep Jesse a safe distance from tables and shelves because he accidentally knocks everything over when he talks.
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jisungsmochi · 5 years
fallin’ for you - lee jeno
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strangers to friends to lovers oooooo
based off the song ‘Fallin’ For You’ by R5 (references to the song are in italics)
summary: lee jeno was captivated by your unique sense of style, your ability to present yourself as your own individual. after finally becoming your boyfriend, he made it his mission to make it explicitly clear how much he was falling for you.
word count: 3.9k (this may be the longest one i have written oops) 
it was an average day. you walked into school with your head held high, uniform in pristine condition. but you couldn’t ignore the amount of eyes that were focused on your lower half. at first you had though that you put on your skirt backwards, but it came to you that they were staring at your feet, in particular your mismatched socks. they were stained with accents of purple and yellow which was a stark contrast to your school colours, navy and maroon. it was intentional. you were probably going to be put into detention if a teacher called you out, but you didn’t mind.
the stares continued, all up until you met with jeno. he laughed in amusement before pulling you in for an embrace
“babe, loving the socks” he complimented
“clearly a lot of people here aren’t fans of it” you roll your eyes
“well i’m a fan, your biggest fan if i say so myself!” he smiled brightly before placing an arm over your shoulders and walking with you.
it amazed you as to how well you and jeno complimented each other. you weren’t as different as you had originally thought. you met him last year, in your PE class.
although you weren’t the most coordinated person, you still tried your best in each sport you played. in particular, volleyball. every time your class would play volleyball, people would ask you before hand if you would join their team. you didn’t think you were that amazing, but you did acknowledge that you had some interest in the game.
it was the last period on a rainy friday, when the teacher decided to play an indoor sport, which happened to be volleyball.
you were placed into jeno‘s team, in which the captain of the other team, donghyuck was infuriated due to his attempts to coerce you to be on his team. 
jeno greeted you kindly, shaking your hand before saying “you’re our secret weapon”
you chuckled at his compliment before taking your position.
it was thrilling to be playing, especially when you could hear jeno’s constant praise
“you’re doing so well, y/n! you’re so awesome!” which made you blush, but you played it off as you were getting tired.
after the game had ended, with your team’s victory, jeno chased after you before you headed to the locker rooms.
“hey y/n! i was wondering if you would like to get pizza with me? like after you get changed and everything, but you don’t have to if you’re tired! oh my god you should go rest at home-“
“i’d love to! just give me about 10 minutes!” you smiled at him widely
before heading into the locker rooms.
jeno stood outside nervously rubbing his palms onto his shorts.
donghyuck approached him, before teasing “i can’t believe you actually asked her out! props to you dude!” he winked.
“nah man she probably just thinks i’m treating her for helping us win, it’s no biggie” jeno played it off.
“you’re not fooling me bro, you have heart eyes for her and honestly it’s kinda cute” donghyuck persisted, which made jeno slightly blush.
“she wouldn’t go for me dude, she’s kinda out of my league, don’t you reckon?” jeno nervously stammered.
“you’ll never know unless you try! wow that was hella corny, i’m gonna jet now. have fun and text the group chat, because you sure as hell know i’m texting them everything” he smirked before jogging out of the hall. jeno shook his head in disbelief before being met with you tapping his shoulder.
“ready to go?” you swung your bag over your shoulder and began walking beside him. he nodded in agreement, beginning to talk about how well you did in the game.
the pizza parlour was quite busy. plenty of little kids running about, playing some of the gaming machines they had installed. there were families out for dinner, catching up on recent events.
you sat across from lee jeno, who was arguably one of the most handsome boys you had ever seen.
“what’s your least favourite subject?” he asked with gleaming eyes
“probably maths, i just can’t seem to understand it all too well” you shrugged.
he nods before taking a look at your pizza slice that had been left on the plate for quite sometime.
“oh are you not hungry?” he questioned, worried that maybe you didn’t like pizza.
“no no, i am! i just prefer cold pizza? i don’t know, it’s super weird, but i like it” you smile awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t think you’re a complete weirdo.
he starts chuckling softly, “you’re really interesting, you know that?”
“bad interesting or good interesting?” you furrowed your eyebrows before finally taking a bite.
“the best kind of interesting”
from that day on, you would always notice him in the halls. he would wave to you and give you a small nod before continuing conversations with his friends. you would approach him during class at times when you didn’t understand a question and he would try his absolute hardest to help you out, even if he didn’t know the answers himself.
it was fair to say that you had started to crush on him. but you were still unsure of how he felt towards you.
a few weeks had passed, until it was jaemin’s birthday. he had invited everyone his classes to attend his house party. at first, you weren’t sure if you wanted to go, because you didn’t have a ride to or from the party. you still took jaemin’s invitation, which had been neatly printed on some glossy paper, and tucked it into your bag. recently, jeno would help you with your maths homework and continue to help you with problems you were stuck on. in return, you would play volleyball with him after school if the coach allowed you guys to stay back.
at one of your volleyball sessions, jeno was running late. you were just about ready to pack up and head home, when a sweaty jeno came running towards you, almost pushing you over. he grabbed you before you would hit the floor, your faces incredibly close. you let out a small chuckle before standing up straight.
“i’m sorry i’m late, i had detention on the other side of school and i had to bolt here, hoping you hadn’t left yet” he stuttered, due to the shortness of breath he had.
“it’s okay! let’s go get some ice cream or something” you shrugged, pulling him out of the hall.
while you were seated, waiting for him to collect your ice creams, you pulled out jaemin’s invitation.
“here you go!” he handed you your ice cream, before letting his eyes land on the invitation.
“are you going?” he asked innocently, looking up at you whilst licking his ice cream.
“i don’t have a way to get there and back, but i do want to go” you answered honestly.
“i can take you? i mean, if you want? i’m sleeping at jaemin’s anyway, and i can pick you up on the way there so we can help set up” he smiled widely, internally hoping you would agree.
“really? you would drive me all the way there and home?” you were surprised that he offered, which made your heart feel warm.
“yeah it’s not a problem! i want you to come” jeno’s eyes widened at his words.
you softly laughed along, continuing to eat your ice cream.
you heard a knock on your front door, and went rushing to answer it. you were met with jeno, dressed in a white buttoned up shirt and some black jeans. it was simple but he looked incredibly handsome.
you decided to opt with wearing a mid-length black dress with daisies plastered all over it.
“ready to go?” he acknowledged before leading you to his car.
“you’re a good driver right?” you buckled yourself into the seat, holding your bag in your lap before meeting eyes with the boy.
“i’ve been told i am!” he proudly announced before beginning to drive.
“who told you that? your mum?” you joked.
“actually yeah” he shyly responded, causing you both to laugh.
“i really like your laugh, jeno” you complimented, which made him almost stop in his tracks.
“t-thank you, i like yours as well” he muttered back, not making eye contact with you. you couldn’t help but notice the flush of pink on his cheeks.
as you arrived at jaemin’s house, most of the decorations were already set up. jaemin has asked you and jeno and set up floaties around the pool area in case people wanted to swim.
“are you swimming tonight?” you asked jeno, while placing some chairs onto the grass.
“uh maybe yeah, you didn’t bring a swimsuit, did you?” he asked
“oh that’s where you’re wrong, it was on the invitation! of course i brought a swimsuit. but i only really like swimming at night, when the moon is full, god that’s strange isn’t it?” you mumble to yourself, hoping he didn’t hear the last sentence.
“no, i think it’s cool, we can swim together then, when everyone leaves” he suggests, avoiding eye contact once again. you were starting to get annoyed with his inability to face you when he complimented you. that would change later tonight.
the party wasn’t as wild as you had initially expected. nothing crazy happened, people were happily drinking and taking blurry photos with their friends. jaemin was smiling all the way through, eventually thanking you for your gift, which was a customised starbucks cup for his caffeinated needs.
you stuck with jeno most of the night, you were just more comfortable in his presence. the amount of people soon died down, leaving only jaemin’s close friends and you.
“hey jeno, umm are you taking me home now?” you tapped him softly, causing him to fully face you.
“oh yeah, but i uh, don’t worry it’s dumb”
“no what is it?” you were hoping he would bring it up.
“it’s just, i thought we were going to swim together” he rubbed the back of his neck, eyes glued to the ground. you stepped towards him, placed your hands on the sides of his face, letting his eyes meet yours.
“say it to me again” your words shocked him.
“do you want to swim with me?” he asked.
“of course you idiot” you smirked before removing your dress, where your swimsuit laid under.
you sunk yourself into the pool, paddling around for a bit. jeno admired you in awe, the way your hair glistened under the moonlight.
he met you in the pool, first doing some small laps before meeting you in the middle.
you didn’t know what came over you but you paddled closer to him. he stayed in the same spot, watching as you slowly approached him.
“hey” you whispered
“hi” he replied back, not noticing how close you had gotten to his face.
“can i tell you something?” you placed your hands on his shoulders, instinctively wrapping your legs around his torso.
“s-sure” his breath fanned across your nose, causing you to smile.
“i really like you. and my heart is beating out of my chest right now.” you confessed, causing his eyes to widen, making him speechless.
“you don’t have to say anything yet. i’ll wait for you” you smiled, caressing his wet hair slowly.
“can i kiss you?” he whispered so softly.
you nodded eagerly, closing your eyes as he leaned closer to you. your hands were running the back of his neck, gliding through his wet hair. his lips fanned over yours, you were beginning to get impatient.
you sealed the kiss, whilst his hands moved on your sides.
the kiss didn’t go for too long, you both pulled away, slightly giggling at eachother.
“you’re so cute” you whispered under your breath, causing him to flash you his adorable eye smile.
“and so are you” he smirked before placing a small peck on your lips.
“ah fuck, jeno and y/n are making out guys!” donghyuck’s voice echoed, resuting in the rest of the boys rushing to the backyard.
“freaking finally” renjun cheered, before giving donghyuck a high five.
“could you guys not? it’s my pool” jaemin chuckled.
you and jeno quickly untangled yourselves. you ran out of the pool, most likely your entire face was flushed red.
“i-i’m sorry! i’ll go home now!” you quickly packed your things.
“i’m your ride though” jeno came up behind you and placed his arm protectingly on your waist.
“oh yeah right, thank you” you mumbled, leaning yourself into his chest.
“you can stay over if you want, i’m sure jeno would like it” jaemin offered, before smirking at the last remark, which caused you to go even more red.
“are you okay with staying?” jeno mumbled in your ear which sent a shiver down your spine.
“i-i mean sure, my parents aren’t home anyway” you shrugged slightly, facing jeno, giving him a small smile.
he nodded gleefully, leading you inside and past the group of boys. they all made their way to their designated sleeping spots in the living room. you followed jeno to the bathroom, before hopping in to quickly rinse yourself.
jeno has given you some sweat pants and one of his extra shirts to wear for the night. as you were getting changed, you could hear him talking to someone.
“dude, you hit the jackpot! she’s finally yours!” the voice, who you assumed was jaemin, exclaimed.
“yeah i guess, but i still have to take her out on a proper date you know?” jeno sighed.
“you guys have been on plenty of dates already! she’s into you dude, don’t hurt her because of your tendency to overthink okay?”
it was silent for a while, until you decided to exit the bathroom, acting as if you hadn’t heard a thing.
“y/n, jaemin said you could sleep in one of the guest rooms, if you’re not comfortable sleeping around us guys” jeno softly chuckled. you nodded in agreement before wrapping your arms around him.
“can you stay with me?” you mumbled into his chest, not realising that jaemin has slowly crept away from you two.
“you want me to sleep with you hm?” jeno could not wipe the smile off of his face, embracing you into his chest.
you looked up at him and gave him a small peck on his jaw before tugging on his sweater.
he led you to the guest room, saying goodnight to the boys before shutting the door.
he made his way to sit with you on the bed, gliding one of his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“i really really like you y/n” he mumbled into your shoulder, running small circles on your side.
“i really like you too, jeno” you responded before taking his hand in yours and intertwining them.
“will you be my girlfriend?” he avoided making eye contact with you once again. you turned towards him, making him face you, head on, with his hands holding yours.
“of course i’ll be your girlfriend” you smiled at him, before leaning in for another soft kiss. this time, his hands cupped your cheeks, moving your lips along with his. it was kind of sloppy, not all so sweet, but to you, it made you feel on cloud nine.
a few months into the relationship, you and jeno were cruising through it. you two weren’t completely all over eachother at school, nor when around the guys. you had both agreed to just simple hand holding, small hugs and soft kisses here and there.
one day, jeno invited you over to his house, to catch up on homework as well as spend a whole day together. it was your first time going over to his house, and you were kinda nervous to say the least. you began to have an unsettling feeling in your stomach, your relationship had essentially upgraded to the next level.
as jeno was sat next to you at his dining room table, scratching his head at the current essay question in front of him.
you were distracted from your own work, taking a moment to fully enhance yourself in the beauty that is lee jeno. the way his glasses slid midway on his nose, how he nibbles at his lip when trying to find the perfect response, how he subtly taps his fingers on the top of the table to concentrate.
“babe, stop staring, you’re throwing me off my game” he muttered beside you, giggling at his own words.
“i’m sorry you’re so good looking” you flirted with him, nudging his shoulder with your own. he looked up at you, shooting a classic eye smile, before placing a quick peck on your forehead and continuing to plan his essay.
after that day, you truly couldn’t help but feel more attracted to jeno. seeing him in his natural state, away from the hustle and bustle of school, made your heart swoon. he was extra cuddly and affectionate when you both were alone, which you thoroughly enjoyed. but you still had doubts, that maybe he was way too good to be true.
he was such an amazing boyfriend. he spoiled you with extra packed sandwiches for lunch, he surprised you with flowers the evening of one of your bad days. he was the embodiment of perfect. but you on the other hand, felt like you had to compete. you felt like you had to match his actions, otherwise, you weren’t good enough. the nights you spent dwelling on your emotions, ended in quiet sobs. you wanted to be good enough for lee jeno, god you wanted to give him the world. that’s when you realised, you were falling for him. hard. and you couldn’t pull yourself out even if you tried.
on a warm summer’s day, you quickly made your way past the school gates, instantly being met with jeno calling your name. you turned quickly, before being embraced by his arms.
“i missed you so much!” he mumbled into your shoulder, causing you to chuckle softly.
“jeno, we didn’t talk for just one weekend!”
“well i still missed you! how was the trip with your family anyway?” he continued the conversation. you were slightly annoyed that he hadn’t realised you had undergone a significant outward change. over the weekend with your family, you decided to cut your hair to just below your shoulders, and also coloured it a light, but subtle brown. your oblivious boyfriend had yet to point it out.
“yeah it was fun, did some kayaking, some board games, oh! we even went to like this aquarium type place-“
“babe” he suddenly interrupted.
“hm?” you paused briefly, hoping he had noticed.
“your hair! it looks amazing, gosh who let you look this good?!” he exclaimed, brushing his fingers softly through your new styled hair. you let out a laugh, gently pushing his shoulders back.
“took you long enough!” you teased “do you like it? i was kind of worried, it’s the first time i properly got a short type of cut” you rambled, looking at the ground.
“babe, you can change your hair, five times a week if you want to! it wouldn’t change the how gorgeous i think you are!” he placed a soft kiss on your forehead before taking your hand in his and walking you to your first class. you tried to hide the slight blush on your cheeks, this boy was going to be the death of you.
jeno was over at your house this time. you both sat, backs against the wall, while your legs sprawled over the bed. he had his arm around you, with his hand resting at your side. his head rested above your own, as he slowing placed kisses while you were both watching random videos online.
“jeno” you softly mumbled.
“yes?” he slowly moved himself so that you were able to face him.
“i have to get this off my chest, i feel so bad for not talking to you about this sooner-“
“wait, are you breaking up with me ? because i am so sorry if i have been a lousy boyfriend! it’s just that exams have drained me so mu-“
“oh my god no! i’m not breaking up with you!” you have him a panicked look before watching his facial expression soften.
“oh, that’s good. what’s up then?” he still had his arm around your torso, slowing rubbing your side.
“it’s just, i’m scared. i’m scared that one day you will just get up and leave. and i know that you won’t ever want to do that to me. but i just don’t see myself as somebody that’s worth sticking around. i’m scared you won’t be there for me.” tears brimmed your eyes. you took a small breath before burying your head into his shoulder. he was speechless, trying to find the right words to say.
“baby, i swear, i’m not going anywhere. as i have said before, you can change your hair, you could even change your name! okay that’s a bit crazy. but look, you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. those times where you would dance in the rain on the way home because you felt like people weren’t looking. when you choose to wear second hand clothing because you feel bad for wasting money on branded items. before we got together, i admired your ability to be your own person. to separate yourself from everybody else, in the most humble way possible. i admired your character. and i am so drawn to you, i don’t even know how i got so lucky. i’m falling for you so hard y/n. i love you”
at this point your were truly crying. your sobs wouldn’t stop. you embraced him deeply, letting your tears soak part of his hoodie.
“jeno, that was absolutely beautiful. you make me feel beautiful. i just want to be enough for you, because you deserve the world. and i hope that i can give you everything to make you happy. because god, your smile is what gets me through every day we have been together. what i’m trying to say is, i love you too. and i have never been more sure in my life on something before you came” you both were now tearing up. he pulled your face closer to his, staring at your lips. you wanted this more than anything. he made you feel secure. he made you feel you were on top of the world.
it didn’t take long for you to close the gap between you two. your hands reached for the sides of his face, pulling him closer if that were possible. one of his hands was attached to your waist, whilst the other landed on your cheek, slowing wiping away your tears.
as you pulled away, his eyes met yours.
“never change. not for anyone. promise me” he mumbled quietly, still prepared to attach your lips again.
“i promise” you answered instantly before allowing him to initiate the kiss.
he was head over heels for you, and all your quirks. finally, someone who accepted you for who you were.
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hwalovs · 5 years
Humanities Wings | San
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Pairing; San, Reader Warnings; Mentions of gore and death, Attack on titan Au! San’s a baby boy, You’re a fat bitch oops Genre; Angst, fluff Word count; 2k Summary; San decides to drop in while you’re doing paper, taking it upon himself, he decides to bring up an event from the recent expedition. 
A/n; i wrote this randomly while re-watching attack on titan edits over bts’ Not Today. 
The sun from the large window behind you wasn’t casting light in as it once was, and the soldiers once in the training grounds below were inside the mess hall eating the same boring food they got everyday. 
Your back and neck hurt, pains shooting down to your legs and hands cramping from the continuous paperwork Hongjoong insists you have to do as the captain. Commander Hongjoong was a great guy, the perfect person to be called Commander, truly. He had a stern gaze, did what was best for the rest of the regiment, and always knew when to call it quits while on expeditions outside the walls. 
You were the captain of the Special Operations squad, a squad containing soldiers that were more talented than the others; stronger, faster, more intelligent during expeditions. Your squad was the first made, you always picked between the top two from the top ten soldiers fresh from training. It wasn't a surprise that you’d lose one or two members from your squad every expedition. Always having to add a new person or two every spring after the most major expedition in the winter. Between the 5 members on your squad, one was never killed, always making it back by your side with only a scratch or two. His name was Seonghwa, top of his class and extremely skilled in all categories. 
Being said Captain of the Special Operations squad, it made you extremely important in the regiment. Being dubbed ‘Humanities Wings’ and Hongjoong’s closest friend. 
The other squad leaders didn't mind not being on top, they were all ranked by talent, the lowest being Squad Wooyoung. Wooyoung and his squad focused solely on experimenting and collecting data on the titans that lurked outside the walls surrounding the cities. Above him was Squad Yunho, Yunho was a quiet, gentle giant. Being one of your close friends and always giving the best hugs, he always lost the most squad members while on expeditions, some leaving a mark on his heart more than others. 
Last but not least, the man that came a close second to you, was Squad San. San was dubbed ‘Humanity's Strongest Soldier’ and with good reason, he was once a criminal in the underground city, fighting everyday to live. You were the only one that was able to beat him in hand to hand combat, which made his ego deflate just a little every time. His squad barely had any casualties, maybe once every two years. He got to choose his squad members just like you did, but got to choose from the top ten, not the top two like you. 
Glancing to the top of your desk, there laid a large bulky yellow envelope. Inside contained the two patches from the fallen in your squad, you reached up and grabbed said envelope. Opening it and holding the two bloodied patches in your hand while leaning back in your chair. One belonged to a new recruit, she looked scared before the expedition, and screamed bloody murder while being chewed in half by a titan. She hesitated going to kill it, causing her own doom. The other belonged to a boy you picked a few years ago, you didn't think he’d die, you blocked off how he died in your memory. 
Leaning down and opening the last drawer on your desk, you dropped the patches in, letting them lay with the other patches that already occupied the space. Sighing, you grabbed an empty sheet of paper and began writing a letter to their families, saying how they served humanity strongly and bravely. 
A knock at your door took your attention away from your writing, saying a quiet and rough “Come in,” before looking back down. 
The sound of the door opening echoed throughout the room, clicking of the uniforms leather boots against the floor coming closer to you before you heard them sit down in a chair in front of your desk. 
“You’re going to permanently form your neck like that if you continue to sit like that,” You sighed, looking up and meeting eyes with San. 
“I cant write sitting up straight like you can, you idiot. Now, what do you want? I have paperwork to sign and letters to write and send out before dinner,” You replied back, looking over his attire. The light brown cropped jacket every soldier is required to wear is nowhere to be seen, most likely propped up on the back of his office chair down the hallway. The cravat he wears around his neck blends into the crisp white shirt he wore. Contrasting deeply against his pale, yet healthy, skin. Usually after expeditions, every squad leader is assigned a mountain of paperwork, taking their attention away from social events, like meetings with their squad, and food, causing the usual glow they give off to fade into a pale color. 
“Just came to check on you- after all, you are my favorite squad leader,” he says while giving you a wide smile. His pearly white teeth on display, you glared at him, lips turned down into a sneer. 
“I’m your captain, higher ranking, you better remember that.” 
“Oh, I remember. I just really, really, like to tease you,” he said, arm coming up to drape over the back of the chair, leg coming up to cross the other. You shook your head slightly, sighing out softly before leaning back down to continue writing. 
Some days, San would bring in a book and sit down on the sofa, which was positioned along one of the walls in your office. He’d sit and read until you were ready to go eat, you always thought nothing of it. Other days he’d come in with arms full of packaged sweets and two cups of tea, exclaiming how you needed to cook off and to replenish your sweet supply so he wouldn’t have to worry about his own supply. He’d drop all the sweet on your desk abruptly, yet carefully put down the two elegantly decorated cups filled full tea. Each time he brought a cup, it would be different for you, yet the same for him, always black tea for him. 
“I was worried about you this time, you know,” he broke the silence, speaking softly. The pen scratching against paper stopped suddenly, breath coming short. Never, ever did you like talking about expeditions. It was a waste of time thinking back to how your comrades died gruesomely, grieving over people who you weren’t close to. San notices when you stop, not bringing your attention back to him.
“You shouldn’t have gone after him, you know, you both couldn’t die. Seonghwa would’ve been fine-“ 
“He would’ve died if I didn’t do what I did, he would’ve been torn apart and devoured if I didn’t push him,” you glared hard at him, he knew he shouldn’t be talking about it, he knew that you always get harsh and close yourself off anytime he brings up a close death to young Seonghwa, you always managed to save him. 
“How do you know? Maybe he was luring it so he could make a clean kill, maybe-“ you cut him off once again,
“Wooyoung checked his gear when we came back, it was broken, must have locked up when he went in for the kill. If I didn’t do what I did, he’d be dead right now. My best- my top soldier would be dead, and I cannot have that,” you stressed out, finally looking up to San. His lips pursed, looking down to the floor and grimacing slightly at how dirty it was.
“I know you did what you thought was right, but it would’ve cost you your life. Don’t you see that? The regiment would’ve lost their best soldier,” San said, his voice rising slowly as he continued. You narrowed your eyes, leaning back once more. 
“And what if It did, hm? I bet you’d be damn happy if I was gone, at least you wouldn’t have to fight for my title anymore,” you sneered, voice staying level. Sans featured morphed then, eyes narrowing and mouth opening slightly while scoffing. He rose from the chair, slamming his hands down on your desk, a loud ‘bang’ resonating around the room.
“My god, (y/n), you really think this of about some damn title?! I almost had a heart attack when I saw you go after him, I almost lost you. And for the love of god, I am not fighting for your title. I think you rightfully deserve it, not me. I came in here to tell you that I was worried and I was happy you’re alive, but you’re always that bitch aren’t you? Making everything about everybody else,” he yelled, you sat in shock, San never yelled at you like this. 
“Let me worry about you for once! Let me care about you because I want to, not because we’re comrades.” He stated, pushing up from your desk. He ran a hand through his dark hair, pushing it back from his eyes. 
You felt your chest contract then, heart dropping at what he was saying. Your stomach did a few flips, taking in how his eyes were full of hurt and anger. Have you taken it too far this time? 
Silence filled the office, his gaze casted to the floor. Either he was trying to find something to say, or waiting for your reply. 
“You know I don’t want anybody to worry about me, not with our line of work, San” you said softly back, finally finding your words. He chuckled softly, hands finding his hips. He looked back at your, red beginning to rim his eyes. You felt a bolt of worry shoot down your body, mind blurry and feet getting cold from blood loss. 
“Then I guess I should’ve found a different line of work, huh?” He sounded so hurt, so lost. 
“What did you come in here for, San, really,” you spoke softly, the thought of being any louder scared you, for the first time something scared you. 
“I came to talk to you, about this,” he gestured between you both, “but it seems like you don’t feel any type of way I do,” voice cracking, San takes a step back. You stand suddenly, and his eyes shoot up to yours as if you suddenly screamed out. You rounded your desk at the speed of light and wrapped your arms around his middle. You could feel his breathing stop, he didn’t move. 
You and San, captain and squad leader. There were unspoken feelings from between you both, you did take note in it all, in all of his hints. From the way he glanced at you during meetings, the way he sorted the candy so that you got all the good kind. How his brows furrowed when you took it too far during training, how he seemed close to tears when he saw you get smacked out of the air like a fly on an expedition years ago. How he would be the one waking you up when you slept in, making sure you got the best looking bread and the hottest soup during meals. How he would offer to take some paperwork so you didn’t have to overwork yourself.
“You never know what another person feels, San,” you began, cheek pressed against his chest. 
“I didn’t say anything since I wanted to protect us both, I didn’t-don’t-want to start anything if it means one of us will get hurt in the end,” his check collapsed with a sob, taking in your rejection hard, beginning to pull away. You quickly tighten your grip, fear lacing your veins. 
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel anything for you, because I do. I feel for you as strongly as you feel for me, but the last thing I want is for you to grieve over me,” finally he wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest. 
“I could protect you, we could protect each other, we could make it work,” he pleaded, tear dropping from his nose to your cheek. You felt your eyes get hot, you never cried. 
“I just don’t want to lose you after this,” he whispered softly, leaning his chin on top of your head. 
You knew it was wrong, wanting to start something with him when the possibility of death was inevitable, but the never ending thought of having him, holding him, finally basking in the feelings you kept locked away in a cage so long, felt too good to let slip away once more.
A\n; oops
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huntertales · 7 years
And Then Comes Baby In a Baby Carriage. | S12 Rewrite AU
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Pairings: Dean x Reader (Series Rewrite Setting) Word Count: 12,041. Summary: You learn you're pregnant with Dean Winchester's baby. While the news is exciting, the months leading to your due date are anything but smooth for an expecting hunter. (Full description below.) Warnings: Spoilers for season twelve! (Takes place during the timeline of "There's Something about Mary" and "Who We Are.") Mentions of child birth, threats against the reader, canon violence and death.
Part One | Part Two | Drabble | SPN Rewrite Masterlist
Nobody asked for this...but I decided to write a second part to a little story that I wrote about over a month ago. (I wanted this up at Father's Day and I should be working on my current episode rewrite and not this. But oops.) This also kind of goes as a season twelve finale rewrite. I had a bit of inspiration from this particular scene for the plot. I had an extreme amount of fun writing this, but it does contain a lot of spoilers, I'm afraid. And if pregnant type of stories aren't your cup of tea, oh well. I hope you guys enjoy this! (I really did...and it comes with a very happy ending. ^_^)
Supernatural Season Twelve AU: What if the boys managed to kill Dagon with the colt at the playground? What if, as the result, Kelly gives birth to a healthy baby boy and lives to raise the child? Everything goes back to normal, well, the best that it can. Problems still linger with the British Men of Letters after one of their own suffers a fatal end, resulting in dire consequences for revenge. They want every American hunter eliminated. All of them...except for you.
Two months ago you heard the best news of your life; you were expecting, not one, but two little bundles of joy. You were still trying to wrap your head around the idea that you were being given the chance to bring another life into this world. You thought your life would be cut short by the age of thirty due to some hunt that went wrong. But here you were, sitting in a quiet little diner with Dean, staring at the ultrasound pictures of the fetuses that were growing in your stomach. It was the fourth month mark in your pregnancy, and the third doctor’s appointment you and Dean had just wrapped up not too long ago. You waited for Sam to come and meet you, as you had some exciting news to tell him. The doctor said at this point of your pregnancy the fetus has developed a lot of the important features and likes to stretch their tiny limbs and make some very strange faces. And, of course, you could find out the gender of the babies.  
 After wrapping up the doctor's appointment and finding out for yourself the exciting news, you decided to have a little fun for the announcement. You dragged Dean to the nearest toy store to find something that you could use to do a cute little gender reveal for Sam for this exciting moment. You roamed around for a while until you got the perfect shades that matched with the identity of the babies. And after forcing Dean to get them all nicely gift wrapped, you waited for the man to make his way to the diner. He texted you a few minutes ago saying he was almost here, but you were growing antsy for his arrival, wanting to tell him the good news. You distracted yourself for a few more minutes by looking at the pictures when Dean pointed at the funny face baby number two was making. Soon, you found yourself being so caught up in the idea of what the twins were doing, you didn’t realize some of your party arrived without saying a word.
 You glanced up for a moment, feeling like someone's eyes were on you, making you think it was the waitress who had come back to see if you made up your mind yet. Instead you saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at you from across the booth. Somehow, he always managed to sneak up on you without you realizing it, causing you to let out a gasp of surprise and the ultrasound to slip out of your hands and drift to the table.
 “Cas!” You hissed the angel’s name out as you let out a breath. You rested a hand against your chest, feeling your heartbeat slowly drift off to a normal pace when you realized the stranger was just him. After so many years, you thought you would be able to get used to his ability to sneak up on anyone. But you always managed to jump out of your skin every time. “Don’t do that, man.”
 "I thought we agreed you'd give us a heads up on when you were gonna start popping your feathery ass up." Dean said. He reached out a hand to grab the picture from the table as Cas mentioned something about how his phone died. The angel was quicker than the Winchester, he snatched the ultrasound pictures and took a moment to examine them. His eyes squinted slightly as his head turned to try and make out what your babies looked like. Cas made a remark about how uncomfortable Baby Number One was feeling right now. You rolled your eyes and leaned over the table, grabbing the picture from him. "Where's Sam? Thought he was with you."
 “He was. But he was interested in purchasing a few more things at the bookstore.” Cas explained to you. You nodded your head, understanding how much of a nerd Sam could be. The angel looked down at the shopping bag that you had resting on the floor and next to your feet. He took notice there were two small boxes in there, wrapped with a shimmery looking paper and a pale yellow bow to add a bit of decoration. “What’s that?”
 “It's a secret.” You told him. You looked ahead to see that Sam had finally arrived at the diner with a paper bag full of books about lore, you probably guessed. You waved a hand in the air to catch his attention, a smile spread across your lips in anticipation as Sam headed over and took a seat next to Cas. “Well, it’s about time. Dean and I have some exciting news for you both.”
 “You're having triplets?” Sam joked. His brother looked a bit horrified at the thought of having yet another one added to the mix, the thought of twins was a bit nerve wracking in itself. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. “So, how’d the doctor’s go? Everything look okay?”
 “Everything is absolutely perfect. They're healthy and growing right on track. I’m doing well, too. Twins are usually a risky pregnancy, not to mention, I'm not exactly in my twenties anymore. But the doctor said everything should be all right if we keep up with the appointments. Also...I found something that might help us start decorating the nursery." You said. You managed to bend down and grab the bag from the floor. Handing out the wrapped presents, you gave one each to the men sitting across from you. “Uncle Sam and Uncle Cas, you get to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy.”
 “Oh, that's easy. It's—”
“Cas, don't.” Dean warned the angel, stopping him from blabbering it out like it was common knowledge and have you become angry at the hard work you put into these gifts. “I didn't spend the last hour and a half with Y/N strolling around some girly shop to hear you say it. Just open the damn box and find out yourselves.”
Dean pretended to be annoyed at Cas from his attempt at being helpful. But to be honest, he wanted to see his little brother’s reaction to the news. With each appointment and month that passed on the calendar, he was growing more excited at the thought of having children to raise. It wasn’t that long ago each of them were kicking back and talking about leaving a legacy behind for them to do whatever they want. And here it was, actually happening. He leaned back in his seat and draped his arm over the cushioned seat, letting it rest on your shoulder, leading you to scooch yourself closer and rest against him.
The both of you watched as Sam started to open the present, Cas followed behind a moment later. It took a second before the table was covered with ripped wrapping paper and bows. Sam inhaled a quiet breath and took off the top of the box. Peering inside, a smile stretched across his lips as he picked up a small bear, the fur in a pale pink.
“Oh, dude. You're in for…” Sam examined the bear for a moment and looked over at Cas, thinking that you were carrying twin girls. He noticed the angel was holding a stuffed bear that appeared to be almost identical to his, all though, there was a slight difference in the fur. As the angel’s was in the shade of blue. Sam furrowed his brow and looked at the both of you from across the table. It was your turn to smile. “Wait, are you saying—”
“They're having fraternal twins. One boy, one girl.” Cas explained to the younger Winchester, who had known since just last week. But he kept the information to himself, despite offering it as your doctor’s appointment came up. You shook your head and mumbled a thank you to Cas for the very supportive help. The angel didn't realize you were being sarcastic with him. “You're welcome, Y/N.” 
Sam let out a small chuckle from the angel’s awkward behavior that he would never grow tired of hearing be exchanged between you and Cas. He held the bear tighter and looked at looked at it for a moment, a smile began creeping at the ends of his lips again, it was the kind where all of this seemed to be too surreal. He'd always wanted a bit of a normal life, back when he swore off hunting for good, chose all nighters for tests instead of research and the stress of almost dying for a job as a lawyer. But here he sat, almost twelve years later, everything that he'd never thought would happen was coming true. His mother was alive, the bunker turned into a safe haven that almost felt like it was built for all three of you, and he was becoming an uncle. Perhaps life wasn’t so bad anymore. Him and his brother had a true reason to keep on fighting. 
+ + + 
To say your pregnancy was uneventful would have been a lie. You managed to find the colt again, kill a prince of Hell, save Kelly Kline and her unborn child. All while in the process you’d had one fatality: a British Men of Letter. While the events didn't lead in that order, you were forced to being benched out for most of the action, leaving your only sight the walls of the bunker when the boys were out. There wasn't a chance you were going to put yourself in danger, but you were going a bit stir crazy.  But you were finding things seeming to start growing more hectic with each month that you crossed off on the calendar.
Kelly Kline was on top of your priority list to make sure she had a happy ending, you didn't want to see her unborn child get hurt in the process, despite it being the literal spawn of Satan. While she jumped around from town to town, you managed to find her exact location, and a way to save her. You were put under lockdown for safety and thrown back into your old job of research, something you did before hunting with the Winchesters. It took a trip down memory lane before you realized how to save Kelly. 
Her child was a nephilim; half human, half angel. You hadn’t dealt with something like this before, but you would be damned to let the only outcome end in murder. It took a bit of time to figure out an exact plan, but you did it. How did an angel get their wings? From their grace, of course. If you had managed to find her in time and take away the baby’s grace, it might become a human again. While you had found the solution, the outcome was anything but easy. Dagon, a pesky demon that had been keeping Kelly on the run, had posed as a challenge. The boys, Eileen, a hunting buddy you had become friends with just a few years ago, and Mick along with another British Men of Letter hunter had come face to face with Dagon. But it didn’t end with a victory.
It was an accident when Eileen tried saving the day by grabbing the colt and shooting Dagon. Instead, she shot Mick’s partner, almost resulting in her own death after the brainwashing he’d been through from the Men of Letters and their precious code. Thankfully the boys managed to calm Mick down. But that didn't make you let it slide, with your raging hormones, you ripped him a new one when you saw him later that night. 
Dagon was killed just a few weeks ago after that incident. Sam had been the one who put a bullet between the demon’s eyes and saved the day. It was just a few days ago that Kelly gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Jack. You had gotten a few photos from Cas after he decided to stay with Kelly and make sure she was doing all right. While you had put the end of the world to bed, you had more trouble brewing with the British Men of Letters.
Through the process of saving the world once again, you were growing more and more, to the point where you were uncomfortable in your own skin. You couldn't do a task that seemed normal before like putting on your damn shoes before needing some extra help. None of your maternity clothes fit properly anymore, your back hurt all the time, and you ate just about anything that wasn't nailed down. Your last appointment with the doctor was just a few days ago, and he reassured you that everything was going as normal. You should be soon to deliver in the next two weeks or so. Much sooner than you were expecting to hear.
As you gotten into your third and final trimester, you had buckled down on getting the bunker baby ready. The nursery for the babies were almost done; you painted, gotten the best crib money could buy, bought all sorts of clothes the twins would grow through in a few short months and had an army supply of diapers on hand. While you were materialistically ready and had all the books on hand, you were starting to grow nervous with the familiar worries that clogged your head when you couldn't sleep at night and the babies punched and kicked for room. What if you weren’t a good mother? How the hell were you going to raise them in an underground bunker? Were you going to raise them to know about the supernatural? 
Lucky for you, Dean had been nothing been short of supportive. He helped you with the back pain and listened to your every woe and anger when your hormones gotten out of control. He was a bit nervous himself at the idea of fatherhood, but he reassured you everything was going to be okay. But someone that you had been a bit hopeful in being part of your pregnancy wasn’t around for most of it. 
Mary had been growing distant with you ever since she had started working with the British Men of Letters, and when she found out you were pregnant. Everything for her had been a hard pill to swallow since she had been brought back from the dead, learning that her oldest son was about to have twins, making her grandmother—now that was something which took some time for her to process. She tried her hardest over the months to pretend that nothing was wrong. When Mary was around, she was helpful, and actually seemed joyful at the idea of having a little one at her disposal whenever she wanted. You were a bit hopeful that she would come back around, you wanted someone like her around. As she had been a mother of a six month old when she passed. And you wanted to get closer to the mother of your husband and best friend. 
While you and the boys had tried giving her the space she wanted, you were more urgent than ever to find out where she was when things started growing eerily suspicious. It started off when you heard about the mysterious death of Eileen a few weeks after Kelly had given birth. She went back home to Ireland after she killed that snarky Brit. You had known it was just an accident, but she was afraid of the consequences that might have followed her. While you had talked to her just a week and a half ago, you had gotten a call from Jody Mills that Eileen's body was found in the middle of the woods in South Carolina a few nights ago. From the crime scene pictures Jody had sent over unwillingly after the boys had gone down to see it for themselves, it was easy to suspect that Eileen was killed by a hellhound. 
But the pattern didn't start with Eileen, she was just one of the several hunters that seemed to have been dropping like flies. You and Sam called around, talking to other hunters to see what was going on, wondering why people with decades of experience were meeting bloody ends. You couldn't come up with much, but after a trip to the post office, you had gotten a letter from Eileen four days before she was killed, asking if she could bunk with you and the boys after arriving back in the states. She had expressed about how she was scared for her life. She told you that she suspected her phone and computer were being tapped into, the only suspect that she could think of was the British Men of Letters. And the dots connected themselves. 
If they wanted her dead, who’s to say they didn’t want to do the same to the brothers? After all, they had been the reason why she managed to escape. And why Mick didn’t put a bullet in her like how they wanted. You helped the best you could to sweep the place, but from how big your stomach was getting, you quit halfway through and left yourself to relax in the war room. You leaned back in the seat as you watched the boys tear this place part from top to bottom. They searched in every single little crack and overturned whatever object that might appear small enough to sneak a device into. Sam was busy playing around with the radio Dean circled around the table, his hands checking underneath to see if he might find anything besides the loaded gun that was kept for emergencies. All these months the Brits had wanted you on their team, but it seemed they revoked your invitation when you screwed up. 
Dean decided to crouch down on the ground and look underneath to see if he could finding something. And he did from how his face changed ever so quickly into caution when the tips of his fingers ever so lightly brushed against something foreign. You didn't need to see for yourself that he'd found exactly what you had feared. Dean waved a hand at his brother, catching the man’s attention as he pointed a finger at the microphone hidden underneath the table. Sam headed over and took a look for himself. This wasn’t good. Not at all. You subconsciously rested your hands on your stomach as the boys exchanged a look. 
"Those hunters you were talking to, was one of them Terry Marsh?" Dean asked his little brother out of the blue. You furrowed your brow at the man and mouthed what he was doing, he shook his head at you, knowing it'd be better to keep your lips sealed on this one as he gestured for Sam to play along. If they wanted to play games, so could the boys.
"Yeah, Terry Marsh from Missouri.” Sam continued on with the little charade, keeping his anger hidden for a few moments longer, letting the people listening in on your conversation into believing that you were going on with your  life like normal. “I talked to him. He, uh, he's also thinking it's not monsters doing the real killing.” 
"Okay. I got a text from him. He's been nosing around, says he got a fair idea of what's going on." Dean said. His brother wondered what it might have been. "He doesn't feel safe talking on the phone, he wants to meet. The old ironworks on the interstate. Tomorrow night at nine. He says park off the road by the warehouse. I think I’ve got the address written down somewhere.”
Dean gestured a hand at you to grab some paper and a pen. You looked around until you spotted the supplies just across the table. Sliding it over to him, you watched as Dean wasted no time in writing down something before tapping the pen against his message. You leaned over in your seat to read what he had scribbled. “Y/N needs to get out of town. Somewhere safe.” 
It was pretty easy to assume there was an unfair war brewing between the Americans and British hunters from what was going on here. If they were picking off the American hunters, you couldn’t just sit here in the bunker, waiting for them to reveal their full plan. Dean was right you needed to get out of here before things went south. You had two little lives to think about, also. It was going to be tricky to figure out where the boys could send you off for a while until they could figure this situation out. One in particular had popped up into your head. You'd talked to her not that long ago, and things for her seemed completely fine. Full Time sheriff, part time hunter, mother of two wayward girls—and she was only six hours away. 
You reached out and written a name on the paper that came to mind. “Jody?”
+ + + 
The very next day, you and the boys wasted no time in getting the plan into action. You knew it wasn't safe to be around the bunker. It was proven over the past few months that the British Men of Letters could just come and go however they pleased. Dean wanted to drive you down to South Dakota himself to make sure you got there safely. But he wouldn’t make it back in time for the deadline by tonight. And while you thought you would make it on your own, the three of you made a compromise. The boys would trail behind for the first half of the ride to make sure that you weren't being followed before all of you would depart ways.
Jody Mills might be a bit surprised to see you from the last time you met, as you weren't eight and a half months pregnant and asking to crash for a few days, but with the things all of you had been through together, you were sure she wouldn't mind. After all, she was always asking when you and the boys were going to come back down for a visit. You had been wanting to see Claire and Annie again, too. If a cop, a hunter and a vampire couldn’t keep you safe, nothing could. And it wasn’t like you couldn’t pick up a gun and shoot someone if you needed to.
Three and half hours, you were already halfway though Nebraska with no complications. The boys had turned around after you had wrapped up a phone conversation with Sam to let them know, yet again, you were completely fine. One of the blessings of having a car that wasn't made twenty years before you were born was that you had all the bells and whistles of new technology to make a phone call without even lifting a hand from the steering wheel. You made it to the four hour mark and just a little closer to the border when you looked to see how you were doing with gas. You should have been fine for a little while longer. You noticed that you were starting to get dangerous low. Letting out a quiet sigh, you were a bit annoyed at the inconvenience that was going to set you back a few minutes, but it was better than being stranded in the middle of nowhere when you neglected to fill up. 
You were driving through a small town when you pulled into a gas station that was in the direction of your way. You pulled up to one of the pumps and shut off the car, reaching for your bag, you found yourself struggling just a bit with your stomach constantly making you feel out of breath. You persisted on as you got out and paid for a full tank. While waiting, you tried, yet again, to see if you could get ahold of Cas by phoning him after you texted the boys saying you were making a small pit stop. But the angel’s phone rang...and rang, until you gotten the same voicemail. You let out a frustrated sigh and left him another message, telling him to call you back. It was urgent. Rolling your eyes at how out of touch the angel could be with the world, you shoved your phone back into the bag for safekeeping. 
You pulled out your wallet after getting your credit card back from the slot. All though it was a fake card that you had stolen off someone, like you’d been doing for well over a decade, this one of the only forms of money you had, minus the hundred dollars in bills you carried for emergencies. You were about to slip it back into the slot when you accidentally lost your grip on the plastic, letting it slip to the ground. You clenched your fists at what you had done. It was almost impossible for you to bend down and grab anything, you could barely put on shoes without having one of the boys help you. Looking around the gas station parking lot, you realized that you were alone, and running out of options here. You contemplated on heading into the gas station to ask the person behind the counter to help you. But it seemed that you had bystander in the mood to do their act of kindness. 
“Need some help, love?” 
Peering slightly over your shoulder, you looked down at the pavement to see your credit card was gone, but replaced with a pair of spotless oxfords that were too expensive looking to be from this side of town. The accent alone should have been a signal that something was wrong, but ever so slowly, you dragged your gaze up to see the person standing in front of you. The sight of his face alone made your blood run cold as your eyes widened slightly from the sunglasses that you hadn’t taken off since the car ride began. It was enough to conceal your surprise as you quickly reached for the gun that you had in your bag to try and use the only form of protection you had against any sort of threat. But your fingers barely grazed the top of the bag before you felt his hand roughly yank your arm so he could see it. 
You froze directly in your spot when you felt the barrel of Ketch’s gun press against your stomach. The look on his face seemed to have been nothing short of pleasure, he gotten you exactly where he wanted you to. Letting his grip from your arm loose, he tested his luck by reaching out and pushed your sunglasses to the top of your head, wanting to look at you directly in the eye. Maybe he thought you were going to cower in fear. You stared at him directly in the eye. While you had contemplated on screaming, as it was your last card to play, you happened to glance down at his shirt to notice something. There was a small stain on the cuff of his shirt, and with a closer inspection, you noticed the dark color was blood. And you had a feeling it wasn’t his. Looking up to face him again, Ketch’s grinning face of satisfaction was the last thing you saw before you felt a sharp pain in the side of your head, causing your vision to go black. 
+ + + 
You narrowed your eyes slightly on the clock from across the bunker, wondering what time it was, and how long ago your ass had fell asleep after sitting here since getting back. Everything was a bit blurry. Perhaps it would was a small concussion Ketch gave you after bashing your skull in, or maybe they gave you something to keep you compliant. You concentrated hard enough as your vision started to focus again, managing to read the time that it was just a little after midnight. You knew the boys should have been back home around this time after their own adventure. You could hear the lock from the top of the staircase beginning to turn, and a second later, the door opened up with a few pairs of boots descending down the staircase and Dean’s voice echoing through the bunker. 
You moved your eyes away from the wall to stare at the man that was next to you from the corner of your. If you could be quick enough, you might have been able to grab his gun and shoot him in the head. Just because you were eight months pregnant and had your hands tied in front of you didn't mean you were weak. But your thoughts of an escape died when you felt the barrel of Ketch's gun press against the temple of your head, a subtle warning to keep quiet. Even though they wanted you very much alive, for reasons you didn’t understand quite yet, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be too upset if he just shot you to make some kind of point. The longer you had gotten to know him, you had a feeling there was something absent in Ketch’s conscious. 
"Just so we’re clear. You call Ketch and tell him if he wants to see you alive, he gets his prissy ass over here.” 
“Interestingly, his prissy arse is already here.” 
Ketch stepped out from behind the library wall with his other partner, surprising the boys with his appearance that they had partly expecting to see. Sam didn’t back down when he drew out his own gun and pointed it directly at the man. But the Brits were just a few steps ahead of them. Not only did they have a few more men that appeared from each entrance of the bunker, surrounding the Winchesters and their special guest, Toni Bevell. But he had a bit of leverage himself. Ketch took a step over to the side, keeping his gun pointed at the brothers as he outstretched his left arm to the other side of the wall to retrieve something. You could feel yourself being dragged to your feet and into the open. Before anything else could happen, Ketch pressed the barrel of his gun against the side of your head, making sure to the power in his position. 
“Ah, ah. Hands where I can see them, Dean. Wouldn’t want to cut our fun so short for a foolish move.” Ketch warned Dean as he got ready to pull out his gun and shoot the man directly in the head for the stunt he pulled. A smirk spread across his lips at how easy it seemed that he had gotten things. He directed his gaze to his fellow partner and asked her to do the simplist of a task to get this show on the road. “Lady Bevell, would you mind disarming them?” 
Toni seemed all too pleased to do so from the smug little smirk that started to grow on her face. Sam slowly reached his hand away from the gun and tried to offer up his surrender. But you knew these brothers like the back of your hand, they weren’t going to give up so easily because they were surrounded. All it took was just one simple look in the eye before hell broke loose. Toni reached out to grab the gun from Sam, but he managed to overpower her, grabbing his free hand to tightly embrace her into his grip, shooting one of the guards directly in the forehead. Dean was smooth himself, not even having to lift the gun directly out from behind him to shoot another. You could feel a smirk starting to spread across your lips at what they done, but it only lasted for a second before you being thrown behind the wall as Ketch opened fire. 
Gunshots broke out as everyone ducked for cover You were back where you started as Ketch peered over the wall, trying his hardest to get a clear shot at one of the Winchesters when Sam took Toni as a hostage. Everything went silent for a second when everyone regrouped, trying to figure out how to handle this. Ketch waved his gun at one of his men to go on, as an  attempt for a sneak attack neither of the boys would expect, but they knew this place better than them. Dean wasn’t no second in following behind, disappearing from sight. You heard a few more shots go off, Ketch tried to take a hit at Sam, as the other retaliated, trying to keep him busy. While Ketch drew back his fire for a moment to figure out where he could hit Sam next, the younger Winchester knew that he didn't need to do much more work. 
You could always count on Dean for being quiet. You didn't even see him approach yourself until you moved your head just slightly to see his figure come out from the corner of your eye. You watched as he didn't break from his concentration, and like a predator sneaking up on his prey, he went in for the kill. Dean took one step before before he was on his knees, smoothly gliding himself over and snatching the gun right out of Ketch's hands. Now it was Ketch's turn to see how it felt when his own gun was pressed against the back of his head. 
“Get up.” Dean ordered, forcing the man up to his feet. You managed to get yourself to your feet after Dean forced Ketch to untie your hands before pushing him to the small steps that lead to the war room. You pressed a hand against your stomach, feeling the twins kick and punch, obviously, it seemed the both of them had been excited at what had gone down. “You all right, sweetheart?” 
“Fine. I’m fine. They’re just overwhelmed with what’s gone down today.” You said, reassuring the man. You stepped out to the open to see that you might have Toni and Ketch exactly where you wanted them, but you lost count of how many other people you’ve seen come through. “How many more of your goons are in here?” 
Ketch didn’t answer, so Dean tried another question. “Our mom—where is she?!”
All you gotten in return from the man was more silence. But it seemed you gotten your answer when you looked behind Sam to see it was Mary herself, a small smile stretched across your lips at the sight of her once more. She must have known something was going on when she came out from behind Sam with her gun drawn out and pointed it at, who you were presuming, was Ketch. 
"Ah, speak of the Devil." Ketch thought it was smart to make a remark, not seeming to be afraid of the position that he had landed himself in. 
“Perfect timing, Mom.” Sam said, keeping his back to the woman with his own gun still on Ketch. 
“Just stay where you are.” Mary instructed with a calm tone.
Ketch didn't feel like playing fair tonight. He tried his hardest to bend down and grab the gun that was just mere inches from his feet. But Dean was quick to grab a hold of the man and press the gun harder against Ketch's head. "Hey!" Dean warned the man. “You heard her.” 
Mary looked at her son with a calm, almost void expression from what she said next. "I was talkin' to you." 
You furrowed your brow in concern when you looked her way to figure out what had gotten into her. Mary had been gone for weeks at a time, and you given her all the space that you needed to get her to adjust to the twenty-first century. But the woman standing across the way wasn't the same person you had remembered. You were about to ask her what was going on, but the only noise that came out of your mouth was a sharp gasp of surprise when she took another shot, a warning when it was aimed just a foot from where her own son was standing. Dean flinched, not expecting that to happen, but it was enough for Ketch to break free. He managed to snatch the gun out of Dean's hand and grab his own, all before you felt Ketch press the barrel of his gun against the temple of your head and his arm wrapped around your neck, pinning you in place. 
“Hey!” Sam didn’t waste a second in pointing his gun at the man, his face hardening at what he was trying to do. “Ketch, stop.” 
Of course, the man didn’t listen, he had all of you exactly where he wanted. You watched as Mary approached Sam to take the gun out of his hands. And just like that, the tables had been turned on the three of you all over again. You glanced over at Dean to see that he was growing more worried about the outcome of this situation than the anger he once felt before. His mother wasn't herself,  the mother of his children was being held at gunpoint, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
“Mummy was always a talented hunter.” Toni said, stepping away from Sam when she was finally free from his grip. You turned your gaze over to her to give the bitch a deathly glare. She just stared at you with a smug smile, knowing she yet again her plan had been executed exactly as she had planned. “Just somewhat...confused about obeying orders.” 
“What did you do to her?” Dean questioned the both of them. 
“Lady Bevell cleared up that...confusion. And I suspect she told you that the American hunters are a dying breed. Well, for this generation, at least.” Ketch decided that it would be more comfortable by roughly taking ahold of your arm, but keeping the gun close to you as he continued on moving forward to the staircase. You didn’t have a good feeling about this. “You know, I’m not a personal fan of children. They’re messy, scream and whine for attention. And when I heard Mrs. Winchester was carrying two, I have to say, I was a bit disappointed. She could have made a great addition to the British Men of Letters.” 
“You son of a bitch.” Dean nearly growled the insult from what he was hearing. You noticed that he was trying his hardest to remain calm about the situation and figure out a way to get all of you out of this without getting hurt. His eyes wandered to your prominent stomach, you could see the fear glaze over in his eyes at the thought of something happening to you, or worse, the twins. "I swear to God, if you hurt—" 
“Oh, I’m not all that heartless, Mr. Winchester. Y/N is very much good alive to us than dead. She’s harboring something we want very much. Who would've thought there would have been another generation of Winchesters? These twins have hunting in their blood. And their parents are one of the best I’ve seen in the business. I believe they’re destined to become one of us. A hunter.” Ketch explained the true reasoning of why he had wanted to see you alive. They wanted your own children, for the sick idea of raising them to become like him. “We’ll see that Y/N is kept under only the best conditions until her due date. We want these buggers nice and healthy, now.” 
"If you even lay even just one finger on her, or try anything..." Sam spoke very slowly, but there was no caution in his voice as he tightly clenched his fists. "I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you." 
Ketch let out an amused chuckle from the threat that stayed just as words that were supposed to make him terrified. But he wasn't. You could feel the horror of the plan settle into your mind. tried your hardest to somehow fight your grip out from Ketch, but he proved to be stronger, forcing you to take the lead up the staircase. You looked over your shoulder to give the boys a look, perhaps it was an apology for not being careful enough, or maybe it was pure fear from what was going to happen. Sam tried his hardest to remain strong, but Dean, poor Dean was slowly falling to shambles with an expression that could appear cold and hard. But you could see his true feelings in his eyes. As Toni began walking to the staircase, presuming her job was done here, Ketch stopped her before she could take another step by pointing his gun at her. 
“Oh. For heaven’s sake, where do you think you’re going?” Ketch asked his fellow partner. Toni looked at the man with a confused expression, wondering what he was doing. “Remember at Kendrick's, how they taught us that we were all expendable? That wasn’t idle chat.” 
You winced in slight pain when Ketch ushered you again to keep walking by squeezing on your arm again. You knew there was no fighting this, as Ketch kept the gun pressed against you and Mary followed behind with her own finger on the trigger. You gave her a pleading look, somehow trying to figure out if the woman that you had to grown to know over the past year was still there. But there was just a voidness in her eyes, an emptiness of a soul. 
“Mom.” Dean called out to the woman, hoping he could somehow get to her. Mary peered down at her own children from the top of the staircase with each gun pointed at them. Dean wondered what the hell they did to her. And why she was acting like this. “Look at me. It us. Please. What’s wrong with you? Y/N's carrying your own flesh and blood. Your grandchildren. Mom!"
“Your bunker is an excellent fortress.” Ketch said, taking a chance to look around at the interior of the place and admire the details. “An even better tomb.”
“What? No. No, you can’t do this.” You looked over at Mary, somehow hoping if you pleaded with her enough, make her realize what she was about to do was going to end with her own children dying and her grand kids becoming something she never even wanted for her own family. “Mary, please! Snap out of it!”
“She’s long gone, Y/N. Don’t waste your breath on trying to save her. Why not say goodbye to the boys. As it’s the last you’re ever going to see of them. While the three of you were gone we did a bit of an update around the place. We’ve rejiggered the locks, we’ve shut off the water, and once we leave, the pumps that bring in the air shall reverse. Your oxygen should be gone in...two days, maybe three.” Ketch said, giving the boys and Toni a bit of a rundown for what they were ahead for. Your jaw tightened in anger as you tried your hardest to fight off the tears that threatened to escape from what was going on. “You dying in here, it’s almost...poetic.” 
“You're a sick bastard. You know that?” You hissed at him between clenched teeth. “I’m gonna kill you myself first. I’ll make sure of it.”
“I’ll presume that’s the hormones talking. I hear pregnant women always can get a bit fussy before they’re due.” Ketch muttered, brushing your threats like they were nothing. He yanked you forward to the exit of the door, sealing your fate to the nightmare that was ahead for you. “Come along, Mary.”   
This was supposed to be a special moment that you never would have expected to happen for you. It wasn't supposed to turn into a nightmare. You could feel one of the twins kick against the side of your stomach, as if they were wondering what was going on from the sudden activity that was going on they weren't used to. You winced at the sound of Dean pounding on the door to try his hardest at opening it, but when he realizes he was locked in here for good, he yelled on the top of lungs. You pressed a hand against the side of your stomach and quietly shushed your twins, whispering to them that everything was going to be okay. 
+ + +
Three days. It'd been three days since the last you've seen of the boys and thrown into this room with almost no human contact throughout the day. Except for the times where they gave you meals, checked your vitals and made sure you were properly bathed. They wouldn’t want to risk a chance of having the twins get sick or hurt because they were neglecting their prisoner. But you felt more like their prized animal they were grooming for the slaughter. The idea of having them keep you alive until your due date, rip you open and take your own children made a shiver run down your spine from how heartless they could be. Yet, it was funny, seeing a few familiar faces that came through to check your vitals and see how the twins were doing. Not all of them were trained hunters like Toni and Ketch. Most of them were just the brains of the operation. They didn’t even know how to handle an alpha vampire that went rogue. Being six months pregnant and you saved a few of their asses from being sucked dry. And this is how they thanked you. 
Suppose you could have overpowered one of them and held a gun to their head to try and bargain your way out of here. But you didn’t have much energy lately. You were tired, and it wasn’t because you were carrying around a set of twins that were demanding on your body. You suspected they slipped some medication into your God to keep you compliant to their liking. All you did most of the time was just sit here and stare off into space, or sleep. You kept yourself occupied by lying on the bed they provided for you and rubbing patterns into your stomach, telling stories to the twins about their father and uncles of all the crazy things you’d done over the years. It seemed they liked it from the punches and kicks you gotten every once in awhile. Most importantly you told them all of you would be reunited again. 
On the third day you slipped into a deep sleep that brought a dream that felt too real. You weren't pregnant anymore, but instead of being stuck in the British Men of Letters, you were back in the bunker with the boys, and the twins were born. You didn't know what they were going to look like, but they sure were going to be tiny and have little faces squished up. You were calmed at the dream of going throughout the day of taking care of your own children and being with your husband. It still made a smile spread across your lips whenever you said it. You lazily began to twirl the rings on your finger and try to get yourself to doze off again and get back to the comforting fantasy. Your body was starting to grow heavier, and while it seemed like you could snag some more sleep, you were brutally shaken awake from the sounds of footsteps stomping across the hall, and if you were sure, gunshots just a split second later. 
You furrowed your brow in confusion as you slowly got up from the bed and began walking to the door when you wondered what the hell was going on out there. You pressed your ear against the door to try and listen on the chaos that seemed to have been growing outside with each passing second. It seemed something was going on. Your eyes drifted away from the metal door to see the lights on around in the place shut off, engulfing your vision into complete darkness. But the precious seconds that you had made an idea cross your mind. Inhaling a deep breath, you quickly reached out to open the door, thinking the Brits weren't expecting this. Or maybe they were having a bit of a technical issues. Whatever it was, the lock must have been electronically, because when you tried to open it this time, it slipped with ease. You had mere seconds to enjoy this brief victory. The lights kicked back on a second later. Your eyes jumped to the hallway when a hue of red fluorescent lights illuminated the place and a shrilling sounds of an alarm pierces your eardrums for a brief moment before it shut off. It seemed the place was in lock down mode. Someone was here. 
You peered around to see the hall was completely empty, you hesitated to step out and explore the place to see what was going on. Maybe it was a small technical issue…Or maybe someone was trying to break in. Biting your bottom lip, you had a feeling this was too good to be true. There was no way the boys could get out of that bunker. You were on your own for this one. You decided you had nothing to lose anymore. One of those snobby Ivy leagues said you were were very soon, as in you could be here for another week. Or you could start having contractions tonight. They could have easily cut you open and take what they wanted, but to be safe, they were letting nature take its course. Whatever it was, you knew it was better than waiting around like a caged animal. The worse consequences you were going to be faced with was an eye roll from one of the guards before they shoved you back here. 
You began wandering down the hallway to explore what you could, all while making sure to keep yourself quiet as possible. The halls were empty with almost no soul in sight, which was beginning to make you wonder what was going on. Usually this place was crawling with guards. You turned the corner to continue on exploring, but you stopped right in your tracks at what you saw next. It was a gruesome sight you would've never expected to find. Bodies were lying on the floor, a few of them were in uniform, and another one was dressed in flannel. You peered over to see if you could take a look at the face. It was a familiar one. You realized it was someone you hunted with a few times before. An American hunter? You heard footsteps approaching the corner from where you came, and before you could realize it, your hunter instincts kicked in. You were about to grab the gun, but you suddenly reached out a hand to steady yourself on the wall when you felt a dull pain suddenly hit you in the lower abdomen and back. You let out a sharp breath, presuming it was one of the babies fussing around for more room. You shut your eyes and tried to remember that breathing technique Kelly taught you. Sometimes it was normal to have false contractions, the pain started to slowly disappear a few seconds after it started. You tried your hardest to keep yourself on your feet, but you almost forgot someone was coming in your direction. You were expecting it to be a guard, but your eyelids ripped wide open at the familiar voice. 
"Holy…you weren’t joking around. She is pregnant, all right.” You looked over to see a face that you have almost five days ago. But there she stood, Jodie in all of her glory, eyes focused on your stomach that barley was being contained in the shirt you were wearing. Along with a face that you thought you'd never see again standing right next to her. “Thanks for giving me a heads up.” 
“Sorry. If I had it my way, I would’ve told you sooner.” You told her, your hand wrapping around one of the bars that was conveniently behind you. You felt the pain keeping on for a few seconds longer, all before it disappeared. You let out a breath, wondering if that was what you thought it was. “Oh, this isn’t good.”
“What? What’s not good?” Sam nervously asked, approaching you as the man tried to help balance you back to your feet. You let out a quiet laugh as you looked at him with a bit of a smile, giving him a bit of a hint of what it could be. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Now?" 
"Relax, Sammy. This is the first one. If I get one in five minutes, then we should start panicking." You brushed off his concern when he realized you had a contraction. You inhaled a breath as you looked straight down the hall, your mind focusing on something else that was more protective. "If you guys don't mind, I'd like to kick some British ass and get the hell out of here."
 + + +
 It turns out the boys were capable of saving the day this time without your help. While it took a few days, a failed attempt or two, they finally figured out how to get out of the bunker before it was too late. Dean and that stupid grenade launcher was the reason why you were sitting in the Impala with his little brother, driving away from the British Men of Letters bunkers that would be soon in shambles. The boys had decided that if the hunters from across the pond wanted to fight dirty, they needed all the help they could get. They rounded up all the American hunters that were still alive, and even found Mary before she could try and kill Jodie. Unfortunately Dean wasn’t here with his little brother. His leg had gotten pretty busted up after the explosion. And Toni decided she owed the boys a favor. She had a way to reverse the damage that was done to Mary. But it required going deep into her conscious, pulling out the true Mary, and not the killing machine they turned her into. 
You were growing nervous when you arrived back at the bunker. Every single British hunter was dead, except for one. You reassured that Sam you were feeling somewhat fine, the contractions were coming on and off the past half an hour during the drive back. Most of the baby books that you read yourself said that early stages of labor weren't something to stress about. But Sam still wanted you to go the hospital. You promised that you would, but you wanted to get your overnight bag. Not to mention, you wanted to make sure Dean and Mary were all right. The contractions came every half an hour, and after you gotten over the initial shock, you would be fine. It gave you some room to stretch your legs and see the damage done to the bunker after the boys got loose. And make sure Arthur Ketch was dead. 
You wandered through the bunker, taking a shortcut through the garage when the doors were still locked from the outside. You told a little white lie that you would wait when Sam headed inside himself to see how things were going. Part of you was hopeful you would stumble upon the sight of Dean hovering over Ketch's dead body, but when you got closer to the library, your blood ran cold when you heard a noise echo through the air, it sounded like a groan of pain. You didn’t waste a second of following the sight to the library. 
It was there you had saw a terrible fight had broken out; a few tables were broken, shelves were knocked over, and Ketch’s back was turned to you. He was enjoying himself too much of how Dean was lying on the ground in pain. He honestly thought he was going to get out of this with everything he wanted. “Oh, what? Did you honestly think you'd get it all? A wife, a couple of screaming brats. You’d fix Mummy all back to normal and everything would be all right.” Ketch taunted the man as he took a few steps forward to him. “Sorry, Dean. Not how this ends. This ends with me, taking your happiness and destroying it. Your kids are gonna be the best hunters we ever had. Perfect little killing machines. Y/N will turn out exactly like Mary. She’ll join us.” 
“I’m gonna kill you.” Dean hissed at the man as he struggled to get up to his feet. He looked up and gave the man a smirk as he let out a chuckle, trying to use the horrifying thoughts as motivation to strangle the life out of him. But he spotted a piece of wood not too far from where he was lying. Both of the men were bloody and bruised, nearly at the edge of calling defeat, yet each of them had a reason to keep on going. Dean managed to wrap his hands around the wood and push himself to his feet, thinking he was going to win this fight once and for all. He stood tall with a smile spreading across his lips. “When you left us alone in the bunker, told us that plan, man, I knew you were psycho, but I didn’t think you were stupid.” 
“I may be many things…but I’m not stupid.” Ketch said. In the blink of an eye, Dean found himself staring down the barrel of a gun after the man pulled it out from his ankle. He tensed up at the situation that looked grim. Ketch’s lips stretched into a grin as his finger moved to the trigger, but when a gunshot noise echoed through the bunker, it wasn’t from him. 
Dean’s eyes went wide in shock to see that Ketch was hit in the shoulder, wounding the man just enough for him to drop the gun right out of his hands. Both of the men looked over to see who was standing at the other end of the library, holding the smoking gun. It was someone that Dean would never see again, with that big old stomach he thought he’d never to lay his eyes on again. You stood with your hands wrapped around the gun and your finger on the trigger. 
"Y/N?" Dean asked with a quiet tone, disbelief clear in his voice from what he’d witnessed. 
“Eight and half months pregnant and I’m still saving your ass.” You tried to make a joke, but you felt another contraction hit you, marking this closer together from your last one. You flinched in discomfort as you nearly dropped the gun, you managed to recover and concentrate hard enough long enough to keep the gun directly pointing at Ketch. Dean, bloodied and bruised, hobbled over to you, making sure to kick the gun out of the way before Ketch could do something stupid. You looked at the man on his knees who was trying his hardest to keep his shoulder wound from bleeding out. “You know what happens in the wild when animals try to mess with a mother’s babies? They get slaughtered. Every single one of them.” 
“You think you’re better than me, Y/N, but you’re not. You still have a bit of that demon in you that truly never went away. You’re a killer. Both of you are.” Ketch said. “Your children are doomed for the same fate." 
"No," Dean disagreed with the man. "They're not." 
You didn’t waste a second before you pulled the trigger, landing a bullet directly into Ketch’s head, killing him instantly. His body dropped to the floor with a thud, not even  a second later, you dropped the gun, wanting the weapon far away from you as possible. It might have been a stupid move, but you knew damn well every single one of the Brits who had stepped on American soil were dead, and you were once more safe. You looked over at the man standing next to you with a growing smile, all while, he stared at you with initial shock that wouldn't leave his face. Both of you thought you lost one another. You didn't waste a second in letting out a soft laugh when Dean didn't waste a second in pressing his lips against yours, giving you a kiss that was filled with nothing but passion, wanting to show you of how much he missed you in the best possible way. 
You felt yourself being lost in the sensation, almost forgetting about the news you were about to give him that lead you here in the first place. You were quickly reminded when you felt a weird popping sensation hit you down below. Not exactly a contraction, yet it was fairly important. You furrowed your brow into the kiss when you felt something wet start trickling down your legs. As you tried to pull away from Dean, he seemed too lost in wanting to let you go. You mumbled his name as you placed your hands on his chest, making him give you some space. He gave you a worried look, wondering what could be wrong, but when he noticed you were looking down, his gaze followed of where you were looking.  
“Y/N, you didn’t…” Dean looked back up at you, trying his hardest not to sound insensitive as he asked. But you cut him off before he could get the wrong impression.
 “My water broke, you idiot!”
 + + +
 You weren’t the type of person who handled pain well. Whenever you needed stitches or gotten a bullet in you from a hunt that went a bit wrong, it took both of the boys to help you through without clawing their throats out. The birthing process was no exception. You screamed and cursed, threatened everyone that looked at you a bit of a funny expression and regretted thinking having children was a good idea. After sixteen grueling hours in the delivery room, your little bundles of joy were brought into this world. It seemed that you really didn't figure it out that you were about to become a mother until you heard the screams coming from baby number one, a healthy boy. Five minutes later, you pushed out baby number two, a little girl. It took about an hour until things were finally under control. You were in your own private room in the hospital with the twins swaddled in their blankets, eager to meet their parents who fought tooth and nail to make sure they were safe.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Daddy’s got you.” Dean cooed at the whimpering bundle in his arms. You'd never seen Dean so happy in his entire life. He was with you every single step of the way and ignored the concerned nurses who suggested he should get checked out a bit more thoroughly. He would, the man just wanted to hold his children first. He was a bit terrified, thinking that he was going to drop one of them, but the nurse helped so he was holding the both of them comfortably in each arm. He stared at them for the longest time, trying to get the idea that they were really his, that a little part of him was going to be kept in the world. You could feel a smile starting to creep at the end of your lips at how he looked when Dean finally tore his gaze away from the twins when they finally quieted down and gotten comfortable in his embrace. “I think they like me. Can we keep ‘em?” 
“Considering all the trouble they’ve been causing before that even got here, you better.” You glanced over to the doorway of the hospital room to see Sam was standing with a grin of his own, happy to finally be granted access to see his niece and nephew after being shunned to the waiting room for the past several grueling hours without an update. "By the way, look who I found." 
“Cas!” You shouted the angel’s name as a smile spread across your face with joy. You were happy to see that Cas was okay, but it didn't mean you were going to excuse his absence when you needed him the most. “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been trying to get ahold of you.” 
“I’ve been spending my time with Kelly. I knew your due date was soon, so I’ve been trying to learn much as possible from her. She’s been very helpful. And she’s a single mother’s mother, too. A few blogs of mothers that I read had explained how difficult it can be. But she’s doing quite well with Jack.” Cas said, giving you a bit of an update on the woman who had almost given birth to the antichrist. He walked inside the room with Sam, but it seemed he didn’t come empty handed. Your eyebrows raised up when he showed off a bag with a baby themed print all over it. “This is from Kelly. She would have liked to be here, but Jack has been keeping her busy. She says congratulations, and good luck.” 
“Aw, that’s so sweet of her.” You muttered underneath your breath from the gesture. But you didn’t focus on much more of the thoughtful gift, your smile grew wider as you gestured for the men to step father into the room to take a closer look at the twins “Uncle Sam, and Uncle Cas, I’d like you two to first meet your nephew, Robert John Winchester.” 
You and Dean had discussed baby names while you were still pregnant. There were dozens upon dozens of options that you could choose from, but you decided to do what Mary had done to her own children, and named them after your parents. Sam cautiously stepped forward to his nephew and examined the little face that was his family, a second generation Winchester. He seemed a bit hesitant when you told him that he could hold the baby. Dean seemed to like the idea of getting at least one of his hands free from a child as one of them was starting to grow numb. You watched as Sam, very carefully, and awkwardly, tried his hardest to cradle the neck just enough so he wouldn’t hurt his nephew and supported the body just enough.
“Wanna give it a try, Cas?” Dean offered up a chance to hold his daughter. There was going to be plenty of times that he could hold the twins. The angel seemed a bit overwhelmed at the thought of holding the newborn, but before he knew it, Cas was cradling the baby. She fussed around a bit until she gotten comfortable. “See? Ain’t so bad. Both of you are naturals.” 
“So,” Sam looked up from baby Robert and to his niece, who was slowly falling back asleep as Cas slowly began rocking her back and forth, saying how much she liked it when he did it. “You guys pick a name for her yet?”
“Well, it was a bit of a hard decision to make. But Dean and I thought one name was a perfect fit for her. Say hello to Mariella Grace Winchester. She's named after two very strong women in our lives. I think my mom would be happy with the choice. But I still have one more person to ask." You looked over at the hospital room doorway to see Mary was standing there. After everything that had happened, you couldn't hate her. She was brainwashed to do all those terrible things. And she found the strength to come back to reality with Dean's help. She proved herself that she wanted to be apart of your lives. And you couldn't dismiss the chance for her to see her grandchildren, scary as it was for her from the look on her face. "Mary, is it okay?"
The brothers and Cas turned to see that Mary was in fact standing hesitantly in the hallway, not sure if any of you would object of being here. Dean gave her a soft smile, giving the woman a bit of confidence to slowly walk inside and head over to the twins. She hesitantly looked at them from a safe distance, but when you told her it was okay, that she could hold them, you could see the happiness flood into her face. It'd been so long since she could hold a baby. It didn’t take too much convincing until she was sitting down comfortably in the rocking chair and holding her two grandkids. You didn’t think you had ever seen the woman more happier than right now for the past year of her being back than right now. 
“So, mom? What do you say?” Dean asked his mother, a smile of his own spreading across his lips at the sight that he thought would never happen. “Mind if we name our daughter after you?”
"You're serious?" Mary hesitantly wondered, you could see the tears starting to form in her eyes when you nodded your head. She looked down at her grandchildren and let out a quiet laughter, trying her hardest not to make too much movement when Robert started to fuss a bit. “I can’t believe I’m a grandmother. This is…”
“Weird? Tell me about it.” You agreed with her. "Who thought any of this would've happened."
It was funny how life could work for you. Just a few days ago, it felt like there was no way out of this nightmare, your children could have been doomed for a life that you would have done anything to stop. The boys were near the edge of death and Mary was locked in her own head. But here all of you were. Three generations of Winchester's sat in this hospital room. You looked over at Dean when he approached your bed and reached out your left hand, reminding you when his finger grazed over your wedding ring that he was all yours. Your eyes shut for a few seconds when he bent down to give you a soft kiss on the lips. 
Who would've thought that you, considering your past and record of a failed pregnancy before, could be given the chance to bring another pair of human lives into this world. You were married to the man that you loved, his mother was here to stay, and your best friends were right at your side. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad, after all. 
“These kids are gonna have the best parents looking out for them.” Sam said. You looked away from the twins and to the younger Winchester. You could see that he meant it from the bottom of his heart. Even he was a little bit excited of having another Winchester running around the world in the near future. “Don’t ever doubt yourselves for a second.” 
"It also helps that they have an uncle who's going to love them and probably let them get away with just about everything." You said. A quiet laugh escaped you when Sam rolled his eyes at the accusation you were already giving him. You looked over the twins when one of them began to start fussing and quietly crying. 
“I believe Mariella is hungry and Robert is in need of a diaper change.” Cas said, being helpful to help decoding what went on in a baby’s mind. 
“You’re the best, Cas. All of you are.” You said with genuine honesty. “I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to be stuck with.” 
You gave everyone a smile as your gaze wandered over to the twins for one last time. Suddenly, out of randomness, an old rhyme popped into your head. It was one of those old tunes that you would sing on the playground to try and annoy someone. But to you, it couldn't have been anymore perfect to the situation right now. Dean and Y/N sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage...and then comes baby in a baby carriage.
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