#he takes a while to get back to me but its chill we're just mutually slow responders. but hes RELIABLE
voidselfshipp · 2 months
Hello my dear friend :)
How's the dancing with the darksider bois?
Hey bestie!!!
Dancing with the nephilim babes:
Stiff as a board. Listen,he has 2 left feet. Hes huge and clumsy because of his size-He tries though. He catches up when I explain that dancing is like moving across a Battlefield,presice And calculated moves with certain ease.
Needless to say he finds his his footing soon enough. (He really likes to pick me up during dancing) (And if strife ever gets wind of this...lord help him hes not living it down)
She likes to dance with me,she doesnt dance otherwise. Its all fluid movements and very waltz/ballet like, she enjoys watching me dance and she simply lends herself as a tool for the more couple dances/moves that requires another person (think of ballet and that kinda stuff)
Unsurprisingly hes the best one at dancing,he enjoys being goofy and feel the music in his body. He likes twirls and more of a swing/square dancing kinda stuff.
His movements are swift,feather light and very fun. He can be romantic when he wants to,its usually slower which means he only waltzes with me during specific times/situations: after a long mission,he or I are going through a rough time, he missed me or hes feeling particularly romantic.
Given the fact hes called the spirit of eternal unrest, he can only handle a slow pace for so Long. But it just makes it all the more special when it happens.
He can dance,he chooses not to.
Maybe he danced back when he was a young nephilim,seeing his peers celebrate conquests and battles won. Now the concept carries a bittersweet taste to it.
Usually he just indulges me if we are alone,I need cheering up or he needs to take his mind off of his past. Unsurprisingly,he likes to slow dance the most. He'll goof off once in a blue moon (as a birthday gift,mostly. And we have to be ALONE. And im talking MILES OF NOBODY BEING REMOTELY CLOSE. HE HAS A REPUTATION TO MAINTAIN)
He slowdancing allows him to hearmy heartbeat,my breath reassuring him im there and not just a Fantasy in his head. It allows him to connect with me and his inner world in a safe way. He preffers to dance during the night and when it rains,he likes to have that ambient noise to remind himself that things are different now,that he can slow down and Open up.
Muria is a bit of a wild card. She likes the intimacy of waltzing,but she likes to goof off and allow herself to exit her pensive mindstate.
It all depends on the mood shes in. Either way,she enjoys herself and laughs a lot when we're both goofing off or taking it chill with a gentle sway.
Sammy here only knows the concept of dancing. Given his size he lets me dance in his palm and hold one of his massive fingers to "include him" and because he likes triwling me around.
But,when nobody is watching,he dances like a goof in his throne room. He likes to shake a leg every once in a while but you didnt hear it from me!
>thank you giz!!!
>only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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kai-wanted-doa · 1 year
i feel honored. we recently went to go to LA to hang out with our friends. I am the newest person to this group, and there's a pair (calling them jack and jill) who we all know have dated for a very long time but we are all hazy as to wat their status is now but also who gives a fuck if we're all vibing.
Jill says to me "Jack's sisters have talked about who's his favorite -girl- friend is and it's you" that was so embarrassing to hear considering how much we annoy/make fun of the other. On this trip he literally made a video of himself with a sparkler casting a spell on me and saying "DIE DIE DIE" LMMMMAAAOOO it was a harry potter reference because he mentioned universal studios and how we all should go and I mentioned how I went last month, rode the Harry potter ride, was blown away, and finally binged all the movies and enjoyed it.
How true that statement was and what his real thoughts are, its ok whatever it is. I don't hang out with these friends very often at all and truly we don't all know each other well at all either (my bf may know them better since they've all been friends longer), so it's hard to believe I would even be considered as a close friend. Jack knows many people as well and has tons of friends I'm sure. But the thought that I could possibly be a fond friend of his is nice because from my end & my pov, my friendship with him is something that I actually cherish.
I've talked about this on my blog before a few times. I talk about it often and relive it because my troubles from that time still haunt me, but also because i was so happy to have jack's help. Awhile ago, my bf and I went thru a rough patch. It was very rough for me. My bf probably couldn't give a damn lmao he was chilling. He didn't know. I was the only one really hurting. To this day I am traumatized. It hasn't let up. Jack is the blunt type. I'm sure all our friends could see what was going on, but Jack was the only one who talked to me first (I wouldn't have spoken about it ever to anyone otherwise. I dont talk about my relationship problems with anyone but my blog lolll). Altho Jack can be a pain in the ass and loud mouthed and inconsiderate with how he teases, pushing boundaries and stepping on toes! He handled the situation very gently. He owned a game shop and a few of his friends were there playing games, and I was there waiting for my bf. Jack mentioned the elephant in the room, the rough patch in my bf and i's relationship. Before I knew it, I was bawling crying sobbing (while Jack's friends were just a few feet away from us playing games lmaooo!!!) We were playing tic-tac-toe while talking and he purposely lost every round because he knew a bifch couldn't take another L that night LOOOOL. After that night I finally had the guts to tell my bf what was bothering me. My bf listened and changed up, and our relationship got better.
I am still a very shy girl and I don't like to confront issues that will make matters uncomfortable, but Jack encouraged me that night to speak up. Since then, I've been trying trying get better and better. I still have trouble being more assertive, but for sure I made a leap and a step forward that night. If I hadn't gone through that and if jack hadnt talked to me, I'd still be several paces back.
So yeah, that's why hearing Jill say that I was possibly a good friend of Jack's made me feel so embarrassed, because I think of him as a decent friend too. So, to know that the feeling is possibly mutual, that was cool.
I don't know much about jack and I don't know how to respond very well to people when they are in need of comfort or direction, but I just hope I can be supportive of this friend in some profound way like how he did for me if he ever needed it. It's owed.
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Well it is official I got an invite from the King and Queen you know my two leading ladies from Hip Hop that is my arm pieces that is a given they gave that to me for me being a sincere fan of those ladies truth their husbands or boyfriends would step aside and gesture me to those Queen ladies those the ones I'm trying to get with , my ladies and women friend one from Trinidad Nicki and the other from the Bronx see here there she look like Cardi B Meagan wow what is it going to be like working for them and with them that is a lot of books to learn from also and audio and video to do research from I'm feeling real optimistic about the future my personal training no eyes there please alot of pounds to lose and make something something of myself just a joke I'm happy so happy my life turned out good I hope I don't flop or be a disaster and not go meet them they called for me asked for me and invited me the King and Queen of the British empire that is big I'm amazing I do it from the weirdest places then again I'm the first of my kind a comeback and alot of people don't really mess with me no more they not into like a person getting a second chance at a good life so I gotta go it alone then turn around and hire them like their my star employees that I gotta draft then train them and teach them how to do the job that is funny so I'm coming back from alot alot of things like wow darn you gotta love it , thanks I love you so much its been one wild ride in my time here on earth . I'm gone got to go do my training in a private location and go to business school and a step by step normal life see you soon I hope . I must let you know that I gotta struggle to get there the top of the world I'm royalty a king true how do I say this baby I'm the man from New York City and I run it without a job but I'm black listed because of my politics not about race because I'm not racist it means even my own community won't celebrate the fact of all I do for the hood so that is what I mean even my own like shun neglect to help me and try to leave me in the dumps and won't help me get off the ground in life and I run it mean not like how gang members run it I respect them they got their own lane and where at the same table and got a mutual friend 50 Cent were different though and we're cool and to intelligently explain how I am my priorities are mixed up and I used to have poor job skills but I'm learning I get mines from books I don't drink or do drugs and yes I did legalize marijuana weed but as soon I did a year later I Quit smoking myself and I still stand by it legalize it and hopefuuly city law enforcers like politicians leave it alone and put no restrictions on weed sales or locking people for possession for simple as marijuana or the sale of it something as harmless as marijuana I do say that people that use it or sell it need to be more responsible because drugs are quote unquote dangerous and alot of other crimes happen because of drugs while under the influence of a narcotic like while working and your high don't that's dangerous and selling around kids be careful man no good parents bug out over that they don't want their kids doing drugs they want them have a future to them whatever and chill when you do you aight don't like act up you caught get them put more restrictions on it but I'm asking them to take the restrictions of off my law I passed with the Governor on March 31st , 2021 before he left office I did it for the public you got it and yeah I got to complete my job then I'm off to do me so do you and be an responsible and mature person whatever you do and good luck . So close eyes and watch me do it I'm red hot and good at everything touch so far has been a success and yes curing HIV Aids in Africa will be my biggest accomplishment I want in on that , the miracle man how much miracles I gotta do in front of you dude I'm the guy that legalize marijuana weed that is like wow where they do that at in New York and so much other states now following so my track record is good I'm good and feeling real great right now .
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
ok this sucks im trying to sort out whats the best deal for off campus housing and i want to ask him his experience but i cant just fucjjng text this guy "where do you live"
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adoristsposts · 2 years
parting touch ,, din djarin
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in which you've never put two and two together when it comes to the mandalorian's seemingly normal parting tradition, despite your extensive knowledge being the thing that brought you to him
din djarin x gn! reader
word count; 2k
warnings; mutual pining?? reader being dumb?? fluffy and gross
this is unedited and i literally am like four episodes into the mandalorian so please forgive any dumb mistakes LMAOO anyways in the words of bella swan i am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
You were practically a database of information. A never ending stream of knowledge. And was it useful? Barely. It was hard to go through life with people thinking you were smart. To put it shortly, you really weren't. You were just like any other person. Any other person who also happened to be able to remember any ounce of information you were taught. That's how you ended up in your job, your boss sitting almost completely motionless next to you as he piloted the Razor Crest through space. It was cold, and you wrapped your arms around yourself as you tucked your knees to your chest.
"We're headed to Aaleen" He said, modulated voice crackling slightly. You wondered if the device needed fixing. "Cool." You replied casually. Only when he looked at you with a tilted head did you realize he was trying to ask you for information. "Oh!" You said, "Sorry. Subterranean, it's in the Mid Rim. Natives are short reptile-like species called Aleena, and the Kindalo, who are basically sentient trees. They're actually quite interesting, they live underground and are able to cause earthquakes-" "Can both speak standard?" "Kindalo yes, Aleena no."
He said nothing in response, simply released a hum that ended up sounding more like a whirr with his helmet. After a moment of waiting for any more questions, you stood up and stretched. "I'm going to bed, don't leave before I wake up. I have a couple books I want you to try and find" You told him. You doubted he would have left without saying goodbye to you either way. After a while of working with him you picked up on the fact he never did. Another whirr. You smiled as you left.
When you woke up you recognised the warmth of being on an actual planet. You much preferred it to the chill of space, but now your blankets were far too hot. You cursed in your native language without thinking. Standard was not able to express your annoyance at the sweat that stained your skin. You peeled it off of you and changed quickly, eager to go tell Mando what books you wanted.
When the door hissed open, you weren't surprised to find him standing there already. "Morning" You hummed happily. He didn't say anything. He rarely did, really. You had learnt to read him from the way he moved. And the way he stood, shoulders back and chin tilted towards you showed you he had come to say goodbye. He wouldn't need much of your help on this planet.
"What books do you want?" He asked. You blushed slightly, the request sitting on the tip of your tongue. "If you can find it, a book on the Mandalorians" This time his body showed you he was surprised. "What?" You didn't respond. It didn't take a genius to know he wasn't actually asking you to repeat yourself. "Why do you want that? Can't you just ask me?" "No offense, Mando, but you're far from clear. I need something that isn't cryptic" You teased. He sighed. "Fine"
Then, as usual, he stepped towards you. The two of you had a sort of parting tradition. Nothing more than a few simple touches, but you took what you could get. Gently, which was surprising to you the first few times, one of his hands snaked its way behind your neck. It rested right on your nape and his fingers dug lightly into your roots. You had to stand on your tip toes and angle your head upwards to reach him. Your eyes shut in content as he dipped low enough to place the forehead of his helmet against your own. The metal was cold and helped quell the warmth you had woken up in. One of your hands held his arm to keep yourself steady and you gave it a comforting squeeze. This was his signal to pull away and you sighed as your heels set back down on the ground. "Be safe, okay? You never know with these bounties"
He nodded and headed out.
When he returned he held two simple leather bound books in his hand. "I found a trader" He said as he set them down in front of you. You couldn't help the grin that stretched across your face. "Oh, Mando! Thank you!" You exclaimed, shocked not only that he could find these but that he had actually gone out of his way to get them. You grinned up at him and enjoyed the way he looked down at you from his standing position. He seemed so.. relaxed, now that he was back on the ship and his job was done. He would probably float around for the next couple hours, fixing things that didn't really need to be fixed just to keep himself busy as the ship dragged on towards the next planet.
When the two of you did finally arrive, you had been so busy reading up on the planetary system of Endor that you hadn't had time to read your new books. This time he was looking for a man who hadn't paid the right person at the right time. These were the jobs that made you antsy. They weren't exactly risky, usually just scumbags who were good at avoiding people. But when they went south they went south. "Last job, yeah? Then back to Nevarro?" "Yeah." As usual Mando moved his forehead to rest against yours. This time his gloved hand sat against your cheek. You held his wrist and sighed. The moment lasted a couple seconds longer than normal. The thought you wouldn't see him for a while when you got back was prominent in the back of your head. He always disappeared for at least a few days. You never questioned him. But you always noticed. You preferred these trips where he compiled a list of bounties he had to get through before returning. But you were also growing tired of the ship and needed to properly stretch your legs on a familiar planet.
He moved away first, this time without any signal from you. Your hand lingered on his wrist before you finally let go. "Stay in the ship, okay?" You rolled your eyes. "I'm the one that's supposed to be fussing over you, remember? Big bounty hunter?" You said playfully. He just shook his head. You watched his back as he walked away.
When he finally disappeared, you traced your cheek with your fingertips. Every minute you spent with Mando had you growing more fond of him. You wondered if he felt the same endearing warmth that you did. You doubted it. It wasn't the way. But you didn't mind much. There was no harm in caring for someone who didn't know how to do the same.
And so you grabbed your books and curled up in Mando's pilot's seat. It smelt slightly of him, all musk and metal. You drank up the information in the books greedily, finding each page fascinating and sitting with a pen in your mouth so you could circle or underline the parts you found most interesting. You had about a million questions for Mando.
Then you flipped the page and a sketch of two mandalorians with their foreheads resting against each other accompanied the title 'Keldabe Kiss'. Your stomach filled with an indescribable feeling as you read on.
"Kov'nyn was the Mandalorian term for a headbutt, performed while wearing a helmet. The term came from the Mandalorian language of Mando'a, where it was derived from the words kovid and nynir, meaning "head" and "strike", respectively. A kov'nyn was a Mandalorian unarmed combat technique, utilizing the protection their armor afforded them in an offensive manner." It said, "Over time, a gentle headbutt consisting of a tapping of helmets together at the forehead, came to be a stand-in gesture for a kiss among Mandalorians adorned in full armor. The practice led to the development of the slang term 'keldabe kiss,' derived from the name of Mandalore's capital city."
You let your grip lull, the book tipping dangerously close to falling out of your hand. For the longest time you had thought that you and Mando's parting touches were simply between employer and employee to him. Something to show he valued your help. Never in your life did you think it could carry the same emotional weight for him as it did for you. And you refused to think about it now. Instead, you skipped the rest of the chapter on it and continued on. You had no time to quell on these things, especially when it would be hours before Mando would return. Especially when you were convinced it couldn't be true.
You didn't utter a word until he was flying the ship back to Navarro and you were sure you were going to fall asleep right then and there. Then, in the silence, you asked, "Do you believe in Kad Ha'rangir?"
You seemed to startle him with the question. His body stiffened and he thought for a moment. "I don't.. I.. I have my own things to believe in." He finally answered. You didn't bother to scold him for the fact that he hadn't really said anything. "What do you believe in, then? The boogyman?" "My boogyman was Jigger Wraith" He said. "Are we done with the questions?" You recognised the name. He was a bounty hunter that caused the death of a large handful of Mandalorians. Knowing that was someone, something Mando was afraid of made him seem... human. Like if he took of that helmet he wouldn't just be headless like you had imagined. There was something living underneath that suit of armor. You opened your mouth, then shut it. You were done with the questions, per his request.
You zoned out, playing with the frays of the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You only snapped back into the present when you heard the creak of him getting up. "I'm going to go to bed. Good night" "Wait" You said before he could disappear down the hall. "I have.. I have one more question" He heaved a sigh of slight annoyance. You almost backed down. He was tired, he had just come back from a fight, he probably wanted nothing more than a warm shower and his bed. But your curiosity got the best of you.
"What's a Keldabe kiss?" You asked. You knew the answer. You wanted to see if he did. He froze, seeming to shut down for a moment. You had seen him motionless before, but this was something different. Almost full of panic. "What?" He breathed out. Your lips parted, "You know" You realized. You were surprised, somehow, even though all the signs had pointed towards there being something deeper. The lingering touches, the caring words, the fussing, the worrying, the silent yet intimate nights.
"You know" He responded. You nodded, standing up from your chair. "Are you- Do you- Do you want to kiss me?" You questioned softly, drawing closer to him. He still didn't move, not even an inch. "Mando," You said, reaching to pick up his hand. "This is a question I need you to actually answer" "Maker," He finally said, "I don't know." "I don't know" He repeated
"That's okay" You told him, holding his hand with both of yours now. You reached up, fingers dancing lightly on the cool metal of his helmet as you gently guided his forehead down. You arched up to meet it, forehead just about grazing his helmet. "I like you Mando, that much I know" You told him.
He dipped forward, pressing his helmet firmly against your forehead. No awkward space or tension or confusion. Just relief. "Din" He said. "My name is Din"
And you two stood there for a while, foreheads touching. Din didn't know if he wanted to kiss you. If he wanted to rip off the helmet right here and now and kiss you until your lips grew sore. To hold you and feel you and have you.
But he did know he liked this. And he liked you. And for now that was enough.
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harrysmiso · 3 years
Did you just...?
Giriboy (Hong Siyoung) x reader
Genre: slight comedy ig??, fluff
wc: ?? wrote this on my phone :D
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You and Siyoung were a new couple. You and him met through your mutual friend, Justhis, in a party three months ago. It didn't take much time for both of you to get along pretty well, but since him and you were too shy and scared to admit your feelings for one another, it took both of you time to actually date. However, a month ago, while you were on a coffee date with him, he gained the confidence to ask you to be his girlfriend. Of course, you said yes. You've liked him eversince you met, how can you say no?
Right now, you and him are chilling at his living room since he just finished making beats. Both of you weren't necesaarily paying attention to one another, since he was focus playing a game on his phone and you were playing with his dog. But then...
"Siyoung, did you just...?" you started, staring at him, trying to hold in your laugh. He then paused his game, eyes wide and cheeks burning up, now hiding his head under a pillow. His dog began barking and covering its nose, making you burst out of laughter.
"Don't laugh at me! It's not like it's the first time you heard me fart," he told you, looking at you and pouting.
"Hongsi, it's the first time!" You said, still giggling, making him hide his head under a pillow again, whining. You couldn't deny how cute he was, even though at that age, so you walk your way to the couch and tap his knee, getting his attention and looking at you with an upset pout. You then spread your arms, asking him to hug you. He shook his head, not giving in and still embarassed. With that, you smiled and went closer to him, hugging him yourself and kept kissing his cheek.
"Hongsiiii, don't be upseeet! I actually kinda find it endearing since it's like a way to say we're getting more comfortable with each other," you said, looking at him and caressing his cheek. He then slowly looked back at you, giving you a devilish smile.
"Doesn't mean you should always fart when we're together! I never said you should always fart," you said, making him giggle and hug you back, resting his head on your shoulder.
Just then, you heard another fart from him, making you laugh and shove his shoulder.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Locked -
Smut with Taehyung in Paris what could be better? 19+
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Happy Birthday Taehyung! You are my sun my moon and all of my stars.
Part of the The Juis Suis Fou de Toi Universe.
Artist Tae AU. 4213 words.
While convincing his girlfriend he should paint her, things get a little sexually abstract.
Contains sex (M/F), Oral (M) Mutual Masturbation (M/F), Swearing, Slight Dom Tae, OC is insecure. Do not be fooled before the read more, there is no cheating in this fic. 
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"We're almost home, please don't make me carry you."
Yeontan looked up with big eyes as he defiantly sat in the middle of the sidewalk. Crouching down to his level in defeat you tore a piece of your pastry off and began bargaining.
"It's strawberry your favorite, you can have some if you just stand up."
He let out a little bark seemingly in agreeance with the bribe and stood, tail wagging frantically.
"Tannie," Taehyung scooped the excited dog into his arms while placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Camille, this is my girlfriend Y/N and this," Yeontan wiggled in his arms while licking his face, "is Tannie."
"Oh, Hi."
Shocked you took in the tall gorgeous blonde who accompanied you boyfriend. Why Taehyung was walking around the streets of Paris with her you were unsure, and honestly not very happy. 
"It's really nice to meet you Camille."
Suddenly feeling self conscious you pulled your coat tighter around yourself.
Taehyung, noticing the sudden shift in your mood wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Camille is helping me with the gallery opening. We were going to grab some dinner before we started. Do you want to join us?"
Your mind raced, what do you do?  He hadn't invited you in the first place so obviously you'd be intruding.
If you stayed he'd be looking at you side by side, comparing Pomme to Pomme De Terre. But, if you left they'd be alone, getting to know one another or worse. Maybe they already knew each other better than they should.  
In either scenario your insecurities would be winning. 
"Tannie's getting pretty tired and I was going to stop at the Butcher to grab us dinner." Your eyes fell on his searching for guilt and found nothing but adoration. "But I guess you've already got plans so I'll just catch up with you later." 
He passed the dog back to you, a new look of concern on his face.
"Okay, I guess I'll just see you at home later," he kissed your cheek. 
"Bye Tannie, bye Y/N."
The woman smiled and looped her arm through Taehyung's as they walked towards the cafe. 
"That doesn’t mean anything right Tan? It’s just a French thing I’m sure.” You must be going crazy standing in the street talking to your dog. “So, how do you feel about stopping for some wine?"
You frowned at your four legged companion and for once he seemed sympathetic offering a head tilt and a whimper.
"Don't worry, you can have his Steak." 
Walking home in a daze you searched your memory, had he told you about this? Taehyung liked to work alone, surely you'd remember him mentioning he'd hired an assistant. 
Your feet had suddenly become as tired as your mind. The blue mansard roof of your apartment peeked through the greenery of the blowing trees urging you forward, calling you home.  
Rounding the last corner, the Pont Des Arts had been covered in gaudy yellow caution tape. In the hour and a half you'd been out, workers had begun pulling off rail sections of the love locked bridge.
You felt dizzy, was this a sign? The lock that you'd placed on it signifying your commitment was being taken away. Helpless you stood watching thousands of couples promise's to one another being disassembled.
Pulling your phone from your satin lined pocket your first instinct was to text Taehyung. 
Y/N: I can't believe it, they're dismantling the bridge and taking away our lock 💔 I'm so sad Taehyung, It really meant so much to me. 
Tears rolled down your cheek as you reevaluated the message. Instead of hitting send you deleted and replaced your words
Y/N: The bridge is under construction, maybe take a different way home later. 
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You hadn't heard him come home and had no idea how late he'd been out. With sadness and worry getting the best of your brain, sleep seemed like the only way to curb your anxiety. It had been quite an effective method until you found yourself wide awake tiptoeing through your house in the wee hours of the morning. 
The worn floorboards creaked underneath your slow step, the vintage wood was cold to the touch of your bare feet. The old apartment was drafty on the best of days but 4 am carried its own specific type of chill.
A shiver ran up your spine, perhaps one of Le Marais famous revolutionary ghosts had joined in on the quest to find your boyfriend. Or maybe it was just the ominous feeling in the pit of your stomach that the universe was trying to tell you something. 
A faint light glowed yellow under the warped door at the end of the hallway and the sounds of Thelonious Monk's piano drifted through the air the closer you got. 
The painted metal door handle gave way opening to a wall of heat from the radiators lining the enormous windows. 
"Go figure I'd find you in the warmest room in the house."
He was shirtless and seemingly debating the fate of the canvas before him.  With his paintbrush clenched between his teeth he turned, a huge smile warming you instantly. 
"Why aren't you in bed?" He set the brush down and walked over to wrap you in his embrace. 
"I don't like sleeping without you, you're the only thing that keeps me warm in that freezer of a bedroom." 
You stood on your tiptoes to place a peck on his lips. 
"What are you working on? Is it for the gallery?" 
He sighed heavily, "Just another Lavender Field I guess. I'm so uninspired. Why won't you just let me paint you, hmm?" 
His fingers splayed over the lace covered small of your back pulling you in tighter. "What are you so afraid of."
"Tae," you buried your face into the crook of his neck. "Isn't the point of art painting things that people want to look at? You should be painting women like Camille not me."
Pressed to his chest you swear you heard his breath halt. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully before he spoke softly.
"Camille is pretty but there is absolutely nothing unique or inspiring about her."
He kissed the top of your head before tugging on your chin to make you look at him.
"You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but you are a terribly uncooperative muse." 
"I don't want to be Tae, I'm just afraid" 
"What is there to be afraid of? It's just you and me, If you don’t like it I'm the only one who will see it." 
"That's it though, what if…" a tear slipped from your eye, "What if you don't like what you see, what if painting me makes you see all my flaws. I can't stand looking in the mirror for 5 minutes and you want to immortalize my every imperfection on a canvas." 
His face was soft and serious, the lights from the city streaming through the large windows across his honey skin. 
"Sweetheart, how do I make you believe me? I never want you to be uncomfortable but I think if I can show you how you look through my eyes you'll understand what my heart sees every time I look at you.”
Stepping back from him you nodded. Sliding the thin straps off your shoulders you stepped out of the white lace puddle that now lay at your feet. 
His face lit up like he'd received divine inspiration.
"I have an idea." 
He scurried for a palate, squeezing colors on it like a man possessed. Rummaging for the right brushes he returned presenting them to you like a cat who'd dragged home a mouse. 
"Trust me?"
You nodded, "I do." 
Loading his brush with paint you stood waiting for him to lay the first stroke to the oversize canvas leaning on the wall beside you. 
Raising the tool to his mouth he exhaled a warm breath over it as if trying to take the chill off.
"I've never seen this technique before" 
"It's because I've only just invented it." 
He ran the paintbrush down your torso sending a shiver from head to toe. 
You gasped, "You're not just painting me... you're literally painting Me?"
The biggest smile overtook his face, "You said you trusted me." 
Trying to remain still and not ask questions you watched him work. Diligently mixing colors and trading brushes his design slowly revealed itself. 
"Are you painting me as starry night?"
He stepped back to admire his work. "Like the stars, you guide and inspire me. I think it captures your spirit." 
He shifted the canvas so it was flat to the wall. 
"Come over here." He reached for your hand, "Are you ready? I want you to press yourself against it." 
Sliding in close behind you he raised your arms into position, holding them up.
"Like this, right here." 
His breath felt hot on your skin and your nipples hardened with his words. Gently he used his body weight to press you onto the canvas. 
"Now step back to me slowly." 
Pulling back, the paint had transferred to the canvas. It was stamped with starry breasts, stomach and thighs, it was you and it was beautiful. He dragged his lips down your shoulder as you stood looking at it.
"Now let's do the right side." 
You repeated the process but this time you could feel him growing hard against you. His hands trailed down your sides and his lips moved warm against your ear.
"You've never been sexier."
His rumbles of admiration set your insides on fire. 
"Taehyung I want you."
All the gentle brush strokes and touching had left you aroused aching for him to fill you. 
"Do you need me to take care of you baby?" 
He slid his cloth covered cock over your bare ass, grinding, teasing, slowly torturing your needy cunt. 
"Fuck you until you're screaming my name?" 
Sliding two long fingers deep inside you he held them there motionless. 
Leaning over you, dominating, he growled into your ear.
"Show me how you like it, fuck my fingers like you want to fuck my cock."
You clenched immediately around his digits and he laughed, "that's my dirty girl, now use me to make yourself feel good." 
Throbbing wet and desperate you used his hand to pleasure yourself. Harder and deeper it felt good but it wasn't him.  
"Tae, It's not enough I need your cock."
He snickered again, "why is that, maybe you should tell me." 
He reached his free hand around to pinch your nipple. 
The truth was, nothing could satisfy you once you'd had him inside you. He was huge and perfect and he knew how insatiable you were for him. 
"I need you to stretch me, wanna feel you against my cervix fucking me so hard."
You sounded whiny and it flipped the switch inside him from teasing to wanting instant gratification. 
Pulling his hand away from your breast he undid his pants and kicked them away. His erection fell against your ass as he pressed you back to the center of the canvas. 
"Right here, arms up for me." 
You did as you were told as he took a stance behind you lining himself with your entrance. He could be the most generous gentle lover when needed but right now you both wanted something animalistic and dirty. 
Thrusting hard and deep your whole body slid in an upward motion streaking the paint vertically onto the canvas. 
It was pleasure, it was pain and it was satisfying to your core. 
"Is that enough for you?" His large hand feel heavy against your ass. 
"Such a greedy little girl you are." 
Another thrust and you were seeing stars. Splayed across the canvas your cheek dragged through the midnight blue acrylic.
Trying to desperately catch your breath your mouth hung open panting the words fuck me and faster while he pumped furiously into you. 
His fingertips traveled from their grip on your hip to the protruding bud engorged with arousal that lay starved for attention between your thighs. He pressed and rolled your clit softly in contradiction to the rough pounding your pussy was taking. 
His name moaned out of your mouth and it was the only signal he needed to know he'd done his job. He slowed his hips and pulled you down impaling you onto his cock until your walls convulsed around him. He held you there, still for a minute until your senses had come back and you were able to stand on your own. 
His mouth hung open in a grin while his erection still stood hungry for more. 
Pulling the canvas from the wall he laid it on the ground. 
"I think this painting needs some pretty little knee marks on it."
"Show me where." It was your turn to tease. 
He pointed where he wanted you to kneel and shoved his finger into your mouth.
"Right there, and right here," he stroked your tongue with his thumb. 
He pulled his finger away and rubbed his tip around your lips. 
Opening up wide for him he gently began fucking your mouth. Head was always a challenge given his size so it was never rushed.
Gingerly you wrapped your hands around him stroking the length that didn't fit in your mouth. His head was thrown back, eyes closed as puffs of air heaved from his chest in pleasure. 
He was getting close, his now careless thrusts began making you choke around him.
"Fuck, sorry," he pulled back.
You kitten licked and sucked at his tip while he wrapped his hand tightly around himself and began rubbing. 
You looked up at him from the position on your knees. His beautiful body was covered in paint splatters everywhere it had connected with yours 
"Fuck Tae, I love watching you touch yourself." 
"Yeah?" he took a long stroke thumbing the tip. 
"Yeah," you could feel yourself getting worked up again. 
"Lay back. "He stood over you, "Can you see how beautiful I think you are now?" His hands wandered between his legs and he rubbed his balls with one while he resumed stroking with the other. "How sexy I think you are?" 
His words washed over you, arousal peaking you nipples. 
"When I can't find inspiration I imagine you just like this and I masturbate thinking about your perfect tits." 
Your pussy was pulsing at the thought of him in here clearing his head by milking himself. 
"Can you touch yourself for me? Give my imagination something to use next time I'm stuck in here?" 
You nodded, breath heavy in anticipation of cumming again for him. 
"Stick your fingers in your pussy for me." 
You did, moaning instantly. You were sensitive, every nerve was lit like a fuse ready to explode. Pumping your fingers in time with his strokes you were both unravelling quickly. 
His exasperated breathing got louder signaling his immanent release. Picking up speed he came in warm droplets that landed on you and over the canvas on which you lay. 
So turned on watching him you finished your own orgasm mere seconds after he did.
Opening his eyes looking down at you shocked he smiled, "Did we just do that?" He held out his hand to help you up. 
"Yeah, I think we did." you blushed.
Grabbing a clean drop cloth from the shelf he draped it around you as you both stood looking over the painting. 
"It's really not bad, I can still make out the important parts. The way the stars smeared looks intentional like their shooting through the sky." 
Laughing you shook your head, "It's definitely an abstract." 
"As are you," he turned you to the mirror. Painted cheeks, wild hair, dried yellow stars flaking off the skin of your stomach.
"Let's go out!” He abruptly declared. “I want to see you all messy and fucked out with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop." 
"You're crazy Taehyung, What will people think?" 
"They'll think they're in Paris and that an artist and his muse just made wild passionate love in the wee hours of the morning because they couldn't stand to keep their hands off of one another."
He grabbed his coat from the corner and tied the belt tightly around your waist. 
Placing his hands on your cheeks and cradling your face his lips pressed and lingered against yours.
"They'll think, that must be what true love looks like and they’ll all be jealous."
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Taking leisurely steps across the bridge the quiet of dawn was only broken by the water lapping beneath you. The absence of the locks amplified the little wakes and you tried to mentally record them as one of the many new memories you'd made tonight. 
Coffee in one hand and Taehyung's in the other. He pulled pieces of chocolatine from the bag tucked under his arm and fed them to you as you walked.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get over the fact you don't like coffee." You took a big sip. 
"It's strategic. If I had to hold a coffee and the pastry bag I wouldn't be able to hold your hand."
He stopped abruptly lightly jarring your arm. 
"Hey, Did you know that right here, this is the exact spot we first met."
His dark eyes reflected the lamplight just like they did as he looked at you that night.
"You were leaning over the rail," he pointed, "right here, waving to the passengers in the boats."
"Ughh, I was such a tourist." You laughed in retrospect. 
He took the coffee from your hand and set it on the base of the lamppost.
"Go pose for me, I want to take your picture so I can paint you from the night we met, I'll even add the locks back in."   
"It won't be the same." You sighed, "I'm covered in paint, my hair's a mess and all I have on is your trench coat."
"You're crazy if you think I don't remember everything about the way you looked. How that loose strand of hair fell," he tucked your hair behind your ear, "and still falls over your eye.  You had on that green sweater, I remember It was so soft against my fingertips when I reached out to hold your hand.” 
He kissed you and whispered, "Let me have that moment again." 
"You're such a hopeless romantic my love." You smiled fondly and obliged. Leaning over and looking down you re-enacted the opening scene of your meeting. 
After a few minutes of waving to an imaginary boat you turned giggling. "Did you get what you wanted?"
He was kneeling on the ground a few feet away looking pensive.
"Do you want me to do it again?"
His smile grew as his hand reached into his pocket and he held up what appeared to be a padlock. 
"No," He paused. "I want you and I to be locked together forever."
Turning back towards the rails you inspected them closely. "I don't think we can Tae, they pretty much made them lock proof." By the time you'd spun back to face him he was standing beside you. 
His large hand was wrapped around the lock with only little glimmers of metal peeking out.
"But this is a magic lock. I'm going to give you the key and you're going to have to make a decision, just like when we first met." He pressed the lock's pronged companion piece into your palm while simultaneously unfurling his fingers. 
"Marry me?"
Shocked floored, not even an ounce of intuition had told you this was coming. Hooked onto the shackle an enormous pear shaped diamond awaited your answer.
"Tae," your hand shook and tears blurred your vision as you moved to free the ring from it's restraint.
"Of course, Yes." Turning the key Taehyung pulled the lock apart and slid the diamond onto your finger.
Under the lamp, on the bridge in the middle of Paris it was like lightning had struck twice. You stood kissing the man who'd once again changed your life.
"But what are we going to do with the Lock?" The bridge was stark under the first rays of sunrise and heartbreakingly void of the promises it once guarded.
"So superstitious." He put the lock back in his pocket. "You're just going to have to hold on to that key until the time is right."
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Fresh paint overwhelmed your senses. Guiding you with his large hands he steered you forward for what felt like forever.
"Is the blindfold necessary?"
"In order to surprise you, yes, yes it is."
He'd been working hard on his new exhibition and it had been kept tightly under wraps. One advantage of sleeping with the artist was the private advanced viewing from the curator himself.
"Are you ready?" he stilled you adjusting your angles. "Hold out your hand."
"Oh, it's an interactive piece?" you chided him. "I agree to do one painting and suddenly we're Marina and Ulay."
Placing something that felt like cool metal into your palm he slipped the blindfold off. 
Before your eyes stood a huge section of railing, thousands of padlocks adorning it. Behind the rail, a life size painting, a girl in a green sweater. Leaning forward she waved, looking happy, as her hair blew softly. Her eyes naïve, not knowing she was about to fall in love.
The words on the wall named the piece, "Locked"
"Tae," a tear fell in awe at his recreation. "You made me look beautiful."
"No mon petite, you make you look beautiful. Do you have your key?"
Lifting the chain from around your neck you held it up for him.
"Let's find our lock. It was closer to the top if I recall correctly."
"There's no way? This isn't a recreation? This is the real bridge?"
He laughed, "I know what it meant to you. They were selling pieces for charity. That's what I was really doing with Camille that day. She's a broker for the auction house."
The memory of your insecurities came back in a flash and your cheeks blushed pink at how foolish the notion of him straying seemed now.
"Here it is!" He crouched down holding it in his hand, your inked initials a little worn but still visible.
Slipping your key into the new lock you popped it open and knelt down beside him. Hooking it through the original it stood out higher than the rest and you both smiled.
"You're stuck with me now, triple locked." He fiddled with your ring suddenly shy.
"I don't need metaphors to know we'll be together forever Taehyung." You kissed his soft lips. "but I really like them."
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The gallery had been taken over by a hum of excitement, the air hanging heavy, was full of compliments and bids. Everyone was clamoring for the chance to own a Kim Taehyung original.
You hadn't seen the man of the hour in a while. You'd been kept dutifully in one spot regaling everyone with the romantic story behind the girl waving on the bridge. 
Finally breaking away you grabbed a glass of champagne from the nearest waiters tray and made your way to the back of the gallery. He stood by a painting you'd yet to see with an eclectic looking woman in large red framed glasses. Her bangle bracelets chimed together as she theatrically asked him questions about his work.
Noticing you moving towards him, his face pleaded silently with you to come to his social rescue.
"Ah, the girl in the Green Sweater!" She pulled you into her side grabbing and holding your hand. "Are you also The Reluctant Muse?" she pointed to the secretly cum splatterd piece.
Taehyung held back his smile, biting his lip.
"Yes, I guess I am."
"The abstract way he displayed your body, it's very sexy. You know I used to be someone's muse." She patted the back of your hand. "From the size of this ring I'm guessing you're not nearly as reluctant anymore."
Knocking back your champagne you reached for another, "I'm currently working on lowering my inhibitions."
Focusing back on Taehyung she continued, "I simply have to have this painting, it reminds me so much of my younger days."
He shook his head to reinforce what he was about to say. "Unfortunately this one has already been curated to a private collection." He winked nodding discreetly in your direction.
"Don't be silly, I'll give you $20,000."
You choked on your drink surprised while he reiterated his statement.
"I'm sorry, It's just a very special painting to me."
You had to interject, "Let's not make any hasty decisions."
Taehyung raised a scolding eyebrow, "The piece is simply priceless, I've put too much of myself in it to sell." 
You smirked at his secret admission. "What if," feeling emboldened with confidence you put forth the suggestion, "we make it a series?"
Taehyung's eyes lit up as you explained.
"It'll be one of a kind, just for you madam."
Her bangles declared her excitement as she clapped. "Yes, I love that! But I have two conditions."
Leaning forward you both eagerly waited.
“I want extra splatters, I really like the way they look. And I'm going to need it finished in time for my party next week.”
Taehyung shook the woman's hand and grinned proudly at you.
"No problem, we'll start working on it tonight."
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5 things you like/love about your partner/friend/someone you like
You want me to say nice things about someone? Sigh. Fine. I'll dedicate this to my better half then - @minicrawford
1) I love how much of a passionate, dedicated reader she is. She doesn't just read a book, she dives into the world the writer creates, falls in love with the author's writing style, sometimes with the characters and prefers to never put it down so she can devour the book really quickly. One of my favorite things to watch her do is actually reading, I love how focused she gets and to see her expressions changing with everything that is happening in the book - from slightly shocked expressions to little smiles... It's adorable. I mean, she has her own book club for all those reasons, so she can talk to people who love the same book she was reading just as much. And I love that sometimes we do read to each other and just have a chill day staying in. 2) Then there's also the fact that she could easily be spoiled and I'm sure people who judge a book by its cover think like that about her but she's just not. She works hard, she doesn't expect to get jobs because she's 'the daughter of...', she never takes any job she gets for granted and always gives 110%. I've got the chance to see her do some work in the model business as well as the acting business so far and I find it interesting to get to see her switch fully into her professional mode, taking everything she does as serious as one should. She shows up on time, she pays those who have been around longer than her respect and takes all the kind advice her co-workers offer to heart. 3) She prioritizes family and friends. It doesn't matter how busy she is, if either her friends or family need her, she will be there in a heartbeat. She always makes sure to check in on everyone, she makes sure she's there for all the big moments and the small ones as well, and she actually gives very great life advice. Probably because she actually is wise beyond her years. 4) Our mutual love for our little furry family. We're both dog people and admittedly love to spoil our fur children probably a little too much but I think it's one of the many reasons why we work so well. Her dog Milo and my dog Shiner took a little while to get used to each other but now they and the puppy we adopted together, Layla, are inseparable. It's one of the warmest and best feelings in the world to watch her interact with the doggos and just in general be the best dog mom ever. 5) How easily she blended into all my family's traditions when it comes to football, despite not really being as into it before she knew me. I know it might sound a tad dramatic but it is actually kind of a breaking point relationship-wise for me. It's a huge part of my life, always has and always will be and I love how she instantly understood that and was actually excited to become part of it. To be honest, she generally gets me on a level that I'm not even sure I entirely understand myself, sometimes I feel like she knows me better than I know myself. She even gets the parts of me that I don't like and those that she, for very good reasons, probably also doesn't like but still accepts as they are as much part of me as all the reasons why she loves me. Bonus: She was the first girlfriend who made me fully understand how putting all the work and effort into the relationship will nurture it and actually make it easier to pull the same strings so it'll be smooth sailing for the most part, no matter what kind of storm approaches.
I'm hoping this was nice enough because I'm putting the romantic back into the box where he belongs now.
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a-pretty-nerd · 5 years
I Think We're Alone Now (Klaus Hargreeves x fem! reader smut)
Request: "Hey, so I know you probably have a lot of requests to write, but I was wondering if you could write a Klaus x reader fic based off of the song "I think we're alone now" it's in the first episode where they're all dancing. I just think it'd be a cool/cute/smutty little thing to write. Also you're amazing and I've read your stories before I even had a Tumblr account (it was on safari usually) anyways thanks, and you're amazing!!" ~ @the-marvelatic
A/N: I know! I know these prompts have taken me a while. But I worked two full hour weeks at work which was intense, this podcast demands a lot, and currently I am starting a very big project that is a priority as well. Regardless, I am hoping to open my inbox back up by next week. Thank you for all your requests, keep em coming, I love you ✌💕
Warnings: NSFW, smut, fuckin...you know the drill
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Life had never been easy. Being a freak of nature was absolute hell your entire life. Your only comfort as a child was knowing that there were others like yourself. The television was a peak into the world where The Umbrella Academy, a group of "gifted" children used their gifts for good! As a girl, you fantasized being in a group like that.
But unfortunately, as years passed and adulthood took over, that childhood dream shattered.
Life had passed you by until, by some strange miracle, that dream found you. Your fellow freaks were in search of more like themselves. You were unknowingly close to them, having tried to make a life for yourself in New York.
You hardly recognized the team, of course, it had been years since you even thought of them. You were given an insane opportunity to meet others like yourself. Learning the other's stories, and sharing your abilities with them. It felt like a reunion, and yet none of you had ever met.
There was something about one of them in particular. A scrawny and rugged man, you often times saw him sneaking a glance at you. Klaus was the most interesting to you. Not only was his ability fascinating but, he just had a glow about him that attracted you.
You were smitten at first sight, is all I'll say. There were a couple times you had gotten a little flirtatious before Luther, or Diego, or another interupted the tense moment. You could have sworn it was on purpose.
It was about your third night there when tensions had grown too high. You sat yourself down on the couch beside him after a drink or two. You plopped down and smiled at him without a word.
"Oh, hello you." He smiled back, hugging his shoulder up to his neck and dropping them.
"I like your ink." You told him, dragging one of your fingers over the flesh of his shoulder.
"Thank you." He said, looking over at the particular piece you were refering to.
"Alright well, I'm beat. I'm gonna head to bed." Luther groaned as he stood up, and began walking towards the staircase.
"Sounds like a good idea." Allison yawned and followed. Now, Vanya had already gone to bed early, so had many others. After Luther and Allison exscused themselves, you were left relativley alone. It was just you, klaus, and oh yeah...five.
Five, having drank himself one too many margaritas and scotches, was now a very outgoing and energetic individual. He leaned against a bookshelf and sipped at the sad remains of a half-drunk margarita.
"Its a funny thing...sleep."
"What?" You asked him, slightly confused.
"Sleep. I only seem to need it when I want it most. And-sory...Don't want it most. But its at times when I do want it that I fail to drift off." Klaus's brow raised as he watched the man/child stumble forward and sit down on the seat across where Luther had been seated before.
"I know the feeling." You spoke to be polite.
"I believe it was Charle Dickins that wrote of the misfortunes of sleep. Or...was that Poe?" He continued, running names through his head before he brushed it aside and rambled on. You sighed, fustrated that Five would not get a clue and leave the two of you alone. As time passed, you looked over at Klaus and shared a mutual sigh.
"Well I think its my bedtime." You stood, looking down at Klaus with a shrug before walking past five and to your guest bedroom. "Goodnight."
"Mmh. Night." Five mumbled. You sulked back, down the hallway to your room.
"Wait a minute, Y/N?" You turned, finding the adorabke Klaus jogging down the hallway towards you. He stopped in front of you and stared for a moment in silence.
"Yes?" You asked, your heart heaving in your chest as you tool deeo breathes. He was close. You were alone, the hallway was completely empty and it sent a chill down your spine. Without a word, he reached his arms out and pulled you into a passionate kiss by your shoulders. Finally.
You felt a release of stress, and yet the tension was building. You craved more. You wrapped your arms around him, keeping him close as the kiss continued. He pressed you up against the wall, holding your hips in his hands and he panted between kisses. Your heart raced in your chest as your body demanded more.
You pulled against his clothing, desperate to see and feel him bare. You pulled off his jacket and dropped in in the hall. He pulled you by your hips and into your room, where you then pressed him against the door to close and lock it. All alone, all to yourself. You pulled his shirt off and over his head. He watched you with heavy eyelids and a lustfueled sparkle in his eyes. He let you hold you, kiss his neck and leave hickies as you pleased. He moaned in pleasure as he reached down and grabbed your ass. Oh yess.
"I want you." You panted as you looked up at him. He gave a huff and a smile.
"Really?" He laughed. You giggled for a moment before pulling him away from the door, making your way to the bed. He sat on the edge and watched you remove your pants before swinging your legs to either side of his thighs. He gazed up at you, sliding his hands up your hips and side as you pulled your shirt off and threw it to the side. "Even better than I imagined." He purred, placing his head on your chest, between your breasts. He made quick to remove your bra and drop it. From there he toyed, groped, sucked your chest. You moaned his name.
You felt his erection grow under your panties, practically throbbing uncomfortably. The butterflies went wild in your stomach as he took you and layed you down on the bed under him. From there, he threw off his pants and let his cock spring free. You would have to suck him off another time, he was too needy for you to let you take the tip. He stood at the side of the bed and pulled off your panties. He reached down and moaned happily.
"So wet." He cooed before adjusting himself to your entrance. You let out a loud moan as he filled you. A shiver embraced you before he started to move. Oh fuck it was so good, the way he fucked you. At first it was relatively missionary, he leaned down and kissed you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. His hips smacked against yours as you went dizzy. Then is sat up, holding onto you hips. He held your thighs in your hands and pulled them up. It made him hit you deeper. Oh fuck.
"Oh god, baby." You panted.
"Fuck yeah, thats it." He said, before he then took your legs and pressed them together. He sat them on his shoulder and held your thighs together as he fucked you. It made him hit your g-spot. And oh god. Oh god. Your eyes rolled back in your head. You gripped the sheet below as he relentlessly fucked into you.
"F-Fuck I'm gonna-" you hissed, turning your head to side as your cheeks went hot. You felt your orgasm come and your body release the tension. You came on his cock, and it made him go crazy.
"Oh god, yes baby, oh yes--f-fuc-ck." He grunted, practically clinging to your thighs as he continued. He finally pulled out and threw your thighs apart so he could cum all over your chest. His jaw dropped as he finished. He was spent, and panting in the aftermath.
"Christ." You huffed in the glow. Klaus struggled to find something to clean you off with. You watched as he wipped your chest and stomach off and tossed the evidence away. "We'll have to do that again sometime." You smiled.
"If we can find the time again." Klaus nodded. You chuckled.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: How do you like your  🥚🍳 in the morning? Carly: no 🐣 Carly: ha Ali: 🐔 didn't show up in your roost later, did he? Carly: he must be scared of you Carly: 🔮 Ali: or my 🐺 Carly: maybe Ali: eggs aside, how you feeling, chick? Carly: 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Ali: 👎👎👎👎👎 Ali: unacceptable! Ali: what do you need, kill or cure? Carly: cure forever Carly: im too young to die Ali: I'll swing by with my witches brew Ali: actually doesn't taste like ☠ either Ali: pure 😇 Carly: aw Carly: really? Ali: 'course, not gonna half-arse the job Ali: and it makes a full pot, no sense in not sharing the 💚 Carly: 💙 Carly: wat does it taste like? Ali: like Christmas 🎄🎅🤶🎁❄️🌨️☃️✨🌟 Carly: 😋😊🥰 Ali: it's got ginger and peppermint in Ali: the only other person hanging out their arse is my brother and he would rather die 'cos he's grumpy 👴 man energy so Carly: no 🦃 tho yea?! ha Carly: oh no he sounds like my da Carly: which cute bro is it? Ali: definitely not 😂 Ali: some greens but not sprouts Ali: the freckly one Carly: did u heal my heart to 💔😢? Carly: course itd be the most beautiful one Ali: oh no, you're delirious Ali: I'll come quick 😜 Carly: dont b jealous 👼 hes only the most beautiful boy Ali: 😏 My ma'll be gutted Carly: do u have a tea for that? Ali: 🍋 'cos she's so bitter? Ali: I'll see if she goes for it Carly: noooo 🍯 so she wont be Ali: you're too sweet yourself, Walsh Carly: aw Carly: but ur the 1 who saved me Carly: ur the sweetest Ali: anyone would Carly: nah ur the 1st Carly: not just saying it to u get ur fairy wings Ali: had to fly away from that particular 🐔 plenty myself Ali: harmless and flightless though he is, most the time Carly: yea Carly: he talks about u wen hes been on it Carly: the 1 that flew away Ali: uh oh Ali: can't let a boy ✂ your wings Ali: ever Ali: ever Ali: 👼🏽 🐔 🐧 🐦 🐤 🐣 🐥 🦆 🦢 🦅 🦉 🦚 🦜 🦇 🐝 🦋 🐞 🦗 🦟 🐓 🦃 🕊 Carly: im 😕💫🙃 but idk if those were the guests i danced with Carly: did get a cute lil 🎶🎤 to fall asleep to tho 💙🕊 Carly: 🌚🌝🌛🌜🌞 Ali: very 👸 of you though Ali: I can 👀 it Carly: my ma is trying to make me clean Carly: 🐇🐁🐀🐿🦔🐾 pls Ali: also unacceptable Ali: not 'til you're better Ali: use my wings to fly through and 🤞 he don't get the wrong idea about who I'm there to see Carly: [sends her a pic of whatever caravan mess she caused last night that her mum is raging about] Carly: so u can play a game of spot whats got her 😠 Carly: cuz idk Ali: Fun 🧐🤔🤨 Ali: angry mothers are my forte Ali: [does the circling the hazzards moment on the pic] Carly: making her angry is mine but nah to knowing y ever ever Carly: k ur cute & smart Carly: 🌟 Ali: it's rarely logical, but 🤫 on that or it's hulk levels in 0-60 Ali: how are you this nice when you're 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Ali: that's a skill, rare one at that 💎✨ Carly: my da is looking green must of had his own 🎶🍻💃 ha Carly: idk i can b nicer? but k now i know ronan aint been talking bout me when hes 🍺 or 💊 Ali: can be a tea party for three Ali: have to bring his own 🎩 though Ali: not to me anyway Ali: but as you can tell Ali: 🐺 keeps all the 🐓🐓🐓 away Carly: 🐇🐇🐇♠️♣️♥️♦️🐇🐇🐇 Carly: she is fierce Ali: she likes to think so Ali: 🐶 really Carly: course ur not scared of her silly Carly: u love her Carly: im a 🐈 person ha Ali: [sends her a load of pictures of Bluebeard she didn't ask for rather than being like do I love her hmm] Carly: AW!!!! Carly: 🥰🤗 Ali: he's captain ☠🏴 but there's always room aboard Carly: thats the best offer ive had from a gentleman ever ever ever Carly: whats his name? Ali: Bluebeard Ali: and he is MOSTLY a gentleman if you can handle some toe nibbling Carly: 😍😍😍😍 Carly: into it Carly: ive done more for lads i just met who aint as beautiful so Ali: 😂 I feel that Ali: honestly, it's quite comforting, when he doesn't sneak attack you with it Carly: [sends her a selfie that shouldn't be as adorable as it is] Carly: now u can introduce us Carly: 👋 baby blue Ali: the 😍😍😍😍 are mutual Ali: I can tell Carly: yay Carly: 🧡 Ali: is there anything else you need/we want for the tea party? Ali: en-route at last Carly: ur really coming? Ali: yeah, sorry I was ages, it's a whole process brewing it Ali: also a dead giveaway you're 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 which obvs my ma takes as her cue to be all Spanish inquisition about it Ali: 📚 of my mostly-fictional-but-which-are-and-which-aren't-mother exploits later Carly: sorry iou so much magic Ali: nah, don't worry about it 👸 Ali: who doesn't love a little scandal with their morning brew? she deffo does Carly: its too late im looking for 🍀 Carly: among the 🌼🌼🌼 Ali: awh Ali: I'm never turning down extra luck Ali: we can make daisy-chains Carly: its the dresscode Carly: soz da Ali: does he have a 🧔? Ali: that's a #look Carly: not rn Carly: my ma wasnt on @ me only to clean up Carly: he had his turn Ali: damn it Ali: maybe a nice belt Ali: I'll be 🤔 Carly: dont b 💔😢 he has bushy eyebrows Ali: same Ali: he's earnt his invite back Ali: your ma gonna have to chill though Ali: and it ain't that kinda tea 💔 Carly: you wont b able to tell if shes angry or surprised Ali: 😚 ⬅ I know the vibe Ali: you do you babe Carly: she used to let me sort em out but there was an accident Carly: which im sworn to secrecy about Ali: I'm so good with secrets 🙏🙏🙏 Carly: k Carly: my head zoned out but my hands kept going like Ali: you were meditating you can't help having  🌌🧠 Ali: I'll 🤭 now and never tell, don't worry Mrs W Carly: @ school yea im meditating on your q sir relax Carly: ha love that Ali: they just ask questions to answer it themselves, what is the point Carly: u coming for my ma again? Ali: 🤫 bad first impression, that Carly: shes heard it from ronan too sorry Carly: lad has loose lips Ali: honestly Ali: 🙄 can't keep up with my bad reputation Carly: ud think hed be better at kissing Carly: its talk talk talk Carly: more good things about u than ive made it seem like tho Ali: he was a big talker Ali: probably 'cos he ain't allowed with the lads Carly: if he talked about what a 👼 u are & how 💔😢 he is theyd uninvite him from the bonfire Carly: its sweet really how hung up hes got Ali: he only thinks I'm an 👼 'cos he took my virginity probs Ali: that's more suitable 🔥side chat Carly: he goes on about that alot but I thought he was lying Carly: oh no that sounds bad Carly: not calling u a slag ur obvs not its y he likes u more Ali: 😂 I'm fine with slag Ali: all definition dependent anyway Carly: yea same Carly: can be hot if ur in the mood Ali: right, and if I'm a slag 'cos I didn't marry him then I'll take it Carly: & hes not allowed to marry gorgers theyd wanna throw him in the 🔥 Ali: exactly Ali: we can't both be 💔😢 forever can we boy Carly: just me @ the party til u came to my rescue Ali: 🥺 Ali: What was he even on about then, like? Ali: dickhead Carly: idk i zone out wen he shouts @ me too Ali: I can always poison a cup and send it his way Ali: just say the word Carly: hes not that bad Ali: okay okay, just some laxatives Ali: 'cos he's a bit 💩 Carly: ha Ali: no 🌼🌼🌼 unless he says soz then Carly: but his beautiful curls 🥺 Ali: hmm, a good point Ali: be strong, baby Carly: ill throw one @ him & run away Carly: back to u Ali: you're so adorable Carly: says u Carly: 👼👸🏼 Ali: 💚 we're gonna have an adventure when the tea hits okay Ali: I've decided Carly: k thats the kinda 🎄🎅🤶🎁 it is Carly: i do want the energy of a kid on xmas morning Ali: that's the best Ali: how I'm tryna be every day Carly: 💫⭐️🌟✨⚡️☄️ 🚀🛸 Ali: if only 🚀 Ali: this bike can only go as fast as my lil legs can carry, like Carly: aw baby Carly: i shouldve asked u where u live before this 2nd rescue was launched Carly: im sorry Ali: No distance is too far for a fair maiden Carly: ill have to see what other 🔮 i can find before u get here Carly: dont love ious Ali: there's no ious Carly: [sending her loads of pics of her with or just pics of the cat lady's cats that she's rounding up for this tea party and they're adorable] Ali: 😍💞😻 Ali: okay, non-debt fully paid though Carly: [just rambling about the names she's given each cat cos her and cat lady don't know each other properly til Ali comes along and like facts about each cat/her fave things cos she's a big nerd] Ali: I love them Ali: I'm gonna get them some 🐟🐟🐟 when I get tea party tings Ali: some cream, awh, okay, this is happening Carly: im picking enough 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 for everyone Ali: should've put Bluebs in my basket Ali: next time Carly: aw Carly: Humbug might try & fight him Carly: youd b there to protect him tho Ali: I can ref Ali: my little brother is always trying to play-fight everyone so I'm well-versed Carly: is he ticklish? that works for me Carly: broken up lots of fights Ali: big time Ali: his kryptonite Ali: reckon it's against the rules in professional fights but preparing him for anything like any good big sister Carly: ha Carly: aw i bet ur an amazing sister Carly: if i had 1 maybe id wanna be on site sometimes Carly: my ma's eyebrows r hardly a call to home Ali: he might disagree but he's 5 so what does he know 😉 Ali: feel that though Ali: home is just a base, whole 🌍 out there Carly: wen ur 5 you argue to argue Carly: yea if u dont use ur wings theyll think u dont want em 💔😢 Ali: flying is like riding a 🚲 though Carly: r we goin on a 🚲 adventure? Ali: definitely Ali: ugh, need one of those wagons for the 😻😻😻s Carly: ☺️its gonna b so fun! Carly: we might meet more 🐈🐈🐈🐈 Ali: way better than 🐔 Carly: ha Carly: do u have 🔮 left to help me find shoes? Ali: have you checked the fridge? Carly: [a pause while she do] Carly: theyre not there 😕🧐 Ali: damn, that'd be the last place I'd look though Ali: were they in the mess your Ma was sounding off about fr Carly: o mayb Carly: if i was wearing any when you dropped me off Ali: 🤔 I don't know if I recall any glass slippers Ali: I'll ask Lene hold up Carly: 👸 energy Carly: but idk if i wanna scary 🐺 at my door Ali: turns out she's actually your 👵 Carly: ha my grandma is 💍 to god Carly: its not close to the energy shes putting out Ali: she'd probably tell your actual that God is a gay girl Ali: nah she's well 😇 around fam, just hide behind your Ma and me, baby, you'll be fine Carly: ha that wasn't in any of the kids bible stories she sent me every 🎄🎅🤶🎁 Carly: her god is 😠 than Humbug Carly: he likes to shout so i gotta zone out Carly: aw that's sweet ur ma loves her too? Ali: Hooray for Catholicism, yeah? 😏 Ali: she loves my Ma, more like Carly: we spend our sundays on our knees nana but its 🚽🤮 or u kno a bigger sin Carly: u do look like her i remember Ali: that's not QUITE 🚽🤮 levels but close 😂 Carly: nah its nice u have the same 👀💙✨ Carly: idk who i look like Carly: postman maybe Ali: now I don't know whether to 😳 or be 🤨 you like my Ma too Ali: you look like you and that's Ali: 💛 😍 😘 🥰 😚 👸 👼🏽 🐰 🌼 🌻 🌞 🍓 🍑 🍨 🍰 🍭 🍬 🎆 💜 Carly: yea 🤞🙏🌠 the postman isnt my da cuz hes a ride Carly: aw now youve got me 😳 Ali: rude, my postman is not Carly: 🚫💌 then baby Carly: ill text u instead Ali: so grumpy, don't stick your hand right into our house if you don't wanna get bitten, sir Ali: not by me, whatever Ronan has said Ali: though I'm well flattered I'm getting a text back Carly: ha its k its not that u use too much teeth Carly: & course ur my hero Carly: tho 🤞🙏🌠 wont b an sos every time Ali: good, can't have him putting you off with blatant lies Ali: it won't be if I do a better job at the heroics and get there before any bad shit can happen Carly: its k i like it Carly: helps me remember what i did Carly: 💔😢 no lads r spelling their names out in bruises for the who Carly: 🐇🐾🐇🐾🐇 Carly: nooo theres no better u could do Carly: ur flying to me faster than anyone has ever ever Ali: amateurs, like Ali: so rude, ain't they heard you're 👸 Ali: I'm basically there now, prepare for the best tea party you've ever been to Carly: aint wat theyve heard but idc Carly: yay 💙 i havent had 1 since me & my 🧸🧸🧸 Ali: I'll be 🎶🔊 it so get in the know lads Ali: awh, can I meet them too? Carly: not too 🔊 or ur gf will bite me which could b fun but im not trying to do u like 💔😢 Carly: some r shyer than others but if u work ur 🔮 how u did for me ull make friends Ali: fill your boots, babe, I don't reckon she's your type, like Ali: I'll be on my best behaviour 🤞 Ali: the loveliest guest you've ever had 🤞🤞 Carly: be fun though Carly: not boring Ali: 😲😲 Ali: Is that the impression I give off? Ali: or another Ronan tale, either way Ali: gonna have to prove otherwise now in the most extra ways imaginable Carly: nahhh Carly: he don't lie to me its his 1 saving grace Carly: its just like a pls Carly: to u & the universe Ali: I won't be boring Ali: trust me Carly: k Carly: i do ur a lifesaver Ali: nah Ali: just happy to help Carly: im happy we r mates Ali: me too Ali: idk why we weren't before, like Ali: too many people at school Carly: & i dont go much ha Ali: this is true Ali: lesser spotted walsh 🐦 Carly: oooh wat colours am i Ali: 💗💜💛🧡💗 Carly: cute Ali: very Carly: wats ur fave colour? Ali: It's a harder question than people reckon, that Ali: like, there's so many beautiful things of every colour Ali: if I can decide for the day, I feel like I'm doing a disservice to all the others Carly: sorry Carly: i havent decided on mine either Carly: when i was a lil kid it was 💛 for the 🌞 then wen i started goin out it was silver for wat i thought the 🌚 looked like Carly: but ive seen so many new colours since Ali: kids always know Ali: they're much smarter than adults about everything Carly: i bet ur lil bro is the smartest Carly: like u Ali: he likes red for 🚨❌🛑⛔️🚫💯‼️🥊🥤 Ali: and I see the appeal Carly: does he like 🍎? i kno somewhere that sells the reddest shiniest 1s Carly: or we cud just throw 🍅s Ali: he's at the anti-fruit stage Ali: but I reckon he could be convinced if we let him smother 'em in caramel and sprinkles Carly: its a date Ali: Me first
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