#he still straightened his hair and didn't really stop until closer to '17 but he still would wear it like this for his 1st album cover.
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x. hiatus/break-up era boys 😒.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (8)
Warnings: hoo boi.
Word Count: 2k 
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"Y/n?" Chan gently shook your shoulder. "Come on baby, you've got to wake up."
You peeled your eyes open, cheeks flushing as you noticed how close Chan's face was to yours.
"Good, you're awake. Listen...I've got to go to the airport and pick up my parents, and your mom was blowing up your phone just a few minutes ago." The corner of his lips twitched in amusement as your phone started vibrating. "Well, there she goes again. Sounds important, you should answer." He straightened up, handing you your phone and heading to the kitchen. "I’ll be making breakfast."
You smiled as he left, expression dropping as you answered your phone.
"Yes, mom...?"
"Oh! My baby! Thank god you answered, finally...I'm so sorry about last night, darling..."
"It's oka-"
"No it wasn't! I'm a terrible mother. I'm sorry, it's just, he was so hot, and I was super intoxicated. We're going to go on a second date! Whose place did you stay at, by the way? A boy answered the phone earlier." She asked, her tone dripping with suggestiveness. You could almost see her wiggling her eyebrows.
"Ew, gross, mom! He's just a friend." You said as Chan came back into the room with a plate of waffles, raising an eyebrow.
"Sure, darling, whatever you say. Although I'm certainly not opposed to you getting laid, it was long overdue anyw-"
"Haha okay, bye mom!" You cut the call, shuddering as Chan giggled, passing you the plate.
"Just a friend? Do friends kiss each other the way we did last night?"
"Shut up." You smiled, digging into your waffles.
You watched Chan's car leave as he left for the airport, standing there until he became a speck in the distance before turning around to enter your house.
You found your mom sitting on the couch...but this time, she wasn't passed out with drool running down her chin and clutching a bottle of beer- she was sitting with an odd sense of poise, wearing a pretty summer dress and a huge smile.
"Y/n! You're home! How was your night?" She grinned, winking. You narrowed your eyes, her cheerfulness catching you off guard. Your gaze drifted to the table, on which rested some plates and two empty wine glasses.
"Nowhere near as good as yours." You said pointedly, tearing your gaze away from the table as you moved to go upstairs.
Flopping on your bed, you scrolled through your text messages. Nothing new from Chan. You sighed, reminding yourself that there was probably no Wi-Fi at the airport.
Suddenly your phone dinged with a new text message. Oh. A response to your tutor ad. You'd put it up a long while ago and had honestly forgotten all about it. Well, you definitely needed the extra money. You replied affirmatively to the text and tossed your phone next to you on the mattress.
It had been a while since Chan had had dinner with the boys. The conversation was light, and he had missed his friends..however he found himself missing you more, despite having seen you that morning.
"Minho, I don't know how you get away with making out with her in the hallway. I can barely hold hands with my girlfriend without some teacher giving us detention-"
Chan looked up as Felix shoved Changbin's arm, making him stop mid-sentence. Changbin raised an eyebrow, realization dawning on him.
"Ah sorry, Chan. I didn't mean to rub it in."
"Seriously, though." Jisung rolled his eyes. "It's been weeks, and you aren't any closer to getting that book. I hate to say it bro, but I don't think Miyoung would want to be with you even if Minho breaks up with her."
Hyunjin nodded, glancing up from his phone. "I've noticed her and Y/n are really buddying it up. It's girl code not to date your friend's ex."
"Of course, you're the expert on girl code, Hyunjin."
A small squabble broke out and Chan wanted to slither onto the floor and just...stay there. He glared at his plate, deciding he’d had enough.
"Stop it!”
Jisung and Hyunjin stopped talking, staring at Chan in surprise.
"I will get that book soon. I love Miyoung, and I'll make sure she's mine, through any means possible. I don’t care about your opinions, so you guys can just shut the fuck up." He hated lying through his teeth, but there was no way he was going to tell these judgmental burdens he called his friends that he loved you- at least not yet.
Chan relished the silence as he continued eating, trying his best to ignore Minho's burning, inquisitive gaze directed right at him.
You sat in bed, clutching your blue book as you tapped your pencil, your head filled with thoughts of Chan. In all your 17 years of life, you'd never known what love felt like...but now you did. And as a result, you were completely consumed with the burning need to tell Chan exactly how you felt.
When you'd moved to this town, you really hadn't expected for it to one day feel like home. But it did, and you were sure it was all because of Chan. His presence somehow made you feel safe, and protected, and you hadn't felt this secure since your dad left you.
You wanted- no, you needed to know if Chan felt the same way about you. You pushed the self-doubt deep inside as you imagined telling him.
You turned red just thinking about it. Fuck it, you were too shy. You'd be a blubbering mess two words in.
Sighing, you looked back down at your book...when an idea struck in your head.
Uncapping your pen with your teeth, you placed the nib on the paper and inhaled, letting all your feelings flow out onto the page. It felt kind of cliché, writing a love letter like this, but you always did have a tendency to over-romanticize everything.
Besides; it was more of a love poem. Gah, was that worse? You hoped to god he wouldn't find it cheesy, especially since you'd bared your heart to him with these words. As you finished, your eyes ran over the last sentence. 
"If you feel the same, please meet me behind the tree near the lake, where we had our first conversation, and where I started falling for you."
You shut the book and placed it on your bedside table, flicking the lamp off and rolling over. You nuzzled your pillow, your mind drifting to last night, the memory of Chan's lips and body pressed against yours still fresh.
It was a bit early to be having an ice cream date, but neither of you could honestly care less. As soon as you'd woken up in the morning, Chan had texted you to meet him at the ice cream parlour near his house.
"I can't believe you like salted caramel. Its such an old person flavor." He laughed, staring at you fondly.
"Like mint chocolate is any better." You rolled your eyes.
"Fine fine, let's just accept we have different tastes in ice cream."
You smiled. "That I can get on board with."
There was a comfortable silence as the two of you ate. You glanced up from time to time, your heart pounding as you psyched yourself up. Come on, this was the moment. You can do it, Y/n.
"Hey, Chan...?"
"Mm?" He asked, pausing with the spoon halfway to his mouth.
"Uh...are you free tonight?"
"Tonight? Oh, I'm playing soccer with the guys. You could come watch, though."
"Oh no, I have a tutoring appointment in the evening." You muttered.
Chan quirked his eyebrow. "Why'd you ask in the first place, then?"
"Uh, I just wanted to know. I mean-" You groaned, letting out an exasperated sigh. Bending down, you grabbed your bag from the floor and put it on your lap.
Confused, Chan watched as you pulled out your book, the book, swallowing. Slowly, you slid it over to him.
"I...what's this?" Chan asked as nonchalantly as he could, running a hand through his hair.
"It's...kind of my diary. I just-" you inhaled. "Look, I've bookmarked a page. When you go home- and please don't open it before then- read what I've written." You gulped, as Chan didn't make any move to take the book.
"Look, Y/n, I-"
"Please, just take it. Don't ask any questions." You looked down, trying to hide your flushed cheeks, trying to calm the beating of your heart.
Chan sighed, fingers reaching out and slowly curling over the book as he took it into his hands, tucking it into his pocket as you let yourself smile.
"Thank you."
Huh. This was definitely not what you'd been expecting. The house was a lot smaller than you'd imagined it to be, especially knowing how much you were charging.
You breathed in and came forward, knocking on the door and waiting. A few minutes later, a young girl opened it.
"Hi! Are you Dea?"
"How do you know that?" She asks, scrunching her nose, her hand gripping the handle tightly. "Mom says not to talk to strangers."
You shook your head quickly before she could close the door. "Sweetheart, I'm your tutor."
"Prove it."
You sighed, straightening and looking past her. "Is your mom here?"
The girl paused for a second before shaking her head, moving to slam the door closed, when a woman showed up from behind the corner.
"Oh good, it's the tutor!" The woman placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder, smiling at you. "Come in, Y/n. I've actually got someplace to be, but I'll be back in two hours. I assume you'll be done by then?"
"Yeah, most probably." You smiled and let her take you in, leading you to Dea's bedroom. The girl herself followed cautiously, and you found yourself a little amused.
"Right, this is her desk." The mom ran a hand through her hair, gesturing to the table. She glanced at her watch and swore, shooting you an apologetic glance.
"In sorry Y/n, I've got to get going soon- please focus on her maths, it's really bad. We'll discuss your fees and other logistics when I get back, okay?" She smiled at you, waving at her daughter before hurrying out the door.
You watched her leave, frowning slowly as she walked away. Something was niggling away at the back of your mind. Why did she look so familiar?
Turning back to the girl, you sighed inwardly at her knitted eyebrows and scowl. She was avoiding your stare, fiddling with her pencil and muttering under her breath.
This was going to be tough.
Minho sighed, watching Miyoung wave from the bleachers. Fuck, it was like she was physically incapable of giving him some fucking space.
He glanced over to Chan, clad in his uniform as he chugged water from the bottle Felix handed to him. When was this asshole going to get that fucking book? He couldn't stand having to date Miyoung any longer.
As the girl blew him an exaggerated kiss, Minho decided he had had enough. Needing to be alone, he turned around and went to the locker room. Just a moment to breathe, that was all he was asking for.
As Minho entered the cool, air-conditioned locker room, he let out a sigh of relief. He went over to sit one of the benches, planning to rest in solitude for just a few minutes... until he noticed Chan's clothing lying on one.
His shirt and jeans were carelessly strewn on the seat, and Minho narrowed his eyes as a flash of blue caught his eye, almost immediately.
Peeking out from the pocket was a very familiar looking little blue book.
He came closer, slowly pulling the book out and inspecting it. Could it be? The bastard had your book all along? Opening it, he flipped through the pages with a smirk slowly growing on his face. Yup, it was yours.
It was like the gods were smiling down on him, finally.
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