#he sleeps with me snuggled up close at night either by my head or in my arms(he makes his way there lmao) so he will get his attention
tootiecakes234 · 9 months
There is no such thing as being pissed and not sleeping in your shared bed with Katsuki at night.
You have gotten pissed at him several times and been too upset to sleep in the same bed as him.
To be honest you only did it because you KNEW how much he looked forward to holding you at night. He’d spilled his guts one night when he’d had one too many, about how much it calms him to be wrapped around you when he sleeps. Just knowing you’re safe and feeling your warmth mixed with his.
You’d never told him about that night and maybe it was a little toxic using that against him when he upsets you but🤷🏾‍♀️ oh damn well.
But it’s not like it ever does you much good anyways.
You guys had gotten into an argument, so you’d gone and showered, getting ready for bed. Kats was already in there laying down and it seemed like he was almost asleep already.
(Men being able to fall asleep 2 minutes after their heads hit a pillow will never not baffle me)
Anyways you grab your pillow from your side and try to sneak off toward the living room.
“Ya seriously doing this shit?” He grumbles at you.
“Im not going to sleep somewhere im not comfortable… so yes I am. Night” and you walked out of the room and closed the door.
You made yourself comfy on the couch and curled up. It took you a while to go to sleep because whether you wanted to admit it or not, you were always more comfy intertwined with him too. He’s like a weighted, heated blanket.
It feels like you had just closed your eyes when you were slightly jostled.
You already knew it was Katsuki picking you up and carrying you back to your bed.
“Put me down. ‘M not sleepin with you ass face.” You mumble but find yourself snuggling closer to him.
“Your insults suck when you’re half asleep.”
“Shut up. If you wanna fight more in the mornin that’s fine but not tonight.”
“Whatever” you didn’t have it in you to argue. Also it wouldn’t have done any good. He does this every time. Let’s you get just enough into your sleep that he knows you’ll be pliable when he comes to get you.
Sometimes you’d wake and sometimes not but either way the next morning you woke up in your bed.
He laid you down and buried you under the blankets before he slid in on his side. Not like he stayed over there.
You felt his arms wrapping around you and his legs tangling with your before you felt a kiss pressed to the back of your neck.
“ Exhausted and my body pillow wants to sleep on the couch,” and he let out this huge exaggerated yawn, “ Ridicuous”
Wow, so where you saw him as a blanket he saw you as a pillow. What a dork.
“ I love you, can’t wait to piss you off again tomorrow”, he said into your skin but you’d already drifted back off to sleep.
Katsuki Masterlist
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
girl dad — mv.1
pairing: dad!max verstappen x mom!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, obvs mentions of babies and kids, fluff, the briefest flash of angst and nostalgia hi loves! so this is the result of the absolute brainrot me and @verstappen-cult got stuck in yesterday discussing how max is such a girl dad. I actually really like this one so I hope you like it too! as always please leave any feedback, I always love reading the tags to find out how I can improve my work and what you want to see more of! happy reading! mimi 🤍
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Max groaned softly as a heavy weight suddenly landed on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw a perfect reflection of them staring back at him. He couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face as his arms wrapped around his daughter and he cuddled her close to him, “Good morning little flower,” his voice was gentle and low so as to not wake you up, “did you have exciting dreams last night?” His hand smoothed over Esmee’s hair as she nodded, arm wrapping round her soft plush bunny even tighter as she curled up on his chest. “Well I’m glad to hear that…” They were both still and silent for a moment and Max thought she may have even drifted back off, until she popped up, sitting on his tummy, her hand bringing her bunny’s ear up to her face to gently rub it across her cheek in a soothing motion. Max’s heart clenched as he stared at his baby girl, where was the time going? Just yesterday it seemed like she was still a tiny newborn that he cradled so carefully yet awkwardly. 
“Mama sleep?” The two year old pointed to you lying next to him, your head resting against his shoulder as your chest rose and fell steadily. Max nodded and over exaggerated placing a finger to his lips in a ‘shh’ motion. The toddler giggled, a sweet sound that made Max smile. Max looked at the clock that sat on his bedside table and noticed how early it was and how dark it still was outside, “It’s so early flower! The sun is still sleeping.” Esmee pouted in that sweet funny way only toddlers can and pointed to her tummy, “Hungry papa!” Max made a noise of understanding and scooped her up in his arms, standing and silently padding across the room to leave you sleep. He carried her through the hallways of your family home in Monaco and he relished in the way Esmee snuggled into his neck, finding comfort and warmth in the way he felt each of her short little breaths against his neck. He pressed a kiss to the side of her head and slowed his pace down a little, enjoying the time he had. It was quiet, barely five in the morning, the sun only just beginning to creep up in the sky. The traffic was still light outside, just the hiss of the garbage truck and the occasional siren in the distance. He softly strolled down the hallway, hand rubbing and down Esmee’s back in the way he’d done ever since the first time he held her.
As he got to the kitchen, he placed Esmee down in her chair, not a baby high chair anymore but taller than the rest of your chairs to accommodate her short body. She let out a whine at losing his body heat and attention and he turned back to see her holding her arms out to him, begging to be picked back up. ‘Like mother like daughter’ Max thought, knowing full well he was unable to say no to either of you. He picked her up and placed her over one arm, tickling her tummy with his free hand when her gleeful giggle sounded around the room knowing she’d gotten her own way. Max knew that anyone who looked at him for just a few seconds would see that he was completely wrapped around his daughter’s tiny finger. Just as Mama and Papa were her whole world, she was theirs. 
“What should we have for breakfast Es hm?” Max opened the fridge and looked at the contents, thinking what he could make for all of you, “should we make some for Mama too?” Esmee nodded, excited as Max mentions you. “Panpan papa!” Max laughed as she did her best to say the word ‘pancake’, “Okay then flower, pancakes it is!” Max had watched you make them so many times he was pretty confident in the recipe, knowing it would be in your recipe book on the island if he really needed guidance. Esmee clapped her hands and Max sat her on the counter next to where he was standing, “You want to help?” She nodded and a serious expression took over her face, Max smiled and kissed her forehead before he gathered the ingredients he needed from various cupboards and the fridge. “Okay then flower, let’s do this!” Max pulled the measuring cups from the drawer in front of him and held the correct one out to Esmee. She took it, her pudgy little legs kicking in excitement as her face lit up in glee. Max held out the bag of flour and wrapped his hand around hers to help her dig the right amount out of the bag. He let her tip it into the bowl on her own, her tongue poking out in concentration. Once she was finished, she beamed up at him and he gave a cheer, encouraging her for her efforts, “Good job flower!” She practically bounced on the counter, excited to be making pancakes with her Papa and for a moment Max almost wished you were awake to take a picture of this moment, so that even when he was old and his memory started fading, he would still be able to remember.
He pulled himself back to the present, not wanting to miss looking at her for a second. He was unable to help the way yet another fond smile creeps across his face as he watched  her gasp as she spilt some of the sugar on the counter top but he was quick to reassure her, “It’s okay flower! Mess is okay sometimes.” Her worried expression fell and she was back to staring at the bowl intently as she added the next ingredient. Max handed Esmee an egg, “You’ve done this bit with Mama before, haven’t you flower?” Esmee nodded but still looked at him and held the egg back out to him, “Papa help please?” He leaned down to rub his nose against hers and she giggled trying to push his face away, “Papa tickles!” Max relented and placed his hands over hers to gently tap the egg against the counter and add it to the bowl. He disposed of the shell before helping Esmee lift the milk carton to tip it into the bowl. When they’d added all the ingredients, Max grabbed a whisk and turns to the toddler, “Should Papa do this part?” Esmee nods, “Papa strong!” “Mhmm, Papa is suuuuper strong!” Esmee shrieked with delight as Max threw her into the air once to prove his point before placing her back down, hand ruffling her hair before he began to mix the ingredients together.
Esmee grabbed her bunny and Max gave a fond smile, remembering how it was one of the first things you’d picked out together when you were expecting her. Max allowed himself to reminisce as he remembered how he had been so desperate to have a son, he’d been so sure Esmee would be a boy. He had even told you that he hoped it wasn’t a girl, a point you hadn’t taken too kindly to and had quickly shut down. Max could still remember the conversation like it was yesterday… “Max you cannot be serious.” Your hands were planted firmly on your hips as you shot a cold glare at him and he cowered ever so slightly, “Schat I just meant that-” “No no, Max. I understood what you meant perfectly.” Max was silent, knowing he had no defence against you, “You want a boy to carry on the Verstappen name? You think a daughter can’t go into Formula One? You think a daughter won’t do great things and make you proud just because she’s a woman? What about me? Do you think less of me because I’m a woman?” Max sighed as your ranting stopped. 
“I’m worried about what the world of F1 would do to her…” You pulled back, having never heard him speak so quietly or softly before, he sank down onto the couch, “You know how horrible it can be…” You nodded understandingly, “I do, yes…” “Then you know what kind of things she will have to face.” You took a seat next to him and rubbed his back soothingly, “But she will have you to have her back and protect her from as much of it as you can…” You did your best to calm his mind and he took a deep breath, “I know schat… but also… I don’t know how to be a girl dad! I don’t know how to do hair or how to play with barbies or how to teach her about…” his voice quietened, “periods…” You couldn’t help the way a laugh left you and Max whined at you, “Stop laughing! I’m serious!” 
You planted a kiss against his cheek and sat back against the couch, inviting him to lay his head in your lap near your tummy, something that had become your new routine every evening. Max plopped down and your hand immediately started playing with his hair as he rested one hand on your bump. “I know it’s scary… but you have plenty of time to learn as you go! You’re bound to make mistakes love, we both are… she’ll teach you how she wants to play with you and hey, maybe she’ll be into cars more than barbies!” Max kissed your bump and smiled, “And I think you should probably leave the period talk to me…” He laughed heartily and nodded before turning to your bump once more,  “Hi baby… It’s me… your Papa… W-we don’t know what you are yet,” He looked up at you and you nodded at him reassuringly, “but whether you turn out to be a boy or girl we’ll love you so so much. We already love you so much.” You hand continued through his hair as his eyes closed, “You’re going to love being a girl dad…” One eye cracked open as he stared at you, “You sound sure it’s a girl?” “Call it pregnant woman intuition…” 
“Mama!” A call of your name and Esmee’s hand patting his arm pulled him from his memories and he turned to see you watching in the doorway, the most peaceful and loving expression on your face, you crossed the kitchen having been caught and swept your toddler up in your arms, blowing raspberries on her tummy and feeling your heart squeeze at her little giggles, “Good morning flower!” You sat her up in your arms and her little hands held your face as she gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek, you laughed and walked back to the counter, gently placing her back down, “What are you doing with Papa hmm?” Esmee pointed at the bowl with wide eyes, “Panpan Mama!” You gasped and widened your own eyes, mimicking her excitement, “You’re making pancakes? Mama’s favourite?” Esmee nodded and her little legs started kicking again. You turned to Max and placed your chin on his shoulder, “Good morning handsome.” he turned his head to kiss your forehead, “Good morning schat.” He put the whisk down and turned to pull you into his arms, “What time did she wake up?” You pulled away from him and headed to the fridge to get some milk for her sippy cup, “Around five…” Max winced and you smiled, “Sorry I stayed asleep,” Max waved your apology away, “Don’t apologise, you need the sleep schatje.” 
His eyes fell to the slight swell of your stomach and thanked every star above that he was lucky enough to have a beautiful wife, a sweet toddler and one more on the way. You bustled around the kitchen, tidying here and there as Max started cooking breakfast. You crossed back to Esmee to give her her sippy cup and she patted your tummy gently as you stood in front of her, “A’morning baby!” You felt a small flutter in your tummy and you booped her nose, “Baby says ‘good morning Esmee!’”
Max felt a huge smile fill his face as he took in the interaction next to him, he turned to you, crossing his arms as he waited for the next pancake to cook before he flipped it over, “You know… I really won’t mind if this one is a girl too…” You looked at him from where you stood and raised one eyebrow with a smirk, “Oh no?” Max let out a breath of laughter, flippin the pancake in the pan, “Yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh…” You shook your head, “Told you you’d love being a girl dad…” Max tipped the cooked pancake on the plate, turned the stove off and crossed the kitchen to wrap his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder so he could watch Esmee tucking into her pancakes with all the vigour a hungry two year old could muster, his voice was quiet, “And what’s your pregnant woman's intuition saying about this one then hmm?” he kissed your neck softly and your head tipped back with a happy hum, “Max Emilian Verstappen, you are destined to be a girl dad…” He laughed and kissed your neck once more.
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And five months later when Anneleise is born, Max stares at her in awe with tears in his eyes as this tiny precious bundle is carefully placed into his arms, “Hi baby girl, I’m your Papa…” Her only response is a big yawn for such a small person and an even bigger stretch as she nestles into his chest, recognising his voice. He isn’t sure why you’re suddenly chuckling to yourself but when he looks up, you’ve got tears in your own eyes as you film him sitting in the hospital chair doing skin to skin with your new daughter. It’s only then that he realises he’s crying. He can’t even find it in himself to be embarrassed, instead, looking back down at Anneleise and softly tracing her tiny features. You watch on and smile, noting how he’s much more assured in how he holds this baby, how he talks to her and you know that just like when Esmee was born, he is instantly wrapped around her finger. You know that just like the promises he made about protecting Esmee and always being there for her, ring true for this daughter as well. You know you’re looking at a man who will attend tea parties, drive his girls to the karting track and to ballet lessons, will do his best to braid their hair, will sing disney songs in the car and paint their nails to the best of his abilities. You know that when your girls get older he will buy them ice cream after a breakup, teach them how to drive, help them revise for exams, support them in their dreams and cry when he watches them get married. Because forever and always, Max is a girl dad.  And later on when Max watches the video you had filmed earlier - and every time after that -  he hears your voice, making him smile,
“Max Verstappen, you are such a girl dad.”
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reiderwriter · 1 year
Margaritas and Mistakes pt. 2
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Pairing: Spencer x Female Reader
Genre: Smut, just filth really, nothing else. 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Summary: The morning after your night out you wake up and have to come face-to-face with the consequences of your actions. You find you quite enjoy those consequences though.
Warnings: Suggestive BDSM themes, soft!Dom Spencer (I'm a simple woman), daddy kink, dry humping, dirty talk, oral (F receiving), vaginally sex, multiple orgasms, over-stimulation, degradation, name-calling, pet names (baby girl, princess etc.), unprotected sex (no creampie).
A/N: Here's the much anticipated part two for yesterday's fic. Thank you for being patient everyone, and sorry to tease you all by having this completely written before pt 1 was even published but sometimes the anticipation only makes it better lol... Hope you will forgive me 🙏 ALSO! I hit 300 followers on this account yesterday, and I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported my writing here thus far! I can't do anything to celebrate as I'm on holiday for the next few days but thank you so much ♥️
Check out Part One!
Requests are open, and in the meantime please check out my masterlist!
When you woke up; that morning, you could instantly feel something was different. Not wrong, just different.
It wasn’t that you were uncomfortable, in fact the way the quilts laid on top of you kept you almost deliciously warm in your bed. It wasn’t the general mess of the night before either, as, surveying the room with one half cracked eye, you noted that all your discarded clothes seemed to be either neatly stacked away in the corner or perhaps left in the laundry hamper in your bathroom. The curtains were open, which you guess was somewhat of a change, but you honestly forgot to close them at least twice a week, so that wasn’t what it was.
You left out a quick yawn and decided whatever it was wasn’t as important as sleeping off the absolute killer headache that was currently burning a hole in the back of your head, a constant thumping that you wanted to do your best to avoid for now.
It was when you snuggled back into your sheets and attempted to turn over to find a new position that you realised exactly what it was that was wrong. You weren’t alone.
Cursing yourself for drinking so much you stayed as still as possible, as the man in bed next to you groaned in his sleep and seemed to pull you in tighter to his chest. You weren’t exactly complaining, but you couldn’t help the panic forming in your mind, as you absolutely had no recollection of bringing anyone home.
Scratch that, you had no recollection of getting home yourself at all.
Whoever it was, it was evident that he’d at least somewhat taken care of you. You couldn’t feel the mascara you’d worn last night glueing your eyelids shut, so obviously one of you had had the foresight to remove your makeup, and you honestly doubted it was you. The fact that you were wearing pyjamas, too, was probably a more positive sign. If you did have sex with the man, he’d most likely encouraged you to put clothes back on so you didn’t catch a chill in the night.
And boy did you hope that you had gotten lucky with whoever it was at your back last night. You couldn’t see his face obviously, with your back pressed up against his entire body, but you could feel him and he felt delicious.
He was long, and lean, but you could feel some strong muscles underneath as well. Even in sleep, he had a strong grip on your waist, the pressure of it pulling you back so your ass was directly in line with his crotch. You were almost tempted to shift slightly, to see if it’d give you a few more ideas about who your mystery man could be.
The best thing about him, thus far, however, was his scent. You knew that after drinking all of the alcohol you remembered ordering last night - and perhaps more that you didn’t remember - you absolutely didn’t smell that hot. And after a night of partying and dancing, too, you could almost feel the winter sweat sticking to your skin. Your bedmate, however, smelt absolutely fucking amazing. He had a musky, earthy scent, but it didn’t seem artificial. It felt warm and homely and all you wanted to do was turn around and nuzzle into his neck so you could breathe him indeeply.
But you had no fucking clue who this was, and you were coming up with blanks as to where you could’ve picked him up.
“Think, Y/N, think for once,” you whispered to yourself, chastising yourself for going shot for shot with Emily of all people.
You remembered being in Penelope’s apartment listening to Emily talk about her love of chardonnay, and you remembered the girls promising to find you a man that night. They’d obviously succeeded, but at the cost of your entire memory of the situation.
You thought a little harder again, back to sitting at the table and your stupid little game of fuck, marry, kill where you’d amitted your growing attraction to your office’s resident genius, and then downing a probably near fatal amount of shots to inspire your friends to forget they heard anything, and then… And then it all goes blank.
So you had no clues as to who your mystery man could be, and you didn’t want to risk waking him just to find out. In a last ditch effort, you cracked your eyes open again and reached out for your phone, sitting prettily on your nightstand, plugged in and charging. Whoever this man was, he was a saint, because if you couldn’t remember getting through the door, you definitely didn’t put your own phone on charge.
Trying not to stretch too much, you grabbed the phone and bought it as close to you as possible, shielding your bedmate from the light coming out of it. You immediately opened the messages, and your stomach dropped at what was waiting for you there.
Emily: I TOLF U I WAS A GR8 WING WOMAN!!1! When you two make baby ggeniuses, dont say I dind’t tell you so.
Penelope: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Which is admittedly not a lot, but still!!!
JJ: Remember to take advil in the morning, I’m sure Reid will remind you as well, but you drank a lot tonight, and you never know when we’re going to get called in 🙂
The messages didn’t give you much of the context you needed, especially the ones sent by Penelope and Emily, but there was enough there to work out that you had majorly fucked up. And the sound of his groans from next to your ear told you that you only had around thirty seconds before your theory was tested and your mystery man woke up.
“Mornin’” came the voice from behind you, and if it were possible your heart started beating even faster. It was him.
“Reid! Good morning!” You tried to keep the curiosity and anxiety out of your voice, as you finally turned over to look at him. His sleepy face was one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen. His hair fell in small waves into his face and you had to stop yourself from brushing it behind his ear for him. There was a five o’clock shadow forming on his face that you’d never seen before and the scruff really suited him. His most distracting feature, however, was his lack of shirt. And the many small love bites that were now forming on his neck.
“How’s your head this morning? I was going to try to get you to take something for it last night, but you wouldn’t let me.”
“Oh my head? It’s fine, totally fine. Nothing to worry about there. Totally not pounding.” You groan and he cracks a smile at your attempt to downplay your self-injury. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer somehow, and you almost panic, ready to place your hands on his chest and push him away, but you’re not quite ready to admit that you don’t remember exactly what you did or didn’t do the night before so instead you push your hands up to his neck and play with his hair.
“Are you going to ask or do you remember?” He smirks down at you, rubbing small comforting circles into your back. You let out a small sigh, a goodbye to those few blissfully peaceful moments.
“Ask what? Ask if I remember climbing into bed with my coworker and leaving some quite pretty marks on his neck or ask if I actually got further than my fantasies have in the last month?” You trace your hand down his neck, stopping at a rather red patch where you can still see some trace of your lipstick from the night before.
“Ask whether or not I’m going to be fair and tell you what actually happened, or keep you in the dark and let your imagination keep running wild.” He lifts his body up, and rests on his side, his arm propping his head up.
You make a sound of protest and attempt to follow his movement but his free hand holds your hips down with a soft pressure, holding you there less with strength and more with the weight of your own curiosity at whatever it is his body is suggesting.
“You begged me last night you know,” he starts, leaning down and whispering it directly into your ear. “To stay. To fuck you like a desperate little whore.” Your legs pushed together now, a sorry attempt to curb the growing need pooling between them, but he didn’t let up.
“You pushed me down on the bed when I didn’t do what you wanted, like a little brat. So drunk out of your mind that I couldn’t touch you, but begging for it like you would die if I didn’t hold you down and let you scream my name.” The hand on your hip moved up and under your pajama shirt, a rather flimsy thing that did nothing to stop his oncoming conquest of your body.
“You made me promise something, you know?” He says just as his hand reaches one of your nipples. He pinches it, hard, as you throw open your mouth in a near silent gasp. Your hips buck involuntarily, and suddenly one of his legs is between yours, pinning you down again so you can’t move as he keeps his attention on your chest.
“Made me promise I would stay and not let you forget. Promise that, when you woke up in the morning, I’d fill you in on everything you did, everything you asked for.” He keeps his voice as low as a whisper and you can feel his breath on your neck, the contact sending a shiver down your spine, arching your back and pushing your breasts further into his hand.
“S-Spencer-” you beg with just that one word for more. But he stills his hand and moves it out from under your top.
“But if you remember, then we’re finished here right. I can go?” He looks down at you, pouting now and you hesitate for a second before answering him.
“I don’t remember. I don’t remember anything, so please…” you don’t quite know what you’re begging for at that point, but if you’d filled him in on any of the jucier details of your fantasies as of late, then you were in for a very fun morning.
He shifted his weight again, this time pushing your hips together, and holding his chest up with his arms stacked on either side of your head, you looked up at him again as one of his hands came down and encouraged your leg to wrap around his waist, allowing him to push even more of his weight down into you.
His head moved back to your ear as he began rocking his hips tantalisingly slowly into yours, dry humping into you.
“At first, you didn’t even know it was me. Just fell back into whatever body you thought would pay you the most attention. Rocked yourself back into me on the dancefloor, right where anyone else could see what a little whore you were being.” Despite the layers of clothing that separated you and the torturious pace, you felt your arousal growing by the second as you listened to him recounting the events of the prior night.
“And even when you realised it was me you didn’t fucking stop. Kept teasing me and playing with me in public, in front of our friends.” He growled a little bit then, obviously still angry about your actions the night before. You were bucking your hips up to match his movements now, teetering close to the edge of an orgasm. He hadn’t even really touched you yet, and you were like putty in his hand, ready to be molded into whatever shape he wanted you in.
“I drove you home, kept my hands off you, I was perfectly ready to let you forget the entire thing, but you couldn’t keep your mouth shut could you.” His hand was on your ass now, encouraging you to keep up your pace and deepening the contact between the two of you. You could feel his entire length pressed into you, and you wanted it inside you.
“Told me you wanted me to slam you against a wall and finger-fuck you, wanted to be my cheap little whore, wanted me to use you,” he groaned into your ear and bit down on your neck a second later, and you moaned, the pain and pleasure mixing together deliciously.
And then he stopped, pulled away and rolled off of you, and you cried out at the loss of contact when you were so close to your release.
“What is it, baby? You want more?” He smirked from his new position, sat up on the opposite side of the bed, just far enough out of reach that you had to crawl over to him.
And so you did. So desperate for the man, you climbed into his lap, and begged him for any reciprocation with your moans as you began grinding down on his leg again.
“Does my little slut want to cum?” He asked, his hands placed firmly and flat on the bed sheets either side of him, leaning back softly to watch your attempts to entice him into touching you again.
“Get off and strip down to your panties,” he demanded, and you happily complied, not caring where the offending pieces of clothing landed before jumping back into his lap. Apart from his lack of shirt, he was still in all of his clothing from the night before, a pair of loose sweatpants and boxers, and you relished the feeling of the fabric against your legs as you wrapped your legs back around him.
“I want you to use my leg to get yourself off baby, do you think you can do that?” He asked you, and you immediately nodded your head, desperate to start, but his hands on your hips stopped you.
“Use your words baby, answer me nicely.”
“Yes, fuck, yes I want to do that, please,” you whimper and he loosens his grip a little bit.
“Yes, daddy,” he demands and your eyes shoot up to his. Seeing that he is completely serious you feel yourself only growing more aroused as you stutter out another reply.
“Yes, please daddy.” He smiles at you again now and lets go of you completely, resting his hands on the bed again. Your hands come up to his shoulders and you begin your movements. You push your chest directly against his, desperate for some of your bare skin to be met with his, your aching nipples rubbing up against the plains of his chest in a near perfect way. You grind down into his thigh like its a lifeline, your every attempt to set an even tempo foiled by your absolute desperation to reach your climax.
He keeps talking to you throughout, mixing the sweetest of affirmations with the most disgusting insults, both driving you more and more crazy as the minutes tick by.
“Look at this disgusting little puddle my little girl has left on my pants. You’re so desperate for me, aren’t you my sweet little whore?” You moan out a reply, but he wants your words again. Delivering a painful slap to your ass he asks again, and this time you eke out a reply.
“Yes, daddy, I’m a nasty little whore, I want you so badly, daddy.” You whimper, the words and the shock of the slap bringing you ever-closer to your first release. Your arms are wrapped around his back now, scratching and marking him as if to claim territory, each one of his sharp-intakes at the pain driving you closer and closer until you finally feel yourself fall off the edge.
“So good for me baby,” he presses a kiss to your temple as you collapse into his arms, breathless from all of your hard work.
“I didn’t even have to touch you, and look at you. Looking like a fucked out whore, just for me baby girl," he whispered into your ear as he lifted you up, gently laying you back down on the bed.
“You think you can still do some more, baby?” He asked, and you nodded. This time it was enough for him, because he instantly shed the rest of his clothes and moved between your legs.
“You look so beautiful like this, baby. Gonna take care of you okay, just relax,” he kissed the words into your neck and started trailing kisses the entire way down your bosy. He paused briefly to show your breasts some attention, swirling his tongue around one nipple while he teased, pinched and pulled the other one, eventually switching to give them equal love.
But he didn’t stop at your breasts, pressing kisses down the length of your stomach before reaching your panties again. He looked up at you from his position before pulling them down your leg, making sure that your entire attention was devoted to him. He didn’t have to try hard, as your thoughts had been filled with him ever since he’d woken that morning, and you found you were quite content for it to stay that way forever.
He lifted your hips and slipped the offending piece of fabric down your legs. You shivered at the loss of contact at first, the sodden lace having been stuck to you after your desperate movements earlier. You were bare for all of five seconds before he dove into you, nudging your clit with his nose while he pressed kitten licks against your slit. You moaned out, not caring about controlling your volume, and didn’t stop as he continued licking and kissing like he was a man starved.
His tongue eventually made its way up to your clit and that’s when you lost it, bucking your hips wildly up into his mouth in a desperate attempt to use his face to get yourself off, but one of his large hands pinned you down again. He didn’t let up, rolling your clit around his tongue, bringing his other hand up to press a finger into you, beginning to pump in and out.
You didn’t even feel the build up this time, just closed your eyes as your hips jerked up once, twice into his face, not even a breath escaping your lips for what felt like an eternity as he let you ride through your second orgasm. He didn’t stop, but he removed his mouth from your centre, his fingers still pumping into you as you began twitching underneath him.
“Good girl, so fucking good for me. You’ve got one more left, right baby? One more left to give me, hmm?” He asked, but you couldn’t answer anymore, just nodding your head as best you could and bucking into his hands like a woman gone mad.
“Perfect baby, open your legs wide for me, okay?” His voice was gentle now as he gave his cock a few pumps, removing his fingers and flipping you onto your knees, putting you in the perfect position for him.
“You have to tell me if you want me to stop, okay princess? Tell me if it’s too much and we can end this right here,” he gently pulled the hair away from your face and pressed a final kiss to the back of your neck, finally lining his cock up with your glistening hole.
Then he’s finally pushed into you, and you could've sworn you saw stars. He fully sheathed himself inside of you and didn't move for a minute, choosing instead to press small kisses against your neck and back whilst you adjusted to his considerable length. He didn’t have to wait long though, as you could feel yourself practically dripping around him, making even more of a mess of your sheets.
He picks up a steady pace, pulling out halfway and then snapping his hips back into you with such force you’re grabbing your pillows with a vice grip. You tried to push your head back down into the pillow to soften your moans as well, but he grabbed you by your hair, wrapping it around his wrist, using his new leverage to pull you back onto his dick with each stroke.
“Wanna hear you baby girl, don’t fucking hold back,” he grunted into your ear, the new angle of his hips hitting that deep spot within you that had you flooding the sheets almost instantly, pushing out wave after wave of cum as you moan his name like an animal driven mad.
“That’s right baby girl, fucking cum around my cock, get it nice and wet,” he continues pounding into you, pulling out more and more of his length each time to hit deeper and deeper each time he returns to you. Your legs were practically shaking then at the overstimulation, your tongue hanging out of your head as you failed to form any coherent thought except “yes.”
His hips start faltering quickly and you knew he was close. A few more snaps of his hips and he pulled out of you completely with a small curse, shooting his load up your back as he released his hold on your hair gently. He collapsed on top of you, his arms around you as he kissed his way up your spine.
The two of you sat there for a few minutes, the only sound that of your ragged breaths as you both attempted to catch your breath. After a few minutes he pulled away, and you heard him retreat to the bathroom. He came back swiftly with a washcloth and cleaned the two of you up, wiping his cum from your back and chest and doing his best to clean up your cunt without overstimulating you even more.
“Baby, we have to go to the bathroom now, you need to pee,” he gently turns you over and you whimper at the movement. He presses a gentle kiss to your cheek and you push yourself up to a sitting position next to him, unhappy that he’s being so responsible now after possibly ruining you for other men forever.
“You’re going to have to carry me, you know,” you grumble, resting your head against his shoulder. “My legs are still shaking like I’ve just walked a thousand miles with no rest.”
He chuckles at that and wrapped your legs around him, picking you up swiftly. He didn’t move immediately, just content to have you in his arms for a few seconds. You looked down into his eyes and you felt it too. Like you’d never want to be anywhere else but right here, in his arms. You pressed a gentle, sweet kiss to his lips and you felt his smile as he returned it.
“Come on, Y/N, it’s not the first time I’ve had to force you into the bathroom and I doubt it will be the last,” he laughs, and you laugh with him. And in that moment you realise that he has you for life.
🏷️: @ihavenotitlesblog @gibbsgirl7 @beefyboisbeefybongos @bluecandycake @piecsesrising @dim-i-try @simp4f1 @marylovesevanpeters @daddy-dotcom @alondralolll @thearsonistrat @eddiemunsonssweetoltatties
(I know some of you didn't ask to be tagged but you asked for a pt. 2 so thought it couldn't hurt, lmk if you want to be untagged!)
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
helloooo!! I saw ur requests were open and that you were askin for some dungeon meshi x chubby reader....I gotchu covered.
May I please request some Chilchuck(or..Chilchack?? Ive no clue what the spelling is..) x Chubby!Reader and maybe also some Laois x Chubby!Reader? If you dont do multiples then either guy is fine!!
Sfw and nsfw on how they interact and think of your body? Scenarios like you tending to grab Chilchuck away from danger alot so he gets alot of booba action?? Embarrassed flustered old man?? Having to look up at you(if you were to be taller) but all he sees is ur chest?? Him givin Alot of needy attention to them when you do fool around cuz it Has been a big thing on his mind?? Him stiching and adjusting ur undershirt so it actually helps support ur chest a bit better and ur so grateful? Laois having a staring habit when he spaces out...yknow him and his tendencies to be curious(he wanted to Count Izutsumi nipples for gods sake.), he just doesnt know, he doesnt mean for it to be creepy or anything he jus is SO infactuated w ur body its so so so beautiful to him, him getting super happy and starts exploring ur body when consent is given?? Alot of his attention is on ur chest too, weighing it, squeezing. Stuff w warm body heat too, Just all around big loving
Thank you so much if you decide to do this and incredibly sorry if I messed up in my ask in anyway 💖💖💖
Chilchuck x Chubby!Reader SFW/NSFW HCs
a/n: I will do the Laois one in a separate post!! The Chilchuck ideas just… spoke to me!! Also pls send me Dungeon Meshi requests… I’m open to writing for all the adult characters…
warnings: boob sucking, tittyfucking, breeding, cockwarming, thigh fucking, pussy eating
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-you’re probably the only one in the party that he can sleep next to without complaining. you’re soft and warm, and when you ask if you can share his bed with him for the night because it’s cold, he’s… a bit too eager to lift up his blanket for you to join him.
-he complains that you don’t eat enough, and ends up giving you bits of his lunch and dinner. he just think your chubby cheeks are so cute when you’re chewing and likes to watch you eat. he does worry for you though…
-if it’s dark and you’re a bit afraid, he’ll hold your hand. if you ask him why in front of Laois or Marcille he’ll get all flustered and say he didn’t want you to trip him up.
-he only reaches your boobs, which is both a blessing and a curse for him. he can look at your boobs all day with little to no suspicion, but he also gets pulled into your boobs quite often when you hug him or try and save him from an attack. that might sound good to some people, but to him it gets him all flustered and hard embarrassed, then he gets teased by Marcille :(
-oh my gosh snuggles with him are so nice. he’s rather light so once the two of you are close, he’ll lie on top of you and bury his face in your chest or tummy! he’s actually quite the cuddlebug, and will want to snuggle you every single night after the first time.
-your tummy… he loves it so much. Chilchuck is quite the fan of anything soft, so more often than not, when he’s taking a nap he’ll have his head in your lap and face buried in your chubby tummy.
-he’s a bit embarrassed to show you affection in front of the others, so ways he shows he cares are usually subtle unless it’s behind closed doors or away from prying eyes. he peels your apples for you, bandages you up after you get hurt, will tug on your shirt to remind you that he’s here and that he loves you, and give your palm secret kisses when no one’s looking.
-he’s surprisingly possessive? when Laois looks at you, even if he’s just curious and wants to ask you questions, Chilchuck rushes over and finds some excuse to pull you away. he’s the most worried about Laois, but doesn’t like Senshi being all close to you either. he puts up with it more though, but dislikes that Senshi acts like yours and his relationship is like puppy love(Chilchuck is a grown ass man 😭)
-he’s very soft with you, very rarely being sarcastic or short with you specifically. he made you cry once early on in your relationship and it absolutely devastated him, so since then he’s been a lot more careful about what he says
-speaking of crying, he can’t stand your tears, it makes him nervous. if you’re a cry baby be prepared for him to be fretting over you constantly!
-you’re the person everyone in the party wants to snuggle with when it gets cold, so he has to shoo people away, blushing and stuttering about how they’re crowding you. once they’re all pouting and walking away, he huffs and snuggles up to you. you find his jealousy pretty cute, so you lift up your shirt a little so he can duck under it and rest his head on your chubby tummy or breasts.
-your chubby cheeks activate his cuteness aggression. he didn’t even know he liked cute things until he saw your cheeks puffed out and warm after someone made you mad. he nearly stopped breathing, it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t help but cup your cheek in his hands. your face heated up even more when he stared up at your with those adoring eyes, gently pinching your cheeks. “soft… so soft and warm…”
-he can be a bit clingy at times, especially when it gets colder out. when you go to sleep, he has to sleep under your shirt, his head on your chest or tummy. you complain about him stretching your your shirts, but he thinks the slightly oversized look is cute on you. honestly, everything is cute on you, because you’re adorable to him.
-boobies… he loves your boobs so much. they’re soft and warm, feeling nice and heavy in his hands when he holds them. loves when he gets to bury his face in your bare chest and just snooze… but he also adores getting to play with your nipples, gently nibbling and suckling on the perky buds. he won’t lie, he can get hard just from looking at your clothed chest…
-he is absolutely a service dom that wants to make you feel good, but he can also enjoy being taken care of sometimes!
-enjoys being between your thighs more than he likes to admit. the first time he tasted your pussy was also the first time you ever saw him look so… in love. he gets pussy drunk within minutes, not able to stop sucking on your sensitive clit until you push his head away. he had a wife so he’s definitely experienced with pleasing a woman, so don’t be surprised when he has you cumming on his tongue for an hour or more! <3
-when he’s feeling a bit horny and doesn’t want to bother you at night, he’ll kiss your temple and hold onto your hips as he fucks your thighs, his cock lightly brushing against your pussy. your thighs are fat and soft, and he just loves nestling his cock between them!
-sometimes he’s just tired and wants some snuggles, so he’ll have his cock buried inside of you while you sit on his lap. the first time he asked for this you were terrified you’d crush him because he’s so small and you’re chubby, but he begged for it, something he had never done before. you relented, and as soon as he was buried inside of you, with his head nuzzled against your chest, he looked just too content. “thank you, love… it’s perfect…”
-he’s embarrassed by how good it feels to hear you moan his name, when you say how his cock feels so nice when it hits that certain spot and how you’re gonna cum way quicker than he expected. you being so attracted to him, feeling so much pleasure by him just thrusting into you gets him feeling giddy!
-he most certainly has a bit of a breeding kink… he has 3 daughters already that he loves, but… the urge to claim you and give you a child as well does make his body heat up and his pants grow tight. Chilchuck would like to get you pregnant, but only when it’s safe to do so. he doesn’t pull out though… he just can’t, it’s too tempting and you’re way too warm and cozy… it’s why he loves cockwarming so much!
-circling back to boobs… he’s definitely the type to enjoy a good tittyfuck, but it’ll take him a while to accept this. he’s utterly embarrassed to have his cock anywhere near your face due to being a bit shy, but once he’s nestled between your breasts and your tongue touches the tip of his cock, he groans, nearly cumming right then and there. he’s already a huge fan of your breasts, so feeling them on his cock is otherworldly, and it becomes one of his favorite ways to relieve stress
-he likes to either cum inside of you or on your tummy… he refuses to cum on your face, and will only cum in your mouth if you ask. when he fucks your thighs, he does tend to make a mess all over you and feels awful since it’s not exactly easy to bathe regularly in the dungeon. but you do look awfully cute, messy and sticky with his cum, puffing out your chubby cheek to give him a pout.
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avocado-writing · 7 days
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pairing: logan howlett x afab!reader. 18+, minors dni. fluff; smut (p in v unprotected sex; heavy breeding kink; creampie; oral - reader receiving). canonically bisexual reader. dp+w movie spoilers.
synopsis: you and logan have a pretty happy life… but there’s still something you want.
words: 10k.
notes: part 2 of say you’ll remember me. you don’t have to read it for this part but it is referenced. thank you @eupheme for being my beta, and for the use of the dividers!
Logan wakes to the twinned warmth of the sunrise and you curled around him like a cat. 
You’ve always been attracted to the way he runs hot, a creature of habit in any timeline. A magnet seeking him out even when asleep; you are pretty much a permanent fixture by his side when the weather is a little too chilly. Not that he’s complaining - he loves to sling an arm around you and feel you snuggle into him. Loves to keep you close. 
It’s nice, honestly; Logan has more good days than bad ones now. He never thought he’d get to see that again. Sometimes things get rough, sure, recovery is not a straight line - but you’re there with him on every step of that journey and he’s more thankful for that than he can ever express. You’re a grounding rod keeping the storm of his life in check. 
You intuit that he’s awake, something between you innately connected, and you begin to stir, body brushing up against his. He sleeps naked, usually running too hot to bother with any kind of pyjamas, and you’ve started sleeping shirtless too. Maybe it’s because he makes the bed too warm to stomach wearing one, or maybe it’s just because you like to feel his naked chest up against yours - either way he isn’t complaining. 
You stretch, arching yourself into his flank, blink open your eyes slowly. Smile when you find him looking down at you with soft, hazy, early-morning features. 
“Hey,” he replies, voice rocky. You reach up to kiss him, as is the way you usually like to start your day. It doesn’t take long for the chaste peck to become something more: the gentle parting of lips, slipping out the pink tip of your tongue to meet his. His body stirs. He can practically smell the way your blood pumps faster, pooling at the apex of your legs. 
“It’s so early,” you faux-harrumph when you run your hand towards his cock and find it hardening. How can you blame him when you’re so fucking sexy? Logan hums, manoeuvring you both so that he can look down at your sweet face as you lie surrounded in cotton sheets. 
“Then stay right there, baby.”
He kisses a sleepy, loving trail down your clavicle; luxuriating along the plain of your chest, nipping at your soft stomach in a way which beckons a breathy chuckle from you, steeped in the gravelly tones of morning. 
“Mmm, Mr Howlett, you are an incorrigible fiend.”
“Incorrigible, huh? Big word for someone who says they’re so sleepy…” he mutters, smirk ticking up the side of his mouth as his calloused fingers dip under the waistband of your pyjama shorts. 
“Incorrigible. Insatiable, even.”
He drags them down your legs, slowly, taking in the sight of you bathed in the dawn’s roseate light. You move your hips to let him. 
“Hmm. You complaining?”
“Oh, never.”
He grins and gets to work.
Logan loves the tang of you on his tongue. You’re still a little sticky from last night, where he pushed you chest-down into the mattress and fucked you so hard he was slightly worried he’d break the bed frame. He didn’t - but he’s perfectly happy to try again. 
You let out a fluttery little breath, butterfly light, as he starts his work properly. Burying his face in your cunt, letting every sense be drowned in you. He drags his tongue along your needy folds and you groan above him, hooking a leg over his shoulder and sinking your heel into the thick muscles of his back. He could listen to the noises you make for hours, a little symphony just for him. 
“Fuck, Logan,” you sigh, blissful and light-headed. He lets his mouth focus on your clit as he presses a couple of fingers inside. It’s an easy intrusion, your pussy offering up no resistance, a mix of spit and slick aiding him. He starts to crook them in a beckon and the mewl you let out will stay with him for the rest of the day; he smiles against your cunt. 
“That’s it, baby,” you groan. Fuck. He loves your voice when he’s making you come. Would do whatever you tell him to, just point him in a direction and he’ll follow. He is so utterly at your beck and call, a dog at your feet, so happy to obey. Anything for you, anything. 
He speeds up his pace, hand fucking you in a simulation of his cock last night, tongue pressing hard and flat against your folds. You come in a flood all over his mouth, soaking his beard and dripping off his chin. His favourite fucking flavour. All the furniture in the room jolts as you send out a telekinetic wave of force, knocking over a lamp onto the carpet with a dull thud. 
“That damn lamp, we need to move it…” you grumble. Logan kisses your thigh gently. 
“Baby, if the fuckin’ lamp doesn’t fall over, I’m not doing my job right.”
You laugh. There’s a pearlescent sheen of sweat that’s broken out over your body but you’re giddy and joyful. An arm slung over your eyes does nothing to hide the smile on your face, so wide it must hurt your cheeks. Yeah. He’s done good. 
“Let’s go shower,” you say, in a way which he’d never dream of arguing with. You walk naked into the bathroom and pull him under the hot stream of water with you. The room slowly fills up with steam and Logan presses you up against the tiled wall, burying his face in the warm space between your neck and your shoulder as he sheathes himself inside. You drag your nails down his back and he growls in your ear, slowly pumping his hips to bring you over the edge again. 
Ever since that first morning that the two of you were intimate, you’ve been wild for each other; unable to go a day without keeping your hands away. Like teenagers who haven’t understood the concept of pacing themselves. He wants to be drunk on you all the time, always wants your gasps filling his ears, his name dripping from your lips as he makes you come. 
He knows he’s the only man for you… but hey, nothing wrong with proving it too. 
You spend a leisurely forty minutes in the shower with your back against the wall and your legs around his waist, then eventually do what you meant to and clean up. He loves to watch you wash, smell the perfumes of all the soaps you use. You look adorable with suds in your hair. Plus when you ask him to get your back with the loofah it’s just another excuse to touch you and god knows he loves doing that. 
He’s a man content when you finally return to the bedroom. 
Logan watches you pad about and do your morning routine, one he knows like the back of his hand by now. Once again: you’re a creature of habit. Pointing to the radio you use your powers to turn it onto the only channel the two of you ever listen to: an ‘oldies’ station which never plays a song made post ‘89– 
—he remembers a few weeks ago when you were both visiting Wade, chatting about how bad songs are nowadays, and your friend had challenged you: “okay you two geriatric lovebirds, no conferring - when was the last good decade for music?” Without missing a beat you’d both answered “the eighties” and, as Wade groaned at how ‘cringe’ you both were, Logan had fallen in love with you yet again— 
—and you smile and turn it up when Aretha’s I Say A Little Prayer starts playing. Logan watches fondly as you croon out the chorus, using the hairdryer you’re plugging in as a microphone. He loves watching you sing. You don’t always hit all the notes but that’s not really the point - the point is he gets to see you be silly and vulnerable and totally and utterly yourself in these moments, something he knows to hold dear to his heart. 
If you’re singing, you’re happy. 
Fuck, he loves you. 
The two of you get yourselves ready for the day to the music which fills the room, quietly happy in each other’s company. The sound of people getting ready for the day starts up in the hallway; kids coming down for breakfast and squeaking their sneakers on the hardwood, other professors grousing about lesson plans - unfortunately it's time to break the cocoon of solitude the two of you have made for yourselves and face the morning properly. 
“What’re we doing today?”
He squints at the calendar to try and make out your handwriting, attempting to ignore the gaze of the “hot bisexual lumberjack” of the month staring out at him with her barely contained breasts and suggestively placed axe (this had been your birthday present from Wade, and you’d loved it). You tut at him. 
“Logan Howlett, we need to get you some glasses,” you say, pulling on your own and pressing your finger to today’s date, reading out the scribbled ballpoint. “Let’s see… we’re both teaching until five, then looks like there’s a Flames game in the evening you wanna watch. I, however, have been cornered tonight: the girls found out I’ve never seen the Barbie movie so apparently they need to correct that - though I ask you, when I was living in a place literally called the Void, when I would have gotten the damn chance. People weren’t just throwing copies of that thing away. Apparently it’s a great movie.”
‘The girls’. The comfortable nickname you’ve assigned the trio of Laura, Ellie, and Yukio. Logan’s glad Laura has managed to find her people with them - he was secretly worried that, if she took after him too much, she’d be a little too stubborn to make friends at all. Nothing to worry about though. She’s thriving here, and he’s relieved. Happy, even. 
“You’ve not seen Barbie?” Logan asks. You’ve moved to the boudoir now and pause as you apply your face cream, bottle floating in the air centimetres from your neglected skin. 
“Wait, you have seen Barbie?”
He shrugs. Yeah. He doesn’t remember the context, he’d had two full bottles of whiskey by then - but for some reason they’d put it on at the bar he was drowning himself at and he’d sat through the whole thing, leaving a smear of pink on his memory. 
You blink, still gobsmacked. 
“Did you like it?”
Logan considers this for a moment, knowing you’ll call him grumpy if he’s too critical, but also sure you’ll never ever stop teasing him if he praises it. Oh, and god forbid Wade ever finds out…
After a long moment he settles on, “it was alright.”
You shrug, happy with this assessment. 
“Well, good. Guess I’m in for a good evening then.” You stand up with gusto, the indication you’re ready to leave. “Shall we?”
The two of you walk to the door, taking a moment when Logan pulls you into an embrace - your back to his front. You look in the mirror, admiring the couple you see in the reflection, something you do every morning without fail.
“I love you, Logan Howlett,” you say. He drops a kiss to your shoulder. 
“I love you too.”
And with that, the day begins. 
Teaching is a very broad term for what he does. Basically, it’s his job to help the older students with self defence. Every day he goes to get the shit beaten out of him by a load of kids but it’s also the best workout he’s had in over a decade, so he doesn’t mind too much. Keeps him in shape, keeps him sharp. Plus he feels like he’s actually doing something helpful, finally adding to the world rather than just being a burden on it. He spends the first period running battle formations with them, keeping them on their feet and quick to react. Can’t have them getting in danger, not when he’s around.
The class takes a break to get water and he finds himself staring out the window, smiling fondly to himself when he sees you leading a little seminar. After you spent all that time in the wild and then the Void, one of the things they have you teaching is survival skills - you’re a dab hand at getting by just with what you can forage. Looks like you’re going to do some practical exercises as he can see you leading a group of the younger kids towards the forest which surrounds the mansion.
Something happens which makes his heart ache. 
There’s a kid by your side you’re in animated conversation with, probably no more than seven or eight, and they’re looking at you like you hung the stars - just absolutely enchanted with how cool you are. Without thinking they slip their hand into yours for support or guidance or comfort, one of the three anyway, and after a beat you give them a smile. 
In that beat, even from this distance, Logan can see the bittersweet look on your face. The longing. You would wear parenthood well and it’s not fair that you never got a chance to experience it firsthand. It’s a sadness which weaves its way into his guts and stabs him there, an old kind of pain, one he felt for you in his own timeline.
Logan wonders if it’s too late. Are the two of you too old now? Would you both be too hurt if you tried and it didn’t take again? He wants to give you what you want, desperately, but he’ll be damned if he’d ever do anything to upset you; he can’t shake the feeling that’s where that road would lead.
“You okay?”
Laura’s voice makes him jump. She’s a quiet little devil, that’s for certain, definitely not something she got from him - all blades and bluster in his youth. He nods because he doesn’t really want to get into detail about his private life with his pseudo-daughter. 
But unfortunately she’s smart, and his eyes linger, so it's only a matter of her following his gaze to see what’s got him pining. She smiles a small, comforting smile. 
“If there’s a problem you should just talk to them. They’ll listen.”
He harrumphs at the fact a girl less than one-tenth of his age is giving him life advice but also knows that what she says is true. He doesn’t address what she’s said, instead cocking his head at the training mats. 
“C’mon, back to it.”
Laura groans and returns to throwing her classmates across the room.
The thought stays with him for the rest of the day though. After class, when he returns to your shared rooms and starts to get himself set up to watch the game, he finds himself thinking about you with a baby in your arms. A mix of him and you with soft skin and excitement for the world. His eyes, your smile, a perfect combination.
And you’d be so happy. 
Fuck. He’s too old to get broody but here he is, huh.
Logan sits heavily in his recliner, the one nice purchase he’s allowed for himself since getting this job, and opens a root beer. TV remote in his hand he switches on the hockey and settles in for the evening. 
After about twenty minutes his phone goes. He frowns, opening up a text from Laura.
there’s some Pringles in the kitchen can u get them for us please the love of ur life is hungry
Logan sighs and replies, thumbs slow and unfamiliar on a touchscreen. 
all of you have legs. get them yourself
Another message immediately: It’s a picture. You’re busy painting Yukio’s nails bright pink, glasses on the end of your nose and concentration on your face - but half torn between the task at hand and watching the movie you’ve been sequestered for. You look cute. Logan stares for a moment and then saves the photo to his phone. All his albums are just pictures of you at this point. 
is the final text in the chain. Logan definitively puts his phone away. He’s watching the game. He’s not going to get out of this chair to grab a tube of fucking Pringles, he’s not whipped. 
A moment. 
He groans.
He gets out of the chair. He’s whipped. 
He heads to the kitchen and gets the requested snack, Hank giving him a knowing and sympathetic smile as they pass in the hallway. He finds you in the lounge, surrounded by girls. Clearly the news of the Barbie watch had gotten out and created a swarm because dozens of eyes look up at him as he lingers in the doorway like a giant awkward dog.
Finally you pull your eyes away from Ryan Gosling’s chest long enough to see why everyone has turned. When you spot him you light up.
“Oh! How did you know I wanted Pringles? Been craving those bad boys recently.”
“Lucky guess,” he replies, stepping carefully between pink dressing gowns and well-thumbed gossip magazines to pass them to you. When he’s within range you drop a kiss on his lips too, prompting an “oooooo” from the gathered crowd. You roll your eyes at them but smile at Logan.
“Thank you baby. What’d I do without you?”
He grumbles something non-committal under his breath and retreats, ignoring the shit-eating grin Laura is flinging his way. Eventually the crowd turns back to the movie. He tries to resist the urge to stand in the doorway with his arms crossed and watch along, the stereotypical father figure who insists he’s not interested, but finds himself lingering for a moment anyway just to see you.
Ellie has her feet slung across your lap, Yukio blows on her freshly-painted nails to dry them. One of the younger girls who’s been delegated to the floor by her older peers rests her head on your knee as she starts to nod off and you play with her hair for a moment - an action which comes readily to you, like it would to a parent.
Logan decides two things. 
One, he’s going to marry you, and he’s certain that every second that he hasn’t been your husband up until now has been wasted. 
And two, he’s going to put a baby in you, like you deserve.
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On the way back he passes Hank again, who has an insanely huge sandwich stuffed onto a far-too-small plate - except this time Logan flags him down with a question, one which his colleague has to consider for a moment.
“Oh! Hmm. Yes, I’m pretty sure that it’s in the garage, sometimes the kids like to see if they can get it working again…” when he sees a scowl settle over Logan’s face he’s quick to add, “but none of them have been successful! I think the keys are in the ignition.”
Logan thanks him and heads back to your rooms, a plan forming in his head. 
You get back late. He’s listening to music and reading the paper, the game having finished long ago - the Flames winning of course, there was no other option, go Flames - the weight of the ring he’s swiped from your boudoir burning a hole in his pocket. He hopes you won’t notice - he needs to get your size, after all, and he knows he can’t ask you without rousing suspicion. 
“Hey,” you say, dropping a kiss on his cheek and yourself into his lap. The paper is discarded as his arm automatically comes to perch on your waist, dragged there as if by a magnet. Can’t not touch you for a second.
“Hey. How was the movie?”
“Yeah, pretty good! You know most of those girls hadn’t seen Legally Blonde? We had to remedy that after Barbie, apparently it’s considered a classic now. Fuck, it makes me feel old.” You groan and drop your forehead to his shoulder.
“You’re not that old,” Logan says, and when you come to fix him with a scathing look you find he’s got a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Tease,” you sigh, reaching in to kiss him, but stopping when you hear something on the radio. 
“What’s up?”
“Oh. This used to be our song.”
It’s AC/DC’s You Shook Me All Night Long. It feels strange seeing the way your eyes get a bit hazy, a bit distant for a moment. 
“Good choice.”
“Uh-huh. She… you liked it a lot,” you whisper, for a moment lost in a memory he has no way to share with you. It stings you both. But then you’re back in the room with him, smiling as if nothing had happened. 
“We must have had a song, right? In your universe.”
Is this painful? He isn’t sure. But you shared yours with him, so it seems only fair he make it even. 
“Yeah, we sure did.”
You narrow your eyes, purse your lips playfully.
“I betcha I can guess it.”
He hums. 
“Okay. What’s the bet?”
“If I can’t guess I’ll do that thing you like. If I can guess, you do that thing I like.”
Oh, well, when you put it like that…
“Why not?”
You search his face, reading him for any telltale signs. 
“Mmmm, male singer or female? Or both.”
“I didn’t realise you got clues…”
“It’s not a game if I don’t, is it?”
“Fine. A guy.”
You think for a moment. 
“It was Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns n’ Roses.”
Logan widens his eyes, genuinely impressed that you got it so fast…
“Holy shit.”
…But the grin which crosses your face suggests you’re playing a trick. 
“I hear you hum it a lot. It wasn’t a big leap, honestly,” you confess. He chuckles, but pauses for a second as he realises the implication of this discovery. 
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I like that song too.”
You don’t seem saddened by this conversation, so he guesses it’s okay - he’d never wanna hurt you by dredging up the past. Maybe it’s okay. Maybe it’s okay to reminisce about what used to be, while knowing what you have now is so strong and secure. 
Logan pulls back to look at you, attempting to affect seriousness but knowing he could never fool you for a second. 
“So you cheated, huh… doesn’t seem very fair…”
“Hmm, you’re right. I guess I’ll have to forfeit…”
You slide off his thighs and onto your knees in front of him, grinning as you go for his belt… but pausing so that you can use your powers to turn off the radio. 
“Unless you want to come to Brian Johnson’s voice, but it doesn’t do it for me personally.”
He laughs, actually belly laughs, and if the two of you aren’t engaged by the time the week is out he’ll be damned.
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He’s able to go to a jeweller’s the next week under the guise of finally going to the city and getting glasses, and buys the perfect ring there and then. It must be fate that they have it in your size, a silver band and pretty stone. The caveat of this is, that for the ruse to work, he does actually also have to go to the opticians.
He comes back with a small pair of wire-rimmed spectacles and a chip on his shoulder about the fact they make him see so much better. You seem pleased though, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing the bridge of his nose.
“You look very handsome.”
“Mmmm…” he grumbles. You laugh and kiss him again.
“What are you doing today?”
“Workin’ on something.”
“It’s a secret, can’t tell ya.”
You harrumph.
“A secret, huh…?”
“A surprise, then.”
You sigh dramatically.
“Well, okay. If it’s a surprise I suppose I’ll let it slide. The girls and I were gonna head into town to go shopping anyway so I guess I’ll see you tonight?”
You kiss farewell and when he’s sure you’ve left the manor he heads to the garage. It doesn’t take much searching to find his old Harley, hidden under a dust sheet and waiting patiently for his return. Logan can’t help the smile at the old thing, running his hand along the neglected metal frame and scaring a spider from its perch.
“Sorry I was gone for so long, baby,” he rumbles, then gets to work.
The next few days are tough. He doesn’t want to ruin the surprise, but you’re clever, always investigating without meaning to, noticing when he trips up on an inconsistency. So whenever you try and weasel information out of him he simply refuses to answer. You’re grumpy, sure, but he can think of a few ways to make it up to you.
He’s nervous in a way he hasn’t been for… well, a while. He’s sure you’ll say yes. You’ll say yes, right? You’ve already been married once before – to him – so the odds are in his favour, but still, he gets a churning feeling in his stomach when he looks at the little box. Anxiety. He’s far too fucking old to be anxious like a schoolgirl asking out a crush, he feels goddamn ridiculous…
What will he do if you say no?
Ah, he can’t dwell on it for too long. Logan channels all of his effort into fixing up the bike - even allowing Laura to join in when she crosses her heart not to tell you - and plans ahead. Checks the weather. Picks his favourite shirt. 
Takes the plunge.
That morning Logan asks you to prepare a picnic and then meet him outside the manor. You look up at him from the reflection in your boudoir mirror as Carole King floats from the radio, an eyebrow arched.
“Oh? Why?”
“C’mon, I haven’t cracked yet. You think you’re gonna get me now?”
You pout. You’re cute. He drops a kiss on the top of your head.
“It’ll be worth the wait.”
“Well-ll-ll… okay. I’ll trust you. Shall I wear those jeans? The ones which make my ass look great?”
“Baby, all jeans make your ass look great. You have a great ass.”
You grin and scurry over to the wardrobe.
He heads downstairs and brings the Harley round front, fingers tapping nervously on the hand clutch as he waits. For the millionth time he checks his pockets. Yep, ring still there. 
As you leave the front door, basket nestled in the crook of your arm, the smile which crosses your face is the same as if you’re seeing an old friend again.
“Oh my god! I had no idea this thing was still kicking around!”
You run the last few steps and put your hand on her chassis. You genuinely look a bit choked up.
“Fixed her up so I could take you for a ride.”
Your expression is so soft, so loving when you look at him.
“Logan… that’s so sweet.”
Stepping forward to press up against him you pull him in for a kiss, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He hums against your lips.
“Put a helmet on,” he says, handing one to you as you stow the basket. You fix him with an old-fashioned look as he presents it to you. It’s bright pink and has Barbie written across the side.
“God damn you Logan Howlett…”
“You liked the damn film. Keep hearing you sing that stupid song to yourself.”
You harrumph but don’t deny it, instead fastening the helmet on and climbing up onto the seat behind him.
It feels good when your arms tighten around him for support. Always feels good when your arms are around him, honestly, no matter what the cause. He revs the engine loudly a couple of times making you giggle, then speeds off.
He feels your fingers tighten in his shirt as he drives, weaving between whatever cars happen to dot the road as he goes. He’s not had a bike between his thighs for years now but you never really forget how to ride one. Besides, with you as his cargo, he makes sure to go safe. When he was a younger man he’d have been pushing the Harley to her limits just to get his blood pumping… nowadays he’s happy to take it slower. The longer the ride, the longer you’re pushed up against him, after all.
He’s still such a sucker for your touch.
It’s a nice day, and when he eventually slows down to the old lookout spot he used to take you to, you grin as you see the familiar view.
“It’s been a long time,” you sigh, eyes sparkling in the sun. You smooth your hair down where the helmet has taken its toll and start to lay out the treats you’ve packed onto a gingham blanket: thick-filled sandwiches, a fruit salad, a whole apple pie which Logan has no idea how you smuggled out. Fuck. He is so lucky to have you.
He sits and forces himself to eat, knowing the ring is hidden away in his pocket. You’re happy to take the lead on the conversation as you always are, chatting about your classes in between bites of roast beef, but cock your head to the side when a period of silence goes on for too long.
“Something’s on your mind.”
“What?” he asks, silently cursing himself for being so obvious. You reach out to rest a hand over his.
“Is there something you wanna talk about, Logan? It’s okay if there is. We can face it together, you know. We’re a team.”
As you let that sink in with him you wave your hand to bring out a thermos from the basket. It pours out two cups of coffee, both black, and you float one over to each of you.
He watches this with sharp eyes.
“You didn’t add any creamer,” he says softly. You smile, using your free hand to lift the cup to your lips.
“What can I say? I guess you got to me.”
You’re finally a coffee purist.
Logan blinks, taking in the sincere look on your face. There is only absolute adoration written there. It is a plain and simple fact: you love him more than he thought anyone could ever love him.
After a beat, he pulls his hand away.
He shifts to one knee.
Your eyes go wide.
“I gotta… you gotta let me talk. I need to get this out,” he says, slipping his hand in his pocket to grab the ring box. You cover your mouth in shock. “You’ve made me a better man. And more importantly you make me want to be one. I wanna spend the rest of our lives together because I’d be a goddamn idiot not to.” He opens the hinge and the ring shines where it’s seated in velvet. “Will you marry me?”
“Oh shit,” you say, then you do something unexpected. You throw your head back and laugh. 
Of all the reactions he was not expecting that.
Logan’s hands dip a little. What the fuck? Is this a rejection? Did he screw this up, monumentally misread the signs between the two of you? Are you having some sorta episode? What has happened to prompt this?
“Oh, baby, no - don’t be sad! Just… hang on…” you say when you see how his face has fallen. He watches as you root around in the picnic basket. “You won’t believe this…”
You shift to one knee…
…and pull out a ring box of your own.
Logan’s mouth falls open as you present a ring to him. A plain gold band, shiny and new - one you’ve had made specially for him. 
“I got your size from my Logan’s old ring. I’ve had it for days just waiting for the right moment and… I guess you have too.”
This information settles around him like a deep, sudden snowfall. His eyes can’t leave the little box you’ve pulled out. 
A smile creeps over his face.
“Holy shit,” he laughs, echoing your sentiment from earlier, and then suddenly you’re laughing too, head thrown back in utter joy. You throw yourself into his arms and press kisses all over his face: his beard, the end of his nose, all over his cheekbones, and then finally his mouth. He can feel the tears spill over your eyelashes and dampen his face, and holy fuck is he in love with you.
“So is that a ‘yes’?” he asks against your lips. He can feel your grin under his mouth.
“Depends if it’s a ‘yes’ from you.”
“Of course. I want you to make an honest man of me.”
“Then fuck yeah. I’ll marry you, Logan Howlett.”
Another glorious, effervescent peal of laughter falls from you and then you’re kissing him again. Together your hands fumble in order to exchange rings, a difficult task when neither of you will open your eyes and break lips, but eventually he manages to slide his ring on your finger and feels you exchange your own.
It feels good. It feels right.
Logan pushes you back onto the blanket, picnic forgotten for the moment. His mouth turns from sweet to hungry as he uses his body to cage you in. His hands drop to the hem of your shirt and start to pull it up so he can trace the bared line of your chest. 
“Logan, here?” you ask in a way which suggests here is great, actually. 
“Why not? Nobody watching. Just you and me, honey.”
He wins you over easily with that argument and your hands go for the top buttons of his flannel. When you find your fingers aren’t doing a fast enough job you start using telekinesis to undo them from the bottom, too. He drops his grip to your hips and fiddles with your belt and the fly on your jeans, groaning with pleasure at how easily you accommodate him and lift your hips so he can strip you.
“Fuck. You’re fuckin’ perfect,” he growls. His hand skims your underwear and takes a handful of your ass - god he loves your ass - as you rid him of his shirt so you can run your palms over the thick plain of muscle in his back.
“Look who’s talking,” you breathe against him, biting down on his bottom lip and tugging at it. Electricity shoots through him.
“Harder,” he mutters. You oblige him and sink your teeth in just enough for a little blossom of blood to spill into his mouth.
He’s going to go crazy right here on this blanket, you will drive him to insanity. What bliss. 
He kicks off his jeans and starts grinding his clothed cock against the fabric covering your cunt, like two teenagers so desperate to get off that they don’t even bother to get naked first. His blunt head catches on your clit and you groan at where you can feel him leaking.
“Love it when you fuck me, Logan,” you sigh. He’s not sure if it’s pride or arousal which throbs through him, probably both, but he realises then he has to do now what he should have done a long time ago.
Claws come out, he cuts your underwear off and you squeal in delight. For a moment he considers just sliding inside but if he’s going to do this, it has to be done properly.
So he pushes your legs upwards against your stomach, in a way which he knows your hips will complain about but your pussy will love. Your mouth is a soft little o as you realise you are being manhandled into a mating press. 
“Logan…?” you breathe, a little confused but giddy with pleasure, sucking air in sharply when he rolls his hips to try and slide his cock inside your wet heat. 
“Wanna put a baby in you,” he states, simply, growling it out. Your eyes roll back and you moan at his words, what a pretty sight. 
“But we… oh fuck… I don’t know if we can…”
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he manages, pressing his hand to the soft paunch of your stomach under which your womb sits, “let me try.”
Your eyes go wide as your head empties.
“Okay, yeah. Do it. Fuck a baby inside me, Logan.”
What sort of loyal dog would he be if he didn’t follow orders?
His legs trap yours against your body as he starts fucking you in earnest, pressing home inside you with one rough thrust. You mewl and knead at his skin with worshipping hands as he moves. Each undulation of his hips buries himself in you impossibly deeper, so he knows when he spills inside you it’ll be right where it needs to take.
“Fuck…” you hiss, palm cupping his face so he can look down at you, gaze on your gorgeous face. The crease of concentration between your brows as you register how tightly he’s nestled inside you, lips soft and kissable. Your hair blooms like a halo, an angel silhouetted against gingham.
He loves you. Oh, how he loves you.
“Wanna be so full of you, Logan… want to walk around with your baby in me. Show everyone who I belong to.”
He growls but he also knows he belongs to you, too. You have his heart in your ribcage beating alongside your own, a thing he has freely given because you’re the person who most deserves it. He’d never want it to rest with anyone but you.
Logan moves his hips in slow, sensual movements, taking time to luxuriate in the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your walls. When he presses back inside he sees the way your eyes roll back as he hits that sweet spot, gloriously blissful.
“Gonna take you somewhere nice n’ quiet on our honeymoon and keep you in bed, doll. Fuck you until you’re full. Not gonna stop until we’re sure it’s taken. Watch you get all round with me. Goddamn, can just imagine how you’ll glow.”
You gasp at the filth he’s muttering but the grin on your lips show you’re incredibly enthusiastic about that idea.
“Yeah… want you to fuck me whenever you want, Logan… bend me over and fill me up… I’m yours, only yours…”
Something about the way you sigh that last part flips a feral switch in his brain. His hips speed up and the slap of skin on skin echoes from your hips, and then he’s coming in thick ropes to paint the inside of your pretty pussy. Mark you up as his. You groan at the feeling of warmth blossoming inside you but he knows you haven’t reached your peak yet. Usually he’d make sure you orgasm before him… but he has something a little different in mind right now.
Logan slips out of you and you mewl in the displeasure of being emptied. This doesn’t stop him manoeuvring your ass into his lap, though, keeping your legs spread so he can push three fingers inside your warm and willing entrance. A groan rips itself from your throat as you clamp desperate fingers down on his forearm. Were he a human man you’d leave fingerprints for certain, and for a moment Logan regrets that you can’t — he’d love evidence of this tryst; apart from your growing belly, of course.
“Fuck. Yes, Logan, push it inside me,” you whine. Oh goddamn, he’s so easily broken when you beg. He uses his fingers to gather up his spend as it tries to leak from your fucked-puffy cunt and presses it back into your hole. As he goes he makes sure to crook them inside you, hitting the same spot he was with his cock just moments ago.
All you can do is hang on and choke down air as he fucks you with his hand. He’s an expert at your body, can play it like an instrument; it doesn’t take long to get you where he needs you. He feels your walls twitch and then you’re coming around his knuckles, a filthy mix of his release and your own dripping all the way down to his wrist.
You collapse back onto the blanket, gasping for breath as your wits return. As he slowly pulls his hand away from you, you reach out to grab him and pull him to your mouth, sucking the cocktail of you both from his fingers and running your tongue around him.
He groans.
“Fuck. You’re gonna ruin me.”
“But what a way to go, huh?” your smile is devilish. He can’t help but reach down and kiss it. Your hand tangles in his hair and scratches his scalp affectionately. 
A beat.
“So… we’re trying?”
You don’t need to specify for what. He knows. When Logan pulls back there’s an expression of barely-concealed hope on your face. Makes his heart melt. His fingers move to lock with yours, squeezing gently down on your knuckles.
“Yeah. We’re trying.”
He’s never seen you look so happy. You trace your abdomen with a careful hand. The ring he got you glints on it, the stone reflecting the sunshine. 
“Well, okay then.”
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It doesn’t take long for news of your engagement to spread. You tell Laura who puts it in a group chat she has with the other students in the mansion, and from there it has no chance of staying secret. In fact you return after you finish the picnic (and an attempt to tidy yourselves up) to a chorus of ‘congratulations’ from a gathered crowd at the door. Logan pretends to be grumpy but honestly? He wouldn’t trade the look of joy on your face for anything. He shows off his ring alongside yours and people coo with adoration at how cute you both are.
Once he’d have snarled at ‘cute’. Now he just accepts it as you snuggle into his side. 
You go to meet up with Wade and Al a couple of days later to tell them but it turns out word travels fast. The apartment door is thrown open in your faces as Wade pours accusingly. 
“I can’t believe I had to find out about this via social media from a teenage girl! What am I, back in high school? Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to deal with puberty again, it wasn’t kind to me,” he says, waving his phone at you to show a cheerful post about the engagement put up by Yukio. Logan doesn’t get a good look, but does see the words “still find love in old age” which makes him bristle.
“Sorry, Wade. But you know, we live in the same house as her,” you say, sounding genuinely quite apologetic. Wade deflates a little at your tone, but keeps the act up anyway.
“Big-ass house. Coulda kept your damn hands in your pockets…” he mutters, but then gives you a sincere hug. When he turns with his arms open to Logan, he sighs and accepts one too. “But really, I’m happy for you two. Just don’t forget about your old perpetually single buddy Deadpool when you’re off bumping uglies as a legally wedded couple…”
“I think I might try and forget you during those times actually, Wade,” you say with a laugh. 
“Hmm. Oh wait, holy shit - can I be your best man? I promise you I scrub up pretty well. Well, apart from the face. Mmm, and the rest of my body. My ass looks great in a suit is what I’m saying,” this is directed at you and you give Wade a sad smile.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry, I already asked Laura. We kinda trauma bonded in the Void,” you say. Wade’s eyes slide over from you to Logan.
“Oh my god,” he grumbles.
“C’mon, peanut! Isn’t that what best friends are for?”
Logan opens his mouth to snap that they are not best friends but then… he just sort of… closes it. He’s too old to have a best friend. Grown men don’t have best friends. Or at least that’s what he’d have said a scant few months ago. But now…
“Fine,” he sighs. Logan feels you squeeze his hand in joy as Wade lets out a woop which startles Al.
“Yes! I won’t let you down buddy. I’m gonna give you the best dry bachelor party of your life. The strippers will be so hot you won’t even need beer to make them look good!”
“Joking! Joking…” he says, in a way which suggests he probably wasn’t - though about the quality of the strippers or there being any in the first place, he can’t be sure.
The two of you don’t want a big wedding. You had one in your own timeline and know how stressful it can be. You’re both able to come to the same reasoning: it isn’t the size of the celebration which matters, but that you’ll be married by the end of it. That’s what it’s all leading to after all. Every morning Logan wakes up to the weight of your ring on his finger and he feels complete. He feels grounded. 
He’s happier than he’s been in a long time; maybe ever.
You book a day to go down to city hall and sign the marriage certificates, only in a couple of weeks’ time. The kids all make you cards, shoving them under your door or handing them over during lessons. Soon your room is covered with crayon-scribbled well-wishes and poorly drawn felt-tip depictions of you both. Mostly, it’s you smiling, and Logan snarling with his claws out. You laugh every single time you see one, so he doesn’t mind too much. There are always little love hearts doodled between you anyway. At least the kids know you’re happy together.
Time moves by quickly but maybe that’s just a symptom of being in love. Classes no longer drag on and drain him, instead Logan starts every morning with the vigour of a young man… though the fact that he fills you up every morning before you both head to work might help. It’s strange; you never use protection anyway, but now it feels like there’s a purpose behind the way you fuck. Any position where he gets to see your face as he comes deep inside you will do it for him honestly. He could live in your cries of pleasure, the way you mewl his name, the duty of putting a baby inside you. Before long, those couple of weeks the city hall needed to get your paperwork in order are up, and the day arrives that you’re finally able to go and make things official. 
Logan wakes in bed alone. This is expected. He came home late last night after his bachelor party which, to be fair to Wade, wasn’t so bad. The guy had just organised some friends to play poker late into the night. Due to - what Laura has coined as - his natural ‘resting bitch face’, he cleared everyone out. He’s two hundred and sixty dollars richer so now he can grab you some nice flowers on the way to the wedding. He’d gotten a text saying that you were staying at a hotel in town for the night, the girls had insisted on keeping you separate because it’s tradition. Logan isn’t sure what about this whole situation is exactly traditional, what with all the crossed timelines and long-lost soulmates, but if it makes you all happy he’ll relent.
He showers, missing your body in the steam with him, then walks naked back into the room to grab something nice to wear, fingers fumbling with the radio as he goes. It picks up just as the host is introducing the next song.
“...goes out to Logan from ‘the love of your life’, who is pretty sure you’ll have the radio on by now! Apparently you’re getting married today? Well a big congratulations from everyone here at the station, you two, enjoy this classic tune…”
Chapel of Love by the Dixie Cups starts to spill out from the speakers and Logan chuckles, grabbing his phone and tapping out a message.
You text back almost immediately. He can imagine you grinning at your screen as the music plays, waiting for his reaction.
I am. Can’t wait to see you today, baby ♥
Yeah, he can’t wait to see you either.
Seeing as it’s meant to be a relaxed ceremony you’d both decided not to wear anything too formal. Logan pulls out a white dress shirt and a fresh pair of jeans, toeing on the boots he cleaned last night. He looks at himself in the mirror before deciding to roll his sleeves up to his elbow. For some reason you go crazy when you can see his exposed forearms; you say it’s “pure unadulterated sex appeal”. He’s never understood it himself but anything to make you smile. 
Laura grabs a ride with him in the pickup he uses. She’s wearing leggings and a baggy suit blazer but he has to admit, the kid looks pretty cool. Despite his several warnings not to she sits with her feet on the dash playing with her phone, calling him a boring old man for not wanting her to go through the windscreen. 
“Remember I heal like you, dummy. It’s no problem.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want you turning up to my wedding covered in glass with your clothes ripped to shit.”
She grumbles and relents, ever the petulant teenager.
He manages to get parking nearby, so someone up above must be smiling down on him, takes the short walk to the city hall - making sure to get a ridiculously large bouquet as he goes. As he takes in the smell of roses he realises it isn’t that he’s feeling nervous per se, but there’s definitely an anticipation running up his spine. Realistically he knows nothing will change when the two of you are married on paper.
But… kinda everything will change.
He spots you talking to Wade on the grey stone steps, and his mouth is pulled into a smile at the cute little dress you’re wearing. You had been going on about how you picked it up at the thrift store - what a bargain! - and now he sees it, he agrees about how it highlights your figure perfectly. You light up when you see him… and Wade’s face falls as he turns.
“What the fuck! I thought this was a wedding?! Now I look like I’m in a competition for most formally dressed dickhead!” he says, gesturing to himself. He’s in a full black tuxedo and is definitely the most suited up person for about five blocks.
“It is a wedding. Not my fault you never asked the dress code,” Logan states. You burst into laughter as Wade pouts, but he seems to be taking the ribbing pretty well. Your hand tangles into Logan’s. He looks at you.
“Hey,” you breathe, taking the flowers and taking a deep breath of their sweet smell. “Thank you, these are lovely.”
“You deserve the best, baby.”
“Aww. You know, look great.”
“So do you.”
“We scrub up pretty well, huh? Great choice on the sleeves, by the way.”
Logan smiles into the kiss he presses to your lips. Laura groans at the public display of affection.
“C’mon, your slot is coming up. You two wanna be late for your own wedding?”
And so you traipse up the stairs to the office where the smiling registrar has you fill out the paperwork to officially be married to each other. When you see Logan’s hands shake a little, you press your own to the small of his back and rub small soothing circles there. Wade and Laura cheer when you have your first kiss as a wedded couple and burst party poppers of confetti over you both. The group of you stand together and get a picture to celebrate the day: Logan’s arm around your waist while yours is secretly perched on his ass, Laura grinning and holding the bouquet for you, Wade laying across the front of you all Breakfast Club-like. 
Logan smiles so hard his face hurts.
It’s nice.
Though the two of you didn’t want a party it’s pretty hard to convince the kids at the manor of anything, so you get back to a banner reading congratulations! It’s held by your youngest students who cheer as the group of you get out of the pick-up. Yukio rushes in to give you a tight hug and you laugh, joyful at the love you’re walking into.
The dining room has been cleared to set up an impromptu celebration space. A metric tonne of pizza has been ordered and Piotr, the rather willing DJ, makes sure nothing pre-1989 is played. 
He’s never really been one for dancing, but when you drag him to the middle of the wooden floor and wrap your arms around his neck Logan can’t help but sway with you to all the cheesy love songs. You press your forehead to his, tips of your noses meeting. You breathe in harmony. You let the same air fill your lungs.
“I love you,” you sigh a dozen times over, dreamily.
“I love you too,” he breathes a dozen times back.
When you throw the bouquet that evening you’re in such a good mood you both forgive Wade for body-checking a kid to grab it out of the air.
Logan thinks about his life and smiles.
He’s got it pretty good.
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He takes you on a honeymoon for a week to a little cabin in the woods he rented out. It’s in the wilderness, miles from anyone or anywhere, which means he’s able to do what he wants with you: have you naked the whole time.
The two of you don’t do anything but fuck, and you’re very down for it. Something about married life has you more horny than you’ve ever been before. For the first couple of days you hardly leave the bed, Logan only heading to the kitchen to grab you some food to keep your energy up between sessions, pumping you full of his come until you’re a sticky and sated mess. He feeds you slices of pie as you lay dazed on the mattress, a pillow under your hips to keep his spend from dripping out of you.
“Fuck, Logan, you’re gonna kill me,” you groan as he starts rocking his hardening cock up against you the fifth time that day.
“Nah, baby. You can take it.”
You fall asleep with him buried deep inside of you so that the thing waking you up the next morning is him rolling his hips. It’s a pretty fucking good way to start the day.
Eventually the two of you leave the bedroom and walk around the place. Autumn is coming in properly now, the green of the trees outside turning to reds and oranges. You wrap yourself in a blanket and stand at the huge windows looking out at the vista, your aesthete sensibilities pulling you there. Silhouetted in October’s light, Logan can only be struck by how perfect you are: your body, your heart, your soul. His, all his.
He’s the luckiest goddamn man alive.
He takes you against the windows, your chest pressed up against the cool glass and making you gasp in thrilled pleasure, rubbing loving circles on your clit until he feels you clench around him.
At night the two of you huddle by the wood-burning fireplace, the flames dancing across your bodies as he makes love to you slowly, non-hurriedly, letting you enjoy each other. You push him onto his back and ride him, head thrown back so he can appreciate the long line of your neck which he traces with thick calloused fingers.
Fuck, he’d keep you here forever if he could. A little slice of perfection made for just the two of you. Nobody to bother you or call you away for duties, just your love and all the space it needs.
It’s a shame when the two of you have to return to the manor, but he has a job to do. Kids to teach. A Wade to keep in check. It’s easy to slip back to day-to-day life, though, when he has a wedding ring on his finger and you in his bed.
That is until one day he finds you with your head in the toilet, emptying your guts of the day’s breakfast.
“Logan, I don’t feel so hot,” you groan. He goes into panic mode, worrying you’ve got some sorta bug, practically carrying you to Hank’s lab so the doctor can get a good look at you. When you get there, he doesn’t seem incredibly impressed, but checks you over diligently because he’s a friend. 
“Look, I don’t mean to be crass, but have you taken a pregnancy test?” he asks, bluntly. Your eyes go wide over the glass of water you’re sipping.
“Well, no, but…” you trail off. Logan can see you counting on your fingers, trying to make something add up in your brain.
“Ah. Right. I don’t have one but I do have an ultrasound scanner, it was one of the things Charles foresaw a use for I suppose…”
So Logan stands there as Hank wheels the thing out and has you lay down on a counter - this isn’t the med room after all, there’s no beds in here. Your hand grabs onto his as Hank carefully lifts your shirt and presses the wand to your stomach.
There’s no mistaking the image on the screen. Head, body, arms and legs. The baby’s picture thrums. Hank does not seem surprised.
“Yep, there it is. You’re pretty far along. I’m not an expert, but I’d say three months?”
“Three…!” you look at Logan as if this is his fault. Which, he supposes, it sort of is. “But we’ve only been… uh, trying for a few weeks now.”
Hank shifts uncomfortably. Logan wants to die. He does not want to talk about his sex life with a peer.
“Have you been using birth control?”
“Well, no, but…”
“Then I think you have your answer. Nature did what it does best.” He manages a smile. “Congratulations to you both. I’ll uh, let you have a moment alone.”
He practically runs out of the lab. The two of you are left sitting there in silence.
Then slowly, so slowly, your hand comes up to rest on your abdomen. You look down at the point of contact and tears well up in your eyes.
With one word you summon him, his strong arms wrapping around you and holding you tight, an anchor in this moment of joy. He buries his lips into your hair as you sob, utterly overwhelmed.
“Fuck, we did it, baby,” you manage to choke out. His hand comes to rest on your own and then you switch, covering it with yours so that he can feel the skin of your belly. It’s warm and soft. It feels strange knowing that his child is in there. Strange but right.
He gave you what you deserve. His heart beats a little faster and he realises his vision is blurry, too. Fuck. Look at him, welling up. 
Ah man, he doesn’t care.
The kiss between you is wet and desperate, an act of triumph and elation. As his mouth presses deep into yours he feels you tug at his shirt, pawing at him like an animal.
“Honey, I’m not gonna fuck you in Hank’s lab,” he states. You whine beneath his lips.
“But I wanna celebrate…” you mewl, hitting him with the doe-eyes. He scoffs a laugh and you pout. “Besides the pregnancy hormones are driving me crazy.”
“You just found out.”
“Yeah, weird how quickly they can take effect…”
Logan gently but firmly removes your exploring hands.
“We can do it somewhere our friend and coworker doesn’t spend his whole day. C’mon,” he silences any protestations with another kiss, soft and loving, “we have all the time in the world, baby.”
You run your fingers through his hair, eyes still a little dewy, but smile is undeniable.
“All the time in the world…” you sigh, a promise. 
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taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
those of you who liked part 1, too: @inumakisriceingredients @respectmyprivacys-blog @xcalcalcalcalx @moonixlity @justanothermarvelfanaccount @taraa-dactyl @nitimurinvetitumsposts @sseleniaa @diegobrandolover99 @blackcanvaspainting @youngestxhearts @veggie-eggrolls
414 notes · View notes
borathae · 10 months
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"You wake up in Jungkook's bed after a passionate night together."
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, domestic Fluff, hinted Smut
Warnings: casual nudity, Kookie shows off his muscles, he is a giggly cutie who just wants to be praised, they talk about last night's sex, she kisses his abs, he is so in love with her :(
Wordcount: 2k
a/n: i wanna give him the world. he is my babyboy :( also, i don't gotta mention by which live this was inspired. y'all KNOW fjadjfa. enjoy besties, i fucking love him 🤍
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Something is tickling your face. Gently. Nicely. Warm. It feels warm. Fingers. You can make out the paths they draw. Over your forehead, tracing your brows, down your temples, along your cheeks and up your nose until the faintest touch feels up your closed eyelids. 
You know where you are. Jungkook’s wing. You stayed with him after the two of you went on a lovely movie date in town, followed by karaoke in his living room till late into the night. 
You had sex too. It was good sex. Amazing sex even. He made you see not only stars, but the entire galaxy. And in return you made him arch his back and whimper your name. It was amazing. It really, really was.
You still feel the afterglow of it. It became stronger again now that you are awake and actively take him in.
His soft scent lingers on the sheets and the warmth of his touch feels heavenly. You can’t stop your lips from curling into a sleepy smile. Quite frankly, you didn’t even try to stop them. Perhaps you even encouraged them to do so. 
“Mhm good morning. That feels amazing”, you mumble. 
“Good morning, my honey”, he answers you and cups your cheek to run his thumb along the tender skin under your eye. Once. Twice. 
Then you open your eyes to look at him. 
His face scrunches up into a giddy smile instantly. It starts off with his eyes before the rest of his face follows. You love the way he smiles. It is so precious and adorable that he always starts off with his eyes before anything else shows his happiness. It fits him so well. 
You retort his smile, feeling it grow when he scoots closer to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“I hope I didn’t wake you. I’ve been awake for a little and I tried not to touch you, but you’re so pretty when you sleep”, he says, making your heart flutter. 
He scoots back again and touches your ear to massage it softly. 
“You didn’t wake me”, you assure him, tingling at the touch. 
“That’s good to hear. I hope you don’t mind that I looked at you”, he says and giggles, “I’m sorry, I just think that you’re so pretty.”
“I don’t mind”, you say and reach out to caress his naked chest, “you’re so cute, my honey.”
“Thank you, yeah”, he says and giggles. He is so cute when he is so happy. You hope that he never stops giggling. He shimmies back just enough that you can look at him comfortably. He gathers a bundle of his blanket and uses it to rest his chin on it. Like this, you have perfect view of his sculpted arms and tattoos. He didn’t bother to put on clothes last night and neither did you. He kept snuggling up to you throughout the night and whenever you noticed it, you felt yourself tingle. His skin felt like paradise against yours. It really did.
His eyes gaze at you with sparkles in them. 
“How did you sleep?” he asks. 
“Really well. Your bed’s so comfy.”
“Yeah? That’s good to hear”, he says and giggles once again. 
“And you?”
“I slept well too, yeah. I dreamed of you.”
“You did?” 
“Mh-hm. I dreamed of last night. It’s because I can’t stop thinking about it”, he giggles again, giving you the prettiest eye smile ever, “I think we had a really amazing date. I loved it a lot.”
“I loved it too”, you answer him and touch his arm to squeeze it lovingly, “you’re so cute.”
“Heh”, he lets out and blushes, “and I think that the sex was amazing”, he sounds shy all of a sudden, “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
You smile and agree with a nod of your head, “I can’t stop thinking about it either.”
“Do your knees still hurt?” he makes sure. You finished him off by riding him and you went at it with such passion that your knees ached afterwards.
“No, they don’t. I told you, they were just tired.”
“You did it so hard”, he says and giggles with his nose scrunching up. He snuggles the blanket, even going so far as to rub his cheek against it, “I couldn’t stop moaning.”
“I couldn’t tell at all”, you joke and snicker.
He snickers as well, nodding his head, “I know, I was so loud. I can’t help it because you’re so, so good.”
“Don’t apologise. I’m the same when you touch me.”
“Yeah, I know”, he says, glancing down at your body just once, “you sounded really sexy. I think.”
“Thank you, baby. You sounded really sexy too.”
“Yeah, I liked it”, he says, “I’ve been able to make love to you without danger for such a long time already, but I still feel so excited by it. So it always feels epic and, and”, he stops himself, glancing at you shyly, “I hope I’m not annoying you with this already.”
“Kookie, come on”, you say sternly and nudge his chest, “don’t you dare say that. I feel as excited as you do, sweets. You deserve to feel this way.”
“Thank you. It means a lot that you share those feelings with me.”
“Of course, baby. I mean it.”
He smiles and reaches out to touch your face. Your cheek, your brow and temple until he ends it with a soft brush over your lips. And as he makes sure that your face is actually as beautiful as he thinks it is, his sparkly eyes race over your features without wanting to stop. They finally land on your lips and the way they look so pretty in the morning lights.
“I uhm”, he begins and lets out a shy giggle, meeting your gaze. You retort the chuckle, caressing the inside of his wrist.
“I think you’re beautiful”, he says, making your heart flutter.
“Thank you so much”, you whisper giddily, “you’re beautiful too.”
“Thank you”, he says and sits up just a little, “hey ___? I was thinking”, he begins.
“What were you thinking?” you ask him, expecting the most profound revelation ever.
“My arms look really strong today. What do you think?” he says, showing off by flexing his arm. His muscles tense and bulge, capturing your attention. 
You stifle a snicker. You did not expect for the conversation to go this way. He is such a wonderful person.
“Look at this”, he points at the most sculpted parts, “can you see the lines there and, and how big it looks there?”
“I can”, you tell him, melting in fondness. He is so adorable when he shows off because you know for a fact that he believes that this is the most impressive thing he could do. Not being loving and gentle, neither being the best listener and sweetest person ever. No, in his eyes showing off his muscles is the most impressive thing about him. Which, don’t misunderstand, is very impressive, but it is still very adorable as well because of how randomly he decided to do it. 
“Can you see how strong I am?” he asks, flexing even harder. 
“I can”, you reach out and touch his arm. It is rockhard, “wow, Kookie your muscles are so hard.”
“Right? It’s because I’m so strong”, he says.
“Mhm, of course you are. You’re such a strong man, this is so impressive”, you praise him, squeezing his arm gently, “wow, so strong.”
“Yeah, right?” he agrees and then sticks his head under the blanket for a second. You watch him with fondness bubbling in your tummy, “and check this out”, he says, reappearing again and tugging the blanket down his torso just enough that the first hint of his pubes gets revealed. He is resting on his back, propped up on his elbow and with his abs flexed. He runs his fingers down the lines of them, “look.”
You roll to your tummy and prop yourself up on your elbows. Like this, you could easily rest your chin on his stomach if you wanted to.
“Wow Kookie, your abs looks so strong”, you gasp.
“Right? It’s because I used them so much last night”, he says, making your chest flutter. He wasn’t lying. He did use them a lot as he was making you see galaxies.
“Mhm of course you did”, you say, “can I touch?”
“Of course.”
You reach out and trace his muscles with your fingertips. Jungkook watches you with his breathing just a little quickened. Goosebumps cover his skin wherever you touch. You finish your explorations by shimmying closer and draping your arm over his lap just so you can lower your lips to his stomach and kiss it.
Jungkook gasps when that happens, shivering like crazy. You nuzzle your nose into his faint happy trail and inhale his scent. He smells like warm nights, good sex and clean skin. It’s addictive, really, and for just a short moment you play with the desire to lick him until he shivers.
You lift your head, meeting his droopy gaze.
“My strong man”, you say, flashing him a loving grin.
Jungkook breaks into a fit of happy giggles, picking you up in his strong arms to hug you against his chest. 
“Thank you ___, I’m your strong man”, he says, wiggling you from side to side. 
“Yes you are”, you tell him, snaking your arm around his waist, “I feel very safe in your arms.”
“Wow really?” he gasps and giggles, “wow, thank you. This means so much to me.”
He lies down with you in his arms, which results in your finding your new resting spot sprawled halfway on top of him and with your face buried in the crook of his neck. You grunt at the impact, before a fond chuckle shakes your shoulders.
“Careful”, you tell him.
“I’m sorry”, he slips his arms from you, “did I hurt you?”
“No, you just surprised me. That’s all”, you say, climbing on top of him and sitting down on his lap. Just below his dick and with your hands feeling up his pecs. Like this, the blanket covers you until your hips while the rest of your body was exposed to the cool air. Goosebumps cover your skin instantly, but Jungkook touches don’t allow your body to feel cold. He runs his hands all over your body, leaving out the most intimate spots for respect reasons and massaging the parts which he thinks are so incredibly soft.
“My strong man, mhm?” you say.
He nods his head vigorously, pressing out a shaky, “yeah.” He is just so excited to be with you and to be your strong man! He is your man! That’s awesome!
You run your hands to his shoulders before placing them in the pillow beside his head. Like this, you can look down at his pretty face while Jungkook feels up your back and the beginning of your buttocks.
“Should we check out this café we passed last night?”
You drove by a café on your way to the cinema yesterday. Back then, it had already closed for the day, but it promised fresh breakfast everyday in the café window. You talked about going there one day and trying out the menu.
“I love this idea”, he says, “I’m really hungry already”, he tells you and adds a quick, “not that kind of hungry though, don’t worry.”
You laugh, “I wasn’t thinking that”, you assure him, pecking his lips. 
Jungkook hums and hooks his arms behind your head. With one expert movement, he has your positions flipped, kissing your lips as happy purrs rumble in his chest.
“Kookie, wait”, you giggle, fighting him off with minimal effort, “the breakfast.”
“You shouldn’t have kissed me then”, he mumbles, chasing your kiss.
“It was a peck, you’re the one deepening it”, you complain with a racing heart.
“Mhm no”, he answers you, making you laugh.
“Come on, baby”, you snicker, turning your head so he is kissing your cheek instead.
“Hmpf fine”, he huffs out air, rubbing his nose against you slowly, “first shower, then breakfast, then I’ll buy you flowers and then I’ll show you what kissing me all naked gets you.”
“Sounds like a deal”, you say, feeling oh so giddy that you could burst.
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httpknjoon · 4 months
catching morning ghosts | jjk
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plot | Before leaving the beach house, one of yours and Jungkook's friends caught something unbelievable.
words | 1.8k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | finished writing this while watching bangbangcon earlier. oh, I miss my ot7 so much! anyway enjoy reading! finale is coming!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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It was an early morning on the beach.
The distant sound of ocean waves plays as background music while Blaire and Jenny both clean up around the bonfire you guys set up last night. They were the earliest to wake up so they decided to do the cleaning while waiting for the others. It was agreed that you guys would go home on Sunday morning to rest at your own homes before going busy again. 
“Oh, god. I think I drank too much last night.” Jenny groaned as she picked up an empty can of beer. “I don’t remember how I even got into my room.”
Blaire laughed, “Jen, you didn’t. You somehow ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor, you scared the hell out of Dara! Wooshik had to carry you up to your room.”
Jenny scratched the back of her head. She definitely doesn’t remember any of that. The last thing she did that she can recall clearly is handing you your third can of beer while singing along to some song Jungkook plays on Wooshik’s guitar. She can also recall Dara casually leaning on Wooshik while chatting with Blaire.
“What time is it?” Jenny turned to Blaire after they finished cleaning within a few minutes.
Blaire checks her phone, “It’s almost 7:30. They still have like half an hour.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll just go get my bags and maybe check on the others too.”
Blaire nods and Jenny goes back inside the house. Before going straight to her room, Jenny began knocking on everyone’s door. For her first victim, she knocked on Wooshik’s door. It took exactly four knocks before Jenny heard, “I’m already awake!”. With that, she moved to Dara’s, who quickly opened the door.
“Oh, good morning.” Dara greeted her. The youngest in your group was already prepared to leave and all freshened up. She was just putting on her favorite earrings when Jenny knocked. “Is everyone ready?”
Jenny chuckled, “Actually, you’re the first one to open the door.”
“I thought Wooshik’s up already?” Dara asked. “He messaged me like minutes ago.”
“Yeah, he is. But he didn’t open the door. I still haven’t checked on YN and JK.” she explained. 
“Oh, okay… Anyway, you go check on them. I’ll make us coffee after I’m done with my bags.” Dara offers, earning a nod from Jenny.
As Dara closed her door, Jenny moved on to Jungkook’s door. And it seems like one, two, three couple of knocks are not enough as she hasn’t got any response from him. So, Jenny called his name while continuously knocking.
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You groaned as you shifted in your sleep. Eyes still closed, you snuggled closer to the familiar warmth you can feel next to you. Inhaling his scent, your head lays on his chest comfortably while he holds your back. 
After another call of his name, you tapped softly on Jungkook’s chest, whispering, “Babe.”
“Hmm?” Jungkook simply hummed in response.
“Jenny. Door.”
With how cozy and half-asleep you two are, you were too lazy to get up and have proper sentences in your conversation. You kept your eyes closed, comfortable on his skin, even though you wanted him to answer the door. Jungkook didn’t get up immediately either. As soon as he opens his eyes, he plants a kiss on the top of your head. You slowly moved your head and looked up at him, already with a smile on your lips.
“Whatever, I’m checking on YN then.”
Your eyes widened. Jungkook panicked and fell on the wooden floor since he was lying on the edge of the bed. His fall resulted in a thud noise.  Shocked, you covered your mouth while your boyfriend rushed to go get to the door. With his butt still feeling a little numb, Jungkook opened the door, covering any chance that Jenny might see who is the other person inside. He had to cross his arms over his chest as he didn’t get the chance to put his shirt he left on the floor.
“Oh, hey, Jen.” Jungkook greeted her, trying to be as casual as he could.
Your best friend’s brows furrowed. She can feel something strange with this messy-haired guy in front of her, but she cannot just point it out. Plus, she heard that thud.
Nonetheless, she tried to shake it off, clearing her throat, “Uh, we’re leaving at 8.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course– I’ll go prepare. And my stuff too. That too.” 
Jungkook’s tongue was rambling with words and all you can do is listen on his bed while you watch his back conversing with your lovely best friend, who you wish is not suspicious of any of this. 
“Okay, you go do that. I’ll wake up YN–”
Jenny was ready to knock on your door next to Jungkook’s but your boyfriend stopped her. Knowing that no one would answer those knocks since you are obviously nowhere there, Jungkook cuts her off.
“I’ll do that.”
“Why?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh… uh… you know… since we’re leaving in the same car, I can help her with her bags.” Jungkook tries to reason out.
“I know that, Jungkook. I’m just gonna wake her up,” she replied, still finding Jungkook’s actions a little strange.
“But she–”
Ping! A notification sound interrupted their weird conversation. Jenny checked her phone in her hand and immediately saw a text message from you.
From YN
i’m up! no need to check on me. i can literally hear u and jk outside. lemme just take a quick shower.
After reading that, Jenny looked at Jungkook and showed him your text message. It was like someone lifted the weights on Jungkook’s chest as he can breathe better now with your solution.
“I’ll go get my bags then. Don’t go back to bed, okay?” Jenny told him before leaving for her room.
You watched as your boyfriend sighed while closing the door behind him. He picked up his shirt and put it on before sitting on the bed. You scooched closer to him and hugged him.
“That was painful to watch.” you giggled.
His shoulders fell, “We should really tell them about us soon.”
“Yeah, maybe when we get back to the city? I think Wooshik knows already,” you said
“Huh? Why?” he asked, turning his head to you.
“He literally called me Princess last night when I was taking photos of Bam.” 
“He did?” he asked and you nodded. Unexpectedly, he wrapped you in an embrace, making you two fall back on the soft mattress of the bed, “No one gets to call you that except me!”
You simply laughed at that. You two ended up cuddling on the bed for no more than five minutes before you tapped him again to let you go so you could finally go back to your room.
“I should go change before we go,” you whispered.
Jungkook agreed, lifting his arm on your waist. He would usually request for five more minutes but he knew that your friends were already up. He followed behind you as you walked to the door. Just when you opened the door, Jungkook pulled you into him, immediately leaning down to peck your lips. He sees your lips form into a smile as he pulls away.
“Can’t let you start your day without a morning kiss,” he mumbled.
“Of course–”
Two hearts dropped on the floor. You and Jungkook snapped your heads to the side where you heard someone say something. You instantly meet eyes with Dara, who’s currently frozen in place. Her bags fell from her hands when she witnessed you and Jungkook kissing. You two let go of each other, taking a few steps away for more space in between.
“Oh, hey, Dara?” you chuckled awkwardly. “Good morning?”
“Yeah, good morning, Dara.” Jungkook greeted her two, scratching his hair.
It took your innocent friend a few more seconds before processing everything. Her index finger points to you two as if asking if you and Jungkook are together. She was speechless, to say the least. Both of you nodded slowly. You raised your index finger in front of your lips before saying,
As soon as she understood it, Dara nodded, “O-Okay. I’ll go make coffee.”
Even though she was still confused and surprised about everything, Dara walked down the stairs with her things to remove herself from this awkward situation. Left alone, you and Jungkook looked at each other before you walked back to your room.
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“Hi, Bam… What are you doing outside, buddy?”
Jenny was putting her bag in the trunk of Blaire’s car when she spotted Bam walking towards her, bringing something in his mouth. She was petting his head when she noticed it.
“What’s that?”
She leaned down and reached for that something in between Bam’s teeth. It did not take long for her to identify what it was. Her eyes widened as she held the plain green string bikini top in front of her face.
“Jen, what’s that?” Blaire, who just walked out of the beach house with a cup of coffee in her hand, asked. “Whose bikini is that?”
“I… don’t know. It’s like something Bam saw in the sand there.” Jenny replied, dumbfounded.
“Hmm. No one really stayed here except us.” Blaire said.
As if on cue, you and Jungkook walk out of the house with your bags to put them in his Jeep. Even though you were the one who let Bam out of the house earlier, you are unaware he brought a gift for everyone. You greeted Bam as he followed behind you to Jungkook’s car. That’s when you felt Jenny looking at you.
“What’s going on?”
“Bam brought this.” Jenny showed the green bikini, slinging in her finger.
Your eyes widened, immediately recognized what it was. It was yours. But you lost it last night after going to a quick night swimming with your boyfriend. Since it was already dark, you two had a hard time looking for your top after you got off the water. Jungkook let you wear his shirt instead before you sneaked back to the beach house.
“Oh, it’s YN’s,” Jungkook replied casually while organizing the bags. You almost shut him off.
“How… did you know?” your best friend asked. Her suspicions about Jungkook from earlier are just growing.
You watched as Jungkook stopped what he was doing and thought for a second. “Uh, I heard her complaining about losing something.”
Jenny looks at you for confirmation. You nodded and took the said piece of clothing from her.
“That’s right. Thank you, Jen. I probably left it on my room’s floor or somewhere.” you reasoned out nervously.
Although she squinted her eyes for a quick second, Jenny didn’t say anything and left you and Jungkook alone. Instantly after that, Jungkook chuckled. You glared at him in exchange.
‘I swear I’ll never go skinny dipping with you again.”
He lowered his sunglasses, “I doubt that, Princess.”
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Cave boy Danny has way to much fun fucking with the bats after a while. Jason is too until Danny bites him after some unwanted human contact. Alfred gets a big wave of nostalgia when Danny does it too.
Danny can say that the Waynes have been ridiculously welcoming, all things considered. He still hasn't come clean about not being Bruce Wayne's alternative double, so to throw them off from finding out the truth and have a safe place to crash- he's missed plumbing- he has been invited to the Wayne Manor and has been lazing about when under their watch.
If there was one thing apparent, it was that Bruce Wayne did not laze about. It was mind-blowing to those who knew him to see Danny- a version of Bruce- act like walking across the room for a remote was too much work.
It drove them mad to see such a difference between them, and thus, none of the Waynes noticed Danny's side project to get home.
The Waynes gave him a giant room and helped set up a fake Identity for him while they worked on getting him home. To the public, he was Danny Kane, a long-lost relative recently coming to Bruce for help.
Thanks to the support of Jacob and Kate, they agree to make it seem that Jack Kane- Danny's made-up father- was the result of Bruce's material grandfather having a fling after his wife's death. Jake was hidden from the public eye but had his father's financial support until he was an adult.
Jack was never bitter and told Danny stories of his wayward father, filled with love to prove it. These stories inspired Danny to seek out the remaining Kanes after Jack's untimely death, which led him to Bruce as Martha Wayne nee Kane's son.
The day Danny would be sent home, the Waynes would fake his death, and no one would be the wiser that Danny Kane never existed.
Fine by Danny
. He only planned to stick around long enough to get his ship ready and pinpoint a location that had the vile between the living and dead thin enough to slice his way back to the Ghost Zone.
Unlike Wulf, who could open portals wherever he wanted, Danny had to find points weak enough to punch a hole through. He knows his parent's portal was way out of his set of skills, and he sure as hell wasn't going to give anyone the idea to build their own here. Two percent of portals were already two too many.
He mostly hung around the house- with someone always close by in a poor attempt to hide the fact they were watching him. Most of the time, Danny was either lazing around the house, eating and sleeping, and it felt like a costly vacation.
He refused to help on the coms when the Bats went out to kick ass, even after Dick offered to sit in front of monitors and relay information to the heroes like he was offering the chance of a lifetime.
This seems to disturb everyone else in the house except for Alfred.
If anything, the fact Danny straight-up refused to put on tights and rush into night to fight crime made Alfred adore him. The butler claimed he was worried everyone in the family would forget what everyday life was supposed to feel like.
A few Waynes couldn't seem to wrap their heads around the concept.
"You're not interested at all?" Tim asks, eyes narrowed. He was among the few who thought Danny was suspicious for not wanting to risk his life to fight the corrupted system.
"Nah, man, I'm good here. I got my nachos, I got a movie room and I got the softest bathrobe ever bathrobe." Danny snuggles more profoundly into the pink plush robe that Steph had lent him. "Why would I want to ruin any of these? Sides, I can't even throw a punch."
".....There has never been a single alternative Bruce Wayne that wasn't involved in this life in some way. If not as a hero then he was a villain. Bruce as a villain is one of the most dangerous things that can ever happen across the multiverse" Tim reveals grimly. "We've won every single encounter but only by the skin of our teeth."
"Damn. Let me guess. You guys beat the evil Bruces by sending his kids after him."
"Problem solve. You already know you can kick my ass, so if I try anything, you can take me out, right?" Danny doesn't wait for a answer. He turns away from the teenager to stare at the movie screen showing his picked movie. "I can do nothing but tremble before your bat might."
Tim steps into his line of sight. "I mean it. You do anything to harm this family and will regret it."
"Does that mean I can't bite Jason again? That sucks. It's the only way I can get him to stop trying to drag me to galas. He wants to scare the other rich people with my poor people's manners."
Tim's lip twitches and Danny knows he's fighting to keep his face under control. "You didn't have to lock your jaw in like that."
"I really did. Jason tested me."
Tim tilts his head. "You don't really feel like Bruce. You look just like him at fifteen. Alfred says you act just like him. But for the last three weeks, you've been trying really hard to make it seem like you're okay with doing nothing."
"I am comfortable doing nothing."
"I think you're lying," Tim says, moving closer to stare down into Danny's eyes with frankly a manic glare. Danny's core flares up with the sense of challenge he finds in that dark blue gaze.
Which is a first for a human, and frankly is terrifying. If Tim had been a ghost he would have easily been an Ancient assistant or a baby Ancient. He has to be able to match Danny's power like this. Holy shit.
"I think your parents didn't give you enough love as a child, and now you seek approval from everyone around you while trying to push everyone away because you are too scared to make yourself valuable. You find yourself in an endless loop of self-doubt and self-hate by doing both simultaneously." Danny blurts. He watches Tim freeze, then winces. "Shit, sorry, the psychoanalyze came out as a reflection. Forget that."
Tim is still frozen in a way Danny recognizes as someone hearing something challenging to come to terms with. This is why he needs to break the habit of using Jazz's psyche training as a weapon.
He forgets not everyone insults each other with their deepest insecurities. That's just how he and Jazz love.
"...Do you want to watch the Grey Ghost Marathon with me?" He asks after a long pause. Tim closes his eyes before plumping down next to him.
"I like that."
Neither mention Jason, who is gasping in the last row of seats and attempting to suppress muffled laughter behind the wrist cast that Danny lovingly gave him at the last gala.
On a side note, Danny Kane is called "Rabid Dog." by the elites of Gotham, who watched the boy make three grown men cry after two minutes of talking to him and also witness four Waynes attempt to pry his mouth open screaming, "No Danny drop it. drop it!" while the boy munched on Jason's wrist.
No one has noticed that half of the tech has disappeared.
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lowkeyerror · 2 months
The Family Business Ch. 16
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Ch. Notes: Slight confrontation and angst, self-blame, lots of feelings, communication
Summary: The future of the family business is discussed between Wanda, Natasha, and yourself
An: Another update sorry for the wait and I appreciate how patient you guys are with me here
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Natasha couldn't sleep. All she could do was watch as both you and Wanda slept restlessly. Her mind was turning, thinking about what she could do in this situation. The right answer was one she was struggling to produce.
On one side of things running the family business was what Wanda was trained to do. It was all her wife wanted, her life's work, her life's purpose. If Wanda wasn’t tied to the business what this mean for her wife.
On another side, this business was unkind to her. It was rough and cruel. In the spam of a couple months Wanda nearly lost her father, her girlfriend was beaten up, and her wife was shot. It’s understandable why she’d want to walk away from this.
Natasha was unsure what you wanted. After the encounter with Kingpin it was clear to Natasha that you were an integral part of the family business. There was a lot more responsibility on your shoulder than she originally thought. If you wanted out of the business, would it survive.
Dragos was a great leader but he was getting old. This whole ordeal was proof of that. It was clear that Wanda’s homecoming would act as some sort of test, as he could potentially be ready to step down for a new successor.
The variables seem never ending to assess. Natasha truly cared about the happiness of you and Wanda, but the idea of either of you being put in situations like this, made her nervous. The toll it was taking seemed greater than the satisfaction that it brought.
Natasha is gently taken out of her thoughts when she feels you snuggle deeper into her. She’s careful as she readjusts her good arm around you. Wanda’s hand on the other side of you interlocks with Natasha’s. She shifts her focus to her sleeping wife. Her thumb caresses the back of Wanda’s hand.
“Sleep, Natty” you mumble into her collarbone.
“I’m trying lisichka, there’s just a lot on my mind,” Natasha speaks honestly.
“Get in the middle,” you move with your eyes closed over Natasha.
The spy goes to protest, but Wanda is already scooting closer to her. She clings to her wife like a koala. You also curl into the woman resting one of your hands on her bare stomach.
“You’re safe moya lyubov, relax,” Wanda kisses Natasha’s shoulder tenderly.
Natasha takes a deep breath and closes her eyes in an attempt to go to sleep. It comes easier when she's enclosed by both you and Wanda.
The next morning almost feels plainly normal. When you wake up you’re the only one in bed. You swing your legs over the side and sit with your head in your hands.
You can see flashes of the night before and it eats at you. You had killed before, but this felt different. Though you were clean it still felt like you had his blood and brain matter all over you. You could hear him laughing as he dared you to shoot him. The way your brother’s name sounded in Fisk’s mouth.
It's worse when you start to remember how weak you acted after. Wanda being there to baby you as always when you became a childish mess. Your hands tightly grasp at your hair as you berate yourself for your actions. You acted irrationally and then panicked in a way you shouldn’t have.
You feel a pair of hands on yours, carefully loosening your grip on your hair.
“Y/n, look at me baby.”
You lift your head to meet Natasha’s gaze. The worry in her eyes makes you try to get a grip on reality. With a shake of your head and a large inhale, you regain your composure.
You attempt to stand and Natasha tries to stop you.
“I’m fine Natasha.”
“You do know I was a spy right? Lying to me is not going to go over well for you,” she deadpans.
You attempt to deflect, “Where’s Wanda?”
“In the kitchen. Now are you going to tell me what that was about?”
“Nothing that I can't handle on my own,” you assert.
Natasha’s eyes lock on to yours in a way that makes you want to melt, “ You don’t have to handle it on your own. You can be vulnerable with us, with me.”
“Being vulnerable is what landed me here in the first place. If I wasn’t so fragile maybe they would've told me about my mom. If I would've been more rational then I wouldn't have shot Fisk in the head. All I did last night was run away, vomit, and cry like a fucking child.”
“Last night, you saved the family business. You saved me, Wanda, Pietro, Dragos, and potentially everything they care about,” Natasha tries to persuade you.
“I could’ve done better. I should’ve stood taller, held my ground, kept my temper in check. Even now, I sound like a whiny kid, who can’t move on from the past. For nearly a decade I’ve been trying to become stronger, but every time I’m put in a tough situation, it’s like I’m that kid again. I’m just waiting for someone from this family to throw a glass bottle at my head and tell me I’m worthless because I know that it’s true.”
For once it seems as though Natasha doesn’t have the words. You wont look at her as silence blankets the room. In your mind there was nothing about this that wasn’t your fault. You deserved to be punished for your lack of competence, there had to be someone who was mad at you.
Wanda had overheard the conversation as your voice became louder. She waits a beat to see if Natasha had anything to say before entering the room herself.
Your back was to her and she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around your midsection. Her chin rests on your shoulder.
“Y/n, I will tell you as many times as you need to hear it, but you are not worthless. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed by what happened yesterday, it hasn’t even been 24 hours. It’s ok to lean us for help, we won’t push you away and we won’t be upset. Emotions are not childish, my love.”
Your hands find themselves around her forearms, “ I wish I could’ve kept it together.”
“It would’ve just prolonged the inevitable. There was no way that Fisk could’ve lived after all he put us through. He can’t hurt this family anymore."
“Not just with him, I- I want to hear from Dragos and Pietro about my mother. If I wouldn’t have sprinted out of the building-”
“They are at home, they aren’t going anywhere. Whenever you want to have that talk we can, but I think it would be best to give it a couple of days” Wanda reassures you.
“ Is he upset with me?”
Wanda shakes her head, “Of course not, Y/n. You saved his life, his family, his business. He’s worried about you, he wants to see you.”
Your attention shifts to Natasha, who has been quiet since Wanda entered the room. You can see her in her own mind.
Natasha doesn't answer when you speak causing her wife to call her name as well. When they lock eyes Wanda can tell something is weighing on the woman.
“I don't want him to see you, Y/n.”
Wanda furrows her brow, “Why not?”
Natasha speaks softly and avoids eye contact with her wife, “We don't know what he wants.”
“He wants to make sure she's ok. She's like a daughter to him,” Wanda becomes slightly defensive of her father.
You use your hands to keep Wanda near you. You think whatever is happening in this conversation requires space between the wives.
“I know that, but what if he wants something else Wanda?” Natasha rushes out.
“What else could he want?” Wanda tone is incredulous at this point.
“I don’t know Wanda, maybe he wants to thank the one person who has been holding his business together since his accident. Maybe now that she’s saved not only his business, but his family and his life, he wants to reward her. Maybe this whole thing has made him realize he’s too old for this and he wants to pass on all of this to her,” Natasha shoots back.
“That’s ridiculous- he’s not retiring,” Wanda tries to dismiss Natasha.
“Think about it Wanda, why else call you home now? Your father is looking for a successor and there was only one person who was successful at running the business in his absence,” Natasha argues back.
“He left me in charge, Natasha.”
“And how long did that last? You did your best, but it was too much for you. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you leaned on Y/n and she picked up the slack effortlessly. This was natural for her, she’s good at this.”
The tension in the room was rising with each exchange. You want to de-escalate the situation, but you don’t know if it’s ok for you to get involved.
“ If he offered it to me, I would tell him no,” you spoke up, “I love this business, but I can’t run it. I’m not even a Maximoff.”
Wanda turns you so that you’re facing her, “ Do you want to run the family business?”
“ I-I’ve never thought about it before,” you answer her honestly.
“ I thought we all agreed to some time away from this business, now you’re talking about being the head of the table,” Natasha is in disbelief.
“This is all hypothetical. This business is the only thing that I feel like I’m good at and for the longest I felt like I would do this forever. But things are different now,” you look between the two women.
The tension seems to leave the air when you look at them.
“What's different, little krolik?”
You shove her shoulder lightly, “My priorities feel different. There are other things I care about, and look forward to besides being useful for the business.”
“What kind of things lisichka?” Natasha teases.
You roll your eyes, “Things like sleeping in and waking up next to my girlfriends in bed. Having enough days off to travel somewhere, see something with them. Domestic things like cooking dinner together, or watching movies. Knowing that we're all safe and don’t have any reason to be looking over our shoulders would be nice too.”
“I like the way that sounds,” Natasha says.
“Me too,” Wanda agrees.
You stop them there, “But… Wanda I know you've wanted this your whole life. You didn't ask this year's away preparing for this, and if this is still your dream then I want to be there to support it. If you’re involved, I want to be there.”
Natasha looks to her wife, and can see a multitude of emotions pass through Wanda’s face.
“I want this more than anything,” Wanda places a kiss on your forehead.
Your hand rests on her face bringing her eyes to yours, “Wanda, you don't have to choose between this and that.”
“I know, I know, but Y/n I’m always going to choose us. You, Nat, this, it's more important to me than the family business. I don't want to be the reason we're in danger,” her forehead rests on yours.
“So what does this mean for us?” Natasha asks for clarification.
“I don’t think we’ll know what it means before we talk to my dad. I want to say if he asks me I’ll say no immediately, but it’s easier said than done,” Wanda frowns.
“It means whatever we’re going to do, we’ll do it together,” you say looking at both of them.
Natasha still has worry in her eyes, but a kiss from you eases her nerves. Wanda follows your lead wrapping you all into one large hug. With kisses to the top your heads, she reassures you all.
“We’re going to be ok”
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989 @falloutboy-lover
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [28] - Doubts
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: An heir has many responsibilities.
Word Count: 2200
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
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When the haze of sleep pulled off your body like a calm wave, you took a deep breath and snuggled deeper into the covers but before you could fall into the warm embrace of sleep again, your eyes snapped open.
Oh, damn it.
You were naked and—
Last night had actually happened.
You had slept with Bucky.
You muttered a curse under your breath, your ears perking up at the sound of the shower running and you sat up, your muscles sore in the most pleasant way. You bit inside your cheek and pushed yourself off the bed, then put your underwear on in a hurry before grabbing the nearest oversized shirt to put it on as well.
“Alright,” you muttered to yourself, licking your lips. “It happens, it’s fine.”
You stole a look at the bathroom door and made your way downstairs, your heart pacing in your chest. You switched the coffee maker on and perched on the stool by the kitchen island, letting out a breath.
Fine, maybe Bucky was much, much better in bed than you had thought, but that didn’t mean—
It wasn’t going to change anything. It couldn’t.
You let out a groan, burying your face into your hands and you had no idea how many minutes you stayed like that but the footsteps going down the stairs made you raise your head again, your breath hitching in your throat.
“Hey babe,” Bucky smirked at you and came closer to kiss you on top of your head, your heart skipping a beat as he did. He made his way to the coffeemaker to fill himself a cup of coffee and you swallowed thickly, then sat up straighter.
“We need to talk about last night.”
He turned to you, leaning back to the counter and you couldn’t help but notice just how handsome he was, holding back your sigh of admiration before you licked your lips.
“Things sort of got out of hand,” you admitted, making him smirk again. “But I think we both agree that it shouldn’t—it cannot happen again.”
He raised his brows as if he was amused, but didn’t comment on it.
“I mean this whole thing is a business deal,” you added hurriedly. “And as I said, last night was fun—very fun but you know, I have principles.”
He tilted his head, his smirk widening.
“Do your principles give you four orgasms in one night?”
“That’s not—it doesn’t—” you stammered, a fire spreading over your face. “It was three and a half.”
“It was only half because you fainted, princess.”
You gasped. “I didn’t faint!”
“And we kept going when you woke up again so if anything, it was four and a half—”
“I’m not going to argue about math!” you said, flailing your hands. “Whatever happened—”
“Four and a half orgasms happened,” he corrected you helpfully and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Why do I get the feeling that you enjoy this?”
“Almost as much as you enjoyed last night,” he pointed out with a wink and you rolled your eyes.
“Are you done?”
“Not even close,” he said, grinning and you huffed out.
“It’s not happening again,” you told him. “This is a business deal.”
“I mean, last night proved otherwise—”
“Who hasn’t fucked a business partner at some point?” you defended yourself. “It happens, we move on.”
“I guess you’re going to pretend you weren’t jealous either—”
“I wasn’t jealous!” you cut him off. “I don’t give a fuck who you fuck.”
“Uh huh.”
“But if you are fucking her, I will divorce you,” you insisted and he shot you a reprimanding look.
“I’m not fucking her.”
“Great, see?” you said, trying to hold back your satisfied smile. “The therapist would be proud, we’re having clear communication. You’re not fucking her and we’re never going to sleep with each other ever again.”
He raised his brows.
“I give you a day or two sweetheart,” he said, that proud grin curling his lips. “Before you come begging.”
Your jaw dropped and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You’ll be the one who comes begging,” you told him and he let out a chuckle, then downed his coffee.
“We’ll see about that,” he said and grabbed his jacket, then walked out of the apartment. You groaned and threw your head back before turning your glances to Alpine who meowed at you.
“Too much ego, that one,” you muttered and pushed your chair back, then made your way to the fridge.
Fine, alright, maybe talking to Becca and Sarah about it wasn’t going to be the easiest thing.
Especially Becca. You had a feeling Sarah was going to have o much fun with it.
“So,” Becca said as she placed the coffee cups in front of you and Sarah. “How’s everything?”
“Before we start,” you said, licking your lips. “I would like to remind you both that we’re in public so like…let’s keep that in mind.”
Sarah and Becca exchanged glances, then turned to you at the same time.
“Oh no,” Sarah said. “What did you do?”
You took a huge sip of your coffee, then heaved a sigh.
“I really should’ve insisted on meeting at a bar or something.”
“What did you do?” Becca asked and you licked your lips.
“I kind of um…” you motioned at her. “I had sex with your brother.”
Sarah’s jaw dropped while a look of complete terror flashed over Becca’s face before she grimaced.
“Do you have another brother I don’t know about?” you asked back, shifting your weight. “Yeah, I had sex with Bucky—”
“Ew!” Becca said, grabbing at Sarah’s arm for emotional support. “Ew I never want to hear that sentence ever again—Sarah, make her stop!”
“What happened to ‘this is just a business deal’?” Sarah asked you with a knowing smile and you scoffed.
“It’s still just a business deal,” you said. “People fuck their business partners all the time.”
“Not really.”
“They do it figuratively!”
“And you decided to do it literally?”
“I didn’t decide—it was kind of a heat of the moment thing!” you said, ignoring Becca’s disgusted whine which was getting louder and louder. “And we didn’t even—Becca, grow up!”
“I am being traumatized as we speak!”
 “You’ll be fine,” Sarah said and you heaved a sigh.
“It was just a one-night stand.”
“Uh huh. You’ve had a one-night stand with your husband?”
“Him being my husband is just a detail.”
“A pretty crucial detail.”
“A detail nonetheless.”
Becca ran a hand over her face.
“So what, does this mean you two are together together now?”
“No!” you defended yourself. “Are you listening? I said it was a one-night stand.”
“You can’t have one-night stand with a person whom you live with,” Becca pointed out and you rolled your eyes.
“Not with that attitude you can’t.”
“What does Bucky think about this?” Sarah asked and you pursed your lips.
“For some reason, he’s convinced that I’ll be running to his arms after last night,” you said. “Nonsense, obviously. If anyone is going to be running to anyone, it won’t be me.”
“Fuck his ego and fuck him, honestly.”
“Didn’t you do that already?” Sarah asked and Becca let out another whine.
“I’m like two seconds away from leaving this table.”
“Yeah let’s change the subject!” you said. “What is this I hear about Winnifred wanting to meet Leila?”
“Universe is just out to get to me nowadays,” Becca said, pouting. “First my mother wants to meet the love of my life, and then my best friend sleeps with my brother.”
“I’m sorry,” you said with a small grin after winking at Sarah. “Would I trip to Tiffany’s make you feel better?”
Becca’s face immediately lit up.
“It would actually,” she said. “Buying me jewelry is the least you can do after sleeping with my brother.”
 You, Becca and Sarah shopped until the sky turned dark. After having dinner together, they both went home and you decided that since you were already at your father’s territory, you could pay him a visit. After checking in with his assistant, you told your driver to take you to the company but the minute you stepped out of the car, you saw people rushing around.
“What the…” you murmured and your phone started vibrating in your purse. You pulled it out, your stomach doing a happy flip as you saw Bucky’s name and you took it to your ear.
“Hey,” you said. “What’s going on?”
“Where are you?”
“Literally at the door to my dad’s company.”
“Good,” he said. “Just stay there until I get there, okay sweetheart?”
“Why?” you asked and he cleared his throat.
“There was uh…well, apparently Ian fucked up.”
Though the smugness in his voice was carefully hidden, it was still obvious to you and you figured he was with other people so you had to bite back your smile.
“We all had some uninvited guests and as it turns out, Ian accidentally invited them, I’ll give you the details later on,” he said. “I’ll be there as soon as my meeting is over, alright?”
“Sure,” you said. “I’ll talk to you when you get here then.”
“Sounds good,” he said and hung up. You licked your lips and threw your shoulders back, then made your way into the building. After taking the elevator, you stepped out into the hall that led to your father’s office, your father’s men and some of Ian’s bodyguards waiting there. You smiled at Ryan who smiled back at you, but you both turned your heads when your father’s voice boomed through the hallway.
“What the fuck were you thinking?!”
Your father’s assistant rushed to you, holding a phone in her fist.
“Um, Mr. Stark is on the line but I don’t think he wants to be interrupted?”
“No worries, I got it,” you assured her, approaching the half open door and heard Ian’s voice.
“Do you know how much money you cost me? Not just me, but all the other bosses?!”
“The new route was supposed to keep the cops away—”
“Everyone fucking knows that route is too dangerous!” His loud voice made you flinch, making you grimace. “Instead, you let them raid the whole shipment! I thought you were ready for this—Y/N could do it with her eyes closed but you? Do I have to hold your hand through every fucking business decision?!”
You pursed your lips so as not to smirk, then took a deep breath and knocked on the doorframe, making them both turn to you.
“Stark is on the line for you,” you told your father and he gritted his teeth, then stormed out of the office, walking past you without sparing you a glance. You clicked your tongue, clasping your hands behind you as you walked into the room.
“Hard day at the office huh?” you asked Ian who narrowed his eyes at you.
“Don’t look so hopeful,” he said. “You’re still his little girl in his eyes, not the future boss.”
You could feel the anger boiling inside you but you managed to smile at him.
“You know…” you muttered. “Fucking up once is normal, everyone does that, but twice? A raid, Ian? Seriously, how many millions in total did that cost father? Not to mention the other families?”
 He clenched his jaw and ran a hand over his face.
“Careful. You look way too happy about it.”
“Why wouldn’t I be happy?” you asked with a laugh. “I have no horse in this race and it is quite entertaining to be honest.”
“Your man just lost a million as well, and you’re entertained by that?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “What do you want me to do? Give you pointers so that you don’t mess up again?”
He licked his lips and pushed himself off the desk he was leaning against, keeping his eyes on you.
“It was unexpected,” he said. “That first attack.”
“Not really, the whole city is basically on fire nowadays. You should’ve expected an attack and instead, you let one shipment get attacked and the other get raided by the cops,” you tut tutted. “Should be more careful, Ian.”
“Maybe,” he admitted. “I mean we still haven’t found the person responsible for the first attack but we will. And when we do, and if it is someone in the business…” he trailed off. “Well, that would start a war, wouldn’t it? Because that means they not only went against me, but the whole family.”
Your stomach did a painful flip but you only raised a brow.
“And it’s the heir’s responsibility to prove themselves especially in times like these,” he said. “Against any attack, so trust me, when I find those people…There will be no mercy.”
The veiled threat wasn’t lost on you but you smiled calmly.
“You’re right,” you told him. “In times like these, people should see who’s capable of being the boss and who’s not. So I agree. There will be no mercy.”  
He stared at you, fully aware of the threat you had just thrown his way but then shook his head.
“Ryan!” he snapped as he walked past you and you let out a giggle, then heaved a sigh and threw yourself on the sofa, flipping your phone in your hand.
“Well,” you muttered. “Tonight is going to be fun.”
Chapter 29
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metranart · 11 days
hey, I know you probably busy and I’m sorry to bother you, but could you maybe make some headcanons of what hawks would do if y/n got pregnant?
You don't bother me at all, cutie. :) Here you have some cute little headcanons of our favorite birdie boy.
What Hawks would do if Y/N got pregnant? <3
Takami Keigo is not complicated, he wants as many chicks as he has fingers and toes, and he wants them all with YOU. 
You hadn’t thought about the subject but every time you’ve been at it … -it WAS unprotected. There was nothing to keep you from getting, round and heavy, with his child. And it wasn’t just once. Keigo could go for hours on end- he wouldn’t stop until he fucking collapsed on top of you, completely spent. “Sheesh, that-that was something else entirely, dove.” His smile bright enough to compete with the sun in the sky and win.
“If you get pregnant… I’ll be required to take care of you for the rest of our lives.” He shared all too proud of his deed, that look of adoration in his face, way too close to possessiveness. “—But one thing I swear, (Y/N). I’ll take care of EVERYTHING, you, them, us… All, you just watch me.” 
When the pregnancy test finally confirmed that his secret efforts had been fruitful, he nearly exploded with happiness, he carried you in his arms and your feet did not touch the ground again for the next forty minutes. 
“Dear god- you got even tighter.” Keigo’s voice sounded deeper, “So WET- my love, taking my time to preparing you first was more rewarding than I expected it’d be.” The lingering taste of you on his tongue nearly enough to get him off- “I’m LOVING this pregnant stage, don’cha?” 
The more your belly grew the more he glued to your side. All of the energy that in the past went into making the baby now goes into keeping you and his child happy and healthy. 
One morning, Keigo was looking at you with that unblinking, unreadable look of his, anxious you chewed at your lower lip before voice out your deeper doubts out loud. “I'm not a fan either-” his head cocks to the side, questioningly, and you suck in a nervous giggle, “-of my mom body.”
It would have been better if you slapped him, that would have been less offensive than what you just said. "I LOVE your mommy body, dove. I dream with your plump adorable tummy and all your mommy curves, all night long!" he stressed, ignoring your embarrassed giggles, in order to give a clear and firm statement, "... I'm even thinking about keeping you with that mommy body, all round and pretty and full of my chicks... how would that sound to you?" You shake your head, and he pouts playfully, your heart impossibly warm for him and his cute efforts which always work to make you feel better.
“Stop starin’.” You grumbled, cracking one eye open and staring at him, a tired grin ghosting your lips. “I can’t sleep with you watching me, Keigo.” The Hero grins, “Just checking that you were comfortable-” you shake your head, “For more than an hour?”
Keigo glanced downward at your stomach, a fond grin twisting the corner of his lips up as he imagined a little boy or girl, who looked everything like you- just with his last name, he asked for nothing else. The little one snuggled up in his arms as he read bedtime stories. He imagined teaching the child to ride a bike, to fly-… At this point, Keigo craved just for two things, domesticity and YOU… or just you, if it came to that.
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” He growled for the thousand time, though his hands stayed gentle on your round belly. “I love everything about you. Your imperfections are so mouthwatering, (Y/N). My favorite parts.” He managed to sound reverent, like a man speaking of his Deity. He would kiss the ground your feet touch if you let him but sometimes you are so restrictive with him.
Having you in his arms has become his favorite part of finishing his patrol, that little extra weight you've gained is mesmerizing, he could adore you for hours, that's why since he met you, he leaves some feathers hidden in your apartment when he must leave, that way he can at least be close, even when he's far away.
"Don't think I don't know what you do, birdie." You whine playfully and he laughs, "how long have you known?" you snort through your mouth, "since we've known each other." Keigo snickers widely, you are definitely his person, no one else could stand how mushy and clingy he can be, more than you, his adorable and pregnant, dove.
🔞➡️ MHA X Reader NSFW ART
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sungbeam · 7 months
jeong yunho x gn!reader
1.1k words, friends 2 friends who cuddle ?, one bed trope, fluff, humor, like two swear words cuz who am i without cursing, snuggling, consequences of yunho being Tall (implied that reader is shorter than yunho)
a/n: im sorry that this kinda sucks ass but yeah,, one bed trope :')
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“OH MY FUCKING GOD, I'm going to hate this,” Jeong Yunho swore as his head poked up into the attic space, eyes wide in horror.
When the inn owners said that the attic was hardly an attic, they unfortunately were not exaggerating. It was close to a crawl space, with just enough room for you to stand up straight, and outfitted with an extra long twin bed, nightstand and lamp, a pillow, and two large sherpa wool blankets. The bed was fitted beneath the slope of the roof because the entire space wasn't even large enough to put the bed in the middle.
You were starting to sweat, and considering there wasn't even heating up here, you raced to calm your nerves. “It'll be fine,” you said with a small, anxious laugh.
Yunho moved his terrified eyes up to you. “Respectfully? I'm gonna go sleep in the storm.”
When he moved to descend the ladder, you slid on your knees to grab hold of his wrist. “Come on, big guy. It's one night.”
“Yn, what if I said I was claustrophobic, huh?” He whined, but reluctantly followed you all the way up the ladder and into the attic. He straightened—big mistake. You heard the loud thump as his head met the roof, and grimaced. “Oooow!”
You hissed and reached over to gently rub the place that began to smart when he leaned down. “Are you okay?”
“No,” he whimpered. “Can I sleep in the lobby?”
Around ten minutes later, after many trials and tribulations and head bonks, you and Yunho somehow transferred your duffle bags up the ladder and into your glorified crawl space. They took up the space just beside the ladder and at the foot of the bed, and as you stared at said twin bed, you wondered if Yunho's legs would even fit on it.
Most likely not.
In fact, you were certain that two people couldn't even fit on the bed unless they were either on top of each other or packed together like sardines.
You reminded yourself that it was only going to be one night. This was what the two of you got for leaving five hours after everyone else, just to get caught in tonight's awful storm and stuck with the only “room” available for miles. In retrospect, it was your fault. Yunho had been generous enough in offering to stay behind with you until you finished your last exam.
“You can have the bed,” you told him as you were both crouched by your bags to grab clothes to sleep in. Despite your realization about your counterpart's long limbs and the bed's shortcomings, you wanted to extend an offer of chivalry.
Yunho twisted around and sent you an incredulous look. “What?”
“You drove us up here,” you replied with a shrug. You swiftly draped your sleep clothes over one arm and gathered your bag of toiletries in the other. “And you waited for me to finish my exam and you're kinda being dealt the short end of the stick with this room.”
He sat down on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest, and though his face was still pulled into the same expression, he laughed. “Yn, I hate to break it to you, but I think you're gonna fit better on that bed than I will.”
You pursed your lips, gazing over at the narrow slot on the floor between the other sloping roof and the bed. That was the only other place someone could sleep in this room. “I don't want you to sleep on the floor though.”
“I know I was complaining, but don't worry about it,” he reassured as he turned back to dig through his duffle. He flicked his wrist blindly in your direction. “You can wash up first; I'll set everything up.”
Since he left little to no room for argument, you resolved to do as he suggested. There was a community washroom on the floor below that you made your way toward. As unfortunate as your accommodation was for the night, you were eager to head back up and go to sleep. Yours and Yunho's friends were all waiting at Seonghwa's cabin already, and perhaps it wasn't just exhaustion that made you antsy for this night to get a move on.
You and Yunho just needed to get through tonight. It would be fine.
When you returned to the attic crawl space, Yunho had everything set up as he said he would. He'd found an extra set of sheets from one of the downstairs closets and laid it on the ground by the bed, then rationed one of the blankets for himself and the other for you on the bed.
You let out a tired sigh and trudged over to the bed to grab the pillow from where it rested on the headboard. You set the pillow instead at the head of Yunho's sleeping situation, then balled up one of your jackets to use as your own pillow. Once satisfied, you climbed into bed, and you were out like a light.
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Everything was hazy as you emerged from deep sleep to confused half-consciousness. The room was descended into darkness, the sounds of light rain drumming steadily against the sloped rooftop above your head. Your brain felt like it was stuffed with cotton—why had you suddenly woken up?
Then you heard it.
“Achoo.” Then another one. And another one.
Even half dead, your brain could put two and two together. You rolled over slightly to wave your arm over the side of the bed, hand flapping around until you bumped Yunho's shoulder. “Hey, Yunho.”
Another sneeze.
“Yun, get your butt up here.”
He grunted. “'m fine.”
“You're gonna get sick,” you grumbled with your face half squished against your jacket zipper. That was definitely going to leave a mark in the morning. “Come up here, for fuck's sake.”
He made another noise, perhaps of acknowledgment, before you heard sounds of movement.
You kept your eyes half-lidded to keep as much light out as possible, and rolled over again. As he crawled onto his knees, and then his feet, you opened up your blanket to him so he could join you.
“Pillow,” he slurred—you whined when it hit you in the face. “Sorry.”
In a drowsy drugged tango, you swapped your jacket out for the pillow and Yunho wormed his way onto the bed beneath your blanket. You scooted as close to the wall as you could, but even then, Yunho was pressed flush against you. His arms came around your waist, his nose wedging itself between your neck and shoulder until he was comfortable.
“Your feet are cold,” you muttered. “Get them under the blanket.”
“Too tall.”
“Show off.”
He huffed out a puff of air against your neck like a laugh, then tucked his knees up slightly to fit under the blanket. Your legs were now tangled among his, your bodies curled tightly together. In the morning, you would rationalize it out as creating body heat to prevent either of you from getting sick.
When movement stopped, you voiced into the darkness, “Better?”
A content sigh. “Better.”
Maybe this accommodation wasn't so bad after all.
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ateez m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @tinkerbell460 @meosjinn @hyunjaespresent-deobi @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @floatingpluto @gyulfriend @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @soonyoungblr @justanotherkpopstanlol @kangfication @pxppxrminty @fluorescentloves @haechansbbg @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @mars101 @kflixnet
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megalony · 7 months
A Bad Night
This is an Evan Buckley imagine, requested by a lovely anon. I hope you will all like it, feedback always makes my day.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: Evan always looks after (Y/n) when she has seizures, but when she has continuous seizures during the night that won't stop, he has to call an ambulance.
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A soft grin appeared on Evan's lips as he kicked off his trousers and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it into the hamper as he approached the end of the bed.
He crawled up the middle of the bed, waiting until he saw (Y/n)'s eyes begin to flutter open before he slumped down on top of her over the covers. He felt her huff even though he tried to keep some of his weight on his forearms that he pressed down into the bed either side of (Y/n)'s shoulders.
His face tucked into the crook of her neck and he pressed his lips against her skin, reaching out to bite down just to hear her gasp into his hair.
"Did you have fun?" (Y/n) murmured quietly, not bothering to open her eyes while she groggily lifted her arms and looped them around Evan's neck. She pressed her lips into his hair and breathed in his skin, happy he was finally home.
"Hm, missed you though. You good?"
Evan had gone over to Hen's place for tea along with Eddie and Chimney and they had a games night. Not a lot of drinking for a change because both Chimney and Evan were on shift tomorrow for a double shift, but they still had a good night.
The only thing that upset Evan was (Y/n) not coming along. She'd had two absent seizures today which made her feel sick and gave her a constant headache. She didn't feel well enough to go out but she would never want to stop Evan from going to have some fun and let off steam with his colleagues.
"Still got a headache; I'm glad you're home." (Y/n) could feel the headache burning behind her eyes. She had come to bed early and had to turn the tv off when it only made her feel worse.
Evan had messaged her at least four or fives times every hour. He needed to make sure she was okay and made her promise that if she had another seizure, she would tell him so he could come home. But he was satisfied that she hadn't and had gone to bed to try and sleep away her headache.
"Me too." He leaned up on his arms and lifted his head so he could capture her lips in a kiss. He tilted his head to the left and looked across at his space of the bed which was currently occupied. "Dexter, shift up."
Evan ruffled Dexter's ear and gave the dog a nudge until he took the hint. The labrador stretched out before he circled round and hopped off the bed.
It was like a silent agreement between Evan and the dog. If Evan was out or at work, Dexter could be in his space on the bed and lie with (Y/n) and snuggle up and stay close. But if Evan was home, it was his space to be next to his wife and Dexter would sleep on his bed that was at the end of (Y/n)'s side of the bed.
He was a service dog.
With (Y/n)'s epilepsy and Evan's demanding job, they got Dexter so if (Y/n) went out, she wasn't technically alone. He would alert her up to an hour before a seizure was about to happen, he would stay beside her and protect her and alert help if it was needed.
Evan pecked (Y/n)'s lips again before he slowly rolled onto his side and wormed his way under the cover. A grin found its way onto his face again when (Y/n) instantly shuffled over into his side.
Her head moved to rest on his shoulder and she tightly bound her arm over his torso, pulling him into her chest like he was a lifesize teddy bear. He hooked his arm over her shoulders and took to gliding his hand up and down her arm while he kissed the top of her head.
He took a deep breath and tried to close his eyes and shut down his mind. He needed some sleep. He was at work at ten in the morning and it was a double shift which meant he wouldn't be home until the next morning.
Usually when Evan had long shifts and (Y/n) didn't want to be home alone, she would go and spend the day with Bobby, Athena or May or even Maddie. With Bobby being her dad, it meant (Y/n) had a big support network so she didn't have to be alone if she didn't want to be. And Maddie was now the sister she'd never had and was always willing to go out with her or stay in and have a movie day if she felt like having some company.
"Night baby."
Evan wasn't sure what woke him.
He took a deep breath, then another deeper one when he felt that familiar weight on his chest signalling his wife was still flopped across him. It was comforting to have (Y/n) laid on top of him and Evan didn't sleep as well if (Y/n) wasn't as close as she was now.
He could feel her head tucked up beneath his chin, his left arm draped around her waist and his right arm hanging off the side of the bed.
But his mind started to go on red alert when he realised why he was awake. Dexter was barking. He felt a cold, wet nose brushing against his hand before Dexter let out a low growl and then another bark.
(Y/n) was going to have a seizure.
"Fuck. Alright boy, shh I'm awake it's okay." Evan scratched the back of Dexter's ear and gave him a gentle nudge to try and settle him. He knew as long as he alerted Evan, he didn't have to sit and bark continuously or try to move (Y/n).
It was Evan's job to look after her when he was home.
He stretched his hand out and turned the bedside lamp on before his arms curled around (Y/n). One hand cupped the back of her neck and the other curled around her waist before he slowly rolled them over so (Y/n) was laid on her back.
"Baby… baby wake up for me." His hand cupped the side of (Y/n)'s face and he leaned his weight on his left arm as he leaned over her.
A quiet murmur passed (Y/n)'s lips but she didn't move. Evan couldn't tell whether she had started to wake up or whether she went straight into a seizure.
All he knew was that she didn't manage to open her eyes or respond to him. A steady trembling set in her system and Evan moved to sit up instead of lean over her. He swiped the pillow from beneath her head and chucked it to the floor before he threw the cover off them both so it didn't get tangled around her limbs.
"Alright baby, shh. Keep breathing, you're good, I've got you." Evan kept his words steady and calm as he moved his hand back to cup her neck and check her pulse. Evan knew most of her recent seizures hadn't lasted long, two minutes was the usual mark for the last few months.
He tried to smile down at her and he kissed her forehead while he continued to smooth his thumb across her cheek. Her pulse was steady and right now, she was only shaking back and forth on the bed. But Evan could feel her muscles tensing up and he knew she was going to go into a tonic clonic seizure soon.
A few seconds later, Evan leaned back just before (Y/n)'s arm lashed out and clocked him in the chest.
He sat up in the middle of the bed and crossed his legs beneath him before he grabbed his phone and set it beside his leg. He swiped through and found his stopwatch and clicked it on. This was the easiest way to check how long she seized for.
"Good girl, you're doing so good."
Evan bit down on his lower lip and rubbed a hand across his jaw as he watched his wife.
Her head pressed back into the mattress, pushing her trachea out as her upper chest lifted up off the bed and her shoulders bashed down into the bed. Her legs started to thrash more violently into the bed and while her left hand curled back and slammed down into the bed, her right hand moved near Evan.
He reached over and carefully moved her hand so her arm was resting over his thighs. He let her arm smash down into his thighs while he rubbed his hand up and down her arm to let her know he was still here with her.
Evan rested his chin on his free hand and kept glancing his eyes over to his phone. He didn't like this. The timer was ticking away and (Y/n) wasn't showing any signs of stopping. She was thrashing, shaking and taking very short breaths through clenched teeth as her jaw was now locked tight.
His fingers tightened around (Y/n)'s arm when her head tilted to the side and her thrashing suddenly escalated. He watched in horror as her left arm jerked out into the side table and her legs were almost bashing into her stomach before they slammed down into the bed.
The sudden movements made Evan jolt back on the bed and when he heard Dexter begin to whine and brush his nose against (Y/n)'s arm, he knew this was only going to get worse.
"Okay baby girl, I need to move you."
He carefully slid a hand beneath her neck and his other held her hip so he could slowly rotate her onto her left side with her back facing his chest. He had to get her in the recovery position because she was going to hurt herself and he wouldn't put it past her to start throwing up.
His held her waist and he leaned over her with his chest inches away from her arm. He was desperate to lay down and hold her against his chest and kiss her and tell her she was okay but he couldn't. The most he could do was keep her head tilted down and prevent her from choking or falling off the bed.
"Fuck, sweetheart you're really starting to scare me now, I don't like this." Evan could feel the panic bubbling away in his chest when he looked down at his phone.
Three minutes, thirty-five seconds.
"No- no baby oh God come here! Hey, I got you, it's alright."
Jumping forward, Evan slammed his chest into (Y/n)'s back and hooked his right arm around her middle just before she slid off the bed. Her legs thrashed out so much they went over the side and the rest of her body started to follow until Evan grabbed her. He pulled her backwards until she was laid awkwardly in the middle of the bed.
But she wasn't stopping. Her breathing wasn't great. Her limbs were flying about and she was so tense she felt like an elastic band about to snap.
Four minutes, twenty-two seconds.
"Baby I gotta get us some help this ain't good."
He briefly let go of (Y/n) so he could grab his phone before his hand moved straight back to cradling her neck and his other hand delicately smoothed up and down her side. Her legs were jerking and flailing back and forth and she had one arm pinned to her chest while the other was hanging over the side of the bed thrashing like she was being electrocuted.
"Alright baby, you're okay I'm here. I'm gonna take care of you I promise." He leaned down and kissed her shoulder while he dialled an all too familiar number.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"This is firefighter Buckley from the 118 LAFD. I need an ambulance to Hillside Court apartment four-B. My wife's having a seizure."
"Okay, what's her name? Is she prone to seizures, or is this her first?"
"(Y/n) Buckley. She's epileptic, but she hasn't had one this bad in months… Jesus, I've not had to call an ambulance for her like this in over a year." The last time Evan had to call an ambulance was when they were engaged. And they had been married for almost two years now.
He had taken (Y/n) to hospital after a day of full on seizures that continued throughout the day. He'd taken her when she seized and bashed her head into the coffee table. And he'd taken her when she seized, came back round and couldn't move her limbs for over an hour.
But Evan hadn't called an ambulance for her in years. He hadn't seen (Y/n) have a proper spasming seizure lasting this long in ages.
"Is she still seizing?"
"Yes, we're up to the five minute mark now, I'm timing it on my phone. I can't- I- fuck, hold on. We're in the bedroom, I'm gonna have to move her to the floor she's falling off the bed."
Evan couldn't keep holding her like this. She was moving near the end of the bed again and she was starting to moan and murmur. She was somewhat conscious and aware and he couldn't pin her down to the bed. The safest thing would be for him to get her onto the floor.
"Sir I'd advise you not to move her please, it's very dangerous-"
"Did you not hear me? I'm LAFD trained, I can take care of my fucking wife! I'm not asking for your advice I'm asking for a fucking medic because I need her in the hospital."
Evan wasn't asking her what to do and he wasn't waiting around for her advice. The moment Evan started dating (Y/n), he got up to date on his training. He learned how to look after her, how to properly move her in this situation and how to hold her and not restrain her.
He took courses to be able to give (Y/n) emergency meds if she was in a bad seizure, but Evan didn't have those up here. The emergency meds were downstairs in the meds cupboard and he doubted they would even be in date, it had been that long since they had to use them.
"Okay… is she on the floor now? How's her breathing?"
Evan put his phone on (Y/n)'s bedside table before he carefully slumped onto the floor and eased (Y/n) down with him. Once she was on the floor by Dexter's bed, he moved her onto her side again and and held her head so it was tilted forward.
"Yep, she's got very rapid breathing… okay, okay she's slowing down now, it might be stopping."
"That's good, the medics are one minute away."
Reaching down, Evan slowly brushed (Y/n)'s hair back behind her ear so it wasn't covering her face and his hand started to rub up and down her arm. The thrashing started to cease and she reduced to trembles and rattling against the carpet.
Dexter laid out beside her with his chin on her juttering ankle while Evan doubled over and kissed her temple, trying to keep her still and calm. He could hear the small mumbling noises leaving her lips but he couldn't work out what she was trying to say, or if she was trying to talk at all. She might just be letting him know that she could hear him.
"I'm just gonna open the door." Evan clicked his finger and pointed for Dexter to take his place in front of (Y/n). This was his moment to go and open the front door while (Y/n) had finally stopped thrashing and was shivering instead.
He grabbed his trousers from the floor and hooked his shirt over his head while he stumbled down the stairs and opened the front door. He flicked all the lights on as he passed so the apartment was lit up for Dexter. He wasn't taking Dexter down to the hospital with him, he could stay home and try to sleep until Evan and (Y/n) came back.
Evan yanked his trousers up over his hips and did up his belt before he bolted back up the stairs and looked around for his shoes.
"Sir, the medics are on their way up to you now."
"Thank you." Evan ended the call and paused the timer before he crashed back down to his knees beside (Y/n). "Baby… baby are you back with me?" His thumb smoothed across her cheek and he carefully lifted her head to rest on his thighs instead. He kept her laid on her side and began gliding his hands up and down her arms to give her some comfort and something to focus on.
He heard the front door open and voices float through but Evan didn't bother to respond. His focus was on (Y/n) when her head tilted as far back as it could go on his lap until the back of her head was almost touching her shoulder blades.
Dexter howled. A low, deep grumble in the back of his throat as he moved to sit up straight and began flapping his paw against (Y/n)'s thigh.
"No… no baby not again… oh no," Evan could feel his lips falling into a frown and tears burned in the corners of his eyes when (Y/n)'s arms began pushing into her chest and her hands bent backwards.
She had barely come out of the last one for a minute. How could she go straight back into another this quickly?
"Sir, paramedics. How are we doing up here?"
Two paramedics made their way up the stairs and into the bedroom, a gurney between them with a medical bag resting on top. They left the gurney near the end of the bed and hurried to kneel down beside Evan who clicked his finger to get Dexter to move back. The obedient labrador moved to sit right behind Evan near the bedside table, still able to observe but not be any hinderance.
"The first one lasted over five minutes, she's just gone straight back into another. This isn't normal for her." Evan hadn't known (Y/n) to go into two violent seizures so quickly together. She usually had a few minutes in between when she was having a bad night like this.
He kept his hand rubbing up and down (Y/n)'s arm as the lady beside him listened to her heartbeat and the other medic knelt beside (Y/n)'s legs and tried to keep them out straight.
"Have you given her any emergency meds? What does she usually take?"
"I haven't given her anything… she takes thirty milligrams of these twice a day." Evan reached into the bedside drawer and found (Y/n)'s medication. She had one tablet in the morning and one in the evening and it worked on calming down her seizures.
When Evan first met her she was having four or five a week. Now her meds and her routines were controlled, she was barely having one a week. Usually she suffered with absent seizures and the odd clonic seizure every now and then.
He clocked the woman reaching for a blood pressure cuff and he moved his hands down to hold (Y/n)'s arm and wrist out to make it a bit easier. Her arm continued to thrash up and down but Evan tried to keep her arm near his thigh.
"BP's sky-high and breathing is laboured, pushing diazepam."
Evan kept hold of (Y/n)'s arm and gripped a bit firmer so one of the medic's could quickly inject the diazepam into her arm just below her shoulder. They needed to try and get the seizure to stop so they could get her down the stairs safely and into the ambulance.
"Good girl, there we go." Relief poured through Evan's body and trickled into his voice as he leaned down and smothered his lips against the top of (Y/n)'s head on his thighs.
One of the medics moved towards the gurney and wheeled it over but they could see Evan wasn't exactly going to sit back and let them do this. He helped them ease (Y/n) over onto the gurney and while they adjusted the level, Evan grabbed his phone and his wallet and put them in his back pocket.
He watched them lift (Y/n)'s eyelid and try to shine the light across her eyes, but they had rolled to the back of her head. All they could see were the whites of her eyes and it made Evan feel sick.
"Be good, I'll be back soon," He ruffled Dexter's ear and kissed the top of his head before he followed after the gurney. He knew Dexter would be fine, after a little while he would settle to being on his own and sleep, most probably in the middle of the bed since they weren't here.
He followed close behind them and locked the door on the way out, but once they got in the lift, he felt a small flicker of hope. Her jaw still seemed to be locked, but the murmur she let out was clearly Evan's name.
He watched the way (Y/n) flopped her head to the right and nudged her nose against the gurney like she wanted to try and hide away and disappear. But both her arms started to shake when she tried to move them. Her elbows were pressed very tightly into her waist and her hands were glued against the middle of her chest. She couldn't move them no matter how hard she tried. But it didn't matter, Evan reached down and curled his hand around hers, smoothing his thumb over the back of her hand.
"I'm still here, sweetheart. I'm here."
"(Y/n), are you in any pain?" The medic stood at the head of the gurney leaned over and carefully peeled back (Y/n)'s eyelid and shined the light across her pupils. But Evan saw the way they didn't react. Her pupil stayed blown wide, it didn't constrict at all.
She couldn't speak. All (Y/n) could do was make a noise close to a cry and her arms shuddered against her chest. Her whole middle and torso were aching like she had been beaten up. It felt like someone had smashed their fists all over her chest and down her stomach.
Evan kept hold of (Y/n)'s hand as they exited the lift, but everyone stopped when she screamed. It was a muffled sound, vibrating against her dry lips and it made her throat rattle.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Evan crouched down in front of her and moved his free hand to cup her chin, swiping his thumb across her jaw to try and coax her to look at him. But her eyes stayed tightly closed and she started to tense up. "Baby?"
He dragged his eyes up and down (Y/n)'s frame as she managed to clench her fingers around his hand. She was shaking again. Both legs were shaking and bashing down into the gurney and her upper chest was moving up and down, but she was still conscious. She was crying and breathing harshly through clenched teeth and she was squeezing Evan's hand.
"She's having another one." Evan found his phone from his pocket and started the stopwatch again.
They continued walking out the lobby and made their way towards the ambulance. They had to get to the hospital now.
Evan sat down opposite the gurney and gently pulled (Y/n)'s hand so he could press it against his lips and glide his other hand up and down her arm. He hated to see her cry and he hated how she was shaking and thrashing like this. It was even worse to know she was still awake and could feel and understand everything that was happening.
"Shit!" Evan groaned and slammed his eyes closed when (Y/n) suddenly yanked on his hand.
Her arm reeled back to her chest and the force pulled Evan from his seat and sent him down on his knees in front of the gurney with his elbow bashing into the frame which made his body shudder. He felt the way she bent her arm to slam both her and his arm against her chest while her other arm was pressed down on her abdomen.
Evan slowly pushed himself up to his feet and groaned, rolling his shoulders back into place but when he looked down at (Y/n), he couldn't help but feel the urge to cry.
"She's biting her tongue." Leaning over, he moved his free hand to (Y/n)'s jaw and pressed his thumb between her lips so he could peel back her lip and look into her mouth. She wasn't choking on her tongue, thankfully, but her jaw was locked and her teeth were pierced down so tightly she was biting through it.
Blood coated her teeth like tomato juice and foamed past her lips, beginnign to dribble down her chin.
Evan held the back of her neck while the other medic carefully held her waist and tilted her onto her left side, facing Evan. They couldn't risk her choking or throwing up.
"I can't push another dose of diazepam, I'm going to give her a sedative, it's the best shot at making the seizure activity stop."
Evan nodded. He couldn't refuse that or object. It was their only option. Pushing more anti-seizure meds could just force (Y/n) into an overdose when she had already taken her usual dose of medication and an emergency dose when the medics arrived. Sedating her would put her mind to sleep and hopefully stop the nerves from sending these signals.
She couldn't keep going in an out of seizures like this, it was causing her too much distress and she was hurting herself.
"Alright baby, shh it'll be over soon." He slumped back down to his seat and gave in trying to move his arm. He let it stay pinned against (Y/n)'s chest while the medic placed an oxygen mask over her mouth and injected the sedative into her shoulder.
Once her body stilled, Evan stopped his stopwatch on his phone and eased his arm from (Y/n)'s grip. At least with her now motionless, the medic could take her blood pressure again and check her vitals and start her on some fluids without risking her arm bashing into him.
When the ambulance came to a stop, Evan stood up and moved to lean over the gurney. He held his left hand over the back of (Y/n)'s neck and his right hand gripped her forearms and kept them in place against her chest. They couldn't strap her down to the gurney because she was hurt and she had been seizing and Evan wasn't risking her choking.
Both medics eased the gurney out and Evan walked alongside as they went in through the ambulance entrance. Bypassing the waiting room and straight into a vacant cubicle a doctor waved them over to.
With a doctor and a nurse beside the bed, Evan moved to stand on the other side. He didn't want to be in the way but he wasn't going to sit back and be parted from (Y/n) either. He stepped forward once she was transferred onto the bed and it was hard for Evan to refrain himself and hold back when all he wanted to do was reach out and look after (Y/n) himself.
"How long was the seizure activity?" The doctor looked across at Evan before he wheeled a trolley over and rummaged around.
He round a clamp and carefully wiggled (Y/n)'s jaw open so he could press the tongue clamp over her tongue and against her throat. It was to pin her tongue down safely so she didn't choke as she might to especially with her tongue swelling up.
Blood continued to dribble down her mouth and chin while the nurse tried to wash it away and spray her tongue.
They placed an oxygen mask around her nose and mouth again and placed a monitoring clip on her finger.
"It hasn't stopped for nearly twenty minutes. The first one was over five minutes straight."
"She's been sedated?"
"Just now." Evan folded one arm across his chest while he brought his other hand to his face and bit down on his thumb. If the diazepam hadn't done anything, he wasn't so sure a sedative would work either.
"I'd like to put her under general anaesthetic. It will allow her brain to calm down and we can take her for an MRI and then get her admitted onto a ward."
"Okay." It sounded like a good idea. It would ensure that (Y/n) didn't have any more seizures and it would let her brain calm down as her mind must be frazzled by now. It also meant that they could get her on a new IV with anti-seizure meds straight into her vein, some painkillers and she could have as many scans as she needed without the risk of another seizure.
"I'll go get the anaesthesiologist down here."
As soon as the doctor walked out the room, leaving the nurse to tend to (Y/n), Evan slumped down into the chair beside the bed. He fumbled in his pocket for his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found his father in law.
He needed to let Bobby know what was going on and where they were. Evan would need some support because he was going to be here for a while now and he knew (Y/n) wouldn't be happy to be in hospital when she finally came around.
"Buck… it's four in the morning, is everything okay?"
"Hey Bobby, I, fuck we've had a bad night. It's (Y/n)."
He could almost hear Bobby switching into his fatherly mode. Something that only happened when (Y/n) was around or if Evan was hurt. He could hear Bobby moving around the bedroom already as if he was getting dressed without knowing what was happening.
"Why, has she had a bad seizure?"
"It wouldn't stop, she barely came out of a five-minute one and went right into another two. I had to call the paramedics out… they had to sedate her, it, it just wouldn't fucking stop. We're at the hospital and the doctor's putting her under anaesthetic. Can you come down?"
"We're on our way."
Opening his eyes, Evan sighed and stretched his arms out above his head. He felt his shoulders clicking along with his neck as he straightened out and tried to loosen the tension from his muscles.
He dropped his legs down from the bed and sat up straighter in his chair when a quiet knock on the door broke through their comfortable silence.
Bobby was sat on the other side of the bed, his chin tilted down into his chest with his right arm crossed over his chest and his left hand holding (Y/n)'s. Next to him, Athena was sat with her head on his shoulder and her bag held to her chest like it was a teddy bear.
They had come down as soon as Evan called and had waited with him while (Y/n) went for an MRI and had bloods taken. Evan guessed it had to be some strong anaesthetic they put her under because she had stayed out for the count which is what they wanted.
"Hi… is this mum and dad?" The doctor glanced over at Bobby and Athena before looking back to Evan who nodded with a warm smile. "Well, the MRI looks good, no abnormalities, a little inflamed but that's expected. And bloods have come back clear."
"When will she wake up?"
"She's been under for nearly five hours now, I think it's safe for me to wake her up now and we can monitor her progress. She's been put on her usual medication through the IV to make sure we can subdue the activity quicker. Let's have a go at waking her, shall we?"
At least (Y/n) had gotten a few hours of sleep and rest.
Evan had taken the liberty of lifting up her gown when Bobby and Athena first fell asleep. He didn't like what he saw. Bruises littered (Y/n)'s chest and around her ribs. She had bruised her left wrist from bashing it on the side table and he knew she was going to be sore as anything when she woke up.
Getting up from his chair, Evan stretched again before he moved to sit down on the edge of the bed. He gently took (Y/n)'s free hand and held it on his lap while Bobby and Athena inched their chairs closer.
They watched intently as the doctor got a needle ready and injected the medication into (Y/n)'s IV.
Evan glided his fingers up and down (Y/n)'s arm and smiled softly when he watched her head tilt to the side and nuzzle into the pillow. She looked just like she was waking up at home rather than after a bad night in the hospital emergency room.
"Hey baby, how you feeling?"
He watched the beginning of a smile form on (Y/n)'s lips before her eyes rolled and came into focus. It was clear the moment she took in her surroundings because her lips fell down into a gaping frown and her lower lip wobbled.
"Evan, w-…where are we?" Her hand tightened around his but her body jumped when she suddenly realised there was someone gripping her other hand as well. She dared to look across to the right and took a sharp breath. "Dad?"
"Hi sweetheart."
She couldn't help the tears that started to fall down her face. Where were they? What were they all doing? Why had she gone to sleep safe and sound with Evan at home and woken up somewhere completely different?
"I'll give you all some space." The doctor nodded at the monitors, happy that all (Y/n)'s vitals seemed fine and she had come around perfectly well which was a relief. He jotted down his notes and headed out the room so they could have a moment to themselves and calm (Y/n) down. She didn't need a stranger in the room spectating and observing.
"Baby, you had a really bad night. I had to call an ambulance, we had to sedate you, the seizures wouldn't stop. You don't remember?" Evan was a little surprised (Y/n) couldn't remember even a small flicker of the night. She had woken up shortly after the first seizure, and she tried to say his name after the second one.
She had been awake when the next one started, she cried out and clung to him and tried to open her eyes in the ambulance. She was conscious until they sedated her. The sedation and all the meds must have knocked her back and blurred the night for her.
"You, you came home, and went to bed… I- I don't…"
(Y/n) remembered having a rough day. She remembered Evan going out to hang with Hen and Chimney for a few hours and she remembered him climbing on top of her when he came home. But she couldn't recall anything after falling asleep with him. It was like the events had played out but her mind forgot to press record.
"It's alright honey, you've had a rough night. Probably best you don't remember it." Athena patted (Y/n)'s thigh and smiled at her. It might be a blessing that (Y/n) didn't remember. She didn't need to recall everything she had gone through last night, it wouldn't do her any favours.
"What time is it?"
"Almost nine in the morning, you weren't out for too long." Bobby looked down at his watch before he squeezed (Y/n)'s hand and smiled.
After Evan's phone call this morning, Bobby had been in a rush. He had to call the shift lead at the station and inform them that neither he or Evan would be on shift today. He told them to ring round and see who could come in and cover, but under no circumstances could they contact Evan.
He would sort Evan's hours and his time off so he could go back as soon as (Y/n) was well enough.
Bobby thought they would be sat here for a few more hours before (Y/n) woke up and he had been worried how she would be when she woke up. He remembered when she first got diagnosed not long after their apartment fire. He was forever bringing (Y/n) down to the hospital and back then, each time she woke up, another fit of seizures happened.
"I th-" (Y/n) cut herself off with a sharp cry when she tried to lean forward. Her eyes locked with Evan as she let go of her dad's hand to grip her side, but touching her chest only made her whimper. "Oww, oh it hurts." Her eyes snapped closed and she sniffed, trying to take a deep breath but her chest felt like it had been put through a blender.
She tugged on Evan's hand until he leaned forward and gently looped his arms beneath hers. She gripped both his shoulders and let him sit her up while Bobby moved the bed so she could sit up instead of lie down.
"You battered your chest a lot, baby. It's gonna be sore for a while."
(Y/n) hooked a finger in the hem of the hospital gown she was wearing and looked down before she whimpered.
"It's okay, you're alright now." Evan kissed her temple and wove an arm around her waist when she leaned forward. He let her tuck her face into the crook of his neck and curve her arms around his chest so she could mesh herself up into his chest.
"I wanna go home."
"Not yet, sweetheart. You're under twenty-four hour observation to make sure you don't have another fit of seizures. We can take you home tomorrow." Bobby ran his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back and kissed the back of her head.
She had to stay here for a while yet so they could make sure she wasn't going to suffer another bout of dramatic, long endured seizures. Once they had cleared her and she was fit to go home, they could take her back and they would all look after her.
"We'll get you home tomorrow baby and we'll look after you."
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anna-proxx · 4 months
☆ evening in camp ☆
pairing: arthur morgan x fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1882
a/n: my dear readers, this is my first attempt at a rdr2 oneshot here on tumblr, I started with something easy but will definitely add more action in the future. this right here broke my writer's block and for that i am grateful. hope this brings you some comfort whenever you need it.
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It was a chilly evening, meek distant noise of nocturnal animals creating a peaceful ambience, along with the crackling fire nearby. The whole camp was already either asleep or holed up in their tents.
It has been a good day. Arthur and Javier successfully robbed a homestead, Micah was still locked up in jail and Bill brought a good catch from his hunting trip.
Javier sang and played the guitar by the campfire earlier and some people sang along. In general, this evening was one of those that made you feel warm inside.
The night sky was clear, stars peeking down at you as you wished your mare a good night, patting her neck and giving her a carrot before you'd leave her to sleep. That girl was dear to you and you showed her gratitude every day.
A small kiss on her nose and you finally turned around, admiring the full moon shining bright on the ink black sky. You walked across the quiet camp, careful not to make too much noise. You made your way straight towards the small light of an oil lamp in Arthur's tent.
He sat on his bed, slouched over his journal set on the table, writing with all focus. You smiled, feeling all the affection you felt for that man.
When you came close, he looked up from his journal, his gaze softening as he patted the place beside him. "C'm sit."
You sat right next to him, putting your hands in your lap as you gave Arthur a bright smile. He chuckled. "Ya done givin' that horse a g'night kiss?" he asked with a small grin on his face, returning his attention to the half-filled pages.
You slightly poked his arm with your elbow, a soft smile lingering on your lips. "She's like my family," you explained.
"I know. 'S cute."
You shuffled a bit closer, watching the pencil in Arthur's hand move swiftly. You enjoyed watching him write and draw, those idle moments always brought you comfort. And you had the honor to be allowed to watch. Arthur believed his drawings were nothing special but you knew better. His ability to draw details of an animal or scenery he saw just once from memory still blew your mind. You could barely recall such details, let alone draw them.
You quietly continued to watch, taking in every pretty letter he drew one after another. When he was done with the entry, he flipped the page and started sketching.
"What are you drawing?" you asked, watching the first lines of the sketch.
"A moose I saw t'day," Arthur answered, his voice calm and focused.
You continued to watch him and set your elbow on the table after a while, leaning your head against your hand. As always the drawing came out beautiful and you admired the authentic features of the animal that was looking up at you from the page. Arthur put the pencil aside and sighed, stretching his arms.
He then looked at you, a warm smile on his lips as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You leaned back from the table and snuggled into the half-embrace, resting your head on Arthur's shoulder. His body was warm and so were his fingers that drew small circles on your arm.
"Ya tired yet, darlin'?"
You smiled at the pet name and slightly shook your head. "Not really."
"Do y'want me to draw s'mthing for ya?" Arthur offered, watching your face intently as you thought.
"Me," you eventually said with a small grin. He drew you all the time and you loved every each one of those drawings.
"M'kay." He shortly caressed your arm before removing his from around you, shifting in his seat as he took the pencil again. He slightly nodded towards you. "Sit there, wanna hav' a good look at ya."
You slightly moved away to sit at the other edge, still facing Arthur who turned his body towards you, bending his leg on the bed to lean his journal against it. You shortly ran fingers through your hair, setting strands over your shoulders, and straightened your back, ready to be his model.
His face was relaxed as he started sketching, the soft sounds of the pencil gliding over the paper filling the air between you. Arthur kept looking up at you regularly, a gentle smile on his face as he met your soft affectionate gaze.
There was silence between you two but it was comfortable, happy. The light from the oil lamp lazily danced over the left side of his face, highlighting his features.
He was beautiful. As you remained motionless, you thought about how often he put himself down, being completely clueless about how he looked in your eyes.
"You're so pretty," you said quietly, nothing but affection and genuinity in your voice.
Arthur looked up at you surprised, then got visibly flustered as he blushed and looked back down at the sketch, scribbling on. He let out a small low chuckle. "I ain't pretty."
You slightly frowned, displeased with him rejecting the compliment like that. "So I am a liar?"
Arthur looked up, for a short moment he looked like a clueless child trying to find the right words. "I ain't meant it that way..."
You couldn't hold back a smile. "Just take the goddamn compliment, Mr Morgan, it's not so hard."
Arthur softly huffed as he returned his focus to the sketch, seemingly uncomfortable. A sad feeling grew in your chest. He really had no idea, did he?
"Am I a good model?" you asked after a while of silence. You knew very well he could draw you from memory but this was easier and you enjoyed being the center of his attention in any way. Frankly, Arthur enjoyed studying your features as you sat in front of him as well.
Arthur smiled. "M'favorite."
After a few more moments, he took a few glances at you and back at the journal with a satisfied expression, putting the pencil away.
Your face lit up as you shuffled over, curiously peeking at the page. You were met with your own soft gaze staring back at you, every detail of your face in its place. It melted your heart how carefully drawn each line was.
You kissed Arthur's cheek, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck. "Beautiful as always. Thank you."
"Yer beautiful," he said in response, putting the journal flat open on the table.
You slightly blushed and moved to sit behind him, resting your chin on his shoulder as you kept your arms wrapped around him. You weren't great at accepting compliments either. "Thank you, Mr Morgan." You sighed softly, feeling Arthur's hands envelope yours. "My talented outlaw," you mumbled quietly but clearly enough for him to hear.
You heard a chuckle. "What?" you asked, unsure of what that was for. "Yer in an affectionate mood t'day," he stated, amusement in his voice.
"There a problem with that?" you asked but the smile on your face remained.
You slightly leaned back and moved your hands to his shoulders, instinctively massaging them as you thought. Arthur was out hunting, riding and shooting most of the time, so your massages were always appreciated.
You heard a quiet sigh of relief as his body started becoming more relaxed.
"Would u like to go hunt with me tomorrow?" you asked. You were tired of being stuck in the camp and honestly going on a little trip with Arthur wouldn't be bad at all.
You smiled and reached for his suspenders, then slid them off his shoulders. He understood and unbuttoned his shirt so that you could get a better access to his back and shoulders.
"Thank you, darlin'."
You hummed in response and continued, your gaze moving over his exposed skin covered with small scars. You wondered about the story behind each one of them, some seemed to be almost faded while there was one very fresh bruise, a red line of dried blood.
Arthur took out a cigarette and lit it, puffing as he relaxed under your touch. He probably would've offered you one as well if you smoked, but you didn't, only ever tasting tobacco when you kissed him. You never minded.
After a few more moments you put a kiss on the nape of his neck, then kissed the fresher wound as well. You were always so worried whenever he left to do a dangerous job, only praying he'd return in one piece, but you knew it was his life; and you were a part of it.
When you moved to sit next to him again, cheeky smile on your face as your eyes met, Arthur sighed, mumbling with cigarette between his lips. "Yer too good for'm, woman."
You stared into his blue eyes for a long moment, a quiet voiceless conversation happening between you two with eye contact alone. He cared for you as much as you cared for him.
Without a word you snuggled up closer, soon being enclosed by body warmth as he embraced you. You relaxed into the hug and closed your eyes, just listening to Arthur's inhales and exhales of the smoke.
You assumed Arthur must've been thinking as well, as there was yet another comfortable silence between you two and you were slowly but surely slipping into sleep.
Arthur stubbed out his cigarette and wrapped his arm around your waist, making you open your eyes just as he moved back to a half sitting half lying position on his bed, effortlessly taking you with him so that you lay between his legs, head resting on his chest. You quietly giggled at the sudden movement and made yourself comfortable afterwards, positioning your head exactly so that you have Arthur's heartbeat beneath your ear.
You were happy to have him all for yourself, safe, alive. The mess in Blackwater or the emergent stop in Colter could've been much more fatal for you two. Davey and Jenny were gone. John was attacked by wolves. And although you loved Horseshoe Overlook, the homely feeling and the beautiful view, you knew you'd have to move eventually. You needed money and you weren't getting it exactly the legal way, and you could only lie low so long.
And frankly, with Micah in the gang now, your worry rose even more. Dutch trusted him, for some goddamn reason, but he seemed to be reckless and dangerous, bending some of the morals this gang used to have. Not to mention him being a straight up jerk to everyone.
"Arthur?" you spoke, your voice slightly worried as you caressed his arm with your fingers.
"Hm?" His chest vibrated under your head.
"We can't let another Blackwater happen again."
Arthur understood what you meant. Him and Hosea tried convincing Dutch that the ferry job was a bad idea but it happened nonetheless, putting your gang in a situation worse than ever before. You worried about the influence Micah had on Dutch and the potential limits.
You knew that Arthur trusted Dutch, him and Hosea raised him, after all; but he wasn't stupid either. And the plans Dutch claimed to have planted seeds of doubt in almost everyone.
Arthur's response was a sigh and a kiss on top of your head, his arms hugging you just a bit tighter. There wasn't really much he could say to comfort you, he always tried to be honest and he couldn't know how the future would unfold, after all.
But you trusted him. That he would do the right thing.
With Arthur's heartbeat echoing under your ear and embraced by his warmth, you were slowly being lulled to sleep by his regular breaths.
Whether you'd stay outlaws forever or not, this really was all you had wished for.
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Please write another dating Hozier headcannon!
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a/n: OMG i did not expect the first one to get so much love, thank you SO MUCH! Sorry this one is a bit shorter but I hope you like it either way :) 
Here’s part 1 in case you missed it btw
I feel like your relationship would be private but not secret
Like he probably puts a picture of you in some of his concert posts on instagram or brings you along to some festivals or events as his date
Maybe even small and casual mentions of you during interviews, like “yeah, me and my partner did this the other day” or “my partner really likes that…” He’s obsessed with you i fear
You would be spotted pretty often at his shows just singing along and having a good time with your/his friends. He would for sure be looking at you the whole show just so happy to have you there and would occasionally wave or blow you kisses
I don't know why but I love the idea of him teaching you about bees and giving you small updates about his hives and any new additions he’s made. 
He’d love to teach you how to play the guitar (if you can’t already) and just sits behind you while guiding your fingers in the correct places to play one of his songs or one of your favourite songs
And he would definitely get so excited for you if you manage to learn even just two chords and play them without his help
If you already know how to play the guitar, he would ask you to play him so many songs and just admire you the entire time you do but completely deny the fact that his loving stare is distracting you
He truly values cozying up together in bed or on the couch and having deep and meaningful conversations about anything and everything that is on your mind that day whether it is something that is bothering you and you need to vent to him about or if it is just about a new tv show you just watched
This man loves cuddling you and will never pass one up, even if he is in the middle of doing something he will either stop and snuggle up with you for a while or continue what he is doing if it’s important but hold you close to his chest while he tries to finish up faster
He would get so excited after reading a new book or poem and would immediately want to show it to you or talk to you about it, especially if it reminds him of you or your relationship. He would not hesitate to read to you if you wanted, even at night if you ever have trouble sleeping and just want to hear his voice
He does not shy away from showering you with compliments, for example, if you are trying out some new clothes for an event, party or a date, he would be endlessly telling you how good you look and would not be able to take his eyes off of you the whole time
He loves to call you pet names like darling or honey at all times even if you are arguing and especially if you haven’t seen each other in a long time
Speaking of arguments, they would get resolved so quickly. He just can’t stay mad at you and would feel terrible even after you two have made up, so expect a lot of kisses to make it up to you
He would also never yell at you during these arguments and would keep calm throughout it, knowing that shouting doesn't fix things any quicker
Since he is so tall, he would love to kiss the top of your head or your forehead on a daily basis
Especially at night, like this man will not go to sleep unless he gives you a soft peck on your forehead
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pupkashi · 9 months
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to love is to linger
a/n: i read this in a tiktok comment and i burst into tears, love is such a beautiful thing and i hope every single one u gets to experience this kind of love bc u absolutely deserve it <3
wordcount: 825
if there’s anything satoru hates more than being away from you, it’s leaving your home after spending time with you. he can’t help the way his stomach drops and the frown that settles on his lips, the slump in his shoulders and the sparkle that seems to die in his eyes.
“i cant find my keys! guess I’ll have to stay the night” he smiles, already pulling you into his embrace, you don’t resist, not wanting him to go either.
“we both know you already hid them in your jacket pocket, lover” you smile, eyes fluttering shut and melting into his chest a bit, breathing in deeply before pulling away.
satoru is quick to keep you firm in his grasp, pulling you slightly so you wouldn’t move too far from him. “maybe i can help you clean up a bit more? didn’t you wanna sweep?” he asks, hope glittering in his eyes as you look at him with an incredulous smile.
it’s a beat of silence before you place your hands on his chest, pat twice and sigh, “okay yeah, stay for a bit more and help me clean up.”
there’s a giant smile on satoru’s face as the words leave your lips. he’s bounding over to you like an excited puppy, sweeping you off your feet and twirling you around, placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek before setting you down.
“should we put some music on?”
this seems to happen every time satoru had to leave, starting up a conversation just as he was about to reach for his car keys, stringing you along until you’d tell him to sit on the couch again, he could spare 30 minutes right?
there was countless times where he was already out the door, saying goodbye when he’d turn on his heel, eyes wide as he proclaimed, “oh my god i almost forgot to tell you!” before dropping the juiciest gossip known to man.
“are you serious? wait come inside we have to unpack all of this” you’d immediately say, ushering him back in and preparing some coffee or hot chocolate for the two of you.
it would work every time, satoru would practically skip back into your home, snuggling into the couch he’d grown fond of as you began to talk again.
he’d do everything in his power to linger around, even when he’d eventually stay the night with you, having to say goodbye in the early hours of the morning.
“i could stay and make breakfast,” he’d suggest softly, the sun on barely making its way into the sky, the moon bidding the world goodbye.
“toru it’s 6 am,” you mumble, “you’ve been late enough this week,” eyes closing already as you feel your body giving into the clutches of sleep.
satoru pouts, he knows you’re right but doesn’t care that much. “what’re they gonna do? fire me? kill me?” he chuckles at the thought of them trying, kissing your forehead as you open your eyes just to scowl at him. “alright, fine I’ll go, just say you hate me,” he sighs dramatically.
you smile a bit, “cmere,” you mumble, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer to you. satoru wastes no time in plopping himself back into bed, cuddling up to your side. he lets himself relax in your arms, sighing and closing his eyes, not moving for another 10 minutes before he decides he actually does have to get to Jujutsu tech.
“I’ll see you tonight?” he asks, stretching as he stares at you, cozy as ever in the warm blanket he’d bought you.
you nod your head, “and don’t be late, angel boy” you smile, blowing him a kiss as he walks out the bedroom door, catching it and bringing it close to his chest, smiling ear to ear until he’s closing your front door.
even when the two of you move in together, he still lingers as anytime he has to leave, roping you into a conversation, convincing you for just ‘five more minutes’ when your alarm goes off. he’s chasing after your kisses in the doorway, mumbling a quick ‘one more!’ before he’s grabbing you by the waist and deepening the kiss, smiling into it when you easily melt into his touch.
gojo satoru does everything in his power to linger around you when he has to leave. to him every second with you counts, every moment is fleeting and every minute without you seems a minute wasted.
it doesn’t go unnoticed by you, melting your heart when he makes up a blatantly obvious lie to spend even a mere second longer with you.
to love is to linger.
to spend every moment you can with those you love. to do anything in your power to lengthen the time you have with them. to love someone is to spend all day and night with them and dread the moment you have to leave their side.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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