#he rly wanted to be hinata's setter huh!
narugen · 4 years
hq spoilers i guess altho its been months but
something abt atsumu telling hinata “one day ill set for you” and then actually doing it professionally years later just hits yknow 
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Mayhem with the Karasuno First Years || Ch 04: kageyama tobio is bby
Summary: What starts as a late-night idea from Hinata turns into something none of the other Karasuno first-years (or other Karasuno VBC members) expected. "Enemies" become friends. Friends become something more. Home-life secrets are revealed. And a whole lot of chaos ensues.
Or: A group-chat fic centered around the Karasuno first-years with cameos from other characters. Other warnings are to be added.
Find on ao3! Ch 01 // Prev ch
Ch 04 below:
Grandpa Kageyama is online. Grandpa Kageyama attached an image: [a cat sitting on the lawn, grooming herself, in the distance, blurred. picture taken from his bedroom window.] the baby is online.
the baby: whats that??
salt is online.
salt: What the fuck is with that shitty quality
Grandpa Kageyama: hey
Grandpa Kageyama: it was moving but i wanted a pic
Grandpa Kageyama: isn’t it cute
salt: Just In: King of the Court Karasuno Setter Loves Cats.
Grandpa Kageyama: wtf have i ever done to you
the baby: it is cute!!!
the baby: hey tsukishima >:( he doesnt like it when u call him that so stop 
salt: No.
Anxiety™ is online.
Anxiety™: Living up to your name I see
the baby: oh i just thought of something
the baby changed salt’s name to tsalt.
Anxiety™: Clever!
the baby: u think im clever?? :D
the baby attached a gif: [cat receiving head pats.]
Grandpa Kageyama: i do like cats
Anxiety™: Awwww
Anxiety™: And yes Hinata I think you’re very clever, you learn very fast
the baby:  :D :D :D !!!! wow tysm!!! 
Grandpa Kageyama: cats don’t like me tho
the baby: maybe its ur face
Anxiety™: :)
Anxiety™: Wait sorry Kageyama that was meant as a reply to Hinata’s msg
Grandpa Kageyama: what’s wrong with my face?
the baby: well nothing rly!! just
the baby: ur always glaring like some1 took the last juice box in the fridge when u came home thirsty after practice n were lookin forward to it all day at school
Most Chaotic is online.
Grandpa Kageyama: ???
Anxiety™: That was oddly specific lol
Most Chaotic: It was Natsu, wasn’t it?
the baby: ofc it was
the baby: it even had my name on it >:(
Anxiety™: I know you’re grumpy about it but that just makes me want a sibling even more
Anxiety™: It’s not fair guys, learn to share
Most Chaotic: You’re not alone lmao I’m an only child too
tsalt: Nii-san adores you.
Most Chaotic: :)
tsalt: It’s almost annoying how much he adores you.
the baby: wow ur coping mechanism game is strong today huh
tsalt: Stfu
Anxiety™: Can we see your brother Tsukishima?? If you’re okay with it
tsalt: Idk if I’ve got any pictures of him on my phone, sorry.
Most Chaotic attached an image: [younger version of yamaguchi & tsukishima on the couch at the tsukishima residence. tsukishima is grinning wide at his brother, a mirror of akiteru’s smile. yamaguchi smiles shyly at the camera but looks equally happy.]
tsalt: I’ve been betrayed again by the only person in whom I placed my trust.
Anxiety™: HOLY CRAP
the baby saved 1 attachment. Anxiety™ saved 1 attachment.
Grandpa Kageyama: huh
Most Chaotic: Sorry Tsukki ;)
Anxiety™: You’re both such babies oh my word
Anxiety™: You’re so cute why don’t you ever smile like that at school Tsukishima??
Most Chaotic: Oops
Most Chaotic: Sorry, you haven’t reached the level of friendship to unlock that backstory just yet
tsalt: Shut up, Yamaguchi.
the baby: yet
the baby: we will wait for u 
Anxiety™: Yeah Tsukishima we’ll wait for you :)
Anxiety™: Also Yamaguchi you have a nice smile
|| private message: Yamaguchi, Tsukki ||
Yamaguchi: Tsukki did you see that
Tsukki: Yes I saw. I’m in the chat too.
Yamaguchi: Maybe she said that to be nice tho
Yamaguchi: She’s nice to everyone
Tsukki: She wouldn’t do that. Now go respond.
Most Chaotic: Awww thanks @Anxiety™  
the baby: btw i have the patience of a saint tsukishima
tsalt: Oh my god all of you stfu.
Grandpa Kageyama: i didn’t say even anything
Grandpa Kageyama: who shit in your cornflakes
tsalt: Idc the whole class suffers.
Most Chaotic: @Grandpa Kageyama hold on I have something for you
Most Chaotic attached an image: [a grey cat with white paws, approx. 11 lbs/5 kilos, laying on his side in the sun.] Most Chaotic attached an image: [the same grey cat in a loaf position, looking out the window.] Most Chaotic attached an image: [the same grey cat, resting in tsukishima’s lap as he reads a book.] Most Chaotic attached an image: [the same grey cat kneading his paws against yamaguchi’s chest, the camera angled so only yamaguchi’s smile is visible.]
Most Chaotic: Meet Chunk
tsalt: When tf did you take that picture
Most Chaotic: Well originally his name was Nobu but he got fat and so that name stuck
Anxiety™: Cute!!! 
Most Chaotic: The vet says he’s still okay tho
the baby: oh adorable!!!! i wish i had a cat
Grandpa Kageyama saved 4 attachments.
Grandpa Kageyama: h
Grandpa Kageyama: he’s so c
Grandpa Kageyama: is he soft
Grandpa Kageyama: how old is he
Grandpa Kageyama: does he let you pet him
Grandpa Kageyama: does he like strangers
Anxiety™: Oh my god Kageyama you’re literally bby
Anxiety™: You saved the pics omg so pure
Grandpa Kageyama: ??
Grandpa Kageyama: yes i saved them ??
Most Chaotic: Very soft, 6, yes, and most of the time yes
Grandpa Kageyama: how long have you had him
Most Chaotic: We got him as a kitten! A few months before my mom passed
Grandpa Kageyama: oh um
Grandpa Kageyama: i’m sorry
the baby: :(((
Anxiety™: Oh I’m sorry about your mom Yamaguchi
Most Chaotic: Nah :) it was a long time ago
Most Chaotic: Thanks tho :)
Grandpa Kageyama: your cat is cute
Most Chaotic: You can come meet him sometime! 
Grandpa Kageyama: really?
Most Chaotic: Yeah! My dad’s not usually home in the evenings so I have the apartment to myself
Anxiety™: Omg I’d love to meet your cat too
the baby: same!!!!
the baby: hang out at yamaguchi’s place!! :D
the baby: can we do it tomorrow after practice??
Most Chaotic: Sure!
Most Chaotic: Wanna come Tsukki
tsalt: Why
Most Chaotic: I’ll buy strawberry shortcake on the way home
tsalt: …okay I guess I’ll come.
the baby: yay!!! this will be so fun!!! party at yamaguchi’s house!!
Most Chaotic: You can call me Tadashi btw
Most Chaotic: Most of the second years do
the baby: ok!!! :D party at tadashi’s house!! 
the baby: u guys can clal me shouyou i dont mind
Most Chaotic: Kay :)
Anxiety™: Wait if we’re doing given names you guys can call me Hitoka
the baby: hitoka-chan!! :D
tsalt: Call me by my first name and I’ll kill you.
the baby: >:(
the baby: thats harsh
Most Chaotic: This is usually the part where I tease you Tsukki but I don’t want to make you that uncomfortable
Anxiety™: I won’t do anything anyone is uncomfortable with!
tsalt: …
tsalt: Okay so in the chat I guess it’s fine but do it in person and I’ll kill you.
the baby: :D!!!
tsalt: Nvm I’m already regretting my decision.
Grandpa Kageyama: i think only 4 people i know have ever called me by my first name
Grandpa Kageyama: im pretty sure oikawa-san does it to fuck with me 
the baby: oikawa-san calls u by ur first name im kinda jealous
Grandpa Kageyama: wtf why
the baby: he’s the grand king!!! he’s so cool!!!!
Grandpa Kageyama: oh
Anxiety™: Do you dislike it Kageyama?
Grandpa Kageyama: dislike what
Anxiety™: Being called by your first name?
Grandpa Kageyama: not really
Anxiety™: Okay!
Grandpa Kageyama: you can if you want
Grandpa Kageyama: i don’t think i’ve had anyone who let me call them by their first name tho
Anxiety™: Go ahead!! We’re friends so it’s cool
Grandpa Kageyama: um
Grandpa Kageyama: ok
Anxiety™: Tadashi-kun!
Anxiety™: Shouyou-kun!
Anxiety™: Tobio-kun!
Anxiety™: Kei-kun!
the baby: ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
the baby: hitoka-chan!!
Most Chaotic: Hitoka-chan :)
Grandpa Kageyama: hitoka-chan
the baby: hey tsukishima >:(
tsalt: What?
the baby: (`皿´)
tsalt: That emoji is god awful, please refrain from using it again.
the baby: Ψ (`益´# )屮
tsalt: I take it back. You found one even worse.
the baby: join the chain!
tsalt: Sigh.
tsalt: Hitoka-chan.
Grandpa Kageyama: if i p
Grandpa Kageyama: uh
tsalt: Don’t worry, King. Sound it out. We’ll wait.
Grandpa Kageyama: shut the hell up
Grandpa Kageyama: if i pet chunk
Grandpa Kageyama: will he biet me or scratchh me
Anxiety™: Awww Kageyama you’re literally so sweet
Anxiety™: @Most Chaotic
the baby: what other animals do u like kageyama???
Grandpa Kageyama: all of them
Anxiety™: 🥺
Most Chaotic: Nah :) He’s very docile, he’s got a resting bitch face but don’t let that fool you, he’s a total purrboat
Grandpa Kageyama: what does docile mean
tsalt: Lmao.
Anxiety™: It means tame or passive :)
tsalt: Your level of patience for him and Hinata astounds me, Hitoka-chan.
the baby: >:( hey!!!
the baby: she called me cleever earlier jsyk!!
tsalt: No she called you clever.
Grandpa Kageyama: seriously youre an asshoel
tsalt: And you two don’t know how to spell.
the baby: this is is a gc not school
the baby: like who even types with full sentences with grammar n commas n punctuation u undercooked pasta noodle
Most Chaotic: XD
tsalt: …commas are punctuation.
the baby: (ง•͈-•͈)ง
the baby: sorry im not good enough to be in a college prep class, jeez
Grandpa Kageyama: nee-san says i don’t always have to be good at school
Grandpa Kageyama: fuck you tsukishima
tsalt: I decline. I’m ace.
Most Chaotic: Lol
tsalt: I can’t believe you told on me to your sister lmao
tsalt: Didn’t peg you as the tattletale type.
Grandpa Kageyama: i didn’t
Grandpa Kageyama: it’s just what she said when i was in middle school
Grandpa Kageyama: part of the autism or some shit ig
the baby: oh wait back up
the baby: ur autistic???
Most Chaotic: Autism?
Anxiety™: Oh! I didn’t know that about you Tobio-kun but suddenly I’m wondering why I didn’t see it before
Anxiety™: Like all the signs are there
Grandpa Kageyama: ya wh
Grandpa Kageyama: what of it
Grandpa Kageyama: why
Grandpa Kageyama: is it surprising or smth
tsalt: Huh. Interesting.
the baby: nothing!!! i just, you never told me before
Grandpa Kageyama: it never came up
Most Chaotic: It’s not surprising, it actually makes a lot of sense
Anxiety™: Right??
Anxiety™: Also @tsalt I like tutoring, that’s probably where the patience comes from :)
Anxiety™: Wait does that mean we have two neurodivergents on the team
the baby: 2??
the baby: what’s neodruviergt and whos the other person
tsalt: Wow that wasn’t even close.
Anxiety™ attached an image: [screenshot of neurodivergent definition.]
the baby: oh!
Most Chaotic: Don’t you have adhd Hinata?
the baby: no?? i don’t know what that is
Most Chaotic: Oh
Anxiety™: Oh
tsalt: Oh.
Grandpa Kageyama: i mean i’ve heard of it, it came up a lot when i was a kid
Anxiety™: I’m sorry for assuming!!!! D: 
Anxiety™: I didn’t mean to!!! It’s just, the stimming! Easily being distracted! Hyperactivity! Struggling in academics until we worked out a routine! Having trouble holding still…
tsalt: Don’t forget the massive hyper fixation on volleyball
tsalt: And excessive sound effects.
Most Chaotic: @the baby do you have other hobbies that you seemed interested in it at one point but it didn’t last?
the baby: yeah all the time
the baby: up until i found out abt vb
the baby: i'm so confuzed
Anxiety™: Oh sorry I got ahead of myself, adhd is a disorder where your brain has trouble regulating your attention
Anxiety™: You really don’t have it??
the baby: wait
the baby: u mean theres a reason?
Grandpa Kageyama: wdym 
the baby: i’m not just ??? annoying and lazy and not smart???
Anxiety™: Of course not!!!
Anxiety™: You’re very intelligent!!! You may just have different roadblocks than others
Most Chaotic: Neurodivergent ppls brains work differently than neurotypicals
the baby: oh um
the baby: sry i g2g dont wanna wake natsu
the baby is offline.
Grandpa Kageyama: wait where are you going
Most Chaotic: Hinata? Are you okay?
Most Chaotic: …Shouyou?
Anxiety™: :(((( Shouyou-kun? What’s wrong?
Anxiety™: the baby I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you!!! I promise!!
Anxiety™: I’m really sorry Shouyou-kun
Anxiety™: Can I still call you that? I’m sorry, Hinata
the baby is online.
the baby: im fine sorry
the baby: ofc u can still call me shouyou
Most Chaotic: Do you want some space?
Anxiety™: Are you feeling overwhelmed?? :(
Grandpa Kageyama: do you uh
Grandpa Kageyama: do you need someone to come over or smth
the baby: no its getting late and dark out and we have school tmrw
the baby: i just
the baby: i dont even know what to do??
the baby: like i thought it was normal
Anxiety™: it is your normal!!
Anxiety™: Everyone’s normal is different
Grandpa Kageyama: you shouldn’t use that word like that hinata
Grandpa Kageyama: normal
Grandpa Kageyama: it’s like
Grandpa Kageyama: a weapon
Most Chaotic: He’s right, it’s dangerous bc it’s so easy to use it to hurt yourself
the baby: ok
the baby: what do i do? 
Anxiety™: What do you want to do? 💕
the baby: how do i know 4 sure if i have adhd?
tsalt: You could pursue a professional diagnosis.
the baby: how do i do that?
tsalt: Well the first thing you should do is talk to your mom or another adult. Maybe Takeda-sensei, he could help. Then you can go from there. If you think about the entire process at once you’ll probably get overwhelmed.
the baby: oh ok
the baby: thank u
the baby: thanks u guys
the baby: tbh i was crying n i didnt want natsu to hear me but i feel better now
Anxiety™: Awww you’re welcome Shou-kun!! ヾ(*‘ᴗ‘*)ゞ
Anxiety™: I’m sorry you were crying tho :(
Grandpa Kageyama: good
Grandpa Kageyama: i mean good that you feel better 
Grandpa Kageyama: not um
Most Chaotic: I’m glad to help!
Grandpa Kageyama: not that you were crying
the baby: awww ty 
tsalt: Now I’m going to bed. Don’t spam the chat or I’m muting you.
Anxiety™: It is late!! 
Anxiety™: I’m so used to accidentally staying up late I didn’t even notice
Most Chaotic: It’s only 10pm??
tsalt enabled do-not-disturb mode. tsalt is offline.
the baby: wow real sour patch kid energy tsukishima
the baby: but i’ll forgive u cuz u were nice a second ago 
Anxiety™ changed tsalt’s name to tsourpatchkei.
Most Chaotic: Wow I’m impressed with how seamlessly that fits him
Anxiety™: 😌
Anxiety™: Got the idea from Shouyou-kun!
the baby: :D!!
Grandpa Kageyama: well it is late
Most Chaotic: Again?? Only 10pm???
Grandpa Kageyama: we’re athletes Yamaguchi
Anxiety™: Student athletes! 
the baby: yes true 5am awaits
the baby: good night everyone!! to tadashi’s after practice tmrw to meet chunk!!
Most Chaotic: Yes :) maybe then we can see if Tsukki will let you all meet his pet turtle
Most Chaotic: Gn!
Anxiety™: Good night!!
Grandpa Kageyama: good ni
the baby is offline. Anxiety™ is offline. Most Chaotic is offline.
Grandpa Kageyama: wait his what
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kouomi · 4 years
Summary: after miscommunication and many misunderstandings, you feel it is left up to you to end things with Bokuto for both of yours sake.
Warnings: slight angst, sad Bokuto :(, fluff at end!
Word count: 2,837
A/N: this is based off a dream I had lol so it might be a lil iffy. (Akaashi is rly a life saver in this that mans is a god(it has a good ending don’t worry))
Posted: March 4, 2021, 10:05 PM EST
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Despite the scheduled time for the training camp being long over, the lights in gym three were still on and there was the constant sound of a volleyball being smacked to the ground accompanied by shoes squeaking on the wooden floors. Loud yells could be heard every time there was a successful spike or block from any of the boys who were practicing, no hints of fatigue present though they’d been at it for hours. All of these noises were silent to you as you approached though, your thoughts too loud in your ear for anything else to make it past. You nervously tossed your hands back and forth as you approached the familiar gym, having to drag your feet along to your destination as if they were made of concrete trying to hold you in place.
Somehow you managed to make it to the open door, your eyes widening as you peer inside and see many more people than you’d expected, glancing around before you catch the gaze of the person you’d come to see. He’s midair when he sees you, his hand that’d raised to spike a ball dropping as he smiles and lands early. You don’t return the happy expression that usually sparked so much joy within you, instead you turn and quickly flee the overwhelming scene. It was all too much, you just wanted to come and talk to him but seeing how happy he looked and his friends turning to see you had easily spooked you off with your mind already going haywire.
“Bokuto, what was that?” Kuroo calls after his friend though he’s already following you out the door, “Who’s that?”
“His girlfriend.” Akaashi answers, picking up the ball he’d set and ducking under the net to stand next to the other boy.
“Didn’t look like it.” Tsukishima blinks, Kuroo punching him in the shoulder.
“She did look different.” Akaashi says, “And she ran away, it’s probably not anything good.”
“Does that mean that’s the end of practice?” Hinata asks, the other three turning to glare at him.
Outside Bokuto had caught up to you further down the lit pathways along the back of the gym, each heavy step of him jogging towards you making you want to sprint away.
“Hey, Y/n, slow down!” He calls out.
Reluctantly you stop though still keep your back to him, biting your lip as he walks in front of you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, you should go back to practice.” You say quietly, finding yourself unable to look him in the eye, “We can talk later.”
“They’ll be okay without me for a second, what did you wanna talk about?”
It hurts. It hurts to hear his positive tone and be in his warm and bubbly presence when you just felt so wrong. You knew you needed to do this, that you’d been keeping it to yourself far too long and lying to him wasn’t going to help anyone, but something in you was pulling you back and begging you not to be the reason that his trademark positivity diminishes. He was looking at you with sparkling loving eyes the same way he had since you’d met and instead of making you feel warm it only broke you even more.
“Y/n/n?” He asks, slight worry slipping into his voice as he reaches out for your hand. You take a step back and look down at the sidewalk, noticing him visibly droop at your rejection.
“I’m sorry Koutarou it’s just...” You start, having to stop to swallow the bump in your throat before continuing, “I can’t do this.”
“Huh? Babe, what do you-“
“Us. This isn’t working, and I know you know what I’m talking about. I think it’d be better for both of us if we just call it quits now.”
He stops, any light heartedness he’d carried before now gone and being replaced with a chilling atmosphere. His sudden change and knowing you were what was making him feel this way made the stinging in the back of your eyes worse, tears beginning to pool and slide down your cheeks.
“Is it because I missed our last date?” He asks, a sad and almost desperate tone to his voice, “I can make it up to you, we don’t have to break up.”
“No it’s not your fault Bo.” You say, your heart breaking when you look up and see his eyes shining with unshed tears, “I’m sorry.”
You pull the white oversized jacket off of your shoulders, the slightly chilled night air nipping at your exposed arms as you hand it to him. He takes it in a robotic movement, watching as you turn and practically run away from him, disappearing back towards the main building and leaving him standing alone.
What did he do wrong? Did he not give you enough attention, too much? Suffocate you with too much affection? Spend more time on volleyball than he did on you? What wrong path did he go down to have lost you along the way? He tried to work through your relationship in his head and figure out what happened but his thoughts are buzzing by too fast for him to focus on one. His fist clenched around his jacket in his hand as finally the first of many tears fell on to the fabric. Bokuto found himself unable to move, too frozen by your words to will his legs to move and unsure they’d be able to support him if he did.
“Bokuto? What happened?” Akaashi asks after walking out to find his friend as he’d been gone for so long.
“Y/n she’s... gone.”
The next day of the training camp Fukurodani only won one game when their star ace was benched, everyone taking notice to the mood Bokuto was stuck in that not even Akaashi could pull him out of. Word had traveled fast amongst the teams as to what had happened, the topic less gossip and more curiosity and then pity for him.
“Bokuto, you can’t sit around and sulk all day.” Kuroo says, lightly hitting a volleyball into his friends back.
He doesn’t react when the ball hits him, staying slouched after recovering from the hit.
“What did I do wrong?” Bokuto mumbles to himself, eyes focused on his palms in his lap.
“This could not have happened at a worse time.” Sarukui pants, joining his teammates where they stood after finishing the penalty lap. “It’s throwing everyone’s game off.”
“Do something Akaashi.” Konoha says, shoving the setter in the shoulder as he speaks.
“I’ve been trying since last night. The only way he’d get out of this is if they got back together.”
“Why’d she break up with him anyway? They seemed fine.”
“I haven’t asked, I think it’ll just make him worse.”
“We can chase down the girl after camp.” Kuroo suggests, the other boys turning to look at him, “I’m sure you know where to find her, Akaashi.”
He sighs, resting his hands on his hips. “I’ll go to her house later. Knowing Y/n if we all went she’d shut us out.”
“Two peas in a pod.”
“Get back inside for the next round of games!” A coach yells out, all of the players exclaiming a quick “yes sir!” Before walking through the open double-doors.
Even though you’d pulled into your driveway almost an hour ago you still sat in the drivers seat of your car, the radio playing quietly in the background as you sat with your head against the headrest. Your cheeks were stained with runny mascara and dried tears and though they’d finally stopped falling you were still left with the pit in your stomach that was threatening to consume you whole. You were glued to your seat, but even if your body allowed you to move you weren’t sure you would. It was all just empty, no matter what you did in the day, homework, spending time with friends, going shopping, nothing changed. Everything had gone dull without him.
A sudden knock on your window makes you jump, your heart skipping a beat when you turn to see a tall figure looming next to your car before you recognize them to be your friend. With a heavy sigh you drop your head back against the seat, lifting your hand and unlocking the car doors as you do so. Akaashi opens the passenger side door and sits down, silence enveloping you both as he takes in your broken down appearance.
“What do you want, Akaashi?” You ask, words quiet as you try and make sure your voice doesn’t waver.
He’s quiet a moment before he responds, taking in your appearance with an almost surprised expression. “What happened? Why’d you break up with Bokuto?”
“It was for him.” You sigh, feeling warm tears follow in the path of your old ones, “Things changed- it just seemed like it’d be better for him if we weren’t together anymore.”
“What’re you talking about? If anything he’s better with you.”
“I was holding him back from really being himself. Even without that we hardly saw each other and recently it’s like we’re more acquaintances than anything it was just... not what’s right for either of us.”
“Why can’t you just talk through it? He’s tearing himself up over this and none of us can get through to him, I’m starting to get worried.”
His words work another wedge into your heart as you flash back to the look he’d given you a few days prior.
“I’m sorry Akaashi.” You sniff, dragging a hand through your hair as you spoke, “I didn’t want to but I just couldn’t do that to him anymore. H-he’ll be okay eventually.”
“You and I both know that-“ He begins, voice slightly rising.
“Please leave.” You interrupt, his brow slightly raising in surprise, “I just can’t deal with this right n-now.”
He’s stiff for a moment before obliging, opening the door again and stepping out. He moves his hand to the outside of the car to shut the door again, turning away from you and beginning to take a step away.
“Akaashi wait.” You call out, the brunette stopping and looking at you expectingly, “Can you give him a hug for me?”
“You can do it yourself when you get back together.” He states before closing the door and walking down the driveway, leaving you alone feeling even worse than you did a few minutes prior.
What did he mean “when you get back together”? Hadn’t you made it obvious you thought it’d be best if you stayed apart? Sure it hurt, it felt like being stabbed in the heart every time you were reminded of him, but you just wanted what was best. He’d be happier without you even if he was sad for a few days - right?
The captain doesn’t move at the sound of his name, his head still stuck under his blanket as he sat in the dark of his room.
“I talked to Y/n.”
This catches his attention as he peaks out of the fabric of his comforter and to his friend, a slight sliver of hope shining on his otherwise dim expression.
“What did she say?” He asks.
“That you’d grown apart, she did it to make you happier, and you’d be better without her.” Akaashi answers.
“What?!” Bokuto exclaims suddenly, catching the other boy by surprise as his mood does a complete 180, “Why would she think that, it’s-it’s-it’s just wrong! I need to go talk to her!”
“You should wait a little bit for that.” Akaashi replies, placing a hand on his friends shoulder to stop his dash for the door, “She’s not exactly in a talking mood.”
He frowns at this, his hair slightly drooping as if connected to his expression. He springs up again, an almost visible light bulb appearing above his head.
“I have an idea!”
“Kenma?” You call out as you walk into the gym, peering around the room for the setter. You check the texts where he asked for you to meet him here for a charger for his Switch to make sure you got the right place and time, even sending him another text though he doesn’t respond. Confused, you turn around to go back to your house wondering why he’d ask you and then not show.
“Wait, Y/n!”
You freeze when you hear his voice, your face falling when you realize he’s now standing in front of you.
“Sorry, I have to get home.” You whisper, moving to walk past him though your stopped by a gentle hand around your wrist.
“Can we talk please?” Bokuto asks.
If it were anyone else you’d already be gone. If it were anyone else, the pleasing tone in their voice wouldn’t be enough to keep you standing there. If it were anyone else you would’ve pulled your hand away already. But it wasn’t anyone else - it was Bokuto; the one person who you always found yourself unable to say no to.
You let out a sigh and remove your hand from his grip, standing a few feet distance between you as you waited for him to speak.
“I just don’t understand why.” He starts, “I know you told Akaashi it was for me but that just doesn’t make sense.”
“I... I noticed how stressed you seemed trying to balance everything with school, us, volleyball.” You respond, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eye, “And you tried to hide it but I could tell. We started drifting apart and we hardly saw each other I just... I just want you to be happy, Bo.”
“But I was happy with you.” He says, taking a small step forward, “There was a lot going on, but I have it all under control. I don’t think I can do it without you though; I need you Y/n.”
“I was just holding you back. This is for the best.”
“What?! You weren’t holding me back! If anything you’re helping!”
“But we were...”
“Hey, I’m sorry if I made you think you were just another problem.” Bokuto says, voice venturing into a more serious tone that finally makes you look up at him, “We can work this out together yeah? I think I’ll explode if I go another day without you.”
Your eyes look back and forth between his own and you feel a tear grow pregnant and slide down your cheek as he looked back at you with hopefulness and anticipation. His golden eyes that you’d fallen in love with shone with the reflected, intense fluorescent lights above and had a sparkle to them that you hadn’t seen in so long. You missed seeing him everyday and this aura of joy and excitement he carried around, the way he looked at you with such love and kindness. Was it possible to salvage your relationship? Could you find a way to balance everything out with each other?
You sat there for what felt like hours as he waited for your answer, tossing the ideas and options over in your head before you finally came to a result. You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again with a small nod, watching as an infectious smile spread across his face from ear to ear. He’s quick to wrap you in a hug tight enough to squeeze all of the air out of your lungs and pick your feet off the ground but you don’t pay any mind, your arms going around his shoulders as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He spins you both in circle emitting a small giggle from you as you hug him tighter, only slightly pulling away when your feet are back on the ground. Almost as soon as you’d pulled your face away from his neck Bokuto catches your lips with his in a passionate kiss, both of you being forced to stop when your smiles get to wide.
“Wait!” He suddenly exclaims, pulling his arms away and shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders before eagerly placing it around yours. You melt into the fabric as your enveloped in his scent, slipping your arms through the sleeves with a content smile.
“Sleepover?” You ask, laughing when he quickly nods.
“That was almost too easy.” Kuroo says as he watches you and Bokuto walk out with your arms around each other. He rest his chin on the railing of the platform above the court, glancing sideways to where Akaashi and Kenma sat beside him.
“They can’t stay away from each other long enough to actually break up.” Akaashi sighs, pushing off from the railing he leaned on, “I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this happened again though.”
“They seem happy together.” Kenma comments before viciously pressing buttons on his phone.
“How would you know? You didn’t look up at all!” Kuroo exclaims, tapping the top of his friends device.
“Hey, I was paying attention.”
“Sure you were.”
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ya-girl-mc · 4 years
Lips on Lips
Character: Kageyama Tobio × Fem Reader
Concept: Kageyama being the awkward babie that he is, has no idea how to kiss. Luckily, his girl's there to help him out (wholesome fluff!!)
A/N: So hiii,,, I finally took the plunge and decided to post my first fic here. Idk if anyone will actually read or like it, but I rly enjoyed writing this one 😅 so hope u will too
☆☆A mostly self-indulgent Haikyuu!! Fanfiction☆☆
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The ringing of the school bell signifying the end of final period had always been a highlight for the students of Karasuno High. Excited chatters filled the hallways as students pooled out of their classrooms, eager to pursue after-school activities with some making a beeline towards the exits.
As soon as the bell rang, Kageyama would usually head straight to the gym for volleyball practice, racing occasionally with Hinata as the 'quick-attack' duo turned every mundane activity into an opportunity to best the other. However, with club activities cancelled for the day, Kageyama had but one destination.
Completely oblivious to the wistful stares he got from some of the female students, his attention was fixated on only one of them as she made her way out of the classroom, her expression brightening as soon as she set her eyes on him.
His girlfriend.
Him and Y/N had known each other since middle school. What had formerly been the latter's unrequited love had now blossomed into a romantic relationship, with Kageyama eventually finding himself enamored by her as they reached high school. A couple of weeks have passed since then and everything was going great, if he could say so himself. Despite his intimidating demeanor, Kageyama did his utmost best to keep her happy, however, given his track record of social interactions, he was initially convinced that he would jeopardize their relationship. But, with Y/N’s assurance to accept him for who he is, his worries eventually dissipated.
Kageyama allowed himself the most subtle of smiles as she made her way to where he stood, looking up at him with bright eyes that he had come to adore. Completely unaware of the stares the other students threw their way, the couple continued to gaze at each other. "Tobio! No practice today?" She asked as she smiled at him.
"No, the gym's being cleaned. So, I was wondering..." He trailed off, fidgeting ever so slightly. "Do you want to go and hang out somewhere?"
At that exact moment, Hinata joined the forming group of interlopers as he witnessed his intimidating partner and sworn rival interact fondly with his significant other. Pretty soon, Tanaka and Nishinoya came across the crowd, easily spotting their tangerine-haired teammate. "What's up, Shoyo?" Nishinoya inquired.
Nodding in acknowledgement at his senpais, Hinata gestured to the couple. "It seems like Kageyama's asking her out on a date."
Tanaka let out an exasperated sigh. "It's still amazing that THAT guy managed to get a girlfriend before we did."
Sympathizing with his teammate, Nishinoya placed his hand atop Tanaka's shoulder. "And it seems like it just made his popularity shoot up. How unfair the world we live in is."
Shifting their attention back to the couple, Y/N happily responded to Kageyama's invitation. "Sure! How about at my house? My parents are out working so we'd have the house to ourselves the entire afternoon."
At her rather bold suggestion, jaws dropped in disbelief and with Kageyama completely unaware of its implications, nonchalantly accepted her invitation. "Sounds great."
Gleefully responding to his concurrence, Y/N excused herself and headed to the restroom, paying no attention to the incredulous stares that followed her. As soon as she was out of earshot, Hinata and Nishinoya scrambled towards him.
"KAGEYAMAAA!" Yelling in chorus, the duo tackled him as Tanaka proceeded to disperse the crowd.
Kageyama steadied his footing at the sudden attack, shooting his teammates an irked expression. "What was that for?"
Tanaka soon joined the trio and placed his arm around Kageyama's shoulder. "I can't believe it. Our Kageyama's finally entering the ultimate stage of manhood."
Puzzled by the sentiment, Kageyama jumped in surprise as Nishinoya slapped his lower back, his expression donning that of a proud father. "While we still can't stomach the idea of you getting there first, we salute you, comrade."
"What are you all getting so worked up about?"
Hinata gave his partner a knowing look. "You're about to hang out in a very private place with someone you're in a relationship with, it's basically a perfect situation to do THAT."
It suddenly dawned on Kageyama, his eyes widening as he began to panic, the trio watching him in disbelief. "Seriously, Baka-yama?!" Hinata exclaimed. "We both may be volleyball idiots but I can't believe that I know about more stuff in that area than you."
"Dumbass, don't compare me with the likes of you!" He growled as he harshly pinched Hinata's cheeks. In a state of uncharacteristic panic, Kageyama began pacing back and forth. "W-what should I do? It's not my intention to do THAT, it's way too early!"
"Let this senpai give you some wisdom." Nishinoya slapped Kageyama's shoulder, stilling his movements. "Listen, nothing good will come out of overthinking matters. You both just started dating after all, just trust your gut and let things flow naturally."
"Nishinoya-san..." Kageyama trailed off in thought as he digested the advice his senpai gave him.
"Noya-san SO COOL!" Hinata and Tanaka fawned over him in admiration.
At that moment, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi passed by the group. Without ceasing his stride, Tsukishima let out a lengthy sigh. "Nishinoya-san, you say that but got no experience to back it up."
Something snapped in Nishinoya as the cold, hard, and undeniable truth was given to him straight. "Ha? The hell did you say? Tsukishima, you bastard!" Nishinoya attempted to lunge at him, however, the trio scrambled to hold the seething libero back. Yamaguchi waved sheepishly at his teammates as Tsukishima held up a peace sign with his fingers which only seemed to rile up Nishinoya more.
Just then, Y/N emerged from the restroom and took in the shenanigans unfolding before her, amused yet relieved at the thought of Kageyama finally finding people he could feel comfortable with. It was a stark difference from how he was back in middle school as his peers isolated the so-called "King". Despite his reputation, Y/N saw through Kageyama and witnessed a sensitive yet unwavering person beneath. It was what drew her to him in the first place.
Shaking her head at how sentimental she had gotten, she approached the group and cleared her throat to catch their attention. She had become accustomed to the rowdiness of the volleyball team, especially with the uproar they caused when Kageyama formally introduced her to them. "Hi Hinata, Nishinoya-senpai, and Tanaka-senpai. Mind if I steal Tobio away?"
"Y/N-chan!" Hinata greeted cheerfully, letting go of Nishinoya's arm to push Kageyama towards her. "Sure, he's all yours."
He stumbled a bit as Y/N held his arm to steady him, giggling at the dagger-like glare he shot his partner. "Since when were you on a first name basis with her, dumbass?"
"Well then, we're off!" She chimed and pulled Kageyama away before he made any attempt to lunge at Hinata, waving gleefully at his teammates. "See you around!"
Bowing slightly at his senpais and shooting one last threatening glare at Hinata, Kageyama let Y/N lead him to the exits. Looking back once more, his expression turned to that of disdain at the enthusiastic thumbs-up his teammates gave him.
Once the couple was out of earshot, Nishinoya let out a whistle. "Damn, she's got Kageyama wrapped around her finger, huh? He better treasure her 'cause a girl like that's a keeper."
Nodding in agreement, the three of them fondly watched the retreating couple, silently cheering their setter on for what's to come.
"Pardon the intrusion!" Kageyama rigidly yelled to no one in particular as Y/N ushered him into her empty home. Settling himself down on the living room sofa while she headed to the kitchen, Kageyama tightly clasped his hands on his lap, not daring to move a single muscle.
To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He never felt this much nervousness before, not even during official matches as it only exhilarated him. But then, having devoted most of his life to volleyball, the dynamics of dating was somewhat uncharted territory for him.
Calm down, calm down. You're both alone in her home, with nothing to disturb you. It's just like what that idiot said, it's the ideal set-up for THAT. Is Y/N even aware? She invited me here so does that mean she wants to do...THAT?! Since when has she been that straight forward? And is she expecting me to initiate something?
Wait, don't get too ahead, that may not be her intention and maybe it's just that Tanaka-san, Nishinoya-san, and Hinata's minds are in the gutter and I'm letting them get to me. But what if she really wants to go THERE? Shit...I don't know what to do! Maybe I should look it up and do some research while she's-
"Tobio," Y/N’s sudden voice roused him from his spiraling thoughts as he flinched in surprise, nearly toppling the contents of the tray in her hands. "Hey! Geez, why are you so jumpy?" Setting down the tray of snacks on the table, she sat down next to him, and - to Kageyama's relief - allotted a reasonable distance between them as he definitely didn't want her finding out that he was on the verge of losing it.
But then again, this was his girlfriend. With a seemingly uncanny ability to see through his stoic persona, she just simply knew how to read and handle him. "So you're nervous, huh?"
Kageyama's eyes widened as he felt himself starting to sweat. "N-no, I'm not," he stuttered, practically giving himself away.
Letting out a nervous chuckle herself, Y/N placed her hands atop her lap, her posture stiffening. "Uh...well to be honest, I invited you here not with the purest of intentions."
Kageyama felt himself freeze, his face burning at her revelation. He kept his gaze trained on hers as he mustered up the courage to say something, anything.
Shit, so she definitely wants to do THAT.
As Kageyama kept staring at her dubiously, Y/N eventually caught on to what has rendered him speechless. Reevaluating her words, it was her turn to become flustered as she realized that they were barreling towards a huge misunderstanding. "N-no! Not THAT impure! Geez, it's way too soon for that! Ugh, how do I say this..."
Kageyama couldn't help but audibly sigh in relief, feeling like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. But if it's not about that, what's got her so bothered?
Keen on finding out the answer, he looked at her expectantly, watching as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Glancing momentarily at Kageyama, her cheeks burned as she forced herself to elaborate on her woes. "Well, it's just that we've been dating for a few weeks now and all we've done is hold hands."
As she fidgeted uncomfortably, Kageyama was intrigued as he prompted her to continue. "What do you mean?"
Okay Y/N, so far so good. This has been bothering you for some time now, just say it!
Tightening her grip on the hem of her skirt, she couldn't bring herself to look at Kageyama as she turned away, hiding her flustered expression from view. "I mean we haven't...k-kissed yet. So I was kind of overthinking lately that maybe...you didn't want to do that with me...?"
There! I finally said it, all that practice in front of the mirror seemed to pay off! But why isn't he saying anything?
As silence engulfed the room, Y/N subtly peered at Kageyama, taken aback at the aghast expression on his face. "Idiot! Why would you think that?"
Sighing in defeat, Kageyama eventually felt his cheeks heating up once more as he turned away, hiding his face in his hands. He couldn't help but feel guilty since his girlfriend was compelled to harbor those thoughts...well...because of him. After pausing momentarily, it was his turn to shy away. "S-sorry. It's not you, I promise. I've never been in a relationship before so I have no idea how to...k-kiss. And, I was afraid that if I try to do it and I do it wrong...you might not like me anymore."
There! You finally said it, Tobio - albeit quite lamely.
At his unexpected confession, it was Y/N's turn to gape at him as she processed his words.
The hell? What the hell was that cuteness?!
Kageyama usually carried himself with confidence and a subtle tinge of superiority. Seeing this whole new side of him was pretty bad for her heart, as her pride also swelled at the thought that she was one of the few people able to witness this endearing side of him. "Awww, Tobio!" Y/N swooned, scooching closer as she gave him a sideways-hug. Kageyama jumped at the sudden contact as he looked down at his girlfriend, his cheeks seeming to grow even warmer. "That awkwardness of yours is what makes you so adorable!"
"A-adorable?!" He reiterated aghastly.
She put a little distance between them once more which allowed her eyes to met his. "Yeah, I said what I said. So what if you don't know how to kiss? That won't change my feelings for you. I told you, right? That I'll always like you."
It was still pretty amazing how much her words affected him as he felt his insecurities gradually crumble away. Unable to find the right words, Kageyama wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close instead, hoping that that simple gesture was more than enough to convey his feelings.
After a few moments of tranquil silence, Y/N pulled back from the hug and faced him, her cheeks donning a bright shade of pink. "Say, Tobio…w-would you like to try to kiss?"
Gulping audibly, Kageyama shifted to mirror her sitting position. "O-okay." Completely at a loss at what to do, he shut his eyes tightly. With lips subtly pursed, he awaited for the much-anticipated contact, but instead, Y/N's giggling caused his eyes to fly open. "Why are you laughing?!"
"You're too adorable! Geez what am I going to do with you?" She tried to say through her laughter, stopping as soon as she noticed the irked expression he threw her.
Now that's just unfair. He's even cuter!
Clearing her throat, Y/N decided to take matters into her own hands. She scooted closer to him and recounting on all the "research" she's done, she clasped both of his hands in hers. "Where do you want to touch me?" Letting out a shaky breath, she guided his hands towards her face. "Here?" Following suit, Kageyama then found his hands on either side of her waist in one smooth motion. "Or here?"
His hands were shaking pretty badly due to nervousness, and while he was sure she could notice, she didn't pay it any attention. "T-the face," he managed to reply, gently cradling her face in his hands as the space in-between them decreased.
His hands were huge and warm against her cheeks as she leaned into its warmth. Fixating her eyes on his, Y/N proceeded to instruct him. "Now, let's try moving our faces closer until our lips touch. And close your eyes, idiot!"
Both of their hearts were going haywire as the distance between them decreased. Y/N’s eyes have fluttered close and Kageyama followed suit, steeling himself as he awaited for contact. With their lips mere centimeters away, Kageyama felt his nose bump against hers and he drew back in a panic, blushing furiously as he did. "I-I'm sorry, I messed up!"
Ugh, I swear to God this cuteness of his will definitely be the death of me someday!
Refraining herself from giggling at his embarrassed state, Y/N took his hands and placed them once more on either side of her face. "Let's try again, and uh, let's move our heads in the opposite direction. I'll go left, you go right."
Unable to speak as the nerves began building up once more, he simply nodded, the atmosphere suddenly shifting as they locked gazes. Little by little, their faces drew closer and closer, and Kageyama took the opportunity to admire her features amid their current proximity. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her cheeks faintly tinted, and her lips parted slightly as they anticipated his. At that moment, he found her utterly captivating and his eyes fluttered close. With all the courage he could muster, he finally pressed his lips on hers.
The contact was subtle, featherlight, and only lasted a second, but it was more than enough to send their hearts into overdrive. He slowly drew back and found her staring at him with wide eyes, her breathing hitching as she finally came into terms with reality.
H-he actually did it...we kissed. We finally kissed. All those shoujo manga describing the thrill of the first kiss - it comes nothing close to actually experiencing it for yourself.
Mirroring her flustered state, Kageyama slightly increased the distance between them, his eyes darting away from hers. "H-how was that?"
Dropping his hands from her face, Y/N's fingers lightly grazed the spot where his lips met hers, recounting on the enthralling sensation. "My heart feels like it's about to explode."
"Same here," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, still quite embarrassed.
"Uhm, can we do it a bit harder?" She requested in a voice so soft he almost didn't catch it. But he did hear, and his heart began racing uncontrollably as a result. Y/N sensed what she assumed was his apprehension and chuckled awkwardly, berating herself for being a bit too wanton. "Is that a weird thing to ask?"
"It's not." Kageyama's reply was a bit too immediate in an attempt to reassure her, but he once more found himself spiraling internally.
Letting out a sigh of relief and with every ounce of confidence she could muster, Y/N wrapped her arms around Kageyama's neck and pulled him towards her, their faces in such close proximity. Too surprised to respond, he simply stared back at her, his hands naturally finding their way around her waist. Her breath tickled his lips, whispering ever so slightly against them. "Follow my lead."
Their lips met once again, but it was different from the one they shared earlier. With an increase in pressure, he could feel just how soft her lips were, and pretty soon, he felt them moving against his. His heart literally close to bursting, he recalled the advice Nishinoya shared with him.
Trust my gut, huh?
Finally letting go of all of his inhibitions, he allowed his lips to move against hers naturally, his eyes fluttering shut as he reveled in the sensations. It was unbelievably sweet yet exhilarating at the same time, both of them losing themselves into the kiss. Neither wanted the moment to end but Y/N was the first to pull away as she panted slightly. Eyes fluttering open, they both smiled sheepishly, their foreheads pressing against each other. "So, how was it?"
"Better, I liked the second one better," Kageyama stated, no longer feeling as much embarrassed as he did earlier. "Where did you learn to do that?"
At his inquiry, Y/N drew back slightly and dropped her gaze, fidgeting once more. "Uh...research?" Her vague answer seemed a bit suspicious, and with Kageyama shooting her an inquisitive look, she groaned and buried her face in a pillow. "Fine! I read a lot of shoujo manga, okay? You happy?!"
"Pfftt," Kageyama couldn't help but sputter out and pretty soon, he was laughing uncontrollably as he clutched his stomach.
Too annoyed by his mirth to swoon over how adorable Kageyama was when he laughed like this, she grabbed the pillow and began hitting him. "So what of it?! The kiss turned out fine didn't it? Stupid Tobio! Idiot! Idiot!" All of a sudden, Kageyama stilled her movements as he leaned over and pecked her lips, both of them blushing profusely at the sudden gesture.
"Hey Y/N, I'd like it if maybe we practice some more?"
"You sneaky little..." Still slightly reeling from his surprise attack, Y/N looked away in embarrassment. "I'd have no problems with that...I guess."
And with that, the rest of their afternoon was filled with banter, laughs, and with a few stolen kisses here and there.
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hinac0lada · 4 years
make it with you
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: kageyama tobio/reader 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: another song inspired fic. ben&ben rly out here doing the best. hearts out for best boy hehe. this is another attempt at fluff so,, feedback would be nice. <3 [ graphic by me not exactly proud of it hnnng ]
kageyama treasures every moment he has with you. he thinks every second, minute and hour counts. time wasn’t very forgiving, after all. he likes that you can see pass through him and accept him. in spite of the rough exterior you’ve come across before forming a friendship with the hotheaded setter, you personally think that being close to karasuno’s genius player was a notable achievement in itself.
kageyama has become somewhat comfortable around you. he tends to sputter his words, which was unlike the milk lover boy. he’s less awkward and more open with his thoughts around you. he likes how you keep him company - something he wouldn’t dare admit out loud; for he suspects his team mates would never let him live it down, especially a certain short carrot-colored haired teen.
even with that said, time wasn’t going to be generous with him if he continues this charade of growing infatuation with his senior.
morning classes were always dull. the raven haired teen doesn’t have the urge to dwell on about the slow ticks of the clock plastered on the wall atop the chalkboard. time goes at a normal pace. a relatively slow one at that. nothing is indefinite. it’s just how things are.
he sticks to a routine he’s developed as days have come by. after classes he changes into his gym uniform, does training in the gym, back to academics and repeat. fair matches come by and go as they prepare for nationals. he’s not nervous (well, maybe a little). he anticipates the day it were to come.
he doesn’t doubt his skills. he doesn’t doubt his team mates will lead them to victory. he doesn’t doubt hinata, either. he knows he’s done his fair share of growth.
it was just enough for him.
everything he’s ever done didn’t come without a barrier blocking him from achieving his goal. his rigid endeavours come with a blend of synergy and control. it tears him to maintain balance between the two attributes. enrolling in karasuno taught him differently than the way he was treated in junior high.
he made friends along the way. friends who saw through his previous arrogant demeanor and desire to surpass the very best.
he’s learned unity.
he appears to have a weird thing for whenever he has spare time or when he does something outside of the volleyball club. during lunch break, he manages to always catch you alone near the vending machines, scribbling away in a little notebook you carry around with you. neither of you acknowledged the other at first, seeing as how he only aims to get a carton of milk to quench his thirst.
the first time you spoke to him was when you required critique from someone for your project. it was due your next class, so you asked the person closest to you, even if you didn’t know who he was.
“excuse me, could i spare some time from you for a moment?” you called out to the ravenette, who glances your way with a confused expression. he gets closer all the while still sipping on the same carton of milk he always buys on the vending machine. “uh, hey?” 
“sorry, but could i get your opinion on this? it’s important,” you ask sheepishly, turning your notebook around with a mini-canvas on top. you’ve used your notebook as some kind of surface to draw on for your work. the taller teen gazes upon the canvas painted with vibrant colors mixing with one another in a delicate manner. it was a fine piece, even though he didn’t really get the meaning behind it. the oil paints overlapped each other, creating a rough yet nice texture for the imagery you’ve chosen to depict on the media. “it’s.. good.” he awkwardly stammers.
“huh? is that all you’re going to say?” your lips was pulled into a small frown, dejected at the dry comment he stated. “tell me more! maybe there’s something wrong with it - or maybe yet, something’s missing from this? should i add some other details or─ ”
“h-hey, no need for that!” he interrupts with a small scowl. he didn’t mean to have that kind of expression, but you were fussing over nothing. “it.. it looks great. i think you just need to fix that part over here,” he points to one messy part of the painting. “it looks all bundled up and confusing.” you beam at this, grinning at the puzzled and stiff teen. “aha! thanks so much, milk boy! i owe you for this!” and with that, you scurried off to the main building.
kageyama was left in a trance. what had transpired left him puzzled, a bit flustered and something else he couldn’t fathom. 
he did feel a bit irked at the name milk boy. 
“no, that’s wrong kageyama-kun. it’s supposed to say ‘enormity’, not ‘ennourmity’.” you scold him lightly as you corrected his mistake on spelling. he isn’t that good at english, so he turned to you for help. he’d rather ask you to assist him than beg tsukishima to tutor him again.
it’s been a couple of weeks since you first interacted. somehow, you’ve gotten close with your underclassman. with the promise of owing the setter for (not much, in his opinion) his helpful incite, you brought some pork buns as a treat. since then, you’ve practically hung out during lunch break. it appears as though you don’t hang out outside of these breaks, but why question a good thing?
“ah, i see. sorry.” was his nonchalant reply. you pout, reaching for his ears and tug them lightly but harsh enough. he makes a surprised noise of protest, narrowing his eyes at you. “oi, what was that for?” he holds up his thumb and index finger to numb the little burning itch on his right ear.
“you always seem so bland! show some emotion will you?” you giggle at his baffled expression. he rolls his eyes at this. “i’m not bland, dumbass. i do show emotions, in case you didn’t know─” 
“yeah, you only show emotions whenever you’re angry, bakageyama!” you duck your head as he attempts to swing his arm at you. you stick your tongue out at him, scampering away when he gives chase. it was fun teasing the first year. he seems so tense and so awkward. he needs to loosen up a little.
“HAHAHAH─ okay, okay! i give, i give!!” you squeal as you’ve been backed into a corner, his hand still has that strong grip on your head. you attempt to move his hand - slapping it even, but he wouldn’t budge.”bakageyama-kun, is that any way to treat your senior?”
“for a senior, you sure do act childish,” before lifting his hand, he manages to mess your hair up from its initial neat state, making you groan at him. he returns to where you both sat, picking up his things and stuffing them back into his bag. “ha? where you going kageyama-kun?” you inquire as you brush some array strands of hair back down with your fingers.
“i have practice next. you should get back too, [last name]-senpai,” he hands you your bag, walking past you. “oh. well, ask me again if you need help anytime soon!” he nods in affirmation, waving a goodbye as went on your separate ways. he stops by the vending machine, only to discover there weren’t any milk boxes left. he sighs in dejection, opting to trudge along the steps to the gym to change into his gym clothes.
setting his bag down, he feels something rectangular and hard through his bundle of clothes. taking it out, he discovers it was a milk carton with a sticky note on it.
‘remember to work on your english more, kage-kun!   - your smart senpai, [name] :P’
he didn’t know when you’d sneak this inside his bag without him knowing, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
kageyama swings by your usual spot, looking even more tired than usual. he says it was nothing, focusing on completing his needed lesson for the day. you try to tell him you could tutor him another time, but he insists it was not a problem. it’s hard to constantly look out for him when he looks like he’s about to pass out.
“kageyama-kun, i really suggest you should take it easy. i mean, look at you! are you even getting enough sleep? are you eating well?” your concern over him makes his heart flutter, but he couldn’t focus on that when his vision started getting all fuzzy. “it’s nothing i─” he cuts himself off with a yawn, tears slightly forming at the corner of his eyes. he must not realize his own fatigue, yet he doesn’t want to listen.
“i still have practice..”
“no, you don’t.”
you decide to stop the work you previously helped him on, cleaning up your things and packing them inside your respective bags. he watches you silently, fighting the urge to pass out. he’s been pushing himself a little too hard. he practiced with hinata the other night to work on their new quick that he must’ve not known how much time has passed. he usually does this though, so he doesn’t understand why he feels much more tired and sleepy.
he doesn’t know how and he feels too drowsy to question why he ended up in the school clinic with you by his side. he promptly passed out on the bed as you got there. you’d have to stop by the gym to tell them of kageyama’s absence. honestly, this boy can be too much for you sometimes.
despite knowing you have your own club to get to, something in you doesn’t want to leave his side. but you’d get scolded if you skipped out. 
you went back to your usual spot near the vending machine, popping in a few coins and purchasing your selected drinks. smiling, you skipped back to the clinic, placing kageyama’s favorite drink on the table on the opposite side of the bed. you pulled out another sticky note, writing a short message and sticking it on the small carton.
sighing, you picked up your things, stopping by the door to give the sleeping male one last glance before heading to your club.
‘don’t go passing out during your matches, okay? - your caring senpai, [name] >:)’
“you know, you’re the first person i ever let watch while i do my work,” you give him a small smile as he pays close attention on your canvas. you both had free time today, so you hung out at a nearby park. he’s bought some snacks along while you brought your art supplies with you. he watches you intently as you recreate the image in front of you; grassy field, trees blending in the background on the left side while the sun was nearing dawn. it was beautiful picture.
“oh.” he says dumbfounded. you don’t give a sign of acknowledgement as you went silent, intent on finishing this piece.
“you’re the first person i can be.. more open to,” he pauses. “i mean, like.. i can tell you anything without being judged for it. and i’m grateful.”
you focus on the painting breaks, glancing at him beside you. you smile at his words. he can be sweet when he wants to be, in his own way at least.
“and i’m honored.” you gaze returns to the canvas.
minutes after you finished, you set it aside to dry. you placed your dirty paint brushes in a plastic, mentally reminding yourself to clean them when you get home before finally focusing on the male in front of you. you made small talk. it didn’t matter which topic it lead to, talking with kageyama was nice. he wasn’t as dull as you thought he was, and he didn’t think you were too annoying.
as you ate your favorite snack, he mutters something underneath his breath, the tips of his ears glowing a light red. “hm? what is it?” you lean closer to him, wanting to know what he was going to say.
“.. i said thanks. for those milk cartons you’ve bought for me the past few days.” he mumbles as he avoids your gaze. he had been wanting to thank you for a while. even though he did so already, he still felt flustered. it appears he’s learned the term of having a crush shortly after spending a hefty amount of time with you.
he's adorable, you think. it was probably rare to see him like this. you chuckle at him, unwrapping your snack to finish the rest of it.
“it’s not a problem at all, kageyama-kun.”
karasuno wins the game by two sets. kageyama glances at the stands above, eyes scanning the crowd for a specific [h.c] haired female. you promised you’d watch his game. and you did. his eyes met yours, navy blue clashing with [e.c] irises. you beam from the stands, waving your arms wildly at their victory.
“great job, kageyama-kun!! i knew you had it in you!” the third years share a knowing look. nishinoya and tanaka pat his back albeit a bit too hard in pride with a few teasing comments. his other fellow first years snicker at his flabbergasted expression that was quickly replaced by his usual scowl. 
despite being teased by his team and gaining even more snarky remarks from tsukishima, you coming to watch him play was more than a victory for him.
kageyama, while rummaging through the bag he uses to store spare clothes and his uniforms, feels yet another soft and hard materials from his belongings. he pulls out a small carton of milk along with a plastic filled with his favorite snacks.
‘good luck on your game today! i know you’ll do great! - your loving senpai, [name] <3′
to him, you were more than enough.
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camisaido · 6 years
hoo here we go im so pumped hq chapter 328
alriiiight the match is starting
o h  m y  g o d
okay so I was half right 
krkn are watching
but the rest of nekoma is gone
how dare 
im so insulted
but well anyways kuro and kenma are watching 
kuro looks pensive and kenma has rly huge eyebags
the announcer yelling some bullshit as per usual
*akaashi voice* hooooo
wow an actual owl
shit im tearing up bo
hes flashing back to all the people who played in the past few matches
kenma looks so beautiful in bo’s eyes
wild and smiling and his eyes are so big and glinting 
wow I cant believe bokenma is canon
flashback to the worse miya twin 
ugh what a bitch
he calls kageyama ‘tobio-chan” 
hes literally not allowed?? only oikawa is
and hes gonna be there next year cause hes a second year hh
kuro yaku and kai
tora and lev crying
wow ty bo
cant forget tobio himself hair doing that creepy shadow in eyes thing
bokuto koutarou is making me emotional
akaashiiiiii ilysm
ohh this entire arc is gonna be abt aces and bokuto not being top three but still proving how amazing he is im calling it rn
oh my god
I thought 
for a fleeting moment
that bo was gonna say something uncharacteristically profound 
but no
and yes
an entire page dedicated to the stadium being confused af and the fukurodani guys rolling their eyes
‘is he even speaking our language anymore’
“its bokuto lingo”
sjsjsjsjsj im crying I love these guys
the fukurodani manager changed??? yuuki left??? im
im gonna collapse this it this is the end leave a coin in my coffin
 anyways bo just wanted to have the word ‘top’ in his one-liner
bc hes a top
yamaguchi “the fukurodani match seems to have started!”
hinata “ mY mEntOr”
what an idiot
hh hinata just watch the match stop practicing u loser
oh wait 3rd day hell
yoo its starting
oh the intro to the players
I can actually remember the players now 
ah its started
and I bet you anything itll be akaashi’s pov half the time and occasionally kiryuu as he obsesses over bo 
I missed this so much :(((
I missed hIM
*akaashi voice* wow bokuto-san is,, in such,, gOOD SHAPE
itll be good to give him the first shot
yes u r right u funky lil intellectual setter
..o ok no hes not setting to bo 
whats a commit block
so daishou and mika-chan and blondie and his pretty crush have a new addition in the couples watching and commenting on the game to explain volleyball to us readers who mostly know nothing except what hq taught us
ok so they have freaky blockers
akaashi: sorry,, I was overthinking 
hell fucking yeah u were bitch ur not funky anymore
bo: when u didnt toss to me I thought ‘I see how it is’
wait what
“the quarter of the final” shut ur fuck
I already hate usuri
huh wakatsu’s wearing sleeves? cool
kenma looks like hes thinking abt things
kn ”is mujinazaka’s setter famous?”
kr ”no ive never heard of him before” 
the ending line is “is it the quiet ones we should watch out for???”
it is
kenma is a living example
akaashi will catch on to the setters evil plotting soon I have faith
hhhhhhhhh im so excited for the next chapter also what happened to tanakas gf
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