#he probably genuinly looked very cute when he snuggled into the jacket
deathfavor · 7 months
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@kisumshi said: [ jacket ] dorahan cos hanma is a chilly bitch
prompts for ordinary things that feel intimate [ jacket ] sender takes their jacket off and hangs it on receiver's shoulders
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Hanma has no love for the winter and he makes no effort to conceal his distaste for it. Sometimes its a muttered why is it so fucking cold?, other times its just a grumpy look whenever he has to go outside and away from the warmth that he has available. And as lovely as Draken's company is, it's not exactly keeping away the nighttime chill.
Maybe it's because Hanma had spent too much time at the mercy of winter and its bitter winds when he was younger. Maybe it's because the reaper doesn't like to feel as cold physically as he does in his chest. He already knows how hollow he is. He doesn't need an unpleasant reminder of it in this way too. Or maybe Hanma just hates it the same way people hate certain colors and smells. Just because. Just because it goes against some internal code.
He's pretty sure there's a joke that could be made somehow. Of course a zombie would like heat more. Which is actually untrue considering both excessive heat and cold were both bad for a decomposing corpse - which is all a zombie really was. But they do like fresh things more he supposes, so the joke more or less still fits. He's too busy sulking over the growing chill to find it though. He'll leave that to Draken, or leave it unsaid of neither of them comment on it.
Hanma's too busy in his own thoughts to really notice when Draken starts to move beside him. There's a far away look in his eyes, bottom lip caught and worked between his teeth in a mindless gesture as he allows a slow river of thoughts to drag him around. It's not a side of Hanma that many people see. His loud, mocking, irritating side is well known. Even his apathetic or bored side is somewhat common. But this ghost like visage is rarer ; like Hanma will disappear with the morning light when the sun dawns in seven hours.
He feels the weight of the jacket on his shoulders, and it yanks him back into now. He looks down, bewildered to find a jacket draped over his shoulders. He lifts his head, his earring softly clanking with the gesture as he looks to see Draken as the generous benefactor. Hanma doesn't hesitate much longer before he's pulling the jacket on properly, an unconscious sigh of relief and comfort filling the space. It's warm - both because it's a proper jacket for this weather, and from Draken's body heat. It's oddly soothing beyond just what a jacket should be able to do. He snuggles into it, amber eyes gleaming with satisfaction like a hungry animal that's just gotten a filet mignon rather than mere scraps.
" Your generosity is truly appreciated, Draken. Want a thank you kiss ~ ? " He grins, voice shifting to its usual melodic, playful tone. Hanma leans against him - first lightly, and then slowly allowing more of his body weight to be supported by him. But then he simply tucks his head against Draken's shoulder. " You really are too nice. " His voice drops the act, sinking to a deeper and more somber sound, But there's still a faint smile on his lips.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 7 years
Modern AU Sansan HC’s
How this this not canon yet???
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Ned at Cat know nothing
Their innocent good Sansa dating gruff, burned and tatted Sandor
Arya, Jon and Robb know
Robb threatened Sandor, saying he;d get real hurt if he’d harm Sansa in anyway
Sandor laughed him in the fucking face
He treats her like a goddess
Jeyne and Margeary always cover for Sansa when she is staying at Sandor’s place
Like, almost everyone know about the two, but no one even bothers to tell Cat and Ned
Sansa should be glad her parents are not very social media savey with the amount of pictures she posts on instagram that feature Sandor
Sandor is soft AF for Lady and Sansa loves it
The only reason Arya covers for Sansa when Cat or Ned ask about anything is because Sandor teaches her kickboxing
A lot of girls asked Sansa why she’s dating Sandor when she used to be with Joff and could likely get half the boys on campus
Sansa always answers ‘Only a dog can handle a direwolf’
Her friends are always so embarassed when she does this
Sansa is a secret freak
And Sandor is all in for it
Sandor is a secret softy
He loves everything Sansa does
He can fall asleep to her singing
But will also stay awake half the night to look over her, making sure she sleeps soundly
He totes beat up Ramsay when Sansa asked
Sansa has shown up at home in his leather jackets once or twice and kinda told Cat it was Loras’, so now Cat has high hopes her daughter is dating Loras Tyrell
This is quite the joke in Sansa’s friendgroup
Eddard ‘Why is my daughter suddenly on birthcontrol’ Stark
Rickon idolizes Sandor and Sansa is sometimes tempted to tell her little brother
Benjen and Lyanna both know, but they don’t fancy stressing Ned out and ruining the good thing Sansa has with Sandor
Because fuck is what they have good
They understand each other so well
Sandor genuinly LOVES Sansa with all his heart
Most people understand
‘My dear Sansa, with him you have made a great choise. He might not be dashingly handsome like your truly, but you know you have his heart in the palm of your hand. And I am sure he is kinky as fuck.’
Sandor lives near campus, so Sansa is there, like every free hour
Her parents think she takes part in a lot of extracuricular activities after school
The only extracuricular activities she will be doing will be cuddling and sexing Sandor
As much as Sandor loves bedroom activities, he is so fucking fond of snuggling Sansa
He calls her Foxy lady
They have the same sense of humor and tend to laugh a lot together
Movie nights are totally Sansa’s fav
They are actually a very active couple
They go out for hikes when they can
Sandor mostly convinces Sansa to join the kick box sesh when Arya’s over
They go to the gym together, Sandor lifts and Sansa does cargio or Yoga
Sansa’s probably one of the fittest girls on campus
He buys her flowers at least once a week
And yes Sansa is so in love with thim too
Because she sees his heart of hearts rather than his looks
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