#he popped his pussie so severely it caused a landslide
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nururu · 2 years ago
someone posted zoros king of hell moment on tiktok so I watched it before watching the ep and....................... my fucking wife..........
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artificialqueens · 6 years ago
You Better Werq, part 1 (Branjie) - Q-tip & TheDane
Welcome to this new series from Q-tip and I! It takes place in the same world as our other work, Cruising for a bruising, so please enjoy this Werq the World adventure, as we travel around Europe!
“Do you think it’ll cause problems?”
“What will?
“You being here together? If you haven’t seen each other much?”
“Well we almost broke up on a 10 day cruise.” Brooke smiles. “So what could possibly go wrong when we have 12 countries and 22 days?”
Brooke wasn’t really sure what he had expected when he had arrived in Barajas International Airport in Madrid. He had read his contract over well, knew exactly what was expected of him as he did his first tour with Werq the World abroad. WtW Europe 2020 would be his last public appearance as current reigning, and though Brooke was sad it was coming to an end, it was also a relief that his year was almost over.
What Brooke had forgotten however, was the footnote that WoW presents had commissioned a documentary of the tour, Voss Events agreeing to let a man join the almost 30 person crew for the 22 days the tour would take.
To have a camera showed in his face, the sun just rising, after he had spent 11 hours flying in from L.A, was not exactly at the top of the list of things he was interested in right now.
Brooke had rushed from appointment to appointment in L.A, flying from fitting to fitting on new costumes since he was actually home, touching base from his just finished Canada trip to make sure every loose end was tied up before he went to Europe. Brooke had juggled it all, on top of packing everything Vanjie had forgotten in their L.A home, barely cuddling the cats and Riley and making sure Courtney who had followed him from Canada had everything she needed to be their house sitter for the next month.
“So.” Brooke looked into the camera, a man who had introduced himself as Jasper Rischen, holding it up. He looked sweet, brown eyes, short hair, but he could also be anywhere between 15 and 35. “I didn’t expect this whole thing to start so soon.”
Jasper moved slightly, allowing Brooke to see his face. “Is it making you uncomfortable?”
“Oh, no! No.” Brooke held out his hand, his handler Liam already taking his suitcases away. “It was just a long flight.”
Brooke knew WOW had paid for a documentary, that Jasper would be following them around, even sleeping on their bus instead of the crewbus, but it still made him feel on edge.
“Are you going to be following me this entire time?”
Brooke wished he had done more with his hair, or at least not worn the workout pants Vanjie had tried to throw out several times telling him that they were basically trash, which Brooke knew very well. They were, however, also comfortable and lived in, and Brooke hadn’t exactly expected a camera to be shoved in his face the moment he landed.
“Follow all of you.” Jasper smiled.
“Well, we better get going then, huh?” Brooke grabbed his duffle, life on the road truly starting again.
Brooke sits in a car, backlight illuminating his blonde hair as it drives through the streets of Madrid.
“How I feel about this tour?” Brooke is turning his phone, flipping it back and forth between his fingers. “Excited. A little nervous.” Brooke laughs, his nose scrunching. “It’s going to be a lot.” He sits, looking out the window. “This is going to be a new experience for me. I like my independence, I like being my own boss, and if there is one thing that you are not while on tour, it’s the boss.”
Images of Brooke performing fly over the screen, Brooke truly coming alive under the stage lights, the crowd.
“Not that I ever am, when Jose is around.”
“How does it feel to know that you have to pass on your crown?
Brooke looks thoughtful. “Strange.” He pauses. “I’ve already done it once before, giving up a crown I mean, but Drag Race is a totally different experience from Miss Continental.” Brooke leaned back. “Of course it’s sad to say goodbye, but I have to admit I’m also excited at the thought of having time to sleep, see our pets and finally go on the vacation to Aruba I promised Jose on the show.” Brooke laughs, his face lighting up. “We haven’t seen each other much lately.”
“Do you think it’ll cause problems?”
“What will?
“You being here together? If you haven’t seen each other much?”
“Well we almost broke up on a 10 day cruise.” Brooke smiles. “So what could possibly go wrong when we have 12 countries and 22 days?”
“So we have to go left, then right?” Vanjie looked at Chancellor, their main choreographer, lifting a brow. “Or is it the other way around?”
“It’s left, left right.”
“Cool. Cool cool cool.” Vanjie grabbed his water, wiping his forehead, when he heard the best sound in the universe, Brooke’s warm voice yelling out a ‘hello hello hello’!
“Brock!!” Vanjie shot down from the stage, leaving both Detox, Asia and Kim Chi high and dry. He ran towards the door without a shred of shame, jumping directly into the arms of his boyfriend who had barely stepped inside the rehearsal space, Brooke surrounded by suitcases. “You’re here!”
“Hey boo.” Brooke laughed, holding Vanjie without a choice as he had thrown his legs around Brooke, clinging to him like a koala bear, hanging onto him as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. “Did you miss me?” Brooke’s eyes sparkled with mischief, the blue orbs watching every inch of Vanjies face. He hadn’t seen Brooke in 6 days, he and Asia doing a two day gig with Porn Idol London before they had both flown to Madrid earlier in the morning.
“Bitch you know I did.”
Vanjie grabbed Brooke’s hair, only briefly registering the camera that was hanging back, clearly filming everything, but he was a man with needs, and as long as he had heard no ho telling him to keep it PG-13, he was going to kiss his boo liked he deserved.
Kissing Brooke was wonderful, his lips soft and full, and Vanjie smiled into the kiss, the fresh taste of mint dancing on their tongues, Brooke without a doubt popping one in the taxi before throwing on new deodorant too, his prime canadian beef thoughtful like that. Vanjie was about to go in for a second filling, when a hand forced its way between their faces, Detox effectively cutting them apart. “Okay, that’s enough. This isn’t that kind of show.”
Detox laughed, clearly not giving a fuck that Vanjie was yelling. Brooke transferred Vanjie to his hip, a surge of warmth rushing through Vanjie at how easily he was handled, Brooke carrying him as if he weighed nothing.
“You gotta share girl, can’t keep Brooke all to yourself.”
“I can keep him exactly where I want!”
Detox laughed, putting an arm around Brooke to get his own hug, nearly hitting Vanjie in the head, but Brooke just smiled, readily accepting the love from one of his closests drag friends.
“It’s not gonna be a problem.”
Detox snorted, clearly not believing Brooke’s low rumble. Jasper had lost interest, the man moving across the room and to the stage, filming away at Kim Chi who was getting a special lesson from Chancellor. The latinax paying intense attention to where Kim Chi’s feet where, and Vanjie knew it wasn’t without right, Kim falling almost as many times as Aquaria during last years Werq.
“If I know any of you whores right, it will be.”
“D, since when have you become such a prude?” Brooke smirked, his hand firmly planted under Vanjies tank top, spread out against his skin. It was hot in Madrid, Vanjie knowing he had to be damp from the rehearsals, Brandon Voss arranging this bootcamp for that exact reason. Madrid the perfect climate to get the queens into gear, on the same beat, force them to work in the heat that will be unavoidable, and to give them a chance to get to know their back up dancers before they hit the road. Vanjie had already run through his first number, a tongue in cheek performance of a Milkshakes remix, props and all, with the two dancers that were his primary ones.
“I’m merely saying that  while I have seen the goods.” Detox’s eyes ran over Brooke’s body, Brooke nearly choking on a laugh. “I’d like to keep all sucking noises, pussy poppins and van jams to a minimum.”
“Bitch when have you seen the goods?!”
“You know what they say.” Detox released Brooke, a big smile playing on his lips. “Sister dick will make you sick.” Detox slapped Vanjie’s thigh, turning around and walking back towards the stage.
Brooke made a move to put Vanjie down, but Vanjie only clung to him further, throwing his arms around his neck.
“Nu-uh.” It had only been 6 days since they had last seen each other, but it somehow felt like a lifetime. They had dated for almost 2 years, Brooke inching into the last weeks of his reign. Vanjie could smell the warmth of the cologne he had gotten Brooke for Christmas, the ever so familiar scent of sweat and what was so uniquely Brooke just underneath. They had both been booked for the finale taping only 2 weeks after coming back, Brooke’s fittings with the designer he had chosen from the landslide in his inbox the only reason he had even touched down at home. It was infuriating that Brooke hadn’t told him anything about his finale look, hadn’t even shared what colors he was going for, but Brooke had laughingly told Vanjie that he would consider sharing something that big when he had seen Vanjie keep something as simple as a birthday present a secret, which he guessed was a fair enough reason.
“Did you bring my shoes?”
Brooke laughed, sitting down on one of the audience seats, grabbing the gym bag he was still carrying and opening it with one hand. “Here.”
Vanjie yelled in delight, Brooke handing him a pair of sneakers still in the box, everyone momentarily stopping on stage to make sure Vanjie was okay, all of them resuming when they saw Vanjie tearing into the wrapping.  
The sneakers were perfect, so crispy white they looked like new fallen snow.
“Biiiitch!” Vanjie immediately stood up, toeing off the Adidas he was wearing to pull on the brand new Nike’s he had ordered online while on the road. Online shopping was one of his favorite activities, favorite distractions, whenever he was spending long and often lonely nights in anonymous hotel rooms after club gigs that left his ears ringing from fan screams and the heavy bass.
“Look how fucking fresh I look!” Vanjie turned back and forth, parading his new kicks.
“Real fresh.” Brooke laughed, crooking an eyebrow at Vanjie’s antics.
“Thanks babe!”
“Next time, can you please have them delivered when you’re actually home? It was an absolute nightmare squishing pickup in.”
“They’re limited edition.” Vanjie said, though the look on Brooke’s face told him it apparently wasn’t enough of an explanation. “I didn’t want some lobby boy nicking them if I got them sent to a hotel. Besides,” Vanjie sat down in Brooke’s lap, taking his head in his hands. “Imma pay you real good for your Canadian Express delivery. Give you a real nice tip.”
“Yup.” Vanjie popped the p, pressing their lips together for another round of deep kisses, when they were interrupted by a call, Chancellor yelling for Brooke. His dancer was finally ready for rehearsals as Kim Chi had just finished. Brooke stood up, shedding his hoodie and throwing it on a seat, already halfway on the stage when Vanjie picked it up and threw it on, pulling it up the hood to watch his man practice on stage.
“Are you gonna snitch on me if I smoke?” Detox smiles, his eyes looking just left of the camera. “Good.” Detox lit up, his pink claws a natural part of his hand. Detox is in an alley, an orange shirt somewhat clashing with his hair. “Do you smoke?”
“You better start.” Detox laughs. In the background, Kim Chi opens the stage door and slips out, a bottle of cola in hand. “We all need someway to escape this madness.”
“You think this tour is going to be madness?”
Kim Chi laughs, moves next to Detox, who throws an arm around him. “Let me give you my predictions.” Kim Chi holds up a finger. “Violet and Valentina is going to be late for every meet and greet.” Detox nods. “Detox is gonna be mad that Valentina is late for every meet and greet.”
“Vanjie is gonna fight someone just cause.“ Kim Chi counts. “A’keria is gonna look amazing as always, Brooke will be utter perfection and the cause of at least one Vanjie related breakdown, and Shangela is gonna get lost at least twice.”
“Kim here is the unofficial employee of the month.” Detox laughs. “They all love her. Model citizen and all, but watch out. Her shade is deadlier than her farts.” Detox pushes Kim gently, and they both cackle. The door opens, and Chancellor calls them both back in.
“Hey, Detox?”
“Mmh?” Detox turns around.
“You were on the Atlantis cruise, right?”
“Look at you Mr. Journalist.” Detox smiles. “Seems like WOW has hired a clever little gayboy for this.”
“I’m 24.”
Detox huffs, the smile still playing in his eyes. “Yes, yes I was on the cruise.”
“Brooke said something about him and Vanjie almost breaking up, and now with Kim. They always seem so happy, so I was just wondering. I’ve never heard about that bef-“
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.”
The camera lowers, no longer capturing Detox face. “Oh, no. Of course not, I was just-“
“Brooke and Vanjie are… Well, they’re Brooke and Vanjie. Nauseatingly sweet and an absolute fucking mess. Brooke and I have been friends forever, and I love the dumb bitch with my entire heart, but if there is even an ounce of drama on this tour, I will have had it. Officially.”
“So, we have a lot of new girls with us this year.”
Brooke crossed his arms, slowly tapping his foot up and down. Brandon Voss had gathered them all for lunch, Jon, the tour manager, standing right by his side. Violet and Sharon had been the last to fly in, Violet coming in from Milano with a secretive smirk on her face, Sharon somewhat buzzed from flirting his way into several refills from the flight attendant who had turned out to be a race chaser.
“There are a few rules we want to go over.” Jon stepped forward, already flipped to the first side of his board.
A’keria leaned back in his seat, emptying his protein shake while Brandon droned on about bus schedules, sleeping arrangements and minibar use.
“We expect all of you to have your phones on you so we can reach you, if you’re not with your handler. Is everyone officially in the group chat?”
“Sounds almost kinky, huh? A handler?” A’keria whispered.
Brooke peaked out of the corner of his eye, A’keria wearing a shiteating grin that was only just hidden by his drink.
“Though I guess some of us brought those from home.”
“Bitch shut up.”
Brooke had to hide his own grin, Vanjie chiming in from A’keria’s other side in what could barely be considered a whisper, though it was low for Vanjie.
“If you miss transportation, it’s on you to get to the next location. Shangela, I’m looking at you.”
“Ah!” Shangela held up her arms. “You better believe you’re gonna regret those words Miss Jon. New tour, new me.”
“New trade in every town.”
Everyone laughed, Violet’s joke landing at the exact right time.
“We still need those last few files from some of you girls.” Brooke could feel Vanjie shrink two sizes even though they weren’t sitting next to each other, and he almost rolled his eyes. Brooke had turned his own music in on both email, USB and CD, the tech crew practically crying when they realised that every number had been marked, but that was what a background in pageantry did, Brooke knowing without a shadow of a doubt that A’keria had been just as prepared. Vanjie however? That was an entirely different story, Brooke sometimes believing that his boyfriend had never read a full contract in his life, Vanjie’s chaotic personality not always translating very well to the structure that was needed outside of single performances in clubs and at pride parades.
“Oh, and Brooke?”
“Mmh?” Brooke looked up, meeting Brandon Voss gaze.
“We’ve already cleared everything with VH1 and your management, so don’t worry about taping the final of Drag Race. We have everything under complete controle.”
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