#he ofc calls trina 'mom'
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I once saw a post saying that Jason probably calls Whizzer 'dad', and Marvin by his first name, and I’ve never agreed with something more in my life- He still calls him 'father' sometimes instead, but I think on a normal day it’s just ‘Marvin’. It seems to be pretty well agreed in the fandom that Whizzer was the best father figure of Jason before he died. So I think in the Modern Whizzer Lives AU he would start calling him 'dad' soon after the events of Falsettos. Marvin was absolutely jealous, but tried not to show it since things were just getting better between everyone, and especially since Whizzer was so excited when Jason called him dad for the first time. As for Mendel, Jason calls him 'aba' (correct my spelling if it’s wrong, that’s just what the internet told me) :)
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lexa-ocean · 8 months ago
Hi I think we might be mutuals but anyways heres the real ask:
I read in your tags from the "get isekai'ed into the last fanfiction you wrote" post and I saw you were writing a bh6 fanfic. Am I correct to assume it means Big Hero 6? Big Hero 6 fanfic in this fabulous year of 2024?
If you have thoughts or would like to ramble about your fic I'd love to hear your thoughts!! (But only if you feel like, please don't feel obligated to answer)
(Ramble under cut)
I watched the entire series during 2021 i think??? And it was recently frankestein'd back to life since i watched the og movie, then watched some of my fav old eps again (and the Baymax shorts!)
Anyways!!! I'm gonna be honest i haven't been working in the fanfic for a couple days since idk, i'm starting to think it might be too angsty...? Basically, i decided to follow the prompts from this Bad Things Happen Bingo:
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And the idea i have is basically
"Random bad guy figures out Mini-Max is a member of Big Hero 6, but doesn't know Fred is too. In an effort to get info of the group, he kidnaps the duo and tortures Fred to get Mini-Max to talk"
So yeah. Dark. I have a curse called "i show my love of fictional character by Making Them Suffer" and the Fred and Mini-Max duo is mi favorite from the show
AND MINI-MAX IS SO UNDERRATED. He's literally so cute and cool but there's barely any fic of him out there!!!! I gotta fix that!!!! (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻
And I also wanted this to be a bit of character exploration for Mini-Max? Bc one thing thats intersting from the series is that in his debut episode, Mini-Max dead up says he 'doesn't have feelings' in account of being a robot, but that just... doesn't feel right??? Not only wrt Mini-Max, but also all other robots in the bh6 verse (Noodle Burger Boy, Trina, even Baymax) clearly have feelings. Hell, the Baymax series straight up had that moment in the final ep where Hiro asks "how do you feel?" And Baymax replies "I am satisfied with my care" (which btw, Screaming Forever 😭💖). So with this fic, I planned to write Mini-Max's feelings during and after the situation, and how he (doesn't) deal with them. As well as Fred's ofc, my man wanted to be a superhero, now he gets Superheroic PTSD™
(I also have the rescue scene planned where Fred's dad, his mom and Heathcliff all take their superhero/villain/spy identities up again and wreck havoc in the bad guy's HQ bc "What do you mean our boy was kidnapped. Bitch We're Gonna Kill You")
But yeah that's basically it??? Aside from this fic i was working on a more memey lil comic, which since i'm here already i might as well share my fav sketch from:
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Thanks for the ask!!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝💖
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theoceanswaves0 · 5 years ago
It’s been like four years since I did a post like this, so here’s me dumping my thoughts on various, random things I’ve been into/thinking about lately.
I’ll be covering Miraculous Ladybug S3, Fire Emblem Three Houses, My Hero Academia, The MCU, Chocolate/Zen: Warrior Within, Pokemon SwSh, Victorious, BtVS/Angel, and Star Wars: RoS so just a warning for potential spoilers. Also, there will be salt and gushing, so proceed with caution.
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--> Ok, so this show came out when I was already in high school, so I think some of my opinions and takes on the show are going to contrast with the general consensus.
--> But I’m firmly in the pro-Tori Vega camp. Do I agree with her kissing Beck in the pilot? No. But considering that Jade humiliated her in front of her class for a small misunderstanding that could have been easily cleared up if Jade took five seconds to hear Tori out, I find it difficult to feel bad for Jade. Plus, Tori gets called out for this a couple of times in later episodes anyway. 
--> As for Cat’s BF, yeah, that was shitty too but A. He was originally Tori’s BF and they only broke up a year prior to the episode and B. Not only does Tori feel immediate remorse for what she does (spraying Cat with cheese and then kissing her bf in front of her), but she apologizes and never does anything like it again for the rest of the show. BTW, these are both season one incidents, so clearly Tori grows out of this.
--> Plus, I can relate to some of Tori’s awkward traits, like being kind of annoying, not having the best verbal comebacks and feeling pretty average.
--> On the other hand, I can’t stand Jade. Her attitude reminds me of a girl I used to be on and off friends with in middle school. She ended up embarrassing me in front of the cast of our fall play in eighth grade and never apologized for it. Plus she would say or do things that, in hindsight, made it clear she didn’t want me around.
--> But I mean, at least that girl didn’t steal a pint of my blood meant to be used in a mutual friend’s operation, so...
--> Although clearly, Rex the Puppet is the worst character on this show. Jade at least does stuff, why do we need to have Rex around...?
--> My ships are Tandre (Tori/Andre) and Catrina (Cat/Trina)! Tori and Andre always look like they have fun performing together or just hanging out, and their friendship is just so precious. I wish Cat and Trina had more scenes together, because I loved their road trip in “Tori the Zombie” and they’re both dysfunctional in their own ways, but trying their best!! 
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--> Nothing new really. But my Tandre feels reminded me how much I also loved Gunn/Fred and wished that they stayed together. Even their ship name, Funn, is precious and gahhhhhhh breaking them up was a mistake!
My Hero Academia
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--> It took me like 3-4 years after watching the first episode, but I finally watched it.
--> I’m surprised by how much I really like Izuku. Like, I normally like the protagonist fine, but Izuku just really stood out to me. He’s socially awkward, but in a pretty understandable way, intelligent and passionate without using any of it to put other people down, and ofc he cares about his friends and saving other people because what shonen protagonist doesn’t? The only thing I don’t like about him is his hero worship of Bakugo, but that’s just my bias.
--> Oh, yeah, I don’t like Bakugo. 
--> Relating to Aizawa the most, and realizing that it’s because I’m getting older hukjdshfaskdnfj 
--> I don’t have a ship I’m the most invested in, but I like Izuku with both Todoroki and Uraraka, and I also like Uraraka with Tsuyu. Erasermic is also really good.
--> Not a fan of Eraserjoke. I don’t like the way she continues to ask Aizawa out and then plays it off as a joke when he rejects her like. Like, it’s such a high school thing to do, it’s so weird seeing two grown adults do it. Just take the L and move on, Ms. Joke. Not only is it creepy to continue asking someone out when they say no, it’s annoying to pretend that you didn’t really mean it because it makes it difficult to read you in future scenarios. 
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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--> Love it love it love it.
--> Like Fire Emblem has always been more of my brother’s thing, but with Awakening, Fates and Three Houses introducing easier difficulty options, I’ve found it much easier to get into the series. Like, I’m a pretty casual gamer so I’m not looking for anything too challenging most of the time.
--> Ofc I knew going in I was picking Golden Deer, and I was not disappointed. I love everyone every single student in there. The atmosphere was so chaotic, that I just knew recruiting everyone that I could to make it more so just had to be done.
--> Claude and Hilda are the best lord and “retainer” respectively, don’t @ me.
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--> Uh, I haven’t really kept up with MCU stuff since Endgame (which I didn’t care for tbh). I just wanted to remind everyone that I hate Tony Stark :)
Miraculous Ladybug S3
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(me @ this entire season tbh)
--> I don’t really post much about ML on this blog anymore because I ended up making a side blog (for salt mostly tbh). But in case anyone doesn’t keep up with what happens over there, I basically hated this entire season lol.
--> Ok, I loved Silencer. Best episode in the season period, no questions asked. I also really liked Kwamibuster and Startrain. Desperada grew on me over time, while Bakerix was... okay, I guess. And Felix was entertaining, even if I felt that the message that they were trying to get across was forced and meant to shut the fandom up. Oblivio was good until that ending, and once Silencer came along, I quickly learned I had no use for it anyway. It being an amnesia episode did it no favors, either.
--> Just as I feared, the season revolved more around humiliating or putting Marinette in really embarrassing situations for the same of “drama”. The Puppeteer 2 is a really good example of this. And it’s upsetting, because none of this actually does anything for Marinette’s character. She’s not even allowed to breakdown or be upset about anything that goes wrong for her until the end of “Heart Hunter” and even that only lasts, like, ten seconds.
--> Also, I don’t ship the Love Square anymore. Lukanette all the way, baby.
--> Let’s be real, Marinette/Happiness should be the real OTP of the show.
--> The fact that every episode of season 4 is supposed to be as dramatic as Chat Blanc does not leave me hopeful for the future. Like, really, you’re going to use an episode in which an entire timeline’s worth of events gets erased and leaves everyone with no memories of it as the basis of your emotional impact going forward? Um, thank you, next.
Rise of Skywalker
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--> Haven’t seen it and after seeing the spoilers, I don’t plan to. I really liked TFA, and was excited to see what they did with the Rey-Poe-Finn dynamic. I was not here for Kylo Ren or Reylo. I guess Finn/Rey is joining Tandre and Funn in my “missed opportunity OTPs” corner. D:
Chocolate/Zen: Warrior Within
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--> OMG one of my fave movies of all time. Like I appreciate it more and more with age. It’s basically everything I want in a movie.
--> The scene where Zen discovers that her mom’s hair is falling out and she blames herself for it always gets me. Like I always forget about it, so when I see it again, I can’t help but nearly breakdown myself, because I know exactly what Zen’s thought process is without her even having to say anything. I feel just as overwhelmed as she does in the moment and nearly cry every time watching it.
--> One of the few movies that I wish actually got a sequel. Like I have so many questions that could be answered. How do Zen and Moom adjust to living in Japan? How does Zen’s father try to relate to her and Moom? Do they make any other friends? Will Zen get access to resources that will help her? Will they be further ostracized because of their status as outsiders? As someone who already struggles verbally, how will Zen adapt to living in a country that primarily speaks another language? 
Pokemon SwSh
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--> Multiplayer is so much fun and wayyyy more accessible than in the past imo. A bunch of people at my martial arts school would do raid battles before classes, so I would always leave to get there early and play with them. 10/10 experience, and it makes me excited to get Animal Crosssing to do the same thing.
--> But on the other hand, I feel like this game has a lot less going for it than SuMo. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it feels like too much is missing. Like I still enjoy it, but it’s more for the gameplay and less for the story. I’m also not nearly as invested in my team like I was last time (I loved my Sun team so much, I basically kept it the same for US, minus one or two changes). I’m trying to change it fits a “Psychedelic Ocean” vibe (Water/Psychic), and then do an “Earth” themed team for my Shield run but I just haven’t picked it back up since beating the game.
--> The characters were alright. I wasn’t as attached to any of the rivals like I was in SuMo. Leon is my bro though.
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deplcythebattery · 7 years ago
will you write stuff about whizzer and jason (as friends ofc)? if so maybe.. prompt: the last conversation whizzer and jason have?
Oh absolutely!!! This is heartbreaking and I will definitely write it for you my friend it will just be a moment
I’m not making it the Bar Mitzvah, I wanna do something with just the two of them!
The hospital smelled like death. There was too much heartbreak around and Whizzer could see how much it weighed on the shoulders of the 13-year-old. He loved Jason like his own son and more than a few times, he had broken down in tears as soon as the kid walked out the door, blaming himself for making Jason feel bad. It was his fault the tight knit family was falling apart, after all. He was the only one dying.
As time passed and Whizzer’s condition worsened - after it had gotten better, given everyone false security - Jason wasn’t allowed in as often. Whizzer begged Marvin to make sure Jason wouldn’t see him at his worst, he wanted to stay strong in the kid’s mind. But what could he do, when he was either too weak to get out of bed or needed someone to lean on whenever he could? Jason saw his weakness, he knew Whizzer was dying. The kid was just too smart to believe anything the adults said about Whizzer maybe getting better, or that he was just tired that day. Jason knew.
This time, Jason had brought the chess game with him once again. He’d spread it out on Whizzer’s bed, next to the skeleton of a man he once knew. One of his Fathers. Someone he adored and loved. Barely strong enough to move the chess pieces. Jason didn’t really look straight at Whizzer, it was too painful, but even being in Whizzer’s presence made him feel better. Whizzer was still cracking jokes, trying to make the kid smile, even if his head was fuzzy with medication that made him slow.
It was halfway through the chess game before Whizzer gave up and just patted the bed next to him, gesturing for Jason to come sit down. “How’s school, kiddo?” Whizzer asked, ruffling Jason’s hair once the kid was settled. Jason fiddled with the white blanket, being careful not to lean too close so he wouldn’t hurt Whizzer accidentally. “It’s alright. Mom’s proud of me. I’m the brightest kid in my class,” he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders. It didn’t matter now, since Whizzer wouldn’t see it. “I know you are and Trina has reason to be proud. As do I,” Whizzer replied, a soft smile on his chapped lips. “And baseball? Still playing, I assume?” Jason almost laughed at that. No one else in the family cared about or understood baseball. It was his and Whizzer’s thing. Though it had been a long time since they’d been able to play together. “Yea. Kinda. Coach says I’ve gotten better,” it would’ve been a cheerful conversation, if the situation wasn’t what it was.
Whizzer was about to continue, but a fit of coughs cut him off. He turned his head away, tried to control it so it wouldn’t scare Jason. But there wasn’t really anything he could hide from the kid, not now. Jason scrambled up to his feet and hurried to fetch a cup of water for Whizzer and the man accepted it with a faint, apologetic smile. “Thanks, kid,” he croaked before drinking and Jason returned to sit in the chair next to the hospital bed.
”You know I love you, right, Jason?” Whizzer’s word’s caught Jason off guard. It wasn’t like him to just profess his feelings like that and it made Jason’s stomach turn. Was something even more wrong than he’d thought? He knew Whizzer loved him, of course he did, but in this context… He didn’t want to hear it. The words made that something huge, something bad feel too final. “I love you too, Whi—,” Jason started, but hesitated for a moment. “I love you too, Dad.”
Jason’s words made tears glisten at the corners of Whizzer’s eyes as he chuckled quietly, trying not to cry. It was the first time Jason called him that. And Whizzer’s heart ached, because he knew that it might be the last. The conversation seemed harmless, but even that little bit had drained all the color from Whizzer’s face. Jason knew he’d have to leave soon so he started to gather all the chess pieces and put away the board. It wasn’t long until Charlotte knocked on the door and came over, wrapping a hand around Jason’s shoulders. “Ready to go, kid? You didn’t let Whizzer get up, did you?” She shot a Look with a raised brow at Whizzer and the man just shook his head, smiling sadly. “Good. Let’s go, Jason, Mendel’s here to pick you up.”
Before the two of them turned around, Whizzer grabbed Jason’s wrist one last time. “Jason… Thank you. For everything.” Jason didn’t answer, just smiled bravely and shifted his hand so he could squeeze Whizzer’s. Then Charlotte guided him away and Whizzer was alone, surrounded by too much white and too many machines. Dad. He was Jason’s Dad. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he closed his eyes, slowly drifting into sleep. Dad. It made him feel complete. Jason calling Whizzer Dad was the last thought Whizzer Brown ever had.
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moreracquetball · 8 years ago
Youtuber AU Headcanons
(Lowkey inspired by a post by @whizzerbrowne who brought the idea to my attention and it has since dominated my brain). Let’s just get started:
(This got way too long, yikes. I had to include a read more line)
~ Three Youtubers: Jason, Cordelia, and Whizzer.
Type: He’s one of those younger, newer youtubers. He started when he was nine, and he talked frankly about stuff like divorce (bc his parents were going through a divorce at the time) and being an introvert and being autistic and being Jewish and dealing with a difficult relationship with his parents. He has trouble really talking to people so it was like really easy to just sit in front of a camera and start talking at them. Side note: this was totally Mendel’s idea as a therapy exercise that actually worked, okay? And (as we’ve seen in the musical), Jason has this raw honesty and wit to him that is very funny and real to watch. As he’s gotten older, he’s started talking about other things - like not such heavy topics. He talks about the things that he’s hyperfixated on (baseball, chess, the emoji movie, etc), and though his content is pretty erratic and all over the place, people just love his commentary and he’s amassed millions of followers in just a few years??
He also vlogs /a lot/, which is how his audience got to know Trina, Mendel, and Marvin.
Trina - Everyone literally adores her. She is v nervous and awkward in her cameos in Jason’s videos, but she is also very honest and vocal about her opinions and calls herself the Cool Mom even though Jason’s like “Mom, you don’t let me stay up past ten even when it’s not a school night” and Trina’s just “A Cool Mom can’t still care about your healthy and well-being??”
Mendel - As a one-off, Jason asked his followers to submit questions to Mendel the Psychiatrist for a collab idea with his stepdad, and his pieces of advice were kinda off the wall and funny and it quickly became a series and one of Jason’s most popular series ever. Some people are convinced Mendel is just playing a character so Jason has to be like “no he is actually like this. You have to believe me.” Also: Mendel gets a snapchat that everyone follows. He uploads grainy pictures of like trees and makes puns and constantly spams his story with pictures of Trina with captions like “look at how pretty she is” and “how did i get so lucky” and “rare photo of an actual goddess.” 
Marvin - Tbh, the audience’s reaction to Marvin is a little more mixed, esp at first. Jason had talked a lot about his difficult relationship with Marvin and his “Draw My Life” video did stir up some contempt for Marvin’s selfishness. But like, over the years and through small snippets of cameos, it is generally believed that Marvin has changed and grown up a lot and is like an amazing (but dorky) dad. His cameos in Jason’s videos are the best bc it shows how eerily alike those two are and at one point Marvin briefly talks about internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity and hints at the stuff that he is’t proud of, and everyone - no matter their outward opinion of him - has like a little crush on him. Also, the videos with Marvin and Mendel both?? Their petty arguing gets like millions of hits every time.
Jason also totally does all the trend/tag videos but also has like that sarcastic, almost ironic vibe at first but he ends up really sincerely liking it. 
Jason also does like monologues of his thoughts and opinions while also doing mini skits in between and he is iconic and a jack of all trades really.
He is very articulate and seems so mature but like any hate whatsoever does get to him a lot. He’s learned how to deal with his self-doubt and ignoring the trolls better than he had when he first started, but every once in awhile it still gets to him.
Also??? Remember that Roast Yourself Challenge trend??? Jason did that, and it was on the top page for like a solid week. He went too hard and too real.
Type: Totally like Hannah Hart’s Drunk Kitchen, are you even kidding me?? That it totally Cordelia. She drinks and talks about current events and makes really bad food puns and it is Everything. She also branches out after awhile and starts doing like satirical how-to videos. Lowkey once she tried to make a wry, parody version of a beauty vlogger how-to and she ended up having so much fun with it and her after make-up looked ballin, so she starts doing make-up tutorials, too.
She’s also very very proudly gay and out. Like, her username is literally lesbiancaterer. But she still gets like comments on her videos saying “are you straight?” or “her boyfriend must be a lucky guy” and it just makes her go “????? How could I ever make this clearer?” (once, in a collab with Marvin, one comment said “ahh, her and her bf are such #relationship goals” which then launched a very satirical, very deadpan boyfriend tag video with her and Marvin that made it abundantly clear just how fucking gay those two are).
Charotte first got introduced very very early in her videos bc once during a drunk kitchen, Cordelia cut her finger with a knife and called for her girlfriend and Charlotte went into complete Doctor Mode and started treating her immediately. Cordelia is a little tipsy at that point and starts blatantly flirting with her and calling her “my doctor” and that video’s comment section is just keysmashing and the phrase “my doctor.”
Cordelia does not try to hide her relationship in any way. She and Charlotte have done all those cute couples tags and Charlotte is the star of Cordelia’s social media and vlogs. Now they are #relationship goals.
Cordelia actually got into Youtube bc of Jason and everyone was like lowkey shocked when it turned out that these two popular but different youtubers knew each other and cameo in one another’s videos a lot and Cordelia is like “he is literally my godson, guys. Ofc I’m gonna be around him and support him.”
Type: Ohhh boy!! Whizzer is def the kind of youtuber that has been around on the platform since circa 2007 - are you even gonna try to fight me on that??? He is a fashion channel (also has like a series of the youtube version of fashion police) but also like a major storytime channel bc he’s been around and tells the craziest but realest stories of all time. He is also quickly considered The Gay Icon^tm of Youtube.
He is definitely one of the biggest youtubers on the platform but he also lowkey feels too old to still be on here and has that like Shane Dawson kinda feel of like keeping it real about youtube drama and rebranding himself and learning from stupid old videos when he was still like a shit 20-something that was lowkey problematic. 
He stans so hard for Britney Spears and Carly Rae Jepsen and he got Carly in one of his collabs and he could not stop smiling and fangirling and he is literally all of us.
He is very, very vocal and honest about his sexuality and sexual history. He has a lot of Body and Sex Positivity videos and speaks very bluntly about the importance of self-esteem and body image and safe sex.
(One of his most popular videos is the one with him candidly speaking about having HIV and he talks about his mistake with unsafe sex and all the terrible stigmas around the topic. He talks about how it’s both a physical and emotional struggle, and he also talks about treatment and awareness and prevention and seeking emotional help to combat depression).
He arranges a collab with Jason bc they are alike in that they always speak candidly about issues and struggles and have like the exact same sense of dry, almost scathing humor. Whizzer meets Marvin bc Marvin is like “Jason, there is no way you’re meeting a strange man who you met over the internet. I am definitely going to be the one that goes with you.”
(Awkward moment when Marvin and Jason get to Whizzer’s apartment, and Marvin and Whizzer’s profiles light up with one another from one of those websites like Grindr). Whizzer has like lowkey commented on Jason’s videos before with lewd comments about his hot dad, but like this is so not what Whizzer had been expecting?? Yeah, at the end of Whizzer and Jason’s collab video, Whizzer puts like a small blooper reel and it’s him continually flirting with Jason’s dad (who’s behind the camera) and the Internet suddenly has a new fave ship.
(Marvin and Whizzer totally messaged each other and hooked up like the next day).
But like, they keep the budding relationship very underwraps bc they both really don’t want it to affect Jason’s channel and neither really think at first that their whole arrangement will go anywhere close to serious because Whizzer has never been in love or had a steady boyfriend and Marvin cannot hold a relationship either even after his divorce.
But of course they fall in love, and of course the internet knows something’s up. Whizzer keeps vaguing on Twitter about the new man in his life with weird tweets like “I can’t believe I’m deliberately sleeping with a man who UNIRONICALLY knows every word to Allstar” and “get you a man who always sends that courtesy ‘thank you.’ text after you send him a dick pic.” And when Whizzer vlogs, he always makes sure to keep the camera trained on himself but you can see that his eyes are always looking away as he’s like smiling at someone who does not want to be on camera. Also, Jason’s weekend vlogs have cameos of Whizzer in them now.
They mess up when in one of aforementioned Jason’s vlogs, there’s a grainy clip of Marvin and Whizzer in the background and Marvin kisses Whizzer’s cheek. The internet loses their minds
(After nine/ten months of dating, Whizzer and Marvin abruptly break up and neither really acknowledges it. However, weeks after their break up, Whizzer decides to make a story-time video about this fucking asshole boyfriend that broke up with him over a chess game. He wanted it to be like both petty but also very funny because that is such a ridiculous story, but like when he’s editing it, he notices himself being like on the verge of tears in some parts and being overly bitter and tense, and he never uploads it and he realizes that he isn’t over Marvin like he had said he was).
(However, Whizzer does end up making a story-time video later about how Jason’s baseball game brought him and Marvin back together).
After they get back together, they’ve worked out their issues and are couples goals now and they do not hide their relationship and Marvin makes cameos in both Whizzer and Jason’s videos/younows and it is incredible.
Through Jason and Marvin, Whizzer and Cordelia meet and they become best friends. They collab all the time and they complain about queer struggles and they talk about their relationships and get drunk on camera and be weird, loud idiots and those videos get tons of views.
And Whizzer gets candid about how he’s always felt like alone in the world and hasn’t really had the opportunity to rely on anyone but himself but through Jason and Marvin, he meets Cordelia and Charlotte and Mendel and Trina, and even though they might not get along all the time and some people are closer to other people, they’re all his family and he never thought that he’d really have one that close before. It’s one of his most vulnerable videos.
The most successful videos on all three’s channels are the collabs of the three of them together: Jason and Cordelia and Whizzer. And they become like one of those Youtube cliques that collab all the time and tweet about each other’s videos constantly and always hang out with one another at all the events like Vidcon and Playlist Live. 
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