#he noticed naruto's weird chakra and also there was that reference to 'great power becomes a hindrance. right naruto?'
orcelito · 1 month
Ok....... I actually love Utakata, and I am SO SAD we only get him for like 8 episodes
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mokutone · 4 years
yo i would love to hear some of ur trans yam headcanons :) (also ps ur art is breathtaking and whenever i see it reblogged on my dash i always come here anyway to read ur tags bc they r so! good!)
thank u 🥺🥺🥺 god im sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a couple days ksdjghsdkjgh not only have i got a LOT of thoughts to put here (this is only a selection of the bigger thoughts skdjghsdkjhg) i was also super busy the past few days!!!! ty for ur patience, ur compliments, and for inviting me to ramble abt my favorite guy!
maybe the one constant in all trans people is just like. our decision to intentionally and purposefully create ourselves, to forced into an identity by outside forces and to turn away from it in search of something else, and that’s ultimately what makes captain yamato read as a trans character to me! He goes through so many identities, and they are meaningful to him, but you can also clearly tell that he’s searching for something that really fits him.
I don’t really have a lot of firm thoughts on what his specific identity would be, I’ve seen some great nonbinary yams, some lovely genderfluid yams, trans guy yams, there’s a great variety and i delight in them all! 
I tend to imagine him as transmasculine and nonbinary but male aligned (which means he’d feel at least a partial connection to or comfort with masculinity) and while there are a bunch of labels for this experience of gender (demiboy, bigender, etc etc) i don’t see him as somebody who would use any specific labels, I feel like he’d keep his own experience of his gender fairly private! He’d prefer and be fine with masculine-coded terms of address, and happy enough passing as a guy.
AHH and on names...
I think Kinoe is the only name that I really see as like. a genuine deadname. It’s a name that means “The First” to my understanding, and so like, probably refers to him having the genetics of the first. Therefore, it’s kind of. literally a name referring to him as his biology...boy thats as deadname as it gets, huh? kill that shit and also danzō
Tenzō is also a name thats given to him, but to my understanding (all I know about the anbu arc is picked up thru osmosis lol) it’s a name that’s given to him twice, with affection. Once from Yukimi, who sees him as her brother (not a vessel for the first hokage’s powers, probably for the first time ever—even if it’s still another person’s name) He takes the name, gladly! Unfortunately danzō. anyway,
Later, when he starts to introduce himself to the non-root Anbu as Kinoe, Kakashi cuts him off and names him to the anbu as Tenzō. To my understanding: it’s a name at rest, not a name for one singular mission, but a name for his entire time in Anbu. It’s the name he keeps the longest. Again, it’s a name that’s given to him to him by somebody else, but it’s one that is given with the intention to free him of Kinoe, and all that Kinoe had to be. 
(A note on him getting annoyed with Kakashi for calling him Tenzō in main-plot:
Most of this is of course based off of personal experience, but I find it hard to believe that he would actively dislike Tenzō as a name since it was given with such sweet intentions—most of my names have been gifts, and the only one I’ve actively taken out of rotation has been bc i cannot stand the person who used it, and the way it was used, and while Anbu was certainly bad for Yamato...I don’t think it was quite that bad. I think him telling Kakashi to stop calling him Tenzō has more to do with the use of it where it doesn’t belong—for example, while it’s not exactly a name, I am happy to be called “mokutone” here, and you may notice my friends calling me by another name, but if any of those friends called me mokutone in DMs, I would be bothered by that.)
Yamato starts off as an empty codename, given to him for the purposes of his team 7 mission by the Hokage, but I think it gets such a loving and warm association from just...using out in the sunlight, with these kids that he comes to think so fondly of (he’s such a dad. god. he’s such a fucking dad) and with the friends he makes going out drinking and actually having time to socialize—and that means a lot! I think Yamato is probably the name which becomes most meaningful and like a home to him by the end of the series. This is the active name, the name where he is most himself. It’s vital for him to have that space to grow into! 
But that said, I personally feel like, if he were to continue beyond the edges of the story, this would not be the final name he bears. He’s probably well aware that a single name cannot contain who he is, or who he wants to be, and while being Given a name can be a beautiful thing (like i said, most of my names are gifts! i treasure them.) I think that, for his character arc, I would like him to name himself at some point. Even if it’s a name that only exists for private spaces, I want him to complete that self determination, to at least try it out, even if ultimately Yamato is the name everyone else will know him by.
Physical Transition Stuff
i will confess i hurt to imagine these shinobi binding 😭😭 even if an individual is binding safely (well made binder, no more than 8 hours, AND No Physically Intense Activity) they stand to risk hurting themself! In real life we gotta balance out the physical pain and the pain of dysphoria, but this is naruto and I’m Gonna Play Some Headcanon Games!
If chakra is both a kind of spiritual energy as well as directly connected to the body (as we learned in the hyūga fight) then it stands to reason that by manipulating ones own chakra, they can manipulate the body, or at least the way the body changes (such as naruto’s healing factor) 
This probably is not the safest thing to do unless you’re a mednin or following the directions of one, LMAO
The second the hell of puberty started up for Tenzō he tried to hold it back by sheer force of willpower + chakra manipulation alone 
but, manually controlling one’s chakra is like trying to prevent a stream from flowing with your hands alone, which is to say: an exhausting uphill battle.
 He’d probably only be doing it on his down time and not on a mission, but even still the most I bet he could make it doing that without getting figured out is two months.
Luckily blockers are readily available, Tenzō just had no idea and, gender being a private experience for him, was trying to handle the whole thing entirely on his own. Soon after attempting to self-regulate hormones him-fucking-self like a very valid but desperate fool, he gets an appointment, gets a prescription, and can chill out and not have to be as hellishly aware of his body constantly.
 Konoha mednin will say trans rights even if the village itself is garbage, this series is so god damn weird already, nobody can tell me a ninja taking hormones is somehow weirder than a ninja taking his dead best friends genetic superpower eye.
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u might think kakashi is passing him a water bottle and they both look so exhausted bc its post spar but no. physically theyre fine, but the emotional toll of having to talk about something either of them care at all about? miracle they survived.
#lesbians4tenten#Tenzō#yamato#headcanons#kakashi says that so heavily bc both of them hate going to the hospital but blood tests are necessary for HRT usually#also kakashi is definitely trans as well. i have less headcanons about that bc i see him as like. Even More Private than yamato#(he hides 3/4 of his face. trans icon. also personal privacy icon.)#so like skdjghdskjhg him getting involved is not a moment of Concerned Cis Meddling but like. 'ghghhg this is bad. i gotta step in'#i hc that like he was one of those kids that by the time he was four he was like hey dad im a boy and sakumo was like. fuck ok!#i guess i got a son now!#yamato just did not think about it much#also while i see him having long hair as inherently him repressing his identity it has nothing to do with long hair being 'feminine'#esp bc most of the older men in naruto have long hair. sakumo j*raiya orochimaru madara the whole hyūga clan of men#but instead much more to do with. him repressing being tenzō in order to be kinoe for danzō#and if hashirama had long hair. and all he is is a weapon for hashiramas power to be used through. he too will have long hair.#its also why i wont draw yamato with long hair. while he is handsome with long hair...and an argument COULD be made for him reclaiming it#i feel like aesthetically it represents a return to a relationship he had with his body and with the idea of hashirama#that i am not interested in exploring#perhaps in sage mode it goes very long. and then he has a friend cut it off for him every time#that i could draw#ANYWAY I think everyone should have as many names as they want. you want to be called something? that's your name now congratulations#trans? cis? not sure? doesn't matter the world is your oyster and you can be called anything you want#if people dont respect that theyre jealous and being rude af lmao#image desc in alt text#for all thats worth
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kayparker20 · 4 years
Inner Turmoil - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Unspeakable Plans Come Alight
                                ~Two Weeks Earlier~
“Sasuke…” Orochimaru hissed. “I hear your little blossom has become quite the kunoichi. Rumors say she rivals even the power of the great Tsunade.” He clicked his tongue thoughtfully.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the snake shinobi. “What about it? And she’s not my little blossom.” The raven hair man sneered.
Orochimaru chuckled softly. “The girl was willing to betray the village with you, perhaps you should consider her to be more of an asset, rather than an annoyance.” 
Sasuke continued to stare blankly at his current sensei, though he still refused to call him that. What could this man possibly want with Sakura? She was practically useless, and he had no wish to return to the Leaf village anytime soon. He had yet to kill Itachi, and he would not even begin to think of going back until then.
“And just how could some girl who cared more about her hair than being a proper ninja be an asset to me, Orochimaru?” 
Orochimaru watched the cold man before him. “She could be useful if she still harbors feelings for you. And it would seem she no longer cares for her hair. Did you not hear me the first time?” Orochimaru snapped. “She has incredible abilities she learned from Tsunade Senju, the fifth hokage and my old team mate.” He licked his lips. “I wonder if her medical abilities could fix these wretched arms, and then perhaps I wouldn’t need your pretty little face.” 
Sasuke glared at him in disgust. “That’s doubtful. I’ve already told you, I don’t care about my body as long as I get to kill Itachi and get my revenge.” He spat.
Orochimaru chuckled darkly. “But what if you could rebuild the Uchiha clan to its former glory? Lure that little apprentice into a trap. I bet with the right motivation, she would come running back to you.”
Sasuke thought for a moment, remembering the pride he used to feel for his clan. Really his need for revenge is based a little bit on pride, isn’t it? Not just the pain of watching his whole clan assassinated. And really, what good was revenge if you didn’t get to live with the accomplishment of getting it.
“What are your thoughts?” He sighed.
“We will kidnap that little Yamanaka girl,I have intel that tells me they are best friends. And she’s also an heir to one of the key clans in the village. I’m sure you’re aware of their mind control jutsus. Two birds with one stone, eh?”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. “And just how do you plan to get into the village and kidnap her?”
“That will be your job.”
Sasuke looked at him again. “Is this just another test of my strength?” He growled.
Orochimaru grinned. “Oh, Sasuke, are you scared that you can’t get past them? Or maybe it’s Naruto you’re worried about.”
“I don’t care about Naruto. Or Sakura, or Kakashi. Not a single soul in that village matters to me more than my goal.” He said in a low tone. “I came to you for power, not to play your little games.”
The snake ninja shook his head. “Power comes in numbers. And what can I truly teach you when I can’t use my hands to teach you jutsu and hand signs?” He chuckled once more. “Besides, that little Haruno would make wonderful prodigies with your blood added into the mix. Tsunade’s strengths and healing abilities with your sharingan? It would be despicable power.” 
“You’re forgetting she tried to kill me.” He spat. “I’m pretty sure she’s lost interest.”
“Did she not hesitate in killing you?” Orochimaru inquired. “Love doesn’t die easy, especially in women. I almost had Tsunade in my grip at the thought of bringing back her deceased husband.”
Sasuke hated how he always seemed to have a new project, a new game, a new goal all the time. It seemed he only cared to prep him for the body transfer, as opposed to keeping his end of the deal, and he was about at his wit’s end with it. However, the thought of reviving his clan was something of interest. It hadn’t come to mind that he should continue his bloodline before the snake took over his body.
“What makes you think Sakura can fix your arms when Tsunade couldn’t?”
Orochimaru clicked his tongue in thought once again. “It was never found out if she could not, it was that she wouldn’t even try.”
Sasuke scoffed. “So let me get this straight. You want to kidnap the blonde annoyance, to lure think pink annoyance. Use me to entice her to come with us and then make her heal your arms?” 
Orochimari just smirked and licked his lips slowly. “That’s exactly my plan.”
                                     ~Present Time~
“Wherever you are, Sasuke, she’s moved on. Odd how she is attracted to the ones that are traumatized. Is it because she’s medic? Is there some kind of pull in the universe?” The once obnoxious and weak blonde shook his head. “No matter, at least Kakashi was willing to try…” 
Sasuke narrowed his eyes as Naruto looked in the direction of the woods where he stood, unaware the raven was actually there and hearing him. “We will still find you and we will bring you home one day.”
Sasuke was shocked to say the least. “Kakashi and Sakura…? That’s a bit… Weird?” He commented to no one but himself. He had to see this for himself, surely it had to be some sick joke. But why in the hell would Naruto sit out talking to the damn forest with some stupid sincerity towards me if it wasn’t real? 
Does the idiot do it often? Just stand on the damn wall and talk to the trees, as if he was talking to me? Has he cried his heart out with the pain of my departure? How pathetic, better to have spent that time training instead of pining after some astray team mate. No wonder he’s still a damned genin.
He made the hand signs to form a henge and approached the village entrance, feigning to be a traveler in need of shelter for the night. Just like he thought, they fell for it. He wandered through the village aimlessly, feeling out for any familiar chakra signatures. He’d run into Team Seven enough times over the years to still recognize their chakras.
He caught wind of Sakura and Kakashi’s chakra coming from one of the bars. He went into the Shuriken, vaguely remembering that many jounin liked this particular bar. And that when he saw it. 
Sakura was sitting awful close to Kakashi, their sides touching and Kakashi’s arm around her waist, his hand on her hip. Clearly they had gotten cozy. An unwelcome feeling of jealousy formed within him. How could she move on, claiming to have loved him? Why did he care that she moved on, didn’t he just claim he had no use for such a useless girl? 
He also saw Ino, sitting all cozy with Choji, which was a little surprising. Talk about a downgrade, Sasuke thought to himself. However, that feeling of possessiveness didn’t flow in his veins at the sight of Ino with someone else.
He moved closer wanting to hear what was being said. 
“Regardless, if he had laid a finger on you that night, I wouldn’t have given a damn about him being a civilian. Neither should you when you’re about to be assaulted. Granted you could barely walk 10 minutes later, your chakra control was probably already affected by then.”
“For being around Tsunade so much, you’d think she would handle her liquor better…” 
“Shame, you were an awful cute drunk.”
“Oh, Sai? Naruto and him get along great now. But he is still amused by antagonizing Naruto from time to time.”
Sasuke scowled at the conversation. Hearing Kakashi refer to her as being a cute drunk was fucking weird. What was he, fourteen years older than us? And he went after Sakura?
Odd how she is attracted to the ones that are traumatized…
Naruto’s words echoed in his mind, angered once again by the idea that she actually could have pursued Kakashi herself. What could have possibly gone wrong to suddenly make her have some change of heart and not love him anymore? They had counted on that very expectation that she was still infatuated with me, in order to get her to us. Now, what the hell are they going to do? Damnit. 
He continued watching them, his blood boiling as he watched Sakura whisper in his ear. Annoyed that Sakura and Ino seemed restless, looking around the bar but not quite pinpointing the cause of their distress. Were they really strong enough to sense an unwanted presence now? He had still been doubtful that Sakura had become a formidable shinobi, but now it seemed that it may be true, as she scanned the room with a nervous look in her eyes. 
She knew she was being watched, but she couldn’t tell by who. He smirked. He was still superior to her, of course he was. 
As he heard them begin to leave, warning of keeping Ino and Sakura under protection and other bullshit of the like, Sasuke felt the plan wasn’t totally screwed. It was obvious Ino and Sakura were close. Perhaps he could still kidnap Ino and she could just be held for ransom. He kidnaps her, and in exchange for her safety, Sakura has to come with him to Orochimaru. That could work, Sakura is probably some self sacrificing ninja now if she’s a medic. 
He decided to follow Kakashi and Sakura as they walked to his apartment, not even shocking to Sasuke it was the same one he had seven years ago. He perched on a roof and watched as she changed into Kakashi’s clothes. Taking notice of the more athletic build her body had now and even some scars, as opposed to the girlish, untouched skin in his memory. He watched as she laid in Kakashi's bed and he lay behind her and held her close to him, like he actually had something to lose again. 
“Awe, the Copy Nin finally let some emotions out, has he?” He chuckled darkly. “What will you do when she comes running back into my arms, Sensei?” 
And that when he sensed it. He had been careless, and now he had been spotted. He stared back at Kakashi lazily, uncaring. His former sensei’s gaze had been hard and he looked ready to kill as he brought his arms around Sakura even tighter.
“Tell the blossom I said hello, Sensei.” Sasuke smirked before disappearing into the darkness. 
Kakashi stiffened, having been staring out his window when he spotted the form on the room facing the direction of his apartment, and upon closer inspection, realized there were red eyes looking at them. Despite the obvious henge, that’s when he knew she and Ino were both being watched, and that it had to be far from good. Only two people that possessed those eyes were alive, and he was pretty sure the elder of the two had no interest in Sakura. His arms tightened around Sakura, now certain he wouldn’t be sleeping tonight.
He laid awake all night, trying to figure what to say to Sakura. He had to tell her, she had to be on her guard. He didn’t want her to leave his sight, but he already knew she wouldn’t stand to be stuck in the house or to not go to work. 
Then there was that tiny piece of that still feared that she still had feelings for Sasuke, that she would drop him in an instant. No matter how much he knew she was serious about him, especially after the talk with Tsunade, there was still part of him that couldn’t let go of that fear of losing her. 
And most importantly out of all this. Why was Sasuke here? Why was he lurking in the bar and watching them in his apartment? It just didn’t seem right. What was his motive? And why didn’t he notice his chakra signature? Had he slacked and let his guard down, being so happy around Sakura? Well it won’t be such anymore.
How would Naruto react to this situation? He still swears to bring Sasuke back. Will they fight again? That went rough for both of them last time that happened.
He stared up at the ceiling, contemplating what he would do. He needed to tell Naruto as soon as possible as well. As well as Tsunade, Choji, Asuma and Ino who should know this information as well. He couldn’t believe how easily Sasuke had gotten into the village, how was he not noticed? Even with the henge, the guards should have been able to see through that… Unless he used genjutsu on them. Kakashi sighed heavily
He looked over at Sakura, her pink tresses covering his pillows, her smaller form clinging to his side. The sun was beginning to come up and she would have to get up for work soon. He ran his fingers through her hair before kissing her forehead softly. “Sakura…” He said softly. 
He would protect her no matter what. He’d die before he let something happen to her. It was the cold hard truth. No one had meant this much to him before and he wasn’t going to lose her. 
“Sakura…” He called out a little louder and she groaned. “You need to get up for work.” He chuckled softly, her unwillingness to get up somehow making his heart squeeze.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” She grumbled before opening her eyes and rubbing them. She huffed a strand of her hair out of her face before sitting up. “Last night was still weird.”
He nodded and sighed. “Yeah, about that. We need to talk to Tsunade and make sure there is extra guard around the hospital for yours and Ino’s safety. And no missions.” 
Sakura frowned at his last statement but nodded solemnly. “It’s not like I’d been going on missions recently anyway…” She shrugged, seeming only slightly bothered.
“You’re not only our team’s medic, but one of the best medics in the village. We can’t afford to lose you because you’re stubborn.” He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Now come on, before the gambling Hokage comes here looking for you.” 
Sakura smiled softly and hugged him tight before getting up and retrieving her clothes. She took a look at them and scowled. “This dress is a far cry from professional wear…” 
Kakashi slid out of bed. “I was well aware, I woke you up with enough time for us to go back to your place and get your normal clothing.”
He watched as she turned to look at the clock for the first time and her shoulders sagged. He quickly got ready and walked besides her. “Did you sleep okay? You look a little…” He wasn’t sure how to finish that without being hurtful.
She just shook her head silently before leaning into him. “Let’s just go. I need a shower.” He simply nodded in response, not quite sure how to comfort her.
Once he had dropped her off at the hospital for her shift, he went straight to the Hokage tower. He knocked on the door lightly and was surprised to hear an awake and sober voice come through the wood.
“Come in.”
He stepped inside. “We have an emergency and we will need to summon Naruto.” 
Tsunade instantly frowned before pointing at the ceiling. “Well that part is done, now what is the danger?”
Naruto dropped down from the ceiling, instantly sensing the killing distress coming off his team captain. “Kakashi, what’s the matter?” He asked seriously.
Kakashi looked at Naruto, not sure how to say the news other than getting straight to the point. “Sasuke was in the village last night. I don’t know how he got past the guards, but Ino and Sakura felt like they were being watched towards the end of the night last night.” He scowled at the memories. “Sakura barely slept. Just as she had fallen asleep, I spotted him in a henge sitting on a rooftop watching us. I was only able to tell it was him because he had his sharingan activated.”
“And you did nothing!” Tsunade stood up from her desk and yelled.
Naruto shook his head. “No.” He faced Tsunade. “What was he supposed to do? Wake Sakura and risk her panicking?” 
The tension in her body dissipated. “Does she know?” She asked.
Kakashi shook his head. “I couldn’t figure out how to tell her. She hadn’t slept good and didn’t feel well. She still felt wary and I didn’t want to tell her such news before she had to go into work.”
“We need to put ANBU all around the hospital.” Naruto said instantly. “And we need to tell Team 10 and Sakura somehow.”
Kakashi nodded in agreement. “That’s exactly why I’m here.”
“I am going to send them immediately.” Tsunade said fiercely. “Whatever is going on, it’s probably connected to Orochi-”
“Lady Tsunade!” Choji came barging into the office, Shikamaru and Asuma trailing behind him.
“Choji, you can’t just walk-”
“Asuma, he’s fine.” Tsunade assured, noticing the distress in the young man’s expression. “What is it?”
“Ino is gone! We can’t find her anywhere!” 
“What!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Damnit, it wasn’t soon enough!” Kakashi cursed.
“What is happening? What do you mean ‘not soon enough’, Kakashi?” Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.
Tsunade cursed under her breath. “Shizune, get Sakura here immediately!” She walked around her desk and leaned on the front of it, her eyebrows deeply furrowed. “When did you see her last?”
“I fell asleep on her couch last night after Asuma and I walked her home from the bar.” Choji was still frantic. “I woke up to her mother panicking that she was gone.” Choji’s bottom lip was trembling. “I was supposed to protect her.”
Asuma grabbed his shoulder. “Choji, it is not your fault.”
Kakashi shook his head. “It’s not. None of us sensed him last night.”
Asuma frowned. “Who..?”
Sakura walked into her office and ran a hand through her locks, letting out a heavy sigh. She set her patient charts on her desk and went over to start a cup of coffee. 
She still felt that feeling of being watched. She still couldn’t find anything that seemed out of the ordinary and it was getting on her last nerve. She hated this restless feeling. She sank down in her chair and flipped through the charts. Everything was minor meaning there was nothing that would require her full attention to distract her.
She tried to think about being in Kakashi’s arms, how safe it had felt to be in his embrace. She wished she could have just stayed there with him but she knew that was impossible. However despite that, she still hadn’t slept well at all. She had one of the recurring nightmares about the sharingan again. They had lessened ever since those months where Kakashi let her gaze into his own sharingan, in hopes that it would get her used to it again. It took weeks for her to not shed tears but he would always comfort and not let her push herself.
She hadn’t had those nightmares for months, almost a year now. She’s been healing his eye with no trepidation at all for so long, she had nearly forgotten this nightmare. It hadn’t bothered as much as it did so long ago, but it just didn’t make sense that it showed up again now, as things in her life were going really well.
And then she felt a chill run down her spine before she sensed a presence.
She knew that cold, plaintive tone like no other. She froze in place, wondering why he was here. How did he get into the village? Into the hospital and her office? Was he the one watching her since last night?
She turned to look at him, meeting onyx eyes.
“S-Sasuke..?” She stammered before standing back up from her chair, gathering chakra within herself. “What are you doing here?”
He smirked. “Come with me to Orochimaru.”
“What?” She sputtered in disbelief. Did he really just say that? “Hell, no!” She backed away from him. “I will not betray this village like you did!”
“Come on, Sakura. Can you imagine the strength you would have at being trained by not one, but two of the legendary Sannin?” He smirked and took a step closer. “And you’ll get to be with me. We could have a family. We’ll be together, like you’ve always wanted.”
Sakura stared at him in shock. “What did you just say?”
“Come with me. Orochimaru needs your healing ability, and I want to carry on my clan.” Sasuke said, his patience wavering. Why was she just standing there, looking at him?
“You think I’m going to help him?” She spat angrily. “I am not some naive, lovesick little genin anymore!” She growled. “Get away from me! You made you choice when we were 13 when you left me on a fucking bench, you prick!” 
Sasuke’s eyes widened at her words, but gave no response.
“You tried to kill me, twice.” She took a step forward. “And now you’re in my office claiming you want me to bear your children, as if that’s all I’m good for? At least Orochimaru recognized medical abilities!” 
Sasuke flashed towards, not standing inches from her face. “So, it’s true then.” He stated harshly. “You really did whore yourself didn’t you? What, were you not strong enough to make jonin? I knew he was a creep but I never thought he liked little children.” He laughed and shoved her. “I knew it was bullshit that you could have surpassed Tsunade.”
Sakura glared at him fiercely. “What the hell are you on about, now? Have you finally lost your mind?”
“Oh, no. I just never thought you’d stop loving me with all your little protests to be with me, let alone sink low enough to fuck our old sensei to make rank.”
Sakura’s jaw dropped. “How could you…” Her eyes darkened with her anger at the insult. “I was already jonin during the war, far before me and Kakashi had ever become involved. How do you even know about that?” She spat, summoning chakra to her fists and swinging for his jaw. He easily dodged her attack and it was only more infuriating.
Sasuke slapped her. “Look at you. You’re still just a weak little girl. You claim loyalty but you couldn’t even hang on for me! You were supposedly going to be saving grace, or was that some lie Naruto spat back then too!”
Sakura yelped in pain and stared up at him dumbfounded. “I’ll be damned if I spent my life waiting for you to find your team to suddenly be more important than your sick and twisted need for revenge! You showed us time and time again that you didn’t care, so why now! Why are you here!”
Sasuke glared at her, ignoring her question. “You will come to Orochimaru, one way or another. I could care less if you bear my children or not. I wouldn’t want them tainted with your lack of emotional control anyways. If you gave up on me then you never really did love me, anyways. Not that it matters at all.”
“Are you actually jealous?” She stared at him before laughing. “You couldn’t give me the time of day, but now that I moved on, you want me?” She shook her head sadly. “You’re too late. I love Kakashi, and I have for longer than I could even know myself.”
Sasuke’s eye twitched. He grabbed her up by her throat, activating his sharingan and catching her eyes before she could react. “You really think that another broken man is capable of love, let alone how disgusting it is for a student and sensei to be involved romantically? He’s kept everyone he’s ever known out of reach since the death of Fourth, you’re no different. He was probably just horny and you’re vulnerable.” 
Sakura trembled and tried to shut her eyes but she reacted too late, her eyes caught in the swirls of red and black. Not again. 
“You think you’ve grown up so much, but yet you still went after someone who can’t give you what you want. A 20 year old ninja, and yet you still can’t mature past your stupid and childish ideals, blossom.” He spat sarcastically. “And maybe, just maybe it is real, and  he let you in. It’ll be too bad, because I will kill him for ever thinking he could take what’s been mine since the academy days.” He spat. 
And then he put her in a Tsukuyomi, making her watch Kakashi die over and over again, by Sasuke’s hand. He only held for a few minutes but it would feel like days to her that she watched the horror over and over again.
He dropped her and left, leaving to handle her motivation in the case that that was not enough, the chatty blonde having already stretched his patience enough since he abducted her last night.
Sakura sat on the floor of her office, trembling. She tried to release, knowing it was just genjutsu. But she already knew you couldn’t get out of Tsukuyomi, it had been useless to try. She hugged her knees and cried into them, trying to gather her components. She remembered when Kakashi and Sasuke himself had suffered that jutsu from Itachi, and the damage that had been done. She tried to make herself breathe, trying to figure how she was conscious and not in a coma like they had been. It didn’t add up, even if she was resistant to genjutsu, the mangekyou abilities were far stronger than normal genjutsu…
She shook her head and wiped her tears. Tsunade needs to know right away. She grabbed her charts and gave them the front desk, telling her they needed to be reassigned before leaving. She was running up the road from the hospital to the Hokage tower when Ino’s mom came around the turn. 
“Sakura, have you seen Ino?!”
Sakura glanced at her best friend’s mother, just as she realized where Ino was.
 You will come to Orochimaru, one way or another.
“Sakura, come now!” She heard Shizune call. “Oh my god, what happened to you?”
“Sasuke just came into my office!” She called to her mentor, her voice trembling. “What the hell is going on!”
“Oh no, come on! I was coming to get you for an emergency.”
They ran up the stairs just as she heard a male voice ask “who” and many others murmuring. 
Sakura and Shizune entered the office briskly, Sakura struggling to catch her breath.
“My Lady… She was already halfway here.” Shizune started, holding Sakura tightly. “She...encountered Sasuke.”
Tsunade took one look at Sakura and could tell something was wrong, more than just seeing Sasuke. She frowned. She was pale and her eyes were bloodshot and she seemed to be just barely trembling.
“Sakura…?” Naruto tried, moving to her. “Hey, what happened? Did he hurt you?” He gently grabbed her shoulders and shook her.
Her eyes snapped and met his eyes and tears instantly forming, unable to hold them back. She held his gaze before shaking her head to answer his question. She turned to her side to look at Kakashi, meeting his  exposed eye, seeing his gaze full of concern and she frowned again.
“You knew, didn’t you? That’s why you’re here…” She moved towards him.
Kakashi nodded. “He was watching us last night.” He said blankly, unsure of what to say. “I didn’t know how to tell you… I hadn’t realized it was him until you fell asleep.”
The tears slowly flowed down her cheeks, glistening under the light in the room. “Kakashi, he took Ino, didn’t he!” And then she cried out and threw herself into him.
He instantly wrapped his arms around her body, unsure of what else to do. He held her tight in his arms. Tsunade watched them, seeing how unsure Kakashi looked and shook her head as she made a show of flipping her hair, hoping it was enough of a hint to get him to comfort her better.
“We will get her back.” She turned to Shizune. “Was she able to tell you what happened?”
Shizune shook her head. “I only just found her, she was on her way here, turning the corner.”
Sakura shook in Kakashi’s arms. “He wants me to go with him and Orochimaru. I-I refused and he got angry, and told me I-I would join them one or another…” 
“Absolutely not!” Naruto’s eyes flashed red for just a second. “That snake will not get her too!” 
Kakashi glared, stroking Sakura’s hair after noticing Tsunade making direct eye contact with him and flicking her hair across her shoulder. “She will not.” His grip tightened on her.
“Is he still in the village?” Shikamaru demanded.
“I had every shinobi on site spread to lockdown all entrances and to pass the message on behalf of Tsunade as soon as I left the room, and it had only been moments before.”
“This doesn’t explain how I didn’t know!” Choji flared.
“Genjutsu? Isn’t that the Uchiha’s thing with their eyes?” Shikamaru inquired.
Asuma nodded. “He very well could have put the entire household under one long enough to get her out, and made you stay in a dream state.”
Sakura sniffled softly, swallowing down her cries. “Apparently Orochimaru is convinced I can heal his wretched arms, as if I would want to.” She spat. “Oh, and I guess Sasuke wants to be sure his clan is continued on before he gives his body to a snake.” She scoffed.
Naruto looked perpetually confused. “He tried to make Tsunade heal him… But she said she couldn’t, but he was certain she could…”
“I never said I couldn’t…” Tsunade intervened. “I just wouldn’t be swayed by him, especially with the use of forbidden jutsu, no matter how much I miss Dan or my little brother…” Her shoulders went rigid at the topic coming up. “But I still doubt I could have. The Death Reaper Seal often kills the person who uses it, it is a more than powerful jutsu which killed not only the Third but…” Tsunade looked to meet Naruto’s eyes in a solemn gaze.
“My father…”  Naruto said flatly. “I’m aware.” 
“I don’t care if I could heal his stupid arms, I will not.” Sakura said spitefully. “But I have to go…” 
Kakashi looked at her. “No.” He said, his grip on her tightening even more. “I am not losing you, Sakura.”
Naruto shook his head. “We will get Ino back without losing you.” 
Choji nodded. “Neither one of you is more important than the other, no matter who loves who.” He affirmed, now calmed knowing the situation.
Sakura frowned, shifting slightly in Kakashi’s iron grip, and resting her forehead on his shoulder. “There’s something else…” Her voice trembled.
Everyone waited and listened while she seemed to build up her morality to speak again.
“I’m sure you figured out he was watching us last night, and was the cause of the unsettling feelings me and Ino had.” 
Sakura trembled. She didn’t know what to do. She just knew she felt safe in Kakashi’s arms but she knew what she was about to say was going to set everyone off. The simple idea that she would go back to him couldn’t even cross her mind. The aura of the Uchiha’s anger filling her office when she refused still left her shaking. 
Her grip tightened around Kakashi as she finally spoke again. “He told me he was going to kill Kakashi…” She choked back another sob.
“He couldn’t believe I was with him. He went off about how it was disgusting and wrong.” She glared at the wall in front of her. “And insinuated that Kakashi was a pedophile and when I went to hit him in response, he finally understood that it was real.” Her nails dug into Kakashi’s back as she tried to keep her composure. “Berated me about loyalty, telling me I never loved him. I betrayed him. Told me I was just a whore looking to get up the r-ranks… And that if I ever thought someone like Kakashi was capable of love than I’m no less of an idiot than I was when we were 13. But I didn’t know he took Ino until her mother found me...” She shook. “I just guessed because we both felt some unwanted presence last night and then he popped up in my office, and she had liked him back then too so I thought maybe he was finding a different medic that…” 
“Sakura, it’s not your fault.” Naruto said sternly. “And you are definitely none of the things he said.” His anger was beginning to flare again and it was all he could do to keep his emotions in check. “I will find him myself.” He looked at Team 10. “No better search party than us right?”
“No. Last time I sent a mission after Sasuke with emotional attachments involved you almost died.” Tsunade spat.
“Lady, they aren’t chunin and genin anymore.” Shizune cut in. “And I think if we send the right balance of experience it will be a good set up.” 
“I don’t think you’re going to be able to convince anyone in this room to not go after them. It’s personal for us all.” Asuma agreed.
The fifth just sighed. “You all act like you’re the boss around here.” She grumbled. “Fine, then. I want Sai and Yamato in your group as well, making three seasoned former ANBU in your ranks. A Hyuga as well. The more strength you have against Sasuke, the better. I’d say an Inuzuka for tracking, but you already have Kakashi.” She slouched against her desk. “And do not go against Orochimaru. Get to Sasuke before he returns to wherever the hell they are holed up. The more you have, the better.” She sighed. “Yamato is the mission lead.”
She hoped Kakashi and Asuma wouldn’t take offense to Yamato being lead, as they were far too invested in this mission emotionally. While Yamato was part of Team Seven, he was not involved with Sakura, nor did he have the same attachments to Sasuke that the three of them have. Asuma was her sensei, there was no way she could truly trust he could think logically at all times. 
Everyone nodded and left the office.
“Me and Kakashi will find Sai and Yamato.” Sakura affirmed.
“I’ll find Neji and Hinata, at least one should be able to go.” Naruto said fiercely.
“We will meet at the gates in half an hour, that should be ample time to pack and round everyone shouldn’t it?” Asuma stated, watching Choji and Shikamaru. The boys only nodded.
Temari came running up the steps to the tower. “I need to speak with the Hokage right away!” She exclaimed.
Shikamaru’s eyes widened. “Temari! What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”
She hesitated before looking at the group and her eyes landing on Sakura. “We have intel that Orochimaru is-”
“It’s too late.” Kakashi stated plainly. “Sasuke already has Ino…”
Temari's eyes widened before looking at her lover’s team. “I’m sorry, I got here as fast as I could. But we thought he was after Sakura…? Gaara sent me here, we weren’t sure how reliable the intel we got was but we didn’t want to risk it. ”
“They’re using her best friend as ransom…” Choji said, clearly bothered. “We just organized a resume squad and need to retrieve the rest of it.” 
“Let me come! I’m in order to do whatever I can to help.”
“Temari, I don’t think-” Shikamaru started.
“Please.” Sakura cut him off. “We need all the help we can get.”
Naruto nodded. “And there’s nothing like a little wind jutsu to help out!” He gave a smile before jumping to the rooftops, bounding from one to another towards the Hyuuga compound.
Temari nodded and glanced at Choji, who looked explicitly more distraught than Asuma and Shika. She walked up to him and pressed a hand to his arm. “I know you care about her, we’ll get her back.”
“Sasuke is such a drag.” Shikamaru groaned before shaking his head. “Choji and her just got together and he had to go and kidnap all because he’s jealous of Kakashi? He didn’t seem so interested before he left.” 
Asuma shook his head. “This isn’t about interest, it’s about opportunity. He wanted to carry on his bloodline, Sakura just seemed convenient because he assumed she’d still fall to his feet.” He sighed. 
Sakura scoffed. “It’s not even just that. Orochimaru wants me to heal his arms. I’m sure the revival of his clan was just some manipulation on the betraying sannin’s part.” She added bitterly. “I should have knocked him into the next decade but I was in shock…” She shamed herself.
“You can’t blame yourself, Sakura.” Shikamaru added. “We haven’t seen him since the war and he only sided with us then because he wants to be the one to destroy the village. It’s not like we expect to just walk into our town without making himself known.”
“Whatever the case, we need to go get ready to leave the village, and scout it out before. Chances he had already escaped before Shizune raised the alarm but we must be certain. This mission consists of some of the strongest shinobi, we cannot risk leaving if he is still here.” Kakasi said in usual laid back but firm demeanor. 
“He’s right.” 
The rest of the group departed to round up their things and fellow shinobi.
Naruto knocked as politely as possible on the door to the Hyuga complex in his urgent state. Hiashi answered as always with a smile, already sensing Naruto’s chakra. His expression changed when he noticed the serious aura around the usually cheerful young man. “Naruto, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Sasuke. He kidnapped Ino to try and make Sakura join him and Orochimaru.” Naruto said in an even tone. “Tsunade has commanded that at least one Hyuga goes on the rescue mission. I would like to ask for both Hinata and Neji.” 
Hiashi thought a moment before nodding. “I will also send Hanabi. She is quite fond of that one teammate of yours, the former ANBU that uses ink? I also think it would do her some good to go on a mission, it’s about time she is no longer stuck within the village walls. She has much to learn as the future head.” 
Naruto couldn’t help but smile. “You mean Sai.” Hinata had mentioned before that Hanabi was curious about Sai, but frowned in confusion. “I thought you didn’t like letting the clan heads get involved with village business.”
Hiashi thought for a moment about Naruto’s observation. “Neji and Hinata are technically branch members, which is why they went to the academy. Hanabi is the next clan head, but she must see danger and know what it means to protect someone.” He sighed softly. “Sasuke and Orochimaru are a danger to the village which is where we live. And it would also seem that while Hanabi wishes to follow most principles of the clan, she seems to want to be closer to the village.” 
He was never a fan of this, sticking well to the traditions of the Hyuga clan, not ever really close to anyone outside of it. However, that seemed to be where this generation of Hyuga had changed. Neji and Hinata have both fallen for someone outside of the clan, and it now seems that Hanabi will as well. As long as the Hyuga genes were kept pure for the next leader, perhaps he could learn to be okay with it, granted it would be a rather odd arrangement if his younger daughter married outside of the clan.
“She has expressed interest in being a genin team leader. I usually would not support this, but it has seemed that this generation has changed many things, and if she will lead the clan maybe she should experience being part of village relations before she makes such a fundamental decision for our clan.” 
Naruto had listened fully with all the respect he could have. It always bothered him that the clan never did anything unless there was a war, but he was glad to see them possibly beginning to change that.
“That sounds like a good idea when you explain all that then.” Naruto beamed, but it faltered. “We’re supposed to meet at the village gates soon. I don’t need to talk to them, we’re gonna fill everyone in on the run. I still need to get ready while Kakashi and Sakura find Sai and Yamato.”
Hiashi nodded. “I understand the urgency. Go on, I will inform them of the mission.” He watched as Naruto took back to the rooftops into the direction of his apartment, pride swelling in his heart that his daughter would find such a formidable shinobi to love.
Naruto bounded back to his apartment and quickly packed all his weapons and some dried food rations. Before leaving he grabbed his sage scroll and swung it around his shoulder to hang behind him. He sighed and left, running into the rest of the current Team Seven on his ways to the gates.
“Naruto.” Sai nodded towards him.
“Who is coming from the Hyuga?” Sakura asked.
“We are getting Hinata, Neji and her little sister Hanabi!” He smiled. “I had only requested Neji and Hinata. Hiashi had volunteered Hanabi, saying she needed to go outside of the village walls? That was kind of shocking.”
Kakashi and Yamato raised their eyebrows, knowing the history and ways of the Hyuga.
“It definitely is, but you have always inspired change in people.” Kakashi said with pride. 
As they ran to the gate, he thought more deeply about his statement. How this team was the reason he even opened up even a little bit again. How much Naruto reminded him of Obito, and Sakura reminds him of Rin more and more everyday. How much of himself he had seen in Sasuke, and how much he put into trying to stop him from taking the path of vengeance. How it was Naruto who had almost convinced him that letting himself be with Sakura was worth facing the fear of loss once again. Worth having something to lose, granted really he already had something to lose before he let himself fully love her. 
He looked to each member of his team, to Naruto in front of him and Sakura first. The determined yet angry aura that wavered of Naruto was nearly tangible. To  his right where Sakura was right beside him, her fear and perseverance to save her friend just as in reach. He watched Yamato and Sai, trailing behind on either side, the unwavering camaraderie and loyalty in their expressions as they trailed after the three towards the bridge.
He thought of the friends he had made that he had kept just out of reach for years, knowing deep down it would kill him inside if something happened to Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai. Even Genma, Shizune, Iruka, and Anko. He had always had something to lose even when he kept his distance, but the pain would be so much greater if he had ever let himself love. But the more he really admitted it to himself, he wasn’t far from feeling the pain he tried too hard to avoid the longer he had been around Naruto and Sakura. As for Sakura… The time they spent together just slowly became more and more, until they were just always together when she wasn’t at the hospital or with Ino or Naruto.
Reaching the gates, meeting everyone there, he smiled his usual eye crease.
“How many missions are we going to take that involve Sasuke?” Neji asked in his usual agitated tone.
“Neji!” Hinata chastised.
Naruto shook his head. “This time he’s gone after Sakura, again, and Ino. He’s crossed the line.”
“What are you saying, Naruto?” Yamato watched the jinchuriki carefully.
“I’m saying that from here on out, he’s not my brother. He’s not my best friend. He’s not my comrade. He’s an enemy.” He ground his teeth together. “I can’t keep watching him hurt the people I care about.”
“Naruto…” Sakura rested her hand on his shoulder. 
“Let’s not get hasty. The goal of the mission is to retrieve Ino, correct?” Yamato asked.
Kakashi nodded. “Sasuke is still under the influence of Orochimaru, remember.”
Sakura frowned. “He seemed perfectly well aware of what he was doing before.” 
Hinata watched the team with compassion, knowing how much Naruto struggles with the troubles surrounding Sasuke and his desire to bring him back from the darkness.
“We should go. Some Anbu reported here earlier saying there was no sign that they are still in the village.” Asuma stated softly, noticing how antsy his team was getting with all the talk. “Please remember the bonds between Ino and her team go further than just the academy and being genin together. Their clans have been comrades alongside each other for generations, and all three of my team are the next clan heads to take an oath to protect one another, and this is especially hard for Choji, as we all know his feelings for her.”
Shikamaru and Choji nodded, keeping silent but turning to start leaving towards the gates. 
The rest soon followed into the forest. Hinata kept close to Naruto as they leapt through the leaves. Kakashi and Sakura were together, Yamato jumping to the head to lead the envoy. The team leader stopped below the branches a moment, realizing they hadn’t even spoken of plans. “Wait a moment!”
Everyone stopped for a moment, staring at the captain of the mission confused.
“We need to discuss a formation and find a trail before we go high tailing to nowhere.” He gazed over at Kakashi expectantly.
The copy nin slid the scroll from his vest and performed the hand signs to summon his ninken before placing his hand on the ground. “Do any of you have something that could have Ino’s scent on it?” He looked pointedly at Choji.
Sakura shook her head and Choji looked nervous. 
“I don’t have anything…” He said solemnly.
Sakura smiled. “Choji, her scent is probably still all over you from last night. And you slept at her house.”
“Kakashi’s ninken can separate your own scent from hers.” Asuma nodded.
“Pakkun, Shiba, and Bisuke, find the scent of Ino. You’ve been around her once or twice. Follow it, and if you remember Sasuke’s scent still, follow that one as well. He kidnapped her. Report back to me if you find a trail.”
“You got it boss.” 
They went and sniffed Choji a few moments until they found the more feminine scent on his clothes. “You’re her boyfriend, aren’t you kid?” Pakkun asked bluntly.
Choji’s face turned red and he just nodded. 
His nose wiggled and nodded. “That’s it, let’s go.” 
And then the ninken were gone in a matter of blurs taking off.
Yamato nodded, clearly pleased with the success of finding a way to track them. “Okay. We have three Hyuga, so I want one in the front, one in the center and one in the back. Which of you three have the longest range?”
Neji and Hinata exchanged glances before silently agreeing on something.
“Captain, Hanabi does, but she cannot be in the front of line. Understand, she is the clan heirass and must be protected. Neji is further than mine.” She stated quietly but confidently.
Yamato nodded. “I understand. I am going to do a 2,3,2,3,2 formation. Neji, you will be in the front with me since you have the second superior sight range.” He paused a moment to think longer about his comrades abilities and strengths. “Shikamaru, Temari, and Choji you will be the next group behind me, two long range users to use on the enemies ahead, and Choji to give power hits I know the Akimichi have when they get close.”
 He thought about how to best protect Hanabi in an emergency with her in the center. “Hanabi in the center and Hinata in the back. Sai, because you have the super beast scroll and can summon anything, you will be with Hanabi, in the case that this gets too dangerous and a threat to her life, you are to form a beast and escape with her and protect her.” He took note of Hanabi turning just the slightest bit of pink and grinned and a knowing look passed over Hinata’s features, a grin crossing his face to hear no argument.
 Knowing Hinata would be the rear eyes, he glanced between the rest of the team. Sakura needed to be kept within the inner part of the formation as the medic nin and a target of the enemy. “Kakashi, Sakura, and Asuma, you will be between Hanabi and Hinata’s pairs as a group of three, because you all have close and strong combat skills. And we also want Sakura surrounded as our team's head medic and one of the targets of the enemy so she is to be in the center of you two.”
He glanced at Naruto, sure the ninja knew his place now but still stating it and the reason.“Naruto, you will be in the back with Hinata, as you have the most chakra and can handle an ambush attack with your shadow clones and toad summons, as well as your enhanced resilience from the nine tails. Hinata also has her protective trigrams to hold off an enemy use should it be needed.” 
Everyone moved into the formation given without much questioning to their captain. They were focused on saving their comrade, best friend, and or teammate. Sakura hated to be treated as if she were fragile but she knew she had to stay out of harm's way to be an effective medic. It didn’t mean she always had to like it though. She could still feel the fear slowly creeping into her mind again but she tried to keep watching for the next branch to land on, and the next and the next in hopes of distracting herself.
“Sakura…” Naruto called softly from behind.
Kakashi gave him a side glance, curious in what he had to say.
“What?” Sakura inquired.
“What happened?” Naruto asked directly. “You seem different, shaken. And not like you only seen Sasuke. I’ve seen that and this is different.” His eyebrows furrowed. “You’re shaky and torn up like you were traumatized, not just surprised…”
Sakura looked away from both Kakashi and Naruto. “Nothing…” She tried but her voice cracked, giving her away instantly that it was a lie.
“Sakura, did he do something else?” Kakashi asked, and she could hear the venomous threat meant toward the Uchiha lying in the tones of his voice.
“You’re acting like Sasuke after the time me and Jiraiya ran into Itachi and Kisame…” Naruto realized, his eyes widening with worry.
Sakura gulped. She didn’t want to make them worry more. If they found out she’s been through a tsukuyomi they might make her return to and stay in the village. 
“Sakura…” She could hear Kakashi try to steady his breathing.
“He… He didn’t just threaten to kill you.” She turned to face Kakashi. “He made me watch all the various ways he would have thought to do it…” She swallowed again. “It was only for a few mere moments…”
“Sakura! You shouldn’t be pushing yourself!” Hinata exclaimed.
“I’m fine!” The pinkette insisted.
Kakashi was doing everything he could to not lose his temper, not with her, but at the very thought he used any sort of that technique of the sharingan on her. He should have known by now that Sasuke was beyond redemption, but it still surprised just how low he could fall in how he treated his own teammates, let alone the conspiring against the village in such a way. They all should have learned by now.
The pangs of guilt he used to feel for believing he failed the raven kid were beginning to turn into contempt and revulsion.
Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. 
He tried so hard not to feel that way about Sasuke because he knew there could have been a chance he could have gone down a similar path, but the Uchiha chose over and over again to have revenge instead of camaraderie. How much more could he look the other way, as he watched him hurt his team over and over again, the two who still held hope for him until this particular betrayal?
That fact that he put Sakura through a tsukuyomi, not just a genjutsu. He still wondered how she was even conscious, let alone out of bed.
“Yamato, we need to stop. My ninken will be able to keep a trail and follow them to wherever they go.” Kakashi called out with a neutral tone, the same one he had used when he was the leader of missions. 
“Kakashi, I said I’m fine!” 
He gently grabbed her wrist as he stopped on the next branch, pulling her to a halt. “Sakura, even I was down after a tsukuyomi had been used on me.” He pressed. “Stop fighting  us on this.” His tone held a little more authority in the last statement. His grip was gentle but it was still firm.
She knew he was just trying to look out for her but it was annoying that he wouldn’t let it go. Annoyed at the tinge of authority in his voice, even though she knew he was considered second in command on this mission, even though he was technically her team leader. Her best friend was kidnapped and she did not plan on stopping until she found her.
Everyone else had stopped within yards of each other. Yamato came upon the back of the group, looking at his pink haired teammate. “Sakura, you should have been cleared by a medic.”
She huffed annoyed. “I am literally the medical director, and I said I’m fine.” She snapped. “My best friend is literally about to be at the hands of the two biggest rogue nin of our village, and we are stopping over some damn visions.” 
Naruto put a hand on his lifetime friend’s shoulder. “Sakura, even I know they aren’t just visions.”
“Ino’s safety is not worth trading for yours.” Asuma stated bluntly. 
“I am fine!” She tried to insist.
“Sakura, you’re barely holding it together.” Shikamaru pointed out. “Your best friend was just kidnapped by your revenge sick teammate that’s suddenly hellbent on having you, and he just used a forceful genjutsu on you. No one here is expecting you to be okay.”
“What if she needs medical attention, Sakura?” Hinata pleaded. “You have to have full stamina in case she has been severely injured…” Hinata knew that Sakura knew she was right but sometimes you needed to hear from someone else.
Sakura leaned against the tree, the exhaustion hitting her. “I’m fine. You know I’m resistant to genjutsu… I’m just tired and my head hurts. We don’t need to stop…” She trailed off, knowing she didn’t sound very convincing. 
“Sakura, you can’t push yourself to your limits and then expect to be of help when we get there. Or if anyone else gets hurt, you have to be able to be the medic, not one of the ones who needs a medic.”
Yamato looked at her. “You either need to rest and get a handle on your emotions, or I will have to send you back.” He said it in his usual tone of authority.
He knew Sakura would be angry but she was well aware that he did what was best for the mission and that he showed no sympathy. He treated them as ninja and wouldn’t ‘baby’ them. He’s made that clear since the first mission on Tenchi Bridge.
She frowned deeply at her captain’s words, but she knew he meant it. She just accepted it and slumped against the tree. “Fine. But we won’t rest a minute longer than it takes for my head to stop hurting.” She huffed.
Yamato nodded. “We’ll make camp below while we are still in fire country. Everyone dropped below besides the remaining Kakashi, Naruto, and Hinata.
Kakashi picked up Sakura with one hand supporting her back and his other hooked under her knees. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice came out harsher than he meant but it had bothered him.
“Because I knew Tsunade, or Shizune, wouldn’t have let me go if I mentioned it.” She stated tiredly. “And there was no way I wasn’t going on this mission when it’s my fault he took her in the first place…”
“What about after?” Naruto asked. 
“I told you when you asked…”
Hinata watched her, admiring her strength, but also worried. “Sakura, you know more than anyone that it’s not wise to go on a mission worn. And you are worn mentally…” She spoke softly, hoping to anger her friend.
Sakura looked at Hinata and smiled before resting her head on Kakashi’s shoulder and sighing. “I’ve never been a ninja that could keep my emotions from clouding my judgement Hinata…” Her expression turned into a bitter scowl as she thought to herself.]
“It’s my biggest downfall, and the reason we’re in this situation today, because it was my emotions that let that bastard live.” She mumbled vehemently, angry at herself.
“No.” Kakashi said sternly. “You and Naruto biggest strengths are the compassion and kindness you still hold in your hearts even after everything you’ve seen.” He looked from Naruto as he said and to Sakura. “Never forget that, either of you.” 
Naruto nodded, feeling some of the same feelings towards himself. “I’m done trying to save him. I meant it.”
Sakura nodded. “He really thought he could just swoop in after seven years, and that I’d just run right into his arms, ready to just be some baby maker and not an actual kunoichi.” 
Kakashi smiled then. “Well, you’ll show him, now won’t you?” His grip tightened around her body. “Only after you recuperate. And I would love to know how you are still conscious right now.” 
“I’m resistant, but I couldn’t avoid it like I can some others. I just kept telling myself it wasn’t real. And I just…” She shivered. “I’m not unaffected, trust me. I’m just…” She looked away. “I can’t let something happen to Ino…”
He nodded softly before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “We will get her, I promise, but it will not be at your expense.” He nodded to Naruto before jumping down the base of the tree, joining the rest of their rescue squad. 
“Kakashi, you want to do the honors of starting the fire?” Asuma joked lightly.
“Maybe after I make our medic relax.” Kakashi said offhandedly.
“It better not be in out ear shot, that would be a drag…” Shikamaru groaned.
Sakura turned red as Kakashi laughed, thankful his mask covered the slight pinkish tint that showed up on his own skin. “I actually hadn’t meant it like that but I’ll keep that in mind.”  He gave his normal eye crease before gently setting Sakura against a tree. He grabbed both of their packs and began setting up the tents.
“Kakashi, you might as well only set one up to save on space.” Yamato commented neutrally. “She needs to have a guard anyways. “The less setup we have, the less it will draw attention and time saved in taking it down anyways.” 
The spiky haired nin nodded as he continued setting up.
Sakura had given up on trying to seem fine now that it was out in the open that she really was far from it. She watched Kakashi setting up the tent,trying to keep distracted when Choji sat next to her. 
“I think Ino would kick your ass if she ever found out you were going to risk yourself like that for her.” He commented quietly.
“She might have.” Sakura laughed softly. “Tsunade is gonna kill me when she finds out…”
“Just take care of yourself too, Sakura. I know it’s hard, but we have to remember to keep ourselves in check.” He chuckled a bit. “Not all of us are fortunate enough to have the crazy chakra reserves and healing capabilities Naruto has.”
She smiled genuinely then. “You’re right…”
He rested his hand on her back. “She would have done the same for you, I’m sure of it. But we need you most of all to be cautious and in control. Recover first, so we have the greatest chance of saving both of you.” He gave her a small smile before leaving her side to talk with Asuma, Shikamaru, and Temari.
Yamato came over to Sakura next. “I’m glad you decided to rest.” He said with a careful smile. “I thought you were going to pummel me like Naruto for a second.” He tried to joke a little.
Sakura smiled up at him. “I wanted to for a second, but I know you were right.” She sighed. “I wouldn’t have expected any different from you, Captain Yamato. We both know I let my emotions get the best of me at times, even with the improvement I’ve made.”
He nodded softly as Kakashi came back. “Alright, time to get your hard headed self in a bed. You need to sleep.” 
Sakura slowly stood up. “I don’t know if I want to do that.” She grumbled. She walked into the tent, crouching a bit as she entered. She smiled as she saw the two cots laid side by side, laying on the one closest to the door. 
Kakashi watched her as she went into the tent and laid down before sighing.
“So, you need to fill everyone who wasn’t in that office on all the details of what happened and of this mission.” He looked at Kakashi. “I’m aware I’m the Captain because I don’t have as much emotional tether to Ino as her team and Sakura, nor do I have any bonds with Sasuke.”
Kakashi scoffed. “I think this may be the one move that will make them give up on Sasuke.” He glared at the ground. “I never truly gave up on him, but after this. I can’t keep believing he’s still able to saved…”
Asuma came up, knowing his friend held an enormous amount of guilt for the Uchiha’s choices. It was unspoken between the circle of friends, but it was easy to know he blamed himself. He always did. “I have Sai, Neji, Hanabi, and Hinata gathered around the soon to be fire so that we could fill them and Yamato in on the details.” 
Kakashi nodded. “There’s no time like the present.” He said nonchalantly, before making his way to the pile of sticks the rest were gathered around. 
He performed the katon no jutsu, igniting the pile instantly. The irony in using that technique wasn’t absent from his mind, knowing it was one of the main jutsus of the Uchiha. It only made the bitterness growing towards Sasuke grow deeper.
Even Naruto had given up on him now… 
He sighed, starting at the beginning with the night at the bar when Sakura and Ino felt watched, explaining that he realized Sasuke’s presence watching him and Sakura as she slept in his bed. Ending with the events that passed in Tsunade’s office.
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fandomsunshine · 7 years
Nart Watch S1 E21
Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals
- Gonna open up with gaara on the tree and his siblings nervously trying to explain to him. “I’ll kill you.” “I-I was wrong I-I’m sorry... “to his little brother. gaara apologize to sasuke, who is creeped out. He vanishes in sand and appears to his siblings. 
- Sakura holds them put to ask if they’re from the sand. Land of fire and land of wind are allied nations, but coming and going for no reason is illegal. She demands to know their business. 
- Temari shows a permit. They’re here for the chunin exam! Which Naruto has no idea what it is and Konohamaru does. If you take it you can become chunin
- Sasuke asks Gaara’s name. Refers to him as “that gourd next to you.” “I am gaara of the desert. I am interested in you too... What’s your name?” Tells him Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto cuts through the tension to say ‘what about him’ and gaara says ‘not interested’ asks if he looks weak. compared to sasuke yes
- Some sound nin are watching and say the gourd ninja and the uchiha need to be watched. 
- Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi all recommend their whole teams. Also apparently you can recommend any genin that has completed at least 8 formal missions. But having carried out twice that amount is more appropriate. Iruka thinks it’s too soon for Naruto. But he still gets recommended. He objects, saying he was all of their teachers, and they all have great abilities, but it’s too soon. Kakashi says he became a chunin at 6 years old. Iruka yells, accusing him of trying to crush Naruto. Kakashi says that wold be interesting. But he gets it. However, they’re not Iruka’s students anymore. They’re his subordinates. Kurenai tried to interject, and Asuma sees this as troublesome. 
- The hokage decides to introduce a preliminary exam~
- Meanwhile Sakura and Naruto are getting pissy at having to wait. Sakura’s pissed she didn’t get a chance to blow dry her hair. Naruto says he didn’t even wash his face or brush his teeth. Kakashi says he got lost on the way to life. Then says he’s reccommending them for the chunin exam. “Kakashi-sensei I love you!! *hug*” 
- Naruto’s so excited X3 I think he looks forward to fighting kankuro and sasuke. Sasuke is looking forward to fighting Gaara. Sakura, who has been falling behind, doesn’t think she’s ready 
- Man these are some cool genin showing up. They all look older than 12. 
- Grass ninja grabs Moegi and jumps away, kidnapping her. Naruto goes after her with konohamaru and udon
- Oh Sasuke is inviting Sakura to a walk? Yeah no this is a trap
- They chase him into the woods where he has moegi tied up and gagged. He wants the first hokage’s scroll of sealing
- Sasuke and Sakura walk in the fog. Tells her to give up on the chunin exams, that it’s too early. She agrees. Says she might die, and she’s happy to be worried abot. He says he is worried. Grass nin shows up and they fight. They make it seem like Sasuke loses and gets impaled by kunai. 
- “What’ll happen if I say HELL NO?” and “Pff! I don’t care what happens to straw!” ha he already got moegi back and catches the guy in a net. Konohamaru hugs his friend happily. But the gy switches with a rock 
- Sakura’s crying over Sasuke again. “Give up on the chunin exam!” Oh no she knew it was a genjutsu XD good I was about to say. She knows Sasuke would never invite her for a walk. “Don’t make me say frustrating things. That kind of elementary genjutsu would ever work on me!” and she knows they aren’t really there. He objects, and Sakura walks right over to the weapon and it goes through her. Haaaa “I’m not scared! >C I’ll take you on! The chunin exam is...! ... I’m still not sure if I can do it” 
- Sasuke faces off with the grass nin easily, taking them on in seconds 
- Oh it was just Iruka! And it was the preliminary exam. They all passed!
- It’s been 5 years since rookies have been entered into the chunin exam
- Tenten and Lee! Talking about the chunin exam as they train with dummies. Throwing kunai and the like. Neji too. He has no problem sitting under a dummy and letting tenten throw
- Sasuke notices something is weird about Sakura. 
- Lee gets into a fight with some older genin. Tenten nicely asks to be let through and gets punched. “Listen, we’re being nice. Many people have quit after failing, and a lot of people become disabled here.” 
- Chunin is at the level of unit leader. Ninja deaths and those things are responsibilities like that. How can they just let brats through? Saske says that’s a good point. But he will be let through. Can you let go of the genjutsu please? “Sakura, you should’ve noticed. Your analytical knowledge and genjutsu-know-how are the most improved of our squad. She’s gained confidence
- They start to fight but lee stops them both qickly with great strength. Saske is stunned by the chakra in his arm. Neji says he was the one who didn’t want to show off strength. And Lee is blushing over sakura X3 “Please go out with me! I’ll protect you until I die!” “Absolutely not” “Huh D:” “You’re way too intense” “Oh D:” Naruto laghs
- Neji asks Sasuke to identify himself. Naruto is annoyed that this keeps happening to Sasuke and not him! “When asking someone his name, give your own name first.” “You’re a rookie right? How old are you?” “”I don’t have to tell you.” Tenten thinks Sasuke is cute. Sasuke just leaves. X3 Sakura leaves holding her boys’ hands
- Oh those genin were instructors
- Sasuke is looking forward to fighting neji, lee, and gaara
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