#he nods and turns on the compactor LOL
isaut · 3 months
btw kuroro 100% believes he can win me back… he sends gifts on my birthday, flowers on mother’s day and on our wedding anniversary, along with a gift. it’s so so gross
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markxmelon · 2 years
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Parings: WinWin x Simp!Yuta & Simp!Y/N
Pronouns: She/Her
Genre: Fluff, Slightly Comedic
Warnings: Switches between Sicheng and WinWin, WayV members make an appearance(including Lucas), they’re in high school, let me know if I missed any
Word Count: 1.3k
This was on my Wattpad account and I hope it gets more love on tumblr! I’ve been kind scared to post on here because y’all are elite on here lol. I hope you babes enjoy!
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Winwin walks down the school hallway casually. However, he was scared. Nothing was amiss, but that's what terrifies him. He’s scared of losing this serene feeling of calmness. He's almost to his class. Maybe there's nothing to be afraid of, he thought. But he thought too soon.
He sighs to himself. His foot steps quicken as he heard the owners of the voices run in his direction. Sadly he wasn't quick enough. The cheerful y/n and Yuta show up on both sides of Winwin.
Y/n and Yuta are Winwin's biggest fans. They know everything about him. His favorite foods, outfits, number, music, etc. They worshipped and loved Winwin. He, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with them.
"Sicheng, did you eat breakfast today?" Yuta asks.
"Do you have lunch money? If you don't then I-"
"Yuta stop annoying him!" Y/n says as she wraps her arm around Winwin's arm. "You sound like his mother. We need to sound cool."
Yuta nods. "You're right!"
Y/n clears her throat. "You and us Sicheng. Lunch. Be there or be squared." Her smirk full of confidence.
Winwin pulls his arm away from y/n and walks into his class.
Y/n pouts and Yuta pats her back. "We'll get him one day, y/n." Yuta puts his fist out, y/n puts her hand over his fist, and they vigorously shake their hands. "GARBAGE COMPACTOR!!!" They yell with smiles on their faces.
A girl and her friends walked passed them, "Losers." The girl and her friends laugh.
Yuta and y/n look down and scurry to class.
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Ten and Winwin walk into the cafeteria together.
"Today just sucks. Test, annoying teachers, my head hurts, I even spilled coffee on myself this morning. Thanks for the hoodie by the way." Winwin says to Ten. "Yeah no problem." Ten replies with a wave of his hand.
"I swear if one more thing happens today I might lose it." Winwin sits at the table with the rest of his friends. "Long day?" Lucas asks. "Very." He puts his head down. "Looks like it's about to get even longer." Hendery says with an amused chuckle.
"Sicheng!" Y/n and Yuta yell in sync as usual. Winwin groans.
"You came to lunch late today so we managed to save all the good stuff for you." The two gave up their lunches to Winwin. "Thanks...go away now." The duo still didn't leave. "Do you need help eating Winwin? You look tired." Yuta asks. "No stupid! If he's tired he clearly needs a massage." Y/n argues. "You'll have to kill me to have a moment like that with him." They argue back and forth, Winwin's headache only gets worse. The two stop arguing at the sound of Winwin's voice, "Can you guys please leave?" "Of course, but first," Y/n pulls a note out of her backpack, "I wrote a note for you. I hope you like it and that it makes your day." She holds the note out but Winwin doesn't take it.
"Sicheng, aren't you going to take it?" He keeps his head down. "Sicheng?" No response. She pokes his arm. Nothing. She continuously pokes his arm and, eventually, he snaps. "Oh. My. GOD! Can you take a hint?! I don't want your stupid letter!" He takes the letter from y/n's hands, then rips it up. "When will you understand that I hate you?! All you do is annoy me! Please do me a favor and stay the HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!!"
Y/n's eyes fill with tears and she runs out of the cafeteria. A worried Yuta chases after her, not before he picks up the ripped pieces of paper off the floor though.
Winwin turns back to the table annoyed. "Weren't you a little harsh with her?" Xiaojun asks. "Yeah poor girl." Kun adds.
"She'll be fine. Her and Yuta will be running back to me tomorrow." He says with a shrug as he eats the food his ultimate fans left for him. "If you say so..." YangYang says.
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Winwin walks down the school hallway casually. However, he was scared. Nothing was amiss, but that's what terrifies him. He’s scared of losing this serene feeling of calmness. He's almost to his class. Maybe there's nothing to be afraid of, he thought. This time he was correct. "Or so I thought." Winwin mumbles to himself as he saw y/n and Yuta walk in his direction. He sighs, but then feels nothing but confusion as they both walk straight passed him. He shrugs, maybe they have to be early for class. He continues on with his day as if nothing's wrong.
"So how is today going? Anything new?" Ten asks as he and Winwin walk to lunch. "No...today has actually been very quiet. Y/n and Yuta haven't talked to me all day." "That's weird." "Very."
Winwin makes it through the whole day without one interaction with y/n and Yuta. I'll probably have to pry them off of me tomorrow.
They ignored him the next day and the day after that. Soon it was a whole 2 weeks without them.
"Hey I left my wallet in my locker, can you help me pay for lunch?" Winwin asks Ten, who was in front of him in line. "Sorry bro. I only have enough money for me." Winwin sighs then leaves the lunch line to get his money.
He gets his wallet out of his locker and when he closes it, he sees Yuta standing in front of him. Winwin jumps. He raises an eyebrow at Yuta.
"I miss you Sicheng. I know you low-key love me and y/n, but have a hard time showing it. However, y/n doesn't know that you're like that and you really hurt her feelings."
Winwin rolls his eyes and sarcastically asks, "Aren't you guys supposed to know everything about me? How did she not know that?"
"I don't know...that girl is horrible at telling emotions." Yuta responds obliviously.
"Well her being upset is not my problem. I've been less stressed lately without you guys constantly bugging me." He tries to walk past Yuta but he grabs his arm. Yuta grabs a note from his pocket. "Please just read this." He pleads. Winwin looks at Yuta for a moment then grabs the letter. Yuta lets go of his arm and walks away.
Winwin notices the clear tape on the note. He must've taped y/n's letter back together. He finally takes the time to read the letter.
" Dear Sicheng,
First I want to thank you for being a part of my life. I'm sorry for being so annoying and consistently bothering you. It's just ever since I first meet you, I knew you were the one for me. Even if you wanted nothing to do with me. You protected me from those mean girls and even helped me run away from them. I'll never forget how kind you were for doing that. I even met my best friend Yuta because of you. Thank you for existing Dong Sicheng. I love you ♥︎.
From the bottom of my heart,
Y/n y/l/n “
Winwin's heart did something as he read the letter. I kinda miss my simps. He looks around for y/n, but can't find her or Yuta anywhere. After running around and noticing that lunch ends in 15 minutes, he gives up and goes to sit in the school's garden. Feeling sorta bad about what he said to y/n.
He finds a bench and sits with his head in his hands. His stomach growls. That's right. I haven't eaten yet... Winwin moves his hands from his head and noticed a hand holding out a bento box full of food. He looks up and sees that it's y/n. He takes the box while still looking at her. She's still so kind to me. Even after what I said to her. Why? She sits next to him. Not a word has been said.
Without thinking Winwin places his hand over y/n's and pecked her cheek. "Thank you."
He takes y/n's flushed cheeks and sheepish smile as her forgiving him.
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fangirl-on-bitches · 4 years
Obi-Wan x Reader OneShot.
Word Count: 1491
Warnings/AN: Based of the best dream I ever had. Slight AU ( I would call it more like a canon divergence), but it was fun in my head. As it was a dream the places don't really belong to anything I saw in Star Wars. It has some plot at the beginning but towards the end there’s like no plot. I just love this man.
Summary: You are an ally of Padmé Amidala. The place? A senator banquet in Coruscant. Padmé is actually on the separatist side but no one knows, except for you, of course. You are in charge of disposing the body that both Padmé and you are responsible for killing.
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It was always all pleasantries and formalities amongst senators. You knew this well, and were trained to fake them wonderfully. Even with all the adrenaline running through your veins you kept a polite smile and a straight back, nodding and chuckling whenever you had to.
Padmé, who was also faking by your side, was quick to give you a hint to leave and finish business. She excused herself from you with a credible and common senator excuse "I need to discuss private matters with senator Alavar, my friend, excuse us."
"Of course, m'lady." You said out of habit. With a confident stride you walked through the banquet, admiring the crystal dome showing some stars, mostly hidden by the artificial lights of Coruscant. The art gallery where the banquet was taking place was pompous and did not reflect the current war situation going all around the galaxy. Enormous paints decorated the walls and a mix of gold and marble could be seen in columns and wide staircases, a black piano contrasting perfectly with the ambience.
Thankfully, your diseased objective was well hidden. Senator Kharrus was a big Gran but once dead he fitted perfectly in the commode by the bed, all you had to do next was dispose him safely somewhere in the dumps of Coruscant, throwing him down some levels should do the trick.
You had to change to more discrete clothes and hairdo. A two piece black set, a tight ponytail and a cloak later you were ready to begin the operation. The hallways of the grand hotel were quiet and private as many senators usually had some illicit activities going on.
The commode was of course, no ordinary commode. It had wheels and looked a lot like a suitcase, so anyone who might cross your path would think you are just leaving. Of course, you didn't expect to cross paths with anyone on this floor, as senator would be returning to their rooms in later hours.
However, your plan wasn't perfect. Both Padmé and you weren't informed about the weak Jedi patrol around the hotel and it's perimeter. This was no problem, after all, you had a speeder with your accomplice waiting for you at the entrance of the hotel, you just had to get on the elevator and descend to the ground floor.
It stopped halfway through, a Jedi master entering the elevator. You were too distracted and a bit anxious to notice it was Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé's old friend and your well known acquaintance. He greeted you with polite smile, his dreamy eyes glinting. "Master Kenobi." You bowed slightly, a small blush creeping up your neck. "Making rounds?"
"I'm afraid so." He replied with a sigh. "But I can't complain, this is by far less stressful than the battlefield." In an attempt to inflate his ego and distract him from whatever question he may ask, you then turn to him with a worried expression.
"Oh my, the battlefield?" You batted your eyelashes slyly. "I bet it's so harsh to command battalions and lead attacks. How do you handle that?" Obi-Wan chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
"It's a little stressful and time consuming, but nothing we can't handle together."
"By together you mean...?"
"Together would include Anakin, his padawan and of course Cody and Rex, the commanders, alongside all the battalions." You nodded and quickly looked how long before you reached your destination. Not much.
"So I guess I should be calling you General Kenobi, after all, I call Anakin 'General Skywalker'."
"Oh, there's no need for that, my dear." To your dismay, the Jedi was also going to the ground floor, and because he was such a gentleman and so nice he scorted you to your speeder. You almost melt in your seat when the speeder began to fly away from the Jedi. The journey wasn't long; with your hood up to hide your identity you thought about Obi Wan Kenobi.
It was a waste such a wonderful looking man was a Jedi. He was so... Uptight as well. All bark and no bite, he's the type of Jedi that flirts and flatters left and right, but does not touch a single hair of your perfect head.
You knew, everyone in Gossip Infested Coruscant knew, Jedi aren't celibate, and this made you want to make a move on the Jedi. He was such a nice view for sore eyes, although there was something off with him. Maybe it was his formality or that he simply lacked a pinch of malice in his oh so pure jedi-soul.
Before thinking too much on his amazing smile and hair, or his incredibly well kept beard, or even before imagining the strong pair of arms under his robes (and whatever other goods are hidden down there) the speeder stopped.
The stink of the trash compactor was so evident and penetrating you were surprised you haven't gagged yet. With the help of your accomplice you threw the body, which was inside a black bag, in the compactor watching how it got crushed and no witnesses to take care off.
As soon as you got to your hotel room you took a quick shower, covering yourself in perfume and soap to cover whatever trace of trash smell could be left. You got into your pompous senator like dress, which was actually nicer and more comfortable than most senator dresses. A beautiful emerald-green long dress with your hair down and a few accessories to complement.
You rejoined the party with a soft nod to Padmé. The job was finished. With the grace of a lady, and the hunger of a lion, you attacked the banquet, trying to look as composed as possible. As you were looking at the desserts you noticed two people you knew. General Skywalker and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, stood in their Jedi robes watching over the party. The girl noticed you, waving with a sweet smile. You walked with a smile on your face, that pair were your favourite Jedi.
"Good evening General, Commander." You greeted maintaining formalities. Anakin nodded and Ahsoka smiled. "You have to do rounds too?" You asked, remembering Kenobi.
"Who did you cross paths with?" Ahsoka asked.
"With Master Kenobi. I met him in the elevator an hour ago." You replied, remembering his handsome smile. Some small talk later you decided to walk to the piano. You sat and started to play some Naboo melody, intended to be background music, more than anything else.
You were so concentrated in playing the correct keys at the correct pace that when a cold hand placed itself on your shoulder you almost yelped. You looked up, and Obi-Wan's chiseled face smiled down at you. Of course, you stopped playing the piano. "General, we meet again."
"A pleasure meeting you so often, my dear." He replied, his hand squeezing your shoulder lightly. "May I take the lovely-looking lady for a walk?" He offered his hand, leaving a longing trace in your shoulder. You took his hand and stood up, he then smoothly interwined his arm with yours, scorting you to wherever he wanted to go.
"Aren't you on duty?" You ask curiously, looking at the man by your side. "Don't get me wrong, I L-enjoy the pleasure of your company but I wouldn't want to distract you from you duties." You corrected yourself before saying you loved the pleasure of his company, he may take it the wrong way.
"I just finished my duty, Ahsoka and Anakin came to cover my spot." You nodded, noticing how you were now out of the banquet, heading towards the private gardens with a great view from Coruscant. You yawned, sitting on a marble bench, the Jedi following suit. "Long day?"
"You wouldn't even imagine. Talking with all the senators is really draining."
"I feel the same way sometimes, but from all the people on the banquet today, you are my favourite to talk to."
"Well, yeah, I'm not a politician." You rolled your eyes playfully, trying to ignore the fact that you where his favourite. "Does that mean you like talking to me more than you like talking to Anakin?"
"Anakin... It's complicated. He talks too much. And Ahsoka too." Obi Wan admitted making you chuckle.
"Well, they are younger than us." You pointed out, making the Jedi nod. Then he started to talk about how much energy they had and how loud they could sometimes be. His voice was so soothing, your eyes started to close. You were resting but could still listen to him. At some point your head found his shoulder.
"I see my words are not enjoyable." He told you, his voice softer than before. You shook your head slightly, one of your arms snaking and holding his left arm, looking for warmness.
"Please keep talking, your voice is relaxing." You could hear a smile as be proceeded to talk and describe his war life in the Outer Rims.
AN: Hi! So, my dream wasn’t actually like this 100%. The elevator part was added for more Obi-Wan. But in my dream, in the piano part, Obi-Wan touched my shoulder and told me “I know what you did, my dear.” and then I woke up. It sounds creepy but it was not creepy in my dream it was more like a seductive affirmation lol. So that’s why the end sucks sorry :(
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Chats: Jo+Anna
(for lexy)
FIRST ONE: When Anna had her cast, and basically is the girls just talking about their sexlives/the guys’ turn ons according to them?!?!
<Jo> Yep yep!
<Jo> Anna and Gray talking and threats on genitalia FTW
<Anna> LOL
<Jo> *feels so bad for Gray and Anna right now*
<Anna> lol
<Anna> the make up sex will be amazing
<Jo> Lol most definitely
<Jo> Gray is trying to get Jo and Grey to fuck currently
<Anna> o.O
<Jo> Because he’s trying to live vicariously through Grey
<Jo> Cause Anna is injured
<Jo> And they are in the midst of needing make up sex
<Anna> *dying*
<Anna> *had not heard this*
<Jo> Lol it was happening last night
<Anna> LOL
<Anna> Gray went from not much sex to getting it with Anna and now he’s back to no sex
<Jo> LOL where as Grey has gone from all the sex to no sex for four months, to once a month-every other month with Jo though its coming up to the two month bracket again.
<Anna> LOL
<Jo> So Gray is trying to get his brother laid since he seemingly has realised he can just go have sex when he wants
<Anna> *crying*
<Jo> XD
<Jo> Its highly amusing
<Anna> I love it
<Jo> Sadly Grey is rejecting suggestions. Though there was a five minute discussion of Gray’s random shouts of “PITY BLOW JOBS” when Grey and Jo talk
<Anna> “you need to get laid..” “why” “because my gf is an idiot and i’m cut off”…“still not explaining why I need to get laid…”
<Jo> Lol accurate
<Anna> I support this
<Jo> lololol I’m pretty sure the only one who doesnt support it is Grey.
<Anna> “you know, you should have sex with Gray”
<Jo> “… What?!”
<Anna> “Grey, you and he should have sex.”
<Jo> “We..do have sex? Sometimes… Occasionally. ….Why are you saying that?” (God misspell almost killed Jo)
<Anna> (crying)
<Anna> *Anna shrugs* “Someone should be getting some around here.”
<Jo> “I cant really disagree with you there, but I’d have thought you’d be seeing just what can and cant be done with what happened to your leg rather than suggesting me and Grey fuck.”
<Anna> “Not sure Gray is talking to me enough right now for the suggestion of sex..”
<Jo> “Oh? Well thats not normal. I’d figure he’d jump at the chance for a lay even if he was mad at you. The hatesex is kind of great, and its a good form of apology really.”
<Jo> (Im going to have to nip off and hcange rooms in a few minutes but I’m keeping saving so we’ll continue when I get back when I do? Cause this is just too amusing.)
<Anna> *Anna snorts* “Not sure if you’ve noticed but Gray and Grey are a lot more a like than they want to admit. He treats me like glass right now. It’s why you and Grey should go for it, see if he’s taken a rougher turn.”
<Anna> (kk!)
<Jo> *Jo bites down on her lip to stop from laughing, nodding* “Okay yeah, theyre sort of alike in that respect. Though I’m pretty sure the rougher turn would be unlikely, he’s still walking on eggshells after a fight of ours among other things - not that I wouldnt welcome it or /anything/ really.”
<Anna> *Anna laughs some* “Take advantage of what turns him on. Like, just do something that pushes his buttons.”
<Anna> (brb fast)
<Jo> (kk!)
<Jo> “Unlike you, I cant really whip out the whips and dirty talk to get an auto-okay.” *Jo grins, shaking her head with a sigh* “I’m still amused youre encouraging this, but I guess I know some things that I could do - though I dont think it’d get the reaction youre thinking”
<Anna> *Anna blushes* “It’s not that easy with Gray but it definatly helps to push his buttons. I mean there isn’t one thing that Grey likes that he can’t resist if you do it?”
<Jo> “Oh really? I’d have thought with how… sex-obsessed he’s been talking lately I would have thought it might be.” *She smiles wider at Anna’s blush before turning reddish herself, smirking wider as she talks* “Theres.. his neck. I guess. I mean, if it can get him in the mood in the middle of a zombie flick, it must be pretty good, right?”
<Anna> “So then just put in his favorite movie and the go for the throat.” *Anna grins at Jo’s own blush with a raised brow.* “And it’s good to know Gray is missing sex.”
<Jo> “I’d think a movie he /doesnt/ like would work better. The potential for being turned down in favor of a lightsabre battle is not something I want to comprehend.   Gray keeps suggesting I give his brother pity blowjobs. If he’s trying to get someone else laid, I’d guess he’s blueballing pretty bad.” *Jo rubs at the back of her neck, giving an awkward laugh originally, getting slightly redder*
<Anna> “Oh I’m so glad Gray is easier. I mean, just a lil dirty talk and telling him how I want to be f…erm..what I want to try and he’s pretty much ready to go.” *Anna looks away trying to not smirk at the thought of Gray telling Jo to give Grey pity blowjobs* “And I would have to hurt him if I was ever passed over for a movie.”
<Jo> “Like I say, it’s pretty much the neck, no talking required. Though I guess I could understand turning up sex for the trash compactor scene.” *Jo laughs, obviously joking before giving Anna a curious look* “So I guess you tend to suggest a fair few ideas? Anything unexpectedly good?”
<Anna> “Well, turn the movie on, let him find it, sit down watching and then attack the neck from behind.” *Anna runs her hand through her hair and she just gives a small shrug.* “Well, there’s been some good ones. I kind of spent the day reading smut stories to learn how to talk dirty because that isn’t something we are taught you know as an angel.”
<Jo> “Generally we just end up curled up on the couch with a movie, its not to hard to just turn my head if I want to actually.” *Anna explaining her reading up makes Jo snicker* “Dirty talk is not that hard, though I guess maybe for you.. Those things are good for ideas though.”
<Anna> *Anna just gives Jo a dirty look but then grins* “Oh shut up I wasn’t born or raised in a barn..or bar in your case and even as a human it was a church. I think that’s why he likes it so much.”
<Jo> “Naughty catholic girl. …You haven’t tried out schoolgirl outfits on him yet have you, because I think that might break him.” *Jo continues snickering, pinning Anna with a curious look*
<Anna> *Anna blinks having never thought of that and then grins blushing* “Not yet but I just might now, any chance you could get one for me? And one for yourself, we could see what they do if we both show up in them.”
<Jo> *Jo flushes brightly, shaking her head at Anna rapidly* “No! No no, I.. this has been a discussion before in jest, and just no. Mainly because while I’m sure Gray would be distracted by the appeal of it, Grey can do a disturbingly good looking teacher act. But I could find one for you, easy.”
<Anna> “Oh come on. You with your hair up in pigtails could easily be bend over Grey’s lap.” *Anna is starting to laugh as she can’t get the mental image out of her mind now. “I’m sure you could think of a hundred things you’ve done to be a bad girl.”
<Jo> *If it were possible she was sure she was blushing more, tryng not to laugh at Anna’s comments as the image pops into her head* “You’re saying that like you wouldnt just be eaten up even quicker by Gray if you showed up in braids and some red tartan skirt, white shirt and a tie he could wrap your wrists in. That, and he wouldn’t play along, just go right for your panties.”
<Anna> “Who would be wearing panties?” *Anna chokes on her laughter as she wipes her face, eyes starting to water as she laughs.* “Oh hell..How did we get to talking about this again? I mean you and Grey are the ones needing to get laid. What about naughty secretery? White button up shirt, black pencil skirt, heels, no bra and your hair up in a bun?”
<Jo> “Easy, you and Gray have a lot more sex, even when you’re fighting!” *Jo rubs at her cheeks, feeling like they were almost on fire as she looks back at Anna with a grin and a shake of her head* “I think I’d have better luck walking about in a Superman tshirt and nothing else, honestly. Though I should probably invest in some /actual/ lingerie some day.”
<Anna> “So then awkard nerd? There’s a halloween shop in town I’m sure you can find the Princess Leia slave bikini.” *Anna is trying hard to say this is a straight face and she’s failing miserably as she holds her stomach nearly doubling over in laughter at this point.*
<Jo> *Jo lets out a squeak of laughter before shoving her hand across her mouth, shaking her head as Anna cracks up* “Oh god! You didn’t get that from turning down for a jedi fight?! Still, lord, I don’t think there is any place but a convention that anyone could pull that off.”
<Anna> “Or maybe you could be his communications officer and he could be your captain.” *Anna lays back in the bed, she can’t breath now as Jo squeeks and talks about being turned down for a jedi fight.* “It’s a convention for two in your bedroom..”
<Jo> *If she wasnt already laughing, Jo was certain she would be at that, clutching onto the end of the bed to keep herself upright* “This is where you start making Billie Piper jokes and suggest painting the bedroom doorway blue as well.”
<Anna> *Anna puts her hand over her mouth, she’s trying to not scream the mental image of Grey and Jo playing Doctor hits her.* “I dare you get to a vibrator and tell Grey he forgot his sonic screwdriver.*
<Jo> *Its what cracks her, dropping to her knees and clutching her ribs as she laughs, before clawing her way to stand after a thought comes to her* "I guess I know what his Tardis is then - cause it’s bigger on the inside of his pants.”
<Anna> *Anna can feel the tears running down her face as she laughs. She wants to ask if that’s the control stick and did he have to press as many button on her as he did the Tardis to get a rise but she can’t make the words form around the laughter.*
<Jo> *It takes a few minutes before Jo has control enough of herself to be able to breathe properly, wiping at her eyes* “Okay, so… I should work on my english accent and find you a schoolgirl outfit.” *she swallows down a laugh as she speak, still rubbing at her eyes and gasping for breath occasionally*
<Anna> “Yes.” *Anna is slowly starting to get her breath and she’s sure her face is as red as Jo’s face right now.*
<Jo> *Stiffling herself from laughing again, Jo cocks a hip to the side and gives Anna and her casted leg a look* “Maybe a cheerleader outfit would work better, claim you got a sports injury.”
<Anna> *Anna looks down at the hard cast they put on her yesterday and she shakes her head.* “I was thinking more of telling him I had been a bad girl and needed to go to the principles office.” *Once again she’s in a fit of giggles.*
<Jo> “Watch out, he might think about bringing in corporal punishment on your unpantied ass.” *Jo gives a snicker, covering her mouth with a hand*
<Anna> *Anna tries to say something but the nurse comes in giving both girls a look, having heard the last part of Jo’s conversation, saying Anna can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn’t put any weight on that leg and Anna pulls the pillow over her head dying*
<Jo> *Jo waits until the woman is out of the room before saying offhandedly* “Pretty sure being on someone’s lap counts as not putting weight down”
<Anna> *Anna snorts laughing* “On…Across..same difference right?”
<Jo> “Across is a lot more comfortable in that situation” *Smirking slightly, Jo waggles an eyebrow at Anna*
<Anna> “Don’t you have to go pick out a zombie movie and molest a neck?” *Anna grins shooing Jo off, getting her composure back as she smiles, glad for Jo being here*
<Jo> *Jo laughs, pulling a slightly smug face and shrugging a shoulder* “I’ll let you know how it goes then. Try not to spoil the treat until I can get you the props, Anna, or else you really will have been a naughty, naughty girl.”
<Anna> “Oh go get laid!” *Anna laughs as Jo leaves, missing Gray and hoping he won’t treat her like she will break when she gets out.“
SECOND ONE: Jo and Grey had hooked up and then Jo annoyed Anna to death
<Anna> Anna is now …grumbling…
<Jo> Oh..?
<Anna> “well I’m glad someone finally got some” /sarcasm
<Jo> “You were all for it, don’t go bitchin’ cause I get laid and you don’t. I fully support your right to fuck too though”       headdeskingatJoandherhappymood
<Anna> *Anna looks at Jo’s perky attitude this morning and shakes her head.* “I almost think I prefer Ruby and that scalpel.”
<Jo> “You say that, but you really don’t mean that.” *Jo smiles back at Anna widely* “That’s going to suck for a long while, while this is just going to be painful til you get some too. Which might be a while.”
<Anna> “Oh shut up..I’ve already tried and been shut down.” *Anna rolls her eyes at the fact this is the best mood that Jo’s been in for ages.*
<Jo> “/That/ sucks. Seriously, I know exactly how bad that sucks.” *Attempting to look sincerely sorry for the other was hard as she keeps trying to smile from the lack of tension and stress running through her* “I’m surprised though really.”
<Anna> *Anna watches Jo’s attempt and fail at a serious expression and she rolls her eyes with  shake of her head.* “Tell Grey he’s bad for your poker face.”
<Jo> “Oh come off, I’m not really trying.” *Jo snorts, covering her mouth with a hand before quirking an eyebrow upward* “I’m sure you would have as hard a time as I am in my position.”
<Anna> “Uh huh, right now you couldn’t bluff your way out of a game with a blind man.” *Anna chuckles watching Jo, amusing now at the snort.*
<Jo> *Jo shakes her head in embarrassment before laughing* “Yeah okay, shut up, it’d been a while okay?”
<Anna> “And just what position was you in that put you in that good a mood?” *Anna sits back crossing her arms over her chest watching Jo*
<Jo> “Lets say, I was a little shocked I could get out of bed on my own two feet. We bested our record of.. well, you know.” *Biting down on her lip and waggling an eyebrow, Jo smiles back at the other*
<Anna> *Anna can’t help but hate Jo right now a bit as she laughs.* “Well I’m glad someone got something around here. If I didn’t think it would just piss him off I would circle the bed in iron till Gray gets it through his head he isn’t going too break me.”
<Jo> “I’d offer to help beating that over his head, but I’m pretty sure my own mood and the fact he generally wants to kill me might make that a little hard” *Jo laughs along, reaching to rub at the back of her neck with one hand*
<Anna> “Yes because if he takes his sexual frustrations out on your ass..I am never getting laid again.” *Anna sits there still sulking some but enjoying Jo’s good mood.*
<Jo> “If anything, I think talking to me might make him more frustrated from the kind of no-kill warning .” *Shrugging a shoulder, Jo moves around to the other side of the bed, hopping into the furthest corner down near Anna’s feet* “I could always go hurry up that schoolgirl outfit for you. Claim that he should punish you for running off?”
<Anna> *Anna can’t help but turn red but it might get Gray motivated.* “Yes you should, because if that doesn’t get him then I’m doomed."And then I can blame it all one you when he gets over it.” *Anna sits up shaking her head at Jo.* “Because you’re such a bad influence on me. Coming over and telling me of your sexual conquest.”
<Jo> “You’re going to blame me for your sex life to his face? That might be a few extra spanks.” *Jo lets out a loud laugh, shaking her head and brushing her hair back over her shoulder* “I dont think I needed to even say anything. Like you say, he ruined my pokerface and if that didn’t work I’m sure I have a hickey or two or something like it somewhere. Maybe. I don’t know, Grey doesn’t like marking”
<Anna> “I don’t think what Gray does would be considered hickies.* "Anna chuckles, knowing how much her boy likes to bite. "So is Grey a biter too? Or is that just Gray?”
<Jo> “No, what your guy does is /definitely/ not considered hickies.” *Shifting in her spot, she rubs a hand against her neck, grinning back at Anna* “And no, not in the same way at all but theres definitely teeth action in some spots.”
<Anna> *Anna laughs* “Good think Ellen is a few states over then, you don’t have to worry about covering them up around your mom.”
<Jo> “They’re not exactly anywhere that would be visible unless I was walking around without pants.” *Jo’s grin widens out into a smirk, almost laughing again*
<Anna> “And with you that is a total possibility.” *Anna laughs* “
<Jo> "Possible, but unlikely. ‘least without my being able to cover them with a shirt until I could get the pants back on.”
<Anna> “You know I did notice you walking a lil funny when you came in. Gimped through sex, that’s an achievement Joanna Beth.” *Anna teases her smirking*
<Jo> *Jo flushes brightly, crossing her legs under herself with an attempt at a pissy look* “Like I say, we beat our record. Grey has a thing about one upping himself, which I really am never going to discourage if thats what happens.”
<Anna> *Anna laughs and she sits up more smirking at Jo with an evil amusement.* “I can’t wait till he tries to beat a 24 hour record then because then I’ll know not to panic when you come in a week later walking bowlegged”
<Jo> “He says we can’t just stay in bed because of chaffing, so I’m hoping that’d stop the bowleggedness. Maybe.” *Jo ducks her head down, rubbing a hand against her inner thigh where she can already feel a slightly sore bruise coming through* “Either that, or I’ll just say in bed until the walk is back to normal.”
<Anna> “There maybe nothing normal ever again about your walk if Grey continues a life of beating his own records.” *Anna’s enjoying this far more than she wants to admit, watching Jo look uncomfortable.* “I’m glad Gray doesn’t have that quirk.”
<Jo> “Ah, but not all of what we do will effect my walking, Anna. I’m not the only one who’ll get on my knees.” *Jo flushes brightly, smiling wickedly as she says it knowing Anna’ll probably make a comment but not really caring* “I’ll take getting pleased more and more over what kinks Gray /does/ have.”
<Anna> *Anna raises a brow at Jo and shrugs* “It may not all be just /his/ kinks. And while he might not get on his knees..he’s very good with other parts of his body.” *Running a hand through her hair she looks at the time* “So how soon can you ahve that outfit here?”
<Jo> “Preaching to the choir, Anna.” *Jo shakes her head, looking at Anna curiously before laughing* “I could get it today if I had the right incentive to do so, like you say, there is a costume shop further in city.”
<Anna> *Anna can’t believe she’s saying this but needs to snap Gray out of this mentality that she’s glass right now.* “And just what is the right incentive?”
<Jo> “You tell him I need to speak with him /without/ him laying a hand on me, and I’ll go pick you up one. I have something I need to discuss with him.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder, smiling slightly at Anna actually asking and feeling sort of bad for her through the happy haze*
<Anna> “I’ll tell him but what are you wanting to talk to him about?” *Anna looks curously at Jo, wondering what the other woman could want to say to Gray.“
<Jo> *Shaking her head, Jo pulls a slight face before running a hand through her hair* "Nothing too important, just a follow up to a conversation we had a while ago.”
<Anna> “Uh huh. Just don’t kill each other.” *Anna runs her hand through her hair, she trusts them both but she doesn’t want the fragile peace to end.*
<Jo> “Well, I’ll go get that for you, I’ll get Sophie to bring it up so you can get ready in peace without him potentially popping in on me around, yeah?” *Jo hops up of the bed, wincing slightly to herself before grinning brightly* “You just remember to ask that somewhere in there, okay?”
<Anna> “Anna laughs watching Jo move awkwardly without her usual grace* "Uh huh, and you might want to go soak in a hot tub or you won’t make a second round anytime in the next few weeks.”
<Jo> “I’ll keep that in mind.” *Jo rubs the back of her neck in embarrassment before ducking out the door heading out to keep her end of the bargain with a laugh*
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
In Roman mythology Janus stands for doors, beginnings, winter, journey etc. He's also double faced (Lord Slynt to the Wall, she had forgotten herself and said, "I hope the Others get him." The king had not been pleased)Janos is singularly important in Sansa&Jon's arcs He also connects them narrativly Since JonSa have a lot of parallels (arc&also personality wise) can you talk a bit Janus symbolism& what Janos Slynt mean for Jon/Sansa 1/2
2/2 Hope I made some sense (Please feel free to put on the shipper goggles) Plz give Napa a hug from me. I love your blog btw
Hey Anonny! That is so sweet, I am so flattered you like my little trash compactor of a blog :)
Ok so I ~might~ be on a bit of a different page than you with this. I definitely agree that the Janos/Janus connection and the symbolism associated with the god Janus is present in Jon’s arc. I also agree that Janos Slynt connects Jon and Sansa’s arcs (“Edd fetch me a block” makes me ~swoon~ every gd time lol). However, I don’t necessarily think that those two things are related or connected in any way, if that makes sense?
I’m going to attempt to explain myself, so hopefully it will…  
Janos Slynt/Janus and Jon Snow
So yeah, it’s like you were saying, Janus in Roman mythology is a two-faced god. Here’s what he looks like for anyone who is wondering…
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Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions, gates, doors, doorways, endings, and time. He is a two-faced god because he is supposed to be looking to the future and the past. I think Janus symbolism and Janos Slynt’s execution are really important because of when and how they occur in Jon’s arc:
Janos Slynt’s execution is the in same chapter as Maester Aemon’s famous line to Jon, “kill the boy and let the man be born.”
Janos Slynt’s execution is Jon’s first execution and his first major act as Lord Commander.
“You will have little joy of your command, but I think you have the strength in you to do the things that must be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born.“ — Maester Aemon in ADwD (Jon II)
“Kill the boy and let the man be born” kind of becomes Jon Snow’s ~mantra~ for a while after this. To me this was always the beginning of Jon Snow’s transition from a boy to a man and being Lord Commander. It seems like the beginning of a new chapter in his life. So the transition and beginnings symbolism associated with Janus makes a lot of sense here. It’s like the two-faced god is looking backward at Jon’s past and forward at his future.
I suppose there could be a similar theme in Sansa’s arc associated with Janos Slynt and Ilyn Payne beheading Ned. Her father’s death marked the clear and tragic end of Sansa’s life as she knew it, and (understandably) lead to a great deal of disillusionment:
“Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted her his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father’s head. Sansa would never make that mistake again.” — Sansa, ACoK
So I guess you could say that Janos Slynt was also associated with the end of Sansa’s childhood and one chapter of her life. But I think that connection and symbolism is much more prevalent within Jon’s arc in relation to Janos.  
Janos Slynt and Jon/Sansa
So here are those two passages that send every Jon/Sansa shippers’ heart ~*a flutter*~
Frog-faced Lord Slynt sat at the end of the council table wearing a black velvet doublet and a shiny cloth-of-gold cape, nodding with approval every time the king pronounced a sentence. Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. But a voice inside her whispered, There are no heroes… — Sansa VI, AGoT
“I will not hang him,” said Jon. “Bring him here.” “Oh, Seven save us,” he heard Bowen Marsh cry out. The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, “Edd, fetch me a block,” and unsheathed Longclaw. — Jon II, ADwD
We already knew Jon was a hero. But here specifically, I think that this means he could be Sansa’s hero; and this is significant because Sansa no longer believes in heroes. First, Sansa has pretty much completely abandoned her beliefs in the Knights and Heroes in the songs and fairy tales of her youth, the type of knights and heroes men like Joffrey, Loras Tyrell, and Jaime Lannister were supposed to be. Secondly, her new view on what would be a “heroic act” is nothing like the jousting, hand kissing and flower tossing she used to be charmed by. In fact, her new ideas on what would be a heroic act are far more violent and gruesome, and actually pretty distinctly Northern. 
Compare Sansa’s thoughts: 
“Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head.” — Sansa VI, AGoT
to this line by Ned:
“Yet our way is the older way…we hold to the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.” — Ned Stark in AGoT (Bran I)
Ned’s beliefs in justice the “old way”/the Northern way are carried on by Robb:
Robb took the poleaxe from his hand and ordered him to step aside. “This is my work,” he said. “He dies at my word. He must die by my hand.”…“Rickard Karstark, Lord of Karhold.” Robb lifted the heavy axe with both hands. “Here in sight of gods and men, I judge you guilty of murder and high treason. In mine own name I condemn you. With mine own hand I take your life. Would you speak a final word?” “Kill me, and be cursed. You are no king of mine.” The axe crashed down. Heavy and well-honed, it killed at a single blow, but it took three to sever the man’s head from his body, and by the time it was done both living and dead were drenched in blood. Robb flung the poleaxe down in disgust, and turned wordless to the heart tree. He stood shaking with his hands half-clenched and the rain running down his cheeks. Gods forgive him, Catelyn prayed in silence. He is only a boy, and he had no other choice. —AGoT, Catelyn III
And then, instead of hanging Slynt like he had originally intended, Jon Snow does pretty much exactly what Sansa wished some hero would do:
If Slynt did not wish to go to Greyguard as its commander, he could go as its cook. It will only be a matter of time until he deserts, then. And how many others will he take with him? “—and hang him,” Jon finished.…This is wrong, Jon thought. “Stop.” Emmett turned back, frowning. “My lord?” “I will not hang him,” said Jon. “Bring him here.” “Oh, Seven save us,” he heard Bowen Marsh cry out.The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, “Edd, fetch me a block,” and unsheathed Longclaw.…“This will go easier if you stay still,” Jon Snow promised him. “Move to avoid the cut, and you will still die, but your dying will be uglier. Stretch out your neck, my lord.” The pale morning sunlight ran up and down his blade as Jon clasped the hilt of the bastard sword with both hands and raised it high. “If you have any last words, now is the time to speak them,” he said, expecting one last curse. Janos Slynt twisted his neck around to stare up at him. “Please, my lord. Mercy. I’ll … I’ll go, I will, I …” No, thought Jon. You closed that door. Longclaw descended. — Jon II, ADwD
I’m not saying that this necessarily must have romantic significance, but I really do think it’s significant. Sansa has been pretty violently disabused of all of her romantic notions and beliefs that there are Heroes or Good Men left in this world. In some cases they were quite literally beaten out of her… Jon specifically did what Sansa wished and hoped a Hero and a Good Man would do. And he is the only character in the series that will have done that heroic act. 
Jon Snow is “some hero.”
It honestly kind of reminds me of Sophie Turner’s quote about how in GoT S7 Jon will “restore Sansa’s faith in men.” If Sansa ever learns about how Jon beheaded Janos Slynt, it could help her believe in heroes again. 
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