#he never got to wear that abd that honestly makes me sad every time i think about it
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wp100 · 2 years ago
god im obsessed with the history tour again. Goddamn
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britnxyspears · 5 years ago
Had a dream that people were hiding me and old abuse came back. I dont know why I was being hidden. There was a Hmong lady who was nice to me and always stuck up for me when other people started to hurt me. She reminded me of my mom's ex's mom who knew her son was abusive to me and always tried to make me feel comfortable in her home, even though I didn't understand her very well.
And that made me wake up sad. The nicest family I've ever had was a dysfunctional Hmong family who's connecting person was one of the most abusive people in my life and the reason I cant function around people. They were always upset with one another and I understand why now, because he was pulling them apart at the time too. The ladies cared so much about me, especially a girl named Yurri (I'm not sure how her name is spelled) who married in to get away from her abusive mother.
I just sort of fell down a hole from there, because I remember being by myself at these family gatherings and Yurri would sit with me and we would talk about stuff young women would talk about circa early 2010s, but everything was sort of sad. I remember He always humiliated me for having stretch marks while my mother forced me to wear shorts in summer and thus exposing them, and He would always call me fat even though I was always grossly underweight. The last time I gained any significant weight was at 12 and he ridiculed me so much for it, and my entire family followed. My paternal grandmother thought my stretch marks were self harm scars and honestly that's exactly what they felt like. I've always been thin, underweight, and I've never had thin privilege growing up because I would still be ridiculed for being fat for having the audacity to need to eat. I now fear eating in front of most others.
I remember Yurri telling me that stretch marks were pretty, that they reminded her of marble patterns or tiger stripes, and after that I didnt care about something He said for once. He retaliated by saying horrible things about the girls in his family, even the really young ones, and I wanted to cry and I didn't because I was too afraid to cry around my mother. She would call me the worst things when I started to cry. Abd she would take away all of my drawing things when I asked her why I should be ashamed of crying. I remember he watched me have a breakdown bordering on what I know now was likely psychosis. He ducktaped me up and put me in my room and when I wrestled out and panicked more he called the cops on me. The officer said I was ungrateful and that I had a nice room in the apartment. Most of mg things were gone, because he had taken them. Every day stuff would be missing. He took the door off. I didnt have a door throughout 6th grade. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't change my clothes. He was always watching me and trying to scare me, like it was a funny game. I learned to never Express feelings in privacy. I had no privacy.
I haven't seen them in a long time. I remember meeting one of the older ladies in the mall and she said he doesnt come by often after my mother broke it off with him, and that he's weird and childish. I felt bad about it, because in being awful to me he wasn't awful to the other people in his family, to their faces.
I know you shouldn't feel guilty about not being abused, but I do, constantly feel as if I betrayed the only kind family by not staying and taking it, even though he got physically violent. It wasnt even my choice, and when my mother let go he had manipulated me into caring about him again. It was always a choice between the two if them in a fight, both awful. Choose the lesser of two evils. Choose the abuser who wouldnt take away your sheets of paper you stole from school and your pencils.
All of this made my realize that I feel empty without abuse because I've never been completely without it. When the severity is low, my brain causes scenarios that simulate it because I just can't live without it. I dont know how.
My mother wasnt abusive first. She was just misunderstanding, when I was little. She brought men into my life who did abuse me though and then turned abusive through them. The cycle of abuse is impossible to escape from. Am I going to live the rest of my life like this? Sneaking around home to eat, crying if I've taken a shower too long, feeling exposed and unable to rest? When does it stop? It doesn't stop after it stops. It always picks up after another person picks it up.
I want to be away from people. I don't want to be around human beings. I'm afraid of people.
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lielisstrange-blog · 7 years ago
I came in with a storm 2182002 straight from the gods to a hospital in Maryville Tennessee
My existance called for change, leaving the couple im told to know as mother and father to divorce
I was put in a family of a brother and a sister and on one side i had mor cousins than i could count and the other seemed to be the ones who brought me here , with so many similarities with me
Growing up i was always smiling despite the constant aruging, verbal abuse, and later on physical abuse. I smiled becouse ,be it the gods, something told me id be just fine, that its all to change soon.
I was right.
Now ages 0-2 where pretty blurry
But from what i remember of 3-6
I met new siblings called step siblings and met this woman suppose to be a step mom. I didnt like them right away, i didnt really know why. But i treated them kindly likely becouse someone mentioned in a movie you should treat others how you liked to be treated. Now at this point i spent all my years in this big house doung whatever i wanted, i knew whats up and in this big house i was a bug but i was the king bee. No one ever stepped on my toes.
Now i didnt have much toys so i used my hands, i named them bith friends.
Which was kinda sad but they provided lots of entertainment when i was bored un school . I also spent my days watching drake and josh,icarly, and basically a bunch of nick and cartoon network shows from the 90s to early 2000s. One night i remember the mother coming to the house to sleep in the gym room. I had told her and my aunt that id sleep with them that night so i kept going back and forth rooms, aunts to the left,the other yo the right. At one point i got sick of it and sat in the middle of the hall looking out the door up the stairs directly obove me. I don't think i ever chose. I remmember mamaw worked for a jewlery company and we attended a christmas ball thing once, thus i descovored i loved christmas
Until around age 5, i realised i didn't care about school, loved christmas, felt lonely on Halloween and that everyone around me wasnt like me. Or perhaps i wasn't like them,,around that age someone who was suppose to be a cousin had me do some griss things with him. When we where cought with him on top of me, we where sat in the courner. Thats all that was done about it. Now ive always been very asexual, so i saw the act as a performance of sorts and truly didnt care as it ended shortly after. Until i was kicked off my thrown and moved out with the step siblings and that father. I was treated unfairly but found it hard to care. The step brother about two years older than me started demanding im to kiss him which i thought was gross. But he said if i didnt, hed tell on me. Given he was the favorite and had actual pull in the house i had no choice but to comply. Which i didnt but hed make me. At this time id go to the mothers house every other weekend to see my sister, eat pizza, and watch 90s cartoons or Madagascar. I swear i memorized that movie. Now the kissing eacalated through out the years into worse and worse things. But i honestly never put much thought in it. I was unattached from each side of the family already so i didnt care. My memory of these years are blurry due to repression. Not the kind youd think though.
See a memory that came back to me i was about age 7. I went outside in a fit and as i walked the wind seemed to kick up and i raised my hands at the side of me slowly making it kick more. I stud on a stump and remeber making a leaf tornado. I was very happy with my work. But at these times i was being told magic was evil from the mother. I figured it was magic, got off of the stump and stomped inside.
From 7-9 i descovored more abilities almost yearly. I noticed id think of a shows episode or a line in the episode and no matter what id see that exact scene the day of or week after. It happened all the time. Id also be sitting in the car on hot days wanting a drink but knowing enough that they'd never stop for drinks. Id think this or a specific question about a person ir thing and some out, like my brain would go silent fir a moment. Then right after, one of the people in the front seat would ask that question, anwser it,or announce we're stopping for drinks.This happend so often that i assumed they had mind reading powers,i even asked them. They always said no thiugh.Another one seemed to be just magic ,like id want something to happen and the moment im not thinking about it, it just happens. Which sounds amazing but keep in mind i was trying to repress these abilities as much as i could along with memories of them so itd build up. Like when you're young and mad you might think about wanting something bad to happen to somone whoes mean to you. Now with this ability if you wanted it, just for a second, its long enough to do damage. Which,wasnt fun. Also one day i had a watch and said out loud that id descovor time... perhaps i have a time ability. I forgot to mention, when you try to repress things like this, you get KILLER headaches all the time. Like yiu cant run or jump or talk loud without feeling like your head was going to expload. I also made killer storms when angry. And i was always angry. But my abilities are fight or flight activated so itd never hurt me. Sometimes id black out and look off in a direction and use one of my powers. Like i couldn't control it, it had to get out. One time i was in a car, got angry, abd looked out a window,my mind went silent as i looked at a truck that was suppose to stop at a red light then looked at the tip of our car slowly until i was blasted back to reality as the truck hit our car. We span to the middle of the road, the two people in the frount seat crying and screeming as i sat their completely untouched with a shocked look on my face.
I remember the mother teaching the brother hiw to ride a bike,she didnt have time to teach me as well so i looked at what they where doing, hopped on my bike and flew down the hill. Now i didnt exactly know how to stop it so i mightve went down the hill straight into a tree. However, i got back up laughing my ass off and learned those little grippy things on the handles can stop the bike when needed. I then knew how to ride the bike and went flying down the hill again.
Now from 8-10 ish we lived in a house on a hill with a creek at the bottom and a church to the side. I spent those years unallowed to get on the internet, loving tv, trying to gather enough food to actually eat, saving pinnies to get 15cent candy and ever ran a little store to cell old toys. We also had an old schoolhouse in our backyeard and woods to play in, which i did often. It genuinely felt like i was growing up in a different time period as i hunted for crawdads and heard the rasist or homophobic rants from the father and step mother.
Now from about 8-11 i was shown back to the future, doctor who, and the joy of mac and cheese by my sister. The 9th doctor was my first him id seen, and i loved him and the show. Because up until this point id felt alone but he made me feel completely not alone. I also descovored i wanted to be a scientist, not even really knowing what that is yet. The gross things stopped for the most part. Also i picked up a camera phone for the first time making a video where i killed a stick and even crushed a berry to make it look of blood.
I thought it was so badass. At this point id visit the mothers house everyother weekend and sometimes go to mamaws every other other weekend. Mammaws being where my thrown originally was, although they moved to this town called oak ridge. Now i loved oak ridge. It was the original time bomb town. Ive also always had a weirdly strong connection to albert enstine whom was there. I swaer i genuinely was Nikola Tesla in a past life, he was an asexual scientist with cool hair and pure sass. The mother also moved to oak ridge. Her house had a tierswing made by my sister. I loved it there, it was a perfect time capsule until one night. We had just got there and i was playing with my binderoos as my sister was started getting yelled at by the mother. She was screaming, i think my sister threw a party or something. Then my sister got up just kinda talking her points out as the mother yelled and yelled then my sister started yelling. Then out if nowhere the one we've been calling mother, we'll now call "T" , slaped the glasses off of my sister. My sister looked shocked then left the house as T screamed. Now everytime id go over to her house shed make it seem like she was the good one, like he was evil. At this moment i knew for sure, neither of them where the good guys. So i grabbed my sisters glasses and fixed them with my bendaroos. What makes it worse is that my sister came to her house after being abused at mamaws. She knew that and still hurt my sister.
I never stopped smiling. I always knew itd get better.
Age 12 , the step brother sent false claims about my sister, leaving it to wear we couldn't see her for months that felt like years
She tought me that no one could tell me i wasnt what i wanted to be, even if it was a ninja . She tought me to fight ,how to get out of trouble, and told me stories of her stealing at my age. I only ever stole food or tiny things as we rarely had any
And now people at mamaws started ordering me around more , getting meaner , or perhaps they where always mean i just didnt care enough to catch it
I also watched harry potter for the first time and related very VERY much.
We left that house with the creek and that step mother and where off to live at mamaws
Which i loved dearly as ut was the only place i was allowed to exist with out being hit or pushed or screamed at and i could go online
I descovored i love 50s music and shane dawson
I also started going to the elementary school across the street. Now with schools over the years, at first i just didnt care because it was easy and boreing, then it began where i couldnt pay attention as hard as i tried. Id look at a book and have a whole movie in my head playing about a magic book or something where ozzy Osborne came to my school to sing crazy train and hug me ...which i thought about a lot. Then the teacher would call me out for not paying attention, but it was never on perpous id just check out.i also had a habbit of always having teachers who hated me like one time in like first grade a teacher said i was in trouble and moved my car back (which was a paper car on a paper road that youd get rewarded for if you got far or punished if you got taken back). When she did that, i made it obvious that i gave no shits by sitting and saying nothing as she yelled. Hen she moved it firther back when seeing no reaction from me. Then further. Then straight up just called the father who we'll now call V. To another teacher who lout laud to the class said her dog writes neater than i.So my grades where never too good
From 2012-2014
Every morning for school at mamaws id get a little coffee, watch a little of the morning news, then head off
Every night i could, id watch boondocs or family guy with my little cousin who was basically my little brother at this point and drink some chocolate milk
Every other week, i think, we'd get our allowance and go to the same walmart on fridays to spend it
It was the most like a family sitch i think id ever had
I remember my first day of middle school, and listening to "makes me happy" by drake bell on the bus, even coming back to do homework and eat butterscotch chips for cookies
That being said after being there until middle school me and the other brother was taken by V to see his new house
I didnt want to go nor stay and i made that very clear. Something seemed,,off.
Then sure enough on the way there v told us he got back with the step mother we'll call the L (hehe)
And that they're now renting the house we're going to together
It was hell, i had to share a room with that step sister , it was back to rarely having enough to eat, virbal abuse, and general bullshit all the time
On top of that, because in oak ridge the age for middle school was one year below the requirement for this new town , i was sent back to an elementary school
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