#he loves qadira and sett and their children ok
🖕roast me dear i wish to laugh
Send me 🖕 for my muse to verbally eviscerate your muse ═══ CANON VERSE ═══
"You claim to love all of your children and your husband and yet somehow I find it difficult to believe with how you throw yourself into the pit so willingly. I know you and Sett have too much confidence in yourselves to believe that anything could ever happen to you while in there but please Miss Qadira, you're far from unkillable. A bullet between your eyes is all it would take. Tell me, when you lost your mother did you weep? I know I did when I lost mine. What sort of parent puts their children in such a position to possibly lose one, or both, because of their own bloodlust? I think it would be far more appropriate for you to lessen the chance of your children having to bury you, Miss Qadira....And I to have to prepare your coffin."
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