#he loves his pillow and his bat and his gun dearly
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iianian69 · 4 months ago
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havent posted tf2 art in a bit so here have some doodles tumblr
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agl03 · 5 years ago
Hi! Thanks for all your posts, they kept me up to date with AoS even after I stopped watching! And this is what I wanted to ask you about. I stopped watching through season 6 because the show had gone too violent and dramatic for me. I signed up for tasers and guns, not alien bats tearing people apart from inside. (I didn’t like much Season 5 either). I‘d like to tune in for the last season though. Do you think it’s going to keep this most recent tone, or is there a chance at something lighter?
Hi Anon,
Thanks so very much and I am glad that I could keep you up to date.   As a mom with children who watch the show I totally get your concerns about the violence and ick factor.  I have friends who are in earlier time zones that will warn me if there is something that requires a pillow shield for them.
So far the ickyest thing I’ve seen is the face stealing Machine the Chronicom baddies are sporting that can bee seen in their trailers and for me its okay.  Its not bloody and goes more into the sci fi realm.
And my overall feel is we won’t see as much of the “ewwwww” kind of moments and this season is going to be a mix of back to basics of Season 1/2 with a heavy dose of some Mad Science Season 4 (just none of that AIDA chopping up the Superior thing). More the futuristic realm/vibe we originally got off of Radcliffe.  I also feel that the writer will be bringing back a lot of the characters and elements that they and we have loved over the years.  That can be good lets say with lets say the team dealing with someone like General Stoner, I think he’ll be a hoot if he shows up (and I think he will).  But at the same time I think there is just as good of a chance of Robbie showing back up and with it they would bring a bit of his darker vibe with him while he’s there.  Or the drama factor if a visit to Aferlife brings Daisy face to face with her parents or Lincoln again.
With as many time periods as I have guessed they are heading for I also feel those lend to a little less of the icky violence and more of what the show started out with.
I do also feel that they will lean heavily on Deke for the comic relief element.  Especially when he’s with Mack or trying to impress Daisy.  While I see him being more serious/mature when he is working with Jemma based on how I think the roles in the different arcs play out.   And writers if you have blessed me with a Enoch, Deke, Hunter anything I will love you forever.
They are also not in that later time slot so that usually means a pull back in the violence, ick and sexy times as well.
If you are really concerned you can do what I do and let trusted friends warn you in a way that it doesn’t spoil the episode.  Usually they’ll tell me at the 24 minute mark have them look down.  Or wait to view the episode until the next day where you can get a feel here on Tumblr of how things went down.
I am very excited for this season.  With this take on time travel a bit lighter than the loop they were fighting last time that was dark, depressing, we saw where it lead, tore the team apart, and breaking it cost us so dearly.  This time its about hitting the different points in history and meeting some great new/old characters.
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shannonisawitch · 6 years ago
I Know That It’s Love
Sonia x MC
Sleep continues to evade Sonia as she tosses and turns. The dark of night sits heavy around her, the silence making her antsy. Perhaps it was the fact that she actually had time to sleep now, with the Monaco job over and done with (thank God), that she didn't know how to actually fall asleep unless she was utterly exhausted. Whatever it was, this was the third night in a row that she found sleeping impossible, and she grit her teeth in annoyance. It didn't help that three days ago, she had talked to Gwen on the phone. Her stomach had done somersaults, her heart fluttering like a trapped bird. Gwen, of course, had teased her, given nothing away to her location, and openly flirted. Sonia was all business at first, but her resolve had quickly faded when she realized that she liked the banter between she and Gwen. However, she didn't get a chance to act on it because Gwen had ended the call. So perhaps that was the true reason to her not being able to sleep.
With a huff, Sonia buried her face in her pillow, cursing her feelings. She chanced a glance at the clock, groaning. 3:15am. She'd been trying to sleep for over four hours now.
A rapid knock on her front door near made her jump out of her skin, and she cursed as she eased out of bed. Who the hell was knocking at 3:15am?! Probably Ms. Drew again from down the hall, looking for her cat. Just in case, she tucked her Glock in the small of her back. Reaching the door, she looked through the peephole, and had to rub at her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Gwen stood in the hall, a bottle of rosé and a box of cereal under one arm and a disgruntled cat under the other.
"What in the hell are you doing here?!" Sonia near shouted, throwing the door open.
"Shh, you'll wake your neighbors! But gosh, not even a hello for your dearly beloved?"
"Just shut up and get in here."
"Very forward of you," Gwen purred, brushing her arm against Sonia's as she entered the small apartment.
"Gwen, give me one good reason not to arrest you right now."
"Oh, please. You have no evidence to prove I'm guilty." Gwen shot her a smirk as she set the rosé and cereal down on the kitchen island, snuggling the cat against her. "And you invited me into your apartment. So, no forced entry or trespassing, I'm afraid."
"...Fine. But why are you here?"
"Well, I wanted to see you." There was nothing but pure love behind those words, and Sonia stood stunned for just a moment.
"Oh, come on, babe, I know you feel it too. Or else we wouldn't have had all those run-ins in Monaco. I know there's a part of you that knew it was me under that mask, and you still kissed me. Not to mention, getting handcuffed in the hallway..." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at this, and Sonia rolled her eyes.
"You're drunk, aren't you?"
"Mmm maybe just a little. I had every intention of coming here sober but, um, I got wine." Gwen moved across the room to the couch, sprawling herself across it, the cat balancing on her chest. She wondered if it was the same cat that Ms. Drew was always looking for.
"And why do you have a cat? Did you steal it?!"
"I don't steal everything ya know, I'm actually an outstanding citizen, outside of stealing from the rich to give to the poor."
"The Robin Hood act is honorable, but you're still a criminal."
"A gorgeous criminal with a huge crush on a super-hot policewoman."
Sonia could feel the heat creep up her cheeks. "Gwen, you need to go. You shouldn't be here."
"And you're just going to kick me out? A drunk girl in the middle of...what country are we in again? Anyways, that doesn't seem responsible."
"Oh, don't get me started on responsible!"
“Ugh. Eat some cereal with me? I need to eat something.”
Sonia just glared at her but moved to the small fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. Opening the cereal box, she poured the cereal into a bowl before adding the milk.
“Thank God.” Gwen was suddenly looking over her shoulder.
“You poured the cereal and then the milk. Proves you’re not a monster.”
“Good, I’m glad I’m not a monster.”
“Far from it, sweet cheeks.” Gwen grabbed her bowl, and sat at the small dining table, Sonia removing her gun and leaving it on the counter, coming to sit across from her. The cat jumped onto the table, watching them intently.
“Were you going to shoot me?!”
“You knocked on my door at 3 in the morning. I wasn’t taking a risk,” Sonia replied, raising an eyebrow as she smirked.
“Fair enough.”
“Seriously Gwen, where did this cat come from?”
“Don’t tell me you’re not an animal person.”
“Ok, ok, he was sitting outside your door. Thought he was yours.”
Gwen just shrugged, slurping the milk from her bowl. Sonia sat silent, wondering how she got herself into this predicament. Eating cereal with a drunk thief that she was totally in love with and a cat that was definitely not hers at 3:30 in the morning was not how she thought her Thursday would go. And Gwen was right, she has no authority or evidence to arrest her.
“You look cute when you’re pondering life’s difficulties.”
Sonia blushed again, but said nothing, watching the other woman. Her heart fluttered, and Sonia wanted to punch something.
“I think we should let the cat out so he can go home,” Gwen finally said, rising to pick up the orange tabby. “Sorry buddy, but you can’t live here.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Sonia couldn’t help a giggle as Gwen lifted the cat, his eyes alight with protest.
Sonia stood and opened the front door, Gwen kneeling beside her. “On you go! Go home!”
The cat jogged down the hall, looking over its shoulder one last time before rounding the corner.
“I’m going to miss him,” Gwen mumbled as Sonia shut the door.
“You knew him for all of ten minutes.”
“And we became best friends.”
“I think you should get some sleep. Do you want me to call you a Lyft?”
“Hmm. Can’t remember where I was staying. Guess that means I gotta stay here.” Gwen batted her eyelashes, moving into Sonia’s personal space.
“You can have the couch.” Sonia took a step back and turned back towards the living room. Gwen openly pouted as she followed behind her. Sonia grabbed blankets and a pillow from the hall, tossing them on the couch. “In the morning, I’ll get you a Lyft. Goodnight, Gwen.”
“Sonia…” Gwen looked at her longingly, her green eyes sparkling.
“Goodnight.” Without another glance, Sonia turned and damn near ran to her room, shutting the door behind her. Why did this woman continue to put her into these situations?! Sonia tossed herself onto the bed. She was definitely not getting any sleep now.
Gwen woke with an intense pounding in her head, and wondered if she’d recently suffered a concussion, or maybe been hit by a truck. Cracking her eyes open, she winced at the bright light of morning creeping in through the blinds. Groaning, she rolled over and sat up, opening her eyes again. Wait…where the fuck was she?! She panicked for a split second, then flashes of last night came back to her. She groaned again, her head in her hands.
Rising from the couch, she made quick work of folding the blankets before searching for her phone. It was on the counter, next to an open bottle of rosé and a box of Fruity Pebbles.
“At least I brought decent cereal,” she mumbled, checking the time on her phone. She considered her options. Leave without a word, pretend it never happened? No, that wasn’t like her. Wait till Sonia woke up? What time did she wake up? It was only 6:45am. Maybe she’d leave her a note. Yes, a note with her number on it, so they could at least talk. Gwen was sure she’d���said some things last night that sober her would regret.
Scouring the kitchen and living room, she found a pad of paper, tape, and a nice fountain pen (Sonia, you pen nerd).
I’m so sorry I was a complete ass last night. Please understand that this is not how I wanted this to go, at all. I want to talk to you, I want to see you. You mean a lot to me, and I want to get to know you. No ulterior motives, no guns, no tricks. I promise. If you can accept my most sincere apology, call me.
Gwen scribbled in her number, breaking off a piece of tape and sticking it to the paper. Moving down the hall, she stopped before the only closed door. Her heart beat quickened, her palms suddenly sweaty. She, the over confident thief that had talked herself out of bad situations, avoided bullets more times than she thought necessary, jumped out of moving vehicles, and stolen millions upon millions in jewels, money, and intel, was nervous. She gulped, lifting her hand to stick the note to the door, when it suddenly flew open. Sonia looked like a deer in headlights, her eyes wide, mouth parted in surprise.
They awkwardly stood there, waiting for one another to make a move.
“Right, um, about last night, I’m so, so sorry, I was an ass and-”
“No, stop, it’s alright.”
“No, it’s not! You deserve my whole attention, my complete sober attention. I’m pretty sure drunk me is a different person.”
“Actually, I think you’re much alike. She just has no filter. I mean, you don’t have a filter most of the time, but drunk you is worse.”
Gwen laughs at this, ducking her head to hide her blush.
“So…are you going to leave?”
“Um yeah, I was going to get going. I don’t want to interrupt your day.”
“Much too late for that, no?” Sonia smirks, a perfect brow arching, and Gwen just wants to kiss her. But instead, she lifts her chin, looking Sonia in the eyes.
“Well, I’ll just be off then.”
“Gwen, wait,” Sonia reaches out, grabbing her arm just as she turns. “Maybe we should talk. Come on.”
“Ok.” The touch sends a jolt through her, and Gwen dumbfoundedly thinks that she’d follow this woman anywhere. They move into the kitchen, where Sonia busies herself with making coffee.
“So. Why’d you come? At least, why were you planning to see me before you got drunk?”
Gwen adverts her eyes guiltily, moving to lean against the counter. “I really did want to see you. These last few months apart have been…well, quite frankly, they’ve been hell. I kept thinking about ways to see you, without you attempting to arrest me or you just slapping me across the face. I deserve both, I guess.”
Sonia just gives her a ‘yeah you do’ smile, before turning back to the coffee machine.
“I’ve always been upfront with my feelings, I’m not one to hide. But with you, I’m at a complete loss. You’re stunningly beautiful, and you know what you want out of life, and you are great at your job, and you do things for the greater good, and gosh, if I think I don’t deserve you, then I’m damn right. You’re everything I could never be, and I’m afraid I’d never give you love like you deserve. That is, if you’d ever let me, of course.”
Sonia stops what she’s doing, frozen by her words. She was not expecting this much truth to just spill out.
“I know I’m a thief, a criminal, but I really do only want to do good. And I know you’ll probably never feel the same way about me, and that’s ok, but I just had to tell you.”
Sonia turns towards her then, her dark eyes cloudy with emotion. Gwen swallows the lump that’s built in her throat, her eyes suddenly watery as well.
“Sonia, I think I love you. And I think you feel the same.”
“How could you know?” It’s just a whisper, but it sends an inkling of dread down Gwen’s spine, her whole body tingling with distress.
“After everything we’ve been through…I just figured, with how you reacted when we’d touch and the feel of your lips, and God, the time you handcuffed me in the hallway at the palace-”
"Gwen, just stop.” Sonia puts up a hand, and Gwen draws in a breath. “I know that it's love, 'cause it hurts. It hurts when I know I can’t talk to you, can’t see you. It hurt when we had to part ways in Monaco because you’re the thief and I’m the cop. It hurts like no other because I knew that no matter what, we’d never be anything more than rivals. How would it work, Gwen? God, it hurts.”
“But it doesn't have to.” Gwen is standing before Sonia in an instant. “It could work. It’s going to take some change and some getting used to, but believe me, there’s no one else in the world I’d want.”
“How could you be so sure that it’d workout between us?”
“Because I know that once you set your mind on something, there’s nothing that can stand in your way. I know that you’re the hardest worker in the room, and you fight for what you believe in. And, quite frankly, I’m much the same. Just not so up-tight about it.”
Sonia swats at her arm but smiles.
“You’re an ass. But you’re right. I love you, Gwen.” Sonia wipes at her teary eyes, relief spreading over her.
“I love you, Sonia.” Gwen closes the short distance between them, sealing their lips together in a silent promise.
They break apart, Sonia resting her forehead against Gwen’s. “I’m glad you showed up drunk to my house last night.”
“That’s not what I was expecting to hear, but I’m glad I did too. Thank you, drunk me.”
Sonia laughs and pulls her in for another kiss. Gwen melts against her, the heat building around them as the kiss grows more feverish. Her hands wander into the sable black tresses of Sonia’s hair, Sonia’s lithe arms snaking around her waist, pulling her flush against her.
“Bedroom?” Sonia asks against her lips, breathless.
“Bedroom,” Gwen whispers into the corner of her mouth, her tongue sweeping over Sonia’s bottom lip.
This time when Gwen wakes up, it’s not because of a pounding headache or blinded by the glaring light of the sun, but instead the tickle of hair against her cheek. She opens her eyes slowly, drinking in the sight of Sonia bathed in a golden glow, tucked against her, a tangled mess of arms and legs. Dark umber eyes meet hers, and she smiles, tracing a finger along Sonia’s jaw.
“Good morning, my love.” The term rolls off Sonia’s tongue, and Gwen’s smile widens.
“Good morning, indeed. Although, I’m guessing it’s more towards afternoon now.”
“Yeah, a little after 1.”
“And we’re still in bed, how scandalous.”
Sonia chuckles, running a hand through Gwen’s hair. “I found your note. Were you really just going to stick it on my door and leave?”
“Was the fearless thief Gwen Hargraves afraid to face her feelings?”
“Oh, shut up.” Gwen pinches her thigh and Sonia squeals, pushing her away, laughing.
“Maybe we should get out of bed,” Sonia says after a moment, moving to wrap her arms around Gwen again.
“Mmm, but it’s so comfy.” Gwen leans in and kisses her slowly. “Though, I am hungry.”
“How’s the hangover?”
“Better. It reminded me why I stopped drinking after I turned 25. I’m afraid the next hangover will kill me.”
Sonia laughs as she untangles herself and rises from the bed.  “Come on then, let’s go eat. There’s a great French bistro down the street.”
Gwen smiles at how domestic it all sounds. This relationship was new and unexplored territory, but they’d make it work. Gwen had just pulled one of the biggest heists in history, and had been so sure in her plan, her team. She had that same feeling right now, a feeling of complete confidence, watching Sonia get dressed, a smile on her lips. Even better, she had the feeling of undivided love, which was so overwhelming, that she felt it would consume her whole. Yes, they’d make it work, nothing could drive them apart now.
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paintingcrimsons · 7 years ago
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lx-5point0-blog · 8 years ago
Nameless Enemy, Secrets Never Hide
ENEMY NAMELESS, SECRETS NEVER LAST. 022317 9am 5fwy south at Avery pkwy An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober I was given the DV-100 on LiLi Garcia. Made some phone calls to her phone and Marisa Garcia answered and said,”what makes you think I'm going to give YOU any information on that?” I replied,”thank you.” Proceeded to calm the remaining numbers I had written down on my list, then they began to roll over and forward to appear that I was receiving an incoming call from the previous number. It would hang up immediately upon picking up the call. These women are efficient at manipulating internet phone numbers to appear that they are legit businesses. OP ROM: ENEMY ANA L MEN DOZA aka Ana LiLia Garcia DV-100 We connected on TINDER. ANA insisted on giving oral pleasure. She became enraged and aggressive when I told her we are not a match. Stalked me to Kennesaw GA and back to Menifee and Huntington Beach, Orange County. Threatened to kill me, assaulted me and my current wife with a deadly vehicle. Follies my wife who is disabled, and is aggressive shooting pics of her and mocking her disability in a hateful manner. Disperses flyers with my pic and false lurid accusations of obscenities with minors. Fires gun on Facebook and tags my name. Her roommate threatened me and my wife as well with a baseball bat, a gun and a child-130. I have been in constant fear for my life for 7 months. But who knows, I could be mistaken about the Tinder connection. It's just safe to assume that. Attack by Ana Garcia aka LiLi Garcia Ana Mendoza SECURITY GUARD GREATFULfoundation CA.breeze.com: https://youtu.be/4nq84GijtOM Ana Garcia and her minors create a problem that was not real: https://youtu.be/9VRauLrpWmk After I was supposedly issued a misdemeanor for proximity, I was informed my TRO had not been served on Mario. He would not answer the door when I schooled the deputy on the letter the law, because he had knowledge of the TRO, he MUST enforce it and just serve him. Because Mario was hiding from Police, I came to Kepler at 1am and honked my horn. Mario appeared with a shit eating grin and the phone to his ear. It was cute in the black of night. The cops rolled in deep. I recorded the incident. Ana threw a fit and demanded I be arrested. They told her to stfu because they saw the video of her driving Reckless and Mario with a bat. Now to serve this bitch a DV. She cannot be within 100yards of Lisa's home . 022817 @9:30am Starbucks FV. Sick as fuck yesterday at noon til right now. Slept in my car at Raquetballworld world and Black Anus. An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober The Commander, Al Garza, is a vigilante, Minute-Man. Now, Evangelist. Mario and LiLie Garcia are at the last resort , and are having the minors attempt to create an confrontation. LiLie is efficient with the numerous phone lines she possesses and has the ability to roll them over and connect them in ways that convinces me that that stinky bubble butt skank slut but his observing the way my exceptionally and optimimally functioning and problem solving infrastructure, that's my Brain, dip ship, operates. She has compromised the iPhone 6 Plus. That being stated to the enemy, be prepared to know where I am stating fact or fiction from here . And sat down and took a shit. Forgetting anything that ever had to do with a little slut fuck like the cunt scycle on Kepler street. It. Ever even happened, but it did. And my digitally enhanced and visually modified memory bank, and an emotionally intelligent spirit never forgets the way you made me feel. It forgives. It forgives so easy. It just without any conscious effort always recalls how and why it was felled upon at the moment of it. And my battle planner has diagnosed the response from an action of reaction to an ability to just act. Act as if it has no idea what the fuck to do. It confuses the opponent. “He is chuckling. It's a laff? He is. It afraid, he is laffing.” Wrong. I am laughing because I have already done all of the thinking. “Snap!” Quicker than that. The energy has traveled a 45 years light speed highway in only a fracta-second of light switching on and off. So rapidly it appears to be traveling in reverse. So, epically close, that one single more coat of paint, and it would be a 99 car pile up on the 99 north to Fresno in the fog. So, Ana, LiLie, or Bend Oza. I am going to dip the penile punisher in Vaseline, and then, flour it with large grain Huntington Beach sand, just before your gushing pussy hole believes it's gonna receive it. And then I'm gonna jam it into Mario’s spinchter with Love Force. He is gonna scream like a lady. You with receive a great big box of disappoint and a jail cell without a pillow, and a salad bar serving carpet and upside down scissoring with a fat yeasting pig named,”Natasha.” Okay, enough fucking around. Al Garza is a fucking clown. It's what is NOT said tells me it all. I'm gonna send that white haired devil fuck the audio of Willie admitting to know of Pat, or at least being a characterless pos. We will see what his reaction is to the audio. The enemy knows. The enemy knows now, that Lober is a cagey mutherfucker, but, Patrick told us he is a goddamn Jellyfish. He is brainless and has survived a million years. How does he do it. Study closely you fucking butt nutt with bad roots. FYI I know you are growing it out so you can chop it then dye the dark into red.sneaky little pussy hole. The only shafting that will happen here is the elevator shaft of the cut hole like yours. With a windy odor of vastness blowing up and in through my hair of my nares. When, the subconsciousness captures the actual dynamic energy, and I have no idea how to decipher the data, it is when the silly guy begins ranting the most outrageous and obnoxiousness word smithing conjures by even a rap god. Pussy Money Weed… and, BLEED. I do not want bloodshed. I am avoiding shedding your families bloodline at all costs. Not the words I hear uttered from the stretch marked lips of a cunt, but the intent of malicious and sinister clowning of a Mexican Latina hot blooded stink Clit, I am inspired by. The collective cognitive of the “nameless” familia, is absolutely granite. You have crossed the line of no return. The fall to grace is bottomless for all who step into the fake room is cozy comfort. You have tricked yourself. He has Lie to the liar. The SHIT-EATING GRIN of getting over on the master of deception, has been dick-slapped off the wet slutty porno face of the enemy. The excited pleasure of a seven layered flavored bukkaki on the whore that you were, is not the great white face of complete and utter loss and deception. The tactics have been whittled down to using a couple of fuck-tards that so dearly need CPS involvement and real adult supervision, but nonetheless, voice disrespectful diarrhea to a warrior of bright laser death strokes, and repeating what they have heard from the parent.(Boomerang) Hold on… who is this little Popeye with his armpit in my face. He is trying to open the blinds behind me. I offer my help and he declines determined to get the string pulled. I poke him in the armpit. Looksyits your armpit bee booop! Haha we laff. He says I am Paul. I am blind. I reply, me too, Paul. Colorblind. Did you go to high school here in fountain valley? No. I am from Armenia. I retired as a government and aerospace engineer. I have three grandchildren and I have a sailboat. What is it that you do? What is your name? I reply I am Mike, and I am a writer. He replies, I read a lot. What do you write about. I replied, when people do things that are unbelievable to others, but are actually happening, I attempt to explain them so that it may help them be better. Black magic . Yes, Black OPS. Operations. Namelesss a concept that is explainable. Have you heard of Kabbalah? The difference between right and wrong Take responsibility for everything you do Subconscious thought rules us more than we think. We are all connected. Paul 8184142426 sail boat Politically correct simply means to be liar. Politics and Religion. There is absolutely no connection. Christ is a lifestyle- Christyle. I do not go to the church. Religion is a business. It's bad. Have you heard of the child abuse crimes within apostle church? No. I mean yes. Well, Paul. Everybody is up to something. He replies,”Yes.” John 9:01 it is not his fault. It is the fault of the third party. A boomerang effect. It always comes back to you. The other religions say do this, and do that, to save yourself. Christianality says believe me and I will save you. Space is expanding. Dynamic. Humans are like a universe and ever expanding. Paul says,”I must go now. For me it's time to go now. (Referring to the grandkids coming home from school. Not dying.) It was good to be talking to you. Let's keep in touch. Goodbye, Mike.” Wow. I feel like a hypocrite. So, how does Mario and Ana feel? Their hearts pump piss through opaque black rubber surgical tubing. It saturates to their children. I witnessed first hand the “Clan” at work. I really wanted to become violent. I applied discretion . Let's let these blind people babble through the name calling. Let's hear what they are saying. • I'm 17. How old are you? Yo’ Mama! • A washed up MMA fighter. • Harassing minors. Pedophile. • My minors children. • Delusion you have associates with us • I don't even live here • You are abashed up fucking bitch. Fuck you These individuals appear to very familiar with John Driver yet, I have never seen them before. Or, maybe I have. Or, they are all sitting around the YouTube and mimicking me because they all want to be me. They certainly are not concerned with a piece of trash or a karate chop to Maria's neck. They kept a dime between each other as if they were traditionally trained in this skit. They did that to not be photographed together. And, also to appear to occupy a greater amount of space. You fucking rookies are not on the realm of ability you believe you are in. You have kids and women doing the job. They are the brains or you are a coward, or vice Vera's and both. Enemies for life. By: JOHN DRIVER LUBRX brand SMASHSHATTER-obliterator Edition License Cover design by OP ROM Book design by LX-5.0 All rights reserved.© No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This ebook is licensed for personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy. *DISCLAIMER. Please excuse any and all spelling, and grammatical errors, vocabulary misusage, flow or redundancy, ramping or un-ramping of vocabulary, BAD WORDS, fouls language, bad words used as punctuation, or bad words that sound like obscenity unintentionally, mistaken words for FIGHTING WORDS, they are not, accusations, are only hypothetical theories based on actual experiences, and or hard copy evidence provided, and all are considered a REAL THREAT to my freedom, until evidence is discovered, or uncovered, not sure which is first, that discredits the REAL THREAT. ATTENTION CONTENT DISCLAIMER COPYRIGHT LAWS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVE ™LUBR X brand channel and John Driver® The views and opinions expressed in this media or video or comments on this channel are those of the artists that provided us with that f*eked up idea and we were lazy enough to accept it, we thought it was funny, but doesn't necessarily represent the beliefs of the ®LUBR X brand channel ©2016-17 Due to the social satire of this channel it may contain content that has been copyrighted, but we took extra care in f@*k in it up, so you won't notice it was poached. The owner of this channel claims no responsibility to the creative collective and its thoughts and ideas contributed to the broadcast and therefore, can not be held accountable for liable. LUBRX brand™
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