#he loses his Autobots to the decepticons over the centuries but his encounters with megatron makes him hope for a redemption
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lazychimken · 1 month ago
How did Optimus feel when Bee lost his voice box? Did he activate *protective dad mode*? lol
I really love your au✨️✨️❤️
Optimus was devastated when he saw what B became, made him lose any sort of hope he had in redeeming Megatron
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Also thanks for the support! I’m just throwing random ideas around so I’m glad ppl like it lol
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solar-bean · 5 years ago
A Warlord's Hatred
-see A Talk with the Prime himself for lil more context. This takes place beforehand-
My heart and lungs burned from all the running I'd done in less than an hour.
How did it come to this? We were just out to get some more energon. It was suppose to be an easy mission, but nOoO the Cons just had to pop in and start a fight. Now I'm seperated from the group, the sun is setting, we're in the middle of some vast forest and my personally constructed ,energon powered laser gun is back at the base. So yeah. Today's going great.
The sound of heavy footsteps brought me back to reality. I needed to hide and quick. If one of them caught me there's no telling what would happen to me. There were plenty of big trees and rocks but they'd expect me to be there.
Then I saw it. A rather normal looking pine tree, except some of the roots were above ground, leaving a very small opening right under it. Upon close examination the burrow was empty and just big enough for my small form to fit. So I managed to wiggle myself in just in time before I had been seen.
The burrow was too far down for any of them to see, epecially now with night coming soon. They couldn't have been around long but it felt like ages. I'm not great with small spaces, too much dirt or bugs so I had to keep myself from freaking out and breathing too loud. Eventually they moved on and I couldn't hear or feel their steps anymore.
I was about to come out when I heard more footsteps. Much heavier than the ones before. Maybe another scout? A really big scout. Yeah. No need to worry. They'll just be on their way.
A large, silver ped stomped right in front of the burrow. The force of it jostled me into one of the pointed roots, causing me to squeak.
" Aw cra-"
Before I could finish, the tree was kicked clean from the ground and fell to the side with a loud thud. My head shot up to see none other than the Warlord himself. This was my first time seeing him up close and the same probably went for him too. The closest encounter we've had was a long stare from opposite ends of the battlefield. Bumblebee was holding me as instructed by Optimus to get me to safety while he dealt with Megatron.
I'll never forget the cold look he gave me. It was so filled with ...hatred. In fact it was same look he was giving me now. There was no escaping it since he had me held up to his eye level. When he grabbed me I'm not sure. Someone bigger than Optimus has no right to be that fast.
" Well well well. If it isn't the Autobot's favorite pet. Or should I say Optimus' pet."
Although both his and Optimus' voices were deep, his was no where near as gentle or calming. Maybe because of all the venom and arrogance it held.
" What's wrong little human? Do really have nothing to say for our first meeting. I honestly expected more from the organic that blasted me out of the sky."
Oh right! I sure did do that. He wasn't the first Con I shot with my laser gun, but he was certainly the most satisfying. Got him right in the wing while he was firing at me and Op as we tried to escape. He couldn't have known that I was in the front seat but he definitely wouldn't forget the pain of that fall plus the laser wound around the size if a car tire.
" Well!" he urged on tightening his grasp for emphasis and making me wince.
" I-I have a lot to say actually," I groaned as I tried to loosen his digits around me to no avail. " It would just be pointless though."
He raised an optical ridge, almost amused.
" And why is that, little one."
I cringed at the pet name. That better not stick.
" Because," I leaned forward and gave him the best glare I could muster. " You're too arrogant and hard headed to listen. Even if you did give me the privilege of speaking, you wouldn't take me seriously. You haven't even bothered to learn my name! So why waste my breath on a foolish prick like you?"
He was taken aback if only for a second before he emitted a low, dark chuckle and smirked.
" I know your name. I just see no point in using it."
I through my hands into the air, releasing his digits for the first time.
" That's what I'm talking about! You barely know me ,or anyone of my species for that matter, and you've already decided that we're below you. What sense could that possibly make?!"
" Plenty! Your worthless people can't even protect themselves against us. Why should you have any of my respect?!"
" Well gee we wouldn't have to defend ourselves if someone wasn't trying to conquer our planet in the first place!"
" Your planet is the only thing of use to me. You humans are merely a bystander."
" You of all mechs should know what that feels like! To be pushed aside. Disrespected. Yet here you are doing the same thing to us!"
That got him.
" What could you possibly know about that?"
I grinned wickedly.
" You said it yourself. I'm Optimus' favorite pet. Do you really think he wouldn't share stories with me," I leaned in just close enough to his face plates, now giving off a bright white shine from the moon's light. " Stories about you specifically." I lowered my voice to a whisper. " Megatronus."
The next thing I heard was the most feral growl that I was sure no human or mech could make. I was certain he'd drop or squish me then and there. Instead I was raised even higher to his level, now staring down into his crimson optics.
" You dare," he snarled. " You dare address me by that designation."
His tone was meant to intimidate, but I steeled myself.
" You should be flattered. I'm giving you more respect than you've given me."
" You being squished by my own servo is as much respect as you'll get!"
" And what's the honor in that," I crossed my arms. " If I'm so weak and helpless then what does killing day about you? You could easily step on, throw me or hell drop me and I'd be done for. So what would an all powerful warlord such as yourself gain from such an easy defeat!?"
He narrowed his optics before throwing his helm back and cackled.
" To get to Optimus of course! The mere thought of his devastation over your death is beyond satisfying. To get a rise out of him. To see him break."
My stomach sank.
" H-how are you so sure he'll break? He's lost lives before. How would I be any different?"
He frowned in what could only be disgust.
" Because, human, he cares for you. Too much in fact. I can see it in his optics. Feel it in his field. Honestly, killing you might do him a favor."
I cowered despite myself.
" Why...?"
He sighed in exhaustion and looked away. I thanked the cosmos that he didn't notice me trembling. Or maybe he didn't care.
" Despite what you're tiny mind might think, I do have respect for Prime. He would not be my one true rival if I didn't. To see him stoop so low. To show such affection for another being after all these centuries-" for a moment his sounded as though it broke before he turned back to me, optics full of rage and something else I couldn't place.
" It had to be you. The medic I could understand. Same for Magnus. Pits! Even the bumbling wrecker! But you! No. He must be desperate. Desperate for another. So he chose the easiest of the bunch. As if you aren't going to wilt away any solar cycle!"
I couldn't speak. My words seemed trapped in my throat so I just let him drone on.
" So yes. The best option would be to end you. To show him how meaningless his feelings are. If I'm going to win this war then he needs to be focused. Focused on my next move to defeat him."
We remained silent. The seconds dragging by torturously as we kept our gazes locked.
" ....Zola"
He tilted his helm.
" What?"
I steadied my breath before I spoke again.
" If you're really going to kill me then you need to know my name. To remember every syllable. To remember that Optimus is still capable of loving after all you put him through. And you're wrong. He doesn't just love me. He loves everyone. Why else would he sacrifice so much. Lose so much of himself. Lose so many years fighting when he could have just killed you long ago. Because as crazy as it sounds..."
I made sure to meet his gaze. To my surprise he was listening. Really listening.
" I think he still loves you."
I couldn't predict what happened next. Megatron. The leader of the Decepticons. The gladiator of Kaon. Looked distraught. Unbelieving. . .Hurt.
He exvented shakily. Stared at the ground. Loosened his grip to where I nearly fell.
I held on and peered at him almost out of concern as time passed.
" Y-you...." his voice barely audible. " You don't know anything. You couldn't possibly know how he feels. You haven't known him long enough."
I considered his panicked words and smiled softly moreso to myself.
" Then I guess I have one reason to be envious of you...."
Whatever he was about to say or however he was going to react next, I'll never know.
An energon beam hit him in the shoulder, causing him to drop me. Before I could hit the ground, I was caught by to smaller servos.
" Bumblebee!" I exclaimed both in surprise and happiness.
'Are you okay, Zola' he beeped.
" I'm fine Bee." I patted him on the cheek.
A shadow loomed over us. I looked to see Optimus, in his fighting stance, blocking Megatron's path to us. His field radiating so much protectiveness and fury that I could sense it. The moment felt like deja vu. Except this time, Megatron didn't stay to fight.
Back at the base, all the bots bombarded me with concerns and questions. Optimus took me to his room before I could address all of them, saying I and everyone else needed to rest. Once we were in his room, he laid on the berth and put me down next to him. This wasn't my first time in his room so there were already pillows and blankets handy. I bundled up and settled next to his neck cables, resting my head on his faceplate.
He knew I was crying before I did. He didn't say anything. Merely shielded me with his servo and hummed an old Cybertronian lullaby.
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