#he lives part time in the bunker part time in rhonda
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This was my part in the sing-it-together zine!! Hope you enjoy!!
go see the full thing at @sing-it-togetherzine and download it!!
That’s all that he can hear.
He doesn’t seem to be in control of his moving legs, but they’re moving.
Sweat. That’s what he feels running down his cheek.
Exhaustion. Regret. Realization…
John Dory sits up in bed suddenly, gasping for breath and air. He rubbed his hand through his hand, looking around, his hands moist from perspiration.
His heart slowed down a bit, and he gripped his chest.
Breathe in… breathe out…
He had reminisced way too much last night, causing the nightmare. Sighing, he got up/
John Dory didn’t want to take off his pajamas, so he just stumbled out of his room in the bunker into the living room.
Ever since the bros had reunited, both John Dory and Floyd had decided to stay with Branch in his bunker, while Bruce continued to live at Vacaay Island, and Clay with Viva at Putt Putt Village.
John Dory wished that he had a girl to stay with at the moment. He needed some kind of calm down.
That’s what coffee and Rhondas are there for.
John Dory tricked over himself towards the kitchen and heated up some leftover coffee. He knew Branch was probably up somewhere, he always was, double checking the premises around Pop Village. Thank goodness he always left coffee.
John Dory drowsily looked up at the clock. Before 5.
Yup. Branch was definitely up by now.
He poured the coffee into his cup and went straight back to his room.
He passed his calendar and stopped to look at it. John knew this day all too well.
It haunted him. Just like this day had 20 years ago.
“Everyone! Take shelter! Under rocks, hide in between leaves! Anything!”
All the trolls, despite their screams, heard his strong firm voice clearly. They took his advice, sliding beneath rocks and using their hair to blend in.
They could hear the great big feet stomping towards their tree. They could feel it.
The ground shook as the big purple monster stepped closer to the tree. The trolls lost their balance as they tried to rush to hide.
Trollstice had snuck up on them this year. No one had been ready.
“Blend in!” King Peppy continued to shout, and through their struggles most managed to do so.
John Dory ran along with the trolls, his brothers supposedly following behind. His parents were right beside him and he puffed along.
He kept glancing at his parents, waiting for them to tell him a place safe enough for him to hide.
It never happened.
His parents seemed to be a bit dazed and confused, unsure of where to put their children. Their heads swiveled frantically, both whispering and pointing.
John Dory had noticed lately how his mother had been unsteady, having to lean against their father much more and such.
He wondered what was making her so exhausted.
“John Dory!” his father called. “Look ahead, son! Don’t look behind!”
“Make sure your brothers are caught up as well!” the mom puffed next to him.
John Dory’s eyes crinkled in concern but nodded. He turned straight ahead and kept jogging on his path, his determination mode set on as he began looking both right and left for his brothers.
Spruce wasn’t far behind, on his right, gasping for air as he ran too, holding their brother Clay’s hand.
Good, they were safe.
Now for Floyd, the youngest…
John Dory slipped his vest on, then his shorts, and placed his goggles over his forehead.
Another day not so like the others.
A day full of flashbacks just like every year.
Sighing, he began to march out of his room, slowly but carefully, his vision playing tricks on him in the dark as he slipped on a few pieces of paper that he knew Floyd had left from brainstorming song ideas.
He didn’t have time to get annoyed right now and tramp into his younger brother's room complaining like he might’ve any other day.
He needed to get to the elevator.
He needed to get outside.
He just needed air.
Quickly, slurping the last of his coffee, and gripping the handle of the mug tightly, he rushed toward the elevator and pulled the lever.
The elevator jolted up and soon he was outside of the bunker.
John Dory set his goggles over his eyes and tucked the mug into his hair. He knew exactly who he could go to at a time like this.
Within minutes of fast-walking he was approaching a big field of nice long grass that he knew that his baby girl Rhonda was obsessed with rubbing and sleeping in.
And there she was, fast asleep in the blades of green, looking extremely satisfied with life.
The opposite of how JD was feeling right now.
“Rhonda!” He shook her and she woke, blinking slowly and looking at him, confused.
Without explaining, he entered his armadillo vehicle and opened the sunroof and climbed to the top.
Slowly he took big gulps of air as he removed his goggles and lay on his back, arms behind his head, looking up into the infinity of the sky above.
His heart began to slow.
Oh no.
Floyd?! Where was he?!
John Dory felt his heart quicken even faster– which moments before he hadn’t realized was even possible.
“Keep going! No one left behind!”
He could hear King Peppy’s voice way behind him, still shouting to the other trolls like him and his family who couldn’t find a hiding place that hadn’t been occupied yet.
It wasn’t until moments like these that you realize how many trolls there actually are.
He could feel the bergen getting closer, its footsteps shaking the tree more and more violently.
He had to find–
“Floyd!” his mother cried out behind him as she and his father caught up. “Where’s Floyd?!” Her voice strained with worry as the screams from the trolls got louder.
Suddenly, they felt a cold presence behind them.
Everyone turned to see a humongous purple pimply hand reach down and snatch a troll.
The troll shrieked and immediately, along with John Dory’s dad, rushed to grab the trolls’ hands and pull him away from the bergen’s strong grip.
They tugged and yanked, and suddenly the troll popped out of the bergen’s hand.
They all fell backwards in a heap as the hand pulled back quickly.
John Dory heard the bergen grunt in annoyance and his mom began to cry.
He needed to find Floyd! Where was that–
“John!! Bruce!!”
Immediately, the BroZone family turned to see Floyd, his leg stuck underneath a big tree branch that had fallen.
He was a while away, almost fifteen yards, and the bergen’s hand was beginning to dip down for more trolls as more trolls began to scream. His dark pink eyes were swimming in tears as he reached out towards them.
“Floyd! Someone has to–” their mom began to panic, attempting to run towards her son.
“No, you stay!” Her husband held her back. “The boys and I will go. Keep running to safety!”
“No, but-”
John Dory began to race towards his brother, ignoring the arguing behind him, with Spruce right on his trail.
They dodged the terror-driven trolls and the thought of the hand dropping down and grabbing them at any moment encouraged their feet to go faster.
Finally, they were at Floyd’s side.
“I was trying to catch up with you, but I slipped, and this tree must not have been strong because it fell from all the running–”
“It’s alright! Pull!”
They yanked as John Dory felt his arms almost grow numb from pain and the cold wind that whipped past them, making him shiver.
Cold wind? It was mid-summer…
John Dory sat on his back, watching the clouds part and make way for the sun. His mind raced, and with his mind his heart began to beat faster again.
His breaths became a bit rapid and he tried to slow it down, squeezing his eyes closed and counting backwards from thirty.
It wasn’t working, dangit.
He wished the memories wouldn’t rush into his head as fast as they were, the way they did every year on this day.
Every other day he could pretend like it never happened. Something his brothers sometimes loathed. But he couldn’t emotionally handle this.
He couldn’t physically handle it either.
JD felt the sweat slowly trickle down his forehead, and he took out a cloth and attempted to wipe it away, but he wasn’t entirely focused on the warm drops dripping down his face. His mind was searching for some kind of reason not to remember this day years ago.
Rhonda could feel the tense and stressful vibes in the air, and she scrunched her eyebrows nervously. She began to vibrate and purr, something that had helped John Dory the few times this had happened to him.
John Dory felt the vibrating of his armadillo’s purrs underneath him, and he felt his arm move to caress the top of his pet. His eyes closed and his breaths came out rushed as he continued to struggle with his thoughts.
Rhonda made a small noise, like a loving sort of growl, at first quietly, and then again. Louder this time.
John Dory didn’t notice. The world seemed to be slipping away from him.
Floyd was hoisted up by his arms around John Dory and Spruce’s shoulders, as they tried to rush forward where their parents had been attempting to stay while moving forward at the same time.
Floyd’s leg was limp, but not broken. Only a small sprain that should be completely well within a month or so. The pain wasn’t awful, he promised his brothers.
They were near their parents, and Clay rushed to meet them. “They want us to run with Grandma!” Clay gasped, bent over as he tried to quickly catch his breath. “Mom can’t keep running. She’s too tired.”
John Dory looked at his mother, his tough, strong and determined mother, confused. Why was she so exhausted so easily?
“Boys!!” Grandma Rosiepuff, as strong as ever, rushed right by them, grabbing Clay’s arm as she rushed by. “Keep up with me!”
“But Mom and Dad–” Spruce began.
“They’re alright!” Grandma promised. “Just keep running. We’re heading into the cover under that rock, right ahead!”
As she kept running, John Dory and Spruce nodded at each other. There was no point in arguing. They kept running with Floyd, urging Clay to keep close behind.
John Dory’s gaze kept onto his parents as long as he was close enough to see their facial features.
It looked like his mother was crying. She was on the ground, her dress completely dirty, her navy blue eyes filled with sorrow but determination as she looked up at her husband, who was kneeling down beside her, his eyes also incredibly watery. She was telling him something, and he was listening and nodding, eyebrows lowered in dedication.
Then he pulled her up. John Dory could mouth the words “I love you” tremble from his father’s lips as his dad turned his head to see him watching.
And then his parents began to run in the opposite direction of everyone else. Towards a big field of long wavy grass.
What were they doing–?
“John Dory! Lookout!”
Clay’s voice brought John Dory’s eyes back to what was in front of him.
The big bergen hand lowering once again, the screams near him getting higher and more shrill, as it dipped and slammed against a big tree branch near them.
“Get ready to jump underneath the rock!” Grandma shouted, reaching for Clay as she began to run faster.
The branch snapped and began to drop down toward them, right in front of the rock they were going to shelter in.
John Dory felt his arms unwrap from around his baby brother and push Floyd and Spruce in front of him, underneath the rock.
And then he felt his legs lower and then spring up and land right beside his brothers, falling onto his shoulder, as the branch fell just afterwards, in front of the big rock, blocking the entrance for them and the other trolls who had taken shelter under there.
Silence. Sobs. Darkness.
That’s what the next hour brought.
John Dory felt something crawl up next to him on top of Rhonda.
He didn’t care. As long as this thing didn’t bother him.
His eyes stayed closed and his gasps didn’t slow as the memory continued to run through his mind.
Then he felt a hand. On top of his.
John Dory felt his conscious being brought back a little, drifting away a bit from the past. He felt his right eye open to see who had interrupted.
His mother’s navy blue eyes looked down at him, filled with worry and concern.
Wait, no… not his mother…
Branch didn’t say anything, or do anything more than just rest his hand on top of his. He just sat up beside him, watching him carefully. Slowly his eyes moved from beside him to up at the sky, where it had quickly become bright and almost cheerful out.
John Dory wondered what he was thinking, and if he knew. But he didn’t want to find out. Not now. If Branch knew, he had to be the one to bring it up.
He was not in the state to talk first.
“I heard Rhonda. She seemed really stressed out, and I could tell from all the way from my bunker.” That was the first thing he said.
Nothing about why John Dory was laying down on top of his armadillo in a blanket of sweat at seven in the morning.
John Dory wanted to say something smart alec– but he didn’t. He was too tired.
“I was out collecting berries earlier with Floyd. Poppy asked if I could for some kind of recipe she wanted to make for us. Some kind of improvement, she claims, of Fluffleberry cake.” He gave a light scoff, signaling that he felt that an improvement of that recipe was impossible, but at the moment that he didn’t really care.
John Dory considered ignoring him, slipping back into his half unconscious world.
“We got to talking and… Floyd told me.” Branch looked back at his oldest brother. “It’s alright. I know.”
He wasn’t crying. But his voice had that certain edge to it.
John Dory’s eyes filled. His hand gripped Branch’s tighter. “You know…” His voice was hoarse with exhaustion and tears, but he felt relief run through him.
“I’m sorry, John Dory. I– I’m sorry…” Branch’s voice grew squeakier. “I know what this may feel like for you…. I definitely do.”
John Dory thought of how he must’ve dealt with Grandma’s death. How he did deal with her death.
“Do you struggle with this every year?”
John Dory evaded the question. He looked at Branch devotedly. “That day wasn’t all
sorrow and loss, Branch. I did gain something.”
Now Branch’s eyes slowly filled a bit too, but he stubbornly wiped at them quickly, as if ashamed.
John Dory sat up next to him and gave a sigh as his heart went back to beating a slower pace once again.
It had been quiet for an hour or so.
The branch outside of the rock turned out to not be as heavy as expected, and the trolls inside were able to easily move it away from the entrance.
Everyone walked out, in a daze, wondering where their family was, if they were alright, how many trolls the dreadful bergen had taken this time.
Grandma Rosiepuff took Floyd in her arms as she and her grandsons walked out into the bright sunlight also.
It was complete silence.
No one wanted to say anything, to guess that it was their family that got caught and taken away to be eaten.
John Dory couldn’t stand around not knowing however. He immediately rushed towards where his parents had hurried to an hour before, tears being whipped away from his eyelashes from the speed of his run.
The first voice of the hour called out to him, “John Dory! Sweetheart!”
But he wasn’t about to wait. He needed to know.
Into the field, he pushed back the long wavy grass, he called over and over for them. No response. The tears continued to fall as he searched the field.
The field was that big, however. He almost completely searched all of it within ten minutes. By then, his brothers and grandmother had met up with him, watching him search frantically.
Grandma’s face was already smeared with tears, and the boys watched, almost confused.
“Where’s Mom?” Floyd whispered.
Spruce hugged him closer, beginning to understand.
John Dory finally reached the end of the field. He was sobbing now.
Why them? Why did that awful thing have to take them?!
He pushed aside the last two blades of grass, and through his tears he saw something shimmer against the sun.
John swiped at his eyes and looked again.
An egg. A blue egg.
John Dory rushed towards it. He knelt down on the dirt and carefully rested a hand on the egg.
It was warm. It had just recently been set there, a couple hours ago at most.
But who would leave an egg–?
Then he saw it. Right beside the egg, was a pair of goggles. His dad’s.
He had left them there, knowing that John Dory would go looking for them, knowing that John Dory would find the egg, and knowing that if he saw the goggles then John Dory would know also.
The egg belonged to his parents.
To his mom.
John Dory grabbed the goggles and looked it over for a sign. Anything.
A small note fell out.
John Dory,
We knew you’d find this egg. We were going to tell you as a surprise at dinner but… well, surprise! Grandma already knows.
We want you to take care of it in the ways we won’t be able to while we’re away. Keep your new baby brother safe. Love him with everything within you, just like we would and will always. We know you will. It’s your way. We love you and your brothers so much. No matter what happens, through thick and thin, always have each other’s backs. Make us proud. We know you will.
Love, Mom And Dad.
John Dory looked at the egg again. The tears fell freely as he reached out, took it carefully in his arms, and gave it a small and gentle hug.
John Dory was surprised to find Branch hugging him back. He was surprised he was hugging Branch at all.
But they sat there, together, bonding through a loss and a gain.
It was nice to know that Branch understood his pain. It was nice to know he had his brother back again.
John Dory pulled away and sniffled. “You remind me of Mom so much,” he chuckled, embarrassed.
Branch swiped at his face again. “How so?”
“You pretend to be a tough bean,” John Dory said, smirking slightly, “but you’re a softie.”
Branch rolled his eyes but gave him a watery smile. “I guess that’s what the ladies want, huh?”
“You bet!” John Dory laughed, nudging him. “But every now and then you show a bit of Dad.”
“Floyd was telling me you are basically Dad’s twin.” Branch raised an eyebrow at him.
“Exactly.” John Dory grinned.
Branch chuckled. They sat there for a while afterward, pondering, thinking in silence.
Branch had never met his parents. John Dory and his bros had no idea what happened to them- if they were alive, if they were eaten.
But it was still a major loss.
Yet, it had come with an amazing addition.
John Dory turned and grinned at his baby brother.
Love him with everything within you.
He would never admit this but… that was pretty easy to do when it came to Branch.
#broppy#brozone#branch trolls#dreamworks trolls#trolls 3#trolls band together#trolls fanfic#trolls branch#trolls john dory#trolls brozone#trolls movie#fanzine#sing it together zine
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Nomads AU! That what if before timeline I mentioned a while back on a poll! Part 1
The story goes the same in band together (John comes in they get Bruce then get Clay) just without branch being there. There was a lot of worry and concern going on about Branch’s whereabouts, but eh they’ll deal with it later. Anyways they just got Clay and now THEY HAD TO FIND BITTY B!…wherever he might be. So they try and find anyway to locate Branch, but after searching through old memorabilia they do find his old glasses and basically try the same method they did with Clay (look it worked so might as well keep using it) so Rhonda got a faint trail of Branch (almost nonexistent) and after some hustling they end up in some very overgrown woods. They sorta just wander around looking and shouting for Bitty B/Branch. The hunt goes on for a while till…
THEY WERE CAUGHT!!! Rhonda basically got led into a trap with some tasty berries and immediately got caught. Soon the brothers and Poppy plus Tiny left Rhonda to figure out what happened, when all of a sudden…they were surrounded by cloaked figures that circled them. All of them were different shapes and sizes but yet troll sized (weird right?) the gang was startled John and Clay got ready to fight (Clay definitely learned how to fight while living with the putt putt trolls) Bruce was making sure tiny was safe, while Poppy was….scrapbook a friendship card (she doesn’t take danger that serious…but she’ll learn, probably)
Soon the cloaked figures stopped once they realized… those were trolls?! Actual colorful trolls (they don’t see many colorful trolls anymore) soon some of the cloaked figures revealed themselves to the gang and….. they were grey trolls?! (When I tell you Poppy had a mini heart attack in that moment) I mean how could this be, a grey troll? Those are hard to come by, not to mention there were tons! Plus some really weird feral looking things were sorta eyeing the gang (the feral(trolls?) were totally going to eat them) then the grey trolls decided they should bring them to the leader. Yea at this point the gang was to flabbergasted by the fact there were grey trolls here! that they just kinda were too shocked to think right and just followed them. Poppy soon got out of her funk asking a bazillion questions and trying to “cheer” up the trolls (she was kinda insulting them but similar to how she was with 1st movie Branch) all the grey trolls ignored her.
So once they got to there leader’s bunker (yes Branch still has a bunker) they started trying to get him to come out to see the guests they had. But once Branch came out and saw HIS brothers just there standing in front of him he freaked out. At first he was shocked just frozen but once his brothers asked who HE WAS! That was when he freaked out, he screamed and shouted at them how they left him to fend for himself that he was alone and they had the audacity to FORGET HIM!! This was the moment every built up emotion hit the brothers. Standing in front of them was there baby brother, as a disheveled mess, leaves in a natty messed up puffball of a haircut, a face littered with scars and stress lines, not to mention he looked like he was going blind in an eye (they didn’t see much of his body but it would just make them feel worse with how many scars the poor troll had) none of them were even able to handle the fact that their baby brother was…. Grey.
All the brothers were ready to break down they saw this troll who was nothing like the happy baby they left instead a sad grey troll. The brothers were going to be kicked out until John told Branch Floyd was in danger. Floyd may have still abandoned Branch, but Branch didn’t want his brother to die. So he agreed to go then a lot of time gets spent with him struggling to actually leave the village without the tribe with him (he’s very paranoid about what could happen) during this Poppy tries to “cheer” up the grey troll (which gives her a bad impression on branch as she acts very similar to 1st movie poppy) she then tries to throw a huge party to bring up the mood it does not go well (the scene is very similar to world tour with the country trolls) after Branch is ready to leave and officially annoyed by his brothers trying to cheer him up as they try to either have a very sad awkward conversation, or they treat him like a baby similar to how they treat him in the movie but it’s more awkward cause he is a complete stranger to the brothers and veeerrrrryyyy aggressive (he growls and hisses at them)
He struggled actually leaving the village but once he was assured by his brothers it was for Floyd he put his second in in command in charge and left it was sorta similar to the Poppy and Viva scene where she wouldn’t leave but if it worked.
(Poppy was very excited BITTY B was found and was getting on every one of branch’s nerves the brothers were conflicted to say the least)
I’m really sorry I’m making a part 2 because I have a lot to say but the next part will be about the bus ride to mount rageouse and saving Floyd.
#dreamworks trolls#trolls#trolls brainrot#trolls branch#trolls band together#nomads au#trolls au#au idea#grey tribe#trolls movie#trolls clay#trolls brozone#trolls the movie#trolls spruce#trolls fandom#trolls john dory#trolls bruce#open to criticism#trolls floyd#troll oc#trolls poppy#trolls broppy#troll band together
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what are some episode ideas your hoping to see in the next tv show? assuming we do get one.
a few of mine would be.
an episode where JD and Bruce are shown still Butting heads with each other loads in present day annoying the other Bros a lot. and maybe during a Hike out in the woods or something something happens which results in JD and Bruce getting cut off from the others and being lost. leaving them stuck together in the middle of nowhere bickering over the right ways to do things with JD using all his survival skills he picked up but Bruce at first stubbornly refusing to go along with what he says given he doesn't want to admit that following JDs lead might for once be the most logical thing to do in a situation. anyway the episode could lead to them opening up to each other a bit more about their lives after the breakup. Bruce could tell JD about the effect he had on his self confidence and how difficult it actually was for him to learn to relax and not stress over every little thing he did after having him micro manage him for years. and JD could tell him more about his time he spent away from society in the 20+ years basically having no one but Rhonda for company maybe in part because he was too afraid of getting close with people and then ruining things with them like he did with their family. it'd just be good to have a little episode focused on their Rocky dynamic imo.
an episode where Branch is ill and his Brothers try to take care of him. a few other people have had this idea and someone even did a cute fanfic involving Both Kismet and Bro zone fighting over the best way to take care of Branch. but yeah I think the idea simply involving Bro zone coming around one day to find Branch so ill he hasn't left his Bunker and while he acts like its no big deal his Brothers insist on staying with him to look after him. somewhat confusing Branch but he agrees to it since he's too tired to argue with them and over the course of the episode they all lightly bicker and disagree on the right way to take care of him. while also annoying Branch with how much they mess around in his Bunker maybe not putting things back in their right places. I like to imagine this all culminates in Branch getting annoyed with them all and questioning them on what their even doing there and why they're all being so weird. kinda surprising the Brothers as they say looking after someone in the family when their sick is just normal to them. and I like the sad angsty idea of Branch not realising this and being confused by his Brothers behaviour throughout the episode since he's always just dealt with this stuff on his own in the past. kinda making his Brothers a little somber when they Realise this like they knew he'd always been independent but not to this extreme extent that he literally didn't have help even when he needed it.
this isn't really so much an entire episode idea as it just a single plot point I could imagine happening early on. that being at the start of the show Bruce is obviously only just staying in Pop Village for a short night or Two given he has to get back to Vacay. but as a plot point and an easy way to keep all the Brothers in one place for the first season I'd have something happen towards the end of the episode that makes Bruce change his mind and decide to stay in pop village a bit longer after talking it through with Brandi and making sure she'd be fine to cover while he's away. maybe something happens that makes him see things are still pretty complicated between all the brothers and he decides he should stick around a little longer until their in a more stable place.
an episode where same as the popular fan idea Floyd is shown to be claustrophobic and panics after coming out of a small space still having issues from his captivity tho he tries to hide it from other people. but it could be a nice chance for Branch to recognise what's going on with his Brother and try to talk to him about it. tho maybe after some poking and prodding Floyd ends up saying something along the lines of him suddenly having flashbacks or something. feeling like he's right back in that moment feeling helpless and like there's nothing he can do in the face of these towering giants tho Floyd thinks Branch might not understand. and this could be when he tells him exactly how their Grandma died and how helpless he felt witnessing the whole thing as a kid and how he still sometimes is reminded of that day just by ordinary everyday little things. it'd be a kinda cute bonding moment I think.
I've said before I can easily imagine an episode just focusing on Bruce and Branch as well given their vastly opposing personalities. since Bruce tries to be laid back and carefree and of course Branch is so high strung and particular especially tv show Branch. plus Bruce is probably the most Traditionally "" Normal "" out of the Brothers so I could imagine him having problems with crazier Tv Show Branch. like imagine him going over to Vacay to spend more time with Bruce and his kids only for Bruce to be weirded out to see Branch playing a game with the kids involving them having to run around lots tiring themselves out. all so Branch can at the end collect their sweat in his Jars to restock his supply in his Bunker. and when Bruce questions him on what the hell he's doing he says that his kids larger size means their sweat fills up his stocks much much quicker and easier. making it more efficient to use their sweat than his own 😂😂😂😂 and tv show Branch just continues to do stuff like this unnerving and annoying Bruce more and more to the point he eventually asks him to leave using the excuse that he's making their customers uncomfortable. and I like to think later on when talking to Brandi she'd kinda chew him out a little over it pointing out they were seen as weird at first simply for being together. I'm not really sure exactly how this episode would end but I like to think Bruce would see that he kinda just wanted Branch to fit a certain more normal idea he had of his brother. making him realise he's somewhat acting like JD used to. anyway those were a few general ideas I had for episodes I'd like to see if we do get a third show what about you what sorta episode stories would you like to see?
#trolls#trolls branch#trolls brozone#dreamworks trolls#branch trolls#trolls band together#branch#trolls dreamworks#brozone#trolls 3#trolls third tv show#trolls tbgo#trolls the beat goes on#trollstopia
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In Our Eyes - A John Dory & Fem. Reader Fanfic -Part One
I rlly hope that the second part will come out WAY sooner.
This is my first time posting a fanfic that includes the reader so it's a bit different than most. Like how this part of the story does not have the reader yet- just an introduction to John Dory. I do want to tell you that I am not having the reader fall for John Dory or anything, I just couldn't do that, IM SORRY but they will be rlly close friends! I really hope you like it! - Jessi ❤️
John Dory bolted up in bed, sweating, gasping for air that seemed to be lacking in his sleep. The dream, which had caused him so much stress, and the images he had seen only a few seconds before through closed eyelids, disappeared suddenly. He couldn't remember why he was so exhausted and scared and-- full of guilt?
He needed to fix up. Now.
He looked around wondering where he was. Within seconds, he remembered.
In the bunker.
With his brothers.
He had to admit that it did feel weird to be sleeping in a place that wasn't on the hard ground outside or on the scratchy couch inside of Rhonda, but hey, he wasn't complaining. He actually got a bed here, and his room was just as crazily decorated as Rhonda was, and it actually felt like home.
When Branch had suggested that they all sleep in the rooms he had designed for each of them specifically when they first entered Pop Village, all of them had been ecstatic, especially Clay.
John Dory smiled as he remembered Clay's excited exclamations: "YOU HAVE A BUNKER?! NO FLIPPIN' WAY! Can I get the bedroom on the lowest level?! Man, this place would be perfect in case of fires and earthquakes in the village!"
Branch had, indeed, given Clay the bedroom on the lowest level, near his. Floyd was given the bedroom right across from John Dory and Bruce, for whenever he came to visit and stay a bit for tours, was given the one closest to the kitchen, just like he had asked.
Just the memories of the "ooh's" and "ahh's" brought more smiles to John Dory's face. He was proud of his baby bro and said so to him that day.
Branch had just shrugged. "It was all I had to do, I guess."
He had walked away toward Floyd and continued talking and laughing like he hadn't said anything important, but John had stayed there, processing what his brother had just admitted.
Branch would have had something way better to do if he hadn't left him. He probably would have a normal pod and happier life, despite how happy Branch seemed to be so far.
If only...
John Dory got out of bed and went down the elevator toward the bathroom. He washed his face and stared at himself.
"You've got this, JD. You can conquer the world. Believe it and do it." He had quoted this to himself every morning for about twenty years, ever since BroZone had started.
He only really half-believed it though.
John Dory wasn't surprised to see Bruce already in the kitchen, as he always was up by 6 in the morning, before the sun was up. Usually, when John slept in, he'd be awakened by the sweet smells that always drifted from this section of the bunker. They had only been living in this bunker for a few months, but they already seemed to be in a comfortable routine.
Bruce was humming happily as he opened the oven door and slid something in there. He jumped when he saw John Dory standing there, at the door.
"Oh! Hello." He eyes his older bro suspiciously. "You usually aren't up for another 5 hours." Suddenly he rushed toward John Dory, hand outstretched to feel his forehead. "ARE YOU SICK?!!?! DON'T WORRY I BROUGHT EXTRA ELDERBERY SYRUP IF YOU-"
"Bruce! Dude, I'm fine!" John Dory backed away from his touch, annoyed.
Bruce stopped and chuckled. "Sorry. Dad instincts."
John Dory sat down at the breakfast nook. "What're you making?"
"Coffee cake with a sour cream glaze."
"Oooo, that sounds delicious!!" John Dory's stomach gave a rumble.
Bruce laughed. "Seems that your stomach agreed with you." He sat across from John, and examined him for a bit. "John, have you been getting any sleep lately? You have circles under your eyes."
John Dory shrugged. He didn't mention how he had woken up from the same dream every night without ever finding out what it was.
Bruce, realizing John Dory wasn't about to give him a real answer, stood up again. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. You know that, right?"
John Dory glared at him. "Stop talking to me like I'm your twelve year old daughter."
Bruce grinned. "Well, sometimes you act like her."
John Dory stood up and whacked him with a dish towel. Bruce chuckled, snatched the dish towel away, and hit him back.
Suddenly they were in a full-force dish towel war, laughing and falling over, getting up again, and taking the towel away from the other.
Gradually, Clay, Floyd, and Branch emerged from their rooms, all in their bathrobes and looking as if they just arose from the dead.
"What in the world is going on?" Clay asked, annoyed. "A man needs his beauty sleep."
Floyd stared at him. "Please don't ever say that again."
Branch stood in-between the two older brothers. "Okay, guys, can you chill out for a bit? It's like six in the morning!"
"Yeah, John! What're you doing up this early anyway? I thought you-- OMIGOSH IS THAT COFFEE CAKE WITH SOUR CREAM GLAZE?!" Clay ran toward the oven and stared at the cake through the window into the oven. "It's so beautiful..."
Floyd grinned. "Well, I'm glad you guys are in good moods at least."
John Dory scoffed. "I'm always in a good mood."
Branch rolled his eyes. "Alright, well, as we're up we might as well start on chores until breakfast is ready."
"Aww," sighed all of the brothers.
Branch held out his checklist. "I have a whole list of things to do today. Don't worry, it'll go by quickly."
Floyd raised an eyebrow. "Branch, that list is like five feet long."
Branch nodded. "Yeah, and last time it was five feet and two inches long. You're welcome."
"Hold up, Branch," John Dory said. "We've been doing your stupid list ever since we came to the bunker. Can we at least get a day's worth of rest?"
"You haven't been living here very long," Branch explained. "And if you live here you should help take care of it. And it's not stupid."
John Dory took the list from Branch.
"Hey!" Branch reached for it.
John Dory laughed. "Yeah! It says 'take a break all day' right here!" he pointed at a section on the list.
"Where?" the other brothers crowded around.
Branch groaned. "No, it doesn't!"
"It does! Right there, in invisible ink!"
His brothers laughed and all disappeared in different directions.
"Hey! Wait!" Branch cried out. "Guys, I have a busy day today! I need someone to help me take care of the bunker!"
"We'll do it later!" they said casually over their shoulders.
"Chill, Branch! It's not that big of a deal!" John Dory assured her. "I promise we'll do it sometime after lunch!"
Branch sighed and stared at his bros, who all disappeared once again into their room. Then he turned to Bruce, who was still standing in the kitchen.
"Ugh, lemme guess, I'm stuck with the list again?" Bruce sighed.
Branch was about to say "yes" but then stopped. No, John Dory had said he would do the list after lunch. Just because Bruce was the only one mature enough to stay didn't mean he had to be stuck with the hard tasks.
Plus, he was making coffee cake.
"No, I guess not." He sighed. "I trust John. He said he'll do the list later. I hope he will."
Of course, John Dory had forgotten. His day had been completely full of nonsense and fun. He didn't have time to think of the list at all.
After getting completely dressed he had eaten the coffee cake (it had been delicious, by the way), then he had gone out into Trollstopia to walk down the street in slow-motion while tons of girls begged for his autograph. After that he went to Poppy's pod where he knew they were holding a leader's meeting to tease and annoy Delta Dawn, who always rewarded him with shouts and threats, which always made him want to annoy her more.
After that he went out to lunch and took a nap in the sun at the bay. Afterward he went out to dinner, and then got back to the bunker in time to see Branch- finishing up the list with the rest of the bros.
Branch frowned at him when he saw him. "Where in the world have you been?"
John Dory shrugged. "Places. Why are you guys doing my jobs?"
"Because you weren't back in time to finish them," Floyd responded. "They were supposed to be done about-" he checked his hugtime watch, "-two hours ago maybe? Possibly three?"
"Thanks, Mom," John Dory teased.
"John, it's not funny." Branch crossed his arms. "You guys all promised to do it after lunch and it's almost 8:30 now."
"But it's after lunch!" John Dory grinned.
None of his younger brothers smiled.
"John Dory, I think you need to work on your promises," Bruce suggested. "Don't say your going to do stuff if you're not."
"I think that's a smart idea, Bruce," Clay agreed, shooting John Dory a nasty glance. "We all had our big amount of chores to do, and you just made our days longer by forcing us to do your work."
"I'm sorry, guys!" John Dory groaned, exasperated. "It was just one day of relaxation. Didn't think it was that big of a deal!"
Branch sighed then checked his watch. "I need to go. I was supposed to see Poppy for lunch and then had a few meetings with other people later, but I had to reschedule all but one."
John Dory bit his lip as he watched Branch trudge towards his room. He did look pretty exhausted.
"John, you need to make it up to Branch." Clay brought him back to the present.
"What?! It was one day!"
"No, it wasn't." Bruce shook his head. "You've been avoiding the chores since we've came here. Branch is pretty busy. He offers to help Poppy with her duties, and now he also helps Viva with her work sometimes too. He does help with the plumbing jobs around the village and such, and he now is part of our boyband and does part of the songwriting. He needs help with little things like this. It's not that hard."
John Dory rolled his eyes. He had never really thought about what Branch did around the village before they had come back. But still, if he had managed it before, why did he need so much help now?
"John Dory?"
He looked at Floyd, who was raising an eyebrow at him.
"Did you hear what Bruce said?"
John Dory sighed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do I have to do? Finish with the stupid chores? Do them all tomorrow?"
Clay thought for a bit. "Honestly, the meeting Branch is going to now isn't one he wants to go to. It's like an interviewer or someone for BroZone. She wanted to specifically talk to Branch, but Branch did mention to me how she said you were her second favorite member. Maybe you could go to the meeting instead and Branch could still go see Poppy?"
"That's a good idea!" Floyd agreed. "John Dory, what do you think?"
John Dory considered. He was exhausted and talking people was one of the last things he wanted to do right now. But maybe all he would have to do was say how amazing he was and then cut it short and leave.
He guessed he could do that. Then things could get back to normal.
"Okay, sure. I'll do that," he agreed. "Just give me a second."
He went to Branch's room and knocked on the door.
"Yeah?" came the response.
"It's me. I wanted to say I'm sorry about today and that I'll go to your meeting for you if you'd prefer."
Branch poked his head out. "Really? She said she wanted to talk to me specifically."
"Pfft, it's fine. She'll barely notice the difference."
Branch looked as if John Dory had just insulted him. "Okay. Whatever. Here's the address." He handed John a slip of paper. "Prepare for a lot of questions."
"I've got this, don't worry." John Dory assured him.
Branch didn't look assured. "If you say anything stupid about us-"
"I won't! Chill, bro! I've got this!" John Dory winked. "When was the last time I failed you?"
Branch sighed and rubbed his temple. "That seems to be all your doing to me lately." Then he shut his door again.
John Dory stood there, stunned and dazed.
Wait. What did he just say?
I know this isn't how most stories that include the reader start, but this is my first time doing this and I thought it was a different and fun idea. The next part will be centered more around the reader, I promise. This was fun to write, IT JUST TOOK ME SO DARN LONG
Be on the lookout for Part Two! If you request it in the comments, I'll tag you when I publish it.
Thanks for reading so far! -@jessi4branchifer
#trolls band together#trolls 3#brozone#trolls branch#dreamworks trolls#john dory trolls#trolls clay#trolls bruce#trolls brozone#branch x poppy#branch trolls#reader fic#thanks for the request!#long story lol#this took way too long
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