#he kept notes for evehthing
shelyue99 · 5 months
So I was looking for books about HBO and found this anecdote about BoB. When HBO reached out to Dick Winters that they wanted to bring the veterans to Normandy for the premiere, Dick was against it:
Winters hated the idea. He said, "My guys are in their eighties and they're not going to be up to this." So Richard (Plepler) and I (Quentin Schaffer) traveled to Hershey, Pennsylvania, and met Winters and his wife for lunch. It turned out that Winters and Richard both went to Franklin & Marshall College. Good start. Richard said, "Dick, we really want to do this, Tom Hanks is on board, but you are key." Winters doesn't agree to anything but gives us the okay to approach the guys directly to see what they want to do.
He then pulls out a sheet of paper and says, "But let me tell you their health conditions." He starts going through this list-diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and so on. After all these years, he still concerned about the welfare of his guys. He then says, "You want that responsibil-ity? If they do go, and somebody dies?" Richard explained that we were going to have a medical team on board. So we return to New York and reach out to the veterans. Guess what? Every single one of them said, "Sign me up." We went back to Winters and told him. Winters, realizing he couldn't let his men go alone, agreed to come and let me tell you, he had a phenomenal time.
—Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers
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