#he keeps that flame of wanting to become a voice actor in me alive lol
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gurenmonster · 1 year ago
I usually don't want to give in to negative speculations but I feel the rumor that Damien is less active in Smosh because he doesn't like how things are being handled currently is true. That's why I wont be sad if he leaves and find a better place to work under.
I don't want this place to be for speculation, but I'll answer this since I technically have touched this subject before.
Like I've said before, I personally believe that Damien appearing less in Smosh is because he's busy with VO work. I'd like to believe he made the decision to put it as a part time so he can have a more comfortable schedule for other work outside of Smosh.
I've read someone else say that HR fucked him over or like exaggerated his need for more time to do other stuff outside of Smosh so that's why he's appearing less? Which given how recently we've been hearing about previous employees of Smosh saying it wasn't so great working there, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case too. This could tie with what you said about him not liking how things are handled too, so.
I believe Damien is capable to keep himself afloat without Smosh, he's very talented on his own, he's been booking a lot of projects outside of the ones he's been able to announce, he has the streaming. So yeah, he's going to be ok without Smosh for sure. I too wouldn't be too upset if he left, it is what it is.
(if y'all want to keep talking about this i can't guarantee I'll answer. Again this ain't a place of speculation, I'm in fandoms for fun, and while I do believe we should discuss the bad stuff, I don't really think I'm the right person to be talking about this. I don't think anybody is the right person to be talking about this stuff tbh but that's just me,,)
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so-writing · 5 years ago
Snow 9 - Ivar / Hvitserk x Reader
It was much easier to pretend with Ivar when you knew there was an end in sight. The next several nights, you happily rode him to orgasm and allowed him to do things to your body you never would have in the past. As much as you would deny it later, you had no issue taking advantage of the attractive young king.
“You’re finally starting to fall for me aren’t you,” he ran his hand through your hair, “I wasn’t sure you would.” 
He pulled himself out of the bed and sat on the edge, you noted the toned muscles in his back and ran your fingernails over his shoulder.
“I wasn’t sure either. I didn’t think I’d ever get over Hvitserk. If I’m honest, I’m probably not entirely over it but I’m trying. I’m trying for you.”
“I know, and I understand. He’s coming home tomorrow though.” 
Ivar used his crutches to stand himself up and make his way over to the fire. 
“He’s coming home and he’s getting married to someone else. He’s moving on and we need to as well. I want you to stop taking those herbs you’ve been taking. I’m not mad you have, I understand why, but I’d like it if you stopped. I want us to have a baby.”
It wasn’t a surprise, you knew that was ultimately what he wanted, but to finally have the conversation shook you. You never wanted children in the first place, but especially not with Ivar.
“Do you want that?” 
There was a hesitation in his voice and he didn’t turn away from the hot flames as he waited for my answer.
Of course I don’t want that. My attraction to you is skin deep, you tyrant. You’ve ripped me from the love of my life and cruelly dangled him in front of me this entire time, pulling him away and pushing him close to me for your own amusement and convenience. You may have given me a crown of gold and a position of power, but you’ve taken everything else.
“I’m scared, but I think I do.”
I want to see the end of you, and I want to be the one to do it.
Ivar rushed back to the bed as fast as he was capable and threw his arms around you. You tried to hug him with the same intensity but couldn’t quite get there and he noticed.
“You’re really sure? You don’t seem as excited as I am.”
“Well, my love, I told you I was scared. Being pregnant and giving birth is a big deal and I would be lying if it didn’t scare me. Think of all the risks that come with childbirth. Myself or the baby could-”
“Stop there,” he interrupted, “we’re not even going to think about that right now. Let’s just be happy that we’re going to bring an heir to Kattegat. I will have a child, an heir to my throne.”
Ivar looked like he was going to cry out of sheer joy. It was the first time I’d ever seen a smile on his face that wasn’t there because he’d just done something evil to someone, it was genuine.
The sound of the horns signaling boats entering the harbor broke us out of our moment. 
“Is that the raiding party? They can’t be back already. Get dressed, my queen, we need to get down to the docks.”
The cold wind was biting through your thick furs as you stood with your husband and as many people of Kattegat that could drag themselves out of bed in the middle of the night. As soon as the boats drifted out of the black and into the firelight, you recognized his silhouette. His face was still masked in darkness but there was no mistaking him, Hvitserk had returned to Kattegat. 
He returned to Kattegat just to be sent away again, only this time he would be taking his new wife with him.
“Brother,” Ivar dropped your hand and stepped toward Hvitserk as he jumped off the boat, “welcome home!”
The two men embraced and spoke about the raid as they walked quietly through the group of people toward the main hall. Hvitserk hadn’t looked in your direction once and you began to fear the worst. It was assumed that he had no idea about Brenna while he was out raiding but maybe Ivar sent him word in secret.
While the rest of the raiders stayed down by the docks talking with the public and greeting their families, Ivar and Hvitserk locked themselves in a meeting room off the great hall. Aslaug, Brenna, myself and a few other people close to Ivar waited outside. 
“Everyone,” Ivar opened the door an eternity later, “please come in.”
Hvitserk was seated at a long table with his arms crossed and his eyes looking down at its surface. The group joined him, with the exception of Ivar who remained standing, and the meeting began.
“Everyone is now aware of what is going to happen, but I don’t believe we’ve formally spoken about it. We will do that now.”
You tried to keep your hands in your lap under the table to avoid anyone seeing how badly they were shaking. It had been several weeks since you’d seen Hvitserk and since then you’d done things with Ivar that would break his heart. Maybe Ivar had told him and that is why he refused to look at you now. 
Would he do that? Despite everything, you believed he truly loved his older brother and Hvitserk and Ivar always had the strongest connection of all Ragnar’s sons. He did make you marry him with the knowledge that you were in love with Hvitserk, so it’s not out of the question that he would expose your intimate moments to upset him.
Seeing him again hit you hard. You had become so wrapped up in Ivar and your duties as his queen that you began to let Hvitserk fall aside. His bright eyes, kind heart, and overall sensational presence had come rushing back into your life and you couldn’t stop the feelings from flooding back.
“Hvitserk will marry the princess Brenna, and go with her to Manafell. My brother and I have already made our alliance official. Hvitserk and his soon to be will travel to Manafell and marry there, then we will leave on our first raid.”
“Where will you go, my king?” 
You made sure you didn’t look at Hvitserk while you asked the question. It probably wasn’t possible for your heart to break any further but you weren’t going to test the waters.
“We’re going to take Hedeby.”
Hedeby was Lagertha’s home. It wasn’t enough that he had to kill her, Ivar just had to take control of her settlement too.
“If I may speak,” Brenna’s eyes were on mine, “this is a good plan. Hedeby has ports comparable to Kattegat, if we take the city, we will be unstoppable.” 
She was a better actor than you could ever attempt to be. You knew she hated Ivar, for the way he was, for his hand in Lagertha’s death, but it was so simple for her to turn on the charm. She turned her distaste for him into a kindness and used it against him, something you’d always tried to do, but often struggled.
“Ah, Hvitserk, we’ve made a good choice in choosing your wife,” Ivar’s eyes on yours, “she will serve you well.” 
“Yes,” he spoke for the first time and your stomach did a flip, “she will be a wonderful wife. I have a favor to ask though, brother.”
“What is it, Hvitserk?” 
“I would like to have a conversation with your queen. If you are willing to spare us just a few minutes, I would be very grateful. It is important.”
“Of course,” Ivar’s smile slipped slightly but otherwise he gave no reaction, “she has been a dear friend of yours for many years and you are about to leave us permanently. Come, everyone, let’s reconvene in the great hall.” 
The room slowly emptied out and he stayed completely still and silent until Ivar shot the door behind him, giving you a look before he left. Don’t do anything stupid.
“So you’ve come to enjoy your time with Ivar? I’m glad you��re happy.
“I’m not happy. I am miserable here without you, with him.”
“That’s not what he tells me. He tells me you spend your nights wrapped up in each other, making the next heir to Kattegat.”
“We’re not making anything. I’ve been taking the herbs, I will never have his child.”
“Why are you giving yourself to him,” anger rose in his voice as he slid the chair back and stood, “I return home to find myself betrothed to a stranger and my brother telling me that you love him. What am I supposed to do?”
He leaned against the wall, arms crossed and head hung in defeat. The both of you had fought so hard to keep your relationship alive despite the situation but it wasn’t enough. Ivar had broken Hvitserk and eventually he would break you too. 
“I have never in my life told him I loved him. I have called him love, to keep up appearances but I do not love him. I give myself to him because if I don’t, he will replace me and then I will have no power. I will be disposable. If I don’t submit, I will lose you forever. This crown at least gives me some small sliver of control.”
“You’re going to lose me forever anyway, I’m being married off.”
“Do you think we’re being listened to, Hvitserk?”
“Probably,” he shrugged, “why does it matter now? You’ve already outed yourself and if Ivar is listening, you will lose that last bit of control you have.” 
“In that case,” you stood and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and putting your lips to his ear, “I need you to wrap your arms around me, pretend this is just a hug and listen.”
tagged: @lol-haha-joke @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @blonddnamedhandz
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girllovescomic · 5 years ago
Winter Begonia episode 33 recap
The episode start with Lin Danqiu talking about finding what he thought was his family, wanting to turn his life around, but his crippling gambling debt prevented him from doing so. Aiyu told him everything would be alright, she would sell their ancestor’s estate and pay off his debts.  At that moment, he decided/realized that he was a Zeng, that Aiyu and him were blood sibling, as he received such a huge favor from the family he never knew.  That gave him motivation to protect his ‘sister’, to carry on the ancestral line and repay their kindness.  That is all fine and dandy, but that is not your family.  You are not blood, Rui Rui is.  He slaps himself upon the realization that he got his sister to debase herself for his sake, telling Rui Rui he is sorry.  
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Er Ye arrives at the station looking for his bae.  He spots Zeng Aiyu and asks her if she saw Shang Lao Ban. She tells him that he went for a chat with her gege. She then tells him that Rui Rui told her about Fengyi’s situation.  She seems interesting in hearing about her daughter, but CFT tells her that he is raising the child, not to worry.  She tells him she is not worried, just curious. He tells her that he knows about her prejudice towards opera performers but the troupe would not neglect the baby, will raise her well, and that she will not always live there.  Probably wants to raise the baby with his wife until irresponsible baby Fan Lian grows up.  I vote for keeping the baby with her biological uncle since she is Rui Rui only link to his blood sibling.  OK, Er Ye pulls a picture of his wifey holding his niece and WHY THE FUCK DOES A STRAIGHT DUDE HAVE A PICTURE OF HIS SO-CALLED BROTHER IN HIS POCKET? Give me an explanation show!? He gives it to Aiyu as a keepsake to remind the baby by, and perhaps give her a keepsake of her real brother.  I don’t know, this is still a salient point for me.  The fact that Rui Rui and Danqiu look nothing alike, the fact that she can’t even recognize who her real brother is, bothers me. She looks at her daughter, half sad, half happy, calling the baby My Fengyi.  Sigh. I wish she could raise the child, but single moms back then were a huge no no.  Gone would have been her marriage prospect, her future.  Er Ye asks if she has a picture of herself so that he could show Fengyi that her mother was a beautiful woman. She grabs her purse and pulls a picture.  
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Meanwhile, her two brothers comes out, looking disheveled. She asks what happened, looking angrily at Rui Rui asking if he hurt her fake brother.  Lin Danqiu tells her that he was clumsy and fell down the stairs. It’s a little white lie that has a lot of weight; it allows Zeng Aiyu to not leave with rancor in her heart for her real brother. She believes the lie, while Er Ye realizes the sacrifice his bae did in allowing Lin Danqiu to take his place as the eldest Zeng.  Lin Danqiu bids his adieu and they leave for the train.  Lin Danqiu pauses and gives a deep bow, probably of gratitude that he gets to have a life he never thought possible, due to Rui Rui’s sacrifice. Rui Rui calls out to his sister and tells her to take care of herself.  She smiles at him, oblivious of the emotion behind such a simple sentence.  My heart is in pain.  I can’t.  I just want Rui Rui to be happy, to be with his family. WELP. 
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In the car, Er Ye tells Rui Rui he really thought his bae would beat Lin Danqiu to death.  Rui Rui replies it is against the law to beat him to death, it’s not worth it.  LOL, wait, since when do you care about such thing?!  He adds that besides, it wouldn’t be punishment enough. Er Ye asks how did he punish him, but Rui Rui remains mum. Er Ye pulls Zeng Aiyu’s picture and gives him to Rui Rui. Awwww, so he actually got the picture for his bae! He tells Rui Rui if he doesn’t tell him how he punished Lin Danqiu he won’t give him the picture. Yooo, you know your Rui Rui can be a bit kooky, don’t play with him.  As expected, Rui Rui tries to grab the picture and covers his eyes while the man is driving.  LOL, I told you Er Ye.  Rui Rui takes the picture while Er Ye is like, you might not care about your life, but I do!  Awww Rui Rui is happy to have a picture of his meimei. LOL, they settle back into their married routine as Rui Rui tells him he is hungry and Er Ye obliges, asking him what does he want to eat. :Cough: I have some ideas... Oh wait, Rui Rui is talking about real food! He wants pan fried pork dumpling.  Hmmm that is also delicious. Er Ye says okay and after that we are going to have a movie date. 
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Meanwhile, in the train, Lin Danqiu holds Rui Rui’s pendant. I have to say, this breaks my heart.  Sigh, I am not happy, but I get it, still I am not happy. This would effectively close the possibility of Zeng Aiyu realizing her mistake, since for her the pendant will act as proof that Lin Danqiu is her real brother.  I get why Rui Rui did it and it is a huge sacrifice to make.  Our Rui Rui is growing up.  We see in a flashback that Rui Rui gives him the pendant as he effectively accept that Lin Danqiu is the person his meimei recognizes as her brother and the punishment he has incurred upon Lin Danqiu is to take care and cherish her for his entire life, and for his sake (Rui Rui’s). If he finds out he tricked her or made her suffer, he will kill him.  See, how mature our Rui Rui has become? She sees the pendant and jubilates that her gege has found his lost pendant. He lies and tells her that he suddenly found it while doing his luggage.
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Alright, we leave the sadness behind for some ChengShang gushing moment. So, they are discussing the movie they have just watched.  Wait, how late did they stay up?????? Our opera addict Rui Rui comments on the actress acting skills, finding it lowly because all she did is straightened her eyebrow and stare at her costars eyes.  LOL, oh Rui Rui, you would have a tough time watching half of the TV dramas’ actors and actress, some who are so wooden you wonder how they got their part or fame. He compares her to his acting skills, especially her posture and voice, along with the lyrics she sang. He finds it too simplistic. LOL. He adds that Du Qi would have had a fit if he heard that.  I doubt it, since Du Qi lived abroad, therefore as a better knowledge of cinema. Er Ye tells him he thought it was good because it relieves boredom and doesn’t require too much thinking. True, unlike a play, Broadway show or opera, which demands more attention, movies are simple entertainment that can be mindless fun. He says that unlike movies, watching operas can take 3 days for the entire opera to finish. GEEZUS. Yeah, I cannot, sorry Rui Rui. Not only that but you have to know the right time when to shout bravo, when to sing praises, so many freaking rules. If you don’t know the rules, you get ridiculed and called an amateur by an useless sperm donor.  It might be too demanding on the audience. Rui Rui asks what does Er Ye like to watch.  Er Ye tells him he used to watch movies, but now he prefers watching opera, specifically Shang Lao Ban’s operas more.  He tells him that whatever role you play, you bring it to life.  It is like he is inhabited by many souls. Whenever he puts on makeup and costume, the soul will borrow his body and come alive while he is on stage. Once he leaves the stage, the soul departs but the story stays alive in him. Rui Rui tells him his writing sounds just as good as Du Qi and is flattered by the compliment, asking for more. LOL, greedy queen. 
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Er Ye is like, who asks for compliments like that, beside you got so many people praising you already, you don’t need me. Rui Rui tells hubby that his words means more to him than others. Er Ye is like fine, I’ll shower you in compliments. Guys, you better get your salt vapors because the next line might make you faint and ask how the fuck did this get past censors. Ok, so I am directly quoting here: “Shang Lao Ban is like a flower, or a fire that only cares about blooming for itself, flaming in a blaze.  For those who likes watching you, you will do your best to show it to them. For those that don’t like watching you, you won’t try to appeal to them by changing yourself and go against your own will. You are such a popular ju’er, but you can still live so freely. This is truly extraordinary. Very rare! It’s true innocence. Everyone says someone like Shang Lao Ban who is so talented can only be looked from afar.  Others do not dare to walk shoulder to shoulder with him. Except for me, Cheng Fengtai, who is willing to go into the fire and stay by your side.” I WANT MY CHENG FENGTAI.  WHO DO I NEED TO GOAD TO HAVE ONE?????? Rui Rui is so taken aback that he stops walking to look at his hubby.  
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Er Ye asks what is it. Really Er Ye, after saying such words, you ask him why he is stopping in his track?! Awww shit, trouble is brewing as we heard voices from an alleyway. Rui Rui follows the voices and runs up to the alleyway, followed by Er Ye.  A woman is fighting off two lecherous dudes. Rui Rui is pissed, probably thinking of his sister if she were in this situation.  He kicks one of them and threatens the lecherous men. One of them tells the woman she should have told them she had a lover. Man GTFO with that shit.  The woman recognizes him as he asks if she is okay.  Er Ye is like, goddmammit, another fan trying to take away my bae’s precious time.  LOL, Rui Rui is like, awww shit, yeah, grabbing his hubby so he wouldn’t have to deal with the fangirl.  She blocks their path and tells Rui Rui she’s been looking for them. He is like, que? Who are you? She seems to struggle to say.
We see a man wearing a cast with a bottle of booze. Oh My GOD, it’s my bae Chen Renxiang!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Rui Rui asks what happened to Chen Lao Ban to be in such a state.  It turns out the woman is the talkative prostitute from Nanjing who had taken Chen Lao Ban away before meeting Liu Hanyun.  She had sought her freedom from the brothel and come to him in Shanghai.  Upon her arrival, he was already in such disheveled state.  Rui Rui asks his bae and the ex-prostitute to leave the room so he can have a heart-to-heart with Chen Renxiang.  Rui Rui believes Chen Lao Ban put himself in such a state because he lost the competition.  He tells him if he had been the one to lose, he would have done everything to better himself so he could fight him out once more.  He had been impressed by how he had defended him against his uncle, seeing him as a hero so how did he become such a coward? Chen Lao Ban still remains quiet as Rui Rui lambast him, saying unlike the ex-prostitute he would have left him to die since he doesn’t seem to care about his own well-being. He sets out to leave when our sad ju’er finally speaks.  He tells Rui Rui that he is indeed a coward and that the girl doesn’t care that he lives or die.  Rui Rui yells at him that he is ungrateful dog for ignoring all the effort to girl has made to seek Rui Rui out and beg him to help Chen Renxiang out.  Xiang Xiang replies that he is not talking about the ex-prostitute named Yueling, but his Shanghai girlfriend he had mentioned when they were on their way to Shanghai after the Liyuan Association incident.  Apparently her parents did not approve of their relationship, thus the lovers decided to elope, however, they were caught by goons hired by her family.  They broke his leg and dump him barren fields while taking her back home.  He asks Rui Rui if he wasn’t a coward, what would he be? Rui Rui is like, yes, you are a coward since his girlfriend probably as no idea that he is injured and hiding out getting drunk off his ass. How would she know he is alright or care whether he is alive or dead if she doesn’t know where he is.  That makes him an ungrateful dog, which Xiang Xiang tries to deny, but Rui Rui interrupts him telling him he thought of an idea for him to help him reach out to his girlfriend. Get his leg treated, so he can perform opera with Rui Rui, like this everyone in China will be talking about it, thus his girlfriend will be able to find him. Isn’t it better than him being a drunken stupor? This seems to bring a bit of hope to Xiang Xiang until he remembers the conditions of their bet.  Rui Rui laughs at that, telling him he wasn’t serious about not letting him perform for a year.  He tells him he will find a doctor to help set his leg back and that he needs to clean up and stop drinking. Xiang Xiang thank him for being his savior, but Rui Rui doesn’t want to hear his gratitude, he just wants him to perform well on stage as a thank you. Btw, even disheveled Tan Jian Ci is one sexy bish.
It takes everyone to help calm Xiang Xiang down while the doctor tries to set his leg.  LOL, Rui Rui tells him that a girl is looking at him while he screams like one.  The doctor gives Yueling some after-care directives. Rui Rui asks the doctor if his leg will get better, but the doctor is slightly optimistic. Sugar daddy and husband of the over eager penguin asks to speak to the doctor away from the sensitive ju’ers. Xiang Xiang senses something is wrong as he repeats it is destine disaster, then laughs.  Rui Rui thinks he’s cray cray, but Xiang Xiang tells him he is laughing at his uncle Jiang Rongshou for having a useless son who he cannot impart his skills to, which kept him from teaching his fairy steps to anyone, until he finally taught it to Xiang Xiang, but now he is crippled, the Jiang Family fairy steps will be lost forever.  Xiang Xiang tells Rui Rui that he got his revenge against the elder Jiang, but Rui Rui does not seem to gleeful at the prospect, which even gets Xiang Xiang attention. Rui Rui is like, yeah, I am on bad term with the old fart, but I have nothing against the Fairy Steps. In fact, it would hurt him to see such a superb skill get lost. WHY ARE YOU SO PRECIOUS???? I cannot, he is to sweet, my baby boy!!! Xiang Xiang bemoans the fact that he learned the skill so late in his career, having little time to master the essence of the skill.  If he had learned it since he was a kid and hone the skills for years, he probably wouldn’t have lost against Rui Rui, who agrees.  AGAIN WHY ARE YOU SO PRECIOUS? Xiang Xiang reveals that when he returned to Shanghai, an Italian fan asked to film his fairy steps and show them in Italy (damn, they were that popular!!!), but they didn’t agree on the price and he worried about his uncle’s objections, so it didn’t work out.  He also regrets not taking any disciples to impart of his skills, and now he ponders who would remember his performances.  STOP IT, OMG, I CANNOT ANYMORE.  My Xiang Xiang is so depressed!! Rui Rui gets philosophical and replies the current situation is too precarious, especially for performers who may not have time to pass down their skills on time.  What would be left for future generations to appreciate.  Xiang Xiang replies that life and death go hand in hand, and that ups and downs are inevitable.  This sounds like a man who has given up.  I am balling. Rui Rui tries to comfort him, telling him to stop spitting such depressing things like life and death.  How can he be dead when he met him.  LOL, oh Rui Rui.  He advises him to just live his life and that his girlfriend still waits for him. Xiang Xiang is like, you are right, I must live well and wipes his tears away. 
Alone, he dreams about that fateful day when him and his girlfriend were running away from the goons employed by her family.  Out of breath and tired of running, Renxiang decides to send her to hide while he deals with the goons, but unfortunately, she is taken away.  As he asks the goons where she is, one of them taunts him, talking about his fairy steps and how it mesmerized the first miss (his girlfriend). Wait, what? DIdn’t he have this girlfriend prior to learning the Fairy Steps?  I am confused. The man tells him he must break his legs so this filthy actor would not seduce any more young ladies from other good families.  DAFUQ.  I am tired at how everyone is looking down at opera actors.  Even servants act uppity towards them.  They are good enough to sleep with and be toys for the rich, but they can’t have meaningful relationship with them? That is fucked up. He wakes, all sweaty while Yueling comes in to bring the medicine.  Then we switch to him doing some physical therapy with the crotches. The doctor tells him he is recovering well and Xiang Xiang presses him to find out when he could go back to the stage so he can reach out to his girlfriend.  Yueling is like, no way, you are still recovering! It is clear that she loves him, but he is too enamored with his little rich miss. The doctor agrees with her, but Rui Rui is like, who cares about your legs, your voice is not harmed, so we’ll perform a literary piece and he will take of him on stage. Er Ye just stands there, smiling at his smol husband, and I can’t fault him for that. Xiang Xiang seems encouraged by Rui Rui’s pep talk, but Yueling is not happy. 
That paper boy is busy af with Rui Rui selling newspapers like hotcakes. He announces the joint performance of Chen Lao Ban and Shang Lao Ban. Oh my Xiang Xiang looks good!! Oh wait, his twin Rui Rui, also wearing a white gown.  Xiang Xiang is anxious while Rui Rui tells him to get ready for their performance.  Apparently Xiang Xiang is waiting for someone, perhaps someone who had news of his girlfriend or his girlfriend herself. Rui Rui replies that he has been waiting for days and there has been no news.  Maybe he told her about his family and she may have gone to Beiping to find him. Right at that moment, someone asks for him.  He delivers a letter for him.  
We see him looking at picture.  Behind it are words written: “ We are not destined to be together in this lifetime.  Hope we’ll each live well separately.” OH NO, it’s the girlfriend!  I cannot figure out Xiang Xiang mood at this moment.  It is kind of indescribable.  Then, as he rubs the foundation in between his palms, a tear falls on the back of his.  Oh my poor baby looks defeated, yet, a strange smile is on his face. He talks to himself as he stares at the mirror asking why he looks like a ghost.  He tells himself that he looks ugly and depressed. I CAN’T CONTINUE, I AM CRYING TOO MUCH.  I have a bad feeling about this guys, I just...sigh. He continue saying that he no longer wants to see himself anymore.  Tears are forming in my eyes, everything is blurry.  
We see him on the stage and the audience is asking why this third sister is carrying a sword.  This is not part of this opera, so they wonder if they changed the opera at the last minute. My Xiang Xiang looks beautiful while the other actors are asking the same question as the audience.  His character, Sister Yu is not supposed to have a sword. Even the orchestra is baffled.  Seriously, who allowed him to carry the sword? Isn’t there anyone to take care of the props? Where is Rui Rui? Xiang Xiang starts singing without the music when Rui Rui finally appears.  I guess he was still in his room getting ready.  One of the actors asks him what is going on.  I don’t think Rui Rui has any idea. He looks at the audience for their reactions and can see the confusion on their faces, but they remain quiet, no booing. The lyrics seemed to encapsulate his life, especially the moment that effectively broke his heart, destroyed his soul.  Oh my God, no amount of makeup is able to cover the sadness on his face.  GAAAH, and now this show has decided to rip out my heart and step on it, as Jiang Rongshou is seen, lounging on his chair, eyes closed.  NOOO, SHOW DON’T DO THIS TO ME!!! We can hear Renxiang singing while we see Jiang Rongshou reaching out for his tea cup, but knocking it down.  Oh, I know what that means in dramaspeak and I don’t want to see it.  NO SHOW, please, don’t do this!!  We see my lovely Xiang Xiang swinging the sword and cut his throat, much to the surprise of the actors, including Rui Rui. OH MY GOD I CAN’T.  Jiang Rongshou is feeling some malaise as his son comes to see what is wrong.  As Dengbao cleans up (despite my dislike of him, he is really a filial son).  Jiang Senior shakes his head and says he doesn’t know.  He’s been dozing off today and then asks if the young actors are still training.  Dengbao confirms, but Jiang senior seems dissatisfied by them and their progress.  They can’t seem to get the basic movements right, yet want to learn the fairy steps. He reminisce about Xiang Xiang and how he was able to learn 70-80 percent of the opera at their age.  Dengbao replies how can they compare to the very talented Xiang Xiang.  Dengbao tells his father to be patient for Xiang Xiang to make the Fairy Steps famous once he returns to the stage, but grumpy papa Jiang reproach Xiang Xiang for not writing to him since he went back to Shanghai.  WAIL, he has no idea of the state Xiang Xiang was! Dengbao is like, you know how Shanghai is, Renxiang is probably having the time of his life.  Why you do this to me show? Grumpy Jiang is like, yeah, when he is with me, he pretends to be filial, once he leave, he forgets all about me. Sigh, this show knows how to humanize these characters, even the ones you learn to hate.  I hate this show. Stop making me have so much feels right now, even for the Jiangs! Papa Jiang cares for Xiang Xiang, wanting to see how he has improved once he return to perform.  He dozes off again, and OH NO SHOW, STOOOOOPPPP.  Don’t do this, don’t have Xiang Xiang voice from beyond the grave call on his uncle, asking to look at him. Startled, Jiang papa calls out for Xiang’er, asking if that is him.  Jiang papa is taken aback and thinks its his old age causing his to have auditory hallucinations.  WELP
Back at casa de Er Ye, we see our Rui Rui sitting pensively as he stares at the window.  Er Ye opens the door and quietly enters the room.  In the most romantic gestures this show encapsulate (they have so many, especially post-baby drama), Er Ye uses his fingers to imitate a camera, wanting to capture his hubby form forever.  THE GAY IS EXPLODING IN MY FACE.  If you still have doubt that Er Ye is utterly in love with his bratty penguin, I don’t know what to tell you.  He walks up to him and sits in front of his beautiful wifey.  So damn domestic!  Oh my God is Er Ye really saying this right now? The sun has cast a pattern on your outfit.  It’s just like dressing with a golden robe? This is too poetic! I want a man like this.  Now I am crying again. He bemoans not bringing a camera to immortalize that moment.  He probably would have carried the picture in his pocket like he did the one he gave to Rui Rui sister.  He adds that if he went to get the camera, the moment would be lost since the sun would set. Rui Rui eyes are closed as he responds that yes, the moment would be gone, nothing stays.  I guess he is referring to Xiang Xiang and the whole Shanghai trip. Er Ye agrees that the good times don’t last long, and tells him to take it easy. Rui Rui tells Er Ye that Chen Renxiang died on stage, it’s also considered a worthy death.  Is it though? He didn’t with a happy heart, sacrificing himself for his art.  He died depressed, realizing that everything he held dear was gone. What saddens Rui Rui is that life is unpredictable.  Awww, our boy is learning about the realities of life and shedding a bit of his naivety. He bemoans what it entails to the legacy of the Fairy Steps since there is no one to showcase it on stage, and how an accident could also make his Goddess Dance along with the Shang Family Stick skill could disappear forever.  You got to be thankful we live in the modern era where cameras captured all the dances forever for future generation to learn and nurture.  Imagine the thousands of dances lost to us because there were no longer practitioners who cared to learn them or died without imparting their skills. This is indeed disheartening. Er Ye gets philosophical and says that God’s intention is hard to fathom and so is a person’s heart.  He adds that Rui Rui’s time in Shanghai has widened his understanding of the world, introducing him to foreign things outside of his Beiping environment. Some were nice and fun, and sheer temptations.  Even if life was an utopia, without birth, old age, diseases or deaths, it would be hard to guarantee that he would not succumbed to those temptations, wanting to throw away those things passed down by his ancestors (although Er Ye says ‘our’). Rui Rui says that he won’t, to which Er Ye replies that he might not, but can he guarantee that his apprentice won’t? That subsequent apprentices won’t?  You cannot predict the future, nor can he predict what people or God have in store. The only thing that could remedy this is to encapsulate it on film, so it can be passed down for a long time.  I agree with Er Ye on that point that movie is long lasting, but in a time of war, films can also be destroyed, either by fire or by enemies wanting to push their propaganda. Anyhoo, Rui Rui is not ready to agree to it, stating that a camera can only shoot the form of a person, there aren’t any details.  It is the degree of the expressions, measurement of the footwork, the precision of the hand movements, that can be captured accurately on film and be used as training tools by future generation.  He adds it is like drawing a tiger with a cat as a model, the kids would learn the wrong things. Er Ye replies that Rui Rui makes film sound useless, it is no wonder he is unwilling to make records. LOL, he practically called Rui Rui a technophobe. Rui Rui replies it is because he place too much importance on the audience reaction, he doesn’t dare to be careless about all those details aforementioned.  He lives for the audience, wanting to be sure they enjoy themselves.  Wait, honey, you seem to have no problem provoking them by changing the lyrics.  What gives with this talk of hesitation!? He states that he would rather be tired and take on more apprentices to teach them. Er Ye questions this, asking him how long it would take for him to meet an eager disciple like Xiao Zhouzi. How much effort will it take to turn on into Zhou Lao Ban.  Yeah, he lucked out with him because the boy was an innate talent.  How many out there have such capacity? Rui Rui replies that he will take his time and misses him home, and troupe. Er Ye sighs and says that he also misses his home.  Btw, they’ve been in Shanghai for more than a month (probably three at the time they are talking).  Ugh, I wasn’t expecting to see Er Nainai so quick.  She is still doing accounting, closing out the books for Shuiyin Lou.  LOL, she ended up doing the accounting for them after all.  Oh oh, she is thinking of Fengyi. That’s not a good thing.  
Oh shit, she comes to Shuyin the next day. What is she planning? She is greeted by one of the actors, who tells her they’ve been diligently training and improving upon the things she taught them.  Shit starter Shi Jiu does not seem to approve of this ass kissing, and I don’t blame her, especially since he throws his troupe leader under the bus or rickshaw. YOOOO, this maid is opening her mouth again? Shut her up.  She once again insults the performers saying their pitch is higher than her bird. SHUT YOUR MOUTH. I have it up to here with her arrogant ass. Shi Jiu is about to tongue lash this bish, but is stop her Rong Lan.  Er Nainai states that their boss can easily remove himself from an undesirable situation.  LOL, cannot blame him for you suddenly appearing and ordering him around his own house, sweetie. Not only that but you insulted him, looked down upon him, in his own house! Anyhoo, she adds that he left her a big mess that she had to take care of.  She had to set order in this house, give them some rules (gurl, they were fine without you).  
Best girl Xiao Lai brings her some tea while they sit in that same room where she insulted my baby.  Sigh, I really don’t want to talk about the maid, she leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth.  She is soiling Shuyin House with her presence.  She insults my Xiao Lai by looking down on the tea she has prepared for Er Nainai, saying they brought their own with such indignation, as if the tea was made with piss.  I don’t think I have ever hated a character for simply existing.  Good job on the actress for being so irritating. Wait, no, I have always hated the maids on C drama.  They are insufferable, act haughty af depending on their mistress status, and are the biggest bullies. Er Nainai is like, someone is missing.  The troupe responds that everyone is here and that little shit replies that no, people, Er Nainai is talking about the baby.  HOW THE FUCK WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO KNOW. Dasheng replies the baby is in the room away from your ugly face. No Rong Lan, don’t do it, let that little shit do some work instead of running her mouth! Rong Lan brings Fengyi to Er Nainai. Sigh, don’t that little shit get anywhere close to Rui Rui’s niece!  Well, at least Fengyi is softening Er Nainai who states the baby can catch a chill if not covered properly and tells her servants to take out the items she brought.  Lol, even Shi Jiu notices the change in behavior, claiming that Er Nainai went from Empress Dowager Cixi to a living Buddha. Rong Lan is like, well at least with Er Nainai growing closer to the little Goddess of Wealth, Er Ye would not have any problems bringing her home. Shi Jiu does not approve and agree with my shit starter. DAFUQ, is that little shit bossing the actors around. GTFO.  Who allowed her to speak. Fuck this.  Ugh, I don’t want to hear her voice anymore.  She tells her boss that she doesn’t understand why she cares so much for the baby since she has unknown origins. Seriously, GTFO.  Er Nainai replies the child should not be punish for the adults’ sins.  Wait, is that little shit still believe Er Ye is the father? Bish, go away, get out of my screen. I wished Fengyi would cry so hard to make her deaf. I hope Xiao Lai would disinfect the area when they leave.  Gotta get that stank ass out.
Okay, I am done bishing about that maid.  I seriously don’t know why the show had to aggrieve me with her presence.  Did I do something in my past life to suffer so much? Talking about suffering, why did you kill my Xiang Xiang, show??  I had expected a death similar to the ending of Farewell my Concubine, but I did not expect it would be him. However, in hindsight, his words spoken back in Nanjing revealed his mindset about life.  He had admonished Rui Rui for being solely focused on the opera with no outside distractions.  For him, his girlfriend offered the distraction he sought outside of the opera.  Without her, and without his ability to perform at 100 percent due to his injury, he was left to nothing.  The true coward in this depressing episode is Chen Renxiang’s girlfriend, who bowed to her family pressure and married a man she didn’t love.  Unlike Yu Qing who willingly left her family behind for an uncertain love, Chen Renxiang girlfriend gave up a willing love for her family.  The constant reminder of how people looked down upon performers acted like a shadow permeating this entire episode.  Even with the bookending scenes involving the maid, we see the indignation, the dislike towards the performers.  Despite their fame, they are look as trash, good enough to admire and even bed, but not good enough to truly respect.  It’s a constant theme we are shown throughout the show.  Even Rui Rui, who cares so much about the audience, can’t escape this reality.  Perhaps why we have that moment when Er Ye tells him he would walk through fire to stand by his side, because only Er Ye seems him as his equal, who respects him and only wants the best for him.  Hence the talk about capturing his skills and likeness on film.  Sigh, will Rui Rui give in and let him film him so the future generation can gain an appreciation for the art the same way he has?
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isweartoerenimnotjaeger · 6 years ago
Omg can you describe some headcanons in which Allen finds out he’s completely gay? How he deals with it, how he says it to Cross and his friends, to Tyki?
Headcanons in which Allen finds out he’s gay:
Ooo I love this ask! First of all…I haven’t introduced Tykiin my story yet (gahhh! Sorry Tyki!). I did introduce Road, Devit, and Jasderoin passing though since they’re all on the school’s dance team in my drabbles.I do plan on introducing him…I just haven’t found the right time to do so. Probablywhen Allen goes over to Road’s house sometime? At a dance competition? This isgoing to be long so please read under the cut. Also this is not a Tyki x Allen related thing (just a NOTP of mine but since there has been discourse lately, I’d thought I should say it because I don’t want hateful anons on it. I’d rather keep a safe distance from the discourse since shit is sort of hitting the fan in my life and I don’t have energy to deal with any part of that discourse right now.)
So, first, how does Allen figure out he’s gay?
In the beginning he thought Link was pretty when he firstmet him, but he never really thought about Link in that way. I mean, in mystory he starts out at age 8. All he cares about is ‘wow this wonderful,beautiful stranger is giving me food and he likes my voice!? Let’s be bestfriends!’. Later on, Allen found himself pining over male band members at theconcerts Cross would take him to, or the bands he would introduce him to overthe years. He had a major boy crush over Adam Lambert, Keith Murray from We Arethe Scientists, Alex Turner from Artic Monkeys, Andy Black from Black VeilBrides (Also could go under Andy Sixx), to name a few. Kellin Quinn fromSleeping With Sirens was also a favorite of his. That’s only to name a fewthough haha, his heart still belongs heavily to Adam Lambert, though Andy Blackcomes in close second. (Andy Black and Kellin Quinn are my person projectionsonto Allen lol. No regrets!)
Allen would also pine over the boys he’d see in musicals(there was a time he was heavily into Zac Efron because his eyes, oh my god hiseyes!). Chris Pine was pretty hot. He played Prince Charming in Into the Woods.Sadly…I am not too hardcore into musicals (but I will be because I will do sofor Allen and my drabbles. Also, my friends who shun me because I don’t seemusicals).
Allen isn’t too bothered with it though. He’s still fairlyyoung and he doesn’t quite know that his interests are heading in thatdirection. He has an inkling, but he’s not bothered by it until he begins tofan boy at school about the guys he’s seen in concert or actors that he hascome across over the years. The kids begin to call him gay, fag, or give himweird looks because ‘Why are you that excited over a guy? What about the big breastedactresses?’ Allen writes it off that he’s just being a fan boy over theirsinging and acting, it wasn’t like he was pining after them or whatever. Hejust loved them for their talent…and they just happened to look sexy. That’sit. That’s all.
It didn’t hit full force until he got to see Tyki, Road’suncle, for the first time. (And before ya’ll get on my ass about this. No, Idon’t ship Tyki and Allen nor do I send hate on it. But Tyki is a sexy dude andI can totally see little Allen being all “Oh wow this guy is a super model! Ohgod I’m gay!”) Allen just stares up at Tyki all open mouthed and in awe because“Oh my god this is the sexiest man alive.” He ends up running away from Tykibecause he’s scared, embarrassed, and he’s having a major boy crush moment.
During all this, Cross figures out indirectly because hetried to introduce Allen to female vocalists that were smoking hot, actors, youname it, but the kid didn’t show as much enthusiasm as he did with men. Thatwasn’t to say he was disinterested in them. If they were talented and had abeautiful singing voice, he loved them. There was a difference between his fanboying over men and fan boying over women though. Cross also gets inklings ofit through the way Allen dresses and how he liked to play in make-up. That wasn’tto say it was something that said, “oh my god my son is gay”, I mean the kidwas good with make-up. He could be good with it and be totally straight. That’swhy they were only ‘inklings’. He kept his concerns to himself though andstayed open-minded.
(I headcanon Cross to be very open-minded. He was rebelliousas a kid and even now, he ran with society’s outcasts, the people that peopleturned their noses up at. He learned to be open minded because of the people heran. He also learned it through his annoyance at other people thinking he was abad kid because he couldn’t sit all nice and still in a desk and spit outinformation like a computer. I will write a drabble more on Cross’s backstorylater).
First person Allen tells that he is gay to? Jeryy. Jeryyworks at the school cafeteria and he’s become like a second or third mom toAllen. (Second or third because I have an OC secretary at the school who knowsCross well and became good friends with him when he was a teen). Jeryy is Allen’sabsolute safe space/comfort space. Jeryy provides food, advice, and a listeningear. Allen didn’t feel nervous at all.
Going to his list of friends though. Oof. Out of everyone,Lenalee, Alma, Kanda, Link, Lavi, his dance team members, Allen chose Kanda. Iknow crazy right? Well, he tells Kanda because Kanda can keep a secret. IfAllen ever had a serious problem, Kanda had his back. They may bicker and fightbut in the end they are there for each other. Kanda was also the type to beblunt and he can usually keep his cool…usually if the situation is seriousenough. Allen was scared shitless to tell him because he didn’t want his headto be sliced off or something because he was gross or something. He tells Kandaat his house in his little ‘sensory room’ that Tiedoll made for his boys. Kandais all “So what? That’s it? I thought someone died or something.”
Kanda is not the typeto blab to someone else, like Alma is (mostly when he gets too excited. Hedoesn’t mean to poor dear. He ends up being last.). Lenalee, she’s trustworthybut it’s her damn brother Allen can’t trust! He didn’t want Komui to overhearit. She becomes next when Allen can find a good spot to tell her. He didn’tfeel quite as nervous as he was with Kanda, but he still was. He was mostlynervous about Komui somehow hearing and telling people (seems like wheneverLenalee is in trouble or if there was a boy around, Komui somehow poofed intoexistence right there to defend his dear Lenalee!). I don’t headcanon Komui asbeing someone who gossiped over something as serious as this, this is purelyjust Allen’s worried thinking. Lenalee was all tearful and happy that he toldher.
Lavi is next. Lavi is hurt he wasn’t the first one told(even though, like Cross, he had a pretty good idea), but he gets over it. Hefigures out that it’s only because Allen was afraid of losing him as his ‘mostbestest best best friend’ in the whole world. Allen was dreadfully nervousbecause Lavi was his first friend he made since Mana’s death and he couldn’tbear the thought of not being friends with him anymore. Lavi is in tears whenAllen tells him, both out of hurt, but also more hurt that Allen would everthink that they wouldn’t be friends anymore. I mean they were ‘bestest bestbest friends’ and those kinds of friends didn’t break up over something likethis! Like bro, if you killed someone and needed to hide the body, I would hidethe body with you, no questions asked! Bro, I’ll get our alibis lines up, fakei.d’s, anything bro!
Link and the dance team? They knew. Oh, they fucking knewit. Link probably knew it before anyone else ever but was not ‘openly admittedto’ until after the whole friend group. Allen was blabbering about his boycrushes and his worries over being gay to Link for forever. Link became Allen’s‘hitting board’ for his thought processes and Link usually stayed silentallowing him to blabber to himself. He’d chime in with a piece of informationhere and there. He knew Allen was battling with himself over whether or not hewas gay. Allen didn’t settle on being gay and openly admitting it to him untilafter Alma was told and the other team members. Link didn’t react to Allenbeing gay until he admitted it officially to Link. Link’s reaction was morealong the lines of “I’m happy that you are no longer conflicted anymore. Thanksfor officially telling me, shall I make some tea?” Everyone else on the danceteam was all “Well jee, that’s not a shock. Congratulations on finally comingto terms with it, we’ve waited eons. We still love you.” Alma was all “OH MYGOD ALLEN I’M SO HAPPY THAT YOU TOLD ME I SUPPORT YOU 100% OH MY GOOOODD!”complete with tears and glomping.
To Tyki? Lol. Tyki knew the moment the kid laid eyes on himthat he was a flaming gay. It was awkward as fuck for Allen to tell Tyki “Ohhey, by the way I’m gay. So, you can tell Sheril that so he can stop being allsuspicious with me around his daughter. Fyi, you were my sexual awakening.”Tyki is all “Yeah I knew the first time I met you. I am the reason for manypeople’s sexual awakenings. Glad I could help.”
Road’s reaction is all “Awwhhh…and I was seriously hoping wecould be married. Oh well, Lenalee is looking pretty cute. Maybe she’ll marryme.”
Devit and Jasdero are all “So does that mean we can make gayjokes towards you now and it won’t be considered insulting?”
Cross was dead last. Anita came before Cross and even then,Allen was beyond nervous. He thought he was going to die. Cross was at work andAllen was brushing through her hair like he does a lot. He’s been putting offtelling them, thinking it would be better to keep his mouth shut until he was18 and out of the house. His friends kept telling him that he should reallytell them soon. They were going to find out eventually. I mean what if hedecided to date a boy from school? So, Allen paused and just blurted it out. Hedidn’t really notice he said it until it was out in the open. He was about torun and hide until Anita hugged him and was all “Oh honey I knew it a long timeago but thank you for telling me. I’ll always love you no matter what. Did youtell your father?”
So yeah, Cross was dead last. Allen just couldn’t approachhim with it. When he thought about it and how he’d react (which was usually badin his thoughts) he’d start crying. Cross knew something was off with the weekleading up to it. Allen was more withdrawn from him than usual, he didn’t eatas much as he usually does. Finally, Anita had enough and so did Cross. Anitadecided she’d give Allen a little push and urged Cross into going to a prideparade and taking Allen with him.
“Why do I have to do that? I mean the kid should know I’mnot going to judge him for it. I never judged him for wanting to wear dressesor playing in make-up.”
“You always wonderedif Allen was gay, so why don’t you take him to the parade? You know some of thepeople going there. If he sees that you’re supportive of the community then hemight open up more. There’s a difference between saying your accepting andactually showing you are.”
So Cross takes Allen to the pride parade. Allen is sonervous he refuses to eat, he’s already super suspicious because ‘why the helldid Cross take me here’? His nervousness slightly dissipates when he sees Crossinteract with some of the LGBTQ+ members, a lot of them were past friends hegot acquainted with in his youth. He was still nervous though because ‘he mayaccept people who are different but he might not accept me because I hit closerto home’ (this is an issue I struggle with myself when it comes to my dad whois supportive of my gay cousin…but may not be supportive of his own daughterbeing bi). So, they wander around, talk to people, etc. Allen is heavily withdrawnthrough the whole thing and that is a huge red flag for Cross that somethingwas wrong. He also didn’t want to push Allen into it though. It was hard to seehim struggle through the whole day though. Finally, Allen couldn’t take thenervousness anymore. He was getting light-headed and exhausted from not eatingall day because he’s so nervous. So, they’re just sitting there, alone,watching the sunset, and Allen’s bottom lip begins to tremble.
He begins to cry because he wants to say it but it’s so hardbecause he’s afraid Cross was going to yell at him or kick him out.
“Kid. Just tell me what’s up.” Cross said, tired of Allenstruggling with himself and making himself sick because of it.
“Dad…I’m gay…” Allen choked out, openly sobbing.
Cross hummed, thinking over his words a little bit beforeblurting out, “Hi gay I’m Dad.”
It was the most unnerving, stupidest things that Cross hasever said (he usually does not do dad jokes) but the kid was so nervous andshit, he thought he needed to say something stupid to dissipate the heaviness.
“W-What?” Allen asked, confused and thinking that Crossthought he was joking.
“That’s what was eating at you this whole time? For a second,I thought you got ahold of drugs and didn’t think to share with me. Unless youare on drugs, in which case I will beat your ass.”
“So, you’re not mad…?”
“Fuck no. Why should I be mad? I could think of many otherthings to be pissed about like the fact you still didn’t clean your room like Itold you to. Well okay, I am a little mad because now I have to change the sextalk to you a little bit. I’m also pissed you were worried sick over this thewhole damn time. Jesus, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Cuz I thought you were going to kick me out…”
“I could think of a better reason to kick you out than overbeing gay. God with all the shit I’ve done over the years the one who should bekicked from the house is probably me,” Cross said, ruffling up Allen’s hair, “Nowcome on, you didn’t eat all day and Anita will burn me alive if she finds out.”
Cross also got Allen a flag to hang in his room
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furederiko · 8 years ago
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"I won't let you... suffer the pain alone!" Kyuranger's 28th episode, conveys the tale of broken bond, and lost friendship...
- Let's get this right off the bat: POOR Balance!!! T_T... He wasn't around when Naga first succumbed into the darkness, so imagine his utter shock upon witnessing how his partner-in-crime (we'll get to this later) has become an evil, ruthless, brutal, and plain messed up person. Dark-Naga is completely different from his regular self, and this is the first time we get to see Balance gets deeply depressed. Even more so than that stolen-Birthday story... - Sure, the episode starts in a carefree and casual way. We see Balance utilizing the #43 Camelopardalis Kyu Globe to become a 'mechanical giraffe' and scout the area, while Dark-Naga is having fun with his newly found emotions through a practice fight with the Indavers (again, the actor is definitely having a blast). I also personally enjoy seeing Akyanba and Kukulga get along with one another, mirroring the bond between Ikagen and Madako nicely. But everything turns sour just 4 minutes in, and the cheerful mood has completely dissolves into a somber and melancholic tome. - Balance clearly arrives on scene with a belief that he could easily persuade Naga to the good side. That's how they've always been, right? But nope. If this is another show, the whole 'turning into evil' trope would be done and over with in just two episodes. This is Kyuranger we're talking about, and that's NOT how the show works. After declaring that the BN Thieves has now been disbanded, Dark-Naga doesn't pull any punches on his (former?) friends. He shoots Balance on the spot, intentionally injures his left thigh, and then tortures him with sheer glee. Balance refuses to react, resulting in an abusive scene that... well, rather disturbing to watch. I wonder how TV Asahi even allows this on a morning show? - It's a neatly choreograph, but devastatingly desperate fight scene. Once again, Dark-Naga is soooo close on killing the other Kyurangers with his 'Dark Galaxy' attack. This time around, a mysterious woman steps in to save the day. And it's a... female Naga! Hold on, I mean, a Naga-esque female individual from the Ophiucus system. She introduces herself as Echidna (obviously portrayed by Taiki Yamazaki, voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu), and reveals more details about the same-faced inhabitants of her system. Trivia: In Greek mythology (nope, not the ant-eater one, nor... Sonic the Hedghehog's rival) Echidna is a half-woman half-snake 'She-Viper'. She's the mother of many mythical monsters such as Orthrus (that gave birth to Sphinx and Nemean Lion), Cerberus, Hydra, and possibly Chimaera. There's a 'mother angle' in her story. So can we assume this is just pure coincidence? Or is she actually Naga's mother? Hmmm... - Echidna's appearance is... well, a bit awkward to watch. Not because of the female voice coming out of Naga's lips, but mainly because it looks a bit out of sync. This is a common occurence in Tokusatsu, but I wonder why they don't just alter his actual voice with a sound editor? Also, design-wise, I think the production team made a minor miscalculation. IMO, they should've enclothed a 'female Naga' with a high-neck dress that fully covers the neck area. At least, give him a choker or something. The actor is what many generally calls 'pretty boy', so he CAN look and showcase Echidna's feminity just right. Yet it's also clear his adam's apple is still immediately noticeable in this dress style, and that would likely attract questions from audience. Especially observant nitpickers like yours truly LOL. With that said, her inclusion is still a much appreciated decision. It gives a good excuse to keep Naga's actor among the non-suit ones, without the need to hire a new artist. And similar to Dark-Naga's messed-up sassy gestures (that is always a delight to see), he's able to make us believe that Echidna's an entirely different character. - Echidna's exposition, leads to a deeper backstory for both Balance and Naga. And that's good. We FINALLY get to see how Balance met Naga for the first time! True to his trickster reputation, not only Balance ran into Naga when he was stealing a treasure from his planet, he also made use of Naga's pure desire for emotions to get away. On a whim! Yep, turns out things didn't actually start out in 'real' good terms for them. Back then, Balance was merely using Naga, turning him into a partner for his own selfish benefit. Not unlike Akyanba, huh? Nevertheless, it's a fated meeting that managed to change him for the better. Balance now actually cares for him and others in general! That's why Dark-Naga's berserking frenzy isn't just hurting Balance physically, but also scars him emotionally (if not all of us in general, of course). Balance is going to do anything to bring his BFF back, even if it forces him to engage in an intense heartbreaking duel with him. We've seen it teased in the preview, right? - I was initially pretty disappointed when Akyanba revealed that the key to bring Dark-Naga back to his senses, is to hurt him so badly. I admit, it IS a common thing for a Tokusatsu antagonist to foolishly state their Achilles heel. Even Kyuranger have done it before with a lesser MotW. I guess, I kind of expected more from this cunning villainess. Turns out, more is certainly what I'm getting. Televi's scans have already spoiled about this 'solution' before, along with the Gold-Silver fight, and Echidna's arrival. But what a pleasant surprise when those report (probably... intentionally?) left out the powerful twists that come as part of the actual package. - Contrary to popular assumption, Echidna isn't here to help Naga. She is sent to... eliminate him. Apparently, obtaining emotions is considered a massive threat in the law of Ophiucus system. OUCH!!! Echidna also blames Balance for 'swaying' him out of his planet. This is what I meant earlier by 'turning him as partner-in-crime'. Second, the Gold-Silver fight? Intense, but heartbreaking. I expected a Mexican Standoff-esque battle, but nope... Libra Gold doesn't want his BFF to suffer alone. So when he launches that rain of arrows using the #35 Sagittarius Kyu Globe, he's taking the fall WITH HIM. Aaaaawwww, the chills!!! But the episode saves the biggest twist of all. Hurting Naga badly to save him? LIES. That was nothing but lies. It's all Akyanba's trick to pit the Kyurangers against each other. She's merely toying with her enemy, trying to make them hurt one another. So disappointment is gone, because Akyanba IS a dangerous antagonist INDEED. - Worse thing is... according to her, Dark-Naga is beyond help. There's NO way he can be cleansed from darkness once he gains back his emotions. That means...? Aaaaaw!!!! T_T. I can already hear those devastated outcries reverberating throughout the Naga fanbase. Not to mention, Naga have always wanted emotions to make Balance happy! Putting the burden and guild on the Golden robot even more. If I didn't know any better, it seems the only ways to save Naga now are: defeat Akyanba to remove her curse/spells that unlocked Naga's emotions, and seal back the emotions he's been longing to have all these time. Those are NOT easy feats! Things aren't looking good in the present time. Fun fact: Can't believe it took me this long to realize one thing. Naga Ray's name is clearly a pun for either the Japanese word 'Nagare' which means 'to flow/washed away', explaining why he's easily persuaded; and also 'Nagareboshi' which means 'Shooting Star'. And we know how a meteor is called a shooting star, right? When it FALLS down on Earth. Suffice to say, Naga's fall to darkness has been written on his name. This character was already doomed from the get-go. And that rain of arrows is another really good metaphor to this too... - What's happening in the past doesn't fare better! 'Time Travel' team exits the time hole (healing Commander's Xiao's back in the process), and goes directly to witness Tsurugi's final fight against Don Armage. And it plays out exactly like Tsurugi's story, confirming several things: One, Tsurugi has been telling an honest truth all these time. As in, he's not dreaming or seeing illusions or alternate reality like some fans have theorized. Two, Kuervo sacrifices himself to protect Tsurugi from Don Armage's blow. So yeah, I think he's genuinely really dead, as we can only see Orion (who now has a face, more on this later) carrying Tsurugi to safety afterwards. Three, Don Armage is defeated... for REAL. Phoenix Soldier strikes him down (here's hoping we get to see that cool flaming winged attack again soon), blowing up his planet along the way. So HOW is Don Armage still alive till the present time? That side of truth is still shrouded in mystery. As if that's not enough, all of a sudden the ORION is under mysterious heavy attacks! Forcing Raptor to quickly warp off towards Earth. With Don Armage gone, WHO is attacking them then? - Before you dismiss that this time travel side is removed or unrelated, do remember one thing. Kyuranger had always run several plots in parallel, but they generally still share the same theme (examples: Stinger's route of vengeance crosses path with Champ, and the brotherhood parallel between Scorpio and Kotarou). Considering the current theme is about heroes/good person turning to the dark side, could it be foreshadowing the true identity of the new Don Armage? If we observe how Naga is Balance's best friend, we can see there's a parallel running in the past: Orion or Kuervo are Tsurugi's closest comrades too! Who do you want to bet as the real Don Armage, then? - Anyway, we're back in the present time. Akyanba walks away with a severely wounded Dark-Naga, leaving the fight to the giant Indavers. Since Ursa Minor SkyBlue has to tend for Balance, Leo Red uses Gemini Kyu Globe to duplicate Lupus Blue and Chamaelleon Green, so they can form a three-colored RGB Kyuren-Oh. What a NEAT trick! Even SkyBlue is surprised to see that this is possible. I don't think we actually need a mecha battle, but at least it's unpredictable. - Despite Echidna's firm statement that the only option to the Ophiucus Metal situation is to eliminate Naga, obviously 'Save Naga' team isn't going to give up just like that. Balance personally refuses to obey, and will do anything to rescue Naga. Even if he has to face Echidna for that. But that's when something unexpected comes up. Well, duh? This IS Kyuranger, so obviously it's one thing after another. Our present team senses an odd surge of time-paradox, and notices a distress beacon from the ORION. Has the spaceship really returned? - This is where the two time-crossed storylines come together in a shivering and shocking way. Because what Lucky and friends see, is NOT the ORION they've known all these time. It's a broken and aged ruins of the spaceship! Dang it, the goosebumps. Don't forget, there's a price for trying to break the rule of nature. A small alteration in the past will affect the flow of time and reality in its future... and this must be one! Does this mean, the real one is destroyed in the past?! Oh good heave, I hope not! But the scene that slowly shifted back in time... only confirms that concern. ORION has indeed crashed down on Earth, and its passengers are on the ground, wounded and unconscious. And standing in front of them, is none other than... Sir Orion!!! Fun fact: Orion is played by actor Kai Shishido, who is the son of legendary actor Joe Shishido. He's not new to Tokusatsu, having played DASH Captain Shigeru Hijikata in the 2005's "Ultraman Max". Looks like Shishido was added to the cast later on, because I don't think he was the actor we saw in Eris's story. That one was younger, smaller in figure, and has much lighter skin! Something that obviously a nitpicker like me would've noticed... LOL. It's a tad disappointing, because having felt familiar with his face, I've been really curious about that mysterious 'temporary' actor. Guess I won't be getting my answer anytime soon. But at the same time, I'm not complaining about Shishido. He DOES has a powerful presence worthy of an important character. Beside, if my theory of Orion being Lucky's biological father pans out, his surname would make for a perfect pun! The kanji means another, but 'Shishi' is 'Lion' in Japanese, right?
Overall: Oh wow, one surprise after another huh? Thank goodness we got a lighter episode last week, otherwise I don't think my heart is ready for such intensity to come every week. This episode left me with a bitter taste, which was both sad but good. Realizing that Naga can't actually be saved, felt like swallowing a bitter pill that refuses to go down the throat. It made me feel... hopeless. But such uneasiness could only land if audience deeply cares about him and Balance as characters, which is a really good thing. So call me hypocrite, but I'm glad the Dark-Naga arc isn't resolved too quickly. Otherwise I'd be quite disappointed. Thumbs up to the writers this time for a strong focus episode for Balance. Much needed praises also goes to the sound department, because once again, GREAT use of fitting BGM to amplify the scenes. The melancholic ones during Naga and Balance's heartbreaking moments worked gorgeously by adding shade and tint of sadness. I might have some minor nitpicks about this episode that affects my score, but overall, a truly excellent episode... Next week: Orion, oh ORION... PS: We're back to "Kyutama Dancing" as the ending theme, but this time Tsurugi has been added to the equation. Also, alongside teaser for the first Bluray Box set, the official trailer for V-Cinema "Episode of Stinger" has been aired. It's available online if you're curious about it.
Episode 28 Score: 8,3 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: September 5th, 2017 - Version 2.13. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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