#he just needs a chance wakui. just one! angrily shaking my fist at the sky
shions-chin-scar · 2 years
What is your opinion on why Shion was voted one of the worst boyfriends and why?
Hi nonnie! Thanks for the ask, that's something I've actually been dying to talk about haha
Also, before I start, I'd like to mention that the rankings are about who's most and least desirable as a boyfriend, not who would objectively be better or worse (thanks @yokohamabeans for bringing it up!)
I briefly touched up on it in this post but basically, I think his personality is just... a really big turn off. Whether you think it's a front, a defense mechanism or his genuine self, no one can deny that Shion is incredibly arrogant and self-centered. He's also impulsive, quick to anger and violence, and not particularly smart. Basically, he's not premium partner material. And while he IS genuinely loyal and even attached to his people (hello Mr "my favorite place to be is with Tenjiku"), meaning he has the potential to care about those other than himself, he hides it because his desire to brag, show off and stroke his own ego is stronger (example: throwing Izana under the bus by telling Rindou that they both could take over the world if he didn't exist, even though his true dream is to serve Izana and he was clearly devastated by his death). In short, Shion's flaws are many, his qualities are few and buried so, so deep underneath all said flaws that he's the least desirable out of all the Tenjiku boys, except Izana and Sanzu who are both a special type of creepy
Also I think Wakui hates Shion and wanted to dunk on him any way he could, but even he realized that putting him below the likes of the other two would be too unfair. So he made him only slightly better (but still worse than Kisaki lmao)
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