#he just kind of squinted at Jason and went ''okay. hm. who are you next of kin of? Beryl - OH YOU'RE THALIA'S BROTHER''
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non-exhaustive list of canon powers Nico di Angelo either has shown or is heavily implied to have:
Manipulation of shadows/darkness (also possibly use of shadows as a pocket-dimension a la Magicians using the Duat in The Kane Chronicles)
Becoming intangible/shadows
Complete control over skeletons/bones (dead or alive, including summoning, reanimation, and/or changing shape of them) and being able to sense their presence
Summoning, reanimating, commanding, and dispelling the dead/undead (Skeletons, zombies, ghosts, etc & varieties) and being able to sense their presence
Ability to understand/communicate with the dead/undead and potentially other beings of the Underworld
Inherent complete comprehension of Latin
Ability to perceive the usually unperceivable/possibly look upon a deity’s true form without repercussion (at least moreso than the average demigod, though possibly is restricted to chthonic beings) (ex: Tartarus, potentially also interacting with his parents, etc)
Interacting tangibly with ghosts (implied to be a Ghost King thing rather than a Hades/Pluto thing)
Partial or complete immunity to different effects of the Underworld/things within (can consume food/drink of or in the Underworld without repercussions, effects from the Lethe wear off over time instead of being permanent like usual for mortals, etc)
Astral projection/”Walking in dreams”
Dream manipulation and projection (Sending dreams to others, etc.) (presumably includes sharing/projecting dreams with others) alongside inflicting sleep upon others even from a distance.
Manipulation of emotions/aura that inflicts specific emotions on others (ex.: radiating fear/death onto enemies)
Projection of emotions and memories onto others (can be so forceful it causes physical damage like a shockwave)
Geokinesis (all forms but also specifically generating black marble) (presumably also specialized control over precious gemstones & non-paper currency)
Temperature manipulation (seemingly only lowering temperature)/creating frost)
Control/manipulation of souls, including living beings (ex: ripping out Bryce Lawrence’s soul)
Perceiving/reading/judging of souls (most likely also a Ghost King thing over Hades/Pluto thing, but possibly both)
Converting living into dead/undead, aka instakill (ex: disintegrating monsters to bone with one touch)
Lowering or manipulation of own vitals (breathing, heart rate, etc)
Death Trance/pseudo-hibernation (possibly also general control over states of consciousness at least for self, in combo with control over vitals & dreams)
Sensing death (impending or when it occurs, sometimes receiving dreams/visions of it occurring)
Able to sense other children of Hades/Pluto (potentially also other chthonic beings in general/able to identify based on sense alone) and also just living beings in general, such as mortals (possibly via souls).
Improved navigation underground/in the Underworld and ability to traverse restricted or normally unnavigable parts of the Underworld
Enhanced strength/abilities when in the Underworld
Inherently unnaturally quiet (possibly able to silence sound on a designated target)
Hiding/shielding self from being perceived (seemingly related to shadows/silence)
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#long post //#MY BOY IS OP AS FUCK and i love this about him#so many of these are so underutilized#when will Nico get to use his geokinesis again#we only see him make marble once in BoTL and then never again#based on that he should theoretically be able to do everything Hazel can do. which also implies Hazel can do everything he can do#let Hazel summon a skeleton for once and Nico hits somebody with a rock cmon#also i still firmly believe Nico should get to turn invisible#we've seen him become intangible. his dad's notable item is a helm that makes you invisible. let him turn invisible.#but yeah big 3 kids are op. look at nico go. and this is just physical abilities not including stuff like Annabeth being smart#or cabin 7 kids being good at music or whatever#presumably for Nico/Hazel it'd be like a penchant for diplomacy and legality-related things presumably#and i like to hc he has a personal inherent knowledge bank of everyone who has ever died in his lifetime - just details about their deaths#mostly anyways and then like basic facts about who they were/next of kin/etc#so they can tap into that at any time and be like ''hold on lemme look this person/their relatives up real quick''#i usually like to write that as how Nico confirmed what was up with Jason when they first met#he just kind of squinted at Jason and went ''okay. hm. who are you next of kin of? Beryl - OH YOU'RE THALIA'S BROTHER''
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Our One and Only | 07
a/n: oof the long awaited chapter 7 of our one and only! i apologize for the late update, i just was not feeling motivated or inspired to continue this story. but recently i found some and i got this done!
word count: 3.4k+
genre: idol!verse, hybrid!au, soulmate!au, angst, fluff
warnings: drug use, marijuana, fist fights aye, language
The only sounds that could be heard were the occasional shuffling, everyone’s soft breathing, and the purring coming from Jimin. Your hand was loosely running through his soft locks, delicately untangling the knots, waiting for one of the hybrids to explain their past. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed those who haven't spoken of their past avoided your eyes, as if they were embarrassed and that you would judge them.
“You guys...do know I would never judge you, right?” you asked them, voice hesitant, not knowing if you wanted to know the answer. When the guys didn’t answer you, you chewed on your lower lip and furrowed your eyebrows. Did they really think you’d see them differently…?
Namjoon abruptly got up from his seat, startling everyone in the room, ran his hand nervously through his bangs, his ears flattening atop his head, and spoke, “D-does anyone want anything to drink? I’ll get us some water or s-something.” Before anyone could say anything, he briskly walked into your kitchen, cutting the conversation short. Your shoulders and head dropped, feeling as if you had messed things up between you and the hybrid.
A whine from your left made you look over, catching Jimin's eyes as you did so. He was watching you with sadness, picking up on the change in your pheromones. You gave him a smile, albeit small, and glanced around the room to see Jin standing up. Cocking your head to the side, you gave him a questioning look to which he just gave you a reassuring smile. A few minutes passed by, you continuing to pet the cat hybrid’s ears and the others sitting there in silence. Just as you were about to speak, Namjoon and Seokjin walked back into the room. The elder kept a hand on the back of the younger one, making sure he wouldn’t try and run away again.
“I guess it’s my turn to tell you where I came from…” Namjoon trailed off before going into his past.
As Jason was rolling a blunt, he yelled for Namjoon, “Get over here you filthy mutt!” The wolf hybrid held back a snarl, knowing it would just end up with him getting beaten. Stalking towards the man, Namjoon put on a blank face, keeping all of his emotions hidden.
“Yes, sir?” Namjoon quietly asked, keeping his stare on the floor. He was taught to never look someone in the eyes. Otherwise the consequences wouldn’t be pretty.
The drug dealer took a hit before exhaling all the smoke, “I want you to go pick up my next order from the docks.” He handed the hybrid a wad of cash, telling him, “Now go. Get out of my sight.” Internally sighing, Namjoon obediently nodded his head and left.
Walking through the dark alleys, the wolf’s ears twitched at every sound, eyes surveying the area for any danger. As he got closer to the meeting spot he thought of ways to leave this life. He had already tried escaping his owner’s house but that didn’t end well. One of the gang members had spotted him and shot him in the leg to stop him. Since he was trying to climb down from the window, he fell from the second floor. The member had dragged him back inside where he got the worst beating he had ever experienced. He could always try and just leave now, but he knew his owner had sent someone to trail after him and make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. The footsteps behind him and the slightly familiar scent told him that much.
Before he knew it, he was standing in front of some grubby man. A rough voice broke him from his thoughts, “Do you have the money?” Namjoon nodded, handing it over and taking the duffel bag full of illegal drugs. He felt uncomfortable, hating how he had to be the one to handle them.
Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a bunch of sirens sounded off, red and blue lights flashing. The bright lights caused him to squint his eyes, watching as multiple officers came out of the cars, guns held high. Fear paralyzed Namjoon as everyone else ran off, trying to not get caught by the police.
A kind officer walked closer, noticing how the hybrid had bruises and cuts littering his skin. His voice was soft and soothing, “Are you okay?” The wolf whimpered, dropping the bag and backing away. The man stopped where he was and put his hands up, “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now.” Somehow, the policeman knew he hadn’t wanted to do any of this, and that calmed Namjoon enough to allow him to put him in the back of the cop car.
The man, who introduced himself as Officer Lee, took him back to the station where they let him clean himself. When he found out everything the wolf’s owner had made him do, Officer Lee and his coworkers went and arrested Jason. He then decided to adopt Namjoon, helping him get better and helping him achieve his dream.
“I understand if you hate me and don’t want to be friends anymore,” Namjoon cowered into himself, tears falling from his eyes. You quickly got up and went over to him, pulling him into a loving embrace and petting his ears. His bushy tail slowly unwound from his waist and wrapped it around yours.
With tears of your own, you mumbled into his hair, “I could never hate you Joon. You’re so strong and brave.” You cooed as he sniffled and snuggled closer into your arms. Jin smiled sadly, before speaking up.
“Time to tell my past, hm?”
“Do you know what species you want?” The employee, Hyun-Soo, asked as he led a woman and man through a door. All types of hybrids were running around the small yard, both young and old.
The two gently smiled at the playing children as they followed the worker. The male was the one to answer, “No, it doesn’t matter to us as long as we can give someone a happy life.” Hyun-Soo hummed, grinning as a little girl with fox ears ran up to them. She waved excitedly before running off to play with her friends.
“Well, we have foxes, wolves, alpacas, lions,” Hyun-Soo started to list off all the hybrids they currently had, but the female had stopped listening, instead staring at a young boy, who looked to be seven, sit all by himself. He had a sad expression as he watched the others interact with each other. The sight caused her to frown, not understanding why he wasn’t with the other hybrids, and she voiced this.
She pointed over to the small boy, “Why is he all alone?” Hyun-Soo and her husband looked over to see what she was talking about.
“Ah that’s Seokjin,” The shelter worker said, his voice holding sorrow. He sighed, “He’s a hamster hybrid and the only one here. The other children prefer to be with those of their species, so he’s always alone.”
The male looked over at his wife, saw her saddened eyes, and asked, “Can we meet him?” Hyun-Soo grinned and took them over to the little boy. The child looked up with eyes filled with wonder as all three adults kneeled next to him.
“Seokjin, this is Mr. and Mrs. Kim. They want to chat with you, is that okay?’ Hyun-Soo softly asked him, getting a small nod in response. The worker left the three to talk, going over to mess around with some squirrel hybrids.
Mrs. Kim smiled gently and took a seat next to Seokjin, “Hello, Seokjin. How old are you?” The boy held up seven fingers, looking at them shyly. The two humans continued asking Seokjin questions about himself, trying to get to know the young boy. They ask one final question as they stand up, “Seokjin, honey, do you want to come home with us?”
“Really? Can I?” the hamster exclaimed in shock, eyes big and hopeful. When they both smiled and nodded, Seokjin grinned and hugged them tightly.
“Seokjin-ah! Come down here, please!”
The 20 year old hybrid came bounding down the steps, stopping in the living room where both his parents were sitting on the couch. In his mother’s hands was a white, thick envelope. With his sharp eye sight, he could faintly see his full name as well as the logo for BigHit Entertainment. His heart stopped, eyes widening in recognition.
He slowly made his way to them, his voice shaky as he asked, “Is..is that…” Seokjin trailed off, his nerves preventing him from continuing. His father gave him a reassuring nod and smile as his mom handed him the envelope. His fingers shook as he tore it open and took out the letter. Quickly reading through its contents, he dropped it and covered his mouth as his eyes began watering.
“What did it say, sweetie?” Mrs. Kim’s tender voice caused the first tear to fall.
Seokjin choked out a laugh, “I got in. They liked my audition! They want me to join!” His parents beamed and brought him into a group hug, congratulating him and expressing how proud they were.
“I didn’t have a hard time like the others, but that’s my past,” Seokjin mumbled and leaned back in his seat. The two hybrids that have yet to explain their life looked at each other, trying to decide who should speak next by having a conversation through their eyes. The red fox hybrid pouted in defeat before straightening and wringing his hands out nervously.
Before Taehyung can even begin explaining his past, you can hear the code to your front door being punched in. The hybrids became frigid and their tails moved in annoyance. Confused as to who it could be, you shifted uneasily. Jimin placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side protectively. Eyes widening in realization, the only person you remember telling the code to was Hyuk, you watched as said man walked through the door.
He went to move closer, though decided not to when a growl sounded, “Y/n…” The way he said your name, desperation thick in his voice, caused your heart to clench. Even though he was an asshole, you still hated to see him almost breaking down.
“Hyuk, leave,” you said, rising from your seat and making your way towards him, your friends following your lead. He glared at the hybrids behind you, his eyes softening into a pleading look when they met yours. Taking a closer look, you noticed how dead his eyes looked, the redness surrounding them shocking you.
He stuck his hand out, as if to reach for you, but stopped halfway, his voice quiet, “Baby, please, can we just talk?” Ignoring the growls coming from the seven men, you took one last step and finally reached him. You didn’t want to appear weak or afraid, no, you wanted to seem strong, like the break up hadn’t hurt you. Which to be fair, you honestly hadn’t suffered much, slowly losing your feelings towards Hyuk the minute you met the seven member group. Which was still confusing to you, but you could dwell on that later.
“Hyuk, you said we were through,” trying to be calm to compensate for the others, you kept your voice even and peaceful, “There’s nothing to talk about.” The maknaes had triumphant grins while the hyung line were smirking, though their expressions were wiped away into snarls when they heard the words that fell from your ex-lover.
Tears blurred Hyuk’s vision, resulting in him looking pitiful, and his voice broke in between words, “Baby, I didn’t mean anything I said. It was all in the moment! I was hurt that you would rather go after the pe- him than stay with me, your boyfriend.” One of the hybrids, the voice sounded an awful lot like Namjoon’s, corrected him with a quiet ‘ex-boyfriend’. Said man glared at the wolf hybrid while scoffing, “Excuse me?”
“He said, ex-boyfriend, meaning you’re not her boyfriend anymore. She doesn’t need you,” Jungkook said, his tone full of confidence as he moved so he was standing right next to you. Jimin followed his lead, grasping your hand tightly in his when he was by your side.
Seeing what Jimin had done, Hyuk sneered at him, “Let go of her fucking hand or else.” Eyes widening, you gripped the cat hybrid’s hand tighter, afraid of what would happen next. Jimin gave your fingers a short squeeze, giving you a reassuring smile before turning to face Hyuk with a blank stare.
“Or else what?” Jimin questioned him, raising an eyebrow to further provoke the man. He knew he shouldn’t irritate him, especially not in front of you, but he really couldn’t stop himself. Maybe it was in his instincts, to protect his mate and get rid of any threats, or maybe it was just because he was tired of this guy acting like he was some hot shit that could do whatever he wanted and get whatever he wanted.
Hyuk balled his hands into fists, his jaw taut with anger, “Or else I’ll fucking remind you where you belong, you filthy pet. That’s all you are. You’re a pathetic little animal that should only be used as a sla-” Before he could finish his speech, Jimin had pounced on him, claws extracted and growls rumbling from his chest. You screamed in horror as you helplessly watched Jimin throw punches at your ex, yelling at him to stop. When he didn’t, you sought help from the other men in the room.
Glaring at the other hybrids through your tears, you begged them to do something, “Please, stop him!” Finally coming to their senses, Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook rushed towards the pair on the floor. Looking back to the scene, you saw Hyuk was now on top of Jimin, hitting him over and over. Jin grabbed him off of the small man, holding his arms behind his back, while Hoseok and Jungkook made sure Jimin didn’t go after Hyuk.
“I’ll fucking kill you,” Jimin snarled, spit flying from his mouth as he continued to struggle out of his friend’s hold. You sobbed at his words and turned away from the sight before you, hiding your face in Yoongi’s chest as he hugged you, his tail around your waist. He mumbled gentle words to you and placed kisses on the top of your head, effectively calming you down.
Namjoon stepped forward, his alpha presence making Jimin whine and finally stop fighting his friend’s grip, his tail lowering between his legs and ears pinned to his head. “Jimin, enough. You’re scaring her.” Namjoon’s comment made the cat hybrid whimper and try to get to you, though Hoseok and Jungkook wouldn’t let him. The wolf Hybrid glared at Hyuk, his words coming out in a slight growl, “As for you, I think it’s best you leave.” Hyuk was about to protest, but when the others growled threateningly at him, he scoffed and left without a word.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” Jimin sniffed and rubbed his eyes, “I didn’t mean to lose control.”
Pulling away from the panther, you fling your arms around Jimin, “I was so worried about you.” He whined and hugged you closer to him, nuzzling into your neck and breathing in your scent. The smell of vanilla and roses calming him down. He placed a peck on your pulse and leaned away from you to stare at you, eyes filled with love and sorrow.
The two of you start to lean in, but before your lips can meet, the sound of someone’s stomach growling breaks you apart. Looking around, you notice they’re all staring at you with amusement. Right as you’re about to ask them why they’re staring at you, your stomach growls louder, causing your cheeks to redden. Oh... it was my stomach, you thought.
“How about we order some takeout? We didn’t really get to eat our dinner…” Jin trailed off, hating how he brought up what everyone wanted to forget. It was silent until Hoseok walked past you, placing a quick kiss on your cheek, stating he would order some food.
Jungkook hopped up and down and then ran to the couch, “I call choosing the movie!” You giggled as Jimin pulled you along with him, tugging you down in between him and the bunny hybrid.
All eight of you spent the next two hours eating and watching movies. By the time the second one was ending, you were falling asleep, your head on Jungkook’s shoulder. All of the hybrids cooed as you mumbled in your sleep and cuddled closer to the young man. Jungkook blushed as he felt your hot breath hitting his neck, shivers down his spine. Taehyung walked over and carefully lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom. Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin followed, huddling up to you when the fox placed you in the middle.
“Yah, Y/n-ah! Come on! Before they catch us!”
Giggles tumbled past your lips as you ran behind Jimin, squealing when strong arms grabbed you around the waist. Jungkook’s laughs sounded in your ears, cheeks blushing when you felt your face being smothered in kisses from the man. “Kookie! Lemme go!”
The bunny squeezed you tighter against his chest and yelled out, “Never! You’re mine now!” Laughter rang through the air as he started to tickle you. Struggling to escape his grasp, you didn’t notice Taehyung creeping up behind you with a bright grin. Until he was pressed up against your back, tail wrapping around your right thigh, his fingers trailing up your sides and tickling you with his friend.
“I’ll save you jagi!” Jimin screeched, running full speed towards the three of you. When he got close enough, he tackled Taehyung off of you. Out of nowhere, Hoseok appeared and stole you from the bunny hybrid, standing in front of you protectively and growling playfully.
Cold hands gripped your wrist and spun you to face them. There, standing extremely close, was Yoongi. His eyes were sparkling as his face neared yours. Your breath hitched and your eyes glanced down to see his own rosey lips. He licked them, smirking when your pupils dilated even more. Leaning in, you closed your eyes just as your lips tou-
Jolting awake, you looked to your right, seeing Hoseok cuddled into your side his tail tickling your thigh as it swayed every so often, with Yoongi cuddling him from behind, his tail wrapped tightly around your wrist. Turning your head to the left, you saw Jimin cuddled with Jin. Not seeing the rest of the boys, you untangle yourself from the hybrids and left the room. You could hear purring coming from one of the guest rooms next to yours, and looked in to see Jungkook and Taehyung cuddling, fast asleep. Walking further down the hall, you saw a faint light coming from the kitchen. Quietly stepping inside the room, you saw Namjoon sat at the table, just staring at it absentmindedly.
“Joonie?” you asked, voice soft so you don’t startle him. He looked up at you and motioned you to take the seat next to him. When you get close, he tugs you to sit on his lap, tail wrapped protectively around your waist.
He nuzzled into your neck, licking it a little and scenting you. The feeling of his tongue caused shivers to run down your spine. Namjoon smirked, “What are you doing up baby girl? Couldn’t sleep?” Nodding, you rested your head on his shoulder, snuggling into his warm embrace.
“Can I ask you a question?” you slurred, sleep gradually creeping up on you. He hummed, giving you permission to continue. Looking up at him, you softly wondered, “Why do I feel so connected to you guys? Even though I’ve only known you for a short time?”
The hybrid below you became tense, tail tightening around you and ears twitching. It was silent for a few moments and for a second you didn’t think he would answer you. Namjoon pecked your forehead, “I think that’s something we should talk about when everyone is present. Let’s head back to bed, shall we?”
Knowing you weren’t going to get anything else out of him, you allowed him to guide you to the other guest room where you huddled close to him. The warmth emitting from his body lulling you to sleep.
tag list: @child-ofthe-moon-and-leaves, @chari-a, @cjisluckycharm, @huhuehuey, @childfmoonn, @goldenkookss, @jiminsreina, @i-am-canada-13, @eilowyneleyne, @2seokkyo, @lokathefemale, @raja-in-demigodishness, @shelley-hennig14, @theshiningmoonsblog, @agoddesswithablade, @the-argus-eyed, @btsstan4life, @jinniepeachxo, @purpleheartsfortae, @nari2220, @k00kjals, @yasbts705, @moxxie84, @breadcaaat, @kpopgirlbtssvt, @kamibyul, @minyoongi-infiresme, @shaelin444, @acadevintage, @theashofwkm, @row-row-row-your-fandoms, @peachesandcreamsthings, @dinorahrodriguez, @starrliter, @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @morgsstudies-blog, @feed-my-geek-soul, @elazarofir, @lsuzi, @xsmilebitesx, @miraisnotavailable, @vannilacake, @omgsuperstarg, @danithearmy, @galaxy-gamer-girl, @vincent-stargogh, @im-emo-motherfuckers, @aijoukook, @stargazingmoonchild, @tzuyyyuuu, @heart-of-shadows-and-starlight, @starrliter, @livelifewondering, @valiantcollectorofsandwiches, @yoongisdumplingcheeks, @ahslde, @king-of-the-rain-and-wolves, @drarialynn, @marvelobsession2point0, @i-am-bisexual-and-a-girl, @mermaidchick22, @sweetkpopfan, @momoscorner, @godrics, @xcharlottemikaelsonx, @daddy-namjoon, @zerah561, @mischiefmakerliesmith5, @jinnieseok, @singulari-taes, @truthdaze, @bunnyshook, @yoongiismytruelove, @sparkymeetsevil, @smut-wars, @aestheticcenterforplasticsu-blog, @blueliab, @cherryharuka, @serious-addiction, @sugarrimajins, @sugasheart @jeckel-and-hyde @coffeeismylife28 @ah-slde @deadrose287 @minbeatriz16 @lizzy-min-bish @allycat4458 @livetay84 @blackravena @newlifeforus @petitbeans @megsmiiii @xcharlottemikaelsonx @karissassirak @okgoogul @bananeblonde @narcissisim-iskey @kimseokmomjins @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @kamen-tenshi @giantminitoast @veryuniquenamegoeshere @ilvebeenabad
#bts imagines#bts x reader#bts angst#bts fluff#bts x you#bts imagine#bts one shots#seokjin x reader#jin x reader#yoongi x reader#suga x reader#hoseok x reader#jhope x reader#namjoon x reader#rm x reader#jimin x reader#taehyung x reader#v x reader#jungkook x reader#our one and only#ooao ch 7
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Patti waits for Orla in the Dirty Deed and finds herself in the company of another friend.
‘Two more hours.’ Patti thought to herself as she pushed open the weather-beaten green door, carefully stepping into the pub and unbuttoning her coat on her way in. Warmth came towards her, as well as murmur and friendly laughter and chit chat and all of it made her smile.
Patti had liked the little pub from the first moment on. For some reason, everything here felt familiar and the owner, Rosamund (albeit giving off a rather feisty vibe on first glance) radiated a warmth that she had never experienced before, at least not from anyone who wasn’t her own mother. The Dirty Deed felt like home, and Patti could understand just fine why Orla and her friends loved to spend a lot of their free time here. She had been rather excited herself when Orla had suggested earlier that they could meet up here for a drink before they would eventually hit up the theatre.
Unfortunately, Orla was still on her way home from the tattoo studio and she was stuck in traffic. She had called when Patti was already almost at the pub which meant that she would spend a while here all by herself, which was still new, and Patti couldn’t help but feel a little nervous although she knew that it was silly. She still hoped that she would get one of the seats at the bar so she could at least talk to Rosamund a little.
“Hello!” she called at the barkeeper, a little shy but with a smile, as she stepped through the archway. Rosamund turned around and when she recognised her, she smiled right back.
“Oh why hello, dear! Come in!” she greeted her new guest. Patti felt how the tension left her body and she smiled a little wider as she now approached the bar.
“You look frozen, dear. What can I get you?” Rosamund asked but before Patti could answer, the barkeeper looked into another direction, pursing her lips before making a little face of disapproval.
Patti followed her gaze, curious about what had caused that miffed little expression, and she squinted a little before she eventually spotted Mick and Mina in one of the booths to her right.
Well, at least she assumed it was the two, as it was hardly possible to see their faces. She could merely make out a tall and slim figure with a mop of light blonde hair, tied back in a messy ponytail, who had his hands all over a petite brunette sitting in his lap and it seemed as if the two were determined to never catch a bit of breath again.
“Good gracious.” Patti’s eyes went wide.
“They’ve been doin’ that for the past hour, more or less.” Rosamund grumbled. “I mean, I get it, it’s young love, it’s exciting, it’s sexy and all but what those two are doin’ over there is nothin’ short of what happens in those movies-”
“Get a fuckin’ room, you arseholes!” a somewhat familiar, husky voice from the other side of the bar interrupted and both Patti and Rosamund simultaneously turned their heads.
A bespectacled young man with long and messy red hair was glaring directly at the booth where Mick and Mina couldn’t leave their hands off each other. Daryl’s expression was just as crabby as Rosamund’s and Patti had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing at the sight of the two and her urge to giggle got even worse when she saw that Mick merely held out his long arm to the bar, showing Daryl his middle finger, not even bothering to look his way, as he was still preoccupied with his girlfriend, apparently not intending to change that in the foreseeable future.
“Oy, you little shit!” Rosamund hissed as she swiftly grabbed a wet cloth from under the bar and flung it at her niece and her sassy boyfriend.
Whow. Patti blinked in surprise. Any time she had been to the Dirty Deed has been pure entertainment and today was no exception.
The cloth did the trick - it hit both Mick and Mina in their faces with a little splat!, causing the two to jump apart immediately. Some murmur went through the pub as other guests turned around now, chuckling at the scene. Rosamund smiled with grim statisfaction and Daryl let out a rather dirty cackle.
“What the fuck, Rose!” Mick cried out, wiping his face with his hand, while Mina gingerly picked up the cloth from the wooden table with two fingers, giggling at it’s sight. “Eeew.” she laughed, her mood apparently not affected in the slightest.
“You two either do what Grumpy McSmartarse over there just said or you stay but behave from now on! This isn’t a whorehouse!” Rosamund barked. “And don’t you dare throwing that fuckin’ cloth back at me!” she warned when she saw that Mick snatched the cloth out of Mina’s hand with a determined movement.
“We’re sorry!” Mina gave in with another giggle and she placed her hand on Mick’s hand that was still holding the wet cloth. “We’ll behave, of course!”
“Fine!” Rosamund nodded. “That’s what you said an hour ago, but alright.” she added quietly, more to herself, and she eventually looked back at Patti. “I’m sorry, dear. Didn’t mean to be rude. What can I get you, now?”
“Uhm, just a Ginger Ale.” Patti ordered, still a bit thrown off guard by the unexpected scene.
“Comin’ right up. Go and sit down somewhere, c’mon!” Rosamund encouraged as she pulled a clean glass from under the bar.
“Hey Pat, come over!” Patti now heard Daryl call. “You got better sight at the two idiots from here.”
Patti shrugged and tottered to the other side of the bar, taking the seat next to Daryl. “I don’t know if I wanna see that, to be honest.”
“Ah, it’s fun, actually. Rose and that guy over there at the tap have been dubbing them for the past hour, it was hilarious.”
Patti laughed and she thanked Rosamund when she brought over her drink. While she took a sip, her eyes wandered to the notes and books that Daryl had spread on the bar in front of him. “What’s all that?” she asked curiously, putting her glass a bit further away from the paper sheets as a precaution.
“Oh, just some, uh, stuff.”
“Principles of Biochemistry With a Human Focus.” Patti read one of the books’ headline out loud. “What on earth...?”
“Just tryin’ to educate myself a little further.” Daryl shrugged as he took off his reading glasses and started gathering together his notes, putting them all on a pile next to him.
“It’s 7 PM and it’s Friday... other people use that time to go and see a movie or somethin’ like that, y’know?”
“Is that so?”
“Mh-hm.” Patti nodded and smiled. “Orla and I are gonna go and watch ‘It’ again later. You wanna come?”
“Nah, I’ll pass. Got plans.”
“Oh, you have a date?”
“With Biochemistry, yeah.” Daryl smiled.
“Come on!”
“It’s really not as boring as it sounds. Besides, I’m doin’ a tutorial on Monday and I gotta prepare some stuff before tomorrow. That’s when I go out, y’know.”
“So you do have a date!” Patti beamed.
“Yeah, with that overgrown creep over there!” Daryl nodded towards the booth in which Mick and Mina were now behaving in an exemplary manner, at least for the time being. “When he can stand being away from her for an evening, that is.”
“Wait, what, you don’t like Mina?”
“Hardly know her.” Daryl shrugged. “She’s nice, I guess. It’s just - I dunno.”
“It’s what?”
“Uh. Let’s just say I’m a bit, uh... concerned.”
Daryl shook his head. “Nah, not important. Anyway, we have that concert comin’ up tomorrow. I’ll be damned if Mina likes that kind of music, so I guess it’s just gonna be the two of us. Unless you wanna come, in case the two can’t part.” He looked at Patti and smiled.
“It’s one of those weird bands with some guy screaming in pain again, right?”
“Maybe.” Daryl laughed.
“Ugh.” Patti made a face and shook her head. “As long as it’s not Jason Derulo, Billie Eilish or Florence, I’ll pass.”
“Jason Who?!”
“Not your jam, don’t worry.” She took another sip from her Ginger Ale. “Hey, what did you mean when you said that you’re concerned?”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Ah, it’s nothing. I dunno. Okay.” He made a little pause. “It’s all going so fast? It’s been merely a month and she already pretty much fuckin’ lives at his place!”
Patti let out a perplexed little laugh. “That’s it? That’s what you’re worried about? Oh god! Come on, you know what it’s like to be in love. The first few months are pure heaven, you can hardly part ways and when you do, you already miss the other one the minute they leave you.”
“Really now. Sounds, uh... pathetic, actually.” Daryl scoffed.
“What?” Patti blinked in disbelief. “What are you talking about? It’s just the way these things are! I mean, you have been there, right?”
Daryl looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like I’ve been there?”
“Wait. You’re not tellin’ me that - you never -”
“No, never.”
“No way. You must have been in love at some point?! You never met a, dunno, cute science girl or so?”
“Couldn’t you think of a better cliché?” Daryl groaned.
Patti rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“I’ve actually had a cute science girl once.”
“There you go? And?”
“Spent some amazing nights with her. Wasn’t in love with her, though. ”
“Daryl, that’s sad.” Patti blurted out.
“Psh. Why? Because I didn’t turn into that guy over there?” Daryl pointed at Mick again. “I’m sure I’m not missing out. Hey, you do know that it’s all just chemicals in your brain goin’ wild anyway, right?!”
“So? It still feels great?” Patti smiled.
“Whatever. This is not about me. Thing is... okay, how am I supposed to say it without sounding like an arsehole?”
“Just say it? I’ll try not to think of you as an arsehole, I promise.”
“Mick is stupid.”
“Wow, ouch. Arsehole!”
Daryl laughed. “Ah no, not stupid, y’know, as in ‘dumb’? He just doesn’t think shit through. He’s gaga. That’s it, that’s the word. Gaga. And he’s even more gaga when he’s driven by hormones.”
“Everyone is gaga when driven by hormones.”
“Yeah, right, maybe, but you haven’t known him for as long as I have. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to tell you all this anyway... whatever, I think he’s just one breath away from going mental.”
“What?” Patti frowned and looked at Mick again. “He looks perfectly happy to me?”
“No! No, you don’t get it. It’s not about here and now.” Daryl sighed and he paused. “If he takes one more blow to the heart, he’ll crack. I don’t want him to crack.”
“Maybe he won’t. Maybe the two are good for each other. Only time can tell.” Patti shrugged.
“Whatever you say, Pat. I’ll stick to what I said. He should get some shit in order before the two go off and pick wedding decorations.” Daryl crossed his arms, resembling a schoolboy who just got punished with detention.
Patti snorted. “I think you should stick to Biochemistry. You’re paranoid and cranky.”
“Huh. That be it, then.”
“I’m sorry. I’m cheeky.”
“Yup. You better stay that way, it’s fun.” Daryl smiled.
(... to be continued!)
#patti#daryl#writing these two is fun?!?!#I also HIGHLY enjoy the thought of mick and mina getting on everyone's nerves with their crap#orla will soon come in and voice her opinion lol#looking forward to writing THAT lol#I'm also living for feisty rosamund#I missed throwing out these blurbs :D
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Naomi and Skylar spent a decent amount of time in the city’s underground. It was a lawless field of crime, decay, and falls waiting to happen. Which was why they loved it. They often made work-related deals down there, but sometimes they just liked to hang out there. Call them idiots, but they carried crow bars and nail-bats for a reason.
“Did you know that Jason once ate one of these ?” Naomi pulled out some fungal growth from a wall.
“Didn’t they die ?”
Naomi just pointed and winked at her twin brother. He only rolled his eyes.
Jason deserved that anyway.
Sure they hung out with other people, but really the one people who could stand them for long enough were each other.
Naomi was now yards ahead of Skylar. This happened whenever they went on their exploring. She made fun of him for being too slow, he claimed she has longer legs. Plus, it never hurt to distance himself from someone who spoke in 90 decibels. “HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A DEAD BODY DOWN HERE ?!” Naomi asked.
“Every time I’m down here it’s with you, so answer that yourself.”
“I’M LOOKIN’ AT ONE RIGHT NOW.” Skylar ran up to her. She was pointed at some laying figure far away. It looked human and still enough for her to be right.
“Shit ! Okay .. fuck. We gotta get outta here… “ said Skylar. He cowered and pulled out his bat.
“Uh. You can. Imma check it out !” Naomi was always the more reckless of the two, in case that wasn’t obvious before.
Skylar stayed his distance and looked around for anyone possibly responsible. As Naomi walked closer, she pulled her bangs out of her face in order to take a better look at the body. “Hey Sky ! Get over here and tell me who this looks like to you !!”
“From here it looks like a red flag !”
“SERIOUSLY !! You remember any of Ave’s friends ?” ‘Ave’ being Avery Hampton, the twins’ stepsister.
Skylar gave in and followed Naomi towards the body. ”Uh. Not really. She doesn’t really have that many friends.”
“The mean emo one ???”
“… Collins ?” Sky was referring to Zack Collins, but preferred to call people by their last name. Well Naomi could be right.
They both stood above the body. Face down, but looked like him well enough. “Yikes. Should we tell Avery ?” asked Naomi.
“NO. Fuck man, we gotta go !!! That looks like it hasn’t been dead for long.”
Before Sky could take off, Naomi bent down and picked up the body's wrist. “He’s not dead.”
“Way to stop me for mourning any longer. I still think being mangled up wouldn’t be a good look for me, so I’m leaving.”
“SKYYYYYYYYYYY… Shouldn’t we…. you know…” Naomi was at a loss for words. “When you do something….”
“Help ?”
Skylar had at least sixteen reasons why they shouldn’t, but knowing Naomi for, literally since the day they were pulled out of a womb, she would do her own thing. And in this circumstance, that thing was to help someone that once called her “the offspring of a leech and hyena.”
Sky walked back towards Naomi. “Alright, let’s try to wake him up.” He pulled Zack’s hair up in order to look at his face, only to drop it again out of impulse. “FUCK.”
“Wait no no no let me see,” Naomi pulled the head up again. She pushed her hair out of her face again and squinted. “Hm. gross. BUT ! not the worst thing I’ve seen ? Imma still help. You grab that arm, I’ll grab this one, and we drag the guy .”
Twenty minutes pass, and Naomi and Sky are at the apartment with Zack thrown on the couch. Facing down, to Sky’s request.
“Ya know, I think he’s kind of cute like this. In my opinion he just looked like some boring goth. Now.. he’s got some kind of a quirk to him, you know ?” Naomi smiled.
“DAMMIT NAOMI, A MISSING EYE IS NOT A QUIRK. Look. We’re fucked. By-” he almost whispered the next word “helping- a guy who I assume made someone very angry, we just made enemies with that person ! Someone had to see us ! We’re not strangers to enemies, but we’re a little out of our element here.“
“Well saw-ree for having a hearttttt,” Naomi said a little too dramatically. She slumped back in her chair. She looked over at Sky would was on the phone with someone. “Whoa what are you-”
“Hey Hampton. You wanna get someone off my hands ? Yeah, I said someone. Well I’ll wait. You’ll find yourself thanking me. Heads up, you should probably bring your car.” Skylar hung up. “Looks like Avery’s finally paying us a visit.” His eyes squinted, usually signifying that he’s smiling.
“Let’s hope she wasn’t the one who ripped his eye out !!”
Edit 7/10 None of this story applies to my current storyline at all ? Like, The twins are related to Avery, Trinity doesn’t rip Zack’s eye out, nor is there an ‘underground.’ but I’m keeping the snippet because I like the twins.
#snippet#this ends on an open note but whatever#idk how short it is in comparison to my other snippets#but I need to put stuff in that tag again#anyway ! along with drawing more pictures w backgrounds#posting snippets is another thing I wanna do more of#so if you got any ideas feel free to send them to me#I always ask but I don't care#naomi#skylar
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