#he just keeps feeding into thor's misconceptions
halfagone · 1 year
Since you liked my worthy! Danny! AU so much, I figured I’d continue it. This next prompt is basically the avengers reaction to Danny kicking ass using the hammer (while still in his civilian form). What do you think?
Hmmm 🤔 now there are a number of ways one could go about this. Most of which stems to: how does civilian Danny get wrapped up in a situation like this where he'd have access to the hammer again?
I don't have normal prose for this right now (class will be the half-death of me TAT) but I do like the idea that maybe Danny is still in town after visiting the Avengers for the PR stunt. I doubt he would have gone that far only to come right back to Amity Park.
So maybe during this time there's an attack on New York, because apparently New York is like villain central (there are SO MANY heroes living there in Marvel comics) and the Avengers come out to play because it's that high level of a threat. It works as a pretty standard fight, blast the bad guy, save the civilian. Except, one time that Thor threw his hammer, he doesn't get it back.
So where did it go?
They can't go look for it right away exactly, not unless Thor would really need it right this moment, but eventually they come across the wayward hammer anyways. Maybe Danny had accidentally summoned the hammer without realizing it and doesn't know how to send it back? Who knows! All we know is that he is kicking names and taking ass.
Most of the Avengers would probably be reasonably concerned at this point. Not only is this kid getting wrapped up in a fight when he should be evacuating, he's trying to fight back? With a weapon he's only sorta familiar with? Say what you will about how competent he is, that is still concerning.
But then that also makes them wonder: How is he so good with the hammer? Danny might not have all the physics of it down, but he's obviously not half bad at harnessing the power of it. Except how is there lightning at all, Thor gives it lightning, Mjöllnir doesn't have lightning of its own? As far as most of the Avengers are aware???
They are so confused right now, bless them.
Meanwhile Thor is like: oh wow new friend is kinda badass, I dig it.
Even when he gets his hammer back (Danny would hand it over no problem, he meant to give it back forever ago), I like to imagine that Thor just picks Danny up like a bag of rice and keeps him tucked under one arm. That way he's out of harm's way!
Everyone else is trying to convince Thor to drop off his smol human friend somewhere safe. Danny is just kinda going along for the ride.
Tony promises Danny shawarma at the end. He is now an unofficial Avenger, because if you get food with the Avengers, you are automatically one with them. Scott made the rule, you're our now kid.
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janetsnakehole02 · 3 years
My elaborate fantasy headcanon thing for introducing Amora in the MCU via Loki season 2
Too many fucking ideas it’s almost a whole ass fic I had to put em under a cut welp they’re not all winners and I didn’t realize I forgot Lorelei until the end :( but this is a no judgment zone and I’ll come up with better ones later if anyone is willing to donate some more brain cells
Also none of these are set in stone, they’re headcanons and my head changes literally every 12 hours so
My headcanon for the show is a flashback sequence every episode with a fair summary of the following, not too long but enough so you understand the plot and the characters - this idea makes more sense after you read further
Pre-Thor 1
They’re childhood best friends and they both learn magic together (maybe from Karnilla I saw it in a fic once and I thought that’d be a great idea)
Amora rarely cries because she feels like she doesn’t have a right to feel emotions when her powers feed on others’ emotions (manipulating love and lust) so she’s trained herself to keep her emotions in
But once as a teenager she was crying and Loki found her and taught her the fireworks to cheer her up
Amora has her own issues with self loathing because her powers create a misconception that she’s only a sex object when she’s actually a really skilled sorcerer and is as intelligent as Tony Stark
So she and Loki have lots of misunderstood sorcerer hours™️
Also because of that Loki is the only Asgardian that treats Amora with the respect she deserves and vice versa
Amora would never admit it but she’s terrified of her enchantment powers so even though she uses them on a lot of people she’s never once used them on Loki because she actually cares about them
They look at the stars together and talk about ruling the nine realms together but deep down it’s not because they want power they just want to do something together 🥺
Also random interjection - genderfluid Loki so Katie McGrath plays she/her Loki in my head
Amora definitely set up Loki and Fandral
Not Loki and Sif tho she fuckin hates Sif
I kinda see it as Thor is to Loki what Sif is to Amora because Sif is a warrior but Amora is an enchantress and sorceress and Asgard is a warrior culture that looks down on sorcerers
So Sif makes Amora as insecure as Thor makes Loki
So when Amora accidentally walks in on Loki and Sif hooking up she tries getting with Thor and it works like briefly they hook up no strings attached for a bit but it fizzles out bc she literally cannot with this himbo
In the meanwhile Loki and Amora got growing feelings but they’re both really insecure so ya know radio silence from the both of them
Amora even promises Loki she’ll be by their side on the day of Thor’s coronation, not because they want that throne WE ALL KNOW THEY DON’T, but because she knows how ignored they’s gonna be and she just wants to be there for them
Right when they start getting closer and closer to owning up to their feelings Odin sends Amora to Vanaheim before Thor’s coronation to do more “training” for her magic
Why? Because he’s a little shit and really he hates Amora because he thinks she just uses her powers to hurt people it makes total sense why wouldn’t he this mf 😒
So she’s forced to go to Vanaheim but Loki walks her down the rainbow bridge to the Bifrost and they have one last exchange of playful banter and they finally kiss (pretty sweet and tender actually, not that intense)
This is a big deal because again Amora is terrified of her powers and one of those is getting a man to become her slave if she kisses him (or turn him into stone? I can’t remember) but either way she doesn’t want to lose control and accidentally use those powers on Loki
But he gets it because they always get each other and so he initiates the kiss
Their seidr intertwines when they kiss as reassurance that she hasn’t hurt him
But Amora says to save some for when she comes back, implying that she doesn’t want this to be a one time thing and they don’t say I love you but cmon they’ve been there for each other for millennia they pretty much do
So they both have the intention of exploring their relationship when she gets back and they promise to write to each other but that’s the last time they see each other on the sacred timeline bECAUSE
Next day is the coronation we all know what happens
Thor 1
Loki misses Amora especially when Thor makes the rash decision of invading Jötunheim, she wishes she were here with him to both a) reign Thor in and b) laugh at his stupidity
When Loki finds out about his frost giant heritage he’s suddenly glad Amora is in Vanaheim because he doesn’t want her to come back to a monster (YOU’RE NOT A MONSTER LOKI 😭😭)
But when he becomes king he misses her again because of their talks about wanting to rule the nine realms together
Tw suicide - Loki attempts suicide on the Bifrost but as we know he survives
Post-Thor 1
Amora comes back from Vanaheim after and she looks for Loki but he isn’t there
She doesn’t believe Loki is truly dead so she goes to Thor
Thor tells her most of what happens but leaves out the parts where Loki gets hurt, and she feels like he’s hiding some things so she enchants him and gets more details out of him
More specifically she sees their argument in the throne room where Loki said he’s not Thor’s brother (thus revealing his Jötun heritage) and all he ever wanted was to be Thor’s equal, along with Loki telling Odin he could’ve done it for all of them, and she sees Loki PHYSICALLY LET GO
She’s a smart woman she’s grown up with Loki her whole life and she has a pretty decent idea of who made them feel like they weren’t enough and who deliberately taught anti-Jötun ideologies
She still doesn’t believe Loki is dead so she goes to Heimdall by flying over the broken Bifrost and she enchants him to search his memories but in his memories Loki just fell into an abyss and nothing can be seen further
So she comes to the edge of the Bifrost where Loki fell off and as the realization hits that her best friend/love NO LONGER WANTED TO LIVE she lets out this deafening scream as she finally breaks down into sobs and cries for the first time since she was a teenager in front of Loki
And she just keeps crying but once she’s done anger takes over
And she decides the reason for Loki’s death is Odin because Loki wouldn’t have let go if Odin didn’t reject him
She’s angry at Frigga too but she doesn’t want to kill her because she knows Loki would be devastated if he were here
But she knows she can’t just go in and kill the Allfather just like that
So she works on making a plan to kill him while everyone is busy getting Asgard back to normal
Pre-Loki Season 1
Here’s where it gets interesting - in the sacred timeline Amora doesn’t survive her attempt to kill Odin
But THIS TIME she successfully kills him and she says Loki’s last words to him (which she got from enchanting Thor) and THAT is her Nexus Event
So Amora gets to the TVA and she’s obviously sentenced guilty like everyone else 😑 but she pleads not guilty so she runs out of the court room and finds the drawer of Infinity Stones and Casey tells her what they are
Then she hears some minutemen talking about rogue Loki variants and she gets curious and finds Loki’s file
Then she watches the file after sneaking into a time theater and she learns that Loki survived the fall off the Bifrost
She also sees the Tesseract and the scepter and thinks they resemble the stones Casey showed her
She also sees Loki walking in chains towards Odin and Odin telling him it was his birthright to die but before she can get any further Renslayer catches her again
And Amora steals a TemPad and goes to different realms
In the comics Amora and the Mandarin work together so I really want her to meet Wenwu on Midgard and do some shady shit with him
I also think it’d be cool if she fought Shangqi in his sequel or something also lowkey could see her with Shangqi lowkey lowkey
TVA Agents keep trying to catch her but she’s too fast until Renslayer finally does get to her
Until Amora accepts that she’s guilty she’s put in a torture chamber by Renslayer and the memory is the one where she’s walked in on Loki and Sif hooking up
Amora never breaks tho and eventually Renslayer is just fucking tired so she brings her out of the memory loop to prune her
Amora however has had enough of this torture and she just yanks Renslayer’s pruning stick and chooses to prune herself - also so she doesn’t give Renslayer the satisfaction
She makes it to the Void and she finds her variants - they all have different Nexus Events idk I’m not super clear on how this works in my head
Kid Amora also killed Thor and that’s her Nexus Event so she and Kid Loki are besties
So she decides to get out and she decides to enchant Alioth in a way that makes the creature submit to her and doesn’t destroy it because her variants advise against destroying it fully - they tell her they have no idea what’s back there but they don’t want it to be open to everyone because then everyone in the Void will try going there
She asks if they wanna come with her but they tell her she’s the only one worthy because she successfully killed Odin and that has to mean something
So she gets to the citadel and sees He Who Remains
She gets the same information Loki and Sylvie got and she has no idea what to do decides to enchant him and once she does that’s when he lets it slip that Loki and a variant of his are destined to arrive and she was initially gonna enchant him and jump with his tempad but after he lets that info slip she decides to stay and see Loki because she’s curious and her heart really hurts bc she misses him but she’d never admit it
So she enchants He Who Remains into letting her stay at the citadel and makes sure he says everything to Loki and the variant just as planned/just how we heard in the finale
Loki Season 1
So Amora’s in the citadel when Loki and Sylvie get there but in hiding
And during this time at the citadel she’s learned to communicate mentally with He Who Remains since she’s enchanted him so she’s kinda mentally holding him hostage
And they’re not necessarily friends since it’s kinda hard to be friends with someone who is once again holding you mentally hostage but there’s witty banter ah I love witty banter
So anyway Loki and Sylvie finally get to the citadel which He Who Remains knew was going to happen but Amora did not
She’s in shock when she sees Loki after so long and one look from He Who Remains tells her that this is her Loki
And she realizes Sylvie is another Loki too
But then she sees Sylvie accuse Loki of making another play for the throne and just when she’s about to get angry and throw hands
They have their incredibly emotional fight, Sylvie kisses Loki and Amora is both horrified and heartbroken because she thinks Loki just threw her aside and forgot about her
Which is partially true BECAUSE ehehe
On the Sacred Timeline before Avengers!Loki is taken by the TVA - when he’s getting tortured by Thanos we all know his memories were altered and Thanos alters his memories of Amora so there isn’t any love left, it’s virtually like she didn’t exist in his life
Thanos does leave in the memory of Amora and Thor hooking up tho, exaggerates it to his liking because he’s a little shit
So by the time Loki gets to the TVA and to the citadel with Sylvie his memory of Amora is distorted
So anyway after the kiss Amora sees Sylvie push Loki away and kill He Who Remains and she’s like WHAT the FUCK
Loki Season 2 and Beyond
So now the citadel is open the Void is open and every timeline is released so Amora tries her level best on getting back to our Loki
I get really hazy with my headcanon from this point on because idk how but basically Amora gets out of the citadel without Sylvie noticing her and she does find Loki somehow along with Mobius and B-15
Hey I didn’t say it made sense
But Mobius for some reason has her file and knows everything about her and he asks Amora if Loki knows
And Loki’s like “do I know what”
Again I am not super clear on how this happens but Mobius tells Amora that Loki doesn’t have the best memory of her which means Loki doesn’t remember that they loved each other
And Amora is once again Devastated And Destroyed™️
Mobius tells her she can try giving Loki those memories back but she immediately refuses because SHE 👏🏽 WILL 👏🏽 NEVER 👏🏽 USE 👏🏽 HER 👏🏽 POWERS 👏🏽 ON 👏🏽 LOKI
Loki doesn’t trust Amora because Thanos screwed with their head but they acknowledge that their memory of her may be skewed
And she says she’s not going to force anything so they basically start over and slowly build up an acquaintance and eventually a friendship
Loki and Amora confide in each other about the torture chambers that Mobius and Renslayer put them in and that sort of helps clear up Loki’s memory again since he now knows Amora saw him with Sif
Amora tells Loki she killed Odin because she knew he was responsible for Loki’s suicide attempt and Loki gets really emotional because that’s the first time someone had done something for HIM
Mobius got info out of him for the TVA and made him feel like Frigga’s death was his fault, Sylvie put her mission over him and broke his trust in her, but Amora was captured by the TVA because she tried avenging Loki and THAT just hits different man 🥺
Have Amora kick Sylvie and Mobius’s asses for not treating Loki right
And Loki kicking Renslayer’s ass for not treating Amora right
So basically more slow burn and shit and they fight one of the Kang variants
Sylvie comes back at some point before they fight said Kang variant but things have changed s*lki kiss means nothing again this is my headcanon it doesn’t make sense I am so sorry but either way no more s*lki especially since Amora is back in Loki’s life and Loki’s getting a clearer image of who she was in Asgard when she was with Amora
They should def go to Poland together and learn that “amorki” means cupids in Polish - that’s what I’ve heard anyway correct me if I’m wrong but that’s the cutest thing ever
Again not really clear how it works okay it’ll make more sense to me once nwh and mom are out but maybe the slow burn could carry over into another season
Third and final season I guess
Where they have an epic kiss and their seidr intertwines AGAIN and this time it causes them to revert into their actual suits you know like transform
And then they fight together like the epic duo they are
Just typed out all this shit and realized I didn’t once include Lorelei now I feel dumb but it’s fine new and improved headcanons will come later sorry Lorelei stans don’t hate me :(
Okay much of this clearly does not make sense but I think it’d be a great story if given to the right writers that can frame it in such a way that my nonsense ideas make sense. I don’t want Amora to be shown as a hero either I don’t think she’s a hero or a villain she just is. I would also be 100% fine if they didn’t show Amora and Loki romantically but I do still want them to have the same “we’re both little shits who might betray each other but it doesn’t really mean anything because I got you and you got me” relationship because it really feels like that’s what it is. Also I would def like her to kick Mobius and Sylvie’s asses for not treating our boi right AND I would like to see an Amora/Sylvie fight with all the ✨enchanting✨ so that Amora can show Sylvie who’s boss (no hate to Sylvie but cmon nothing can beat the original)
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