#he is so so funny i love mr. lipwig so much
agentmika · 1 year
moist von lipwig...he's my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy-
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Please tell me more about the mechsworld (discanisms?) Fic ideas
Under a readmore because it got ~long~ fdhfd
So this is split into three parts because unfortunately that’s the kind of person I am dfjghgj
Mechs + Death
According to Ao3’s word count, I have exactly 7306 thoughts on what would happen if the Mechanisms met Death (you know. The skeleton)
Because the thing is, Death (capital D) understands death (lower case d) perfectly well. He understands the process of life ending, he understands you go one way and only one way. After all, he’s got plenty of experience.
But! All of a sudden you’ve got this crew of eight people who definitely don’t stay dead like they should, plus the Toy Soldier, who’s a different deal entirely jdfghj
Now this doesn’t lead on to my next point really, but I’m moving on anway!
Death is a creature of belief, and so doesn’t obey the laws of physics as regular people. My favourite example of this is the Poker, which goes right through him, but does hit Teatime. Who else do we know that is powered by Belief (well. Narrative reasons (well. nanobots (well. Whatever fits best at the time)))
The Mechs!
All of them (Mechs and skeleton both) are powered by the story, and that is an incredibly interesting alley to explore
Also it’s fun to write situations where Death is inconvenienced .
Must there be “plot”? Is it not enough to imagine the Luggage, running full pelt towards you, the Toy Soldier riding on it’s back?
As the title kinda suggests, I have a bunch of ideas that aren’t full plots (and will likely never be because sometimes ideas just stay Ideas) but are fun to imagine
Ashes O’Reilly and Moist von Lipwig. If ever they started working together, basically you’d be fucked sdfgjhjk
They’d be terrifying at swindling, quite frankly, and if you compare their ability at maths and the like to that of the average Anhk-Morporkian well- it’s hardly a challenge at all
Of course, Ashes may well just take over the Post Office like they did the Acheron and all power to them!
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson and Jonny d’Ville!
Jonny is the absolute opposite of Carrot in every conceivable way. Carrot wouldn’t hesitate to put him in jail as soon as he physically could and if Jonny thought it’d be funny to cause more problems inside rather than outside of jail he’d let himself be captured. They would not get along
Except if they dealt with children
Carrot “organised the most deadly gangs of kids on the streets and got the to play football without fatalities” Ironfoundersson and Jonny “read to kids in a hospital (and only shot the annpying ones!)” d’Ville would find a grugding sort of respect there
Carrot would be explaining the rules of some game, and the kids would listen because it’s Carrot and you can’t not (and also stood behind him is Jonny and more accurately Jonny’s gun)
Speaking Susan Sto Helit into existence because I love her
Idk she meets the Toy Soldier in Biers
TBI (Discworld Flavour)
So this is much more involved than everything mentioned previously, where I just took characters and moved them around as needed. This is something I very much want to write, and am in the process of planning and, more specifically, finding explanations for a few Fairly Large Plot Points that at the moment I’m kinda hand waving away dfhghjk
TBI (Discworld Flavour) is basically me thinking “hey. What if I rewrote TBI but set it on the Disc, and went from there”
Inspector Second Class Lyfrassir Edda doesn’t exist as a single character (apologies to the Lyf fans who’ve read this far fdghjk). Instead, I think it’d work to split their role across a range of characters, namely Vetinari (and a newspaper) for the narration parts, and the City Watch (specifically Sam Vimes, Fred Colon and Nobby Nobbs) for dealing with Raphaella, Marius and Ivy in prison (those three remain unchanged, because the other three, Vimes especially, would have one hell of a time trying to deal with them)
Odin is a wizard (because, with all respect to Sir Terry Practchett, this is My Town now and wizardry and witchcraft aren’t gender specific (which he did get at, in Equal Rites, but over 41 books there wasn’t much deviation from Male Wizard Female Witch (also non-binary people exist!)). Also Many more people aren’t straight). She’s head of a project to run a train from Anhk-Morpork to the Hub in three hours rather than three days. Naturally, this involves lots of magic, and this magic attracts the attention of Things from the Dungeon Dimensions (which, like Yog-Sothoth are heavily inspired by the whole eldritch Lovecraft stuff, so that all fits nicely) Another thing that fits nicely is the fact that they can “infect” wizards (hence Odin), and also they really Cannot survive long in this world, whch gives a nice way to end this thing
No Asgard, so instead the passengers on the train are the staff of the Unseen University (yes, even the Librarian) Of course, they won’t die in this one, but the Bursar has a gloopy Thing land on his face after the Lecturer in Recent Runes booted it across the traincar so not much difference (/j) dfhfd
Loki, Thor, Sigyn and possibly Kvasir (though they also may not exist as a character, and instead be a name for the engine) are all UU students (hence why the passengers don’t care for them)  They are the ones that Do Things, and likely study in the High Energy Magic building, so are actually qualified to deal with this sort of shit
Then: shit happens! Odin dies, Loki Thor Sigyn die and meet Death and have some sort of ConversationTM about the power of stories. It’s all very touching
Obviously, the Disc doesn’t get destroyed - the Things get driven back. Ivy, Marius and Raphaells do still escape, of course, and, in the immortal words of everyone’s favourite human(?) Nobby, Mr Vimes goes spare
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captainclickycat · 4 years
Discworld for the fandom ask game if you want!
o The first character I ever fell in love with:
Magrat, I think. She resonated with me because I was thirteen and dorky and also owned a lot of essential oils and the like. 
o A character that I used to love/like, but now do not:
Nobody really, although Magrat is now somewhat less compelling to me? Her syrupyness in the early books can legitimately get a bit grating at times. Took my hat off to “limp what?” though. 
o A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not:
I’m less fussed about Carrot/Angua than I initially was. It’s fine, but the whole “werewolf = dog” thing is a bit off-putting and some of the conflicts between them never really get resolved. Again, it’s fine, but imo “fine” is sort of all it is, really. 
o My ultimate favourite character[tm]:
Oh god no. Let’s go with top five
1) Nanny Ogg! She’s so funny and good-humoured but has this steely edge underneath it. I want to be like her when I’m 80. 
2) Sgt Jackrum. I love the way he takes care of his soldiers, but doesn’t coddle them or sugarcoat what they’ll have to deal with. And his climactic entrance (”I notes you have my little lads before you, sir! I’m hearing they are in a spot of bother, sir!” makes me well up every time. It’s just perfect. 
For the record I headcanon him as a trans guy. It’s really not my place to try and weigh in on where he fits into the whole Representation debate, but there you have it. 
3) Death. He likes cats and has weird dad hobbies, what’s not to like? Also his confusion about human stuff is endearing. 
4) Moist von Lipwig. I love his energy and cheekiness and crazy schemes. Probably the most fun character, alongside Nanny 
5) Commander Vimes. Bit of a surly bastard in a lot of ways, but generally does his best to be morally upstanding. Highlights include his kindly interrogation of the palace maid in Feet of Clay and, of course, “WHERE’S MY COW???”
o Prettiest character:
Oo this one’s interesting, given the medium but also the fact that we’ve got a smorgasbord of official illustrations, fanart and the odd film adaptation to go with. 
So I tend to fancast Moist as a Casanova-era David Tennant, so he’s definitely a contender. Adora Belle tends to look like Christine Addams in my head (watch the Bitches episode of Pushing Daisies, you’ll get it) so same goes. 
In terms of film/TV adaptation characters, Michelle Dockery’s Susan wins absolutely hands down.  
In terms of the Kidby illustrations, probably Miss Alice Band
o My most hated character:
Strappi. There’s a lot of unpleasant characters knocking about, but he’s unpleasant in a particularly gross, visceral, slimy way. 
o My OTP:
Has to be Vimes/Sybil, I think. You don’t often get to see middle-aged characters fall in love and then get to follow their story, and the subtle little ways they show their affection throughout the series are really lovely. 
o My NOTP:
I saw a thing about Susan/Teatime once which nearly scarred me for life. In terms of canon(ish) relationships, I was never all that sold on Susan/Lobsang. It just felt a little too convenient, and I didn’t see much chemistry between them. More of a “nah” than a notp though. 
o Favourite episode book:
1) Feet of Clay
2) Going Postal
3) Hogfather
4) Witches Abroad 
5) Monstrous Regiment
o Saddest Death:
The usual guy. He gets pretty sad sometimes. 
o Favourite season/least favourite season:
Let’s say favourite division, shall we?
Or maybe not because it’s haaaaaaard. Like the witch books deserve a mention because they got me into the series and the characters are so compelling, but then there’s Moist, and the Watch, and the Death books... aargh. 
Least favourite is easy though: I never really got into the Rincewind ones. 
o Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate:
Nobody stands out. Maybe Rincewind. Hate’s a strong word, but his books... just never really been for me. 
o My ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still my fave’ fave:
Nobby is really the epitome of this, right? he’s a filthy gross little devil but he’s our filthy gross little devil. 
o My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Probably Agnes Nitt. She sort of just gets jostled around without much say in the matter a lot of the time, which has got to be frustrating as hell. 
o My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship:
Polly/Maladict. They’re a compelling pair, and I can see their relationship going somewhere post-MR canon, but I’m not majorly invested. 
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