#he is deeply unappealing to me in so many ways. I simp for like every other character in this game
chryza · 2 years
But also don’t let them know I don’t like estinien
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bonkers-4-hatter · 4 years
Anon asked: Overhaul from mha with a insecure chubby s/o! It’s ok if you haven’t seen him or aren’t comfortable with him! I understand!
Gotcha anon! I’m not gonna lie, I’m a simp for this man (along with so many others) I’m good with writing him! I just hope I do him justice is all! Enjoy!
Trigger Warning: Mentions of insecurities and some rude ass comments from a loved one. It might trigger those affected by this. Please be warned.
Also side note, this is another long one ya’ll! Like I couldn’t stop writing. I’m sorry if you guys don’t like these long headcanons, but I just couldn’t stop and I hope I did this charcter justice with these! <3
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When he first met you, he honestly didn’t care about you, you were just another pawn in his plan and it was that way for a while.
At the start of your relationship, whenever you brought your insecurities up, he would just ignore you.
“Your insecurities mean nothing to me, there’s other things to worry about in this filthy world”
The more time he spends with you, the more he warms up to you.
It makes him very standoffish at first, he’ll insult you and poke at you and your insecurities in hopes of waving off these weird feelings.
“Instead of complaining, do something about it (Y/N).”
“Every time I see you, you’re eating, maybe you wouldn’t be so big if you put down the fork.”
Not going to lie, he’s going to be an even bigger dick as he tries to figure out his feelings.
“Maybe I should’ve found someone else that fits my standards.”
He wouldn’t hold you at night in your shared bed anymore the more he tries to push you away.
“Why would I want to hold someone so unappealing? I have a reputation to uphold, or did you forget (Y/N)?”
Your only solace during that time is Eri. You know the poor girl has been through hell and back and you know you can’t do much, but you can give her that love and support she craves.
When Kai spews those hurtful words, instead of crying as you would, you spent time with Eri. 
She brought you comfort when all Chisaki brought you was a crushed soul.
Reading, playing dress up, cooking and just having Eri around brightened you up so much and helped you with your insecurities.
“(Y/N), can we bake cookies today? I like them, they’re yummy!”
“Can I hear the story about the Princess and the Frog? I love the way you tell it, it’s so funny!”
Chisaki notices your improvement in your mood...he’s noticed for a while actually.
You haven’t had a conversation or really looked at him in months and if he was honest with himself...he missed you.
Missed your touch, your laugh, the softness you had and the warmth you emitted. He honestly thought pushing you away was the best option, but in the end it only hurt him and you more.
He took time to come to terms that he loved you...deeply. You no longer were a pawn on a chess board like everyone else, no, you were his Queen and he realized how much he fucked up.
Of course he noticed you coddling Eri more and caring for her more than before. The way you interacted with the child and how much you smiled around her brought a dull throb to his chest.
One night when you both were in your shared bed, turned away from each other as was the usual he decided to finally talk to you and get everything else out in the open.
Turning around, his eyes landed on your back, head laid on the pillow and not moving giving the illusion of you sleeping, but he knew better. You were still awake.
Placing a hand on your protruding hip, the warmth you radiated brought him a sense of comfort.
“(Y/N)...can we talk?” His gruff voice whispered against your ear, his hand caressing up and down your exposed side.
“What is it Kai?” Your monotone voice wasn’t what made him pause his soft touches, it was the use of his name. You usually called him a pet name or at least, ‘Chis-kun’.
Hearing you just call him Kai was another blow. He had to fix this otherwise he feared he was going to lose you for good.
Gripping your supple hip, a quiet gasp escaped your lips, head turning to look back at him.
Sitting up, he quickly gripped both of your hips and flipped you over so you were settled on his lap, large hands grasping your softness, thumbs rubbing soft circles into your soft flesh.
“Let me go Kai,” You struggled against his strong hold not particularly liking your current position. You were not ready for more verbal assaults from him about your insecurities.
“I miss those pet names...your laugh...(Y/N)...I miss you.”
Your struggles stopped as you stared down at him, his unmasked face settled in an unreadable expression, but his eyes...were sad. In all of your time knowing this man, you’ve never seen his eyes this crestfallen before.
Kai showing emotion was something you never expected, even going into a relationship, but now they were clear as day to you.
“What?” You opened and closed your mouth a few times, still trying to grasp this whole situation. “What happened to you?”
It was a valid question, a bit insensitive, sure, but given the names and shit he’s said to you, this was minimal.
“I felt something I haven't felt before with you and I thought ignoring you and pushing you away would make me feel better...foolish on my part really, it made me crave you more (Y/N).”
Large hands skimmed down your bare legs sending shivers up your spine. His words made your face flush at how genuine they were. You knew when Kai was lying and in this instance, he wasn’t.
“I’m...I’m sorry for those things I said to you, the moments where I was supposed to comfort you, I belittled you, I’ll try harder to be a better lover if you’ll give me another chance.”
His hands were still rubbing up and down your chunky legs as he said those words. Holding you close to him like this probably brought him comfort as he tried to tell you his feelings, something he wasn’t used to.
Cupping his cheek, his eyes softened, something you weren’t used to, but a gesture you would love to see more of in the future.
“You were awful, worse than any of my own insecurities honestly and Eri was the only thing that lifted my spirits and made me feel happy all these months...it’s going to take time to build up that trust we had. Those words cut so deep, I understand trying to figure out feelings, but hun...there’s better ways to figure out your feelings without hurting those around you.”
Lifting a hand from one of your legs, Chisaki cupped your soft cheek, thumb caressing your soft jawline. It was nice to see this different side of Chisaki, being open and vulnarable with you and telling you about how he felt was new territory for your relationship and it made you happy to know he was trying and letting you in, even just a little bit.
“I know that now (Y/N), please give me another chance, I love you, you are the only person to see me like this,” His hand on your cheek slid around to the back of your neck, pulling you down to him, lips inches apart. You shuddered at the sensation of being so close to him again. “I love everything about you and I know I haven't told you that, let me show you everything I love about you and this body of yours and I’ll show you and tell you everyday just how beautiful you are, to hell with those insecurities of yours.”
You felt your eyes grow wet, the sinsirety of his words hitting you deep. Without another thought, you pressed your lips aginst his, chubby hands sliding around to the back of his head, fingers tangling themselves into his soft black locks as the kiss grew heated.
Rolling the both of you over, Kai was on top of you, hands and feet moving position so he was above you, caging you on the bed.
“Seeing you flushed and gasping for air makes me want to take you, mark you as mine for all to see.”
Biting your lip, more heat rose to your round cheeks. “Then do it Chis-Kun,” Moving your head to the side, you exposed more of your neck, his favorite place to mark you when he does. “Mark me all you want.”
Without a second thought, he dove into your neck, mouth latching onto the soft, plush skin of your neck and started sucking marks onto your delicate skin.
After that night which ended with both you and Chis-Kun tangled in the bedsheets, marks littering both of your bodies and content expressions on both of your faces, he held true to his words.
Whenever your insecurities got the best of you, he was there to reassure you, tell you how wonderful you were and to listen to him and not those negative voices.
He’d hold you if you were having a bad image day and no matter what he had to do that day, it was moved because you were his priority.
When you were with Eri, taking care of her, he’d show up and iinteract with both of you, of course, he wouldn’t show too much affection since Eri was there, but seeing you take care of the young girl makes him yearn to have kids of his own with you.
Talks to you more about emotions and what he’s feeling. Does still get frustrated when he can’t find the right words and will either storm off, or not talk to you for a while.
Will come back with a clear mind and try again with what he was trying to say. Usually when he comes to bed and finds comfort in your warmth.
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