#he is being boiled šŸ‘
soullessjack Ā· 6 months
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its getting worse
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starrymothwings Ā· 4 years
hello maam pls, put the yandere hcs for yours sons in the bag and nobody gets hurt šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«
šŸ‘your wish is my command please dont shoot i have kids
- toddā€™s got a good head on his shoulders, so he knows damn well that what heā€™s doing ainā€™t good but is he going to stop? no :)
- heā€™s a manipulative yandere. itā€™s easier for everyone involved (object of affection included) if the one he loves cooperates, right?
- so heā€™s going to make them think they want to be with him, even with all the red flags heā€™s putting up.Ā 
- so, actual red fox courtship involves prolonged chasing and playing with each other, and thatā€™s a lot like what this relationship is like. lots of mind games. if his crush starts to catch onto him...well, heā€™ll just have to get their minds off it and start again, right? toddā€™s a patient guy
- not violent whatsoever towards his crush. the furthest heā€™ll want to go is a well-placed sleeping draught
- wonā€™t see any need to isolate the one he loves unless the people around them try to clue them into what heā€™s really doing. in that case, itā€™s just a few more hoops heā€™ll need to jump through in order to convince his love that the only one they need is him
- heā€™s got his siblings to think about, so todd absolutely cannot afford any trouble, so itā€™s a long, slow road with this one in which his loved one wonā€™t be able to tell the exact moment they fell into his trap
- have you heard the one about the frog in a boiling pot of water?
- yeah i probably donā€™t need to explain this one but uhhhh heā€™s the fucking worst
- possessive, and sadistic type all rolled into one
- this dudeā€™s got a serious complex about being unloved so these types of feelings probably hit him like a truck. like, maybe it was a little thing that his darling said that he found charming, or it was the realization that, huh, he doesnā€™t find them as annoying as everyone else
- oh god heā€™s feeling things. they made him feel things
-...well, theyā€™ll just have to take accountability for that, then. he seriously hates it when one thing doesnā€™t lead to what the next logical conclusion is in his mind. 100% begins planning on kidnapping his darling the moment he realizes his feelings
- doesnā€™t actually care about the feelings of his crush. theyā€™re his, period. to have and to hold and to harm. honestly he likes it when they cry and despair, and he probably delights in hurting them too, so punishments are a thing. although, he still loves them, so heā€™ll comfort them too if they ask nicely.
- easy to anger, slow to forgive, and yet is still weak to flattery
- youā€™d think that itā€™d be easy to fight him, what with how frail he is--and that would be a terrible mistake to make. offensive magic isnā€™t his best class for nothing, and honestly, his magic in general isnā€™t anything to sneeze at either. factor in his unique magic and he doesnā€™t need to be the one doing his dirty work. and then, when theyā€™re right where he wants them, heā€™ll happily show his love just how stupid fighting him is
- one day heā€™ll hurt them and laugh while they cry, and the next heā€™ll just hold them close. very unpredictable. heā€™s an awful awful man that delights in the pain of the one he loves, but he does still love them (or believes he does) and so as long as theyā€™re by his side heā€™s content
- hey who dropped this cinnamon roll in the dirt?
- clingy and delusional type. he loves them! he loves them soooooo much! so they must love him just as much, right?Ā 
- honestly the safest one on this list, if the most annoying. he wonā€™t do anything to harm the one he loves. that includes drugging them
- he just wants to be by their side, and he wants to be there all the time!! what do you mean heā€™s smothering them? arenā€™t couples supposed to spend time together? :0 itā€™s okay that they havenā€™t told them that they love him yet! theyā€™re probably just shy. he knows that they love him, too :)
- honest to god believes that he and the one he loves are soulmates and that theyā€™re going to get married one day, and heā€™ll flip from being the quirky but cute friend to lovesick puppy by the next day when he realizes heā€™s in love
- if they manage to break his delusions, even for a moment....get ready for the waterworks. but! heā€™s back to his usual self if they show even a breath of concern for him
- will make an absolute nuisance of himself for anyone who tries to get in the way of his love. he can be a crafty little man when he needs to
- will go to then ends of the earth for the one he loves, although thatā€™s always true for von, yandere or not
- stalker type at first that devolves into an obsessive and possessive type
- compared to him, most of the people he meets are mere babes. heā€™ll outlive 90% of the students at NRC, and on top of that, heā€™s used to being thought of as unapproachable
- so in the beginning he just...watches. thatā€™s it. he believes that his feelings will fade with time, and thatā€™s the one of the things he has in spades, so heā€™s perfectly fine with admiring the one he loves from afar
- ...that quickly changes if another suitor or significant other enters the scene. thatā€™s because he hasnā€™t 100% grasped his own feelings for his crush until the idea that they could be taken away from him enters the scene
- tbh the whole thing is worse if theyā€™re human, because there will likely never be a point at which he treats them fully like an equal. it just adds a layer of insult to the fact that thereā€™s nothing they can do to oppose him when he comes for them--and he will. homeboy is strong, both in body and magic, and heā€™s fully capable of whisking them away like he intends. not to mention, but heā€™s got political power, too. if by some means they manage to escape him, itā€™s only a matter of time before theyā€™re dragged back by him or someone underneath him. and again, if theyā€™re human, heā€™ll tell them itā€™s for their own good
- theyā€™ll live in a gilded cage. he can provide them with anything they need, except their freedom. and he has all the time in the world to wait until they tire themselves out and give into him. and he wants them to give in. the one thing he wants more than anything else is for them to love him back
- vlad has a very good idea of just how fragile his little love is, and he doesnā€™t wish to hurt or scare them. even still, punishments are a thing. but he wonā€™t lay a hand on them. instead itā€™ll be things like taking away certain freedoms, or even keeping them isolated in a room for days until theyā€™re ready to behave
- all in all 3/10 horrible experience but at least the food is good
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