#he is afraid of big red Xs because an anvil fell on him once
Jean vicquemare but I clip those tooth paste things onto his feet and slowly flat Stanley him bit by bit
Jean vicquemare base ball i score a home run and he smashes through the brick wall of a small family home
Jean vicquemare but I put him in a jar full of marbles and throw him down a set of concrete stairs
Jean vicquemare frog in a boiling pot trick but with a hot tub and I also throw in vegetables and seasonings while he isn’t looking
Jean vicquemare atomic wedgie and he lets out a Tom and Jerry howl of horror
Jean vicquemare itching powder underwear
Jean vicquemare gets struck by lightning on a clear sunny day BALL LIGHTNING HE GETS STRUCK WITH BALL LIGHTNING
Jean vicquemare gets run over by one of those plastic toddler cars not even the kind that has the motor
Jean vicquemare gets bit in the ass by a rat and has to get a rabies shot. In the ass.
Jean vicquemare falls down 1 stair and breaks every single bone in his body
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