#he is absolutely talking about Johanna here
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fadewalking · 2 months ago
☕ ( to emmrich something magic related idk )
Send ☕ for my muse to rant about something (bonus points if you pick the topic) // @theredconqueror
"—And do you know what she said?" He posed sharply, not waiting for a response to his rhetorical question before sating it himself.
"That she did not care!" He scoffed, disbelief palpable, as if recalling a personal insult.
"Can you imagine?! Not caring about the mimetic entanglements of the individual particles which thread the Veil together? Ah! The indignity!" His hand moved to his collar, gripping it as though the act could physically steady the fury roiling within him at the memory of such willful ignorance.
With frustrated movements, he continued the task he had been earlier working at of sorting through books in piles of read versus unread, though he continued his rant through it.
"How anyone worth their tenure can reduce the understanding of reality to mere utilitarian abstraction is far beyond me. Yet still, she would parade around her Copenhagen allegiance as if it were a badge of intellectual humility, claiming the wave-state is nothing more than a bookkeeping tool, while she dismisses the ontological implications of the Veil's intricacies, as if reality itself were just some trivial nuisance!"
The hubris alone was enough to set anyone off, surely. Even Manfred, sat behind him, offered an angry hiss in solidarity. Emmrich spun on his heel, his robes flaring dramatically as he cast an acknowledging gesture toward his skeletal companion.
"Thank you!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation, as though Manfred's agreement vindicated his outrage. Of course, it did. Manfred was not only a manifestation of curiosity itself, but arguably the most advanced among his ilk. It was little wonder he understood.
Back again, he turned toward his books, not letting the brief interruption disrupt his momentum. "Does she not understand that to discard the messy nuances of deep-fade phenomena in favor of mathematical expediency is to abdicate the very purpose of inquiry entirely?"
The indignation twisted in his chest, unable to let go of the renewed incredulity the topic had resurfaced. So wrapped in his upset, he did not once think to stop and see if Valrys was still paying attention, or to notice if he ever had been.
"When I gently explained my more Bohmian-aligned perspective, she replied 'Who cares what is real, so long as the equations continue to output the correct energy eigenvalues?' Hah! Arrogance in its most undiluted form!"
It was an arrogance that spoke for itself now that they knew she was behind so many terrible and forbidden magicks. He felt almost guilty for it. If only he had been able to convince her of his perspective, to stop and appreciate, maybe he could have prevented this.
"What she fails—or refuses—to grasp, is that the Björn rule isn't just some magical abacus handed down to ensure students pass their exams. It is a window into the epistemological paradoxes that underpin existence. The Veil's waveform is so much more than some blunt instrument!"
He leveled his sharp gaze at Valrys, inadvertently transferring some of his outrage onto the other man. But what else could he do? She wasn’t here to absorb his ire, to hear his arguments. Valrys, by unfortunate proximity, became the stand-in for his unresolved emotion.
In earnest, very little of it was even directed at the memory of the singular argument he was recalling. The truth was more relevant. He was frustrated, and grieved at how far his friend had fallen—and how blind he had been to the warning signs. Dismissing her descent as a mere difference of philosophies had been his mistake, and one he now carried like a stone in his chest.
"It is a metaphysical map of a terrain we barely comprehend—a superposition of possibilities, an open invitation to explore what it means to be. But no. She would rather sweep those implications like dust under the Planck-scale rug. Well not I," he declared, lifting his chin in a cosmic rebellion.
"I would rather attempt understanding. To rail against the tyranny of probabilistic nihilism. There is nothing so unappealing as a lack of curiosity. She can keep her sterile equations; I will take the messy, maddening, glorious pursuit of reality any day!"
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songbird-and-her-fos · 3 months ago
The argument between Rook and Emmrich won't leave my mind. Hezenkoss was suspiciously quiet throughout the whole thing, but I am 100% that she didn't stay that way after Rook left. After all, she's just a skull and her only remaining joy in her unlife is taking pleasure in the misery of others. So here's what I think went down after the argument.
The door closed, perhaps a bit more loudly than usual, and Emmrich stared at it for a few more seconds, still tense with frustration. Why couldn’t Rook even try to understand him?
Just as he was about to get back to packing, as she had suggested, his train of thought was interrupted by hoarse laughter.
Absolutely not in the mood for this, his sharp gaze turned to Hezenkoss’ skull. “And might I ask just what is so funny to you, Johanna?”
Hezenkoss needed a moment to gather herself, but every attempt at speaking only ended up in increasingly demented sounding giggles. Finally, she managed to say:”So much for your eternal love. You didn’t just let her slip through your fingers; you literally flung her away from you! I’ve never seen someone sabotage themself so spectacularly. Really, if I still had hands, I’d be applauding right now!”
Emmrich bit back a sharp retort, specifically about someone sabotaging herself enough to end up eternally trapped as a talking and, at present, very very annoying skull, and decided that ignoring her was the best course of action. So he went back to what he had been doing, while Johanna cheerfully continued. “I don’t know what would be funnier. If she spent the rest of her miserable little life hung up on you, or if she moves on right away and you’d have to watch her in the arms of another man.” She paused for a moment. “Oh, what am I saying? Obviously the latter. I’d love to see your face when you see her find what you always wanted with someone else.”
Ignoring her was just getting harder and harder, and Emmrich found himself gripping his staff so tightly that his knuckles turned white. It’s for the best, he told himself. Rook deserves someone her own age.
“I mean really, this little whelp risked life and limb to help you against me, and this is how you repay her? If this is what your ‘love’ looks like, it surprises me that she put up with you for as long as she has. I know I wouldn’t, if I were dumb enough to ever find myself in her position in the first place.”
“I’ve about had enough of you”, Emmrich finally broke his silence and tossed a washrag over her skull.
But Johanna just had one last jab for him. “Imagine, all those times this doe-eyed little fool so ardently defended you to me, all of her talk about how you are such a good man. I wonder if she still thinks so after you talked down to her like she is a disobedient child.” The amount of glee in Hezenkoss’ voice as she said this was nothing short of sickening.
The tension in his body dissipated, and left behind only a disturbing feeling of emptiness. He had treated Rook like a disobedient child, had literally looked down on her, when all she wanted was to comfort him. 
He had to apologize. As soon as possible.
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avoxrising · 1 year ago
The Feral One • Ch 14
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
A fluffy/angsty chapter for you all :)
Content Warnings - Panic Attack
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“Good morning Fiesty!” Johanna barks as she enters your room. You had just finished the bland breakfast the doctors gave you. “I brought someone for you!”
Finnick shuffles in after Johanna, still avoiding getting close to you.
“Finn!” you exclaim. He looks at you with sad eyes that make you want to cry.
“I’m not going to hurt anyone,” you sniffle. “Please believe me.”
Finnick just stands there, not responding. Johanna on the other hand, walks right up to you and slaps you in the face.
“Ow!” you shout at her. “That hurt!”
“See!” Johanna states proudly. “She’s harmless. She didn’t even fight back.”
“I can scream and she won’t do anything about it!” Johanna states before screaming. You cover your ears, but don’t panic. The doctors enter your room to see what all the noise is and you tell them it’s fine. Johanna just screamed at you to show that you wouldn’t attack anyone.
Johanna’s demonstrations ease Finnick’s nerves a little. Maybe they did fix you.
He slowly approaches your bed and you hold out your hand to him.
“Why would they fix you?” he asked. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
You shrug. “Honestly I don’t know but I don’t really care. All that matters is I’m fixed and we can cuddle without me trying to kill you!” you grin.
“Gross,” Johanna mutters. “I’m out of here. Keep it PG you two.” You laugh as she leaves.
Finnick sighs and crawls into bed with you. Despite still being cuffed to the bed, you’re able to snuggle up into his side quite comfortably.
“I missed you,” you sigh, stifling a yawn. You only woke up an hour ago but your lack of exercise has made you lethargic.
“I missed you too,” he hums, stroking circles onto your arm. You don’t even mind that he’s pressed up against you in his District 13 jumpsuit, while you wear nothing but your underwear and a hospital gown.
“I can’t wait to be free,” you tell him. “No matter where I go I always seem to be locked up in a cage.”
“When the war is over we will both be free,” he replies. “Snow will be dead and we can do whatever we want.”
“What do you want to do?” you ask him.
“I want to go back to four and live in a house on the north end of the district,” he states. “I want to have a big garden that overlooks the ocean, and a big couch I can nap on.”
“Do I get to come with?” you ask, wondering where you fit in to his plans.
“Of course,” he grins. “I still need a roommate. Who else would tell me to pick my dirty clothes up off the floor?”
“Ah,” you sigh. “So I’m the roommate?”
“For now,” he states but he knows exactly what you are hinting at. “Can we just focus on getting out of here for right now and worry about whether or not you are the roommate later?” he asks.
“Of course,” you respond, looking up at him. “I don’t care what I am as long as I get to be with you.”
He smiles as his lips approach yours, leaning in closer until your door opens and a doctor walks in.
“Mr. Odair,” she states, seemingly unenthused about the scene in front of her. “You are not supposed to be in here unsupervised.”
“Right,” he grumbles, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
“Miss Y/L/N has some visitors from command,” the doctor states.
“I’ll come back later,” he states, brushing your fingers with his as he leaves your room.
The moment he leaves, Haymitch and Boggs enter your room.
“Wow Haymitch you look sober,” you tell the victor.
“And you’re speaking!” he chuckles. “Guess we both changed.”
“Miss Y/L/N we need to ask you a favor,” Boggs states.
“Sure, what is it?” you ask.
“Peeta has been having a hard time since we rescued him,” Haymitch explains. “We were wondering if you would go in and speak with him, as a friend.”
“I can do that,” you nod. Haymitch sighs in relief.
“Miss Y/L/N,” Boggs states. “There are a few rules regarding your visit. One, absolutely no mentions of Katniss or anyone close to her. If he starts talking about her, just nod your head and don’t aggravate him. Two, don’t talk to him about what they did in the capital. It might set him off. He’s restrained in his room but we are letting you in unrestrained. If at any point you feel unsafe you can leave.”
The doctors bring you a jumpsuit and you get ready for your visit to Peeta. It feels great to no longer be stuck in your room, even if this is just a quick break.
“Remember, you can leave at any point,” Haymitch reminds you. You nod and step into Peeta’s room.
“Hey Peeta,” you grin. “I missed you.”
“Y/N!” he smiles. “I was so worried about you!”
“How are you feeling?” you ask him.
“Not great,” he sighs. “I can’t tell what’s real anymore.”
“Yeah,” you sigh in return.
“Has it happened yet?” he asks you.
“Has what happened?” you ask him, a bit confused.
“Has the timer gone off?” he asks, confusing you even more.
“I’m not quite sure what timer you are referring to,” you tell him, slowly taking a few steps back. Your brain didn’t like this.
“Your timer,” he states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “The one the capital gave you.”
At his mention of the capital, you freeze. You couldn’t do this. Your hands start to sweat and your face turns pale as you do your best to back away from him.
Boggs must notice your sudden change of mood as he enters the room and tells Peeta to excuse you two while you went to do your treatment. You hadn’t been receiving any treatment, he just wanted to get you out of there.
“Y/N, what was he talking about?” Haymitch asks.
“I don’t know,” you respond. “I think I need to go lay down for a bit.”
The doctors run every test on you imaginable with the technology they have available to them in 13 but they found nothing. Maybe Peeta was wrong. Maybe he made it up.
After monitoring you for another week, President Coin finally sets your release date for three days from now. They would release you immediately but they weren’t expecting you would ever be released so they need to figure out your living situation and what monitoring you will need first. You asked to live with Finnick but they said no.
“Finn,” you whine, sitting in his compartment. The doctors let you out of your hospital room supervised as long as you returned for meals and to sleep.
“Why won’t they let me move in?” you ask. “You don’t even have a roommate.”
“Because we aren’t married,” he replies. “In District 13 you have to be married if you want to live with someone of a different gender. I already asked if they could make an exception for us because we’ve been living together for years now but they won’t allow it. I think they’re gonna put you with Johanna when she’s released.”
“Well then let’s get married!” you state, catching him off guard. He laughs at this suggestion, causing you to frown.
“Oh,” he states, noticing your reaction. “That was a serious suggestion?”
“Yes,” you respond.
“We aren’t even dating!” he replies. “And you want to just skip to getting married?”
“Uh yeah,” you respond. “I don’t think they’ll let us live together if we’re just dating so marriage it is!”
Finnick groans and puts his head in his hands.
“Y/N marriage is a serious thing,” he states. “People get married because they’re in love, not to become roommates.”
“So you aren’t in love with me?” you frown. Boys are so confusing.
“No that’s not what I’m saying,” Finnick responds. “I’m saying that getting married just so District 13 lets us live together is not a good reason to be getting married.”
“So you are in love with me?” you grin.
“Shut up,” he replies.
“Make me”
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delta-pavonis · 1 year ago
For your consideration: a new Jo Constantine & Hob Gadling BFF headcanon
Once Jo gets to know Hob Gadling she realizes just how much of an absolute reckless idiot the immortal can be. She goes back through the family archives and, no joke, there is not a single name, not a single damned name in six hundred bloody years, that is not a variation on the same theme. Robert. Hob. Bobby. Bob. Rob. Roberto. Bobbie. Gadlen. Gadlind. Gadot. Gabbing. Garblen. Oh, and Jo's personal favorite, Linggad.
Might as well have been touched by the hand of God for how lucky this Endless-favored fucker has been.
So, just because that is the kind of woman Johanna Constantine is, she makes up the most absurd names she can think of to address Hob by when she is taking the piss out of him. Anything that even vaguely has the syllables or cadence of Robert Gadling. She has been going for five years straight now and not repeated a one. Proud of that record, she is.
And then she sees how Hob is looking at one particular Endless who is sitting at the end of the New Inn's bar reading a goddamned book and she feels a migraine coming on.
"Get your shit together and stop looking at Dream of the Endless like that!" Jo hisses as she elbows Hob in the ribs.
Hob nearly startles out of his socks and drops the pint glass he is putting away. "What are you talking about?"
Jo squints at Hob; if he was any dimmer she'd need a flashlight. "Hobert Gadlington, y-"
"Oh, come off it. How many years have you been doing this? Don't call me tha-"
"No. No!" Jo curls a fist into the front of his shirt and peers up into his face. "You listen here Hobbles Gadlybins. I know that look on you. I know it. Fifteen years I have been your friend and I. Know. That. Face. And I swear to Christ if I am within thirty leagues of you two when you stick your dick in that eldritch not-god it will be too close."
Hob has turned an alarming shade of red, but he isn't looking at Jo... he is staring over her shoulder.
"Constantine." Well. Fuck. She turns her head and meets unearthly blue eyes. "While I am sure Hob appreciates your absolute confidence in his ability to seduce me to the extent that he will, as you so crudely put it, stick his dick in me." Hob makes a choked noised behind her. "I regret to inform you," Dream of the Endless leans forward over the bar and into Johanna Constantine's personal space, "that I am a top."
(Thanks to @karalynlovescake for reminding me of the Eddie Izzard bit about Engelbert Humperdinck and making this spiral from there.)
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moved-to-thanatologie · 4 months ago
yeah okay, but i wanna talk a minute about how lichdom is actually the bad ending for emmrich a second, because i just played through the last part of his personal quest agaiin, and i've been chewing on it for the last, like, week.
so, you can romanticize it all you want, but emmrich changes after lichdom, which...you know, can be expected, but it's not in a good way. in a shallow sense he has more of a temper, he's more...i'm sorry, i don't think the overprotectiveness of rook is exactly ~so romantic~, i think it's...not great, to put it lightly. it's a little guilt-trippy about how he'll have to mourn them forever if they die, which...newsflash, he's gonna be doing that anyway. and on that shallow level there's just a layer of ickiness to it that i think some people just are...overlooking.
the fact that it's his life's work notwithstanding, like...this isn't the same healing and head on confrontation other companions get for what's eating at them, it's enabling emmrich's aversion to looking the facts dead (no pun intended) in the face: people die. he'll die one day, too, and literally nothing is forever, no matter what promise lichdom makes. like there's some banter with lucanis that i don't have exact quotes for at the moment, but it basically boils down to the fact that if you spend all your time reaching for undeath and hoping to return one day, you're ignoring and wasting the life you can have in the here and now and it's passing you by, which is...i mean, is that not it? is that not exactly what emmrich's doing? and i mean, if there's anyone to point that out, it's probably lucanis.
then there's hezenkoss, who has absolutely fed his fears, and if you search your heart you'll know it to be true. like @ofeluvians and i were talking about, i don't think it was ever a real, true friendship, i think it was almost entirely one-sded (boy, is that ever a character quirk i'm familiar with, i say, looking pointedly at 616 tony stark - ask me how!), and his insecurities were exacerbated to at least some degree. emmrich says himself that johanna never had an easy time of making friends, and if you read the flame eternal you can see she was acerbic even then, and not exactly what i would call compassionate to either emmrich or the spirits they were dealing with.
there's the fact that he was taken into a place that terrified him after his parents died, and i don't think it's necessarily some lofty, grand, scholarly thing that makes the memorial gardens his favorite place in the grand necropolis, i think it's because - out of all of it that we at least get to see - it's actually the most peaceful and least scary. just like i don't think it's hugely a shocker that his favorite spirits are definitely the wisps, which, by and large are manifestations of curiosity and by and large harmless.
i think, instead of a paralyzing fear of death, it's anxiety. like...big anxiety resulting from trauma that's never been addressed (his parents' deaths) and loneliness to a degree (manfred). he's so eager to share things with people, there's a recipe from his mother he passes on to lucanis (which i'm sure was a what's your favorite food conversation), or his books with taash and bellara. his skills to help neve solve a murder. going camping with harding. even the dad talks with davrin have shades of this, funny as it is. he...speaks to people on their level, i think, to a degree, once he knows what their level and their comfort level is (taash). he can empathize with situations he'll never actually experience himself. and it's like he says, a good instructor never makes a student feel inferior.
it's the loneliness thing i wanna circle back to a second, though, because it's my ultimate point: for all of this, for all of his flaws and his fears and his kindness, what the heart of his actual issue that needs addressing is is that loneliness. if you bring manfred back, he'll tell rook, you know, that he has pangs for what might have been, but seeing manfred grow and his excitement for his new magic and getting to be an apprentice mage is something he wouldn't change for the world. if unromanced he stumbles into one, anyway, full of adventure that wouldn't necessarily be the kind he'd find himself in, in his daily, normal life. his genuine distress toward the beginning, after he's recruited, when he feels like he's being judged and shut out (his commentary on other people's commentary on his skulls and manfred, his and taash's issues finally coming to a head).
like this man is lonely, y'all, and looking for human connection, and i don't think he entirely realizes it as the core of that overwhelming sense of dread. thinking about all his little notes in the codices, like...outside of lecture notes there's always some mention of someone from the veilguard in them, davrin and silly questions, or harding and burning the dead, or how davrin showed him flowers he's only seen in herbalism books and how excited he is for that. and if he turns to lichdom, he loses all of that. he loses manfred, and he does not get over it. instead he gets, like, five minutes of euphoria and then it's people finding him crying over manfred in his room and the deep regret when even spite confronts him about how manfred should be there.
so...yeah. that's a lot of words to say i don't think lichdom solves anything, and in fact actually probably makes things worse, because sure, he gets to live forever. with everyone around him that he loves dying, no manfred, and in the end he'll still end up alone, which is the core of the issue, i think.
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moethewriter · 1 year ago
You are an absolutely sensational writer!! I am obsessed with all of your fics rn, so amazing!! :)
If possible, please could you write a fic with the angst prompts 6, 20 and 22, with Finnick?
If not no worries! I look forward to reading all your future work <3
Of course I can anon! This one is a long one and almost made me cry, so buckle up and I hope you enjoy! TITLE: The things we love, always sting the most WORD COUNT: 2.3k PAIRING: Finnick Odair x Reader WARNING: Possible character death, talks of killing another person, angst, poison, the whole works! TAGS: Lot's of angst, canon violence, possible poisoning, fighting, possible character death.
A/N: So this was a sad one to write my friends! I hope you enjoy, not beta read as always and I take constructive criticism as per usual! -
You were breathless as you headed towards the jungle with Katniss, Peeta, Mags and Finnick. The fight at the cornucopia had been brutal. Weapons had flown from every direction, and you had fallen into the water. You weren’t the biggest fan of being wet but there wasn’t anything you could do about that now.
You were lost in your own thoughts as you walked further. You had just watched people you had known for years fall in seconds. People you had been friends with … your district partner, Hyvar, had died. You hoped that Johanna, Wiress and Beetee were safe, somewhere they could regroup and find their way to you. You had watched people you had known for years fall in seconds. You just hoped that Johanna, Wiress and Betee had all found one another and were safe as they could be.
The sound of the cannon going off made your body shrivel, almost as if it had transported you back to your own games. You had been sixteen and forced to kill people … kill other children, and that canon was a stark reminder that it wasn’t over yet. It would never be over.
At least you had Finnick, the one person who kept you sane throughout everything. You hadn’t watched his games, your mother not allowing you to watch such senseless acts of violence, she had always been against the games. It was strange to stand side by side with him in this, but you were grateful for his presence.
Another cannon went off.
“Well I guess we're not holding hands anymore.” Finnick chuckled, a small smile spreading across his face. 
“Finnick.” You snapped, trying to shut that thought down. 
Those people were the few in this world who understood what it was like to be a Victor, a pawn for the Capitol. Some of them had been your friends. 
“You think that's funny?” Katniss questioned him, a passive look on her face. You couldn’t quite read her yet, but you knew that she wasn’t happy. 
“Every Time that cannon goes off it’s music to my ears.” Finnick said, as though that should be obvious. He was steady, not swaying, clearly in game mode. “I don’t care about any of them.”
“That’s-” You started …
But Katniss pulled a sword from its sheath.
“Good to hear.” She said, simply, face remaining unchanged. 
“No.” You said raising your hands between them, you were all supposed to be allies … fighting together in this moment. There needed to be some semblance of peace, even if it was tentative and rocky. “We may not like this, but we're allies, right? So let’s act like allies.” You felt as though you were parenting two young stubborn children.
For the first time in a long time you didn’t understand what was going through his head, what was his game here and why hadn’t he talked to you about it? You had been together since you were both eighteen, now twenty four, and while this situation wasn’t ideal … you felt as though he flipped a switch in his mind. This side of him wasn’t something you particularly liked, and you certainly didn’t want to play peacekeeper if they were going to be at each others throats.
“Right.” Finnick said. “Besides, what would Haymitch say?”
“Haymitch isn’t here.” Katniss gritted her teeth.
“Let’s keep moving.” Peeta spoke up, starting to move from his spot.
You were thankful that someone else was level headed.
You all moved deeper into the jungle, silence falling over the group. The sound of crunching leaves, and dirt being the only thing filling the air. Your games had been in a desert terrain, so you felt out of your element. You were used to sand, rocks and dunes covering the earth around you, not thick and lush jungle. At least the trees provided better cover than some rocks, though water was proving just as difficult to find.
After long hours of walking you had found a place to secure Mags so everyone could go off and find some food or water. You weren’t particularly fond of the thought of splitting up, not trusting that Katniss and Peeta would come back, and not trusting yourself alone with Finnick, you were still angry about the interactions on the beach.
You walked with Finnick in silence, eyes and ears peeled for the sound of moving animals or the possible sighting of berries. It felt awkward to be alone with him, but … you loved him, you couldn’t deny that.
“Hey.” Finnick said, grabbing your hand lightly.
“Don’t touch me.” You snapped, anger in your voice. “What the hell was that? Treating Katniss and Peeta that way? Talking about the other tributes like that? They’re our allies, Finnick, don’t fucking play coy with me here. I’m not an idiot and neither are you, maybe try harder?” You sucked in a breath, hoping to calm yourself down,
“No. Finnick I love you, I do … just try harder with them, she’s distrustful and we don’t need that.” You said, finally looking at him.. “We don’t need to talk about this right now. I just … just give me some space. I’m angry. I don’t want to be angry with you.” You told him, pinching the bridge of your nose.
The Capitol was watching, Snow was watching. You didn’t need Finnick or yourself sorting through emotional baggage or providing entertainment by fighting for the world to see.
Finnick had a persona, that was something you knew. But that wasn’t Finnick, and what you couldn’t understand is why he didn’t want to be himself. Was it the sponsors? Was it the fact that everyone could see your every move in here? You hadn’t been able to talk much before entering the arena, so you only knew the basis of what he was going to do, and the plan Haymitch had told you.
Gods above, that plan. How in the hell were you going to make sure that Katniss and Peeta got out of this alive if they barely trusted you? There was so much that needed to be done in here, and you couldn’t do it alone. But Finnick was not helping in the slightest, or that’s what you felt like. ,
“Listen …” He tried.
“We should get back to Mags, there isn’t any food here … hopefully they found some water or something.” You sent him a small hopeful look, before turning back towards where you came from.
Peeta almost dying was not something that you had accounted for. The forcefield had shot him back out of nowhere, and the amount of time you had all spent desperately trying to help him breathe again had been agony. 
This game felt far worse than anything you had gone through before. It was clear that something was off about the whole arena, you just weren’t sure what it was yet. 
“Do you hear that?” Finnick whispered, looking towards the trees. 
You hadn’t, but you immediately jumped into action and grabbed your sword. You were always on high alert, and you weren’t going to let anything touch anyone here. 
“I’ll go check it out and meet you guys back here, later.” You said, moving to stand. You needed some time to breathe, and protecting everyone was the main priority. In your mind this was a win-win situation. 
“You can’t go alone.” Finnick, protested standing to go with you.
You held up your hand to stop him. “Finn, stay here … protect Mags and everyone else. I can handle myself.” You told him.
You weren’t sure what was out there, no one was, but you had your chosen weapon and a spiteful rage deep within you. You were sure you could handle what was to come.
“Y/N-” He tried to protest again.
“They need protection. I’ll be fine.” You told him, heading off towards the woods on your own. 
You kept low as you crept through the jungle, looking for what could have alerted Finnick. Your eyes barely adjusted to the darkness that surrounded you, a stark contrast to the bright lights of the fire you had been in front of just moments ago. You kept walking, caution lacing every move you made. 
The jungle felt far too quiet as you made your way towards a clearing, how far had you gone from camp? Nothing around you seemed familiar anymore and you weren’t sure why … What the hell was going on?
“Shit!” You felt a small sting in your leg, and looked down … had something stung you? 
You felt dizzy as you braced yourself against a large tree trunk, you couldn’t feel your hands … you couldn’t feel anything?
Your eyes dropped slowly as your body slumped down towards the ground and darkness finally took over
“I say, we take them out next.”
“We can’t just do that … they could prove useful … I mean have you seen them with a sword?”
You awoke with a start, heart racing as you looked around … where was Finnick? You moved through the moss and spotted them all around a fire.
“They are useless to everything … the rebellion. Kill them and we get ourselves out of here. They are collateral damage.””
You felt your heart stop …that was Finnick’s voice … and he had to be talking about you, there was no one else you could think of.
“That’s smart.”
Peeta? What was going on?
“Good then when they fall asleep tonight that’s when we strike, they won’t know what hit them.”
Finnick’s smirk sent chills down your spine, how could he be doing this? How could he even think about betraying you … didn’t he love you?
Your eyes fluttered open and you let out a loud scream, throwing yourself away from the blonde man in front of you. Your body was hot, everything around you felt like fire and despite what people thought … you weren’t going down without a fight. Not against anyone, even Finnick. 
“Y/N?! What’s going on? We searched for you all night …we lost Mags … there was fog …” Finnick rambled, his eyes wild and bewildered at the sight of you. He looked like had been crying. 
You knew he was trying to distract you … he had to be. There was no other explanation after what you had seen. He was trying to manipulate you with the use of Mags and the pathetic way he stood. 
“I don’t know who you are anymore, Finnick Odair.” You spat, holding out your sword, stretching it forward as far as you could. “But I heard what you were talking about all night, and I am not going down without a fight, you think I’m going to sit here and talk about bullshit then you’re so wrong.” Your hands were shaking, your whole body trembled in fear.
Your head hurt, and your body felt light … something had happened in the forest and you weren’t sure what did … but there was no way you were losing your life to someone you thought you loved, and who you thought loved you.
“Y/N? What the hell is going on? What happened in those woods?” Finnick questioned, a look of concern filling his face.
“Like I’d tell you anything!” You snapped, raising the sword a little higher. “You proved last night that you didn't love or care about me! You just want me dead!” You cried, tears falling from your eyes
“What?! Of course I love you! We came to find you, you had been gone for an hour! I was worried. Finnick cried, his own tears falling down his cheeks. “We only just got to you because last night we were chased by swarming monkeys and almost died due to poisonous fog?! How could you have heard anything we said, you were miles away! We searched high nd low!!” Finnick cried, trying to reach his hands out to you.
“Any closer and I’ll put this sword through your heart.” Your own heart was racing, unsure of what to believe anymore … you felt dazed and confused and disorientated, nothing felt real anymore. 
“Don’t you trust me?” Finnick whispered, heartbreak lacing every word that he spoke.
“I don’t know.” You sobbed.
Your body felt like it was on fire, every inch you moved was agony … you were going to die in here whether it was by Finnick or something else taking you out. You weren’t going to make it to the rebellion.
Loud sobs echoed through the forest as you dropped to your knees, body finally giving out on you.
Finnick was over to you in seconds, not caring if you fought him off with knives or threats of violence. He pulled you to his chest and you trembled against him, sweat lacing your brows.
“It’s okay … It’s okay. I got you.” Finnick whispered, rocking you both. “God Y/N I can’t lose you in here, I can’t. I lost Mags already, you have to fight whatever happens. You have to know that I love you.” He sobbed, holding you as close as possible. 
“I can’t” You thrashed desperately trying to pull away from him, out of fear or something else, you didn’t know. “I can’t!” 
“Please.” Finnick begged, keeping his grip on you.
You stopped fighting in that moment, letting yourself fall against him, your body felt numb and you didn’t think you had it in you to keep going. 
The sky seemed bluer in that moment as you looked towards it, it was gorgeous as the sun shone through the trees. Finnick’s face filled your vision and you felt a warmth overtake you … you were safe … you had to be … he didn’t really want to kill you did he?
“I love you.” Finnick said, voice hoarse as his hand traced the edges of your face. “Please stay.”
“I love you.”  You told him.
The jungle was quiet again, too quiet despite the long eventful night and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of cannon fire in the air.
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valiantstarlights · 2 years ago
Wedding planner AU where Dream is getting married to Calliope, and the wedding planner is Hob, the one that got away.
Calliope's mom Mnemosyne calls Constantine's, which is one of the best (if not the actual best) wedding planning company in the country, but it just so happens that both Johannas (the founder and her granddaughter) have been booked for a royal wedding in a foreign country.
Whose royal wedding, you ask? Why, King Tristan of Stormhold to Yvaine the movie star, of course! Oh, but you absolutely shouldn't worry, Mrs. Muse. Mr. Robert Gadling is practically family to the Johannas, and he's our next best wedding planner. He did the Fell-Crowley wedding, you know, and that was the most talked-about event last year!
Mnemosyne begrudgingly agrees to book a non-Johanna, and so Hob is tasked to plan the Muse-Endless wedding.
Hob sees the clients' surnames and thinks that it might be Destruction or Delirium getting married to one of Mrs. Muse's many daughters. And sure, maybe he'll see Dream on the date of the wedding itself, but...well, maybe Dream won't even show. Hob knows he hates going to family gatherings, and if he learns that Hob is gonna be there, then all the more reason for him not to attend.
But yeah, he's not gonna say no to the job. The Muse and the Endless family are both fucking loaded. The amount of money and prestige Hob would receive would set him for life. (Or like, half his life, if he decides to buy like a ten yachts or something.)
Hob goes to meet both matriarchs of the family (as well as the couple about to get married) on the balcony area of the most fuck-off-poor-people restaurant in the city. The wedding is like months away, but he knows rich people like planning everything down to the tiniest detail.
Hob is an old hand at this now, though, and so he comes prepared and armed with theme ideas (with pictures), a list of wedding and reception locations (also with pictures and an interactive map), pictures from the past weddings he planned, fucking pinterest boards and the contact numbers of fashion designers--you name it.
He is dressed like he's meant to be there (since he can afford that kind of shit now), and even his briefcase is designer. He looks very impressive, is the point, and for this job, he has to be.
Hob gets there and is led to the balcony area. But he doesn't even see the spectacular view the place boasts of, because a figure wearing all black catches his eye, and it's Dream.
He looks just like he always did, so very beautiful and untouchable, holding himself with grace and quiet dignity. It reminds Hob of when he first saw Dream in the university library some...what, ten, fifteen years ago now?
Hob once again feels like a dirty commoner, especially when he spots Dream holding a pretty girl's left hand on top of the table, and on her ring finger is a large, borderline gaudy diamond ring.
Dream does not even notice Hob until Mrs. Muse spots him lingering near their table, frozen in place. And then Dream turns, his eyes widen, and his face goes through a series of microexpressions.
But too many years have gone by for Hob to be able to read them accurately.
And anyway, it doesn't matter.
It has been made clear to him that the two of them would never work.
It's fine. Hob is here to plan a wedding--Dream's wedding, apparently, and that's all he's going to do.
He smiles like it's his first time seeing everyone sitting on the table, and marches forward.
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writing-for-life · 2 years ago
Thessaly, Johanna and a weird meta about musical motifs (amongst other things)
Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
As a little intro: A lot of people in the fandom want to see Thessaly cut from the TV adaptation, or at least see her changed substantially. I am not necessarily one of them because I don’t think it’s always necessary to blur the lines between fiction and reality that way, and I would be alright with portraying her in a similar way as in the Audible adaptation (where a lot of things have already been changed to make her character more palatable to 21st century audiences). It would also make Morpheus look a bit less morally grey (I mean, he falls in love with someone who is essentially a terrible person, knows it and doesn’t seem to give a shit. Then again, he often is morally grey, and people like to forget that ;)).
Having gotten that out of the road: I *do* think that “A Game of You” is hard to translate to the screen. I absolutely love it in the comics, but I think it’s one of those arcs that is tricky to do well for TV. I’d even go as far as saying it might be a dealbreaker for some people who haven’t read the comic/are show audience only, and it might jeopardise a potential S3. Not because of Thessaly or the plot as such, but because it operates on a similar plane as The Doll’s House, which was jarring to a lot of people in S1. And The Doll’s House has a far more straightforward arc and more Morpheus in it—AGoY has none of these things. I’d personally love to see it, but I would also love to see Morpheus’ full arc being brought to the screen, so I am a bit conflicted. I still think, and of course that’s just a personal opinion, that it would be best to just have little bits and bobs inserted into Season of Mists and do the whole Cuckoo arc as an animation, but that’s just me.
@tickldpnk8 and I already speculated wildly about S2, and sole speculation it is, but maybe you want to check out that post. I’m getting carried away here...
After that longwinded intro: Are we going to get Johanna instead of Thessaly?
What I actually wanted to write about is why the longer I think about it (and I’ve been thinking about it since S1, I'm really that sad), the more I can’t shake the feeling that they *will* replace Thessaly with Johanna. And the fandom is totally divided about it—some love the idea because they had undeniable chemistry in S1, others hate it for various reasons (doing Johanna dirty, keeping Thessaly "intact"--you name it).
I personally think it might actually elevate the story because it would make Morpheus look better (*if* that's what we want--I'm not really sure I do), and that’s what show-only-fans seemingly gravitate towards. As already hinted at, Thessaly/Murphy always seemed a rather unfathomable relationship, and it didn’t just make Murph look stupid, but also, as already mentioned, morally grey and not very discerning in his choice of women (hmm, maybe he just isn’t ;)).
Falling for Johanna wouldn’t be any of this. And it would be so easy to show why it went horribly wrong without making either of them look bad, and you could still feel for both of them. If we think about Johanna’s worst nightmare (literally), it’s what happened to Astra. So she would absolutely and unequivocally support someone like Lyta, who worries about her child. And she would do it for all the right reasons, and not because she’s a selfish bitch who just wants a longer life or is generally spiteful.
And it wouldn’t be hard for Morpheus and Johanna to hook up either. They could even leave the original idea intact: Thessaly just dreamed of him, and they started talking in dreams, bla bla bla. We already have the set-up for that in S1. Morpheus took away Johanna’s nightmare. She could just be grateful, relieved, whatever, and dream of him. Done. And we don’t even need to explain that at great length, because in the comics, we never really see them hook up anyway and just find things out after the deed. Although I personally *want* to see them get hot and heavy on screen, but that’s just me having my mind in the gutter because why would you not to show two sexy people with so much chemistry doing exactly that. However, I’ll survive the disappointment if they don’t—just 😂
But it’s not just the plot. It’s also everything we’ve seen in S1. I have already talked about this in other threads, most recently with @orionsangel86, but literally every shot with them in S1 was framed as a romance shot: the proximity, the play on height difference, the camera angles, the lighting. These are deliberate choices, either to hint at what’s to come, or to set up a distraction, MacGuffin, whatever.
Then the mention of “None of us can be trusted.”
Or the RAIN. I mean, I am so surprised no one has commented on that waterfall of RAIN when they say goodbye (or I’ve just not seen it). You cannot read the comics and ever believe again that Morpheus and rain, no matter where, doesn’t hint at terrible relationship outcomes.
Musical themes, oy!
But the thing that really got me was the use of musical motifs, and I am unfortunately showing my background from a former life here because I can never listen to a movie soundtrack without getting analytical about it. Johanna’s theme is called “Johanna & Rachel”, and it would be easy to just think of it as that. And yes, it is a love theme, but it doesn’t just play for Johanna and Rachel. It plays in Morpheus’ and Johanna’s last scene as well.
And here’s the kicker: Dream’s and her theme complete each other, as in: They both have what the other one is missing. They are musically extremely close, but not identical. Let me explain:
If you think of the opening lines of both of their motifs in scale degrees (like 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-(1)), they look/sound as follows:
Johanna (her motif begins right at the start, so I didn't timestamp it)
1-(minor3)-7-(2)-(1) | 1-(major3)-m7-1
If I put all of “her” scale degrees in a row, they are: 1-2-3-7
Dream (you actually hear his leitmotifs, and their subtle differences, best in his scenes with John Dee):
1-(7)-(6)-(5)-(4) | 1-(7)-(6)-2 (video is timestamped)
1-(7)-(6)-(5)-(aug4) | 1-(7)-(6)-2 (video is timestamped)
If I put all of “his” scale degrees in a row, they are: 1-2-4-5-6-7
Morpheus is missing the third (3). Missing the third, which s considered one of the most consonant intervals and DYNAMIC, also hints at his character, but that just as an aside.
Johanna has the third (both in its minor and major form). 
Johanna is missing the fourth, fifth and sixth.
Morpheus has them, in various forms (major and augmented—especially augmented intervals are highly unstable and create a lot of friction).
What they share/have in common are 1, 2 and 7:
The tonic (1) is what everything else hinges on. The supertonic (2) is musically fraught with tension and seeks to resolve into the tonic--back to base or a conclusion/resolution, if you will. The seventh (7), both as a leading note or subtonic, is also that: Tension that needs resolved.
So all they have in common is tension that needs to resolve into some sort of resolution.
(And before we are pointing out the obvious: of course both tunes have more notes in it respectively, but we are talking about the main motifs.)
What’s also super interesting is where their overall themes are going. Johanna’s is initially darker, but it actually has a lot of ascending lines and “light” before plunging back into darkness.
Morpheus’ seems a lot more regal (for lack of better term), but the lines are mostly descending. This becomes even more apparent when we are not just listening to the opening theme, but to the several variations of his theme (his presence can be felt literally everywhere, even in Desire's theme).
It just freaked me out majorly the moment I heard it for the first time in contrast. But I like to over-interpret musical stuff because I just hear it so clearly. I *do* believe that composers do these things on purpose, even if just subconsciously, because we can't separate what we know about a character from how we perceive them musically (I do it as well). Of course that doesn’t always mean that it’s exactly the purpose I am thinking of, or that it hints at whatever is to come. My brain tends to run away with these things.
But yes, musically, they are totally "on track", so let's run with it. I'll admit my embarrassment later when this all goes into a completely different direction ;)
(Also tagging @honeyteacakes in this since I encroached on your comments recently)
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shelaghdette · 1 year ago
ctm s13e06 thoughts (spoilery, sweary, sleep deprived, scottish)
actual pisstake. frothing at the mouth. rabid. feral. unhinged. not being normal.
first of all, the episode.
matthew aylward is an absolutely abhorrent fiend. every single time his face showed up on the screen, me & my pals on the discord server were POURING abuse into the chat. callin this man the worstest names in the world. truly the minginest bloke ive ever seen. imagine shouting at my best pal trixie franklin (who is your beautiful gorjiss wife) just because she tried to help solve a problem YOU created. DIAF matthew aylward.
speaking of new faces, love aw the wee pupil midwives passing their exams!! so excited to see wee rosalind and wee joyce as permanent staff at nonnatus!!!
speaking of cyril tho, he's an absolute legend and was serving so much cunt this episode. 100% lad. love how nice he was to the poor irish wummin & her barins.
also doctor turner talking about his old arthritic knees like he doesn't know what a temptation that is for me as a recovering dilf addict. scrum diddly umptious. i had to go and have a lie down and a valium after that blatant and violent assault on my mental health.
speaking of scrum diddly umptious and the turners, costume designer putting shelagh turner in lesbian flag colours THE ENTIRE EPISODE and teasing all the gay lassies who have taste? cruel and unusual punishment. i fancy her so much. at least it was acknowledged how bonny she was in this one (and every one) (cheers sister v you queen)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
speaking of the turners also, it's fabulous to see all of my stepchildren safe and well, especially my best and favourite wee lassie may <3 i know we're probably coming up for some pretty harrowing stories about her, so it was awfy gid to see thon wee smile for a moment.
finally: loved seeing sheelz in her element on the old johanna whacking oot the jesus bangers wi the local weans SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA TO THE KING OF KINGS!! GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP KEEP IT BURNING 🔥 🕺🏼💃👯‍♂️
fuckall but slay.
god bless my ctm luvvas. catch yis aw in a fortnight. big kissies to all (especially my wifey sheely turny)
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sillymarigolds · 2 years ago
Peeta's Proposal
Here's my piece for @promptseverlark's Summer 'This Would Have Happened Anyway'. For someone who's not draw to reading or writing AUs, I've sure been doing a lot of it lately!
It was good to have something to "force" me to write, but I think my favourite thing about this challenge has been reading the amazing works! It's pushed me to read things that I might have otherwise scrolled past, but have really enjoyed. There are incredibly talented people in this community!!
Without further ado...
What if Peeta and Katniss had both been rescued and taken to District Thirteen at the conclusion of the Quarter Quell? This story takes place around the time of events in the early chapters of Mockingjay.
Peeta's Proposal
I’m not sure how long it takes for my reality to sink in. The loss of natural daylight and knowledge I am underground makes me feel like an animal trapped in a Capitol laboratory.
Despite everyone around me telling me I am safe, I continue to feel watched. I look for hidden cameras in the ceilings and the walls; wondering if I am being broadcast on to District Thirteen’s version of Capitol TV.
The first thing I remember was the hospital ward. I found out later from Prim that it took the doctors over a week to wake me up properly. I spent much of that time under the influence of large doses of morphling.
Each day I get a small white capsule of morphling with my breakfast. Prim tells me there are small lines if you look closely to indicate the dose. She says they are weaning me off it slowly because that is the safest thing to do. I tried to stop suddenly a few days ago on my own and felt terrible – it felt like my skull was being split open, my joints were aching and my eyes and nose kept watering. So I take the pill and squeeze my eyes closed swallowing it with a gulp of recycled water.
Even on the morphling, I continue to have pain. Some days, it’s my head that aches where Johanna knocked me out, other days it’s everywhere all at once. One of the doctors here is a specialist in the mind; he tried explaining to me that pain is a signal and sometimes there is no clear physical cause. I guess that is why I am wearing this bracelet to signify I am “mentally unstable”.
The only thing that truly calms me down is Peeta. I have to wait until very late at night when there are only a few people left in the hospital ward and tread silently to his room. Most of the time he is already asleep, his blond curls softly heaped up on his forehead. He is exhausted more than the rest of us, and they have him on special monitors that watch his heart. Apparently, the doctors have never known anyone to survive touching a forcefield, and Prim says they sit around and talk about the shapes of the lines, and how quick his heart beats. As good natured as ever, Peeta doesn’t mind much and asks the doctors questions every now and then. I take it upon myself to be suspicious of them, so I do not speak to the doctors unless absolutely necessary.
Peeta is already asleep tonight to the melody of the soft beeps of the monitors when I peek behind the door. He is curled up on his side with the blanket rolled down, anticipating my arrival. Seeing him prepared like this makes me want to laugh at how well he knows me, but that thought is quickly overcome by tears that spring up into my eyes over this boy that is so good, and that I have already almost lost so many times. I crawl in next to him, pressing my back against his stomach and pulling the blanket up over both of us. The warmth from his belly travels right up my spine and settles around my heart. The beeps slow, a heaviness settles into my body, and before I know it, I am pulled into a dreamless sleep.  
As soon as we are all discharged from the hospital, we receive summons from Plutarch to join a meeting in Command to discuss the next phase of the Revolution. I have yet to see the full extent of District Thirteen. I have only seen the inside of the hospital, our family’s assigned compartment, the dining hall, and a few supply closets big enough to hide in until today. I don’t know how deep they have buried into the rock here, but I did have to squeeze Peeta’s hand in the elevator ride down here, the air feeling like it was being squeezed out of my chest as we descended deeper under the earth.
It turns out there are far more people involved in the Revolution than I would have guessed. I am impressed by the acting skills. It makes me a little annoyed to think of Haymitch being right to keep me in the dark about all this – my ability to keep a straight face in a lie is, after-all, non-existent.
We are sat around a long rectangular table in the Command Room of District Thirteen – a combination of Victors, Rebels and District Thirteen leaders. Each of us is dressed in the utilitarian grey shirt and trousers, but the groupings remain distinct. The Victors are weary, suspicious; the Rebels hopeful, fiery; the District Thirteen personnel silent and soldier-like in their mannerisms.
While I am told they are grateful for the new arrivals, the original District Thirteen residents keep to themselves. This is the first time I have been in a room with many of them up close. Prim told me there was a poxvirus that wiped out large numbers of their original population. Here in the dark room, the light from the screens on the walls reflects off old scars on some of their faces.
At the head of the table is President Coin, a middle-aged woman with copper eyes and straight, grey hair that falls to her shoulders in a sheet. Her hands are folded on top of the table, her lips pursed. To her right, sits Plutarch Heavensbee, his belly pulling at the buttons of his shirt, leaning back in his chair behind a pile of papers scattered across the desk in front of him.
Trying to be the model of democracy, after standing up and waving us in and telling us how wonderful it is to see us all – I think how pleased Effie would be at his manners, and quickly discard the thought before I start thinking about what has become of her –, Plutarch asks us for ideas about how to stir up loyalty in the districts.
For all their soldiers, personnel and intelligence gathering, District Thirteen have not had a Head Gamemaker here to figure out how to play with all the pieces in this new arena.  
Plutarch’s question is met with silence.
I turn to look at each of the Victors seated at the table.
Finnick, looking slightly unhinged, ties knots over and over in a short length of rope without making eye contact with anyone.
Johanna clenches her jaw, her fists balled up, intermittently smacking them into her thighs, eyes angrily darting around.
Beetee taps away on a small electronic machine, muttering to himself and seemingly oblivious to the presence of anyone else.
Haymitch may look the worst of all of us, as he has spent up until now drying out in a padded cell. He barely registers a hint of recognition when I look at him, his eyes bloodshot.
Finally, I come to Peeta who is immediately to my left. He is already looking at me with soft eyes. When our eyes lock glances, his gaze sharpens and becomes questioning. I feel my brow furrow a little, but the corners of my lips pull upwards.
Once upon a time, we talked about the same solution under very different circumstances.
Peeta feels out for my hand under the table, taking it in his and rubbing small circles across the back of it. He has always known how to play the games without being told, so for once, I trust his instincts, and squeeze his hand gently to tell him so.   
“Katniss and I can get married” Peeta announces.
Knowing what was coming doesn’t stop my tongue from becoming paper dry, my hands from starting to shake and my heart from thumping away in my chest as if I was trying to outrun a wild dog. I look down at the table, tracing the woodgrain with my eyes to try and calm myself.  
Plutarch claps his hands with delight, “Yes, I love it! In fact…” he rustles through the haphazard pile of papers, “I think our friend had just the same idea.”
He pulls out a drawing, ragged along one edge where it has been ripped from its journal and hands it to me. Drawn in Cinna’s hand are two figures – one in a long, white gown, with a glittering gold sash across the shoulder, and a sheer gold cape that falls to the ends of the fingers; the other in a white shirt and formal jacket with black trousers that have what looks like a gold sash around the top. This is me and Peeta. The tears in my eyes threaten to spill over onto the paper, but I swallow them back so as not to destroy this final piece of Cinna. I clutch it to my chest as if to quiet the palpitations, wishing my friend was here with me too.
When I look back up at the faces around the table, I am met by a mix of expressions. While Plutarch is clearly delighted at the prospect of a party, there are dark looks on the faces of many of the District Thirteen delegates.
It dawns on me that here, underground, they may have not seen the “star-crossed lovers of District Twelve”.
A thought that is confirmed when President Coin clears her throat and speaks: “Perhaps there is a more military strategy we can explore.” Plutarch waves her concern away, “Nonsense, Madam President, if we are to defeat the Capitol, we must beat them at their own game.”
“But how exactly will a marriage unite the districts?” asks one of the District Thirteen soldiers I don’t know the name of yet.
Plutarch turns to the solider and asks: “What is the antidote to fear?”
He stops to think for a few seconds, and replies “I don’t know, sir.”
“Hope,” comes a voice from the other end of the table – Gale’s voice. I try to catch his eye, but he stares straight ahead at Plutarch unwaveringly.
“Indeed! The districts know only fear from the Capitol, they do not know there is hope that the Captiol’s reign can be overturned. Much less that one can escape the Capitol like these two lovebirds have! If we give people in the districts hope, we can light a fire under this revolution which has until now only been smouldering quietly in the background.” Plutarch looks pleased at this monologue and mimes to the scribe to write it down.
“Well that’s all well and good, sir, but how exactly does a wedding nobody knows about do that?” asks the District Thirteen solider.
“Ah, well that’s an excellent question! One that our dear friend Beetee here can help answer.” He gestures to Beetee who continues tapping away, muttering to himself.
Plutarch clears his throat again, “Beetee”.
Beetee looks up, lifting his fingers off the machine and holding them in mid-air, before pushing his glasses back up his nose. “The broadcasts from the Capitol are secured through a system that was designed not to be breached…However, if someone could indeed break through that encoding, alternative messages could be broadcast to the Districts…Seeing I helped designed this system, I believe I can get through, it will just take some time…” he trails off and looks at his screen once again, beginning to tap on the keys.  
“So there you have it, we will have a wedding broadcast to all!” Plutarch claps his hands with finality.
President Coin clears her throat, “Thank you Mister Heavensbee. It’s now noon, we will reconvene at thirteen hundred hours for our next meeting as scheduled. Dismissed all.”
I watch as the District Thirteen soldiers and Gale file out instantly without a look in our direction.
I turn back to Peeta who is waiting to ask, “So do you want to kiss me, kick me, or kill me?”
I pause for a second before I answer.
“All three, I think.”
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year ago
Persona 5: Phantom Cat Pt2
Here we go with Part 2 of the Phantom Cat AU. I'll be covering the Confidants, plot changes, but also the potential of Poppy Playtime being more involved. Let's get started.
If I can sum up the Phantom Thieves' relationship with Joker in one word, it'll be protective. Even the Personas especially Arsène are no different. Ren does admit to once being human but everyone doesn't learn about his tragic backstory until after Okumura's Palace.
You can bet their ass they were disgusted upon finding out Playtime Co's inhumane experiments. It isn't uncommon for Ren to find one or more of his companions lay against him when he loafs around like a giant cat. Something the Thieves' Den makes easier as Leblanc's attic is not that spacious.
Morgana sympathizes with Ren the most. Both of them aren't human and won't be accepted by the outside world for it. Ren was lucky to find someone who raised him with kindness than just free the young man from a terrible fate. They're feline brothers, your honor.
Ryuji, Yusuke and Haru are three flavors of food friends. The former track star sneaking out for a daily run with Ren alongside the occasional ramen or snack food chow downs. His zoomies become manageable thanks to Ryuji. (Sojiro is still reeling from a hyper Ren pouncing on him.)
Yusuke enthusiastically introduces the living toy to the art world since he cannot visit a museum like a normal patron. Ren sometimes find himself being a muse for some of his paintings and usually portrayed as a peculiar enigma. The two always chow down on curry afterwards.
Gardening with Haru anyone? Ren always feel bad about how much money his new family have to spend just to keep him fed. (Futaba had a limit put on credit theft by Sojiro as he doesn't want both his kids to rely on illegal crime to survive.) Something Haru can understand since she has similar issues. The two bond over coffee together.
Emotional support Ann is a definite. The two constantly talk about facing their issues and ways to strengthen their heart. Ren is always happy to lend a ear whenever Ann has problems in her model career or updates about her friend Shiho's recovery. She gives good advice when the giant toy needs help getting Futaba used to the outside world.
Makoto is the socially awkward training partner. Both Ren and her don't have much experience with people outside their friend group so neither know what can be considered normal. The two hammer out each other's issues whenever possible or just vibe together.
All of the Persona in the group do their best to make Ren feel normal every time the group is together thus shenanigans are guaranteed. Carmen and Milady are the wine aunts who endorse the chaos. Necronomicon is his 2nd fellow prankster partner(Futaba is 1st).
Zorro, Johanna and Goemon being the only responsible adults most of the time. Captain Kidd is a sheer chaotic neutral as no one knows whether he'll start something or remain level headed. Finally we get to Arsène.
The poor pigeon hasn't been in this particular element before. Nonhuman Persona Users are a thing so it ain't that. Ren's heart can be considered a massive mess. Whatever was done to make him a living toy, it left something vile behind. Yet Ren continues to defy fate even with the leech latched onto his soul.
Thus Arsène can be a bit more aggressive when it comes to Ren's health. Always near the surface of his partner's subconscious whether to offer soothing words or protect him if needed. In the Thieves' Den, Arsène is usually found snuggled next to Ren with a cover around his knife heels.
Now most of Joker's Confidants are people he has to sought out. A more complicated affair due to not being human. There is actually one more Confidant he has mostly maxxed out and knows about his status: Tae Takami of the Death Arcana. (Yes I absolutely complete the whole thing early just to unlock Alice.)
Sojiro was concerned about Ren's health as they had no clue if or when health complications will occur. Thus it led to Tae becoming his secret doctor as she not only the closest but is trusted amongst the community for her skills. It was a very interesting conversation to say the least.
Now Ren is quite crafty when it comes to establishing his other bonds. Until he could shift into a more human size, Futaba prepared a special plushie with a built in-camera that he can talk through. The excuse being Ren is an hospital patient undergoing recovery after serious health complications and this toy helps him interact with the outside world.
Now onto plot changes, the deadlines alongside their consequences for failure remain the same. It's just not for the first two Palaces. Ren is still captured and put in the Interrogation section. Although it took the traitor attacking from the shadows to injure him enough for police to subdue the Bigger Body.
He's far more beat up, chained and has a specialized muzzle since Ren is a giant chloroform breathing cat toy monster. Can't forget the possibile dissection if he can't escape his fate. The plot for the Third Semester dances around the chance to be human again in his face. Ren doesn't take it of course.
For Scramble, he casually chills in everyone's bags and pull the special patient card to converse with others. Ren can still cook as it's a calming hobby for him alongside gardening. Plus the sight of a giant CatNap in an apron cooking was too hard to resist.
Also yes, I am in the 'Adopt Sophia' group cause she's precious. Especially when Ryuji got to say fuck just to defend her. Sophia definitely calls Ren 'kitty' but he really doesn't mind unlike Morgana. Yes, they do snuggle in the Thieves Den as no one shall avoid the cuddle pile.
Awkward dad Zenkichi anyone? Man absolutely flipped upon seeing Ren as he thought the whole report about 'Phantom Cat Joker' being a giant purple monster was a joke. Nope and you shall get your tired ass dragged into cuddles cause Ren smells stress.
The Persona also get more involved in the shenanigans too. Only Ren's confidants or those who delve into the Metaverse long enough can see much less interact with them. Best to keep Captain Kidd away from fireworks though. (There are special cases but that's for later.)
Before you ask, yes, Joker's main Showtime special is different. Instead of just blasting Shadows with Eiha, Ren breathes out chloroform smokescreen and bursts forth alongside Arséne to come down on their targets like a predator. The attack retains the Curse element but does Physical damage too. A Two in One type combo.
Tactica's plot remains the same however every target views Ren with disgust. All saying there is an 'chimeric abomination' latched onto his heart. The enemies also target him more than Erina and the other thieves.
Speaking of her, she does think Ren is a cat who again doesn't really mind much. Toshiro absolutely freaks out and takes awhile to get used to him. Gameplay wise, Ren is mostly the same except he has more movement options to fit his feline Bigger Body.
Pouncing on further away enemies, inflict Sleep status in large groups, and his Phantom Judge special turns into Phantom Roar. An attack where Ren breathes out a massive cloud of chloroform for Arséne to convert into a Eiha powered explosion. Not only does it do massive damage but also has a high chance of inflicting Sleep status on targets.
Finally we move onto Poppy Playtime. If you guys were paying close attention, then the signs should be obvious. Something is connected to Ren and his past holds the answers. Thus the Phantom Thieves of Hearts visit the Playtime Co Factory to see if they can help their friend. He had been experiencing vivid nightmares which all link to this place.
Now the factory isn't the same like in the game. For unknown reasons, the place has become a pseudo-Mementos linked to the collective consciousness of the various souls who linger inside. Thus the factory has potential to shift anyone in the affected areas in or out the Metaverse side without warning.
A chance of Shadow attacks are not only high but there is a possibility that something even deadlier lurks inside. There are occasions where it is required to travel through this dangerous 'Labyrinth' to progress deeper. (Can't have them blazing through the place.)
Everyone split into two groups so they can cover more ground. Group 1: Ren, Yusuke, Ann, Makoto; and Group 2: Morgana, Haru, Ryuji, Futaba. They'll be encountering characters who not only appear in Poppy Playtime but also Project Playtime. Player character is there too so the Phantom Thieves will meet them.
Guaranteed canon divergence as some of the Poppy Playtime cast might not even encounter the game protagonist. The Phantom Thieves won't ignore someone in need *looks at one particular character* and don't kill their targets. For them, living with guilt for one own sins is a fate worse than death.
New players have entered the game that neither groups could ever foreseen. Can the Phantom Thieves of Hearts solve the mystery and shut down this the factory's immense distortion? Only the phantom cat will determine victory or defeat.
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ask-felix-aberg · 5 months ago
Johanna had been busy stressing over exams, locked up in her RoR for weeks. When she finally emerged, bleary-eyed but enthusiastic at her success she realized in utter horror she had missed some birthdays, including one of her lovely housemates.
She scrambled around in desperation trying to figure out what he would like. "Oh Merlin help me!" she would often sigh.
But then it hit her like a truck. She knew what to do.
A goat walks into your bedroom, a sack strapped to his side. He is being led by a floating piece of his favorite invasive shrub. The sack has your name on it, in flashing magical colors.
Inside you find freshly baked lemon bars, a little knit scarf for your owl, a fresh batch of wiggenwelds, some fossils from the shore, and a detailed journal on some ancient magic sites with some possible archeological finds. A card also reads:
Hey Felix, sorry for the late birthday wishes. I hope you had an amazing day. I know we don't talk much but I think you're amazing.
Happy birthday again!
Ps: if you ever want a exploring buddy sometime...I'm down
Felix was hunched over his desk, utterly engrossed in his homework, scribbling in the pages of his book when the door to his room creaked open. Without looking up, he muttered absentmindedly, "How was your shift, Als? Did the Hospital Wing keep you busy?"
When no answer came, the Ravenclaw frowned slightly, but before he could ask again, a familiar sound reached his ears.
His quill froze mid-scribble. Slowly, Felix looked up from his book, or rather down, and nearly fell off his chair. A goat, staring right back at him, stood in the middle of his room. How did animals keep finding a way in here?
Felix rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. The colour of the fur... could it be? Hesitantly, he approached the animal and kneeled down beside it. "Als?" he asked, half expecting his friend to have been transformed. The creature stared back blankly, offering no response. Felix sighed in relief and gently patted its head.
That's when he noticed the flashing sack with his name in glowing, vibrant colours on it. Felix raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued, and peeked inside. His eyes widened as a stunned sound escaped his lips - lemon bars! Wiggenweld potions and some fossils! Even a small knit scarf - too small for himself but the perfect size for Mademoiselle, he noticed. But what really caught his attention was an old journal. All of this... was for him? It was entirely too much.
At the bottom of the sack, he found a card, a smile slowly spread across his face as he read it. Jo had gone through all this trouble for him. Felix shook his head in disbelief, still amazed by the thoughtfulness.
With a soft whistle, Mademoiselle fluttered gracefully down onto his arm, as though she'd been waiting for him. "Look at you, Mademoiselle," Felix cooed, stroking her feathers. "You’re looking particularly radiant today. Have you been behaving?" Her haughty little huff said it all. Felix chuckled, unwrapping the small scarf from the sack.
"I have something for you," he said, watching as Mademoiselle squinted in his direction. He gently wrapped the scarf around her neck, admiring how perfectly it fit. "Now you look even more elegant," he said, patting and scratching her fondly. Mademoiselle preened, clearly pleased with herself.
Settling back at his desk, Felix took a bite of one of the lemon bars, letting out a hum of satisfaction. With the bar still between his lips, he picked up his quill and some parchment and began writing his reply.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─☆: .☽ . :☆─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Dear Jo,
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes - and for the many thoughtful gifts! I'm honestly speechless, especially since we don't know each other that well. (Yet!) I can't thank you enough - this must've cost a fortune! I'll definitely make it up to you!
I had a wonderful birthday, thanks to my friends - and now, thanks to you. :)
And yes, I am absolutely down for an adventure! In fact, I've heard rumours about some ruins on the other side of the Great Lake. The Wiggenweld potions will certainly come in handy for that!
Vi hörs!
P.S. The lemon bars are magnificent! P.P.S. What do I do with the goat?
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─☆: .☽ . :☆─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The Ravenclaw rolled up the note and secured it with a small piece of twine. But as he reached for Mademoiselle's foot, she began pecking at him, clearly unimpressed.
"Come on, Mademoiselle," Felix pleaded, flashing her a charming smile. "You look so fancy now, wouldn't you want as many people as possible to see that? Couldn't you be a dear and take this back to Jo for me? Pretty please?"
With a disdainful flap, Mademoiselle begrudgingly allowed Felix to tie the note to her leg. Felix grinned, patting her head affectionately. "That’s my girl."
And with that, Mademoiselle took off, soaring gracefully out the window.
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orionsangel86 · 2 years ago
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Part 5
How romantic it is to be defended by ones love!
My favourite century! This is where the show starts deviating more heavily from the comic and upping the heat on the subtext (probably why it remains a popular century in fandom especially for gifsets).
Firstly, the show makes some good choices by changing certain elements in order to increase character likeability, which I think were necessary tbh. In the show, Hob mentions getting into a “new trade” regarding shipping and slavery. He describes the process to Dream and is immediately scorned for it via the “poor thing” line. In the show, it is implied that Hob’s involvement in the Slave Trade is something new for him. Dream is immediately dismissive and judgemental of this (as we would expect any decent person to be). Hob initially defends himself “It’s just how its done.”  but agrees to consider Dream’s advice.
This is not how either the comic or the Audible audiobook go and honestly, I was surprised.
In both comic and audiobook, Hob brags about the slave trade. He talks gleefully about actually having a hand in starting it 200 years back. He’s proud of this. He’s completely repugnant in both comic and audiobook and it makes you want to punch him hard. Dream only makes the following comment: “You take pride in treating your fellow humans as less than animals?” but he is otherwise not dismissive or disgusted by these things. He is not judgemental, just curious and surprised. When Hob dismisses this question as it being “business”, Dream drops the topic. It isn’t until the very end of the scene after Johanna’s interuption that Dream tells Hob its “a poor thing...” and that is where both comic and audiobook leave it without giving Hob’s reaction to this line.
You can see why the show made the wise decision to change these things. I think it is another example of where the show is taking the story and characters in a softer, kinder, and more likeable direction. We have to remember that the show versions of Dream and Hob are NOT their comic counterparts. Both comic characters are unlikeable at times and Hob in particular is just generally a pretty shitty person. It is difficult to marry the two versions of Hob sometimes because Ferdie gives SUCH a likeable, warm, engaging performance. Yes, Show!Hob is still a slaver for a short while, and yes, that is absolutely not forgiveable and fandom would be wise to ensure that this is never downplayed or ignored, but I think it is worth mentioning that the show has made the decision to lessen his involvement in the slave trade compared to his comic counterpart. But we shall see where they decide to go with this particularly nasty part of show!Hob's history in future episodes.
I think the show in many ways is taking a more classical view of the Sandman characters - here are your good guys and here are your bad guys, here are the people we want you to love and root for, and here are the ones you should love to hate. The comic tends to keep the majority of characters in the middle ground of morally grey. They have a rather cynical viewpoint imo that works for a gritty graphic novel about a depressed eldritch entity. But that viewpoint wouldn't work so well in a high budget fantasy drama series with a desire to draw in as big an audience as possible.
Anyway, back to 1789. Aside from Tom and Ferdie acting like they want to climb each other all the way through this scene (the sexual tension is through the roof throughout), all of fandoms favourite elements here are new.
Whilst Hob does ask for Dream’s name again here in the comics, there is no response or reaction from Dream given before Lady Johanna interrupts them. In the show, it is clear that Dream is about to give an answer - Hob almost gets his name. This is - tropey. The interruption may be comic canon but the almost response to the answer you’ve been craving for 400 years isn’t. A brilliant little addition. The audience is on the edge of their seats wishing Dream would just tell Hob who he is dammit! It adds to the expectation that eventually Hob will get his name. Dream's identity reveal at this point is basically a Chekov's gun. Hob will get it, even if we don't see it happen.
Then we get the fight. There is no rambling from Hob about some Jack Constantine he knew, instead he is calmly making flirtatious jokes at Dream right in front of Lady Johanna’s salad. “I look terrible, you look worse.” The terrible drawing from 1689 is new for the show, as in the comic it is simply a description of the 1689 meeting that Johanna found. Making it a portrait instead gives the characters something to react to, and I do love how bad the caricatures are in the drawing. Though sorry Hob, but anyone can see that Dream absolutely does not look worse than you, and your teasing flirtations are kinda obvious.
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The two characters share catty side eye glances in silent communication as Lady Johanna talks which indicates how close and comfortable with each other they have become by this century.
When Hob jumps up to attack the thugs, he goes for the one with the knife at Dream’s throat first. Hob gets to be an action movie star for a short moment whilst Dream looks up at him in subtle delight. It’s glorious.
AND THEN Dream ONLY makes a move once he sees Lady Johanna has her blade at Hob’s throat.
In the comic, the minute the thugs get their blades out and Lady Johanna threatens them, Dream is like nope! Magic sand! Poof!
But the show, oh the glorious, brilliant, creators on the show, decided this was going to be a “partners defending each others lives” scene. They want to protect and defend each other! They care about each other.
And then we get this:
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GIF by ghorestes
Dream. Darling. Sweetheart. He may not have needed to, but you enjoyed it nevertheless.
“Clearly. Still, I didn’t want to be drinking here alone in 100 years time.”
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GIF by mrskillingjoke
(Thank you to all gifmakers by the way I am kissing you on the mouth for the gifts you give us)
LOOK AT HIM. We all obsess over these little moments I know, but this is CLEAR flirtation.
If there is a better example of *eye fucking* anywhere outside of a season 4 Destiel scene I have yet to come across it.
It doesn’t even stop there. Because right after the best example of *eye fucking* I have seen since season 4 Destiel is an honest to god proposition.
Hob: "So do you want to find another pub tonight?"
Dream: "She may have told others about our meeting. It wont be safe for you."
Hob: "Im perfectly safe. I can't die remember?"
Dream: "Aye, but you can be hurt or captured. We must be careful"
Hob: “Always.”
So what new info has the show given us with this scene?
On a surface level, Hob wants more time with Dream. He wants to find another pub to continue their date.
On a subtextual level, Hob is full of adrenaline from the fight and the mystery man he’s been obsessing over for 400 years is looking at him like he wants to jump his bones. He wants to find another place so they can continue their date, and possibly fuck until the adrenaline has worn off.
On a surface level, Dream cares about Hob’s safety. He doesn’t want them being seen together together outside of the tavern to draw attention to anymore of Lady Johanna’s goons.
On a subtextual level. This is 1789 Hob and they hang men for doing what you very clearly want to do, and it’s not safe with the additional attention Lady Johanna and her goons have put onto you. If I go with you now, they could follow and find us in more compromising positions. Don’t risk it.
In the comic at this point, I would argue that Hob is still nothing more than a curiosity to Dream. He does not show him any real affection or care, and certainly doesn’t comment on his safety at any point. Whilst comic!Hob at this point is clearly itching for more info on Dream, he doesn’t ever push for it, and he is never as focused on Dream as he is talking about other people he’s met and interacted with. They are barely friends.
But by 1789 in the show, we have genuine care for each other, camaraderie, a growing friendship, and arguably sexual attraction.
The other point to note is something I only realised after answering this ask the other day. Comic!Dream has never had anyone else truly care about him enough to rescue him or come to his defence since Alianora (and he basically married her). When Hob defends Dream in the show, its so impactful to Dream because this is a version of Hob who truly cares about him enough to endanger himself (a trait comic!Hob never shows). No wonder Dream looked so pleased and acted so coy about it. He really was ready to pounce!
Basically 1789 is the turning point century. The point at which the show starts to lean heavily into homoerotic tropes and increases the tension. In this century we get:
An almost name reveal followed by an unwanted interuption
Amused side eye glances at each other sharing unspoken communication
Flirtatious jabbing over a bad drawing
Defending each other from harm
Putting themselves at risk in defence of the other
A thinly veiled proposition
Genuine concern and care from a character that never appeared to care previously
Ridiculously over the top eye fucking
All of which adds up to further the audiences investment in the continued development of this relationship whether romantically or platonically and which therefore makes the break up in 1889 even more impactful.
The analysis continues for 1889 in part 6!
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praline-elegy · 8 months ago
Praline! I am here for your Scott Langtree/Thomas Leventis thoughts 🤺
Kwoc! Hello! Oh my goodness I am so flattered by your interest 😳💓
This is going to be a very long post so hold onto your épée 😆🤺✨
I guess I’ll start off with the most obvious question, why ship them?
Canon is my dollhouse and I’m making my favorite characters kiss. That’s the beautiful thing about fanfiction, canon is merely a suggestion, and I’m playing with dolls! :)
So why do I like these characters? Why Thomas and Scott?
I’ve noticed that a lot of the time, when there’s a grumpy twin/sunshine twin dynamic, it’s usually the grumpy twin that ends up finding love or pursuing a relationship, so I wanted to explore a romance for Thomas because I think the sunshine twin deserves love too.
I’m not really sure how I landed on Scott for Thomas as opposed to anyone else from the other teams, but his character has really grown on me in the short time that we’ve met his character, and also… your Scott from better this way lowkey shaped the way that I view him too. Not by any insane amount, but the brief instance of Nicholas telling Scott to chill kind of broke the ice for me and made me realize… he’s just a high school guy too. He’s a nerd that likes Lord of the Rings. An absolute dork by my standards (and Thomas’ delight :)
“Of course, you’ve missed the start of this academic year, but honestly, Nicholas, for somebody with your talent, we could p–”
“Dude –” Nicholas said, cutting in. “Sorry – Scott. I was warned about this. I’m not changing schools.”
Scott looked shocked for a moment. “But I j–” (better this way, chapter 14)
You know that meme? He’s just a little guy? Yeah that’s Scott. He’s just another guy. I mean, he is the captain of Halverton, but he’s not some untouchable being. He’s friendly. He doesn’t like raisins. He has a passion for fencing. He gets exasperated when having to deal with unruly underclassmen. I had this notion that he was going to be shrewd and stoic (like when we see him trying to poach Seiji), but he really is a friendly guy, which we can see when Nicholas gapes at Seiji talking to Marcel and Thomas when they arrive, and Scott filling him in on how they know each other. I actually really enjoyed the part where he points out that all the members of Exton are there for a reason and respects their drive.
“No. You can’t underestimate them… Each one is utterly hardworking and dedicated.” (Scott, Volume 6)
There’s just something about that that gets me. I don’t think humble is the right word for it, but his respect and awareness earns brownie points in my book. I thought he’d make an interesting match for Thomas. Plus there’s an unintentional but intriguing captain x reserve dynamic that I haven’t explored yet.
Going back to Thomas, everything that I have ever written or headcanoned about him is entirely my own interpretation. It helps that Johanna’s art of him helps paint a picture of what his personality would be like. In this and this art right here, you can clearly differentiate who’s Aster and who’s Thomas. Their expressions and body language tell so much in the first art. Tell me that isn’t the face of a cinnamon roll. I dare you. He looks so sweet it makes my heart melt.
When writing Thomas, I wanted to subvert the popular concept of a sunshine twin/character. For me, that means a person that is outgoing and bright. Someone that people naturally gravitate towards like the sun. But I want to challenge that idea by creating a character that is still kind and bright, but sort of meek and shy. An introvert, but very sweet and likable all the same. I like the idea of a character that seems upbeat and positive on the outside, but is actually anxious and perhaps pessimistic on the inside (Now that I think about it, am I just rebranding sunshine as cinnamon roll? 🤔💭).
What are some Scott/Thomas thoughts that I have?
I’ve decided to expand upon Scott’s tastes for Lord of the Rings and think he would definitely be the type to enjoy Dungeons & Dragons, ren faires, and knitting. Specifically knitting over crochet because that’s what I prefer lol. Scott sort of keeps his knitting hobby on the down low, because he’s not a fan of when acquaintances push for him to make them something. He does however, knit Thomas a birthday and Christmas present—which if you’re a knitter, says a lot about how Scott feels about Thomas 🤭💝 (The Christmas present being after they started dating 🥰🎁) I have a scene plotted out further into their relationship (pre-slash but mutually pining) where Scott invites Thomas to play D&D with him and his friends for his birthday as well 🥳🎲✨ Plus, a ren faire sounds like a wonderful date (or appointment 😌) idea!
For Thomas, I’ve decided that he enjoys baking as a hobby, so in the first fic I have drafted, Thomas would be planning to bake something for Valentine’s Day, but do things go to plan? 👀✨ I also plan to write other instances of him baking, for example he goes to a triathlon at the beginning of summer break with some experimental cookies (special ingredient: cereal cornflakes) that he brought with him because Aster is friends with Sungchul (who’s the one competing) and Scott is there to support him too 🤭🍪✨ I also plan to have them hang out and make pizza together. Beyond baking, I think that Thomas would enjoy reading and doing puzzles. I do plan to write him and Scott having a chess match sometime, although I haven’t decided if it’ll be a glazed over sort of thing (e.g. “Thomas played a round of chess with Scott while they waited for their friends to show up”), or an actual match with dialogue spliced through it in a way that could be playfully competitive or perhaps even flirty.
- Usually a sports captain would be a senior, but to make my universe work, I decided to make Scott a junior (there were no fencing seniors left at Halverton or he was simply the most suitable choice), and captain again his senior year. Thomas and Aster will be a year under him (sophomores then juniors). I think I might even write them versing each other at a summer tournament, but that isn’t concrete yet.
- I headcanon Scott as somebody from old money, while Thomas and Aster are from new money. The twins are no stranger to wealth and the more extravagant things in live, but neither of them are quite prepared for the place that Scott calls his home. I could go on about my headcanons for their families if you’re interested 🤗✨
- Scott is a naturally a cuddler in his sleep and Thomas loves it.
- When the two are on more friendly terms, Thomas texts Scott asking him what order to read the Lord of the Rings, which grants him a wonderful spiel (haven’t decided if it’ll be all via text or Scott calling him which gives Thomas a very lovely heart attack) about what the series is about and which book he should start with (he recommends beginning with The Hobbit).
What am I currently working on for Scott/Thomas?
I mentioned this in a previous ask, that I’m drafting a slowburn series focusing on their blossoming relationship, as well as a college au, a soulmate au, and a fae au. And I just remembered having a mermaid au and an omegaverse one that I had awhile ago 👀✨
I have so many scenes already jotted down for the series, but I can’t post anything yet because I want the series to be in chronological order 😓 The first fic takes place in February, with Scott and Thomas not getting together until the following school year. The bulk of their relationship actually grows and progresses during the summer. I’ve actually already decided on how they get together as boyfriends! And I do plan on writing nsfw for them eventually… if I can finish writing the preceding storyline first 😅
For the college au, I might combine it with a Seiji/Nicholas au that I have, but I haven’t quite decided yet, as this would be set during Thomas’ freshmen year of college and Scott’s sophomore year, so neither Seiji or Nicholas would be in college yet (but I might give Nicholas a surprise appearance or two in this fic).
The soulmate au is a bodyswap universe where sometime after the younger of the two soulmates reaches their 16th birthday, there will be a day where they swap bodies. It’s the day of Exton and Halverton’s practice match when the pair wake up in unfamiliar beds 👀✨
Do I have anything posted on ao3?
Sadly no… I’m a slow writer 🥹 but I have three drabbles posted here, here, and here on tumblr (two seiji/nicholas and one jesse/eugene). I honestly wanted to have something posted by my birthday this coming week but realistically I don’t have the time, though I would definitely be happy to answer more questions if you have any!
Thank you for the ask, kwoc! 🤺✨
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witchthewriter · 1 year ago
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𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖕 𝖋𝖔𝖗 @blodgmonster.
I apologise so damn hard for the wait. I haven't been feeling well and only now am I up to it. I am so so so sorry xx
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑷𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒂 𝑴𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒌! He is the ultimate perfect boyfriend/partner/husband/friend/best friend/aquaintance. I also ship you two because you would be such a great match. Golden retriever boyfriend but his bark is as bad as his bite. He will protect you to no end. Peeta is just so ... smitten, he's so excited to be around you. He just wants to know you, see you, make you happy!!!
Is THE MOST gentlest man ever. Whenever he wakes you up, it's so soothing that you instantly fall back to sleep every time. You've told him to yell at you or something to actually get you up and out of bed
Speaking of bed, Peeta likes to take the side where the easiest entries/exists is, so that he can protect you if anything were to happen
Loves back tickles and whenever you stop, he'll move your hand back to his skin
Does cry here and there, especially at night when he has nightmares. He hates waking you up or talking about it - he doesn't want to weigh you down with his baggage
Is definitely the type of partner to find cool things and bring them back to you. Like: "look at this weirdly shaped rock I found!"
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Exhausted (Peeta) x 100% the reason (You)
Calm bf x Hyper gf
Found Family
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Always On His Mind
(whatever decisions he makes, you're considered. you're a person that he cannot live without.)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your passion and creativity. Peeta's noticed the glint in your eye when you get an idea, or when your passionate about something. I.e., he knows when you're about to rip someones head off or you're about to say the most brilliant thing he's ever heard. It's so endearing!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
I think you would actually be the best of friends with Cinna, or Finnick. They both have this cool exterior, but on the inside there's always something churning. They're smart, no, intelligent - almost wise. But ready to put their lives on the line in this world. It's their passion, the same you have.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Johanna and Prim, like 50% each. Soft and hard. Dominant and submissive. Red and white. You can be bold, loud and brash. But you have such a sweetness about you. You want the best for people. You want the world to be better.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
With the districts now free, and no one controlling the citizens of Panem with a gun to the head, many things that weren't there before are now starting to reappear.
Dogs for pets were nearly unheard of. Well, not just dogs, but most animals. Now, with more free time, you and Peeta found a lil pup out in the forest.
A sweet girl who was hungry, and small for her size. But she was a fighter, and obviously you took her home.
She became Peeta's best friend, following him everywhere, tail wagging. It was honestly just two golden retrievers doing silly things together. But you loved watching them.
She protects you like nothing you've ever seen. Even when known people come to visit, she's right in front of you, making sure you're safe.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑬𝒅𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆! He is so empathetic, so sympathetic, he just understands others... unless they annoy him. But I think Ed is one of the most open-minded, fair, humble and soft-hearted of the men in Narnia. Caspian is too hot-headed and you would clash, Peter is too headstrong, Tumnus - well I have a feeling it wouldn't work out.
Ed will get you absolutely anything you want. But it got so bad that Peter and the other siblings/rulers had to put aside a fund and that certain amount could only be used on you (he's LAVISHING on you)
Will stare at you from across the room/hall/chamber. He always needs to locate you in a crowd and make sure you're okay. Even when he's in the middle of a conversation, he'll keep talking but scan through the crowd
Always wants to hold your hand, no matter where you are. He doesn't care if it makes him look soft, even in front of those he needs to intimidate. He just wants to hold your fricken hand :'(
Prefers to spend his time alone with you somewhere secluded. Like in a field or a quiet part of the woods.
Blushes extremely easily. Like... he blushes every goddamn day. Even f you're just looking at him,, he blushes, bump next to him,, blush. (Susan thought he was sick for a while)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Wait A Minute by WILLOW
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Short & bossy (You) x Tall & follows them around (Ed)
Oblivious (You) x Constantly admiring them (Ed)
"Hey can I have a…" (You) x "Yes. Whatever it is. Yes." (Ed)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
”I love you, wholeheartedly.” (You) x “You shouldn’t, I don’t deserve it.” (Ed)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
How you stand up for what you believe in, no matter how hard your voice shakes. You never let anyone bully another. And you start to get a reputation of justice-bringer. It actually goes really well with Ed's title, "The Just."
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Lucy! Without a doubt. She would love you. And be really jealous that Edmund keeps taking you away from her. She really doesn't like sharing, especially when you get just as excited as she does about things.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Peter, Lucy, Caspian and Tumnus. Sometimes you might feel influenced to do something against your morals, but you always rectify it (Tumnus). No ones perfect. But you try your best to be the best version of you that you can be (Peter). Also you're very imaginative (Lucy), and have a fiery attitude (Caspian).
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
A goddamn talking unicorn.
Believed that only the worthy can be near them, much less touch and ride them.
Even Aslan was shocked to find a unicorn so comfortable around you. There's barely any as it is. But somehow you've become a beacon to the four-legged beauties.
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(god i just had to use that gif wtf it's so ... erotic...sexy...okay sorry ill get back in my cage).
𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑵 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘! What really struck me is your passionate nature, but moreso, your ability to be yourself no matter the situation. I can just imagine the chaos you two get up to. It would be wonderful. I mean wonderful for you and Jack, but torturous for those around you - especially Gibbs.
Absentmindedly plays with your hair, your hands (in public), strokes your face, nibbles on your ear, squeezes your waist (only when you're alone)
You're never afraid of being captured or arrested because you know that you're Jack will always come for you. No matter how far, no matter if it's in a different dimension, he will come for you.
Let's you wear his hat, without worry that you'll lose it. He trusts you completely (it's borderline ridiculous)
And you're the only one to give him a nickname, (or not call him captain - but you do in front of other people and it boosts his ego so goddamn much).
You always sleep in the captain's quarters; and always get the most comfortable spot. However, you do want Jack to sleep next to you so it's a tight squeeze but you don't care (neither does he... but he will complain about it just to make you annoyed)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Smooth Operator by Sade
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Love language is physical touch (Jack) x Is touch starved (You)
Commits crimes (Jack) x Accessory to crimes (You)
Wants to go on adventures together (You) x Turns any adventure into a police chase (Jack)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Spent so much time together that it was obvious the two of you were romantic partners. Even if neither of you said anything about it.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your honesty with him. The way you tug his shirt when he's gone too far, or said the wrong thing to someone. When he makes you mad or annoyed. He loves riling you up.
But he really admires your bravery. Your courage even when you're fearful or insecure. You push through it. Especially if it's his life on the line. He's forever grateful that you're his partner (in life and in crime).
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
ELIZABETH SWANN! She fucking adores you. Was there a moment when she had a crush on Jack? Yes. But she also had a crush on you...and secretly wished you three could be together, or four - ya know, she still loved Will.
But you have a friend for life. A Pirate King no less.
She's desperate to hear about your stories, she wants to know everything about you. You said you'd tell her, but only if she told you about herself as well.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Jack, Elizabeth and Anamaria; chaotic, thoughtful, caring, determined, fun-loving, hot-headed. Multidimensional you are. I feel as though you have a large imagination as well, so maybe Carina but not her logical side lol
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
This world is fantasy as well, so I NEED to give you a pet that isn't normal.
Your pet is a shapeshifting animal - but he can only become three things. A horse, a mouse and a crow. And yes he can understand you.
Jack did not like him at first. But the shifter grew on him (only because he could help you both get out of trouble.)
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 1 year ago
GUYS. i just saw sweeney todd on broadway and i am. so incredibly unwell. it was so fucking phenomenal and quite possibly the best piece of live theatre i have ever seen. i also got to meet most of the cast at the stagedoor, including gaten and josh and annaleigh and i am still reeling from the experience. here are a few of my many many thoughts for anyone else out there who’s as insane about this show as i am:
- the staging was so cool, it especially stood out to me during poor thing and city on fire (city on fire was so fucking awesome ngl it went very hard)
- i saw understudies for both anthony and johanna, and while i’m a bit disappointed to not see maria, both understudies were absolutely phenomenal (also i talked with the actress of johanna afterwards and she was the most genuine and sweet person ever)
- i love annaleigh’s lovett so much, and honestly more than i thought i would. she’s so fucking funny and something is deeply wrong with her <33
- y’know what? they are allowed to be horny as a treat. i appreciate how mrs. lovett was just constantly trying to climb josh groban like a tree because who wouldn’t want to do that??
- josh’s epiphany was so so good oh my god.
- this is neither here nor there but kiss me was so much tamer than in the other production i saw where they were like. fully having sex by the end of the song.
- god. christ. okay. so. gaten’s toby is everything i ever wanted and more. he was so incredible and perfect for the role and i have so many emotions about toby and honestly i might make a separate post about him because holy shit. best part of the show and my most special boy :’)
- i was not expecting anthony, johanna, and the police to come into the bakeshop in time to see toby kill sweeney and i. absolutely fucking insane directorial decision i love it.
- the cast stayed after bows to talk about broadway cares and i got so jumpscared by josh’s real voice,, he was just standing there covered in blood like “hey guys :D”
- in the few seconds in which i met gaten, i was rambling and told him i thought he was the most perfect casting for toby to ever exist and he was so taken aback lol,, he really went :o
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