#he hurt bucky and also Sam indirectly
fandom calling sambucky zemo’s sugar babies makes me so uncomfortable
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Something Special (Part 3)
Marvel - A Bucky Barnes Imagine
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
1K Words
Here's Part 1 and Part 2
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NOTE: I am using themes from the latest TFATWS episode and predicting some stuff for the next episode! I might edit this to fit more into the next episode depending on what happens because I would like it to follow the show a bit. :)) Thanks for reading.
Dealing with uncertainty.
When you and Bucky emerged from your room, Sam was on the couch. He flashed a smile but didn't say anything.
"Do you guys want breakfast? Eggs and bacon? Pancakes?" you asked, digging through your fridge.
"Whatever you want is good with us," Bucky said, stepping into your personal space. You had slowly realized he was clingy, but you enjoyed it greatly, especially after going so long without him.
You ended up making all three, imagining they had quite the appetite even if they wouldn't say so. Bucky watched your every move, staying glued to your side as you cooked.
"Thank you for breakfast, and for letting us stay," Sam said.
"You're welcome here anytime," you smiled, passing him a full plate.
Bucky pulled your chair so your legs were touching and arms brushing. You blushed but didn't protest.
"Buck and I will clean up," Sam said, gathering the dishes and going to the kitchen.
Your broody man kissed your cheek, "Thank you for breakfast," he whispered before going into the kitchen himself.
"She's good for you," Sam said softly, putting the last plate in the dishwasher. "I wish I could meet my soulmate."
"You haven't met her in your dreams?" Bucky asked curiously.
"I've tried."
It was silent after that.
You had just switched on the TV when the news caught your attention. It was Bucky. In Winter Soldier mode? You weren't entirely sure what you were seeing. Was this what they were hiding from? Why didn't they say anything to you?
"It's not what it looks like," Bucky said from behind you, stepping closer cautiously.
You felt frozen as you watched him fight to kill. It was terrifying, and Sam was just standing there watching. What was that about?
The news cut and showed the new Captain America standing with a bloody shield, Sam and Bucky also in the background. There was something going on that was really bad, and you were now indirectly involved. You cringed, and the TV shut off.
"You shouldn't watch that," Sam said, setting the remote on the coffee table.
"What did you guys get me into?" you asked, threading your fingers through your hair tightly.
Bucky reached to loosen your grip, but you moved from his touch.
"I told you I didn't want her involved," he said with an aggravated sigh.
"Were you even going to tell me? You haven't acted like it. In fact, you've been acting like everything is fine, except for showing up at my door at three in the morning," you shook your head with frustration.
They didn't say anything, so you continued. "Even if Sam didn't bring you here, I would have found out. Did you even consider what I would think when I saw this, Bucky?"
That would be too high of an expectation for a man you had only met once. It seemed like the news was better at giving information.
"I didn't ever think it was going to get out there. I didn't know people were filming," Bucky said.
You didn't mean to build up a fantasy in your head. You didn't mean to get caught up in the soul mate world, but it happened. And now you had to deal with the sinking repercussions that you didn't know either of them at all, just what you wanted them to be.
"Look, we understand your frustrations. Do you want us to leave?" Sam asked.
Despite everything, all you wanted was Bucky. You could feel his eyes on you.
"Sam," Bucky said, gesturing his head out of the room.
With Sam gone, he sat beside you.
"Come on, Y/N," he muttered, turning your head so you were forced to look at him. "That wasn't me. I was pretending so we could get information."
"It was you. It was all you. You can't just be pretending when your breaking limbs and killing people. Not to mention John Walker. You were there. You were involved."
He let out a frustrated sigh. He should have told you everything before you turned on the news, but he liked that you didn't see him as a monster. That had obviously changed.
"I don't know who you are," you whispered, feeling a sharp pain in your chest.
"I am James Buchanan Barnes. I'm not a monster. I'm just trying to do the right thing here."
You frowned, "I didn't call you a monster, Bucky."
"Yeah, you're acting like it," he said with a bit of a snap that jolted you.
"I am not," you protested softly, a bit hurt. You weren't, were you? You definitely didn't see him that way. It only scared you that you didn't seem to know anything about him, yet you longed for him, especially when he wasn't around.
You stood up hoping that the situation would diffuse.
You let out a yelp of surprise when you were pulled into Bucky's lap.
"Don't leave," he said quietly. "I should have called. I shouldn't have let you go so long without hearing from me. I know that, I do, alright, but I am not the person on the news."
"I know you're not," you whispered in his neck. "But it scares me that all I want is you, and we barely know each other."
"I understand," Bucky murmured, rubbing your back. "We just need time. Lucky for you, I have lots of it, honey." His lips quirked up in a smirk and you couldn't contain the smile of your own. "I'm sorry for snapping."
You wrapped your arms around his back, and pressed your cheek to his chest. "I won't jump to conclusions without hearing you out. I'm really happy you're here, Bucky."
A/N: I'll probably do one or two more parts with Bucky and then I will write the same soulmate AU spinoff for Sam ☺️ Hope you enjoyed.
Here's Part 4. The final Part before Sam.
Tag List: @superwholockruleztheworld @imiiimargo @hiuahoe @idunnomayn @cable-kenobi @nialeesato @bklynxbaby @wolflover384 @harrystylesholland @mytbel0st @burnalley
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Paring :: mafia dark!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+, Smut/NSFW, Dark Themes, Possessiveness, Oral(M Recieving), Deep Throating
Word Count :: 2,787
Summary :: Bucky’s had a long day and you’re the only one he can release his stress on
A/N ::....there may or may not be another part... idk yet.... I just really like Mafia Bucky
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Some days were better than others, for both you and Bucky. 
So far, your day had gone swimmingly. You woke up, did an easy morning stretch to help you wake up, and proceeded to clean around your house in your favorite sundress. There wasn’t much to do, with the house usually clean due to Bucky hiring professional cleaners to come once a week. Still, the dishes weren’t going to do themselves. 
The highlight of your day was a package being delivered. A book that you had pre-ordered from one of your favorite authors. After you cooked your lunch, you spent the rest of your day reading the book, sitting on the dark grey couch in your large living room. That was all you could do besides watching tv or doing a small hobby to keep you occupied until Bucky came home.
Bucky’s day, on the other hand, was infuriatingly long. He was a businessman and a mob boss, meaning he’d usually have long days. If he was lucky, he’d just have to deal with some idiot trying to cheat him. Today was an unlucky day. He received a visit from Helmut Zemo, the head of a Sokovian Mafia trying to start up in Brooklyn. 
Bucky sat at his desk, leaning back in his leather chair as he stared at the man who just entered his office. 
“I already told you the deal Zemo. There’s no bargaining, if you don’t like it save your breath and get the hell out of here.”
The Sokovian ignored him, walking over to a large bookshelf that was against the wall. “You know, for the most powerful man in Brooklyn, you’d be surprised how quickly some of your ‘people’ are willing to betray you if you offer them enough cash.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, a scowl forming on his face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Zemo glanced over for a moment. “The docks.”
A few nights prior, one of Bucky’s incoming shipments of illegal weapons had been robbed. A small number of men were killed, and the rest were injured. There was also a weird symbol that had been spray-painted around the docks, a sign that whoever had done this was publicly declaring war.
Bucky’s jaw clenched and he was now sitting up straight in his seat. “You did that?” “It was quite easy to.”
“So why the fuck are you here now? I could put a bullet through your head in a second.”
Zemo laughed, finally turning to face the other man. “You won’t because you know I’m not stupid enough to come here without just as many men you have.” He let out a small breath, taking a few steps forward. His gaze moved down to Bucky’s left hand, an eyebrow raising with curiosity. “You haven’t married her yet? She’s a lovely woman.”
In an instant Bucky stood up, his hands balled into fists. If a look could kill, Zemo would be dead and his body burning.
“I came to tell (Y/N) thank you. Not long ago, one of my guys got a bit lost and she helped him. Pietro said she was ‘the kindest girl he’d met’ and ‘extremely helpful and friendly.”
Bucky cursed in the back of his mind. It sounded exactly like something you’d do, you were kind and naive by nature, simply wanting to help people when they needed it. It was what drew him to you, and it seemed like it was attracting unwanted attention from others now.
“I’m gonna give you ten minutes to get the hell out of my territory.”
“Why so generous?”
“It’s a nice neighborhood,” Bucky replied sarcastically.
Zemo walked back towards the door, understanding he had pushed the man far enough. A coy smile crept on his face, looking at Bucky one last time. “I’d keep her better guarded and up to speed if I were you. She’s too innocent to be involved with you.”
Once Zemo and his men left Bucky nearly tore apart his office. It took Sam and Steve a good hour to calm the man down and make sure he didn’t do anything reckless. Once he cooled down, Sam revealed that Tony Stark had been the one to cross Bucky. Tony’s father was the previous big bad until Bucky came around.
“I don’t give a fuck what you do Steve, just make sure Tony doesn’t think he’s not get strung up on a tree after I shoot that Sokovian bastard in the head.” 
His voice was full of annoyance and his grip on the steering wheel of his car was so tight the whites of his knuckles were visible. It was one thing for Zemo to publicly humiliate his authority by robbing him, but he had indirectly threatened you by mentioning you to Bucky. You were his and his alone. He had invested far too much in securing you, ensuring that you’d never leave him. 
Bucky leaned on the doorframe of your apartment’s bedroom, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you step around the room. “What are you doing?”
“Going home,” You muttered, continuing to pack your suitcase.
“That’s on the other side of the country.”
“I know.”
“I can’t keep an eye on you if you’re in LA.”
You looked up from the clothes you were packing, glaring at him. “I know.”
Bucky let out a huff. “So you also know I can’t make sure you’re safe.”
You let out a dry laugh, eyes rolling. “I’ll probably be a lot safer once I’m far away from you.”
The man pushed himself off the door frame, now approaching you with long strides. “You’re not leaving (Y/N).”
You threw the shirt you hand in your hand down, turning to face him. “Yes, I am Bucky, because you lie to me!” Your voice was strained, eyes looking up at him full of pain.
“I didn’t lie to you-”
“Yes, you did! You lied to me about what you did and you hid the truth!”
When you and Bucky started dating, he told you he ran a large ‘supply and demand’ business in Brooklyn and that was it. Like the naive girl you were, who had just moved to the east coast, you believed him because you fell for him hard at first. He spoiled you and made you feel like a princess in public, and in private you helped him release all the pent-up stress he had built up from work. A few months later, you finally figured out why Bucky was always so protective of you and wanted to know where you were 24/7. 
Bucky could see the tears you were holding back, mentally cursing at himself for being the cause. He cupped your cheek with his normal hand. You had to resist the urge to lean into his hold.
“I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry, but…” His voice trailed off. In a swift motion, his metal hand wrapped around your waist lifting you up and over his shoulder. “You’re not leaving me (Y/N).”
“James Buchanan Barnes! Put me down this instant!” You slammed your fists into his back to no avail. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”
“I love you too darling,” He mumbled, proceeding to walk you out of your apartment.
You were on the fourth chapter of your book when you heard a car door slam. You sprung up from your seat, moving as quickly as you could to greet Bucky at the front door. When you got there, you saw he had already let himself inside. His brows were knit together, looking down at the door’s locks.
“Why isn’t the door locked?” He questioned before he even saw you.
With the territorial instinct he had when it came to you and his meeting with Zemo earlier, it was clear he was not happy about such a small thing, no matter your excuse.
“Oh, I must’ve forgotten to lock it when I got the mail today,” You said quietly.
He had lectured you multiple times about how important it was you locked the door, even before you move in with him.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, properly greeting him with a smile like you did every day. You had done this so many times, you noticed how long it took for him to softly wrap a single arm around you before walking away. He was upset.
“Go to the bedroom and wait. Now,” He ordered.
Your heart started racing, wondering what was going to happen to you. If he had stress pent up, he would either wait until after dinner or start kissing you roughly the second he stepped in. He had only acted like this when you pushed him to his limit, like when you threatened to leave him or attempted to run away when he first forced you to live with him.
You sat at the edge of your shared bed, hands holding and fiddling with the hem of your dress. When Bucky was this angry, he was painfully rough to the point where you would begin crying. You quickly began thinking of everything you had done recently, wondering what could’ve pushed him to this point.
He walked in, jacket off and the sleeves to his white button-up rolled up to his elbows. Even though your mind was screaming with fear, your body started heating up with desire seeing him. Especially when your eyes glanced down to his pants and saw a hardness forming. ‘Fuck, he’s been thinking about this.’
Walking up to you, Bucky grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look up at him. As a sort of last-ditch effort to get some kindness from him, you gave him a doe-eyed look.
He leaned down, pressing a long kiss against your lips before pulling away. “Get on your knees.”
You took in a deep breath, accepting he wouldn’t be gentle. You pulled away from his cold metal hand, sinking down to stand before him on your knees. Keeping eye contact with him, you managed to under his brown leather belt and navy trousers. You looped your fingers at the hem of his pants, pulling them down along with his briefs just enough for his fully erect shaft to be freed. 
With both of your small hands wrapping around his shaft, you could feel yourself growing wet at the sound of his soft groan. At first, you started stroking his length slowly, leaning your face closer to lick the tip and swirl your tongue around the head.
Bucky didn’t allow you to continue this very long. Only a small dribble of precum was licked up before he grabbed a fist full of your hair from the back of your head and pushed himself further in. Another groan escaped him feeling the warmth of your mouth around his cock. He hit the back of your throat and you gagged, not yet ready for him to go deeper. He did it again two more times, warning you that he planned on having you take all of him in his mouth.
Your hands moved up to his thighs to hold yourself steady and you relaxed your throat the best you could in preparation. Once he started to push his dick further in, you could feel tears start to well up in your eyes as he went down your throat. You moaned each time he shoved his shaft down your throat, sending a soft vibration on his shaft.
Bucky eventually started thrusting his hips into your mouth, fully fucking your mouth as tears started to fall out of your eyes. Watching your glossy eyes stare up at him with his cock down your throat he nearly lost it, feeling his ballsack tighten. Not wanting to cum just yet, he pulled out, a string of your saliva falling off his dick and dribbling down your mouth. You gasped and began panting for air, wiping away your drool with the back of your hand.
He sat on the edge of the bed now, pulling your hips to stand in front of him once you stood up. “Off.”
You took off your dress, followed by your bra and wet panties. Already knowing what was going to happen, you moved to straddle his hips. You and Bucky had had sex numerous times before, but you always needed a moment to get used to his size. He wasn’t going to allow that.
With his large hands on your hips, he forced you down his entire dick, groaning at how tight your walls clenched around him.
“Bucky!” You cried out, body tingling as he filled you up, balls deep. 
He held your hips with such a strong grip you were sure there were going to be marks after. He bounced you up and down his cock, watching you with a dark gaze as you moaned and whimpered against him. Only he could make you feel like this, act like this for him.
He thrusted his hips up, and you moaned loudly, back arching as he hit a sweet sensitive spot. “Please!”
“Please, what?” Bucky asked, knowing full well what you wanted. He wanted you to beg.
“Fuck me right there Bucky! Please!”
More than happy to comply, he proceeded to slam into that same spot, your breath growing faster and cunt tighter each time it was hit. His breath was becoming heavy, and his movements ragged.
He watched as you looked down at him fucking you and saw you shudder. “Ah!” Your walls tightened and your release hit you, juices pouring out. Feeling you release triggered his own orgasm, releasing inside of you. You could feel spurt after spurt of hot cum filling you up and your tight cunt gladly took it.
He finally stopped bouncing you, rolling his hips into you and allowing you a few seconds of rest. He pulled his limp dick out but watching your pussy drip with a mixture of both your cum, he found himself hard once again. 
You barely had any time for your mind to clear up after, your eyes widening as Bucky forced you on your hands and knees. Not sparing a single second he rammed back into you, his hand smacking your ass hard. 
You let out a cry, the stinging pain from the spank only lasting for a short while before you felt the pain and pleasure of him filling you up again. 
“Tell me how much you love it,” He breathed out, watching your ass bounce against his hips with each thrust.
“Bucky!” You moaned out, your walls tightening around him again.
You barely had any time to recover from your last high and still sensitive. You started moving your ass against him, feeling his ballsack slapping your clit each time he thrusted. 
“I love it so much!” You breathed out. “I love feeling your big dick fill me up and fuck me!” 
You bit your lip, feeling the juices drip down your thighs. Your arms were starting to grow weak, barely able to hold yourself when you screamed again. Your pussy tightened and released, begging him to cum and fill you up again.
His large hands buried into your hips, continuing to fuck you as you released around him again. His build-up was growing with the sight of you taking his cock, thrusts growing sloppy. 
Bucky wasn’t blind and could tell your arms were going to give out. So, he released his grip on you with his metal arm to lean over you. He wrapped his arm around your chest, holding you up while squeezing your breast. 
Hearing your soft whimpers as he still fucked you did it for him, his hips bucking to release another hot load inside of you. He stayed in you until he finished then pulled out, releasing you to collapse on the bed. 
Weakly, you turned yourself on your back to look at him, face flushed and tear-stained. He lowered himself above you, metal arm pressed down near the side of your head to keep him above you. Bucky’s eyes danced over your facial features. His gaze moved down, watching your chest rise with each pant before looking at the mess in between your legs.
With his other hand, he reached down and dragged two fingers up your wet folds, gathering the juices on them. When he raised them back up to your face, both of your hands grabbed him and began to suck and lick his fingers clean.
“Christ you’re fucking beautiful.”
He pulled his fingers away, smashing his lips against yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, a hand moving up to play and tug on his hair as you kissed.
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stargirlfics · 3 years
I wanna say sorry in advance if I say something ignorant, please correct if so. I was reading the comments on one of the Falcon posts you reblogged, with the gifs from the Isaiah scene and the cop one. Someone talked about Bucky's nuanced phrase, where he told Sam to just give the ID. The person pointed out the two intersectional reasons, ignorance from Bucky and also his brainwashing. I think that making him say this to Sam was amazing, because it shows people that even when you're not purposefully racist (in the sense of acknowledging the shit you're saying), you can be hurtful to your own friends. Does this make sense?
I personally feel more connected to Bucky, bc of personal reasons such as identifying myself on his loneliness and being left out. But Sam is just everything. He is way more than the Falcon, he's the personification of what activists says that no matter how high you reach, racism is always there, blatant or not. The guy is a fucking avenger and can't get a loan. And he can't be angry without being asked for his ID, while the other is a former assassin.
And Isaiah, he was just. *Chef's kiss*. I wish we could see more about Bucky and Isaiah's dynamic. I think what Bucky said about not wanting to share that this black supersoldier was a thing made sense to him, because Bucky suffered also this military (?) aggression, not for the same motives ofc. I'm sorry for this long rant, idk if it's a rant.
I wish this series show Sam's indirectly changing Bucky for better, but to not in the way of teaching him, etc, not being just a character for Bucky's arc to be developed (which I doubt will be the case). Idk, I just think that the systemic racism shown is at the same time raw, in our faces but not dumbed down to be people pleaser.
I see what you’re saying yes! It is a really good example of having friends/loved ones be hurtful in that way even if they’re not purposely being racist. It’s sort of one of those moments of like...oh this person does not understand one single bit, they just don’t and they don’t really see what they said and did wrong here either and that just really fucking sucks and i was so pissed and sad for Sam during that
It’s quite a significant choice for Disney/Marvel to actually go there with this show, it’s interesting to see how something so in your face and obvious went over so many people’s heads as well
Sam has so much of my respect and love and for real, learning about Isaiah was so important and I’m really glad he was introduced and I hope maybe we get to see Sam and him interact again possibly!
I think you’re right about Bucky probably thinking his reasons for keeping knowledge of Isaiah a secret made sense to him while from Sam’s perspective I can understand being like why was no one ever told and that reason is again obvious like the US govt is not about to acknowledge anything there but it’s that outrage of like he’s been here all along and no one’s known about him, what he had to go through, how he was treated, what was done to him, it makes me angry and sad all in one go
I think that’s gonna be pivotal for Sam in a lot of way knowing this now and that’s gonna be interesting to see!
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stsebastiens · 3 years
still figuring out how i feel abt the finale of tfatws…ngl bucky’s final scene with yori felt very last-minute. that was supposed to be the culmination of his character arc and like…yeah, it functioned as such on a surface level. but when sam told him to go and “be of service” i was expecting a bit more grappling with yori’s reaction than we got. we didn’t even get to see a reaction from yori, not really. if this was bucky’s moment of reckoning, it would have made sense for him to deal with a negative reaction––to face the grief and anger of someone he hurt, however unintentionally or indirectly. 
also ill just say it: karli’s character was basically useless and they would have been better off having a familiar villain like hydra that allowed for the contrast between sam wilson and john walker to take the forefront rather than trying to juggle between that dynamic and attempting to make the audience sympathize with an unsympathizable character. they wasted so much time trying to explain her ideology to the audience and it was still incoherent. 
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demoncryptspanties · 4 years
Dear Bucky
A/N just had to get this out, so here’s my angsty dabble. Warning: Angst if that’s a warning and i suppose swearing. 
Pairing: Bucky x Black!Reader, Bucky x FuryDaughter!Reader, Wade Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Dear Bucky,
I’m writing to you on shitty hospital postcards because you refuse to see me and you keep saying what a stupid decision I made and you can’t argue with me on a postcard. Seriously though why does the hospital have postcards. Have you ever thought that it was a bad thing we brought everyone back, not because of me because that would have happened either way, I mean like what if you were in an aeroplane or something? Steve won’t tell me the details, so I don’t know whether there were lots of deaths or whatever. Anyways if it makes you feel any better I genuinely thought that my regeneration abilities would save me but I suppose test tube powers can’t compete with cosmic interference, do you think Thor would have survived this I would ask but I don’t want him to feel guilty or something. Also, so could Steve always Mjolnir or did that just happen because Asgard doesn’t exist anymore because like I get, he’s righteous and that but he couldn’t lead a country he can barely lead the avengers since you’re all travelling children. well I ran out of card.
Dear Bucky,
Wade came to see me today I think he cried. I’m not dying you know you don’t have to come and say goodbye. I wish I could see you; it would mean a lot to me if you came not that I’m needy or anything just kinda miss the hair ya know. Did you cut it like I said or did you keep it long, where are you staying anyways because I’m sending these to the compound or rather Tony is bringing them back but I don’t even know if you’re in Wakanda or not. About Tony, he got me moved to a private hospital because you know he’s rich and that so if you’re worried about people there will literally be no one here. Back to Wade have you seen the baby, him and Vanessa make cute babies, you know I love kids. How's Wanda, she seemed really dejected last time I saw her can you check up on her, I would do it in person but I can’t for obvious reasons. Have you seen the Asgard in Norway yet can you take some pictures? Thor keeps forgetting to show me anything because he’s an ass but that’s okay. Sorry for the questions, hope to see you soon,
Love yours.
  Dear Bucky,
They said I got worse overnight but I don’t feel bad. I don’t want to make you worry or anything but in the unlikely event that something happens it would be nice to see you. I get it’s hard but it’s hard for me too, its lonely here without you. How are you sleeping? I know you’ve had trouble for as long as you’ve slept. If it makes you feel any better so do I, I suppose I keep replaying everything when there’s no distraction and I’m so overly aware of everything that I don’t feel safe. Do you also feel like that or are your demons different? Steve said you aren’t talking to anyone but he won’t tell me if you’re reading these or not. I'm not a psychologist or anything but you should see someone, I’ll talk to Steve and Tony. Well Steve since Tony has almost retired. Isn’t Morgan so big now, she looks like her dad a lot but don’t tell pepper that. Well I suppose she’ll always look big to you; you should have seen her as a baby she was the cutest thing. I miss you Bucky, even your cold metal arm. If you still wear it you should ask Shuri to heat it to body temperature or something since you’re a literal heater and the arm is a metal block that feels like it’s been left in the snow. If you do decide to get rid of it for good though or get a different one, I wouldn’t be opposed to that not that my opinion matters.
Love yours.
  Dear Buck,
I’m feeling a lot better now, I’m walking and they said after a week of monitoring if I continue like this I can come home. Home. I didn’t think a thing like that existed for me. There was never home growing up, just places I needed to be. Fury senior thought that me not being attached to places or people would be best, it would make my life easier. Sometimes I think he regrets keeping me after my mum died but then I wouldn’t be who I am today and I wouldn’t have done the things I’ve done. Even after all the morally wary things I feel good about the person I am. You’re a big part of that, indirectly. Me feeling good about myself. You’re also home to me, do you think maybe we could find a home away from everything once I come home to you. Maybe I could open a cafe even though I don’t know anything about coffee or business but Tony would and then you could be a lumberjack or something. Wade knew a guy with a regeneration ability like ours he was a lumberjack once I think it would suit you. His name was Logan or something, I don’t remember what other abilities he had but wade said he was a bit of a dick but Wade is also a bit of a dick so he must be really bad, I kind of want to meet him.
Love yours.
  Dear Bucky,
I had one more night and I could be back but apparently, I took a turn for the worse. You may notice that the handwriting is different that’s Wade (hi yes, I know all your business). I heard Steve left or something, nobody talks to me straight anymore it’s annoying. I just want honesty really and you can’t even come to see me. Does it hurt too much or do you just hate me for trying to play the hero. I’m trying here, I’m holding out a hand, I just want you to take it. I get it hurts but I’m hurting too in so many ways, I just want you by my side so please come and see me. Wade tells me that the problem isn’t me but I think it is. Was I not enough? are you shutting down do you feel like I’m leaving you because I assure you it isn’t by choice. I want to be home. I want to be held by you; I want you to kiss me just once. I want to feel your love because the pity I get from everyone else is just wrong. They’re supposed to be my friends but aside from Wade I only see guilt or pity, you would think at least Nat would hide her feelings better, but I suppose I’m her friend right, I notice everything.
Love yours.
I’m not going to make it; my body is shutting down please don’t come. I know I begged you to come before and I want you so badly to hold my hand and kiss my forehead but you can’t see me like this. You’ll be okay, Sam tells me despite your weird hatred for each other you guys are good. He’s a good man, maybe in my top 3 which includes you of course. You can tell Natasha she can take my gun not that I’ve used it since I got this radioactive serum shit in my veins but it’s a sexy gun and it’s my favourite. You can take my favourite knife if you want it, the ceramic kitchen set too. I can’t believe my dad actually got my initials carved in the hilts but it’s an aesthetic I like. Also make sure Sam gets my good controller, I refuse to let Wade or Peter have it, only winners can hold that legend. Can you take loads of pictures of things too because I’ll always know if you did? I think you guys can make me a tree now or something so if you want to visit me you can but I don’t know if my radioactive blood will kill the tree. Well it’s not exactly saving me now so it best not kill the tree too. I love you Bucky and as cheesy as Wade is telling me it sounds; I will till the end of time.
Love The Y/N Fury
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medeafive · 4 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel) Additional Tags: Vampires, I only write AUs now don't ask, Vampire Hunters, Going for dark and gritty here, Set in Prague because I love it, Suicide mentions, Late 90s Summary:
She's good. Really good. She's done this longer than almost anyone else and no one tracks vampires down better than her. That's the only thing that matters. Hunt and kill. He has white eyes and a black cloak. He's either an impostor or, judging by the color of his eyes, the most dangerous vampire she's ever met. And he's not going to leave her alone.
He's in and out. She got him to the place, his place, not much different than one of her apartments, but he hasn't opened his eyes since. She pulled all the curtains already, before the sun even comes up, and now she's sitting at the bedside, staring at the gray skin of his face dissolving.
No, she has to. She takes the knife and cuts her finger, holding it over his mouth. He twitches when the first drop of blood hits his lips. The second drop and his tongue darts out, licking it up. She presses out more. "James? You hear me?"
He groans, licking up more. "Blood."
She lowers her finger so he can lick it, then puts it into his mouth. His tongue darts over the cut again and again. "I can give you more," she whispers. "Just say it."
He nods weakly, sucking on her finger. She breathes in and takes the blade to her palm. Stings. He laps it up eagerly. His skin still looks awful, red blisters, open wounds, gray colour.
He's careful not to suck too much but she can tell he's hungry. They sit there until the sun goes up, until the cut in her palm starts closing. His head drops back, eyes closed. She should tell the others where she is, before they get worried. She texts Clint that she's fine but she won't be back soon.
He really looks bad. She's worried. She grabs a water bottle, finds she's thirsty herself and drinks before nudging his head up to do the same. Spills a lot but they work it out. "Better?" she asks quietly. "Do you want more blood?"
He groans, head dropping back, swallowing. "Don't wanna- don't wanna hurt you."
"I'm fine," she assures him. "I've got enough blood."
His nostrils flare. She takes the knife again, cutting her other palm. He laps it up greedily, tongue sliding over the wound again and again. His skin is not getting any better. Damn, she should stop worrying. When he's done, she gives him more water. He closes his eyes, head resting on the pillow, slurring his words. "I'll sleep. Don't- don't worry."
He's out so quick. She goes to the bathroom, drinks more water. No food in the apartment. She drops the blinds on the window where the sun is indirectly streaming in. She's hungry but also sick with worry. He's totally asleep, not even breathing. The skin comes off in big chunks. She dials.
"Hey?" Bruce asks. "Natasha?"
She sighs, walking over to the kitchen and closing the door behind her. "Hey. It's me."
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, yeah." She rubs her eyes. "Me, yeah. But he- he got hit with a UV light and his skin is literally falling off and I don't know what to do."
"Is he dying?" Bruce asks.
She groans. "I don't know. Do you- do you have any idea what I could do? To help him?"
"I don't know anything about vampire medicine," Bruce replies hesitantly. "Do you have- could you do a blood transfusion? With vampire blood?"
She has some left, but that's hidden in her room in the tower. "No. I gave him some of my blood. And water."
"Be really fucking careful with that," Bruce advises. "Your health comes first. Are you at his place?"
"Yes," she replies, not thinking about the implications of whether it's really his place.
"Check whether he has any specific chemicals around," Bruce orders. "He'd probably know. Formaldehyde has been a theory of mine."
She digs around. There are some syringes in the fridge. Checks the label. "Yeah. Formaldehyde solution."
"You could try injecting him that," Bruce suggests. "Maybe ask him first. Is he awake?"
"Not really," she mutters, closing the fridge. "Okay, I'll try. Thank you, really."
"No problem, Natasha," Bruce replies.
She hangs up and walks over into the bedroom. His eyes open. "Oh. Found it."
She sits down on the bedside again, careful with the syringe. "Does this help?"
"Yeah," he rasps. "But I'll be fine anyway."
She snorts, staring at the skin peeling off. "You don't look fine."
"If you could-" He closes his eyes. "That would be great. Neck."
He turns his neck carefully, where the skin looks less bad. She breathes in, leaning over him. Puts her hand on first, to warm him up. He hisses slightly when the needle punctures his skin.
She caresses his hair. Her stomach's still churning. He closes his eyes. "Mhm. I'll sleep again. Don't worry, really."
He's fast asleep almost immediately. She pulls all the blinds, flooding the room in darkness, and returns to the kitchen, putting the empty syringe back. She's really hungry but she can't go out like this. Fighting suit. Vampire blood on it. She locks herself in the bathroom, dousing the suit down, then climbs under the shower herself. Tired. She's tired. Low battery. Stays under the shower really long.
She slips into the dark bedroom, trying to find a stash of clothes of some kind. Doesn't have night vision, though. She bumps into something that drops to the ground noisefully. Fuck. The bedsheets rustle. "Mhm. Hey."
"Hey," she replies. "I'm looking for clothes."
"Left," he says. "Lower. Yeah, in there."
She pulls out something that feels like a shirt and something that feels like tactical pants. "Got it. I'll head out to get something to eat. Are you going to be okay here?"
"Yeah," he replies. "Thanks. Don't worry."
"You keep saying that, it's not really reassuring," she remarks, making her way through the darkness back to the door. "Should I get you anything? Not food but… anything?"
"No, don't think so," he states. "Maybe water, but not really."
"You still got almost a dozen bottles," she agrees. "Okay. Sleep, I'll be back soon."
The shirt is too big, which was not really a problem but looked kinda weird, and she rolled the pant legs up and tied them around the waist with her garotte. The woman in the bakery looked very suspicious of her but when she ordered with a nice fangless smile, it was okay. Kids these days. She wonders whether she looks young still.
She eats two rohlíky before she's even back, and it feels great. The bedroom is still dark. She opens the door, indirect light streaming in. He's asleep. She grabs another rohlík and sits down on the bedside. His eyelids flutter. "Mhm. Oh. You're really back."
"Where else would I be?" she asks, chewing. The skin is still coming off in gray flaps the size of her thumb, which is not very appetizing, but she's hungry. "You don't look better."
"It's better," he insists, pulling one of the skin flaps off, the new skin beneath still rosy and thin but intact. "Just have to shed the dead skin first."
"Urgh." She shudders. "I could swear I was hungry just a few seconds ago."
"Sorry." He sits up slightly. "I should let you eat. Uh, one thing though."
"I'll go over into the kitchen," she says. "Yeah?"
"When you came over, before you went out," he starts. "Did you not think I would wake up or did you just not care that I can see in the dark?"
She shrugs. "Didn't care."
"Okay." He leans back again. "Feel free to go eat. I'll… I'll deal with this."
"Thanks for reminding me," she chastises, getting to her feet. "Just what I wanted to hear before my meal."
She eats two koláčes, too, and drinks an entire bottle of juice. The cuts in her palms have formed scabs. She hears him go to the bathroom at one point but doesn't pay attention to that. The sun goes down again. He's back in bed when she returns, most of the gray gone from his skin, though it's still open at some points, crusting with dark blood. "You're really tired, aren't you."
"Yeah." He shakes his head. "You know, you really don't have to stay. I'll be fine."
"Come on," she replies, pulling the blinds up. "Like I'd be super busy otherwise."
"I should probably sleep some more," he states.
"Yeah." She walks back to the bed, sitting down. "You look better, though."
"You were really worried, weren't you?" he asks.
She snorts. "Yeah. Of course. You idiot."
"Prime chance to get rid of me," he remarks. "And you missed it."
"Didn't just miss it," she specifies. "Hit it on the head with a hammer. Smashed its skull in. Tore its heart out."
He grins, fangs peeking out. "You got him, right? The second one."
"Put a silver bullet in his skull," she says. "That usually works."
"Yeah," he agrees, head dropping back on the pillow. "Usually."
The skin is still coming off in places. She doesn't want to tear on it, though. His eyes are red and swollen. She strokes over his hair, which is remarkably soft. "You really had me worried there," she mutters. "Don't die on me. I've already lost too many."
"Won't," he whispers, pressing against her hand. "Promise."
She leans over and kisses him softly, lips cold at first but warming up quickly. Strokes his face. His fingers come to tangle in her hair, she feels the claws. She bites his lip carefully, making him groan. She swings a leg over, his hands come to her hips, she presses her entire body against him to turn the cold block of stone into a living, breathing human. It becomes hot very quickly. She likes how his body responds to her touch, how he comes alive, it arouses her. She kisses him heatedly.
He pulls her in, strong, against him, arms wrapping around her. She feels the cold metal parts. That and the fangs. Everything else is human. She rocks against him, open-mouthed kisses, he groans again, rumbling in his throat, breathing her in constantly. His fingers dig into her back, release before the claws come into play. She pushes up slightly, catching her breath, looking down at his face. "You're not going back to Schmidt," she whispers, caressing his cheek. "You can't go back to him."
He groans, pressing her hips down against him. "I don't wanna go back. Ever."
"Come with me," she purrs, pressing little kisses to his jaw. "Join us. We'll figure it out together."
"Figure what out?" he asks. "They'll only try to kill me."
"They won't," she replies. "I promise. Please. We could get rid of Schmidt."
"He's too strong," he says. "They are too many. We'll all get killed."
She sits up. "I'd rather die than watch you go back to him."
He sighs, rubbing his eyes. "I can't ask that of you."
"You don't have to," she replies. "I'm a hunter. I already signed up for hunting vampires until I die."
He snorts. "Right. Great."
"They're better than you think," she says. "And if there's a chance we can get Schmidt… Everyone in their right mind would take it."
He closes his eyes. "I'm too tired for this."
"Sure, sleep," she agrees, moving off of him. "I should maybe go home, before they really start worrying. That is, if you don't need anything."
"I'm good, really," he replies. "Go home. I can take care of myself."
She pecks his lips again. "Get well soon. I'll see you."
"We're going for a run," Pepper announces. "Do you want to join us?"
She's no good at running. "Yeah. Sure. Just a second, I'll change."
Running in the evening has to be well-planned in order not to go over sundown so most people run in the morning, especially in summer when the sun comes up around four or five a.m. Still not many people, though. You can do without a lot of things when they're risky.
Sharon and Pepper look way more professional when she comes down onto the street, stretching and talking. "Oh hey," Sharon says, ponytail whipping around. "There you are. Is by the river fine?"
"Sure." She shakes her hair out, tying it together, ignoring the nervousness.
"I have to say, I quite like Prague," Sharon remarks, running off. "Everything I've seen so far."
"It's pretty run-down, though," Pepper objects. "Not like Munich, I imagine."
"I mean, it would be even nicer if they renovated some houses and the plaster wasn't peeling off everywhere," Sharon acknowledges. "But still, it has flair. History. Just the powder tower, I really like that sort of thing."
"Then it's good that you're here," Pepper concludes. "So, Nat. Bruce said you had to play nurse."
She hates running and talking. "Oh. Yeah."
"The UV lights are getting more and more common," Pepper remarks. "Especially in the wealthier neighborhoods. Maybe that will turn the tide in the long run."
"He looked burnt," Natasha breathes.
"Oh yeah," Sharon agrees solemnly. "Those UV beams are really effective. You have some in your suit, Pepper, right?"
"Yes," Pepper confirms. "Though they are a little too slow for a fight. There are many around the tower, though."
"Traps," Natasha remarks.
"I mean, I'm sure it's not great for him," Sharon relents. "Do you have a name for him, by the way?"
"Winter Soldier," Pepper supplies. "But nobody actually calls him that."
"James," Natasha feels compelled to whisper.
"James," Pepper repeats. "And I understand if you take his side on the UV lights but we just have to keep us safe."
"I'm not taking his side!" Natasha protests.
"Yes, you are," Sharon says in the most friendly annihilating tone. "And that's okay. As long as it's not endangering us."
Natasha groans, slowing to a walk. "Could we- just slow down a bit?"
They drop in line with her, hardly increased breathing. Oh, this is worse. "You clearly have a special relationship," Sharon points out. "Unheard of. And that's very useful, potentially."
She really doesn't like this. "But your safety is still more important," Pepper stresses. "All of our safety. Don't take this the wrong way, but in the end, he's… still a vampire."
Natasha comes to an abrupt halt. "You know what, I'm going back. Not feeling well."
They exchange a knowing look, which is the worst. "Are you sure?" Pepper asks.
"Yes," Natasha returns, turning on her heel. "Don't mind me. Enjoy your run."
She doesn't react to the first knock. The second knock either. "Are you okay?" Clint's voice asks.
She groans loudly, staring at the ceiling. "Can I come in?" Clint asks.
"Just a second," she calls, blinking as if that would help. "Okay. Come in."
The door opens. Clint leans in. "So."
She groans again, sitting up, rubbing through her hair. It's a mess. It's all a mess. "You think you're making a mistake," Clint observes.
As if it were that easy. "Maybe. I don't know. Just- I think I care too much. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't."
"Yeah, well," Clint remarks. "Can't exactly turn that off."
She scoffs, pulling the sleeves over her palms, hugging her knees into her chest. He walks in, pulling the door closed. "You cut yourself, didn't you."
"He was dying," she hisses. "Well, maybe he wasn't, but he pretty much looked like it."
"And now you're defensive about it," Clint points out.
She groans again. If only he were wrong. "What about it?"
"Look, this job is merciless," he says. "And this world is merciless. So when it gives you something nice for a change, no matter how twisted… maybe you should just take it. Carefully, but take it."
"I had nice things," she remarks. "They all died."
He snorts. "Let me tell you, life is too short to let nice things pass you by. Too short not to get attached. Learned that the hard way."
"I'm sorry about Bobbi," she states.
"Don't be," he says. "I fucked that one up. Thoroughly. Not getting another chance. So don't fuck yours up, too. You don't want to end like me."
"Great advice," she remarks sarcastically. "Was there anything you wanted, other than moping?"
"We're having a strategy meeting," Clint explains. "I mean, if you wanna. It's just the fate of the city. If you'd rather mope."
She groans for the last time, swinging her legs off the bed. "Coming, coming. Gimme a second."
"Oh, yeah," Clint remarks. "You should take a second to fix your hair, too."
"Wilson and Stark spotted a hunting party around the Rieger park," Fury states, pointing on the map. "Here. Three vampires, all male. There must be a hiding place somewhere."
"Yeah," Tony interrupts, drawing a circle around. "Somewhere in this area."
"We should run recon," Pepper remarks, twisting her earlobe in concentration. "Before we engage. If we engage."
"Obviously," Fury states. "Three trained killer vampires is a big deal. We're not moving in before we've shined a light up their asses from all directions."
"The television tower is here," Clint points out. "Here's the School of Economics. Train station."
"It's really close," Sam remarks, rubbing his neck. "It bothers me we didn't spot them earlier."
"Maybe they moved," Sharon suggests. "Hunting parties do that every once in a while, to draw less attention."
"Romanoff," Fury demands. "Are you up for it?"
She doesn't feel up for it. "Yeah. Sure."
"Take Carter with you," Fury orders. "And either Barton or Wilson. You'll stake out there every night until you know their habits in and out. Don't engage. Hide your scents-"
A door slams closed somewhere above.
Everyone tenses up. There's steps, almost silent. They're hardly armed, though. The steps come closer. The black cloak sweeps down the stairs, slowly, carefully.
His skin looks better, though still crusted and red in places. He stops after the stairs. Nobody moves. His eyes hitch on her briefly, then move on around.
"Hello," he says. "I'm afraid I need your help."
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cherryrogers · 5 years
Falling For You.
— Chapter 5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst if you squint, mostly fluff.
(Modern High School AU)
Synopsis: Unlike most teenagers, you had your life completely mapped out. You’d graduate high school, go off to the university of your dreams, and live the life that your parents always wanted you to. That was always the plan.
Falling for Bucky Barnes, however, was never part of the plan.
Being ‘just friends’ isn’t enough. Becoming anything more is too much. But suppressed feelings can’t stay ignored forever, and you were about to learn that a lot sooner than you thought.
Inspired by the song ‘Fallingforyou’ - The 1975.
A/N: a lot of cheesiness, i’m warning you - but it’s cute, alright? as per, feedback is appreciated !! please enjoy :)
Series Masterlist
If there was one thing you’d noticed about Bucky, it was that the boy had zero physical flaws. None, zilch, nada.
Not to you, anyway.
After finally admitting to yourself that there perhaps were some feelings deep inside of you for Bucky, you’d started letting yourself think things about him that you usually just suppressed into the depths of your mind. Like... how unbelievably attractive he was.
You know when you could just stare at a person forever, analyse the movement of their lips, and the furrow of their brows, and the crinkle of their eyes when they let out a laugh so melodic that it makes your heart jump? Yeah, well, that’s how you felt about Bucky.
God, it felt good to finally let that out.
But you weren’t okay with him yet, so the thoughts had to be suppressed again, unfortunately,
Standing in the large doorway of his dad’s autoshop, you contemplated what your next move would be. Did you call out his name? Wait for him to notice you? Just leave and call him later? You really didn’t want to disrupt him, but maybe that’s because you were pretty happy just staring at the boy.
Seeing Bucky in anything other than a t-shirt, black jeans, and his signature leather jacket was sort of disorientating. However, you certainly weren’t objecting to the look was currently styling. Grey sweatpants replaced the usual tight jeans, while a white undershirt actually revealed his arms. Bucky wasn’t ripped - he didn’t work out, or eat well, for that matter. Yet somehow, his muscles still flexed as he dragged a rag over the dark blue hood of the car he was greasing.
You knew that Bucky helped out a lot at the auto-shop, but you didn’t picture him looking so gorgeous doing it.
Okay, stop. You’re here to have a serious conversation with him - not to stare at him for the next thirty minutes.
“Bucky?” You called out without a second thought, standing awkwardly with you hands in front of your body, playing nervously with your fingers.
The boy’s head snapped up at the sound of his name, and the corner of his mouth upturned ever so slightly at your presence. He motioned you over with a hand, and you walked over to where he was working hesitantly.
He had called you that Wednesday night, after you’d gotten home from dinner with Pietro. Hanging out with the twin had relieved you from some of your stress. He had took you to a small cafe not far from the school where you got coffee and sandwiches, and it was actually pretty fun. You’d told him that you weren’t having a great day, and he completely understood.
“You can always talk to me, (Y/N). About anything.”
It was reassuring to hear. He knew that you were more inclined to talk about all of your problems to Wanda, or Bucky, but he wanted you to know that he genuinely did care. A lot. And it was comforting - you were glad you had a friend like Pietro in your life. Only a friend, contrary to Wanda thinking that there could be something else.
On the phone, Bucky had said that he didn’t want to just talk about it over the phone, and that you could come to the auto-shop on Thursday night after school. You agreed, also not wanting to have the discussion indirectly.
And here you were, watching as Bucky finished up whatever little bit of the car he was working on, before he put the rag down, wiped his hands clean with a nearby towel, and focused his full attention on you.
He already had an apologetic glint in his eye. “Hey.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, but kept your tone on the soft side like him.“Hi.”
It looked like he wasn’t sure how to start the conversation, which was fair enough. His body language indicated that he was anxious - repeatedly tucking his hands into his pockets only to take them out again, biting the inside of his cheek... but he didn’t have to be nervous. Sure, you were a little frustrated with him, but you genuinely wanted to hear him out.
“I’m not mad at you.” You assured him, causing the boy’s body to stiffen.
“You’re not?”
“No.” You brushed a piece of hair out of your face. “I was yesterday, but not anymore. Now, I just want us to be okay.”
Bucky’s tenseness seemed to ease at your words. “Me too. I don’t like when you’re upset, especially when it’s my fault for upsetting you.”
His apologetic gaze found yours, and you couldn’t help but feel bad. Bucky’s intentions were never to hurt you; you were aware of that.
“So, how long have you been friends with her?” You cut to the chase, eager to clear the air and forget about the whole situation.
The boy’s hands tucked back into his pockets one final time, staying there as he began his explanation. “When we broke up, Natasha and I were on good terms. We didn’t hang out for a while after that, but Sam and Steve were still friends with her. We all used to hang out together, so when the break up happened, it was sorta weird for the guys. They didn’t like leaving me out if they hung out with Natasha, and leaving her out to hang out with me. Eventually, Steve suggested that we all start hanging out again. I wasn’t sure about the idea, but I went along with it because I could tell they just wanted to give it a shot. And, well, it was good. A little awkward at first, but good.
We didn’t have the same relationship as we used to, but we still enjoyed each other’s company. It felt nice, being okay with her again, and I didn’t feel like I wanted anything more than just a friendship with her.”
“Did you ever think about it, though?” You asked softly. “Getting back together with her?”
Bucky thought for a moment, before rubbing his jaw with a sigh. “I mean, the thought passed my mind. But it never felt right; it never felt like something I really wanted. Plus...”
“Plus what?” You eyed him curiously.
He let out a laugh, shaking his head in embarrassment. “Plus, well... I had someone else on my mind.”
“Someone else?” Who else would he have- oh.
“Uh huh - met her at the start of junior year. Real smart and sweet; kinda drove me crazy since she never liked me back, though.”
He was wrong. You did like him back.
You chuckled lightly, trying to suppress a blush from coating your cheeks. “You can’t charm your way outta this one, Buck. It doesn’t bother me that you’re still friends with her, I just don’t understand why you hid it from me.”
As the conversation turned more serious again, Bucky straightened his lips into a narrow line again. “Like I said - I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about me and her.”
There it was again. He was worried about you getting the wrong idea.
“You didn’t want me to think that you still had feelings for her? Is that why you didn’t tell me?”
“Well, yeah.” The boy shrugged, causing to to scoff.
“Bucky, you could’ve just told me that.”
“You wouldn’t have believed me.”
“How do you know that?” You quirked a brow, a little offended by his statement. Would you have thought he was lying? No, of course not. Maybe there would’ve been a tiny, tiny bit of doubt in your mind. But Bucky didn’t lie to you - he liked to hide the truth here and there, but he wouldn’t just lie straight to your face.
“You wouldn’t fully believe me, even if you wanted to.”
God, it’s like he could read your mind.
“Can I ask why it matters so much to you? If I did think that you still had feelings for Natasha, why would that be such a problem?” Sure, it would mean that you had the wrong idea, but if it wasn’t true, why would it bother him so much that you thought that?
There was another silence, and you could practically hear the cogs in Bucky’s brain working to come up with an answer.
After a few moments, the boy exhaled slowly, his head slightly lowered as he looked up at you through his lashes, a lazy smile on his lips. “You’re my best girl.”
The four words made you heart stop indefinitely. “I-I’m your what?”
Your widened eyes caused him to laugh, as he stopped forward and placed his hands on your upper arms. “You know how I’m your favourite person in the whole entire world?”
“I mean, I don’t-”
“Well...” Bucky interrupted, earning himself another eye roll. “You also happen to be mine.”
“Is there a point to this?” You raised a brow, trying to calm the nerves in your stomach. He just said you’re his favourite person in the whole entire world. The whole. Entire. World! That’s a lot of people that he could’ve chosen from.
“If you thought that I liked Natasha, I was afraid that... that it would push you away. You’re the only important girl in my life, (Y/N). I didn’t want you to doubt that.” His baby blues locked with yours as he spoke, and you couldn’t bring yourself to break the eye contact.
You knew that you and Bucky were best friends. Even if you never said it to each other out loud, the regular movie nights, weekend outings and generally spending almost every day together wasn’t because you had any sort of feelings for one another - even if they were there - but because you’d never met someone that you were so comfortable with. And to actually hear that from him? That you’re his best girl? His favourite person? It made your heart swell to the size of a balloon.
If you hadn’t already admitted to yourself your feelings for him, you’d sure as hell be doing it in this moment. It made you wonder if Wanda really was right; that he really did feel something for you. Was it so far-fetched to think that after he just told you how important you were to him?
Not that it changed anything, since you weren’t ever going to act on your feelings. That was still out of the question.
��I’m not sure Winifred would be too happy to hear that.” You bit back a smile, prompting Bucky to scoff.
“Of course she’s important - she’s my ma. I was makin’ a point to you, sweets.”
“I know, Bucky.” You chuckled, shrugging his hands off your arms and taking a step closer to him. “Seriously though, can we just tell each other things from now on? You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I know.” A sweet smile overcame his lips. “I’m sorry about this whole... situation. From now on, no more hiding.”
“It’s alright, Buck.” You assured him. “No more hiding.”
You considered giving him a hug, or reaching out to reassuringly squeeze his hand, but the ringing of your phone in your back pocket stopped you front doing any of those things. It was probably for the best, anyway. Being that physically close to him would only set off your heart rate again.
Actually, never mind. The phone call was not for the best. Definitely not.
Bucky crinkled his brows as he saw you gulp anxiously while looking down at your screen, the name ‘Mom’ written across it.
“Shit.” You muttered. It was only a matter of time before the woman called. “I... I’ve gotta take this.”
The boy just nodded understandingly, beginning to tidy up all of the stuff he had lying around next to the car as you distanced yourself a little from him, hesitantly pressing your finger onto the green answer button.
You held the phone up to your ear reluctantly. “Hello?”
“(Y/N).” The stern voice through the speaker cut through you like a knife. “Are you aware of why I’m calling?”
“To ask me how I’ve been doing for the past couple of weeks?” You asked, knowing that clearly wasn’t the answer she was looking for.
You heard an evident sigh. “Your chemistry grade; you got a B. Would you like to explain yourself? Or do you want me to tell you how unacceptable that is first?”
“Mom.” You groaned. It didn’t even matter what you said at this point; the woman would never understand how ridiculous she sounded. “I was only a couple of marks off an A, I promise. I just didn’t study enough over the weekend, but-”
“A couple of marks off isn’t good enough for Harvard, (Y/N).”
Harvard? Since when were you going to Harvard? Sure, you wanted to go to a top university, but Harvard was far away from Brooklyn, far away from everything that you knew.
“I don’t want to go to Harvard, Mom.”
“Then where do you want to go?”
There was a short silence. “I’m... not sure yet. Somewhere not far from Brooklyn.”
An empty laugh sounded through the phone, making your heart clench. “(Y/N), if your father and I stayed near Brooklyn for our entire lives, we’d never get anything done.” Wow, it’s not like they had a daughter in Brooklyn to take care of. “You’re lucky we’re even putting money towards your tuition. You’re eighteen - you should have a job by now.”
Maybe you could get one if you didn’t spend all of your free time studying. “I don’t have time for a job, Mom. And I’m not going to Harvard. It’s not the place for me, I know it’s not.”
“We’ll be coming home in a couple of weeks; this discussion can continue then.”
“Awesome.” You mumbled, not quiet enough for your mother to not hear, however.
“Enough of that tone, young lady. If I find out that you’re getting anything but A’s after today, precautions will be put in place, (Y/N). B’s aren’t good enough for Ivy League schools - including Harvard.”
Fucking Harvard.
“I won’t get another B, Mom.” You said defeatedly, just wanting to end the call.
“That’s what I thought. Goodbye, (Y/N).”
Before you could even return the goodbye, the call ended. God, you couldn’t stand her. Harvard? Where the hell did the plan for you going to Harvard spark from?
Would she actually force you to go?
You felt a presence behind you as you shoved your phone back into your pocket.
“You okay?” Bucky asked gently as you turned around, letting out a tired breath.
“I knew that conversation was coming. I just... never mind-”
“Hey.” The boy lightly nudged your shoulder with his fist. “No more hiding, remember? Talk to me.”
Shooting your gaze to the ground, you decided to open yourself up a little. “I... I don’t understand why they can’t just care about me. Not my grades, or my future, just me - their daughter.”
Bucky frowned at your words. He knew what your parents were like, and he hated that you spent most of your time alone in that massive house, without a family there to help bring you up. He’d watched you do laundry for yourself, clean the entire house from floor to ceiling, go grocery shopping for hours... just like you were living in your own house. You’d only just turned eighteen, and suddenly the weight of the world was on your shoulders - Bucky could only wish that he could somehow help your carry it.
“It’s their loss that they’re never around to see you, you know.” Bucky affirmed you, a serious expression on his face. “I count myself lucky that I get to see you everyday; they don’t know what they’re missin’, (Y/N). They should be proud of you, straight A’s or not.”
While you were still pretty bummed out from the phone call, Bucky’s words did make you feel better. It wasn’t often that he put on a serious face and turned off his charm, but when he did, it was rather pleasant.
“Thanks, Buck.” The corner of your mouth lifted slightly, but the boy could still tell your mood had been ruined.
“How about I give you a ride home? It’s gettin’ late.”
You scoffed. “I told you, I’m not getting on your damn bike. Thank you, but I’d rather walk for twenty minutes in the dark.”
Rolling his eyes, Bucky walked over to the coat rack next to the entrance of the shop, taking his leather jacket off its hook and pulling it on. “You’re real funny, sweets. I’m taking you home, on my bike. What’re you so afraid of?”
As he began to near his motorcycle that was parked outside the garage opening, you jogged to catch up with him, anxiety beginning to build up in your stomach. “Uh, we could crash and die. I think it’s pretty reasonable for me to be afraid of that.”
“Doll,” The boy chuckled, picking up a helmet from the handlebars of his bike and handing it to you. “That’s not gonna happen.”
Taking the helmet cautiously, you quirked a brow at him. “Isn’t this your helmet?” Bucky only shrugged in response, swinging his leg over the bike and patting the space behind him, motioning for you to hop on. “James, you have to wear this.”
“You’re my passenger; I think you have to wear it.” Bucky smirked, knowing fully well that he wasn’t going to take the helmet back and leave you without any protection.
With a sigh, you pulled the helmet over your head and adjusted it so that it was comfortable, allowing the boy to fasten the strap around your chin. After doing so, you climbed on the back of the bike, regretting giving into him so easily with every moment you were sat on the leather.
A gasp escaped your lips as the motorcycle roared, causing you to wrap your arms around Bucky’s waist instantly in fear of you toppling off the damn thing. Though he had his back facing you, you could only picture the smirk on his lips at the fact you were holding onto him for dear life.
Even if he was wearing a stupid smirk, on the inside, the boy was melting. Your arms circling his torso tightly, warmth radiating between bodies... it wasn’t good for him. Being so close to you only got his hopes up - his hopes that one day, being close to you wouldn’t be such a foreign feeling.
Shaking away the thoughts, Bucky sped off down the street, winding around bends and inbetween cars, making your heart drop to your stomach with the literal fear of dying. All you could hear were Bucky’s faint chuckles every time that you tightened your grip on him.
With your eyes screwed shut for the remaining half of the ride, you didn’t even realise that you’d pulled up outside of your house until the bike came to a halt.
After you climbed off the bike and handed Bucky back his helmet, you sighed quietly. You didn’t really want Bucky to leave. The conversation with your mom had really ruined your mood.
“Thanks for the ride.”
“No problem.” Bucky replied leaning against the seat of his bike. “Do you... wanna talk about the conversation with your mom?”
“Maybe tomorrow.” You nodded. You knew he was only asking because he cared, but truthfully, talking about that conversation was the last thing you wanted in that moment. You’d tell Bucky about the whole Harvard thing once you’d talked to your mother in person, and boy, were you not looking forward to that.
“Would you...” You found yourself speaking before he could make a response. “Maybe wanna stay for a bit?”
“Sure.” Bucky nodded almost immediately, a playful smile creeping onto his lips. “I hope you have better options for dinner this time, though. I already had cereal for breakfast.”
You scoffed, walking towards your front door with the boy following behind. “You can never have too much cereal, Buck. But a frozen pizza has now been added to the menu, if that’s satisfactory for you.”
“If all you’ve got on this menu is cereal and frozen pizza, you’re not really runnin’ such a good place here, sweets.”
“I’m giving you a warm meal tonight, James. Don’t be ungrateful.”
Bucky only laughed, shutting the door behind him as he entered the familiar hallway. It always felt warm in your house, probably because the only time that he was ever there was when he was alone with you.
His eyes trailed over the photos neatly hung across the walls. Forced smiles, stiff shoulders, not a hair out of place - every pose was prim and proper, just like your parents. Nothing like you, however. Well, nothing like the you that Bucky saw. The boy had photos of you that your parents would only sneer at; pictures of you with animals at the petting zoo, selfies you took together at the junior prom... Bucky liked to document his memories, and he liked that you were a part of them.
“Ugh, can you not look at that?” He heard you groan from beside him, seeing as his eyes were on your seventh grade school photo.
“I happen to think it’s cute, (Y/N). Especially the bun in your hair that I’m getting a headache from just looking at-”
“Alright, asshole.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, understanding Bucky completely. “My mom insisted on my hair being that tight all through middle school. She said it made me look smart, when it actually just gave me the fear of having a receding hairline at thirteen. It wasn’t until high school that I finally stopped letting her control me.”
Bucky noticed your smile falter, knowing exactly what you were thinking. There was still a part of you that your mother had a hold of, even if you refused to admit it. While he wanted to reassure you that you were your own person, you’d already said you didn’t want to talk about your problems that night.
“You know, we haven’t had a movie night in a while.” He brightened his expression. “I’ll pick out a movie if you’ll do the honours of preparing the pizza?”
His smile widened when the corner of your mouth upturned.
“Okay, sure.” You nodded, beginning to make your way towards the kitchen. “Uh, and Bucky?”
“Thanks, you know... for staying.”
“I’ll always stay if you ask me to, sweets.”
Fuck. You forgot how his charm made you heart ache.
After a short silence, you and Bucky parted ways within your house, and eventually ended up in the couch in the living room. A small lamp dimly lit up the space, and the light from the TV shone onto the glass coffee table between it and that couch, where a neatly sliced pizza had been placed in front of you and Bucky. Key word: had. The pizza had practically been devoured ten minutes into the movie Bucky had chosen, which ended up being ‘Grease’.
Bucky wasn’t so much into musicals, but he liked the gist of the film. A summer fling that turned into something a little more between a good girl and a leather-clad boy in their senior year of high school. Hm, that last part sounded familiar.
Well, apart from the fact that Danny Zuko actually got the girl in the end. But who’s to say that Bucky wouldn’t?
Perhaps that would be the girl next to him. Correction, the girl whose body was suddenly curled up against his, her head gently resting on his shoulder, steady breaths exiting her soft, parted lips.
You. It was you that had dozed off on his shoulder. You that he admittedly wanted to call his in the end.
As his eyes flicked down to your unconscious form, comfortably leaning into his side, he couldn’t help but smile after letting out a sigh.
Because while you had simply fallen asleep, Bucky had utterly , inevitably and wholeheartedly fallen for you.
* * *
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machi-kun · 5 years
"Iron Man 1 gets quoted so much but are you really telling me that a self-proclaimed genius needed to be directly hurt by his weapons to know that innocent people were hurting over them too? There’s no way to make weapons and be good, there’s no way to make weapons like Jericho and believe that no innocents are being hurt by them. We constantly hear about how he stopped making weapons after Iron Man 1, but he didn’t. (1/6)
He just made weapons for different people. He made Insight for S.H.I.E.L.D., made Ultron for himself, and that’s not to mention the ridiculous amounts of weapons we’re shown in the tower scene in Homecoming, that if he made that weapon for S.H.I.E.L.D. he’s likely to have made others. Tony also pushes the Accords, which are in violation of several human rights, on the Avengers simply because someone walked up to him and said “my son is dead and I blame you”. (2/6)
Imagine having to be told to your face that an American died as a consequence of your ridiculous murder bot so that you care enough to do something about it. Because he knew people had died in Sokovia but did nothing about it until a photo was shoved in his face. There’s no excuse for Tony teaming up with Ross. A man who drove Bruce Banner to attempt suicide. There’s no excuse for Tony restricting Wanda to the compound and calling her “a weapon of mass destruction”. (3/6)
There’s no excuse for him shooting Sam in the chest after Rhodey falls. There’s no excuse for him bribing blackmailing and kidnapping Peter. There’s no excuse for the vicious way in which he attacks Bucky. He never apologizes for Ultron, he says “and then Ultron, my fault” in Civil War and then in Endgame he brings it up and claims he was right, even though Ultron was a disastrous occurrence. (4/6)
He blames Stee for breaking up the Avengers when Tony himself brought the Accords upon them and then pushed Steve away when he chose to help Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Scott instead of giving up the glory of being a hero. Tony probably only asked Steve to choose between the shield (being Cap) and Bucky (keeping his family, and I mean all of them not just Bucky, safe) because in Iron Man 3 he gets rid the Arc Reactor, symbolically giving up Iron Man for Pepper and then he doesn’t stick to it (5/6)
And he thought Steve would choose the same way. His monologue in the beginning of Endgame was pretty much just Hydra rhetoric, he says “what we needed was a suit of armour around the world whether it impacted your precious freedoms or not”. Our “precious freedoms” are a human right, Tony Stark has no claim to them. Not to mention that a suit of armour around the world would have done jack shit to stop Thanos or the snap.“ Machi, I do not know if I cry or laugh. (6/6)
I don’t… Honestly, thank you for sending me this in ask format because I don’t know what I would have done had I seen this on my dash out of nowhere. I honestly can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been. I’VE REMOVED ANTIS SO EFFICIENTLY NOTHING BUT THE PUREST LOVE FOR TONY STARK CROSSES MY DASH, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 
I tend not to interact with antis in any capacity because people who hate a character usually don’t hear to what other people have to say about that character, even if it’s in a calm, polite, and perfectly reasonable manner. My only interactions with antis have been on occasions where they come to me, not the other way around, and that’s why this kind of stuff doesn’t even bother me anymore.
Because I don’t get it. I truly, honestly don’t get their logic. I guess laughing is my pick, because I don’t waste no tears on something like this akdhkajshfkjashfh
Let’s go over this, shall we? For some lighthearted fun. 
The weapons manufacturer argument always sounded weird to me - it sounds like a very standard anti-military speech; Which I could get, if that criticism were ever extended to the other military characters, such as Rhodey, the entirety of SHIELD, and Steve himself. Because… you know… the soldier in super soldier is not just a cool nickname. Steve is also part of this war based system and people seem to be very forgetful of that fact. If you want to be angry about Tony enforcing war indirectly, don’t forget to spare some of that anger of yours for the other characters too! Make sure everyone gets their share! Oh, but Steve only wanted to protect the little guy, you say? Did you fall asleep when Tony says “I saw young Americans killed by the same weapons I build to protect them”? Is the use of the word Americans that bothers them? Enough to ignore everything else this sentence is composed of, including meaning? Also, personal morality aside - Tony is not, in any way, a war criminal or profiteer, as many antis like to put it. He is a legalized, certified weapons manufacturer, and all unlawful use of his weapons seen on screen is caused by Obadiah’s double-dealing. Ever since IM1.
And I can’t wrap my head around getting angry about a character that makes weapons in a universe where aliens are constantly knocking at your door asking if they can blow up your planet! What are you going to fight them with? Please, someone, give me an answer, because I can’t come up with any ideas.
Ultron. Aaaah, I love talking about that garbage of a movie. I also don’t understand why people pin Ultron on Tony as if Tony has intentionally made Ultron evil, when the thing inside the Mind Stone is what makes Ultron sentient, and when Tony builds Ultron with the help of Bruce with the intentions of, and I quote, “not letting the next alien get past the bouncer”. It’s the same speech, “weapons are bad! He made a weapon, so he is bad!”. But again, if weapons are not the things we’re gonna use against aliens, against Thanos, what will we use?! The Infinity Stones? Ultron was made of Infinity Stones! Where is the logic in that! I know, we’ll clock Thanos in the head with a frying pan, that’ll solve the problem akjdaslkfalskf No more weapons, everybody. We’ll just close the doors and windows and pretend we’re not home. Let’s get into a fistfight against Thanos, the huge ass purple alien, when that alien beat the shit out of the Hulk once with no problem! I’m sure that will work out just fine!
But by far, my favorite thing about antis arguments is the use of the Accords as a justification for demonizing Tony, when there is no evidence the Accords are a bad thing! No, for real! Not one! It’s all speculative! I’m sure a lot of people immediately draft comparisons between the Accords and SHRA, but the truth is, they couldn’t be more different! It’s not even that hard to realize this, so long as you’re paying attention to the canon cues. If the Accords where SHRA, Clint would’ve received a copy. So would have Scott, Hank Pym, every single enhanced person in the Agent of SHIELD series, every single superhuman. But they don’t! Only active-duty, currently present Avengers. So it’s not a register of every single individual, only of those who are currently working under Avenger’s jurisdiction. Second, it’s hysterical to me that someone would be angry that Tony is supposedly prioritizing American lives, but is okay with unauthorized American military intervention. Because that’s what the Avengers are! They are a government-endorsed and based paramilitary group, a special unit. It makes sense that they, a specialized team, are sent to deal with alien threats, because no country has a say in the legality of who gets to take the alien to court. So that’s not a problem. But when you go to a country to chase a specific person, a totally human person, without permission and you bring your special ops team with you, destroy some buildings, and then act like you didn’t do anything wrong - that is something people tend not to like, ya know. 
It gets to a point that the hate becomes a total lack of empathy. “It’s not fair that people are acting like Wanda is a threat. It was an accident!”. Had a person I love been in that building, would it matter to me if it was an accident or not? “Clint was fighting for his right to freedom, even if he didn’t read the Accords! He has the right to freedom!”. He sure does. How was his freedom endangered, exactly? By this document he never was prompted to sign? “The Accords are a violation of your right to freedom!”. Are they? Is a person forbidding you from entering their home if they fear you might destroy it, is that an infringement of your right to freedom? Do you have the freedom to go anywhere you please and do whatever you think it’s right, even if it destroys someone else’s property, or wound or kill someone, so long as you did what you had to do? “He has no right to lash out against the people who have murdered his parents or almost killed his best friend! They didn’t mean to!”. Oh, doesn’t he? Is he not allowed this distressed emotional response? Alright then. Where was that rage when Wanda, Toomes, and so many others blamed Tony for the weapons Obadiah sold without Tony’s consent?
I don’t have time for this double-standard. I’m gonna be here sipping on my loving Tony Stark juice and having fun with my complex and well-written faves, while antis marinate in their hate for 25 minutes on low heat. Wake me up when it’s time to kill Thanos with a wooden spoon or with a petition for him to leave. One of the two lksahfakshfskajfhkjsf
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spectral-musette · 5 years
So, the Avengers: Endgame spoiler ban is lifted, and I’ve had a chance to mull over my responses, so I’m finally going to try to write up some thoughts. I was hoping to have seen it again in the interim, but that didn’t work out, so I’m relying on memory from one viewing – it’s possible I’ve missed or misinterpreted things.
Spoilers to follow, so scroll carefully, Ye on Mobile! Also, sorry about the Long Post (TM), I apparently I had a lot to say.
 Time-wise, for its 3 hour length, the film didn’t feel long to me. It maintained its momentum and nothing felt laggy or tedious, even the big battles.
Time travel-wise… Okay, positive stuff first. I thought that revisiting the settings of earlier films was absolutely delightful and nostalgic. It felt very satisfying to have those call backs to earlier adventures and cameos of old enemies (Crossbones, Pierce, Zola, and, surprise, even Sitwell). The Cap vs. Cap fight was hilarious, and I loved seeing Steve so utterly exasperated with himself (“I can do this all d-“, “YEAH, I know.”). The scene in the 70’s was good, though some of the Tony and Howard stuff rang a little hollow to me. I think that’s mostly because I’ve always had trouble reconciling Dominic Cooper’s Young Howard Stark (who I’m very fond of, especially after Agent Carter) to the older version of Howard we see in various flashbacks. They look, sound, and act nothing alike; my friends and I always joke that Hydra replaced Howard sometime in the 60’s. So while an aged up Dominic Cooper Howard probably would’ve made me emotional, as it was, I was more moved to see 20 seconds of Jarvis than for all the stuff with Tony talking to his dad about fatherhood.
Using the “Quantum Realm” for time travel was… okay…. Insofar as the “science” of the Ant-Man films has absolutely never made any damn sense (and that’s …. fine. They’re funny and joyful, and I enjoy them a lot anyway. I don’t go to Marvel movies for “realistic” science fiction), throwing time travel into the mix felt like it just might as well happen. I guess I understand why they chose to go with the “nothing we do in the past can affect our own timelines” approach, but frankly it’s still giving me a headache. I also understand not over-explaining, but there’s a middle ground there that wasn’t quite achieved for me. I guess, based on the scene with Tilda Swinton (sorry, haven’t seen Dr. Strange and don’t know her character’s name) and Bruce, we’re supposed to assume that every journey to the past (cue Anastasia music) creates or perhaps just shifts the time traveler into an alternate reality that branches from their original reality at that point? And then when they travel back to the time they started from via the quantum realm, they return to their original version of reality. So the actions that they take in the past affect that alternate reality, but not the reality that they came from and return to. That’s the only thing I can figure out that makes sense to me at all, but unfortunately the film didn’t make that especially clear. Maybe seeing it again would clarify? So this is gonna be a big factor in how I feel about Steve’s ending, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
Also, a tangent re: time travel… While Tony (an engineer) and Bruce (a biologist) are both brilliant, this seems a little outside their areas of expertise! You know, wouldn’t it be great if we had a character who was an astrophysicist who could really tackle this type of thing - OH HEY, we do! I realize that there were probably issues with getting Natalie Portman back in a substantial role, but I love Jane Foster a lot and I would’ve loved seeing her work with Tony and Bruce to save the universe with a handful of Pym Particles.
OKAY, there’s an awful lot to cover, so I’m going to break down some of my feelings by character just to try to stay organized.
(First, a disclaimer that I haven’t seen Captain Marvel yet, so while Carol seemed like a great character, I don’t have a lot to say since I don’t really know her yet. That said, this seemed like an adequate introduction to the character and I am interested to know more. We have the problem of “if Fury could’ve called her anytime why didn’t he call her during the Chitauri attack/to fight Ultron/etc.” But all the individual titles that come after the team-ups have that problem a little bit… Where were the Other Avengers in Thor 2 or Iron-Man 3, etc.? Sometimes you just have to accept and move on.)
Nebula and Gamora, Tony, Bruce, Scott, with a quick note about Wanda and a very conspicuous absence
And the heavier stuff regarding:
Thor, Natasha, and Steve (and Sam and Bucky).
Nebula and Gamora:
While the Guardians aren’t really my thing, I did vaguely know that in the original Infinity Gauntlet comic storyline, Nebula takes the gauntlet from Thanos and fixes reality. I understand not following the comics exactly for the sake of surprise and to fit with the changed version of the universe, but it still felt wrong to totally take that away from her. Especially given what Thanos has done to her, personally, it seemed fitting that she was going to be the one defeat him. I’m glad she was still pivotal to the story, but it felt like an extra kick in the teeth that past!Nebula was the catalyst for Thanos catching up with our heroes rather than getting to be the one who saves the universe. And forcing her to kill her past self felt like it should’ve been treated with much more gravity than it finally was.
I’m really glad we “saved” Gamora by bringing the version of her from the past into the current timeline (however that works), but I feel so bad for anyone who’s really invested in Gamora/Peter Quill. It’s so heartbreaking that their entire history never happened as far as she’s concerned, that we’ve not only removed that very key relationship, but her character growth over the past how many years. It is at least hopeful; Peter remembers, and has the chance to woo her again, but that’s still got to sting.
So Tony Stark sure did die.
I’m not sure… he really needed to? I mean I don’t think I get the rationale of the Infinity Gauntlet killing/maiming the user. I recall the handwavey line about gamma radiation, but if you don’t immediately die after using it, couldn’t you juuuust, say, use the Reality Stone to be like, “hey what if I wasn’t mortally injured”? Couldn’t somebody ELSE do that? I’m not sure I get that.
So that said, I’m not sure if RDJ was really pushing for “you gotta kill me off” for dramatic effect or just to step out of the franchise? It would’ve been kinda cool to see retired Tony working as Avenger-support, working on suits for Rhodey and future Iron-heroes (Iron Patriot? Iron Heart?), mentoring Peter and other youths, and living his nice life with Pepper and their munchkin.
But what a way to go, huh? Dramatic self-sacrifice saving the the planet(/universe?), and a funeral that almost everybody who’s anybody shows up for.
I’m with Valkyrie that I preferred EITHER version to PermaHulk Bruce. Honestly, the Hulk himself had sort of become an independent character, especially after Ragnarok (my issues with Ragnarok aside). So by Bruce settling into this “I look like the Hulk but I act like Bruce” limbo, are we … essentially killing the Other Guy? I don’t like that. I mean I prefer Bruce obviously, but I’m really uncomfortable with that solution.
I really love Scott and he was delightful as always in this film. I’m heartbroken for him that he missed (another) 5 years of Cassie’s life, though. I’m also pretty sad we won’t get to see the little girl who has played Cassie so far in any future films since we’ve aged the character up to a teenager. Also, I would’ve liked to see more of Hope! I loved Scott and Hope’s little moment when Hope calls Steve “Cap” and they trade expressions between Scott going “SEE, HE IS REALLY COOL, RIGHT?” and Hope being like “Yeah, okay”.
Overall I guess the Ant-Fam is sorta tangential to the main MCU Avengers cast, so while it was nice to have everybody play together, briefly, I’m pretty content that we’ll see more of Hope (and Janet!) in future Ant-Man/Wasp titles.
 - Similarly, while T’Challa and the Wakanda fam were definitely underused in Endgame (especially the entirely absent Nakia), Black Panther 2 is happening. It’s disappointing to not get a substantial amount of characters that you like in the big team-up films, but it’s good to know they’ll be returning later.
We are really leaving Wanda in a rough place of having lost her twin brother and her android boyfriend within a pretty short amount of time (that’s rough, buddy). Plus, one of the characters that we’ve seen her have a pretty strong bond with is Steve, and he’s out of the picture too. I’m not sure where we’re going with this character, honestly. Hopefully it’s not continuing to hurt her.
It really seemed conspicuous that nobody so much as mentioned Vision by name in this film. Wanda referred to him indirectly, but that was it. I get that Vision isn’t immediately able to be saved since he didn’t vanish in the Gauntlet event, but, yikes, can anybody besides Wanda please attempt to give a damn about him?
I know sometimes we like to pretend that Age of Ultron didn’t happen to us, but Vision was still an interesting character, and some major plot points of Infinity War focused on the value of Vision as a person. I feel pretty bereft that he’s (apparently) gone beyond recall with so little mourning.
*heavy sigh*
Thor’s characterization was….???
Unpopular Opinion: despite its good points, I overall didn’t really like Ragnarok, and Thor already sort of felt out of character to me at that point.
Another Unpopular Opinion: I actually really love The Dark World. Thor’s relationship with Jane, and his characterization of gentleness and humility in that era really were important to me.
And I get that Hemsworth is genuinely good at comedy and probably likes doing it. But Thor has always been a funny character. We just used to be laughing with him instead of at him.
I was so uncomfortable with the way the film framed Thor’s brush with depression and alcoholism. Because Thor has lost so much at this point, he has every reason to struggle. I want to say that Thor wouldn’t have given up, but the same time I can believe that this almost unimaginable weight of loss (Frigga, Odin, Loki, Heimdall, The Warriors Three, Asgard itself) would take some toll. And yet the framing of his scenes treats his grief and despair as cause for humor. We’re expected to laugh about an unkempt beard and a big belly instead of being concerned about the fact that a character that we loved considers himself a failure. And there’s nothing funny about this situation to me. It just made me uncomfortable and sad. Revisiting Thor 2 and having him talk to Frigga was on the better side, but I’m disappointed that we couldn’t save her.
*heavier sigh*
Okay, I think a lot of the problem here is that it’s just really difficult to kill a main character any time other than in the last act (we also saw this problem in Star Wars Rebels, but that’s another can of worms). So because Natasha died at such a midway point in the movie, I still can’t shake the feeling that she’s not really dead. Nothing about it felt final to me. Clint trying to emphasize that, because Red Skull said so, it was impossible to bring her back (it’s freaking RED SKULL, why would we trust him???) just made me think even more that she was definitely coming back. Everything seemed to point to her dramatic reappearance and then it just … didn’t happen. That’s not to say it won’t happen in a future film, though, but it still feels deeply unsatisfying and unceremonious now, and that feeling really was a blow to my overall enjoyment of the film.
It also sat really badly with me that Natasha made this choice not just to save Clint (which I would believe; their friendship is really great and I love seeing Natasha’s extremely profound but non-romantic bonds with Clint and with Steve (though I would’ve preferred Natasha/Clint to Natasha/Bruce)), but because she fundamentally felt less worthy than Clint. I don’t like the idea that Natasha went to her death still feeling such guilt, still feeling like a monster (according to that awful scene in AoU), for the things she did as a very young person under the influence of brainwashing. I don’t like that at all.
I’m also really disappointed that we didn’t pursue Natasha and Bucky’s relationship from the comics in the MCU. Because the idea of two people with very similar emotional wounds coming together to support each other as they heal is just really appealing (#looking for baggage that goes with mine). That throwaway line in Civil War (“at least you could recognize me”) really had me convinced that we were going there. I guess we still could, but there are a lot of “ifs” standing in the way now.
Another disclaimer: Steve is absolutely my favorite Avenger, and I ship Steve/Peggy really hard.
Aaand I still felt uncomfortable with the resolution.
Maybe it’s just the difficulty I’ve been having getting my head around the time travel shenanigans.
So a lot of the criticisms I’ve heard/read about Steve going back to the 1940’s to Peggy seems to be functioning under the assumption that Steve is living within the timeline as we know it in MCU canon, staying completely hidden, and just not changing any of the bad things that canonically happen: Bucky becoming the Winter Soldier, Hydra infiltrating SHIELD, etc.
But we’ve been told that time travel doesn’t work that way – that Back To The Future, Doctor Who way – in this universe, right? This brings me back to my Alternate Reality take. So my understanding is that after Steve returns the infinity stones to the points in time that the Avengers yoinked them from, he basically occupies an Alternate Reality for a lifetime (Tilda Swinton’s thing about the branched off timelines being consumed by the ~forces of darkness~ only applies IF the infinity stones aren’t returned, and he took care of that). And he could’ve done anything in that Alternate Reality – married Peggy, saved Bucky from Hydra, prevented any wars and disasters he could. Basically it was Steve’s own personal Happiness AU. And then, (presumably after Peggy’s death), he uses the Pym particles and the Quantum Realm to return to his original reality.
Except, in that case, shouldn’t he have returned on the platform instead of dramatically showing up on that park bench?
So…I’m confused and I don’t like it.
Even from the Alternate Reality take, the situation of that choice is complicated. In choosing to be with Peggy, he’s tearing himself out of the lives of all of his loved ones in his Original Reality – Bucky, Sam, Wanda, (whatever the situation was with Sharon Carter that we absolutely never resolved?), etc.
And we’re not completely sure it was a choice, exactly. It’s possible that in the ongoing work to return the infinity stones, Steve somehow got trapped in the past (don’t know why he would’ve had to go to the 40’s, but I guess he could’ve run out of Pym particles there and had to wait for Hank to invent them to even be able to make the trip back).
Also, narratively speaking, it feels a little like we’re invalidating Peggy’s grief, and her character growth that went on in Agent Carter (even if her happy ending with Steve is going on in an Alternate Reality). I wasn’t totally sold on Peggy and Daniel Sousa yet (though I do like Daniel as a character a lot), but Peggy had a whole lifetime that didn’t involve Steve except as a beloved memory. Where is she in that arc when Time Traveler Steve comes back into her life?
Also, even if it IS an Alternate Reality, there would STILL be a version of Steve frozen in the ice in the 1940’s in that reality. How do we deal with that?
And how do we deal with the fact that Steve isn’t the man that Peggy lost anymore. He still loves her, but he’s changed, he’s lived almost a decade since then. How do they find their footing with each other? I’m sure it isn’t impossible, but it’s interesting, and it’s not addressed at all.
I think that’s what bothers me the most – that this is a whole huge adventure – Steve’s entire LIFE – that we’re shoehorning in at the very end of the movie without showing any of the really interesting bits or answering any of our questions about it. I guess that leaves the situation as a fertile ground for the imagination, and maybe that’s a space that the MCU intends to explore someday? I would absolutely watch the hell out of Steve’s Time Travel Romance with Peggy, somebody take my goddamn money.
Anyway, I’m happy about Sam taking up the Shield as Captain America. Bucky-Cap also could’ve been great, but I feel like, with the place we left Bucky in his recovery, he doesn’t need that responsibility yet. Let him rest. Wherever we’re going with the series featuring Sam and Bucky is going to be really interesting, and maybe we’ll get to the point where Bucky really wants to work towards atonement and is ready to share the burden of the Shield with Sam? I’m looking forward to finding out.
Overall, most of my feelings about the movie were pretty positive. It was a complicated story to tell with a lot of characters, and mostly it was handled pretty well. Some of those threads did fall flat for me, but they didn’t totally invalidate the parts of the movie that worked.
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marvelfanficprompts · 5 years
Hot Take on Why Steve Rogers’ Ending Doesn’t Make Sense
No one:
Literally no one:
Me: hey you want to read my 1,000+ word essay on why Steve Rogers’ Endgame ending makes 0 sense?????
Now, to preference, I am a Stucky stan, I have been since I first started watching Marvel. However, this is not written from a fandom, shipper perspective, but rather only canon and facts, from the perspective of a person who has a best friend they would do anything for and who’s entire life and therapy/mental health history revolves around moving on and not living in the past. Also, I love Peggy, she is probably my favorite female MCU character, and she has been for a long time, Peggy/Steve is also my favorite of the main romance relationships in the MCUl (Tony/Pepper, Thor/Jane, Bruce/Betty, Peter Q/Gamora, etc). Now, onto the essay.
Steve’s story revolves around Bucky. A statement that might take a bit looking into to fully convince you is accurate, so let’s look at the movies.
The First Avenger. Let’s be honest, Steve is a stubborn bastard, rather Bucky was there or not, Steve would have found a way to enlist, Bucky wasn’t apart of this part. Yet, even after the serum, Steve wasn’t in the battle, he was traveling and being a ‘show monkey’. He hated it, yet didn’t have the ability and/or motivation to change this and finally prove himself. What got him on the front lines? Learning Bucky’s unit was captured, Bucky included, and going against all orders to save Bucky and the other soldiers. Bucky was the driving force that got Steve to prove he was able to serve, if Steve hadn’t gone after the 107, he likely wouldn’t have reach the front lines until much later if at all. Now, after Bucky dies Steve says something interesting: “I won’t stop until all of HYDRA is either dead or captured”, a very stark difference from his original “I don’t want to kill anybody.” Bucky’s death was a trigger for Steve, who changed from “killing isn’t the only option” to “I will kill them all.”
Winter Soldier. I don’t need to explain this one to say the title is literally Steve Rogers: Bucky Barnes. From the unmasking, to just the sight of Steve allowing Bucky to break some of HYDRA’s conditioning, to Steve refusing to fight Bucky, it’s easy to see how much Steve and Bucky mean to one another, how important they are to each other, and how intertwined their stories are.
Civil War. It was shown Bucky was Steve’s weakness before hand, but Civil War really nailed it in. From the beginning scene with Steve freezing after Bucky being mentioned to Steve bringing Bucky to Wakanda to heal, Civil War is constantly showing us how Steve does everything he can to keep Bucky safe, even from his friends and allies. Now, one could argue Bucky was the cause of the Civil War, though it was indirectly. Steve freezing following Rumlow mentioning Bucky caused Steve to not be able to contain him, which gave Rumlow enough time to blow himself up in which Wanda threw him into the building which caused the deaths that began the Accords. Once again we are met with Bucky, though this one is Zemo pretending to be Bucky in order to put the blame of the UN explosion on him. After being told Bucky’s location, Steve goes to protect him from T’Challa and the authorities, which leads to a fight where Steve fights by Bucky’s side. Following the arrest of Steve, Bucky, Sam, and T’Challa, Zemo poses as a psychiatrist and sends Bucky on a rampage, where Steve manages to sneak Bucky away with Sam’s help. From there we see Steve form a team after no one believes them about Bucky’s innocence, and then the two of them going after Zemo, where they are met by Tony and form a temporary truce until it’s revealed Bucky, while under HYDRA’s control, killed Tony’s parents. From there we enter a fight, where Steve didn’t hesitate to fight against Tony, his friend and teammate, in order to protect Bucky. In addition, you can see how much harder Steve fights after Tony blows off Bucky’s arm. Once the fight is over, Steve leaves with Bucky, dropping the shield and with it the Captain America mantle. No matter how much it must have hurt, Steve supports Bucky in his decision to go into cryogenic sleep until a cure is found for his brainwashing.
Steve spends most of the MCU losing Bucky and then chasing Bucky, so why, after so many years of this, would he leave the moment he finally has Bucky again? And this time for good?
Steve’s entire story theme is moving on. It’s seen in nearly every movie he’s in, including Endgame, where one of our first scenes with him is him leading a therapy group about moving on and not living in the past. Does this rule just not apply to Steve? To live in the present instead of the past because the past can only hurt our future? The entire message of Steve’s character is focus on the present, don’t live in the past, and instead look towards the future, it has been built up since his entrance to the MCU, why would he erase all of it to return to the past? Going against the entire point of his journey?
Now, if anyone deserves to be a bit selfish, it’s Steve; who always seems to put someone else above himself. Yet, he knew Peggy had gotten married, had kids, and lived a very happy life. He knew Peggy, despite Steve’s ‘death’, had moved on and lived without allowing it to bring her back. Instead of accepting this, he instead went back to the past and built a life with Peggy, ignoring her husband and children and how happy she was with her life. It’s not like it’s impossible for Steve to be happy in the future, with Bucky, Sam, and the Avengers. He could have gotten married and had children with anyone, continued the life he’d been building since waking up from the ice, yet he didn’t, as if he believed the only way to have a happy life was with Peggy and no one else, even if it meant leaving behind everything he’d done and everyone he had met during his years in the 21st century, including his best friends Bucky and Sam. Obviously he didn’t leave forever, but the Steve that came back was very different, both in body and mind.
Speaking from experience, I couldn’t imagine leaving my best friend, everything I’ve done, for the chance to redo a past I messed up, to have a different chance at happiness with a person I once loved. My entire life revolves around the idea of moving on, looking towards the future, focusing on the present, and not living in the past, much like Steve’s does.
The future built up for Steve, of moving on and living in the present instead of the past, was a major theme of the MCU for many characters. Everyone else managed to do it, Wanda after Pietro and Vision, Pepper after Tony, Clint after Natasha, Bruce after Betty and the Hulk, Bucky after his time as the Winter Soldier, Thor after losing everyone and his home, but Steve, who reinforced the idea constantly, instead of following through, took the first opportunity he had and ignored every part of what he’s told everyone else to do, leaving the present, forgetting the future, and living back in the past without thought.
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hiei1300 · 6 years
An Avenger’s Secret
Chapter 10: Revealed
Pairing: Loki x Female Reader
Summary: Being the epitome of professional, you have one rule that must be followed to the T; Never mix business and personal. But how will your integrity fair against meeting the Avengers, or better yet, a certain Avenger’s brother?
A/N: I’m sorry for not posting in a while, I haven’t had a chance to go to the library in some time. Hope you all still like it and that you like this chapter. If I missed anyone in the tag list, please let me know so I can fix it. Also, I know that people will vary when it comes to having siblings, a few or not at all, so I wanted it to try a happy balance and give Reader two siblings; one brother (Br/n) one sister (Ss/n) with Reader being the youngest.
Word Count: 2138
Warnings: None (At least from what I can tell)
Chapter 9
Not everyone was there, Tony, Bruce, Sam, and Thor were nowhere to be seen as you approached the group. Your stoic expression making it hard for them to decipher what you were thinking. As much as Loki wanted to insist that you both leave, it didn’t seem like it would make matters any better if he spoke.
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers. Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Barton, Mr. Barnes. Did you sleep well?” your voice was as they had always heard it, precise and professional.
“(Y/n), we just want to talk.” Bucky claimed, stepping forward and earning a dubious look from the god standing behind you.
“Clearly.” You stated, the cynicism evident as you looked at each of them with a stoned glance. Walking over to the coffee pot, you began to serve each of them a mug, noting how they gathered around the kitchen island.
“Where were you?” Rodgers asked, not bothering with the run around.
“Mr. Laufeyson was kind enough to treat me breakfast this morning. I will be more than happy to make you something if you’d like.”
“You and I both know that’s not what I was referring to.”
Placing the beverages in front of each, you looked at him directly in the eye.
“I was home.”
Your flat response didn’t seem to sit well with half of them. Steve and Natasha’s eyes narrowing at you while Bucky looked almost concerned and Clint indifferent. Before they could get out another question, you spoke up bluntly.
“If you’re going to interrogate me, might I suggest moving to a different location? I doubt Mr. Stark would be pleased to see this unfold in his kitchen.”
“This isn’t an interrogation.” Bucky countered.
“Which is why this is being held when the others aren’t around.” You pointed with a supine tone, noticing how they indirectly stiffened at your accusation.
“We’re concerned.” Steve stated evenly, taking a sip from his prepared drink. “You’ve been absent for four days, and when you did come back, this is what we see.” He gestured in your direction. “Tell me how we’re supposed to feel?”
“Indifferent.” You answered stonily. “What I do is none of your concern nor is it any of your business how I look.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” Clint chimed with a sour note. “Do you have any idea what happened when you didn’t show?”
There was no change in your expression as he continued.
“Tony was a wreck, all because none of us knew what happened to you.”
“Well, almost none of us.” Romanoff directed her words toward Loki, who was leaning calmly against the large sofa in the living room away from the rest but easily within ear shot of the conversation.
“Our friend was- is – distressed from not knowing what had happened, you’re just going to stand there and say that it doesn’t matter?” Steve asked coldly.
“I’ll make up the work that was missed without question, Mr. Rogers. You can be assure of that.”
“This isn’t about your job, (Y/n).” Nat spoke in exasperation. “Do you really have no idea how much Tony cares about you?”
That seemed to have made your next reply catch in your throat, when you didn’t answer as callously as before they continued.
“He thinks very highly of you and here you won’t even explain what happened. Do you even care- “
“That’s enough!”
Jumping by the sudden demand, everyone turned their attention to the new figures entering the area. Tony was evidently pissed. Thor and Banner looking highly concerned and Sam couldn’t hide how awkward it all was.
Marching up to you, his expression softened as he got a good look at you. In all the time he had known you, you had never looked so worn in your life. Pulling you into a shaky hug, being mindful of your bruises, you swallowed down the lump in your throat.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he seethed to the four.
“We’re trying to look out for you.” Steve countered, getting up to stand in front of you and Tony. “You’re relying all you have on a person you know nothing about.”
“And going behind my back is the best way to get me to see your point?”
“Lady (L/n), are you alright?” walking passed the bickering heroes, Thor ushered you aside. His concern was deafening, before you could answer, he brushed your hair away to get a good look at you. The moment he did, everything went silent.
Thor followed the bruises down, you allowed him to shift your chin and sweater so that he could get the full spectrum of the damage. Because your hair hid your face well, none of the others noticed the markings that littered your cheek and neck, the bruising making an obvious hand print. They hadn’t actually seen them last night, Loki took you to bed before they could. Seeing for themselves, you swore you could’ve heard a pin drop as you solemnly turned away. Your head hung in silence, desperate to keep face. Cautiously steeling a glance, your features contorted into a sickened grimace at their pitying faces.
Pushing passed the God of Thunder, you hurried away from the present company.
“(Y/n), wait!” you heard Rogers call after you.
He wasn’t the only one you heard following, apparently everyone had to see what was to come. Barely touching you, you pulled your arm violently away from the soldier, turning to face him with a cold stare.
“Your sentiment is misplaced, Mr. Rogers.” you spoke lowly with your usual tone. “As I’ve expressed before, what happens to me is none of your concern.”
“(Y/n)…wha-who did this…?” Barnes voiced, walking up to you with caution. When he reached a hand out to you, he stopped immediately and pulled away.
It was subtle, but there none the less, when he reached up to you, you had flinched. Only Steve and he seemed to notice that reaction.
You couldn’t help but notice how their eyes seemed focused on the foreign markings or away from you entirely rather than looking you in the eye. Honestly, it made you sick to your stomach.
“Forgive me for not confining in you.” Sarcasm laced your voice coldly, your gaze never leaving the soldier’s in front of you. “Next time an occurrence arises, I’ll be sure to inform you right away.”
“Hey, we’re sorry alright.” Barton countered defensively. “We didn’t know- “
“No. You didn’t did you?”
You saw how Steve swallowed, his eyes locked with yours.
“Surely I was in the wrong for not speaking.”
“(Y/n)- “
“After all, what reason would I have for not letting The Avengers know about my personal issues?”
“We- “
“It’s not like I wasn’t being monitored through your entire stay here.”
Your words were accusing, everyone growing uneasy by this development, Steve especially.
“Can you blame us?” he retorted sternly, being fed up by your tone. “When a member of our team employs someone who barely releases her own name and who won’t even speak. How could we possibly place our trust in someone whose entire existence is a secret?”
Though you didn’t catch what he meant by ‘secret,’ you were quick to respond.
“Trust is a two way street, Captain, why should I trust someone who never saw me as anything more than a threat?” venom laced your words and brought a chill to the air.
Shutting everyone instantly.
“I’ll make up the work I’ve missed, Mr. Stark.” You claimed confidently, still not breaking eye contact.
It took a moment for Tony to find his voice after all that has transpired, “I’m putting a hold on your work, (Y/n).”
Looking at him in disbelief, he quickly added with his hands up in caution, “Just until you’ve healed. You can work when they’re gone.” His voice was soft and caring, he didn’t want to strain you with unnecessary work that could be done without you.
Seeing that there was no arguing, with a curt nod, you walked passed to your room. As you left, everyone stood there feeling like complete shit. Not liking how the silence was consuming, Thor made his way over to his brother.
“Loki,” looking to the two, the rest listening in on what Thor was to ask, “Please.” He was clearly worried, he wanted to help, and Loki knew his brother all too well.
With an exasperated sigh, he relented. “She won’t be happy with me.” He pointed out. Tony, Bruce, and the others coming around to hear.
“I’ll deal with that later.” Tony acknowledged, encouraging the god to continue.
“The man’s name is Cole, I didn’t catch his surname but he claimed to be her fiancé.” This really got their attention. “Obviously it’s one sided but he’s the reason for her absence these last couple of days.”
“And the one that hurt her.” Steve concluded, slumping his shoulders and running a hand through his hair.
“She asked that I not speak a word of him to any of you.”
“Why?” Sam asked, leaning forward on his knees.
“She wanted to deal with the issue on her own, that if you were to find out, she would be the one to tell you.”
“So, let me get this straight,” Natasha chimed, “a guy that claims to be her fiancé puts his hands on her, keeps her secluded away from us, and she didn’t think to call us or the cops?”
“Doesn’t seem to make sense,” Bruce included, “but I’m sure there was a reason for it.”
“She has,” Loki answered, “I’m not sure what his connections are but she can’t turn to your authorities, and she refuses to include Stark for fear of her own sake.”
“What do you mean?” Bucky asked.
“She doesn’t want to have any public connections to any of you. She doesn’t like the attention that your names would bring her, she’s content with her life as it stands and doesn’t want to ruin anything.”
“That and it’s obvious that she doesn’t like us anymore.” Sam added.
“Well, how were we supposed to know?” Clint defended.
“By trusting me.” Tony shot, no one dared to look him in the eyes at the moment. “And leaving it alone.”
“Then I guess I should note that I did some digging.” Clint spoke in, looking ashamed.
“What do you mean?” Bruce asked.
“When Fury told us to drop it, I got curious.” Digging out a thumb drive from his pocket, the archer held it up for the others to see. “I didn’t get a chance to look through all of it but there really wasn’t much to find to begin with.”
“Tony?” looking to the man in charge, everyone waited for his response on the matter.
“Hand it over.”
Tossing the device over, Stark pulled the information from it and displayed it in the air for everyone to see.
“(Y/n) (L/n) born (DOB). Grew up in (home town) graduated with top honors at (high school) and a scholarship for Yale…”
“She chose Princeton over Yale?” questioned Sam, reading through the text with the others.
“Father’s name; Anthony Harrison…before he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. (L/n) and his name was changed to (F/n), he’s a licensed engineer. Mother’s name; (M/n), only child of Mr. and Mrs. (M/L/n). Looks like she’s a doctor, brain surgeon.”
“Where do they work?”
“Doesn’t say.” Tony said, trying to pull more information on the two. “But with (Y/n), they had two more kids. (Br/n) and (Ss/n), (Y/n) being the youngest.”
“Anything on them?” Nat questioned.
“Nothing. Names are all I’m getting, not where they are or anything.”\
“This is all you got?” Steve asked Clint, hoping to have gotten more.
“On short notice and without Fury catching me, yeah.”
“She has family, wonder why she said that she’s on her own.”
“Maybe they had a falling out?” Bruce concluded. “It happens.”
“But to outcast your entire family? Must have been some fallout.”
“What about this fiancé of hers?”
“Without a full name and picture, I can’t give you anything.” Tony swiped the screen away, there was nothing more to read anyway.
“Well,” Sam chimed, “that’s a little more about her. Question is, how pissed will she be if she finds out that we looked up all this stuff on her?”
Glancing at each other nervously, no one wanted to be the one to tell you what they found.
“If she wanted you to know, surely she would have told you. Perhaps it would be best if this stays as it is.” Loki presented, walking out of the room.
Leaving them to their own, everyone agree that they wouldn’t mention anything to you. The real issue now was to apologize to you about their behavior and hopefully to try and make amends. To start over and earn your trust along with you trusting them.
Chapter 11
@harrymewmew @themes87 @pieceofhamiltrash @trashyemonerd @haven-in-writing @jj-trickster @southside-serpent-princess @craftersdust @gravity-9-8 @blazefire2012 @alina-barnes @jayyx3oxo @alina-barnes @for-my-mind @spac3unic0rn @manyimaginekay @bim-trimmer-protection-squad @bojabee @imarockstar45 @littlenugget8544 @fallen-imagine-angel @hiddlestoner3059
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modernmutiny · 7 years
team cap didn't injure Rhodey, Vision injured him when he fired at Sam on Tony's orders and then missed. then when Sam apologized (even though he didn't do anything other than avoid the giant laser that very well could've killed him considering it paralyzed a man in a super armored suit) tony then shit Sam with zero provocation. also let us not forget that team iron did all the same shit of property damage and endangering lives, except none of then we're put in oceanguantanamo
I’m assuming this is in response to my last post about how Team Cap is made up of mostly international terrorists, correct? Now normally I wouldn’t respond to this bc you don’t really want to hear my opinion on this, you just want to feel the satisfaction of getting a leg up on someone with a different perspective than you. But, unfortunately for you, I’ve been having a bit of a stressful day so I’m in an argumentative mood right now. (full answer under the cut)
So let’s break this down. First off, I also watched the movie so yes, I know the exact details of what happened. It’s funny how, out of everything I said, you found it uber important to start off by correcting me on the little details that don’t actually have much impact on literally anything I said, but I’ll play along anyhow.
Now, note in the post you’re responding to that when I mentioned what happened to Rhodey I said that Steve and Co were “indirectly responsible.” This means that, although they didn’t physically take take a handgun to Rhodey’s spine until he couldn’t walk again, they did create the situation in which friendly fire was a real possibility, and even a likely one.
But before we even get to that let’s recap that entire scene, since we’re already going there. I’m gonna focus mostly on the big stuff, so let’s start when wanda throws dozens of passenger cars at Tony. First off, she couldn’t see them so she had no idea if there were people inside or not, and second that’s the first big property damage we see in this scene. Tony did blow up two dinky little two-seat planes in dock a bit earlier, so I will take that, but also that won’t cause germany a few millions to rebuild a parking structure nor did it take out hundreds of thousands of dollars to innocent civilian families per car. Then scott and cap threw an explosive semi-truck at natasha, who 100% would not have survived being hit (wanda also threw her head first into a truck less than 5 minutes later, by the way). 
from that point we get to the big brawl where everything is pretty equal, so we’ll skip over that. Only big point there, really, is that cap drops a 5 ton shipping crate on a teenager, but peter had already shown his super strength so i’ll let that go. Next point of interest is when team cap decides that they’re gonna go for the distraction to get buck and steve out, before they ultimately surrender. Immediately after that we get scott going all king kong on us. he throws a bus at t’challa and rips the wing off a charter plane. Then vision destroys the watchtower to stop cap and buck from getting away.
So basically, leading up to The Scene, things aren’t very equal. Tony’s team had the goal to detain and arrest. Cap and co were trying to get out, any means necessary. There’s a difference. Plus none of that even matters because Tony’s team was sent out on an official UN mission to detain a band of international terrorists, while cap and co were trying to resist arrest and evade the forces sent by the coalition of 117 countries to detain them.
Anyway on to The Scene. The quinjet is getting away and rhodey and tony go to intercept. Sam follows to give the twin terrors a clean getaway. Vision is called in to take out take out sam’s thrusters and “turn him into a glider.” Sam evades, and now the non-lethal shot meant for him is now a lethal shot for Rhodey. Let’s put this into legal terms now. Sam was pursuing two authorized forces in an attempt to aid the escape of two highly deadly terrorists, and when the authorities tried to disable him, he evaded, causing the hit that would not have hurt him, theoretically, to completely disable one of the authorities. Whether or not you like sam or rhodey or vision or whoever, you can’t deny that sam, who previously admitted he was going to surrender, created the situation in which that action was necessary, making him indirectly responsible. Also, the shot didn’t paralyze him, as you claim. The shot took out his systems, the fall from 800 ft paralyzed him. Sam wouldn’t have had to take that fall regardless bc he has wings. He would have glided safely down, if it had gone to plan.
As for the part where “tony shit Sam with zero provocation” I just don’t agree at all. If it was you trying to detain a group that has killed dozens of people and just attacked you with no regard for your safety, if it was your best friend who fell almost a thousand feet with no control, would you take the weak “im sorry” that sam gives? Rhodey was bleeding from his nose and unconscious with a weak heartbeat after a fall without a parachute. He very well could have had any sort of brain injury from the pressure change which would only be exacerbated by the impact. (the suit,, by the way, would have offered no cushion when falling from high enough to leave a crater in the ground, instead it would have added more pressure on top of him and also give his body no room to bend and move with the impact, which would greatly increase the risk of all kinds of compressed breaks). Point is, his best friend for most his life was half-dead in his arms, would possibly die en-route to the hospital, and the felon who he was trying to arrest comes up to him to try and say sorry as if it wasn’t all his fault. So Tony shot a repulsor beam at him, knocking him back, but mostly because he didn’t need to deal with the hollow apologies from the man partially responsible right now. Had they surrendered and dealt with the consequences of their actions for once in their lives then maybe none of them would have been in that situation. (Im not even going to get into the fact that the repulsor beams are made not as weapons, but as defensive measures. They can only knock back an opponent, not hurt them, so it was a hollow threat at best.)
Now onto your last point, where team tony wasn’t detained and somehow that’s “unfair” or w.e. Team Tony was deployed to detain a group of dangerous criminals. Bucky killed innocent people in his escape after the first germany altercation, not to mention all the people before that (yes, yes, I know, he wasn’t in control of his actions and all that, but none of the UN countries have any proof of that after he attacked the man trying to evaluate him), Wanda killed eleven people in Lagos, Scott is a registered felon, Sam stole a piece of equipment worth millions of dollars from a secure military fort, and Clint is a former international assassin. Your precious Steve was implicit in the Lagos deaths, the theft of military property, illegally entering multiple countries as a rogue citizen, evading arrest by federal forces, and even grand theft auto. They are all international criminals that, in evading arrest by UN forces, caused massive property damage and endangered thousands of lives. It’s all about the intent, and since Tony and his team were sent out on an official mission in these countries, they have the authority here. Cap’s team is just a group of highly dangerous citizens with no privileges anywhere, so anywhere they go they’re committing a crime.
Basically you need to take off your rose-tinted glasses and see what actually happened. According to the law and anyone that matters, a group of murderers and felons evaded arrest, so anything that happens from that point forward is a consequence of the choice that they made. 
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