#he has to make sure mc always has the head girl badge on her robe
mlqcconfessions · 4 years
So I decided it wouldn't be fair to the other guys if I only post Gavin fanart
I will be posting everyone else's as well! And even Shaw's, even though he wasn't included in my Hogwarts headcanon
What House do you think Shaw would be in?? I'm currently stuck between 2
But for now, here are the Head Boy/Girl from Ravenclaw!
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I did this while I had more free time so it turned out better oops
Now that I'm thinking about it, it would be fun to see what everyone's patronus will be (except for the fact that everyone has so much HURT in their lives)
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tartheanmaid · 4 years
The Story Of Us
Pairings: Charlie Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC, Bill Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC, Charlie Weasley x Chiara Lobosca
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cheating, Strong Language, Slight Angst
A/N: This is halfway a songfic halfway not, also this was written with my mc in mind so y/n isn’t going to be a blank slate. My mc oregon is also in a band called Wreaking Havoc so that is in here although not mentioned by name so it’s easier to pretend I guess.
The Story Of Us
     My wet socks felt weird against the stage floor. Tulip’s reckless strumming on an electric guitar and Phillip, my replacement drummer, were the only things I could hear. It felt like I was under water, but then again, it was raining. Everything was muffled and all I could focus on was the music around me. The screaming crowd below me sounded miles away. “I used to think one day we’d tell the story of us” The memories flooded back, the happy and the sad all jumbled into one. “How we met, and the sparks flew instantly”
     “Do you want me to talk to her on your behalf [Y/N]?” I still remember that day, we had just gotten back for our fourth year and Charlie had spoken to me for the first time during our Care of Magical Creatures class. I had opted out of the class the previous year but decided to take in this year as a release. And a release it was. I was instantly in love with Charles Weasley.
     “People would say they’re the lucky ones” When the whispers and the stares got unbearable Charlie was always there for me. When he was around I didn’t care what the people said, all that mattered was him.
     The rain poured down as I danced around the stage, “I used to know my place was a spot next to you” I could vaguely make out a silver head in the crowd so I closed my eyes. My black skirt was soaked in the rain but it still moved as I danced. “Now I search the room for an empty seat”
     Memories of that night flow back. It seemed like half the school was crowded into the Gryffindor common room to celebrate their win. My eyes searched the room for Charlie the whole night, it was half past 12 and I still hadn’t found him. “[Y/N] [L/N], there’s something you should know.” Tulip had said to me. My gut immediately told me what it was. But the thing I could have never expected was that it would be my own roommate.  “Cause lately I don’t even know what page you’re on” The woman who had told me her secrets, the one I had told mine in return. She told me the reason I couldn’t find Charlie was that he hadn’t even been in Gryffindor Tower that night. Before we left to go try and catch them I felt a pull to look back. I caught the eyes of the man I had been fighting with for the past few months. “Oh, a simple complication, Miscommunications lead to fallouts”
     I opened my eyes and looked back at the band. We were performing in the training grounds, but the crowd we drew was the biggest it had ever gotten. “So many things that I wish you knew. So many walls up, I can't break through”
     The next party was hell. I had broken up with my boyfriend and lost one of my best friends in the same night. I could see from across the room how her silver hair and his ginger hair fit so well next to each other. My anger was unimaginable. My face was flushed and my grip on my firewhiskey tightened. “You need a break” Penny told me as she put a hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, I do. But really? I don’t even miss Charlie that much.” Penny gave me a knowing look. “Okay yeah I do, but like I miss Chiara so much more. Like she was one of my best friends and I- I’ve known her longer than I’ve known you even! I just can’t believe she would throw it all away like that.” And then she looked at me.
     “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room And we're not speaking And I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah I don't know what to say Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
     “Next Chapter.” The voice of the band’s backup singer pulled me back to reality. I look out to the drenched training grounds and find familiar eyes. We’ve been fighting for so long. It’s so hard I can’t take it anymore. “How’d we end up this way?” I’m pulled back into my thoughts as thunder cracks once more.
     I see his eyes from across the Gryffindor Common Room. He’s already looking when I turn my head in his direction. “See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy” I look away. “Talk to him.” Says Liz next to me. “What? No, he hates me.” I look back and he’s laughing with his friends once more. “You’re stupid if you think he hates you.” Tonks says, laughing at me. “And you're doing your best to avoid me” Turning to go face him I see that he’s vanished.
     I run a hand through my drenched hair and suddenly I’m singing to the silver haired girl and the ginger boy once more. “I'm starting to think, one day, I'll tell the story of us, How I was losing my mind when I saw you here. But you held your pride like you should've held me”
~ ~ ~
     I see her face lit up by the fireflies, the moon having abandoned us. She looks beautiful even as she’s singing about heartbreak. I stare up at her from the screaming crowd, wondering if I’ll ever get the chance to make up for what I did. It was never her fault, even though I acted like it was. I doubt she even knows why I was avoiding her. And then, somehow, she looks into my eyes and sings to me exactly what I’m thinking.
~ ~ ~
     “Oh, I'm scared to see the ending. Why are we pretending this is nothing? I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how. I never heard silence quite this loud” As I sing the next line I meet his eyes again in the crowd. My wet socks had gotten slippery as the slightly uneven stage pooled with water. I turn and dance around my fellow bandmates instead of facing him. But I can feel his eyes on me still. 
~ ~ ~
     She dances and everything melts away. All I can hear is her voice. Her voice was the thing that hypnotized me that day on the training grounds 3 years ago;
     “Did you get my owl?” She asked me. Not very memorable I know, but she made it so. She was, and still is if not more, ethereal. I found myself wanting to impress her all the time. I fancied [Y/N] [L/N]. I fancy [Y/N] [L/N]. I find myself staring at her swaying body, her lips, her wet hair, everything about her is beautiful. But she hates me.
~ ~ ~
     The fireflies buzz around him. He looks like a god. The sad part is I’m in love with him. But we haven’t spoken in months. “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room And we're not speaking” But maybe, just maybe— No. He couldn’t. “And I’m dying to know, Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” If only I could talk to him. Maybe things would get better.
~ ~ ~
     If only I could talk to her. Maybe things would get better. “I don't know what to say” Tulip’s guitar rift ties in perfectly with the rest of the song. I wonder who the song is about. Considering she kept sneaking glances at my idiot brother and that slut it’s probably about them. I wish I could have been there for her when it happened. But I was busy sulking. Her words become crystal clear once more. “Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now” Could it have been about me? A small part of me wanted to hope that she could ever fancy me in return. But that was foolish, she wouldn’t— would she?
~ ~ ~
     “This is looking like a contest. Of who can act like they care less” The fireflies danced around his soft ginger hair. I couldn’t pretend anymore. My body sways but my mind is racing. His red “Head Boy” badge glimmered upon his uniform, without the robes of course. He never wore the robes. “But I liked it better when you were on my side” And at this point I realized that I didn’t care whether or not he loved me in return. I was in love with him and I was happy about that. I danced around to Phillip behind me, then Penny to my right. “Talk to him after the show.” she says quietly, as to make sure her statement goes undetected by the microphone on the stand in front of her. “Okay.” I whisper in return. Penny sang the next line with me. “The battle's in your hands now. But I would lay my armor down” Now it’s not just his eyes that I can feel on me. It’s hers and his brother’s too. But I don’t care. Not anymore. “If you say you'd rather love than fight” His eyes in the crowd are the only pair that matter. “So many things that you wish I knew But the story of us might be ending soon” The song has a newfound tone that it didn’t start out with. The song felt happy.
     Returning to the final chorus, I sang like my life depended on it. “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room. And we're not speaking. And I'm dying to know, Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” I closed my eyes again, but not out of fear or pain this time. “But I don't know what to say. Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now”
~ ~ ~
     I see her close her eyes in bliss and I laugh. I laugh. It’s a genuine and special laugh, one usually only reserved for her. I feel like even though it’s only been 4 minutes and we haven’t spoken… we’ve somehow reconciled. “And we're not speaking And I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” As she sang the final few words of the song I attempted to make my way toward the stage exit. “I don't know what to say. Since a twist of fate, 'cause we're going down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
     “The End.” says Penny, marking the official ending of the song.
     “Hi Bill.” She says, out of breath. Even though we’re both sticky from the leftover humidity caused by the roaring crowd and the now stopped rainstorm, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. “Hi.” I say back. This was a lot more awkward now that I was actually doing it than what I had thought up in my head. Her eyes flicker from my eyes down to my lips for a split second, so much so that it’s barely noticeable. And then it happens. I kiss her, and she kisses me back. It’s perfect.
     “Oi! Lovebirds!” We’re interrupted by a voice, I turn around and it belongs to the one and only pink haired, Hufflepuff prankster. “Mind taking that up to Weasley’s dorm will you?” [Y/N] just rolls her eyes at her friend in response.
     “Go to Hogsmeade with me?” I ask. Bringing her hands intertwined in mine up to my chest.
     “Of course.”
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lifeofkaze · 4 years
An Art of Balance #1
A/N: I can’t believe I’m doing this, welcome to my fanfiction comeback after more than ten years. Jesus Christ, I’m nervous af. Feel free to comment and correct me (not my first language, sorry if sth is wrong), I’d be super happy for someone to beta me in fact! As the quidditch timelines are kind of messed up, I put Skye and MC in the same year, ignoring the fact that they are not supposed to know each other initially. Orion and McNully are one year above them. Enjoy!
 Word Count: ~ 2.800
“What I dream of is an art of balance.”- Henri Matisse
 Chapter 1: New Beginnings
It was a hot day. It was, in fact, far too hot for this time of the year. The sun was blazing down relentlessly on Kings Cross Station, its windows shining in the glaring sunlight. It was not only hot, the air was also muggy as well. Lizzie Jameson fidgeted in her clothes as she pushed her cart through the dense mass of students and parents saying their goodbyes, looking for familiar faces to begin her ride to Hogwarts for her fifth year with.
“Do try to stay out of trouble this time, will you, dear?”
Her mother was walking closely behind her, eager to give her daughter last minute advice on how to behave properly for once. Lizzie rolled her eyes at the huge grey cat towering above her trunk in its cage, only listening half-heartedly.
“Sure, Mum, I’ll try my best… it’s not like I’m asking for trouble, you know?”
She heard the soft laugh of her mother and turned around to see her smiling fondly at her.
“I’m not so sure of that one.”
She opened her arms and Lizzie gave her a hug.
“Oi, Jameson! Over here!”
She looked up and saw a familiar head of black and blue hair waving through the crowd. Lizzie let go of her mother.
“Mum, there’s Skye over there, waiting for me.”
“It’s alright, dear. Go on ahead.”
Her mum gave her another quick hug and slightly pushed her away. “Just promise me to try. Be good, study and write sometime!”
Lizzie just laughed, barely listening anymore, waved and made her way over to Skye, who was standing beside her father in a thick mass of flustered students admiring the Quidditch star. He broke into a smile as he saw her approach.
“Well, if it isn’t Elizabeth Jameson, the second best chaser Hufflepuff has seen in a while!” Ethan Parkin, famous chaser of the Wigton Wanderers, gave her a slap on the back. “Are you ready for another shot at the Quidditch cup, Lizzie? I already gave Skye a detailed briefing on how to- “.
“It’s alright, dad,” Skye piped in, “I can recite your strategies in my sleep, we’ll be good.” She grinned at Lizzy. “Let’s go find a seat and some of the others. I can’t wait to tell you what stunts I’ve been trying out over summer break!”
The Hogwarts Express was slowly running out of Kings Cross station when Skye and Lizzie finally had a chance to look for a place to seat. Having been on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team for several years now, they had gained quite the popularity with their house mates.
Exhausted from greeting what felt like the whole of their house, they finally found the department they had been looking for. Inside sat the rest of their little Quidditch gang, their fellow chaser and team captain Orion Amari and the not-so-impartial commentator Murphy McNully. McNully was excitedly telling Orion what seemed to be the new statistics he had come up with during summer break, while Orion was sitting cross-legged on his seat with his eyes closed and a zoned-out smile on his face. When they entered, he opened his eyes and smiled warmly at the sight of them.
“Ah, there you are! I knew there was a 77% chance of you coming here to join us, we kept seats for you!” McNully shouted excitedly.
“What are the other 23%?”, Lizzie wanted to know.
“You might have run into Penny Haywood or Rowan Khanna first. I think the chances of Rowan actually enjoying our company are at about 16 %. At best. So, I figured she wouldn’t want to sit with us. Which means, if she would have met you first, she would have asked you to sit with her, which you would of course have agreed to, as she is you best friend because you met her back in Diagon Alley before your first year and- “.
“Shut up, McNully.” Skye rolled her eyes at him and looked over to Lizzie. “It’s true though, she doesn’t really seem to like us that much.”
Lizzie shrugged. “No idea really, she actually really enjoys Quidditch. I guess she is just more of the watching type. Or reading about it, for that matter. But don’t you worry about her.”
Lizzie laid back in her seat next to Murphy, enjoying the cool air that was streaming from the partially open window into the stuffed cabin. She leaned forward again, putting her feet on the seat opposite of her and looked at her friends. “So, what have you guys been up to this summer? Ready for a brand-new year, brand-new season?”
Skye’s face immediately lit up with excitement. “You bet I am! Wait ‘til you see the tricks my dad taught me! We will stomp Ravenclaw into the dust in no time, just you wait!”
McNully only shook his head next to her. “Winning against Ravenclaw only makes up 30 % of what it takes to win the Cup, Skye. There are still Gryffindor and Slytherin to beat as well.”
Skye tilted her head, looking at him questioningly. “That’d make 90 %, what’s with the missing 10 %? Luck or what?”
McNully laughed. “I don’t believe in luck. No, it’s way better than that! We’re talking team compositions, daily form, weather conditions, bludger flight path velocity…” He gazed dreamily into the distance. “I could go on forever.”
Skye shook her head. “Don’t. Besides, all that stuff doesn’t help you win a match if you can’t hold yourself on a broom when you need to.
“But it can!”, McNully retorted, “There are so many factors influencing that as well. Just think about the grip factor on the broom handle, or centrifugal powers during turns or- “
Leaving them to their discussion, Lizzie got up and sat down next to her team captain. Watching them bicker back and forth, she couldn’t help but smile fondly. “They will never find middle ground, will they?”
Orion watched them thoughtfully. “Why would they? All the different beliefs we have are but representations of the many sides of Quidditch.”
Lizzie looked at him, processing what he just had said. “I guess you’re right.” She smiled. “How has your summer been?”
He shrugged. “I’ve let myself flow wherever the universe destined me to go.”
Lizzy shook her head at his answer, nebulous as ever. “And have you flown any interesting place in particular?”
“I did spend a lot of time surrounded by nature, reconnecting with myself, finding the balance to focus on what’s to come.”
Lizzie grinned. “So, wandering about in the woods, is that it?”
Orion chuckled softly. She had a way of breaking down his words. “Yes, you could put it that way.”
They chatted on about hiking and the trails Lizzie’s parents had taken her to this summer for a while before they fell into a comfortable silence, watching the trees outside rush by and listening to Skye’s and McNully’s bickering.
Lizzie jerked awake when the door to their department banged open and a whirlwind of blond hair burst in. Judging by the golden light outside, she must have slept for almost the entire ride.
“Lizzie, Skye! It’s so good so to see you all, I’ve been looking for you since we left London.”
Penny Haywood smiled her radiant smile at them, letting herself fall into the seat next to Lizzie. Lizzie rubbed her eyes, brain still foggy from her nap. “The train is only so long, and we’ve almost arrived, what have you been doing for so long?”
Penny giggled. “Oh, you know, catching up here and there, saying hello to people… There is SO much stuff I have to tell you later!”
Lizzy grinned at her. “Lots of juicy gossip?”
Penny laughed out loud. “You bet!” She lowered her voice. “Did you know that Billingsley apparently blew up his pumpkin pastry earlier, right in Merula Snyde’s face? And rumour has it, Tonks and Tulip have declared a prank war for this year!”
Lizzy shot an annoyed glance at Skye, who had started talking considerably louder, waving her hands in McNully’s face when Penny had entered. “No, I didn’t know that,” she replied. “Sounds like we’re in for quite a ride.”
“As always with these two.” Penny turned towards the cage where the ears of Lizzies cat had jerked up upon her entering. “Aw, hello Mousey, my sweet darling, have you missed me?” The grey cat purred, rubbing her head against Penny’s outstretched hand through the bars of her carrier.
Skye snorted. “Are you talking to that little devil over there? I swear, if that fur ball so much as touches my quills this year, I’ll make a hat out of her!”
Ignoring her, Penny rubbed Mouse’s chin. “We have no idea who she is talking about, right, Mousey? Such a good girl you are!” She suddenly looked up, waving at someone passing by their carriage. Lizzie followed her gaze just to see whoever she had been waving at quickly picking up their pace. But not quick enough for her to not recognise the familiar face.
She got up off her seat and stepped out into the hallway. “Hey, Rowan! Hey, wait up!” Rowan Khanna, her best friend since the beginning of her Hogwarts journey together, stopped dead in her tracks and turned.
“Oh… hey, Liz… sorry, didn’t see you. How’s things going?”
Lizzie frowned. She’d imagined Rowan being excited to see her, hugging her and asking about her summer, like she always did. She opened her mouth to speak when Penny, who had followed her, spoke up.
“Hello Rowan, how are you? Congratulations again on becoming a prefect, first step to being Head Girl managed!”
Rowan said nothing, looking sheepishly at Lizzie, whose gaze had dropped to the shiny yellow and black prefect badge sitting on the chest of Rowan’s robes.
“Wow, Rowan congrats! You really deserve that,” Lizzie exclaimed. She’d had no idea her best friend had been being chosen as one of Hufflepuff’s new prefects.
Rowan’s cheek blushed a little. “Yeah, well thanks, I guess. See you guys at the station.”
She awkwardly waved goodbye and hurried off. Penny arched her eyebrows. “What was that about? She was rather weird, wasn’t she?”
Lizzie didn’t answer, still staring after her friend. She remembered what Penny had said. “You knew about her becoming prefect?” she asked.
Penny looked at her bewildered. “Of course, she wrote to me as soon as she learned. Didn’t she tell you?”
Lizzie shook her head. “No, not a word. We didn’t write a lot this summer, in fact. I thought she would have told me something that important to her.”
Penny shrugged. “Don’t worry, maybe your letters were just badly timed or something.” They stepped back into their cabin and Penny dropped into her seat. “Do you know who else was chosen?”
“I only know Charlie is a prefect now, he told me as soon as the owl arrived.”
Penny smiled a very innocent smile at her. “Charlie Weasley instantly sent you a letter when he learned he was appointed prefect?”
Lizzie shot her a glance. “Stop looking at me like that. Yes, he did, because we happen to be friends. Just friends, alright? No baseless assumptions before the new term has even started!”
Penny just grinned, prompting Lizzie to roll her eyes. “Actually, I had thought they would choose you, Penny. Top notch grades, loved by everyone, barely getting into trouble, sounds like an ideal prefect.”
“Not since she started hanging with us,” Skye chuckled. “Penny’s been to too many pre- and post-match parties for the teachers’ liking, I guess.”
A light laugh escaped Penny’s throat. “Busted! But how could I say no to celebrating victory with the Skye Parkin?”
Skye said nothing and looked out of the window for a moment. “More celebrating defeat when it comes to last year.” Her attention shifted over to Orion. “Seriously though, do you have a plan for this year? Like, we finished last year in not the best state and we need a new beater as well.”
Lizzie went pale at that. “Merlin forbid, you won’t have me play beater again, will you?”
Orion looked at her calmly. “As you know, to me all positions are equal, merging into one another to form one complete team.”
Skye grabbed hold of Lizzie’s arm possessively. “Oh no, no, no, Amari, don’t you dare taking her from me again. That season with her as beater was mediocre at best. We want to have a shot at the Cup, we need her as our third chaser.”
“Don’t fear Skye. While I think Lizzie made a formidable beater, I agree with you. She’s evolved into a true chaser. No, we will hold try outs to see if a new calling arises in one of our fellow housemates.”
Satisfied with his answer, Skye let go of Lizzie, who was peering out of the window.
“I am really glad to hear that.” She pulled Skye to her feet.
“Come on, girls, we’re almost there, let’s get changed.” She grabbed the bag with her school robes inside and waited impatiently until Skye had dug up hers out of the chaos that was her trunk.
They had nearly arrived at Hogsmeade Station when Skye, Penny and Lizzie returned.
Orion was clasping his robe over his sweater, feeling uncomfortable. He hated wearing his school uniform, he always felt confined in them. He was already looking forward to changing into his loose shirt and coat again.
He touched his tie, looking at McNully questioningly. “Good?”
His friend grinned at him. “Not as good-looking as me, but good enough, I guess.”
He pointed to Orion’s neck. “You forgot your necklace, though.”
Orion ran his hand over the round pendant he always wore around his neck, tucking it down his shirt. “No, I didn’t. I am not taking it off if I don’t have to.”
“I know.” McNully waved a hand at him. “I’ve never seen you without it, except when you’re playing Quidditch, which is because all pieces of jewellery have to be removed for safety reasons, since we became friends, which was in our first year, of course, when you took the bed next to me in the dorm and we started chatting and…”
He actually managed to stop himself. “What I want to say, I know you don’t like taking it off.”
The door opened and Penny, Skye, and Lizzie re-entered the cabin. Skye wasn’t looking too happy to be wearing a skirt and robes instead of her signature house sweater and jacket. Orion saw her touching her tie in the same uncomfortable way he had just done.
“Ugh, I hate this uniform so much, it’s just so uncomfortable,” she complained promptly. “I really don’t see why we have to change for, what, two hours, before going back to the Common Rooms and getting out of these. We’ll be wearing them enough during the year.”
Lizzie rolled her eyes at her before reaching for her cat snoozing in her cage. “Can you just stop complaining, please? It’s not like you can change it.”
“Yes, but I can make a point about not liking it.”
“They just want everyone to look proper when the new students walk into the Great Hall for the first time.” Penny casually brushed some dirt off Skye’s shoulder, who shut up immediately.
“Speaking about looking proper, Lizzie, you should really brush out your hair, I don’t think Professor Sprout would appreciate you walking in with hair that messy.”
Lizzy touched her hair she still had tied up in a bun, now worse for wear from the heat and the wind coming from the window. “Oh, I forgot about that.” She pulled her hair band out, shaking out her light brown curls, brushing through them with her fingers as a makeshift brush. “Better?”
Penny looked at her dubiously. “Not much, but it’ll do, I think.” She ran her fingers through a strand of Lizzie’s hair. “I do have to say though, that new length suits you so well, Liz, I’m glad you listened to me and chopped it off.”
Orion watched Lizzie tucking her hair behind her ear. Penny was right, it suited her a lot. Until the end of last year, Lizzie’s long hair had almost come down to her waist. Not being the tallest, it had always made her look younger than she was, almost drowning her.
Now it ended just below her shoulders, the shorter length allowing it to curl stronger than before. She looked much more grown up like that, more feminine. As they were leaving the train, McNully, who was pushing his wheelchair in front of him, shot him a side glance.
“Lizzie looks changed, doesn’t she?”
Orion wondered if he had seen him looking. On second thought, of course he had.
“Is it important how we look on the outside when all that matters is our inside?” he evaded his question nebulously. For once, McNully didn’t reply, following the girls up to the carriages waiting for them.    
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