#he has posted photos in these exact poses in that hoodie before
seowoobins · 1 year
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231015 : twt update
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miss-m-winks · 5 years
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Instead of a summary of my art from each month of 2019 I’ve compiled a summary of my art from every year of this decade! Finding some of that old art was incredibly difficult.
And making an exact image description of all this would be too long to write or read so I’m going to do my best to describe all this in a concise and interesting way.
2010: I was a sophomore in high school, so about 15 years old. These two drawings are in pencil and colored pencil, one of some random girl character wearing brightly colored clothes and a rainbow shawl thing (??) walking on clouds it seems. No idea what that was meant to be about. The other is a reference for my old oc, the very first one I ever had, based on myself. She looks human but with unicorn ears and a horn, plus wings and a tail. I hadn’t figured out animal legs yet either so she has perfectly normal human legs that just end in hooves.
2011: still mostly pencil, colored pencil, I don’t remember if I had a laptop yet. I would have been 16 years old at this time. I picked a self portrait here, a coloreddrawing of myself in black concert dress playing the trumpet because I got to do a solo in jazz band and I was very happy about it. The other art I picked for this year is digital but in the old ms paint program (you know before it tried to be fancy with a few more realistic tools and was only pixel art tools) I do believe I was still using the family computer for this, with a mouse. I was really creative with the tools. It’s my unicorn girl oc again, flying through the sky. I included a progress image, showing how I made it. I’m so glad I saved the steps and posted them it’s really cool to see my old art process for that.
2012: 17 years old, and I think I finally had a laptop with a good art program on it by this time but I still did mostly traditional art, lots of colored pencil work. I found this old experimental art I did that year, a colored pencil drawing of a girl sitting on a tree branch, but the background is all digital, a painting of a fantasy night sky with three moons. It actually looks kinda good, the edges of the colored pencil drawing are crisp and smooth and the digital background doesn’t look out of place. I mean the shading is a bit of a mess and I used white clouds on a black night sky which is a bit funny looking but it isn’t that bad. The other image is a colored pencil drawing that was really ambitious for me at the time. I had this cool idea to draw Death with sunset colored wings, all poetic and stuff. Why did I also draw death with blue skin and horns? I don’t know. Why is death sitting on an ambiguous brown cliff overlooking a cemetery? Well I guess I just was having trouble finding any other way to make a nice background and have death above a cemetery. I should redo this one, it’s a really good concept.
2013: my last year of high school, 18 years old. I was doing digital art a lot more often this year and expanding the diversity of my ocs. One of these images is a digital drawing of two of my first characters of color, two male black elves (black as in African-based) smoochin. My first black oc was also my first queer oc, jayvyn. A gay elf. There are a lot of issues with the way I originally conceptualized his story but even when I was thinking he was the only queer person in his town and there was homophobia towards him (I was only just dipping my toes outside the mindset I grew up in) I gave him a whole massive group of friends (a boys' lacrosse team he was on don’t ask me why lacrosse I have no idea I don’t even know much about lacrosse it was a weird choice) and those friends were extremely loyal and supportive of him, even to the point of going on dates with him just to make him happy. and again, he was the only gay character I had so I was writing a bunch of straight dudes taking their one gay friend on dates in a town full of people who were at least vaguely homophobic, I definitely had a lot of growing to do in my writing and my own mindset but I’m kinda proud of myself for doing that? I could have done so much worse with my first queer oc and my first real step into characters of color, but I made the whole story about this tight knit group of boys who were all such close loving friends. (Gee I wonder if this had anything to do with my being ace and not knowing it yet). Oh yeah, the other image is also there, that one is from a photoshop class I took. We had a three-way folding mirrors the bathroom at the time so I put on a hoodie, turned out the bathroom lights, folded the mirrors in and shoved my face into the gap and then took a photo with the flash while holding my mouth open in a silent scream. The result is this really cool series of screaming faces at different angles, which I then ran through a few filters and major contrast adjustment. Could be an edgy generic horror movie cover lol
2014: 19 years old, and I just finished a year of community college and then left on a church mission for 18 months. I probably should have used some of my first college art class drawings for this year's summary but I was using my old deviantart gallery to collect these old images so I forgot I had all that college art too. These two digital images are pretty dynamic in different ways. Dynamic lighting and dark skin, an experiment I was doing to figure out lighting better for my characters of color. That’s Jayvyn again I think, with lightning shooting out of his hand because I sure love making characters with lightning powers. The other is dynamic in the posing and I’m still incredibly happy with it, it’s a drawing of a grey centaur from behind, bucking in panic because a kitten pounced on its foot. Definitely still one of the best centaur drawings I have ever made.
2015: 20 years old, I was actually on my church mission for this entire year so finding art from that year was very very tricky. One is just a small pencil drawing on another oc, Ronan with his cool mechanical leg playing fiddle I guess? I was doing a lot of synesthesia doodles that year so there are lots of swirly lines coming off the fiddle. I was also surprised to find this really neat digital art I made of Ravio from link between worlds, I almost forgot I did find a way to make digital art on my mission (no access to my laptop, limited apps we were allowed to use, super limited access to normal computers except for emails and such, always busy doing important stuff) I discovered the drawing function in the iPad notes app and every time I had time I would use it until I figured out how to make it work for me, using only my fingers, the limited color palette options, and this marker tool that had one size and only multiplied (except when using white) this is definitely one of the best ones, but I don’t know where the rest went. I had a lot. I was stunned to find this because it really looks like I could have done it on a laptop, can’t believe I forgot I did that.
2016: 21 years old. Had to get used to a laptop again. Also I created my current main oc Morianten during my church mission so here I have the very first full body digital art of him! I’ve definitely changed his anatomy a lot since then, made him much more bird like. Kinda funny to look at this old one and see just how differently I draw him now, only three years later. I also have here a digital painting of some other members of morianten's adoptive family, his dad and little brother having a father son race in nice racing wheelchairs. I still struggle with proportions when I draw characters in wheelchairs.
2017: 22 years old, and back in college. I really had a focus on figure drawing that year, I was back in college art classes and I found posespace.com which is just full of professionally shot art model photos. I’ve got one digital figure drawing of my oc Talib, another practice in lighting on dark skin. The other image is a charcoal drawing of my oc Parva, I think I did that one in a 30 minute time frame where I was taking pictures at different points to show my process but I’ve lost the process images.
2018: 23 years old, and really getting into color depth with my digital art. I found a really old pencil drawing of a dynamic dancing scene and redid it as a digital painting with extreme colored lighting dynamics and new characters. I also got super into mermay so I’ve included one of my favorites, a rainbow trout gal and her elf girlfriend having a chat after a nice swim. I’m super proud of the colors and proportions here, and the shading is pretty great too.
And then it’s 2019! This year! I’m 24! For this one I used three images instead of two, all digital. My ocs Talib and Kouto as persephone and hades in a really quick painting I did but the colors and lighting are intense and fun. No outlines painting of Morianten with some pretty intense lightning lighting. That one took ages and I’m still not entirely pleased with the way I drew his face there but I’m proud of it. And I never actually posted this last one, it’s a new oc created exclusively for the DC superheroes au I dabbled in with @askmissbernadette, a young hero called Lion riding a skateboard in a dark city with a long coat on because that’s a fun way to replace the common superhero cape design.
Overall, it was really fun to go through my art for the entire decade and see how much it’s changed over time. And to see how much my characters have changed. Hope 2020 is a good year, hope the 20s in general are good. Here’s to another 10 years of change and progress!
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mercyimagines-blog · 8 years
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Requested by anonymous: Can you write one where him and y/n become brand ambassadors or the new faces of a brand (kind of like Madison and Jack’s AE campaign) and fans just lose it because it’s cute
Note: I died at M&J’S AE campaign so this was so cute to write omg because goals honestly, *NOT MY GIF but I wish the man in it was if you catch my drift
You‘re sitting in Shawn’s living room on your laptop as Aaliyah sits next to you doing some science homework. Shawn had disappeared to the studio for an hour, leaving you the designated tutor for Aaliyah - which you had no problem with, of course.
Your eyes scan over the couple of unread emails in your mailbox, most of it stuff you didn’t want to look at - except for one which caught your attention.
The email was sent to both you and Shawn, spiking your interest as you read it.
Dear Shawn and Y/N,
All of us here at Urban Outfitters are huge fans! Plus, you two are our definite OTP, you’re just too cute to handle, not to mention very attractive! Due to us being such huge fans of Shawn’s career and you two as a couple, we write this email asking if you would be our new brand ambassadors! We would be honored to have you both as the faces of our company and we look forward to working with you shall you accept this offer.
Any further questions? Feel free to have your management and team contact UO HQ and we will gladly answer them in regards to what you need to know!
Let us know what you decide and we are looking forward to hearing from you both!
Much love,
Richard Hayne and all of us from Urban Outfitters
Chairman, President and current CEO of Urban Outfitters
You squint your eyes in confusion, but mostly cringing at how they worded this email; you were also completely sure that Richard Hayne did not write this.
Although, the offer did seem extremely appealing. You would obviously need to speak to Shawn when he got back though, him being the main face.
As if on cue, Shawn walks through the door, placing his car keys on the kitchen counter.
“Did you know about this?” You ask, not being able to wait.
“Know about what?” Shawn replies, taking a seat next to you on the couch.
You point at your computer screen and he leans in, squinting slightly as his brown eyes move inch by inch, reading the words.
He pulls back, exhaling.
“Yeah, I knew about it. Andrew talked to me this morning.” He stretches his arms over his head, yawning a bit.
“Knew about what?” Aaliyah nosily asks, leaning closer to you.
“Urban Outfitters wants Shawn and I to be their brand ambassadors.” You say, taking a sideways glance at Shawn. “What is your thoughts?”
“I think that would be so cool.” Aaliyah chimed in.
You send her a look, not so sure and Shawn rubs his neck, averting his gaze from you.
“Honestly, it sounds like fun. I would really like to do it.” Shawn says shyly.
Your lips twitch for a second before you answer. There was a lot to think about with accepting an offer like this, yet you could only think that it would be really cool.
“Well, then I guess we’re doing it.” You smile, Shawn shaking his head as he looks at you.
“Wait, really?” He asks, almost not believing it for some reason.
“Why not?” You shrug, Aaliyah yelling a “woohoo!” causing all of you to laugh.
As you show up to the space where you two would be shooting the pictures, to introduce yourselves as the new brand ambassadors for Urban Outfitters, you get a fluttery feeling in your stomach.
You had been to multiple photoshoots before with Shawn, but usually they didn’t want to photograph you as well, so this was a new experience. Honestly, you didn’t know how to do photoshoots, you’re basically just posing for pictures, you guess. You like pictures, so maybe it’ll be the same.
A short red headed woman approaches you two as you enter the space, a camera sitting on a tripod as different kinds of lights are pointed at an area with some lounge seats and a plain light blue backdrop.
“Hi there! I’m Alexandra and I’m going to be photographing you guys today. I’m the official Urban Outfitters photographer so whenever you guys come in to do a shoot, it’ll most likely always be me. We are so happy to welcome you guys as our ambassadors, we love you guys.” She smiles, pearly whites beaming at you and freckles sprinkled all over the entirety of her face. From what you saw, Alexandra was gorgeous and couldn’t have been much older than 26.
“Hi, I’m Shawn.” Shawn says, shaking her hand, then resting it on your hip.
Her bright green eyes find you and you shake your hand out as well, shaking hers.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh,” Alexandra puckers her lips. “We have a shy one over here!” She yells, laughing.
You feel the need to curl back towards Shawn, yet you don’t. Instead, your eyes look around the room to see Shawn’s team conversing with the UO team and you feel extremely self-conscious.
“I’m not shy,” You manage to get out. “I’ve just never done a photoshoot before.”
Alexandra’s face softens as she give an apologetic look to Shawn as he must’ve had a certain expression.
“It’s easy, we’re just going to tell you how to pose and stuff like that. It’ll be fun, Y/N.” Alexandra says, hooking her arm with yours, guiding you away from Shawn. “We’re going to get you into hair and makeup, as well as wardrobe and you’ll be ready to go. Shannon here is our hair stylist and makeup artist and she’ll get you all ready for Amber who is in charge of wardrobe. Alright, see you soon, sweetie!”
You already didn’t like Alexandra and it’s only the first day.
As the last piece of jewelry was being hung around your neck, you were finally able to look at yourself in the mirror after a little over thirty minutes of being styled by three different people.
Your hair was flipped to the side in waves that looked glossy under the light, your makeup was subtle and earthy - a mauve tone on your lips that contrasted against the long necklaces embellished with turquoise stones; they have you dressed in some long dark blue velvet dress with small straps and slits up the sides, paired with some white sneakers and a denim Tommy Hilfiger jacket.
You had to admit - you looked pretty hot.
When you stepped out of the room they had you in for what felt like years, Shawn’s team cheered as you walked towards them, making you laugh and jokingly bow.
You hear the camera snap a couple of times, but you knew they weren’t taking photos just yet - perhaps warming the camera up.
Shawn looks at you, having been done fifteen minutes before you, his eyes scaling up and down your body.
Shawn is wearing a pair of black jeans, a white hoodie and a denim jacket on over his hoodie, matching your denim jacket - Tommy Hilfiger.
He looks so good in white.
“Babe, you’re smoking.” Shawn says, holding his arms out in awe practically.
“You’re not too bad yourself, Mendes.” You smirk, lacing your fingers together, the large hand gives you a feeling of comfort when you’re being drowned in discomfort.
“Alright, you two ready?” Alexandra asks, looking at you and smiling. “You both look stunning!”
Shawn takes your hand and leads you to where Alexandra is telling you two to stand, in the middle of the blue backdrop. Shawn is instructed to put his hands around your waist and he pulls your body closer to his so that there’s no more room between you two. You’re instructed to hold onto the opening of his denim jacket, but towards the bottom so you can rest your head against Shawn’s chest.
Alexandra tells you both to look straight at the camera, giving it a “dewy look” - whatever the hell that meant.
And that’s when the first picture is snapped, followed by an entire series of snaps as Alexandra tells you where to look, what to do with your hands and how to act.
Throughout the entire process, you get your hair redone three times as well as change your outfit thrice, the same happening to Shawn.
For the last set of pictures, they’ve put you on the lounge seat together and you’re dressed in the Calvin Klein gear they wear, a white t-shirt adorning your body while your lower half is wrapped in a pair of CK sweats. Shawn is shirtless while wearing some matching CK sweatpants and Alexandra has told you to rest your head on his chest, your hand right next to your face as your left leg is wrapped in between Shawn’s.
Even though you’re not the half naked one, you can’t help but feel incredibly uncomfortable for him.
However, before you know it, the photoshoot is over and people are thanking you for coming and talking to you about the details of being a brand ambassador.
Alexandra’s assistant, Felix, informs you that the clothes you had put on are now yours, as a gift from Urban.
It seemed as if everything happened so fast and you were being show the pictures, every single one of them catching your eye and making you fall in love with the campaign photos.
There are a couple though, that you didn’t see getting taken and you get a little closer to the screen to look at them.
The picture was of you laughing and in the distance, you can see Shawn looking at you as if you were his entire universe.
“This one’s my favorite.” Alexandra points to the exact picture you were looking at. “I think we all deserve a guy who looks at us the way Shawn looks at you, Y/N.”
And then she walks away, trying to get Felix to print all of the pictures and try to get them on PDF files and get them up on the website and on billboards and your head spun.
“Babe?” Shawn asks, taking hold of your hand. “It’s time to go.”
And so you left with one of the best experiences tucked in your pocket.
It was two days later on a Saturday morning when all of the pictures were emailed to you and Shawn, including some of the pictures with the Urban Outfitters logo printed on them.
You admired every single one of them, thinking about how cute they actually were.
Shawn ended up tweeting the first picture you took as well as putting the same one on Instagram. You had taken the last photo you took together and posted in on Instagram as well, but you decided not to on twitter.
You were ready for some sort of backlash some of the fans would create, however, when you took a peek at Shawn’s instagram comments, as well as yours; there was nothing but postitive feedback.
shawnmendes: my lovely lady and I are excited to announce that we are officially the new brand ambassadors of @urbanoutfitters! #spreadthelovewithurban
shawnmendez: um they’re goals tbfh
sweetheartshawn: THEY’RE BOTH SO HOT
canadashawn: haters are gonna hate man but they gotta admit that this is the cutest shit they’ve ever seen in their entire life
sassyshawn: how is Y/N so flawless tho that’s the question???? I AM SO HAPPY THEY’RE BRAND AMBASSDORS THAT MEANS CUTE OTP PICS IM DONE
wotshawnpeterrm: OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP
Your heart swelled at the cute comments as Shawn came over and sat down, looking at the pictures you pulled up.
“We should frame one of these.” Shawn says, taking a sip from his cup of water.
“We should, they’re cute.”
“Cute? Y/N, we slay.” Shawn said sassily and you laugh, telling him to never say that ever again.
requests are closed at the moment!
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