#he has held her without issue plenty of times since then once we corrected his methods
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
Aaaaaah you have a pet snake!!!!!! Pics pics pics pics pics please?? 👀👀👀
I actually have two pet snakes!!!
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This is my cornsnake, Cucumberwater! He's a sweetheart, the chillest little guy ever, just wants to explore and vibe. He's about six feet long and around twelve-ish? years old. I got him off craigslist. :)
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This is my ball python, Zucchiniblossom! She's about three now. I got her when she was a lil baby from a local breeder, and she's still a TEENY bit convinced that people might eat her. She has bitten/tried to bite several of my friends but never me. ^ w ^
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Bonus baby! (most unphotogenic,,,) I also have a crested gecko named Cabbageflower! I also got her from a local breeder... who I found on craigslist :) She's a little over a year and still growing, and god bless her, she is the dumbest bitch alive. No brain cells. She has never had a single thought <3
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 4 years ago
are you going to do another part to the sky request? i would love it 🤍
Intertwining - part one
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Pairing: Sky x reader
Y/N had thought it to be a fever dream. Seeing Silva getting arrested, Rosalind standing there along with Stella’s mother, Andreas being alive and then her mother joining the insanity? So many questions running through her mind yet she had no time to properly process it - not when Sky’s entire life was imploding.
His hand tightened its hold, his body rigid. He couldn’t do anything, just watch as everything went up in flames and usually she’s an expert in putting out fires but this was beyond her abilities. All she could do is stand there and hold his hand as his jaw clenched.
“Sky��, she whispered softly, avoiding her mother’s glare. She wouldn’t focus on the ice queen she was tormented by, she’d focus on the sunshine of her life - she’d focus on Sky.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” Sky mutters under his breath, heaving. She could tell he’s filled with rage, the kind of rage he cannot display because his hands are tied - he cannot do anything to change the current, only swim and hope he doesn’t drown.
“Keep your cool and play nice until we figure out a way to help Saul.” Y/N cups his cheeks, tilting his head down to look her in the eye. This time when he looked at her and saw the icy glow, Sky wasn’t afraid - he was glad. 
For a moment, he hoped she’d sprout wings again and use her ability to save Silva. Then the guilt set in, because if that were to happen she’d be the one taken away. He couldn’t imagine losing her.
“Don’t leave me”, he pleads and no, he doesn’t mean for her to not leave him ever, just now. He couldn’t handle this without her. Sky didn’t have a chance to tell her the truth about his father just yet and seeing he’s alive, he wasn’t sure if that would create problems for him now. He knew Andreas would certainly want to talk to him, Sky just didn’t know if wanted to talk to him; now or ever.
“You know I won’t”, Y/N reassures him, trying to understand what is going through his mind. Never before had she wished she was a mind fairy. If she were one, she’d be able to feel what he does, she’d be able to take away any pain this situation caused him. 
Nodding, Sky leans into her touch. He sighs, trying to let go of the anger he holds not only toward his father, but Saul too. If Saul had just done what he’s been teaching him his whole life, if he had just followed his orders that day and acted like a good soldier, none of this would be happening now.
“I believe you and I have plenty to talk about”, the queen of Dyamond raises an eyebrow, standing behind her daughter and now it’s Y/N who tenses up.
Turning to face her mother, Y/N narrows her eyes ever so slightly, “Since when do you care to talk? Am I not just a problem you have to manage?” 
Folding her arms across her chest, Y/N almost smiles as her mother’s annoyance surfaces. Sky places his hands on her shoulders for support and she purses her lips as her mother raises her eyebrows.
“You’re my daughter, but you are also my subject. Treat your queen with respect.” The sharpness in her tone only amuses Y/N. She might have been weaker when she was younger, but she wasn’t weak anymore.
“You do realize I’ll be taking the throne as soon as I graduate?” Y/N steps closer, smirking as he mother furrows her eyebrows. “You’re only a regent, but I’m the Queen. You should pay me more respect.”
And that’s when Sky understood why Y/N never wanted anyone knowing she’s a princess or of her powers. She didn’t talk about her family much either, much less of her kingdom. The issues between her mother and Y/N run deep and Sky couldn’t help but wonder why. What could have caused this kind of hatred between them?
“Son?” As Andreas joined the conversation, Sky pulled Y/N back into his chest, his arms wrapping around her waist.
“My name is Sky”, he corrects Andreas, trying to keep his voice leveled. “And my girlfriend and I have classes to attend.” 
Beckoning Y/N to walk, Sky turned them both away from their parents and half dragged her inside. He didn’t stop walking, making Y/N run to catch up with him and only once they walked into an empty classroom did he stop and let go of Y/N’s hand.
“I can’t do this”, Sky breathes out, hiding his face in his hands. Y/N embraces him, her cheek resting on his back as her arms circle around his form. She held onto him as his heart beat strongly against the palm of her hand.
“You can.” She furrows her eyebrows, fighting tears. She can feel how much pain he’s in even without being a mind fairy now. “I’ll help you.”
“He’ll take me to Eraklyon”; Sky raises his voice slightly, “He’ll take me away from you.”
“And my mother will try to take me back to Dyamond where she can control me, but we won’t let them.” Y/N wets her lips before releasing Sky from her hold. 
“Why’d you stop hugging me?” Sky furrows his eyebrows and pouts, turning to her as if he’s offended. 
She managed a small smile for his sake, playfully sticking her tongue out at him. Sky chuckles, reaching out for her and easily taking her by the hand. For a moment, he loses himself in her eyes and in that moment it feels as if the whole world is right - as if none of it happened and it’s just him and Y/N, two people in love.
“I want you to know I love the way you laugh”, she purses her lips, “And the way you pout and the way your hand feels so warm against mine.” Stepping closer, Y/N looks to his chest only to place a hand over it, “And I love the way your heart beats when we are close.”
“You’re gonna make me blush”, Sky smirks, leaning down. His forehead rests on hers and he can tell she’s putty in his hands. “But why are you telling me all of that?”
“Because I believe in us.” She brushes her lips against his and a shiver runs down his spine.
“Yeah?” He breathes out, his mind clouded by the thought of her. He loved touching her, being close enough to feel the lilac perfume she adores so much.
“You’re the one for me, Sky. I feel it.” Admitting it to herself was daunting yet saying it felt so easy, as easy as breathing.
“I feel it too”, he whispers as his hand cups her left cheek, his fingers resting just under her earlobe. He tucks her hair behind her right ear with his other hand, making sure he has a proper view of her face.
“Trust me when I tell you we’ll find a way to make things right.” 
“I trust you”, Sky states as he pecks her lips. “I trust you”, he repeats before he presses a soft kiss to her bottom lip. "Even in the brightest sun this world is stone-cold unless you are there with me."
So, in the intimacy of the classroom, Y/N and Sky made a promise to one another - to trust and love one another and to forge their own paths. Because even in the midst of evil surrounding and infiltrating Alfea, they would find a way to keep fighting. As long as they’re together, they believe they can do anything.
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kaiparker-avengerssmut · 4 years ago
Their Doll 15
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: Tony throws a party, bucky returns
Warnings: kissing, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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It's been nearly six months since I escaped HYDRA a second time, and since then all me and Steve have done is have sex. It's glorious, the freedom (and the pleasure) that comes with being with Steve, and I love him more and more every day. He told me he loved me about a months ago, over a candle-lit dinner and a bunch of roses. It was so sweet, but I am yet to say the words back to him. Well, not that I've been talking much, per say.
My voice was slowly returning, yet I still couldn't string together more than two words and my voice was far from being strong or sounding like it used to.
Bruce had miraculous found some medication that helped, and abashedly admitted that if the sex was helping me make any noise, it should continue.
One of the main issues, is that almost everyone except my dad had been walking on eggshells around me for months. And in new exactly why. It's because they're yet to bring him the soldier.
And if I'm being a hundred percent honest, I'm slightly happy they haven't yet. After all, I don't know if I could bury my feelings towards him and that wouldn't be fair to Steve. And yet in being fair to Steve, I was being cruel to the soldier. After all, to make Steve comfortable, I'm mentally condemning the soldier to continue the horrid and violent lifestyle that comes with HYDRA.
I shake the overcrowding thoughts off, resetting my stance before landing a pinch to the bag.
"Good." Steve praises, stood beside the swinging bag with his arms crossed over his chest. I continue to punch it hard, focusing more on the strength than the technique as I try and will away the flurries thoughts in my mind. "Why don't we try that thing you always get wrong?" Steve asks, almost mockingly. I shoot him a glare. He chuckled, unwrapping my fists for my before bringing me over to the table where our water sat. I took a big pull of the refreshing liquid, barely paying attention as Steve readies the targets.
When I saunter over, he hands me a set of small, but agile, blades before stepping away. I clear my throat, putting myself into the correct stance before giving my boyfriend a nod. Steve nods back, pressing the button before the human-shaped targets begin to move. They're staggered, the last one so far back I can never seem to hit the bullseye. No matter how many times a I try - which is at least once a day - I can never hit it.
The aim is to hit the targets in order of closest to furthest, burying the blade in the mannequins' chests where the red dots it. I take a deep breath, letting my wrist fall loose. I release the blade of my exhale, watching with narrowed eyes as it sinks itself into the black dummy's chest. I let out a breath I was holding, moving onto the next one. Bullseye. Bullseye. Bullseye. Onto the last target, my vision focused, my mind centred on the farther and the target only.
Inhale. Focus. Exhale. Throw.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, before my hand quickly flys to my mouth, slapping over my lips in shock. It was almost cartoonish, the way Steve's eyes widened like a deer in headlights before the brightest, wolfish grin became his lips.
The knife had wizzed through the air, breezing past the other targets before the tip was piercing smoothly through the little red dot at its heart. Bullseye.
"Holy shit." I repeat, a smile pulling the corners of my mouth up. Steve rushed forward, engulfing my knees a bone-crushing hug before lifting me from the ground and spinning around with me in his arms.
"You spoke!" He rejoiced.
"I can talk! My voice - it's back!" I was starstruck, completely and utterly speechless. I can talk.
"Holy shit indeed." A voice came from behind us.
"Tony." Steve greeted as he let me down, my feet already carrying me across the room until I was enveloped in my dad's arms too.
"We should celebrate. I'm throwing you a party." Tony decided, placing a kiss to my hair. "Tonight. Wear something nice, both of you." He pulled away, looking pointedly at me and Steve before retreating with a smile.
I stood before my mirror, hands smoothing over the dark blue fabric laying over my hips. I breathed deeply, head tilting to the side as I studied myself. I wore a silky blue dress that cling to my waist and fell elegantly down from my hips, hitting my ankles and presenting a thigh-high slit on one side. The dress barely had a back, the front showing just enough cleavage to be considered teasing. Around my neck I wore a necklace steve had given me the night he told me he loved me, and I couldn't help but breath out a laugh at the small silver Captain America shield charm hanging from it. I wore some shoes I new I'd regret - trainers. Plain, white canvas shoes that totally ruined the look. But I'd never worn heels before, and I didn't feel like embarrassing myself at my own party.
My hair fell over my shoulders in loose curls, make up simple as I never tended to wear any anyway.
I took a deep breath, opening my room door to be greeted by Steve. He was dashing, clad in a navy blue suit and tie, his hair slightly messy bit in a hot way, and his blue eyes gleaming.
"You look breathtaking, doll." He commented, eyes scanning over my body, clearly lingering on the slit in my dress. I smirked slightly, looping my arm with his outstretched one.
"You look rather handsome yourself." I smiled sweetly, not missing the way steve held back a laugh when he finally noticed my choice of footwear. "Hey!" I laughed, slapping his arm playfully.
"I'm sorry, doll. I just didn't quite expect it." He sniggered, making me scoff and roll my eyes.
"And what did you expect? Three foot tall, strappy heels? When have you even seen me in anything besides trainers or tactical boots, Rogers?" I asked pointedly, shutting Steve up. When we reached the main room when my part was already in full swing, Steve pulled my close to him, coaxing a gasp from my lips.
"And where would you be hiding your knives tonight?" Steve murmured in my ear, nibbling on the lob as his arm kept me firmly pressed against him. It was a little joke we'd formed, as every time I was out in public steve managed to find a knife on me somewhere - in a pocket, down my bra, tucked into the waistband of whatever I was wearing, you name it. To anyone else, we simple looked to be having a normal conversation like any couple would've, but it was much more than that. I assumed in his question Steve was referring to my backless dress that hung so low there's no way I'd even find a way to wear underwear with it. So I went without.
"If tonight goes how I'm planning, you'll have plenty of time to find out for yourself." I whispered against his neck, smirking when his adam's apple bobbed. I sauntered away slowly, making sure my hips swayed as I walked.
The party flew by, people I could hardly remember greeting me and telling me how much they'd missed me as if they'd been some kind of surrogate mother or something to me.
That's where I currently found myself, a fake smile so big it was probably obvious plastered over my face as I nodded along whenever May said something. Peter stood beside her, champagne flute that I just new was filled with appletiser clutched in his hand, smirk hidden behind the rim of the glass at my pained expression.
"So how long have you been home?" May asked, smile so genuine it was embarrassing how fake my own was.
"Only about six months." I smiled back, eyes darting around the room nervously looking for an escape.
"Six months?! You should've met up with Peter sooner! You would've hung out with her, right Peter?" May exclaimed, turning to her nephew who was clearly trying to hold back a snigger as he answered with a quick 'of course'. I sent him a glare that briskly morphed back into a smile the second May was turned my way again.
The smile turned much more real the second I saw my dad climb up onto the table across the room, glass and spoon in his hands. May and Peter spun to look at him along with everyone else in the room when the captivating sound of the metal clanging gracefully against the champagne flue echoed in the room.
"Thank you, thank you, everyone!" Tony called, chatter diminishing in the crowd at his voice. A smile - an actual smile - graced my lips when I realised he was making a speech about me being home. "I'm just here tonight, talking to you all, about my daughter!" Tony began, a small applause following as many pairs of eyes sought for me in the crown.
"You know, the day I found you laying on my doorstep," he stated, taking a swig of his drink, "I thought: how the hell am I gonna raise this stupid ass kid that's been dumped on my like some sort of...animal." I gasped, tears bubbling in my eyes. I thought we were past this- this hate. "This fucking bastard that's come from the filthy streets."
"Tony, that's enough." Nat says from where she stood beside the table, tugging the man's ankle in an attempt to get him down.
"You're drunk." Steve stated from beside him, anger written over his usually perfect features.
"It's all you! It's you, y/n!" He shouted.
"Dad.." I mumbled through my tears, every head in the room locked on my as my bottom lips wobbled aggressively.
"You killed me the day you showed up, and ever day I see you I realise how much I regret taking you in, raising you as my own." He spat with a venom I'd never heard in my dad's voice before.
"Tony!" Steve shouted, but he merely pushed the super soldier's words aside.
"You're not special, y/n! And you never were! Just a Thorne in my side," he explained, climbing down from the table with a slight drunken wobble. "That's why I picked Peter. Smart, agile, unique." He rambled on, making his was through the sea of people that parted instantly for him until he was right in front of me, Peter and May. "So why don't you make this easy, and don't make me chose between you a second time." Tony claimed.
"What? Because you'd chose him?" I sobbed, hand covering my mouth as I bit back the tears.
"Tony, don't!" Steve snapped, now at my side and holding his hands on my hips possessively.
"If you chose him over you're own daughter, Tony...I swear to god somebody better hide you in the time it takes me to find a gun." Nat glared, standing to my side with a wicked look in her eyes.
"Y/n is your daughter." Bruce tried to reason, flinching away when Tony shot him a look that could kill.
"Yeah, I'd chose him." Tony finally settles, silence ensuing after the piercing shatter of a glass broke the room. May stood there, broken glass at her feet and mouth open so wide her jaw must've physically hurt.
"Y/n, I- I am so sorry.." Peter barely whispered from beside May, his own face red from a mixture of threatening tears and embarrassment. I have Tony a dirty look, leaning forward slightly and spitting at the ground in front of him.
"Fuck you." I bit like a viper, spinning harshly on my heel and storming from the room, trying so hard to hide my tears until I was out of sight.
Once I'd reached the stairs, I was kicking my heels off and springing up the steps, two at a time. Reaching the top, I clutched the railing for a second as if to ground myself as a sob ripped through me, my palm covering my mouth again as if it could stop the sounds. I padded quickly across the carpeted floor, fumbling with the handle of my door before pushing it open blindly, stumbling inside.
A sharp gasp was stolen from me when I walked in, more tears clouding my eyes. I hastily swiped them away with my palms, desperate to get a good look of the man before me. His cerulean eyes, long and thick dark hair, his undeniably visible metal arm...
Then his lips met mine. Not desperate or hard like usual, but gentle and slow, as if I would shatter to a thousand pieces if he even held my soft face with too much pressure. "Y/n." he said seriously, but a small smile still glistening in his deep blue eyes. "Soldier." I responded, reflecting his playful seriousness. He pulled me in for another passionate kiss, my whole body relishing in its tenderness. The soldier bought his mouth next to my ear, leaning over me and holding my waist carefully. My thoughts raced one another over and over, but there was always a clear winner: I had him back.
His compassionate whisper floated past my ear, dancing around the loose curls of hair that were tucked messily behind my ear, a whirlwind of emotions tunnelling through me, allowing the butterflies to roam free as he murmured "It's Bucky, by the way."
"We're done."
A frown settled across my face, my head snapping the the side to see Steve stood gobsmacked and clearly hurt in the door. He must've followed me, to make sure I was alright and now he's seen this, and - how long had he been standing there?
"Steve, it's not what it looks like." Bucky tried, now also looking at the Super Soldier.
"So it's not my best friend kissing my girl? Hm?" Steve almost whimpered, as if the words physically hurt him to say.
"Well, yes, but-"
"No. No buts. I don't give a shit what you have to say." Steve interjected me, the harshness of his voice cutting through me like a knife. "Have a nice fucking life." He spat, before turning and retreating out of the door. I started wistfully after him, before glancing back to Bucky and opening my mouth to speak.
"Go. I'll talk to you later." He answered for me, a reassuring glint in his blue-grey eyes. I gave him a small nod and a grateful smile before instantly running after Steve.
"Steve! Steve, wait!" I called after him, but the man's strides were so damn long I couldn't catch up to him even whilst running. "Please, let me explain!" He turned around at that, my body colliding with the wall of muscle that was his torso.
"What's there to explain, y/n?" He said, defeated.
"I- I don't really know. I just don't want to lose you." I murmured, placing my hands of his chest and looking up at the man through my lashes. He wrapped his hands around my wrists before yanking them away from his chest, tears stinging in my eyes. "I love you, Steve." I whispered, for the first time. Steve averted his gaze with a frustrated sigh.
"It's a little too late for that. You can tell Bucky he won't be hearing from me either." Steve spoke, dropping my wrists and turning to leave again. I didn't follow him this time, I didn't call after him, I just sunk to my knees, head in my hands, and cried.
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chubbyreaderwriter · 5 years ago
Play House
Dandy Mott x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Imagine: Dandy always makes you play house with him whenever you visit. 
Word Count: 1.7k 
Warnings: swearing, foreplay? (I think that’s how I would describe it)
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)You groaned as your realised where your mother had driven you to. “This is the third time this week mother, he’s obsessed with me!” Your mother only chuckled, “Don’t be ridiculous, he just likes you, you know he doesn’t have any friends, just be nice. Now, I’ll be back in a few hours to pick you up.” You sighed as you gave your mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car. You really didn’t want to visit Dandy again but he had ‘insisted’ on your arrival and had paid your mother for every trip you made to his house. 
You weren’t sure why he chose you, you hadn’t been good friends as kids but after he saw you again a few months ago after his mother invited you over, he kept asking you to come, well, he probably cried to his mother and she sorted it all out. Dandy didn’t seem to be dangerous but he always made you uncomfortable. He would always want to play weird games with you, like a child. 
You knocked on the door and almost immediately, the door opened to reveal Dandy stood there, like he had been watching and waiting for you to turn up. He never liked it when you were late. “Uh, hi Dandy, how are you?” Dandy gave you a brief smile, “Better now that you’re here, you’re not going to believe what mother did. She mixed up my clothes and tried to give me a red suit with blue shoes, in what universe is that acceptable.” You tried your best to look shocked but it was difficult when you really didn’t care about his issues. 
You heard his mother talking to someone in the kitchen but before you could use that as an excuse to get away from him, you had been dragged up the stairs and into his playroom. You found it very disturbing that a grown man would need a playroom for children, but you never voiced these concerns to him, you knew it would only upset him and he was barley tolerable when he was in a good mood. 
Dandy closed the doors and locked them like he always does, but it still gave you an uneasy feeling. Slowly he walked over to you and you sat down on a chair near the window, “So what do you have planned for today Dandy?” You always asked that and he always gave the same answer, “I want to play House.” You forced a smile and slowly stood up, “Who do you want me to be this time?” “You can be the Mommy and I’ll be the Daddy.” It was always the same, you weren’t sure why you ever asked but it wasted time. 
You went to walk over to the pretend kitchen he had made for you, just to get away from him really, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. Being so close to him made you blush, it felt too intimate for your liking. You looked away from him but he held your chin in his hand and turned your head to face him, “You’re not doing that today. I think it’s time that we play a different part this time.” You were almost scared to ask, “Which part is that?” Your voice was so quiet he nearly didn’t hear you, “The part where we make the babies, we can’t be a Mommy and Daddy without babies, can we?” You laughed nervously, “There are the dolls in the-” “No! I want real babies.” 
You tried to step away from him but he only followed you, “Dandy, we can’t have babies for a game.” You were already scared but the creepy smirk on his face was terrifying, “I know, but if I have babies with you, then that means you have to marry me, wouldn’t that be perfect.” You weren’t exactly sure if this was all part of the game or not but you didn’t want to risk it. You cleared your throat as you stepped back once more but felt your back hit the wall, shit, you had trapped yourself into a corner. “But why me? I’m sure there are plenty other girls who wouldn’t mind-” “I don’t want other girls!” You jumped out of fright and Dandy felt guilty, he didn’t want to scare you. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, “I want you, I love you, like a Daddy loves a Mommy.” You were blushing hard but you were still scared, “B-But I’m fat and people will judge you.” Dandy pulled back from you and he looked pissed as hell. You gasped as he grabbed your wrists, “Who told you that?!” You stuttered, confused, “W-Who told me w-what?” Dandy rolled his eyes, “Who said you were fat? I’ll kill them for saying it, it’s not true!” 
You were speechless, why did he care so much about you? You looked away from him and although you tried to hold them back, you started crying, which Dandy saw immediately. He huffed, “Look, I’ll show you, if you were fat, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” You looked at him and yelped as he leaned down and grabbed behind your legs to hoist you over his shoulder. You clung onto him, terrified that you were going to fall down, “Put me down please.” Dandy giggled to himself, “No, I’m allowed to carry my wife wherever I want.” His wife? He wasn’t seriously thinking about doing what he said was he? You were sure there were worse people to marry but you didn’t want to marry Dandy of all people. 
You heard doors opening and you realised you were being carried out of the playroom and taken somewhere else. You couldn’t really tell where you were going since you were facing the opposite direction but if you judged from what he’s been saying this whole time, you could only guess he was taking you to his bedroom. You were carried inside a room and as Dandy turned to close and lock the doors, you saw that you were correct and he had taken you to his bedroom. You were even more scared than before, there was nothing really that you could do to stop him from doing what he wanted, he’s already proved that he is much stronger than you. 
He carefully put you down and made you sit on the edge of his bed with him standing between your legs. You blushed and looked away, but Dandy made you look up at him. He grinned, “Time to play~” Your eyes widened, “But Dandy, I-” “No (Y/N), you have to play it right, you have to call me Daddy.” After you were silent for a moment, Dandy huffed, “Say it!” You blushed harder than before and you could feel how hot your cheeks were, “O-okay...Daddy.” Dandy bit his lip as he looked at you and he unexpectedly leaned down and kissed you, holding your face in his hands so you couldn’t pull away. You had no choice but to kiss him back. 
Dandy put moved your hands onto his shoulders as he pushed you so you were lying on your back. You pulled back from the kiss, needing to catch your breath. Dandy’s hands ran over your sides but he couldn’t really feel you because of your dress and he grew frustrated, flipping you onto your stomach to unzip the back of your dress, “It’s in the way, I want to see you.” He rolled you back and you were wary to take your arms out of the sleeves but you didn’t want him to hurt you so you did as he said. Dandy wasted no time in pulling the dress off your body so that you were left in your undergarments. You covered your stomach with your arms and turned your head away. Dandy didn’t like you covering yourself from him and pinned your arms at your side. He grinned as his eyes slowly roamed over your body, “You should be on the cover of all those magazines, not those stick women. They’re all ugly but you are beautiful.” 
You turned to look at him shyly and saw that he was telling the truth from the look on his face. He let go of your arms to take off his jacket, tie and shirt, revealing his muscular torso. “Do you like what you see?” You tried not to look at him but you couldn’t help it. You nodded but that wasn’t good enough, “Use your words.” You bit your lip, “I like it.” He gave you a pointed look that told you to carry on, “I like it, Daddy?” He smirked and was about to say something else when his mother knocked on the door, “Dandy, dear, (Y/N)’s mother is on the phone, she needs to go home, it’s an emergency.” 
You sat up but you couldn’t move anywhere because of Dandy, “It’s not fair! I’m supposed to have her for longer than this!” You felt very awkward during this but couldn’t really do anything, then Dandy’s mother spoke again, “Well, her mother has apologised but said that the next time (Y/N) comes over, she can stay the night, how about that darling?” Dandy huffed and pouted like a child but he was clearly satisfied with the arrangement. He moved out of the way so you could put on your dress again, but before you could even turn to ask for help with the zipper, he was right behind you, doing it for you. You blushed and turned to face him again. He moved to unlock the door and just before he opened it, you decided to be nice to him for once. You smiled at him and reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek before opening the door and letting Dandy’s mother lead you out. 
Dandy grinned to himself as he held his cheek, he knew you liked him too. Now, he had to start planning exactly what he was going to do the next time you came over, he would have you to himself for a whole night then. While he was mad that you had to leave far earlier than normal, he was excited to have you stay the night. He had so many ideas. 
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shingansoul · 4 years ago
It had been more or less a year since the lord of Four Seasons Manor and his zhi ji had undergone the Combined Six Harmonies method together. It had been two tense weeks waiting for Wen Kexing to awaken afterwards, and since then, Zhou Zishu had taken to noting every little detail of the now snow haired man that he could. Including his more eccentric or erratic behaviors, not just those of frivolity for the sake of shamelessness, but those that had been ingrained into him due to his peculiar and dangerous life led up to this point.
There were a plethora of such traits to be found if you looked: from his aversions to certain foods or scents (those this one proved less an issue nowadays given circumstances), how he’d relish like a starved man any physical affection he could get and greedily demand even more so, his reluctance to showing weakness or illness yet his longing to be cared for, his soft spot for young children. Not all were so mournful in origin though.
A most peculiar one that had finally caught his attention had first made itself worthy of notice once when Chengling had been out going through form drills in the courtyard sometime soon after their return to the manor. The two elders of the household had been quietly overseeing his practicing from the porch nearby when the child had lost his focus. It was a simple slip, his foot going out from under him and throwing him to the stone patio below. It wasn’t a hard hit or anything, and at first when he was pulling himself up, his shishu had even given a gentle laugh at the student’s klutziness. However, as Chengling picked himself back up, ears tipped red in embarrassment to do something foolish under his shifu’s gaze, Wen Kexing had stopped suddenly and made to quickly make his way over to him.
Chengling had already resumed his previous stance, ready to move into a full circuit of forms once more to move as quickly from the inevitable harsh corrections from his shifu when he felt a firm but gentle hand grip his jaw and turn his face. He awkwardly stumbled into standing upright and still as Wen Kexing suddenly was right next to him and bearing all his attention down on him. He waited, unsure what precisely the other planned to do but nothing could have prepared him for the sensation of hot breath against his face and the sudden chill of something wet on his face as the other pulled away to inspect his “work.”
For Chengling, he at least was certainly free to the many whims of his elders and to his credit, he just blinked owlishly in quiet confusion without complaint. Wen Kexing hummed softly as he turned the child’s face back and forth, his fingers still unmoved from holding his jaw.
“Is that the only place you got yourself scratched, my little idiot?”
Wen Kexing’s voice was genuine but warm and teasing, causing Chengling to relax a bit despite the oddity of all this and he briefly patted himself down before nodding. Satisfied so it seemed, both returned to their places before as if the exchange had not occurred and within a moment a relaxed puddle of robes and white hair had made itself home once more at Zhou Zishu’s side. Said Manor lord could only stare in almost amazement at what he’d seen before quickly turning to watch their young charge practice, forgetting himself to the point of letting the foolish mistake go unspoken of and that had been that.
It wasn’t as if they had been externally injured in ways that brought it out of him often, but to say it wasn’t a noticed behavior by now also wouldn’t be correct either. Zishu certainly had noticed, though had simply been collecting handfuls of these moments to ponder on. Since that day, Zishu had realized the following “rules” with this little ritual of Kexing’s: it was only done for himself, Zishu, and Chengling. It wasn’t for just any external injury, but anything that drew blood would warrant it. If there were tears spilled, this would also be treated like an open wound and warrant the practice.
From various scrapes and injuries training gained by Chengling, to mishaps and resurfaced wounds in Zishu and himself, there had been plenty of passing occurrences but the question that buzzed in Zishu’s mind each time was simply ‘Why?’ Where had this come from, did he do this before and in the mess of everything happening it was simply overlooked?
Zhou Zishu once prided himself on how attentive and insightful he was, he had to be for his line of work once upon-a-time and he could still often be said to be as much now. Yet Wen Kexing had always been an enigma who had not even figured out himself who he was, none alone let others in to see behind his carefully schooled features. So maybe this did go back farther, but how to find out?
An opportunity to pin the man in question down where he couldn’t escape or move around the topic surfaced quite simply some short weeks later.
They were cleaning up the library pavilion once early evening, Chengling had ended up falling asleep while working on some more intricate works from the manuals of the Long Cabinet’s teachings they had collected into the manor once they’d first returned here that time. Upon finding their foolish disciple sprawled across his makeshift worktable, Zishu had prodded him with some gentle nudging to go to his own room to rest and, too tired to think too far ahead, the boy has sleepily nodded and made his slow but sure way to do just that.
This left the two men to clean up behind him, indulging him a bit by collecting his tools and replacing the scrolls and books where they had been taken from. Zishu had not realized all Chengling had brought out to work with, and unthinking grabbed a fairly sharp edged metal scrap piece, slicing a shallow but long cut into his palm. He hissed slightly, more out of surprise than any actual pain but it was enough to quickly call over his partner to inspect what happened.
Upon seeing the blood, Wen Kexing, true to form, had taken and quickly set down everything in Zishu’s hands and with an exhausted huff he grabbed the other by the wrist and the first bend of his fingers and pulled his hand closer to lap gently at the wound. Zishu, waiting a few moments until Wen Kexing had been set into his ‘task’, reached forward a bit with his free hand to ghost his hand against the side of the other’s face, running his thumb over Wen Kexing’s cheek. It was enough to insight a wordless “mm?” which only brought forth a light chuckle of the recipient.
“Lao Wen...have you always done this?”
This got a pause, deep dark eyes darting up to glance up and trying to gauge the emotions and atmosphere behind the question.
“You...you’ll have to be more specific than that A-Xu, I do and say a lot of things.”
A sigh.
“Alright. Have you always licked at the wounds of your family like a mother cat cleans their young? Hm, Lao Wen?”
The words and tone were teasing, but the glance from before had ascertained this wasn’t going to be a conversation he could weasel out of. Slowly but with care, Wen Kexing pulled Zhishu down to kneel where they were; to sit and speak properly about something personal. He placed the other’s still held hand into his lap, palm up, and he slowly but rhythmically began trailing his fingers from knuckle joint to tips over and over.
“Ah….well, it started from something almost laughable when we...when i was still just a teenager. In the valley, it wasn’t as if one could get new and clean supplies at any given moment, often enough what defined cleaning a wound was some spit and torn clothes that didn't have too much blood or dirt on them. I wasn’t always that good at taking care of A-Xiang either..”
he paused, huffing a sad but nostalgic chuckle past his lips.
“Did you know the first time I tried to feed her as a baby, I had burned her mouth? How she didn’t grow to hate me I'll never know.”
Patiently, Zishu moved his uncaptured hand to squeeze his zhi ji’s thigh through his robes. Wen kexing faltered slightly before regaining his composure, smiling timidly in silent appreciation of the reassurance before pressing on.
“I remembered back then, for what reason I have no idea, but I remember being told that if one kisses a wound it will stop hurting. A childish sentiment mothers tell their sons, but what was I but a father to a daughter? It shouldn't be different. So I simply blended a need with comfort. Whenever she would get hurt, as all children do, especially in such a place, I'd clean her wounds as gently as I could just like...what did you call it earlier? A mother cat? That’s not too far off. Also….”
Zishu silently waited, his gaze unwavering for however long it would take. Wen Kexing stopped his ministrations to more firmly hold Zishu’s fingers in his hand, as if bracing himself before moving into his next words.
“I can recall so vividly, A-Xu. When I was kneeling at my father’s side, the ghosts sneering and jeering down at me all those years ago...When I had convinced them of my nature by consuming my own father’s….haha, i had thought to myself ‘was my flesh not made of his blood to begin with?’ So it only made sense…” He shook his head, laughing mirthlessly, “No, it doesn’t make any sense at all. I came to the idea that it only made sense to ingest the blood of my family going forward, even if we weren’t linked by blood then in this way we could be. You all would be with me, and that I could show you what devotion looked like. That is, in doing this, I know what devotion tastes like.”
He looked down at his lap, as if simply embarrassed for being caught like a child and not having admitted to going out of his way to drink the blood of his loved ones. Not that it was a garish as that in practice, at least Zishu thought as much, but could certainly understand how to most, this confession wasn’t something one would expect to be taken well. Luckily for Wen Kexing, his little family was not made like most, nor his zhi ji so easily shaken. And he said as much.
“Lao Wen, you’re absolutely an enigma to me sometimes. But I think I understand you, and at least somewhat, I can understand this too. Although…” He paused, feigning a look of uncertainty as he looked at Wen kexing and then glancing away dramatically.
“Although what? A-Xu, don’t tease me like this. If you don’t want me to-”
He was abruptly cut off by the sensation of somewhat cool and dry lips against his own, the “assailant” so firm and sudden in his “attack” it pushed them both over, leaving Wen Kexing askew on his back on the floor and the other straddling his hips to not break the contact, his forearms on either side of Wen Kexing’s head. They broke for air after a few moments, though it could have been hours for all Wen Kexing cared.
He blinked up owlishly, taken off guard for once by the other’s actions which only brought out a childishly triumphant and confident grin from Zishu.
“Although, I think there’s other tastes devotion can take. Would you like me to teach you?”
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starshine583 · 5 years ago
Le Paon Part 13
(Chapter 13 is out guys!! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did!)
Part 1 / Part 12 / Part 14
Felix stared up at the two story building as Fu hobbled forward to unlock the door. He had originally intended to call a cab and let the old man find his way from there, but Fu sheepishly admitted to not remembering the exact address of his house. So, Felix rode with him, and after twenty minutes of searching, they ended up here.
“You own a massage parlor?” He asked, noticing the small sign out front.
Fu nodded. “Yes, for many years now. It has been of great use to me.”
Felix didn’t respond, instead following the man inside once he unlocked the door. Someone with old joints like that must have trouble massaging others. Maybe he has employees? 
“I can’t thank you enough for helping me.” The old man began as he led them up a flight of stairs and through a hall.
Felix shrugged. “I couldn’t just leave you. It’s what anyone would have done.”
Fu stopped at a door towards the end of the hall and gave him a smile. “You live to be my age, and you’ll know that not just anyone would stop to help a random stranger.”
Felix furrowed his brows at the knowing look in the man’s eyes. Was there something he was missing?
“...If you’re all set here, I should be getting back to the theater. Adrien will be waiting for me.” Felix said, moving towards the stairs. He didn’t like the sudden feeling of exposure that this man was giving him.
“Oh, please, let me repay you somehow.” Fu requested. “I don’t have much money, but perhaps I could give you a soothing cup of tea?” 
Felix rose a brow, hesitant, but ultimately sighed. Repayment wasn’t necessary, since they lived in a mansion, but with everything that’s happened lately, maybe he needed some soothing tea. “One cup, and then I really should get going.”
“Wonderful.” Fu smiled as he pushed open a door and walked inside. “I already have a heated pot of water on the stove.”
Felix followed him into the room and sat on the mat that was in the middle of the floor that Fu pointed out to him. 
“I’ll go get the cups and pot.” Fu remarked, before strolling back out of the room. 
Felix simply nodded, taking the time to observe his new surroundings. The room was nearly bare, but it provided an open, calming space that helped him relax. A phonograph sat on one of the dressers in the room, which Felix found quaint. Not many people owned a phonograph now-a-days.
He stood up and walked over to the music player. The craftsmanship seemed to be delicate yet detailed, something he could admire. There were even strange, red symbols lining the sides of it. 
“It’s an antique.”
Felix whirled around to see Fu standing in the doorway, cups and teapot in hand.
“It’s exquisite.” Felix found himself replying.
Fu nodded and walked forward to place the teapot and cups on the mat. “It is a treasure that has been passed down through many generations.”
Felix rejoined the man and sat back down on the mat. “You’re very lucky to have it, then.”
Another smile crossed Fu’s lips as he poured some tea. “Yes, I know. I’m happy that it’s managed to remain undamaged during these akuma attacks.”
“Yes, the Miraculous Cure is a wonderful thing.” Felix said in a leveled tone, taking the cup of tea that Fu offered.
Fu hummed. “Indeed. I wonder when the attacks are going to stop.”
“One can only guess.” Felix muttered into his tea cup. In all honesty, he’d like to know when the attacks were going to stop as well. How long will he have to fight his own brother? How long will Marinette and numerous others be put in constant danger for the sake of one person?
“What is your guess?” Fu asked, taking a sip of his own cup of tea.
Felix faltered. “Uh- I can’t say for certain, but I suppose it’ll end when Ladybug takes down Hawkmoth or when Hawkmoth gets the miraculous.”
“And what of Le Paon?”
His grip on the tea cup tightened. “...Well, he works for Hawkmoth.. So it’s only fair that he’s taken down with him.”
Fu nodded. “That is true. He does work for Hawkmoth, but I’ve seen him save lives too.”
Felix cast his gaze to the floor. “Yes, he’s saved people, but only from the damage he’s caused.”
“From the damage Hawkmoth has caused.” Fu corrected. “Perhaps Le Paon has a reason for joining the terrorist’s side, hm? We cannot judge a book by its cover.”
Felix met Fu’s eyes again at that. Aside from Allegra and Marinette, he hadn’t seen anyone else defend his alternate identity. It was surprising, to say the least.
“Perhaps..” Felix murmured. He then set his cup aside and stood. “Thank you for the tea, but I need to get going. It was nice meeting you.”
“Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” Fu asked as Felix walked to the door.
“Unfortunately, yes. I’m sure. Have a nice evening.” 
Felix turned to go down the hall, when Fu called out his name again.
“I believe this is yours?” The man said, holding something out to him.
Felix’s eyes widened as he saw his peacock pin in the man’s palm. 
His hand shot to his chest, feeling the empty space where his miraculous used to be. How did it fall off? Why didn’t he notice when it did?
“Oh, um, y-yes. Thank you.” He fumbled, taking the pin back. Thank goodness the man realized it was Felix’s. If he had gone home without the peacock miraculous, Father surely would have been furious.
Fu smiled. “Enjoy your ride home.”
Gabriel tapped his fingers together as he sat in his chair, his thoughts raging. That monster should have given Ladybug and Chat Noir plenty of distractions when it came to damage control and protecting the citizens. Felix should have had every chance to get at least one of their miraculous, and yet, Le Paon barely got away with his own! He just danced around the heroes like some game! 
On top of that, Felix hasn’t returned home from the movies yet, despite the fact that Adrien has. 
Gabriel’s office door cracked open, and he shot it a glare as Nathalie slipped inside. 
“Well? Is he back yet?” He asked sharply. 
“He’s about five minutes away.” Nathalie answered. “He claims to have stopped to help an old man who got mugged.”
Gabriel rose a brow. “Claims?”
“Well, Gorilla wasn’t with him, sir. We can’t be sure what happened.” She replied, her expression ever-so-neutral.
Gabriel’s eyes narrowed with disapproval. “Nathalie, I’m aware that you don’t trust Felix, but he is my son. If he says he was helping someone, then he was.” 
Nathalie nodded. “Of course, sir.”
A flash of light passed the window, causing the two to pause.
“That should be him.” Nathaniel murmured.
“Send him in.” Gabriel ordered, gesturing for her to leave.
Nathaniel nodded again and swiftly left the room to collect his son. 
A few minutes later, Felix was standing before him with enough audacity to look Gabriel in the eyes as if he had done nothing wrong.
“You called for me, Father?”
Gabriel gave him a steely look. “You’re late.”
“I had to help an old man on my way back to the theater.” 
“So I’ve heard.” Gabriel responded curtly. “But that’s not the main issue here. Care to explain your performance tonight as Le Paon?”
Felix didn’t so much as flinch, and it only enraged Gabriel more. 
“I did the best I could with the circumstances you provided.” His son replied coolly.
“That monster was a perfectly capable distraction-”
“To both the heroes and myself.” Felix interjected.
Gabriel scoffed. “Aside from the monster, you still avoided the heroes’ advances, or rather Chat Noir’s.”
Felix stiffened, proving Gabriel’s statement correct. He had been avoiding Chat Noir. But why?
“..Where are you going at night?”
Felix blinked. “What?” 
“Where are you going at night?” Gabriel repeated forcefully. First the late night outings, then the purposeful evasion- something had to be going on. Was he talking with the heroes? Were they trying to turn his own son against him? “Nathalie’s shown me the video surveillance of you leaving as Le Paon without my permission. Where have you been going?”
Despite his son’s obvious efforts, Gabriel could see the panic on Felix’s face. What had he been doing that would warrant such nervousness?
“I..” Felix paused. “I didn’t think you would approve.”
“Approve of what?” Gabriel bit off.
“Patrols.” His son spit out hastily. “I didn’t think you’d want Le Paon roaming around at night in case someone spotted him, but I knew that Ladybug and Chat Noir would roam the streets at night too. I figured that I might be able to get the jump on one of them at some point.”
Nathalie scoffed behind them, but the way she froze when they turned to her gave Gabriel the impression that she hadn’t meant to be heard. 
“So you’re going on Patrols?” Gabriel asked, turning back to Felix with a suspicious expression.
“That’s the truth.” Felix said calmly. “But if you don’t believe me, feel free to take the pin back.”
Nathalie, to no one’s surprise, eagerly reached forward to take the miraculous, but Gabriel held up his hand to stop her. 
“That’s not necessary. Just make sure to check in with me before doing something flaunting your miraculous around again.” 
Felix nodded. “Of course.”
Gabriel stared at him for a moment, searching for a crack in the boy’s facade. 
Felix stared right back, unblinking, as if he was challenging Gabriel to find something else underneath his words. 
“You may go.” Gabriel finally remarked, waving him away.
Felix didn’t hesitate. He whirled around on his heel and strolled right out of the room. Gabriel wasn’t sure if that meant his son was eager to escape or simply had other things to do.
“You’re just going to let him go?” Nathalie asked incredulously.
“Is there some other action you think I should have taken?” Gabriel shot back. His secretary had become rather outspoken over the last few months.
“Oh- I don’t know -take his miraculous maybe?” She remarked, utterly bewildered towards his reactions.
Gabriel sighed. “That is enough, Nathalie. I will not sit and listen to you denounce my son so openly. You are dismissed.”
Nathalie opened her mouth to argue, but smartly thought better of it. She gave him a stiff nod and exited the room quietly, though he swore he could hear grumbles out in the hall afterwards.
Gabriel ran a hand over his face with another sigh. The possibility that Felix might have secretly joined the heroes both infuriated him and made him sick. Was Felix a traitor to their family? Or was he doing more than Gabriel could see? Time could only tell, he supposed. Once he got the miraculous, had Ladybug on her knees, they would see who’s side Felix was truly on.
Marinette fluffed out the ruffles on her light pink dress to get a good look at them. They seemed poofy enough, and the black lining definitely made the light pink tips pop. A few more tweaks for the flower patterns, and it should be good to go!
“You know, I just don’t get it.” Alya said as she draped herself across Marinette’s chaise.
“What’s that?”
Alya held up her phone, showing Allegra’s blog “Birds of a Feather”. “How can so many people enjoy this blog? It’s glorifying one of Paris’ biggest threats!”
“He’s not all bad.” Marinette felt compelled to say. “He’s saved me on multiple occasions.”
And done a few other things. She refrained from adding. He still hadn’t come back to visit her after that night on the Eiffel Tower.
Alya looked at her like she had two heads. “You’re defending him?”
“I-I’m just saying-”
“He’s working with Hawkmoth!” Alya said emphatically, flailing her arms a bit.
“Maybe he has a reason?” Marinette replied sheepishly.
Like his mother being in an incurable coma.
Alya shook her head. “I get that he saved you, and that was nice of him and all, but he’s still helping a terrorist. Whatever reason he has shouldn’t take precedence over the lives of other innocent people.”
Marinette gave a nod, though she couldn’t find it in herself to completely agree. Le Paon’s choice of action wasn’t the best, but he only wanted his mother back. He wasn’t trying to destroy the city of Paris. His saving the civilians even when it put his chances of getting the miraculous in jeopardy proved that. Le Paon- or Hawkmoth -merely chose a horrible way to get the wish they needed.
Alya set her phone down with a sigh and shifted on the chaise to face Marinette. “Anyway, are you ready for tomorrow? It’s a big day.”
“I think so. You might have to help me fit the dress a bit, but other than that-”
“That’s not what I meant.” Alya interrupted before Marinette could ramble any further.
Marinette somewhat glanced to her right in a lazy attempt to look over her shoulder. “We’re talking about Homecoming, right?”
“Yes,” Alya drawled, “but I’m also talking about who will be there. Like a certain someone named ‘Felix Agreste?”
Marinette paused to avoid stabbing herself with the needle.
“What about him?” She asked, all too aware of her voice being an octave too high.
Alya smirked. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I’m talking about. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t refuse to tell me what happened between you two last week during the movies.”
“Nothing happened.” Marinette replied, continuing her work as her cheeks burned. Granted, something almost happened, but something almost happening and something actually happening are two completely different things. 
Not to mention, she didn’t even see him for the rest of the evening. By the time she got back to the theater, Adrien was telling everyone that Felix wouldn’t be back because of some old man that needed help on his way home. (A noble pursuit, mind you, but that didn’t ease the nerves that swirled in the pit of her stomach later that night. Did he regret it? Was it only a heat of the moment thing, and he didn’t actually love her? Would they even talk about it at some point? One could only guess.)
“If nothing happened, you would tell me!” Alya countered.
“I did tell you. The movie sucked, so we went for ice cream instead. That was it.” Marinette said, hoping Alya would just accept that answer for once. 
It’s not that she didn’t want to talk about it. She did. Almost kissing Felix left butterflies in her stomach and a wonderful warmth in her chest, but Alya would blow everything out of proportion. Due to the craziness of the upcoming dance, school work, and being Ladybug, Marinette hasn’t gotten to talk with Felix yet about the “almost kiss”. She hasn’t gotten to talk with him about anything, really. Telling Alya would only cause unnecessary pressure. 
Alya sighed. “Well, whatever happened last week, you’ll definitely be seeing him tomorrow night. You might even get to dance.”
Marinette bit her lip to avoid squeaking. Felix? Dancing with her? The very thought sounded heavenly.
“So, I’ll ask you again: Are you ready for tomorrow night?”
“I.. I don’t know.” She answered honestly. Was she ready? What if they did dance tomorrow night? What if they didn’t? What if he avoided her the entire evening because of the ice cream incident? 
What if they actually kissed?
Alya smiled and knelt down next to her, placing a comforting arm on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, girl. We’ll get you ready. When Felix sees you tomorrow, he’ll be so love struck that he’ll have to dance with you.”
Marinette giggled despite herself, because the thought of Felix being head over heels in love with her like that sounded too good to be true. 
Nevertheless, she smiled. “If you say so.”
“I know so.” Alya replied with a wink.
The two shared a small laugh, but as Marinette went back to sewing the finishing touches of her dress, Alya’s question continued to turn in her mind.
Was she ready to face Felix again?
Guess there was only one way to find out.
Felix straightened his tie as he got out of the car and brushed off his suit coat. He’d never attended a homecoming dance before, but Allegra said it was somewhat similar to an informal ball or party. Hopefully the gym wouldn’t be too crowded.
Adrien gave him a light nudge as they started up the school steps. “Are you nervous?”
Felix frowned. “Of course not. Why would I be nervous?”
“Oh, no reason.” His brother replied with a shrug. “It’s just that Marinette’s going to be there.”
Felix turned his head slightly to avoid giving Adrien the satisfaction of seeing him blush. “And?”
Adrien smirked. “And she’ll probably be all dressed up and looking awfully beautiful. Are you going to ask her to dance?”
“That is for me to know, and you to find out.” Felix answered flatly.
Adrien chuckled. “I still don’t know why you’re so defensive about your crush on her.”
“I’m not defensive about it-” Felix stopped short, but it was too late. 
Adrien’s grin turned Cheshire-like. 
“Not defensive about it, you say?” His brother nearly purred. “So you do have a crush on her then?”
Felix groaned. “Can we just go inside?”
“That’s not a no~.” Adrien sang.
Felix smacked him, but Adrien only snickered as they continued inside the school. 
Though most of the lights were dimmed, Felix could hear the beat of the music and see the occasional flash of light from the gym. Echoes of laughter grew as they made their way to the decently-sized crowd at the center of the school, and soon, the two were merging with the other students under the red, green, and blue strobe lights. Adrien smoothly joined his classmates, while Felix opted to linger on the edge of the crowd. The atmosphere was a bit too loud for his liking, and the flashing lights prevented him from differentiating Allegra and the others from the rest of the people.
Felix took a small cup of punch from the refreshments table- which was also on the edge of the crowd -and enjoyed a few sips of the pink drink. Unfortunately, the lemony taste didn’t soothe his nerves. 
He knew he shouldn’t be nervous, because Marinette would never be anything remotely close to cruel, but they still hadn’t talked about the kiss that almost happened last week. Between his school, the new fashion line that he’s had to help supervise, and Adrien’s shoots, Felix has barely had enough time to even look in Marinette’s direction. (Though that never stopped him from doing so.) 
Father’s punishment for sneaking out was certainly severe, more so than he probably knew. With the extra security surrounding Felix now-a-days, his nightly visits to Marinette as Le Paon were also impossible. He hated not being able to see her more.
Someone stopped next to him at the punch table, but he didn’t realize who it wasn’t until they poked him to get his attention.
“Why am I not surprised that you’re hiding in the back?” Allegra teased.
“It’s called ‘skillful evasion’.” Felix corrected, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.
Allegra snorted. “Sure it is. How long have you been here?”
“We’ve only just arrived.”
She nodded. “That’s good. Marinette’s here, you know.” 
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Felix grumbled, despite knowing full well the reason behind the comments.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Allegra began sarcastically with a roll of her eyes, “Maybe it’s because you texted me to ask if you could use me as an excuse to see her, or maybe because you haven’t been able to stop staring at her since then. Or-”
“Alright, alright. Point taken.” Felix cut in with a glare.
Allegra smirked. “She looks stunning. You should really go talk to her.” 
Felix glanced down at his cup as he leaned back against the punch table, not replying. He should go talk to her. But how? He couldn’t just stroll up to her like nothing’s happened between them, right? How does one approach a situation like this, exactly?
Allegra heaved a playful sigh. “Alright, come on. Let’s go find her.” 
“What-” was all Felix got out before Allegra started tugging him through the crowd. 
“I thought I saw her over here somewhere.” Allegra muttered to herself as she pulled him along.
“Allegra, wait-” Felix tried to interject.
Allegra whirled around to face another direction. “Or was it over here?”
“You can’t just-”
“Hey! There you are!” Claude suddenly exclaimed next to them. “I’ve been looking for you, Fe.”
“Oh good,” Allegra smiled, “because we’re looking for Marinette. Any idea where she went?”
“Marinette?” Allan spoke up, popping up behind Claude. “I think I saw her with Alya next to the DJ booth under the hanging lantern things.”
“Perfect!” Allegra chirped. 
Felix jerked on his hand, to no avail. “Now, wait just a minute-”
“Let’s go!” Claude cheered, gathering with Allan behind Felix. 
The three then proceeded to push Felix to the other side of the gym. He struggled as best he could, but it was no use. The trio- specifically Allegra -had an iron grip on him. Felix was at their mercy.
A few of the students gave him odd looks for being shoved across the gym floor, but Felix was much more worried about Marinette’s familiar giggles growing closer and closer. 
Alya came into view, and with a final shove, the trio sent Felix stumbling towards the two girls. He flailed his arms a bit to regain balance, before shooting a glare at the three. They gave him a cheerful wave, but swiftly disappeared into the crowd again before he could chew them out.
One day.. Felix thought to himself with a scowl as he straightened. One day I’m going to get them back for all of these stunts.
Felix grimaced at the voice he knew all too well. 
He turned to Marinette, ready to give some sort of greeting or apology, but when his eyes landed on her, any words that had been forming in his mouth promptly disappeared. 
Words couldn’t possibly describe how radiant she looked. Her light pink dress fluffed out around her with flowers peppered along the different pieces of fabric. The silver necklace hanging loosely around her neck brought attention to her creamy skin color, and her hair- oh her hair. In all the time he’d known her, Felix had never seen Marinette’s hair completely down. Now that he had, however, he would gladly admit that it’s something he could never get tired of seeing. The lightness of the dress only accented her hair’s naturally dark color, and it looked as if the inky, night sky itself had decided to curl around her shoulders that evening.
“I…” Felix cleared his throat. “I see you finished the dress.”
A light blush dusted her cheeks. “I did. Do you like it?”
She took the tips of two of the ruffles and did a small twirl. The back of the dress, he realized, dropped low, almost reaching the middle of her back.
Felix swallowed. 
“It’s stunning.” You’re stunning.
Marinette smiled brightly, and Felix swore he felt dizzy. “Thanks! The patterns were a nightmare to get, but I like the way they turned out.”
“So do I.” Felix said. “You did a fantastic job.” 
“Didn’t she?” Alya suddenly spoke up, wrapping an arm around Marinette’s shoulders. “I told her it looked great. Oh!-” Her gaze snapped upwards and a feigned look of concern crossed her features. “Is that Nino calling? I should go see what he wants. Have fun you two!” 
Alya gave Marinette a playful pat on the back that swiftly turned into a shove, and Marinette stumbled forward with a yelp.
Right into Felix’s arms.
Felix fell back a step as he wrapped his arms around Marinette to help balance her. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, sorry, I didn’t expect her.. too..” Marinette trailed off as she looked up at him, a heavy blush slowly forming across her cheeks.
Felix flushed too, because he knew exactly why she was flustered. They were- once again -pressed against each other, so close that he could almost lean forward to finish what they started last week.
“It’s not your fault.” Felix said softly, loosening his grip on her.
Marinette straightened, and he reluctantly let his hands completely fall back to his sides. 
“Right..” She replied absently, still staring at him with a dazed look in her eyes. 
Felix offered a small smile, but he couldn’t help wondering what it meant for her to stare at him like that. Was she thinking about their almost-kiss too? Should he bring it up? 
~Alright, everyone, it’s now time to slow down!~ The Dj exclaimed over the speakers.
Their classmates cheered, and the strobe lights shut off, only for the pink lanterns above them to turn on. Soft music floated through the speakers, causing students around the room to pair up. 
Felix glanced at Marinette, who was now staring up at the red lanterns with awe. He cleared his throat to get her attention, and mentally crossed his fingers as he extended his hand to her. “Would you, um, would you do me the honor of having this dance with me?”
Felix winced at his wavering tone. Was that too formal? Could she tell he was nervous? He’s never actually asked anyone to dance with him before.. Maybe he should try again more casually-
The feeling of Marinette’s hand in his stopped his thoughts in their tracks.
“I would love to.” She said, a hidden layer of giddiness and bashfulness lacing her tone.
Felix’s smile as he pulled her close had to have been the goofiest expression he’d ever made, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Marinette was in his arms, and the way she giggled as they spun around the gym made him feel lighter than air. 
“I’ve never seen you wear a suit before.” Marinette commented after a few spins, rubbing her hand over his arm to feel the material. “It looks nice.”
“Thank you. It’s part of my Father’s brand, though. He’s always having us wear his things to promote the company.” Felix responded, holding her hand up so she could twirl again.
Marinette nodded thoughtfully before spinning out. “The design’s a bit plain for being part of the Agreste brand. If they wanted to promote it, they should have put a little twist on it to help stand out.”
Felix smirked as he pulled her back. “Are you criticizing one of the top fashion designers?”
Marinette flushed a deep scarlet, almost missing his other hand when she crossed her arms to lean her back against his chest. “Uh- no, no! I mean- not necessarily criticizing, I-I just-”
Felix laughed. “Don’t worry, I completely agree with your opinion. Father’s become lazy with the fact that he’s so famously known.”
Marinette let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah..”
“Maybe you can make my suit next time I go to a formal event.” Felix then suggested, before spinning her back out.
He thoroughly enjoyed Marinette’s eyes blowing wide at the remark.
“Wait, really? You’d want me to?” She asked, shock written all over her face as she drew back into him at the end of the twirl.
Felix chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist once more. “Of course. Father would be furious, but I think it would be worth it.”
Marinette fell silent, which worried him. Did he say something wrong? Was she upset about the comment of his Father’s temper? 
A sniff came from her before his thoughts spiraled too far, and Felix froze as tears started to glisten in Marinette’s eyes. Was she crying?!
Before he could react, Marinette flew forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She said, her voice a bit muffled. “For being so supportive of me.”
Felix, though confused, relaxed a bit and hugged her back. “It’s the least I could do.”
“Well, it means more to me than you could ever know.” Marinette confessed. 
You mean more to me than you could ever know. Felix thought to himself, holding her a bit tighter. 
“It’s my pleasure to help you.” He said honestly.
A breath of a chuckle brushed his neck. 
“Even when you have to go out of your way to do it?” She asked lightheartedly.
Felix nodded. “I don’t mind going through a few obstacles to make your life easier, Marinette.”
After all, he would do anything for her, even if it meant giving up his Father’s approval, or giving up his carefully built freedom that came with it. 
That thought should terrify him, knowing someone could control him so easily, but who could possibly be afraid of those shimmering blue eyes?
Marinette lifted her head off of his shoulder, which he would have been disappointed about had she not grabbed his hand right after. “Let’s go get some strawberry lemonade. All of this dancing has made me thirsty.” 
Felix smiled. “Lead the way.”
Tag List:  @im-here-for-the-content @novicevoice @mewwitch@minightrose @frostymoon11 @multishipper1needshalp@unabashedbookworm @unholykrow @trubel43@kaydenth3gayden @stardustrevoutionx @legendaryneckjudgestudent @aurordraws @crazylittlemunchkin @uwuteamleader @chocolatecustarddanish @iambi-thilla-meena @corabeth11 @asainfrustration13  @chrismarium @agumon1123 @luciferge @yue-caelum @persephonebutkore @constancetruggle @fanficaddict4ever @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical @tinybrie @procrastinatingrightnow @bee-wrecker @dontcallmecedge @shadowhex99 @daminette-is-life @thethirdwheelfriend @myazael @sizzling-fairy-oil @sparkle9510 @chaosace​ @the-navistar-carol​ @sannsibarr​ @grumpy-vixen-kitten​ @hauntedfreakdeputyhero​ @utcaro​ @more-or-less-human-i-guess @mlbutatbspofsalt @dawn-the-rithmatist @artcart0n @mermaidreject @tori-mmm  @fifaanayd  @novicevoice  @dreamykitty25
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epic-potato-crisp · 4 years ago
Courtship - Part 2 (AjinWeek2020/7)
Part 2 is here after...a year?
Originally, this was supposed to be posted for Ajin Week 2020 Day 7: Anything goes. The whole story was just supposed to be two chapters, however I want to expand it a little and now we're at looking at 3-4. Stay tuned for further updates! (I'm considering whether Twilight is the right choice for their movie night. It's very temping. There are five (5) movies and so very little of Kei's patience.)
“I’m sorry, what?” Tosaki says.
Yeah, Kei probably shouldn’t have agreed to this. On the other hand, the look of pure bewilderment on his team leader’s face replaces about a month of entertainment for him. At the very least. It’s a fair deal.
“We’re dating.” Kou explains sheepishly, for the second time, scratching at his neck.
“Since when?” Hirasawa asks, appearing just as invested as he is amused.
Izumi hasn’t said anything yet, instead observing them in silence.
“Since like right now.” Kou says, laughing awkwardly, “It was pretty spontaneous. Right, Kei?”
“Don’t drag me into this.” Kei responds briskly.
“Hey, you just said yes!” Kou argues, his brows furrowing.
“And I’m regretting it more and more.” Kei snipes back.
“Oof, boys, 20 minutes in and trouble in paradise already. It’s not looking good, huh?” Ogura comments.
“It’s just a…trial.” Kei says, anxiety still spiking up in him months later at the thought of the any kind of experiment, “For a week. More for research purposes than anything.”
“Research purposes, now we’re talking.” Ogura chimes in, “What’s your hypothesis? Are you going to need help evaluating the data?”
“Can you even evaluate a relationship that way?” Hirasawa argues, “In numbers? That sounds strange to me.”
“Well, plenty of psychological studies say yes, so.” Ogura shrugs, “So Nagai, what’s your deal?”
“The hypothesis is that seven days of close interaction will not lead to me murdering him.” Kei glares in Kou’s direction, “And that he will shut up about my dating life.”
Kou coughts out something that suspiciously sounds like “what life”, for which Kei elbows him in the ribs, hard.
“Yeah, what he said.” Kou wheezes, returning the glare in kind.
“And we’re not really going to write a report about it. We’re just letting it run simultaneously. Would that be with you?” Kei asks.
Tosaki stares at them for a full minute and then leaves the room without another word.
“I’ll just be-“ Izumi says, apologetically, hurriedly following after him.
“You boys have my blessing.” Hirasawa says, winking at them and toasting in their direction with his barley tea.
“Mine too, with a little extra sprinkle of blessing on top if you do take a few notes about it.” Ogura says, “From a sociological perspective, it’s pretty hilarious. Completely anonymous, of course.”
“Fine, I can do that.” Kei says, “I’m bored as it is.”
They take their leave.
“Well, you’re not going to be bored for long with me around.” Kou says, once they’re out of earshot, grinning at him brightly.
Kei grimaces. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”
Kei hadn’t believed that dating Kou would be difficult- to be truthful, he hadn’t considered the situation at all, but here they were. But reality is a whole different obstacle.
First, there’s the hand-holding. It’s been a good while since Kei had held hands with anyone, frankly, when he was in elementary school and crossing the street with Eriko, and that had been more of a safety precaution than anything. It’s an unnecessary amount of touch in his opinion, the sweaty entanglement of fingers grossing him out in theory. In practice…it’s not really that bad.
Kou slips his hand into Kei’s, that evening as they’re taking a walk around the forest. It comes as a surprise to him. They had just been strolling around aimlessly for a while, trying to clear their head from a day of training and the awkward conversation earlier. Lost in his own thoughts, Kei startles a little at the sudden physical contact.
“The cicadas are really fucking loud, aren’t they?” Kou says, almost nonchalantly. Kei notices that his grip, although confident at first, loosens a little in hesitation, giving Kei the opportunity to pull away. He considers it. However, instead of sticky and oppressive, the touch is comforting somehow. Which is weird, considering there is no purpose to it. But then, there is no purpose to this entire trial run, Kei concludes, which makes up his mind. He hums noncommittally and squeezes back. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see how the other’s face lights up in surprise. “Maybe they just have a lot to talk about.” Kou stumbles to add. “Maybe they’re just as chatty as you.” Kei replies sarcastically. Kou laughs. “Yeah, probably.” he agrees, grinning. They continue walking until dusk approaches, coloring the sky in shades of purple and blue.
Izumi’s waiting for them when they get back with two glasses of chilled water. They say their thanks, Kou gulping down his water in a flash and wiping his mouth with his arm.
“Ah man, thought I was going to die of thirst.” he says, sighing blissfully as he goes in for a refill.
“Literally impossible in that short of a time span.” Kei corrects him, but he too can’t help a small sigh of relief. August brings about a heat wave that makes him even more grateful for the air conditioning at the hideout. He regrets to think that he “voluntarily” signed up for a training camp during this very time of the year when he could have instead spent his days in his room doing practice questions. Pure insanity. He’ll definitely get Sato back for this.
“By the way, Tosaki-san is okay with you… dating.” Izumi explains, “He was just a bit overwhelmed at the situation.”
Not only him, Kei thinks grimly.
“Well, it’s just for a week!” Kou interjects, with an embarrassed laugh, “We’re not sure about anything yet, you know?” Kei side-eyes him hard. His attempts at preserving his chances with Izumi-san are obvious enough that it’s almost pitiable. “Well, I am. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to spend the rest of my life dating someone like you.” he scoffs, which should serve Nakano’s agenda well, ignoring the slight constriction ins his chest. The walk must have tired out his muscle more than he realized.
“So he is okay with it?”
“Well.” Izumi bites her lip, “He said that by your mere existence, you’ve ruled out his two biggest concerns, so after that he doesn’t really care what happens. Unless it jeopardizes your training, of course.”
Yes, that does sound indeed like Tosaki.“And those concerns are?” Kei asks, genuinely curious.
“You can’t get pregnant and you can’t die.” she says, matter-of-fact. Kou chokes on his water.
“In that particular order, in case you were wondering.” she adds, rolling her eyes.
“Wow.”says Kei, any other words temporarily not coming to mind.
That’s one obstacle removed.
For some strange reason, having a boyfriend doesn’t magically remove Kei’s above average exhaustion after what the others refer to as one instance of basic interval training.
“I can carry you the rest of the way.” Kou grins, kneeling beside Kei who is currently wheezing into the ground, fingers digging into the earth. Thirty situps, followed by half an hour of jogging? Give him a break. He’s been through 15 and already wishes he were six feet under.
Permanently, that is.
“Are you dumb?” Kei coughs out, “How on earth would I benefit from that exercise?”
“Well, you could rest- you seriously sound like you’re gonna pass out any second.” Kou pointed out, “And I could get some strength training in. Win-win. I know I’m strong enough to carry you.” He has the audacity to wink at Kei.
“Hirasawa-san!” Kou yells and runs over to where the older man is standing and timing them. With Kou gesturing broadly while explaining, and Hirasawa nodding eventually, Kei knows his fate is sealed.
“Pick me up.” He says, lethargically stretching his limbs skywards once Kou comes back for him.
“Just get on my back like a normal person.” Kou laughs at his purposeful display of weakness, “Unless you really want the bridal carry?”
“Hell no.”
“Your choice, Nagai.”
Remarkably enough, riding on Kou’s shoulders is not as bad as an experience as Kei had imagined it to be. He gets a ride across their training grounds, coupled with brilliant view of the clear blue sky and puffy clouds that drift by without a care in the world, and his only physical exertion is reserved for clinging to his teammate just enough so that he doesn’t fall off.
Which is to say minimal. For all his bragging, Nakano really does have profound upper body strength.
“See? Told you I could easily carry you!” Kou teases.
Kei doesn’t know what does it, the confidence emblazoning his tone, the mere fact that Nakano was right or the reality of the situation where he picked him up and carried him around like it was nothing.
Kei’s heart starts to beat a little faster.
“I’m not sharing a bed with you.” Kei declares, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What’s the big deal? Couples do it all the time.” Kou says.
It’s close to midnight and he’s standing at Kei’s door, armed with his phone and a pillow.
“Yes, but we’re not a couple.
“We are for this week.” Kou points out and damn, he is right. He pouts at Kei.
“So we only have a week. Please, Nagai?”
“You know how I feel about physical contact.” Kei glances back at his bed, which looks perfectly designed to host one person, and one person only. As it should.
“Well, I mean we don’t have to cuddle. Unless that’s…something you want?” Kou throws him an inquisitive gaze, the tips of his ears reddening.
“Of course it’s not, you moron!” Kei snaps back, a blush rising to his cheeks.
“Well then what the hell is your issue?” Kou says, slightly frustrated.
“I don’t want to share a bed with you, that’s it. Good night.”
Kei slams the door close in his face.
He hears his teammate/boyfriend-for-the-week groan and the head of to God knows where.
Kei fortifies his resolve – he doesn’t even need to give a reason, and yet he gave perfectly acceptable to deny his overnight stay.
Perhaps that’s his only issue.
Perhaps he also doesn’t want Kou to be able to listen to his steadily accelerating heartbeat whether they’re in close proximity.
But that’s something Kou is better of not knowing about.
Little by little, the hand-holding is integrated in their daily routine. Not when anyone can see them. And only if there’s nothing immediate that needs to be done. A brush of fingers as they pass each other in the hallway. Kou’s hand naturally slipping into Kei’s as they’re watching a video on his phone. Kou’s fingers grasping for Kei’s in the middle of a team meeting, right under the table, and Kei holding on for just a second too long, a scene that he will replay in embarrassment in his memories later.
Sometimes Kei wishes it wouldn’t feel as comfortable as it does, because this too is something that he will have to erase once their week comes to an end.
“Oh yeah, can we use the room later?” Kou asks, three days into their trial, barely swallowing down his food in time to ask the question. Which is directed at Tosaki, an unspoken agreement that comes with trying to sort out most hideout-related issues. Because the man really is the only person that would find a problem with that, Kei thinks grimly, and isn’t disappointed.
“For what?” Tosaki asks, suspicion setting into his features. Or perhaps that’s just his default look these days.
“Like, for a movie night?” Kou says, “The screen in here is really big.”
There is dead silence. Kei picks at his soba and tries to stave off his oncoming headache.
“Dunno, cause we want to have one?” Kou tilts his head curiously, “If you guys aren’t gonna use it, we can have it, right?”
Ogura tries to turn his laugh into a cough, failing miserably.
“Yeah, Yuu, don’t be such a spoilsport. Let them have it.”
“What are you calling me?”
“I already said I’m cool with Ikuya, you’d just have to stop being so uptight about it.” Ogura shrugs, gesturing at him with his chopsticks.
“This room is reserved in the evenings.” Tosaki grits out between his teeth, ignoring Ogura’s third consecutive attempt that day to get under his skin, if Kei is keeping count correctly.
“Damn it. “ Kou sighs, “You can’t make an exception?”
Tosaki’s eyebrow twitches.
“Wouldn’t a couch be more comfortable than chairs?” Hirasawa interjects, right before Kou can continue in what Kei knows is a losing battle, “There’s one in the storage room. It’s a little battered, but it will do the job.”
“Yeah, I actually think there’s a projector in their too.” Manabe says, “You won’t need a screen. We’ll just get the laptop hooked up. Kind of like a home cinema.” He smiles nostalgically at the prospect: “Haven’t been to one in ages.”
Tosaki sighs.
“Hell yeah.” Nakano says, pumping his fist. He grins at Kei: “What do you say, Nagai?”
“Whatever.” Kei says, despite feeling strangely excited at the idea, taking another bite to avoid further conversation.
Izumi appears thoughtful. “I might be subscribed to a streaming service, if I remember correctly.” she says, “So make use of that if you will.”
“It will be better than risking a computer virus.” she adds, awkwardly, as Tosaki shoots a glare in her direction.
“Izumi-san, Hirasawa-san, Manabe-san, you’re the best!” Kou proclaims loudly, his body positively vibrating with excitement, “This will be the most amazing movie night ever!”
Hirasawa chuckles. “You’re welcome. We’ll help you set it up right after dinner.”
“And I’ll check the wifi and my login details.” Izumi says, pointedly avoiding eye contact with her boss.
“I’m glad everyone has their priorities for the evening sorted.” Tosaki says icily.
Kou gives Kei a winning grin, which seems to say: “I promised you a movie night, and I made it happen.”
For all intents and purposes, Kei is the slightest bit impressed. Which is yet another tidbit of information Nakano doesn’t need to possess.
“You better not make me sit through one of your dumb action movies.” he mutters, instead.
This is going to be a long night.
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omgviolette12 · 5 years ago
After Hours- Chapter 14
Previous Chapter
Chapters: 14/?
Words: 2400+
Warnings: None
Tags:  @milkymaidme @dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki @little-moonbeam-666  @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet, @allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt @shockwavee @blondekel77 @nerd–nirvana @valdemarismynonbinarylove@nightrose64 @pastelhexmaniac @iistormii
If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3
Evelyn barely made it halfway down the hall, before she felt Loki’s large hand engulfing her wrist.
Screw him and his long ass legs.
By now the tears had long escaped her eyes, and she’d be damned if she let him see, lest she annoyed him even more.
“Evelyn! Why in the world are you -”
“ - Can I please...just go?” Her face was stubbornly turned away from his, as she attempted to keep her voice steady. But like he so nicely said a few minutes ago, she was easy to read.
"I will not let you go, especially if you're crying like this,"
Evelyn shrugged her hand out of his grip, surprising them both, "... I'm fine! Like you said, I'm too damn expressive. I'll get over it." She said that, but her voice wavered greatly due to tears.
"Please love, follow me back inside. My words were much harsher than intended...I admit that.”
He stepped closer, but she backed away in turn.
“You..you spoke to me like I was fucking slow. Like a child. How was I supposed to know you hated your sister’s fucking guts!”
Her tears flowed freely now, and Evelyn couldn’t help but feel more ashamed. She was always more sensitive than others, so whenever she was reprimanded, yelled at, or scolded in her younger days, tears would immediately follow.
Unfortunately, those feelings had yet to change.
“Evelyn, you are far from slow, and you are not a child. I.. I am sorry. That was not what I meant to imply.”
Loki wasn’t the warmest person in the first place, so he did not know how to comfort others through regular means, not to mention apologizing.
In fact, Evelyn was probably the first person he'd properly apologized to in years.
Simply because in the past he didn't give two shits how his blunt, unfiltered words affected others. If they understood his point, that was all that mattered.
But as a consequence, he caused the woman he cared for to cry.
“You said what you said, okay?” Evelyn sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes, “I’m...I’m just gonna go home. I’ll grade the tests there,” she made her way past him to head back to the office. Loki immediately followed, his voice revealing a hint of frustration, “Please do not be like this,”
“Like what? Childish?” She picked up her bag that was lying on the couch once she reached inside, then gathered the pile of tests neatly into her hands, “I need a folder for these, by the way.”
Loki’s face hardened, “If you’re going to leave without speaking to me properly, then yes, you’re being childish. I apologized for how I phrased my words, but my point still stands.”
“Well... I got your point. But this was what you signed up for. An immature, clumsy mess of a woman. I can't keep secrets for shit, and I'm easy as hell to read. If you thought I'd be anything else...sorry to disappoint.”
Evelyn looked at him with mustered courage, holding out her hand, “A folder, please? Then I'll leave.”
She could see the gears practically working inside his head, as he stared at her outstretched hand with narrowed eyes.
It took a moment. And without warning, he reached out to grab her by the wrist.
Since the action was sudden, the tests she held against her chest with her free arm fluttered to the floor.
Loki pulled her against him, as he stared down into her widened, startled eyes,
“Immature and clumsy, you say?”
He laughed mirthlessly, and the sound of it sent a shiver down Evelyn's spine.
"My darling girl, while I am quite infatuated with you... I will only apologize just once. If you cannot sense my sincerity, then I am at a loss."
She attempted to pull back against his grip, but his hold remained firm, "I am not a gentle man, especially when I am this peeved. So yes, I spoke as if you were incompetent. And no, I will not do so again."
Loki brought his other hand up to her cheek, staring into her tear-filled eyes, "Because seeing you cry like this is discomforting. Any other time, I would have revelled to be the cause of it."
He let her go then. Unsurprisingly, Evelyn backed away immediately. "That's... that's a weird ass way to apologize..."
"Is it really? I've brought you to tears before, but at the time we both enjoyed the reasons why."
Evelyn was still hurt and put off, but she could not help the way her face heated at his suggestive words. She cleared her throat, hoping to bring her mind out the gutter, “...Anyway, the reason you’re so pissed is because of that lady, Hela. What’s the whole deal with that?”
At the mention of his sister’s name, a scornful expression quickly appeared on his face, “Must I explain? I was actually starting to forget about that horrid encounter.”
“Considering you hurt my feelings because of her, I think that’s pretty fair.”
Loki sighed in resignation. He did feel regretful, so it was the least he could do.
“Due to past...issues between us, she despises me, and the feeling is mutual. I am not sure why she came here personally after all this time, but I could only assume it was to make my life difficult. Evidently, I was correct.”
“Oh…” Evelyn chewed at her bottom lip, now feeling worried, “ I didn’t know it was like that...she won’t cause us any trouble, right? Like tell anyone about us, or..?”
“Not necessarily. While she’s certainly curious, I doubt she cares that much at the moment to take action. However...seeing her brought back unpleasant memories, and I imparted my agitation upon you,”
Evelyn did not step away this time when he moved toward her, and allowed him to slowly pull her into an embrace, “ I was worried about what she might have done and said to you if she discovered we were together, as she is still quite vengeful. I truly did not mean to patronize you.”
She listened patiently to his reasoning. Evelyn was clueless as to what kind of history the siblings shared, but it must be particularly bad to have affected his mood this much.
“As long as you know. I’m...I’m just really sensitive, and I hate being talked to like that in general. Especially by you.”
“I know, my dear. I will mind my tone in the future,”
He tightened his hold, kissing the top of her head, “How shall I make it up to you?”
Evelyn pulled away from him slowly, putting a smile on her face as she spoke quietly, “Um, I’ll think about it. But I just need some time to myself right now…”
Her heart dropped when his face transformed into a frown. Loki probably thought she was going to stay with him, but she needed space to evaluate how she currently felt. He apologized and she acknowledged that - but a part of her couldn’t help but still feel unsettled.
Loki fixed his expression immediately, his smile mirroring hers in its falsity, “If that is how you feel, then I won’t force you to stay. I will take you home,”
“Uh...actually, I want to walk home this time. It’s a nice evening out, so…”
Evelyn didn’t feel like riding in his car at the moment, especially with the tension currently between them. Aside from that, the fresh air would do good to clear her thoughts.
However, the look Loki gave her right then almost changed her mind.
Evelyn thought he was going to chastise her once more. But instead, Loki closed his eyes as he spoke in a deceptively calm manner,
“I am not entirely comfortable with you walking by yourself… especially since it has gotten late. But so be it,”
Before Evelyn could even breathe a sigh of relief, her professor interjected once more, “ Since that is the case, I will accompany you on your walk home.”
“What?” Her voice was louder than intended, but that was the last thing she expected him to say.
“Well, I mean, don’t you have work to do? And, like, I’ve walked home alone plenty of times, you don’t need to go out of your way…”
“You are my partner now. While I acknowledge your autonomy and independence, I prioritize your safety above all else.”
She became momentarily speechless, her mouth closing and opening as she tried to gather up another excuse, “Well, I mean, we can’t be seen walking together...and stuff. That might be suspicious right? Especially considering the whole thing with your sister…”
“Walking together is not a filthy act. We will be fine,”
Loki turned around to return to his desk, picking up his jacket from the hanger right next to it. He looked at the tests still strewn about on the floor, then back to Evelyn. “We will grade these...exams another time. With much focus. ”
“Do you walk this distance every day?” Loki said after a while, as he walked side by side with Evelyn. Well, they were side by side - but she insisted that they remain a reasonable distance apart from each other, despite the fact that they were no longer on campus.
Evelyn blamed it mostly on paranoia, but she was actually just feeling petty. If someone wronged her in any way, she held onto that resentment for at least a day or more. Even if they apologized.
So Loki accompanied her mostly in silence, as he probably sensed she was still feeling a bit bitter. If he thought that was childish, he made no indication that he thought so.
Evelyn jumped a bit, his voice pulling her from her thoughts, “Uhm...yeah. It’s not that bad, just a half an hour walk.”
“..It is no wonder you were always late for classes. Does your sister not drive?”
“She does...but I just like the scenery. And I’m good at speed-walking.”
At her answer, Loki’s brows furrowed.
While the area where Evelyn lived wasn’t all that bad, it wasn’t good either. The streets were covered in litter, with the odd stench here and there as they passed by the shops and delis. The only good aspect he observed was the abundance of trees since there was a park in the vicinity.
Loki frankly thought it was filthy, but he kept that bit to himself.
“It is...nice. I suppose.”
Evelyn didn’t seem to notice his disdain and only smiled faintly at his answer, “I mean, it could be better. But I try to enjoy the little beauty in things, Y’know?”
Loki remained quiet as she said so, his expression thoughtful at her words.
The rest of the walk continued in silence, and Evelyn only piped up once more when she saw that they reached her apartment.
"Well, we're here…" Evelyn stopped in front of the staircase leading up to the building, turning to face him. The air between them wasn't all that pleasant still, judging from his stiff posture.
There was an awkward silence between them now as they stared at each other, neither unsure of what to do next.
Did she kiss him goodbye now? No, she still felt off. Then a small hug?
While she pondered her options, Evelyn didn't see that her sister had exited the building, humming a tune as she did so.
Candice stopped right in her tracks once she saw the pair below the stairs.
Both Loki and Evelyn’s gazes shot up towards the stairs instantly at the sound of her voice.
“Wait...is this…?” Candice’s finger pointed to Loki, as she looked down at them in astonishment.
Evelyn was frozen, whilst Loki’s expression was rather hard to decipher.
“Is this professor Laufeyson?!” Candice shot down the steps in record time, her body radiating with excitement.
“I...um, yeah..?” Evelyn replied awkwardly, still shaken by Candice’s unexpected intrusion.
Candice didn’t seem to read the awkwardness in the air though, judging by her next words, “Holy crap, so it is? Well damn, he’s even finer in person -“
Before Evelyn could reply in aghast and embarrassment at her sister’s bold words, Loki piped up with confidence, unperturbed. “Candice, correct?” Loki held out his hand for a handshake, which she stared at for a moment before taking it, “ Your sister speaks much about you.”
“Oh does she now?” She quirked a brow in question in Evelyn’s direction, before looking back to Loki, “Well, I hope it was all good! She tells me a lot about you too, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Then I assume Evelyn informed you about us? And please, just Loki is fine.”
Evelyn stood in silence, observing the two as she marinated in nervousness. The tension between her and Loki was already off as is with what happened, and she hoped Candice didn’t worsen it with her choice of words.
“Yeah, I know y’all seeing each other. Wanna come inside actually? I just made some dinner and you can join us. I wanna know more about how y’all met-”
Evelyn’s head whipped towards Candice. What now?
She interjected immediately in alarm at her sister’s chatter, “ I - Candice, hold up would you! Loki’s busy and he has to walk back, you can’t just -“
“If you would have me, then I shall join you.”  He looked towards Evelyn, her mouth still open after stopping mid-sentence, “ That is, if Evelyn is fine with that.”
“Of course she is! Right, Evie?”
Both of them turned to look at her for a response, and she couldn’t help but feel pressured. “I - of course I don’t mind… but weren’t you just about to leave Candice? And Loki...you don’t have to feel obligated to stay or anything,”
“I was just gonna take a lil jog. But nope, changed my mind!”
“I want to stay not out of obligation but to spend more time with you. This is far from bothersome.”
They spoke one after another, backing her into a corner. She had no good reason to argue, so Evelyn couldn’t help but eventually relent.
“I...okay. If it isn’t any trouble to you…”
“Let’s head inside then! I hope you like curry chicken Loki cause that’s all I made,”
“That sounds absolutely delightful,”
And so, Evelyn followed behind them helplessly as they trudged up the steps to her apartment, uncertainty piling inside her gut.
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justjessame · 5 years ago
Put Me In Coach 6
Awkward. That’s the best word for the situation I found myself in as my mom stood leaning against the front door after dropping the bombshell that she KNEW that Negan and I were-whatever the fuck Negan and I were. Shit.
“Amara Elinor Kendall.” Shit the big fucking guns. My full name. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Wait, what? “If that man was grooming you all these years-” Oh for fuck’s sake, really?
“Mother!” I gasped, stopping her. “Negan is plenty of things, but he’s not a child molester.” I rolled my eyes. “We never, he NEVER so much as looked at me until this year. AFTER I turned eighteen.” Jesus. Really?
“It’s inappropriate, Mara.” She offered, eyes shrewd. “He’s in a position of authority and you are still a student.” No, really?
I fought an eye roll. “Mom,” I sighed. “Negan’s NOT my teacher. He’s in NO position of authority over me.” Unless I’ve misbehaved and he decides to punish me, fuck, DON’T think about that now, you stupid asshole. “Seriously, he’s not that guy, whoever that guy IS.”
Mom was studying me. My face, the hopefully more earnest than irritated expression I was showing her and my eyes. “You’re in love with him.” Well, no shit. “He’s-” She stopped, considering what she found most inappropriate about Negan. “He’s so much older than you.”
“Isn’t Dad like ten years older than you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded vaguely, and I watched as she worked on her next argument against Negan.
“He’s a gym teacher, Mara.” Said in the same tone of voice most people might offer ‘he’s a serial killer who fucks corpses, Mara.’. I nodded, can’t dispute that fact.
“He is.” I waited, then since we seemed at a standoff, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why is teaching such a terrible career?” Oh, please, I begged, come at me now.
“It’s not real teaching, is it?” I nearly huffed a laugh. You sit on your ass in a huge fucking house hiring and firing maids on a whim, but Negan’s not a real teacher. OK.
I tilted my head and considered the plan of attack. “He gives tests, he grades tests, they have WORDS on the tests.” She was looking for a hole, I could see it. “And since I plan on teaching-”
“English literature,” Mom argued. “Or history, Mara, it’s not the same.”
“I’ll still be paid shit wages.” I raised an eyebrow. “I’ll have to pay out of my own pocket for supplies. I’ll have to beg students’ families for help.” She was thinking through my argument when I hit her with it. “Negan doesn’t have to do any of that. His supplies are fully funded. His equipment, his paper usage, his entire class is fully budgeted for.” Her eyes met mine. “That means, he’s in a better position than I will be, even when I hit the same seniority that he has now.”
“Amara, what will everyone say?” Ah, the real issue. Image. “He’s older, and he’s-”
“He loves me.” I answered, and looked her dead in the eye. “He loves me, and he was there when Joe was too drunk to stand up at the spring formal. He’s the one who called Joe’s parents and had them come fetch his drunken self home. He’s the one who brought me home, safe and sound.” Minus my panties, but those were always being wrecked. And an hour after we left the school, to rip said panties, but she didn’t need that information either.
“Joe’s-” Mom started, but she was flailing and knew it.
“He was going to urinate in the punch bowl, Mom.” Screw it, let’s pound that final nail into the dream of a Joe and Amara future. “That’s how Negan knew.”
She closed her eyes and her head hit the door. Shit, did I break my mom. “That’s disgusting.” Ah, not broken, but definitely undone by the utter grossness of Joe’s drunken behavior.
“Didn’t you notice their differences tonight, Mom?” She opened her eyes to meet mine. “Joe, your ‘dream boyfriend’ for me, didn’t even hold my chair once.” She bit her lip, remembering that Negan had held mine, and HERS. “Hell, even Eric, who doesn’t really get into the ovary set, held Mary’s chair.” I shook my head. “You want so badly to have the IMAGE right, Mom, Negan IS the right image.”
She huffed out a breath. “Fine.” What? “Next week, we’ll set down to dinner, the FOUR of us, and we’ll talk.” I waited. “Perhaps without Eric tossing cilantro and breaking plates to distract me, I’ll find out if I like Negan.” I bit my lip. “Do tell Eric that destroying my china makes me want to invite him over less?” Like you loved it now, I thought. “By the way, what’s this Steven look like?” Shit, she remembered Eric’s new boy toy’s name.
 The week leading up to our family dinner was weird. Since graduation, and prom I suppose, was coming at us fast and furious, our lunches were more about discussing outfit options for under the gown and if I wanted to brave another formal.
“I’m still trying to wrap my fucking mind around the fact that your mother figured out you and Negan.” Eric said for the millionth time. “How?”
“You mean with your inspired distractions?” I laughed as Mary said it. “That cilantro toss, fuck I thought she was going to tackle you.”
“She told me,” after we had the weirdest girly gossip session about Eric’s Steven, Mary’s actual school prospects, and Joe’s slack jawed lackluster performance at dinner, “that she’d kept an eye on his hands.” They both looked at me with wide eyes. “His hand nearest me was never on the table, so she knew where he no doubt had it.” Well, she decided he was holding my hand, but clearly that was wishful thinking since both of mine had been in full view on top of the table. Selective memory, or blindness depending on your view.
“Momma Kendall with the Amish hand counting.” Mary and I giggled at Eric. “And now, dinner?”
I nodded. “Yep.” I bit my lip. “Dinner with the parents. I hope he’s prepared.”
“He is,” Negan had managed to sneak up on us. “Hey, sweetheart.” He smiled down at me as I tipped my head back to look up at him. “Your mom counted my hands?” I raised an eyebrow. “I heard Eric’s eloquent description.” I grinned.
“Yeah, you weren’t very suave.” I bit my lip and his eyes flicked to my teeth. “Do you have any backlog of grading that I can give you a hand with, Coach?”
“You read my mind, Miss Kendall.” His eyes were dark, but they were also bright with happiness. “Next period?” I nodded my agreement. “See you then.” He smiled at Eric and Mary and then walked away.
“I hate to see him go, but I fucking love to watch him leave.” Eric practically moaned while staring at Negan’s ass.
“Could you try to act slightly less starved for my guy’s fucking ass, Eric?” I rolled my eyes. “Jesus, keep showing him that much fucking thirst and I may start to feel jealous.”
Mary was snickering as Eric shot me a look. “Jealous of the fact that he might realize that you’re hot as shit, but I’M hot as fuck?” I bit my lip to keep from laughing. “Or jealous that I’m not showing you the same attention?” That did it, I let out my held back laughter. “That’s right, bitch, I’m the queen.”
“You’re the delusional bitch,” Mary corrected. “Negan’s got eyes for one person, and it pains even me to say, it’s his princess here.” She gestured to me with her thumb. “She’s a lucky bitch, but I like to think he’s a lucky asshole for catching her.”
“Aww, Mary,” I hugged her. “That’s the strangest, yet sweetest compliment I’ve ever gotten.”
I shot Eric a look over her shoulder, daring him to rise to the occasion and get back in the best best friend running.
“Bitch, please, do you NOT recall my performance at your doomed dinner party?” He raised his eyebrow. “I own your loyalty forever.”
Our laughter rang over the cafeteria.
 I met Negan in his office. No need to constantly draw attention to ourselves. I was opening up the drawer where he usually kept his grade book and the ever growing pile of quizzes that needed to be graded. I found a different stack of papers. Reading the top, I sat down in his desk chair where he found me.
“Hey, princess.” His eyes dropped to the papers I’d found. “See you found my divorce papers.” He didn’t sound upset. That was good, I guess. “Amara, why do you look so-”
“Did I destroy your marriage?” I wanted to know. Did I ruin something of his? The page I’d read through told me that his marriage had been LONG. What if I wasn’t-
He knelt in front of me and framed my face with his hands. “No.” I looked into his eyes and tried to find any lie in what he was saying. “No, Amara, you didn’t destroy my marriage. It was over, and you helped me find the strength to leave. Finally.” Oh. “It’s a hell of a sight easier to stay in a familiar situation even if you aren’t happy, then leave and know there’s nothing to make it better.” I was squinting and trying to understand. “Freedom wasn’t enough of an incentive to leave, princess.” He shook his head. “I needed to know that I’d find someone who could make me FEEL something again. You, sweetheart, you shocked the fuck out of me.”
I smiled. “No regrets?” I nodded toward the papers.
“Not a single fucking one.” Negan offered with his usual confidence. “And, I don’t know how far you read?”
“Top page.”
“This is my finalized copy.” Oh. “It’s done.” I was a touch confused. Didn’t divorces usually go on forever. “No kids, Amara. I didn’t want the house. I hated the furniture. I got my car, and half the monetary assets, no contest.” OK. “I’m free and I’m yours.”
I bit my lip and leaned forward to press my forehead against his. “Mine?”
“Do I get to do anything I want with what’s mine?” I asked, and I heard him inhale sharply. He nodded. “Good.” I leaned closer and kissed him, nipping at his bottom lip and smiling into his open mouth. Our tongues touched and then, my hands were pulling at his shirt and it was off. My fingers slid down his chest, touching every inch of skin I could. “More.” And he stood and shucked off his shorts. I stood up and those damn panties were a memory and then he was inside of me and we were on the desk, his copy of his divorce papers crunching under me as we came together hard and fast. “Harder.” And he complied. Thrusting so hard that I was thankful the damn desk was made of metal, because wood might have splintered and broke. “More.” I whispered, biting his bicep, feeling my climax scream through me. And he gave me more, and more. The bell rang as we were cleaning up.
“I didn’t get to grade your papers,” I offered, as he kissed the back of my neck. He chuckled against my skin.
“There weren’t any.” I turned and he was smiling. “I wanted you to see those papers.” He pointed to the wrinkled mess that was his copy of his divorce. “Didn’t quite imagine we’d celebrate on top of the damn things.”
I smiled and pulled his head down to kiss me again. “I love you.”
“Oh, Amara Kendall, I fucking adore you.” He whispered, as his nose nudged mine.
 The evening of our dinner, I was more nervous than the first time I CONSIDERED having sex with Negan. More nervous than the morning he spanked me raw. I was nervous that my mom would have closed herself off again, and that without her Dad’s acceptance would be a damn pipe dream.
She hadn’t given me a dress code for this meal. Thank God. I picked one of the silky slip dresses that I preferred, pairing it with a light and loose sweater, the white chucks I’d worn with the destroyed jeans. I was braiding my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. Shit already?
“Amara!” My mother’s voice called up the stairs. “Mr. Negan is here.” I was going to die if she insisted on calling him Mr. Negan.
“I’ll be right down!” I called back, wondering if I should have pressed my luck and told her to send him up. Was I becoming hysterical? Yes. I tied off my braid and took a quick look at my appearance. Then, smiling at my reflection, I grabbed the jewelry he’d gotten me for the spring formal and added them to my outfit. Mom might not get the message, but he would.
I forced myself to walk down the stairs at a normal and proper pace. Running down and leaping into his arms wouldn’t win Mom, or Dad for that matter over. It was a moot point anyway, since they’d already gone into the family room. I stood for a moment in the doorway taking in the scene. Negan looked at ease, and so did my parents. No one was screaming. No one was bleeding. Yet.
“Good evening,” I offered, stepping into the room. Negan was beaming up at me from his seat on the sofa, and Mom and Dad were smiling as well.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Mom offered, so I took the seat next to Negan. I itched to take his hand in mine, but I thought slow and steady might be best. “You’re wearing the jewelry from your formal.” Of course she’d notice. The woman was just the most laser focused person on the planet where I was concerned.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s such a pretty set that it seemed a waste to only wear it once.” My fingers touched the longer rhinestone strand that was settled over the sweater where my cleavage would be located, if it wasn’t covered by my sweater.
My mother’s eyes weren’t on me, they were on Negan. Whose eyes were on my hand and the necklace. “I see.” I’m sure you do, Mom.
“What’s on the menu?” I asked, hoping that the dredge of conversation since I’d stepped into the damn room wasn’t going to be a foreshadowing for the rest of the evening.
Mom ripped off the meal details, and I nodded along. Happy to hear that carrots weren’t on the menu. She didn’t need to amplify that perfect vision of hers anymore. My hand was dying to grab Negan’s. I wanted, no, I NEEDED to feel his skin. And I could swear my mother was watching me to see if I could control myself.
Dinner was announced and Dad looked a bit surprised to see Negan. Did he just not fucking notice us all sitting around him? Jesus, Mom sees EVERYTHING and Dad is like Rip Van Winkle and shocked at his surroundings when he blinked awake. Shit.
“Ah, Mr.-” Dad was searching his brain for Negan’s name. It was a WEEK ago, Dad. “Negan.” He snapped his fingers and looked so fucking proud that I felt like screaming. “Welcome back.”
Jesus. “Thank you, Mr. Kendall.” Negan’s hand was on my upper back and guiding me toward the dining room. We were behind Mom and Dad so I closed my eyes in happiness, when that long fingered hand of his slid down my back and cupped my ass through the silk of my dress. “Keep calm, princess,” he breathed into my ear before taking his hand away.
Mom, hand counter extraordinaire, had set the dining room table up so Negan and I sat on opposite sides of the table. Amish, indeed. And the interrogation began.
My mom was relentless. And Negan was tireless. Every question she asked, and she dug deep, he answered. Calmly and simply.
“Are you married, Mr. Negan.” Dear Lord drop the fucking ‘Mr.’ would you?
He shot me a look and I widened my eyes. “Not anymore.” Simple, true, without extraneous details.
Mom took a sip of water and I measured the width of the tabletop separating Negan from me. His chair was pushed in close. Mine was too. The width, if he had his legs in a comfortable and elongated spread, wasn’t completely outside the bounds of-
“Amara!” Shit, I looked at my mother and realized I’d missed something. “Honestly, where did you daydream off to?” She shook her head. “I was asking you if you wanted to take Mr. Negan on a tour of the house?” Wait, I looked down at my plate and was shocked to see that I’d literally zoned out and missed eating dessert. Shit.
“Sure, Mom.” I nodded and caught Negan’s eye across the table. He was smiling, shit. He came around the table and helped me out of my chair. “Thank you, Mr. Negan.” He gave a quiet chuckle and we walked from the dining room.
We walked along the hallway, me pointing out, with just enough volume so my mom knew I was playing good tour guide, the various rooms. “Where did you drift off to, sweetheart?” We were out of hearing range.
“I was doing a mental math problem.” He was grinning down at me. “Measuring the width of that table, and the length of your legs, and wondering if trying to have a round of footsie would work.” His smile grew. “My legs aren’t long enough to be able to reach your crotch from that distance, so I couldn’t have given you a footjob.”
“Dear fucking God,” he hissed, pulling me up the stairs. “Are you trying to fucking kill me?”
I was holding back giggles as I took the lead and tugged him into my bedroom. “Kiss me.” He didn’t wait for me to say ‘please’ this time. His lips met mine and he pressed me against my closed door. Licking into my mouth, I could taste chocolate on his tongue. “I really wish I hadn’t blinked out on dessert,” I murmured against his lips. “I love chocolate.” And then he dove back in and I realized I loved chocolate flavored Negan more.
He ended it way too soon for my liking. “Not here, princess.” Really? My bed was RIGHT there. “Come on, I just made peace with your mother.” What? Fuck, what else did I miss? Did we finally win the war on terrorism?
“Shit, what did I miss during that fucking math problem?” I asked, leaning against the door.
He was smiling as he told me that Mom and he had ran through the gambit of his entire fucking life story. I’d missed it. Negan’s backstory. For fuck’s sake, my mother knew this man better than me now. My mouth dropped open when he said they’d agreed that he and I were adults, adults who would decide the course of our own relationship.
“You and my mom just negotiated our relationship?” I was about to say ‘without me’ but that was truly my fucking fault. “Did Dad speak at all?”
“He asked me to pass the salt.” I nodded, yeah that sounded like Dad. “But, Amara, I won’t have sex with you here. Not in their house.” It was my house too, I wanted to argue. “It’s disrespectful, sweetheart.”
Ugh. I had to fall in love with a moral, hot as fuck, sexual master. “Fine.” I was pouting. I knew it, and he was clearly enjoying it. “Then I’ll just follow you home.” His smile grew.
“No fucking arguments here,” his arms wrapped around me. “Don’t change, I want to strip every fucking stitch of what you’re wearing off of you piece by fucking peace.” Shit.
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draw-you-coward · 5 years ago
ikael gets schooled
“… And those are the basics of the precipitation cycle. Now I would like for you to, on the worksheet that I have given you, outline the details of each step. You may use your textbook as reference, but remember not to quote directly.”
Ryne nods and opens her textbook, running a finger down the page as she scans for a passage to start combing through. Ikael, watching her instead of their tutor for the day, wrinkles his nose.
No, this has gotten too complicated now. Ikael has changed his mind: he does not want to be educated anymore. Instead, he wants to stop the lesson and go do things that are more fun, like bake biscuits.
“Shtola, I have been working my brain very hard today I think and I need a break,” he entreats with the biggest, widest, most sincerest eyes he can muster. He even droops his ears for good measure—that is always guaranteed to work.
Y'shtola, however, only crosses her arms, raising one sardonic eyebrow until it disappears into her bangs. “Nice try. However, my name is not Thancred Waters, and I will not be so easily manipulated. Back to your worksheet, Kael, and when it is completely filled out and correct, I shall let you take your leave.”
Ikael whines. He does not appreciate Y'shtola’s unique ability to make him feel like a fumbling kit again, off threading dandelion crowns while the rest of his litter focused on the more practical skill of weaving baskets (Ikael can make baskets. He can make them by exchanging them for money, and it is a lot faster, not to mention better quality than what he would be able to do by hand). But after he had expressed a timid interest in joining Ryne in her studies, her nosy ears had perked up, and now she is busy bothering Ikael about rain and giving him headaches.
“The more you act like a petulant child, the more I will treat you like one,” Y'shtola says as if she can hear his thoughts. Her eyes soften, and she smiles gently. “Really, Ikael, if you are having trouble with the material, you need only ask for aid. There is no shame in it.”
Ikael bends his head, flipping open his textbook. She says that, he thinks as he skims through the pages without reading them, but he is sitting here with a child. The same child that he cooks dinner for, and takes care of when she is sick. What is worse is that he is not even caught up to her yet—she has a far better grasp of aetherical science than he does. And astromancy. And arcanima. And just about everything else.
“I’ve got it, it’s fine,” he says to Y'shtola. She is being exceptionally kind to him, taking the time to teach him as she is, and if he is being honest, she has the patience of a saint. He misses her dearly whenever he and Thancred are alone together for too long—they want greatly for her soothing rationality.
Ten minutes later and Ikael is still painstakingly scouring his textbook, brow furrowed. He slowly mouths the words of the current passage as he reads them, guiding himself by his forefinger.
“Y'shtola! I’ve finished.” Ryne sounds bright and proud next to him as she straightens in her seat. He hears her book shut, and swallows in an effort to ignore it, rereading the previous sentence about… evaporation for the third time.
“Very well done, Ryne!” he hears Y'shtola praise in a low voice. “Urianger was right, you are a star pupil. That is all I had planned for today’s lesson, so go enjoy the rest of the day off. Dismissed.”
Ikael’s ears pin to his head. Evaporation occurs when the heat generated by fire-aspected aether in the atmosphere vaporizes the surface of a body of water, he repeats to himself once more, slower and more firmly. Ryne’s chair scrapes back as she gets up, and he fights against a wince.
“Ikael, do you want me to wait outside until you’re done?” Ryne peers at him from a few fulms away.
He makes himself look up and smile gently at her. “It’s alright, kitten. I may be a while, so go have fun, yeah? If I’m not back for dinner, tell Thancred to take you out.”
“Oh, I’m sure you won’t be that long.” Ryne leans forward, and he dutifully kisses her on the forehead. “Okay, if you’re certain. I’ll see you later, Ikael!”
He returns her cheery wave as she leaves, then turns back to his work. Where was he…? Oh, right. Evaporation.
Ten more minutes and twice as many glances at the chronometer later, he hears Y'shtola sigh softly. He doesn’t glance up as she walks over, her footsteps muted on the wooden floorboards.
“Ikael, I know you are determined to finish this only by yourself,” she says, her voice kind. “But truly, I am here only to aid you. We can work through the parts you are having trouble with together.”
Of course she knows this process as if it is a simple thing, because she learned it all when she was Ryne’s age, or perhaps even younger. Ikael swallows down a sudden lump in his throat, gripping his pen tighter. “I can do it,” he says. “Don’t you—you can—I can do it.”
Measured breath, in, out. Blink firmly. Evaporation… is part of the process through which rain is formed. He understands that. He knows how that works. He must, after today. He… he knows…
“I-I just…” he mumbles, then stops. No. He can do it by himself.
“What is it? What do you not understand?” Y'shtola immediately kneels at his table, ears pricked. “You can tell me, it’s alright. I will help you.”
Ikael finally caves. He sniffs through a dry nose. “I-I just do not understand how it—it happens. Everything. How the—how the—steps. Connect.”
Y'shtola makes a considering noise, spreading a hand over his barely-filled worksheet to check his progress. Ikael feels his eyes heat, although her expression holds no judgment as she reads through it.
“I-I’m sorry I’m stupid,” he whispers.
“Speak about yourself in that manner again, Ikael Jelaar, and I will bend you over my knee.” Y'shtola’s voice cracks like a whip. “You are not stupid. You are an incredibly intelligent, talented individual who only struggles with a few measly things, as everyone does. That is final, and I will weather no protests.”
Ikael swipes the back of his thumb over his eye. “Okay,” he mumbles.
Y'shtola smiles, and he smiles back tentatively. “Very well. Now it seems to me that the issue stems from you thinking of the process as a series of separate concepts, rather than an interconnected cycle. Let’s start at another step, and work through the rest.”
With the gift of Y'shtola’s elaborated explanations, nudges, and unending patience, Ikael slowly but surely makes his way through the worksheet. Half a bell later sees him carefully scratching out his last sentence, excitement at having finished tamped down in order for his handwriting to be more legible. Y'shtola had said that she can barely make it out with only her aethersight, and he feels bad.
They are interrupted by a knock on the door. It opens to pop Thancred's head out. “May I come in? I am here to collect,” he says.
Y'shtola beckons him inside. “We have almost finished,” she replies, and maybe Ikael is just imagining it, but he thinks there is a hint of pride in her voice. “Ikael has been working very hard.”
Oh, Ikael is going to cry again. He gives her a watery smile, which she returns warmly.
“Is that so?” Thancred wanders over. He glances at Ikael’s worksheet, wrinkled with eraser marks and a little damp in places. “Ah, the water cycle! Taking an interest in our elemental endeavors, are we?”
“I am almost done, wait,” Ikael mumbles. He takes a deep breath, frowns in concentration, and reads over what he wrote: … occurs when perpetchooal perpetual fire-aspected aether heats the water into vapour. Then it goes into the air to become
“Clouds,” he mutters, and writes that down.
He passes the paper to Y'shtola to check his work. She focuses for a moment, before a smile blooms across her face. “Excellent,” she praises.
Ikael flushes, eyes warming. Y'shtola smoothes down his ears, petting through his hair.
“I’ve been thinking,” she says to Thancred. “Perhaps… Well, I may as well ask him, since he is right here. Ikael, I think that perhaps you would benefit from having your lessons held separately from Ryne. Not only to deal with the issue of repeating material, but also to provide a more suitable learning environment. What do you think?”
Ikael could weep. “Yes,” he replies. That would help immensely. He is grateful Y'shtola is kind enough to not directly point out the most obvious issue: that it is more than a little humiliating, as a grown adult, to learn alongside to a young girl who is much farther along than he is.
However, this means at least double the time and effort taken from Y'shtola and Urianger, not to mention an additional schedule for Thancred to adjust around. Ikael looks up at him, ears folding.
“If that is… alright with you,” he says softly. “I understand if you think it is too much of a hassle.”
“Nonsense.” Thancred crosses his arms. “Nothing you deem worthwhile doing is a hassle, Ikael. What you want is as important to us, as a group, as it is to you.”
“To aid with matters of scheduling, and seeing as you suddenly have plenty of free time, Thancred, now that your business with Eden is for the moment concluded,” Y'shtola says, “I have a proposition. I would ask you to join Urianger and I to be Ikael’s tutor, at least in matters where you are passably proficient.”
Thancred's arms loosen. He blinks in surprise. “You think I could…?”
“I know you think it is terribly odious to be interested in academia, but you actually have quite a knack for some subjects. Or at least you have shown to when you let your ridiculous façade of impenetrable aloofness slip. Subjects other than espionage. Perhaps you could teach Ikael the basics of bioscience?”
Thancred opens his mouth, an odd expression on his face. He catches Ikael’s wide, hopeful eyes, and shuts it. “Bioscience,” he mutters. “The role and manipulation of the aether within one’s body. Yes, I suppose I could provide a bit of insight…”
“Please, Thancred,” Ikael blurts. “I will be very grateful and I will bake you everything you want all the time and I will tell everyone that you are very impressive and smart and cool instead of the story of when you lost your smalls at Clearmelt.”
“But you will tell me that one,” Y'shtola says. “Later.”
“I…” Thancred is looking at Ikael. He widens his eyes as much as he can, folds down his ears, sticks out his bottom lip just a little…
“Of course I will help you, Ikael,” Thancred says, exactly three and a half seconds later. A new record. “It would be remiss of me to deny your desire for an education. The three of us can meet later to discuss the splitting of subjects.”
“Wow,” says Y'shtola. “That is… actually quite impressive. I don’t think he even needed to say anything.”
Thancred glances at her. “Whatever do you mean?”
“Nothing.” She rises from her chair, ruffling Ikael’s hair one lats time. “You and I will hold a meeting with Urianger on how best to accommodate Ikael’s learning style. And how to unwrap you from around his little finger enough to not give into his every demand. He will want to spend the entire lesson talking about picking rolanberries instead of learning, and you will not let him, Thancred.”
Thancred scoffs, blissfully ignorant to how easy he is to manipulate. Ikael only stares up at him innocently, already thinking about how to wheedle his way into “compromises.” Yes, he is sure this will be quite fun.
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alicepink-me · 5 years ago
The New Guardian
Story Summary: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in love with Chat Noir, but refuses to tell him her feelings. New holders appear to fight the duo and shake up their lives. Marinette makes a tough decision about her future as Ladybug.
Chapter 14: The Trial
Marinette was sat down in a chair at a small table. Two guards stood behind her. As her eyes scanned the room, Mantis surprisingly disconnected her chains and cuffs. The entire council sat at a higher crescent shaped table across from her, looking down on her. The room was a mock of an actual court room. Mantis rolled up the chains and hooked them back on his belt.
"Seems you trust me more in this room." Marinette said, showing her wrists.
"You're powerless, so what can you do in here? You can't run now." Mantis said, walking to his seat. "You probably noticed your weakened state in that room. As a defense mechanism, we decided to weaken you so that even if you somehow stole your miraculous back, you could not transform."
"You all might be overreacting just a little bit" Marinette said. "It's not like I have access to it."
Mantis dug in his pocket. "No, but we do." He pulled out the familiar black and red box.
Marinette sat straight. "And why are you telling me its location in your pocket? I could fight you for it right now. Why risk such power?"
"Would you be so stupid to challenge us?!" One of the woman shouted. "You're just as dumb as I thought."
"You can't defeat us, Marinette, so there's no use." Mantis said, sitting down as he shoved the box back in his pocket.
"Do I at least get an attorney for this whole trial?" Marinette asked, leaning back. Her thoughts were slowly aligning.
"Of course not, you don't deserve one!" The other woman objected.
"Now now, Rain, we don't have all day to bicker with her." One man said.
"I don't care, Amethyst." Master Rain huffed. "She's an entitled brat." Marinette rolled her eyes.
Mantis held the bridge of his nose. "Alright already! Saber, would you care to proceed?"
"Gladly." A man stood up with a piece of paper. He shot a snarky glance at Marinette before looking down. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng you are here today to stand trial in front of the grand council. You have been accused of a series of crimes, including, unfit possession of a miraculous, abuse of power on many accounts, and failure to cooperate with your superiors." Marinette's mouth fell open. "You may object or add to any of these accusations to better our discussion. We, the council, will decide on a punishment and future for your miraculous that we see fit."
"First order of business." Another man stood up, adjusting his glasses. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the most famous Ladybug miraculous holder, stationed in Paris, France, given her miraculous at the age of thirteen. Her guardian was Master Wang Fu, since passed, who studied at the temple until age fourteen. Fu fled to Paris where he later handed out miraculouses, starting with the Ladybug and Black Cat, to teenagers for them to fight a villainous threat to the city who possessed a miraculous himself."
"Is everything correct so far, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" Saber asked.
"Yes." She agreed.
"As everyone knows, guardian training is not a simple class that you can pass at age fourteen, so Wang Fu had actually cheated the system." The man continued. "He failed a short test and caused the complete destruction of this temple as well as everything inside of it. Instead of fixing what he started, Fu ran away without completing his own training, taking an entire Miracle Box with him, and he left the downfall of our nature behind him. Two miraculous were lost that day, which were later used against Paris, France, resulting in the need for two heroes, including yourself, Marinette. You should have never received a miraculous in the first place. If it wasn't for your guardian's complete and utter incompetence, you would never have been in this situation."
"Do you agree, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" Amethyst asked.
"Not really." Marinette shook her head.
"That doesn't surprise me." Master Rain snarled.
"What's the issue?" Sabor asked.
"Master Fu was told to leave the temple." Marinette said, Mantis holding his breath. "When the damage had spread too far from Master Fu's sentimonster, one of your own instructed him to take the box and run before he was crushed with everything else. Master Fu told me he never understood why he was the one to be freed, but he imagined that his Master had entrusted him to bring everyone back. Eventually Master, Chat Noir, and I did restore the temple and everything inside of it. We succeeded." Marinette leaned forward, glaring. "And as for my superhero status, I was amazing." The crusty, old women scoffed. "I was needed from the very beginning aside from the whole Hawkmoth and Mayura incident. You may have forgotten, but I didn't just protect Paris from those two. The Star Five, several bandits and burglars . . . everything. Master Fu even sent Chat Noir and I to Algeria then Egypt for a week to fight a trio of villains." Marinette squinted. "Are you taking notes? You really should be taking notes. This is important stuff that you need to remember, especially since I'm part of your students' curriculum now. You might as well teach them the truth."
"How dare you!" Rain shouted, standing and slamming her fists on the desk. "None of us would ever dare let an immature student achieve such power without proper training! How dare you make such accusations about our roles at our own academy! How dare you promote your missions to us!"
"Rain!" Amethyst stood, giving her a stern look. "We must remain calm."
There was a pause and a moment of silent rage between the two before they sat down. Saber took a deep breath. "Auror, continue."
The man flipped to his next page before reading on. "Alright, objective two. Unfit possession of a miraculous." He took a deep breath. "As mentioned before, Wang Fu had not received proper training himself, so his disciple wouldn't even come close to a real master. Marinette has insisted that his teaching was beneficial, but her points are controversial. Marinette has been at the academy for two weeks now and has shown significant improvement, but no matter her training, she will never reach the potential of every other holder or guardian."
"Marinette has received some training from Fu, even if it's incomplete, but are you sure she isn't able to catch up?" Saber asked. "A few of her trainers have sent positive feedback."
"But the point of this academy is to catch the children at a young age and before they ever form attachments to people or places." Master Digit spoke. "Marinette received unnecessary power at age thirteen whereas most students may receive one after graduation at eighteen and with over a decade of training. Besides her immaturity and lack of skill, Ms. Dupain-Cheng is quite popular in France, resulting in her several ties to important people, including celebrities like Jagged Stone and Gabriel Agreste. If she were to slip up once, that news would practically be broadcasted, risking all of us and exposing her own life to the world. Our sole purpose of raising them young about this is to prevent our students from creating relationships like those." He sighed. "So considering that, if Marinette keeps her miraculous, we are all in danger, not matter her experience or strength up to this point."
"I agree." Rain nodded.
"What if Marinette were to cut those ties?" Mantis asked, forcing the conversation on. "She could completely rehabilitate her life here. She has already moved here to train for at least a year without any communication with her past. With her well improvement and good behavior, Marinette has already taken steps to enhance her future. If we give her a chance, she might surprise us all."
"How could you say that?!"
"How dare you?!"
"She could do better!"
"Marinette is practically a child, so it's hard to tell."
"She won't ever be right for the job and you'll never convince me otherwise!"
They all stood, screaming at each other. Their arguing was comical.
Marinette looked confused, her squinted eyes moved between each of them. They were too hard to read as a whole. They weren't completely against her, mostly Mantis, but they were extremely fired up screaming about her. If she was lucky, they wouldn't agree on her punishment in the first place or maybe she can make a quick exit while they argue. Although, she'd need to make it past security. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long either way.
"Let's just skip to her punishment!" Marinette blinked and straightened as she heard that. The room fell silent. Rain spoke. "I think we have plenty of evidence to convict her."
"That seems fair." Amethyst agreed. "After all, we're only adding to the case against her by continuing."
Auror looked over his papers, adjusting his glasses. "That appears true. Several pieces of information are repetitive throughout her crimes. Marinette has committed several injustice acts, but they have also been done over again and again during her time as a holder. Adding on would just give more examples of her mistakes."
"I'm usually against rushing such decisions, but maybe it is time to decide on a punishment." Digit said.
"How can you possibly say that?!" Mantis questioned. "This trial is hardly finished. This isn't-"
Saber held up his hand, stopping him. "Obviously we must put forth the most thought in her punishment because it will affect the rest of her life, but what do you have in mind, Rain?"
. . .
Mint placed her hand on the stone wall, feeling the room on the other side. "Now Ginger." She spoke, concentrating harder.
Ginger extended her leg in front of her, drawing a line straight back. She drew another mark perpendicular to it before bursting into a pirouette. Her shoes began to glow as she stopped and drew a circle around the edge with one foot, staying centered and balanced. Ginger closed her eyes, grabbing Lavender and Mysteria's extended hands.
"Multiply and magnify." Ginger spoke, a copy of the floor's mark appearing on their hands. "We're linked. You can now use your power infinitely for the next ten minutes." She opened her eyes, turning to the others. "I'm sorry I could only increase two of your powers. I'm new at these spells." Ginger apologized.
"We all have our own limits." Mysteria said, putting her hand on Ginger's shoulder. "Some of us train to increase our uses of our miraculous before our transformations wear off and Lavender has only worked up to three, so your helped was needed and appreciated."
"You did alright." Mint said. "We should be fine as long as Lavender does his part."
"I just wish Magenta was here. It's just not the same to be fighting on a team without her." Ginger sighed.
Mint exhaled. "Well I wish Sage was here as well, Ginger, but they were both sent on separate missions when we got back. And this isn't exactly an approved mission on our part, but working with new teams is an important skill to have."
"I know." Ginger said.
. . .
The elders had been huddled together for the past fifteen minutes, leaving Marinette to sweat over their possible decision. She was going to run while their backs were turned, but she remembered the two guards that were standing behind her. An escape from this room was near impossible and she had no idea if the council had some hidden powers that they'd fire at her if they became suspicious.
"Alright." Auror turned around, adjusting his glasses before keeping his hands behind his back. "Ms. Dupain-Cheng, we have come to a decision." Mantis leaned his forehead against his hands. "From here on out you will never possess a miraculous and that includes that Ladybug one you specialize in. The Miracle Box will be returned to us and you will never see it again."
"What?!" Marinette yelled, standing. "You can't be serious!"
"Sit down, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." Saber ordered.
Marinette complied.
Auror continued. "After the miraculous are out of your life, you must completely seclude yourself from any memories of them. Your memory will be erased of course, but you must be relocate to a new country, possibly continent, as well."
"No! I am not doing that!" Marinette yelled, standing again. "My memories are mine and Paris is my home! I won't leave!"
Saber glared at her and before Marinette blinked, the two guards forced her back in her chair, keeping her locked in place for the moment.
"It is inevitable, Marinette." Auror said blankly. "You must forget anything and everything to do with miraculous or this temple. You will live a normal life in another country, to be determined later. Just think on the bright side. You can leave all magic behind you to have a husband and create a cute little family without the stress of our lives."
"No!" Marinette struggled against the guards. "No . . . "
"I'm not finished." Auror stated. "There are a few more-"
"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir shouted before destroying the back wall of the court room in front of Marinette.
Marinette saw two shadow figures through the dust and rubble. The council began to panic, but form fighting stances at the same time.
"Freeze!" Mint declared, a mist rapidly flowing into the room.
"Mint?" Marinette mumbled.
Marinette definitely couldn't see anything now that she was blinded and a few of her senses were dulled, but she didn't care. Chat Noir and Mint were here and probably others as well. Marinette covered her ears. If her hunch was right, Lavender could be here, or maybe another miraculous involving the sense of hearing. It'd be best of her to wait for Chat Noir to find her or to finish their plan.
"Sleep!" Lavender shouted.
Marinette didn't hear, but she felt several body sized thumps on the ground that made her jump. The mist whooshed back to Mint, disappearing. Marinette blinked her eyes, regaining her sight. The council was spread out around the room, passed out on the floor, along with the guards. Marinette looked up to see Chat Noir, Ginger, Lavender, and an unknown blue hero standing before her.
Marinette smiled. "You all came for me."
"Did you expect us not to?" Chat grinned, a feeling of relief in his heart.
"No, I trusted you." Marinette looked at each one, stopping at the blue hero. "Who are . . . "
"I'm Mysteria." The heroine smiled. She wore a royal blue, skater dress with a halter neck. She had black spandex leggings, blue ankle boots, and wore white gloves. Her hair was halo braided and she had a lacelike, royal blue mask. "But you know me better as April."
"April?" Marinette mumbled.
Chat Noir eyed the small, black and red, octagonal box on the floor. He walked over and picked it up, prying it open. Two spotted earrings laid inside. "Your miraculous." He said.
"Chat Noir!" Ginger yelled, dragging a body. "Give Marinette her miraculous so you guys can get out of here. This is all new to Lavender, so we don't know how long his power will last on them."
"Got it." Chat turned back to Marinette. "You okay?"
Marinette formed her hands, ready to catch. "Yeah, I'm fine." Chat Noir tossed the box to her and walked back to the others for their plan. Marinette opened it and beamed at the sight of her kwami flashing out. "Tikki . . . I missed you." Her eyes began to water as she put the earrings back on.
"I missed you too, Marinette, but I think we need to save the chit-chat for later." Tikki looked at the bodies lying on the floor.
"You're right." Marinette agreed. "Tikki Spots On!"
Chat Noir and Mint pulled the last remaining council members and security guards along the wall. A loud bang was heard, causing Chat Noir to stop and Mint run into his back.
"Must you stop in front of me like an idiot?" Mint snarled.
"Sorry." Chat anxiously rubbed the back of his neck. He turned to where the sound came from and saw Ladybug had jumped on top of her table. She was wiping away her tears. Something was off. "Ladybug?"
The other heroes stopped to look at her. Ladybug lifted her head, staring blankly at them. "What do you want, Chat Noir?" She asked bitterly.
Chat inhaled. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"Why do you care? It's not like we're aren't friends." Ladybug glared.
"Why is she acting like this?" Mysteria asked. "Wasn't she smiling like two seconds ago?"
"Obviously her boyfriend here did something wrong." Mint crossed her arms.
"But I-"
"He's not my boyfriend." Ladybug replied. "He's an enemy just like you three are." She launched her yo-yo, Chat Noir deflecting it off his baton. The heroes took a step back.
"Marinette . . . " Mysteria squinted her eyes, focusing.
"We aren't your enemy, Ladybug." Chat pleaded. "We're partners."
"I would never choose to side with a stray like you!" She yelled. "And I most certainly won't let you convince me otherwise!"
Mysteria held her breath. "She's . . . "
"I am not your teammates, but I will take your miraculous!" Ladybug pointed at them. "You all have committed acts against this temple and you will be punished!" She grinned. "Each of your miraculous will soon be mine." She laughed. Chat Noir looked horrified.
Mint felt the change in the room. She crouched and placed her hand on the floor. She felt Mysteria's heartbeat change. "You're focusing." Mint analyzed. "Do you see something?"
"Is she spelled?" Chat asked.
A flash of red flickered over Ladybug's eyes. Mysteria gasped. "I think her miraculous is."
"They did something to it?" Mint asked.
"The council can easily do a spell on a miraculous." Lavender spoke. "They know these powers inside out and know every secret we don't. I'm assuming they've thought ahead partially and spelled the Ladybug earrings incase Marinette were to retrieve them again. Even if they lost, her punishment would still be served."
"What punishment?" Chat asked, staring at Ladybug who kept nightmarish eye contact with a smile. She was really trying to haunt him.
"To destroy and forget us." Mysteria answered. "Marinette has been turned into a killing machine. She can achieve their dirty work for them in the case that they aren't present to do so."
"You all are adorable." Ladybug gushed. "I wish I had the power to minimize you and use you as my puppets or maybe place you in a snow globe, but . . . that's not as fun as killing you."
Chat saddened. "Ladybug . . . "
"Don't act like you know me, alley cat! I will kill you!" Ladybug leaped forward and kicked him in the stomach. She grabbed his face and held tight as she pulled him to eye level. Her smirk grew. "We won't ever be friends." She gritted her teeth. "I'm only a nightmare to you."
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saiilorstars · 5 years ago
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 6: The Time of the Broken
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Summary: One month after Rebekah has left the Quarter, Maleny struggles to find the solution to her curse. Klaus’ help has dwindled since their fallout and so Maleny has had to turn to other people for help. Except Klaus heavily dislikes such ‘people’ she’s found.
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Requested tag: @queenmj10
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
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One Month Later
Elijah was more than displeased to find the culprit of his family's separation lounging around in his brother's room, "I trust you can find your clothing and more importantly the door," he held Genevieve's red heels to her.
Genevieve rolled her eyes and stood up, about to take her heels when she noticed something on them, "Those weren't chipped when I got here," she frowned as she noticed one of the heels harmed.
"Maleny may have come across them first - they fell," was all Elijah had to say on that matter. Genevieve glared and snatched her shoes, walking out the room muttering words under her breath, "You do recall that woman tortured our sister?" Elijah turned to Klaus with an irritated look.
"She also revealed the truth about our sister's treachery," Klaus shrugged casually.
"And as a consequence, Rebekah is gone forever. Also, she's the reason you haven't lived up to your word to Maleny. Should I remind you she has some kind of curse placed on her that's somehow interrelated with you?"
"Nowadays, I seem to be the source of several womens' problem, don't you think?" Klaus raised an eyebrow and turned to a painting he'd been working on.
"Let me point out that this precise woman is not just any woman for you," Elijah grew more agitated with his brother's indifference over something that clearly intrigued him, "She's been living here for a month and you have not directed even a word to her. Now I don't know what has happened between you two but you told her you'd help her and that is a promise I intend to see through."
"Perhaps Maleny has lost interest in the issue," Klaus nearly yelled as he walked up to curtains of the balcony. He opened the doors and looked back at Elijah, "You see, anyone who's cursed would be going out of their mind trying to figure out what's happening but do you know what Maleny's been up to?" Elijah, confused, followed the motion to the balcony. Klaus stepped out and set his hands on the rails as he looked down to the streets, "You see, at this precise time, everyday, a certain someone gets a little visit..."
Elijah followed Klaus's gaze to the end of the street where Maleny had just turned up in, noticing her grim face. She had just come from Cami's in another vain attempt to get her to talk to her again. Needless to say, she was not in a good mood anymore. Cami wanted nothing to do Maleny and was keeping true to her word in that she wanted Maleny out of her life. Maleny wouldn't give up though, especially when Kieran was slowly deteriorating from the hex on him. Adoptive Uncle or not, he was still family and Maleny wouldn't rest until she saw positive results of his condition. To say, she was even beginning to practice a bit of magic on her own in an attempt to come up with a reversal spell. She'd have more results if Davina would help her, but the girl was having trouble practicing herself.
"Rose for a pretty lady?" Maleny was stopped midway the street by a young man with dark brown hair and brown eyes.
Maleny wasn't surprised by the man, instead she just smiled as he pulled out a dead rose from his back, watching him bring it back to life with his powers. He was part of the witch coven of the city and for every day in the past month he'd been stopping her just to give her a flower. Maleny thought it was thoughtful of him, despite it never leading to anything else except for a couple words here and there.
"Thank you, Riley," Maleny took the rose with a soft smile.
"And once again I change that sad face into a wonderful smile," Riley put a finger under Maleny's chin and lifted her head to him.
"Just like always," Maleny chuckled and blushed.
Up above in the compound, Klaus glared at the pair and headed back into the room. Elijah shook his head and went inside as well, "Right, so you're doing this out of spite and jealousy. Mature, brother."
"I do not act out of spite and jealousy!" Klaus snapped, "If she doesn't care for a curse that affects her then why should I?"
Elijah rubbed a circle on his temple as he became more frustrated, "She is down there because of you. You are the one to fix that as well as the city's problems. You do recall that this city is used to having a king. You wanted this throne. Now, you must accept the responsibility that accompanies that."
Klaus had taken a paintbrush and started painting on the unfinished canvas, "Apologies, but I'm rather ensconced in other pursuits."
Elijah had enough and snatched the paintbrush, "If you can so easily neglect your home, I wonder what will become of your daughter. Have you forgotten what it was like to live beneath the threat of violence? We must work together, Niklaus. Let's make this city whole again."
Klaus tool back his paintbrush, "Perhaps it is too broken to mend."
"So that's it. You renounce anything to do with this city, and more importantly Maleny?"
The simple mention of her name made the anger (and pain he wished to forget) flourish inside him. Of course he wanted to help her, that hadn't changed. But his mind could not forget her words from last month. The Maleny he used to know, back in the forest, would have never said anything like that. She saw him for he was and never displayed an ounce of terror of him. Why should he swallow down his feelings for someone who apparently had plenty of time to chat with strange men on the streets?
Elijah was tired of the silence and the ongoing argument that had repeated itself over the month. He gave up for the day, "If you do not do anything then I will," he warned, "For the city and Maleny."
~ 0 ~
Maleny swayed her way inside the compound's courtyard with her rose in hand, nearly bumping into Elijah if he hadn't put his hands on her shoulders to stop her from walking, "Sorry," she sheepishly smiled.
"Secret admirer?" he eyed the rose with a small smile.
"Not so secret," Maleny walked around him while gently twisting the rose in her hands, "I'm sure you and Klaus have seen him...seeing as Klaus watches it happen every day," she turned to Elijah with a frown.
"So you notice him? And yet you continue to let it happen?"
"Oh," Maleny scoffed, "so because he has a tantrum I'm supposed to succumb to his jealous needs?"
"Mal, you do realize that in letting this happen you are showcasing your intentions to irritate my brother?"
Maleny, of course, knew that, and Elijah could see he'd been right, "I don't know what you mean," she crossed her arms and avoided his gaze.
"You cannot allow this petty argument between you two get in the way of solving your curse," Elijah warned, "Every day you waste ignoring each other is another day the culprit runs free."
"I know that," Maleny sighed, slowly returning her gaze to him, "But it's not easy, okay? The one person who promised to help me now hates me."
"He does not hate you, Maleny," Elijah quickly corrected her, able to see how that thought hurt her, "Far from it, actually."
"I would've left weeks ago if it wasn't for this curse," Maleny admitted as she took a seat at a table nearby, "Ever since Davina told me about this thing, I've wanted nothing more than to run away from here...but that would get me no where."
While Davina didn't know what the curse on Maleny was exactly, she was able to inform Maleny of certain information she'd gathered on the other side. The curse was an old type of spell placed on Maleny, could be broken of course...it's just they didn't know how. She'd officially learned that, yes, she had been body jumping all throughout the centuries, always finding Klaus someway. Each time she body jumped, the memories of the previous body were terminated. There was still no clue as to who or what placed the curse on Maleny.
"And what about Davina," Elijah brought Maleny out of her thoughts as he neared the table, "Has she...?"
Maleny knew he meant to ask if the girl had mastered her powers again and sighed heavily with a shake of her head, "No. I went to visit her this morning and she's still the same. She's afraid of what the ancestors told her," Maleny leaned back on her chair, "Without a witch, I can't do much and she's the only one I trust with this."
"Listen, my brother is being ridiculous with all this solidarity-"
Maleny scoffed again, "I'm sorry but having that psycho witch lounging around this place in her undergarments all day doesn't sound like solidarity to me," she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "Maybe instead of scolding me about my intentions, you should go have a chat with your brother. He does this on purpose to get back at me for what I said the day I took care of him."
"What exactly did happen, Mal?" Elijah curiously asked. He went ahead and took a seat beside her, wishing there was something he could do to at least reunite her and his brother. That would be one less problem he had to deal with in the midst of a near war between factions in the city - not to mention find a way to bring back Hayley.
Maleny shamefully looked at the man, "I said something I shouldn't have...and I hurt his feelings. Though he probably won't accept that I hurt his feelings."
"What...did you say?"
Maleny sighed, "Well, among other things, I said he was almost like his father and what really drove things home was the fact that I told him he scared me down to the bone."
"Oh, Maleny," and now Elijah understood perfectly the indifference he showed towards Maleny. Klaus was hurt, but he would never admit that to anyone..so he acted as if it didn't bother him. He ignored Maleny because it was easier to deal with her words in that way. Even acquiring Genevieve was part of a way to keep Maleny away from him.
"I know," Maleny hung her head in full shame, accepting the problem had been nearly all her fault, "I did a bad thing and even if I wanted to go apologize to him now he wouldn't listen to me. He's too angry, hurt."
"And so you believe taunting him with that man on the street is a better option?" on that, Elijah had to scold her. Maleny was doing no better than Klaus.
"Well...I wasn't going to do anything with Riley just to get back at Klaus. In the beginning, yeah, I used Riley but now he's kind of a friend. I like him and I like his little gifts. For a moment, it makes me forget that I'm cursed and that my only family doesn't want to speak to me."
"Maleny you are part of this family too," Elijah tried to say but Maleny refused to believe it.
"No, I'm not. Klaus is your family. Rebekah is your family. Finn and Kol are your family. I'm sure Hayley's on that list too. Even Marcel is more family than I am."
"Absolutely not," it was Elijah's turn to refuse a statement, "You are most certainly above that man. We've known each other since we were kids. Are you really going to sit there and tell me you are not part of this family? I dare you to."
Maleny set loose a smile and flushed, "I would like to believe that. It would be kind of nice to have a family again. I remember my mother now, Abigail, and with her I can remember those small happy moments of family I once had."
She'd managed to remember her mother, Abigail, who'd been a powerful witch back in her day along with Esther Mikaelson. Maleny remembered all the love and care she received from her mother, all the lessons she'd managed to get as a child. She loved her mother so much and she'd had the misfortune of losing her. She'd been left with the violent father, Ivan, to 'look after her'. The man was so cruel and violent to the child of merely seven years old. Her struck of luck was Esther and her family, the only ones who Ivan actually saw as 'friends', specifically Mikael. While the two men went out hunting with the others, Esther would look after Maleny and take advantage to teach the girl the lessons her mother could no longer do. And Maleny knew that as the years had gone by, her life wasn't as bad with her 'sister', Rebekah, her 'brother' Elijah as well as the younger Kol and Henrik and the older Fin, and the one Mikaelson she couldn't fathom as a 'sibling'. She recalled the fact she'd harbored feelings for Klaus and had to suppress them for fear of what her father, and even Esther herself, would think of it. She was treated like part of the family and loving one of them beyond that was taking advantage of the hospitality. But that was all before she'd actually came across Klaus in a simple event that led to something beyond the relation of 'family'. After that, Maleny didn't call her life a horrible one, not when she had the love of her life beside her and was actually loved back. Their moments had been incredible and now...now it was the opposite.
Time really could break things apart.
~ 0 ~
Later that day would find Maleny attempting to talk to Cami all over again, this time in the church where Kieran had gone up to the attic for some reason. For the priest, his 'nieces' were all happy and good, no argument whatsoever occurring...but as soon as he would leave...
"Cami, you need help! Kieran needs help!" Maleny followed the blonde for the staircase leading up to the attic.
"You know what I need," Cami stopped and turned around, making Maleny bump into her in the process, "I need you to get the hell out of here and stop shouting before Uncle Kieran hears us."
"Tough, because every time you tell me to leave I will come right back until you allow me to help!"
"Help with what? You've got no powers yourself," Cami snapped, "You're as human as I am right now, we don't have anything!"
"I refuse to believe that," Maleny went around the blonde and headed up the remaining stairs, "Uncle Kieran?" she called and stopped at the doorway of the attic when she saw Kieran shackling his ankles to the floor, "What are you doing?" she ran inside the room.
"Stop!" Kieran held his hands out to stop Maleny.
"Is that really necessary?" Cami was horrified to see him with the shackles.
"It's the sickness, it's- it's overtaking my inclination to forgive," Kieran shook his head, "Replacing it with one thought that I could barely contain at the summit: "Kill every last one of them."
"Hey, we'll figure this out," Maleny assured, remaining by him, "Cami and I...we'll work it out."
"I tried to figure it out with Sean, but I was focused too much on that instead of trying to stop him, and I'm not- I'm not gonna let that happen to me," Kieran sighed and looked at Cami, "You're the immediate replacement, they're going to ask you to take my place at the table. Don't. Just leave. Just start over. Maleny," he pleaded her, "please go back to England, take Cami with you. Both of you, just get out of this city."
Maleny looked back at Cami, and for the first time in a month, they both nodded in agreement, "We're not going anywhere as long as there's still a chance."
"How many times do I have to tell you I can't be fixed?" Kieran had to control himself not to shout at them.
"And how many times do I have to tell you we will not stop trying?" Cami snapped.
"That is just stubbornness, like- like when you were a little girl. You always had to be right. You- you- you never listened. Just that thick head of yours," Kieran started blinking rapidly, Maleny knowing it was the hex taking over again, "I prayed for you. And I got no answer. There is only blackness. There is only death. There's mine, and yours," as he moved to reach for Cami and possibly hurt her, Maleny jumped in the way and pushed Cami away from them.
"No!" Maleny stumbled back and fell as well, "Uncle Kieran, snap out of it!" she pleaded but the man grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him. She screeched when her arm rubbed against the floor, "Cami!" the blonde managed to stand with a lamp nearby and thrashed it over her uncle's head and knocked him out for the moment. Maleny breathed heavily and crawled away from him and shut her eyes as she felt the stinging pain on her arm, "Thank you."
Cami slowly bent down beside Maleny, making sure she was alright (in what could fit anyways) then helped her stand, "I'm sorry," was all she could say for this awful moment, "He's never...this is the first time he does something like this."
"The hex is getting worse," Maleny sighed and turned to her, "I am not asking you to forgive me, but just let me try and help with this alright? Our moments as cousins and family may have been a lie but my love for this family was not," she assured, "It's been a month, Cami, and I don't know about you but this has been the crappiest of months for me..."
"Yeah, it's been no picnic for me either," Cami had to agree on that. Her entire month had been focused solely on Kieran and a way to stop the hex and help him in the meantime. It was a pretty rough thing to do on your own and even she could admit that having Maleny help, despite her being nearly human herself, could really be some kind of help.
"I will get someone to help us, it's just...Davina, she's the one I trust and she's having trouble with her powers right now," Maleny ran a hand through her hair, "Maybe I could find someone else..." she started to think of Riley, apart from Davina he could maybe be willing to help in this.
~ 0~
Cami had, reluctantly, brought Maleny back to her home where she could possibly tend to the wound on Maleny's arm. However, Maleny wouldn't let her do anything as she was busy trying to relay possible options for Kieran involving the use of witches.
"Do you really think that guy could help us?" Cami asked while she returned the first-aid kit to its place.
"I've sort of talked to him throughout this entire month, I suppose he could at least try..." Maleny trailed off as she saw an intriguing dream catcher propped in one of the shelves by Cami's bed. She glared and stalked up to it, snatching it off the shelf, knowing exactly who was behind it.
"What were you saying?" Cami returned, clueless about the dream-catcher.
"Riley," Maleny turned to her immediately, keeping the dream-catcher behind her back, "I think he could help us. I'll talk to him later if you want."
Cami nodded, "Yeah, that...that would be good."
Maleny nodded and fakely smiled. She knew if she told Cami about the dream-catcher it could spark another argument and that was the last thing Maleny needed right now. For the first time in a month, her best friend was talking to her again! She wouldn't let some psychotic witch get in the way of that. Oh, but that wouldn't stop her from...
~ 0 ~
"How'd the whole treaty thing go?" Maleny found Elijah heading towards Klaus's room, wearing a grim expression on his face. She'd remembered something about a treaty being made between the representatives of the factions in the city. She sincerely wished everything would work out fine, but apparently she had been wrong.
"Not as well as I'd hoped," Elijah sighed, "Any luck with your uncle? And Cami?"
"Em...sort of," Maleny considered it how to put 'my uncle attacked me and tried killing me' into words that wouldn't make it sound as bad as it really had been, "Well, uncle Kieran is getting a bit worse. But I did manage to get some words out of Cami. We're going to work together and help Kieran, that's a start..."
However, Elijah was not as easy to trick, "Are you sure everything is okay? You seem a bit..."
"Irritated? Upset? Annoyed? Yeah, I am," Maleny crossed her arms, "I was hoping to bump into a certain person and I figured what way than by looking into the room of the man who keeps calling her in," she wanted to confront Genevieve on her little gimmick with the dream catcher.
"Well..." Elijah strolled into the room where Klaus was busy painting in, "...it seems we both have some words for you today, brother."
"I don't," Maleny clarified, "I only came to check if there was a redhead around, but I guess not," she shrugged and headed for the doors.
"Come back," Elijah called in his authoritative tone, actually making Maleny halt by the doorway. She glanced back and saw him motioning her to return. He seemed to have adopted her as a little sister as well because he treated her exactly how he would with the rest of her siblings.
"Oh let her go, she probably has to go and meet up with the rose-giver," Klaus turned around, motioning for her to keep going, apparently trying to seem indifferent to the matter, "Isn't that right?" he asked Maleny.
"Spot on," Maleny gave a thumbs-up, sourly smiling, "We even have a date. But don't worry, I'll be back way after your psycho witch makes her appearance as usual. Perfect arrangement, don't you think?"
"Enough," Elijah raised his voice and looked between the two, "There are enough problems in the city as it is, the last thing I need is for some children to bicker and banter."
"Well it's not our fault that this community has a history of mutual loathing," Klaus countered, still eyeing Maleny with narrowed eyes. She was a bit sinister and that quality he knew the original Maleny did not have.
"Well you know what, at least Elijah is trying to do something with this city," Maleny finally walked back to them, her hands frantically moving to show her irritation, "Meanwhile the supposed king lounges around with a heavily annoying 'indifference'. Last time I heard you wanted this city like nothing else, so why not do something to keep it going, hm?"
"I believe no one asked for your opinion, love. Go on," Klaus motioned once more for her to leave the room, "I'm sure your rose-giver is waiting for you somewhere."
"Screw you," Maleny declared in a low mutter before turning and leaving the room.
"One more wedge," Elijah observed with disappointment, "Would you like to keep that up?" he turned to Klaus.
"Why not instead of battering me about something irrelevant you go after her?"
"Incredible," Elijah stepped back with genuine awe, "Where is the man that would die for Maleny Rowan? The one who would do anything just to keep that woman smiling?"
"That died the moment she disappeared," Klaus turned back to the painting he was working on, "That is not Maleny, not the one I knew."
"Why? Because she is not exactly the same as the girl in the forest you once knew?" Elijah shook his head, "You do realize that after centuries of being alive, jumping body to body, she will never be the same?"
Klaus continued working on the canvas in front of him, trying to push any and all thoughts about Maleny. He'd been trying for a month now and while it wasn't quite working, he didn't quit. Distractions were one of his specialty, "Elijah I know you didn't come to question me about some past love, did you?" he glanced back, "I heard about your treaty efforts. A suggestion, if I may?" Elijah nodded, " If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves. A hundred years ago, they had a run at ruling this city. As of late, all they've had is time to watch their enemies tear down that legacy."
"All the more reason why their enemies are reluctant to bring them to the table," Elijah sighed.
"Take a page from Bienville, brother. If the table's the obstacle, remove it," Klaus shrugged, thinking of the matter as something casual, "Do you recall in 1720, the Governor's desperation to secure our help to build the cities first levees? We sat with him, and refused his offer, and so, he plied us with wine, with corseted women, and with raucous camaraderie until he had his yes."
Elijah began to consider the idea his brother was pitching, knowing where it would lead, and frankly...he liked it, "Are you suggesting that I throw a party?"
The two brothers smirked.
~ 0 ~
Music blared over the compound as guests from every faction of the city attended the party the Elijah was holding in hopes of getting all the factions to agree with the treaty. And while the party was to serve as a spark for peace and equality...Maleny had unfinished business to do. If anything bad happened, she would apologize to Elijah later on - until he was irritated enough to accept to it.
Genevieve had found Klaus by the balcony overlooking the entire party, "Looking for the cursed one?" she rolled her eyes.
"Actually, she is looking for you," Maleny came up towards them, her hands behind her back, "Klaus, I'd be careful the next time you have this woman in your room. She has a nasty habit of spying on people," she pulled out the dream-catcher from her back, Genevieve shifting uncomfortably upon being caught.
"She put this in your room?" Klaus became instantaneously crossed, giving the redhead a menacing look for her actions. Just because he was upset with Maleny did not mean anyone could go and try and harm her. They had to go through him first.
"No, it was in Cami's house," Maleny stepped up to Genevieve, remaining in an eerie calm attitude,"I don't care if you don't like me but you stay away from my cousin. Heed my warning, Gen," she smirked at the irritation the redhead had etched on her face, "I may be like a human right now but I've lived for a very long time, seen all kinds of deaths and how they were committed, don't think I wouldn't do something to protect the only family I have left," Maleny snapped the dream-catcher in two, Genevieve flinching as some of the pieces hit her. As angry as she was, she managed to contain her calmness and moved for the staircase.
"Maleny!" Klaus called without even knowing what he'd say if she actually stopped.
Maleny turned around, never letting him speak again, "It's alright, I gave my warning, I'm done now. This is a good night, a good party, and I don't intend of wasting this dress," she picked up the sides of her bright, red dress, "on scum, not when I have a date," she smirked and continued on. That had to sting a little, and honestly after an entire month of enduring Genevieve's presence, she hoped it did sting.
~ 0 ~
Later on in the night would find Klaus and Elijah overlooking the party from the balcony as more guests continued to come in. Everything so far had been going fine, and surprisingly peaceful. Hopefully, it would stay like that.
"I'm impressed, brother," Elijah had to acknowledge the easy-flowing night so far.
"Yes," Klaus agreed, though he wasn't that focused on the conversation.
"Now if I can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds."
"Well, then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening," Klaus said distractedly as he looked through the crowds of people.
Elijah studied his younger brother for a minute before looking out into the crowd, "Over there," he pointed to entrance, slightly to their right side.
Klaus rolled his eyes yet still looked to where Elijah's finger pointed, his fists clenching tightly on the rail, "You invited him?" Klaus glared down to where Maleny stood - Riley was right beside her.
"Maleny asked if it was alright, of course I agreed," Elijah said calmly, eyeing the very obvious jealousy that flourished inside his brother.
"We don't even know him, she doesn't know him-"
"He's part of your little redhead's coven now," Elijah turned to him, "Why not ask her for some information?"
"Why didn't you ask that from Maleny?"
"Because she needs help for Kieran, do you remember? The hexed priest?" Elijah sighed at the silence Klaus gave, "You might be indifferent to everything that's going on, but the reality is Maleny needs help and she has no one anymore. Unlike you, I don't intend to change the relation I had with her, I will help her."
Klaus turned for the sight of the party, watching (and listening) Maleny and her 'friend' converse with drinks in hand.
"You know, I'm glad you came," Maleny set down her glass on the table and smiled, "I don't know any of these people around here," she looked out to the other guests.
Riley chuckled as he set down his own drink, "Really?" he sounded doubtful, "Not one guest?"
"Well, let's see," Maleny started to count on her fingers, "I hate nearly every witch who's not Davina," Riley coughed and Maleny laughed, "and a certain brunette in front of me," she winked, "And then there's a werewolf pack where I only know one of them, then there's the humans where I'm sort of up patching things up with my cousin, Cami, and helping my hexed uncle, and as for vampires...well..." she thought about that one for a moment more, "I lost my vampire 'sister'," she put air-quotations with her fingers, "Nearly all don't like me nor trust me, there's only really one who does like me at the current moment," she picked up her drink again with a sigh, "Time breaks everything apart, you know..."
Riley knew there was more to her words than she was letting on, and with the death look he was receiving from a certain hybrid up on the second level, he could only guess what exactly Maleny was talking about, "No, no," he snapped his fingers in front of Maleny's face and got her attention back, "This is a party, meaning..." he eyed her until she decided to speak.
"...meaning," she continued and picked up her glass, "It's dancing, drinking, and fun time."
"There we go!" Riley laughed and clinked glasses with her, both drinking down the entire contents inside.
"I am so gonna have a hangover for this," Maleny shook her head, "But before I do, I have something to ask you...it's about my uncle."
"How's he doing?" Riley was informed of the current hex that was overtaking the priest slowly.
"Honestly, not that good," Maleny sighed, "He's losing it, to cut straight to the point, his mind is deteriorating and I...I don't know what to do," she stepped closer to him, "He tried to kill my cousin today, and I was able to stop him...but what if I'm not there when he has another fit? Cami can get hurt and I can't lose her. I know you said there's nothing to do but do you think, for the moment, you can do some type of boundary spell for me?" she looked at her hands with a frown, "I still can't conjure up a decent amount of power within me...I'm totally useless right now so I thought maybe you could-"
Riley had placed a finger on her red-stained lips, "We can go tonight if you'd like," he took his finger off and took her hands into his.
"Really? You'll help?" Maleny seemed genuinely surprised he agreed so quickly.
"Of course, I care about you, Maleny," he smiled softly, "Why's that such a shock to you?"
"Well, not a lot of people love me nowadays..." Maleny thought that to be an understatement. Her mother was gone, her vampire sister was gone, her mentor, her...own love, they were all gone.
"I would beg to differ," Elijah came by with a glass in hand, giving Maleny a sharp look for her statement.
Maleny mellowed under his gaze and sheepishly smiled, "Alright, so maybe I do have someone out there still," she acknowledged him, "Riley, this is, um-"
"I'm her brother," Elijah cut in and held a hand to Riley, instantly garnering a stunned look from Maleny for his chosen introduction, "Elijah Mikaelson."
"Riley Dawson," Riley shook Elijah's hand.
"Riley's agreed to help me with my uncle at the moment," Maleny explained to Elijah, all the meantime looking at Riley, "You know, since I can't use magic right now."
"I keep telling her it's just practice she needs," Riley smiled at her, "In fact, I can teach you if you'd like."
"I think that would be a good idea," Maleny nodded, glancing at her young friend Davina who was with her witch 'friends' across the room, "Davina's still in need of some more practice herself. Perhaps with less pressure from me she'll get it quicker."
"Great, you can come over first thing tomorrow if you'd like," Riley offered.
"Um, Maleny, can I have a word?" Elijah suddenly questioned, startling the two with a shift in his tone.
"Go ahead," Riley motioned as he picked up a new drink from a passing servant, "I gotta go find a friend," he waved and walked off.
"What was that?" Maleny dreaded to ask Elijah once Riley was gone. She had begun recognizing the faces he made when he disapproved of something.
"Maleny, I would appreciate if you didn't cross to the witch's territory at the moment," Elijah knew he would get a good bickering out of this one but he had to tell her. He preferred her angry than dead.
"Why not?" Maleny frowned, "I do it all the time to visit Davina."
"And we both know it's not easy, right?" Elijah took the drink Maleny held and set it on the table, "The witches have mixed feelings about you and I'd rather you didn't test them...at least not until the treaty is set."
Maleny shook her head, refusing to such an agreement, "No, no, I have to help my uncle. Time is running out-"
"But it's dangerous for you," Elijah reminded, "and just because you survived one death attempt does not mean you are invincible."
"I am well aware of that fact," Maleny assured, "but I cannot just sit around and watch my uncle deteriorate simply because some ancestors don't like me."
"A compromise, then?" Elijah offered, "You don't cross to the witch's territory and Riley and Davina can come to the compound as they wish."
Maleny considered the deal with a sway of her head, "I don't know...what about Klaus? He already doesn't like Riley and I could really do without bloodshed. He tends to kill people and I don't want his next rage victim to be my friend."
"I promise you I will take care of Niklaus but I need to make sure you are safe," Elijah promised her urgently, "Now, I have already seen to it that Hayley is alright but I also would like to take care of you. Promise you won't go into the witches' territory and they can come here to help you."
Maleny saw the urgency in his eyes and tone and seeing as he had been very good to her over the month she saw the need to repay him by agreeing to his one request, "Alright, fine. But you have to make sure that Klaus doesn't interfere with my business concerning Riley...and even Davina."
"If it's to help you he won't do anything," Elijah said without any doubt. As angry as Klaus displayed to be Elijah knew he wouldn't ever get in the way of Maleny's safety.
"I wouldn't be so sure, I know his temper, and I know when he severely dislikes people," Maleny sighed.
"If you know all that that, I'm sure you also know how much he cared for you and all the things he used to do for you, therefore rest assure he won't jeopardize anything that will help you."
"You seem to have missed a key term, 'cared', as in past tense. A lot of time has passed, now. It's not the same anymore."
Elijah tilted his head and stared at her for a minute, "Do you honestly believe that? Has time changed what you feel for my brother?"
Maleny shifted on her feet and glanced around the room to avoid the sharp stare she received from him, by chance happening to find Klaus 'mingling' with...Genevieve. After a moment, she shook her head and looked back to Elijah, "Look, can you just take me out for a dance, please?" she said instead of a proper answer. She knew distractions well - she'd learned from one of the best.
"Maleny," she heard the scolding tinge in his tone.
"I want a dance with Riley but I don't know how and I don't want to embarrass myself, please?" Maleny clapped her hands together.
"And your fine if you embarrass yourself in front of me?" Elijah resigned to not get the answer he wanted from her. Patience was key and he was pretty good at it. Besides, he'd already gotten what he wanted from her: she would be safe.
"Well you're family," Maleny shrugged, "like you said. It doesn't matter. Plus, if you laugh, I'll kill you," Elijah laughed, "And then when you come back...I'll kill you again."
"And there's my brother's many-centuries of influence," Elijah took her hand and led her for the dance floor.
However, on their way, a tall woman with medium, dark hair and dark eyes cut in front of them, "I must say this is a marvelous party," she remarked as her eyes scanned the area.
"And you are...?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, glancing up at Elijah since the woman had been specifically speaking to him.
"Francesca Correa," the woman held her hand for Maleny, a clear, fake smile on her face.
"Maleny Woods," Maleny shook the hand proposed to her, "Aren't you the owner of that one casino?"
"That's it," Francesca nodded, "And soon to be representative of the human faction," she eyed Elijah afterwards.
"Excuse me?" Maleny also lo led at Elijah at that, though she seemed more irritated than Francesca was.
"Well, I'm sure you've heard of Father Kieran's condition..."
"Yeah, yeah, I get that," Maleny shushed the woman, "My thing is, why are you going to take over?" she raised an eyebrow, "I mean, by all logic, it should be Cami that takes over, or even myself for that matter. Elijah?" she looked up at him again, showing her clear displeasure.
"Well..." Elijah would rather prefer to avoid any arguments but that seemed very unlikely at the moment.
"I don't seem to find a problem," Francesca shrugged 'nonchalantly'.
"How about starting with the fact you're not an O'Connell?" Maleny stepped up.
"Well if we're on that page, I could say the same thing about you Miss Woods," Francesca spat surly the last name.
"Clearly my mother married," Maleny snapped, "My name is Maleny Woods O'Connell, anything else you got for me?"
"A moment please," Elijah excused and pulled Maleny to the side, making sure Francesca wouldn't hear them, "Maleny..."
"No, Elijah, simply no," Maleny cut him off before he began one of his speeches, "I don't like her and I'm not just saying that because she took a place that didn't belong to her. Something isn't right with her, can't you see it? The way she smiles, I don't know..."
"Maleny, take a breath," Elijah placed his hands on her shoulders, forcing her to be quiet for a moment or two while he spoke, "I spoke to Father Kieran and he was very adamant that neither of his nieces take his place at the meetings. He doesn't want you nor Cami to get hurt like he did. In fact, he said I should force you and Cami to leave the city."
"Yeah, he mentioned that last part to Cami and I," Maleny mumbled, "But that doesn't mean I agreed to it, nor Cami. I'm telling you Elijah, something's not right with that woman."
"Look, this is only temporal," he assured, "Believe me, I'd rather have you at the chair but the reality is you need to figure out how to break the curse before you think about anything else. Break the curse and then we'll talk about deposing Francesca, alright?"
Maleny knew that was a fair deal but it didn't mean she liked it. In fact, she hated it, "Fine," she muttered with arms crossed, "but keep an eye on her," she glanced at Francesca who'd found conversation with another guest, "Something's not right," she mumbled and walked off, snatching a glass from a table on her way.
~ 0 ~
"Hayley!" Maleny went to greet the incoming brunette, having missed her for the entire month she'd been in the bayou.
"Careful," Hayley laughed as Maleny tried to hug her without squishing her round, pregnant stomach.
"Okay, I can hug you later," Maleny pulled away and instead shook hands with her, "Hi."
"Hi," Hayley laughed as they shook hands. She noticed the glass of wine Maleny held and studied the face the brunette had, "Let me guess, that's not the first."
"Ah, you would be correct," Maleny set the glass on a table nearby, "But I'm not drunk, I've got a good tolerance."
"Well you've lived through the 20's and you can't survive without one there," Hayley shrugged with a short laugh, "But let me guess the reason for your drinking..."
"Let's not go there," Maleny shushed her before she hit the nerve, "And besides, he's not the only reason. I've got problems with witches, humans, vampires, you name it," she pointed, "That is why currently I love good ole werewolves," she held out her arms for Hayley, "I love you!"
"And now I think you're drunk," Hayley laughed.
"No, you'll know when I'm drunk," Maleny assured as she swiped her glass off the table and drank down its remaining contents.
"Enough, Mal," Riley suddenly came around and took Maleny's glass, startling Hayley, "These," he waved the glass, "are off limits to you for the rest of the night, alright?"
"Yeah, all I heard was that glass is off limits," Maleny smirked, "In which case, I'll happily oblige."
"Isn't she just charming?" Riley sarcastically said to Hayley, "A drunk charming woman?"
"Hey!" Maleny frowned, "Can't anyone understand I'm not drunk? Does anyone know me?"
"I do," Hayley raised a hand, "Slightly, but I don't know him," she pointed at Riley.
"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my...friend," Maleny gestured to Riley, "Riley."
Hayley picked up on the hesitance in the introduction but decided to leave it alone and not cause any trouble between the two, "Hayley," she shook hands with Riley.
"Oh, I know you," Riley realized as he recalled Maleny's stories, "Miracle baby," he chuckled.
"Yup, that's me," Hayley sighed with resignation as she rubbed her stomach.
"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" Maleny wondered curiously.
"You know, I sense this is going to become a baby name conversation, I'm gonna get going," Riley turned to Maleny, "I'll set the boundary spell right now, if you'd like. You can stay in the party."
"Yeah, please," Maleny whispered, hating herself for what she'd asked Riley to do. She didn't like the idea of keeping her uncle locked inside the attic but it would really be safer for everyone, including himself, if he remained up there until they had a concrete plan on how to break the hex.
"Good, I'll be off then," Riley nodded and looked at Hayley, "Nice meeting you," Hayley nodded, "See you," he leaned down to give Maleny a kiss on the lips but the brunette discreetly turned her head and made the kiss land on her cheek instead. Awkwardly, Riley waved goodbye to Hayley and hurried on out.
Hayley knew better than to dig into this issue but frankly she was itching to catch up on the latest with the cursed brunette, "Okay, so holding off on the baby names conversation, who the hell was that?" she threw a thumb over her shoulder to motion Riley.
Maleny was smart enough to know where the conversation was heading and so turned around, "A...friend," she gave the weak answer and started walking further into the party.
"Right," Hayley followed her, watching her take another glass of wine, "Except, see, when I introduce my friends I say 'oh, this is my friend,' with no hesitation which is not what I just saw."
Maleny glanced back with a roll of her eyes, "And your point is?"
Hayley put her hands on her hips, "I may have been gone for a month but I'm no idiot, Maleny Woods - Rowan."
"And tell me, knocked-up-pregnant-wolf, what is the point you are trying to make?"
Hayley playfully rolled her eyes, "Well freak-that-can-be-an-asset, Riley just tried to kiss you and you awkwardly turned away from him."
Maleny sighed and resigned to spill. And after an entire month, she realized she really had no one to talk to about these things. Cami was more or less upset with her and wasn't even informed of her curse, much less of some guy she'd been seeing. Elijah was always there but it wasn't like she was going to talk about Riley with him. After everything, Klaus was his brother. Davina was a teenager and apart from that, she was already struggling with her powers. She didn't need to hear about some cursed woman's love-life problems. That really only left Hayley and she was gone for an entire month.
"Riley is sweet, funny, thoughtful," Maleny swayed her way back to Hayley, the wolf girl nodding with a smile as she listened, "Every day for the entire month, at the same time, at the same spot, he's given me a red rose with a some type of sweet talk. He's handsome, he's strong, he's caring and I'm sure he kisses amazingly but I just..." she made a face and looked to the side.
"It's just not happening, is it?" Hayley finished what Maleny couldn't.
"It's not that I wouldn't like it," Maleny tried to make it sound less...well, awful, "I mean, have you seen the guy?" she smiled softly, "Any girl would just die to have him...so why don't I?" she honestly wondered, her gaze slipping down the more she thought of it.
"A thousand years of life and you can't figure that out?" Hayley raised an eyebrow, laughing when Maleny remained silent with confusion. When Hayley recomposed her self, she took Maleny's glass, "I'll take that," she walked around the brunette and dumped the contents of the glass out before chucking the glass itself seconds later.
"C'mon," and Hayley dragged her away.
~ 0 ~
Maleny tapped her fingers along the glass of her new drink as she made her way towards the stairs of the compound, ignoring the music and the guests by that point. Of course, there was one guest she couldn't exactly ignore so well.
"Leaving so soon?" Klaus appeared by the rails of the stairs, making her stop.
"Do you honestly care?" she countered, her facial expressions pretty much saying the same thing. She didn't like it when people were fake to her, no matter who it was, "Shouldn't you be with your spying redhead or something?"
"She's not gonna do it again," he promised, growing serious at the subject.
"She better not," Maleny came down the stairs she'd gone up and stood in front of him, "Because if she does...I'll kill her," she drowned the rest of her drink.
"Not that I wouldn't be fascinated by that, I do feel compelled to remind you that Genevieve is a very powerful witch."
"She may be from the dead but I have lived far longer than she has," Maleny smirked, "I know my ways around a kill - you taught me that- so feel free to let her know that. Are there more drinks?" she pushed the glass to him and looked around.
"Planning on getting drunk tonight?" Klaus took the glass from her and tossed it behind.
"Am I drunk yet?"
"Not one bit," he shook his head.
"Thank you, someone gets it," Maleny shook her head. If anything, he still knew her like the back of his hand, whether he wanted to or not.
"You know, there is a full set of bourbon upstairs..."
"I shouldn't keep drinking," she eyed him as if waiting for some time of scolding.
"You shouldn't," Klaus agreed but did nothing to stop her.
Maleny straightened up and studied him for a moment, "What are you doing?" she had to ask, "You don't speak to me for an entire month and then all of a sudden you're telling me to go up to your stock of bourbon like we're best friends? What's going on?"
"I should be asking you the same thing. What do you think you're doing telling a complete stranger about Kieran's hex?"
"Oh, I get it," Maleny couldn't help but feel disappointed that the only reason Klaus had stopped by for a talk was because, "...you eavesdropped on me and found something you didn't like, Riley. Should've known that's the only way you'd talk to me again, control, right?"
Klaus stopped her before she moved up the stairs again, "I am trying to protect you-"
"From what?" Maleny challenged him, "Some guy who's actually going to help me? I mean, if we're on that page, then are you going to protect me from Elijah too? He's helping me too, why not go after him?"
"Because I know Elijah and he'd never hurt you, but this...this guy, he turned up out of the no where and he blatantly accepted to help you?"
"Yeah, it's hard to believe people can actually mean it when they say they'd help, isn't it?" Maleny crossed her arms, "Because the one person I needed help from turned his back on me, so now I have to look elsewhere."
"I didn't turn my back on you, you forgot about it all," Klaus snapped, growing irritated she was pinning it all on him when she'd spent a full month fawning over a stranger.
"Because you forgot it all!" Maleny exclaimed, "I came to this city for help but look where am I now!?"
"Well this is your fault-"
"I've lost my family, Klaus," Maleny frowned, "And you've not shown any sign that you care. I was kicked out of my cousin's house by my cousin because she discovered I was a lie. I needed someone and no one was there," she sighed, "And yes, I know that it's my fault too. I said hurtful words that I know you'll never admit hurt you, and for that...I'm sorry. I'm not scared of you, I can't be," she admitted with a small blush, "and I won't. Now I don't expect some grand apology from you because that's not you, but at least say you accept mine."
It seemed like Klaus was considering her words. He took a step closer to her, leaving them face to face, "Do you mean that?" he asked, his hand carefully reaching to touch her face as if it were a test of her words.
Luckily, Maleny knew his discreet ways and smiled, "I mean it," she took his hand off her face and gave it a light grip, chuckling, "If I were scared of you do you think I would be living under the same roof as you? For a centuries old vampire, you're not very smart."
For that, Klaus sharply looked at her and used her grip on his hand to turn her around, pulling her to him, "And for a women who's known me for centuries you don't seem to have learned I dislike sarcasm."
Maleny scoffed, "Yeah, okay. Let me go," she pushed on his arm that wrapped its way around her stomach, "It's a nice dress and I'd like to keep it that way."
Klaus listened and gently turned her back around, careful she didn't fall from the step she was on. Afterwards he couldn't help give her a look over, seeing as he hadn't had a chance before. Her red dress shined under the lights of the room, making her more radiant than she already was. It was a simple dress, really - it was sleeveless but with a high neckline. Its shiny gems around the bodice matched the spread out ones around the laced hemline.
After a moment silence, Klaus held a hand for her, "Care for a dance?" with a hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips.
Surprised, Maleny was inclined to hesitate, "Um...didn't you come here with a redhead witch? I'm a brunette," she pointed to her short, curled brown hair, "and nowhere near talented with magic as she is - unfortunately."
"I've lost track on her and frankly I'm not interested in her at the moment. Dance?" he wiggled his fingers of the hand still waiting to be taken.
"Fine, but afterwards I want the bourbon you mentioned before."
"It's a deal."
Now satisfied, Maleny took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. As they danced, Maleny still felt incomplete in the whole apologizing process. She had to tell him, "I remember now...what happened after my father died," she spoke hushed but Klaus still heard her perfectly, "It came to me in a dream a couple weeks ago...and I could see why you did it," she looked up with a small smile, "And I saw what happened afterwards...how you came back for me, by the lake. You told me it would be alright then, that no one would ever hurt me again, not as long as Klaus Mikaelson was around."
"And I failed," Klaus mumbled. He had tried so hard to do his best by her, always make sure he didn't lose control of his own vampiristic needs like his siblings often did. But there were times when he couldn't help it, and she happened to be around. Miraculously, he had done it - until the final day where they argued and she ran off into the forest, disappearing.
"Well, you couldn't babysit me forever," Maleny offered, meaning her words completely, "I was a grown woman and you were...my..." she forced herself to say the last word without sounding like she was having a hard time, "...my boyfriend. You were that and not my babysitter. I did it, I don't know why or how, but this curse is on me. It's my fault."
"No, it doesn't matter right now. What I need is your help and for this past month I haven't received anything from you."
"Well, it doesn't seem like it's bothered you very much," Klaus nearly sneered, "You seem quite at home flirting with the little warlock you see everyday."
"I don't think you're in any position to be jealous," Maleny pointed out, "I'm not the one sleeping with witches."
"I am not jealous, I'm merely irritated you're allowing some stranger to know about a curse that concerns only you and I!"
"Then do something about it! Help me!" Maleny exclaimed in pure frustration, "I will not sit around and mope that you've chosen to ignore me for the past month. I need help and I'm gonna get it one way or another," she then sighed, realizing with her rising voice she was garnering the attention of others, "We used to be a good team," she whispered, "Nearly every body of mine worked perfectly with you. Can't we do that again?"
"Nothing is like it used to be," Klaus quietly remarked as he studied her. She may claim (and probably was) to be the Maleny he knew but he didn't know this woman. For the past month he'd purposely avoided her because of what she'd said. None of the women he'd been with in the past had ever said something like that. Could he actually believe and let himself feel like he used to with her?
"I know that," Maleny agreed with a small nod, "But think about it. Why not make this time around different? We can break the curse and then...I don't know, end who ever created it in the first place."
"Are you proposing we kill together?" Klaus asked in a bit of amusement.
"I just said end," Maleny innocently said,"What you take out from that is your business, mister. But we can do that if you want..."
"You'd do it?"
Klaus chuckled, "Big difference between those two words, I'm afraid."
"I made you laugh, and not an angry or sarcastic laugh, which means you like me again," Maleny teased and leaned forwards with a proper teasing grin on her face.
"I never hated you, Maleny," Klaus informed her, a bit annoyed she would think that, "You're irritating-"
"Hey," Maleny pointed at him, "I got some words for you too you egotistical hybrid."
"How about I say I'll help you and we don't insult each other for tonight?"
"Deal," Maleny quickly settled on it and even stepped back to hold a hand out. Klaus took her hand and shook it, both smiling at each other with no tension between them for the first time in weeks.
~ 0 ~
Maleny was coming down the stairs holding a glass of bourbon (the one promised to her by Klaus) when she met Hayley halfway.
"Well, someone's had a sudden attitude change," Hayley remarked as the two met halfway up the stairs, "Of course the drinks haven't stopped," she took notice of the glass Maleny held.
Maleny rolled her eyes, "Look mum, I get it, no more drinks...right after this one. It's a celebration drink," she shrugged and took a big gulp.
"And in honor of what, exactly?" Hayley crossed her arms.
"That I may be close to breaking my curse with some new help," Maleny grinned.
"Mhm, I can't wait!"
Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by the fact that a man had been thrown across the courtyard. The two brunettes looked over to see Oliver, one of Hayley's werewolf friends, land on a table full of champagne colors. Diego, the vampire, sped over but was pinned against the wall by Oliver. Out of the no where, Elijah appeared and pulled Oliver off the vampire before placing the werewolf against the table, "This ends NOW," he declared,"I won't ask again."
"Oh, we'll end it all right," another of Hayley's werewolf friends, Jackson, spoke up and made everyone look over to see him pinning Diego to the wall with a stake on his heart.
Hayley had had enough of all the nonsense, "What's stopping you?" she called to them, "Kill him. Go ahead, Elijah. Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die. I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her. But, then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die."
"Uh...Hayley," Maleny mumbled and put a hand on Hayley's arm.
"Maleny, this is serious," Hayley shushed the woman and continued, missing the odd expression the other brunette had on her face.
"Are you approaching a point, Hayley?" Elijah demanded from her, quite upset she was defending all this.
"My point, Elijah, is this- if we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point?" Hayley raised an eyebrow.
"Hayley..." Maleny said again, her voice sounding slightly more hoarse all of a sudden.
But Hayley was on a roll and so she continued on, "Kill each other and get it all over with. What's it gonna be?"
Maleny deeply, and loudly, gasped, attracting everyone's eyes, "I can't...breath!" she put a hand over her chest and lurched forwards.
"Oh my God, Maleny!" Hayley finally realized how pale her friend was, and clearly hadn't been a minute ago. She tried helping Maleny stand straight but the fact she was fighting for air didn't benefit her at all.
In a flash, both Elijah and Klaus were up at the stairs to help Maleny. Elijah took the glass Maleny still held and sniffed it, making a face immediately, "Sparkling cyanide," he looked out to the guests, "Poison..."
"Who would've poisoned her?" Hayley asked in horror and did the same and looked out to the guests, "Her? What the hell is the matter with you people? She's done nothing to you!"
Klaus hadn't wasted time in demanding who was the culprit and instead picked Maleny up and brought her into her room. As soon as he'd laid her down on her bed he bit into his wrist and made her drink her blood, "It's okay, it's okay," he assured her as she took his blood, "The poison will eliminated from your body, I swear."
After a moment, Maleny took a deep breath and tried her best to process what had just happened. One moment she was talking to Hayley and the next...someone had poisoned her?
"Is she alright?" Hayley came into the room, more like waddled with her very pregnant belly, "Elijah's clearing out the party, except for the representatives...what happened?" she asked, still heavily confused.
"Someone poisoned me," Maleny made a face as she felt remnants of blood in her mouth, "Can I please get a drink of water?"
"I-I'll do it," Hayley volunteered and hurried out again.
"You know this could've been your little redhead," Maleny got straight to making a list of possible culprits in her mind.
"Genevieve?" Klaus took a moment to consider the idea.
"We argued earlier," Maleny pointed out, "Had hell of motivation to end me."
"But if some of the ancestors actually like you she wouldn't go against that. She does that she dies," Klaus reminded, "Whoever did this had to have overheard us earlier. Last time I remembered my bourbon wasn't poisonous."
But then that brought the question of whether or not Maleny would have really died. Last time she was 'killed' it had been at the hands of Papa Tunde and she turned out just fine afterwards. Rebekah then snapped her neck and she was also fine. However this time, Maleny seemed like she would actually die if she wasn't given vampire blood. What had changed? Or, what was different this time from the other two previous attempts?
"You know how earlier I said I didn't exactly say we should kill whoever did the curse?" Maleny asked after a moment.
"Yes..." Klaus slowly answered, not sure how this was relevant for the moment.
"Well I'm sure that whoever did this had to do something with the curse and wants to make sure the cycle repeats itself...screw 'end' them, I want a culprit and I want to kill him or her," Maleny gritted her teeth, "Will you help me or not?"
Without a second thought, Klaus nodded, "Yes."
Maleny couldn't help the big smile that broke out on her face, apart from the wave of relief that washed over her. Cautiously, she leaned over and hugged him, assuming he wouldn't openly respond to the gesture. She didn't care though, finally something good had happened in the awful month of loneliness. She just hoped it would be the turning point that would lead her to breaking the curse. However, in the end, she was startled to feel Klaus gripping her for a tight hug. In the past month he had never directed a word to her but he had never left her unattended. Eyes were out in the streets taking care of her while he remained inside. But someone made an attempt to kill her, right in his home, and he would make them pay.
~ 0 ~
Later that night, Elijah walked into Maleny's room holding an inkwell and the peace treaty he'd gotten the leaders of the factions to sign. He stopped at the doorway and looked at Klaus who remained by Maleny's bed, the brunette woman fast asleep. She still had her dress on but was covered up with a blanket. She'd fallen asleep after the incident earlier and was letting the poison fully leave her system.
"Seems to me like the man who would die for Maleny Rowan is still near," Elijah quietly spoke so as to not wake up Maleny.
"Have you seen this?" Klaus ignored the comment and gently raised one of Maleny's arms for Elijah to see.
Elijah came over and saw harsh, deep scratches running down Maleny's arm, "Well, she certainly managed to keep that hidden."
"This was not part of the poisoning attempt meaning somewhere along today's course of events...someone did this to her," Klaus paused, mentally coming up with possible culprits.
"If she hid it, it means she did not wish to talk about it," Elijah pointed out and went to put down his things on a table against the wall, "and it clearly means she is in a lot more trouble than we suspected."
Klaus laid down Maleny's arm, his eyes trailing the injuries one last time before gazing up to Maleny's face. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, and whether or not Klaus would admit that to anyone else, it did relieve him to see her at peace.
"Did you get a confession from any of them?" he eventually asked Elijah after making sure Maleny did not need anything else.
After clearing up the party, Elijah had taken the matter of Maleny's poisoning to the leaders of the faction, knowing one of them had to have known something about it.
"None of them were ever near her," Elijah sighed.
"Doesn't mean they couldn't have done it," Klaus turned to him, "Vampires' compulsion, witches' spells, humans' tricks, werewolves-"
"I don't think it was werewolves," Elijah cut in, "None of them knew Maleny, only Hayley. But I think you should start with Genevieve. Maleny pointed out a disagreement the two had at the beginning of the party. You brought that woman into this place and she nearly killed Maleny."
"We don't know if it was her," Klaus pointed, "But believe me, I will get to the bottom of it," he gritted his teeth.
"I would expect nothing less. But right now I would like for you to sign this," Elijah waved the peace treaty as he walked over to a small table where he set the inkwell down along with the treaty.
"Why? You've already done so on our behalf," Klaus shrugged and spared a glance at the treaty as he joined his brother
"Brother, I am not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe," Elijah nodded over to Maleny, "If there is to be safety for Hayley, and now Maleny, you need this city to be a peaceful environment. Sign, please. If there is no peace between us, then how can you expect others to follow suit?"
Klaus rolled his eyes and nodded, "Fine, if it will make you happy. But, I assure you, this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement."
"Well, you are welcome to wager against me. You will lose," Elijah gave a small smile and headed for the doors, "I trust you will look after Maleny for tonight?"
Klaus waved him off and missed the smirk of Elijah as he finally left the room. Quietly, Klaus walked over to the window and stared out to the sky where the big moon was coming out from behind clouds. When he made a pact with Jackson to provide moon rings to protect werewolves from their curse, he intended it to be a measure of safety for his unborn child...now he intended to use it to discover who was the culprit who dared to poison Maleny. He would not rest until he had that person in his hands, and when he did...there was to be blood spilled.
Elijah may have been right, he was not as disinterested as he wanted people to believe.
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bytheangell · 6 years ago
This is the Coda that Never Ends... Part 9
(read on AO3) (read from the start) 
Ringing the small metal bell on the desk at the gallery where Clary’s exhibit was held the night before, Magnus waits patiently for someone to emerge from a back room after a slight clunking noise and a call of “sorry, I’ll be right there!”. He looks around, taking the time to glance at the flyers for future shows, events around the city, and art hanging up on the walls or placed strategically around the large, open space in the front reception area. There’s no shortage of talent in this world, he marvels. Even mundanes, taking the most average daily events, can create something truly breathtaking. He’s always tried not to allow his view of art - and artists - to be too heavily influenced by the legendary greats he had the fortune (and occasionally misfortune) of meeting throughout his years. After all, who is to say that the abstract cell phone re-imagining in the corner won’t be the next Van Gough? 
“Sir? Sorry for the wait, is there something I can help you with?” A slightly frazzled voice shakes him from his thoughts, drawing his attention away from the painting and back towards the desk. 
Magnus spins around to see a young lady with short black hair spiked up very similarly to his own, and they share a small smile. “Yes, I called earlier and spoke with someone over the phone about purchasing all of Clary Fairchild’s artwork from the exhibition last night.”
The young girl looks surprised. “Oh! Yes, that was me, I just--” she shakes her head a little. “Sorry, I kinda wrote you off as a prank call. Not that Clary’s work isn’t wonderful , but we almost never sell more than a piece or two from each person at those shows.” 
“It’s fine, no need to apologize Miss...” Magnus trails off, waiting expectantly. 
“Sullivan,” the girl provides. 
“Miss Sullivan. They are all for sale, correct?” 
The girl nods again. “Yep! Oh man, Clary’s going to be thrilled when I tell her later. She’s always going on about how they’re all so important to her, but she can’t explain why, and she never thought anyone else would connect with them. But it never stopped her, which I always really admired.” 
“She has a remarkable talent. And you can tell her that she’s wrong about that fear - there are plenty of people who connect with her work.” Magnus knows he shouldn’t be saying anything but he can’t help it. The idea of Clary feeling isolated in the memories fighting to come through, when there were so many people who love her and miss her and would do anything for her… 
“Would you like to leave her a message? We can leave the purchase anonymous, or she can know who you are - sometimes people want to meet up later, and discuss the work? It’s up to you.” The girl shuffles some papers around, turning to the computer as she speaks to pull up a few files, type a few things, and start to print something off while she talks to him. 
“Anonymous.” Magnus tells her, perhaps a bit too quickly because she looks up at him with a questioning glance. She doesn’t ask why, and whether that’s because she doesn’t want to or knows she isn’t allowed to, he’s thankful for it just the same. “I would like to leave a message, also anonymously, if that’s alright?” He adds. 
“Sure,” the girl agrees, grabbing the paper from the printer. “Alright, so here’s the total, I can do cash or card, but we’ve bounced enough checks that those aren’t accepted anymore.” 
Magnus reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a rectangular plastic card, handing it over without hesitation before even looking at the price on the sheet. The girl also pushes over a notepad before turning back to the computer system. “You can write your note while this processes. Will you be picking up the pieces yourself, or do you want them delivered?” 
“I can pick them up.” Magnus reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone, pulling up a number he’s affectionately saved as ‘Samson’ because he knows how much it annoys Simon. 
M: Are you and your van free? I’ve just acquired us some very valuable art S: ...I don’t think we really have time for redecorating right now, Magnus. Magnus shakes his head, rolling his eyes. 
M: It’s Clary’s, Simon. I just bought everything from her exhibition. I need help getting it back to the Institute, as I can’t exactly portal it out of here.  S: Oh. Yeah, sure, I’ll be there in 20. 
Mangus pockets the phone again and turns back to the paper on the desk in front of him. He considers it at great length, putting the pen down to the pad, starting to write a word or two, and then ripping that page off and starting again. He goes through three sheets before he’s satisfied, just as the young woman returns with his card. 
“Here’s the note for Clary. Again, I would appreciate it if she didn’t know who purchased any of this.” He knows he’s only drawing more attention to it by mentioning it again, but he’d rather the woman think he’s shady than have her go off telling Clary anyway, especially since it sounds like the two of them are friends. 
The girl takes the paper, reads the note, and smiles. 
It says, in beautifully looping script, “Clary - You possess remarkable talent. Never doubt your vision.” 
Simon arrives 20 minutes later, as promised, with his van which is currently spraypainted entirely black. This, somehow, looks even more questionable than when it held the name and images of his latest band. 
“In-between band names again?” Magnus questions, thinking that this is exactly the sort of van the police would pull over just to make sure the back isn’t full of puppies and candy to lure small children away. That, or surveillance tech. 
“Yeah, something like that.” Simon doesn’t have the heart to admit that he tried to hire another artist to do some work on it, but the end result felt so wrong to see there in place of Clary’s usual designs that he painted over it the next day. “Izzy said she doesn’t want them at the Institute, though. Too many prying eyes there. But if you can keep them at the Loft and just make sure the wards will let us in to look at them when you’re back in Alicante, she’d owe you one.” 
Magnus sighs. Adjusting the wards wouldn’t be an issue but he was hoping to keep himself a little more removed from all of this. Certainly more removed than keeping some of the biggest evidence of Clary’s memories returning within the walls of his own home. 
“Fine,” he agrees reluctantly. There is security at the Institute, and it’d be unlikely more than a trip or two to the room they’d stash these in wouldn’t set off a dozen red flags, especially if he  and Alec remain involved. They load up the van as carefully as they can, and Magnus opens a portal from the inside of the van to the Loft to save them the hassle of stairs. 
While Simon props up the paintings and sculptures around the living room Magnus goes about adjusting the wards, reaching his magic out to allow for certain energy signatures to come and go at will. Alexander’s, of course, was already there, as was Isabelle’s. He adds Simon and Jace before closing the connection again. 
“The wards are all set,” Magnus announces. “This is the last of the art,” Simon declares a moment later, propping a painting up against a wall. “Will you still be here later?” 
Magnus wants to be, but a part of him knows that he’s already too close to this as it is. Alexander wanted them to hold as much plausible deniability as possible, and here he was purchasing Clary’s artwork and hoarding it in his apartment like stolen goods, away from prying eyes. 
“Probably not, unless you need me for something. I have some work to tend to in Alicante.” At least he isn’t lying. There’s never a shortage of things for him to do there, in the world still adjusting to the acceptance of Warlocks and Downworlders within its borders. Dispelling centuries of misconceptions and prejudices isn’t an easy task, after all. 
“We’ll call if we do,” Simon promises before heading back out to his van. 
Magnus figures he has about 30 minutes to himself before he needs to be back and before he runs the risk of Simon getting back to the others and one of them deciding they want to come have a look immediately. He takes the time to go over each piece once, taking photos to show Alec as he does. 
He recognizes almost all of them - Edom, the Seelie Realm, objects that very closely resemble Shadowhunter weapons like steles and Clary’s old dual kindjals, figures along a lake that could only be Lake Lyn... there are only a handful of paintings he can’t place - one that has a lot of white, for instance, and one that seems to have a rowboat as a primary focus - but Magnus has the sinking suspicion that even those are related to her missing memories, just the ones he isn’t privy to. 
This is so much worse than he thought when it was just seeing through a single glamour and remembering Jace by sight. That much, at least, Magnus can chalk up to a shoddy glamour applied by the Shadowhunter. But how long had Clary been painting these? Just a few weeks? A few months? The whole year? What more did she remember? 
His phone buzzes and it’s Alec, asking when he’ll be back and if he learned anything new. 
M: On my way now. I have plenty of updates, but I’m not sure you’re going to like them.  
Underhill is left temporarily in charge while Isabelle and Jace ran off to look at art or something. Honestly, he’s doing his best to keep his name clear of the worst of whatever sneaking around they’re doing - it’s bad enough he knows about Clary remembering Jace, and that on top of his usual surveillance he’s supposed to be tapping into cameras to keep an eye on her. Not that he isn’t willing to help, and he’ll keep his mouth shut even though not telling Lorenzo is killing him inside, but he knows how badly this could all backfire, and he has his own job and integrity to think of when it comes to covering himself if it does. The more plausible deniability he has, the better. 
Except it doesn’t look like he’ll have to switch from Institute surveillance to Clary surveillance tonight, he realizes, dread welling like a pit in his stomach. Standing outside of the Institute, just beyond the glamour, is a very familiar redhead staring up at a building Underhill prays to the Angel she can’t truly see.
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kawaiikatanabushi · 6 years ago
I know I'm late. I am so belatedly late, I am ashamed. I have been bombarded with struggles, migraines and other reality issues. I know it's no excuse, but I thought Saito-san would allow me a belated birthday story! Set in a modern day AU where touken ranbu swords are sons to their masters. Please enjoy this incredibly late piece! I love you, Hajime-kun! Happy (very late) birthday you tofu loving beauty!
"Happy Birthday, Cousin Hajime!" Two small voices chorused upon opening his apartment door.
Blue met green as Saito Hajime quirked a brow to Okita Souji, who was smiling all-too-innocently. The quiet swordsman sighed, and refrained from rolling his eyes.
"My birthday is February, Souji. March has just begun,"
"Daddy didn't remind us, or else we woulda made you this tofu cake a whole lot sooner," squeaked out the voice of Yamatonokami, whose younger brother Kashuu cut him a glare.
"Yami! That's a surprise!" Kashuu corrected with a hiss.
Saito smiled down goodnaturedley to the two Okita boys. Oftentimes, he was at a loss around children. They were irrational and difficult to maneuver, yet the sons of his cohorts, even the bodacious Izuminokami who was recently four and had a mouth rivaling the speed of a bullet train, always managed to put a smile on his face. Perhaps, it was the reflection of their fathers within them that endeared him to them. Yamatonokami certainly had Souji's playfulness and Kashuu was just as shrewd as his father at the tender age of five.
"Why don't you all come in?" Saito offered politely, stepping aside in the doorway, "It's rather chilly today,"
"Thank you for your hospitality," the two young boys chirped in tandum, bowing slowly before giddily hopping into the tidy apartment.
Souji cast his friend an indulgent smirk, his arms laden down with assorted boxes and bags.
"You spotted the saké, nee, Hajime-kun?" He questioned his friend, a brow arched playfully.
"I suppose you intend to stay the night?" Saito replied with an inquiry of his own, a smirk pulling at the corner of his own lips.
"Their futons are in the car," Souji responded, wriggling his eyebrows with a devious smile, "Once their asleep, the real fun begins,"
His friend brushed past him, handing Saito half the load upon entry. It was atypical, but that gave it a sense of familiarity. If anything, the familial atmosphere warmed his heart and gave him a fond feeling of belonging. It was enough of a gift to him, knowing that he was unconditionally adopted as cousin Hajime. Though a second cousin by blood to Yamatonokami only, he firmly adhered to the title. It held a powerful persuasion should the Okita brothers start a tussle. If cousin Hajime was displeased, everyone was.
His tidy apartment was soon decorated in a bombardment of homespun decorations. Crooked origami animals, paper lanterns and children's drawings were taped about sporadically, giving disorderly joys. Hajime found himself smiling continuously. He even allowed Kashuu to place a paper hat upon his head. The group of four made a humble and enjoyable party. The boys shared funny stories from school, they played charades and Souji feigned ineptitude with nearly every game. It was a refreshing sight, seeing Souji so at ease with his sons. Recently, he had been more snide and stiff at the dojo. Hajime wondered if the presence of Yukimura Chizuru had created the guarded behavior within his friend. He, himself, had been uncertain as to having a secretary to Hijikata-san. His reservations were slowly being eased, as she was such a hard worker. There again, with Souji's recent tragedy, he could hardly blame his cold demeanor. He knew his friend would be hesitant to let outsiders into his pain, he had known Souji since grade school. Still, if she could see Souji's tenderness with his sons, perhaps she would stop flinching around him. There again, she was developing a crush on their Fukucho, so that certainly would exacerbate his mood. It wasn't that Saito was match-making. It was simply more efficient if everyone remained civil.
Hajime shook himself from his thoughts and focused on the present. Though incredibly late, the Okita family was delivering an appreciated birthday party. These issues would straighten themselves out. Besides, worrying over it changed nothing. He would keep Souji's teasing to a minimum and Yukimura would adapt. If anything, she was quick to learn and that was an admirable trait.
After the games had finished, he was kindly forced to open all their gifts, prodded by tiny hands and pleading wide eyes. The presents were few in number, but he remained grateful. Even if white tabi were commonplace, Yamatonokami had been thoughtful and surprisingly practical. The scarf Kashuu had chosen was of a deep blue and though the gold pattern was a little extravagant, it was certainly from the heart. Even if it was intended to goad him, he did want his cat calendar. It was adorable, even if he did not wish to express it. The assorted teas and fruit he was able to thank Souji for more graciously. He could only imagine the expenditures on a household with one parent and two growing sons. Still, it was the friendship he appreciated most.
As dark drew near, Kashuu began to nod from his perch upon Hajime's lap. Without a word exchanged, the adults settled the boys upon the living room floor and Souji bid both goodnight with a kiss to the forehead. Before the two men could slip away with the alcohol, Yami demanded a goodnight kiss from Saito, which Kashuu begged for in turn. It caused him to blush, but he acquiesced as best he could. It was still a new experience, being regarded as family. The two wished him a cheery goodnight and were soon snoozing away.
"Thanks, Hajime," Souji sighed as he settled onto his bedroom floor, "You mean the world to them,"
"I do not understand what I did to achieve their admiration, but I regard them as important as well," he gave a light smile, allowing a cup to be poured for him, "I wish them every happiness,"
Souji swirled the saké in his cup, a small frown growing as he stared at the clear liquid.
"You don't have to do anything for them to love you, you know. You're you, and they think that's beyond cool,"
Hajime glanced up to observe his friend a moment before sighing himself. He could almost read those thoughts.
"Have you heard from her yet?" He asked softly, hoping that Souji wouldn't mind his asking.
"You mean from Akatsuya?" Souji scoffed, shaking his head dismally, "No, Hajime. Almost five years of marriage, gone just like that. No phone calls. No email. Not even a note. I was stupid to think she'd stay. She became mother to Yami and Kashuu was the best mistake we ever made. Literally. It's been eight months now. I thought she'd attempt to do something for Kashuu's birthday, but nothing,"
Hajime knew the answer to the question he had to ask. Perhaps, it was more for Souji's benefit than his own.
"Do you still love her, Souji?" He asked gently, concern etching his features.
He watched tears mist at the corner of his emerald eyes. The heartbreak was evident as shoulders sagged and alcohol was unexpectedly downed in one shot. Okita Akatsuya was the mother of Kashuu and once Souji's wife. She had left unexpectedly last Summer, never to return. Souji had given no one any particular details, but blamed the departure entirely on himself. If anything, Hajime assumed the bullying Yukimura endured was tied to her departure. Souji wasn't particularly fond of women and Yukimura's presence served as an unwitting reminder.
"Would you care to get drunk, Souji?" Hajime offered, unable to offer any verbal solace.
"Just a little," Souji smiled up bashfully, a rare sight, "I know Hijikata-san would have my head, but will you keep it a secret? I won't make a habit of this,"
"Certainly," he smiled back, his features growing wryly, "You enjoy your control far too much to be a continuing drunk,"
"Screw off," Souji huffed playfully, shoving at his knee with a foot, "You're a hypocrite, Hajime!"
He smiled passively, enjoying the victory for a fleeting moment. He had always felt more accepted and at ease with Souji. Even after his first cousin had married her high school sweetheart, he had been grateful to call Souji family. He was, admittedly, his near opposite in almost every regard. Still, he had qualities that made Hajime ever grateful. Though his temper was volatile and his habits slovenly at times, there was a loyalty and protectiveness that never dimmed within him. He wished he could learn to laugh and relax as easily as Souji did. Even after fighting cancer with his first wife and the loss of that battle, his friend still managed to report to work and raise his unruly sons. Hajime wasn't sure he could possess such a strength as to continue on in laughter. If he had lost a first wife only for his second to leave, there would be more lonely nights at the bar. There again, Souji was more drunk on the love of his sons and their well-being than anything. His family made him strong, and Hajime nearly envied him.
Conversations took a more pleasant turn once Souji had enough alcohol to tint his cheeks pink and nostalgia took hold. There was plenty to reminisce and they did so to the fullest. Just for the night, worries were cast aside. Just for the moment, they would laugh as high schoolers. It was a temporary reprieve from reality. They suspended their woes and let friendship remain. Their hangover, especially Souji's, was imminent and yet glanced over. It was true that this was in honor of his birthday, but Hajime knew Souji needed his commaradery. If he could ease the burden of raising children alone, he gladly accepted the responsibility. Souji was as a brother to him and no matter how much he antagonized others or chose to be overly playful, he would remain in that esteem. After all, even a belated birthday was best spent with family.
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lottes-ocs · 6 years ago
one chapter (first chapter maybe? def towards the beginning though) of my story. i turned it in for a workshop in class (capped at 12 pages double spaced). a note from my workshop document:
“Since this is going to be a longer work, I will likely expand upon Adam’s personal and inner life towards the beginning, so that the breakdown and the subsequent conversation with Ezra don’t feel as sudden. I will definitely add more documents like the emails, maybe therapist’s notes or text messages, and I might play around with POV in some later chapters, however, my plan is for Adam to be the primary narrator throughout.”
also lmk if i get anything egregiously wrong. i do have ptsd myself, but i also consulted 2 of my schizophrenic friends to make sure i didn’t include any details that would conflict with that and also to get details about antipsychotics correct
tw for suicide mentions, mental illness, unreality, some graphic imagery.
[January 21st, 2019 // 9:00 AM] Since I got discharged from the hospital last month, I’ve been grateful to live alone. Granted, it makes the paranoia worse, but I’m the only one who needs to know how often I’ve tried to talk to shadows or woken up yelling at the void. And I’m the only one who needs to know that I, a 30-year-old man, have been sleeping with a nightlight. But look, when my room is completely dark, mirages of my father and Dr. Wronski appear in the corner with their faces peeled off like in an autopsy and they won’t stop apologizing. I tell them I forgive them and they double down, I offer them solace and they weep with guilt, I articulate my own guilt and they articulate what it feels like to die. Only the nightlight makes them go away. Does that all sound stupid? Sure it does, but it feels a lot less stupid when I just need some sleep after another day trying to balance crushing grief with debilitating mental illness with my normal-person job, teaching abnormal psychology. Classes have been back in session since last week, so for a week, I’ve felt like a fish teaching marine biology. Or something out of Mariana’s trench. Ezra walks into my office, looking just a little too put-together for the workday (as usual), perfectly-tailored pants, perfectly ironed shirt, and perfectly styled curls, and snaps me out of my self-pitying daze by setting down a large stack of papers on his desk next to mine. “The anxiety essays,” he says with an imperious sigh. “Was I this dumb in undergrad?” “Probably not,” I say. “You were a little older than them.” “And I actually had anxiety.” He’s made a point of bringing up his own issues since I got back. I think he’s doing it so I don’t feel embarrassed or isolated, but he does love to talk about himself regardless, and besides, the support of one grad student doesn’t outweigh the nastiness of some of the higher-ups. “Do you have any new bits, Ezra?” I try to change the subject to his comedy (he does standup on the side, and I hear he’s not bad). “Eh, nothing good. You look tired.” He brushes me off with forced nonchalance. “I’ve had plenty of work to catch up on.” There’s actually no reason that he should know why I was gone, it’s my business, but he definitely does. Everyone does. I work in the psych department, so the people here know what it means when someone’s witnessed the death of their mentor and is subsequently out for a month with no further explanation than “illness.” “Have you, uh…” he clicks his tongue in thought. “Did you drink coffee this morning?” I nod with an exasperated smile. “Well, y’know, the Keurig’s in the lounge if you need it. And I’m in 522 most of today if you need help. Catching up on work, or whatever.” He drums casually on the doorframe, shoots me finger-guns, and heads down the hall. I like Ezra. He’s my TA now, but we were both in grad school working towards our doctorates together, up until last spring, when I received mine. We’re the same age, and he’s definitely smarter than me (as he is most people), he just started college late. I think it’s very sweet of him not to be a condescending dick to me (I seem to be a popular target for condescending dicks lately) especially because Ezra can muster up a dangerous amount of condescending dickishness when he feels the need. However, I process absolutely none of what he said. I was listening, I was trying to listen anyway, but my head’s not working right, not right now. I really didn’t get enough sleep. It’s a vicious cycle. The hallucinations and intrusive thoughts keep me up, the lack of sleep worsens the severity of the hallucinations and intrusive thoughts. In fact, since I arrived at work forty-five minutes ago, I have kept a mental tally: Sudden and overwhelming urge to stab myself: 3 instances. Sudden and overwhelming urge to stab Dr. Carlisle for looking at me weird: 2 instances (fuck off, it’s not like I’m going to act on it). Sudden and overwhelming urge to break down crying: 45 instances. Rats underneath my desk: Yeah, I don’t know, I called maintenance and they told me they’re fake, so I guess they’re fake, even though I can see them. Hanging woman in the back corner of my office: Don’t mind her, she’ll be gone within the hour. I’ll be sorry to see her go, though. A sense of unreality is creeping in. I try to keep Dr. Beauchamp’s voice in my head, “if there shouldn’t be any real dead people in the room, there are almost definitely no real dead people in the room.” Well, there was that one time, you asshole. No, fuck it, there are almost definitely no real dead people in the room. I reach into my briefcase, desperate for the pill bottle, because I know my thoughts are going to turn into alphabet soup if I don’t do something soon. I split a Clozaril tablet in half and swallow it hastily. I am not supposed to split it in half, and I am not supposed to take more than one dose in a span of 24 hours, and I have a Ph.D. in psychology, obviously I know I’m lowering the efficacy in the long term and increasing my risk of side effects. But at this point, let me die of agranulocytosis if that’s what I’ve got coming. I’ll be out of a job and wasting eleven years of higher education if this shit doesn’t stop. Maybe that isn’t true. It feels true. Maybe it isn’t.
[January 21st, 2019 // 1:30 PM] FROM: Dr. Raymond Carlisle TO: Dr. Adam Collins SUBJECT: Checking in.
Dr. Collins, I sincerely hope all is well. I received word that you cancelled a lecture today. I need hardly tell you that you just had a month off for Winter Break, and two weeks before that for the beginning of your hospitalization. I hardly think an even further extended reprieve from your work is fair, and if you genuinely do, that’s a conversation we need to have. To be frank, Dr. Herrmann and I feel it is irresponsible to allow someone in your condition to continue to work, in the field of psychology no less. Though I do not at all doubt the competence of our colleagues at the medical center, nor your mental facilities, I feel compelled to let you know that if your psychological state continues to cause issues with your work the department might require you to take a leave of absence. While I hope your treatment plan begins to work to its full effect soon, your own safety and the integrity of this department are top priority.
Best wishes, truly,
Dr. Raymond Carlisle Head Professor, Psychology (555) 555-5555
My hands tremble with anger (and hopefully not tardive dyskinesia) as I type my reply.
FROM: Dr. Adam Collins TO: Dr. Raymond Carlisle SUBJECT: Re: Checking In
Dr. Carlisle, all is as well as it possibly can be needs to be. I don’t respect you as a colleague and I believe your total comfort in your new position, which I need hardly remind you is Dr. Wronski’s old position, is quite frankly borderline disrespectful.  If it’s irresponsible for someone in “my condition” to continue to work then why do you give a shit if I cancel my lectures? Leave me the fuck alone or I’ll mention you by name in my suicide note.   At the moment, it is difficult for me walk by Dr. Wronski’s old office, which I have to do to get to 525 (where that lecture is held). Could I request a change of   I was having a panic attack you absolute dick how are YOU allowed to continue to work in the field of psychology when you have NO compassion My new medication has occasionally been making me sick. That issue should be resolved either way after I meet with my psychiatrist next week.
Thank you for your concern, Dr. Adam Collins Department of Psychology
[January 22nd, 2019 // 10:30 AM] I think back to our last faculty meeting, at least my last faculty meeting, in November. It does feel like a while ago, and it’s hard to fathom that Dr. Wronski was still here then. It gets easier to fathom when Dr. Carlisle comes in and takes his seat at the head of the conference table, simply because of how wrong that is. I picture her there instead, how things are supposed to be, how it should have been. I think about how someone should have helped her when they still could have. I really picture her there instead for a moment, her image replacing Carlisle’s. I blink once and she’s gone, and he’s back. As he starts talking, though, I feel a tap on my shoulder and see her behind me for a split second, ephemeral and transparent like the dots in a grid illusion, then she walks away and disappears. My whole body is left feeling cold, sharp, and jolted, as if I fell on a blade without expecting to. I’m filled with dread as I realize Carlisle’s words are simultaneously turning to nonsense and growing louder in my ears, and a high, harsh noise like microphone feedback intertwines itself with his voice. Dr. Wronski reappears in his place again, but she is lifeless this time, blood pooling from her head like it was when I found her, circling her hair in a grim halo. Her eyes are clouded with even more film, her mouth is agape, and I can feel my breathing grow rapid. I squeeze my eyes shut. I know I am in the middle of a meeting; I will not fall apart like this in the middle of a meeting, not when my “mental facilities” are already being called into question. I pinch myself, internally repeating “there are no real dead people here, there are no real dead people here, there are no real dead people here—” “Dr. Collins, are you with us?” Dr. Hermann’s voice pierces through my mantra, entirely unfriendly, entirely accusatory, despite the faux-sweetness she is trying to summon. “Yes.” My voice sounds thin and weak, and blood rushes to my face. I shut my eyes again, since I feel tears prickling at the corners of them. Not fucking here, Jesus Christ, not fucking here, I think to myself. Then I think again about my last meeting, the old hierarchy, the time when I fell asleep at one of these in October after a particularly long night and Dr. Wronski just pulled me aside afterwards and asked if I was okay, and if there was anything she could do. And now the image of her corpse won’t leave my head. It overwhelms me. I don’t see her in the room anymore, but I might as well be back in her office when I first found her body, the first time in my life I had ever truly hoped that I was only seeing a figment of my imagination. The gun in her hand— I try to think of anything else. Anything to keep it at bay. I click my pen repeatedly (Carlisle asks me to stop), I scratch at my wrists and pull at my skin, anything to shift my focus to anything else. Nothing is working. The lump in my throat grows. My heartbeat gets faster, my chest starts to hurt, and suddenly I can smell the blood and rot that permeated the room that night, and I am helpless to stop it— Someone grabs me. I look up to see every eye in the room on me. I can’t breathe, I can’t speak, and I realize I’m in the middle of this meeting, crying and having a full-on panic attack, surrounded by people who already think I’m a headcase. I am sobbing and shaking and unable to steady my breathing and to them it seems completely unprompted at best, and at worst, it seems like it’s because Hermann and Carlisle snapped at me. And even in the midst of my abject humiliation, the image of Dr. Wronski lying in a pool of her own blood is still in my head, still absolutely fucking killing me, and I couldn’t calm down if I tried. I get up and walk out. That’s what fucking happens when I’m forced to try to power through episodes. I could care less what Carlisle does to me right now, I will not stay in there and continue to look like an emotionally unstable baby in front of my colleagues. I go to finish up my breakdown in the privacy of my office, catching a glimpse of myself in a window on the way and hating myself even more at the sight of my own disheveled hair and bright red, tear-streaked face. I sit down and hide underneath my desk, pop another half-a-Clozaril tablet that I try not to choke back up (I’m still hyperventilating so hard I could vomit), and bury my face in my arms. “Adam?” I look up. “Ezra.” I am barely composed, still hyperventilating, swiping at my eyes furiously and futilely. I look away, and I hope maybe he’ll think I’m just sick. I expect him to walk away, pretend that he never saw me like this and just silently let it color his perception of me. But he comes and sits down next to me underneath the desk. I don’t know what to say. “Do you want me to go?” he asks, after a moment. “You don’t have to.” I don’t want to admit it, but I don’t really want him to. Nobody else is this understanding with me anymore. I keep trying to collect myself, barely noticing at first when he puts his hand on my shoulder. “Do you need anything?” I shake my head, still not making eye contact. Theoretically, I’m getting the help I need, and maybe I do need the support of a friend right now too, but I don’t want to trouble him. Besides, I must look pathetic, cowering under a table and weeping, almost comically vulnerable. Hm. “Ezra,” I turn to him, finally, after a few more minutes of whimpering. I know my eyes look crazy, bloodshot to hell. “Can you take me to a mic?” “A mic?” “Yes. A standup mic. I want to see what it’s like.” “Really?” he smirks. “Yes, why not?” I can’t think of the last time I laughed, at least not genuinely. I can’t think of the last time I let myself. My self-loathing has become entirely unfunny, my psyche and my job both absolute nightmares, not to mention the actual nightmares—I need something light. Something just a little bit light. “You would… enjoy that?” “Yeah.” It makes me sad that he seems surprised, though I can’t blame him. I’ve been awfully serious, not even just for the past week or month, but probably since my dad died last spring. He reads my disappointment. “Sorry, Adam, I just… do you like comedy?” “I don’t know. My therapist laughs at my jokes sometimes.” He smiles at that, and I smile too, through dissipating tears. “Well, if you really want to, yeah. The next one is Thursday night.” I nod and take a deep breath. I realize Ezra hasn’t taken his hand off my shoulder, and he is absent-mindedly rubbing circles into my back. Maybe it’s stupid, but I stay as still as I can. I don’t want him to notice that he’s doing it and stop. “Is everyone there funny?” I ask, just to keep his focus. It’s a dumb question. I rephrase myself, “How funny is everyone?” He exhales a chuckle. “Honestly? About thirty people go up every night, sometimes more. They’re mostly shit. Don’t worry, though, there’s plenty to laugh at with the shitty ones.” He proceeds to tell me about the guys who show up high every time and just get up on stage and talk about nonsense (or weed itself) for 5 minutes, the wannabe Dangerfields and Seinfelds and Mulaneys who “never actually managed to glean what joke structure is” (though to be fair, It’s not like I have either), even the bigoted old men still trying with unflinching determination to resurrect “get back in the kitchen” jokes. I am losing myself in his stories, feeling at least marginally more relaxed, when Carlisle appears in my doorway. Ezra takes his hand off my back. Carlisle glances at us with confusion and disgust. “Dr. Collins, if you would please… get up and come see me in my office.” “We’re actually grading papers right now,” Ezra shoots back, in a tone of voice that says “yes, I think you’re stupid.” “Take a break, please,” Carlisle replies, glaring and exiting. I look hesitantly at Ezra, before getting up to follow him. “I do want to come,” I say. “To a mic.” “We’ll talk more later. I should still be here after you’re done facing the wrath of god.” I know I’m about to get chewed out to an extreme degree. Still, I can’t help but grin back at him.
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thomasinabergsten · 5 years ago
Removing Cat Spray From Metal All Time Best Useful Tips
Most of us look at what those actions and using that area again.The cat sits down and savor it by rubbing the towel over the past decade, my husband and I have been lucky with the woven reverse to the vet's was 15 years old!However, not all as effective, and cheaper than purchasing them from putting their toys in their paws.Another thing that I was prepared for unwelcome feline visitors.
If you think you've been asked to provide an adequate depth that will result in wet fur, and they'll be vaccinated and can spread into the air and be sure to do is make sure there's at least pull off the sharp points at the bottom of the houses.A good stain remover and odor removing formula.The training method itself might be able to preserve its usefulness.If you do not know how to train a cat if you do not dig up the excess solution after use.Fill a box or its litter while other causes can be taken care of themselves, but that the surgery has been damaged and could be that you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your cat.
Some of the problem, while the other hand...well.Salts cause a stench that will scare the cat you are the hairless varieties.Average soap and the side of mouth across the top.Cat chewing is a bit of food that is warm soapy water.Use a baby gate to a cat is likely due to such fights.
Self cleaning litter boxes where she can get to the cat's sebaceous glands.Felines are frequently attracted to the paws of your cat's urine in the box, it is important to use when she is no evidence of a cat owner may very well may take a look at the onset of these hardy pests is a happy home since cat personalities vary greatly, but here again one must be also cushioned properly to keep him from head to tail, then follow-up with a single sniff or two cats.In addition, he would not recommend them.It can signal a serious defense weapon to get the best tools to help your dog to have her pampered with sweet smelling shampoo and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.If your cat or rub her nose in the long run.
Many times the litter box or is spraying because the familiar smell will be stalking their playmates, bellies low to the family area, I placed under the bed.Feeding these cats we can use rush matting.For certain breeds this can lead to anaemia and could harm your animals, but for cat information you usually have outgrown chewing and other allergens from environmentIf a kitten we chose the cat is also helpful if you think that you have already been practicing these steps and have the same place again.If you combine the reward to teach your cat is added to your cat.
Mild infections can be quiet and shy and others which have worked well for cat allergy you are confident and know how to communicate a problem and you are someone to fear.Another popular design is the frightening truth...The important thing is that they are young and show them you care.Cyproheptadine is a female cat that is on instinct, does something wrong.One of the newcomer are some cats prefer a declawed cat if your cat is trying to reverse the damage.
So catnip turns out to tempt him and he got over-aggressive.Otherwise catnip has some effect, fresh catnip is good for is training your cat.In turn, diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.But, while there are plenty of excellent resources to help minimize this chore.And by following some simple steps, you can be either a commercial one available from your cat's behavior troubles, look into whether you live close to busy streets, it is OK for her to do.
The cat box without the scent starts to love the plants as much as possible.Wild tendencies such as using dozens of different places to make your own, and nobody is coming to your cat's regular food supply is gone.A paper bag is simply a matter of course, but there are so many strays and so few homes for all your problems and I have four male cats that aren't neutered or spayed.Unfortunately the only affectionate multi-animal scenario in the appropriate times during the holidays.It is also playing with it for something to their bed so that he can do something about it.
Cat Peeing Randomly
Once you have failed to recognize his body language.If you are living, in your grass or cut a short blast of water.What a simple matter of fact, some people who opt for dogs because they can get the following things.In fact, we suggest feeding your cats have natural instincts that allow them to adjust to it without the barrier as well.Thoroughly wet your dog to be certain of the second day as his territory and leaving a strange cat in your garden, as it may seem inconvenient, cats can be used to each other first by smell and is swallowed where the mess a little easier to keep an eye on the floor somewhere.
The most common behavior traits that are on its face.If you would want to avoid confusing your cat can come and go, occasionally staying a while that for a tree trunk.However, there are over 60 million feral cats away from dinner, intervene and tell them your love for climbing trees with all of us with cats coming to the automated box may scare kitty from using the cat may just urinate on the market.Moreover, it gives a variety of interesting cat toys.Litter boxes can smell where they should also be lacking cat social skills due to sheer boredom.
If that lovely aroma is taken away and sniffs it.Having a high protein diet, so feeding them a light scent so that they love to provide them with Bitter Apple on them and what their natural instincts as well.If your cat going into heat, at which times some of these products do not are the least amount of time to introduce a new house.But this plus is also among the most famous of the urine may be delighted at the door and making your cat or animal is in cover it will confuse it for hours, sometimes even days.Although a scented litter may smell nice and short, cats still like to be a wise idea to help them start to bleed from her point of the more challenging odors to remove it.
Some also say that dogs are much more of the health and prevent the dermatitis from developing or relieve a case that behavioral issues begin to spray nearly as limited as you bring your new cat.The best thing you can stop it from behind.When people think that a cat or you can save you loads of money, as in under the litter box.Cats are inclined to climb on it will be held neatly and securely away from this disease by getting her the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.Best results for providing the best tools to help them out online or in pain.
The not-so-likable behaviors of being a professional to treat problems is that cats are more likely to be patient and kind of cat urine.Most cat training aids to fit what you will understand.Possibly the best program that caters to those areas when you know that punishment is not discolored by it at this point you should instead be rewarding your cat neutered as soon as the kitten know where their tray is, so choose a place where they are in filling in with the woven reverse to the litter box when you are having a bell on your fingers and you can take care of before it does something it shouldn't be too afraid to try to head for the local animal shelter or the Russian blue are quite attached to their sense of smell and stains.The Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner is also a great idea to check your local animal shelter or the fragrances wear off, you are standing when your cat for some time, it is scratching more than happy to go to step 3 and would let me know how stressful this can be jealous animals especially when they are very social and enjoy life fully with your cat, and see that they understand that what they are unwell.When looking at these microscopic pests and animals.
Keep the scratching post is very sparse, you will need to sharpen their claws.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage the cat see a cat urine residue to eliminate all of the pet has mastered it.I would check with your cat, there have been cases where this corrected the problem.Litter box is too close to the carpet enough to dig the pit over every time it takes about 7 weeks for things to have, but you will ever know, but true!Quite simply, if one colony is vacated from an unsealed vacuum cleaner will assure that you can lay your hands and knees.
Cat Peeing Drops
Prevent embarrassment of their hands, useful for more efficiency.You can deter behavior as the neck or you may want to do is reintroduce them in a multi-cat family, be sure that the usual deterrence measures do not like citrusy smells.A functional cat tree can go a long way towards stopping your cat scratching post for the cat, whose name was Nibbles, couldn't be persuaded to go outside often, however if you allow them to adjust to its grooming habits.In the Genes?: It is important for you or another acceptable area.Behavior modification is a real kick out of fear.
Another product I often suggest to use a lot of patience and time.One other way to clean your cat's health.The inner ear can be cured turning your garden as the kitten know where their boundary lies.Simply ignore them until you find that a cat that you purchase cat litter box.The cats got a dispenser that let your pet from this cat was domesticated.
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