#he has a bit of a crush on jasper tho
b1uejean · 3 years
3, 5, 14, 23, 31, 73 74, 75, 77, 87, 88, 98!
3 - what colour are your eyes
Brown there is a bit of green on the outside then if fades around the pupil but like all in all brown I'm swap brown tho
5 - what's your relationship status
I'm giving up :) single
14 - if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live
Not here lmao because of family shit that went down my father (cigarettes turns out he lives three blocks away with his new family plus his wife has the same name as mine and ... Since they don't know that I exist when he came back to see me told me that we could hung out only when she was put of town because she would think we fuck ... Current status: Blocked ) and my aunt and uncle (imagine bullying a kid)
23 - describe your ideal date
A mix between doing something adventurous and deep talk bring me explore around (trespassing) and then let's get personal u.u
31 - favourite boy names
Jasper (Twilight i know) Christian Leonardo
73 - do you want to get married
I wish so :')
74 - what's your crush first and last initial ?
Coded info
75 - are you going to change your last name when you get married ?
Tbh people don't do it so yeah I never thought about that because there is no choice really ... When I discovered this as a kid I was kinda bummed I liked the idea of changing surnames I found it romantic or smth
77 - do you miss anyone right now ?
My grandad
87 - are you outgoing or shy
Depends but I think I'm more on the shy side... When I'm comfortable with someone I become more open and with friends o can chat a lot
88 - do you like when people play with your hair ?
Yes fave thing I also like to do it
98 - favourite month ?
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Midnight Sun, Chapter 8 - Ghost
Guess who’s stalking Bella again? Did you guess dumbass Edward? If so, go get yourself a cookie bc you earned it.
He straight up calls Bella the object of his obsession right out of the gate. He also says ‘love’ but I don’t buy it. This is still not love and nothing he does is going to convince me otherwise. 
It’s sunny in Forks, so the Cullens are making themselves scarce in order to avoid the humans finding out about their sparkle skin. And despite the fact that everyone makes a big deal out of the sparkle skin, can we talk for a second about the fact that, in the series proper at least, it never really matters after that initial reveal (which I can not WAIT to get to in this book to hear all about how angsty Eddie feels about his body glitter). But seriously. The big reveal in the meadow harps on it, but then it is rarely brought up again, and not at all in times when it would matter. The big ‘climax’ (insomuch as it is) in New Moon is about Eddie exposing his body glitter to the people in Italy, but right before that, Alice and Bella get on a plane to go stop him and Alice isn’t causing a full on disco party in the cabin. It is, at best, an inconsequencial plot point strictly for the first book (and this one, as it’s companion piece) and very rarely ever brought up again. 
That was a tangent, moving on.
Moving on to shitting on Mike Newton again, apparently. Eddie (And Bella in her own book) just can not leave this poor boy alone. Literally all he ever did was have a crush on a girl.
I accidentally uprooted the young spruce tree
Jesus, Eddie. Like, for one thing, I’m glad you can’t expose your sparkle skin, otherwise I might worry about poor Mike’s head. But that poor tree didn’t deserve your ire. It honestly is so scary tho, just how fucking strong SM made these vamps, combined with Eddie’s clearly violent tendencies and quick temper. 
to steal her away from the boy that I hated so much in this moment I could have kill him and enjoyed it.
There are two things extremely wrong here. I probably don’t even need to point them out to you, but I’m gonna anyway, because we all surely know how much I love my rants at this point. 
1) He literally just said he could kill Mike and enjoy it. He would be happy to murder this poor, innocent teenage boy who’s only crime is having a crush on a girl that Eddie also likes. Think for a second about the fact that Eddie has had all of four conversations with Bella at this point, and has been extremely nasty and condescending to her during at least three of them, up to and including outright laughing at her. But Mike is the one that deserves outright murder. 
2) He wants to steal her away. Literally Edward is talking about kidnapping Bella to get her away from Mike. He is not, in fact, taking her agency and autonomy into consideration when he thinks this. He isn’t thinking about Bella and what she wants. He is only thinking about himself and what he wants. He is only thinking about what would make him happy. He doesn’t give two flying shits about Bella, about whether or not she would want to be taken out of the situation she’s in or if she is actually enjoying her conversation with this person who, for all outward appearance, is her friend. He is simply thinking about how his feefees are hurt because Mike is talking to her and how he wants that to stop right now immediately.
I will deduct a couple of points from Mike for being so oblivious to Jessica’s crush on him. I mean, teenage boy dumb, sure, but Jessica is not subtle about it, and went so far as to ask him to that dumb dance. Still think they’re way too hard on him, tho.
And Eddie just kinda spends the school day jumping from brain to brain to keep tabs on Bella. Which is still creepy by the way. He is most happy when he can spy on her through Angela, because Angela is a soft, nice girl who has no personality of her own. 
I automatically planned my own surveillance
He’s so casual about stalking her. 
Eddie points out that he’s overdoing the stalking and obsessing thing, but as we’ve learned from this book and the four that came before it, if someone admits that what they’re doing is wrong, that just means they get to keep on doing it anyway.
Eddie is impressed that Bella is reading Sense and Sensibility, because clearly she is learned and wise. I wasn’t impressed in Twilight (especially because Bella’s inner monologue showed a clear lack of actual literary understanding of the work) and I’m still not impressed here.
Eddie just goes on ahead and wanders out into the sun after Bella falls asleep in the backyard, despite the fact that it’s a risk and a danger and anyone could see him there. And the bit where he’s sparkling is something, but imagine the scandal in a small town like this for him to be found in Bella’s backyard with her asleep. Even if he wasn’t a sparklePire, there would be gossip in town, because SM made Forks out to be one of those towns where everyone knows everyone and gossip flies.
He spends a while just hanging out in a tree and listening to Bella and Charlie have dinner, and it’s both creepy as always and boring at the same time. Then we get this line:
And then I left, knowing I would return when she was asleep.
I’m gonna harp on this forever guys. Eddie is creepy as fuck. He’s out here straight up stalking this poor girl, who is none the wiser. Watching her sleep every single night, spying on her most intimate and vulnerable moments. Even he admits that it’s wrong, but just keeps on doing it, not letting her have any privacy, and touting that it’s all in the name of love. I hate this guy so much, but even more than that, I’m actually genuinely afraid of Edward Cullen. He reminds me of my own possessive and emotionally manipulative ex. He gives me the vibes of every PSA ever about domestic abuse. More than the anger, he just makes me so uncomfortable. 
Jasper’s human eatin’ friends are leaving, and are saying their goodbyes to the family when Eddie gets home before his stalking trip after Bella in Port Angles. Instead of being a polite person, he heads inside and starts moodily banging on the piano, basically for the entire time they’re there and saying their goodbyes. Inconsiderate jerk. He offers them a goodbye as they’re leaving and then immediately heads out to go stalk Bella, and that’s the end of the chapter. 
I know what the next chapter is. I’ve seen the quotes. And I can’t wait to rip into it.
As always, feel free to shoot me a message or DM to chat or recommend what book I should recap next. Feel free to buy me a snack using the CashApp cash tag in my bio, and I’ll see you guys for the next one.
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Hensley & Char: Friends or Whatever || Part 5
@just-a-j-reallly @junknstu1f @wandmaximoff I am SO SORRY that this took this long and is still this short, but girls, y’all know i be hustling.A lot of corona dodging happening, since some folks got it around me and just other things as well. Hopefully, this one still matters tho. :)
The Secret Adventures of Hensley and Char
Charlotte stuffed her bookbag and rushed out of the door, mentally calculating the tightness of her schedule tonight. There was going to be an announcement this evening and since Hensley would have to go as Kid Danger, Charlotte was tasked with watching Piper after school. She didn’t mind. Piper was the closest she might come to ever having a little sister and since she was covering for a Man Cave related reason, she could submit a payment request to Ray for the babysitting hours. She deserved some compensation for taking on something else while she was trying to get her body ready to sign up for a marathon.
This evening would be the FIRST time that she had to cringe about Piper’s Kid Danger fangirling. “I’m basically GAY for Kid Danger!” the kid cheered.
“You don’t need to be saying that,” Charlotte offered. She wanted to expound, but she didn’t want to be obvious, but she couldn’t think of a single thing that she could add that might not make her seem homophobic or something. “You’re 8,” she finally settled on.
“I’m 9!” Piper corrected her.
“Also too young to focus on crushes. Crush those books,” Charlotte said, hating the fact that she sounded like her mother. 
After she brought Piper back home and checked in with the Harts, allowing Jasper to tell them an indirect lie about where Henry was. (Charlotte had botched it up by telling him that Hensley’s goldfish had babies), and whenever Jasper asked them about it and they were confusedly discussing whether or not Hensley had a goldfish, Charlotte ducked out to head back to Junk N’ Stuff for an emergency. 
She’d just text Jasper the lie that Hensley decided she wasn’t ready to be a goldfish granny and parted with all of them… Yeah! Lying was so much easier via text. The truth was that somehow, Captain Man was not indestructible, and as the brains of the operation, Ray had demanded that she come in PRONTO and get with Gooch on trying to figure out what was happening and what to do. “I’m literally a 13 year old girl,” she said to herself, after sending Jasper the text and reading through Ray’s meltdown in her texts. “What does he want me to do?”
She wondered this more and more as time went by. Technically, to be honest… She often was the one to figure things out and help save the day with her brains, but, still… And being the person to try to tell the lies to Jasper was a struggle too. Jasper was simple, but she knew that she wasn’t very good at lying. She had to always text him the lie. Sometimes, from right next to him. Luckily, the confusion of why she texted him while she was right next to him instead of just telling him was enough to throw him off of the weirdness of her and Hensley’s new secret lifestyle.
And THAT was a journey of adventure for Charlotte. She had been reading books since she was 3, and now, she got to live out everything from botched hero antics (Only her journal would ever know the story of what happened to poor Ortho), to unfortunately having to remain quiet while Jasper made an utter fool of himself over a girl, pretending to be Kid Danger… Why… Did that girl think that the OBVIOUS girl in KD’s costume could be Jasper? WHY??? It brought the conversation back up between the trio that “Maybe Kid Danger isn’t a she!” But… Hensley and Charlotte simply had to be mad that Jasper was very willingly being obtuse about her gender, because yikes… the conversation went way wrong and Hensley was looking a little transphobic before too long. Charlotte shut both of them down with a, “Hensley… Just because Kid Danger looks like a girl to you doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to BE one. YOU don’t know for sure whether they are or aren’t. Jasper, you know that whether or not they are a girl, YOU are not Kid Danger. You and her have been in the room at the same time on several occasions! We need not ever discuss the true identity of Kid Danger, EVER again, because I don’t like either of you right now!” 
Weeks of patrols, dozens of missions, hundreds of memories. Charlotte and Hensley were both a little sad that they had to hide these things away from Jasper, but they were also having a good time and unintentionally bonding too… 
Though, that changed a little bit whenever Chloe finally decided that she was ready to be comfortable with herself. That even if she didn’t necessarily like girls, she really liked Hensley and that should be enough to make the two of them matter… even though Charlotte was painfully aware that Chloe sort of “viewed Hensley as a boy.” She didn’t hate her. She just wasn’t someone that Charlotte could see Hensley being very happy with for a long time. She decided to just not think too deeply about it. Hensley’s bad habits of neglecting others would soon catch up to them.
When it did, Charlotte was entertained from the outside of it. Firstly, there was the slightly terrifying transformation that Hensley went through, turning into what Charlotte could only describe as a Cavebeast - Hens and Jasper had a small tiff in the midst of Hensley trying to get things good with Chloe, and at some point… Hensley turned into a boy!
He was… alright, Charlotte guessed. She wasn’t into him. He was only there for a moment, anyway, but one thing tapdanced on Charlotte’s psyche upon seeing him… She wasn’t sure if boys were her thing. 
Since she had become friends with Hensley, there was always something about her that got beneath Charlotte’s skin in a number of ways. Charlotte thought it was because Hensley was carefree and careless - two things that she herself couldn’t afford to be and therefore often tried to police out of others. But, it made Hensley endearing to Charlotte. The smaller, smarter girl felt like she needed to guide and protect her… but, now that Hensley was a sidekick and Charlotte had seen her prove herself for months… she knew that she didn’t have to be this protective. She shouldn’t have to offer as much guidance and advice as Hensley still seemed to think she needed. But, it was nice to be needed, so Charlotte never stopped, even in those moments when Hensley was not open to her assistance. 
People sometimes thought that there was a romantic connection between the two, to which both girls would laugh. Charlotte would tell them, “We’re just friends,” and Hensley would say, “Charlotte’s not gay.” Something that Hensley assumed. Charlotte had never confirmed nor denied it, but she would know, right? She’d know if she liked girls. She was old enough and smart enough, wasn’t she?
Apparently, those weren’t the indicators needed to determine this. Her indication was whenever she saw boy Hensley… He was lanky and tall and there was something like Hensley about him, but… she just didn’t like him, but she liked Hensley. And, it took losing her for a moment, the fear of thinking that they might lose her forever to the beast form, and the boy version of her for Charlotte to have a moment of clarity. She liked Hensley. The way that she was. She liked her that way, a lot. 
Maybe it was simply the fear tricking her. She wouldn’t say anything. Besides, there was Chloe, and… it would be complicated anyway. Charlotte mentally shut that down and didn’t speak of it out loud. She couldn’t like Hensley, so she figured she was one of those people who must’ve swooned platonically over her friends. It didn’t extend to Jasper, but… he was weird, so she just accepted that was why. It wasn’t because like poor Piper, that she was “gay for” her friend. It wasn’t. She silently reminded herself of this at times whenever her heart was especially soft for Hens, and was thankful that she didn’t need to do so too often… Because Hensley could be a wreck sometimes. A clueless wreck.
But Hensley was her clueless wreck.
Whenever Charlotte took Piper to the movies and the little girl had the opportunity to work with Captain Man and Kid Danger, as well as become the new president of the Man Fans, Charlotte brought her home afterwards, turned her over to Hensley and said, “We’ve gotta talk.” Piper was still on Cloud 9 about her night, so she rushed to her room, talking on the phone about how amazing it was - a night that she in portion had Charlotte to thank for and wouldn’t soon forget it, Hensley looked at Charlotte.
“What’s up, Char?”
“Your sister. She has a super crush on Kid Danger,” Charlotte said.
“My sister is gay too?” Hensley asked, excited, but then winced and said, “Wait!” 
“Yeah…” Charlotte said, “And also, I don’t know that she’s gay. She could simply respect Kid Danger so much that she sees her in a light that she sees no one else, and honestly, same.” Charlotte’s face warmed whenever she said that, but to try to backtrack might make it seem suspicious.
“So… You’re gay for Kid Danger, too?” Hensley teased.
“What? No! She’s just very admirable and… and…”
“I was obviously joking, Char,” Hensley laughed, and pulled her into a one armed hugged and kissed her forehead, “Thanks again for hanging out with Piper. She needs an older female person around sometimes.”
“You’re…” Charlotte started as she moved out of Hensley’s reach.
“Yeah, but I meant like, you know, a girl, girl. One that I don’t know, can rock a skirt and like likes boys or whatever.”
Why does everyone just presume that I like boys? EVEN my lesbian best friend, whbo snhould know better than to presume things about people’s identities…
“This is stupid,” Charlotte said, keeping the front thoughts to herself. “Night, Hens.”
Chloe went to star on Kids in the Woods, and honestly, Charlotte wouldn’t miss her, but Hensley was very sad to see her go. Which, Charlotte only understood to a certain degree, because… she never really had time for Chloe ANYWAYS, and now, she wouldn’t have to always try to make up reasons that she had to duck out or cancel. But seeing Hensley depressed was sad and over a girl? Of all the frivolous things. This was a girl who fought crime and faced villains, and what was she doing… being heartbroken over her girlfriend? Pathetic.
Charlotte let Jasper break into her thoughts and welcomed the interruption, because she was thinking TOO much about Hensley anyway. But, after only a few minutes of Jasper talking, she regretted letting him interrupt her thoughts. I have GOT to find other friends, she thought, frivolously. She definitely was not going to try to meet new people nor get close to the ones that she knew casually. She did wish that she could bounce some of her Hensley problems off of Jasper, though. But… too many of them would reflect upon Kid Danger, and… she sighed. That part of Hensley’s world was shut off to the rest of the world. In that way, they were connected. 
That’s what it was. That was all it was. They were connected by this very important secret and ALL of Charlotte’s confusing feelings were related to that connection. “Thank you Charlotte. I knew that you would figure this out,” she told herself confidently. 
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angelamoores · 4 years
thank u for the tag @henrydangerismymiddlename I got my laptop out for this lol
it’s 3am so bear with
copy and paste the following questions and answer with as much detail as you want and when you’re done tag at least 2 other blogs to do the same, let’s go!
Who was your overall favourite member of Team Danger and why? it’s a toss up between Henry and Charlotte if im completely honest. I always love the girl character in everything and Charlotte was everything I wanted but I also always loved Henry coz he was one of the only main characters I've ever found likeable in a show before
Who was your favourite non-team danger character and why? Mary Debbie Gaberman because she was funny and put up with Trent’s shit
Who was your favourite villain and why? Rick Twittler. he was the most non cartoony. villain and he did some of the most damage to the characters
What were your top five favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? broken armed and dangerous-comedy, scream machine-that ending lmao, I dream of danger-chenry, massage chair-the drama of it all & car trek-idk
What were your top five least favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? captain mom coz ew, and idk their names but the one where Henry cheated on those girls, the one where he and jasper fight over that girl, sick and wired coz that was ray’s shitty turning point & jam session coz that bet was fucked
What was your favourite running gag and why? hmmmm and repeat what they said an henry’s im in a band pick up line
What was your favourite one-off throw away gag and why? when they actually respected Charlotte (wish it came up more tho :(
What episode, which character and which duo made you laugh the most? scream machine esp when I was younger coz it feels like it was filmed at 3am, Henry with his dumbassery & Charlotte and schwoz as a duo like when they were doing smart stuff or in swellview’s got talent
How would you rank each season from 1 to 5, one being the best and five being the worst? one-4, two-2, three-3, four-4 & five-2/5 depending on ray’s behaviour
Who was your favourite duo in the show (romantic or non-romantic)? romantic- chenry & nonromantic- Charlotte/schwoz
What was your favourite Henry and Ray moment/episode? all the times when they argued on missions I just found it funny esp when it was like about flying the mancopter etc.
What was your favourite Chenry moment/episode? I dream of danger, that one bit in budget cuts&mr nice guy, when they used to yell at the same time
What was your favourite Hensper moment/episode? the episode were jasper finds out was v cute
What was your favourite Chensper moment/episode? massage chair/the finale/end scene of captain drex
If you could go back and change one element of the show, what would it be? the treatment of Charlotte/when ray got shit
If you could say one thing to each main character in the pilot, what would it be? SCHOOL COMES FIRST, FRIENDS SECOND AND WORK LAST
If you could say one thing to each main character in the finale, what would it be? nice hair and outfits guys, also you did good
Were you satisfied with the finale? What part was your favourite and what part was your least favourite? I was. i loved the trio’s ending but I would have maybe liked a better piper farewell idk. also I get why they let kid danger stay dead I just think that after all that time he deserved recognition also so do charlotte and schwoz even if it wouldn't really work
What would your ideal Henry danger spin off look like? a teen rated dystopia spinoff of the trio fighting crime vigilante style with habit of chenry also get jasper a boyfriend 
Where do you personally see the characters 10 years from now? What are they doing, who are they with, where are they in their lives - what do you think happened to them? Most importantly, are they happy? I think the trio will still be fighting crime together well into their twenties/ thirties, piper has started a successful company and ray and schwoz are still running the school. Mary has her own talkshow
What was your favourite part of the show and why did it initially draw you in? you guys are gonna HATE me for this but growing up I kinda had a crush on Henry that tries to make an appearance every now and then so that paired with me watching all dan scheider’s shows was mainly it
What was your favourite part of the fandom and why did it initially draw you in? THE PEOPLE everyone here is awesome like nesha, Nikki, umana, shona, lou and lizzie. I joined coz tumblr is my go to site and after reading nesha’s chenry So...? series and stalking everyones blogs I made one of my own
Describe your overall emotions/feelings regarding the show being over and the show in general, looking back on it as a whole, with one quote from the show “feel’s good”
If you were able to add one scene in the finale, what would you add? a group hug
Favorite outfit/hair style? jasper’s crop top will forever be iconic and charlotte’s space buns in cave the date
One twist: when you answer this for yourself, add one new question at the end for the next person to answer. Remember to tag at least two people so we can get this around the whole fandom so everyone can have their proper goodbye! And feel free to do this even if you don’t get tagged, I want to see how everyone feels!
@mychenrymadness @kiddangers @rorythevambire 
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ellohcee · 3 years
Okay let’s try this again long AU (The Mad Ones) under the cut (not mine these were sent in by @jubilantscribbler / @jubilantwriter )
yeah samE i said that about hadestown too fkldsf anYWAY im sending this in multiple asks so that you can hide it under a readmore okayy here i GOO- SO. It starts with David driving away from the city and heading out to somewhere - maybe to see the ocean, maybe to go hiking in the mountains, maybe to take a trek in the great plains, maybe to venture out into the countryside - he's not sure yet, but he's hyping himself as he drives and drives, just watching the city fly by. (1)
BUT. He blinks and he's still in the city. Even worse, he's still in his mom's driveway, sitting in a car with the key still in his hand, and his foot is still firmly on the brake. He blinks and feels crushed under the fact that he's not going away to go hiking forever in nature, but instead, he's supposed to be getting ready for college because he just graduated, and just as he's about to start crying, he hears Jasper speak up like, "Damn, and here I thought you wouldn't choke." (2)
David turns and sees his best friend, his childhood friend, sitting in the passenger seat and grinning like he always does, and David nearly cracks and whispers, "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." And Jasper just shrugs and rolls his eyes like, "Sure, but I'm here anyways." And David's like, "You're not real, I'm sitting alone i-in a car-" and Jasper's like, "Yeah, my car. Alone. What are *you* doing?" (3)
GHHH what a cold open, David in his happy daydream and suddenly snapping back to a cold terrible reality. AHH I ALREADY LOVEHATE IT.
(4) And David's sputtering and trying to convince himself and Jasper that David's supposed to be getting ready for college, and he just needed a moment, he's stressed, he knows what he wants, stop questioning him, stop doubting him, this is what he's supposed to do, this is what he needs to do, so leave him alone like he's supposed to be, and suddenly there's too many thoughts, too many memories happening at once- and then Jasper snaps him out of it for just a minute.
(5) Jasper calms him down by reminding him of the one time he managed David to skip school, and it's enough for David to just relive the moment with Jasper vividly, and he remembers feeling that freedom, of being happy and alive and enjoying the moment with Jasper. It's all to calm David down and getting him to cheer up as David remembers that good time and reminding him of what he really wants, and David gets lost in the memory until reality breaks the memory and he's stuck in the present.
(6) Now with his "imaginary" Jasper, as Jasper calls himself, and him back in the car, David remembers that he lost something irreplaceable and can't get over it, and now he's sitting in Jasper's car without Jasper with his future looming over him. But Jasper gently nudges him and reminds him to remember why he's in the car in the first place, and why he has the keys in his hands in the first place. Because he had a plan, and maybe all it takes is a little bit of remembering.
This is already so awful, they had plans together AAHFHHD. But Jasp is always so good at calming David down, bringing him back. As much as I hate that Jasper’s dead this is one of my favorite kinds of setups. Like someone’s heartbroken and it’s kind of a “but how can I go on without you?” feeling and it’s like “You can, you HAVE to.”
(7) Jasper puts the key in the ignition for David and has David go through his memories of his senior year. David remembers Jasper, when he was still alive and bright and in the midst of his rebellious streak, and Jasper laughs as David chastises him for all those times he skipped class and nearly dragged David along with him. But David wanted to go with him. They had dreams - David had dreams that only Jasper knew, and as the end of the crept closer he grew more and more anxious.
(8) David isn't at odds with him mom, but his mom wants the best for him, even if it means pushing him towards a future he doesn't really want, but is stable and ensures he'll live an okay life. Gwen is the voice of reason in their friend group, always telling them off for having their delusions of grandeur, especially Jasper as he seems to lead David into living life based on impulses. He cares about them both tho, and wants to take their advice to heart... when it doesn't stress him out.
(9??) Jasper's the only one who really gets David, and he encourages David at every chance he gets which reveals David's deep seated love for nature, and how he yearns to get out of the city, and not be trapped by gray walls and mediocrity and studying a major he doesn't care for and living paycheck by paycheck, and also he really needs to get his license because he can't depend on everyone all the time or else he'll never truly be independent.
I love all this dynamic it’s so fitting, so perfect. Especially Gwen, she’s so down to earth and she has to be the one with her head on and thinking logically. So fitting. But David and Jasper just wanna be FREE AND IN LOVE DAMNIT FUCK
(10) Despite his internal conflicts, he still applies to colleges and even manages to get into the same one as Jasper, with mixed feelings. They end up touring the college together and partake in a party that leads to David exploding and saying that Jasper doesn't *do* college, Jasper is wild and free and exciting and takes them on roadtrips and is amazing and incredible and doesn't trap himself in the status quo and WOW he's drunk, no he's not, stop laughing, Jasper!
bWABAAHAHA FUCK YOU TUMBLR. (11) Jasper convinces David to recite one of David's favorite passages from his favorite book (because the book is important in the musical but let's pretend it's about the mystique of the wilderness and the freedom of exploration and freedom), and David recites and hypes them both up because of how excitedly he recites it with passion, and Jasper suggests that they do it, that they run off together and explore and Be the Mad Ones and Live Free and Wild.
(12) Jasper gets more and more excited by the aspect of just... going on the road, just the two of them, doing whatever the hell they want without anyone telling them what to do. And David's trying to be like, "Okay but we need to be prepared and stuff-!" but he's getting more and more hyped by it, and they both start getting excited- up until Jasper gets into his car and begs David to get in. And David freezes and panics and realizes he's... not ready to run yet.
Not crying bc they wanted to run off together NOT ME. BUT LIKE. YOU KINDA DO NEED TO GRAB SOME ShIT FOR THE ROAD JASP WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH YOU??? AN EXTRA HOODIE AND SOME CRAP IN YOUR CAR? COME ON. Give him a little time you can take off in a few days just don’t tell people about your plans to elope???
(13) Jasper gets upset because they need to leave now before someone stops, but David feels unprepared and they argue and snap and- the memory breaks, and David's facing off imaginary?Jasper and blaming him and saying that Jasper never plans anything and it would have gotten them no where, and Jasper blames him back saying that David put the breaks on, and they keep blaming each other until Jasper yells that if they'd just left that night, he wouldn't be fucking DEAD!
nnoonOIFIDH wHy they figting WJHY ARE THEY FIGHTING I HATE IT. DON’T SAY THAT SHIT JASPER. What’s ten times worse is that this is David’s projection of Jasper therefore his own thoughts so he’s blaming himself through Jasper I hate it???
(14) David storms away from Jasper in tears as Jasper tries to call back to David and apologize, but David just runs to his room and locks himself in there and inevitably buries himself in more memories, but none with Jasper in it. He remembers that after their fight at the party, he went to his other best friend's house - Gwen. She asks about the college visit, and David, still running off his anger fumes, says that maybe college isn't for him, and he should do something else.
(15) Gwen tries to talk some sense into him, telling him that life isn't about always about having fun, that college is the way to go or else they'll NEVER achieve their dreams, and David snaps back that maybe he doesn't NEED college to achieve his dreams, and Gwen yells that real life isn't some fucking book, and if he thinks that's how life works, then he needs to get his head out of the fucking clouds and look around them.
(16) Life isn't like it was back then, it's labor and capitalism, and it's a fucking struggle, but that's the hand they were dealt, and they have to live with what they got. She gets upset and cries because she doesn't want to live like everyday sucks, but that's how it is, and she doesn't get to dream like David does, because she has to work harder to even begin to carve out a dream like David's. She implores him for once to stop trying to live ideally, but to live realistically.
(17) He ends up leaving and going back to his mom's, where his mom worries about her son and the state of his being, and tries to get him to open up to her, and it takes a while, but after some coaxing and cookies, and he opens and tells him about his argument with Jasper and Gwen. She's disappointed that David feels that way about college, but suggests that he finds a compromise - one that's realistic, but still gives him what he wants. He weakly agrees to her because he's tired of fighting.
(18) David goes to bed, only to wake to the sound of a phone ringing. His heart leaps, and David's stuck between the past and present, unsure of where he is. As he stares at his phone, Jasper sits down next to him and suggests he pick it up. It's then that David realizes that he's in the present, but still stuck in the past. Instead of living in the present, he suggests that he doesn't pick up the phone, because like, that'd mean like it never happened. Which means that Jasper... is alive.
David needs THERAPY it sounds like he’s having some serious issues with reality and stress and loss please he needs hterapy hahddha
(19) Jasper plays along and is like, "Okay, if I'm alive now, then we're doing senior year *my way*." So they craft an amazing, fun, incredible senior year filled with laughter and highs and love, and David gets to experience a year with Jasper by his side, and maybe he finally confesses, and maybe they go on a million roadtrips, and he's happy, he's so happy because Jasper's here, and he's alive, and- the phone rings. And the fantasy breaks, and he's in the past again. And he picks up.
(20) Jasper's mom was the one who called him to tell him that Jasper had died. He'd been crossing the street to return a book - the book he read for David, because it was his favorite book - to the library, and didn't see the car in time. David's world collapses around him, and all he can remember is that night at the party, and why didn't he say yes, why did he say no, and it crushes him as he remembers it over and over again, and he realizes that he can't remember the rest of senior year.
(21:) For once, Jasper isn't there to snap him out of it. David has to snap himself out of it, and he digs through his memories of that horrible senior year and remembers the one thing that broke him out of his depressed stupor - Gwen. Gwen was dropping him off at the DMV to take his driving test (again). She's holding a familiar book, and she's trying to smile and talk to him while he's stuck in his head, and finally her voice gets through to him when she suggests something.
(22) While they're waiting for his turn, she says that she read the book he loves, and she kinda gets it now, wanting to explore and see the world, and she suggests that they take a roadtrip together before college, and they can go anywhere, and be anywhere, and it'll just be them two, and he won't have to worry about anything because she'll take care of things for him, and he can just... enjoy. And she smiles, desperate but hopeful, because she wants to see him smile again. But he doesn't.
(23) It breaks him out of his stupor, but only because her words make it sound like it's what he wants (what does he want?), but it's not what he wants, and he remembers Jasper's words of how someone's always gonna come along and try to assume they know what he wants, instead of letting him decide for himself. Gwen's doing it here, even if it's in good faith, he knows this isn't what he wants. He doesn't answer, and she looks heartbroken. Before he can get a word out, his # is called.
(24) She tells him to go take his test and wishes him good luck. He gets in the car and starts his driving test, stressed out and mind a mess. Suddenly it's Jasper in the passenger seat pretending to be the DMV lady and telling him to listen to him, and that he can help David. He wants Jasper to go away, but suddenly it's his mom, telling him to be careful and slow down, and he needs to take less risks and stay in his lane, where he needs to be. Jasper's voice grows frantic and then it's Gwen.
(25??) Gwen is telling him to follow her instructions, and she can keep him on track and safe, so just keep going straight and drive. David argues that he doesn't want to be safe, and Jasper asks if he wants to take a risk instead. His mom says that risk is fine, if he prepares for it and plans for it. David says he doesn't want to plan for once, and Jasper gently tells him that he can take whatever path he wants as long as it feels right to him, before Gwen says that they need to move on.
Therapy therapy therapy please DAvid I’m beGGING YOU you have so much shit in your head babe please. Fighting to figure out what he wants vs what everyone else wants it’s too much
(26) She begs to him to go with her, even if it's hard, they need to make the right choice. David argues with himself, tries to figure out what he wants as everyone talks over his thoughts and words, his mom begging him to slow down, Jasper begging him to remember, and Gwen begging him to go, before David snaps and tells everyone to listen to him. Finally, he tells them what he wants. He never wanted to go to college, never wanted stay, never wanted to run away. But he wanted to go out and live.
(27) He wants to drive with no clear destination, drive to see and feel and live and nothing else, just by himself. Even if, even if he wishes... he wishes that Jasper was with him. But he knows that he's alone in Jasper's car, talking to himself and remembering, and he hears Jasper say to remember, his mom saying she'll let him go, and Gwen saying she'll step back. And David tells himself to look ahead, don't stop, and don't look back in the rearview mirror. He blinks, and it's just Jasper.
(28) It's just Jasper and David, sitting in Jasper's car in his mom's driveway. Jasper smiles, and reminds David that he passed. He's free. He can leave now. David cries and says that his mom will hate him, and Jasper shakes his head. He worries about Gwen, and Jasper says she'll understand. Jasper encourages him to be wild and free and mad and happy, and to NOT crash his car or he WILL haunt him, smiling through his tears as David reaches for him.
(30) David sobs. "I never got to say goodbye." Jasper takes a deep breath, looking away for a moment before turning back to David with a broken smile. "Sometimes you don't get to say goodbye." "...I miss you." "...I know. Total bummer, right?" David grabs onto Jasper and hugs him tight and begs, "Can't we stay like this?" And Jasper clings to him and says, "You know we can't." "Just for a little longer?" and after a moment of silence, Jasper asks with a soft cry, "What do you want, Davey?"
(FIN) David finally says that he wants to feel the wind in his hair with the windows down, the crunch of dirt under his boots, the smell of the pines, of living just to live. Jasper pulls away with a smile and reminds David that he'll live in David's wants and actions now that he's gone, and when David blinks, Jasper is finally gone. And he's finally moved on. And David finally puts the key into the ignition and starts the car. And he drives away.
NNNGNNDJ I HATE THIS BUT I LOVE IT. I hate every time you kill Jasper and make me love it. My poor boys I’m sO SAD FOR THEM> THEY HAD PLANS THEY WERE IN LOVE THEY WERE GOING TO DO ALL THE SHIT THEY WANTED. Jasper didn’t even get to see SENIOR YEAR IT’s NOT FAIRhFH And poor David just like BLANKED OUT that year of his life and WHO COULD BLAME HIM
When I do listen to this I’m going to have to prepare myself hardcore because I’m going to be a fucking wreck mess especially now that it’s firmly attached to Jaspvid in my head UHHHHH HTHANK YOU
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Rewatching Breaking Dawn
I don't get- monologue lmao
Oop angry Jake
Billy get back inside before you catch a cold
Poor Charlie
Yikes heels
Lmao Alice
OwO Rosalie
Can't she wear flats?
Why is there random paintings/pictures of animals in her room?
Lmaoo what if Ed was like "lmao oops yeah, I'm not a virgin my bad"
I forgot about that part of Edwards past but at least he did it to bad guys
Are his eyes brown?? uGH
Bell is such a good girlfriend, thirsty but a great girlfriend
Wtf was that Emmett?? He did like a squat against her house lmao
Jasper and his constantly changing hair lmao
We should've had more of the brothers being brothers
She's finna sleep in that??
Ugly wedding dream dress
It'd be a lit ass wedding lmao
Rosalie 💕💕
Charlie lmao
Her mom is so sweet
Charlie with his something old besides your mother lmaooo
Rosalie did that hairstyle super fucking quick
The wedding place is pretty
Tbh same Mike/Ned/Nate. The girls from Alaska are gorgeous
Was... Was.. The girl with glasses checking them out while biting her lip??
Watch out for the front of the dress, you step on that and faceplant
Pretty dress
She seems terrified instead of nervous or excited
I hope they didn't rent the dress cuz that shit is gonna get dirty
Who are all these people? The Cullens never get out and Bell's family can't be that huge unless those are vampire cousins
Weddings are super fucking long
Esme and Carlisle uwu
I love the cakeee
Sue and Charlie lmao
I love the Alaskan cousins 💕💕
Omfg imagine if Seth imprinted on one
The person who whistled at Emmett lmao
Emmett's joke and Charlie's face
Out of everyone's speech I love Charlies and Esme speech the most
The dancing omfg
Bell crying
Her fucking dress is gonna be so dirty
Everyone does cries at weddings, everyone balled at my cousins wedding
Jake don't ruin it
She's that stupid lol
Jake don't be a dick
Baby Seth
Sam has a point
Lmao imagine he murders her like that's the big plan
Charlie lmao
Cute father-daughter moment
Bet they kicked everyone out after they left
Wolf howl
I love places where everyone is seen as family and they party all the time
Edward driving a boat was something I was not expecting
I would love to live there
Human minutes lmao
Wtf does she have in that bag
Lmao that whole scene is funny
"Don't be a coward"
Is he just standing there??? Not doing anything?? No splashing around??? Lmao what??
Ew love
Are they actively trying for a child??
Lmao the feathers- the bROKEN BED
This song is *chefs kiss*
Oof lmao those bruises look tough
She ain't even notice them bro
"Or was five seconds ago" lmao
Let's stop talking about that pls
Boring ass honeymoon with chess...
That looks terrible but aye more power to ya Bell
That looks dangerous
Chess again??
Him tucking her in was cute tho
She's so aggressive with the whole chess thing
And she's so thirsty
Tripped and fell off a cliff lmao
Sam is a good guy
Jake is such a bore
Do they shun everyone without imprints?? All the ones without imprints are far away fron the ones with imprints lmao
Leah has a point
They look shook
Poor housekeepers
Interesting breakfast
A) periods can be late. Mine are always late B) you're as skinny as a stick C) Ed is supposed to be dead sis. As in, his bodily fluids shouldn't be working
Vampire shock lmao
Lmao she pulls out a knife and just stabs her "problem solved"
"That thing" omg damn
The contrast when they arrived vs when they left oml
She turned on her phone and it just.. Instantly called
Wolf dramaaa
"Is it true?" "How are ya?"
Rosalie being protective is so uwu
She looks dead
Oof oof oof pregnant belly
Is it a good idea for them to be talking in private
The real villian is Jake lmao
It's eating you alive, Bell. It's not a miracle
You look half dead already Bell
Pull the puppy eyes Jake
Omg he did lmao
"I'm not sticking around to watch" he stuck around anyways
The scene with the wolves howling and all the voices is so good I wish we would've gotten more
I love Seth
Seth and Jake are such cute bros
"I'll shut up! Can do."
Leah and Seth are so cute
Leah and Jake could've been a couple.
He's such a dick to her nvm
Leah awee she looked so happy to have Jake accept her
Esme feeding them is so cute
His voice sounded different when he said "we were supposed to be partners"
It's not even fully developed lmao
Don't lie, it taste like shit
Poor Charlie
This movie is on crack
Or maybe this is a fever dream
Jake trying to be heroic and shit
Paul 💕💕
Oop traitor
Horrible baby names
EJ is such an ugly name
Oof that sucks
I felt that back pain
Poor Rosalie
I think this is what traumatized me about giving birth lmao
Oop she ded
Rosalie don't give a fuck about Bella
Jake cryinggg
Random wolf
The fucking voom in on her dead face as Ed bit her lmao
The fuck going on??
Rosalie being an aunt awe
Jared looking mighty fine
Rosalieeee awee
That fucking baby
Oh no..
I mean they can't even fit into the house
They just did the imprinting thing to make Jake look like the good guy again
Listen to her heart?? Vampires? Oh.. Newborns still have human blood in them lmao
Apparently vampire venom gives you makeup
The fucking piano
A littel recap nice
The fuck is the song for the credits??
Breaking Dawn p2
Lots of red.
Making it look like a horror movie with this intro credits scene
fUCK that piano
So fucking long omg
When did she sit up?
Lmao vampire Bell should've yeeted Ed
She suddenly feels thirsty
Is my mans climbing a mountain without gear???
Poor puma
Yeah yeah Bella's cool or whateve
Disgust lmao
Rosalie and Emmett lmao I love them
'Oh.. oh"
Oop ouch
Sethhhh nuuu
No it wasn't
A nice little place that they'll never use
That ring needs to go
You know what? Rosalie, Emmett, and Jake as a couple
Emmett lmao
Someone could've told Charlie he's super chill
Chopping wood pretty far off
Charlie probably thought Jake was seducing him
Edward stfu for once
Lmao she deadass could just breathe on command she doesn't have to move her shoulders
Carlisle and Charlie probably banged once lmao
He really does need an explanation
Wtf is she wearing?
Cgi baby bro
Emmett and Bell are now chaotic twins
Jake and Sam.
Cgi child
No she won't lmao
They really hate the Cullens lmao
Wow... Someone playing the piano...
Oof the cgi
Emmett in a turtleneck lmao
Esme and Carlisle
Alaskan cousinsss
Ew Jake no
Ben and Jake should've been a couple
Yesss the amazon vampsss
Aye Garrett
Eighteen hm
Omg the stumbling pups lmao
Is that Mickey? Wait a minute
"That didn't take much" lmao
Alec got a haircut
Lmao I love the Alaskan cousins
Lmao Emmett and Garett are such bros
I love Kate
Jake and Bella bonding awe
Sue and Charlie
Oop passports
Kate and Garrett
Interesting handwriting
Giant... Scissors.. Lit
Why bother wearing contacts when Charlieand Sue already saw you with gold eyes??
Mhm super pretty cause he's her uncle not her imprinter
Jake had a massive crush on Ben
The vamps bonding is cute
Tbh Jake would've been cute with Tanya or Ben
The war with the smallest group of fighters
The shots zoomed out make it so funny cuz they look like ants
Did Aro see them fuck??
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jake as mates someone write about them
Aro's giggle/laugh oof
Nessie is so pretty
Impossible lmao
Oop she ded
Aro you a bitch
And anyways I'm out ✌✌
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antonixfawley · 4 years
About: Antoni Fawley
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“ I’ll keep all my plans close to my chest . . . ”
name: Antoni Fabian Fawley also known as: Toni age: 23 birthday:  January 30 astrological sign:  Aquarius species:  Human gender:  Male pronouns:  He/Him orientation: Queer
Early life: Antonio was raised by two loving parents, Peter and Lena Fawley. His father’s family came from a long line of pureblood, members of the sacred twenty-eight in fact. Though his family did keep their bloodline pure, they only did so out of tradition, and not because they really put much stock into blood purity. The Fawley’s were a long line of Hufflepuffs, with nearly every member being sorted into the badger house, aside from those who married into the family, such as Antoni’s mother. So of course he was raised on values of loyalty and hard work, kindness and gratitude, all the makings of another fine Hufflepuff student. Antoni never really clicked with those things, though. He wasn’t as interested in family activities as he was in reading alone in his room, he found making in depth maps of the land surrounding his family home much more engaging than playing silly games or doing chores on those lands. He had difficultly finding time alone growing up, as his father insisted he stay out and spend time with his siblings as well as aunts, uncles and cousins who were always at the estate for one reason or another. From fancy dinner parties to family game night to simply having tea, the Fawley’s adore entertaining guests. Antoni’s mother understood though, the polish witch being a bit introverted herself, she knew her oldest son was a bit more like her than his fathers side of the family. She would let Antoni leave dinner a bit early some days, or skip out on tea to have some alone time. She let him stay up later so he could read a few more pages of whatever book he was on at the time, when his siblings had to go to bed early. Growing up in a household with such high expectations for their children to be a certain way, Antoni became quite calculated in his behavior. He chose when to sneak away and when to be present with family, quickly learning when the right time to speak was, and when he should hold his tongue. He kept most of his thoughts to himself, already being so distant from his siblings and family, he didn’t want to further alienate himself by making any wrong moves. Hogwarts: When Antoni went off to Hogwarts, his whole family was ecstatic to see the eldest son find a place in the line of Hufflepuff legacies, but when the sorting hat touched his head, it had no hesitation before shouting out “Ravenclaw!” to the hall. Most children would be mortified of not being placed in their family’s house, but all of a sudden he saw a sea of blue rise up and welcome him in, a sea of people just like him. He felt like all his years of running off to find a quiet spot, staying up late in secret to read or write were validated now, he wasn’t the odd one out anymore. Antoni’s family, of course, were supportive anyways. After all, what kind of Hufflepuff wouldn’t support their family? There was always teasing though, and his siblings and countless Hufflepuff cousins never let him forget that he was different, he was odd, but he didn’t mind what they said. He knew who he was and he didn’t care what anyone else thought. Toni’s years at Hogwarts gave him time to grow and branch out, finding interest in astronomy, arithmatic, potions, and history the most, though he excelled in all his courses. He continued his hobbie of map making, working tirelessly to document every part of the castle that he could, drawing extensive separate maps of each floor and the grounds. He found many friends in ravenclaw, as well as some outside his house, though he always preferred to be alone when given the chance. He didn’t really find much interest in dating for the first few years of school, but around fifth year, his friends around him began to couple up he knew he needed to blend in with the behavior and found himself beginning to flirt and be more outgoing with other students. His family credits these years as when he started to blossom, as he began to stop secluding himself and interacted much more with others. He enjoyed these little flirtations he found, and some even blossomed into relationships, though they never lasted long. He wasn’t very focused on actually finding love or romance, he was just having fun with what he found to be a challenge. He wanted to see how easily he could get someone to trust him and fall for him, often playing mind games with the people he dated. Antoni grew into an extremely intelligent, calculating, and focused individual, crafting a reputation for himself as a charming, friendly young man with a bit of a heartbreaker streak. Current life: After leaving Hogwarts, Antoni ventures into various places of employment, testing out office jobs, interning at various places, including the Daily Prophet for a spell, though it didn’t last long. None really ever did since he was easily bored and would just quit, getting a new job whenever he wanted. Due to the high marks he reached on both his OWL and NEWT exams, pretty much any job was available to him. Then, Antoni had found an interest in Ministry work, and law had always been eye catching to him as well. Currently, he has been working as an intern for the Auror department at the ministry of magic. He found a place with the Death Eaters not long after graduation, his intellect and moral ambiguity being good qualities for him to apply to the group. He had never grown up being taught about blood purity, but he of course learned of it in school and was quickly swayed. After all, he was a Fawley, a member of the Sacred Twenty-eight. In his mind, he deserved a spot at that table, and he was going to get what he was owed.
personality: charming, calculated, friendly, intelligent, and self-serving label:  The Facade positive traits:  clever, passionate, level-headed negative traits: self-serving, two-faced, easily bored alignment: True Neutral goals/desires:  find something that interest him and holds his interest, gain power in society fears:  being bored, not finding anything engaging that can intellectually challenge him hobbies:  map making, reading, writing, calligraphy. habits: zoning out, over explaining things, lying
Face claim:  Thomas Doherty height: 6ft eye color: Blue hair description: * color: Dark Brown * highlights: none * length: medium * worn: shaved on the sides, long on top, usually messy and tousled or styled up scars:  none piercings:  none tattoos: drawing of the golden ratio with a shell and an outline of Poland on his right forearm. A quill on the back of his neck, if you look closely the ink is actually dark blue, not black. clothing style: Clean, often a t shirts and jeans with a flamboyant statement jacket. For work he wears a suit, often dark blue. usual expression: Neutral, basically has RBF distinguishing characteristics: speaks polish sometimes. health physical ailments:  none neurological conditions: insomnia allergies:  none sleeping habits:  bad he doesn’t sleep enough eating habits:  also bad he isn’t starving tho exercise habits: decent he likes to keep in shape emotional stability: he isnt very emotional and doesn’t get worked up by much sociability: he’s quite sociable only because he forces himself to be to make himself look good, he would rather not be social. body temperature: cold addictions:  coffee/tea/energy drinks(caffeine) drug use: social alcohol use: moderate-high
father:  Peter Fawley, distant, he doesn’t really understand his son but still has a civil and kind relationship. mother:  Lena Fawley, positive, his mother is supportive of him and they are close siblings:  distant, less positive, since his siblings don’t like how much he distances himself from them. relatives: Most- neutral, distant, he doesn’t associate with most of his relatives. Jasper Travers (cousin), positive, friendly. family line of work:  Ministry work, quidditch players, politicians.   best friends:  open!!! cohorts:  Scorpius Malfoy, Marcelina Bloem, Daisy Dursley, Doe Creevy, Dominique Weasley, Dylan Parkinson idk there’s a lot significant other: none atm gimme crush: open exes: open!! Pls hmu for this connection I’m sure he has loads followers: plots frenemies: plots enemies: gimme plots
school:  Hogwarts house:  Ravenclaw best core class:  Astronomy, potions, charms, defense against the dark arts worst core class:  Care of Magical Creatures quidditch:  no extra-curricular: astronomy club idk probably others I can’t think rn
wand: * length: 10 3/4 inch * flexibility: unyielding flexibility * wood: Elder * core: Unicorn Hair pets:  none boggart:  boredom animagus/patronus:  Wild Rabbit amortentia: old books, grass, firewood
theme song:  wait for it- Hamilton food: toast drink:  coffee/tea color:  navy blue animal:  mouse flower:  lavender season: fall
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I don’t ship it myself because theres a lot of problematic stuff Idk Jasper age so maybe not pedophilia but Jasper IS very naive and trusting and Jekyll provides all his lodgings and finances for experiments and honestly while I don’t think Jekyll WOULD do anything with that he COULD and power imbalances in romantic relationships makes me uncomfortable
I can see them liking each other tho. I headcannon Jasper to be a bit like me in the fact he has difficulty distinguishing different types of feelings  and he certainly does look up to and hold admiration for Jekyll so if Jekyll said he had a crush on him I think Jasper would maybe think he had one back based on the other emotion and not wanting to upset Jekyll. Jekyll would prob think Jasper was adorable and a bit like him but also feel kind of... guilty. for liking Jasper.
I just don’t see it being healthy in the end.
Feel free to ask my opinions on ships!
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dipshithqs · 5 years
☠ ◞ ashton moio . 23 . cismale . he/him . › is that rocco mena i see walking through the campgrounds ? i can’t believe that the sagittarius is spending their summer here . i heard that MOUSE is a pizza delivery boy when they’re at home in chandler , arizona . but while they’re here , i’ve seen them stuffing his face while humming all night longer by sammy adams . i’ve called them the village idiot but that’s only because of their PLAYFUL and DIMWITTED tendencies . apparently , they’re back at camp silver lake this year because he missed the place . ‹ played by t , he/they , 18+ , mst . ›
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name. rocco age. 23 birthday. 11/23 sexuality. heterosexual
full name. rocco spencer mena pronunciation. ROCK-oh SPEHN-suhr meh-NUH meaning of name. “rest” aliases. mouse, ,rocky, roc gender. cismale pronouns. he/him species. human zodiac sign. sagittarius hometown. chandler, arizona occupation. pizza delivery boy/camp counselor label. the village idiot faceclaim. ashton moio
🍕 a Very Dumb™ 🍕 obsessed w/ rap/hip-hop and constantly tries to write his own songs 🍕 super bad at writing but actually a decent rapper 🍕 generally liked by the kids ,, , mostly bc they can get away w/ a lotta shit w/ him 🍕 pinterest board 🍕 has been a pizza delivery boy fr 3 years 🍕 was a clerk n a babysitter before that 🍕 never taken seriously 🍕 loves energy drinks 🍕 still lives w/ his parents 🍕 developed a panic disorder n started getting panic attacks at 13 ,, , after his first run at camp silver lake 🍕 Would Rather Be Sleeping 🍕 bit of a momma’s boy 🍕 spotify playlist 🍕 a Good Choice if all you wanna do is sit around n eat cheetos all day 🍕 been skateboarding since he was 9 🍕 was close friends w/ 3 out of the 10 kids that disappeared 🍕 parties like a frat boy
why are they labeled as the trope that you applied for ? remember that kid in class that used to sit at the table during arts and crafts time just eating glue and putting stickers on his face ? that was mouse ... . ... and he hasn’t changed, ,,,he’s labeled the village idiot ‘cause homeboy is dumb as dirt ! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !! a safety hazard. w/ the kinda luck he has too,,, he’d end up getting someone else ( along with himself ) killed ,,, fortunately, , where he lacks intelligence ... . n luck ,, ,  he makes up for in friendliness who are some of their character inspirations ? ( bonus points if you list some horror movie or television show characters ) gOd i wish i had more characters frm horror movies/tv but highkey philip j. fry from futurama, , a dash of charlie kelly from it’s always sunny in philidelpha,, touch of michael kelso from that ‘70s show minus the narcissism ( tho mouse has his moments ), ,,,, , andy dwyer from parks and recreation ,, , lowkey xander harris from buffy the vampire slayer do you think they’d run into danger or run away from it ? it depends tbh, ,,but probably run away , ,, like 93% of the time he’d run away what are the worst parts of their personality ? o god he is so. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... ..so dumb, ,,fatally dumb, ,, , keep-your-distance dumb,, ,, actually making him annoying at times ( especially in serious situations ) ,, , n he can b V lazy so asking him to do. .. ... Anything .. ... can b such a Chore, ,, this makes him appear selfish at times,,, as well what are some connections that they would have formed at camp the first time they were around ? his main focus would’ve probably been the boys at camp the first go around, ,, since he was just set on having fun w/ a group a friends n girls just seemed Annoying at the time,,, , so BROS !!!!!! [ insert me and the boys meme here ] there’s a possibility he’d gotten a hardcore crush at camp the second go around ( at 14 ) tho are they nervous about returning back to camp silver lake ? why or why not ? noooooo he is v much Excited to b returning,, , thanks to his good ol’ ‘ subconsiously blocking out tramatic experiences ’ method ,, ,albeit ... .. . he didn’t expect to come back ,, , but couldn’t resist what’s their favorite scary movie ? so hard !!!! he’s def more into comedy or cartoons than scary or gore but he can b down fr a good funny horror ,, ,,, probably tucker and dale vs evil finally, what are some connections you’d like for them to have ? ( please list a minimum of three ) would fckn Love something along the lines of those two guys/heterosexual life-partners (shaggy/scooby, jay/silent bob, monty/jasper, etc) pLease ,,, might b pushing it but maybe something like cloudcuckoolander’s minder ?? listen .. ... ... ..he’s gonna die Quick w/o a smack whenever he tries to do smthn stupid (n thts all th time fjds),, !!! just friends !!! r smthin like it,, , def can see him crushing on someone, ,trying to hit on ‘em,,, , pulling out those cheesy pick up lines n they just Do Not Want , ,,,, ,lbh he’s not bf material, ,, ,, ok but i'm down fr aaannnnyyyytttthhhiinnngggg tho honstly it’s cool to just come up w somethin on the fly, ,, pLS HMU !!!!!!!
height. 5′8″ weight. 138 lbs eyes. brown hair. dark brown race. hispanic/latino nationality. american complexion. beige build. scrawny voice. x scent. cheese dust,, fruity pebbles, ,,body spray
parents. donté + maría siblings. jamie children. none enemies. none ( that he knows of )
education. high school languages. english, spanish disorders. panic disorder habits. eating 'til he passes out, ,taking looooong ass naps ,, ,playing on his skateboard in the cabins ,, ignoring his general duties as a councellor/steering the kids off course
positive. optimistic, supportive, playful, tenderhearted, easygoing negative. lazy, dimwitted, self-indulgent, immature, careless
moral alignment. neutral good jung. enfp-a enneagram. the peacemaker four temperaments. phlegmatic tropes. crying wolf, the ditz, buffy speak, dumb is good, too dumb to live, kindhearted simpleton, casanova wannabe, manchild, butt-monkey, the slacker, know-nothing know-it-all, fun personified, extreme omnivore, cloudcuckoolander, adorkable, unfazed everyman, innocently insensitive archetypes. the performer, the caregiver, the rebel aura. red tarot card. the sun
strength. 3/10 dexterity. 4/10 magic. 0/10 cunning. 2/10 willpower. 4/10 constitution. 8/10
musical-rhythmic intelligence. 6/10 visual-spatial intelligence. 2/10 verbal-linguistic intelligence. 3/10 logical-mathematical intelligence. 1/10 bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. 3/10 interpersonal intelligence. 6/10 intrapersonal intelligence. 5/10 existential intelligence. 6/10 naturalistic intelligence. 2/10
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season-of-hope · 5 years
Steven Universe; A beginning.
I started watching Steven universe out of.... Borden. I had been burned by CN show’s and didn’t think anything of value could come from it, plus I was much older at the time, as of writing this I’m 27, enough about be tho. How was this series and this SEASON FINAL (yeah they’re not over can you believe that). 
At first I thought it was OK. But as the story went on and the messages below the surface became clear I understood how important this series is. I’ve followed it since then and watched it build to this moment. While it will continue onward, There’s thill the movie and season 6, I feel if it ended here I would be satisfied. 
So where does all this satisfaction come from, Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll..
The episode Start’s where we think it left off Steven in the prison that the Diamonds would leave Pink when she misbehaved. Only to realize that this is a dream, Steven once again accessing his mothers memories somehow. It shows us that Pink was always the way we’ve seen her. The dream however reinforces the question that Steven has been haunted by. 
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Steven has been worried about not being himself, that he is just his mother. This has been shown in how he has tried to shoulder some of her mistakes and make up for them all this series. It’s something that has terrified him. That he could just be his mother or spend his life making up for everything she’s done. 
but the dream does give him clarity on how his mother was treated by the Diamonds, and he confronts blue with this. Steven and Connie confront Blue with the fact that the will have a big problem if they don’t leave the tower, that problem being “Death by Starvation”. Blue just thinks it another trick, that Pink is still putting on a show like always, she demands that Steven apologizes.
Steven then does something that makes me feel so proud of him, He says no. He’s not sorry and he’s not going to apologize. Well Blue tries to crush Steven with emotion but he just makes it clear that what he did with Connie, what all the Crystal gems do is perfectly natural.He tells blue that all of this is cruel and that none of this is normal so Blue does the only reasonable thing. She fires an energy ball at Blue. Oh did I say reasonable I meant ABUSIVE.
Steven then points out the obvious, NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL. This is not how a family acts. He confronts Blue with how she manipulated Pinks emotions and treated her so cruelly. This opens up Blues eyes and she sees how failed gem society is. She decides to help them get the gems back go home.
I’m sure Yellow will be just as happy to oblige. 
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Oh um...
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This is probably not the outcome we wanted. But see Yellow and Blue can be seen as abused children under a abusive matriarch. White Diamond expects perfection from them and will potentially harm them if they fail her. Blue is the quite and doting daughter that just goes along with everything were as Yellow is the daughter who tries to meet the authority figures expectations, often out of fear.
Well they Fight and they Fight and they Fight and they Fight until Steven breaks up the fight and Confronts Yellow Diamond On how perfect a society is if it requires all this cruelty. Steven uses the family motto of “If every pork chop were perfect we wouldn’t have hot dogs. This society’s perfections is at the coast of all those hotdogs being thrown away into the trash bin. Bubbled so they don’t ruin everything. Hotdogs like they’re Pink (I think that’s how it goes).
Yellow breaks down in her own tears and Blue is there to help her through this realization. 
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Now that both of them are on the same page as Steven we need to get the hell outta he....
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Ooooooh..... Hi white(pink) pearl. Well it’s just her so maybe we can....
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Oh right those can combine. Well it’s a pretty sticky wicket that we’re in until bismuth and the others arrive with the repaired arms, they knock white’s robot for a loop. and show off their new forms.
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Blue and Yellow offer to distract white so they can escape but Steven is doesn’t wanna run or fight like his mom. That solved nothing, he wants to try a convince White to just stop all this, or as he puts it; “If we can fix our family we can fix anything”. So we just gotta connivance a tyrant that her way of running things isn’t working. No pressure. 
The talking route however does not seem to work. she want’s none of it. she blasts Blue and Yellow. Which, strips them of any free will and turns them into Whites dolls.
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That is creepy. Anyway Steven and the others are about to be thrown off and Steven looses hold of the Gems. He jumps down to get them but now he’s falling He needs to think of something so he just.
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Fuses with them to bull them out. First with Amythest to get smokey quartz and then with pearl to make.
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Rainbow Quartz 2.0. Who is as sassy and gay as he needs to be. 
Using the power of rainbows they get to Ruby and Sapphire and make it to ground safly, along with everyone else. He needs Garnet and quick because White is about to stomp them buuuuuu then comes.
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Sun Stone. Who is Steven’s idea of what a cool person would be. Awesome.
side note.
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New Outfits
Anyway they try to climb but it’s not enough so they All Fuse into
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Obsidian. Oh and Connie gets a new sword.
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They all rush the Diamond mech with Bismuth Connie Lapis and Peridot running interference but some of them get knocked out so Obsidian decides it’s time to bust out a sword of her own.
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A fugjdsklfj;ldsajfeklawfjdskl MAGMA SWORD!!!
ahm, So they cut the arms off and get right to the head. Their forced to defuse but they get in. Okay final boss time. Unfortunately it isn’t much of a fight. White blasts the Gems with her Powers and her she gives her creepy rhetoric. As white diamond she is all colors of the light. All Gems are her some for of imperfect to her. She berets Steven saying he only keeps his friends around because they are imperfect, so he can feel imperfect. She mocks Steven’s very existence, saying he must just be Pink Diamond living inside a human boy. So she forces Pink out. Buy terring out Stevens Gem.
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But this is all wrong. Because when Steven’s gem tries to reform. It becomes steven. And it’s angry.
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It’s raw power is enough to force White back and Free the others. This is the culmination of Steven’s question. Am I My Mother. He’s not, he’s Steven, he’s had the fortitude to go a make up for his mothers mistakes, But he did this because he chose to do so. Not because he’s Rose trying to make up for everything. It was his choose to got to homeworld, his choose to redeem Gem society, and his choose to not end this the dark way. Gem Steven could end White Diamond if he wanted to but that’s not what Steven wants. And so his power and emotion come back together. In a beautiful scene.
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This breaks Diamonds world. She looses control of the others, even Pink Pearl.
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Steven offers...
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Bit late to the party guys. Steven offers to show her a better way. They head back to earth in the middle of Sadie’s concert. And Lars manages to show up to. Everyone’s happy.
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And Steven get’s to accomplish his goal. Curing the corrupted Gems.
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All of them
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Even Jasper
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Who is ready to clobber Steven. Until Amy cools her jets.
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Yeah we all have that feeling Jasper. Everything raps up pretty quick here. The Diamonds go home and Steven with his family decide to relax on the.
Not what I saw coming but I really enjoyed it. Rebecca wanted to create a show where we can come to an understanding with each other. where we can accept each others differences and learn to love each other. I’m fin with that, it is a bit rushed with how fast White Diamond turned good but maybe we could see her working though everything. The lesson of not everyone can be redeemed is taught in many other things, it doesn’t have to be here. Or maybe it’s a little down the road. More on that because this isn’t the end. There are some loose thread that can be explored. The zoo needs to be depopulated and returned to earth. Many worlds the gems conquered could need to be restored and then theirs the movie to consider.
Where is this Heart shaped Gem gonna come from.
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And that question would lead into
Where did the gems come from anyway?
I look forward to seeing more. I hope all of you are to.
Or heck we could all get tired of it. Who knows
catch you latter.
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naireides · 7 years
do u think Raven (in the shower biz fic),once she saw Clarke stroll towards the shower w Bellamy in it, that she opened up the groupchat: Raven-it's happened!!- Raven-i'm @ bellamy n clarkes apt & theyre literally showering together!!!!!!!111!!!!!- Raven-who bet on 4 months- Jasper-IUFESJDKXNOUJFKXVCIHOFDLB- Jasper-FINALLY- Miller-yea that was me pay up *sunglasses emoji*-
this?? turned?? into?? a fic?? wow okay
wc: 2 458part 1 | read on ao3
Saturday, 8: 53 a.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Raven: i don’t mean to alarm anybody but i think bellamy and clarke are datingRaven: or at least having sex
Harper: [click to view image]
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Murphy: you can’t say that and then not expect us to be alarmed reyesMurphy: some of us have money riding on this shit
Monty: pics or it didn’t happen
Jasper: FWEJFCERGBUJJFJEFSJasper: [click to view image]
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Miller: Jasper if you don’t stop fucking screaming i’m coming over there and choking you
Jasper: ooh kinky ;) ;)
Monty: excuse you, i’m the only one allowed to flirt with miller here
Raven: yeah jasper, keep your kinks to yourselfRaven: this is me kinkshaming youRaven: ARE YOU KINKSHAMED
Jasper: jokes on you kinkshaming is my kink
Monty: how much kink could a kinkshame shame if a kinkshame could shame kink
Miller: i will murder all of you is2g
Raven: we already have one psychopath in this groupchat miller we don’t need another one
Murphy: fuck you reyes
Harper: she didn’t say it was you murphyHarper: … but we all know it’s you
Miller: could you fucks keep it down some of us are trying to sleepMiller: also i bet on them lasting four months living together pay up
Raven: um we don’t know how long they’ve been together
Miller: you’re just bitter that you lost
Monty: she has a point tho
Miller: wtf you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE
Monty: i’m on the side of justiceMonty: …… and also because i bet that they would have gotten together in september
Murphy: you put way too much trust in blake tbh
Jasper: what exactly happened raven? did you walk in on bellamy scrambling clarke’s eggs ;) ;)
Monty: dude no one even knows what that means
Harper: and no one wants to know either
Raven: clarke and i were supposed to go shopping todayRaven: and she oversleptRaven: so she let me in to wait while she got readyRaven: and then bellamy walks in from his run because he’s a gross fitness junkie
Murphy: you’re a gross fitness junkie too
Raven: quiet jonathanRaven: so here i am at bellamy and clarke’s apartment and she literally followed him into the showerRaven: !!!!!
Monty: OMG
Jasper: he could be scrambling her eggs in the shower
Murphy: i gotta give blake some credit, that didn’t take as long as i thought he would
Miller: you bet that they’d get together in june. 2023Miller: THAT’S IN SIX YEARS
Murphy: yeah because blake would rather make moon eyes across the couch at her than make a moveMurphy: he’s a pussy
Harper: hEY
Harper: so we don’t really know for sure how long they’ve been a thing
Raven: nopeRaven: but i’ll ask clarke about it laterRaven: miller, murphy, one of you ask bellamy
Murphy: no thanks
Miller: i rather not
Raven: … Raven: pussies.
Murphy: OH so she can say it but i can’t
Raven: shut up murphy
Saturday, 10: 04 a.m.Bellamy Blake
Miller: soMiller: how’s clarke doin?
Bellamy: ??Bellamy: uh fine?Bellamy: she’s out with raven rn
Miller: anything… special planned for later?
Bellamy: noBellamy: why
Miller: you knowMiller: it’s saturdayMiller: good date night
Bellamy: rightBellamy: shouldn’t you be telling monty this
Miller: you’re impossible
Bellamy: how am i impossible? You’re the one making no sense!
Miller: so you’re not doing anything tonight. or doing clarke tonight.Miller: … Miller: i meant doing anything *WITH clarke tonight fucking autocorrect
Bellamy: i mean we might watch a movie or something but i don’t think soBellamy: monty ditch you for his nerd friends tonight so you wanna cry on my shoulder huh
Miller: fuck you blake
Saturday, 10: 28 a.m.Bellamy Blake
Murphy: u fucking clarke yet
Bellamy: what the fuck NO
Murphy: bummerMurphy: u should get on that thoMurphy: or under thatMurphy: or behind that
Bellamy: i will BLOCK you
Saturday, 10: 47 a.m.Clarke Griffin
Clarke: raven is acting super weird
Bellamy: raven is always weird
Clarke: well yeahClarke: but weirder than normalClarke: you know what i mean
Bellamy: no yeah i get youBellamy: miller and murphy are weird too
Clarke: come on MURPHY is always weirdClarke: like i wouldn’t be surprised if he sells organs on the black market or something
Bellamy: he’s a chef princess
Clarke: EXACTLYClarke: that means he knows where to stab you
Bellamy: goodbye clarke
Clarke: yeah yeah go back to jacking off to npr sorry i disturbed you
Bellamy: fuck you griffin
Clarke: maybe later honey i’m not in the mood for phone sex
Saturday, 11: 38 a.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Raven: OH MY GODRaven: i hate themRaven: bellamy and clarke are IDIOTS
Monty: ??????????
Harper: what happened
Miller: i don’t think they’re dating
Murphy: i asked and he said they’re definitely not fucking
Monty: raven WHAT HAPPENED
Raven: so i asked clarke about the shower thing that i saw this morningRaven: and like. she doesn’t deny showering with bellamyRaven: actually it seems like they do it pretty fucking oftenRaven: but it’s all PLATONICRaven: P L A T O N I C   S H O W E R   S H A R I N G
Harper: i think raven’s brain just broke
Miller: who the fuck even does that
Monty: bellamy and clarke apparently
Murphy: lmao i told you blake has no gameMurphy: he’s naked in a 6x4 bathroom with the girl he has a crush on- who is ALSO NAKED- and he doesn’t do anything about itMurphy: i’m still amazed that he used to have threesomes in college
Jasper: bellamy used to have threesomes in college???Jasper: our bellamy??Jasper: HE ALMOST CRASHED INTO A STOP SIGN BECAUSE CLARKE SMILED AT HIM THAT ONE TIME
Harper: jesus fucking christ they’re disasters
Raven: jasper, come over at my place later they only way i can deal with this is with weed
Jasper: ayyyyy i like how you thinkin
Saturday, 10: 52 p.m.Bellamy Blake
Clarke: i still maintain that showering together can be totally platonic
Bellamy: what we just did certainly was not platonic
Clarke: yeah but we didn’t actually fuck in the showerClarke: so it’s still platonicClarke: i’m not fucking you in the shower btw
Bellamy: is this out of sheer spite to keep it platonic
Clarke: no it’s because i work in a hospital and i’ve seen more than my fair share of broken dicks because of shower sex
Bellamy: you work in a CLINIC
Clarke: still seen broken dicks thoClarke: i don’t want you to break your dickClarke: i like your dickClarke: and the rest of youClarke: you’re great bell
Bellamy: that was weirdly sweetBellamy: i like you tooBellamy: it’s kind of why we’re in a relationship
Clarke: we’ve only been in this relationship for like 4 hoursClarke: and you didn’t even ASK me to be your girlfriendClarke: you just fucked me like i was some two bit hussy
Bellamy: princess will you go out with me
Clarke: good boy you learn quick
Bellamy: that’s not an answer it’s a yes or no question clarke
Clarke: yes
Bellamy: good. now put down your phone and go to sleep
Clarke: orrrrr we could have phone sex ;) ;)
Bellamy: clarke you are literally right down the hall from me
Clarke: heyClarke: hey bellClarke: i’m not wearing any panties
Bellamy: jesusBellamy: you do realise i asked you to stay in my bed with me and you said no right?
Clarke: yeah because my bed is comfortableClarke: altho i bet it would be more comfortable with you in it ;) ;) ;)
Bellamy: you are a frat boy in the body of a 27 year old woman
Clarke: you’re one to talk i just heard your door open
Bellamy: … semantics
Clarke: i lured you into my bed with my feminine wiles didn’t i?Clarke: i really am a two bit hussy
Bellamy: yeah yeah i’m coming
Clarke: you’re not the only one who’s gonna be coming ;) ;)
Monday, 9: 14 a.m.Princess
Clarke: sorry to text you at work but do you think we could keep this quiet for a little while?Clarke: i forgot to ask yesterday because SOMEONE spent the whole day eating me out
Bellamy: it wasn’t the whole dayBellamy: more like 4 hoursBellamy: and yeah, of course princess
Clarke: good, thanks bell Clarke: i just can’t handle seeing her smug little face
Bellamy: yeah i get itBellamy: same with me and miller. and murphy too tbh
Clarke: so it’s a secret?
Bellamy: i guess so
Clarke: coolClarke: that’s kinda hotClarke: *moon face emoji*
Clarke: fine be boring
Bellamy: i’ll make it up to you later ;)
Friday, 6: 13 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Miller: god i can’t believe they’re still not togetherMiller: i went to pick up blake for a boys night and caught them taking ANOTHER shower togetherMiller: SCHOOL’S CLOSED FOR WINTER BREAK WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS
Jasper: we really should stage an interventionJasper: monty is good at powerpoint presentations
Monty: i am good at powerpoint presentations yes
Raven: ‘10 reasons why platonic shower sharing ISN’T A THING’
Harper: nah i think that’s too long for a title
Murphy: ‘Get Married Already’
Monty: concise, but a little too on the nose
Miller: ugh he’s changed his contact name for her to ‘princess’ with a heart emoji i’m gonna throw up
Harper: ‘oh bellamy? he’s just a friend. such a good friend.’
Jasper: cLaRkE aNd I aRe pLaToNiCJasper: [click to view image]
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Raven: i really really hate them
Friday, 6: 14 p.m.Bell
Bellamy: come on this isn’t fair princessBellamy: i just left the house
Clarke: and??
Bellamy: give a guy some warningBellamy: miller almost saw that picture you sent meBellamy: no nudes out of the blue like that
Clarke: you really are an 80 year old man aren’t you
Bellamy: you weren’t saying that last night
Clarke: touche
Tuesday, 7: 19 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Harper: should i go all out with the mistletoeHarper: maybe we could trap them underneath it
Raven: lbr, bellamy and clarke would call it ‘platonic kissing’
Harper: oh shit u rite
Monty: ‘only real friends shove their tongues into each other’s mouths’
Miller: i say go for it if it can work in the rom coms then it can work hereMiller: these two are probably almost as ridiculous as a rom comMiller: maybe even more
Jasper: you watch rom coms miller?
Miller: … new phone who dis
Wednesday, 4: 32 p.m.Bellamy Blake
Raven: tell your wife that she’s on cookie decorating duty for christmas dinnerRaven: we meet at harper’s on sunday to begin
Bellamy: cute reyesBellamy: and you know that CLARKE has her own phone right
Raven: yeah, but i’m willing to bet real money that she’s sitting right next to you
Bellamy: no comment
Raven: yeah that’s what i thoughtRaven: i guess because you two are joined at the hip that means you have to shower together huh
Bellamy: for the love of god IT SAVES TIME
Sunday, 9: 12 p.m.Clarke Griffin
Raven: hey i think you left your scarf in my carRaven: i’m only like a block away i’ll come back and drop it offRaven: it has frosting on it i’m not keeping this shitRaven: be there in like 10
Sunday, 9: 21 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Murphy: you turned off auto correct?
Raven: i’m going to ignore thatRaven: because CLARKE AND BELLAMY ARE FUCKINGRaven: FOR REAL THIS TIMERaven: IN THE FCKIGN SHOWER AGAIN
Jasper: what
Monty: are you sure??
Harper: how do you know
Miller: jfc
Jasper: WHAT
Raven: i dropped clarke home a little while ago and made it like a block before i realised that she left her scarf in my carRaven: so i went back to the apartment and it was empty BUT I COULD HEAR THEMRaven: MY POOR EARS
Murphy: didn’t you fuck blake a few years ago
Raven: or trust me, it’s real and i’m SCARRED FOR LIFE
Harper: you mean they hid their relationship from us??
Miller: either that or they both have a huge shower kink
Harper: why would they hide their relationship from us??
Raven: idk BUT I’M GONNA YELL AT THEMRaven: … right after i figure out how to unhear things
Sunday, 9: 33 p.mRaven Reyes created a new groupchat: BETRAYAL
Raven added Bellamy Blake to the chat
Raven added Clarke Griffin to the chat
Clarke: surprise?
Bellamy: i mean, i don’t really like you that much
Raven: shove it blake
Clarke: we just wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while
Raven: and how long is a little while hmm
Bellamy: roughly 2 months give or take
Raven: i can’t believe itRaven: TWO MONTHSRaven: you 2 ruined christmas i hope you’re happyRaven: you are UNINVITED from tomorrow’s festivities
Raven Reyes has left the chat
Bellamy: godBellamy: are all of our friends this ridiculous?
Clarke: i’m 90% sure they had bets about usClarke: so yes
Bellamy: whatever who needs friends on christmasBellamy: we have cold turkey in the fridge and some potatoes we’re good to go
Clarke: and me of course
Bellamy: you?Bellamy: oh lemme guess, for dessert
Clarke: actually no i meant you have me, your girlfriend, so you don’t need anyone elseClarke: but i like yours betterClarke: *moon face emoji*
Bellamy: of course you do
Clarke: you love it
Bellamy: i love YOU
Clarke: Clarke: i love you too bell
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homicidalfantrolls · 7 years
Could you tell us about all your active ships? And maybe a short description of each?
Anon you beautiful bastard this will take so long
I won’t list trolls that don’t have any active ships.
Red crushing on Aethil( @cryptidtrolls). They work really well together in a lot of ways but we haven’t rped them in awhile.
Matesprit is Sarvok( @ridiculousfantrolls). They’re super cute and I love them. Sarvok is good at taking care of Reemin and sympathizing with him and augh i love them ok
Moirails with Azelta and kismesises with Serene (both @thecrazyfantrolls). He’s actually nice to Azelta tho him and serene are good kismesises even if he’s terrible.
Matesprit is Ryosar ( @ghostytrolls Ship name: Love is Blind). They’re fucking adorable even if Ryo can be insensitive. 
Matesprit is Velite ( @assortedocs Ship name: Blood Doctor).  We haven’t rped them in awhile but I still consider it active. Exxlee can be really mean to him but it’s mainly because Velite tried to kill Exxlee’s baby. They have an extremely complicated relationship 
Kismesises/moirails with Krovin ( @ridiculousfantrolls ). They’re really cute together overall. Kro helps Corpse get out of their comfort zone a little bit even if he can also be a little insensitive. Overall v cute.
Anguil Formes:
Matesprits with Deerin and Moirails with Sharin Finios (both @ridiculousfantrolls ). He used to be Deerin’s kismesis but they slowly became red. They’re painfully cute because Anguil makes Deerin be less of a hard ass. Anguil is also working on having Sharin act less spoiled all the time. 
Matesprits with Minall ( @assortedocs, Ship name: Black Snow ). We don’t rp these two much anymore but they’re one of my oldest ships and they’re perfect for each other. Zafani can scare minall shitless despite literally being half his size. They fit so well together.
moirails with Moidus Finios (Ship name: Diamond Fish). He and Moidus work really well because Moidus is fairly lax and can handle Zafani’s rage while also being able to empathize with most of his issues considering he understands a lot of it.
 and kismesises with Pechur Finios(Ship name: A Light in the Dark) (both @ridiculousfantrolls ).  I have so much to say about these two holy shit. They’re one of my oldest ships. They’re literally black soul mates. It started off super toxic and abusive with Pechur raping and beating Zafani but they became black for each other. They connect so well because they’re both hard on the outside but really vulnerable when you get to know them. They have incredibly kinky sex all the time too. They can both go too far during sex and being pitch, but then they make up by doing some shit that’s pretty pale and both deny it later.
Matesprits with Tera, kismesis with  Ravami (both @healingknight) 
He met Ravami through Tera and Ravami pushes all of his buttons by claiming he’s going to take Tera away from him. Tera, of course, is super good for Siren because she knows how to deal with all his fish angst.
Toresce Gladia:
Matesprits with Chowow ( @ghostytrolls. Ship name: Cotton Candy Bones).
Oh my god I fucking love these two beyond words. They’re just perfect for each other. Chow calms Toresce down and doesn’t deal with his bullshit, and Tori can protect Chow from anyone that tries to hurt the smol dog. They love each other to pieces and it’s great. Chow is the only one Tori feels he can talk to.
Kotaru Majesta:
Matesprits with Iralos ( @assortedocs. Ship name: Dogfish) 
Another ship I haven’t done in awhile but these two are too cute not to do.  They have a litter of puppies and Iralos is very patient with Kotaru who doesn’t speak Alternian well and Kotaru is good at comforting Iralos about his past trauma.
Cervik Dyeula
Moirails with Indigo ( @thecrazyfantrolls ). 
After Indigo got hurt, Cervik has had to be a lot more hands on, but considering hes a good daddy he knows how to help her out. We hadn’t rped it for awhile until now but they’re still super cute and I love them.
Kam Comprx
Moirails with Minall ( @assortedocs. Ship name: Stripes and Seams)
Again, not rped in awhile, but i consider it active. Minall is good at taking care of Kam despite the fact Exxlee hates him and doesn’t trust him at all. The fact that Minall stays despite this proves that he’s a good moirail to him.
Icarus Angelo:
Matesprit is Neekai (my own troll) and kismesis is Jasper (@thecrazyfantrolls. Ship name: Food Poisoning). 
Neekai was his guard and they fell in love over time. Basically super gay soulmates. Jasper kidnapped Icarus to be a slave, and basically reintroduced him to sex. 
Zinkra Remaro:
Moirail is Tarnek (my own troll) matesprit is Moidus ( @ridiculousfantrolls. Ship name: Ancient Lore) 
Being mute, Tarnek is a good listener but he doesn’t like sharing his feelings. This makes it a bit hard for Zinkra to have proper feelings jams.
Moidus and ZInkra are the healthiest ship CC and I have. It is also the very definition of a size gap. Moidus is 8′+ and Zinkra is around 5′. They’re so painfully cute it hurts me. Moidus likes to fluster Zinkra beyond words and is very good at it. He also teaches Zinkra a lot of new things considering Zinkra grew up on Beforus as a pet. They have cute flushed pailings and go on cute dates and Moidus is very mindful of the fact Zinkra doesn’t like Zafani much. I just. Love them.
Duulex Ageela:
Red crushing on Cellan ( @cryptidtrolls .) 
Despite Duulex being a terrible person, he’s also a gentleman and so he and Cellan get along very well.
Mullin Lollak:
Matesprit is Dezina ( @fancytrolls​. Ship name: Time in Heartbeats.) Moirail is Fenari ( @ridiculousfantrolls​. Ship name Music in Fastforward)
Time in Heartbeats I think is the oldest ship I have.The mun of Dez disappeared for awhile but recently came back and so we’ve been rping them some. She’s a lot like his first matesprit, Kakaya, and they’re perfect for each other. She’s very patient and can calm him down and is also a good mom. There’s no words for the cuteness.
Fenari and Mullin are one of my longest and favorite ships. They have so much history and all of it is tragic. They used to be kismesises but it was still pale. Then Mullin ended up letting Fenari’s matesprit be killed because it was destined to happen, leading to Fenari warning him he’d never be forgiven unless he found her. Mullin ended up being a slave for a sweep and ever since they have been moirails. Fen is so good at calming down Mullin’s panic attacks and anxiety while also providing the occasional dose of tough love he needs. I just love them so much.
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