#ZInkra Remaro
homicidalfantrolls · 2 years
Drop + Zinkra
He’s already dead. Looks like he’s just laying on the ground and… acting dead. Might as well check his bag.
1x Book
It’s massive. How did he even manage to carry this?
1x Phone
It’s brand new and state of the art. Definitely a gift. The background is a photo of him and his mate.
1x Ratty wallet…filled with cash. And a note.
“Just in case you see a nice book. Please don’t feel guilty about spending it.”
You gained the status TARGETED. Zinkra may already be dead, but you’re about to be.
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homicidalfantrolls · 7 years
♡♡♡♡♡♡ for different muses!
Okay uh
Mullin basically needs someone super nice and calm. Like if you’re nice to him and pet his hair you’re halfway to dating him tbh
Coelle probably someone who understands he wants to go slow? So I guess if you’re super patient you’re probably good
If you’re anyone attractive or with genitalia Soulak wants you. But for real if you can hold your own in a fight and/or hate highbloods it’s not hard to make him love you.
If you love books, talking about books, reading books, writing books, or just books, Zinkra will be all over you
Taking Anguil out to dinner or just playing video games with him is a great way to get him to like you, though he pretty much likes everyone
If you’re a hot guy that could break his arm like a twig Zafani is already in love with you
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homicidalfantrolls · 7 years
Could you tell us about all your active ships? And maybe a short description of each?
Anon you beautiful bastard this will take so long
I won’t list trolls that don’t have any active ships.
Red crushing on Aethil( @cryptidtrolls). They work really well together in a lot of ways but we haven’t rped them in awhile.
Matesprit is Sarvok( @ridiculousfantrolls). They’re super cute and I love them. Sarvok is good at taking care of Reemin and sympathizing with him and augh i love them ok
Moirails with Azelta and kismesises with Serene (both @thecrazyfantrolls). He’s actually nice to Azelta tho him and serene are good kismesises even if he’s terrible.
Matesprit is Ryosar ( @ghostytrolls Ship name: Love is Blind). They’re fucking adorable even if Ryo can be insensitive. 
Matesprit is Velite ( @assortedocs Ship name: Blood Doctor).  We haven’t rped them in awhile but I still consider it active. Exxlee can be really mean to him but it’s mainly because Velite tried to kill Exxlee’s baby. They have an extremely complicated relationship 
Kismesises/moirails with Krovin ( @ridiculousfantrolls ). They’re really cute together overall. Kro helps Corpse get out of their comfort zone a little bit even if he can also be a little insensitive. Overall v cute.
Anguil Formes:
Matesprits with Deerin and Moirails with Sharin Finios (both @ridiculousfantrolls ). He used to be Deerin’s kismesis but they slowly became red. They’re painfully cute because Anguil makes Deerin be less of a hard ass. Anguil is also working on having Sharin act less spoiled all the time. 
Matesprits with Minall ( @assortedocs, Ship name: Black Snow ). We don’t rp these two much anymore but they’re one of my oldest ships and they’re perfect for each other. Zafani can scare minall shitless despite literally being half his size. They fit so well together.
moirails with Moidus Finios (Ship name: Diamond Fish). He and Moidus work really well because Moidus is fairly lax and can handle Zafani’s rage while also being able to empathize with most of his issues considering he understands a lot of it.
 and kismesises with Pechur Finios(Ship name: A Light in the Dark) (both @ridiculousfantrolls ).  I have so much to say about these two holy shit. They’re one of my oldest ships. They’re literally black soul mates. It started off super toxic and abusive with Pechur raping and beating Zafani but they became black for each other. They connect so well because they’re both hard on the outside but really vulnerable when you get to know them. They have incredibly kinky sex all the time too. They can both go too far during sex and being pitch, but then they make up by doing some shit that’s pretty pale and both deny it later.
Matesprits with Tera, kismesis with  Ravami (both @healingknight) 
He met Ravami through Tera and Ravami pushes all of his buttons by claiming he’s going to take Tera away from him. Tera, of course, is super good for Siren because she knows how to deal with all his fish angst.
Toresce Gladia:
Matesprits with Chowow ( @ghostytrolls. Ship name: Cotton Candy Bones).
Oh my god I fucking love these two beyond words. They’re just perfect for each other. Chow calms Toresce down and doesn’t deal with his bullshit, and Tori can protect Chow from anyone that tries to hurt the smol dog. They love each other to pieces and it’s great. Chow is the only one Tori feels he can talk to.
Kotaru Majesta:
Matesprits with Iralos ( @assortedocs. Ship name: Dogfish) 
Another ship I haven’t done in awhile but these two are too cute not to do.  They have a litter of puppies and Iralos is very patient with Kotaru who doesn’t speak Alternian well and Kotaru is good at comforting Iralos about his past trauma.
Cervik Dyeula
Moirails with Indigo ( @thecrazyfantrolls ). 
After Indigo got hurt, Cervik has had to be a lot more hands on, but considering hes a good daddy he knows how to help her out. We hadn’t rped it for awhile until now but they’re still super cute and I love them.
Kam Comprx
Moirails with Minall ( @assortedocs. Ship name: Stripes and Seams)
Again, not rped in awhile, but i consider it active. Minall is good at taking care of Kam despite the fact Exxlee hates him and doesn’t trust him at all. The fact that Minall stays despite this proves that he’s a good moirail to him.
Icarus Angelo:
Matesprit is Neekai (my own troll) and kismesis is Jasper (@thecrazyfantrolls. Ship name: Food Poisoning). 
Neekai was his guard and they fell in love over time. Basically super gay soulmates. Jasper kidnapped Icarus to be a slave, and basically reintroduced him to sex. 
Zinkra Remaro:
Moirail is Tarnek (my own troll) matesprit is Moidus ( @ridiculousfantrolls. Ship name: Ancient Lore) 
Being mute, Tarnek is a good listener but he doesn’t like sharing his feelings. This makes it a bit hard for Zinkra to have proper feelings jams.
Moidus and ZInkra are the healthiest ship CC and I have. It is also the very definition of a size gap. Moidus is 8′+ and Zinkra is around 5′. They’re so painfully cute it hurts me. Moidus likes to fluster Zinkra beyond words and is very good at it. He also teaches Zinkra a lot of new things considering Zinkra grew up on Beforus as a pet. They have cute flushed pailings and go on cute dates and Moidus is very mindful of the fact Zinkra doesn’t like Zafani much. I just. Love them.
Duulex Ageela:
Red crushing on Cellan ( @cryptidtrolls .) 
Despite Duulex being a terrible person, he’s also a gentleman and so he and Cellan get along very well.
Mullin Lollak:
Matesprit is Dezina ( @fancytrolls​. Ship name: Time in Heartbeats.) Moirail is Fenari ( @ridiculousfantrolls​. Ship name Music in Fastforward)
Time in Heartbeats I think is the oldest ship I have.The mun of Dez disappeared for awhile but recently came back and so we’ve been rping them some. She’s a lot like his first matesprit, Kakaya, and they’re perfect for each other. She’s very patient and can calm him down and is also a good mom. There’s no words for the cuteness.
Fenari and Mullin are one of my longest and favorite ships. They have so much history and all of it is tragic. They used to be kismesises but it was still pale. Then Mullin ended up letting Fenari’s matesprit be killed because it was destined to happen, leading to Fenari warning him he’d never be forgiven unless he found her. Mullin ended up being a slave for a sweep and ever since they have been moirails. Fen is so good at calming down Mullin’s panic attacks and anxiety while also providing the occasional dose of tough love he needs. I just love them so much.
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