#he had the cops take him to my house bc the dmv doesnt take walk ins. stayed over. we took him to the dmv in the morning
kath-artic · 4 days
today has instilled a new zest for life in me. oh god things could be so so much worse!
#was hanging out w friends yesterday and my one friend got pulled over going through a toll booth near my house#turns out his registration was expired and he didnt know and they towed him car#he had the cops take him to my house bc the dmv doesnt take walk ins. stayed over. we took him to the dmv in the morning#2 hours in there to fix the registration + another 2 to get his parents to transfer him money for it#go to the towing place and they cant release his car bc theyre a private company that works for the state#(he was pulled over on the parkway so it was a state trooper)#and they need a release form from the state police who are located at an unmarked building off the side of the parkway#like its not on the map#we go. finally get an officer to come out. officer comes out. says he cant give him the form bc his license is suspended#because he got a ticket 1 year ago and had a court date but he had just moved and the courts had his old address#so he never received his summons and the court just assumed he was ditching them#PLUS. once the state trooper found the actual ticket my friend remembered that he had gotten pulled over bc his phone#was in his hand but he was using it as a GPS bc he was new to the area. and the cop wrote up a ticket but never gave him one#so he didnt even know he had been written up#so now his car is stuck in south jersey. he has to take the train up to north jersey. beg the brooklyn courts to let him appear online#and then somehow get back down here and get the paperwork to get his car. meanwhile its also $250 every day the tow people have the car#i just cant believe how this didnt all happen at once. how it was quite literally one thing after the next in a straight line of disaster
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