#he got the recessive gene for being able to glow in the dark like a dwarf lantern shark
rainbowangel110 · 2 years
Some art I drew 👉👈
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Blood Lust [8]
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[Warning : I feel like this chapter might trigger some people so as a warning I'm letting y'all know right now. There's some self inflicted injuries in this chapter along with a main character being in a depressive state. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with these kinds of things]
Pairing : Oh Sehun / Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Suggestive Language, Vampire! AU
Words : 2.4k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15.
-Y/N’s P.O.V; A Week Later-
I looked down at my hands, watching as my claws elongated and retracted back in on command. I left them elongated as I stared at the claws with a blank face, my eyes unfocused. I reached out to take one of the claws between my fingers, suddenly starting to pull them off my fingers. My face stayed blank, numb to the pain as I yanked it off, watching the blood drip down to the floor. I stared in curiosity as the wound closed, the nail regrowing as if nothing even happened. The only thing that let me know that I had even bled in the first place was the stain the blood left on my fingers. Something in me still couldn’t believe that I was...well whatever Sehun turned me into so...I started pulling out the rest of my claws on both hands. My mind was in a haze as I pulled at them slowly, not even noticing how many times the nails grew back and elongated into claws every time. I didn’t stop until I felt a hand grab at my wrist tightly.
I looked up to see that the hand belonged to Sehun, his eyes shining with worry. I could see his lips moving but why couldn’t I hear him? I mean I have these new and improved ears how come I couldn’t hear him? I frowned at that, closing my eyes before shaking my head. I pulled my wrist out of his grip, bringing my hand up to my ear before snapping my fingers. I snapped my fingers multiple times until finally I heard it, causing me to wince at how loud the sound was. I brought my hand back down to rest on my lap, staring at my blood stained fingers.
“What have I done to you?” I heard Sehun say quietly, his voice breaking.
I looked up at him to see that he wasn’t staring at me, but at the pile of pulled out claws and dried blood on the floor. I reached out and picked one up, rolling it in between my fingers before letting it rest on my palm.
“Fascinating isn’t it? No matter how many times I pulled them out...they just kept growing back, like a starfish when it loses a limb and grows it right back.” I said, my voice sounding as if it weren’t even mine, “I wonder what would happen if I lost a finger, a toe, an arm, a leg...maybe even my heart. Humans die if their heart is damaged in anyway...is it the same for you vampires too?”
Sehun said nothing as he listened to me ramble, a deep frown on his face. I let out a dry chuckle at my last sentence, looking down at my hands as I made my claws come back out.
“I guess I shouldn’t say it like that, huh? I’m like you now.” I said as I looked back up at him.
I was shocked to see the tears in his eyes, one stray tear cascading down his face. I frowned as I followed its trail down his cheek, reaching out to stop it and wipe it away. At feeling my finger on his face Sehun simply smiled sadly, more tears falling. I frowned deeper, moving to catch the new ones that fell.
“I’m...so sorry...I-I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was saving you. But what was the point if you’re not even you anymore.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
I looked down at hearing that, letting my hands fall to my lap once again, letting his words sink in. He was right. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. This hunger was eating me alive but I refused to feed on human blood because I know that once I do I’ll lose the small part of me I locked up in the small recesses of my mind. Even though it might seem like I’ve come to terms with what I’ve become...I really haven’t. I hated every inch of my being. I hated what I’ve been turned into and I hated the fact that there’s nothing I could do about it even more. There was no cure, no way to turn me back into a human. Some could argue that I should be thanking Sehun for saving my life but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. That would be me accepting what I am and why would I ever want to accept being something I’ve despised for my entire life?
I turned my hands over in my lap, staring at my palms as silence settled over us. I sighed heavily before looking up at him to see him already staring at me, the tears still in his eyes.
“My throat hurts…” I said softly, changing the subject.
“It’s because you haven’t fed since I changed you…” He said softly, the frown still on his face, reaching out to brush my hair behind my ear.
“I’m not drinking from anybody…”
He smiled softly at that, nodding, “I know. I can’t believe it took me so long to remember.”
He pulled out a blood bag, shaking his head as he saw me already start to protest.
“A long time ago hundreds of vampires used to feed on animals but with humans being made so readily available to us now this method has all but been forgotten. Typically they would only feed on animals when they couldn’t get to a human but there were a select few that were like you. They refused to hurt a human, no matter how much they needed to feed.”
I took the bag from his hands, noticing that the blood was still warm, “Its fresh…”
“It’s better fresh. If you let it sit out for too long the more the taste becomes unbearable. It doesn’t taste that great to begin with but...it’ll keep you alive. This is from a grizzly I saw out back, considering the fact that you’re practically starving you’ll be able to down this and the other bags in no time,” He explained, pausing before continuing, “I’ll go out to hunt for you every few days so don’t worry about running out and getting hungry again.”
And with that he got up, heading towards the door. I looked down at the bag in my hand, suddenly feeling tears start to gather in my eyes. I let a small smile grace my face for the first time in what felt like forever. With this it felt like I didn’t have to throw my old self away completely. I’d still be able to hold onto some part of my humanity. Humans ate meat all the time, I would just be getting my nutrients from the blood instead of the meat.
“Thank you…” I let out, my voice breaking with the unshed tears.
Sehun froze at the door, his hand clutching the door knob in his hand tightly. He said nothing as he opened the door and left, leaving me when this new found hope in my hands.
-Sehun’s P.O.V-
I plopped down onto the chair, rubbing my hands over my face roughly. I could hear Chanyeol sigh from his seat, knowing there was nothing he could say that would make me feel better. She looked...so dead on the inside. The fiery spark that once glowed in her eyes has disappeared completely, all because I couldn’t let her go.
“Sehun...I know this might not be a good time to bring this up but…” Chanyeol started before pausing, probably thinking of how to approach the subject, “We need to talk about her eyes.”
“What about them?”
“Well for starters they’re blue when they’re supposed to be I don’t know, this color.” He shot back, pointing at his own crimson red eyes.
“It's probably-”
“Sehun stop making bullshit excuses. In the long ass time that I’ve been alive I’ve never seen another vampire with her eyes. The only ones that have different eyes than the rest of us are you purebloods...and you and your father are the only ones left, even then your eyes aren’t blue. So what the hell does that make her?”
I said nothing, knowing that he had every right to freak out. Truth be told I was freaking out as well. I’ve never seen any one that had those glowing blue eyes of hers when she shifts...I had only heard stories. As a child my mother would tell me stories about these all powerful vampires that lived up north with glowing blue eyes. They were the most powerful of our kind. Not only were they purebloods but legend has it the leader of their clan was actually the first  vampire that ever existed. Somehow, somewhere along the bloodlines their blood was still able to coexist with human blood inside their own bodies. The other purebloods and other vampires that had been turned all had their blood running cold through their veins. But not these vampires, their blood was warm like a human’s, they even smelled like humans. Their eyes were not only that bright blue color because of their blood but I heard the place they lived in contributed to it as well. They ruled over the rest of us, that is until they suddenly disappeared. Some believed they went into hiding, others believed they mated with humans more often than they did their own kind causing their vampiric genes to become dormant and others simply forgot they existed in the first place.
Now that I think back on it, Y/N could be one of their last human descendants. When I changed her that could’ve awakened her dormant genes. This was the only logical explanation there was as to why her eyes were blue. No matter how else I looked at it I always came back to this same conclusion. If I was right and there was a slim chance that I was wrong, Y/N could be the strongest vampire that’s ever existed for the past millennia.
“Sehun!” Chanyeol shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I shook my head and looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. Chanyeol simply sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.
“Tell me what you’re thinking. Don’t leave me in the dark.”
I contemplated telling him, thinking if it was even worth mentioning. Chanyeol was the only other vampire I trusted so it couldn’t hurt to let him in on what was going on in my head.
“Have you ever heard about the Knights?”
I walked down the hallways with my hands behind my back, thinking about everything I told Chanyeol weeks ago. He laughed in my face at first but when I started pulling out the facts he started to believe me, especially when the explanation I gave him was the only one that made sense. I had thoughts running rampant of how to protect her from the others. Surely if they caught wind of who and what she was there would be some that would be out to kill her. She’s stronger than any of them ever will be and to them she was a threat, one that needed to be eradicated as soon as possible.
I stopped in my tracks at seeing something outside that caught my eye. It was Y/N out in the gardens. Ever since I had been giving her that animal blood to feed on she’s slowly becoming herself again. Slowly but surely she started coming out of her room; walking the corridors, exploring the library, watching tv in the foyer, helping the humans out with their chores, but this is the first time she’s actually gone outside. She was sitting out in the garden, crouched down as she looked down at something in front of her. I was shocked to see her with a rabbit sitting in front of her, most of the time rabbits tend to run away from us but this one was perfectly content on just sitting in front of her. But that wasn’t the only thing that shocked me, what shocked me was the look on her face. She looked so happy. Her eyes were shining and the smile on her face, I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen her smile that wide before.
Before I knew it my feet were carrying me over to her, the sound of the back door opening catching the rabbit and her attention. She turned to me while the rabbit dashed off as soon as it saw me.
“You scared it away.” She said with a glare.
I smiled softly, walking over to her, “Sorry….do you mind if I join you.”
She simply looked out towards the garden before speaking, “It doesn’t really matter if I do does it? You’re just gonna do whatever you want anyway.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle as I sat next to her, finally feeling like I had the old Y/N back. We sat in silence for awhile, Y/N looking out into the garden while I shamelessly stared at her. I couldn’t help myself, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to just enjoy somebody else’s company. Even back at my own home I was always on edge, passing the time by pushing every last one of her buttons. Now everything seemed blissful, a feeling I haven’t felt since Mijin.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She said under her breath, keeping her eyes on the flowers in front of her.
“A picture can never compare to the real thing.” I said, a smile playing at my lips at seeing a blush rise to her cheeks.
Suddenly her face changed, a type of seriousness washing over her, “Why’d you save me…?”
I sighed heavily, looking out into the garden before returning my gaze to her, “Because believe it or not you mean more to me than you think. And I...I couldn’t save her but I had the chance to save you so I took it. I-”
“I’m not her, whoever you’re trying to compare me to. I’ll never be her so I don’t know why you even bothered.”
I smiled sadly at hearing her say that, looking down at my lap, “She was the whole reason why I loved humanity so much...but in the end it was because of her that I came to hate them so much.”
I could see her from the corner of my eye, looking at me in confusion, wondering why I suddenly changed the subject. But before I could dive into the subject any further we were interrupted by Chanyeol running out of the house.
“He found us, Sehun. Your father….he’s here.”
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